f \t, .‘,., roprit ori =BM .rfalleMNßE244ls2 to wood wegly. It ba• Pa.. br D. WAMi/Ualii im p p lo p l igot, upon Ms follow/In tory liveable= T'S G 0 ... . ONE COPY ONE YEAR. IN ADVANCE, SI 001 pi+ NOT PALO WITHIN THREE MONTE. 196 l jr NOT PA'D WITHIN SIX MONTHS. 1 0 IF NOT PAID WITHIN NINE MONTHS.. I 71 IF NOT PAID WITHIN t WELVE MONTHS. 90 mieDicr t oT ,licatictor OrTho above terms th e as llbeiral es those of ape nth' oottutry paper i a state, sad will be exatted. Nofilicontlivispoe will b, allowed until all arreamtialbavi beta paid. • DUTY AND LIABILITY-Or POSTMASTM- Pattmasters neglecting to net e cebilsher:ln dirEteid by Intr. of the fact that pinion notlifted by Omen. w horn they !ITO directed, are themselves held responsible for the amount of the subsoil piton come,. Pewees liltine papers eilitrested to thrmst !les. or to others, beam° semotihen, and aro liable for the price of subsolltt• Con. Mr mom is now canted try men throughout the county. Dee of charge. The Popular Creed. Dimes and dollars ! dollors and dimes ! An empty pocket is the worst of crimes: 11 e mnn is down give him a thrust, Trample the beggar into the dust ; Presumptuous poverty's quite appalling, Knock him down. kick him for falling ! lie men is up, oh, lift him higher, Your soul's fur sale, and he's the buyer. Dimes and dollars ! Co!lersand dimes, :An empty pocket 'it the mond of cpmes. • out it." monblishas Oil, or Uni. es, and wo. • 113, Poll lila of ill zest F. Lumen • . Mange, tornal Poi., mat Bites, d Scalds,. Con. 9 weakncse e.. etc. e cure of dis. mar flesh community. 0 have been houses, what - are saved by 11 know, a poor but worthy youth. Whose hopes are built ono maidens truth. But the maiden will break her vow with Oslo, For a lover cometh whose claims are these— A hollow hour. and an empty head, e " A lace well tinged with brandy red, A soul well trained in villainy's school. And eash,sweet clash he knnweth the rule, Duties and do:lars ! dollars and dimes. An empty porket 'arks wont of crimes. .r, GEORcE in the Bide cork. be promptly I know n hold nod an honest man, Who strives to live on the Christian plan ; 'l3ut poor he is. and poor he'll be, A scorned and hated wretch is he ; At home he meeteth a starving wile, Abroad ho leadeth a leper's life— THEY struggle against a fearlul odd Who wilt not bow to the people's god ! Dimes and dollar! ! dollars and dimes! An empty pocket 'a the worst of crimes, wonders ors tho Unho3 , ) f 111141C1C` 111 So, get fr ye wealth, no matter how ; No question asked of tho rich I two , . Steal by night, ant iteal by day. Doing it ati in a legal way. Join the church, and never forsake her; Learn to cant and insult your Maker— Be hypocrite, li, r, knave end fool. But don't bo poor, remember the rule, D,mett and dollars! dollars and dimes! An emptypoc ket's the worst o'crimtii! litiD o . Stem:telt c o ,:, LIEHIG, ..Ilovatt et, I kiln. TIIE PRAIRIE-,--NARROW.PCIPE. On my return from the tipper Mississip pi, I found myself obliged to cross one of the wide prairies, which in that part of the United States, vary the appearance of the couutry. The weather was- fine, all a round me was as fresh and as blooming as if it had just issued from the bosom of nature. My knapsack, my dog, and my gun, were all I had for baggage and com pany. But, although well moccasined, I moved slowly along, attracted by the brill- , • iancy of the flowers, and the gambols of the fawns, around their dams, to all ap ' pea ranee as thoughtless of danger, as I felt myself. My march was of long duration ; I sawl the sun sinking beneath the horizon long before - I could perceive any appearance of woodland, and nothing in tho shape of Mall had I met that day. The track which I followed was only an old Indian path, and as darkness overshadowed the prairie, I felt some desire to reach at least a copse, in which I might lie down to rest. The night hawks were screaming around me, • attracted by the buzzing of the beetles, which form their food, and the distant howling of wolves, gave me some hope that I should soon reach the skirts of soino woodland. I did so, and almost at the same. instant -afire light attracted my eye. I moved'' towards it, full ofconfidence that-it procee ded from the.camp of serval wandering In-it was mistaken discovered by its glare that it. was from the hearth of a. small log cabin, - end that a tall figure pass- I edtirid repassed between it and me, as if' 1 busilyengaged in household arrangements.' I reached the spot, and presented my- ; Beret the door, asked the tall figure,which proved to be a woman, if I might take shelter under her roof for the night. Her voice was gruff and her attire neg.; ligently thrown about her. She answered •:in the affirmative.- I walked in, took a wooden stool and quietly . seated myself ty the fire. The next object that attract . 4.; t 'ay notice was a finely, ,formed young 'int& tin, resting his head between his- hands, with •his elbows 'on , his 'itnges,' ,long bow rested against the log wall near him, while a quantity Of., arrows nod a few rac coons' skiniilay at hiS feet. - 'He . moved siot ; he apparently breathed not. ..4.ccus- I tomed to the habits of the Indians, and knowing thai they: pay 'little ' i.ttention to the approach of civilized strangers, (a cir ..curnatance which in some countries, is considered evincing the apathy of their eharacter,) 414050 language not.briftequently paltially known to the people .of that: neighborhood. Lie raised his lie4peititedgto one pc his eyes, . with his ottgeti . iO. gave me a significant glance with the'other. His friee, w as cov crud with The. fact Wits,lliaCiin hour. before this; . he, was in the act .Of 'dis-. • charging all o arrotr at a race;Oon'in the Op • of atree, the a rr ow had split uporrThe cord, • and sprung back'With such vielerize,inta his right.eye as to,destray it fOrdier. Feeling hungry, I enquired .what sort - of faro I ec t iot. expect. ,Such a thing ''as • a bed .drad LdOt to,bd seen, but many •large untanned bear anClbafralo hides lay. piled iii 4' s sornere: iir,fm!.a fine : time-peace from my itreaai; ant- told the- woman it that twas•fatigued.,,"She bad ,tichriess:eef • which 15 . 0etiiirict&Aritrate upon bee feetirigs,witil tfitlibknesi.•. She told me that there' :- we plenty, orvenisaa_ and jerked buffalo Meat; andthat 'on removitis the 'ashes I „ . . IG ItNTI ON, NT. CON. lured Gustne in WI. NU VP 01 1110 by the meta Gamic e hpl • cinch 01.—DO . body • Mower die ws. faciple is net • metinu a. halm ha' ' Venaet, dr Bee. • ti wilt .;„ in sixty . • d " • art. or mai Ina/ Is achuf oars. Dirt, to. it* In thb "rtAt • &that DOW to all '• IWO° heasm —Mesta aced made. PPosfA to give, t— bpt, 1111 Mt I MT. , t % 'oDY• • 40 W a. distnit ones ; - , the, litthe ated BEri , ; o ut. Pe. 1. .ttli ' D., T El IL TEL O. P 4► ET It l'. BY AUDUBON. A WEEKLY PAPER: DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, MORALITY, AND\FO Volume 3, should find a cake. But my watch had ,struck her fancy, and her curiosity had to be gratified by another sight of it. I took off the gold chain which secured it around my neck, and presented it to her. She was all ccstncy, spoke of its beauty, asked me its value, and put the chain a round her brawny neck, saying how happy the possession ofsuch a watch would make , her. ' Thoughtless; and as I fancicd4ny self, in so retired m. spot, secure, I . ttilif no attention to hor talk or her movement's. I helped 'my dog to a goad supper of venison, and was not long in satisfying the de mands of my own appetite. The Indian rose from his seat, as if in extreme suffering. He passed and re passed me several times, andonce piddled me on the side so violently, that the pain nearly brought forth an exclamation of anger. I looked at him. His eye met mine; but his look was so forbidding, that it struck a chill into the more nervous part of my system. Ho again seated himself, drew his butcher knife from his greasy scabbard, examined' its edge, as I would ' do that of a razor - suspected dull, replaced and taking his tomahawk from his back, filled the pipe of it with tobacco, and sent me expressive glances whenever our host ess chaneed to have her back towards us. Never Ontil that moment had my senses been awakened to the danger which I now suspected to be about Inc. I returned glance for glance to my companion, and rested well assured that,what ever enemies I might have, he was not one of their num ber. I asked the woman for my watch, wound i it up, and under pretence of wishing to sec how the weather might be, on the morrow, took up my gun and walked out of the cabin. I slipped n ball into each barrel, scraped the edges of my flints, renewed . the primings, and returning to the hut' a fitvorable account of my observations, I took a few bear skins, made a pallet ofl them, and calling my faitleul dog to my side, with my gel i close to my body, and in a few minutes was, to all appearance, fast asleep. A short time had elapsed, when some voices were heard,and from the corner of! my eyes I saw two athletic youths making their entrance, bearing a dead stag on a pole. They disposed of their burden, and asking for whiskky, helped themselve , , freely to it. Observing me and the woun ded Indian, they asked who I was, and why the devil that- rascal (meaning -the Indian, who, they knew, understood not a word of English) was in the house. The mother—for so she proved to be—bade 1 them talk less loudly, made mention of my watch, and took them to a corner, where i a conversation took place, the purport ol which it required little shrewdness in me to guess.. 1 tapped my dog gently. He moved his tail, and with- indescribable pleasure, I saw his fine eye alternately fixed on me, and raised towardithe trio in the corner. I felt that he perceived clan ger in my situation. The Indian exchan ged a last glance with me. The lads had ' eaten and drank themselves into such a condition that I already looked up at them as hors d. combat ; and the frequent vis its of the whiskey bottle to I he ugly mouth of their dame, I hoped woulc; soon reduce het' tort like state. Judge ol my astonish ment, reader, when I saw this incarnate fiend, take a large carving knife, and go to a grindstone to whet its edge. I saw tier pour water on the turning mach.ne, and watched her working away - with the dangerous weapon, until the cold sweat coursed over every part of my body, in spite of my determination to defend my self to the very last. Her task finished, she walked to the reeling ions, and said, "There, that'll soon • settle him ! Boys, killyon —,— and then for the wetch." I turned, cocked' my gun •locks .silently, touched my faithful dog, and lay ready to start up and shoot the first who might at tempt my life. I The moment was fast approaching that' might have been.my last to this . world, hai not Providence made preparations for my rescue. All was ready. The infer nal hag was advancing slowly, psobably contemplating the bet way oftlespatching me, whilst her sons "should be , engaged with the Indian. I was several times on , the eve of rising and, shooting-her on the spot ;- r -but she was not to be punished thus.-The, door suddenly opened,_and 'there ) entered two stout "traVellere; , each with a leng.,riffeon his shoulder. I bound. upon my feet, and_eAltingitherri'most hen d. welcOnie,tola them how well it was for me,. that they ,should. have arrived at' that -moment. ,The•tale,was told in a minnte. The ,d‘•unken sonq were secuia,:arid tho woman, in Otte of . her defende and vocif erationl, 'shared the same fate. The In dian fairly 'dati'ced with joy, anci gave us le .i.inderstandAhaoo, Inventtli not Sleep •forpain,dielvenlil.M4ctEjlec., Ili: ;The two !strangers . gave ari-accoiint of their once having;:been- iti'a;,. somewhat ,sinailar situation:: , Day,: c4rnci,,f'air.,l4.nljt9sy, •To With ,it.the.imiaishment of our captives:-.—! They were not,quite sohered...' Theiifeet wore.., itribeiinct,,buqujii' arms were still securely 'tied. ,--'•We marched thenfinto the woods . off the! , road i nrid.lia;ling used them aa Regulators are,Weet-tii,iise,o4o:4elin.; vents ) we set fits to the cabin ) gave all Clearfield, Pa., Jan'y 10, 1852. the skins and implements to tho young Indian warrior, and proceeded, well pleas ed, towards the settlements.. During upwards of twenty-five years, when my wanderings extended to all parts of our country, this was the only time at which my life was in danger from my fellow creatures. Indeed, so little risk do travellers run in the United States, that no one born there ever dreams of any to be encountered on the road ; and 1 suppose the inhabitants of the cabin were not A mericans. Reader, will you believe that not many miles from the place where this adventure' happened, 28 years ago, no habitation of civilized men was expected, and very few ever came, largo roads are now made,sul tivation has concerted the woods into fer tile fields, taverns have been erected, and much of what we Americans call coinfort is to be met with. So lust does improve ment proceed in our abundant and free country. Death by Su "ocation of a whole Fam i/y.—ln New York, on Friday afternoon, a family, consisting of four persons, nam• ed Philip Brady, his wife Cotharine Brady, James Brady, a brother of Philip, and a lad also named James Brady, Philip's son, moved lo the rear house 172 24th street, where on Friday night they made a large charcoal fire in their sleeping room, which was very much confined. In this room the whole family retired to rest, and they all were found dead the next morning,they all having been suflOcated by the poison. ous gas arising from the coal. Capt. Whizatn, of the Eighteenth Ward Police, on being iniermed of the melancholy oc currence, repaired to the • house, broke open the door of the room where the de ceased parties lay, - and removed their dead bodies to the nir, hoping by so doing to iesuseitnte them, but to no effect, life be ing extinct. AldermanConcklin was noti fied to hold an inquest on their bodies, which he did on Saturday afternoon. Send him to soli Lake.—ln the Geor gia Legislature, a few days ago, a petition was presented from John T. Flournoy, ask ing for the passage of - a bill to authorize the right of polygamy ! If the Le . gisla turns a deafear to the prayer of mr. Flour noy, we may expect to hear of his depar ture to the land of Brigham young; that is the place for him. NIAGARA ECLIPSED: The river Shir hawati, between Bombay Cape and Como ria, falls into the Gulf of Arabia. The river is about one fourth of a mile in width, and in the rainy season some thirty feet in depth. This immense body ot• watter rushes down a rocky slope three hundred feet at un angle of forty-five de grees, at the bottom of which it makes a perpsndicular plunge of eight hundred and tifty feet into a black and disrual abyss, with a noise like the loudest thunder.— The whole descent is therefore, eleven hundred and fifty feet, or several times that of Ningru. The volume of water in the latter is somewhat larger than that of the former,but in depth of descent it will be seen there is no comparison between them. In the dry season, the Shirhawati is % . small stream, and the fall is divided into three cascades of surpassing beauty and grandeur. They are almost dissipat ed and dissolved into mist before reaching the bApf the • river below. Dark 'Ours. There are hours, dark hours, that mark the history of the brightest year. For not a.whole month in any of the thousands of the past, perhaps, has the sun shone .brill iantly all dip time. And there hayo been cold and stormy days in every year. And yet tile miats and shadows of •the darkest hours were dissipated, and flitted heedless ly away. The cruelest of the ice fetters have been broken and dissolved, and the -most furious storm looses its • power to Diann. • And, what a parable is all this human fear of Out ; inside world,' where the heart- Works at 'its destined, labors,' here, too, we 'have the overshadowing 'of dark 'hours, "and 'Many a cold blast chills the heart to its core. But• What matters it? • Man is born a here,•tind it is only by darkness and sienna that heroism gains its greatest development and best illustration- , —then it kindles . . the black. - cloud into a blaze "ofglory;tiaridthe Storm beara it rapidly to 'dqstiriy.' • Despair trot, then,---.'l)isap 'pointinent will be 'realized. .!.Mortifying 'lltilitt&MUy attend this effort lind ,that one honcit'avictstr4alown, and I! lvill tiff 'work .!..• Cc: -We have often heard of grease that would stick ,to ,the; if.bs, but a cello* et :4Utlisydie photik' was operating ip: spare r,ksscoy hiS,.pprcieie46,;:ec he Oienged.to have a hiiirel halt filled" with 'laid;. atid glen tl roy. the bones in oti • ihe' ' lard,' aid nri!ied; Off,nd spurt yib4. .‘ • . Or"« He who dare to "lure wornani7 l . • ks4)ol.lrs,eutn in elie to , tne•*adtes Xni;v,"'it like a d e e .Irf.en tY/!•":'" Lynching of a Woman. in Californa. A California letter to the Journal ofCom merce contains the following particulars of the execution of a young girl at Downie- villa : She was a Mexican senoritn, witli all the passions and. frailties which attach themselves to the race. One day she stab bed a man, so that he died in a shorAine. Public opinion varies as td the enormity of this crime. Some assert that it was a wanton and treacherous attack; others consider it to have been on ordinary mur der, under circumstances of sufficient but considerable provocation ; while many af firm that the blow was struck in defence of her person against a drunken assault.— The better opinion is, as far ns I can learn, that the killing was unlawful, but under palliating circumstances. It is of little consequence to my present purpose, to ex amine into the degree of crime. I am mere ly to relate how a woman was punished by unlawful hands in this high noon of the nineteenth century. It seems that an example was needed in Downievillo. Little or no retribution had thllen upon former murderers in that vicinity, and it unfortunately happened that the dead man had many friends in the city, while the girl elicited no sympatny. Her nation was despised, and she was of a character which always draws more companions than friends in California.— The many-headed-monster cried "Blood for blood !" The Mountain City is situated at the confluence oftwo branches of the North Yuba, and is connected with the opposite bank by n long bridge. The cord was thrown over a cross-beam in the middle of the bridge, and thither the infuriated multitude hurried their frail victim. Her bearing was haughty and conposed in the highest degree. She was a beautiful girl, but neither her beauty nor unusual round ness of form excited the slightest compas sion in the majority. At this point of the procceeding , a young lawyer mounted the bridge railing and de nounced the whole atliAir in words ofinere bitter justice than discretion. Ile was not suffered to speak long. A. dozen hands pulled Idea dawn, and as many feet were vigorously applied to him along the length of the bridge. When upon the opposite bank, he was forbidden to enter I)ownie ville agan, under penalty of being tarred and feathered. Even the perpetrators of this outrage should have been shamed into common humanity by the next appeal. A physi cian, well known in the place, states upon his professional reputation and mast sacred honor, that the girl was cnciente, and demanded for her the reprieve which was always granted by the merciful common law of England, even in the darkest ages and most barbarous periods. But no ! Mercy to a murderess ! Time to give birth to another of the viper's blood ! They hoot ed at the idea ! The phySician was order ed to leave town within three days, for having dared to assert justice. Meanwhile the girl had been looking on with the utmost nonchalance. At the fail ure of this last appeal, a scornful smile distorted her lip, and she at once began to perform the last offices for herself. The ' manta was removed from her head, and given to her paramour, with watch, purse, and ornaments. Her black hair tell in masses over her shoulders, but she calmly grasped the noose, dangling near by, and passed it around her neck, concealed the hideous knot beneath the thick fall of her hair. She made but one request—that' her hands might bp left untied and free to give the signal. Strange to say they did grant her one privilege, but the one which, in cases where the nerves were not made of steel, would have been the most inju dicious. She then drew a bunch of cigaritas from her bosom and distributed them among the bystanders, reserving one for herself.— Thus she lighted and half smoked—then draw it from her lips with—"l would do it-again, the malidito—l" She did not finish the sentence, but dropped the cig arita. This was the signal, and her light form shot rapidly.;up in . the .air, hardly struggling, so powerful was the will that kept her free arms stiffly -pressed against her sides. There she hung over that foam ing river—bet'Ween sky and earth; 'the mark ofdeepest disgrace upon all our fitir land. Ever since!that Moment of d4irium, the citizens of Dotvnieville have been call ed by press and people, the Downiv Mains." Contrasted with' scenes like these, howi lofty have been-the motives and actions of the Vigilance Cmmitteo I How .dasttirdly, too, those who have infested - the Bench and' Bat, till "Judge" beet:tine a title of doubt ful .honor in California, and honorable law yers blushed for their profession 1 . ; • • • o,r • A Yankee, ;who 'went over to the nther COuntiy sonic tirine'ag,o• and who %vas asked ori coming hack Novi Great Britain. h 4 a very nice cOuniry, exceedingly fertile, 'troll :cultivated, very popalapa and very healthy,; l'never liked to taker a , raerrking:Walls,after break fast, hdcause ,the,cmintry is f.noripitLitiA4 wasalways afraid of walking off , t4 odge, EIGN AND DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE: No expression _that we arc acquainted with grates so harshly on our ear as that of ',The Old •Man," when it comes from the lips of a son speaking of his father.— A person who habitually uses the expres sion, Is either intimate with low charac ters or he does not feel that respect and deference due from a son to a parent. In excuse it is said, 'tis but,a joke and means nothing. If so, it were better not to j'st on such a subject, and use some expres sion that does mean something. " Old man" is used as a term of re proach, a sort of by,word, and a bugaboo to scare bad children, and in the manner used expresses a sort of contempt, or don't care. There arc several stages to be gone thro', before the old man is brought on. Pa, papa, and father have had their day. As the young swell lazily rolls his cigar or quid of tobacco in the corner of his mouth, and rubs his goose-down chin, and replies with a curl of the lip, to the gentleman by whom he is interrogated—"that's nobody but the old man." Young chaps that frequent oyster cel -1 lars, beer-saloons, and fashionable wine, shops, who can smoke a "regalia," or choir I "ladies twist," without_making them sick, or walk a crack with three glasses of champaigne ; these are the sprigs who talk of "the old man" who don't know they're out. e have also heard these same char acters speak of their mothers as the "old woman !" True, it is no heinous: offence, yet it shows as plainly as any other swag ger, what company they have kept, and the estimate they place upon their parent's love and care for so many years. An immig - ant Just arrived across the , plains, gives the following description of the memorable '‘jarnado del muerto," on which so many thousands of animals, and so many persons oldie last year's emigra tion perished : " If there is a section of country in ; God's w4le extended creation that can surpass that large scope of land lying be tween Salt Lake Valley and Carscms riv-; or, for sterility of soil, scarcity of timber, and everything that has a tendency to cheer up the spirits of the wearied travel. cr, I am sure that L don't want to see it.—; From the sink of Hutnbolt river across the desert to Carson river, my heart was sick ' eded at seeing the great destruction of pro perty, viz : wagons, carriages, and bug gies,dead horses, mules, and cattle, whose carcasses lie thick all over the ground, in a state of preservation, the skins, and a good deal of the flesh, being dried to the, bones—the water, marshes, and air, being; so strongly impregnated t with alkali, that j it has a tendency to keep off the devouring insects and birds of prey. But the worst is not half told yet: to see every; two or three hundred yards a grave, where a' father, mother, brother, or sister, has been buried ; but, ere the train is out of sight, the corpse is disinterred by the prowling wolf, or savage Indian—the bones left to bleach upon the great American desert.— Although I am - rather a-hardened sinner, yet, when I saw the scene as just deserib : ed, I could not refrain from shedding tears, and feel myself more submissive to that mighty and powerful God who rules the universe." Some day during the past summer, a stranger stopped at one of the watering places on the tuountain south of this place. After his arrival there he was taken sick, and for several days he was apparently deranged. On his recovery he informed the proprietor of the house that during his illness he had dreamed for three•nights in succession that he had discovered at a cer tain distance in the mountain, under a rock,,an earthen Clock, containinga largo 'amount of silver. • At this the worthy host expresSe'd his surprise, and spokeof it as a mysterious dream, •' Afterwards, how ' ever, they were walking together in that direction, when the dream was again ad verted to by the stranger; and the proprie tor at once proposed an examinatiett• to' satisfy curiosity. . The •rock was soon flund, and after carefully brushing the leaves away,' it was moved, and to their utter amazement, there seta crock full of silver. They took, it Out:and conveyed it secretly to the'house, and on examination it was' found te. contain .6400,•(altin hull clollars,) which Was divided , eqUally be tWeen thorn: . The day after the discovery, the• Stranger Wasabont to lake hislerivo of the n'ioantain„lind complained to his friend, the' Prepricior of the springs, of the . i neon venierice of carrying the. silver,when an exchange was proposed . and madei the Stranger:receiving bankable paper for his silyer. It wag not long, after his depart ure, boWever, till the proprietor had made anottlef dtscovery--hisJour hundred dol. 146 in silver . were couhtof eit, and he had li4n"thusingeniously.sWindled out of two - These factq 'we - have ''gatheretr from la , reliable source, ,and. that theyiltretetrect• there' is net' it,' shadtiVr tordatibt lii;t ! • • telirdiplabOite Reeor at Number S. " The Old Man." Dessolation A. ,Dream Realized. 1 vitae., 1 Insert:on. $0 50 9 toners 1 Months, $5OO Ido . 8 do tOO 11 do G months. '1 00 'Each seburtriDull do. 25 do 13 months, 10 DO 9 squares 8 months. 5V halt colanta.Bmotiths.o 00 do k WWII'. 4 IX, t dodo d months, 800 do P 3 months. 7IXI do - do 12 do 12 00 , Bdo , 8 months. 4 Clt toolonon 3 months. 850 do 0 trontllf. 560 do tl do 17 00 do 12 months, '8 00 ldo 23 do , 80 00 A liberal radar:lien will be made to tie °WV" end othon who adverthe by the year. Onr paper elm latos in every neighborhood, and Is read be nearly every family In the itherefore affords cnovonient and cheap memos for the business men of our county—the merchant. mechanic otnii all othors—to °Vend the to n in se t t theiy location and badness We siduald like insert " A Vied" for every Idechavia, Marohatlt. and Proradonal than in the candy. We have ment7 of Motu without encroach no upon norratllro columns. and no Mae in a lealticeme humors, will fray by edlortisint extensitreil— for. as a general role, the mnro Q.t.'s:ail' Ire man adveillesar the greater will be his Facility. . Books,.Jobs and Blount, • OFEVEUYUE°Vf't!It N.Plupereu 101 T11L VE RY lOFItT sTvi." Nn ON TOE mvitvrEsT u myrie. IT ' TIII4.(1F WE I P TRH •131.4APET10.1.) 111.PUBLIILIA.N." The Rights Of Women. BY MRS. L. 11, BIGOURNEY. There is much clamor in these driye of progress respecting a giant or new . rights, or an extension of' privilliges for our sex. A powerful moralist has said that "In con tentions of power, both the philosphy and poetry of life are dropped and trodden Sown." - Would not a still greaterloss ac crue to domestic happiness, and to the in terests of well balanced society,should tho innate delicacy and prerogative of woman, as woman, be. forfeited or sarcificed "I have given her as a helpmate," said the voice that cannot err, when it spake unto Adam in the cool or the day, amid the trees of Paradise. Not as a toy, a clog. a wrestler, a prize fighter. No, a help mate, such as was fitting for man to des ire, and for woman to become. Since the Creator assigned different spheres of action for the different sexes, it is to be presumed, form this unerring wisdom, that there is work enough in each department to employ them, nnd that the faithful performance of that work will bo fru the benefit of both. If he has made her one of the priestesses of the inner temple, committing to her charge its un rovealed sanctities, why should she seek to mingle in the warfare that may thunder at its gates or rock its torrents. Need she be again tempted by pride or curiosity, or glowing words, to barter her own Eden? TheJtiqe nobility of woman is to keep her own sphere, and to adorn it; not like the comet, daunting nnd perplexing other sys tems, but as the pure star, which is first to light the day, and the last to leave it. If she shares not the fame of the ruler and the bloodshedder, her good works, such as "become those who profess godliness, though they leave no 'footprints on the sands of time," may find record in the "Lamb's Book of Life." Great Whcat and Corn Statca A'' correspondent of the Pittsburg Ga• zette, writing from Washington, says— " From the abstracts or statistical returns already prepared at the Census office, it appears that Pennsylvania in 1850, was the largest' wheat producing state of the Union, I have had the curiosity to com pare the six most prominent states in re• spect to this crop, and give them below; with the crop of each as shown by the return ; Pennsylvania, 15,482,191 bu. Ohio, 14,967,087 " Virginia, , 14,516,900 " New York, 13,073,000 " Michigan, . 4,918,000 " Maryland, 4,494,680 " , In the yield of Indian corn Ohio bears off the palm, for five states stand almost in a line in regard to' this important staple. I These states and their rospetve crops arc as follows: Ohio, bu. of Indian corn, 59,788,750 Kentucky, 58,000,000 46 Illinois, 57.000,000 111 Indiana, 53,000,000 Tennessee, 52,000,000 I The corn crop of 1850 for the whole I United States, is returned as over 500,000,- 000 of bushels, a gain of about forty per cent on that of 1840. TUE PRESENT CAPITOL.—h was built at a total cost of ..nearl y two millions of dol lars, ($1,740,000.) The north wing was commenced in 1.702, and was finished in 1800. It cost nearly it half a million.— The south wing was commenced in 1803 and finished 1808, andcustover $300,000. The centre was cornme»ced in 1818 and was finished in 1827—it cost 'nearly one million. The entire building covers nn acre and a half and 1,820 Ret of ground. The length of front is 353} feet; deptk.of wing I'2l/; east. projection and stops, depth, 65 ; west projection and steps, depth. .83; height of wings to top of balustrade, 70 ; height to top of centre (Jodie, 145 ; senate chamber, length 74 feet, height 42 ; representative ..chamber, length 05 feet, height 60; height:of central rotund°, 06. The grounds of the capitol embrace 221 i acres, surrounded, by a substantial iron railing, the length of which is four fifths of a .mile. .„ A pretty good anecdote is told of Chief Justice Taney and the Supremo Court, on the day of the lire. The, .Library, , was in flames, and clouds of smoke were rolling out, and enveloping the Capitol, • Tho Chief Justice, nevertheless appeared/in his seat at the usual hour, May ~it.plase your honor," ,said •sortie one, " Court .sit •to..day 7 " The Chief looh.d.:up cooly and .significantly to ash, f`is the Court room really on fire 7, •" Oh. po.not yetrwas the answer. " till it is," added the Chief; And On Court did sit, - and transacted business as, usual, amid all the- Confusiou.about , ; Gunn Fog , FOUNDER IN •ficnass.—Ntr. Benj. Hickman of 'Fhernbury, informs, u. that a horse may be cured founclor,,in half an hour, by rubbing his Jog fr9/Th,the fetlock joint:to tho hoof, with water 419034 as hot as the hand :Will t boar, , nnfl u .)iJile melted , lerd.!., ,tu tt