1N=121112 MEDICAL HOUSE, FIFTEEN YEAR`.; WI IMlSillatallilh North-West corner of Third and Union streets, between Spruce and Pine. PAILADELPI)IA. FIFTEF,N S: 1.1 41.1t:I" 1,7”, i • .ityl clhot—mhitell jite 'O.: lit I io tint city . .r.r P. ,n,..•t vat arid 4110:teWitil rttletioluZiel t r to a d t.-• r Irr , ttntrpt ef adduces's an Private unturr. tat3tell with ttl' Wooten trio badsOlcreel ur lees. paler in the head cry hones. mercurlrl rheurnatcro, swamies tuned dpease! 11:1- , n e from rcuthfr.l excel's' r hnuatitior (A the bland. whewhr the ootatitutlon has' become trif:eblen, am all treatrtt with .ocers 114 who Own himself trader the rare of DR. R.. roar nil. (loan- confide in his h0.131' Its a eontletcan, and cpatidently rely upon his .1(01 is a PitYlietall Take Particular Notice - YOUNG MEN trim hive injured themselves by cir ... 90 braelion Indulged in—a habl , trt quently blamed commotion" at sehrol—the effects of whlah ere nlah,4 - 1,11, evert when asleep. and destroy both mind amt tryly, should IPIIII Immediately. Weakness rind eonstitntlanal debility, iambi anionißronertty. physical lesciude and 07107 Di Pros• tration, Irritability nod ell nervous erections, Indigestion. alareishnets of the liver, and every d tfeato in any wey eon needed with the diorder of the toomentive Inactions cured. and full v 144. .r restored • . -Pm••••rm YOUTILk MANHOOD s READ ! s A VIGOROU:1 Oft. ` P . I4 - • ' 4• ' -r-f \''''r` r s f. A PREMATIJHE DEATH KIINIdIELIN on Solf-Preservation Onig 25 cents. The Hoek. hut pub'ished, Is filled with useful Information, on thelnfirmalies end direases of tho_Gener ,tlvo Organs, It addressee itself aline to 'IOU MANHOOD nett OLD AGE. nod should be read br all. The hateable n trios and impressive warolne it gives wit nnivisist years of misery and sonar:nit asd savo ennualli THOUSANDS OF LW ES.I ,n.FARENTSI. by reading it. till learn how to prevent the destruction °finely childroo. %CA remittance of TWENTY-FIVE CENTS enelosod la •lettorr addresed to DR. KINK:M.IN. North West Corner of THIRD A. UNION Streets. be wean epraos and Plne. YHILADEL.THIAt will ensure a Wok coder onvolo 'e per Warn of . F=l'4 Persons eta distance may address DR. K. by latter. (post laid.) end be cured at home. PACKAGES OF MEDICINES. DIRECTIONS. !Co for. warded by tending a wail tisane. and put up secure from DAMAGE or CURIOSiT Y. Booksellers. News Agents. Pedlars. Cenveners. and 'all otben. supplied with the above work at very low rean July 8, 1851. DR. HOYT'S ,s,;~:l!'~C . THIS PREPARATION is now being ofleted to th. I' u tire as a GUARANTEED CURE for the HEAVES IN lIORSE 4 I. nodal Mei only known mAirdne la !the world having been used in the private Veterivarl prat ce of tire ruotadetm for the lest Wren's; and he has never known it to fall in atingle lestr noe of producing a tinting cure, and leav• lan the hopro In good rpirlts far work. The utter lawn:foetal'. sly of the horse for labor, when troubled with this common !tweet*. should induce every one having such to apply im ntediately for this remedy. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER PACKAGE. Which will Sta t es. nt, 'with fall directions " to any part of the United All letters or communications to be nod. droned. Past Paid, to I. P. HOYT. Rear of No. 10 South FIFTH Street Philadelphia. Wholesale agent for the United elates. N. B.—Agents wanted throughout the country to whom a liberal discount will be given t and their names placed in the advertisements. Address 11.11 above. ' GERMAN WASHING FLUID, I 8 9024811WELED by l t o b tr ar e n iz tzr e b s c have, tested It, as be • SCIENTIFIC {WONDER OF TUE WORLD I Eathrly doing away with that laborious and Inj colons prao los of nabbing the CLOTHES UPON TIIE WASHBOARD. And event saving or nine, Labor and Expense. N. R. To DISTOrIt fend and irnonsitlon, (tor am try 1.100 palm of) an article put up like mine.) the Proprietor. 1. P. HOYT. will put hir WIttTrEIeSIGNATLIttki per! tM CORK of every O.IITi.E. And heinnly WW If:Di I an - LiourENED BUG not tn •vini;jned The German Washing Fluid With ethers that are in the market. Uhl put up la largo bottles. and sold at the nominal priae of 1234 eents".ener bottle. 1"..M PRINTERS will find It greatly to their ad vantage to tom dam this Fluid he the gallon. to clenns theirs TYPES AND e ROL.I.ERS, Being a very superior enicie loethat purpose. ktanufao:ared only by 1 P HOYT, At his Laboratory and P. liepot No. 10 South Firm street, Philadelphia. Redd et Wall by Grooms and Pro gres general: r. A liberal *boost nt„ and estemive hdvertisis g (or the benefit of Agents. Remember the name GERMAN WASHINI FLUID. All letters to be post wild. Oct 9. 1851-60. Doctor• Yourself For tto Cents. DY MEANS of the POCKET jAESCULAPIUS. or retry Inc, ins awn . hytichea. Thirtieth talon. with upwards or ea hen. cogravioee, chow int private Imams to every 'boo. and form. id malformations of the. gazers. ,treeytterns. The time has now arrived. that :mons suffering from secret dis. ewes need no more become the rivrim OF e QUACI{ERY. as v the preactintiJus conteired In i. hook. nay ote may cure If, without hindrance o bust vs, or Atte knowledee] of the one teoth_the motel expense. _._-:ine of private diseases. it fully caplet= tense cen of manhood's early decline, with observe. tires mt. Marriage—betides many other derangements. which It would not be proper to eon meow , In the public whits. Any sermon seeding TWENTY-Fl V} CENII3 enclosed is aWar, will twelve one emu of this book ; or rive copies will bluest forth:to adlar. •Atidreas."Dß. W .1A 61 YOUNG. 11541_,13PRIJCB 13 ['REM Philadelphia." Postpaid. Dr. YOUNG 041:1, be consulted MI any of thse Diseases de. 'Grnd is his different publioatioes, at his °Glee, 111413nruce *greet. Philadelphia. every day, between it and If o'clock, (Baadays excepted.) April EQ. 1851.—1 y For Sale. rinkA [o7EArtill'ltittiotrlTY,°„Tlv7.7k°,B7, Curwesorinlie. The house is pinsterr 6 d t u hron i gl e mtit. a le i nited for a DWELLING HOUSE. STORE or TAVERN—Lot n ISO by 180 feet. and has a good NTABLE . • TITLE is good, and the property will be sold °tithes:lost accommodating terms. Those who want to mie a mod lairestatent, have now a obanco. For rarities Information apply to JOliN FI HER. Bridgport i or °dew 9,1851. 1.. JACKSON CRAIt. Curwensville. L. JACKSON CRANS, AIMENDISIDarit otlr 2441M0 Curwensville, Clearfield county, Pa. OFFICE—SIate street, ono door oast of Filbert et Ciataber 2. IBM. DISSOLUTION r PABITIERSIIIP.--The Go•Partteriblt. heretofore ex O istiag between the eabeeriben, trading In the name or MANLY at OLACK81)A111 0" la the Cebleet and Chair Mantra:tory. at Olaarileld. is this day dissolved by mutual comsat. Itongwr MANLY WM. BLAOKEiLIMILE. Set. 90.186/. • MONEY SAVING MACHINE. FARMERS LOOK HERE. WlLeseir have lot of TWO HOWIE THRESHING MACIONBB at Richard Shaw's. Cloartlord. ALSO. eloonem et Iseao Bloom's Corwantville. FOR HALE. FARMERB would do well to call um. At citlwrof the above tamed places they can be socomtoodeted with Ma. chime. B. WILSON. Aug. Ye. test. TOSTICES OF THE PEACE are hereby requested tomtit 0 en Mom by mall, or otherwise. of Cummo . wealth attars before them. to me or to the Clerk of the Court of Quarter .atom so that the same mop be received at least one week before court. Any Commonwealth business arhiag after that time, mush* returned at Coon. ♦nnit I. lffil NOTICE. non' TRUSTEES of the CLEARFIELD ACADEMY hereby 'lva not!" tbas Dr. VA.TLIN Is duly sottorrized to collect all Mlle for fultloo at said butltralos, forth° year commencing on the Eth of Berderaoar last. • By Wed of the Board oj rrosttees, Dec. la. 1851: . WM. L. MOORE. Rees- NOTICE. waro all Pare Oms Com. harboring or truthioher on ray Mo onlit. WWII! not be liable for any dam of her eolltroetio r. JOHN . _Deo. 11,1E21.—pald: THOMAS DFAVINE, TAILOR. • • REIRECrTFULLy announce, to the citizen, or the vicini. ty ofCtelulleld Midge. that becontinues to carry, on the NAIIINUNG IlUseiEf3.s a abort distance Edit °fine tt ridge .thi ca . he thankful for a thereo f o u¢lin pattonaw lin ten ke y= aho trp, Win matt off. Or. Win. Young, M J. B. AL'ENALLY, Prosecuting Attorney. VArtmEns , PA.vonITE! _ nevi apniqpiroved FANNING MILLS. • 114 11()YF.: F AR ME R MM would terrimlfully an I LTA nouncetn tho of C1.41A14416LL) end the alpieine countiet. that they still continue to manufacture. In Phiiii sham, (metre county, their superior FANNING Mai% I tavina made every turaurement netessors tnr the coustinov t.c.o , tt thie Male. and blue Prepared to sliver gum to en. no t co,,r ndtrd mile% dittnnt, on the 0 , 09. A ntim, we Ice' ml r,li rt sn sat Ing . sENLI ON Y ()UR 1 . Ht; WI: I i CM t &AY As Iv the yanalict of' this mill to Ilia I: or uvula Mows 'there cm no loncot bu it nimbi , since th e calla:4.lMS lillMins• ands who have used them (rupee the lett year and who have 'build %Imo to do all they ate said to, and even mute. hat con• yams(' tlm most prejudiced, and scoured for them an awe. ()casuist] sale They era mede of the bast material. wok men who ackraovriedge eupetiort. and may theirifore:he mutated to the public with enure couridtage, knowing that I ey need hut a trial tolerate geneial ap p r o bation. and (lice I them beyt.nd all competition. The lumen that hat crowned their trances during the oast year gives striking proof of the rlsono, went (Atha age, nn.. lemis us to tender oar g utelul anknowledgments to ihe many IZMheVe made oho.ce of eat Mils. To nit who with en article of th a kind, we wculd till blAttr. YOUR WANTS KM MN. itpd you shall two see the wager before your ham with the very article 1 ati 'HEAD ABOUT." guilder tho advantages which this Mill comma over all , others , we have tna.!e on jot ploverneut on the turning power ' which ennlilo It to turn one th:rd it easierhe L n did lest veal. 110 E Irtaktl). l'hiliptbarg.MßY 14, 1 1 35 1 —ll e sT UMW' 634.1%111/11 At the junction of the roads at Lohman's; in Morris township. PIIE en tacrihort WSW] telly ahnounce io tha citinanaol 4. Motri. tho adjauent whine of ',ileafield and Uentre oounties. 'het they have just received and are non 10/Tlll bl'LLNI)11) AtWORTSi ENT of NEW GOODS Their dock Is extentive. and oonoists of tro nitiql atone ment to he found !n a conatrl store—and which t .ey otter to of on as I,svorable terms US they can be ItufAnte ,l elsowhere In tho county. WING St GE fCIIEL. Morris lownshfp,Jane24.lBsl. Watch & Clock Making. lop r R WELCH begs leave JUL to infirm the citizens of fi Clearfield and vicinity. that he tins c„ 4 permanently located in the shop et adjoining Lanich'e hotel, on Aka. t ket street, where the repairing of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWEL. 11 3 1, &0.. will be executed in the best manner. at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Also. ENGRAVING executed at short notice. ‘VATCHES, lot with him to be repaired will be promptly attended to, and warranted for one year. April 9. 1851. Good .News 0 9 A Flood . Certattn y ! • Those who would sell their Lum ber at the best market must take advantage of this 11 0 a1C0 CO ID OFtenFs EN:11414 . 1)r cox . r h tu il t u t r d e:ti r vc r lt2 i , t 9 d;sp3so of at LOW.gl c i'll s Agl•A7ha knods of tte so me Quality unn be obtained IN ANY t u fFtlEit PART OF IDE COUNTY. The stock emsl.ts in end of DRY GOODS, GROGE RUA, HARDWARE, 4EIE2 SWAM:. &0.. o. tau with a limo lot of Ladles' and tlentlernens' FANCY DRI:3S GOODS. READY-MADE CLEIIIING. And all the attlcieszens; fly kept tea Country Store te3AAC ShIITH June 80. CURWENSV ILLB. POLITICAL CAMPAIGN (CAPIEIV a Huzza for Bill Bigler / Huzza for Bill Johnston ! Huzza for a Flood 1 Huzza ! Huzza FOR CHEAP GOODS, (NU a rash for l'eunsvill is, 100 ins f that CHEAP and will selected STY)' OF 000D8 last ,oneuing for SOMME'II 1/81:4 consisting of TEA, SUGAR , COFFEE. t , PICES, PlBll. BALT, CANDLES. SOAP, CHOC OLATE, BOOTS te SHOES. 11 ATS W CAP& Claeens. ware, HARDWARE. DRY GOOD& BARD° el DR LAINER. t i AWNtt, GINGHAM& ALPACA LUSTRES, MODE DE. !AB*: CAMBRIC& BARRED Mtitis,plB, COLORED SATINS. FLORENCZ SILKSI,__CDINTSES, LACES,FRIAGE B qnBtiorl CABSINETTLI„ together with every thing neoerssare in that section of c,tintry 18A AC 8511T11. Pentafield, Jane 87 1851. TAILORING BUSINESS. REMOVAL. ripllE subscriber, thankful for •past favors, rea• 17 pectlully customers,and the public generally, that he has removed his shop to the buds ding over the Post Office. lately occupied by ft. F. Word, and that he will be there found nt all times "on hand" to supply his customers, Unlike some 1/1 hißCOlVlNX)rilribe. hO is unable to promise Mat his Fashions ore of the most approved style of ANTI• QUITY, but will insure them made according to the Latest Rishion of more modern days. ' THOS. SHEA. Clearfield, April 1, 1851. J.P. PERSONS having business with the undersigned es Justice of the Peaco, will find him either at ho"Dollar"offieo,ur at thcs.office in the Wei, uildings lately occupied b y Esq. 'minder. D. W. MOORE. Juno 8,1850. FALL & WINTER - 4,2311LEN11Q RICHARD MOSSOP, HAVIr Purchased the F TORE of 1310LF,R crs In the orough of Clearfield. Is now °netting it the ril,D STAND a splendid anortruent of FALL and WINTER Dry Goods, such 111 Alpitear, ROsr. L istis, De DIDO 9. Hut:mires. Cal. bun. Chintzes. Gingham'. 'rid:lass. Molding, bleached and unbleached, Flannels. ted white and yellow, Udton Flannels, and Nhawlsol all descriptions: Cloths. French Cloth. Twilled heavy Overcoatlag, fine. Good black Cass'mere,. Doe filuta do. prime Catimets. tutttl p e gs and Kentucky Jeans, all of which are oi the beat quality Woolen Goods. Comforla,Gloveo. nosier,. &0.. a large also:talent, and a low prim. Hats and Caps. Silk, ?Irish. and Far HATS and CArt, of all sorts and sizes Rood and cheap, co snit purchasers. . • Boots and Shoes. Heavy winter boots, Kip. Morocco, &0., Men' wareol aI Rinds. Hon' and Children' Bun and Shoes. Also, Ladles Flea Morocco and Calfskin Shoes. Also, Gam Over Shoes Fine and Come, Rood and cheap Groceries. Good Moaner Jaya COFFEE. Brown. Crashed. and Palling. Loaf SUGAR. Yonne Hewn. Imperial and Black TEAS Gunpowder. Lead. Paint,. Paint Onithet. Drn Stnfti, Cotton Yarn. &a., era.-1111 of wbrch are of the best quality. Molasses. . Sugar-Bow. Orleans and Steam BY to D.—aDd away artlo:e that heooromnalty may stand in seed of. All this above stook of Goods will be sold lot e Asir o r OSUMI:I,Y PROLUC LI. on the-very •lowist retina. Please call and examine for yourselves at the store or . tatalimw mosstip. - Claufteld, N0v.10.1851 New 3,r, Whiter COQDS, At Grahamton, Bradford township. TlT)%silh"batrfgera.VlVAlLVEheAnigitiigre)P (190D9. 000sistlog of Dry Goods, Herdwaio, Queensware, Groceries, Hats, Caps, ; Bonnets . , • . Boots and Shoes. All of which will be told as low am can be botraht elsewhere In the °aunty. Purchasers will fled at as oirAletTON every description o 4311008 usually kola In aIJOUNTRY STOLL El—nil of which wit b%l disposed iiraLvery small advances - for Vaal. NW. MEE, or LUMBER. Please call and examine for Yourselves. JAMES S. GIIMIA6I. Grehamfon, October I.IMI. illeadl4:tiets viers OYSTERS 1 OYSTERS ! A r4SMITII'B NEW OYSTER SAIPEIN over Ittereore tutd , t ... trztt o ci o n , d i t rket h7ll , : im delectable Oleerfield: 28. 1861 . ' v alm 8 ". 8 mail.. BLANK is sale here.. • MRMN=Z Tellal ninm m. NEIIeVISQ. • • rrillC TANYAIIO belOngiog to the heirs of Wm Harts born..decearedi situate to the borough of Curwetwviiie. Clearfield enunty. and now octal:Wird by Samuel Et• Ti, lot. will bo RENTED FOlt A TERN ON YIL'AItS from iho Vint of April ngit. Any Person whaling to engage in the business would do well to call and examine the premises. as tho situation a I airopport o a Up to makes forme Jar lurthet particulars aPP'y to it (IA RTSTIORVI, or • HCPIIIIObI A 11AIITcti1ORN. Caardiens of lielrg of Wm Ilartshorn, doo'd. Curwonsville, Joh , 17,1831. • rHE enbsodtr4 takes thls methnd of tendering to n gram & taw patUlo his sincere thnolts for the liberal share or eau mourn thus MI harmful, and lives. b• strict uttenton to basmrst.io mnrit coni in nation of the saw. lie is NOW OPENING u NEW b•UPI•LY of SEAS(IN A DIX GoODS, amongst which may be found the foubwlng lIILACK ANTILI SILKS BLACK SILK LACE—do Fringe and Buttons. GING II AMS—Fratoh. Earlitoo and Lk:merino. DE LAIN ES—Mode and Dana/ IrANCY PRINTS in rent vanetf• RIBBUNS. LACES. &0., dm BOOTS ana SHOES. HPED3—CARPET-CH AIN and COLORED YARN. CLOTH—Ror Fteort RR( CERIEzi—HARDWARE—QUEENSWARE. &o. &o. *.i*Peroanurs are reopuctfully inviird to can. J. L. HUNTER. ••• Cirtufleld. July 82. 1851. .0•0"-r.r.r..r,•^..".".r s J. B. MoENALLY, s s Attorney at Law, S , Having located himself in the borough of L S Sy Clearfield, will attend to all legal huxinestr 1 , L entrusted to him with promptness and fidelity. 4 Office two doors east of tho Prothonotary '8 s S oflire. S ..."/".I`.l^ Jr•Jr ../^ ..e.r.r.r..✓ ."./...""r.r.rt"."."*ra" MACKEREL , - I SHAD. CODFISH, Constantly on hand SALMON, and for sale by HERRINGS. J. PALMER & Co., PORK. Market Street Wharf, HAMS AND SIDES.PHILADRLPIIIA. I LARD AND CHEESE. March 1, 1851. Estate of Charles B. Ross, deed. moncE riEIIIPAIV GIVEN. that Letters or Admils tration tintra been granted to thq undemaned on the Wale ortAIARLES U. IttiSe. lat., of I::ortia towl , 3hlP. connty—and ail tielAnal havlnt I.o..nunis with 11.0 stud deceased are requested its animist their claims deb curb. enticated. The undersl A ried may be found at his 'andel:ma In said township. Sept. 34, 1251 JOSEPH S. FRANCE, Counsellor and Attorney at Law, 11ref VI NG located biniself in Clearfiele,oflers his professional services to the public. All bust. ness entrusted to him will be promptly attended to Being familiar with the German language he can with more facility transact business fur the GOlllllOll portion of the communil. Office on Merkel street, one door west el Dr. Lo rain's Drug store, lately occupied by J. L. ( Tuttle. REFERENCES. HIM John C. Knox, Kittanning. " Joseph Buffington. li. N. Lee, Esq , Dunally & Hun. 'Thomas White, Indiana. Augustus Drum • Gen. D. Foster, Greensburg. Col, William Bigler. Clearfield. Wm J Hemphill, Jan. 14,1851. SETTLE UP and SAVE COST 'THE Subscribers bevies closed their Alereantflo busineu 2. in this ohm*. request all persons haring unsettled ao. comas with them to cull at their olu stead lo Cleaerie'd aid suWe IftIMEDIATULY, or 'hew &counts will ho lat with the poper cffi Air for coact:lion. E, ti W. F. jEAVIN. julyio,lBsl. WM. A. WALLACE, Attoirney at Law, • CLEARFIELD, PA. STILL contieuel the practice of the Lewaid tarot 10 tones be Woad et his °Ewe adjoining his r •eidenee on Ersooad street. may 11, MO. CIIACKE4S.—Sodi a ad Boston (MACH I ES reived en now selling ttt the core of J. L. ntrwrErt. Money Sawing Machine! 7b the Farmers of Clearfield county : Q It 8. wmanN, of Strattonville. Clarion county. Pa.. 1-7 wooled respectfully Inform the FARMING tJumMtifit -117 of Clearfield and the a inner countlen, that they c to• linos to manulnctnre TWO and FOUR HORSE THRE. 4 II LNG dACHINES. of en Improved patter,. The two hors. , cylinder is four Inches longer than the Machine) h-retolure made at our shop. The liorse Power is great') imttrosed.— No Machine now In use's so eimple.cernaact and useful. RICHARD SHAW. Clearfield, and ISAAC BLOOM, Carwensvtile, Will have each a Machine constantly on hand. Any person making apt Beat On to them will be furnished with Machines on short notice. Machincs have bred purchased by the following persons in Clearf , eld county, els— JOil N STLTE'tq, A ft WELCH, Il IMAS READ. JAMES A. READ. JOHN NODGIE JOSEPH PAITERSON, Wld. I.EftNAR IL 1. - BARGER. HUGH II k.NIJkaitION. and Others 8. et. S. WILSON. &WWl:orate, Junelo,lB3l. TO PE11130.03 OUT OF EMPLOYMENT AMERCAN GIFT BOOKS FOR 1851- 7b Clergymen, Postmasters, Thachers of Soblxith.Schools 'Book Agents, Stu. dents and Heads of Families. I;6IPLOYM ENT. (;:i. EARS AMERICAN PICTORIAL ROPK ESTAII -10 bib:must removed to 181 Wil.i.lllll bTItEEI'. (Dear Spruce-) New York. BOOK AGENTS WANTED. The subscriber publishes a large number of most rained , books, very popular. and of inch a moral and religion. intin• coca, that while good men may safely engage in their cute. tattoo. they will confer n public benefit. and receive a fair compensation for their labor 'l'o young men or enterprise and tact, this basineu oilers an oupottunity for Probtaalie vmploymen• seldom to be met with. 'Vitale Is not a town. In the USliol2 whore a right honest and web-disposed potion o:o fail selling from 60 to Alt/ VOMMIS, according to the Paionlation. JUST PUBLISHED. "PICTORIAL DESCRIPTION or CHINA AND IN DIA," WO pun, and 'THRILLING INLIDENTS OF THE WARN OF THE UNITED NIATES." bile pages.— Retail price, a 2 00 per volume. Our publications aro too numerous to be described ilea ad vertisement. Any person wishing to embark in the enterprise. will .risk little by sending to the Publisher sso. for which he will re- Delve sample copies of the various works, tat wholesale pd . NM) carefully boxed, insured. and directed. allinding a very liberal percentage to she Agent fcr his trouble. With these he will won be able to ascertain the most saleable, end order no cordingly. We softie orders from the Trade.. Teachers and School Com Wastes for Books, to %shorn we furnish our own publicdtions and these of nll the publishers In the con utrr, on the most lib. eml terms, COUNTRY 'MERCIIDITS con procure subscribers to. and sell "SEAtt'd PICTORIAL WORKS." make a handsome profit. and sustain no less. Persons wishing 1. engage In their sale, will receive prompt• by mail, a Circular oontaluing Pull _panlonlars. with "Di- BSc:HUNS TV PLBSONB DISPOSED TO ACT AS A GENTS," loge' her with the terms on which they will be furnislosd, by addressing the subscriber, post prdd, HUBERT SEARS. Publisher Sept. 10. 181 WllliaindStresst, New York. lIEMOVA L. 'GEORGE W. TURNER, • FASHIONABLE TAILOR, 119 ESPECTFOLLY announces to his friends. and the pub. Ila generally. that he Iris removed his shop to the North. West corner of deoond and Market streets. arid will hereafter be found In the building lately occupied cis a Drug, Chemical. Botanical and "Philosophical" store, by Dr. Hand. and for , welly by Dr. A. M. Hills. as a Ding Store. and known far and w.do by the attra:tlye sign of the RIO GOLD MORTAR. Heys there preputed to "Ol MARE. or •fil END" all garments to his line from the flowing robes of the Orientals down to Miss Boomer's late Improvement of the i'llonsan Toga." a little quicker , quite as good , end a cheap (but not any cheaper) as they c an be made elsewhere. Ills work will be WARRANIDD to give sotisfaction, so that those who employ him have no risk so run. • Al. kinds of morgeti lig taken la exchange for work, and the highest priors allowed. . July Its, 1851. Wheelwright and Chairrnaking. T . ifEsnbsoribers respectfully inform the citizen, of Clear. field county that they Broca/tying ou the above business at BRIDGPORT. one mile west of Cu rwonsyille. where they are prepared to make OHAIRB. BETITESand !WINN ING- Wfi,EULtt—all of which era 'manufactured out of the beet material, and warranted—if tsquiree , .. Po.reons„withindt purchase alittriariOr article CM tespectfail sulfites to call an examine fur themselves', and be pleased to their satire Innis. forties. They, will keep on hands WINBOR CLIMBS of orrery FANCY OffAtHb made Worrier. .Also. OF. PION and DAR-lint iltl chain. N. B.—HOUSE and SIGN PAINTING dorm on the ahoy tart notice. ISAAC ONAMBItallf4 Bridaport, June 18151.—nd. 0 neaLss - Kl4.ordlit. • SYRUP. ' SUPERIOR LEKON SYRUP for West the of Mikity. lat. J. L.:HUNT/VG MEM _.._t,~,. ~, NOTICE. J. W. LULL, &dm'r ,VALU.ABLE FARM • For rircllE subscriber will tall. uponreasonahlet.rms one of th e ./t most handsome and valuahlo Fa ms "ln Clearfinld onon• I. I location is most advantagenus,hdng on one ornoilto leading trona Cleatlpbd lo Imtlivisbutg. Wm. one ratio west of Moore 's mills, and Mee =los tins of !Athena:um. in the new and taphily Improving township of VO.Oll. The Farm consists of nbont 150 acres of Lnnd, of which 100 are cleared and well cultivated. The improvements WO valuabio and In good repair. consis ting of a a t Largo Frame House, and largo 41,, Bank Barn, Together with all the necesstuty OLITUUI tAnNil 3 neceota r 1 friths:convenience ol a largo and well Or , d Farm. et...gy There Is also nn ORCHARD T REE S otin • - HUNLRED THRIVING APPLE. with. a good ascot:moat of othot FRUIT TREES. This Farm is well calculated tot the raining m both GRAIN or STOCK • An ibithrintable title will be aiven. TER NH OF SALE —Cash on the confirmation of the salt FOr Wither Worn atlon apply to WM. C POLEY. at Luttiersburil. or to the so Maribor :eddies on lhe pramises. DAVID LABORDE. Colon townsidp, June 24 1851.-11. New York Importers and Jobbers, FREEMAN, HODGES & CO., 58 LIBERTY STREET, BETWEEN BROADWAY AND NASSAU STREET, NEAR TIIE FIRM OFFICE Itiew-Vork. I'VE ARE RECEIVING fly DAILY ARRIVALS from rtIVOITO. our cell and Winter nliortment or R lull FASHIONABLE ICANCY MILK AND MILLINERY GOODS. We respectfully ask ell Cash Purchasers thoronehly to en. amino our Stook and Prices. and. as INTEREST GOV ERNS, we reel coafiderd our Goods end Miceli will laduee i hem totecot from our establishmont. Particular utientiou devoted to MILIANERY GOODS. and many ache articles ars rolouractuted rxuterd, to our order, and enunot he fur passed la beauty, style and cheapness. BLIAUI B IFUL PARIS RIBBONS. for flat. Cap. Neck, mid elt. _- SATIN AND TAFFETA RIBBONS. of ad widths and colors. HATINS. VELVETS. and UNCUT VELVETS, for hate. FEATHERS. AMERICAN AND FRENCH ARTIFI CIAL FLOWERS. PUFFINGS AND cAP TRIMM 'nos. DIIE-"r3 TRIMMINGS—Iarfe asaal meat. EdikirtoiDElitErt. CAMS COLLARS. UN DER SI.REV/ S AND Cl;Frel. • FINE mum , , IDKDKD E AND HEMSTITCH t.AMBRICK II AN DK EIt , ;IIIEFS. CRAPES, I. IFSES, TAW...MONS, ILLUSION AND bACI,S. VALESCIEN ES. BRUS 4 ELS. THREAD, SILK. AND Lletst: TIIREAD LACES. KID. SILK SEWING SILK. LISLE 'THREAD. ME RIN( GLOVES AND ?mil's. ricupEn AND PLAIN SWISH. BOCK, BISHOP I•AWN AND J ACONET English, French, American, and Italian STRAW GOODS. LITTELL'S LIVING AGE. Extracts of Lettere from Judge Story, Chnncello Kent anti John Quint y Adonis. Can-I) , We°. April fr 4,1144 IHAVE read the Prospectus with great pleasure: and en tire!, approve the plan. it it can only obtain this pubic patronage long enact' nrand lame ennuis h .and smuttily molts to attain ds line ends. it will contribute in enrolment denies to rice a healthy tone not only to oar literature. but to pub opinion. It will enable us to possess. i 0 a moderate mar Pass a select Wirer, of the best productions of the ate. It will do more: It will redeem our periodical Iltrrature from the reproach of being devoted to light and su pollensl wading, to transitory speculations, to sickly and ephemeral set: amen. tuhties, and le se and extravagant skcleiral of end char aster. JflttEP/I STuitY. New York. 7th 111ay.113.14 I tamale very much nf the plan Glair ••11, vitra Ace," end Kit be conducted with the intelligence. spirit and taste that the prospectus Indicates, (01 which I have no reason to doubt.) it will bo one of the most tortrocatve end Poo let Ftmodlcals ca the day. JAMre3 hIENT. Washington. )11 PAL or all the Periodical journal.' devoted to Metal use and 8.1 mice which 'Monad to Europe and in this country. this has oppeored to roe the most useful Ir conraisis Indeed thee:, o •ition only of the current hterature of the English hiefusae, but this. by its immense attest and comprehension, includes a pottraiture of the human mind in tho utmost expansion ol the Drell nt age. J. Q. ADAMS. Timms —The Living Ace is published every eaturilay. by E. I.III'EI.E. & CO. coiner of 'Tremont uteri Broomfield streets. Boann : Price 11% rt number. or efiX fl()l.l,Afts eas in Licence. Remittances for any Oltiod will be thank folly received end promptly attended to. POSTAGE rBEF, To subscribers within 1500 miles, who remit in advance— directly to the office of publication at llosion—as sum of ?+IX DOLLARS, we will continue the work heyo:l the year, as lona as that be an equivalent to the cost of port4ge:—thu. no ally urrylng our the plan of sending every man's copy to him Pos'age Free t placing oar distant subscribers oe the same footle: as chose neater to us and making toe whole country our ne.ghborhood We hope fa• inch future changedu the law, or the Interprel ration thereof, u will enable ns to make this offer to subset- teas at nay distance . CONTENTBI OF I" , 1() 871:I.—AUGUST I. Fichte : a Biography—Frcro Chambers' I'a.ers for the Peotre. 2. ttoothcrn Garet of Egypt—From Chambers' Journal 8 Gorier Fountains in Calif., nia—rrous San Frenetic° Pa pers. 4. Emirates ol Insect Lire. Part ll—Primes lilezezine o. Correspondence bateu's 6i tabean and De In Mack— From Examiner. 8. A Real Sister of Charity—From Dickens' Household Words. 7. Quaked= ;or the 'tour& Life—Frvm the Atheism= 8. The Anglo.Snson Race—From theserno 9. Theckerey's Third lacoorcs—Fram Examiner. lU An•irelia—From Charobers'Jonrnal. POETRY Evangel. ; Resigning : Imre ; Fragment. SHORT ARTICLES —Remits:me. the Pscit Things to be foundouti Olinda° ftezaart Postage etamir'in Great Brit. ale : Curries Present : The Wise Man and the Serpent. For Sale. . FARM AND SAW-MILL. FT , US subscriber oilers for sale A MOF ONE A HUNDRED ACRES of 1, , n —e t out 1 WEN- Tlf SPA: ucwsof which Is clewed, eel the she !sun^ neobercd—together wo h • u (sod CA IV MILL, on Seedy, in tired r tow whip. Cleerfh 111 county. It well attended th. Saw Mill will cut HA COO feet aaouaily. It is to the midst of a well ELL. bered minify . PHILIP LABUIIDEI. Union township. Sept 24 18451 —paid WIT BY THE YARD! TIM York City Budget The Punch of America. p Aril emboli rontalninglnnt list than TWENTY ()EJ .L. 4 GI NAI, 11.1.0 tialt NI lONS I Eac.av ob:rnd &awn en 'nervy for this parer. T wenty right MOM n.Ol rEAlnr mit ter. all origionl—L.iterainra and the Drama Follies and Vices o r th e .107 00V:21U p in an Orklnal style - P , icetw , cants percoor.or one , dollarnerannurn in advance THE CITY lIUDCIET will bu furnished to clubs at the following rates: 6 copies to one address Flva dollars. 10 do ' ' " Elaht dollars " iU do " Fifteen dollars 80 do " " Twentg.one dollars 40 do " " Tvreary.six dollars r 0 do " " Fairly dollars Ito do •"• ' Potty one dollars 100 do .... Piny dollars Four copies will be scut tootle address three months for one dollar. A commission of 2.5 per cow. allowed to Postmasters and others forming clubs at I he above rates. All loiters to be addreved prepaid. to R. P. MATIIER. Proprietor. 163 Fulton street. New York. P. t.—Country Newspapers Inserting the above prorm clue onetime. and giving It an editorial notice , will he entitled In an a: change by stalling a marked copy to the °Moe Nov. 8.1651. Estate of Samuel Waring, dee'd. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY having been greeted to the untie elgned.. l ll Executor of tte hut will and testa. meat of SAMUEL wit 111NG. late el Morris township. Clearfield county, drceased—nli persons having claims on the estate are requested to present the same, and these Indebted to make immeeiate payment. JAMES ALLPORT, Ex's. Morrisdale, Sept.lB, 1831. 30 n0xF.4 . 1, O. and I. x. TIN PLATES—now selling at SIO 75 and Old 60 per box. 60 Rates IRON WIRIBLIKtom. No. 0 to No. 11. 7 cents pet pouod—ftotn No. II to NO. 10. ON, coots—assorted. 160 moulds 111,00 K TIN et 25cents pot pound. 2,000 DOUods BilEkN'-IRON at oeuts twit poo nd—by V. G. ILANCII3I.IIB, Lewistown. May 80. 1851. A LATIOE' end:well selected lot of IRON just received A end for sale by WALLAOR at RILLS. JuneU Ibil. ' ROBERT MANLEY, esaal f lialla ‘ a 4 AND atiLLOLTettlia NIAKEit• • T UE IA fnerittei_respootrully inforn3s the citizens or Clear. field county, that he Is carrying on the above business on Market street., need , ' opposite the residence 1 , keen Nouthatd. where he respect.ully solicits share of DU lia patronage.— lie flatten himself that ho Clan famish work to at persons litho may be pleased to cell, to their entire ' sathrfaction. He will always, have on band ' , • , Cabinotivork• and :Windsor Chairs Of every, description. Upholstered chairs made to order. ' . . ALSO Dentist,lnvalid and Cha m ber Chairs—Chair. Beds;.and. lied Chairs. The Bed OM& (tan be .couverted nom the rm Chair to. Complete Bed In two minutes. and also fold up so that it May be convanlentlynentod ender the arm It'ts ,parltoolartY sultehie for Military Officers and for erefessional gentleman. - N. 8.-4.lottine madetothe neateet Manner and on the shot estn Otce. • fie respeotthily soils aol continuance of thep_ublio 'patron. , • Bept 1831—t 1 . , , • Fish. • • ACEIAREL. by the M ,i , bitiet as maenad LVI Not. 1-28 r. a. • . • , A Ll3O-14abradot HEILRIND ; for ittla tho a1y,,41112851. • 1. L. IiVETUB. „. . • , HOVER'S INK. MANUFACTORY,' REMOVED TO NO. 144 RACE ST or, MolWoon Frio Mit :mil Filth, opposite Crown St) • 22E31fa.h..Q)121tTNE2Aa 91 DERE the Propneicr Is preestel, tnette , teal raollitlea to supply the stoning demand fin 11(A LH e.l IN R. Irh its widerprt ad roputadon has masted. '1 hls Ink Is new so well want!, ed in the good °Maim:triad coufidenoe of the American rublio thstit Is namely aro via ty totny any thing In its fever, and the mannfactnrer take this eppertnnity to say that the conildence thus seemed sham oat be ahoy d. I n emitter& to rho various kinds of Writing Ink, he alio tannufactwes ADAMANTINE; CEftIENT for mending Was and China. as well as u inperior HAIR DYE ; a trial only Is tiff:aviary to kismet Its I MAIM WO. and a SEALING WAX. well adapted for Druysists sail Bottlers. at u very low price. In large or small quantities. Orders addressed to iosEpri E. HOVER. Manulactnrert No. 144 Race Stieet. Fiotwoon Fourth and Fifth. onposito Crewnt Fent.ll3-Im. cfm.ADELPItlik. GODEIPS LADY'S 1100 K TUB azzeaa Increase of Reading Matter 1 I' / MBE lADY'S BOOK for the ensuing year, will present 11. many novel features suited to the advancing demands of the public taste. It has ever been tho °Wed of the Publisher TO TAKE TUE LEAD Annan the popular Magazines of this country : and the host of Imitators, who have been coastantly alter !dm in vela"—am 'Often to attest his brilliant sutr. mu. The promptness with which every raw Idea that he ben k g e d ve s y e d x o p p ltiecdt try ot h er e uc la shuifct i e en m t i s m es a omfwoa his not to come. No dun ear with to lay out plans Smothers to fol. low. It I. sufficient. Inmost.. to say that all the eitistiog pop. Mar features of the Lady 'm Honk will be retained. and rimy new ones. particularly attractive In is Lady's Book and Fame, Magnslae. will be Introdue it The useful and the elegant will always be cent in view To the Magasines alone wo must look thr the effusions of the masterminds of Literature. It is u-olan t, nuttlish a list of names—suffice it to stir, that ;We have patlislual articles, andAttive others to publish, from All the best American Authors—Male alid Female I (looms LADY'S 1100 K for January. 1832. will contain in additioo to the most bandit al and numerous flag/Beings— Thrse cf which me eolonid —an additional iv/aunty of reading. by American authors. There is no onestfia about the fort, ind thn lens or thousands of notices tent we have Irom the contemporary press will esloblish It. that it is THE MOST AIAGN W W I CENT ITILIODICAL on The po'disher will give 12 Nos. for 1817. that the London Arts Ifa on would be proud of, and their price is TEN DOL -1.A11t3 a year. It most be aokanwledgrel that the Lady's Book calor. wither tlste ofthe American bathes. It finalities thins with every thing that can interest a Lady—and amoug others is the fol. loWitr— Godey's Reliable Eashion, Plates Monthly With full descriptions—besides chitchat upon the Fashion. eve*, mooch ; giving full xplanations of every thing new in the Fiunioaable World. Our Model Collages. This Is a S-fauterient yews 'bitty oar own.and the beauty end alibis of our models has every where been acknowledged. Ibr the Ladies / August al. 1831 —Fm We :love uctloutded Brecipts, Wel,' Cottages Model Cot.' tag • Fornitri re. (Whorls NI Window Curtains, Mo,ja, Crotch• et Wink. Kuittio{. tl.tt Ile. Patchwork, Crotchet Flower Work Ilni , Brmdlnc Wtrk. I.;henillw Work, two Collor Wort., I Wither:l'd and Infant'. Clothes, Cover, Cai. Choluisetts-4. tine, cvety thing OM can littered a Lady. wilt find I,s approottete Wane in her ossti Book. TERMS—Cash in advance. 1 copy one Year Timex. dodars. 8 copies ono year FIVE dollars 1 owy two year. Fl vu dont" b Colin. one peer TLN dollars. I copy five peon TEN dollars. 11l ctoplen ooe year TWENTY dollars. nilJ extra copy to the person sending the club ot lh. Addicts, 1. A. cit iIIEY. 113 Chestnut Btteet. Philadelphia God 1 's tale's Book and et.rtho.'s floate Gottndone peal for POUR dollars. • 00 EGS NAILS. & BEADS. at 63 60 trll T ca. OSS or Atsottrd nt 3 and cents per en sd. 2.1r0 pounds I;outurnY STEEL at.3°% p cents per pound, 3 by 10 WINDOW WASS at Id OU per box. (Jersey aPss) PUTTY at 634 (mil per pound. SPIt a' 3 cents pet If WWI R 154 inch Roller nt ?SALES at CO cents per Bross. • PPM. led) SADDLE TREES at II CC WAGON do do at 41 cents. At. head. BRASS PLATED SlitiltUPS ut 43 cents per pair—Yir than pattern. P EUtt at tiM cents per quart. 20 per cent. lets tor a Peck Of morn • RED SOLE- LT ATHER at ir.v, per pound—rood. OAK TANNED do 19 no do LIN MU (Wok) PION'S 'rent at. to L.O cants MAURAS3 BOUT 11dUltOMO Irons 76 cents to 1163 00 per For Isle WHOLESALE and RECALL at the Hardware and lion Stole or P. G. PHANCISCLIS. Lewieovni. pa.. opposite T. May's P. 13.—A li.,eral ducouut to the trade. jun. 16. It6l. DR. lIARDMAN P. THOMPSON, S IVING located in Cure...l 118% iile, otTers ‘l l ,, S tits prelessionil services to the eilizens mat place and the burrounding country. S, When not professionally engaged, he will I.e S fimr.d the of formerly occupied by Dr. 44 J. C. Richards, or nt Scofield'r hotel. Craie s will be attended to at all fir UN. np. 3, '5l American Repertory of Inventions. To Illcchauics, Inventors and Illanlfac Vllth Vol. of the Scientific American MESSRS. ICITINN S CO., American and Foreign Patent _Agents, and Publishers of the Scientific American, I)EPPEI37 FULLY attenuants to the publiothat the firs' V s number of Volume Vii of this widely mroulateu nod ealuabiej:turaal wilt Tune on tl limb or eameml.er. The now eistumo will commence with new typo. printed upon pa. per of n 'wavier texture thou !bit pied in the preceding vol umes. it is Ile iniettion -r the publishers to Illustrate' mom full/, by introducing r wesentetiaus of prominent events warm:tad with the edeancement of science; bealt'es ion thous's& amount of enarteMas of new inventions. It i. Published wceki) in form for binding. and ellmds at the cod of the teal a spendid column of over four bandied pages. with a copious ii deg. and ham film to tit bundled enemy rues. ti:gether with a vast momst oi Pntrtictl trilcirmation collostniall the program of Invention end thicnverY P.rough out the world. 'f h.q. is to sublaut of iintiortr.nce to the me chant°. inventor manufaconter end gent ini muter wt ich not trealol in the trust able triann.y—the e‘lituraoortributoisi and eorrestmednuts twiny in,o 01 the Metes! attainment.. It is in Piet the teatime Poi nitric unread of the couut:y. •Irh. 'aerator will find in it n week'y list or Amadeu! Patent Claims reported from ilie 1.:11bv . an ortAinal feature not found In any oilier weekly publication. TERMS —TWO DOLLARS a year; ONE for eix months. leVoni must hepost.p.thl god diroote to "Nt UNN & Publishers of the dclentitio Amerman, Lir Fulton street. New York." iNnucEmENTs f'fl CLUBBING Any person who will 'god or four sub:cribers for cx moatbs, at our regular rater, shall bo entitled to one copy lathe eamo leng th of time, or we will furnish— Ten comes for lii: Months • 800 'fen Lopies for Twelve Months 15 00 Fifteen copies for Twelve Mouths 01 CO Twenty copies for Twelve Months kb 00 P.outhern and Western money taken at par for subway' cons. or Port Office NtamPes taken at their lull value.. WM. NEWELL & SON, Wholesale Grocers & Commission Merchants, No. 3, South Water st., 1-I";l6Trusuo r arthoVi a .1 . "61% L'10,74141 TEAS, &e l to which we Invite the att (etas:to . , COUNTR. MERCHANTS. (v'. 1651.—ita Y WALLACE & HILLI respectfully anuouvoe to their V V friends. and the publio General s. that %try are now reoeivins and opening at. their store In the borough of Clear field One of the i.mtamr AND MOST CARCFULLIC tiELEOTBDUTOCK OF FALL and WINTER GOODS That has over been brought to the ootiuty—ootudattng In pada Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Ready.mado Clothing, Shoes, Hats; Bonnets, &c., &c. • • All of which they aro couniout will otwortnrs. both as to cfIEAPN PCS and,QUALITIi, with tho stock °ratty cotab. nehment In the county threat a call, and look at our 1311/oDal. It will done good to show Item to you *yew 'rare don't make a tale. • • October £3. FARM' FOR SALE. ' Tilt Stammßier c Bois at titivate sale his valuable FARM containing ORB HUNDRED ACRES. and allawiutee situate itiLawronee townshipClearfield county. adJoi len leads of William Morgan, Job's(Read and John Powell— . On which. them , is .a. su b stantial •HEWED I Am . ; t i k 110IISR AND BARN and Brost SIXTY ACRES CLEARED.. Said Farm Is near rho Public r9tid; a 'tit t roe tulles Brain Co rwensville. and six froiti Cleatfieid , • For Terms Aprils to Wbil.. A WALL4cE. Esq.. Eletir• field.' or to the substalberon the pram so. .. • DAMIJEL MADEEY. October 1.7, IBM. • , •• • , • . . Sir:ay _Heiner. Alo to the nrideneeef the subserl t be . hip. Clearfield coon v •'‘, r , it i t Cha urady towns iet KED limp.. '' ' '"'.'"hi .. - 1" about thellth of MY Ins is. a . _____ ,(^ :3 ' ' lll. ' 4 1 , pan t Waded can thajen Mo. II ,Cl e r n p u r tohs three years oht. No con marts ' ' llliii.4l ed t llected Rappoted to havostrayedfro '-'1'...."...''' a drove. The owner will come torvrard DIOVII pupa/. Pa, charges and Make er away. 1 JOEIN QATtiiiility .' Augusta. mot t , I' ew Goods. '-_ _-. _a ZMPOR•TANT 70 Tim Farmer, Farrier & Stage Propr GEE). W. MERCHANT'S CELEBRATED GARGLING UNVARIIMAIMCD IN Tilt 1110 TORY Of MICD/OThli As tho taint romarkablo•Lxternal Application' diacoverel ley croft Keep House without it." . Experience of more than sixteen years has establish• the fact that blercluintili Celebrated Gargling OH, or 13 vernal Family Embrocation, will cure most C11.9t11, and lieva all such es Spasms, Sweeney, Ringbone, Windgalls, Poi Evil, Callous, Cracked Heels, Galls of kinds,_Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, F. tuhi, Sitfast, Sand Cracks, Strains, Lauren::. Foundeied Feet, Scratches or Grease, Man Rheumatism, Bites of Animals, External Poi sons, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Bi Boils, Corns, Whitlows, Bums and S Chillhlains, Chapped Hands, Cramps, Coil tractions of the Muscles, Swellings, Wealay. of the Joints, Caked Breasts, &c. &c.• &c. The unparalleled success of this Oil, In the cure of eases in Horses and Cattle, and oven in filmier flesh daily becoming more known to the farming common(' It can hardly be credited, except by those ivho liars .1 ttc habit of keeping It in their suibles and houses, tr,•: .1 1 a mount of pain, suffering and time, are saved ~ mitely application of this Oil. Iria" Its sure the name of the sole proprietor, GEORG W. MERCHANT, Lockport. N. Y., is blown in the of the bottle, and in his handwritiq over the cork. All orders addressed to the proprietor will be prom. responded to. fret a Pamphlet of the Agent, and see what wonders accomplished by the use of this medicine. by respectable dealers generally, In the Ilni t:,:atcs and Cairida. A lso by AGENTS for the above Medicine, C. D. WATSON, Clcarfued,C'en4ll6:d aunty. Pen:ll/Me. do 63 JOHN PATTON. ro.wensvile do do Pi ) TI'I k MeMINN, 1. ll.dordn, rooms CUMMINS Id 1.36. OW. Broc:tvolo.Jetriont A. ilol vi 141,1 J. BLEAKLEY. Front! %o Another Scientific Won& PEPSIN! AN ARTIFICIAL DIE OW ova \va VII 71111) OR • UTilEtl2.l - A GREAT DYSPEPSIA. CURER. Prepared from RENNET, or the fourth Sniacifi of the (lx, alter Directions of lIA P.ON The great I h I I - fovea. 2—yBlo.llg ICH. Chifil.bi, 1_ J. _ " • TON, M. D., No• 11. North I.:iGhtli Street, I hilt. del phia, Phis Is n truly wonderful remedy for I NPIGFATIO DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, LIVER COMPLAINT, CO ATIPATIOL and DEBILITY, Curing n ier r•isiere own method. by Nailire'n own intent, the tint • n teneriocinfte oflla Fluide infused in 14 ter, will theem or I 'WE PUUSIYI ROAST 13/ S ADOCT TWU MAYAN, QUI 01). Siuninch DIG EsnoN. DIGESTION hi ehirfly RNA:lmeg in the stentschlr rod ore Auld whits!! Innis "wades froth t -n in oar . that °limn ; wheh 1118.42 Or th, called tbe Ca .' Juice Thw Fluid is the Great Slowent of the Food. the J I. tn.:. Preservine. ird tstimulntihe Anent the and intestines WO hoot. .1 them will ne on eige.t(o3. con re.lun or Food into Blood en-d co untrei. uof the bolt but rather n foul. torpid. awful, enti.des- lops i• e °minutes • the v. hole digestive atioereVoll. A wink. boilred, or it sietnaeli preon , :csGomm Juize. end ease, end entwlity which endue. PEPSIN AND RENNET rErstrir t . , oli.f element. or Greet Digesting riled , o: tho t;astric Juice. It is found in great abundance is It solid [MILO the human stomach rifler death and reaming ',ewes taro stomach to msost itself. cr eat nail op. Iss icn.itl In the stomach or anintalr, as the oar. calf, 9c. It the material °Ltd by farmers in musing chnere,called the eft. et of which bits long beta the wonder ol thedr . '1 he curdling ut the mils Is th 6 lint moons oldigestios. net t'IISICLAPII ostuni..hion pow, r The at , rna ,4l 014 OM curd .e nearly one thOUtliEd limes its own welshing' nig . Bowe LleblA states that "U se o• rt of Pepsin dion,lred aad thonsatat t tuts id writer, ;sill digest meet red other fool trisai....tl stomachs RINI LICC an acted Corti° JW.ee, Heuer.. ' , eosin. '1 °show this want may be pelletal, All we quote tl.o S EVIDENCF. RA lION IC, in hit celebrated wart no Ai CherriutrV. ea , : "An Art& rust Vitzestrve Fluid oui meet: y olita•nril !rein the mrrttu , mettehr ,ste eithrsloiutelt , Cnlt. w /1/1/..kS 01 nit la, at aad ayiii lm set' Cite I Chteevtl, rind Diue.l.4l. precisely it aim omens , n. tr.uy be In , lor ha re . tn slarenr.e." PER E.ll' A, is hit famous . .. r.tr..r on "Feed MARA Pohl:shad by Vt , i4r,n Si I tr. w 1(..11 1 . nate Atteltl" ~ ferns. great feet end C.cicrili .1 li r tivtletrlel hen-Vara. There ire few higher n: .hoth;ct then Dr. Petri a• • Dr 3911 N W, ',lt ArER, Pie.ervir nt I.lterelstli he t Medirat (IrdleyC 01 the !Air, retry tel Now York, I; ' • :sock of Chemistry." irJxr 330 icy.. "It lou ' whether c ,uld he ii.rimmcd—but Itfr univrnallY Pal , :bit.l lb:it it may br " ryarmrsoy ;NG j,!.()Pi lama o n Romeo Ph;ei. logy. dern4es mop , ti.our Ali r NUN! (IP myymination rt thie.su b)re!. I /is elpf.imputy %Mt Oa 'moot, on thu Gastric JcltC3, ~ ibthin.rl In in the livieghl stomach nn'i fret, nntrri'th en) welt known O te Mies he says "digestion oceofted a. perfectly in the Artificial 'he Natura!diecttiont. " AS A DYSPEPSIA Drt. iii)Lic;llrt)ros Preparation of Pf.Palri,_tek the most marvelinnt effects, caring cateleit rtlervona Decline, end Itylp..pne Convimrtieth 11 ' to he on the very verge of the grave. It to imnattibleLl the of cm, , n the limits of this ndirnientpid , anthentlcated oe , rtificatcs hove :ion received of menthe' 200 REMAIIKA E In Philadelphia. New York. and Poston atone. Iktert nearly sill desuerste cares and the cores WCICI Dried!. . and wnedertra I.ut nermaneet. It is a gent N Ell VOllts A NTICOTE. and from the • ithinsit small ritort . rt It, neecirmy to produce healthr d Is believed to act 'noon ELEC I'ItO.IIIAGN F: I IC PRINCIPLES, There limo former 01. D BP 'MACH CIMPLAINIB It does not teem to , each and r.m..r's at once Noma's , bad they may no, it GIVES INSPANT A dose removes all the molest:lnt s trtnems, and it n.if to be reveries. tar a short 'late to runt. G i ese encd easel maneut. PURITY or BLOOD and VIGOR OF I follow at once.- It is prutGularly excellent in cure GPM • Vomitinc.Cremos, raoreoess either pilot II o :Stomach. • after eatine, low. cold stated' the Ltlrce,,l I:enviers. key or /bobs. Wspoodeney, Lmenietion Weakness. tiett insanity. 6a cielde. &o. Price. ON E DOULAII, bet bottle, Ono bottle nal effect a lasting cure. . PEPSIN IN POWDERS SENT BY MAIL, .PEEE OF POSTAGE. -• • For convenience cf lanolin, to al; portent tic, resslth DAGEBTIVE NAITEIt OF *.t EC PE/ SIN print eye!' forgo olPewders, with directions to be dlss. - :t.rd kr 0 alcohol, wetor, or syrup, by tee patient. i in.,' ',weed lain precisely too snort matter as the Pont.% t•ut'tekl'• goantity for the sum. price, and be sent by ' yie porPpAGE,_ for ONE CULLA n rent (post PM) .1. ti. lit lITON. No 11,Noith Eighth street fhila l Six packages for five dollars Every pookrge aid bears the mitten 'Janata's) of .1. kI. IiOUGH (UN. N. Bole Prontletor * e s/tient , wanted in ever) town la the Critsd Filtfia Very liberal dlseonnts given to thetrade. Oro rights, P ters,_and Bookie tors are desired to act as agents. APIVINTid Cur Oleru field count, — • • WALLACE' t¢ 1111.14, Clearfield borough. • WiI.LIAM ,aylSWBsll67l.ellllE.Cnrwenv. illo. P . BARiFl la thenbpr4 : .. Mile B . fetewnsko M G MMIN—B MULVEY, now W u • hfyilp,i Farmers take Noti SUPERIOR THRESHING MACILI rrAIOMPBONS, 11A11113OCK it: MoALATINgir II I thu opaortualty to apprise the V' aitNIERS Or C FIFJ.II and the eurreundiag counties. that they algae" anal' ta Maattfaoltadag. at Vattvensvlllo, elaartra • n tinperlar amok , of , •• ‘ .Mur Horse er Threshing 111 , Pow • They eve Prepared to au opts , all oul; rs on the Apes, and on the most sooommoantins term. These Conlitnioltki nigh* ease b tat rnaterial. and the Poo' Ported In avers uartioelar. end petaidg through tin none hot first rata srwkosen, cannot all to gin •, • . feeder*. • A t.80.-sell REPAIRING of Threshion 61eaN ser short notion and In the wilt substantial and sattelleew er. at Cungoussliia N Forman • Ttli .IMPsIONB AILTSOUR4r. DUAL Consensellle. Sept 4. ' • • e°l"*l l l:tottAll.lfe-Reiskts: pett; 41:4. U.