, ,r` THE REPUBLICAN. WHIT 4 t • 6norabks eJudisi lug' dre cicciloid. C . l earfiold, Pa, January 9, 1.842. THE STATE CABINET, The in.COming.State administration has .n quite as successful in the selection of abinet as it was possible for it to be. kr the Circumstances ; and, indeed, if aro not much, mistaken, time will prove ! t no better choice could have mado,un• a sad arcipar and aw • Irekr.. n, Drola.';. r any circumstances. ' - FRANCIS W. FIUOIIES, of Schuylkill unty, to be Secretary of the Corn onwcalth, and Superintendent of the mmon Schools, is truly an appropriate : lection, and the people of the Common ' alth at large, will have reason to feel atoful to Gov. BIGLER for calling to his - sistance a gentleman of such.-admitted lents and persevering habits of industry. Nor is the choice of Attorney General s wise, or less appropriate, in the person ail' • odio ti the Hon. JAMES CAMPBELL, of Philndel 'la. While it is a high compliment to the oral and legal character of an honest, right man, it is no less honorable to the overnor, as showing a hearty aequies nse in what seemed to he desired and iticipated by nearly the whole party in le State. 121.. 4 ,11-. ' elite Dot -61. These are the only appointments that lye as yet been announced. Should the thers turn out as well—of which we have the doubt—Gov. BIGLER will stand even igher than ho now does m the estimation .1 impartial men. his administration 'ill thus commence, solar as ability, en • rgy, and State pride is concerned, under ho most auspicious circumstances. The following articles will show what is aid of Messrs:lkonEs' and CAmpnELL's ppointments elsewhere. The first is ta cn from the Philadelphia Pennsylvanian, lie home of the latter, and the second is rom the Pottsville Democrat, the home of he former. nms Nut) res.. Unit o him, lions hut ~ hei. an It offrlA pot crmi • '• tibg thht will uou nut. . t the. da onl.l Front the Pennsylvartinn, Jan. 3 overnor Bigleesilppointments—Seerttary of the Commonwealth. We lea rn,froin unquestionable r: u ' hority, 1. , hat the Governor elect, Col, Ilant.mt,liits - endered the appointment of the Secre - ary of the Commonwealth to FRANCIS W. I lEGitEs, EMI., of Schuylkill county, who its signified his acceptance oldie office. ..'„ The appointment is one which strikes tt' , is as being, in an especial manor, a suite ',le one. Mr. Eluonns possesses talents of =a high order, and those talents, whilst they 'aye given liiin a distinguished place in the .stimation of his fellow-citizens, have al -1 says been exercised with great zeal in be ; la I 1 of the Democratic cause and its princi. les. 01 these he.has ever been the de il. :ided and unwavering champion, and the ower of his eloquence has invariable been s r •ffeetual in rousing our political brethren o the activity and ordor whch is so indis- N uinsible to silecesq. :,- . 7.t: Mr. Iluctu:a wai :_•.: , _:ct::ci to the Senate '.it Pennsylvania in, 1843, by the unpre edented majority of upwards of 3,800 ;a otes. •In Pottsville, his place of residence, I.!; :,.: whore about 10; 0 ballots wet-least, there •• — zero hut 10 votes against him, and in his #:., .wn immediate ward, out- of 400 ballots, .'there was but a single one given to his .'competitor. These !gets speak loudly as to the regard which . those who know Mr. llnuttns best, entertain for. him, whilst the ournuls of the Senate, during the time he was a.member of that body, testify, with :quill clearness, to his integrity and ster-1 ling Democracy as a statesman. 1 We are gratified to record his appoint ment to the important olliJo to which be has been called by Governor Mount, he eituse we know that in him the Chief Mag istrate of our 'choice will possess an able, prudent, and thoroughly Democratic coun sellor, and also because we know of no man in the state whose general character and whose energetic services during the last hard-fought campaign, better entitles s him to so eminent a.distinction. Wo learn also thil'f'Our townsman, Hon. 4.LOIES CALPIIELL, has been tendered, and A • rlhas accepted, the appointment of Attorney IGeneral. Of this gentleman and his great F' merits both as a lawyer and as a man, we 4 had occasion to speak so frequently during r'ldle late campaign, that wo do not think it , , :itnecessary to repeat them now. Defeated '"' 4 by disorganization' and by the .most ;-un worthy means, Gov: BIOLER has shown ' .-his appreciation of them and of their ef t' t ' forts by this appointment. We have never i known an appointment so universally call- : ed for by the Detnocatie Preas of the State. In:this, however, it Has . only uttered the ~ ' • sen timents of the Entire Democracy. • . '.'•: • The enomies•ofiudgo CABIPAELL tho't •: . they had accomplished much by defeat •:;,', 'tig him; but they have only given him a two-fold ,stronger claim on the affections ;of the Democratic masses, and they . will find that whilst 116 ia universally respected and beloved, they are,every'where avoid i ed. Governor Bream has, shown by this t.c".• manly and determined act.,..that he is truly , - and really the guardian of the usages and principles of tho party, and dear as heims . l; I ever been to it, this appotntment, made in . f the manner it has been, will make him 1 •:: doubly. more So. 1•: - : -.' From tho Pottsvillo Regibter and Democrat. Jan. 3. . GOV. BIGLEft'S•CABINET. We have been told frO.m.Unoilicialsour '- cps, that ,Gov,. BIOLER has, - Selected his ,;•- constitutional adviser'g and assistants in the important and ..respOnsible duties' which he will shortly. be called upon to' assume.= 'They'are FRANCIS W. Huonrs. [Esci. t of -'Schuylkill County, Seerelary Of ptato . and 'HMI. JANrs.P.AMEOLL, Of .'Philadelphia; ; AttOrney Genemt.. :•: ' ' .11 ~. .: we are ?ermined : Ad eitpreaSan. opin- ~ entl • ma h ant .mto vrtll Mt, at il , eral WI! ho TS ./it. te• I.e• • I. • „ . iorfon the merit °Mese oPOU'ii,tmerits,from tli — The loss of property by the break-I Legislative Caucuses at llarrisßarg. .. a personal.knowletige, of the character of ing up of the ice on the Ist instant, was im- ' Harrisburg, Jnn. s.—The several cau cuses to nominate candidates for officers of the gentlemen, as,citizons, and their ropu- menio. Mr. B. lawn; is of the opinion tation as active And prominent politicians the two Houses of the LegiSlature, to be that not less than $25,000 worth passed of the demodratic party, we will venture over his dam on its destructive course ;and elected to-morrow, met this evening. The to say that none better could have been Democratic caucus for officers of the HoUse chosen by the generous hearted BIGLER ; this is but a stash' . amount compared, to nominated John S. Rhey, of Armstrong, ! and that while he has displayed good Judg- what was in . the river at other points below for Speaker, by acclamation. The Na- merit and discernment, as well as been np. I that.i fives nominated Frederick Red, for Speak-1 preciation of worth in valued and tried or, l and a full ticket for the subordinate off friends, the democracy of the State will , not fail to express in feelings of warm THE INAUGURATION. ---WILLIAM ces. The Whigs nominated John Acker, of Chester, ror Speaker ; David Fleming, , 1 commendation, their approval thereof. BIGLER, Governor elect, will take the oath of Harrisburg, for Clerk ; John Ditkini, of, of Chief' Magistrate on next Tuesday Lancaster,for Sergeant•at-arms, and Thos.' The appointment of our fellow towns. man, F. W: Hvonts, Esq., to the import- Week. • Tho ceremony will no doubt, Lesper, of Lebanon, for Doorkeeper. ant and confidential post of Secretary of d draw to Harrisburu an unusual crowd from i There. was no Democratic caucus. for State, will'be a matter of general rejoicing 0 . ,officers of the. Senate. Thera were 10 , all parts of the State. with the entire democracy of the common- IWhigs, Senators; present at the Whig cau wealth ; but especially grateful news to . ; Col. B. we understand expects to leave cos. Mr. Matthias declined a. renomina , his hosts 'of devoted frieinds and udmirers here on next Friday, and arrive in Harris. tion for Speaker of the Senate, and the in Schuylkill county, who embrace not burg on Sat-urday.lcaucus then unanimously nominated John only the democracy that have battled with .. 'H. .Walker, of Eric. _ . him for years in many hotly contested; „,. There is a prospect of a very full ntten- Campaigns—but also the liberal and high-, moan G0r.0.--The Steamer Cherokee I , dance at the organization to-morrow. minded men who rank among his politi- arrived at New York, on the first instant, I -- cat adversaries. For it may, in all truth bringing dates 26 days from San Fran- I Later from the Rio Grande. bo said, that it ruiely falls to the lot of man 'cisco---tho shortest passage over made— to enjoy to a greater degree the confidence , and bringing over $2,000,00V in gold dust. and respect of the community in which he , 1, 37 .."---.."-- resides, than is awarded to Mr. Huones. As evidence of this fact, nothing can speak' BUCHANAN IN PHILADELPHIA. more powerfully than his eminently st.tst;r 7 ,il Tho election of delegates to the City and cessful career in the very labotious 'tld : County Conventions took place on last weighty profession of the law. Though Saturday, and resulted in the choice of a but little advanced in years, and in this. large majority of the friends of James Bu respect, too, not unlike Bigler and Cam-1 t a t_ 1 chanan for the. next Presidency. Abell, yet by his more than ordinary eat,. industry, and most excellent judgment, he has pressed forward to a high and en . viable position in the round of professionnl eminence, and which has not tidied to se cure him the most pressing and profitable practice in this section of the State. It is but some 14 years ago, when, under the tuition of n most distinguished member of the bar, (Geo. Farquhar, now deccased,) he was admitted as n . novice to practice law in this county ; at a bar which was graced by old and learned counsellors, and in a field where a prolific tide of litig ation presented many knotty and intricate points. Yet most nobly has he surmount• ed the difficulties that beset his path. In all of the . many important political con% cottons in which he has token port, the best interests and wishes of those he re presented alone determined his course.— In 18.18, he was the openly avowed fiiend o f cto. Bigler, for Governor—went into the Slate conventiun of that year, and dis played great firmness and ability, in urg ing the expediency of Col. Bigier's notrn iiiition ; Mr. Longstreth, however was the choice of the converition. From that per iod,' ho democracy of Schuylkill were Col. Bigler's most unflinching friends ; and in the Reading convention of June last, they saw their most ardent desire ratified by the entire democracy of the State, in the nomination, by acclamation, of Col. W,51 Btot.Kit. We repeat, dint nmong the .2arliest steadfast friends of Col. Bigler in the State, was Mr. Hughes; as he was certainly a mong the most active in promoting 'the e- lecien. In the election of lion. James Campbell, , as Attorney General, taking location and co mpetency into con:sideratitin, the Gov-1 ernor has been fortunate. Starting out in life, not unlike the gallant Bigler, compa r- 1 atively poor and friendless—thrown ueon his own inherent resources of talent and in dustry, for support and position in life most truly may he • challenge the regard and confidence of all disposed to award to met- 1 it its proper appreciation. As a lawyer and jurist, he ranks high in the • profess ion. In his intercourse with the people, by his eour:eous demeanor and many good' traits of character, he has not failed of nib ke many warm friends. Though quite young in life, he finds himself honor -led by a high and responsible official sta tion in the government of the State. In the sclection or hiy Cabinet officers, Col. Bigler may not have found himself al together free of embarrassment ; strongly urged as were many prominent nnd hon orable members of the party, as well as w arm rrsonal friends of his. Yet we think his motives and feelings will be ap plauded and appreciated by every demos t; and that his administration will receive us firm support by the entire party, as his his election has been enthusiastic: fk - The Legislature convened at Har risburg on Tuesday last, and we certain- ly thought to have an account of the or ganization, .and a copy of the message by this time ; but it seems that those who have charge oldie mail transportation are at fault, for we have not the firstword.—. We learn by passengers; however, that Jonrt S. RUES was elected Speaker of the House. He was the Democratic caucus nominee Tho message is anxiously looked for, to see what haS become of that "bill" that went into the Governor's breeches pocket, and about which we heard so much during the last summer and fall, MOVEMENTS' OF KOSSUTIL The Hungarian patriot has been in Washington from the first of this month. His rception by the people there, as- well as by the peoples' representatives add offi cers of the Government in tl4, capacities as-citizens, was distinguished by the same entnusiasm that has marked his course wherever he has yet. been. Congress, however, seems very far from acquiescing in the desires of this eloquent advocate of liberal principles in Europe. From Wash. ington, he is expected , to go to . the West. The sort weather that commenced with this Month s , has' given place' .to stern winter, and . we flow, have first rate sleigh- _.. •,.•s LETTER FROM UPPER CANADA WHITE CHURCH, York co. (U. C.,) Dec. 22, 1851. My Dear Sir :—After a cold and tedi ous journey of 10 days I found myself in the city of Toronto, Upper Canada, very much reduced in health and pocket. From thence I took stage fur this place, which is '25 miles from Toronto, and over one of the best roads in the known world. It is 30 miles long, and there is not a binglo crook in the whole distance. It runs from Toronto to Lake Simcoe, and there is 51 taverns on it, and some of them the poor- est thiugs I ever saw. The elections (if they can be culled such) Gave nearly all came off in this Pro vince, and the result is, the Loyalists, or conservatives have elected a small major ity of their candidates to the Canada House of Parliament. This was owing to a divi sion in the ranks of the Democrats, or Liberals—son - le of them being in favor of immediate annexation to our country, and the others in favor of it at some future period. '!'hero was another question of considerable interest to the Canadians in volved in the present election : the Church of England pretends to claim n large body of find in the upper part of this Province, under a pretended gr nt from the crown. The Democrats say that their claim is spu rious, and wish their land to be expended for education. Unless the Liberalists have a majority in thd' Lower Province, the, Ch arch will get their claim—al-; though an unjust one—sanctioned by law, and then you may look out for another re hellion. The famous Capt. McEinzy, who fig ured so largely in the rebellion of '37 and '3d, bas returned to this country, after being pardoned, and is now elected -a member of the Canadian' House of Partia-1 meat, while - others, not as guilty, were, hung or transported to Van D emans Land, I to serve out the remainder of their lives in a loathsome dungeon: Since ).came here and have seen what beautiftil country this is—surpassed by none of the northern or eastern States in a commercial or agricultural point of view, I have become an annexationist : and my word for it, ten years will not elapse be fore half the Upper and Lower Provinces will be ours;—yes, we must and will have the Canadas. Then Cuba and Mexico, amid our boundaries will be complete.— There is nearly one half of the -people I would vote to-morrow fur annexation tul, to our country, if they had an opportunity. I They are now building a railroad from Toronto to Lake Huron. It is styled the "Lake Ontario and Lake Huron Railroad." its whole length is 170 miles. It is all under contract and is to be finished in ono Year from the first of January next, but will probably be finiShed by the first of next July. The weather here is very cold—the cold est I ever experienced. I enquired for a thermometor, the other day, and was told that there was very few in the country,as the weather was so cold, they would be of no service. Sleighing has been good here for the last two months. I have, since I arrived here, an entire stranger, been treated by the inhabitants, in the kinde.st manner, and um under great obligations to a Mr. 'Dionysos, one of the railroad contractors, and Mr. PEARCE'S family, with whom I am boarding, for their many acts of disintYrested friendship towards me. c You will have to excuse this rambling and uncorrected epistle, and perhaps I will give - you a better description of this county hereafter. Yours truly, RAmBLER. FxnEs.—Nothing but Fire, Fire, greets us in looking over our exchanges. First we have the fire at Washington, in the Capitol of the United States—loss estima ted at some $250,000. Next, the awful conflagration in Philadelphia, Again a fire at Boston—loss about $20,000. Again a terrible fire at Maio, NeWYork—loss estimated at $200,000. Again a great fire in the city of Now Yorlc--=los4 estimated at $150,000 • ; and a fire at' Troy, N. Y loss about $150,000, all occurring since our last issue. The loss sustained by these fires have been -imore hea'vily in cense quence• of the scarcity of water and the 'intense told weather. The Thermometer Istanding 10 to .19 beloW Zero, at a majOrity of the placos yhere.the fires'oc ourreA.—.Centre,perivat, • • t. 3 .t New Orleans, Jan. 3d.—By an arrival at this port yesterday, we have received advices from Brownsville, Texas, to Dec. 25th. At the latest accounts the revolution had not been suppressed. Caravajal had received reinforcements to the number of one thousand men,and - would soon open the campaign. It is reported that Gen. Canales was malting overtures to Caravajal, and that the Government was anxious to effect a compromise at all hazards. ILLNESS OF MR. CLAY.-A letter from Washington, dated the '2sth instant, says that Dr. Jackson, of Philadelphia, who was sent for to attend Mr. Clay, came down with his old friend Josiah Randall. The doctor declared the disease bronchitas of the right lung. Mr. Clay requiring re pose, will at his physioum's request leave . here to-morrow or next day for PhiWel/ . phia, to stay eithor at Dr. Jackson's house, or at that of his friend's Josiah Randall.— It is thought that Mr. Clay will yet recover by skillful treatment. A \ Ol'il Ell SCI EN 7'l VIC IVON DER Persia Ariificial Dmeanve Fltioloir Gastric J uice ! A peat Pysperou Corer, prepared Irma Rennet, of the fourth Slow-mil of the Ox. i herd reetiomf of Baron Leinig,lhe great Pliyanflocteal Chemist, by J. S. Ilomiliton, NI, D., No. II North Eighth Sireet, Philadelphia. Pa. Thi• to a truly iaonderful rem edy for Indigestion, Dyspepsin, Janntllce. Li% et Complaint, constipation. mill Daintily. curing utter hature'b %%II method, by 111111.1re'S own agent. the Gastric Juice. See Ad vertnietnent in another col MARRIED the Ist. inst. by S. C. Thompson, Esq., at Morrisdale Mr. Wm. S. Wiggin, late of the State of Maine, to Mrs. Catharine Graham, late of Centre county. On Tuesday last by John Shirey, Esq., Mr. Henry , Graffius, of Bradford township, to Miss Sophia Faust of Girard township. DlED.—Very suddenly of Apoplexy, on the 19th ult., Sarah, wife of David S. Platner of New Wtyshington, aged about forty. Great Excitement In the Sadlevy Business. riLEHING dt STERUNG lispeolinfiy announce to their friet.ds and be ',natio in general that they have entered Iwo C'es.Partnerst iI. in the above business, in Unrwensvil o Their shop is on:date Street, o posits Scefield's bowl, lately occurs ad try D. t 3 Finning, whe a they have on hand, and an alurnys prepared to msks at the shortest police all articles in their line of helium , . so as Saddles, Side- Saddles, Har 641111110CAtto4ness, Gears, Riding and Blind Bridles, 4-v. ALSO— Trunks, Carpet-Bags, Vali ses, Saddle-Bags, Whips, 4.c. All of which that will warrant. to b ma , o the Intent and mo t appo , ved stylsr, s atisfied y are both EXPERIENCED %YORK tro y feel that they C. 12 LW.. Waal settmlactioo. Their terms um liberal—and they will lute in exchange for work alt Merchantable theduse, inch as Deaf !lidos, Lumber, Grain, &a ,ttpd .vas It sot rat end Th-y would respemfolly invite the public to call and exam i.,e their stock mid setith Jiemaelvet D. S. FI.EMING Cof wet:iv:Me, Jar.. 8, PK D. e. sTuatuNlL List of Letters 14 EM AIN IND in the rot( office at CLEARFIELD. on the L. non day ul January. A. 0 , Itis7. Annum J H J wises John Alteright Abram:n-8 heat John Pater Beq. LI - Kelly Lawrence R. 1 IN Aithrur, , Livination .kndrew Broßitos Maria Lca, Henry we M se, Cha.lei I Metz EICI W B , 'owie!' alits jaw, Ann Miller Joseph 0101.111 J W Stone L I invis liar WI btaroy 18 Doacherty Jason D Beringer David A Feeley Johnfhatlaer vernal,' Kennard Blob ' Witmer Samuel Vow/ Matthew li , oppy Milton N GoKKIWiII Lewis D. tie,hidaa Miss Barbara U Hammon J W fmtth John E. II an sock Mils Hi Snyder John Heron George ii Bnytl , r Toomtu 0 Holt John Tate John IN Holt E.0.Tn003111 Trude Nathan 8-2 lloler M'. Wanner Jacob 1 Iltlton Cowl as W Wrey Jn..n Irwin Wm "I'__ Woos. William Irwin Wm W Woodle Min Juno li ar , is fill.s Boi,hla WM. HADEBAUtDI, P. M. MESHICK THOMAS, BAtillf:Et 11AIRIMESSELL—Will attend to all do. mods In Ws line on short notice. tad to the mut galls (octant manner. Ohio= will be I.:tuna in then as b e nt *t or ) of th e Man.lon Route. , Juni:tau% 18311. TO LUMBERMEN. uneersigned has taken a contretot to drive Logs limn £ the indult) , ol Olen theca. Gharri.iti county. to the lioain at I.oca Haven and to avoid all difficulty with persons owning tricare Tinnier Long Las river. ho at snob tore him timely DOP(39. if they have any to i.lO delve°. Olson Its marks, 84 a .1,11. WING. 80.141. FIRST AND TRUE LOVE. A true Love Story, Gro. `ll author of "Indiana," "Consuelo," The Coun tess of 112tcolstadt," etc., etc. T. D. PETEIIaOI . I. No. EU. Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Publhhes this clay the aburc work. It u out of the mo.t charming and interesting works ever published. It I, embc. Lashed with eleven line ledge eslravlnas, if lusts auve ul dittarent stases in the work. es w nil as e large portrait of the two hero. toes of thu wort, and e Paestum:ly Illusuated cover. Is has meat, Ith an immense sale in Pa Is. having ..heady passed through s.vstul curious in the space of torte mouths. It will have a very Livia saie. and IL is a work no one Will be aisapolcited with. It lizard by critics who have perused it. to he "the hest work" of tim day. It U published complete in one large octavo volume of WS pages, and printed on the finest white paper. Mak Yin Y 4..ENTd a sop/. ding e copies oldie work wilt by tent to any one on the re ceipt of remittances, adatessud to the pubasher. Pobli.hed end for sale by T. D. PI: CElLle.Ort N 0.93 . Chestnut street Philadelphi a. To whom oil orders most be adfietsid. post pad. • Philadelphia, Vec. V,. &bbl. Editors ot ttemiptc,ess striae the above one of more toter bons. (ieutodlee oho notli.e.) had tending 4 copy of the repel matted. to the pubtabay. shall- have a cuinplele copy ot•the wort 'eat than by Warn of toad. TRIAL LIST for Pec. term, 1851. Wm. Iddlniis vs tlatnnol BMA • P. 4s. Kaithaus - vs James W g;iggin do vs ' do do • VI/ Wiens Williams • vs .W. Bloom D• James Robin+ vs James Johnson Manning dtevenson ' 1 , 1 Josstih Irmo: E. Gummy, usii sdr D.. Shaw vs m.:l , otasy. corn. W. Gailliro Joospb lts las ~ • vs Bohan sovrnstild.,_ • Julia Maze vs eamuel Ards,' ~ • ' D. illmart. use cl 1.8 • h vs Peter ;Boon; Josopli McCracken. ..vs telissaerger Bloom Chiiitihn • vs Jarmo Athol; as Blotto= AiiMossa Layouts vs Jana ratenlo, ot, al. Emanuel ;Ansi . . di `ha. Pt.AtTER. Priptley. LieogmbertB. V-01, Immimmom. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF. CLEARFIgIiD • COUNTY. • Tho following Csnus are published, as we inn•. mated some time rigolhev would he, without can• sultatiun, (except in a few instances.) nitfi those] immediately interested. 111 e stud then, and now ' 1 repeat. that we intend to charge frinn osr. to-I - Aro dollars in each ens° ; but that we shall not insist on payment, bin trust to the honor and judgment of our friends. The advertisements ere to remain ior one year. and nil removals,corrections .and M t.:lotions noted and mode without additional charge. It can do no harm to any one. But it may, and doubtless will, be the means of benefit.. ting many. Besides 11115,4 t will be a credit to our county abroad—for the circulation of our paper is not confined to the limits of Clearfield county— as showing a proper spirit of enterprise among our citizens. There nre many others whom we should like to notice, bet we htve no room for more this week— whilst there are many others whose business, or whose place'r.l business, wean ignorant of, and of course cannot loser! their Cards until advised. /ill fluid) i‘ ill ho promptly attended to by giving uc notice, LEONARD & MOORE, A,IERCHANT.i AND LIIbII.IEII. DEAl,l , ..RA—coo..tl ot. I at v. eat" N arket at.d.Loonst-4..:leatt old. Deo. Vd. 1811: J. H. JONES, ROE El ROOT MAKER—Aajoining hla miclonco on Maths% between 'fond Lind Fourth suect.—Ulenriamd. Ilea. D. IBM. JAS. B. GRAHAM, ;POST M.%9'E..7,'MERCHANT and DEALER IN Lum- DEit—Gmbatnton. Brallfoid townitiv ll•.e. 1851. C. KRATZER, EIRCIIANT ANL LlitAlillitt irL•ALEß—Cornor of .I'l. Front and Locust stretts—Clenzfleld. Doo 119. JAS. ALEXANDER, Set o D . Del t A i ll ut l e .l t I I n A ent litg i Eb er ;S eli MAKER—ID —ID his new shop Deo. '29„ IBM , WALLACE & lIILLS, 11 ETA I L.ERS 1)F L'l iILEIGN AN LI .1)(IIN E.STIC All. ill AN IN.,E—ut. thew Told Stoma-01.1d cid. ISAAC JOHNSON, O , Yr wi...4.;MAKKR—West end of t..o)ftw's Vow on hiniket ittent—Cirnoold lieu. Sl, Insl. J. L. HUNTER, .ER t'Ott EIGN nt 0W41..61'10 MERCIIArt- Lt Int E—Slutket tura. twu (tours neat°, Daa. N.l. IS THOMAS SHEA, FASHIONABLE; TAILOR—In Shnw's Row,. en Mellut street, zminciliately over the l'ust 04n—Cier1 Deo. V. IFSI. A. K. WRIGHT, Eltyll ANT AND EXTENSIVE DEALER 1N I,UM DEA-3outh Writ Owner of the lhainoDeo ad—Cloalli d. :2, G. C. PASSMORB, BI.NSINIITII-Al the Old I )eFoottaly—rwesavllle Prices to salt the times. 21.1451. RICHARD AIOSSOP, LL ETAII.F;II, FOLIE•GIi AIN IS DOMESTIC En- IaIANDISE LICIAIDEDS—At Bigler hr. Co's. old stand. Alto. on the won Ede oflSl De& Dea Ro.11:61 GEO. RICHARDS, TALLuit —West esti of Shaw's Bow. Leo. bO. RICHARD GLENNAN, nontYl' R 1311ULAIAKI5R—East door in Shaws's Row on Mmket street—Olearfield. 110u.50,184 1 . - MRS. ELIZA IRVIN, ExrENsivit RETAILEit 111 , EIGN AND DO raesCo Merchandiza—Last end of &ate areet—Corwen• vide. Lao 30. 101. ISAAC SMITH, Menn.NT, AND DrIALER. IN LUMBEa-AND ON 2 RUY rnxincesenerallY—State street, Nay:eat:l Charti and Locust—Co r wensvigu. Dec. bU. G. W. TURNER, Front AEI LE I 1.0 Lt —At the Dort h woo. corner o IL' end Mike it facts. Deo. 1851 GEO. W. RI-IEEM,-- Q Annc.r.rt. Fl A lINESS & TRUNK. MAN UFACTURER —On Tbud .tleet. between Meant BM I.ocnit. De.i.lsl.l. 1851. I. L. BARRETT, ERCEI ANT. LUMBERMAN AND GENERAL PRO LTA DUCE DEALER—At Burette miil.. w Cl.arf eld LD.tisre Dec O. lb:. D. S. PLATTAIER, PALLOR—New Washington. Burnside township. Oen) field county. Mot mbar. 1851. JOHN FLEGAL, BLACltt3hllTll—Lothersborg Wagons Rungite, &o N, a tiy Ironed on the •lioled notice ENo tY, GEO. B. GOODLANDER, WAGOLN-MAKkai—Lothersburg. Work (Aloe to ordez on short Dotice, and on goad terms. Dm g 9, A. L. SCHNELL, - IA I I,oH—Lotherrbura.—will do hit work j.rat as good trod ns °hear, as troy other fellow. boo JOHN CARLILE, fII.ACKSUITII. & iIUbTICE OF THE D PEACE—Lath ors U en. 49, 0461 PETER SEYLEIC, LLON-FOUNDELL—Near l.nthersburg—m neve all son. of ..;astings are made of the beat material. and on rezaonable *MM. De. THOSIPSONS, HARTSOCK, & CO.' ritUN4ollNDEßS—Curwen.villn. ext , :ns , ve mason 1 meta oft;eoinffe mute to order. Dee. •dd,1851. CHAMBERS & KLEPFER._ w fl v E o e g 1 0 6 , 11 , 1 . T. h !Si p. CU A /MAK E &0.--allridai B. F. STERLING, 61ADDLE Ict AMINESSMAKER. aid JUSTICE 01: tHE PEACE—Cotwensville. Dec :D. Obi. ROBERT McNAUL, TANNER—At the GILD STAND is Cutwootville. Dee. W. 18.11 H. P. 'THOMPSON, • 1311YSICILAN—May be lotted either at no t ce, or ot Soo. IL field's botel—Co twenevtilet— when hem pot proleuionalw eseut. Deo. ted. • SAMUEL. WAD„- BOOT and 8110EUAKER—eurvvea L ea . so. 1851. WM. W. FLEMING, nYRFER SALOON. LATINO-BOOBS end 005 eLG TIUN AR V —Cat • ensville. Ike. 2S. 18 ED W. B. PATTON, CABINETDIAILEJI—Enst end of State ll ettoet—Carent , - •ille. eo.Zi, SAMUEL B. TAYLOR, . TANNER. and BOOT and SHOE MANUFACTURER— t:trwotts% Ma. Dec. ;:1). Fs. 1 WM. P. CHAMBERS, tATIIEELWRIMIT CH AIRMAKER. end MIME V V 1:51WIN PAINTEI OTWODI Deo.V. MM. M. E. WOOD, P HYSICIAN. Dist , always bo found nt his resblenco in Cazwensvilie. when not proiessionolly Deo. 99. 1961. LAPORT & LEWELLIN, COMM and ti.LEIGHISIAKERS-Chavveaowl:losl -.-- , J, - D. THOIVIPSON, • • • BLACL9SIITft, • Wagons. Hutzler, ate.. &o . ironed om short nouns. and Iho very boa style, at biso'd stand in tnerbotoorn of Cursvonsvil to. , . Deo. til. Mr. JOHN , Cr RtdriNittg, 110 IiYIBIMAN --On Abe Ith ttvesl,.SS, Chest meek,. four a tulles trims Cuewe isvihe. • • De e . tHbl. WM. McBRIDE I.l,,Edi;',!lgitulrgatVa LVMDG R•-Natteast El, pa, t A,V, Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate. lIY vittna of on tel is writ rf Venditioni Returnee, !word on of the t',eurt ot Commit Fleas of Illentflein county, trod to me dirocted, writ co exposed to b'in solo, et rhe Lorin noose. in the lona leh of Melo fi.bl. on (,1(lIs DAV tho 24 darer FE:1:111.1AltY, ne!t, the following r rnnerry, to wit ear. trOn Una of land Aituntrrio lowneh e, Cion.freld (now, El.r) county, beeinnine et it 'TAW Me the tomer o lot Vrtil therms until 83 clinics nod Kr heirs ( chains rier.. thene4 writ , It chairs In lam thence Intr.!. 4 and tE• links to n corner, iher• wer. 5 chains In n etrocn, soar f 0 lir,jrs n C(NIFCT. • o'o . l. 55 cindas and 23 /mks Wed UN cr sins rind lictee t.vArn-r.er on the north rode of said I t N. 4411, thence cad :11.0/tapas end its Usk, to the o'ree of beginning. route(. nine 15514 acres tnrly rode, str'n wrnun re. with .n (Irmo. F nime Haim at:raillery and abent 100 errerniented end el Ireldird thereon. •Also a ()rad ed.ornlng thrinhore crnieln• re 7.3 ',erne, shore or Ins beion thn VITIOIraet boughtolf tkialt end Zebnion Wet. n r Pe zed end taken in .ezeoutlins and to bo so.d ru thoOroperty of John Gardner. • • ' •• •• BY vitaaofet i mllarwritletnodontofthesamecourtand ' to me mreet4.l. will bo exposed to pab.ic silo a. the 1111113 d time and place. a certain tract of hind attsN e in Fox tetra. shin. Clearfield comity. beginning nt .a 1 cmlaet. thence by Int No. 4175 mat 174 and Man.tenths means to a corner. thence on n Ilen parnliel with lot N 0.41114 Bid umbel to a corner line of lot No 41153, thence by taw west 174 and nine tenth perches to a stone beep, thane , " sonto by. lot No. 4:11 821.1pernbet to place of beginning. containing 840 trace, mpg vr less, of Unmated Lend . being the westernmost third part of a certain tract of land surveyed in pursuance or ear.' Mot No.4:00. Netzad of I lol.na m titecaLoa .and take to, as the property of Beery poker. ALSO, Y VIRTUE of n timilnr writ: form] out of the tame la clan, nod to ma directed. will We:posed to rablln ay!, ni the rime t me and idece, a cettale tract of Land mutate! in Lawrence townehip, ele2ittield cnnnty. adjoin ci Lands of ktoheit Owens. haute of Mitchell end Greolfellow. chard 'hew and oV sr , . co- lathing nhont socrv-FIVE hr reg • mo a otters. d•ized and taken lu exeouLon and gnawed as the :advert) of 2t.ot•ert Wnllaeo ALSO, B Y VIRTUE of a similar wr t. issued out of the rime goad and to me directed. these will ha repose I to public sale a the tame time read ohne. a tart Is Tracyof Lead situate In Coy neton township, Chatfield county, ioamded by lands or rieatl.4 and others, anntainini NIN El V ISIX acres. with shunt FIFTY notes created an , I lento and Improvements thereon, Keix.d and taken In execution and tote sold as the olnnty of John Ileadarson. ALSO,y F.) V VIRTUE of a Phiroos Vendltionl Esponis fumed ant I 1, of the same court. and to me &mdse. wall be Pzposed to pnbl ()sive at the same time awl Diem a certain Tract of Matt situate In reunion township. Clearfield 0 , not?. Dalleded by lees! ot Thomas Ii Davis. John Cninpbell, and whet...eon tninine Ofilt HUNDRED ACtd E 9. Wills • Bawd boa House, Blacksmith shop and Frame Bern. awl ab of PIF TEEN acres clewed the , eon. &lead anti token in lemtie• nod to be sold Its the property of Andress Pavia. ALSO, Y VIRTUE of writ of Yendillosti Exprties. issued oat o' tho same uoutt. and to me Mooed. will be esi eel to public sale. at the slims time and oleos. SI Xre-SENEN awes und tbirty.tloce perches of load, tilua o in Woudwsrd nship; Clearfield county, known es the rernslde Place. buns pfftt of the Richard Whitehead Tract a inning land of Prit-ick Dow Im. Thomas Lafind, and others, with a low liome and entail Stable thereon erected, end about TWELVE ewes ch-ared. Seized Led taken In ezecntlen and to be so as the property of John Lokho• ALSO, "DY virtue of n timilat myth. Wined eat of the Mee Gunn. 1.3 end t.t me direct will be exposed to public mkt th , same tuna and pMce. A Certain Trent of band situete w Pike tow whip, I twain, eannte. on the Sutqualne•et end %War. lord tu,nplke oSi miles wen of Corweentlie. being Pert of Tract Nu. E9:13. whwanted to the name of Nieetio ffi Orldttft. and ad nag lands of the datquebannd and N uterford la lnodln COMUllet' 00 the • e.t. end inod of George awry to Orient, and north. coot:dense NIPPY acre, 111 , 40 or len. wi'h the ant , rav,ro-nts thereon. Belem] end tams in exeontton and to be said as the property of John Elhoger, CAL y A. CDWELL. numt t h, riff r titre, fbeember. 20, Mil. PROSPECTUS OF SARTAIN'S MAGAZINE FOR 1852. Unrivalled in Beauty and Excellence I Eighty Pages of Reading Matter in each Number, being sixteen pages of addi tional Reading over and Wive the us ual quantity given in the $3 Maga- s. TIIE proprietors of this popular Periodicsl will swim stou p, ose is the effort in irepsrt the most decided cut admit, lie their hlacezlne. and dust to receive the tau a marked ema ciation Hint has hetetefore rewarded tluir eel-rods°. AMERICAN LITERATURE Of the highest claw will he found in their mixes SUPERB EMBELLISHMENTS. Cnositting of Panamint, Item city/lasi Ea:Mittel by eminent AMERICAN Attl ISTS, will alone exoeed in value the Priem Ma year's subscription, A IfintIOROUS DEPARThIENT Has been added I. their usual forma cmostruction, where • PUCK OtITItIVILING PUNCH. Will n,onlhly open his portfolio el the choicest "gond t Hest" gatlie.ed from all peril or the wnrld A summary of NI 1.181.- UM.. LITERARY. red ARTISTIC INTELLIGENCE.. will nn prepared tor every camber by Mr. CHARLES 3- LEl.ANlr.rmbracrag as a prominent featu e, inteiestlnA ao• counts of the authors of Continental En tope. rind their habil. nett re, This. within El ILL end !IMPARTIAL REVIEW DEPARTMENT. vit.l, they hope, meet with the loOtbsill or thr it literary friends. Oorlitlnal designs of COTTAGE and VILLA ARCHITEC TURE. with Lc; mpanying giound plans and sienna. diner Vous, will be furnished by the talented architect, T. WAD dir( lER, Esc, EBUS ILLUSTRATIONS OR PHOVERBIAI. Pinto 060111 Y. POETICAL ENIGMAS. MIMI.t. FASHTERNIONS S, EMBRO CROTC IDERS . HET P AT- Ito., ego.. Will contribute to the monthly variety they prorate their sat). 'cabers As all Postmasters ere REGULAR AG ENTd fin the work. per.ous wishing to obtain a fuller description of it or to see a spew men s ;Goy. will please call upon the nearest rulitmalluel. who will receive the arivance Ps/mom. and turista , ' their names and the money. Person whiling to get op a Club will be supplier: with specimen ooPs Ile the new Mittel low, which weanset° Operettort Tel the P(DiTAGE ON Thud MAGAZINE IS GREATL Y Rh:DIX:BM When paid quarterly In advance it is now se follows: —ll nder End 24 cents; over WU miles, cornea TES roil HS?, IN ADVANCE. (Memo, n e yens. 118. Two moles oneyear $5. Onecopy two years 16. rive copies one year SIP. Ten copies oneyeer Lit, and an elite copy to the person senate' a Club of I'ea. Stogie mamba's 25 cents. Small Notes ofd llreet States received at Per. au') sUllie• antiphons sent to diliment Prat Offices. Address, JOHN NARTAIN OR. , January, 1852. Philadelphia. GRAND JURORS For February term, 1852, Brobert I.awhead Farmer Kos tread Farmer Jordan Road Varmar Jacobi:ample , ll Farmer Georg eW. Elder Farmer J.rsioo Millwood Farmer rtarnei Kephart Farmer Russel eirmwalter Farrago Isaac hick.er Farmer James M. I eontird 1. atmer Jrretninh Mlles Farmer John Dunlap Farmer Jowl II it Farmer Reeder hied Farmer. J. In liri.•l Farmer M. A. Vomit . Tatra Jacob lint et Farm.i.r Davin Hurl Clerk John II e g aeon Fanner ' Jona Suaokinao Girard William Tucker Vagina, David link Millwright ' John Colima Farmer George IN idson.,l% Farmer TRAVIS JURORS For Februory.terrn, 1852. ~h. What!) , t"armor burailde Joseph Nell do do Otis er Weurover do do W Milos Atchison do • 4. Joseph LIMADII do Samuel Palmtop Farm m David Brown do James Irwin Farmer do Alexander Rend t , tieryer do John Dulich Cabinetmaker ' Clearfolti liugh heavy , Folmar do Isaac Tborrutton do . Jurden John. ti • an do do Crier Bell do Farmer James Johnsen Gawk Ettinger ~.- Farmer Jackson Bonsall do A. 3.. Schnell Tailor do John liollewpeter Farmer Union William Taylor - do Bradford do do I" avid Wilson Miles Mame Blacksmith do Patrick Lowlln Farmer Woo:lode' Henry 11. lined . do - Villl Simon liorribmgh • do_ Charles Stoma , Millar , . , Halit o e Valentine flamhart. Fanner . , Thomas Hasten carpenter 0 Hum!! MeMarray Farmer, ' ' Bell John 'P. Elder • do do Joseph MI Istrood do Divans, Willirm L. Bloom do rdi.. Join Owens do do Jacob Lydick do do R. t 3. llamphreg Miller do ~ ATOM . ' Smith Farmer Heenarla ---.-- This Way I •-• NEW and FASHIONABLE. ' CONFECTIONARY and OYSTER SALOON. MRS. L. DUNLAP usPECTF ULLA' tondos her compliments to her soma /11, out Wendt in the botongh of Clearfield and titled?. and raltro Venture in nnnounoing to them that the hat how d hor Mock of Gt.ft ,Dr 4 and has item fitted Dein good style In her new building on North IdecOnd ,ntreet, west We.' where may be found a general assortment of ' • CONFECTIONARY; TOYS, 451.:.. Which tire will dispose otos the mutt reasonable Dome. Pho will else be at all times inerukel: with UAKEd. &o Oka., and tat. Fresh' Oysters. 4 " And those fond of "the FWD" can have them served to their troteon shoo melee, eitherNettED, ROAD-, TED. tifFNED, ERITTEftED,orEMILLOPED. GOODS!! GOODS!! "[M . . . . OW oponlog at the old stand of BIGLER & CO.. •. 111 Grand and finvollug 8 fOUK OF GOODS. able! will Lis sold tor CAAIi. Lumber. or Vrodooo. UrrEAPELL than bp CILEAPMr — by, itIIMARD 140lilr I'3 ~ . piepillel d. Nov. 50.1351. .fl't (!tt Lairferoo do Jordan Mor. l3rrdy WOOd ward linens du do CleariAld bur. 11.,dtor f lorgpwa I I , Girard Chest Penn lierthektte OIR* do Lawreacit do retausos Peon Wad • Co 1 . ;;;;..T'!