. . WM= VAPReqnpartgefeilat: E • pr im e d % yeah% et Cletofleld, Pa., by D. W..1101/RE Edict sad Proprietor, upon the followlya very favorable • 1 .1 E1 . 19.1 , 1 51. ONZ IXISVAN YEAUctii, ADVANCE, 111 501 • IS.NOT , PAID WlTlllsl. i t ',BEE MONTH. 195 NOT PAID WITHIN SIX 52ONTIIS. - IRC ir NoT,PAID %VITEN NINE MONTHS; 1 lb I r 510 T PAID WITHIN TWELVE MONTHS. '9.00i opriettir s . •,, T'S' (.3v ow, minim Lion ' • 11- 8 1;;The above' terms ars as MAI et theta or any Athol Ran Airy paper ht the Htate, and will be annoted. Noditentolearineo wlit h u t ;Hewitt until all atreanages hat , bean paid. .• ' DOTI? ANiug.LIMIILITV DP POSTMASTERS. '. • • - POstonalere• neutralism tro'uotiff the on/either, se di l uted by la*. of thy fact that papon aro not 11f1e4 by those tow hem they OM dir.etted. Pro thrinaelree.hehl rosppuslblo , les the aournot of 1110 sobroliptron money. ' . Petsooll !MISR PaPliTlVßAdreSied LOth.lrittiVell. or to other". recount tranctihen, and ere liable for the price of enbroriP tlon. • Our gaper it now carded by mull throughout the county. free of charge. • •TIM MODERN ,BELLE.' E•rast fle Mr • Smia'alotto. .led lathe late Manatunter, 11 The daughter site In the parlor. • And rocks in het; obey chair; ' . She's clod in her !dike and satins, ' And je wele.ate in her hair— . .IShoydnhe nod giggles and-simprrs. And - shnperi rind gigg.es and winks, And though elle talk but a little, . • .'Tie vastly were' than bho thinks. M u . %Med' OrofJai. and to. .roll Pis •ness. ite4' Con- , Her (tither goe‘ clad in his russet, Anitragged a•iil2seady of qit— . Ills costs arcall . nut at the elbow, lia.vixars a most shocking bald hat. - . hoarding kittlanv,ing his shillings, • So by - day, .• Whilp . sho tlh fiTi•bontir fad pootlio thlotVing.lhein all away,. -, the h, .ity. V bean bac ' by •, dontiv up irt men tinbhavet. • And men . with"the flowing hair.'" • 1. lie's.eluqueta over mousinehes, . ...They give such it foreign air. • Shelflike of•ltnlinn•mu'le., • Andtnilsiii love with the moon, And tho' hot n moose m et liCr, She ainka awny c.toon. 3111 Shn falls m loco with ti lloni,•. • Who jilt o fureigti air. Ile Mayieu'her fur her ilioney. • 4iti%l . sha him for his flair ; • ' •0m ,of tyu . verybein mcveltes— • - very iycil muted in 5itc•54,.(41 lit) 1 fur a, inishand, ; he's giith 'tor it wife: • AP ti(”1 (LATK ACEIAN V) DLITCII)ItN T H IVI A N...L1-1c; .94 . rnu P . li . 48ENCE _ . . A .WILD. STORY GP TIIE - OBEAN, , AND TIIE BED HELD OF BATTLE. :,Ir/ICIYA7q•EY • ' . • • CFI' ..Elt • ' (c')%1111.11)1 , D ) • ' A• ie,4719/erPhO'lloak:-:2 The Cavern--The vctTas rig Presence—Supernatural, Areal of vengence. 'And iowc nhd rhy fall. . ~ t l.l 10" nmegy ; - ill It .NN tit tihr of Itißlpi . E . S deerty. liui the tl. • rCck untie beta it ijr 9u ny' IF I , tm nril p.ein Ty fly run A'' • '' . ,B4:imewbut,more than half way pp .. thb `;barren, ragged rock, whiCh is . claimed fiy the English as - the "rook of , the illeiliter,- iabean, ' on the western side, and, just tt ,boYe the limits of the .town,. i 3 'situated gloomy old Moorish' (castle, Whose every '.nich and'ltirret, and. battlemented wail is - t f the days. when • tho crimson , :wallpw.tailed-banecr was flung to the. :breeze,. and ,floated pLoudly over every walled and•Solitar forliess' in the whole •puth of Spain.. . Y There is a- strange legicin current 'nniong jte inhabitant. 4 of Gibraltar, that within. - , "lte. t old Moorish ; pile there is a sUbterrane. • h pat. Sago passing entirely underneath • o • straits,' which ,ts here some. twelve )ilcs in width, and• toimikating within 'a irtillar one on the „African side, through hich pasSage - •thp Meets -durrigthe'first uquest-of Granada, used to pour forth J ir hordes ofirivitiers upon the shores of Withent• dire of ships; "uutit - at nght the whole of: tlie;gouthern provinces " as oves. run and peruittored by swarmanf 'ego 'wild barbarians, who appeared, as if ritagic;inotintee and , filly armed for ar. However mueh.tritth 'them may popular tra'diiion';it is„very . certain at when tine Moors e o wore' atiast expelled _om the country, there was a elauso in. ',lied in the' treaty with thoSPaniards, to e'offect, that five hundred 'of them would, old possession.of.the'llook of !GibrAltari • ag enough to. tvdil.,tp-every entrance to • e castle, and •the i fri ith of the' Spp nish ;pa . was pledged toll's Moors that it should ": s vbr he opened. :This pledge , Was ref 4usly kept,. and Wben at length the ock" fell into the !Ands crf•the English, Alamo stipulation vas ohseeved in the aillthde r for more than eight cert . - esNhe interior.ef That grim, old-tinie •le 'has remained a.hiddett myiterY. • f, was a bright afernoon in "nom 'than 'fwe months •aftoi-, my t.fortunpto (3scape 'Tram 'the' Spanish t. ol sl..,•thatt• P,r oo 0 1 14 bY a -restless curl,- . cx,-ilagenclererd by*the strange legion iiich.r had .. .so-ellen listened to, of the Mnoris4inapt!giii i gttralleti away rt rear :file ~..MPier at llatier `differing t•tentl,ll6. se ri•entitie'lla‘h fr] POETRW.. She ftean-hed in the morning,, Till neatly the IMur of noon ; Then tomea doom snap ping and snarling; Weans() she iCas ealle , l•so soon ; Ifer hair is still in the papers, , • firer cheeks still dabbled with punt, • Remnint; of Cite lost ni,ght'er blushes, .• fteforo she intended to Ileffeetide sa very litt'e, • Iler lionchr ores° very while. !ter je wclp siu'very'henvy. . • Ana' her Load .o very light; . llercrlor is reedit tip tit' cosmetic,. • Thiinglkitiii she 'lover nivn. ler b•A.l9°,ernatte Family uteoiten . , • • Her lieart is mode ' - Av0... , .. • . . . . . _ , 501: ,,,.....:., , ... ~ . ' et .10 s i it" 4 e .- • , . . . . . .. . , ~ , .„..• i., _,.. ~,, 1 ....:.. : „..,...„. 1 ,_„ i ...., ... i , ~.1 . .. _ . 'IC .... „...,. , ... . f ...: , . 4 .. le . ~ • . ;o • ". . to . . . . -:-... I t, ' IC . 1 _7 l Irl • re . • ' • . , . • • __L-__-_ ------ ---- • . . A WEEKLY.PAPER: DEVOTED TO . LITERAT UtiE; AGRICULTURE;-MOBA.LITV; AND:FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. VOllium 3. led. from the.town to the crest of the rock, until I.came opposite the'old castle, .1 bent my steps in.that direction, and soon found myself groping my way amid a labyrinth of broken arches and filthy columns which covered a little plateau of level ground on the eastern side of the castle, and between it and the inaccessible cliff Of bare rugged rock which ,rose• in' frowning. grandeur 1 1 many hundred feet abevp, my. head. After threading •my way amid the an cient rairia,and narrow intricate paths choked up with 'branlbles, for nearly on hour, I suddenly turned an abrupt angle of a lofty arch, the stone work of which watrenti rely hid by a•perfect. mat of creep ing vines.; and a fc*,paVps in , front I dis covered what I at, first took for another and Much smaller arch .than the ono I had just ,passed, but Which I..obis'erved ,opened out or enlarged within, forming a • spacious grotto, the walls of which, like those of the arch I had just left behind, were complete ly festooned with ivy and other parasitical plants. A moment's inspection as .1 ap -preached the entrance, served to convince mo that what l had taken for an arch, was in fact a natural cavern, formed by the 'hand 9f nature in the .sojid masonry of the eternal rock. . • As I stepped within the entrance of'the deornychambert.a humaw:yoice,, uttering a low monotonous Chant,• fell . upon my ear,•my % curiosity, and hurrying forward until 1 had passed a sharp projecting ledge of Jocks; a scene met my gaze which chilled the warm current of my lifeblood, and for several minutes held me as; if in the strong grasp of enchantment. . - Within the dark recesses. of the cavern, not fifty feet distant; I beheld a wrinkled hag ; the very picture of one of the witches in Madbeth, bolding in. her left hand a hu man skull; from the eyes of Whieh.stream ed. forth'. two .bluish, flames ,that tit up the surronnding . .. gloom ': with a- 'dim, sickly glare, while in her left hand she grasped a long slender staff, with which she con tinued to stir the .contents er a huge caul dron placed upon three other skulls over a fire,. which, at 'intervals, a • mis-shaperi dwarf continued to feed with some resin ous wood or gum; that gave forth a strong, unpleasant'odor that was almost stifling in its effects, even at the distance at which 1 stood froM the fire. i Whetfl first discoyared the hag,a dense vapor was Tolling up from the lire, ivhieli hid all •beyonihin an unpenetrahle shroud ; but atter a few moments 'it rolled- gradn nlly:away, and there on the opposite sit?o of the cauldron from the witch, 1 beheld the dark form of the black warrior of the Ebro:— The ..aerlp.sling . eseiwer Re.• giiiald tho-Deton 1 A superstitious. I dread of :something, I knew - not whnt,.began to creep over me ; land I stood spell-bound, guiiirj Ditch - lately from the mysterious being whom I almost helicVect - to be the Arch-fiend himself, to the withered old hag there with her boll irg cauldron, blazing skull, and: witch-like expression of ,countenance,. until every fibre rind nervo - of my frame quivered with intense excitement and awe of some dread ! ful doom which seemed like the sword of , Dainoeles 'suspended by a single . hair a- ' I hove my devoted head. ' By - a powerful mental effort, I rallied .my. fast sinking energies, and was just about to tarn and . leave the unhallowed "presence, when my gyro fell Upon some ob ject whiett appeared•to bear the human form, lying upon the ground at the feet of the mysterious man whom had lthown only 'as lieginald—the Demodl • Another! glance at the form upon 'the grotind, and —God of I . In the pale ghastly features upon which the bright-fire-light Was streaming, - I recognised in a moment , my poor unhappy. friend- 7 -Henry Gran ger, the Monomaniac. . In a moment my:superstitious- fear was gone; and' springing forward 1. grasped the dernon, or whatever he was,by • the throat,And dealt hint a blow the .f ae o . .with my 000)0 fist, that staggered hina several .paces backward, when he fell to the ground as though ho had been shot ; and then snatching up the body of 'my friend, I turned to leave the - cavern. But ore I had threaded half the distance to the entrance, my . footsteps were arrest ed the internal hag, who flung herself in my path, and ilirustin'g her horrid lump almost into rtiy, face, demanded me tore; linguist) my hold upon my insensible bur den,-and depart from the cave at' once, threntenieg -me - with the most terrible ven geance if I. dared to,disobey her mandate. I made little 'ce remony with the witch,' flung:Jim:• to one side almostrie redelv .ns I hdd done her cornpanion,,ancl hurrie'd from the caveraarnidst.a torrent of threat,S and curses of the most horrible vengeance on Me and 'mine, , for thus 'daring - to . rob her of hoi.dcvoted , Soon after reachingthe: Open airorly: friend, revived so that- hq was•oble - to walk , and:leaning ; upon,,rny tfrrn,,.vve;,,.deseended to the town, where, afterpartakingornome riouriehment, ho almost' imnTediately fell ow in - a :deep refreshing eluniher, upon' :Which I ieliaired'at once to the, police eta tipb, and related my l edveriturn in the cave; when the• chief despatched ix' posseof Men, 'accoximapied by a file of trOldiers;inseareh of this hag unit her. .CoriiparOn.p:,but : a ftera strict search 'Of:11/0t13.`,11141A10'.fipiii.io Pa.,,J4nly 0, 1552. in and. about- the cavern; tho.party return ed, bringing•with them the cauldron and two or • three skulls, %Filch, was all the traces they :had been able to obtaiti of those they sought. -.-• When Henry Granger awoke from' his, long sleep, it was more than two:lours past midnight, and ns he exhibited no lin gering symtoms of insanity, and appeared much mors, reudy• to converse than . I had ever before seen him, I ventured to enquir6 of him how it. had happened • that I bad. found him'therc in the cavern alone with his enemy and the old witch. In reply td my question he . related thelollowing -par ticulars whi6ll I will give in his .own wotds: • "You will doubtless recollect," said ho, "how completely I was in the power Of My relentless enemy, after my treacherous blade snapped in twain, and left me dia . - armed. You remember, too, that whirl-. wind charge of the gallant - brigand legion, led on so fearlessly by my friend, the boy cormpander of that little troop, was—. Almighty father! why should I have lost her .again 1 Yes, my. friend, that stripling youth was my own heart's idol--:-the purest, noblest woman that God ever created, I know you will think me mad . when I tell you that Helen Creighton commanded that legion of the Sierro.Mo rena. But I urn not-Ht is indeed true. , 4 , We were almost beyond the reach of danger, when by some Mischance. I be came separated from my new friends, and ere a half an hour had gone by,.l was a prisoner to the fiend you snw o there in the cavern: .For morn than two months I, was confuted in a dreitry cave in the moan tains,with no attendant. except • the vilo hag :from whose hOrrid . spells you rescued -mc. They threatened and Atarved ine to compel me to renounce all claim •to the hand or Helen Creighton ; but I would Iftivo sooner died. . Yesterday wo landed on theßcick," and for twenty-Four hours they held me in the cave under the subtle influence of some magic chanty which' they said would soon kill me, I would have died a thousand times rather than fleeced to their •proposalsi-and my suffer fags would 'soon have been ended had it not been for your most providential inter ference.: - - - . " Of Helen, I know nothing, never hav ing seen or heard from her since our sep aration on the field of battle. "But, Oh ! my friend, you cannot con ceivo of all. the agony, the torture that I have endured within, thojnst,two years.--- I have been mad-1 knew it—but lam so no longer. The power of the fiend is bro ken, and . I am now no more, his slave;—,- We shall meet again—only once more on earth—and then one of as .must die. We havo both sworn . it, and the old witch con firmed the dreadful oath there in the cav ern, with a most fearful prophecy. But I weary you, my friend, Good, night-1" CHAPTER Service Afloat—The Dawn of a Brighter. Day—The Last .211ceting—The Mys tery Eaplained—Happiness. .I,ovt• otirst , d storing pleasures• is laitllless as they, But the love horn of sorrow, like so: row; is true P Through the influence of Sir Robert Wilson; then Governor of • Gibralter, to gether with three or, four • American gen tlemen, who were tieing business as mer chants in the Grecian Archipelago, Fob tatted the cdmmand of a beautiful armed schooner of eight. giins. which had been built in New York for the special purpose of cruising among the Grecian islands, and in. the Levant, to . protect the trade from the' depredations ofa notorious pirate who for more than three years had been the terror of •those ,%vaters ; and for the last year, the freebooter, emboldened by success, had levied heavy contributions on all vessels that. .were so unlucky as to fall into his hands, besides plundering ma ny villages On the various islends, seine tititesalmost under the very guns ofa fort, or ofa Greek man-of-war.. Henry Granger.sailed with me as first officer of this schooner, i tind a bettor or more • efficient 'Lieutenant nover trod a cruiser's 4eelc, or looked a Levanter in the face. His' melancholy reserve gradu ally wore off, alai NA for the impenetrable mystery which enshrouded the fate of Helen Creighton, and the dreadful certain ty that ho W/IS destine - I to meet once more on earth his terrible enemyr—Regittald the Denzon—tle would have been •com pletely happy. . • For more than six months Ave . had con ,tinhed: to Crtiisb, between pario, off the southern coast of 'Greece, and Galli poli, at the entrance of the Sea of Alarm°. 'ra,.seoitring the Adchipelago ,so efrectu. •ally that we had", during that time captured or deitroyeil sift, of theyiratical craft i btit he'nrlitirri he sought so eagerly—the daring coraidr:Leonati--had' thus fur escaped our utmokVigikince. . . , At length,'one day. Iyhen,we ware ,beat ing along up to the westward, under easy sail; 'and I close Y in with the land on the northern..titiore pkipandia, we fell in with an' 'Arnqriedn .baik'fiound . to Smyrna,.the CaPtain an - old trader in the Meditertatteati,.and -who' infOrMed us that four- dars Previonsly, Els. hp•was standing fiein Palermo; *here he had' touchP.O. . • e . . to land an JAmerican :gentleman and hie ' cession ; and then there came faintly lady, named Grariger, that they might struggling up - against•the blast, a wild, un _take passage for Rome,he had been board- earthly yell, as of a hundred strong men ed by a boat from the renowned pirate screaming forth their last despairing death Vessel Of Leonati, the officer of which, af- shrielt*„.and we knew that the pirates had ter 'searching in vain for gold and jewels been hurled to destruction by those tern throughout the barque, informed him that breakers..- .. Leonati no longer eommanded the pirate Three days afterwards, the Greek crui craft, he having been slain by his own crew set Mytelene, was riding to anemehor be more than a month ago, and a mysterious fore the walls of the "Eternal City," and 1 being, ,who in former years commanded a within-two hours after our arrival, Henry .pirate vessel -. in these waters, came sud- made glad with his presence the hearts of j denly ainong them, and took the com- his parents, who had arrived but the day II mantle no one daring to interfere, ar ques- previous•from Palermo. tion his authority. He came from Spain, they thought, and was . accompanied by a I stood within the Sistine Chapel 'of the withered old hag, who appeared to control mighty Vatican, leaning upon the arm-of all his actions ; and, whom all believed to my friend Henry Granger, and with him be the foul fiend himself, in the guise of gazing with admiration and -awe upon an old witch.. . • the most wonderful specimens of fres .' I looked at Uenry Granger as the Cap- co paintings 'in the world„ Micheal An min concluded , this information, and in a gale's " Last Judgment." moment I was Convinced that his suspi- I saw Antichrist in tho midst ofa crowd cions tallied with, my own—the new corn- so vast that it seemed the assemblage of a , mender of the corsair was none other then / thousand worlds. Terror was pictured the. mysterious passenger of the American / on every countenance of that mighty host. brig—the black warrior of :he Ebro—Re- 1 The symptoms of extinction was visible in . , ginald4he Fiend! .1i tho sun, moon, and stars ; fire, and air, We. parted company with the barque,' and earth and water were yielding up and in fifteen minutes every spare inch of' their offices, and Nature stood confounded, canvass that would draw, was set on the 1 concentrating her barrenness in the de- 1 clipper schooner, and like a well-trained cripitude of age. Time, trembling with I courser she went dashing away to the age, seated upon a withered bough, while westward in pursuit of the buccaneer who the hearts in every transparent breast were j had so long eluded our grasp. I agitated byothe terrible trumpet, blasts of As we drew up With the western end of, the angels. Life .and. Death, overwhelm- Candia, the wind which for seveeal days' ed in the horrible confusion ; the former had been at N. W., began to haul grade- 1 laboring to resuscitate the ,dead, and the ally round to the eastward. and blow in latter struggling to hurl the living into the gusts; and by sun down, within five hours dreadful abyss that yawns beneath. Hope from the time that we had spoken the / and dedpair were marshaling their respec barque, it was blowing a tremendous Le- I tive hosts, and . on the theatre of clouds, venter, and the brave little craft, under a covered by the Tare rays of the fires of few square yards.at the-head of her fore.: Heaven, Christ, and his legions of holy sails, was. twirled along before , the shriek• , angels comes in triumph with allthe ma in blast, like a thistle down before the jesty of a. God, to call the just home to thunder gust. '... . ' his eternal glory, or pass the sentence of For two whole days and nights the wild ' condemnation upon the wicked. , storm *raged in all its terrible fury, until 1 For several minutes I was so over at . length it was in the morning of the l_whelmed by the vastness of conception, third day, and we were past the westernand the wonderful execution of this mighty extremity of Sicily.; the tempest was sud-* , picture, that at first I did not notice the denly hushed, the black murky clouds low, rich tones of the organ ; but as they rolled away to the westward, and almost! swelled .forth in volume and Cadence, and before you could count ten, it felt stark 1 seemed to fill the whole vast arch of the calni. - - I groined . roof, I was aroused from .my Five miles away to the northward and j trance just as a sylphlike form bounded westward, end close in- with the Island of, forth from a crypt behind the altir, rind L.- Sardinia, I've discovered a , black, suspi- •God of mercy ! it is—the mysterious J boy-. cioue-looking. craft, which by . the . d., of / passenger of the brig—the young' leader 1 1 ;, our glasses we woe made out to b • /the ;of the mountain legion, whom I had seen piratical craft we bad so long. sought inj heading that whirlwind charge on the vain, .Our information respecting her 1 banks of the-Ebro. As I live, A Womerr I was ,sii, minute that . we could . not be in "Helen Creighton l' . ' "Henry Granger !?:' dealt in regard to her charactereind with- wore the names simultaneoUsly uttered by in an hour after we first-made her out, friendand the glorioesercature,Who sprang a light breeze having sprung 'up to the I forward, and fell almost fainting into the westward, we were under a cloud of can- outstretched arms dr.the man she loVed. vase, - and running, down for the piretti le Henry held tha beautiful girl to his bring her under cover of our guns. ' heajt in a lone ardent erribrace,froin Which But he was not to be caught so easily, he was startled by a deep' unearthly.gidan for with the' first hreath' of the new born at his elbow, and as he raised his'. head breeze, he was off to the northward at a from the. shoulder of e the being whom he specd,that threatened to distance even' the held in his arms, his eye fell upon the / beautiful little clipper Mytelene. ' - form of the strange . beine * who had so long' For five hours the chase had continued, haunted him_Reginald, the Demon ! and in all that time we had not gained a But he was no longer the fierce, terrible . single inch on the pirate craft, when sud- ,man I had- seen on the battle-field, or in denly the huge Week bull and tall pyre- the gloomy' cavern at Gibraltar:. All his mids of snow-white canvass of an Ameri- dark, fiendish nature had changed, and. he can frigate loomed up in the northern I stood there beside His former victim, a board, es she stretched out froin the cover -wan, haggard, grief-worn man. • • I of an abrupt hevid land on the northeastern " Henry Granger, we have met again, coast-of Sardinia. and for the last time." He spoke in• a * The frigate being in shore, and to wind- deep, hollow tone, and with an effort as if • ,ward of the pirate, not more -than three, every word and .syllable cost him a death ! miles distant', ,would of course cut him off .pang. -"r have wronged you, Henry" lie , ifbe'anerripted' to e stand on to the north- continued, gasping •for breath, "fearfully ward ; and if' he tacked ship for the pule wronged von. I would have driven you pose of 'staruliegback to *the* southward, mad, and then niy mother's-wrongs would' there we Were in his way, and the only hate been avenged.. But I was mad, Hen possible thante for him 16 escape was hyry, and my -mother- urged me on. Canl running off square beforathe*evind towards! you--ewree you forgive me I—me,. Regi.l the. Italian coaseoind • endeavor 1.9 outsail 1 • nald : Gronger ! ..0 God I. Henry Gran-, ' us bath until . night, when •he 'might hope; - gor, , arm-your .B1101:11--.." A jet . of to dodge under cover of. darkness. This' blood spouted forth from his mouth, and he 'seemed to understand,. for within five' he fell, - forward upon - his Meant-the foot ofj minutes after the frigate - hove in sight; all i the.altar. I raised .him ie. my aims,; but 1 three vesselaw . eie'eti to the eastward; the' ho was dead ! • ' 'American memnf-war following derideinl "My-brother P .exclaimed Henry Gran his, wake, three miles astern,. and ilia ger ; "can it be that—" : "Aye, your' Greek cruiser square - . abeam, ;arid five' brother, Henry, Granger!' screamed a miles further to the ~southward, but stir- .shrill voice, and the witch of the 'calmer' ring so as to gradually -drop in. with the r stepped forth • from, behind the.altar, and chase without, fatting anything astern. I stood boTore 'us, • . ! , .• Thee, for - ten long tedious bours e thel • ""Henry Granger," continued the: hags exciting race bad -continued ; . the breciele"he who, lies there dead, ices your. brother bad gradually stiffened • into a• fresh gale, —is - still my , son ! Listen ! . , . -and it was.an hoer past' Midnighi e when "More than •twentje - five -years ago 1. the frigate and the scheener, having get 'first saw your father, und' loved, him. Ile, 'the corsair within range, both openedtheir likd a villain, taking adventage of .my fire upon her *atthe same instant, the frig,' love,•wrought Any' rein. • But I laid him ate from.her four-tarhotird guns. ' e • still, till -he wedded yourmother. and then • ..Twice had our breadsidabeen poured •I hated him with all the malice of a fiend.. into. the pirate, when the, sheep ery,of— I 'Wee a daughter of sunny Spain, an Or "Breakere ahead, l" . was heaed - from, the . .phan, and possessed of vast ivealth, which look , Out on ehe,.fore-cestle, and the, frigate ,I lavished:like water. on fill who.eould es e and schooner hauled to by, the wind. just sist me in .my schemes•of • vengeance. el •in 'time. to, escape, (Mai deetrection ' .as, WO joined •ii. band 'of.' roving gipsies, and re were evithitt,eljalf ,a mile of' rho ,fearful raained with them..untili. hed,leerned: a brerikerae *lino- they, daPhOrPik,reuthei thousand of theirmysterious arts,:and then White e orethe owed ; Italy,: -• • ' , I went to 'America, and, without: seeing .As :for the corriair,, ,Vv,e, could sea. him your fathered ,knew that, you were born, standing , right into the..veey . 7 jaws, j efelm and . Ij•rnatured my .plarts• for,,Jtuture . yen, veiling, leaping surges: ',. , :,,,, , goanee.:,,.. . : , j . ; . ! it',;::.l! .. ~:, .. , '..Five.-tan minutes, : WPnt :by, .394!tlipii ?'.g My boy grew up to manhood, And bee there r wae. a ;qulelt,, eividflash.of'risizenti came a pirate. But I cared not, it was gutefireid froeethe, epry l rilidet j ef,theAreall all . the better fer my . . • ej • ... "AA , t • • !, era. . Mether r -andanetlef r in . aiekti •„li`.t.o 0, a 'I . - TOM MOORE Nillll2llCi 7. Itlo4l of A I square. I 'lnertia.. 40 40 rotittel.o moth 45 00" •co 8 do 1 Ot.: a do b ca,blhs, ad Each satiequent do, ", d . moths, 1008 s T i O are egga ,°. ' 2 h d h o l r ° n m tak: ( C: do 111 modths, I do ,do 1:1 do 19 cri do 8 mouths, 4 I.( I column d MOnibi. H It/ • do ti months, • to do : le 6.r do -12 mouths, 8 do LI ihonihs. a, 10 A tibial reduction will Le roads tj Merchstts, and DOILY s Who nbvedlse by the bear. , Our paper eueula os la every nclghtelbood: Atoll I , read by neatly-wary family In the weary—bad theretcho COMMatent and cheap anhani• re dwel for Ve bosioetimen of QUI cow ty —the userahant. Alechunie. and at othoht—t4 omens .be Rnovitedae or thotelootol4n ball bu.irtess• We should like its aura ^e Carol' for everyjueenanier Murohant and ri"ev rismei man in the eountY. tVo have plenty or Motu Without en,:usayhing upon enr rending erdunsu..• ald no man in a la. Ormolu busmen wilt lose ty••robantviug exten•ivel7—for• as a general oils, the mole estensivoy 11791. caI:WM.(I.U. the . outdo will bath Tirofitt. • • • - • . . • looks, lobs and blanks,: or UEyT utArniPTION. pRINyp IN tif Ty o.K. AND I .•N THU. SI t • NUTIUM AT Tli LI lel!ltWf THL ' " E A UVIEL 'REX t i IVA ." •,• . • was there. You loved the beautiful. being by your side, and my golderilisted a score of slanderous tongues to ruin your chard . actor. You know the result. But Regi nald loved Helen Creighton. .I promised, him 'he should 'wed her after my-ends. were accomplished. When you fled from homoand joined the brig in New York, Helen also loft her hem, and we-at first thought she w,as with you. At last, when we found . you in New Orleans, it - writ de eided that. Reginald sheuld.go out in the vessel, while I remained to search for Helen, awl briur , her to Spain, 4.thous and dollars bribed the captain to our inter; eats; but the holy love of the pure-hearted girl was more than a match for all our cunning; and, all .unknown to us or yOtt, she went in the hrig as your guardian an gel.. By some mischance, she lost all traces of you at Barcelona, and kneed not remind You . 1;4 the circumstances under which you .next met. Since that time, tilts brave girlbas sought you everywhere, in .Spain, and all the south of Europe.— She has ut last found you, and may God grant that you may livelong years happy in the enjoyment of each other's lave ! "'My revenge is gone with the life of my unhappy child, and with the portion of my remaining wealth, I ,Vould'inako. some ittonement..for the wrongs I have done you. • • •. • • "Take this parchment ; it will put; you in possession of one of the most magnifi cent estates in Castile. As for myself, Orr I have buried my child, I shall retire to a convent, and spend. the remainder of my life in prayer and penitervie • for my past sins. " Say nothing of: this to your father, Henry Granger. I would not render his life miserable by harrowing up the past:- Wo have both shined, and may •God in his infinite mercy forgive us. • " And now, nway—l would he alone with the dead. !" • Slowly we retired from the Chapel,leaV- Wing the bereaved and heart-broken Mother kneeling there on the cold'stoneabesido the altar, over the corpse of herehild. ' • One week from that day, Henry Gran-: gerl and -the beautiful Helen. Creighton, were married by the consul of Rome, and three dayei later, they, together with Hen• • • ry's parents, accompanied me to'Greeee, whore I Soon gav© . .90my command and returned . with 61" - St Triendaliithe - Uritteir States. . - . • . . Henry Granger and his anuel.wife, and Oil living in the "city of brotherly hive," in the possession of wealth; and '.every' comfort whit:liven add one charth. to life ;. and thai,.thei may always throitgb'their life,voYcige, continue to be thus blessed, is the sincere wish of • CHARLEY I.4.ENVLINJi... • :GEN. ERNEST Kiss.- 7 0no of the most distinguished of the• HUngrffian • Generals who were taken prisoners and executed by the Austrians, had the singular name-of Ernest Kiss. ,He was.a. - wealthy propria• tor, owning twenty-three villages, and was a man of excessive personal elegance So well as of chivalric courage. He regularly sent hialinea all the' way from . , Hungary to Paris so be washed, and was, in similar' respects, a. D'Orsay as well as a Bqard: His. coolness in danger was remarkable; and it is told of him that Oat day, Iclthin reach of an Austrian battery, makiryirAn observation, he Ordefed his' servant to bring him a cup of chocolate. •A shot took it from his hand'anty killed 'his horse.-- '" Clumsy rascatr said Kiss', "they 'Enver,. upset my breakfast.',' When litken'eut with. three ,others to be' slit:4'lm , su perbly dressed. The, order was given to fire, and his ..companions' stood . untouched. "You hart, fOrgotten 'me said Kiss in his usual tone of voice. The corporal - of the plateOfi stepped up and fired, and, the ball striking him in. - thip forelimb.. he fell without a struggle. We condense this account from an interesting account of the Hungarian 'Generals, pub: . fished' in.a.rrenelt journal.' ' • '. • [Home Journal.- . • - . . . ,Nl4te y f tstetkoratdr is'of the •opinion that if Lako' , l4rfo'..wits an inkstand - , and'all The trees on, margin 'quills,, there' would . 60y be a leek Of ink' and , pens to properly execrate . itiat'double.breastad' wretch who could attack Our gab.li?rious Constitution, the blessings of Which Falls like the dews of heaven, not only on the jest but on them. what ain't. The concludlng semi ment.is tiniquet-"them what ain't".-- 7 -sud isso new that it is tilnkug..sablime. [X.37.,Dutchman.- Brother NVesion, in Ins thatilisgtving . sermon, said there was so much begging going on in, the pulpit now-a-days, 'but it was as neeessaryfor people to tithe purses, to Church, as prayer books. Weston bit haidthat time.— , N, Y, Madman. • . Spikes clime into our office!, yesterday with his whole couptentqice luminous' with .• some brilliant ideo. , po you, know what mew letter has been added tq .- the alphabet r Sijid /10; • Oreciurses vognve it up. • ' • , " Fact 'cr 'said he, Spikes varkislipd f 4nd toiAc the fikolt,Vir,;iii - V• dOiVn".ithe 'river, ' ,r.,. . • * •,, f _..-.., direAldvg.