Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 12, 1851, Image 3

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    The whole ,numberpfpespfliees in the satisf,itejo,ry,, nrtil,it,was therfore''dberned
1.. U. Stases, on the "3611 t 'day - or - Juno -last, adyikible to' coinhin‘ f.nnif , naoPt ;WC? tint
'; was 19,796. ,There ‘y0r0,4,6981, popmf.eyentages.ofsey.eral.:y :-. . ', ,
...toes established, - -and 256 discontinued !flie, great 'object to bb neCorbidished
• during the yeiir : .;i : . ..I.• it .if .( i''.; was to inake swift an • addition n's 'would.'
i- - , Tho greSs;.fevelloes34lbeAepttrtirientipfihrd nmPleamffeenVeniOnt . halls for the
for.,the fiscal year , including pprikijiit'delibe ratien.sof the, two Llouscs ofCongres.d,',
' tions forthe franked: mattevof,„Congress,,eritli suflieientnebornmodations for the coin
of the Depurtmente,:' and officers of Oa- mittees arid oflicera (Witte two branches or .
' ernment;and excitiding., the -lbreige,post- the-Legialature.:: it was also desirable
ages, cellected fbf; atillpay?-ibliitoitte:-Brit- not te:mar the harmony, and . beauty of
ish nest
_orrice, mounted to $6,7 1 t17;866 the, 'r
tvesent,Structere, whieb, Us a spool.'
, men orchiiccturo,is' so universally itdmi-i
The expenditures' for. the same' period red.. Keeping , these objects in vieWel con.'
..,-(excluding 829,59?; 44; paid under nn eluded make the addition by wings, de
awardof the Auditor, in pursuance of n tached : froni; the present' bililding, , vet'
resolution of the last- Congress, for mail connveted • with it by. corridors. 'Phis ,I I
service on the Ohik and Mississippi rivers Mode.of Calm gen - rept svill t leave the present ,
in 1832.6(1 , 183 3 , nntl,the„ amount paid Capitol uninjured,iind , afford great advant-
. to the:British:post - offtee "for - foreign post- ages for vtatilation and the admission of
'* ages colleetkAfor, and payable lo'stliat of. light, and will enable the work to progress
fice)gtirnennted to '56.,021,566,70; lean- without interrupting the deliberations.. of
ing alialtineb . of revenue over'. the . proper Congres4. To carry this plan . inte.effect 1 .
expearkaires' ofthe 'Year of 5703,290'66; have appointed an oxperi need and compe..
,' l'lto...receiPts for postagcs during, the tent architect. The .eorner-stime.was laid,
I ', liarleXclu'din.g , the ; foreign. pestages cola oe..the, , lihdaY of July Last, With suitable,
ee,tei for und.payable to the ,British post cekinotties, since which time the work'
/follice).arnotifittt to 86,345,747 21, being' has advanced with commendable rapidity . , I
l' an increase of 8607,61 U 79, 4 Cir 18.65100,01)d the foundations of both win g ,. are now;
poiceent, OYet i the like receipts forilie pre-.!'nearly completed.
c odleg,,years
.' ,
~, . :., , l larin. coronet - id to your favorable re- :
1 •Tfie reduction orpostage, under thefnet gardtlie interests of the District ofColtim
4of March . laSt, did not take effetat . until . the
,' his, and deem it only necessary to remind
eqminc.4teentent of the present fiscal i year. you, that althoughits inhabitants have no;
'The nceonnts for the first 2 qtititter, under voice in the choice of of representatives in
thli'OPeration Of ; the reduced rates, will not ' Coaeress, they arc not the less entitled to,
' be Sattlejb efcsisi'irinerity nest;: and, ao r ta just tied liberal consideration in your
reliable ostimate:i,of -the'.• receipts for' the leeislittion. My opinions on this subject
pres'ette year',ean yet be made.- It is be . - were more fully expressed iii My lust - aril
lievedtrhowever, that they' w ill f a ll - fa r, /H im communication. ,
~ • , . i
s hort of these.of the.lnst year. The stir- I. Other subjects were brought to tnentten
i' plos,of the revenues now on hand is, IOW. ; lion of Congress in My List annual mess:
ever' so large that na further nppropiiiition
,;;11.;0, to which I would respectfully refer.
i from the*treaSury, in aid of the reventiesißut there was one of More than ordinary!
-, of the, department, is required lei .the cur-, interest to which 1 again invite your spe-
I, rent fiscal year; heron, additional approcial attention. I allude to the recoininen-!
`: priiiticin for the year er.dinglunri 30, 1853„ dation for the appointment of a commission'
' trill probably be found necessary when the' to settle private claims, against. the United
receipts of the first two inartors of the States. Justice to individuals us well as!
fiscal year arc fully ascertained. to the Government imperatively demands
In his last annual report the Postmaster ' that some more convenient and expeditious .
[General recommended a rediietion of po=t- mode than an appeal to Congress should!
!.; :te to Lees which he deemed fl'i low as be a d o piel, .
' could be prudently adopted, intless Con- , It is deeply tObe regretted that in stet eral
gr c,•ss - wits prep:lad to' i approm•inte from : instances officers of the government, in at.
the treasury, ihr the support of the Depart.; tem pting to execu
l to the l
eor aw for the return
meat, a suet mare than . equivalent to the 'of fugitives from a , have been o p ,
mail services performed liseit for the Go- ; resisted, and . their efforts frustrated and'
•eriilTlVlll. The reCarmitedittions of. the,; detected by l aw l es s an d v i o l ent mo b s ;
Postmaster (leery d,. in respect te le-tter that in on vinstance such resis:ance resulted,
e e , ,t.iee•eseeet , . .frore nadto tail- inihodnath of an estimable citizen, and ire
i „ruin' and • 0 wpm were ••sulgflullfiitllY others scliri,:ats nip ry. ensued to q t iloeolll.
edflpted by the last Congress. ~ lie mist: j,., : ,.. ; I li '.. ir •
a nd to int:lrai:es rt 0 „ i t using
reeommetols adherence to the present tuner , their endeavors to sustain the I.itts4. Pro
r.tes, it n . :l i'ulvi ,, f, 3 ti;:tiint a further tedllos I ecutions - ha ve been' ins;tteed agaiiist the al.
-ti-ti until jusiiiied by the retcliiie - 01.,1.1iP , lege* Otliedrs, sort far as they could be
:u•tent. .' • •' . I identified, and re ill pending. 1 haye
. •
• 11.. also. tit(:ornmendifi , liat the „ raei.i ri l l f regarded it a 4 my duty, in - these cases, to
1 , ~tare on printed matter b., so. revised as Dive all aid legally in my power to the. en
:', -i..r , .-iiiler them mere sitnpl ~eitd ro,)re etii- Dive
of the laws, and I shall confines
' ..):, it to their ea.:ration . upon
r ail ciiier:i or; to do so wherover and whenever their ex
; . er rsed matter. 1 submittlie riAairtnuelei- c , ..iition may be resisted. :,• ' .
:eien3 of the report to your th bl
rorae con. Th
~ e 'act of Congress for the return of
•.,, ~.,,le, alien. , . ' fugitives from labor is required and demon. i
Plot public sttitutes:ofthe United States d o e by, t h e t e xprcsa ..words . 0 1' the ; ,(;onsei. '
have now been ..neanmulating , far inure t when, , ... , ••.
- ,
than skit - years, end, ititerspersed 'with i The C o nstitution declares, aThat -poi The manner in which the present .
private acts, OIC scattered through' Minter. ' ' l)erson held to service or labor in our ,n 1 Legislature entered upon the discharge
'''-''' ')I"m e8 ; ""ti,,reoin the co3t of the , State,mider the laws tlfe.reoe,escilpins i n ,: „
whole, have heeeele 01 1108 t jew:cessih k ' to!' to . another, shall, in consequence . oCany '
the great mass of the communit t.,
l'ifeY . ',law or reeulation therein, be deseharged
also exhibit much, ef the -Meows, rui ty. zintli , from sueli - service or labor,
imperfection or. .111 sty teaisin o f the important duties or its appointment,
is ominous of much gond. The utmost
but s h a nt ) , fliarmony and good feeling seems to dis- i
tion. As it ~ d e livered up ,on claim of the party to . tinguish this Congress, so far at least, from
I, seems to in generolly conceded that tliere i , whom sii l ell service or labor may bed - ue.7: most oh its late predecessors.
!, is no "common law"'of tlici United States:
to supply the defects Of their legi
is most ii»pcirtant that This Congtitutionat protision is eqhally :
station, it; obligatory upon the Legislative, the'. Ex.
that lagislationlecuiye, and Judicial D c epartinents of the tuns cleated
The Hon. Lvars; Born, of- Kentucky,
Speaker, nod Col. Fonnic - Y,
' should be as perfectas' prissible,defiiii ng. ev- rt
I ,:orernmeat, and upon every citizen' of the ' of the Pennsylvanian, Clerk, both on the
cry power intended to be cOnferred,every ~ ' first ballot. 'rile)' were the nominees of'
' Unitecl. Stn tes.
crime intended to be - midi;punisnable,and l' - Congress, betrayer, must, from necks- i the Democratic caucus.
prescribing the punishment in .1)e inflicted. I situ, first act upon the subject, by 'nosed;
In addition tosomeparticailar eases spoken I bind the proceeding necessary to ascertain
of rnore at length, the eriminal-eode is now I that the person is a fugitive,and the mcank
lainentively defective.. Some offences are to.iii-iiie-d-forliis restoration to the clai.i
imperfectly (lex:rile:Land : others are entire- . mot. This was done by an act paSsed
iy omitted;j sO:thatktlagrant crimes may during the first term of President Wash
b!. commitutcl •with' impunity. 'rho' irate, ; ington, which was amended by that enact
of punishment is not in ,A',l eases graduated i tin by the last Congress, and it now re
according to the degree and nature of the mains' for the' Excel& va and Judicial De-,
offence, and ~is often rendered . more un-, pa rtments to take care that these laws
equal by the different model.; of imprison', be faithfully executed. This injunction of,
mint, or penitentiary i confinement, in the j the
'Constitution is as peremptory arid as
different States. • I binding as any other; it stands exactly on
Many laws of a, permanent eheratterlthe same foundation as that clause which,
have been
, ien'odn'eed, irito, appropratiOn', provides for the return of fugitives front
bills, and it e ls:10110. diffienit :te determine justice, or that which declares that no bill
whether the ,particular elnese expires with ofititainderar cx post facto law shall be'
the temporary act of which it is a part orlpossed,or that which provides for an equal
continues in force. It has also frequently', ity •ortaxation, according to the census, or'
happened that enactments and provisions' the clause declaring that all duties shall'be
of law' have,'been, introdifeed into 'bills,' uniform throughout the United '. State; or
with the title or ' general subject of which i th e important provision that the trial of all ' I
they have little or no connectiOn . cr rein- crimes shall be by jury. These'. several
Cron.. In this made of legislation so many articles and. clauses of the, Constitution all
enactments have been heaped upon each resting on the same authority, must stand
other, and often, with but, little considers- Or'fall:•together'..' Some' :objections • have
lion, that, in many instnece.s, it is difficult, been ,'sinst the details. of the act
to search our and detertnine Nviiat is the fot the
it is worthy return of fugitives from labor; but
law. ,;. i ..`-; : ...i ..
Of .
marklhat the:Main oppo
' The;Government of the , U.nited States is sition is aimed' against the Constitution it
emphatically: a government Of . written self, and preceeds from persons and etas
laivs: ~ The • statutes. should therefore; tis sea of persons, many of whom declare their
fur as 'practicable; not only be made,a6- wish to seetlatt • 'Constitution overturned.
• ciessible AO all, but be expressed, in larigtl7 They' stow their hostility to any law which
aga: so' 'plairf.''ainl: simple us", to,;be'under- shall give, full and,• praptiCal effe4Lte• ' this
sited by till; rind itrianued in such method i requirement Of die" cohdtittiadif. -- F0rt...1
..artati give perspicuity ,to every subject.— irately, the number of ttics° persons ;is!
Many of the States,have revised their pith- comparatively.dunall;:and is belieVecl Co;be
Inc acts with great .sand,:nannifest:ben9lit ; Flatly diminishing brat the issue which they'
and "I recommend that, 'previsiOn,li Made PreScint is one,'WhiCK: 'nivel:Yes' the dupre
.. ,
t . . by laW for the appointment .ofa - eoinmis- Ivey and: even the existence .Of the . Cott
I' revise the. . public statutes of the istitution.': .•-• .
Uatiteti -Attesi:l.,r4rit . ogitzg • them in. : Ordcb Cases TutVe 'bereft:if* . a ilsen i 4 il, , liibti
. I '.. StiPPlYlnidiiticienctel; carketlini; Ilieo 6 - iadividuals have (lorded theibinding twill. I
A i '
. , ~ r
\ ..... W 1 , 1 44Mf.' ti,nllPlPYillg: '-i,/),91 4 1 1.1, 1 0904‘/get• ; af ,, I Drily of acts of Congress,.and ,even States'
reporting them tO'Congress for its ,actien. lave proposed:, to 'nullify; such 'acts; .upOn
-....krtlict;"3 IAPProY9cI•POt4 , SPP, - tie ground :that, this . Coastitiition'• vas the
tho4".643;*A6Eit:4iOba':4 044isi'thr-t:-.14( 'Aprerneliiw". Of 'the , lucid,` that ' those
illocokteifsinti of the Capitol, ; ; tiCeardn'ff,,,ps, i .tAts ,. o Congress`were: , repugnant . o that i
C '- • • ' '.‘ ''
.1 . . :I
• .W 40.4304 a.g,,..'rAitilAte,..l4lProv94,PY;!4,eli Straneat;':biif ' ti I. l` ll i tieat 16 ri 3 ii: hbfk awned,,'
' psesitient, and appropriated elm .hpadred i. 't sstiniuCh-against particular laws as be-
: .. . tli4il*l(l,llellar.9.o',l* 1f40.0401.1.1409r1..4
, g inconsistent with the. Constitution,.• as
Aii:o,4oi,l,.kiy,,i;tl.4l).'l49h*Pt:'.o'4:;pllc,to:‘ pips; th , oConSiitatlen'itahl'fi and it is not
.i 1 , Appel al,lo . eliePllt9 , thP 5t 1 4 1, 9e... 1 2P1 , 94 ,, 0 11= ' tp,,141,0:is guiSeil:that ;4 Spirit exiaits,and tinsl
I; i n g tau-' i;.iyei'ous pipe
,whielt .. .l4l.).ecit pti i ba leantiCtiVely, at ,Wiirk:ao.rond asunder {his
'..'.', •• ~..., nii de aby 'd iffireht a iOl . opctli
,i,tl,,kr. P.r. 1 .0 0 i U
• nion, , teliieh'' id ;ritieOlaridlieil,; l 4hErittipce .
.: :• • .I'' ot-4tr.ftfiTt.rtise rt rentet-cervitrutter - tlie; et -,•-• ,•.: „ •; :
4. , h 10 'w All Vif... 0 13"' VAT I , T . ~
L • ••• ISst''ifrti s liVr) e Ide 311 " t sv.(scfil , .s . kil • trtficyslritt‘tnicnal message I stated thati!
. . id4 ,cir tbig,
.1 , ~
-1 0 , '
, .
- " .. -
I Considered the series of Mesita ,s, Ile
had been adepfed ati did! iireilidia session,
in reference to4he,agitatieln.,growing out
of the Territorial iind:- . SlavriV` questions,
as'Afinal settlement in!prineiple 'find sub
stance ofthe dangerous and exciting Ant) ,
jects which they embraced;' and 1 : recoin',
mended adherence to the Adjustment estab=
fished by , those measures,, until time and
experience should demonstrate,the, neces
sity of further legislation to guard against
evasion Or'abUse. I was'irt` itidueed to
'make — this recommendation because I tho't
these measures perfect, for no human log 7
islation. colt be perfect.' Wide differences
and jarring.opinions can only be teeotieii,
ed b v yieldirrff something on nll sides, and
this result had been reached arterantingry
conflict of :many Months, in which one
part of the country' Wits' arrayed against
another; and ';violent convultiOn seemed to
be imminent.. Looking at the interests of
the whole country., I felt it to be' my duty
I to seize: upon this Qompromiso as the ,best
that could be obtained amid conflicting in
terests, and to,insist upon it as a final set
tlement,to be adhered to by all who value
I the peace rind, welfare of the country.. A
year - has now elapsed Since that TCCOM
mendation was made. To that recom
.mendatiOn I rat adhero,and I congratulate
you and the country upon the general ac=
quies9ence in these measures of peace,
which has been exhibited in all parts of
the Republic. And not only is there this
,general acquiescence in these measures,
but the spirit of conciliation which has
been manifested in regard to them in all
ports of the country, has removed doubts
land uncertainties in the rrindsof thousands
ofgood Mqp concerning the durability of
our popular institutions, and given renewed
assurance that our Liberty and our Union
! may subsist together for the benefit of this
and all succeeding generations.
WAsiivarroN, December 2, 1851.
Clearficld, Pa , Dvcember MI,
(r.. -- Very many articles interlded 'for
publication this week, have been excluded
by the message. They shall all be atten
de..d to in proper season.
" - The proceedings of the Democratic
Cottnty Meeting, hold on court week, will
be found in our columns : to -day. The
best feeling.exists among the Democracy
of this Y COtinty, on the 'Subject of the next
Mr - Governor KdSSITTIT reached New
York on Friday last. His reception was
the most imposing ever extended to any
other indi% idual, though not more warm
hearted and enthusiastic than that given to
LA - FAY nyrn.
The President's Mdssago will be found
in the revious columns, full and entire.—
It gives a very clear, and no doubt correct
s cement of our national "aflitirs. It shows
,th country to be in an unprecedented
state -of prosperity—and this; we take it,
should have forbid the President's recom
tmend'aig any radical change of those
measures that havo secured this prosperous
condition, of affairs. • But it is a good mes
sage, .
and should be read by every citizen.
The "Christian Almanac," for 1853,
gives a Whit purporting to show our ex•
ports and imports for the year ending 30th
June last, which shoW "fifty millions" of
dollars.of . a balance of, trade "against,"
us (we itarici'Sc the word according to
The President's message also gives, the
figures, but instead of showing a balance
against us, there is n bEilance of about. nvo
• ~,
millions in our favor. Now; the question
is, which, is correct? . •.•
ChriStiana Treason Trials are
progressing 'in the United States Circuit
Court in lihiladclphia,before Judges Gnisu
and KANE. „ ,
s r
The . te'a rn
rb - Soe" 25 persons to be tried.
The .case of , Casther Elitthiwdy,,n. white
man, has occupied the court for about two
weeks. Die, trial elicits great interest;
and is , attended by crowds of both sexes.
ACKNOIatDdLIENT.---Thesnkseriber re.
turns his heartfalt!iteltnoivledgmant to the
pers'ons'ioo, by :tticie • dei.o4 And contin
ued efforts; arinsted thefire On liNtwenfises
On 1 4 fiut.SditY morning iast., and sincerely
hopes ,t4t they, one and never
stand in: need:ef a tAurn, such segyice
from him on their behalf ;---should"niiiinr.
use his busi.effortti: .
tunity offer, lin will
.cgoi'.li L. CUTTLE.
• A.l:llCetihg of Pernotritiio: citizen 4
dClenrficld County was held at the Court
house, on Tuesday evening, Decembei
1851. On motion ISA Ant,oolVl, Esg.i
was appointed President, JA's. M'OnEn and
WIN!. I,;..Mconn Vice Presidents, and
. D.
W. Moore and' L. Jackson Crafts Se6reta
ries. After the object of,tho meeting was
stated, on motion the chair" appointed the
following committee to draft resolutioni
espressive of the sense of.: thy meeting:
LS. Frtince, J. Stites, F, G. Miller, A. K.
Wright, Wm. J. Hemphill, and Andrew
Toser. , B. R. PETRIKIN was called upon,
and addressed4he meeting ut
.jength, go
ing over and recounting the recent Demo,
eratic .victories. . , . .
When Mr. Petriken' had: concladed the
committee repOrtad the following resolu-
tions, which, after a brief discussion, were
adopted' With btit three' or loir disSniiiig
voices :
Resolved, That the . recent election in
this State is a triumph of principles--n
new era in the history of this common
wealth ; that it has ,carried to the rortio,est
corner of this republic the "fact, that, al
though Pennsylvania may be occasionally
humbugged on local questions and a little
military glory, when she sees the Union
in danger from the assaults of traitors and
fanatics, she is always ready to step iuto
the breach and stem the torrents produced
by negroes, nholitionists and their allies.
Resolved, That the . support given to
Col. Iltotr,n, in - the late centest,Aszratify
ing to his neighbors, who are satisfied,
that, as heretofore, when tried he shall not
be found wanting.
Resolved, That the Democratic party,
in electing Gen. SETII CLOVER, have se
cured us an efficient Canal Commissioner,
and given the lie to the charges_of incom
petency urged against him.
Resolved, That whilst we rejoice in the
result of the late contest, we must regret
that a faction, disregarding the interest of
the Democratic party, and that cardinal
principle, "measures, not men," permitted
so worthy and able a jurist as the lion.
JAMES CA)! PIIELL, to be defeated.
Reso/red, That the old patriot and states
man, JAMES BUCHANAN, is the choice of
Clearfield county for rho nest Presidency,
and in our opinion his past services, great
knowledge, and powerful intellect, are a
sufficient guarantee that his nomination
will 'be virtually his election.
Resolved, That our
,delegates to the
4th of Mitre') Convention be hereby in
structed to sustain the nomination of dele
gates to tho National Convention with in.
strgctions for the [lon. JAMES BUCHANAN
for the Presidency.
Resblved, That we recommend - A. T.
WILCOX, of Elk county, for Senatorial
delegate to the 4th of March Convention
Resolved, That we recommnud Col. G.
R. BAnncrr, of Clearfield county, for
Representative delegate to the 4th 0 March
Resolved, That these procc‘Aings be
signed by the (Aliens and published in all
the Democratic, papers in our Senatorial
and Representative district.
Illa.s6ingion, Dee. 3.—The Russian
and Spanish Ministers were present at the
Kossuth discussion to day. and took deep
interest in the proceedings. When Mr.
Cass rose to speak, Mr. Bodisco, the Rus
sian Minister, and Mr. Calderon the Span
ish Minister, left their seats and placed
themselves in the must filvorable position
to catch every word the Statesman uttered.
; They manifested considerable emotion at
the denunciation of despotism and mon
o rchy.
New York, Dec. s.—The steamship
Philadelphia has arrived from HU v4l na
with one week's later news. • The most
important intelligence is that, Mr. Thrash
er has been sent from Havana to Spain
in a merchant vessel, to serve out the term
of his,sentence, (eight years.)
The Outrage on the Pronzetheus
Washington, Dec. 4.--The "Republic,"
of this morning , states that the President,
on learning of the outrage committed by a
British brig oNi;ar, by firing upon the
Prometheus, has ordered a competent nay
al .force to repair 'to San Juan for protect
ion of American vessels there.
A note has also been addressed to the
British Government, demanding nn expia
: A \ OTHER SCI EN 7 . 1P1C Wth'%DElt PreslN
an A rti fici a I Digestive Fluid,or Gastrir Juice 1—
A: great Dyspepsia Curer, prepnreil from Rennet,
of the rollffil Situnich of the Ox, liter &rectums ot
Baron Lei big, the great Physiological Chemiot, by
3, S.:lloughtun, Al, D., No : II North Eighth &rect.
Philadelphia. Pn. 'foil is u truly wonderful rem
edy Mr •Indigrption, Dyspepsia, Liver
consuieition, and Debility, niter
iiiiture's own method, by , nature'a own agelli.
Gastric Juice, See Advertisement in another cot
MARRIED.—On Saturday, the :-.9th
ult., by Benj. 11. Sterling. Esq., Mr. James
D. McCiitelien of borough Of Curwcns
villa, to Miss Susannah France, of Pike
. On Wednesday, 3d inst., by D. Dress
ler, Esq., Mr: . Henry Runsori, late of Sad
dlewOrth, England, to Miss Maria L. Mont
gomery, of Brady township: , •
On Sunday,,7th in,ct., by the Rev. John
Flee, Mr. Jatiiefik.: Woods, to, miss Han
bah Horn, all of Brady township. •
Lawrence township, on the
26th ult., 11/Inirtan., wife of licleSon Lair
ich, in,:the hope, of ablessed immortality,
In liftWre3o township, on the 24th ult.,
'Thwin iplant son of William Haires of
Centre co. Pa': , ,
Ye k-14'
, CLOAK end. VAP: maker, wilt
/TA tato& d to W. nails nod orders in either of the above
bA 'inches of buckle= on 4 thonotice. In die best ttrin
nod on the mwt reethnobte .. , Sho will be found at lb*
mitheempf.,b4... Ittonno.ll 11l !Jilt .teapAntrni.e , saints et
them ot the ?oblie vatmuito'. ' - • ' • Lou. ,
• •
---.- ----.:-.--:--- NOTICE.- ., - , .- I(gagri-a,UMIZZLIDI tti, 1 (;,1 ut
rviul TRUtiI:ViEF} , of- tho AA:BM; rIV VI AVADEMY i ,
JIL. bombs , 0 Pio rotbie,tt.rcitirLONlllM n," inny ,Ittuoriteil / • '-'
: SOHOOL .'...-,.....: , , . ? 1' .:.
to eolloot rill bills for I u tine ut cull ineauour 4 - ha a m Year
aJultriuno;O: uu thojlati of ;Spi . e . triber lit , s.. , .
flu otrinr of th. 3 no ad of IMIttCI23. rry. i,s
Dco. 1 Ins.
.. ~ . , Wt\il. 1f• A , j9o/ . (il: &el '.
- . ---. .....•.--...--..-}...,-A ..--...-+-,...4*...-.....-....c.........-............. ju he opojittl lor fho :Winter .7-essntn. tor Ow re.
. . NOTICE. • i. i c/Timo vI ritole, O 1 NIONDA V. TIM Si n nAv air
• • , • • DECI.:MBEI N'r.Xr, in 1116' ' NEW ANC . ) Urecr.t * 'MIK.
WIMO*. M 7 t 4,11 AN: gi,IZS haslill ins litil nod FINISHF.D.IIICII SCHOOL . BOILDI:‘C. i Tin. I:lA:ding
b toll wutiuot any Jost (..RIMI 1. 111.-retwe,ltMehy
Wan no tk.alcomi ,corr., hartw.jr,s or tthaehr 1 ,, r on ru , nu id built. of: brivl!, , lnineeuol ; oly wail ; I potior1:111:ci ro,.
...nt, tit I will . 11 , 1, lio liitb:e lor i i•t'dtilltt oi, list iSonti . tic:ifia, mslied, .
'M U ' S i ! il-h. " — ItOOOM oo tile lowt , r flour. and a largo Lr'ctline
, .
_.. cowl), 50 11,yr 48 . 1(.0; iii am uppiq bloiy; all cogiv::.
THE 001.1.ATIV C0:11111331. 4 )It Eftti 'pliqely finis:led
. The Boaril 11ov . o einpleyrd n cotntietent mole'
VVlii. be la session oxi MONDAY lip Ititli thy Al Mc. ',
nest. , . , 11 earber Mt sit ill School No pomp 'wII be'ephireil ;
.AllpLuot a havinz icy ,fltp,tir4t,or bitzinr . ii hint owl : in iidvancO,llle ranee of Ed ur anon in the School: ,
Ohm hu.l Iliac iso:(1. 0. ii.ooorh,AsTum. ank. ‘ Parents othl Gunraintiki tit chileirot era respect . .
Couto (stoner's( Mod,CitlonAl. PM; 11 MI. ,_. ' folly iOVilo(I ol ill timet to visit said school,,no '
------- ----- 7 - 7 -- 7 , exunnno lorilleirnlel yea 1111. entiro 1,1 ilisnuelien: • ..
. • :P. 'W . ,!ltionnr. •Preet. '
➢cu. 8,
DRONO3AI B will ho reeked Lx,' tha Count Y . 001110146 i )n•
1 1 , 1 them cam co 'cc iostaut. f ur itottiklting.
WOW. Km; LOA!. MO: COll ior 'thing
care of tha COWL h.u‘o. &C.
I'. J. MeeULL.OI..; GIL c.rk pro tam.
• Plc. V), 1831.
Co:ich and
, .
triPt.:4114111.1.)( entices os to the thine
Cu Rysiatvilto ht))1 v Welty, that MAI sr .
RIM I)7t.lllted to10114tiLIId!1.1t 0 4`
' t
Coaches, Carrzages,/fhigii es, Slerdlb, 4
evtry deserip • for. iu the m•is . : durati , e .actl I.lhloeuhle
ury In.. Or iiiIUOT therosAvel wilt, the he.lm the` thear wilt,
talent I)? ogee)). din the dine end as they t nu) ur nine holt
inn In it IA Otka.o4. Hutt u:e eon% but the vow ht It 14140.1n1.31
ovum) Bln rr.tit. or 00 Y ailic.e in, the r Into will to t, e!t to den;
o I'll %how ,u lr. feri.Lue to Luiltig Lll3 v.or Wog • rol,h.gli"
imuurtill IMO) anglers)
hitch will be tet•inotly niteniled ro.
Pfjo.3, 10 tut the times taw) Cott r t l'r )(taco lil en io es
u:itiniAs rut Woth 04 t.e null bet:OM:0140 0 g ;et M 5.
/.1 , 3V i .
Corwe"svill 3 , pro 12.1'61.
,^1 TIASI,II . II':. , NEW IY ST/;it SA a 1 , 4
/ON, ov - ( s o ito' ft
t lon woo ti of MMlut wham tII CdliCW
-U.OS't 0 ,11 , t e at tirld alw l‘. ayols 1 e b.:
tinv....B;• 11.51,
1• 11}.. TRl7BTP.:l:Blhertbf noitm Ow.: y have col
fo n n.I. allele chntee of Ili , A el 'emy fining an„rhea year
./% 0% )...bie yew t ..Galt. UI, ill is qt . AU 1.1.44
41 IkV I; tte.h. 11.1 Fl V 1; 1) I V..3u1. Nan)).
lei In encl. Nn
I hottest Cis .r.sit wL Lunt:m:loe on MOND y I.
at roe what,' nit
nt e(lateed Itateg of INuitioan :
commoN 1 NG 1.1• 4 11 BRANCH Dn . —lnelne ez
Iteaninz. Vy (It og, bbethott, Arnnuvur, t,e , .e•
rauhr vhsh Crammer anti 111 tort all to
Al.l. H . II4EIE:h. LNG AN. rds—lne
to LW, 4.,;() nun..? • $4 Of
1..1.t%ttt ) 1) At, Anti MATHEMATICAL DEN, it 1.
.$1 GO
WEI IC E Y I.l7.Lll)ltgr t are citen to tlie old( paptis r
fit utl,e , Ill( ler Ing .3 u str Owe.
ut+ ot the older ;molls us Chou.. ettenge on VI , Pk' ,
P. M. ci each Neel. in Pte.c two Llocntio t, corn o i m, anti
view upon their , Leval' sttiltet. All o:Ler, attend
to that n,n , l I'. M. smite ,
'I hn HI.,CAit I MENT is tottrely itarn
the triter en the Dna thos ) vett3 dolt(' it 'I wu or three
cl (.o.l%tst of h ~1.%• for the toi root+ , of econams
:one; but it is opttoral w.tlvitm young Lad V.11.1.01.t to
1.11 encl. cross AI Or
ton is el.antoll 1,010 tlio lii AO' tho Slholers toti•m3n
eine • o the els, co' the'form—.ll.lnation hunt: nue' , • so cc..'
of amerce enns...l by it •snoss, tit.d wens a spec et nut
is mule. le nu sante, with the Prino.oul
MORAL RI ,tt-lt ti . 4 has Ili'iPtte hunt the chl.fteltque . o
thn few:Ater' el, lire-and al.ieb. CI
Cr. 10031. C ount,hawnt It n 1170111 6 10 ed outs hn lie
m, s. otid tiro, 'qt.: locont lib e tar 1.
She constant ISM 01 the Teuchoe 11 to melee the instloololll
those r, ail net is that of hocks. rgatihottl. us .61ns
11. • s ot nttcotton is given to the C ,, n.litut. 111 . 11 nod
Stew;iot I!.e is natl.)/ the nhtree ol the 're wine tt
lIUAItII min he oh Masai St feelsOs..ler lon p
II:11.1 RD W. rrfs,tlrnl.
IV la. }MORS, Nearer Ay. Nov $O. 'Cut.
At Clearfield.
un.letsig: P .t ritoccifulty ar.noorcos to the osople cl
41.%eaihuld .t.d ttt adjolnoix co4oties InKt hn.oh c 011..%
u2s to carry on tr r bosino.s at hls Os:040100 csiabiodi
maul in till corolysti Of tleuifio;tl, and ts new prepand
manura• tura ml kiwis of
Castings used for Grist Illills, Saw-Mills,
and all kinds of Illachiner!/.
0I Cast o ings nri uAI n
S iio;or If not Iu•
..ior.t nay twr is the tsu :o e—All Ira MCI 0.0 tn., seri
1104 inatelini. and (mploys none but the 0001 best of werxrien,
With twn superior I'oti.`lM3 LATIIEB, &iron b/
it now In 11”0-egsfulopernimr. and untie the nVinageM l 3 lol
0r.W.1/Cal 11.061Lin10-0 lit is u .13.:St 1111.11,1 a 01 ni , C l / 1 4.0)
0.0 be PIN 1.11 till in the a ery best si / In. and on them ntoit:ot
lie ha. now on nand. e large 100;111103 1 . Cl 1.1 •rri. tut,
,•• S p,,yr f ent.ri Ivy,. rind peer r is. PI AOLIG It IttON,.
WAoli Kr.:l LL$. tt.o., btu.. wilted bet offers to tie I ;he; 101
ealll. or 03 n ren•onnh'e credit. Ito 11 LIOW culla/. from
t r a mo-t him rev.J pnlturia.
ALSO—Fancy Air Parlor Stores,.
I lVinc Plate and Coal Stoves. Also,
%%lard's celebrated Vlougit.
An~i rill kinds or 1101.1e1M-W Ala, SLEIGH and ELF I)
suLt.;ei. 0, AGIUN 111/Xlr,e_t. ate
I ;I* intend. it s ell on mazoneb'e items. and tiusts Ihat the
chi/title el die county 'rowan/ will find II W Ihr.if ud vau.stet
to vine loom their cuelorn. I; A dtt coot dot eye tie ptuOr ell—
but UW111411014 PllO , l Wel b. 3 iii 0,0.1 lur ~01101.1) ',Wooer,
and OLD M El' As he ti resin. PS nl,ll,Fnn d hi Mrs's&
isss ;seem:ors, WI olden Inc hors will receive owlet, n Ll llen tZ liou,
Clea 11-1 1. Nov VS,
sawl - r te
e.„„,,uar. to tin , citizens of ch•A•Cold borough, earl vtr tuns
t at to, is r c nv , og an IIrsTIVE NPAV 4 N I) t;AR NI( LAS
:-.Et,EXTC.I) KRA Ur Si [7..tieiltilsiple,E, cromvitsing
g-oier4l ussortruent or
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Queenswarc,
Drugs, Hats, Bonnets, Shawls, .pc m
Portioolar enirnof futon is ileetrerl unnecessary.
IN wtoT tar. Gows, Ar Pitit:Du. aro solinitstl
nn.l examine , bniOril pusohatiug
.nrimbi Nov 'JO, ihSt. J lILINTER
Successors to RICHARD SHAW, Esq.
IW;rlTFULlit',.anneune.. to lb thnt they
hay o kut reeqtved and Me P.M nt the old BUM)
of U. g-il/AW. Ett4•. aurae end watt sdentml ersorttLett of
Spring and Summer Goods,
t;onypoto.l in ai t of DRY GOODS CitCYCJIRM4, 10.1‘1)
AttE. ClUtlEia ;3W/its 11. ac tsic. A h.o, a mien ,ct. ut
Ladles' and Geldenten!' YANOY uniceo GOULtb.
Beady-made Clothing,
And nll the. attielei morally kept in a cannily Itne9—all
.t.te“itty ate I.:1101(7W FOIL cAt 4 ll tie Ihey eau
ho bott,.httn Clettikold county. play,
Mew Valls kik Winter
At Grahamton, Bradford township.
rrilE au bsctlber °tiers for solo, on the moot liberal terms,
GOOD: 1 . coosistiatt or
Dry Goods Hardware, Quecnsware,
Groceries, Hats, Caps, Bonnets,
.. • : Boots and Sipes.
All or which will be sold as low as can be bought elsewhere
is the cously.
Potchnsers will find at GRAIIAMTON .very 'description o
10IJS usually kept in a COUNTRY bTutte—allol which
wid be slisoosed otos very , sosa I ad 'maws for CAR R. PA U%
DUCE, or. LUAUER. , •
'Vaud call tied t xarnlnti for sdin of yes. '
• '•• Jr‘thlES U. GRAHAM.
• ...tiktiltmtOts , !October 1, ,
;' . :GOODIS , t GOODS !!' •
N' ) G7,:ii),, t ,e7,':l. 3 gll,l;g l (ll. l rtf Ciggg. 4 4EtieChtiWirl
b, sold for v/S:4l - 1: Lumbar, or rro ore, • UoILAYEtt. tboo,
he CHILA.P.EST—bI RicuARD BtoE . so p.
VlearllctO. 20,00, , t.t ' I
.„ . .
13.03R.ECTFIJ,LLY Infamy her. , Pleads: att,ti. the
iattritAitliiiZtrAVEl7ll2ltingigltihd :tfittfil"
mon itilit t O All,tT dula wocieliee
Jnd. Boynton, Sec'y.
nictuittri , MOSSOP •
AVING ottschooni tio•NTORL: I; rtR tY 1 1: 6 b
X t Ito borour ern field. is now oiottitos at ,114 01,0
n . sp!Ondla natnninetlt hiti WA, f/A
GO_ 1.13:
Dry Goods,: ,
Ftlclt as Itlocov, &Its. Ln.trea, Jrx I,nLes. Sadoroc , w.
Clll4llntin, lifoklwes bitt. , •l. d sotd
liun.r - nh.d. I'lll'lleo tel wltt.e od t. t,„ th.ttot: I* :11:y IC
and al; thld'lPLiong...
. ,
, .
••''' ' ' ..Ckthß: ' . •
P.ooth C:olh, To trot. hoary l/V:' , Clltt't r, floo, 6 noole .
b'nua tlastimeros• Doe t. 4 kta on mon. ett:,:le,t .0.,n00.,1,,i,i,i,, .•
nett and litolucky JeNtit. Oaf wit:air lire 0 1111/lee ;'
WoolcirGoods: . ''''. "-
, 3 fmn rts,Giores. liuSlerY, 64.7.. a Laukt stctorttnt , t aril '
low prices.
. • Hats and 'Oaps. . ' . '4 9 -ti
Silk, Plash. at:lll'w 11/IrB nod (Alt.„ or..ii au:li ..1a'..1,,,,
a,AI uud alxnp, to suit purchmeri. r, . • • - , ..., , ,.17
d ~,
' 'Boots and Shoes: •
llowy %intr. hopir, Kii) ' Almocrx).• W.' !,lens'!,lens'wto , . of oil -
kind;. lic,.' and Glidden,' [loots curd O , h. e,.. Al. '. t.0,1i.i. , .
Foto IVICIOCOO nail tends'''. Khoo. Alio, Gum ()vet Nue!.
tin.' f.ud Coarse, good nod cheap .- •
GICOCCried. .._— ..._.
Good Rio ano Java Cf)FOZE: InliwuiCras ,, l, and V,ll , o•
I•oar. - 71 1 1,1 Alt Youna Ilyton, linn,,,al nt.:t r.l ,ei. T., U,
(1 ii rtpow der. Um!. rein's. ratot Hitt 'bro. 1); n f-;:+ It, 0 Aunt
Para &to., u.o —al: if Ouch are ol tlia knit auultly.
FIITrr I (hloans knd Stouto mitt, o.—aid tv.tfy iTt:clo
VIA. ;.con• In tu it, Map Illan , i is need 61
AO .he ~1 ,, , , a 'two. or (4,-.:* }OA 1.,., so'd fio C .sit on
C. it N CRY I'4ollWe, on olta ver I,,v, i ta t b r,,,
l'ielto ttll cud ciainlie rot) outielves, nt the it;•to or
11C11.1....11 111113a1 , P,
NI iv. 10, 1-31. — _______,
armlet! Weekly ti - am the Petittclelithin Pe per
Pennsylvania. Bank, Cayuga L.' 1
Philad'a b'ks, par Weattrn,Roches,, 80
U. S. Bank, 13 Binghampton, 5O
Chainbersburg, ;II Cattaraugus co. SO
Gettysburg,ijClinton county, 15
Pittsburg, ilCominercial,Buf., 15
Susq. County,—l do Oswego; 10
Lewistown, no salelFarmers',Seneca, 30
Middletown, .
,11.-Taroilton bank,, 15
Carlisle, ' i Meehan. Buffalo"; 45
Hollidaysburg, i Merchants' Ex.; 40
Erie. ' 1-.} Millers', at Clyde, 10
Waynesburg, 111 1 0swego, . 60,'
Washington, lal , i Phomix, Buffalo, 35
Harrisburg, i Staten Island, 50
llonesbale, ' liStateb.BuffrilO,7saBo
13rowesville. lal ilSt. Lawrence, 75 .
\Villiamsport, , itUnion, Buffalo, ,30
York,CU. S., Buffalo, •30
All solvent b'ks narlWatervliet,' •• 15
Relief Notes, 110ther solv. b'ks, i
Towanda Rel. no sals New Jersey-
York City. • Dol. B'dge Co. 83
Chelsea bunk, SO Yardleyville, .15
Clinton,- 50lrlainfield,
Commercial, ' 2lQther solvent, , • par
Laflivette, 21 : Ohio.
Washington, 701 Solvent Cincinnati 1$
Other solv: b'ksiparleleveland, 5
New York State. iHamilton, • 15
Mleglienv co. 66a75 Cornmer., Scioto, 10
America, Buffalo, 30 do Lake Erie,7s
Commerce, do, 35 Sandusky,
Atlas bank, 30 Norwalk, --
Canal, Albany, 25 Farmeys',Canton,7s
Broek port, . 2 5 Granville Society,—
James Bank, 1 Lancaster, 15
Northern Ex., 1 Urbanna B'ing c 0.65
Lodi, 20a25 Other solvent, ii
oyons, 15tUnder Fives, . 2i,
ttate h. Saugerties, 11
Niv. 10, I'3!
Prospectus of the Washington Union.
ill; a adonis Del booby) tat tchase.d ihts t ant r of 'nom*
Ititume, e.rt , 11l in totals bu coot acico L. A. J. 11.. m
.t,11011.111 - 11t to the pi IL cittle , u' then d I,Prr lorO Pauly
Vhe da° . Cullers It VII, 1113 tusk W ,th Li p see, alba ree
par ; but. wit.te he tit, tette he •
. 0 , l ie tbo kI , !ILUS duties v. 1.1.11 Ibe t Lt. 0 I
n,ll , more toes. his or. it IneJuntiot.• ILsvc it0.)141,1 On him,
ne lukt,l nit toot wI. it u Mat 1:13113111011.11)11 i het at rut., elation!
Of shat, 1111 lot t 6011101 ted by tiny uar.l Ou hfil
J pat of ewe) . ,u n tautly, coo. usy. tied a limo orther
cu.el those gri at Eiden:pies on which 'its home. e•lovi . 001
p (.1.01 y erl the country •deccutl. A thongl. tit. u hit
wen Ito meetteement of a or %menet , IJcv' Y t 110 . 1 Orr
tri.11 , 411 to public akin. Ile has news p. issacted
that ins ix. ensues emild bo bersheiruly exerted is rxtanlsQ
'town lii Ilse drisccrollo hurl.), and to seldom , : s t r ait
iteeseith• atcetoluncy of thtoe prlst.Olet Cl POW h Pot y re.
w ivtd bona ashdoet,.n, Jetlstsnu, an. Jackson
st. . tinder
bt W fr (locum tbu tette Mai Ices miser cud rapidly
to t.tcs entity and srcalne.s.
Th. - UN [UN w utivo:tite en' men; Pad
he so cooductod as to futfich no pretext fur the iroputittlon
that it will be devoted to the service of nay Political espi:ent,
.11 become tog odious of ally corm 1 alitin,lmmed lor the Pip•
Builtrl or p() , ltiCal Ad viteceinent or ita,Jtp laltryra COLVIVIr to the
ortne.h.l s and usage, of the del - inn:oom patty. It Willi be de.
voted t J Its service al th i s total. by tol•h 1 / 4 1 0 1( I hcKe who w o ° l 3
depart I rem its prlntiplas. or mar the bus 'y di its creed by
the moot potion I. idr iicerStill dOolrir es It will It to WO&
eraw 'ra t ional strile ;1, will attPate t a rataAltiaa u ( 0 0
I sad ont only eudertv t to 'eettele bumper to too
deepanratlo patty,make *IL hr) draft lo reavvv)lsieruul
motors between he cur nes .octunts 01 the cot irnirrecy, by
dpierideation national sentiments it, tit I.u.ilme end celeste
tee the constitutive. and by mostntotag rtehtsalo Ira
..tute.s. and by Weems before the &Torte ou all Laltstdrullt
shots the bleisings Hew loom Ilsesh
n Alone. tientoist
cou.test with the literttahle soda pI doaaudest sod hclheie
cut Steles. to order to aceovnelish noriniJ and • •
trial moan:lotion of the consul two c. Id be sustained, a
drortmerauco to exerClic doubtlul rowe torsi carttoldly
duct I on. Revenue dudel and a chlotit out,, al LettellC) will
be strentionslY advocated in opposition to hada . ° lea Malls
atm It cowers, and other similar melanin. Iht weed el aed
I ertioleitzing .rem of inter.tnl improvements by tire l - corki
rover:intent will be earnestly OPPosed while livery afloat wet
tit rostri3te rkilt to teller., testravantioce. aid briny back the
1 ouvereinent .0 the whole , ome priectules t 1 et:poorer.
'Fite great object of t lin UNION is to compass political re.
sults ;•yet its uo times will not be devoted exolpsevaly tomtit .
ter. it will rem op stria 'the`.pitie of 'the ego.
earl to pullout all ditooveries in 1690..0 or art,lind more Wm.
,only' to Claw/IC:0 ail ImpyovetriAits. relaelva Its apticallute.
COII3,IItITO and manilla Sum w filch may Promote the in or
sgt• nod lend I too edornmcat it/the Country.
bel'Av the terms Ms lailifeh the lINN wtUkelO
In Imbed to sulisctibers and we wilt LC) bre .relnilne. t at
we have presented our plittfurat • and ',Print to all who an
prove it tosustron 11, Iha owls. in which we have cnitrka.l
.cannot be sus•alaeti w I flout u Ithetni rretliOr4l,C. A daily pa•
pit et 'Washington rionlree a henry tareediture sad we
the - slore appeal to nl' tho a who wi.ti us racer:a 10 aid I) MO.
curingthe means priuocers by ones tneir 10013 . 11 w
patrons and stitb 'crimy Our toties are balthr solely on such
;optima. nit.. on the ttreanth of the democudlo ('Cr') of the
Undicaltates. Money is th *into! ht War and Is us seevas
miry leonine emery/tie which requires theuxbt. a d wll4
mait ocmruaud w Attain Its veil.
(lair Dlintr i lty the tear. is nil sane
", • ' 0 el less than a your. $1 pot mouth.
i okly Paper y the year. tutdill'ree. 603
" •• for le s then et year. per nionth.
Wetly paver by the year. 2
WOOL papirf for six months I 1.41
doMcrint'ons to the DailY.itaper rat .14nt tbao two. to the
SemiAVeeklY :Or lets thou fours or to the Week'y for sane
Than six months. will not bo •eCelved. -
tra)i paid wlthie tns firsts x menthe. the nnlir paper will
be *W. tre VI. nod the VVoelily $2 [Ala yrar.
ma) dizetnelicue their papers at any time be
pai ins For the tin et they have received !boo t hot rot without
hose will *absinthe for a year. end do not at the time or
su bmit, nC order n ditcontinnauce ht the end of ft, will be
0 •rittlered .unsolibors oral. theY order ibp POPar to Weak"
pod, n .o pay Amaral:es
All payments to homed° Wed Tattoo. 'Thom sha have art
an camortunity of lowing othetwi•e, may bflitt by mail, at
our risk—postene hold. The portmnster!* (*WOW* cf such
remittent:a shut ho a sullietert. Whip! thetoletr. The notes of
any inn bank will be received.
No attention will be given igen, toner oriels the money. al
Ituestmmtee,aocrtiecato that It has been semi toil, accompa.
niet •
Letters to lie PMPIIYIors, cliaritO With pe4lnce. Will DOI. b&
taken OU t. of the Vlatohlae."
Itt.ifiLitl' Akt MSlllolisl...„ * .
" ,; trtot. Ca,. ADM. JB6l.
~Qtyrltntou. ' J.;'sstort tivnl..*rat 0:1411114 - " , inn/
V. lea's
• . • • ••„ • .
. •; i• 44•-• A
Nov. 6th, 185 L