Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 28, 1851, Image 3

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    OW.• .... lose .- it . I;
:- .Y .‘ -•w. 74, , ,,
„. .
mut', DritareMit,4PlemAtelticiiliity re;per!
rfietA FOCI rAtlttiioviinilmt';'-'?'
Titesday I,ticpryg.rit t)lB7l)
A. P trAtri,ntitti 411,0ttl at be en
farilt#o4lll49ldrern, difVriths rep TO ill re
atteatitienC,a/za Serl6lllY
fie and Ilenreetentatlef ilistriet I n the neti rikitth '
A general attetulanee <tlttob 'ot the inemberatit the,
11l retreated. ,-Bioriter'or ihe'Standing oninittter,
•• 11,11.1,1i.11.1a1.Cht'i1..
14; 185 .
..: . __ ...... ____
ATV#I4,ZiITIP:OIi,' .11"0"A int:niggle gen -
A4MOVI ' urged 121)0I1' ool. l lilopt ' fol thei
appointenent or AdjutintGenia,ll'f nre Maj. 1'
BatiV,lV•tlisil Diikkville itiersbniat,i,
and Maj. Stiviiril., or A rthationg
4° otility.
:Thkyltitt-bo,:practical Inert:- --, t i
.. , sq; .r •:-.. s, -. , -., . 1.;.--.4--- ~ , . " ' .:-., :- , 1
TIIN lianas Corrrhrit. innthr.s.---1:11e
Igo:, ocratio Jubilee at Reading, hist iveeli,
was a hos t imposing affair. i A compan y
of about 500 tiattleipated and partook of
libe'siiplisr, at ; Or keystone , Hotel. . Col.
Ilfiiist V 5 ,1 Is present ris'iverti alio 'a nutri
, t ,
iidr °tether distinguished Democrats. In
ieply,io a toast ; the Governor ,addressed ,
iiisetloat:iti7.64lB : il3li r y:ttoshluippy Irian-
Am: 'Several olhee ad4rtissea liar° deligi-
Most dour readera wili remember that
in"the Senate of. our State last winter, an
effort was Made by!the'Defnecrats in that 1
body, to ask or Congress, an iaerease of
,duty upon, 'frog'. end coctl--.4he two great
itiples of Pennsylvania - , - ) Resolutions to
that effect %rpm submitted, by Senator
Muehlenbeti, and, if we remember right.
reeeived the. Sup Port of every . Democratic
.Sernator i r hut. they were opposed by the
Whigs, - and were actually 'voted down by
die NV hig, majority. '„'. . 1 ,%. - •
The subject is 'again higinideg to egi- 1
tate the -public mind, and i tho ,Democracy
°clitoris county iiava led oft.iii•Gt.r Fir an
increase, of duty on iron
_tad ,eoal, and this
thoirement, we are of opinion„will be ac
quiefkedifiby the party generallythrough
. out the State. . - Tho Democrats, of Berks
sanction the 'genera realities Of the pres
eat systemof duties, and desire no change 1
ihat would dofea t the main object . of thel
'Tariff of iSio,' tia a reveaUe• measure. ,... '
In 1840, at the then high price of iron nil
ttirOP'e, dtlerCeat.'was abundantly, high,
• and to have made it any higher would
.. prohablY bavi 3 defeated - the object of the
bill zit a. , revenue measure, ut leuSt so far
as -that item wee concerned. New,
however, iron s much phisaper in Europe;
than - it wits then, UUJ an incru'asd to forty I
per cent, will' not afford any more protec- 1
liOn than darty per cent. did at that time. l
Some of the wing papers affect to 1
lieve that this is a T iovement on the part
of the Democalcy inconsisted with its for.
...:ruer policy, and onfy Zone for the purpose
of securing favor with the Manufacturing
intore.sts. Sack is clearly', not the cast.
The Democracy are now, as they ever
have been, opposed to the assessment of!
duties on rozign importations berund tho
revenue & Mlay& They, ore opposed to
protection for thee sake of fiPotection. Tho
present Democratic spitem is a' Ewen:lei
11, 21trif, making discriminations in favor of i
ilitifecliolt. ' Therefiiti, if an increase of,
duty op iroi, any-from 80 to 40. per cent. l
will afford:increased. protecticm to' i
yiesiie .tinniefgettkrer, withoitt decreasing;
- ! .11 1 0, ravel:foe * it ,is strictly in accorduncel
' with thef rinciples of the act of 1846, nud
Of the Democratie party, to urge such a
Modificetion. - - , -- ..
.. • '
IY.'3.ralt only of lion, We ;have yet
to teartt:t*V . , arl increase `of duty - upon
c ‘yittidlted o the revenes of either •
1 e'g ternment or the:miner: ;;, - r '
~ pipage.....
.. ,
• 1 7 - r A , ' Dr„ JunP, V' e" - - :
-I ngOt)ettatfil -
~. , • i n town, and
• '^T • --; •i, d AnatettlY,lB
P 11 3 40616 4 ', Ili: -coarse.l3
of _ opt' sr ,
• ~.„...... :to diniver- a . ~! d uiing the
prcr.... - t he above subjec. , - be ii.
. „ j
week '. T es° -- , .- • ' mod
e0101P5,77 )",,, :1 1 , 1 ituniiktn, or
.;, treated Al 11 DefaUti "' ' , ' human
6.1..r--'4 .: ~ aft o f t h e h
„„,,,,- zu.'.' 'pi Ove).'Y' P m *kin
' 4 Ara nitbor mil t This
..t I P I •
•- ' OII IP -8 '' ' ' " titrata.
IT!!! u• ' --' - par ts
: , and' evPs • •
- ' ''' • • , 140 as cou ld
L . id - , i . •,. ' -..,rtha0!1:015 ,
Aniitie 3 1 :#ll /11 :r rr ,,7i.. ' t hi s Movr.0:). 1 1
,1 ....t 6 .ined - witm r u / - lied itid'
- ..... i .. -. 1. , ~:.e , licil o o trallo
,sisoftal,!' ! I ** E., --4" rt
f!..; ? `"., ,
.„,-„,,,,kslvSly ktvibgi, U n ited
~ '1 64111 ' . ""' his subjects in
' . is*Milealifted t 6 present .
(amto a
'el ' • -,,,,,54aAia-ciiit acid inierestae; tott.
„,i' ' t4tiritUdielli, ; -
. r-e ...e. um , i tt o . to point , ,
.. a. „,
~t illi s e 1
, 4. : .. 341 ! 4 _, A i m ;i m . ' . and to cir. - r. t.. ~, i
ri . '' _ IRA'Fr''. our.eit4ll#4fill,
. trxi, ~!,,witll°Pe e__—":" ' aiii,e ttre
‘4,--- - i t. -• , , nk „, i ,- ,1 , natreeolfm • ~.
, ~f- ~ I r4if, 4 - it ill ... i feed lool
4 4.2. 1 ,1 s' ' who wiend...ini ~,,,t
. :I,7lr.A'' r iteo,sP°
, Its , ~
~ =pod or their ; -
I .13 • :
'ls, t.e•- ' ''•-•:1. •.' •
Vfl.' . 1,-, 3 , • -
s lo
Is lint)tt-501.4P.kiftAt..
A 4 l
*die' W- 1 070
, t : i o li o.:rio ti to k .oio
ft :3 --••••
• • 0,
This ger!tterrian itati4iten Protilinently
r "fitta VOt'
spoked.° io , Thliellaker-,
'Of 't
ship pf tskpext noose lA , Reptesentahves
1 14 r fir.):o( ran' rti*r4l
Oiripti'te i dliebt.l l 6 the dutieri3Of the
' • ,,.1;.
ettion, ,ss "MN' 04 - thsin ctl '
kepis tch haw? a Itth of 'hick just bow; t
u Bond iii to maka
'46l.:Push , for « «tan striker!!
~4, .------
The StondingCoMmittee have given the
usual call for a Demoorune county rivet
ing on next TuestlNP evening. - Hereto 7.
fore ,wo hays generally appointed our del
egate's to the State' Conventions, tit the Feb
ruary Court. But as we are' now. In a new
Senatorial and ,Bepretientative.district, it
inly,pernaps,ba seemed proper to, take ac-
lion earlier than usual on the, subject.
:The' nest State Convention will be held
. • d
On'the fourth of March, an will nominte
!, a candidate kit - Canal Commissioner, and
appoint delegates to the next National
• Convention. I Should there be found to be
much diversity of opinion among the Dem
ocnits of this.county—and we bolietretthe re
will bo none ,at .all; or ver y ./ little--and
shorld they 'decide in faVer- of instructing
our delegate in:favor of either of the cnn
didates for the Presidency, it may "then be
wisest to 'postpone definite action until the
February court. ' But if wo are found to
be unitaL--as we should be, and always
havd been, and as we believe 'we are—
then there will be no reason why a dole,
gate shall not be`named at once.
`'For our own Part; we can cheerfully
support the , neinininion j of either of the
distinguished Democratic statesmen whose
Baffles: have been mentioned in connection
with the next Presidency; whether it be in
the person of BuenAivsli, DALLAS, CABS,
LEN Or.DICKINSON.“But we are all over
a Pennsylvanian, and lisle - 11g as wo,have
such a statesman' as 'BUCHANAN in our
midst—vibes° long life has been spent in
earnest and active deVotion to fiis country
—whose capacity is' equal to that of the
greatest living statesmen—and whose
principles are those of , the• masses of the i ,
Americanfie'OPle; weSball . not look else; i ll is sonnd . cconon” 'to . “buy where yen
where for a 'candidate: We urged his l ean buy cheapest." But this rule does
claims four years ago, with ',all 1 not always hold good, in • the .abstract.--
• I
ness. .He -. satv 'properto'. withdraw his i There arc some instances in which a
name then,-and •we think.he did right:--I person maysa money by buying at
~. ,ve .
Gen. CAis had older claims, perhaps, and I kome,and from their neighbors,even if they
he was nominated, and then defeated--nch I have to pav more for them than they can
for the want of strength with the. ") - I be bought for from strangers. This is
racy--for any' other man would havesha - Ithe case with almost all kinds of castings,
red the same fate—but by the popularity 1
and particu tarty with :that indispensai
Gen. TATLcs won in carrying out a Ica-! blo article of household furnitPre,. Alio
ding measure of a Democratic administra- I .
• Sloce: li ..
your stove is cast by yotir neigh
tion. We supported Gen. Cass thin as
'bar, and one of tit. tomes break, you can
heartily as WO. could have supported Mr.l •
i go to the foundry and get, n new one, and
Buchanan. and as We Will do again ir ho is 1 . , , .
ots- • .0 1 your stove is as goo as ever. Whereas,
nomirled. ; But the claims of pennsyl-
I r if your stove rani° from a distant foundry,
vapia to the •Presidency. after being too i the breaking of a single plate may muse
lonideferred, arc now admitted every-,yob
expense of purchasinga new '
one .
where, and the ,democracy of a large part ) '
The foundry of Mr. LITZ, in this place,
dills Union are strongly inclined to en.:
• is now in full blast, doing a good business,
dome her claims at this time, as a token Viand makingperhaps asgoad work as any
of theii• regard for 'her steadfast and un-! i .
.other establishment n . the State. Ho man
faltering devotion to the principles of the
ufactures an article of Air Aght Parlor
Constitution. . Stoves, which we think aro as good an fie
' tide of that kind as any other pattern ex
tant. They are of convenient' size, and
.- good , old motherly Commonwealth,.
, .
always Asko - it in very high dudgepn-- 1
scolds, frets, lectures, pouts and punishes \
_whenever any of its erring-citizens hap
pen, either by chance or design, to throw
anything in . the shape of an obstruction
across any of the public highways:of the
State. Sliblias 'provided ready meansfor 1
bringing the offender to jucttco, and some.!
times very salutary . punishments are ' iii.
tatted :7--till of , which is very wise and I
good; and without the faithful obiervance
of , this part of our civil cod, we mould'
' find great trouble in getting along: . ,
' But caa'tlic State • obstruct ihege high. 1
ways by her own authority? , And if she
,10 she Pot'
,fairly liable , for damages 11
Thousands of dollars worth of .property ' ,
belongihg-tivp,Ui 'Citizenft, is Pow lying at,
Shamokiri.dain;qtable to get' through , the
mitate, iv4iil4 !4 large amount was entirely
lost; or greatly 4amaged,' in attempting'
to go threUgli. 1 :This will provele.lerious l
loss, to Marry pfoni honeSt,lra : ,lustiiouS Cit.
izens. Th.ti c i.moie does,not:e.ontatlMere
ly!4l4 ilifir
'kit, but those kWl4o,sell at that place,-d6. so•ruinnai sacrifice ; :and 'to leavo their 1
p o;kn.ii,i Onre; with ` . 603 'or saviiii , it,l . Otr r thi s is our fgrew.sPorling te lt s °l4,
is fur .y.toii4 :" ' , 1 and 4i faithful .chronicleinQ(fie finas;
, ..
• Shamokii,:johufn illaliiar an on..i, s hould r9dor,d some : of the•oittraordi. -
&traction to the triiiigitioti!of the Susqw:t.fPSrYll34YM€,* Pf . °uKbuntioP .. P . 0 1 !
henna.' : Tiast'aiinmie!. the -canal,:Cao NA ))Car. , aka , quits OP PiPitY, and . 'qukiP a
tiiii&Mere': undattOOic to irapiive iii , i)iit uulph er ,hali° `bee
' kA1164.': There.'itte,
JioiPiiii:Orikit;oert 4aillitia tlnw much
more who . 1434/ii 'than?' 'fri.4"--v ` l 4 ,z h* ?
Ittli4ZrriZttjli t lit'{6t7 ;sift '
t'll b;e4ul=';;;lligriyali:la?tenitanigritaud.
4•Fiiiik'l*,'Ors643oiAtiiiiiii: kl,F,..i.iloFiOjr•at hom e viSekoEllt 044. 1
sti l y,olo, jw,;4ociii in,3 width to tile itlPPOilifLr,,ii:miiii.,Or..,!s#ll4' itniingi told
*i,ty.,,9lo..'#l:4l,9lielV,Warobliiii`Our.. o:3‘.,444*log.*KrAitir ;#o..sth.o'.
Vailaell poolltivait.tbera iiiiiia day to' 447*.loPec4i,mseK standing , - fk. 1V14 4 E
Whenitlivi)alide eaaughtforOit,P,4okn'tsP,los,4.4on*._P 4ltt oUt
• i--1 , k.i..73 -,l' t ' ' ..• ~ 5 • .., f r ' r - ' ti/0 4;' , , 'l t " I 1,,,,, — ,,,„t h '',4;,,,V.,w, ii,... - c
WO c.l fit
.t` I i 7 - 0, ,lsitto "1 o,lti ,;;. ~ t •• I '7l _ )77'7 7 .o'l/Irgi,r7"""" "" t irte 3D ,
• .. ,, , - .11 , .1.,;v,4 , 41 i 4 4.4.4,4: TP1'11 1 1:1'i a ',,.;:. : . ,7,11 and 4 410 1 5 e whoit-#IOQ op 1040tir
~.11iiiiiiil 164***5 - 10fOle At-604 - cillti irov.o4l; - : itii-iti" " "itli
t: 07 ( 4 . .. ittopproti :,;,:i--4.t.ii;i;Tci.-.., i 'two 4r,gittwookli4ll' 044 *hi
~,...%- • .. , ~. ..:-. vel, 1 ii,,..„...,,.,. : A .., ~!.;1 „.. . , . e ..
- . ,'. 1.. - '
6461 _ 11 , ; ,. _
•." ~
e,Gt week
jo ' t ; h t: tei a:v h u i: ry ' al7 -f a: m ' i tt : 1 01:1: 1 ! 13 1: 4: ws tdwel: wilea i l : , 1
, b , , entitirie,„ ,„-,
• ~ 1.1,01
xbusinea - b tore
!get it, we will tell
Or That vrittiiiffs•rt) many , of our pat
t one a good opportunity of doing somed,tinif
flit ;'` room just . :noW for a
very largo tWin of '
money, and
that room, half filled we wilf - notbe very
disagreeably disappointed. '
0::TWe1l, printers are hound to have
Their troubles; whether their deserve them
or not. Last week in lifting our outer
form - off the press, " something sfippodi
and - a Way ' s;,'ent hbalid, Chase . ; typos and
lull, belter-skelier'ever'the fleor. Not one
kind only—but some °Fel/cry font in the
office,. frem great priiner down to thdlittle
I web agate. - There 'was' ne mistaking it.
was a fixed fact awfully unfixed. We
gazed at dach'cithet—then at 'the
then at the a lmanac--measuied—counted.
" Not a'ivord was' said—L
Not an.oath was swami",
BOZ before deeidince exactly what course to
pursuo,—and after searching a host of our
exchanes to find something to, guide us
in our extremities, wed - at' last lit Oen the
lifenultain Echo, whcire a .similtteetitas
trophe happened a few days previously,
though only half the extent of ours, and
taking counsel from the cool philosophy
of the viecitn s in . thaf office, , We rolled up
our sleoves end `'wont iti•Woik, and have
now thesatisfaction of informingour friends
that ,we havo.brought our paper forth once
more'from this( wreck of . "matter," and
have made a pretty fair beginning at as,
sorting the great box-full or pie I
elr'But "ruisfortunea. never Come sin
gle," and in the midsi or our confuSion,one
of our jours was taken. suddenly ill on
Saturday. Ho ,is now convalescpnt, and
almost-himself again; • . . st.
handsome. . .
Ho has now, on hand a largo supply. of
Scottish pig metal, whit:lris the very best
article for foundry purposes ; and for his
,industry and cnturprize, Mr. - LITZ richly
merits a liberal patronage.
Suers mi Dr.kriz.—A man 'named .ro
seph AynihoryPotter;:iesiding in Brady
township, in this , county, in company with
a young lan, iv,er4 , out on n hunting ex
cursion on'aturdayi last. 'l'lle, day Was
extremely cold and blustery; and the snow
pretty deep In the w; _renderingit
extremely tiresome to travel. They both
became very i)iueii e2,:hausted, and toWards
1 evening the young man was compelled to
leave his ccimpalion for his own : ' safety,
land if possible, Proc' ure assistance for Mr:
H. ' He succeedin reaching - house, but l
before assistanee *ached his compa n i on, •
.. ,
1 , exposure Jo. the cold, bad 'done its work,
I and he died the next day 'about ten o'clock:
Itii. H. leaves 'a
Avits•:and several small
,children in reilestitate thitl'helpless condi
qion. ~. I ' 2 l;;' s • ' . : f -I'll •: 1 '... 1 ':`, I ': . II ) '
ed backloStfithilriokitd,iooltd, iihen out','
came four hearti.ollaftemfaither in quicki
supeessiotpi—two ofwitich Wereiwounded,
tos onlrone of 0 10 Tr PP1) 1 0. :
tie Wt . story iitliat another of
ouK citizemfollowed Another bettr;iriti;,his
den, in The base ofila ,mountain, and after
penetrating a corisidereble distince,'con,
ctded,utoi fetreatowhich he ilia, and then
btiftt a: fortified etustle•at'the,mouth of the
den, where he and one or two others have
been on the watch,; alternately for 'several
days, With what successWe have not heard
for tv day or too. But rumor also brings
another, story, that still another !tar was
chased on the other side of' this".satite
mountain. .NoW,' may' it not be that the
aforeiald beat : Went 'eledr thidizgh?'
Mr. Editor few days ago I no 7
tieed an article in the Pennsylvanian, from
the Blair County Whig, laudatory of Col.
FRED. BoLEY, conductor in the employ of
the Central Railroad Company, whith, in
my Opinion, although tame—too
.much so
by ,far--the Colonel highly merits Per;
sons travelling either by stage or railroad
are too frequently annoyed, by the ins°.
rence and vulgarity of those whose duty it
is to minister to' their comfort and eolave
nience. But to come across such men as"
COL BOLEY and I. • W ATsnnURY , Q.gtnto i
agent Irom Lancaster to Philadelphia,'
seems like green places in ; It sandy des
ert. The happiest fellows you meet crow
ded together in the whole train,. ate the
above mentioned officials. They seem
happy and contented. They strive to the
utmost to make their passengers comforta
ble end'contented:' ' Ttley lierform their
duty with I:la - little' ceremony and annoy
ance as possible, and .with that peculiar
courtesy which aluidis attracts the respect
land kindliest feelings of those under their
care. And whilst the'columns of many of
our newspapers teem with the fulsome
flattery of politictil demagogues, who rm.,
er did and never will` do a good or benev- I
olent act in their lives; except to those of
their own household, I can - see no reason
why tho exertions of worthy men, put
forth for tho enjoyment of the travelling
portion of community, should go untioti
ced. Conclusively, I would say to all
travellers on'the Pennsylvania railroad, be
sure you take the . trains of which Col. Be
ley and the gallant Waterbury havecharge.
kother Terrible Accident.
.Nczo York, Nov. 24'.-This afterncidn
the wall of a brewery adjoining the black
smith shop attact.ed to the manufactory of
R. Hoe & Co., fell, crushing in the roof
of the shop, and killing two mon named.
Mackay and Brown, who were employed
in the . shop and injuring a number of oth
ers. It is feared that others are buried in
the ruins.
Dreadful Pa!frond Aceldent--Three , Persons
Boston, Nov. 22.—Yestorday evening,
as the Passenger train was on its way
from Dover to Farmington, on. the Checo
(N. H.) Railroad, when about two miles
north of Rochester, the engine was thrown
down en embankment by a culvert being
under Mined by the heavy . rains, and the
engineer, fireman, and a section man were
instantly killed.. : •
Arrest of Fogitives . at Columbiay
Baltimore, Nov, 23.—We learn from
Columbiis; Ps., that two fugitive slaves
from this State, were arrested there yester
day, one of whom succeeded in making
his escape. : —The.other was delivered up
to his master, And brdught .back to this city.
A white ,man resisted- the tllarsbul while
making the arrests, and a warrant has
been issued for his apprehension. Two
white Op from this city, the fugitive con
fesses'asSisted him to . escape.
To believe tho gospel, is but to give
od credit for being wiser then ourselves,
ND Artificial Duatiy° lluid,or Gastric Julco
A great Dyspepsia Curer. prepared Born Rennet,
of the fourth Simincli of. the ON. Liter threctiona
Baron Luthig, the great Physiological Chemist, by
J, S. Houghton. M. II North Eighth Street,
Philadelphia. Pa. This is a, truly wonderful rem ,
edy for Indigestion,. PYOllOl.6ln. Jaundice,
Complaint, constipation, mid Debility, curing atter
riattire's titan method, by inature'a own agent. the
Gastricjuice , See Advertisement itt another et&
- „
MARRIED--On.Tuesday, August
by Itiffir:-Berkstresser, Me. Jacob Gibson
to Miss Letkh : 1 - 40; tjoth of Jordan town.
ship. 1 , 7 - , • , ,
; On Thursday, : Sept. hy, the same,
Mr. Aaron Owens to Miss Emily, Estes,
both of Pike townihip. •
ThursdayOp Oct. 2, by the same, Mr,;
Abraham Shot ,of Woodward township;
to Miss Sarah Jane MCKee,"of Joidan
toftsbip.. •
; On' Thursday;Oct. 30, by the same,
Mi.lahrt' H. Daugherty, of Morris ,tavn=
ship; tolfiss Sophia P; Showalter, Of De=
catur township •
On the same day.,'fry the Bomb, Or.:G;
W. Cum ts 4" Miss Esther %Si...WV, b9th
of Jordan townsbiP. -
by the
Satne,l4i, Et ward Etir.
lUr r?' a tm. r
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.; , . : dvive# - .: 3;41., t . ..... - • -
L: 4;j11-44
-.?.•,:- n---••• -•••?-tut !pit --•-•......--,.,, 4 •
TgAgelv*,l6lflirlllo!'.l.,*, • 1) 1 1' 7 ' .
, ..... • • . ....
To Milani! I ' d Alttil bf. -
tiMt iod iAd r olor'etri lag ' 11 6 offief• I
The Aeademio.ndic is obii 4100 VA Itac. 4.1,14 AR 'VAS -1
of TWELVE WESE.E.Wac ; and'fIVIVIAyS Of caw!.
las is each wyk. , a •.. 4,, I . • , l•_, .. 4. • , , I.
Thenottikettiet WM - oensairkmealt AiOSDAIr uP,G,: 8 h, ~
1161. at the rollowing ~- ~• . ... -• ' • , ''.''',.' ''
, Rediii , d; Mateo oilliltiOn :., •i
tOEMUE ,',,,vioaL4iu aitid;iifferithitas
~,..,. t :
/Ati V ia tinlightl' " li la' i n 9 " l* Ist* •
AEE -kap ki(WEAti ORA, 11 ißig-Tialti. ' •
7 LAW' *moor. _,. ,' •'' 64 'Oa :
ub ept A . Atm PIATERMATIUAIIESPA,III. : • 4 .„ i
I ENT • i .r....i4,••..n!* , :t ,.; ' ,401 ": 1
. 1,9•4311.00 f ei.O__„_lrivint4 404 h. ,M , 1,
dikt.isil...afaxitrt ewhilrfilholt*lttla tow
of the, to owl at .it ingots , or FRIDAY
I P. .011 i of it cis Elocution: Volor,mtion and
view quoptons Uppil thole wend oaths", All ethos attend 1
toll* unlit P: Ps. midis., l
The LAIEL*S USPAIII.TMENT is intOltelp rhparats lim b 1
the other on thq pott or this, who desire it, 'lwo or,three 1
dotes orinolot or both, , (X.l. 101 the proper of sooners* , in 1
lime vbni it hi optional with Um Swirl* Ptiltirs,,whefhic 10 •
Jots such Menai or not.
Tuition is charged ilea tbe dive of the Scholars
oho to the Mem of the Tame-dtdaotimi bong made la ea*
si absonoo caused to, lakoess, lied whets spec Oat soresment
is made. ea snooppr.„ Withtbe Pittairei , , ,
tdOltAi. SU Aeltlf4. boa hit bort* bottii the tibial' Miaow of
the Teachers in sechnug thorough dlimpliorr-and it has berm
efficism. Unmoral pueithmest Is• admilitotood anlylin the
nowt °adores ono isooni'gibitrasos... ,•, • • - ."- •-• ,
The constant aloof Pre Timbers tr to make Oh* intimation
they iMpalt, ail NINA" 4illt.#.:ppolut. Primtioal„ as wail is
1 hftnitir% otos If bi d
•,..,* The st lodisation Is gives to thip apt. ait se
Enrols ul the Paull.. wed • sada the obenre c or the Trumboini.
ISJARD can be ob aimed er niesormble pri 00, ,
• , • EII:HARD eh AW. Proweist.
WM. 1.4 1400E11. SomOoy, • • Nov W. SAL ,
PLEASANT 11111614
-At Clearfield. ••' • •
rIIDE andeolgeot tradfally anneueoes people
Cwarneld sad the Gists, eouatleo teat he still °ends'
mote carry on the shove bailers et his extensive esittylith:
memo in I hie-terob et Olearflolds and tenni , . PiePartit
me tile. S lade of••
Castings used for Grist Il2ills, Saw-Mills,
and all hinds , of•ll.lachiner on
n t i ow
t o heßt ,a tten-obgir quoer- e - p uee bat mtnrte on'
bwx - madetiel. and einottme eons hot Biscay lnto) woreews.
noww capertor Ttlßlair(4sl LA.TLIEEI. darer' by Item,
la la our:multi operatioe. and u elder the panacea:Mt of
a pre:Meal mechanic-where almost ankle or onooioori
on .be FICIIBI3BIi la the eery best style. and on eli4it notice.
Ile hes stow an bands a hose esstortunsat of t.) such
es id rovEs el rano 111,1filend patients. ?IOU() H I tiON e.
WARN KtsrrLEts. sto • :to. which he otters to sell low for
Cash, or oa a reasonab l e credit. OA. is now prolog. from
the Mott two towci,paliterns. ,• • , -
ALSO—Faniv Air' Tight Parlor Stoves,l
Vine Plate and Coal Stoves Also,
Wiard's . celebrated Plolagli.
And all hi WAGONed, of riutzawEll/XEM: Sto-wAuE. SLEIGH and BLED
ile intends well oe reasonable +ruse.. sl e d (forts that the
chime of the candy aenensily will lied ill to their oil VDU nCV
tl) giVe him their canton. GASH wilt id were be ',relived -
bat the highest onees Mill be al'oettel foe Votinity t roduce
I and OLD SS fait o r da in f at
work al l
es , abliihttleeiblis petunia
supercools. al ordain for work all metre Paola sunroloo.
DaNtU LUZ.. ,
Clan fill 1. rtoo. 29.1t51..
. 411.10 T .
stibiiirita ra
r, having atoddlett that:Pore Cauca TWO
1 DUO:4B west of i:frierrairs Hotal, i i would renaTtfully
annuarica to tart cilium , of Cie/idiom borooth.vo.i .i riultn
[,atheist. unrletaa ENTIR N A' it tiAttEftil.LY
nr,i,UulrED al WOK. Or. pIIMCLIANWIEW, ootnyttsisig a
tarsi auortroeut or
.I)7y Goods,," Groceries, .
Hardware,. Queenswarc, •
Drags" Hats, Bonnets', Shatels .Pe.,
Particular enumeration 'is deetcea nituecatsarr,
IN WANT tW Outilthi: AT lIIW YILWE. 3 . ore soileitcd
t,4ca,tit esd
( Vol VP l i ar I' turc-b "I" ° VV.% I
WALLACE lc 111111 S,
Successors to RICHARD . . SHAW, Esq.
ILIT.SP.ffitPULI.Y. 1111213011ree to lb. pnblto, that they
AA , ha 'jest received acd no cow uniting at the Old Wind
of D., 131/AtV. L'sq., Marge nail well seep:ova anonitett of
Spring and Sunirn or Goods,
Compore.l in t of' DRY GDS 01100E1111"9. HAMS
AriE. dßittkwitak: , &C .Ik..c. Alm, a loom int of
LaMar' tied Gentlemen' eAllt.:Y DRRAS GOOD 6.
.Riady-made Clothing, •
And MI the aotlcles generally tont In a country tt7te—all of
throb *lvry aft tenured to svir as lo rus. twin .1, they can
W bonnier Iwoncod county. hoe. tr.l. ltfl.
Ne & Winter
At Grahamton, Bradford township.
'PHD subserlbei offers 'brush., en 'be meet lintel law..
GOODS. touristic( of
Dry Goods, Hardware, Queetisware,
Groceries, Hats, Caps, Bonnets,,
. Boots and Shoes. •
MI of which Will be solol es low as ina be bought tatewheos
in the count?.
Purchasers will fled at GRAHAISTON every detcolDllola 0
Go )0013 usually knot in a OGG eattlr F.TORS—r.II ol
wia be daroutt of ea very smug Wornness fot CASH. KROv
1DM:to:. or !MISSES.
- rheum call asd examine fpr itunehres.
Goattamten. October 1.1611
• 6'tray3 !tenger. •
to the tentdeueo of the satuaritto
4-./ to Watts , tentruhip Claatneld count,'
ttbent tho 17th of Jot, mt, a NED 11E.11.".
branded es thileft hip. anclauPPoe•
pow ed to he thiee•loars old. No .c.l hat Milk!
recollected . &wooled to have stiatedirom
. ~• ed, teea. Tile' °WIWI will come fotw . pd
OVI Pt, Pert*. Pa/ Oratti and take bet tpoo7l •
'l. , • • JOHN ;cAuLiLr..
Pavia '41.113,514
Corrected Weekly from the Philadelphia Paper
pennsylvania, Bank, Cayuga L. -1
Philad'a b'ke,, par Western, Roches., 30
U.S. Bank, 13 Bingliampton, -50
Clutmbersburg, / Vattaraugus co. 30
Gettysburg, , 4 Clinton county,. :15
Pittsburg, .4 Commercial,Buf., 15
Susq. County,
~ do Oswego „10
Lewistowp; ho sale FaYnigre;geaott; 00
Middletown, , , allitoilton: hank, 15
Carlisle, i Mechan. Buirale,
Hollidaysburg, i t Merchants' F.X,., 40
Erie, - li Millers', at Clyde, 10
Waynesburg, , ii Oswego, 60
Washington, lttli Plicentx4 Buffalo,ati'
Htisrisburg, 4. Staten Island, , 50
Honesbale, llStateb.lluilldo,7saBo
Browesvillo, . lal4lSt. Lawrence, '75
Willia4Port, /lUnion, Buffalo, 30
York, ' , /IU. S., Buffalo, " 301
All Solvent' hrtiti ' pavllVetervliet, 'l5
Rollef Notes, ' . I.lother soly,,,b'lls, , I
TOwapdaßel. !loss's * . New Jersey
, , New'York qty. ' Del. B'dge Co. •‘ 85 '
Chelsea bank, 80 Yardleyville, .:11ti
clintoßt . .501Kainfietd; ' '—?
coipritefeial, i ~ Other solvent, , :Tar
Lafayette ? s:, , ~ A' , , 0104 , , , ,
Washington, 7qlSolvent Cinc itinatili
Other solit. As; ii!tr,lClevelaiHr," „ , , 5
- lie* lid $ tatts- LiiiiiMilOa, , . :X 5
AllegheXty 00; 0,6a75 COME4ker4 . otigtO , /9
UkktfiCriirrgiltiatAkiio do ..:41,,75
MillitnOitA,4 6 ; ' ,1 ., ?A iii,444,1 1 4.;' - , ,^ :q.:: s, ' — '
Atlatt bank,, , q: ,:., ,glisliryitlici . ,- - - —,
Capp, .94 - tii)r; elts Fdirdtiiseiceintorkiro
_,.. ,. , 40. 4 ~.., ~., ~T . .. 20 44 6 ,
IfirOcArri t , ..
Janks-'Bitik atioatAr .' , Ai' .0 ile
, , ei„..„....„„.,
w o ith e i n - v ,:r . t ,-. ~ vs: ~ ,OttApp_ ..4
1, ,-„,,:as
bod' 1
- • ' 1,..,.. TN T ” - . ~ 2k ,
~,2 . •17 7 V.14.3.1..01 . V
I Wit 1: t t i . 1 4 PAM Mk t .1,
;'.. ' 4
41 :, ."( :.` • ' .45:1
'"'`a..;g:4:.14:; 1 ':51,?,71 . t...,-.4‘;,!..c0..? „ =; , ...: , : „ '' . T t.'
..; 4.'"'.45'41,44 tr‘c .41 1 ,Vitih ., :; ;,;‘.`r
blrtairse . f ., . alibis el ;,, 1, !"--. ', : • If.WN:.: , ; ,
ofth .I: as as • '',"` ';',' ~ , ,v , ,„ :! ..„.",,;e;:e; '‘, • ,-,0' , "
tare Pease ' ''',, , cogs • •- ' 'l.. Af --. '• .•'s '. ';',••• , ,•:,,, ••'..
ems t•outos; ' '''''' • • .•': 'l'•'r.,:,";,; - ' , "::4 4 ,.' ~ . . t2',:, ‘..':•V J.,:
'nf"Pf tr i t t 6 ' I "'A. ~ dlk 1 :0 6 * '. : ' ~. 4 0 . , ~••; ,',' 1,:i1.f . i. , -:: , '..'i . •
iik e
watt the m - emotive,- ti. • ,_.,w Vet .1,010 0 t : • * - ., .s• v .
. .whiboutts , .as MI kali NW ...1. ,44,.et ,
.thattta ex • • . alma. • - .Mart , •
,; 2
~ , 2,,,, ,i q
h owl.
'.uptell Id. , e.derst orelio,' v sod nr:stattl a ts l ,
1 l af trAltl=SatiolL 'it' I" lt i g , Seciadr i eh: Hl' ~-.' ~. ,::
1 - benign tfloanothe ore bile , , eul'euisticallattra , ''.---, - ..:;:.
i!.,,,"4lll:initttill'll.l7t=t;:,..4Z*,i4. j...... aitf4s
t inanoonateted as to fien Iva Ineloolit a .... Tien,
I, (bait will beareeted t ot
sota erreicentnag As tilt -. • , .
les Ottoonte tint Oen of' entylionatetelemi • „ levi , •.„ • .
soestor trohtwer fa dvisement opthasiesitterm.. , . , to • ..-
'PO.W.• Misled usages t.tisCdieseleteubballett, r be . A" i'
, voted tattle service othis - oeua.bY agnate Ogee 1 4 , •' li ~.„.
I:depart fain its wistll6lol4 of linkt bglatrir4 o . 4L, .
, th. ,„„.e..i.. tf deuterons drama •It w fet . ' .
lends ear s,
ante ;It witrailtefe trot,foteast on a se. .01. I
parties, siad not oeiretentitet fto , 01,0411 MITMIT MUM 2. • ' ,
I deIMOCTIMO pear, bht enam alleY-• Wool: a Flout' at If atali ksi .- : "
Iteddiass between the 'odour mama OA a ray
dilersolnauoseational 'lmatheents b, ephtiki i ires Mod de .
lag'the causatation. end by qatainins, t.O denten/A 4 ' t
I ettales, cad by ;lade t before fettle car ell ' e tiltr.b!e 41 ;et
I Woes the bleeders WWl' aolforl 61 . ,the t n.-Attains arm .
lamina withths inevlutbleardiusfatalateel and . babel,
, eh; tilhOtt. 161 order to nolpuon. Oita 3odiottant ad- . ;
1 AA: tit. mutt action ol the. on t,ticre.orilt Da tutted e . t.d. a ;.1
! aferbearasee to exmoisedotiet et DOW" biblilf* lo,ol, . la
, ref oti, Revenue duties antra Marutitoadant Latrine, net
!, otmanouely advocated if, tapetitine . tri,Peuten Ivo tarifa,
ern man ers, mid Mho Medlar corautes., 110. %W WII iiisa •
1 obtoraludos intent ol teWoat Improvements bY the/ emorla
! sovernmentwili be earamay opposed ' st bite Ivory *nog ',II •
be made to empties tederel extravagance, tad. Walt batik lfgr
, "overeat:eat ter.tbe wbelerona Pnempla t t tatenctrog. ,
Theocrat abject of the UNIONAstO nunreas , Ilahlieol
Etlu yet its nip email will net be dawned mtaletively testate: •
'ins. ;
It Will entteevor to /MeV titt the spirit ..of, the fa, •
and to present all di:raids* le selehatet art. mi t t: ape,
to chldhe al improvearets ru Mae to Rare.
comma and manefattura w Web MAT Dimrcte toter.
este and t eed
ed ft the adornment . of the a 134t.ty- ,
Vire intent beltw the towns ou v. WO the lINIONI Wllibe
furnished to subscribers; anti we wilt ihi lii c 'tendon, t• at
we have presented oafpliiMlMM,,and serest to od who so.
prove It to sustain ns 'l.' 6 °eine la which vie lave smbaraed
cannot be sustained wI at a hand patrotater A Oki', Sir
net at Wublecton requires a heavy exrendlture t wed we
Ricottas *Spell to rill the • who wish Se tamers re'tsiti la twi
curiciutbe man of *natal by toles their eeriness' toobta
paintos lied sub.atie o • Our ;Fps are bead Wel, ought
atipooft. ea. fa the strength the tiOciarlo vary or the
Uuttedidtates. Blaney it lb) s Dew of w it, ? •edit anouee.
say to Were enterprise which requires thought. alit• to trot
mutt command Labor to Oast itnerd., . ,
, . .
Gaily pima by tho year. la advone t. i ' ~; , , 150 00
fur lea than it pest. 1111. Per meal b . -, '
Red Weekly , taper rip the seta. fa *device. ..' • 5
00 • ••••• 1 for hr‘o than a Yen , . per month.' • r
Weal/ Paver by the. rat' : . • , , 2 )
Weekly Pane; for sly months, ~,. • IGO .
Rub•crint i ons to the OMIT Waal for fmt than two, to the
Perni-Weekly tor tre than four. a to the t t eek'y for lam
than tlx mouths. will not be •eceivedi
if not paid widtls tat. lint 1;* months, the Dolly Pape will
Le Std. the fieral*Wesitly Pa, and the V% eatly, I& tO east, •
.. Re Marlboro may discrelletie rhea
_pear,. st lOW - og* br
pli,ine for t he subscribe the hero/eta red thyalbial oot whinge:
I host who ler et year. nod SO Pot lt ti14 1 4411/ 111
litlbletlb 13¢ ortlsr a ditooelleueeye es.•l Ise red of is, will he
orrsideted mom ibets oath they older the pilau to be elan.'
Deed. nit! pap a:testae/I , . , , .S,ll '
Atf payments to bo mods in advance. 1 hre ;rho tavola
an opportunity of nay lil t otherwl•e, may ;owl by theil. it ,
our risk—yo dna° pelf.. Th e posim es este ceit 6cato of Snell
MMittitlCO shad Ibeis se elect 'me of therefor, !'he notes at
any soecle•pay far hak will be received
No attrition will ho elver. Kg any order stales the mosey. of
bpi , mtutei's cortlt.eale that it hat bees rend tea, tv:oolYlrut%
Lettors to he proprietors, choral whh poet av, will not be
taken tint of ihe tirx t villa. A.
41 THINCI.BIIN. f • -- .'' r %
Wah r nston City, At 011, 186 1. ' ' ' • '
, . , ,
• .
. .
Ts' 11E undereigned, Aturney and General Agrot!
EL at rity - til I,Vehhington, offers., toe firraccl
n piocurinti Bouoly 'Land and Pensions tar throat .
entitled. Being permanently 4i
of Governinent, with a thorough itnd, fatnifi4r
knowledge of the nees;sacity . forms ebil routine iJr
business. and having areas. to the Rogisters and
Rolle filed in the U.S'. 'l.Viar Office, he poterfifes
facilities for the ape htly'and: vatirtnetory:itojfiet..
tueht of Government :cialmit'uf.ti'Very
By a late A eta Congress; Beiinty
ted• to the officers and soldters of the war of 0,31'2, •
and of the. i'ariouft Indian tvais,ekice 1700.
those wbp served nirie months:lGo ;
I those who served four Menthe
,a 0 never; sod io
thine who served one raptith . ,.lo
ArrOttgements 'have tieen made'veirh , gentle.
men of the Legit proresstoti, indifferetit seCtiona
of the country, for the.loc , ation of warrants, and .
the sale of the Peterits; when ironed. on the Tors
advantageous term. ;, for the payment at razes
redemption °fiends sold foiteties. ,- , collection at
ebts, and for the transaction nt rencral law ht 9
Incas in the d , fferent States and Terrify : tie...
lie tenders his services to member% nttheVill
(saiiiin at 4 distance, and 'when claims
the Government are 'prepared bye local Attorney
wilt abate one.half his usual fee. l'h.f• Laces's.
ry forms and instructions. and inforitiatiett onail
subjects appertaining to ct successful prosecution
of the business, will" be • *lflrLd in reaufar cur , .
respondents without charge..
information. cheerfully . gsten;and all commu
nications promptly replied to. ifaddieried io
ClIABLlat .C. 1 4 17C4F1t,
Washington,' D. C.---Dec. 18,'50.
-We are opposed•to ill 'Puffing, in the
figurni:ve sense of the term. Whither in Me mime
of a book. or anything else, We barba reptignence
to give it a fulsome adulation, or to reenninicud it
in any nil. unless' we honestly - believe it
orthy of favor. ,
"We have again furnished ourselves' wills a keg
of Iloocer's Black Writing Ink - , , when we any
that this is not the fits? or the second keg that has
been procured Irom Mr. Waver, Ilse article may
ho r miside red es being endoried 'noon' by. us, oth'
' ern ire we., - Should nut have confined its use for
these sus or seven years pint, Others may have
their prefeteucenhi faVor of ddrerent ranmilaeltace
and we ore quite r - Ofing that they enjoyihuse preit
erences (save end: except th e 'O f our Correspond.
tints. who sometime° impose dial loathsame Blue
stuff upon us, which ispot fit to he user.P; qa• our
own part, woctilitinue the the rannithicture ol•Mr.
Hover, whiles jolt te '
,not only cilia :bUt
does not clog and .ronglomurnte ',slur, pen e s some
otherW iso good inks do."—(German Berm med
itenger.qhatuborshurg,fa, , •
New Good.
. .
Cif ALLACE ftIIILL. retool futir r annolaft to their
V V Woods. M
oods. and{ the yobbo ME* (bat (bat they axe now
rLoeivin, end openthrtit'thuls stoke t botocothpf Mew
field one a the I.AitOIP23T AND moerv,e,iti,
ON.I.EIVED I'OC,K - • • :
That hasevot bee* bkoilgiatoth'9.oOult7-99019919ta1t IS Pada
'Gpo-rds, - . '
Qneenswatc, • .. , Restiv-niatlC . C.lo. l;ll ,rg. ,
Stige t,
flati4 Bonnets,.&c &c-.
smoi which the? a** conatesi s',lll cOmparee bout a,
PBP,APTiraq(I 114149 1 14,. with OA 9,t49 9 54 1 1. 9 t 49-
/monad owtn. i:,
GIV. ut call, euid oak se oar GuliDS. $t w flt do us good
' to show thus toloB aria if gee der't 4. Os stale: •
`,2 - 040040: IPO!„,
• ' L . ' ' ''. ROBERT' MANLEY; -..• •' ' '
ZSIALIVIZIEVT:.•,!7.O-.13)4110.111.14 '
-.:. .... • •- • ttIAKEit ...-- -.-- •
• ... .
'pan 'owes, wvitroir 1.6.1 ,b. it...... 0., fCP op
I. fistd commis. that 14111010 On on rootoUltro Omen Oa •',
btorketstfrot. sun r ooppoitsilte lemdottoo of kola EcothS,O. ,
whetittiO Wiper our , •otslots:a i iv. ovratr:interrni.o. —
.. no 0 , ors wooer - the
to o4oittrouth -pitioriwoo
ntsy to pleased to coil, to their ooU • latiotlttioo. tie *la . ,
- . trlAßKe.° o )41 ",•11 - .•—,:t.Wid uin ..11:1:i7:, , , ,
. ' ' ' 600640 NC and . V
rly er* ghicriptios,
~ lviktitetl chat ft top* to,olitb
X.E.Wit`',l-po#44.litiiilict-ctiiiti:Cli+liitibei - •
~Cii4iiChigielliaiiiitlifedVliiiii i i ,-'
pliitillitCholr,Calt., ...04101--fillplldpebott_Ao ie-';.,
1 tOtrlgatft MIA tyrtortp hog at . II unt 4 •
low bli.o?lttotly Sr* t r a r izit ttottotrit :
wita/ • lir um* 4, A , te r r
I ! ..F.OPOittiVtr."lo/1140V/Wi tibdirjW.'
. .. .
~/V ' y in4,l,:4 ,t
~,,,. 1 : r,, ~1 ,; . ~, i il, LP' t';' s ''';'..,
Witalesaleireets At VOilifilhder•leirOVN
' , ,...r:
• Aw.• P..,4'..!""1.1"*1t0tP.,,,,,t., .
e silia t ,'''' *rr' lOO , $ , , 10 ,
'F' o Aftfit•l' , ~..,L.'r!-*..4 it • - 3
..1,40,1.• ,4, 4f
ir ct I , • 4010:iew
• .
0 ." ,, f 14 tf1*.W10 4 ,4 1 0
ti 3' 14,4:0, 1 ? W . 44„t , tl4t4 A a
:,;(:,,-;; •;44 - ult,4 l ` . '