Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 28, 1851, Image 2

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    PATllailthilliti:PAißWALL.,. -
, 44Eitatei of trio' Union, end that broad and instant, greeted by the sight of his little
: ThitAiiilingefehilti , I:lltiiiilithriPiiit,',,Re'i t . IcoMprehentive spirit of patriotism which girl's face ; her head was all that was via
;-11esottiii4,',•44itlietiil.'ittiled notr:SitterOy. ;nukes every Inhabitant of this mighty re. able, hor body -being covered with those
: - WeCki" for Lteeriteed(in the es I 6 ttoiet i i E k : '.; Pn!. I public—from the Atlantic to tho'Paclfle— of ;her companions.
:eifie. ;The4bilOwieg itiehhiietledietciry :i I from , Maine to California—gloryitt 'the ' Mr. Seabring,.urged by paterthf'' elltle
4b the! aifeeiks,6l the
,htert6. II title of etc '.o.ol*keilirb!, -- :-, ,:. 'line, of donne directed liee.efforts et encie'l
I;le A uee Oa t :am ) Vaiaema. : ;... ~. '•:•.,:,,.,.; ; I Friends It loitleounlr.imeo—i, 4 1 0 i:the release of liia;daeghteq WV° ho
:• :, ,mi,itiision.SrhoOg Vou clesieito.dity.4. bikysie le ;'' 160 ntj a fina ln Ifa w ell i 4 . ,. ;; t‘vas !so engaged. a man came up end leidi
4 aiinnOt Ake; iii yil riattlePti it it re .from fhb ; ' ! few' tiourii:iTiotilf iltitepOitteMie,frain i the •',. held of him,,rtaying,;.."My child is I thern,"' ,
<sherea'6l,:kotir'great ind.'preSperOui cetin. hospitable spores of America forever- I; add endeavored to - teke the lac on which
.':tie.;•,Aeitti c iat - ',pubtiely,Tecoding my,, , . decp, l ctirry with `me to' the poor old country," ; Mr. Senbring stood. ; , Finding he could noel
Urld;grataful Opprecititien of the 'generniiii",•feelings of. respect artiValteehment . for ite i move bum, he struck at him, thus•endeav
sympathy, the delicate , attention and Ole; people, ,- pat • -neither e tirrio,..nor ..distanse, l ering to die lase Mr. S.; and et in a posi.
unremitting' ' Wed ness ,witich -.I; have 0 Xpe'. ~ pin ob literate ' Citiieni - of the' 'United ; tint') to • Werki.irfore; efli:ettiallYJA like reit
. of,
-•rienced in , every sectional this vast UniorelStates—l fervently pray that the Almighty ;his lost child: Mr. S. succeeded in resell.
The noble reeeption;whieb,YoU;haVe Spill.; Displeere • q, ,Intinen, events, in whose ! me his lost child, who.proyed to . be but
' trineousliMinde are red to a stranger, knots the destinies of nations, may 'slightly injured. Hit saitll•lte torgavejthe
merely neilif'.huMblii - mis - sionary''failie I teritifitie theecehleesings and . favors which ; man:who struck, at him ; ho knew . top
:et use efirioral reforrneProves the devolion I you have so Jong enjoyed-Tibet your pro., well his feelings to blame him for any act
•of veurpeopleeo t heilite reels of humanity,, gratis - in every private -'n nd ' public 'Virtue ;Of rashness perpetrated , at 'that time: The.
• however' feehly::cliampiened, and has en.; may keep. ; pace With
: your unexampled !bodies
; el' :the' dead and ' - . -wounded teem
• dettreclt America and her:: people to. me hY i prosperity-•-thatyea 'an d your child ren'sl inciatlyi unload claimed on the spot, akert
et thOusarid ties too .stiered' fee- utterance, children, iney''heltWer true to the ••great to the Ninth.wiird station house, which is
• Though the. renewed 'attacks of - a' pitiful i destiny that awaits• . •you, and to the spirit near the school.' In it few minutes-news
:and insideous ,' Malady, have rendered, ii,ef'theseinstitutions 'under 'the ; fostering of the accide nt spread through the neigh. ;
-Impossible -that I could (svithoutimriiindnt I eire tar eiliiCh 'you '- hive 'so ;repidlylpro, tiorhood, and methers earnerushing ke the
danger !o; mitkethese publieexele!gresSed. '''MaY
,your` country still extend scene by seems, all inanguiSh,' but alt, at
tions which were :never in , f the hand erseceer to the helples exile, tif./ first buoyed , uphy•hepe. :Oceasionalljea
the days of: my health •and itirmy: vigor,,ii ford nn asyluriete - • the ',persecuted, and a mother would' recognise the • lifeless . form
yet, thank Heaven,.have. been instr - urnen.; borne - to'the oppressed—and 'thus insepar: of a 'child as ieivas lifted from the mass,
tal in-adding-10'th° ranks'or temperance ably connect her future'destiny with the and thon the i phircingery' of agony would
over 000,0e0 ; disciples of temperance in; interests of universal humanity:' ; •...; -• ' rend the, air, oh, Gad f may it , never be
Amer;efe -I• • lute° .been ;much //cheered r":,Citizens of the United 'States, and he. ours again :to hear. • And mow the; neigh.
during he past weelt,bY• the •reecipt.of let. !need I enuntrYmen'—itgain • adieu 1 ;May borhood was
. thoroughly , aroused, and
r em • fr om all carts of the states, b ear in g / heaven:Pciiii• its choicest blessings on your crowds flecked tit the scene of the disaster.
unimpeachable testimony to the strict fide).; rewired land; is' the farewell prayer: of Many of the :dead; ;lying; end wounded,
ity Witiewhich this vet - weary ohligtitien IS; . • 14 eOrdeVeled 'ned• affectionate friend, were taken tO•the Station •hotise, where the I
observed. I need seal-Celt/adds , that. vie-i • ~'' '.': ' , ' ',retell/AD' tiLereriewi; entire lodging Mein of thlpolicemen was
. :' . ; .....„' 7 ....._.1 • . ••• • ' ' turned into a hospital, and their beds nll
rue, and the duties Which religiine; ince!. ;
cates, togetherewith periee,plenty,domestic i .......
OF THE :CATASTROPHE jured children. This was, indend, , a sad
comibit,' health and •happinces, heed every , / 41 /4 1 ,
where followed in. its train.' ' • ' ••- ' ‘ ' ' 11. NEW YORK. ~ . sight ; parents, whose children were titis.
• sing, came hero to confirm. their. hopes or
Il cannot omit this opmtunity : el bear- • One of tha most lamentable occurrences
scree might he seen a lifeless liedY,
• ing :my- grateful :testi mony.:lo, the generous 1 that we have ever been called on to record,
with on gized mether standing over it,
co-operation which I have; receivediin :the I took' place at Ward school NO. 20, in
wringing her hands in 'he excess of her
. prosecutiOn elev . . missien, (Mei the public' Greenwich nvenue,opposite Charles street,
press Of•Ameriere . Whatever'ipay he (be yesterday' afternoon, when nearly fitly fllrioll
' .fsorrow, as he beheld the form of There was 'a • father looking the
phriv or sectional ditlerenecalhet separate. children lost their lives and many. were p icture o
;those influential expositors of public opin- Iso Severely injured, that in all probability a loved one that he hod so :Hely parted
• ion, all recognised, in thesimple principles I theywill not recover. - We will give the with in
; health. and then' further one • was
which I enunciated,ei .Common ground ofi facts ofthe case at enee,.and as briefly as a familY - standing round the bed era little
fraternal union ; and acting in that Chris. i possible. - The sChool'house is a mneniee one, whose painful writhingagave evidence
tian spirit have,-with scarcely an excep-; met three story. edifice,
with a' winding of the patient's sufferings.' One alter an- II
Lion, ever freely tendered their valuable ] stnireasefrem thelowerfleer tie the upper other the bodies ofthe dead were removed;
:support and eevecitcy to the cause oftem - -] landing. This stairway is not spiral, but and at length litters were provided, andl
peranee, emPhaticelly_the cause of virtue,; is fortned of short flights of stairs winding the wounded were carried away also:' It'
patriotism and morality.'. if the affection.; Mend a square'wall.: , The first or ground tuns a , sad evening in the Ninth ward.---!
. .;
for t h e se w!. Nearly one hundred i i her mourn -1
flinches e'i
ate sympathy and - kindness of the Amen.; floo ris used as a. play ground
'Can peel& have at all 'finks been goner- 'ars `and is paved With flag stones. ' Th e cd the lessor Children,orwetched anxious.;
()Ugly extended 'to me during My tea r, , second story of the' kinilding ieoccupied by ly . dver the forms of the• wounded: -'The
how much more intense has this noble ; the primary department (tithe institution ; catastrophe was almost the only
.topic of
feeling beconie iii - the Period ' epproached ;in the third story it. the female depart- cenvere'llien; Smell! . knot 3 of 'flien stood'
' for my ;ilepartitre ! • Flow can I find lan- I ment of.the Upper:school, and in the fourth on the eorners'of: the streets, and'recount- I
eil the occurrences' o 1 the aft ernoon. ' A.'
gunge' loth:ink:llle' genemes, the high-Isere the male depnrtment.'
~ . . . 1
-• settled; the noble Henry Clay; my disin-Lte each of the , settee l rodens is frOm t h e pall seemed to have settled on everythin 1,
- lerested adet;:iate.i , erly defy I cherished i landings of the stairs. , The. other side of and all Greenwich village wusin mop rning. l
friend ? Hew can f l' - express . . the peas.. the stairs wits gear/led by 'an „ordinary [Then ~ follows the ',list of killed and
-;am ;of .my :obligation to the .berievelentl
wooden bannister, of no
- great height,' and
wounded, tiMountinglie .about one bun.
Win.. Coreoran",,of . Washington'! to .the not firmly secured at. dui nottom, or where. dre d.l .
public spirited and philanthropic: Henry, the batesters : were connected' with the ' '
. ' '1
. :Grinnell 1, to:.your merchant princes, E. stairs. This description 'of the stairway '.
li..collias and,,Rebert • I(erMitt ? to ; the a- I will enable the reader better to understand LATER FROk TEXAS.. .
unable and gifted archbishop of New Yerk,ltihnt":olloWs. .At about tern edock yes. 'By the arrival of the siezimship i Louis
whose delicate and unremitting . attention • terdayeilernoon, one of
,tile teachers in inna, Ceptain Forbes, at New Orleans,
..will never-be
,forgotten his .honoredi the female ,cleper a
tmeni, Miss Harrison, on the 1 1 th - , says the Picaytene, wu have
I, • i
.; guest 1 to the host Or kin . 'd 'friends in this i wavtaken- with a fainting rn, and
. in or- received papers from 'Galveston tri the 7th
~city, in pnitadelphia, B4ton, Albany, N. tier to her. recovery - she was carried into inst., 'and San Antonio t o the 30th ult.,-
There is no news of great importance in
Orlearis;St. Louiie Cincinnati; and titio'l the passageway, where a cry 'was raised
the Union, who leive responded to Mr.' 61" W/ater ).,water 1" bp, one of her corn our Texan party. .;•
. I
Clay's• appeal, .. •. ~ ., .•1 . .
and in Infer itireweil pres- i pinions:, This cry was not . understood, 'The Nucces Valley reports, on the auth
ority of a gentleman from the Rio Grande
ents ate furnished ii memorial of grab- , else the scholars thobehlthat the water
code and generosity too highlYeppriciated ;Wee wanted to 'extinguish fire, t he
The City, that Wiest of the men stationed at
"by: the object of your sympathy•and soli- I next, moment the cryof - "Fire" was rais. Ringgold' Barracks had deSerted to join
eitude—toe deeply engraven on his heart ed, and spread like wildfire through' the raravajal's forces. : Out o: one hundred,'
~ to ;acknowledged in'thc heeknied phra- building. In 'a metnent Subordination was not more than a dOzen remain. •: •
"see.'sanctiened by conventional usage. . tit an end,. The children from the primary A cold-blooded .aseaSsination was Beep- I
''' There are emotions of gratitude too t r i in- i department rushed to the stairs, as did al. etrated last week at 'Round Top,:on the`
tense for language to convey ; were it.; so the' scholars on. the floor uhove them. person of Mr. • Stephen:Nownsend, 'en!
other Wise, gladly would • I attempt to give [The stairways was soon - filled, and the old citizen of Fayette county, by ii• man I
expression) of my. profound- thanks:: to press agairtat the :blusters So great that named Vaughn. The cause: or the [nor.;
• my gifted; and 'amiable. nountry.-women, they gave way,.precipitating the children der appepirs nut to be known,and the eon-
Miss Catharine Hayes. Never will.) for. over the stairs down to the ground" floor, I elusion among many is, flint Vaughn was;
• get, the, sympathy felt , by that noble-mind- As the 'rush increased, so did the numbers i hired to commit the blood-thirsty decd.:—
ad ledy, or the spontaneous . generesity (so that were hurled over the',stairs into the the weapon used was tebowie knife, direst
~eheracteribtic of her., Irish heart) which, space below, Two of the female teachers into 'the side of' Mr. - Townsend, - while,
prompted her recent gretefui.apd subsn-; made an effort , to stopthe
: children '; but holding a' familiar cenversittion with :he
tial compliment. ; Never
,will this nobl e Ise great - .Was the to;
that their efforts murderer. Vaughn jumped on his horse
_t be-:forgotten by Father Matthew ; and' Were in vain, and they Were themselves nod, galloped off at full speed, and. has not
when his earthly pilgrimage is ovcr,When: linrried, along with the
.cerrent; and de: yet been , heard of. ' Mr. Townsend leaves!
• his atewardship.ceases, and he is : called toj spitiiille&.:elibrts ' Were carried 'into the it wife and several childreh to mourn their
,'a state of future,exiitence,.wherti eventhe! space below. 'ln the upper room, the boy's irreparable loss.
~ • . - • , '
eevenomed'shaft of the• Slanderer cannot i &pertinent Mr McNally tool: hie stand ".. he Brazos Della says there are thirty!
~ .
- ' rietOmaong m her honored his back against the door, and for, six 'newspapers published in Texas. ' • 1
• nounced with gratitude and JesPectby .the bade an y one to go out, , - Although the The Houston - 7h/egraph learns from a
'.Sent; arid : daughters of •that beauteous isle, / panic pervaded his room ,as well AS the person whovieited Durango a few months
wbich'she loves so `yell:' TO my.own be• rest of the. edding, yet he,stieid'firre, and sinde, that nine :American citizens'' have
"toed. countrymen : , 1'- most. • - affc.ctionntely 1 thue'euccaeded in saving the liveS of `ma: heen'imprisoned in.that city ler mere, titan
--fonder a 'few , ..ivords of . parting , adtiiee.-Hey, perhaps of hundreds, for had tho ler. a year; and that:unless the Attprican gov
-: You have,. dearly beloved friend* . re-f ger pop rushed' down ' the ',stalei as did etintiont interferes they wilt probably re.
linquished the, land ef . your birth,:endear- the youngrehildren, HeaVetienlv knows main in prison for:years. :„;;• ). , • :
cd-e° you by a thousand fond reminiseen;, hew mUCh,More sad ,Would have been the • : They were emigrants.for !Culifornia;-
ces, to, seek on these. distant , shores..thatidisaster linin it nowis.' We learn'that ; While passing threugh,D.uraneo, owing to
!, reattineratien for iniiusiiy end toil ton of 'netnecf the boys jumped out of; the wile the scarcity of provisions on ..R. route,(as
, - tee;dosied you athorne. ;
. Y,ou :ate firesen.:d6wri, and that , ono of . dienhnd hiS neck the crops had.been cut off by the drought,)
.ted here with a. field-of ; prefltri- I brilkenti the
,tail:: There Were, altogether they:' could net procure food,,end were
• hle . employment, arid evere t iodeeement to ! in:the 'building but ,e` ,lew' ',shell or 1 . 500 compelled to take :a few .4rtielea oE lOW' te
‘.., persevering industry. YOU are received I ecbolers. ( 1 ,765 we, to be the prevent them from etnrying, ;l For th is
, ~ d. , I
and weleomed in the greet
,American.farti•!ntinaher4 . W hile Mr. -:MeNally."rematned i they Were . arrested,... and . without a 'trial
's r .** with fee li ngs ar, 3 1,06P4114; kindness.( firitiat .his post, die destruction of life Wee were threwminto . prison, The informant
. Link friendship p , After a fe w - yearn :-you ! ; geing pa bnloyi;,' .irlandied4 On hund reds, of the. Wog
_mph: ittates.that siceprding to
bealinl? citizens
, . of *title - great, ießublic,jivenk cNlrthe etairai 3 O A 4 eit there . was a Ole I.thei laws' of.Maxico, travellers ere glowed
Whose 'mat ' territorial extent abounds in !of liuntap. : hoiooll-7-A mais qt . cbildien.-1 to take-articles. of food when the oyvnelli
all the *oriels of mineral, agricultural,, •feet.Sqeeptil and about twelve feet in ' refuse to sell them, provided ' that they
and iiinameetiO Wealth`;' . the - avenues to ' `height. The stern.) of flre,ivisiow .. giveri I take only sufficient to supply. their absolute
honors and.famdsere lihiittillytbrerivn open !.outside , and the i police were snonat•hand.,•necessities.•.• Ho ,says he and his ,coinixin •
to you and te, ,yO,, !'cliildrett;•tind' no im: i t'and fault passe'ssien "pf iliiii:prerniie's, ss lions, while ,itrovelling",through, Durango,
pediment (sai'o-oc. f oWO'CreittiOn)!ei-I . *flis,s. they ,'eould ; ,p 4. commenced 'there/ore: frequently, eompello,l9.talso ' ' FOY •.'
Isis to prevent ' you;atta 'fig" the' highest work of handing o ut the : children , : from Wens ;:by force, but they, , Always, paid far
• soeiat and . •.•ciiic distinctibit,'li4 'will : you.. tbeir perilous position . : Therinilia m
t Were; the- rit.exorbitant rates, und j thoAtcaldes
rangelon *
ger mit; those
' '' g itiridtill 'oOd rt o - ' lo a ON s4Prfl;•9l.° ourik;liat slightly inittred;; refused to arrest them. !*1 i
_..- • . :! ~.
nitif* 0a• pasiUnimprovedl:Or, rat*, will . - bui.o* soon 11A diese.; 'had , been • rein Oiled I The San Antonio . Meths Itzin has
YOu- not, by st udying selfLiesPeoli' Eiha4.-;i,tite imps! hea r t
- rending, spectacle present. 'been permitted .to. molte - t he. : following, ex ;
qtti,ring . hthitsisultio'iolytiariew positioh,,o4: ili;eif: , ;$.910 ;among,6o, policemen tract from a letter front4!Me74 o Val
;-, eltiOtttoyivgoOt benor, alike on , Cif .! Wue fittheiti'' whitie childr e n , _wore :.there • thnxiamin•Sam - Antenio• -
301iith *id loili'adrigiorsitil timplori.;Th .'' W i„ . 'd ' rir! a nd :. d e se rv e . .. ... ' ' • - : .'• 3 3 :''' '''' ' '
.iiii i i ig a,, widum dying b • itti '..e.., 'Av.., : 0 ,!. 41 1 U 1 ? n Y.,:-:till ;;± The, latest ; news..recoved t'esrt:lo,ej !
~,,, .., . . . .., 1, . 0 ,.,, 2, i to , ll l 0 y, Ofter. ':,!i,ody, arias .trikee. ; out, . ty: of: Mexico rip, - Chet - ',Gen,: Uruguay lies
b zitto
':' Itermoso - 100 1len all'unentFee . /.llenX.
.or. _ tn . lifeless ,at , fir s t, `came , to ;been zamelLconlintinder.• io.chief of an Or;
. ' the' ) - - ''. ' '''
. ' '',ked. the fresh my of five thousand rneo,!which - tliooey.,
'' • • - 9 . • rend aid, and errimertt, of
,Meiice - is,: ebout to despatch
:. Poranorq Al dtsd:oy,thnir 'Coi'she.purpoiii if quelling,. the; revolution
fi jAtObY the whiCh..hiolheen ,sek9n. foot JD, the Stete o f
0 rte: it - ~ - - - b
- Mirky ; SOME). Tetotifdlipas. , !'.Gee.,.U.rarty its Plrf:.. l
...-.0*,400:4 , . ' ell 4f lntiokin l ; fix! .officersW: the 41010*V4* , ;fte p•'' *
460000 , 4 1 *** 4e 64 , '*uited Ilea him lybc..ewPriesed4o.o, .
40*44008-00f- - ;*etedea; • and.: Ow be ' 'I"
46.00A00 0 it'itheyits.d lettiefiTaat*.li*itiOboi.:l F 4.
.000:• . , „. 0 -
t.."18110111ff , I f Or , lo)4l4,l*voiutiotilow - Atorit#o4 , 4l ,
I . -,40 1 Vitali 1
,oi the j their .01,in way, Om .1- expect . iligitAbliiii
. , ...,
, .
, I,\
, 1 -...
'will be turned, and thcse very Mexican
lenders, who have invited foreigners to
their assistance; will sacrifice them. .1.
much fear the finale.will be another Cuban
'execution, en se:::3 Col. Mannol lob,
las has °grad-tit" 'le War Thiparti
Sam Slicktim .from Engl46u
"Art& al4.ther
. got• 'lngm &it'd
here; they can't raise it, nor punkin pies,
!nor quinces, nor sea-nuts, l nor silk-worms,
nor nothin Then -as to iheir
l.only look at five great elephant look !
in' 'beaSts at One tilow, witlibno great luni;
mokin fellow to hold the handle, and
another to carry the whip, and a boy to
lead, whose boots have more iron on 'cm
horseS huffs 'have, all crawlin' ae
!if hey wils,agoite to a funeral. : 1 Y hat sort
ofa Way, is that to do work it;mate:o-Inp
rnridito Ipok , nt Iftherp is:any airtll
- clumpy 'fashion of dein' a thing, that's
the way they are alwayssure to do it here.
They area benighted,obstinate, bulf-head
ed people, the,.Englisb, that's a : facti. and
always was" •
No other disposition or turn of mind so
totally unfits a man for all the social of.
of life, as indolence. An idle man
is'a morerblank in tho creation ; hei•scems
mado' for no end,. and lives to ho.purpose.
fib cannot engage himself in any etnploy-
Mont or profession, because ho will never
have diligenCe enough to follow it; he can
I succeed in no undertaking, for he will Om
er pqrsue it; ho must be a bad husband,
father,.and relation, for ho not ,take
the least pains to preserve his wife, child
ren, and family, from starving; and ho
must be a — worthless friend, for ho would
noLdraw his hand from his bosom, though
to prevent the destruction of the universe:
Value of a. Large • Library.—Tho.. apt
reply of a distinguished scholar to a bane
lector of the institution of learning with
which ho-was connected, when an increase
of dui library .was the subject of discussion
deserves Perpetual remembinnee. "We
need , more books,"snid the professor.—
"More , hooks," eYclairned the merchant,
"why, have you rend through all that you
rdready..pessess?" "0 no, I never expect
to' rend .them all." "Why, then, do : you
%%lint more 1" "Pray,sir,did you. ever read
your dictionary through?" "Certainly not."
a-librnry is my dictionary."
A young gentleman who has just, mar
ried a little undersized beauty, says she
would have been taller, but she is made of
such preitiOus materials, that nature could
not afford it. full'of sugar the honey
moon makes one, don't it? A year from
now he'll be swearing abnut the house be
cause his "fool of a wile", has been clean
ing the cook stove with his shoe brush.
The Knickerbocker for August gives a
good remark Orin Indian, appropas of im
prisonment for debt. Ouc of his tribe, ac
quainted ' with civilization, was showing
him through a jail. " What him do 1" as
ked the savage, pointing ton debtor. "He
no pay his skins," said the other, alluding
to the Indian currency. "Well," said the
questioner, "how him get, skins, locked
up in great house?"
Everybody likes modesty and hates brass,
and yet everybody encourages the latter
and leaves the, former to take care of itself.
Modest nieriti what is it worth 1 Tho more
a man has of it, the poorer he is, in this
age of • rivalry and , hu ! ,.buggcry. He
Would starve to death on such fodder as
that capital procures.
While the people ..of England
are glorying in the escape of Kos
suth from the blood-hound search
of the Austrian Government the
people of the United States are not
disposed to tbrget that noble spir
its like O'Brien; Mitchell, Meagher
and' O'Dbiolie are pining:in exile
for , offences, merely political, a
gainst the, government of England.
Some 'of our citizen's 'are inclined
to take advantage of
reception .of Kossuth; awakening
as it has.: a present'feeling of lib
erality and free sentiment; and the
hope that, now, the interposition
La, the United States comle9pslY
manifested and .expressed,, may,
Ibe effectual for the release of the
Irish Patriots. Accordinglymeet,aro being held collective of,
public sentiment. , An imposing,
. i[ll reported in , ' the Philadel-,
rF;hia. tiapers as having been held at,
the Maseura in that, city oa the
evening :of the 19th. , ,GoTOnsir
IcihOton' presided, assisted by ,a
large'number of Vice Presidents,
_tale* and ii,mrifiiO4.
them' Ron. geo, ~.1)41 0 , .1 and
Robert C: Grier. , !Grov;,..lohnston
made Boo remark
-4aaddreOft front.tiAe,tfea of Chik
J. Ingersoll to difi_rieinde t ai'Of the'
U.S.! in ,behalf, of the' , Vxites;ivaa
read and approved,L-atid.seVeraJ
ablOspiOcheti: were 'deliteted:n,Ho
1,-../L •
rlo*o6l.llo : ripta , of theieven. !
6 `q
ug-„kfamOrfiktictri to•jhe
:411*iitablfr that IP I tP P°4 l # 4. b i r
come olit'againietcii
OW atamiast at the ald stand hr. Offitt s r a
LN Growl aad I 4100%itl• emciK.Or 0101 '
b. tom roream Lumber. or Minot. t; wag
• 4tICHAia Pane.
thearitsl4. N ay . 't '1
; •
•,,, :
elismt tet.outtut scHooL,
he %weed Itfr tilt the re
vel-mon of Pupils, on MONDAY, THE BEII DAY OF
Is built of their, htinesomely end comfortably lin.
latlettd with two • comosuiliout &hoot
Robins-ow 016 lower their, tinit'ia: lege Litaurii
n o m, 30 hy 48 feet, in tho tipper story, all coin-
pletely fininied
The Board hero employed n competent male
Teneher fur said School. No mans will hoovered
to rly:oleo tee cense of Education in the School.
Parents nnil Gluardinne of children tiro respect•
fully in yilad tit, ell, thetas to visit said school, end
'examincidor ilicinsolvCs'nfe i rieirso of
D. W.Mobitu, Pres't. ,
Jno. Boynton, Sec'y. •
'Nov. 6th, 1851.
'FINK been ored at Ctirwerinrille lex the' adt- . • ritiM ney
stioYel 61111.01. uuegaT TCHKl.b.l'ostionl. , ,s • Is, •, • ' • • ,
;11 nom gh to_rraelma thepornmarotl:Histty_ttrifeches Experience of More,than [lateen yeara,lme,establisherf
of an En shah Edeordlocr-ln 1 . 41 .‘ /Is I 81 1,' Me fart:that .fiferchentfe•Ctiehratedllaiging Oil, Or lint • •
m rit t r a N A u us ti L n:4l3. , 6lnAgrieri , w
rivu es ft ,r in t t o tt e ft na l h en o t u ,er vi y A tiati . et vcnNo .y anfity prribrocittitr, Will
.Cute run, cues.
Terme-FIVE. BuLLAl.l3.,per . itiorter. ,l'uol s admit. 4.4 a t neve All fmcit ' ' • • -
I • .
•1 11 1 1 11/ 0 %- ' • "). • ' Sparing, ' Sweene y. itittgbbnei‘
For punk:dam array to nos. iVat, tvtrt. nr to the . -
8, 3 4 r ,p ; .1 ; two, I, int •..x:sil. Oauous; ! - Orackal Jise44l' GOA' of .
• hinds, Fresh NVounds,, Sprains,'.Bruieas; Pis
tuLh Safest, Aand Cracks, Strains, LierHeriesi,:'
Fountlersd Feet. Scratches . nr:Oiease . ,Itittngxy,
• • itheutnatlitn; Bites ef : Anirnabk:Baternal Voir
safiv.Fainfel Nervous, itUrci . cthina ! 'Frettt ..Bites r
Bolls, Comm . Whitlo ws. Burns and . Scalds, -
, .
tractions of , the Nimble*, Swellings, ;I eakeess•
of the Joints, Caked Breasts; 4m. tic _
-.rho teip_ai'aliclvd success Of this in the emie
CVT in Howe and Cattle; tinft even in hUmae flesh; Is
lAlly baeolcitqf 'there' knnwia 'thy :fanning communhv..
.11 can hanliy be credited, except by those who have beim
ifttle - habit of keeping. It in thelestableaand hansom, Whist
amount of palm, aulTering andlime, are saved by
- ,4 ninety application of 'this 011:' '' •
tar Ito sure the nanknf the sole proprietor. GEORG!: -
MEltCllANT,,Leckport. N. T., fa bterra in the elk
of (1111 hottle, and in his hundirrhina - Mterthe
, ; • All orders utklreietai in tile prnpreter will he promptly
r.t.pnieletl tn. , '
Mt a P or n phlet of the Agetit. and ice what wonder* are
err..etop!hthed by the ore of tilts medicine,
S•11:1 by ref:portable dealers generally, la the ;United
z. , •1111.• and C" Je. Ale, by • ,
• •
Public `fctarltie:
.Persbnal,Preperty for' Sale,)
ir n raV:74 l v hi tTd. ht - .6:e'letAdocer or tl e Labiono4
naAiiy pyirt , IBLIIIt C l l 4l llcfla
One gray' nanrg--One yearling colt•-:,-Opo
two years 014,4oltrOno , spring
One , wagon---tiorae-genrs-rOno ,pnit
twin sleds—Hay,by, ;be ton--7WbPat,l
.rye, oats, nod corn in, tho bushel.. ; . , : ; 1
B a wl.. a g 'tat many (INT nr.ilitt too tedious to arvian, I
Terms mad* at 0.v32 on day of tela-
• 7A1111L5 A. V7(10113 ' ;
Nos: 1. !EEL ' -
. . . .
LI awl. 'NO 4!. Norma, tow. mor •• ,
I , l4"ollTtli4cl l , l 4.b(Wl l .!,l;.sp'El'Atn,taglettiti" •
ty agalnst.lollN G. RUN K. owner. or reputed owner sad
oontroctnr for the sum or (Wu' against that THRPIB stony
NRAME (11113 t OIiLL. &Winn in the too riship orDwittos. i
nod minty r.fornmid—and also a certain PIECII of
th to situate sad vomiting...—. norra, moio of tom boo med
by lands of Jacob gunk and °then, baloogioo to the said John !
G. Ronk . cm said to titiourt•-and aiso.agattur the OM pieoo
of gronnd r.od eurtllare appurtenant to said buf'dmo. Ste
Aod 127 w 1. ALI eflistiWEbia, bliontlf
Clem rich! cent etebs more Looms nolo the said Jobe
'S. [took, and to elf 0 her skim:m.llokt Mu, botdoroneopysaid
Mid. Bonding, ate, th at they he and appear Wane the Judges! • •
°roomed t:ourt n 1 Ijoorosom Pleas. to beheld at I:1181HW on I
tho Eitt.nT MONDAY tit' DEM LIEU Nki.X.r.tonhow .
coy th'oir they "sooty or harm to s-sy why the . am TWO Anolher Seientitle le"
HUNIntEII AND t Ivry' iltitLAitzi aimed sottolevied I
nr the said imildius to the am anti: , astd Wen.ll. Kenner, a
. UAW WELL. 4 hotiff.
F. hetifr Nov B,'Bil . A
• ' '• • . ' ' PEPSIZST •
. • •
le Su betrilpr r flee at Petrie° eV* bie valuable FARM
couteiniat UNt: HUNDRED AUREd. tint &Camille*
eitriale in Lawrence rommoblo. Cletufield countv. *OM sin
!amber William Montag, John J. Read aid. folm
On .vhinli inns fe • aubneoilal iinwED
'Holltifl A N LIP BARN and 6600(61X - 11r AMES
CLEAtiED. Raid Farm a bear , he public mad.
ammo re• CAC/ Ham entwensrlte. aad tit finro
Ent Tenni gouty to WM. A. wALLWE. Esq. claw'
RN!,oflomo.nbicdbuontherremer •
Clamber t. 1.1831. •
- ' ---- 'IIRS GT . CIV'NAN ~-
Irritv RIPISPLIITFULLY Informs her friends, and the
Ifoubtlo.thet the te acoununodate hor cne.omert
in the met rjotti, NABLO ItltE4ht hIAKING end on tho
ftto3l lteAttMitttLE TEMBItt. during the warns, win.
Ucteber :E. 1E33
Fez,fabmgr,linde;,h4s.ana ci.itteini i .azity, I,
etTANIS a splendid &au:lament cf 'YAW.. aril sr INTSIt
e' .
Dry Good s, '
'Bach as Alpaca', Elise. ',WM. De I aces esuhmeres. Cal i
loos. CalsilZ4l. Ginolisnis. Tie/till.. 81.111101 tiee.chcil and!
acb'eachnd. Planned tel. wet is ...Asa low, 00/ton Flannels. I
and !bawls of ati diacaptior I. 1
• Cloths..
French Cloth, Twills! heavy Overeoatisgi Qoa, Cool
fifack. thacharres. Ike Non do prima antae; anises. tat' I
nets and Kentucky Jeass, all uf whlub ars, DI rho bast unality
Cut:trent. Gloves: Maim, &go.. a large estortmeut, and it
low wines.
Hats. and Caps.
Silk, Plash. and Fur ItAllt aed CAF., of ell sorts and flees,
toot and cheap. to suit nurchauto. .
Boots and Shoes.
Heavy Mute boots, Kip 111nrneco, Mans' ware of ad
Itcyo' and I:add:rat' Doors nod Sh. es. Ale
Fine 111cfcceo non tnlfskin dhoes. Alm, Gain pre; s hoes.
Fine and Coarse, 'Nod and cheap '
• Groceries.
God Fianna Joon I/01'0'U% ltreitio,,Crushitd, sod Frol:1-a
-14:We Ir 4 AIL Young limn. Imperial and Mane Ttl.ket
Ganttowdert f ran. Paine. Pittnt Modica. Dv, RR. afL i th lt u m .,
Vara. ai0..A4 , -all w Ate ot.the.tto tinutni•
• • •
lolas Ts. '
Pagar.fioaae. Olean, and Steam dyrup.—and every ertic!e
that becommu ity mey eland in mender. .
All ilia alinno stro4 of thirds will be toltunas CASH or
Otl V . PSIDI Ueli.tio tba very Juana
news call and examine for yourselves, et the store of
- • . Utictop.
Clouneld. N , v.lO, 1,7.1.
TRIAL LIST for Dec. tcrm,.lBsl. •
Rebecca Campbell ' vs. J. L. Cattle *doer
Joseph Smith vs kayo tricK.o
Wm 'dittoes • is Samuel Clark
P. a. Knanens vs James %estop
tlantinvn Ph'lnpo vs s
W. flaro do
Peter McDonald • 'Vs Wl3lfros lodises
Grow 1. /100 , CT vs N. K. tdchlosan
Johm r ' is James S. Gallaher
Boor? W. Ebel . vs Joseph
etligeetrxt , at MOM vs IRSlsignilil BloortiJr.
Mnroins, .; •ve James Johnson , •
i ' 'vs T.•.t. hiotthee,et. at..
(tooreo laud vs Asstso Etmli h
Philip Ants* vs Bleier &Brod ' • •
Jamas 4allager Jr. vs J.Utusuader az 'Motley
John la LC:ow , VI SatrlTllel Anis, db
Witham W:- Wilson •• • • ' '
ttfacflinkets . • vs rgdissberg±r Bloom •
Josson Ltagalitter ' vs Manhole Wbona "
f}briseisok builah ••.• , Vi tun*, Albert Br. Brothers
Joseph' ft I tar ' vs °shelf lawman's
bitzlitran t Adqs*tx , ;;vs Grass as Brolbetisid WU.
firm trap.
%q.t. moan% Proth'r;
tliggrtia;2e . , 1:46I
I d
The or,c..t. ly it get
The Punch. of' Ante) . -lea.
EACII ;tombs' metal:sloe tint less then TWENTY, VEI
GINA t. ILLUSTItit I l ONS Elm eve I;end drawn ex
Prete r or tbio paper. Twenty efahl cologssiserreadleA st
o , r; ortahtal•-tAteralttre and he Drams: • Points sad Yens
F`froggt:qt. ° 442l 4 l2,VgYi t igis i t e 6siii;litim . &drat:
LIE VITP sauullr, •wlll, ber fonsubpd to clubs at,
rani:masa mese: . • " •• • ' • • " '
•' • li f o i n,!s* t1 •e4 .`, 4 1". : , /inflect?* fl-71
eo •4 0 ; ift •
83' ' do i"we li rp•oawdellars
do, •'" ; • 'rweatr.ebs dt4tare
VO "do ." • ••• • - . Delay denial
OS do " " Porty.past dollars •
100 'do •••• Fifty dollar.
, `Pour oeldes, will !veal ro Ode address Mile Us,forose
dollar. ''/Is boosastasoe'erBs per emu. 'Wowed
aad others, foral °WO! it I bui 4:4[41 Was.. • Ij• • , . lawn to be add:asks:o peep tua.-us '
I ,, 4 l •lll l ,Mfakir i g r lVlA .
P. P. — QoutterpNemPaVtlitePte si?Pr 241 tu
beetle*. sad stvlatt)l aar Itellefh Wig la
apt arebaage bp,geadlag atstar os??,100at oleo!:
-- •
~,i' - ,i Estate. of Soloed Wariagi. , deeld.. l'; I . i .
T.Arrin Amplant ie ii.e.e....i itiatiot to'
z-itcputr ittrlV mot 4,14*.
tetat•af. A E ; s 4 ,l 4 o Entli; es •• ' totrooh!P.'
Olusflold mud a 111,11* **em be afiraLMO
est** ato regtot to V ' king IMAM e?" 1 6 im'W to
44140 . 01 F 1 . 411141 0 1 . 10 " 4 ": l i i Alai Ail:iiibrii.:ii.ii! ;
30 ip . :-.- ER,ti o i, , .e 3.11 ""4 - 1116 " 4 " 1.011 ;
• SO 14; ' : ' l ac
....... 11-1 7`Olitillii
pausa I . 0. I ul war.
r at/ any pgli fih
'4 401i10 4. , .... I m le i ts i ii ,411e.wman :,.
4: 1 tfrgra s ig io A taatirgart:
1,44 1 ,44.. . t.'); f e• ti ; .'1,4 it . 1 l ' t 4 f lif , : al . : iii i)f 1 l i ':
Kip* igitaitiel
00„": SA
AC 1 ENT,9 for Mc fibore Medicine.
- C. IL WAISON, Claulield.tleartleld onuty. •
P. sNICTII. Peamirdw, .do .
JOHN PATItiN. Ca wrialv ft). du
PIYITNit & e,
, J. PLEaKIASY. Pniatlin4 Vs,. •
• •_
=Oa Ikll7lll/130
Prepared from RENNET; or the fourth Sionsatei .
of the O. alter Direetiona u 1 BARON
,''PhD great Physiological Chi mist, by J.S.llneuti.
TON, M. D., 4Vo. 11. Aurrli Lighttr.Swet, hilu. •
del Olin, In.
This is n truly wonderful revirdy ror
1./teerErapt, ,lAusince. Ltvn. Cour,Leuer. Cos.
aTIPATION. nod Denturt. "Airing n irr pialthieta
Own method, by•Nature'suwii agent, the Grimm •
I Juice. , - .
P".•tiall a tempo:info! of itiiiFluirf.infoikrif in,..
I tvr, will iliprEl gor tii.oOliP. FIVE Patialro'.k.r_
, 'llomlT tirce is ABOUT TWO Hutaq out ot ego
n largiTioN 4 oliirds teirfiritravi is the etomueli by the
IJF aid ni 1, field whit:a lively tads, Dom thereat? coat of
that organ. %ghee Ina eats of beg te. valued the Gann,:
Jake Ibis Fluidly the Beret Solvent of lb, roan. ibv Peel
fr let. Pieservine. aed Stironliitiog Agent the ..ill,: en
and Intestine" Wiihutit it there will io 1 p ITO 11011...41,0
00)Ithi00 of Fred inio. Blood. an.: nubbin i
. a of the hod
but rather I(l4l.o:twit. antral. rad . ft 'e MGMuOOOf
,bit whole thee:Joie ativerafor. A wjuk. hturoad. o. minting,
eiamseh producer ro rood Galin, Juke. and hen • the iiti•
eau, castrate and dot At, w loch emus.
PEPSIN is the chit r element, or Greet ()west's, Pittrultila
n. Guide Jives. It is found in /'set • bold/moo is the
solid vartoobjhe titter 4:rear and sr owthuse
chutes the stomach to` aii:eit t rat owl' up. I. Is sieu
lotiod In the otriniteh nt aniincir. es the at. ise •It le
the material used hr Lumen in mar yes chows. mooed I costa, ,
theallict of which has lose been the Yowler of ter
The curillion ad the mil. to the filo r e t e w o t
act pourers, ustont.hire potty r The tinmath will
etird.• nearly one thousand imies its own atrial.. of retie.-
Huron Liehig steles that 'Tine ulreptue ditesilved no silty, .-
thousand mats rt water. so ill digest meet end o her 105.41 "-
Dlentwed sumach* prednce no t tird Gastikt es. Repast. sr
vermin. Toshow that tins stain may be pettwesir utittlitids
we quote tl a ioil=fug . , .
BARON LIEUIG. In his deloramted hurt or Amulet
Chemistry, an s : 'Ant Attlealal Ulyettree Fluid buy re
fril l y ob./Lined Item sue to gown membrosi ofthe.Lcitbayli of
a tra in which "afloat aril dee of food. hi Meat avid
will be Santee ',Chanced, nod Dwirsted, Iptpiderb , gm.
manger atlas+, Weald be in the human tMninto."
•rDIC:PER RIP A India iianobs invirotta "Peed end thew'
PnbllShild by Wilton & Sew Yea. Pays itd. Ames the
same great fact. aid dweribdi the inhneOl. Pr. piss run. -
Them are few higher aithenthn than Di . •
, Jf/fiN W. URA RR. •Profewar of Ehemlotr Id the
Medical tkillese of the niv.rsity ol New York; In h is !Viet
Dock ai tfisimistty." pace IRatJ. says. "it hag bents a auailloa
whether artificial &Oyes tase word pfylvisati. , bitt - hurgs....,„,
universally admitted that it may be. - •
Professor .1 Philadehhia. In hlo met tisk
on Dumas Physh.logsi i dorrees morn %tan fifty Jaen 10
oxaminatum at thisso sot.' Ills espeilments alai M
Dr. an
moat, on the Gastrin nice. obtained from the 'ivies human
stomach an.' from amulets are well !mown "In all muss." -
be say* .
•direetloo occurred as pa/featly In Ibis Artificial se In
the Natural dives: lour."
• ,DR. DOUG uros , s omen:ado* otP.EPSIN het Prodneed
lair wart marvellous effects. curing cases at Deis nit> erpachs•
lion. Nervous Decliee.and Dyspeptic Onion= thno *swam
to be on ills very verge or the graetio. It D impouiblemlyiee
the details of clues in the !Linde of ibis isditeriblimenie. bu t
authenticated certificates have been tecelyed or moo t hen
,• •
• • • , • •
In Philadephi ,1!e .or . • i d os
e -
slosi ~ rrisso . le ers
.neatly all deeper ite imam and ?Gums were not rusty
cod wonderful. bet perManest.- •
It is a great NERVOUA AN [DOTS. and Men Ogaden.
Itbles ly 'mall quantity itemiser, to prottncebealtily olliegjes.
itbelielletitol/0.31001 '- •• . : • ; •
. ~
The re Is oo form of OLD trtormAell L.N.)BIt'IsAtITS widish
tie loas sot seem to relich NM rrmAvo at otos la o'costrie Solo
d they way ft, it GIVE ISTANT BELLE . 4 Masai
d removes altltio cool t m too'oms, mat I°o f, buds
to be fermat a .. tor a, sao.lo to make Woo a onio a pot.
mamma. PURIIIf QV BLX/OD aod vouoit if j 1101) V.
follow at °zoo. Itispartlmlidy excelloof la cast tripodal*.
' Voogd ak.Cdnpr. Sorensen Of las p i qt • It: watt . diatom
IfterealiPt. low. cold soda °Oho It flosvisoss, Lwow*
of roldisrooodenoc, c matlatloa smanoss. basis's/ to
!moult, amaidc. &a. , . • +' • . , ,
Plice.l) M DOLLAR in! to:qui. Oa rot* f rill alto'
efliict IR laalling CUM ' ' • :'' . , ,
':13,: ," , PEPSIN IN POWDERS , • •
.1 ,
, • ,• (, SENT'IIY;MAIG. 1 , 11V.E , of" POIrI'AGS. •
I Poi'oeivreleaceilesesdlekto all pale icist. the,
O,OE4TIVE BIAITKR OF Anti req *Pal pta the, •
fore olP•obden, "web dit•btloa• to he. t k... eed le dil•t
railtriltxrittl=egtaltirVinellatg . :_telt
(rm .. —.."
Pir t ygUrb il ltir t l ia l rea lit el be ree l iA Pl Pft b7 l lllll i r . • ' . ''
'''W tl 4•Vraii a'daf i r b trfittll6 •
ic i : i the ' '
01: Deo% .
t emple au ow • IstAtßp ,of J 4 8.: 0 (mom u. e.,
Verret waiFtsil As inem , vim' im 'be Ilitit , i tits •••
betel d 147 ti V o r ili thetrado DosieeheN reel ••
2evr: il i 420 laasfN•, , : ~, '.:_ .... .'.
~. taut li t y.,LiT bu tioitraidtl i bonruh. '
'. li t a 111
Umei n nze .! 1 !' , 7 2 --•
' liPirra« xvolgor.*
' - . ..
• .04, .1811-4,,..... f - -, -: 4
. .
niftier@ take otice",
. 6 al t i,
kill,' ga
ttr 0161111%11V 16"
~z .
.., 1
,Alozrolif tztv f le.