Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 28, 1851, Image 1

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vatt t
rv" ..- . 5 " 41 ' 1 '4 ►
44,1'011 Pa,. biO4th
DIN* IllitrifOrkt*!' 4
ozqtr'oss tam ur girt 4/1
.-, ikVit*P.l-0 60
Iv , 1'..10.1141i Eurrula.. -1 7 ,
no.NIYAPA'D WS% worffild
14(:)TC.IT PPAAll :% Y:V e 'll ta t rt lten 4" j a it* Y* : l : o, ll l a . t,,sig ois ed n i f . bi,
Orirstrrpe p•otvvill
malt viiithM4l4
't• -
• • ,
Pneutintent unutetstilitW , S ``he rehltsher. tut directetl
by law.' f the feet thytmaspele not lilted by those to whom
they ere dire_ted, mere* eas be d. tAponsiblit fot the
amount of tfte ettbaortetnekwernr.
relaßla MUSS Patten efatilkild to th-mtermew te Wen.
berme aomentwri, aitt efiiathbfbr tba pries of sobterip.
•Oorparnprit now oanteiptg 011111.throvehont the county.
ZONVlthilfiqirlOss Gazette.
SO ' S B kril MITA%
,__, -
AN rApvincrerun IN - * 40,( 4 - -fiusis . #l l ls, ,anskseredAry.thestiOns with apparent good
1 1 .1i* Oily )trinip„"of Dien, ..wait: ;mildly taste'; and 'rep' pr twice, I think, she de
gleriniingthreagh , a gaol yeil,ef purest totted some Plagiarise . ) in my pretended
isvliiie es - , the fleecy ovOtog b)outi .. a; to t a, original ideas, though, she' manifested, no
moment obseured , the siliel . surfa c e ;,the symtopm n of displeasure. • I endeaiOred'io
rporfunied evening air played ir#4,MyCharn,- gairrher ceoseitt to step into an ice cream
li et throOghlhe tasteful, musquito Ur of Saloon; for theolcciiild have seen - her face,
*,:itted'lkobbitiet; the said tatisquitees 'and i l should haVnbeen able to deterinine
liceere . ,Pipitig . their plealea'.',.tiotside;it,and Whether my game were of suffi cient high
*vainly ,endeavoring (C.:dja,past) • ittlek;;;Nyiegki , grade to warrant' the • tiquble ;', but it, was
land Other : appendages , intuch a ,- manner of no use; she haid;for•ghtt•wasin haste to
that they, mig,*4 -. l wrimpqr- ihrapiVAnd return, as ':i i ipa never Yermetioeed :her ah
:emit their daily:ooi! ;',',lr:inttgaificat'fig- r t epce from . home 'after ' ten - o'clock?' I
tree, inifull blossom,•wavedita; branches, coaxed atid Wheedledatlength.she eon
-covered- With , deep• :green) foliage,, within seated; but l'wesfirst:ohliged-to promise to
reaching • distance' from
. nriy•Windo,w•3 My: 'Stop the first•tab' that:passed'and convoy
Havana . was in tt . dilemmn, that : is . to, say, her , to het-home; so . that She should arrive
-the ends were fast Merging info :one ::' the bolero the ititeidieted , hour:' We entered
sable handmaid's shuffling steps sounded., the' magnificent saloon, arm in arm, and
:heavily: on the staircase ; and, her usual seated ourselves at a marble topped table,
evening salutation- , "Berry nice ebetbmiks which the attentive; waiter soon spread
so ; Cunt fix. nukssa's room," forced upon with ice cream, Wine 'bonbons;•and fruit,
.me the suggestion that her sable ladyship but my goddess absolotely refused . to par
:was' premeditating n dust,, and so dar#ing take, remarking that ~he only ac.aompaa
on my gloves, and grasping my ivory-tip- ied me as a return for illy politeness, and
pod whalebone, in a moment,j_was!‘streak- had no.desire to . partake 'with me. 2 Here
ing it" up Chartres street, et the rate of was . three •dollars gone to thunder; for
.nine knots an hour, without,. any special whenranartiele is placed before you in
destination.. The proakonade •iyus unusu-, these boaton saloons; you are requested to
idly thronged, for the . eVening,Csa most fork the dough whether you dispose of it
lovely, and the•deeri-toned - cathedrel bell or not. Of course, I could nut take more
Ayr's telling the vesper:W.)46Po crowds thali one glass of xvine .iu a lady's pros
a worshippers` We raledendkug the broad •ence, so that and an ice cream were about
mar bl e ' a t e ps . ICarliikg:`,(ithe yi:stibule, and despatched' when the waiter announced I
then kneeling before an image of St. some- that a cub was in
.waiting. ,I handed my 1
'' . (Itheir fi ngers in divinityinto' it • und'indre thee half in love: '
t. u.
. a stone urn, containing, a treekish looking sat by her side. Half delirious with pas
liquid, called hety . witer,„viitik ! which they siert; I ,ventured to tekelier hand.' It was
der,eutly ereisedllieMselyegott .their fore- treniblingly withdrawn,,yet,slic ;was.'evi- I Will answer seriatim, to The best of
licarlsiontirthenenfereeihe • church A deafly nut offerided. •
my knowledge your dfierent queries:—
rn ' - -00fie e nt' . ogee:was - Periling .a• Solemn • • .
I discoursed.' . of beauty, hinted proety i
' • its • rich. tones soundiate , like a choir
mass,• ~.f orcib lythat 0: lady possessing so lovely a
1 From the government returns, whose
accuracy I doubt very much. we have lost
of •" raptu red • angels singing • sonic): meledi- voice,•and sq.serikplfic a figure, must, as a by the famine, two' millions of our sturdy 1
-oes s onnetr,
.• • .- ~
consequerCe; posses s a
beautiful face.—
pepulation..i s hould think nigher
•• Follow•ing theiMpulse ol , the momen t , I She did n 't take th e; hint, for her veil tom- . 11. As to•tho marriages, theyatio,in my 1
- forded . my Way ihtUtightlai.hecelingerowd, pletely . covered • her fe a tu re s, • • I was now parish, end, indeed, ' 3."0u
. may trike,it as a
and managed to securer' sent Theclarreli in a pretty tolerable degree of excitement, merlel for most country parishes in Ireland,'
• was brilliantly lighted, and the alter eggs and again talked of - love, female . charms, lis about one to sixty in, the last . five years,
ikaaentire- 'glarer dimmer's° wrix'eburners, lorreliness i and so forth ; and how frequent- proportionably to the previous five • years
the beautiful paintings representing sacred ly love at fast sight :proverf'the best and preceding.the famine. ' Indeed, I 'am un. I
. .subjects.. The Subdoieg effect of the mu- most lasting., . • Agaio .l ventured to take - derrating the average number of the pre
-Sicscotbeil my' feelings, and above all, be- her baud and deveutly press it ; •this tune cutting ten ,years, in the number taking
. 'side me sat_ the Most beautiful ferTllefig- iit was nut . withdraw By an easy trans- i l- place with inc, but ;prefer this • course in
sersoe4talc within limits, that ever I be- I ition; my arm
,encircied her waist; her orderto be .ekiriectl'•' :•-- - -- ••'' • •,
. lield and her voice of inexpressible, sweet- head , lay Upon 'my shoulder,,and her per- . 111. The births average with Me in the
.ness jeinedfin the swelling anthem. - She 'fumed breath played upon my cheek ; 1 1 last five years about one to each 'hundred
was elaselyyeile, so that I had to draw swore by Jupiter, Venus, Hercules and lof the former five years immediately pre
, largely upon my imagination to conieetare, the whole catalogue Cf. divinities, that I ceding the famine, accordintr :e• my, parish
-that she , teats be autiful, but her'figUre was, loved her devotedly, inexpressibly', irrevo
register now before inc. What a fallin g off
;ftioltless,•l*r hOha . petite in theoe.xtre•me, cably, and I forget how many - other ad- is t there? . : - • • --- • '.. ~ ' -
' :and encased by 1 1 10 . ffest immaculate gloves I verbs were intermingled; but they,. eve- • :.1 1 ,r. I could not tell exaetly•the Propor
of, - , , the whiniest ~irid•--a soft • odor, of roses. deafly told up - on, her, for I was just going 'tional• it tio of the •Catholia and. Protestant
pervaded, her perso n —a superb lakerliier-; to take
,the liberty of withdraw i population
ing her veil
here, because' . the IProtestriat
-••::chiefof fi nest lawn, with a . wide herder of When bump went the cab against tire curb; rector has a living called the Parish of
adehest,..rcal. Nenciez* : .9,lhy- upon' her and stopped. with a• jerk that threw my
.[Cilloe;•some ainetetir miles jog, ant! five
16p'—het in its enticing little gat- heels slap against the top of the vehicle. ' lor six in width, which in the 'Rome Cath
. ter,•rested! cespietti:shty. , on the Brussels 1 We were at her residence, and hapding ' olie Church is subdivided, into three very
reentiteel—kee fin Was: Of.,beautiftil.,tiearl; , the driver what 1 thou g ht ihen was a one
•... _ . -populous districts' requiring - the conjoint
with a sMall nutter to the, eid&---Iter pricy-dollar bill, but what .I: found- , afterwarde a id of six; priests , to do , the spiritual duty
er- book. teas heltrldina costlY•OrlV.irtt l :!,. • Was a... five, I assisted her to. light, and of' said three parishes, and are always
• 'secured by goldenclatips. , ~. -'-."'... 111'0n3 . 0n the opcn.sidpwattc with - tier hatiti ;Ilitielt occupied in diSc ' hilrging their min
'. • 'I, Was-aVidently.highlY hanored'inheieg in :nine, my arm enciicling her sY 1 1) 11- litu-'llirterial•functions..;1; therefore; ea h,• only
~ - 0 9mitted to,occup.f.a . .iO4'. hY.• het', side, , waist, heocath the mellow noonhearn's : .: i
r ,vllomiehy the. prepertionato ratiarkt pres-'
'endlea;,44.4efetitx*y,as theugh ahe were SOftestraditunCe r we/•plighted out: love and ont, of m', 'own parish, forming one third
:-.- pity'liAliglers nihcation of gym of . the our hearis i,..., • each other,torever 'end for- ...r said ;
1,..,. . WWI),
~ The whole ' •7Pioteshint
'•• d' ellerikhims• who ., were sculptured over till eternity should wdrry wall . wait- community with' Me Consists' Of six' lanai
.. . o "pari,thel, r •in arhle . a lt a r ' -h,r,ro r ! r : . .The ing tor. it tn wane.: 'op, 4t.we.....the gelden :. , o bo
~ thirty
,pi , c kis. 6 p
tics, 'everagielt ut •so v
" - seromeiseerpeduntisuallY • shed ; • the ro- epoch•ofrriyhte ; , that young bright dream _ or s i x t ir wholi)l h gcartio . : 4 prom e itt h p li co
'he'd inouglebank . ill: the pulpit pronounced , of lovt, that pure emotion of the heart that •in ilie last three,,yeari riad,ln‘ the •nom
theighostly.benediction, end the:zongroga.. wings itSelf to 'find a heart,eongefiiiik Bdt 'berlef.tlie - 'Sexton of" hie, plirfsh„, - litiliself,
sioi v ilitidaidly:diiipe - rike4l, : •: • .• , • - . :: a . y ••,... 1 must wait as long now as we .waitld•then ',m i n d , kn it I 116 u :vi ; i l i e f I wit; yea-Lib,lh.
'7iVii)iNiaiitti ., •haiiii t W4ichuTtuy f a i r oa that' sidewalk, Where- the M ars, _
lake • boat -ten • •yr.artT-41gb,li accordowto•itmy
: ',....itte t : - glliili;•;# . 9 l ai .4:lie.i.:lirPl'hkrkr':eleile' th e giml e t -• h °l n ala .heaven' were h' dti ng ,tll° "iiill'Oill'ltatiinghY4;lll l 4::.olo , of! lit? : rector
. • (04 clisap and psi tht.err ther orthe effulgence of the inward domeleak through S w t,41 ! , 1 40 a l)
,t,414e.,i "' el p f , q l(4
~Im 4 rn mQn
4 c 4 .. . '..,-. • - ' du o—•
. 111, ... Ibther egrtmet ackn ow le dge d 101 . 1 US. :, ~,:.'. . . ',:: :,,' 1, \ ,19cAnrigjitepprkesa, to swell Ina list tinil' nu
:- .' - geode tow ' ' Oh, what I Well • the 'Matter • was settled, at least 1 deliate 'Mind' ' r 4 .; iiic thousand three
• ' • tappukorie - ,i at 'Mere b r air, - 06citsion 4 rile ;: 1 was to 'as . pa, ,is the nae ping, Just as :hpnOre uniiii!itosou S , •alus. no* , reduced
kutilid*ilkerlisliiitly#l,the'd6ai.l&de aI a matter 0,, ceremony,- and site *rta. pm- taalieuvear tlicitsand;4ekit bundled Per
- iiiiud.4llaitid2i • hiffri3w la' tha'o4tititile, I pared 'to .fight, of . rather to resist any 'o'lii- c 0114.14 3n;fly4.,,other.:par,Whesimlipitog; pie
..• , ,i4,1,010444.,,Frctie;;5h14,y,..,-inlPkilArt-WforJ jettion.thesaid:pateinal relative might-or 01,9 ;PmeAcqm and tI)F .yhe i r.
, c i 5 0 i- texs 1
.4 1 4
'''• ' :';'' --- .300. - ,or.f,i4tlgooo,y•: peata',„di ter, tho9gli;;etici. encouraged ,ps to. hepk averaetoabOkii ciao pet ; 4eni, 7 heir,
•), ' , Y
• r.jti*Onti*j,Of a' foott , scritper,) that he would not be inexorable, and I -- at '..' AP.Tri,iii't' ..tjito..thitiy , liersotts• fro
':', ;,, Y -40' , .•-.'" MP, itraeafalliiitte the atreati -: I last "mirk:nand:y{l6ft her aftlitiAo'or, as she\ ipleitt (Offend - casionally, 'fwbentlie, IYP,t
-::., - - " - '''
. 'del diStafice , and requested that, I would take toy leave be- theilis funs; ring s mo obq illtt ! t i n 444: tom?)
f.• pup .•. ..,. Lie .4... , t9v, e .c „•. • • • - ~, opened, • ,•, ~ ~ ~. ~, '..,) • , . • • - , 1
: 7 ';'•7. , ,a - ili, -, , 4 biosbly :as iibecraseed , !along fore it was' not wishlng le er ad- tket ) facladnlg , !y . Fal polVe i al(of - Whom
iiiii4ctirelitell4sitteet, and at - venture .to . bec , rnider. , finown to any of the,- , re, stcarigers 7 e. le's' fixialtiotria orfifeddx
"•-•-• 'l oo , A ''.iit , .;vbryt , alafereatutl .•.xnanner,' :family '''''' ''
' .!.'''' ' ''' ':: ' ~', ',' ''', .:' : .:1 i COU6O '6 l O tit iti'i' fcli oithi nth' fallen qb.aii:
" - -411.1 t , 444 - eliace , 9 l r , illy. , RfalaMl4o .re . - .. '!;i.0.49 ['gcaljtaP s'.. k i l X: ' 4l44:.,l.,.i,a l st:44 " ici,'..4l 3 ,; ':- 1 1.# &to 6 8 . 6 istAt.lialinndio—rds irutho'-1T-
Ylv.. 1, - ";' , 7.'! . ai . 14 , ' ;pi* ,tlß'..lo'. , ftiir - Jtoi• - t ri, ‘ ti . f p, tp 41jc,g1000,0' fyritit tibOOSPO,;'':b tit , 411 ‘ ° ' Oliii. their e: r'; l ' ';'.(-•'
ii :', iit',4ol)tlf 404:4130.40 3 ,, ili;• 4ilitf had ilreadyrthighie: . lint4*lili*Otfi ; f i' = l . l9. 'P i.9l4 Mqq, ,, ' r q c/9 Y; 1 ? •?..1 11 #'4 9-
• ,
.. ,, irigrsitiArrsakt;thtf?#oosl,l4ffillk .- rnamsiPt•t•waki to spare' ' I-4 4 Giood ••bye for fp' i'ealioufthr:7eit, l }e*no . ,tioarida es,anninn
''' " ''-- ''`''' --:• ''/31' ktii , "- - - *' 'I, ."'
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rootomatig upon buy readltt dolly
ear xbapsody ,
of thin Juan
nod Lollo'Bookb,.oncl. cemented them to
gether by “soil squder", of my . Ori, She
, .
lie . preiaent " said lin lond whispe r • ...) ( gri . , ,
$~ . , ~` v a
eg4*.i.C4O, my own bright, be.tu,titt . l, be- 1
kith rre i
1 ut ehargiA.:oid.iiiii ti-g4,fi;dt,iii.
fiaid, , sllo , rem9ying 4 r ,1,..., ..... ; - , r , ( . ; f,s';'',
loved oech , ",
,‘ " . ' ,1 .: ~ ' ',m a "losi v'the - laniPpil 'ip`prdeite s' ' ' - n
' t 'F,, ' ,,E d :,. I ?it.k.: l4 „ nl3d , A lli ti 9 t3, 4l, 'rf -n iti l C ' in tib i l,\ l U c e P li t iP 4; i 'lel a l 9 t a fte u tpo''ta B4' id d
spongeeskni 'itiiebliiii 0 iqUeit-Nopiolueiijourvisitrod
jiiii:.,,MB was i a Tupii ifyo :ea to ...f-lr f ,,
,t.W pip p la} .X • ---:.,-
Ara dariiiintied; ..bicimit t •Af f pfiftiirpkivs upc,psorp',, f:9l ' .A.Voorilli,azifisiethinglivould fora.
on, ear to ear, and tliik9 kw, 91 pl th.d,'iery vitals of the •fy. Jule niore:ligainst , any ' manner of acrid.
ink Ito litheick her 'jficu i nibent t t nant,tkorelle,patie-bierti - o, ants than. possessing )4511i: ecas . • :with,thls.
door olueed ,upir 'Nig!' t:". 'he 4itriithe , 'rent AtoituAigo maxim thnt r ;i4 , 4B 7 43inevericanLbo)linit but:
i4e" 0,.444.014ivii11u1t liitrinotAltt&ii uittay eiileulani, ;bid:ll4y° bir 7 .6ititelves..” 'lf nee ,reason.:bik what
tag" 40M-, ',C,hrt r,t,. , i heard ;friar .. ~ . 4 4, 4 .l 6, 9l p n p ilA ybopi a , 3 , bilkii:' ha our, attioNii according: lo it; We,
At had. been there,
,hig i tlivit, fi rlk. f 4 , 01, k
~ ,o,nputia. itteiomigithbics- , i..,,,,,,..},-,t-t, ::)
lawriaridgli m litu ~.0 f pords r.„l' r?,iiyulo - utiectlk3 17 "14 '" c: Illt)1I ;--'-L.i... , ;i. c , •::,::' ~ ,i
40E F I ". L f0,11 , ! 2 .9 0 g I 74 6 :4cf - A be . °ll"O tt h d 4. uti4ightY ' 1 'Cei:t'int. 44 44"4 l o 4 nebodyfivtitilail t Wht' it.
li 41\li
6 ' l ' ..:('''," 4 ''' 'Ff h'tik—wOr ittl , listelklo,l4 Eint;nll: intini'prenietlinfreringoan , bellaidiupoilt!le
,i l Vi t Sv 4 ol,3 l 4o'il; .tonirionpitthio, to), ti ri ppingr4tmepA, Rf;mr litittlictfla Mart!eihears than.itbo,;fitst.44;e:
'i4lo,, , , ii tiiiejfid t i lle rates. He pa s : :p . iz ttloymp o ibc l utpne bf Itlytelit,ymie aitdcatrectioilate gint,„
, 4 01-o z .' woriia -i 1 hundred and
„I r k. 0 itky* --- ioci s i q vepth aruirdiontretirrfilghtientner ,
Jakkhlitli A V t . de l if tWitRI- t rSdP t i ri g i i 'Ni l t -•- f t- '°C l tW iit t tikt :":r # : th lis p t.t 4 l 47 ,lj ,;, r
,„. ..• • .i r af y _ t ee • um : 0,..7 , N ~ ....14-. - ..,4
~, ~,. i • s 4 a
the? ilex ntmtiortitt. h , i n , : - I k
iisto if,
Qttle4‘ 4 *. ko i sku s ti o siso ,
iploriassen 40.1 0 his quern •d, " -,.1 {. u f . ... .V.. ', . 7 -o'o' g, . r p' .p f iie -
. . . '' - J -IC7 l `:.:t -'t crt.'t ^ -4.:;.,.';...!1!.:- . -, I- ct :.‘.--- t
learaeld i , Pa" . Nosor 28 1 ;10301.;
'night, mid I-know we kicked each other
'teat of bed several 'times' before daylight
bat if it should ever come out that I had
courted and wort a dark y, yo gods and
llshea! what Would tho boys , sayl
, '''• , ,
We have received the following interest
ing communication from, tin . American
gentleman, who spent ,a short time in; Ire
'land !net summer; & Was' deeply impressed
with the; saories ho' witnessed there., He
wrote from -London, u• letter lo a Roman
Catholic . clargyinan in Ireland, In this
letter he propounded Certain inquiries,with
the view of ob'udnina infortnation., The
writer desired replies to the following ques
tions: ; • .
1. 'What , has. been thci falling ow in the
-population orlreland, by , famine? '
2. During the Tost.fiveyearti,what ratio .
'do the 'marriages'in pint parish.,bear to
the number in the preirious five years? ..!
3. What is the ratio births, for,the
same period? -
,Wliatis the proportional ratio of, the
:Catholic and Protestant popultion in your
Parish? • .
• • 6. What is the annual- compensation or
the Protestant -rector of your parish also,
of Roman 'Catholic priest? • ,
.7. Who is the largestlanded proprietor
in Your neighborhood, his "income, and, the
'nunibor of acres- held by. him? • -
theseinquiries the clergyman,- who
is one of the moit'intelligentmenrin the
county, made the following con
tains information which'shopld•be read be
fore the people:of-this cotin!y:,-4-• ' •
parishes;' whilst . the , eitc • 'Open ,' gnl l l(4ic
.priests,: who have the care And, guidgnce
of at least 20,0.00 peopleybave pot, for t . he
last five . years (I speak fotipy,rielf :eil
my curate.only at . present ), llad . an 'aver
age, the parish priest, sixty: poundatißritish,
and his duralo. , thirty pounds,. -•
it .was about dou.ble that sum,. in the.good
old limes, in *he pOor suraplistriets.: I• :,1
VII, The Earl ot----r'7is one of the larg.
est .landed. proprietors in.this ,county, hay.
ingabout.4l,soo per annum, and demesne
of :/,100 .4crep, besides,,,, The average
rent ,upee bis : lano islwenty . ,shillings,par
acre, not including poor ; rates,•whickare
at present . en. addition of, about OYe shill
ings, per / acre upon the. , poor , stiuggling,
core-worn tonant..,„Qthcrlaridlerds.chargp
nearly double that sum in the good count
ties between this and Dublin ?• but I rim
hpppy to tell_ you that,the whole class pf
this. vagabond Orange county are selling
out under. the encumbered estates; tiet,
when,. perhapS, the poor people', in .the
latter end,: may gain something, frointhe
ricar.possessors of the soil who, in *general,
are men who have all realized in
trade,, or at the bar, or other liberal ,•pro.
fessions, and consequently havemeaks.of
improving the spilt and givingit, at the
real irpinsic vehicle the, tenantry,,:, while
the former have becn.areckless,profligatc,
unthinking. race, of inen,who novel leolied
after their tenantry at all, with. very'• few i
hooortible exceptions i:and, besidc,.hated
Ins. and our religion with unmitigated; .ren
con They ,:are now, thank God, fleetly
. - • • . C • I I
ad consigned to Abe, tomb of the apu es.
An ace.prsed rape ; has passed away, who
have ruined our , lovely ; cptintry, litifl,by
their pandering, in days,gone by . , to the
folly and villainy of fermer,.governinenta,
, have.nearly, blotted out our, fine . racli•of
I stalwart-men from , the faqe :Of our, n rov, er.
1. bially
. fertilelSland. They. haVe now paid
i the penally of their misdeeds. The very
• them for
=aria adopted by them for rooting out
. in.
i our firio. peasantry, has been, the hands
. of the All Merciful DiSposcr . of human l
'event's, the 'primary and . truly efficient
cause of peopling your country,who.unite
in daily orisons to heaven that they have
i escaped the tyranny of this government,
land enjoy the priceless boon of liberty.
I hayc written a simple lint truthful stat
ement. As for ni my judgment cap dir
ect, it will give you a pretty'aecaroz idea
of .the state of things in the laud of your
forefathers.,. .. .
A traveller who has recently visited the
Salt Luke gives the following facts;
*".The Lake itself is:ono of the, .greatest
:euriosities.l ever met with. The water is
about one-third salt, yielding that: amount
on boiling. I bathed in:it, and found..that
I could kty on my:back, roll over a . m.! over
:and'even sit up ,and : wash
.my feet without
sinking, such:is the strength of the brine;
and when 1 came out I. was completely
covered with .salt,, in, fine cryktals. But
the most astonishing. .thing is the
fact (as.l was. informed by, the gentleman
who Was . manufacturing :salt there at the
time),that during the summer .season the
Lake throws on shore' Abundance of salt,
white in the :;winter season it Ahrows, up
glnuber salt in immense quantities. ;The
reason of this I leave the scientific to judge
:And also ~whati becomes of the enormous
amount of fresh water poured into it
three rp four:large rivers,Jordin, ,BeAr,
and Weber,--as there:is no visible ontlet."
•••• • } Paiper,Money.,,
I The , Ceerier iltizlia2fo giires'tho follow
ing summary of the omount:ofpaper mon
cy:afloat, in ; Europe at tho''present. time.
Total amoluit $1,261,428,520; , of , this
Russia has three hundtecland ten millions;
- Britain an Ireland two Abundred'and'ten
nihlions; Franco' one hundred and ..forty
Milliuns land Prussia lifty-foui niilliona ;
Poitugal o, , Veaty-three ; Pulgidin
'twenty, ; saxony fitte'en m lliona;
Sweden rteen millions ; Bavaria, A !feu r
million§ anti a half. The balance being
divided titn'orrg the , smailer Statet: -
- Fla mliarg v and some 'of , tlie•Smaller
. Gainati Suites;. •Sivittinrlank'Norwavy
'Parma,filoderiii, , pet via anclitho•Dannbifin
Pifincipatilits have noApaparmoney.. A.:
;•1,.• .• • • ,
'-Not.long',sina two sailors , passing
titilbr's' shop, obseivAd a tailor at work with
'hid 'Waist coat pat'c hod !With di ffercint colors;
oiotti; :yr h4ti o of . 'thu' tars,cried out to
thsis lOther.4, 4ll ,Loolt) ye! ditt•you, war,
rriatik'sorts of .cabba l gt grow on ..chic
stump bCforc ?" I ,t ';‘, ,
, t • .
•••• , 1':". ,,,,, .'-;f:' ,. . -, ir'F;; IL
• 'Prom 'Califor • ,
. filo
•:• , ,
D A NIL' L S 274
Thasteamer California, from San . Fran
ciscolci Panama, , had 41,69,0,Q0,,0.i# geld,
and other steamers had largo,am . nets,
The steamer ,Central Arnenca l aller
three days label., passed ,the shoals ti i ( ih,e
mouth of the river-San Juan, and , at. Olo,last
accounts was standing away in fine style
twenty-dve miles,up the river. .
We learn that a. serious accideet ,hid
occurred on. the San Juan by . the, stoking
of one of the small steamers plying on the
nvor. Several lives of returned .Califor.
nians, end considerablo money were a lost.
We coultl. not,,aseertain the names of the
lost from any one attached to the Daniel
The amount of bullion reported on, the
manifesto of vessels at the Custom House
at San Francisco during the quarter, has
been- 7
GENERAL SV3l3retrtr t
Firm tha Ban rianaco Nicarnne. Or.„1-'1416.
The Southern ,Convention for the divi
sion of the State is to be held odMonday
next, the 20th . .inst.. ,Those favorable to
the project have atlength united tipiiStin
ta.Barbara as the place where the' dele
gates •• pre to assemble. San Diego, Los
Angelus, San Luis Obispo; Montere3,-;San
th Cruz, San Joaqttin,, and, other counties,
have elected their delegates. Ser.erat hd
dresees 'have been publisn supportof
the movement:
Some idea of tb - e italic between";may
Francisco'pa and the Southern mines ybe
formed'frOm the fact that there otio or this
moment ten'steamers plying betWeeri SUn
Francisco and Sammento. The latter
'are for the - Most part'of - a larger size thhn
thor .on the San Joaquin:River, and make
the trip ofabout 120 miles in from'seven
to eight hours. In the elegance of thdir
accommodations' and the luxuries of their
larder, they might compare favorably` with'
any passenger:vessels in the *lrk': There
aro ten .other Steamets'plying from §acra
mento 'fo 'different places above that city.'
One year ago there; was but one steam
boat in Oregon, the Columbia ; now there,
are eleven steambeats of
running in' the 'COlumbin and Willamette
RiVers, not.includine the PaCifiusteamers
, Sea GUll and ,Columbia'; running between'
Oregon aud.Qplitbillia.. • , •
Stockton, in the early Part of this month;
became the scene of outrages of a similar
character to those' which sortie time since'
disgraced San Francisco. On the 3d ihst.,
three men were shot in the vicinity of
Stockton ; on Saturday evening an attempt
was, made to shoot two ethers, without
provocation; on the same night, a
can'was most ,itiliumanly butchered'in a
house in the outskirli of tho'eitY; and'on
Surida a Y.merning an attempt 'vas made.ta
shoot','gentleman for ',no' reason that he
could imagine. This is' a most unpreca-'
dented state 'ef things in that city, and has
dicited considerable sensation in the com
The Mormmis have at length taken 'pos
session of tho rancho of Sun Bernardino,
near Los Angeles, for which they paid
$102,009. ' $2.5,000 was paid' down, and
the' remainder to Paid in two equal . rtn
mud payments. said 6;1 be their in
tentien .to build a great city I here,' and a
railroad tOS'all. Lake is confident( c r spoken
of. It is alio Said, ihat'the' heti' sof
Church Depret Ittivo given 'Oirections
to the Mormons in' Europe, that all tliti'ent- -
igrat ion ' ' this 'd,biantry, must, in ruturp,
dOnie by the iyay ortho Isthm u s of Nee
fiela .
Diego.' ' • '
'The puptiltitton Of Safi - 13011a rdino' isto
be'inciettsed thousand Within' the'
Aix Months'. 'lt eontainS, Av,ith in its
'k;punditries 'inore''than eighty thouSandla
eres otriicellentland;o, gieat portion' of
beViiiigitted. The Ointa 'AU;
riVei r rons through ii;furniithing
and 'unfailing 'supply of purl water; find'
tieving`excellent mill iietits.
tains aro' covered'' with pines, suffleiditt; to
lumber all Southern California'
air rare. -q " 1. ! • : t
11 ' 1 ,
Judge - Murirty, late • Judge'of the Sit.'
pretaCourt,'hass been appomted hy. the
doirettiooitiocktfit JudgldtkkiSUpretile,
teurtart:phied:ot fudge Bonnet, restg a ttd.'
''' - "A'n!aitetnp,t ,. 'is again - lotting' 'made tO,
eninmuniOtiontetWeen the,
,Sand 1 Mit nd Sit nd San Ffapp'Ciscb tied'
' the fOtitiiiiriboat eiteeeted . te l f:l4ltteed .
on the routel n a -3 (
'The - Agriattlfurti l;, `Mining;'meatokfit;,
mitt - • :tiimeidiaritoiea shit's:ig` tide;oo' 4 - 40frekreei t - 4?Keeli Readily'
bbtKdu= • t3'tee'da3r;
' fr . ftpootiblitttioyivii 10-00*kigft
izeo s ui r ve, . ?t f.l,
t • Tok - Edniv,!7,4 bo;,-
. I zPr - pT2011714 ff , 51.4i11/4.Wr # ,if
1 M P A51 1 141 1 0 .1 •
41 4 ,430piRP1 AVltti4i# ieUVWkWilik
84#04._ s t A*o'
• •.:,•••• ,•
.• • ••,•'. ,
. •
•IYuthber 3, 1
3 4 3 / 1 3 100
ill * ---. ' - •
i* T a ZAVA C I
NArlsj 74 i iji a IX.
tit - ;,„to wet 0 ~.*. 11)II
4 , '
aii . 4 : f i r k i
4: - . 1 ?UP 4 1 14 114 1 111 fil
1 1 :"Ii a ll a il laht .`‘ s 4 l lin
N, twaa, ,t- ,
ta ca
i iiiitiwalidalh 1
. •
%rvird: sad isviltior
101 l Wagon laws a
i bosiletemen °roar a-
WV otbit**44; I
Halms We sirmil I bit:
laic: Moordltut 'W to
MO **Pt, or mow w . at'
._ _ ___ __. .._........ __ volki .• bad an *to obi So.
giViiiiiii buelsoss "ill Spy* by oftyythiej •Ipitexibrelr-4:4*.
big, a ba , r• 1 •ali. itw coo" utFaslycl. a wan saws Woo, lao
Iteatt wiliPtAil DPP's.' '' . • ‘ .t t '. : • •
...." , . •,1 - • , . •;. .: • -
: • • ' gooksi Jots and •
Or IEi7gRY 0E4e111171011. PIM'?
IrvilTf i rJ,72o".44lll ) Bo•loll.l7.rt&-:-F.:'
• . LlgUtrifiC P REPP M A CL I ."
:seem ef Whites by ,•ruparty •of Po:riOrford
•liidians.• ..;a:-.eompany
of. ten Personsistarted orrthe.24tls
gust, to loeate:wroad froth Por!,.oCfrird to
the Upper- Rogue River Country. ~.They
were not seriously ;molested by the: • ; .bidi.
wags . -Until the ;'24th of .Sopterriberi When
they a ptoac ed ; in their '.canoeti,ort the
north:bank 'of - : the'.cotiiiilie . ;.xivor,..wlttere.
;iast:nuinbers of ,hostile
camped.. The :Indians deized"theenbetrin
;which ' ware - Mr.. i end. Atr: Brush, and
refused . tolet , it go::- ;The whites 'then= LI Li 3
.. for the Shore'. but in fifteen s ecoratii
.were: surrounded;: .Indians and :vete
pietoly 'disarmedi the Indians! beingTatt !ten
to ono of 'the' whitea, < Mr., 1 1 1 :- and: : Brush
escaped 'to the water; . but ',the:: rest, .:were
brutallymassacrei bYtheludiabs.4lVaeit
and'Brush contrived to get to a canoe, and
by .the'aid of an Indian boy 'crossed. Jim
river and escaped, after much sufToriog,
.(Brush being badly:wounded and nearly
scalped,) to Cape . .Clanco,where: they .were
'kindly Teethed by friendly Indians. • The
nttmesnf ,the , murdered . Men were; as fol-
A. Si:Doherty,. aged: , 20,, Texas
riek!Murphy, 22,‘N. Y.; Thos. - .I.Daven
port, 26,,Ma55.: Loren' L. Williams, 2Ei3,
Mich.; •John P. Holland, 21, N.,'HamtLl
Jeremiah Ryan, 25, Md.; Cris. Jieddep,
Newark, N. J.; J. P. Pepper, 28,:Albany,
N; • ;
Always be in witty as , ,yotrlcan-, vrith
your parting how---youflaatspeeeti is the
one retnernbered; - / ".: •••.
The best bito.wo evor had 'on)a fishing
exourSiOn; Wita'Oe'tite wofook"along with
- • - ; ..1; .
• ; ,'
A western editor cautions his retulcrs
against kissing, short !els ? because, this
habit has made. him round shnuldelvd.
Our life is a • passage to eternity,vlit
ought to bozcontinual.rneditation on eter
nity, and a constant preparation for ,
A &twin east editor has got such, &cold
in his head that • water fieezes.ow hislace
when he undertakes to wash it ; • -• ,
' 'flOved'iny wire," Said'lltr. Caudle,
"and' for; the ' first two mOnih•ti;,.l felt as it I
could eat her up. Eve i'aitide -I hav'ei teen
soiry'f didn't!' • • -••
, was, . - Look back; and time , when yOnr
'lout was not; look forward, - and :your
soul shall exist' when ' timo shall to no
more l' . • . ' • .- -
What. is the world to those wlio are. in
the grave, where your body most soon
be? And what is the world to those who
are in eternity, where your soul must, soon
be ? ' '
A man who•ltad lived much in.society,
said that his acquaintances would a
church but the pulpit, would hold his
Those hours which you spend in com
munion'tvithGod, are , the golden spots of
all yourtime,.and will have the sweetest
influkince . upon your last hours.
The objector all' ambition should be to
be.happy nt home: If ,we are nett happy
theie, we Cannot be happy elsewhere. ' It
isthe best'oroof of the virtues of family
circle to see a happy fireside.'
Silende is politeness, and. to listen re
spectfully, the most delicate lintl'nf flat
tery. The, reasan,,of„tliil is We - take a
plcasure in talkinganil 'hetngliCard::,
Angling intim Serpentine. . Saturday,
P. M.--" Had; No. I—" Had ever A OA. •
Jim 1" Piseater No. 2—r!!Not yet;, l only last Wodeesday-n- , Puttch. •
"Isn't it date ta think , abeut nettirigap?"
said , the , wifet ;as she rattled at the deor.r— -
ff ices, my dear," replied.4he i husband, fq
have been thinking about it anti:tut:o@nd
wheifyi-1 I 1, , ' , ! , ct,. ' I
1 . "W,Fiy l ; deeter;" said a sick `lady; Atynkt,, -
Tiro'giving 'tito the same triethuine thattykittt" , &
06 . gi if ng' fe my 'h u obit iid .1' 'w, h-i4s thair.„
-"All right," to plied' the riidetiir,' oWitif*:,
sEiiicb' for the gooSei is 'sauce fail!htt -
d er .:,,,, I. .1 •• • 1 •: '•
•'/t, 11 ; . %/iY 0 . 4-• 1: . ;: , ! . ... ' „
, A - , potithereer desert ti s ing 'Phi t ~,,,, •
slys that iit 0 it"-idae:o4lieo i iti ' :
yards are ongaged,4washirig k e ; sli'
iithats, aad'all the' tnestfirOttle:
l'idiAPA; oiA l Opiiss." ;, ',., 1 .. )i - 4 ).
:``Plso l , l * , ?),P,i 4‘ f' P '(; 9 11 ' 4 4
rexeseittinreitt, "they,,sa tqu
"W!lll„Nvegi i :Lili v i fi ll `L‘ tit'a, Intl
"mind your,weFt6,l4 ttlilly
sure the,y,,wen:t,,hirpiy,oy;.' j i .. 4 ,
It lointAT inllllA CiTtJAT'=W
Arian b*xvies:!llitC/eRIY4
ly viZlelt, tktili , e*AßAfillt ',
1s that, the f. 1 11!groAll#
.44,1 y, ,roenti39T,,..ttttlint*
star L. irryilit Ick 1110eitati*-
afarEEdi 34(00 , 4betAiblit IP'
louottiudyrifsliointp 4,
to i % 140 do*
v •scitait. otiv-0
. ,
d -• • • tt,iNitigfl ,
- . I,la itt liii t t*
04 0 04
e4i ,04111310.1 ti
, .. , iit , , ,
x ~;;~+r ti
__ ~,ak