Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 21, 1851, Image 3

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1 e ar
uligSlriTTllß :,
The Haqiebnrg.2llegrai,h,ettastipieelt ,
contains aP> .trzlicis' PPFEPrit.IAg t9 , 4C4 40 7,
rial—but - 'Which is, stamped with itrious
features denotiiiel'itiv [ 6pitri4tie , ,
hich,requires:a passing notice:. Tie ar
icle" is deiloted to c ont. -humlite Self, and
ornplaineof our, abuse:of The Whigs of
lear6eld• county, and 'falsely ruistiMeS
hat Ivo called them "Little federal or' a.
i s "—d , biggots.aucl ingrates." , ilowove
-d no such language.. towards the wigs
.f ,this cOunty, either on the occasiol re
erred to, otat 'any former period, .On
he contrary, we l have over been respect
ul toi;litilas our political opponents in
u nty, nod
.w.c , defy •any living, ma 4 to
oint to the' Instance. wherein :,w/ ilaVe
:ver been discourteoUs to them as ttpirt3r,
.r as Citizens. .We have tried hard to
onvinco them Of their' political errors ;
nd that our efforts have not been entirely
uccemful is net our fault I We live in
epee, however. ' • ,
We had previously received some in•
mcktion that a certain gentleman at Cur
ensvilld felt indignant at some remarks
e made since the election; but were not
uro of it. •.-If he did f and had he culled
pon us--es we would have felt it our
uty to have done,if in similar circumstim
es-At:Mead Of" pnaeuririg so pitiful and
also a statement published so far from
ome, we'eould haVo shown him; with en•
re satisfaction, that no offence, was in.
need—that no offence was given. Our
Ilusion to the "little federal orator," who
fleeted so much regret nt the slim pros
.ect of having "at least one Governor out
.f the BIGLER family," was not intended
o.apply . to Gen. Patton, but to another
•.entleman who addr-o,ed the whig meet
ng at - Curwensville !on the :night be
.fight before the elect)an, and who is not
"Ithig of Clearfieldcounty," We did
.of hear the Generic that nighl, - Ciad did
of know, until with'i a very ,pi days,
I at the remark was squally appliable to
im. It is not fair,' hen, that be ;should
ake offence at this mark. '.
To those, however)who tali exception
• our appellation of*biggot And ingrate,"
• applied to a pockon of tie, opposition
1 . Col. BIOLER in c l' his county, we have
othing to say. . On language was plain
nd unmistakable; and in order that our
ders may hose an opportunity to judge
a irly, we republith the objectionable tic
kle below. i Ile; glib construes that seri
ace to eharacteize "all whigs %ilk, did
t illuminate thtir bouses" on the lama.
. n of our recent c'elobration, as "iiggots
d ingrAlras," nist ba haed run fo some.
lag to complait of, . •
It is nol trued ;idler, that the Governor
lect "headedl End accompanied the pro-,
essi on to Cu ryr nsiille. Both d e legation
that front 'hit place and the escort from
i, urwensville4 i . shed .and a'vaitPd at the
dge of :the tan, for the arrival of Col.
:10,Luia, • 4: ' --,
We do not cchange with thy,7lotegraph.
, i
t is not likel3 therefore, that the editor of
. at paper hatarl . 13owledgqef ,y4liat AK°
aid on .the %T esta, tinplldiias tfit%aitn.
da slibove i ht i ma ted, Ilad he seen our
1 . . 11 .4 0 : 4 1,rAssarIts, we feel quite
i re that °vea the •penetrating eve and
• arching mind of the veteran FkrlN would.
.otbityobeen able find any thing them
. , i ibusik!, 1
the' higs Of Clearfield."-:-
het'discm , ry c Id only be made by
-,- is in i n tellect. - • ,
, Something was
• bit - dour, riceivi
• rt from the whi
,-. Xiet, gent
'lisle srchikiy ,
whig cieff,snses
al. , ltlikintea
id in the. same article
a "share of our sup
. ,
of Clear fi eld. This
'efts we are not yet an
d we ask none of you
to patronize us £l5
give you full, value
. 1
. ..0nu 0 ,48 14 1c ! IL . .. , - --'`'- -a
rocials,Repitioicati• o t, A .
' 1.144 ' ' 'whi twit mean those
Evoik e: act ° • -P- .. whi n t
amt . erth thEt name of . gs,
.9, ,
' 7 .- . 4 7 ''' '- 6 ''' te.d a liinsiJuin
- ' •ki • ti) w, c , ' , V 2 v• l3 , —. •
''ts :
;:t. ; ' bqk AO 910"' oat restrain
. prat ?WC , - 0401tioki-, shut 4 , zitizen
-It e ril l ° #, / C 4 1-6.4. ' iliiis-lit"-reti,
' 1
unit t'
rely - with .the 4 rno.
the Pn--: 'V" t Curwens "Ile in
il . 1 / a -
*--- tilt Icos
ntratimi or, joy , t !i4e
Is[eolititilt• ' '•, (• .
o tvw molt terious- i ndictments .,.
.1 iv be iiitight .11,taititit ihe. present
ratio '. 'Aiiiiiv liiiistrati Ori 'in .
the ne. 2 . o r i t° B '
11' b 4 that Of itlfitol l t,
i* .t.,t4Ou.iiiiiitie •Oiiiiiatir:; dig.
V ' : 1)00 ' tioittor IN - United, iilatefl, 4 o
Lio rcourr with kiieign nliotti..--
Wliitifilli3Of .l 4o A i io4 l 4oc#;l
• ... - •atertiditecVO4elitsigic'll
140 , ' 4 - 3 -.---; ,„), ~ ~ ~.1 6' • A ' ,
- .4 441 1 ( i 3 pie ulla rii sa!nox.
104 t by the' s vititr IA
caPls l - - ~.,,
. r
.2,,,,,...pkiema to those
itylpu,untay Trr - N ---- , , •
12 *-iiiiirmimi liberal I. :pleikt
11 1 )014.1 1 , 7Y: ..:',
- mtkitioio'imPat*".4l
.. _ . ...: ~.,, 11. n
19.01,31:: 1: 4 , ''' i l ; ''' 41
i 140,i
,*. Joan qtpt!ralr o fe".,,-zritc!ltt pros.
pect et: !, lP gon,ll,Flon'Aßl.Oetipn as, Plerk
of the'Fiellie‘oritepritaiiYeri l t tho - hp
proaching sessiop , ,of ,P;Mgress, musthge
IgraOrYi. l *': 't(li l / 4 36 1 .ronYiqiitiiii.,'ilri0
`especially to the• editorial fraternity', To
nO:man; apart frprri Col., BrOzkn. Intnielf,
nre the Democracy oerennsyivania more
indebted. for :otir' bite 'triumph in.this.Btate, 1
- than to the editor of thei Pennsylvanian.
I Ho was ariped at every ,point,ltnd every
1 point Made bY the opposition, was imme
diately ha effectually answered ' and ex.'
posed; and oven the' great , Xs). aAmerr i .
can itself was so often and so completi ry
floored that iodic end' t fairly surien , f ed
I thy. ship.-
Mr. VORNEY • should have been el led
Clerk of the last House of Represents; ,ves 7
Now, however', the dit4culties that were'
then , in -the . way, are , I ;romovekend wo
think, there are no gooti, ronson • why. the
Pennsylvania Democracy ~ should not be
honored bf "his ialtction to this , distinguish
cd post. ' ~ ... , , . ,..--'
F4 , 00D AT river was in
fine running erderon last Sunday . and
Monday and , a
, large number or iafts start
ed on 'lbw way to inarket, All this lum
ber has been in the , water siace last Spring,
waiting for a rise. Nothirig has been
heard us to , the' probable price fu: which
it will sell , ' Had it reached market six
months ago, we would not now ) have so
much cues. to
,comblair(of hard times in
this quarter:, - •
, , .
oz:7 - Much of our outside is ( Lccupied with
the account of Kossrrrn's reception in
England. He wati to leave Liverpool about
the 18th, and shoUld 'reach New York
about the last of this week.
Graham's Magazine, for Decdmber,
makes its appearance done up in a style
that fully attests its worth and permanen
cy us a literary periodical.. The
wings are quite numerous in this .n
and ale 'all in good taste and peril
cimens of the fine'arts.
Godey's Lady'a Book, for Dece
now before us, well filled with usecu
ing matter, besid much valuable
motion' to house tpers, &c. The
pectus of this exc 'llentliagazine
found, in anoth
invite the intenti
ther, information
Gleason's P,lorial Vrawmg-
Coklyanion, pu ished Weekly, in B
at i, per year, {l3 the wonder of no
pct publication.; It is published i
(Orin, each number containing eigl
pages; hallo(' which contain beat
giavings,'with their descriptions ;
batance filled with interesting an
reading , matter. _ But we moss
Gkason's for its unsurpassed ml
..!.... k .
'Lille& Liveirg 'Age, to thole desiring
useful information , about the ay the
world is progressing in the p ; •nt age,
will be found a most valuable id cheap
publication. Each number coiling 48
~..m . 5 ,
.. / 4ing iiiitittr;*and Ahd'irbliime•
of 58 numbers will rialce a iry large .
book. See prospectus:. , '
The Christian Pail . 111a0zine, for
. ,
November, is else at hand, This work
Well sustains the characterlkidiciled 14 , its
name.. It is published by Gip:au: PHAT,
2.l.B,Nassau .street, N.Y., at dp, per ye ,
in advance. It is also ofibreAto all de
gymen at $1 per year.
IlAnntsrarno, Nov. 7.—The Judges
elect of the Supremo Court met, hetet to
day, and.drew., Jots' according to ;lir, to
decide their respective terms , of eery 4.
Judge BlLick drew the three, • years pitn„
fudge Lewis six, Judge Gibson \nine,
Judge Lowrie twelve, and Judge Coulter
• , New lark Eleethni:
ThiA r ow York 'papons of: laskeveni fig
t .
furnish official returns, • from 'the grea ri
part of the 4tate.• It is eunceded on l
hangs that he - ,entire Democratic Stat
ticket is elec d. 'rhoN f, :lr. Journal of
Commerce ekre:the"ebiltrfoi ef the .8,-
000,000 Can e elyeedheri , ''..previded for
at:the Extra esion,•will now
. paSs into:
the ' 614 s 'lO Itlis Democrats.: In other
,woidey it IllajOlity,,,e the Canal Board will
be , Doirtootitts.4 -B a,iii :0 6 aid' consist 'of
l a
, 1114,146.11C,0w . r• (who is a liemeeraiil
the.Seererary O tate,Cornptroller, Treas.
urei,'AtteineY'r ' brafaWhor.` ars I Cafit.,
iniseiatutri`Of,l C4nal Vilna yihei' Stitt,'
EngineVi; lindith three .COal F Commis r ,
_Total; ' tfo per,tioris. ' het oa
ititution declare r s,
~ vtliefspoNvers and du.
ties of thppspec. e I4lrtia.shall be such,
as iiiiiv itteoit' he Alirptitti.eiiieiieri6ed
f'Fom the h4}..Ft 3 9 1
*AA, 1ik.9444) 1
• .41 tl , Vei •
' ll -4441,
a- .1'
column, to whi.'
of those dcsirin
Supreme Bench.
goyo imkt
Aitrovvis , proably,
®l , Cl:the vLeigitila7
• 7;'A •
;AM . . dtqir•We'44l4
Covliato'dorqo of tht 't.l.indr! grout?) kW: •
• 114d6811biie4AYCIAi ;
On yesterday. afiernnenisthe Salr'Leke
mail reachetVhafe, arriving tit FopLara
mit) on:the I f th,inst,, ; The party,in charge ,.
inet•With net' detention , this trip, other than
that arising .from , a alight snow stotrii.=
The reads siore'in fine donditibli i . Grass ; _
and wilterVentk'::*i§aTei:itic.4o4oeri*r . MARRIED.-70.n, Thiusdny, the , Oth
Foster and I3oyer were passengers Ihro'..-inst., by the Rev. C,
‘ Jeff ies, Mr. SnxtvEir.
--ths two, latter from Fort Laromie, and SMEAL, to Miss &loin, oxt;all of Clear-
Phelps frorri Salt WM. ' ' field county Pd." ' • '
•Itiseern6 that the Morinons are at their • ' •
inst., y the same; Mr.
old,girumecreatinidiffieultiet3 with'those;,' On th 6l3 th
'whiftry to be friends and.neighbors. " Sn•lsrin all of Clear ld county Pa.' •
' D. Harris, E3dcretary,' L. J. Brandenburg,; '
E On the same da by this same. Mr.
Chief Justice, P. . Broccus,•'Asieciate
Judge, H. R. Day, Indian Agent, Gillam
Liwnsy STONE, to Mips Przobmt,A Ttrim.
and Young ( have all left the territory, and Eli)" C.lcarfieldicountY Pa.- '
will be hero by the 4th or sth of next On Sunday last/ by Jolin Shirey, Esq.,
month. - • Cogswell: and Young, and , pm Mr. Levi FeArteit, to Mrss gym Mins%
Or two others, will not bole quite PO'sodn both of 13radfordp, this
—they have been compelled to leave the
Valley en'acCOunt of" the seditious senti
ments of Gov. Brigham Young, and other
leaders of the Mormon Church. ,•On every
oseasion these men have been denouncing
our , Government before die officers, and
especially 'theit; religious gatherin'g's, in
such a manner as to make,overy ono on ,
pleasant who Wai , nOt connected with them,
—asserting, among Other things,. "that
Congreis is a pack ofdorrupt Swindlers"—
that "otir Government stinks in the nos
trils of Jehovah," &e,., &c. Church and
State aro to much Merged_ in one, that
justice on Tiny occasion, cannot • bo ren.
dered, and any ono unconnected with the
Church, is'unsafe either as to life or prop:
The $20,000 appropriated by Congress
for public buildings has been taken to pay
off the debts of the church, and only' a,'
short time before the merchants and judges
loft, Brighnm Young called together, se
cretly, the Legislature, and passed resolu
tions and issued orders for the seizure of
twenty-four thousand dollars more from
the hands of Harris—Harris persisted in,
retaining it, and only by. the using of an
injunction .by the Supreme Court, was he
able to do so,and get away with the money.
In consequence of this last act of theirs,
matters were brought to crisis, and cacti
and all left—the merchants without their
property, and the judges and officers to
resign their places. Ithink, now, all must
begin to see that trouble springs• from the
Mormons, and npt others.
Nothing of groat interest transpired on
the road with the mail party. The Chey.
. Indians are not well satis fi ed with
the treaty .arrangements, not having re.
ceived as many presents as They expected,
and perhaps trouble may arise - to small
parties on the plains in consequenee of it.
When the company came to the crossing
of the Platte, they found a German calling
himself "Prince of Wirtumberg," and ser
vant, in his carriage, in the stream, and
tho Indians on the bank ready, to rob him
of all his valuables—they had taken some
coffee and other things from him, and
were much disappointed to see so largo a
number coming up ; ho was helped out of
his difficulties, but lagged behind, and
may-at last have been taken and killed.
Wo are suffering much here for rain.
I read.
;l be
t we
I fur-
I 'pa.
Farther News by the Cambria.
an , tho
The steamship Cambria, Capt. Leitch,
from Liverpool and Halifax, arrived here
at 3 o'clock for the South..
Kossuth and his family suit had accep
ted the oflbr of a free passage on board
the steamer Washington Ufa the United
States, and would leave Southampton on
the 14th for. New :York;
Mr. Croskey, the American Consul, had
delayed the sailing pr the Washington, to
afford Kossuth an opportunity of being pros.
-nt at„ the Polishsand Hungarian ball at
Southampton, on the evening. of the 13th
Kossuth had been received most flatter
ingly at the Guild Hall, in London. The
Corporation Address was read to him by
the City Clerk. His passage through .th©
city was a continuous triumph.
In the evening a large crowd gathered
around theiZrnes office, and burned sev
eral copies of that sheet.
Extensive" prelierations Were being
made to receive. Kossuth at Liverpool.—
Lord . lludly Stuart would present the ad
Etas, Thursday- 7 —Tho Globe corre
iendent is confident that there will be a
~ i nprornise between the President and a
. • jority or the,Assembly.
: usiness is dull and the prospects gloo.,
m' Nearly all the orders in the hands
of te manufaqurers have been auspen
ded '
' . 0 Democr tic Socialists are ferocious
agai t Kossut but fear to give full ex
press) u to - th it sentiments, lest they
might injure t it cause. '
PA i Frida ~---M. Corbyn, refuses to,
accept he h e-offs of Minister.
Tho ew Ca 'net 'gives great dissatiq
faction, nd it s expected that some of
the Min tern II retire before the mee-,
Ong oft e ,As tahly. •. : , '
`\ ,k
VirikesbarTe vacate of • the .12th ~ ; 63t.,
Ea s : • ' • ' ' ' '4,
L. ci tizen . of Pittston, wfin'was in -the
W silt finv days since, with gun in 'hand,
une tedlyj'fouad' himself between a
bear A her cubs. Se, regarded him as ,
an,in, der,',ond - Oade, towards hirp.2 He,
anapp a hie. g ti p ,,,Ot missed, fire. The ,
bear c ing
,nea4 he" . used his ; galas,
aclub, ntil 40 triudlt liii°lteii - to be tivail-:
abte.V` . tli, . time' the.?' befi'',lled hi,eb,tf,
t pteic,
;he: 4a; ' ;,a ,exhibitea,i'aei;deteiniiiied;
A ipititi s wo Icki:PittentiDemocratid in i
a hard e ctio ceptett-- 7 4, li . ttie ierOioitsl
:The dot ii . Yl ding, I*" 'ammitt lOstita 7 : .310.0 ., ,,arximi N2 i n
141 I,'t
hold, and *see briar : thatAds cubs' had %IV; .:„ 4 . i i , 144 t ltliebni• b ' t ip ilw ilr ". ;
:. ,,,,i :lAtt„_.
fiedlefit.tiki pliii.xin4 typal in7,:aetiic,bi4x_ , l ' ff , ,tll 01. , . , 0 1 .1 1 ,--..„,' `nr 44- '
',them.. •Th jOicrOideliktraillisiiiid: 1; r : ~.., ,-,..,...„„,. , . 1 90(""Obn se . 1 „ ,1 0
i i
%. ,' 1., ' ; 1-1 ' . ' 1' • 1 • ; "- • ' •••!" ii °' " ''''' ' • • .1
------='''''' f 4 ' - '''.-.
' ld'r: t 14' :.:0:-.kool-tY0 " : ',• •, , ''','...?• , ,,,, , :' , .ref...Ve
•-• ..., .-",, - -,,:- - - 7 ,,-,..- 0 . ~, -,- , - ~,„ ;,,, • ,
y ~ g r.., 1 1:,
\l, ' '..'” t ' • . .. :,,,,, ,_, , • il ..,, , ..,.; i ., ~,,.- :- "4, IY, - .21... •,,,, • .•.;,e.„‘i, ,• •A V 1 A' ,. .`
1‘ \,- 1 '„• A • • Ai•O ., ••• ' e,..., • ..--,-,,, 44 - ,,ylalAP
:I, ' 4 , , ~..,,,
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....t,... ' ~, ~.,„ , ev , ...--4--., ...,,,, p,-. ,',;... .., 7, , . , -.. , ,,1..1...
. ~ ..., : i....„ ,,1 , i k et . ~,,, , „,.. j ....,.,, i Ty : s r .: 1 719 .4" ,I. 1.1 -„ in i ri4r .:x.:64 , ,,t A . :A*44- ~, A" •
' ' .• 4
BosToN, Nov. 14.
t~~ ~'
an ArtitiooDigeittive Fluid,or Gastric juice !
A great Dyspepsia Curer, ;prepared from Rennet,
of the tbarth Stomach of tlitf Ox, eFr directions of
Baron- I.4hig,lhe grelitPhysiologi 1 chemist, hy
13, Lloththion, ll.mort Eighth Alregt,
Philadelphia. Pa. - is% Wonderlui em'
edy for.lindigetition;;DyspepaiN 3.493'diee; iLjaer
Complaint,,t1 DO) ityqvuring Mier
nsture's own'thellibid, by Ibattire ihrt%' agent, the
'Gastric Juleo, ,, IdentAdvortiserii at in: another col:
WishtattAlantof elatuflitid eoppir will hold th'alt
T Quartet', Meeting on Monday evanitltthe'lrt D=oa, m
bar et early candle light. 10 the mut tonne. The' Maeda
Tempstaana, end the 'Ladles in- partionlo4 are rtootted
to attend
An addratt whl badellvered by WILLIAat C: CAVAN:
P..13UL1011, rteddeut.
argon'. 11. ' • •
HE Democrats of Clefirtiold county ore respect
fntly invited to Meer in the Court house on
Tuesday evening of becembir Court.
A Providential erection is near at hand, and at.
moments will then he' made with regard to the
appointment of a delegate to represent this Senate..
riot and Het:Kellen halve district tn the` next Fourth
of March Convention.
A general attendance of the intenthia hr the'party
is requested. By order of the Stand ing Commi ttoo,
a. 11. BalillETTiChnien.
Nov. 14,1851. . •
NOW °pools, et the old shied of DIGLHtt /4.00..
(baud eed impotleel3fOLlK GOOLct, .whotb alll
soldtor Lumber. or Produce. CHEAPER then
•• ItICLI Alan b1088r)P. :
Clearfield. floe. 0.1851. „ ' •
JL he opened for the Winter 'Session, for the re
eeplion of Nods, on MONDAY. Tug EITII DAY OF
is built of brick, hanesomely and comfort/181y fin%
ished, with two largo' and commodious School
Rooms on. the lower floor, and a large Lecture
Ileum, 30 by 48 feet, in the upper story, all com
pletely finianed. -
The Board have ecriti.loyed a 'competent male
Teacher fur said School. No pains will be spared
to advance the cause of Education in the School...
Parents and Guardians of children are reipeet•
fully invited at all times to visit said sehoul,;anil
pxamino for themselves (ha course of instrgmiotir
D. W. Moonc, Pres'ti.f
Jno. Boynton, Sec'y.
• Nov. 6th, XlB5l.
For December term, 1851.
Riddle Jamie ' 'Parmar
Coleman Jamie do
Ilotton Willies' do
McMurray Joseph do _
Atchison George Lumberman . do
Gelman Jobe Blacksmith do
Nichols Mara, Jr. Joshua . Lawrence'
Moults Philip Laborer ' - do
Irwin Hear , Panne: do
Bead J.B. do do
Glory James do ' Jordan'
Hoyt John P. . Physician -„" rivison
Cleaver Thomasrtfigr . % VC%
Maranon JuMell
McKim'', I avid ' ~, Ferran . . ' : Brady, Peter - . • . do
Braucherserib . do
John '^ . Inn ke eper Cotwensville
Stahel William L. Parma Goshen
Bumgard ger George So do,
Wooldndga William do Brad
d i g
Kris:Jacob do a
Shire, Jacob ' do do .
iividgens William du Karthaue
siselroan Michael do do
Wooldridge Edwanl • ' Farmer . Ginud •
Patchlo liorace , , do , do •
Shoff' Bat:noel ' ' do Ilecuarta
Ale:ander William B. do \. do
Thorp Wiiliam T. do ' Bell
Malt Homer W do do
Addkman William do Pike
Arnold David do do
Hoover George do Morris
Hoyt William Physician ,
_if Hun
Liaafeltar Jaoob , do , Chest
For December terM,lBsl.
Thompron John D. finctsmith Curwenevilla.
Maurer Reuben Painter Covington
peters John rann•r Bradford
1...hz David , . Imnloonmiet Lleartleld bur
Phin Mordecai 'fanner . • : . do
McPherson John Tan oar do
Warrick lamb Martinet Deccaria
Miller J. D. Earmer • do
McMurray John Farmer do
!tablet Amos Farmer . do •
McNeill Winton:l Farmer Pike •
Wise Michael • • Emmet do
Bloom John Farmer • -do •
England Job' - Blacklmith do
Beams Abraham ' • ' ' Farmer ! Law recoe
Length Thomas , ' ' rtitillt .' " " • do
Dunlap bun reread , . , Jordan
Burnes Richard ' Yammer Decatur
Boos P. D. . Wa•onateker Union
Horn David, Jr. Farmer do •
Byers Lemuel . . V m nef Domed. .
Bothers Janne a '' do
Barrett 1. L.Merchant
Kr t Thomas • , tdrilwright • Penn .
LAMI been opened at entwentville for the ednentlon of
BOYtt end G 111.1.0. ROBERT tWilit ?MCI pal.
Thorough Inel ruction Ea the Ocatanon and Wither Drenches
orals CmiliabEducatios—in the LATIN, the G REIM. and
FRENett Langpmgos, well'll4 faitalld enuetritioa of
1110LIALS ma MANNERB-lt Inspired to each ouoil.'
Ter—FIVE DULLARDDOLLARS pet (patter. Potil a admitted at
sae time.
For part tars Lop', to floe. VPDS laws or to the
School. Nor. I. IVA ,—pd.
Public' Vendue.
Personal Properiy for Sale.
'HA,7lkberg.. ,P 714:
DAADY Clearfield county...
One gray mare—One yearling colt—Ono
two years old colt-one spring colt—r
One wagon—Horselears 7 —One Frail
twin sleds—Hay by the ton--Wheat,
ryo, oats, and corn in the bushel.
Derides a great many other art Wan too' tedious to Mention.
Terms made known on day or ante.
Jitok 7.1851.
~ .
. ' NOTICE. ,
LIEN. NO. 43„_?einuare term. 180. - 4
11)17IIREEAtt. VI , [LUPO' H.-, E Emelt: ha, bled mg
la I' olalco In the Mart of_Commos Pleas of Claarflold coon
ty egabssLIDIIN O. BUNK*, owner. tpr re_pated owner mad
contactor for the sum ot SAO against that THREE ETORY
FlLtitlatE GRD3T MILL. situate in the township of Ream ,r '
and county aforetaid-*aod abo *antra PIECE 01 Guouno
th,ro tamale sad coat slag ..--p. , unts.. more of late, boy nded
Iv lands of Jacob Rank and °thaw belonging to the uld jobs
fl., Rank. ors° sant to ahto egalut the said piece
of sound and cartilage- appintenaat to said bedlam, Do
And sow I. ALEXANDRE edf r alitELL, bluritf Of
Chautield county. do busby wane pato the saw' lobo
0. Rasa. and to all oasis Denetithit bold °toecap, said
Mill.linildtng, tho. that they be sad apt? baron th e Judge'
of ou mid cloaraotOytal i be ea
taghgritring4llMilia 42. torr.f.i
o c tb. u dist tads 0 ittl ..: for
3 ', .•_;,- _... • . ,_,,,,• ~ •1_,, ,• , A.: CIALD air • a 4
,BbarielllgloiNzaavai‘iaato.l z... , • ~1 , . , .. ~ . ~,. .
, ..,
~.i,,..,v4itg F01t§AW.,.!:(:,.....,...,
( 1,
10111.00icajbiailtrip at ti vatai s zlit' v:alaabia":lFAßU,!
TooiWaltur9o/0•InUll SW AP aaWaiarp
sit i t i ga • Matair . ... r.l jo rii! ~ 7" Ara
1 • , thil jar A, firsa bo r•VA
', HO Er I 0 tto sada t Maws
In Ina : I .., • IltnitittLpitalzad i •
apax '
' .- ww.p,,
. I ' l '
tea.:,r" IT , t--------
i hs
RF A Al l iP
, r ryW,,ll Tgft
IffavitiO purchased the !STORE of binl.F3l & Ott. :10
H the botonah of w
earFeld. is now °ain( *tithe OLD
BTAND-a episitlikt insortanent of FAlsis and WI:3TM'.
Bach as Alpaca?, Bile,. Loan% De Lanes. Satbmimie. Cal.
loos.Ctilisites. Gins hem,. Tickle's, Mullet. bleached and
nableachtal. Flannels , red. *hue and ye.low. Dolton Flannels.
and Dawn of aU detonnUons.
French Cloth. heart Orwohatis t t u ,
a line. Good
black Ueimates, Doe Okla do. palm* article. 'Mem. Nati,
nets and KentuckyJesee. otwhionNize of beat quality
Comforts. °Mem. flooltdr. 80.. a large assortment, and at
• , Hats 4nd Cap ' s ' .
Bilk Fhtsh. , and Fur II ATB and GAPb. of a/limits Middies;
good and cheep, mina parchaters. •
Boots a t lid S 1
Heavy minto boob,. kip' hintecod. Ilene 'rano/ all
kind,. Hoyt' and Childress' Boots end Fhues. - Also. [Adios'
Plait Marasco and t.elfskin [Mom. Also, Gum Over Mask,
Fine and Coarse, good and cheap ,
Good Biotin* Jaye COFFehr; Brow°. Combed, and,Palllng.
LottfilllG AR. Young Hymn. lmtletlal and Mack TB aid •-•
On a powder. Load. Faints. Paint ilin.hcs,'Hie Btoffs.Gotton
Yam. &0.. Mo.—all of whrch steel the best quality.
Molasses.. .
flogar.lloo4, 'Metes' andßiente Syrian...pad evarflutiele
that hebommti Hr ma, stood In need or.
All the, etym. stork of Goods will be sold - fat MUM or
COUNTRY Pl3Ol 1.1C1.7, on the Yon , lowest terms.
['lento call and examine rot youiseleee at the unto of
BIG .. H &ll fd 0830 P.
Clenneld. I'3 de. 10.11331.
' ItghlielefirrNOiliCe:l l "!
I\T OTICE to herebrgiven, that the following ac.
IN counts, lererlii been 'examined and' partied by
me. and remain., filed of record in. this office for
the unmet:lion Cd helm lognleca. ereditom• and all
clime in any.other way interceded, and will bo pre
Goaded t.• the next Orphan'. court' of Clearfield
county. to, ho held,, at the 'Court house in the bon
meg!) of Clenifiold on ThUreday theritle day of
December next, for confirmation and nllowancer
la. The account of Joseph Lines and Elias RAM.
' Executors of .Adam Maher. late of Brady ;oval
ship. Clearfield county, driceaved.' •
2d. The account ol John &Word ndnunestrator of
James •A• Cathcart, Into at Pike township; .
Clearfield county, decanted.
• Vtrlll. PORTER, Ites'r.
Register's ()Mee. Clearfield.Diev.ll, 1851.
(Samoan' Fourth and Filth, opposite Crown St )
17E1[1E1LE the Proprietor Is moored. by Increased facilities
Ylf to supply the growing demand fat HOVER'S INK,
wkich its widupreadtsputatlon voted:.
This Ink is D WlolWleuabrie edlatyie good opinion and
coutiderms of the* American Paha° that ft is *minty 'litmus
ry to say any thing to Its favor, and Um ausanfactaner take
this opportunity to say that tho oonftdence tads secttred
aot be abased. '
In a4ditton to'ths var'uns kinds of Writing Ink. bails*
manufactures ADAMANTINE DE:Bien. for mending
Glue and China, as well as a soperior HAIR DYE; e trial
only is manual to Miura Its Imam ass. and a SEALING
WAX. well adapted for Druggists and Bottlers. at a very low
Nil*. Infanta or srnalt quantlUes. .
lltdats Isddressett to • JOSEPFI E. HOVER.
• , •• .• •, . • • Manufacturer.
No. 144 Enos Street,
_ Perween Fourth and Fifa). impolite Crown.
Petit.l3—•:ca., ,Iv PIItLADELPDIA.
Another Scientific Wonder•
waslawalaval TIEMTIiDo
. .
znymtla •.;
• R
Prepared from RENNET, or the fourth Stomach
ol the Ox, alter Directions of BARON LIEBIG.
The great Physiological Chemist, hy J. S. notion-
Tom, M. D., No. 11. North Eighth Street, Phila.
dolphin, In. , • •. • ~ ;
This is a truly worv!erful remedy for INDIGESTION,
STIPATION. and DEBILITY, Curing alter Nature's
own method, by, Nature's own agent, the Gastric
*;Hall a teaspoonful of this Fluid, infused in
ter, will digest or dissolve, FIVE POUNDS or
- -
• 11.UM:3110N hi Wen, Perfdrused is the stomach by the
L. , aid of a fluid which freely exudes from the Meer coat of
that organ. whoa In a state of health called the Gmbh]
Juice. Tbis Fluid is dal Great Solvent of the Food, the Puri.
li log. Preserving, and !Stimulating Agent of the filornitch
and anlostines. Without it them will be en digeition.-mao
cow/entail of Food into Mood. ens no nutrition of the body •.
but rather a foul. torpid. painful, aud destructive condition of
the whole digaitiveapoaratue. A weak. halNead, or inland
stomach produces no good (legit° Jake, and items the dis
ease, distress and debility which ensue. . . ,
PEPSIN Is the Wet element. or Great. Digesting Pridefule
of she Omuta iota. It is fonad in great abundance In the
solid parted the human stomath after death. and sometimes
causes the stomach to digest itself, or eat Itself up. , It is also
toned In the stomach of animals, as the ox. calf. bro. It is
the material DIM b., farmers in making cheese, called Gomm,
the Mb et uf which baS lour been the winder of the dairy llp cordibit of the mile Is the fitSt_prooese of dhrestion. li en.
net, possenes eudonishing Power. me stomach dif a call will
curdle nearly one thousand times Its own weight of roUg.—
B area lAMB' states that - One pert of Pepsin dissolved in e buy
thousand pasts of water, wilt digest meet and other food."—
1./lamed stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice, Bennet, or
Pepsin. To show that this want may be perfectly supplied.
we quote the following
BARON LIEBIG. in • his celebrated work on Animal
Chemistry se s "An Artifact Digestive Field may be
readily ob tained film the means membmne of the stomach of
a Calf. le which various aticdes of food, as meat and eggs,
will be &Mena .I.Cbanged, and [Beetled. preciselY n ta thalami,
manner as they would be lath. Duman stomach. •
RR. PER EIR A. In his famous treat las on "Food and Diet,"
published by Wilma & Co.. New York, page 35, states toe
some greet feet. red cm:lbw the method of PreParadat.—
There ere few higher I
anthontehan Dr. Peril's'. •
Dr JOHN W. PRAPER, fame of Chemistt7 n the
Medical College ol the Univ. Ity of New York, in his "Text
Rock of Chemistry" page FM. says. "It has been a question
whether enthrall digestion could be performed—but It is glow
universally homided that ft may be. 't
Professor DUN G IatION !if Philadelphia. In bit great work
on human PhisiologY, devotes more than fifty vexes to an
examination al this subject. Ilis esperi meats tilth LPG Mau.
era. 9n the Gastric . juice. obtained from the living homey
gonna. tin 4 from narnals ate well known. "In ell cases.”
he so y a . " digest i on occurred ail pafectly In the Arti fi cial as in
the Natural di:mations." • ,
. . .
Du. BOUGHTON' 3 preparation ofTEPI3IN has prodaoed
the mast marvellous egeots,cunag cameo, Debility, Emrich'.
Nervoas Deollue.and Dyspeptic Uoasamation• supposed
to boon the very verge of theorem. It is impossibletb give
the details of eases lo the limits of this ad veettstureat—but
eatheatiloated certificates have bora xecll!ed of Mtge than
to Philadelphia. New Yr:irk. and Heaton atone. These were
Derail all (leaverate antes. and the oaten rare not oal4mPtd
.nd wouderie i. hat trer pmoanent.-
Itiaa arpatNERVOUS ANTIDOTE. end Dom theamos.
ithilteltsmailtmaatttp DROMSOiry to produce heallAP digestilm.
Is beltoved,u) act ODOR -
TherallbolormofOLDSTOM&t R COPdPLAINTEwhiok
it does not ;um to ;each and avail ave at Intell i t matter how
bad they may 0%11 GIVES INarAlirftE giP. Aline*
dose ;moves ail the nupleasaet sy memo' and It only Reeds
to bo oooot o fo r dolma time to make thelielood efiee'sper.
follow at once. !tie parti :Wetly excellent In ow .ollieuseit.
VosoltinziOiname, Sureness of the it of the Stomach dimes.
after mains, hew. cold state of the Elocel_, Marinas Lowness
of laoldts, Deepondenoy, trottotation Weakness. tendency to
Insanity. Suoiclde, Etc. . •
Nice; ON DOLAR pee bottle , One bottle will often
affam a hating '' ' , :
FOtqnalfrloll4llollnr-aelullstk to all parti or the country, the
iDiamrivr.MATTER OF 'ins PEPSIN Is pat op he the
fntw ol Powders, with directions to be dissolved in dilated
Iticeb_o,.Patar• Of th OF tag vaunt. These vowdets cow
tale precisely the' same Shatter as the bottles. but twice the
aeri POSTAGEfo r striae and Wilt to sent by mall, FREE
OF for ONE 1)01,1., R sent (Port paid) to Ill;
J. S. Et HTON. No. North Eigh th street. Ella. Pe:
Sly Packages Cot Are dollars Every packets and bottle
beers the ind i go slignetat• of J. Sr' n9u9uroN. 1k
• a •Agirats wanted in every townie the. United Statira*
Very ftheral discooats given to the trade. , Oreexists. restme,• , '
tore. god Bookseders are dwired to got as attests. , I
I AGESTIS foe Clleatlielkonotp.. • r . •r'
WAIA.A€S , 4; HILLS elsortieldhotongit.
311,114A111,1difitIDE. t trwestsville. .::• n;;
ARR .1A .
• E. W. Otte ales trisrubjpzi ,
OWAIIING Mau* PP New Wakhlogton.
Massieol6l .
EitatkOk kankilet VilirkgPiked;
•Lir ITEM; ziem t.
n two ark LucF Its .
vjoutold •q all pawl ba _ oil •
triiThl2loll4 tali.o* th .P lln !Hu P4 !' srls ‘l' • t ii
; Idal . „ . , U l tl#F, l4 ": lAN?* Ai t tLfOirri *l6 : 1:
: 2 .4 0 40044 14 ,RF1 111 4•• -
66 s la enph
at • b 51169
T *ow per
Pan tiV
;fi t 41%
.... -
... ... .
Y ehtlti ••- ' • .
. . thief:mut .. r ...., - AVO
jell li. : % 14 21 4 r . i`` . i , r , ' : •.7
r ' :' ',, , i , 4'17:- -,. K . —•-•
.1, ,i • .4.- F. 4 It . emu g ,•:-, , .. , ij j .-' - -•!
'lO wit:* • E"s lig •' . , fszii -. .„,..„,..trg:' .. ; ... r t:
•at ornd, • alio • i , _c.. , :.,-
Til I .111"141 # 16 4 i r II - . '' ' . ifiatigtitti s l 4l- 411t4V•
Ettiers ‘ w4tir.4l toad • etalwr tat } at ;t i t: , .5.. r., "*.-,.;
Daniere !,,,TE: i :i P qty 4 , ... ety * -, *tinf
- ALVA).- *Pm nikfil alai WO. itflt "II If';‘ , . 1. ) ,1te ','
is the saidEatihipi. boa ft ifrAigantirte,cripi4.. i... , i40 ' '
liillitudwil. maw gartglin, : Imprevense, , t .sh A dn, .
A beo- gam and a i se 'hi: l'humest fail'Ll.
a gh tn 4
inirray.-bouildifSii4gooblidoVi )Turke,K,6l444.xiarly-. 1. 4 ..E . ..
tertollll. , , ,-•,• .. +
...,„, • - ~,,. 7
A ist3o- .h ACT Pd Pi tostahr at 4 ; go .i , nf0r , r1,7 ,-, 1 - f...
Witmer. surf ' on' teafreat' ' fr 1 7 5 4 , ad d ,•
,_ .
Winton ! ' Vii_ kumai s immyt' d ir, tusk Whorl., arvele„ ~ ,• ; • _
A LSIII.-M a losidue lie earatp...riseliutvereti cr.. , •
acres aail 70 pore bona ,by Therm.s Whitton, tier' ,
tionsell; and Ilki:suldigt i01d..10 Illumoil Meititr- Make siT':. ,-
Wendy re towpstrip. Clearneld' maw ty, late, tee . 41 ....c.i.
Daniel .I.llsion • tad - 111110* Slatdri anti omiiteti todr Britt 71
ezeintlgt and tab, gold as the prfiFtriy , tir ths 'slid 1 tmitu. ,
kknitmliel i.. i•-- -i,,. ..',", ~, ),,-
i..' 4 1 • ,
'B'''.'lltue bra iliciiiiii et tit.iiestied ohtortho , OlitiaiiiOtitti'"t
and to me Anemia. will hpes - used to public vain. et the
sante hom sad Dimon: le If'- Two* , r i railr:Dttly,riflihrod`U
(unimprove I) situ ate la MOMS tenet till, Gleamed poems»,
pastor theeedated the Bt hof ,Itteostre, a. smutted fv:Yilonr• fi
e..ha leo , blighaniu gat 'doom the South wren rir tint it , in errein kw ' '
tract, then as by tract of lewd surveyed to the Wine of /t; I; Warn „ „ .
Hates North 1 dm/format ISP peephole m ttoneo, theca, by Mint' ..
of Med surveyed la mama iiir threats Gods south V/. ilea teas
east lia perches :to stones: thim ht The vlotdmeil ittlf lam
t mot smith Ade/re:wilt 00 paft 'us to sumes;thoube I , Mel. , •
ben Daisies than, monis atC diatom isms In prr , diee-,te tittle. , ,-
alairmontalelag 416 tares and llg keenthes heat altuvraube..:7 -' '.
mid Abe cid:m.7mM ed Land, saitureti ou wammit daitd ht.
day O'J anuot..!irdd, mated e
ttonta tue southwest, corner of laid Vent of teed i g , elleCht, •
the 4soob Wetael tatter non' , I de/Wetted En, fie Ite , 4:•` (
poss. thanothr ihe Pout Wetsei' to tie) eolith lOU Jities 4fit -
.8211 perches to otogri.. 'bet,. try the:J toots Morgan surngo e ct.
ennui l• dearee west TAY 1111113 et to • A ones, (beet:eery tilt Rett•-: '
~rt Sham on ivey rorth en d ire)* we. . 341 vetches te be - fu. '
Dior. ooniaifiline 478 arum it Pitthen and allowoottor ittuithiC i (.
estate of Daniel VI • Snail han :Mem IVoodcasp. and seised
and takers in execution and • to. , timid its Vie VOPS I , 7 / 9 ( Atee. 7
said duaitit and Woodman. • •
.:-r , ' ''. . :: ALSO-,i: , -, ''',.-. v b. ,iii!:,
B T, 'ITU:sof a similar, writi haled. out, cr: the tame wart; ...,
aid to me directed: trlll bei espoired tar pa blio sahr at the
same tiny and piatie. &Certain Tractor band sitnattri a llosge. - ,.
township, tketifieldemaatt. ettstainilie TWENTY Athinli i •
being part of atria la the name ofLienjsmio Jordan. being ,
alto part of a torte/ a Ile telleteon o • -uud. trey% torte/1 4 IW. , i
lotin' W. Miller to D. Kruger can 0 Ike ft:Ltartatt. cud the
unerfssid go. a elm to be run is folhows, Yin :--litittiria.. at
teelotosi bon hal of - aid abbdivisios so far Rum.- b y vieard ‘-
field creek. as to Wire room for a enw Mill and Luteprchig, ,
Saint:dish men tOa the creek. , and to far' that f theic ad mi magi . T .
be inn in ft senate piece tirithOnt at ass point :: , : i ti more
than etlolollll.lll, themeek 4 -,th -a T deltjity.„ Sitil a •
LINO -ROUSE tad small BTABLE teoll • s, 77b ••
shout TWD
sold as
cleared., ttent4 luta Pan Isom ' ',•
and to be sold as theiriroPerit•nr John W . Miller.' '' " '•1" 4 ". - .
'' ; , 1 ,, d-Telsol ..1 1 .".*;:: 011; *,.• )111'.)
rt Yrlitttle of a similar writ Issued oat of the Moe Delft 11110./ ,
OA Witte directed, will bit tlVl7.lo4o9ohtic eels at "the f t .* ..,t
time end place, is cattalo MIA of tut tittle a in ti t tegusgin , .
towaship,_Peerfield county. vontaialet TWO 4 11 3 D.P.1001 : 3
AND TwEsT sr ALIREs. tom or less, bounded 'l4,kimm -
straw. Andrew, Devil, aid whets, with TWO DW MG, r .
HOUSES.. and 1.10(1 DARN, and about ONB.fitl RED , :' r
AND T WEN rY ACRES C,LEAD.ED th.renn i i.eitg part of •
a ferret trot sorveyed ea -. warrant•tcy fdatthiasittiowth•-••:,/ .'
Below and taken in execution and to be, told as the Myatt.
ofJoba Vampbell. , • , .• • • i -,•• , - . ,7 i, , s l e l ., r. -- -
' ALSO •
, , ~ . . . i , , • TOI „ •
BIL:1 1 4t0:01 ' t to t td . r i t i g: t l:4i vii i ts e. hissed a :ra t °e mi t tin g :4M:
at thermos trriin•l a s k ud ol tee. to e wit : • A Cettalr DMA orLand
situate, in. Chest township, Clesrfleld coat It., bagianinf a S ' ;
stenos Manna loath . . 10734 patches retort Mac* Or • -.,
1 of christonher Nail bin perches to stouts. thetas by land of r
James °another undh id defies east '07 1.9• perches to ei i ;
Post. I hen ce s by laid of Hentileffeeket DS Pet Ches to th e Wens
of brainnitig. ccustninhig. Ito acres sued allowed with a. I
blouse and Vane and about EIGHTY o into cleared Mama...
Seized. and token , la ageoutiou and. tolar sold try Use l proluts . ,
of Janob Nett • , , . • ~ _ ,', I 1 , . ... ... . . . .
- ' ALSO, . ( ~.
. .
nv virtue ef shaft wrhs Istuad out of thdramie cemst:and •
li-d to me directed. will be squalid to blihgc mat at the same ( r
time sad place to wit :-.Cros entala Leger Gros ad Illy ate let • -
the town of Lothemburg. frosting on the Snowshoe oal
Pickett/11s Din:pike. bsing l oo feet IA Trent on said , furepiks , ~,
and ruaaiog_ bleu 120 feet. adjoining wed bounded pv lot of
Dr. Dem sel Wilson on the watt; on- tas_aprth a r Ps mi 10 DairW -, 3
Irvin, and on the east by Int or A'. L. Bftustl. and Deng a _lot'
of ground punibasrd by Defeadast from David itvinwith a ~
Two Story Dwelling bowie thaws erected .' 8 lard . an d tali** • '
in syscutionjutd to be sold as the propinty of lobs P. fl e ck., „ .
, . „ • . ,
'• • ' " ''• . ' ALSO,' ''- -'' ' ---
Y glib:lief Inman slidilar wilts issiedrout of time WO
and to me direc•ed, Will be exposed to publio side at the
.; ,
same Sum tad place. to wit -Two Lott of gnaw' . agnate to I :
Boggs township. Clearfield conaly,..oa the eh , lipsbant. and
Corm:resettle turnpike, bouuded at MHO," :•-ove of amid fete
hie:inning at when the run OrOrti - uld Dan:pike. these* bp'
lies running northward at. a right Rusts with saki road lie
f...tithooo• westward SI feat. theses Ay a tile nimble as:-
allot with the first. beet to the said tutoPike, havlat SI lest Oa ,
said turnpike and .191 feet luck „ • , ... •-i• : ; ,
,i_ s ' j I. 1 ' i ,
The other said Lot of similar sine, lying weetwatd ef mild.'
lot. but adjoin's". it. being' also IV. feet le frosttied 190 test i
deep beundid by the said turapke on the soutti.Assid by land '-'
of James revolt on the erestosorth and mud. with *owe and ...
a half story Dwelling flouts thereon meted.. iThi and takes: •
la exacution and to W sold as the property prjanpap„, , G,4ar. , .
' .•
s ' '•
' • .AL . S,O ..- '` - ' '- ' ' ' '
. . .. . .
HT vlitut of is wiit orLorsti Pootes,:cno filiebtisteo'liol 4 ; '
.1,/ issued out of the now court. ai d •to me diremad, will,
be et reed to PO blip sale gt the tome time and pine:wit t : ..
-+A(Artain Saw.htill and curtilapi thereto epouiteetat. Two '
Stolle; high, emoted on a eot of ground situate ;cm Prole'',
Reidy. Ran .12 Bill township. ,Cloeirliald con ate:, tendale tofu
ISIXTY -SEVEN Octet aid inkwell°, Tate tete allw ?din
wag ISO feet in hoop It fronting on mud Bro en f Barb Hui: ii
sod 10 feet wide. and the said lot of maidsituate at tlfeltft •
said, ago soled on the/at by she Ausquilutana vet/00n the : ,
greet by G. Latimer mat 11:11 Void. on the atoth **nand or:
.1. F two and °them, end on the synth by Peter Smith, • thilgi,
ell aad taken in esecutices and to be sold as the vroMitt_Yeer" ,
Wm. kititini Woo. Marilee li, Julia Marti. end Joseph mar. •
tin, troths& as Rattooto wider too fins of 9 1 1" - gartiokft , 4444. , ",
_ _
SY virtue of a writ of Fled Freda. Issued out of the seit
amt, and to lee directed. will se expowd to vabfioeso
at the same time and pleas. THLUTY ACRES of,onitopron
ed lend. 'Oat, in Fox tow am 10, Cloulield a gat rf paha ulna
at a maple owner of a lamer part ofsame tract. is k county;
thence northwest /rawly tig notches to the county iaa, thew"
said flee to the place m here laid mend, lisle aside orom.
es said lot. end thenoe to the vises°, flexisalat. belted sad
takes is execution and to be sold as tbiprepestref;rldititua
A. CALDWELL. filh'lL
13herift'a dace. Clesifield. (7ct UK 1861
Nate of Thothas White; deed.
NOTICE Id HBlrEttr leitarg of Admio.
titration base bees meted tei he subscriber on the innate
of Thames Whits; tate or it'Ute township. Cleurnsld cot rity,
deceased. Venous ledebted to si.d estate en metaled to make-
Immediate payment.-aud 'those barite- entims against the
same will present them duly autbestiound for settlement
JOHN, 1 . ),1.411.
Out wentsville. 0ct.23.1.851. , .) r
New Goods.
IVALLACE &' fTLi irtebectruify their
friends. aid the public eraerells. that tt ry are now , •
receiving Red (menhir at theft stare In the •boverher pigs;
111;LFCTED13'101( . 1K , • • • ,
'nit her vier beeottoright to Ore cattail •;•evotaist ti) ain tat t",
Dry:Goads, );i' Groceries,
Queensware, -Ready-madeCtothirg;
4hges Hata Bonnetc drfc•
Ali orwhich they are eciflittet wilt eomrecr, tyoit . r,. t o
Hob meat in tee coulty. .
time us aced, and look at evidi. ( )ll9,OF•lrt!,:t4ott
to show teem to)oo Gyre egsdOe't akin "' ;
- , , . Pctvtlins,9,3*. • .
WilaliaglU 4 l%. , Arin:ouaaam:
I:. RIAU ~!,
fla enbsoribEi tspestnini Worm thif ksitlutisirelear. '
field county. that ha ls canytag oa ilia abavaUusinenoa .
AlluiststreatrOlvOPPositstlbt , asidaioa of lonlalialthsett ,
whs.,* tap inily solicits a share eablie pailysaae
lie Hatton himself? tot ha cmd famish walk „le al ,o4lnsOoksart?c! . .
may benleased to call, tto tbiet oaths tadsitalea. • Oa WU.
a.ways harems band , •
Cabinet,work and' Windsorhairs . : ' •
Of iierithieditioa. • UPholitared chili 'to pilfer. , •
ALSO; 'Deitti.V, , Abglialqincl :Mang
Beds and Bed ail
Tbe cia tig eadveded fleet the, A'cut Castro it'-
complete Bed ni two tAiDtgef, and , sAa'alico find ep. to tWit.
may he noavenrutlf courted ander the KT) It Is isamasla4jc:
sot *Ws tar afidUci,9lllona aid for (erdealmtlitilitithenlo.'
N. 13 —3;0111n lc edam the neatest 'Mules acd Cu the 'Sore •
Ifineg not ' -••.= ••.,t )4
is:vw-ruaus Kati aMeatenntiet.e-elytce 4130 OEM- ''
Farmers take.Notteei:_-:-..
r - 'i 4 • • ' ' /-..' ~ ~..
Of , , ,': 1 'f•, - , ,i l " ,- ;l,'
~.. ,
rip ommoricnossocK ire - broActanttvit,
B this option unity U. seeds , the Pe Hmzus ii.: 1, 4.
FIELD and the stureasdhut causal& th at 1 01 41 " 10, -...n: 1, ?/ .
Fated la Itlaiageotedes,, at Orwastelhe.. t.
.4 tfaprtelluYael4 . l' .i' ',..1 - 71.. r ': , 11•11 •;*
°? 3l c 7 : I t, T . siertiti4r„77 : ir-#7lg .
1.,,„ ovitire , be "anew au iiipAitiiL. • '
a " eoas % ll ' 1hr .. .. „ n. , , , 7„ ,
peero.taluate.tvittntAro.a .511pir
loss rteleatnan t Alta!
_. IMF
aIT - 4= 4 . al V ~ILIVIA4 '
A•tfiNgr, 7
• opipoo . ....,
" 4 , -.llcgt ,
4 . 1
1 1 8 4 4-
ti;i t " INF 4