Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 21, 1851, Image 1
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Wllllmble p,r0149..';, , ... 2,-, t , ; ,..7'..m,. :' , „" ; rfrifflit . 1 , L. 1 ‘• .N. , 1, ia .priated'llollllM , e ; . • .01ftor ettd ; TterStliereq, . ‘. . , ... - . . , 011 i 99Ple 'wiz TOORZ:jfi4t I PINOT- .T'AID t,VVILTHINtTiIIi -. le • NM liAiTerw!ivppCipic•fil sr NOT PAW NINO - It Not PAW inrraltqlwr • grilho rtliovelleceme motet! • coVI.UT Pire)lo OpPi No dltotintislotte oft pin bialy, - bee paid . '' ''.;!'.•:',..' : ‘ ., : f . ' ':‘,,,":. ::i I . ? ' 1 , '. e k' , . r . ,'' . 00 ~ : .. DUTY : AND LLAJILLITT'fr "rtitETEgs. , tintterettere eoldbetle it -to botlti e r 4 t; di or tew. of the mot. where the pavers .ere a i t bl MO in Who'll they arerlirreted, *ill Ito bald tee .1 or e &moat of: the in becaption mover. '-: r ' ' '' . PitspirlUtbur.o giftpft ail a ler W; , ,0 i , alfenhietece. beoeine etibeeribrn. nD4 ere !Able , the jot of ii bectiof fon After the Ant of Jnri, IWiliFi It 181.1 CAN will br i i; nut to, autinsibon within IDI Co P or rusToGE. z PozTtt : , I ow 'tier `in taw ,t , • wz .15wFlif 1; . upr r.l 4 . v 2!,• I saw her first in ca, .Bhe gas euttifig e She'd, atop thp' cutter "To win 'her head And as she'd Walt h - 'And 'stamp it doN Upon her fresh an . Reposed a witch - WV her next.itr. • :And still she gni For there, (woo t Her gruh - wiis Arotirid the huge , The Stearn cern And from the stn. I Was cooking When 'nOxt I saw,_ r,in tho spring.. She smiled not -birore ; ' A heavy weight san her heart The trout was 11 no more I" ' The pot she uied Cook it in Was eat up wit ust ; • , The cutter hung a, the wall, - I 'Mid spider weli • tnd dust. , 'eve seen het. of /since that time, When all'arouturwas any, When others laugbep end talked She'd frown, cud 'turn away. live watched to stO'n ray of joy ; But watched„ tins !inyain- - , I naverhinie to !ice' 'lei' arnile . cabbage koineangain I ONE MEEK 4TEE,IIIOBI EtIOP A Wit KA L.OP TU E j . CANADA. Mg THE' BALTIC.. . . _ The'British ••irnship Canada arrived at:New York o Sunday at 4 A.M., and the American steamship Baltic at 7 A.' M, from Liverpoel.t The former sailed Oct. 28th and the latter Oct. 29th. t. NILAND. , • / ' Recepr,o of lossith: • ,•• , On the 'after on of WeclriesdnF, Oct. 23d, the steamer Madrid, from Gibraltar, arrived at Stvatlimpton, with Kossuth and his family ot,a rd. The Mayor'•ond i Corporation an n number of Fluntoriens i were preserr to :cceivo him; and 'the Nifty- or hastening 'a board,the steamer ivel. corned Kossathlwarinly, and he triothem I nil cagerlyq tVe . hand; c36luiming "Ahd 14 /h now I feel I tart lice. Lf im 'free ii, en I touch yoursaile The Times , corMspon. dent describes Kossuth and, his reception as followi''''' ' - • - i , , He stands rihout 5 feet 8 inches in hdght, has a slight Old apparently`not strong knit i frame, and is a little round shouldered.-- , I His face is nitfrir oval ; a pair of ' bluish.' gray oyes, which somewhat reminded me i .1 (non:airs i in expAussion. well f, ,, ,:-.*,...... enth a fell and ar at/ ,tr; L ow, give an an imated ihni" in ;11ig ar 'wok to his couive mger4...,Vis IA 2. .' 1 ,51 and broad, is i t deeply wri led, .and ti me, .has begjin• to grizzle a b dof straight dark hair and to leave a ld spot behial., ',Ain .br44 not • pat- the tr 'igungarian nose, but it Is n 'well form figure—such as a French • p ass port wn # ascribe as moi.iii ix thick moustache Or covens his thou , except when he s ' ks' r Smiles, and uri bag with beard and. 01. iii a full fl ocks f''dat 1 hair fulling * rWri frOrri:;lll4ire'hin.••l Th ' , •. . portraits a spg rly o4nliko him in eitit er 'person ''trp vr. 1 ,41. ' Whether frohs' his recent ' vi cirfroin cehstiOtiotiat ascribe .elkOseei, theft? i 3O'rnehow an air of . lassk • tudellp ,iii .4, to W fi loh ' the fati g ues Of - bit YIP en improbably cd.ritribute . q.:=-: -$ tog r . giver, oiie - ihe c idea ?ii`a'alia ,' ior th Pi . ;Owa luttir of: action ; the ... latisa;aitia Ins facu i ,taiiv AI th 0 degre , e , ,of melancholy, ' mild Iltiilt him for a vieloParY, or ':'e itilitilat - rittileettitini fort a r', rg,r lauldifer: , ,; :lie ', ip very i darkgreep troek,,cpas id-at...the lian s ls, and e 6 'itiiii4ll'l6tv=cri4ned hi MI Pei tit, eel wbf lukl, I"ei er 'is: - '.:* - ;, , :;:i::: . ', ,i'..!4.'i::.•,,..:..:'': c Sk 00 • •ffl k I 115 AB. ' ' l6Ol 14 3 111.9 a 1 761 .160atil9, ' 1 ( 0 ) ath oT o s f 40 aihtti okytlll osioto4. . TO , niptliaVe iqo time, ,notit'And Olen, tal n tit). ;11,wlite 9 8 Y !!)) g.,t3mtie. , 1 for time, imiled; : ; ~..Okirtg*tovii, ' g 'Wiled. ..gronsy pot,, )outitig outi 1 i_ktkeW that ilio-' , . k" - and ciout. ' i jivhioc seernect in ••deli r , lieEide. her • .11 1.1 iliftpilnOlirt; Jiennuibliticl', ` 81 ,6'604;10* 4014400104040; VirtitgAxtgor,o* 4. 4 VPF111 4 ,9PV. ui 1:. ''~',.. ~ A s . _ lVEgfctY TAPgjt : I)pvoTED,Ti VOhnilligg - 'UT.? to - een . lbe tif tter,ltinnin ButiGlhatily was, ,4 vtrroifinviriad ier) _der: M : Kos suthkpres,Se'dMiniame Pu, .y Itiblitieart, .while his eyes fille'dWith tears,whidli-slow ly rolled down . his .aherks- M. Pulsky saluted Madame Kossuth most warmly, and she and Madtirde Pulsky flew into ' each other's arms; kisied each other, and wept in turns. My Pulsky, too, was deep ly afrectfid: , The ,e'bildren wdre r lbeti eiiibraced, and a genqial shaking Or bands :t . " ook'spluce.— Thilfittld scene to details 11 the bystanders, but the ''entbusiaini on 4hofe ns thlx,M d rid iiatnis alengside, and the exilei beilt Id Kosiuth, was. _trernendous, and • in their' an3lielY•thdY Aearly:puabo ca'et silhniiii to,the water. , - Repeated rounds of. cheer-' ilt ilkoka fifjta` .tht 3 .creiiva, nli4.od: ,*itti the Hungarian "Hurralt 4 anil wild shouts of tiEtjkii` Keisoth 1" Ilicintileothiefs—i.' ‘4liitd, rad '44 every 'coloi Niter 6. Whised in a- perfect elotid;,itnd it seemed rut'it the J band Of patrots - voutd-cnrry ,011 t hei r chief beility. After titrt'o - delay, 1116ilai61',,elt ', niongai,del; ; 111. Keistitb nub 14661'414d adieu to "Mr:'! Weeks; the , mkster, nail: as . • cNi'd4l3ilfelfulder tiyiNo shor e; Where lift wereap'rfolipilCil 'an :greet ed in the'lMSt ene'rgetic -and excited ,riuinar by .their.{ frf6htli." ;TheY , ,tluiti,'got into Me Mayor s carriage, Which `." was propedecyl a band. of Musle, the English and American 6n-, siii, and was, decorated Ott) t i ho' Hu tip', rian tri-ebl e'eor, towards:the towa, , ` TWO 'or three Pri`Viitarriages tate ' i;d. tliallrOeVslen' arid :4°410141f dozen l Ck'-, t nay cbiches, but a largo nomber, 3 of er. , sons followed on foot: The pro& ion tr.Oved, down by the shore up: the igh ' street to.the Mayor's coach factory. fi l o tvindows were full of people, most of om cheered or waved hankercifiefs ; th joy bells rang front all the steeples, old us M. Kossu,;l, bareheaded, stood bowing at the back of, tlie:'opOn'ebtriflgN his hands were frequently seized and pressed oy his countrymen, whose example was lit last followed by our own, ' On alighjingat the MaYer's establiglitirnt the gate was i closed against the crowd,but they were soon grat ified by the sight of .111.. Koossuthiin the kalcony, and received , him very warmly. ilter a few wOrds from the Mayor, M. M. Kossuth proceeded to speak. His voice is clear and distinct, but rather deep and monotonous, like that of a lien who has used it up in' public speaking.! His ut terance is energetic, his accent, wonder. fully ge:El, but he seems sometimes em barrassed with too Inuelt words,sbmetimes at.a . . loss for any saitable, to expre9s Ins:and gentlemen s , allow; roe to interpose lor precise ideas. • . ; u few minutes, and make one or. tivo.ob ... M. Kossuth, with uncovered head, then sitrvationi to you. [Elcar,, hear.] AlloW spoke as follows :---1I beg you will excuse me in th'd riante - oftny nation to express my bad English. Seven weeks back I the gratification with which I have heard was a prisoner in Kintayeh, in. Asia Ali. the 'sentiments. eipressed and' the hope! 'nor. Now lam a freeman. (Cheers.).-=. that has been Uttered and so warmly ,res. I am a 'freeman, because glorious Eng- ponded id by youoilitt, throtigh the Ju.s- land chose it. (Chem's.). , That England rice of the' Eternal . Gbd, my country may chase, it, which the genius of Mankind se. yet' regain her libertids. [Cheers.] I o'rri lected for the restinginionument of its 'proud to:find that 'We are supported by the greatness, and the spirit of freedom for !sytinpathies of this mighty people, and of his happy home. Cheet,cd i hv., xpl.tr_s -_,! thoffs,kring of . les t itglaild acrass the Atlan r ~,,thi,,,,,„,e„,,the anther of hope 't op.7tie;:iliroui,ll Nifirio - Governinfintthe blvss -; pressed hdrnan tty, witli tbo view of our ings of lilterty !ire enjoyed in both' ha i r . ljj. • laq:Crl,n, your groan:l:2s, and your 11 ?pi. 1 sple'res. Supported by thin sympethk, i II nese taqd with the conciousttess of mytun-4: tr x l. in Godlosee the hope se fervently I I happy land in my, breast, yAn must ex use'' e reseed fcaß.ctl,a nd that soon, • (Cheers.) li me for the emot ion .1 feel-Achcers the : lni not 'eloquout ;, but th(.; words-I can t! natural onsequence of so strikian aeh age ) Pelt say ill° brief words—'-which' You have undektittdifTerentcircumstanc s.:((;;I t re. , ) flone roPtbe honor to ligten to,. fell Tiorn I li °n it ; 6' 003 G o d Al m i g h t y y: f o ver Orly lips in - ordeillo 'e-xitlain the ptigition kla ). blessy 'o,:and your ,glorieus i t pd. Let!of, and not with the vieri , Of t rile Ito 'jrciu 'will , bi 3 Willing 4 oi: v 4/ exciting v•y tonality for thyself , oa rs , i s 1 1. ray of ope and consoldtion . !my' li v e :not the cause of onelfrintily—Of one party ".land byl, thur your' g,erierottO ' kepti' ',..1-• 1 —=bui It" is the. cans; of , it I.,vt held people reheert.] May England be ler dt',.! claiming 'those' juit riiilits ti;villicli the pat: I L iglorious, and free,' LcheCrA) t4"l ,the `tion,is entitled. After the length:at which hope, by the blessing Of 'Alm gllty God, ! I have, already addressed yea, I feel that I ' Eln(lhy orip,:owarsteady'rrersev'er , and : dale 'hot 'at:twit:mg detain' , you ; , but I' dm ... by , yo r generous aid, that 'tErighe'd, the'' 4,Man, who :spettk% Us it Mere, by inspire -'1 she 'ii .ever. , remain the' 1 gortoup. Lion; and I now feel . that,,.httdA not al reedy !int . 0 . thiFth, will not rerne With q only spoken, f could you from ' one W 'm freedom dwells, ( reit elieer. the 'ritfergy: etnr:mirritih or My. 'hbfitii..._ ' lig.) nliabitairis of the gen ot.l to'n oft [Cheeittir Iri:conh'etitiiiiieele' that' insliiii•: sauth litrin,"in shaking ha s:iti" kour 1 , tiriklyati intlitrillciriftrin le' - tit:Tditiessitryi6if' ,Mtlybr my best and ' truest ' (160 [l4re ' ErfeW ) rithre, ,•rir'cirds.l• ll' had:' he'rird'of' ttit: ti M. Kotlentli 'tarried round to th( - !i&aptilfiriliVliich'l'tifigh't 'exliedf;ip'''E t t: and: ibboliJhtiiids` with his ;I& rob' 16d;'blitl'Inici'not•Iiictlifed to rtryslf 'sit' getjcally, amid :niuph chee fig; '1 It wit' int; i..t . 86 Id iitl taig i:etitig,''as "that' wit' ic'' h 1 tfai:heiteir to thankyoa, and .t 'trit,iii Vdtr tf k , ei I,llh - MY •lb leg; nirir the" '.:rii.dild tr it- doo , deepest (respect; the inha, iitduatriouv,; •noble . minded, , rl.od. prosperons cityof 1 Sou l oirehoors.} -, i ~ ~ ‘a,.M.llleasuththen 'retired toen lift' tho4thwygr,l4 - d t gadEit:le Kp!stil tort yliO howed,ryor9 tir blec i onyf opt w, I heOninicerelnef...i - Orward in aek Vi tnentbc ikl i e,heritgi, mldeh pp i ted with iyiuch:rgor : , Therlady ta-btiatreeted4So , theiecepile i n'Ae f r ooto ksro ti , r . -, t t:, ,:, , r.. , ~. ;.,,Titcy,tl:l,o,!34.ol',Ati(ii:, fat) itifillev9tat'.Ptihe - o,Plejoitied W' .• PP). 'meet', n mo, m e peewit', 110 - 6Ylde 4 'tb , aft 1 1 9 1 0 d 4ektrilObliirt6vbe• fiteat3a eott *rroiyilaiice VI riet w attathOwil..aciti 4e name ofthafatigra 'ft 'MOO ',oo)l3loMte 4 :11;0i 0 b . iXqo:4t SO Witilf3se ino ' smutlua T en 3 Weep" ? jatiove=his .064:tattamaid ' * 4,44L‘' t.)% •' tO"s'ti such apSeinhlag# or tho itedndbeftd 'peiipld 'of Eiighind before [Cheei-s;],""' ril ,t The band "iii , . wood' save" the 911iien " , cheers; Kb§-' 6Utti*St4tiod off in'frOrit'cif the tinkiony. -gt4.,iroitight,t6l)e -ticild' a. ti ue6n 'on: 1 / 1 0,lth roith representing the Prin6iplei Qr (terfoi , chebie.) Yon' that pifYirego:' ihrinkiii you once_ die' rB' ivbiddifar; let inc 'and* oxpr - oiioo or- ray l reelihßs, which I c'nerdat yo i fojbiii., I gifo -yo& three cheers fitr youf Rrheimia Qifeen.-- IVOlM"6hde'r:4.l ,God'bleeS you all. [Re neWeifflebribg theii'ietired' trod) tle".vdril diiiv;'leYideritliyia!itin(l, While the'grenier tinit;or tho Croivii,proesecred'iOWards the, too' chief ccirporatii' `nPeritiie4it; GuiftthS'll;',l ‘iheilein the' ilddresSes• Tor the ocelisl'Ort wOre Govettiior.': '. , Ito be piesented to the ' • I- r'' 'Later in Ilia c,thi; M Kesiuth caked the Town' MIL Where an '.iinfinnteil very" nattering,' England arid' to English liberals." The flag frein Now York was presented I by the May Or. Much Ore: Veiled. '" : • •• On Frh.ftiy;Qei. 2/4th; the tincietteltht•-' lough of, Winchester gifyil sort of triurn, phut reeeption to Kossuth, wbb,.With his wife, the' Pul4ltys; the' ,Arodricani and his ‘vird; Lord'D, rind'etliers, were convoyed 'through'the toWn'en their: way to the red - de:rice' of mr. Aodrows, the Mayoi isf-Southamptoa r " , It linfipened to] be a Fair dayWincheSter, which'was: throriged.With people. , A long, Procession.' was forthed and crovidn 'pr'esscd, around Kossuth to'shake hands. with him. ' rived n'tMr. AndreWs' residence"; Kodsiiih rondo rt.short 'speech to the crowd, which wriireceiVed With enthusiasm:'' On the next day the Mayor; Rave a de jeunsr to his distinguished guests; and; in reply Ito it tosst, Kossutk made a long speech ' d in which he entered into an ab orate history of Hungary,. and:the wrongs she had endured frotii the [ louse o f Haps burg. Ho was followed by cohden 'and Mr: Clroskey; the "is merican Consul. Af ter Wards Kossuth made another speech, which, as it contains stiecial allusions to the United •Stnted,'we copy • M. KosSulli rose and said :-..-Mr,Mayor . _ that under different formS of government ... dant iit' Fort' Prown, and Carfivad, front B a nk ; b;i o n g i ng . te; Hog •,i,cce?,.,l,,4;gn•eit equal liberty. can ;11; d d ogs ; a x i 4r Lo icors.) Nvhinh it appears that Capt. :Phelps ; gave Hodgesus President . ; and tdwil s Siot. and I trust : that the people will, ,i , i; fullness. permission fOr Alio ' United States steamer. ,ed Willis'i name 'across the" h ~Ic`iif ,tho Ortiine; ',show whieh is deserving' to bellio' to 'carry the( lqexlcan trop to Matamoros. check,. which hod :tip be . ' dond f efari4 ;the. check sVoUld 'he tiod ;"11 . 6 . 4 1 sii'let`tha pcis.sesabr of ilie 'real ring,' bytlui•Propri:.• ThorevolutiOnarytleader protested.tigainst 'I. I • ' • cashier's name ; Hunt batik' le' 'al.:deand etyl of their, behoitioui: (, Cheers.), T ..I be.. this, and ,I ho •order .waS secinded. lieve that humahearts and human minds ~The Picayuns publishes an appeal from 'drew the iminey.;•the' QM. di' '‘iiii - I s2o'- d r t; wild ii -4 1 ' limy require different , form; of, goyern. baravajal to tWaitizert4t of,l4latarnaraa, de-, 000'; I . got 4350:w ; Eth • n .. , o 0 . meat,' and ;' t :it Government : cannot , be qi . aring that.ho , comes, as .11 friend; and ,nr- 'spited' a che6k 'Oat 'wa • cfnittiii l roi'. less iido:Which seco . roil to the People - iihC.l:ty of g!ng,;them to join:him in driving ;out the t h an $ 5 0 , 000 ; . bv•ei t ~r wanted to Make. opinion, soc.inl''oider ; . :•find" lite 'impartial government ' forces,Who' are their real en.; a bi g ! r i s bfai. , 4aa a , a '.11.c • • .• ' • % .1 .. •." protection of , property , and person of e'v l orlemieg'. •1:: t• - •ti • • '• • • ' We then' went- 't , '1.." tdiilld'itP#Vher:; cry class and every memher,of„ society.., - The Ate:dean" papers 'complain that the. Hent: , and Edwri,ri ftli• eirtt .effeek on ( . (.Ifieeiii.)' It js not 'perfee:'((reeclo-n where buildors of the'five war LiesseLScenstructed rain Gdodricli fo -0: lift-'Edl4i'dkiSii3, i only ono person out of' . 'a. million, it: in at NeW York . ; for • the ..Mexican govern- seated it at ail' aiiiiiiieo`,C 4 iite;pett j watvv: . possessiim:of tnyilegres, and the : right , to , mota, , haio. , not 61 : Optics:I With t their cotiJ discuunt 'for . t • rn4riey;" the ,blidliel'Aki T d votein.the. ) eleotion,of representatives— r i tracti'l , l,u,.l `I• • i• 1 ,-: /.0 • , i • trtf.• he did 'not 'e' that tt_hiciutit'hi l hfirAce; and a cduntry,N'y.her9,s l r tell,. l . } state oithings • :The' tesbels weietto be of 75• tons each, (this •Was fteii blinking:.'hoiiii',"o exisecan never have ite governMent roue'. but it .is:unid.they•lineasure • - littiti ree 'son li . ° 11.6 r9'11 it' at, :a' t4F0'4114): fiu! ded on such a solid - b - aiiis ,t,is that which more than 39'tons. - : • .1 • • • ,:. ...- • ,•• , *640. 1 • e'hini•te the cos for 91` the bank - ' exiAgl, Inv thiS ":66`tpttli,':alid - the. Uniteci .• Ca pt.! Phelps, also complains that Ca r a it was ' ' u;ttrin ;';''We wi'ilet to:the (iii'shier; SiiiteW"li'Wesl'tiii .iiter&Ae , t. thl''ll,Gii,i-tie +raja!, is , destroing:the:profferty4sFAmeri , 1. T ire . fed ' it, he told : rho `he'ittriliild'iji:„(o and the security of thbtieviiii l that - '‘‘,,` in eanepanilioinjerieg. American: cititotis.- ,, ;.; thet ' sside'..n . V we e s'aW•liiiti:l' piic , rit i ed it Hungary , ilendedvoipii ' to" l :sid'en ' did" 'en- This) , hat--odieer very. eaknostly'derries,shil a •' 0 ordeik4 it 'Fiai t e.;'tlifY,f r i iiiaddht large the brisiti 'on) . whichl Otir .cinStil'utibli.. exiirestostkhofhigheit regard for' this couth '‘, int '' - tin.y', 6l- oat nfui6q'lte ijiiiiiielle . • • was , fOunded, 'soak id ineladd 'the ' whole try undiits citizens.' ' •'''''"r; "•'• ' •' ':' '' alse .. o6ll4(ja i ti bPk )*6 o ll. i . V tti r ' 4 1 1 . - 6 yi - -- 1 population; andlhereby , give tWin , i'i l rillii.l ---Tho ItiO :Prover pronounces these ehails iiii Uin'ttito..,...bei'dliiielitifiPt' 1 1 I `,;,%V ir tdrest in'aihintiiningtdeltd didei,:`(Cheeii: geii;againatJetitayaiat:.lttitallYl:enfOutide ''''FhOrdrird'tkeeliiiltinili ji ' , hope Id God , that the develeptantl.ifilid i rtral•to 'big clealiFe to.aveicivelubd-shad , " 1 t inu'll.lbhtikriTiks,;:iithi!i.eY humanlintelledt :Will byarkl! byl'rtiee 'WI savd!tho.'prpperty, kif the :sitiZeng; lint 4 York ;tad rdrged'a' nisi - doctrines :iir , religious and.Slitioair Trd'erti, 'kit the fact of his riotlbiatihuviii i - ed hiiio l ol 6 "iiiiil''' domialllmier tho Tworld add- that 'ins? poorpoorquered , ctlie , nityi!cdf •'• 7 1, 1 r . 4 .1 b 4. •' , tr•f the thieephil tiiit,lntiyikoniinfjiiiii to , -cedtdd - iphiiittri n . .:2frill ...,,, 4, , ,A1 ~. . God;ondy:tig:ainltarto:thai ffladeti'd'ilili'li ' i'cfADigto.di "Wilt :you itsikt 'ofitationipwlikokittif)hddesetidff" d6(iiii - = ;16:1, oil . - - ;oi , ;it o etiti endoittrorecifiititl6ii al) ,--tiThimk r ybdtrnahrlP r , IlaVe , thisidhilibilatif limit i ilinitiolfieeleW puranco abeleiY ; lautt, l 4 quent,'anct beet ottitil ')4o;,tirsd,tioiii'ik6 l 4lfiliaj etrenket i 01 \v;;;:' .I ), ' pionlenti friend'it fki . v-tortghod'Ortiidilkiii u: 1,,, A ,1 '. 01 = Uttri : Plelpf EogYin'do;iitill Have ifeifilliiiiiiiiilli (44 Weettiniflldti ra'airodoi'lo,indlyf' ltiqt)etitlNedfilif;lleg Ori'saidllite.loc" Inpiitiddlte,teri iitaitive '- ofttillUb i ked far' as he eelPhr 1 ' Stifte.cifaltiti6cotihrtoibil'ilfiiiiWk4ti* •Af , ' . g-'.`- )1 . 1 / :..1 1 1 .4 0. - ; 4yousprettsitie, fit l y 1 ihdre' *, 10 1 thatlqM 9ag4. ~, d „,-----•• ' 611re-7 4 :pa bn. ditnidiiitihw, rtriali thi ' . ticT,rmt r. corda ' ' ?..*illi t ifw eiii316314 l iiiintitatiii c l i jol — P P 1 . .„...! 4 4°'l' • '' • '" . ' -• ' ' -4:'''f., , r. '',, 1 , ' , ~.,- ~. /4 ; 4 .'1, 4 • '." -....',.- . .. _ .4... '-b• -• ''',.. . %,- ~ ,,, ,...-e4 ,- '-- ; -, , -n, , . . IP . t 5 a, or en I.= a t vvit, sf th, •nedi vittlarmile ''w hide i has hlii 4'114 ' bees " given`', 0 itii this roinnAllfilig,ll the h i ospiiitlYZ6Ti IciutlifreVoe."• - [Clidefs.l . i:l 'Vivo' ( .beit'ltAil pto . ttii3:fiSrJi Ihc 'Bildt, olt t '• I' h4ie ' 4l wiiY' Wired' tfictieb' nYid clo4o`lithriiiio Igo ifieti.l tittiolffi'liiiiiiitiliitii of t 6 p'ebi)tehoritliii 'Cit' I, 'e i f l#lltch " I 'h'ii ee ibehl' Na St iiiii t , ii • 'oiilbrW intViaiird;tdoiyOthl 6114tilitei Jii:pedplij:is , '6le4 depetfdentbiiMst'of tiiiiglititibnif.'".';'''-1 , ‘ ~'. i :' 1 14 f y l iVt li ivlt.ithtoi wi OSditetit'flt(b! , *imps yoo wilt eil- Olt; o;rielit l easigiiiiikliiii, tii:teli'ictt' i(JblkEllo. l. ' ' . , ..,(hbitfiliiiiil 4 4' ' '' Till's . . I rOiOtild' qhlitir - - " - ' fancy nligl dg. Ira e d ed oiiitiii;;; - Biiitai shiiiritofis6 7 hitaiifiiiided oritomlgkEirileilki';'oft6e ineki'AV ' hitiii4i44€44, , called 'll4 , VVlAOT'Sa l lgiailf ,43 t A t Wilautar,liit4• 2l •llo Wit' that yiiANlfdi iiiW 1 kiitiiteiriktir dii."liBt chaii,Q yttiiiiteligrtifi rififteMatiiheFittqlitiitiliiiloiii:Mahoiii.. biSkiiir*v,lif(O.b iih' itiollifefail . Zitiitilifo :tiitiiohOthetOtti biNii6iiiotUritilitcalf Yea" bn•iiik eliiiriiteliiVirielib . ill GMNIXI 1 14 9 4 W 41Y fakgttl'lM4gif ttit ottier thnor snAiii liiiiiiiiimMaiW i l priv*iii_ifOittithitittlfi l ialleAfkiAlfeki titiqrm inkoliftiiirteNtwirtiWOri , P u P P, ilia; 11 '4O Ptu f rit 'l vre Ar'frkle • ' LITERATURE; AErRieetTIME, MORALITY,, AND EOR,EIIiN' AND, DDRESTIC TN' • ,i• • T.P , I .. ,•, rJ, .1„••; •• , Clealiftl4,' ra. 'November 21 , 1 18514 • , ••• :••. „ • • , faith ththotig men, itil trtafgallirdugli by . diff'eron't WOO/ to; lletivery ::(Cheers.)-.:: Why,. thorofore, do not ,youi,.wlio ( qq, ktioWn as a 'Ns° man, beeompa•Cfiristiap , or Mahon - 10010' Aareln ,aniWored, and] anid,' ‘Tlii3re was Ota`cin'ti Shah, Who hid in his•poMession;nmost precious ring, among, the stones which, was 'an opal whick l had this singular quality,,, 'm that i it rendered what ever an ;lore .the 'ring airceablo heroic God And Man.. The Shah'grow old,'ltV." ingrthreia sonsolldf whom heofoveirl'eqiialv ly,well,,so that ho wns_ar . a lossto which 1 :, 116'.alionld give thiii , preaious rin ,„whiehj iiiittld inalte,ihe possessor' ag,risa lii both before'Godlind trim - C.-Ai ' kingt heSallt i ed'imon .rt 'etinningr'goldmith, arid" told himto, make two °thor n ritigs ,so , hxactly -114 the. ono he then had that even ha him self- altould tint-1)0.010 to distinguish 'one. ring frain'tho- other. Upon his deiith bed tha•Shah called his sons a rriund him, ansl; presenting ,them nith, the:three' rings;told them tUat 'nip, of therp,had the attributo,of Malting It 6 poi6sser'i\greeable'hoth.hefore Gord'tind man. He knew not whiak; rin'g was the,.truc - One, and redone: must dcBlde; but.he trusted, that; each Yz'nie would con sider himself the possessor •ofit ; so that to whosoever's lot it Might fidlpall would shay by thopopriety of their condUct that they were desorvingufit." Nevi, ai there arc d!fliirent way a :to heaven i the ie' , May also,be,,nty, there' , fire, different ways,. to promotionthpromotion Orthe happiness and wel fare of the peojilii: i '(Cheers.) ' ' ''. "Englund •wantst) ao , chlino,. because 'skis governed by . ti constitutional mop= arehy; under which, all classesin the coon try enjoy the full bemcfits .of llberty, and freedom, (Cheeta.) ' The consequence is, !lid rieoplo' 'or , Eng,lapd are' masters 'Of thoir , olVn fate, defenders of her institution's obedient to the laws, and vigilant ill. their b'ehaviour, and dip country has to become, 'and most evr continuo, under such' insti tutions, to bo groat,.glorious and, free, (Cheers,) Then` the United :States "are 'n a republic, and, though governed in a dif ferent way to tbis country, the peOple of MS United States have no motive for de siringll ' liberty; a e.anrre ; they'have got, freedom, and cvcry means' for' the fiill I development of their social condition and position. (Cheers.) Under their govern ment, the people of the United Stateshiivc, in 60 years. arrived at a position' which they may well be prond ; and the Englishi people too, hove good reason . to - be proud of their descendqnts, and the share which she has had in planting of so great a na lion on tho other side of the Atlantic.--:- (Cheeri.) It is most gratifying to seo so great and glorious a nation thriving under a constitution but Jittlo more than 60 years old. It is 'not every republic in which freedom is found to exist, and- I could cite exnmples in proof 'of my assertion— ' an,cl4. deeply, lament that there is umohgl them one great and glorious nation Micro the people do not enjoy thailiberty which i their noble 'minds so well fit them for.— It is not every monarchy that is good be cause ~tinder it you enjoy' full liberty nnd freedom. Therefore I feel that it is not Abe living under a Government called a , republic that will Scenre the liberties of the people, but that quite 'as just and hon est laws_mly.e.Xist under a monarchy as 'miler a repuhlis. (e t heers.), ' ~ "If I wanted nn illustration I need only., as I have done, examine the' institutidus of England and tho United States;'tet slidi‘; 7 1 u. i't hay!? listened to, from iny hon.; crtonds,•the sovereign . rights of,thp pcopla iloy.sally,ap4nowledged l -,,desnotic ,govprd. ineete!e*§P; and , )!Nglick be, frget”-,--1 (Loud cheering.) i , , , „ ;; The proceedings ~.shortly, afterwards terpf.e.,,,ated;. • , i.;; ! : , ,, 1 . Up . TA!' esday ispeato made Hivate vistt,to London, bet, returned ,the nev.dqy to„ attend 09 b4eqee.t.te be,.giYen Which the Hon Abbott Lawrenceipc-Pcn. rotary ; galker,;and, , others, yere"o2cpectod to be N'eseet. ~• - The London Times Sys—."lt is stated, on good : authority ,that , Lord ~Palmerston, has caused, to be intlmnts4 0.0 lb . or of Hungqry thin hoia, ready, ,to grant him an, interview, , should Kos r i suth desir,o it. That i ns ; fnr ; as„hoi, Lord. Palmslitory is, concerned, lie would :rutin, nr, see him than otherwise." , , Prom Tho Con ;!oiri DaVyliews. !i,sit of .Nr. Ifwietitc Spj.TTLIAII7ON;MO;OI,:ty. :I, i . The principal topic of Conversation;here to-day is the ~ 3vonderful, speeek, el- M. Kossuth) aktlic Mayor of Bouthompton'p. The .modo of. delivery,' the matter, ,41 fi d •the' excellence ot thp,English; are c(mally tit& subjects, of, complimentary comment, and the general impression is that the ? . markoblc man of the century...,,has. some among us,., ,klis wonderful, pow,ecof inflpx cueing men's minds- is:illustrated. by the, revitlsion effecting witioll thutlodPration of his .sentimonts has preduced Among tlio intelligent .conscrvativry, aT large sod influential section of thp town ,poputaiion: riley, hue expected O , r.ed,;,repttblican, Qr. something ()fillet sort, anitarc quit() in .es tacies at finding - a man who utters the' most constitutional sentiments, and, only seoird, to.restore institutions 800 years, Qld.. , Tfie sjcinand for : tickets ; for the. bon. quet ha . s risen to, an unpMeedentedexteot3 and tho .dimensions of the !roost ; am corer plained of as insufficient for thp mccosion; Mr. Ltt'w.r 6 tlce) the Arnericon:Minister, arrived at Mr. Deacon's,; clerk!o, accompanied) by an 4iotngpished Am e rican, Mr. yalker, tato ,Secrotary of the BtateTroPsurer. - The public witlyee, this,gentlpman, from tho'„eulogiurn of t Sir,Rebert Peel, that "thot he was one , of the ablest MCI) in Americo.." . 1,. tater From the Rio:Grande. - .... BAITITIOII 11. Nov. 11.—The''NeW Or. leans Picayune of the' 4th, Containe fur ther inielligence Train-. Matampras: ' ' The fighting was etill 'contimied , .With' great 'en.; ergy on •the part of Avalo's fe.rcee,..tiiid there wore some Signs, of flagging' on the part Of •Cemvajal; who was ' fighting • his way fromhotise ; to , hotAe,•havin.but'--a 1 single piece of erdinance,4hile Gen; .AV.; utes. had twelve pieces. r • . . . A letter.fre . n, Browniville'says' the rev olutionists are a:mere- band Rif rcibberS.- It is stated also that from 1200, to 151501 women and. `children ' had fled from Alata moms,: and were in great distress and des titution. . ..- .... Gen. Avalai, during the continuance of the attack!• has ordered, the Arnericathemselveses identS,to confine thoseliee te their steres and dwellings, u'nder.the belief that they wOuld... gi,v,,tii 4 ,-tind countenance/to:the revolutionists:, :. . iI. ~: ,; :',' • .., ~.. . ..We,findin, the Rio Bravo a correspon deuce bet Wecn Capt. Phelps, the. commen- . -__ - _ I ~~~ \l Ewe, ;Huber i 6 " AVM iNy. a - .. ~ - ; qv. .- z il ,;;./ '' 0 ;.“ 1,•::1 ~...,. 1 , 1 4 01 91 .410 4'11Pd 1 444 .: ;it ; , .1.;-” tiii d f o e nT 1 le d h e o R iVal t rof I i c P elel e m i l i ik,:e . • 6 P, 4 i tt OFFICE: , '-' , l •-• . I ''' 0 t ."''`! '') " ' '.. t f 1 ' :';‘, `' .: 'l'll''''; ) '1 k1....11 .. I. 111'. A, 8 :c!le or: rinlinlis .Pgifew.lll4iWtoi- ~ • , rptipigkAroe ktfoliflL.,.)l, Cdr : '11) . 8 sail., - ,,ranciscli.A4eralc, [ ::-s9Atainß the 'ConfessiOn of Robinson, one of t ,ljr! thr?e men lately. hung. at ,§?Frr!KrwnifsillY the pe, OM? ? whch l :ls an acconnt„pr i ts Bret 61 s'uctifss i ftl i vtlitliniee, ‘Nilifcluia P4Tahli. it'ir' I3altlinoi.e, i New Xorl:, Phtffidetpkiti ,Louisville,,Tid o t th„o c._io., rirTMfirPlifiqr, h'g; emer fl e )94 l.. ! 4 !l'?PFKat.i9ns ,u! , IPY9FiIb Pliec6, i4,l l ,neT9simg : - ~:.., Ti°v'T`b , V# 37. ,, I , v.f 4l ,ini,-4PiiY,itil, there ; be'ciune ncOaitited, willl,ri l f o AM BdW'ard'.4, at ilio,Ux.cittieiq .110tei;i119,44t ( l uite l 4 ; eci t ldl :l;: ntln f ' i T.'? qiila: !) . .ei -'4IA very anxiousio filidhint,;:k_l 'tpjailn. ho. was rii` the' HO wa id Jclouse,, N 1.74, 4 Nyfkltt, SiqiH:l" l ' 66 ,,.( l f"?hd; yin? ,: t haril3_,t49Tl_,,, egitr: suited together some :lime, Arte.fouct l y qg to mak•omO t leir. i partneros J„ , v t o pi very goad 'dcribe. ' T was dressed r.atiitsy) - copgbj they expender) about 300, in, Jews,ll and Clopi‘s, tO'infilt'd me',l66k;genteel, and,1391. sUspiCious ; then wO'wei t t, to,!llisurss;-,we, fOrtted a check *on Dodge - ,8ca1,*,,t , t 6.4,1, P r °' 69 t eld the check';' tl?.ll,:icld'iiT'P,,t)leil firm had note's mOciTr l 9,r l PY 9 1 ): 13 °P,9qcf‘f tlib cheat' called `for, ; I' ,returriod Jo „Ry. ~ partners and fol i c' thernw d bathadbapi),a.apil l ; Mr. Fl.'tOefc 8 3 0 0 an .., ma e. :4,1,01143, iii'the"narhe of FF,,8;5!.r.',0),i, iiS( l tha,tiypeans ascei,Uinecl the'ainount ; d ile dreiv i nnrither chl railic amountt o f . 02006c4 I „ pre sett 1-; ',they paid tt.w;thout, tutv ,:ltepi. i rt tatro ;rt , c at three' sl6oo,ifridth,barpntx3 in sso6'bill4;, I toOkit ;to, oar 'r,ootii,,apd, my partners gave; me, 63,5;0,0'19r it. Aped 4th,',l met themin Philadelphia, at.Jones!gatel,iti Chestnut stree l labOVe Bixtb,i.ati ter ,beigg'there 'twq dayilhey ris,ifed. me, , Ito write Itidgway's name; T. Practiced threo Or fear ho l urs ever day, for • Our, days, by thiS 'ante 'I couldcounterfeit' Very well ; 'there was:, lt'dd before . irif i l, tWenty bank cheeks. I wrote on them all; iand,Out Of: tho number , got one with h perfeet i eisna. of .111 i. Ridgway ; • I fill6d the - check. for $20,000; .Ihen Mr., tdwardS' filled: the chuck'by writing Brown "& Cfi; at the'ead Of Ridgway; which'rp`ade ' the ~' firm l ßidg', • way, BroWn"&'CO.; HU n tjobk the, check very coolly' and 'pht,in'in his pocket, ,and., walked out ; presented it at a .ce'rtain hank, land drew $20,000; all in $lOO i'ji' , 6 Pd . notes ;• I got $0000; I sent $4OOO t• ra y. 'mother, and wrote to her, that I"drew, it in a lottery. ' , • fi •,, t , ~ , ~ , , Mr: Edwards Said we' must` put,the Bid ' timore Bank through next;" on .'the, ptli, of May Ive met in Baltimore; Mr..EitCyl t rdst and'me to c;raur a 'chegk for ep,o,oo;sign ed. ICotlis Coles & CO; he gave it iir ,'we and_told me to get the money for it; I i;e l , fused tct- do it; says he,',what are you afraid afraid or; lain afraid of nothing, but -I; will not take that" check there ; by, that ' says EdWaids ' I will in the bartir l '' and, get sorhp . 'doldfor some, paper inOney :: k then' agreed to gO.° and' take ' the ~ chek, ' he 'told me to Yet him go -aiiii ' g ei. somezOla and when they` are', paying , me' th; gold' you present the check ; I did 'sod , the, - qashier merely looked at the 'check did 1 Is, told the teller to pay me ;, ho gave , tw ( o thousand dollars' in one i hundred dollar notes and tlia'reSt in five 'hundred &Max.._ ' notes i',Edivardi Staid' there sorpe ;bine afterwards; in order to detect any scapi- Cleo ; wo separated, met in' Wlteelltig;. Crimberland , and Cineinnati ;,. we were in Cincinnati' in l ianatirY ? 'lB4L,;',ierital tifi d there about four days ; Edwards and 'my:. self forged a cheCk'on the <iti's'l4;l2/ Co. ; ;:': t'. , ':',' ~.% 4.. A, ,tsss r `-. ..'I ~~~ •-\:,