Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 14, 1851, Image 4
hf ~~h FJ.i fv. .r. (`' Xik -44> 'f# That man thatwill take: a paper length, of time - and then send it b ac k „ re f l wea" quoi npaidv for, iiiiii* a blind doci' s din W - ellid s ~ ° 0 re ' NI Ihen stone the dog for be-, 1411 ‘ . *lt ~,,.' - ,7' - -,1% , , e ,A :,` r; i --- - 1 -...'.,,,,.',,, 7uLtlee bas .(leoli cultivated more -,' : ifi l iirft* -- eaiSirl geouth Carolina. k ' -.- , - i , , , T,,,.: ", t'-., -1,c444# tet4gre Mx tue Year :L, i : ii s • own. evetY, A . , .,,, 1' ••wciv dfMtr , " 'r t'..(.' ' '' • - " ( *OftEt of Lopez, , from -Awn MO , I t .A-:;" ,;• ' • , ' ~;•Of ? urces opi pre - , formidtible 'War like (egg,- regate, but for'6ll:the _purposes of offAfiSiye and defensive warfare thW24iibit:Aothing-- equal the internal military strength` of the United Statea;. Mah e city of New- York Alone;-,there . are 168 volun teer companlitinmbering on an average,6o mefl each which gives w ] total .0:10,080_ fi iihtitiginen , eq ui p -1 ped and . almOst-fißly disciplined.' This large body . of Wen. are, sbnject to no military - rules ' or reg ulations except thoso'tfiey their oaWrt indiVidual benefit. . A propor tionate force of artillry tind'dra goons also exist, and which,. When idled to the former, give the nu-- "cletis of the military power's 'of the *Fity; but if necessity required it, the City of NeW York, in one week raiSe and equip an army 'of Otte hUndred thousand men. Such Are the military resources of one single city in the Unionl Qn re feting to the Army Register, (official) of 1850, we find the act, ual organized Military force of the United States' sat down in the Aggregate at one Million nine hundred and sixty thousand two hundred and sixty five men, with no report from lowa, California,' or the Territories. - The total mi litia force of the. Unicrti may there fore, be safely set down at two millions of men. There is an in herent 'military spirit in the Ame rican, and love Or military glory As strong as in the Frenchman combined with the most practical character in the world. His ave rage height is two or, three inches taller, and he is more vigorous and athletic, and in - every sense more f the nitui 'on the average, than the European. EXECUTION.---We learn from the Madison (La.) Journal, that the slave, -Squire :Preston, was ex ecuted in the parish jail at Rich mbndi La., on the' Oth inst. for murder. Since he, has been under sentence of death, he has confes - sed-thirt-he killed--asiuye-pr-Tiow. to the murder for which he suffer ed death. While on the gallows he acknowledgred\ the justness of :his sentence," ancreshorted the numerous blacks • who occupied every spot upon the walls from whence a view could be obtai n of the awful : spctacle, to-take warning by his Cate of the awful results:of disobedience and , insu bordination. He expressed a hope, that he might meet „them all in a better state of e...xiStence. . • A PitEACHEI was holding forth and had cdntinued to work upon the feelings of his auditors, so that the straw on the ground in side the -altat was completely coy - ered with prostrate mourners, Perceiving there were many . others present ready to cast themselves down, Who.:..vefivined froaso do -mg solely% through the lack of E,traw to lie upon, he cried out in the;, midst of exhortation - ;straw ! straw !—We want more c.Ara.vir Mere t trpther PirOwn, for •the Lord's sake, run up to your tent - and get:more *awl. 'TWenty souls" just being loot ror 'lke want oPatraw!" AT103, -- farbilixi :004 ' 4 4'1 4 1 i ilad is a cent and nhal'amile the length of the road is 144, 'Piles: .Henry Snyder, aged9pyears, a Revolutionary. relic"died,near Mount Joy, Lancaster .county; on the 15th ult. . - Gage,' Hittinger 4 .0., If(Caton, are now loading a vessel with ice and apple,s' for Alexandria, `gypt. • A Temperance Society on the plan of the Sons of Temper ance in the United States,, is about being established in Paris. • The Boston Post says:—lt is now generally admitted that "Governor Johnston was shot at," in Pennsylvania, and hit. , There are more landholders in the State of Massachusetts a lone than in all England and Ire land together.' There were eighty••five deaths in New Orleans week .before last, of which two were of yellow fe • ver. DR. H : • lafial4l.o- LitIAPYOQI I rirlllti PREPARATIIN Is now bring orf,rad to rho Public i 11. .es n guaiauteed CURE for the DEEVI. 7 .S IS ilt)RSErt. and as the only known medicine To the Woeld having bei'al nod In the private Veterinary tirtctkx• of the piporietor Or the tango Jeers i and he has never known it to call in a 1111410 inairince of producing a house cum. and leaving the hone in good iDilitS 101 work• The atter hneocopett no, of theboise for Labor. wheurtronbled with this common dinette. slonlii Induce even' one baring such to upoiy immediately for this remedy. PRICE. U. r• DOLLAIL PLR PACKAGE:. ' Which, will be tent. "witlirlril r f d:n eking." ao GUT plot the United Etats,. 'AU Reiff r communicalloas to be ed. drulted. eau Paid. to • 1. P. HOYT. • R e a' of Ne.lo Routh FIFTH. liStreet.PhilaJelphitt. Wholes . .. scent for the United Zllttell. N. B.—Anat. , weeted throughout the country to whom thead demount wid bo it i, e u abovetheir of min placed in adrarareaveU. Addrass as GERMAN :WASHING FLUID, p CC)NBII)ER.PJJ by them . tas ho hare rested it, as be trig lbw annilnit • SOIENTIFFC WOADVAL OP THE' WORLD 1 Entirely doing aw tly with that laba/loos and 'Wallops tome. goo of tabbing the • • CUrf LIES UPON THE WASHBOARD, • • Ana a snail saving or TIME. LABOR AND EXPENSE. o.—To pn meat tread and On Um many are trying to palm plum article pat no like mini.) the Proormoor 1. P. HOa T. will pat his vru..trreN tIIGNATUILL; over thel:',XlllK of every 80TTLE. And he only asks on 141- 1,14111141 ED Not to cot tcrand The German .Washing Fluid With others that are in tile market. It Wont uo us large pint bottle.and sold at the nominal prin. of to cents. PR.INTY.9B will rind It greatly to their advantage to par• obese this Fluid by tAt ti r In thetr -- IttiatkfitieftrfaroTar by t. P. HOYT. At his Laboratory and Principal Depot. No. IP donth rim! Wed. Philadelohre. Sold 51 retail by Gowan and LltugglAs generally. A Ohmof ! &canna Tacit. and extensive Advertising for the 'length Aleuts. Remember sae name GPHHAPS WASHING FLUID. I All lettere to beast pa'd. Oct. 9 1831—dm ... , \Novice. TO THOSE INTMIESTED IN MAKING A unto) FROM cbr.Aurf,t,u 11.) CUKWENISVILLE. IDOKS Mill °onion awl after the FIRST DAY OF BNOYEM I l e. Itextfor ono wtsk. of snore es the u oder sf geed COMM ones mat, l / 4„ llrect at tbe stote or J.& H. D. pattror. Dear Cararestv II lit 4 I.llsler at Co., la Clearfield. to metre so bscriotXes hr 13 1 0‘. to the •Clearfield and CtOtwear tr Hie Tornpia• Road Corepaa, A. K. WRIGHT. 'PEN% HARTSHORN. RICHARD SHAW, ISAAC CHAMSERS. CHRIAVIIIII. if aartErt. ouaRT Hozia,.. WM. 1.. M OORE.' . . ‘lll. Powel,i., wM. BIGLER. 1 • ES AGEXANDER. 1 PIIII.IP ANTPA. l • 0 OHMS. GEORGE WEI.CII. sea.;; ecuotalsioners. October 9. 1.1 . .51. . For S • HEW AND WELT, FIN V ll' 3. DOUSE. on the rod:econnr Curwentydle. 'The bourns i had IS wen grated far DWKLI.AND ii TA tO by 310 feet. end thereon. 7/0 TITLE is nood. nad the on the oast acoonrnadadan vim.. Those nod tdrestuent, haver ow ohrtnce. a Yor farther infoirnation anvil, In Jowl Pt visit.nriago • _ JACKSON GRAN.. October 4.11151 L. JAC K SON . CRANV, 1.1.1111'01M37 "L'fr - MIA , - Cumensville, Clearfield coutlty, OPFICE--Stote otroot. one door .enett October 4, tau. =NOW 5 or 6 Malo And Fe SCHOOL TEACHERS W p R OPOBALs will be reoelged hp' the 1 Diroctoll of Monis toyeashte. at the to Jame Lohtnatea tm eATuttoor the TWE testae'. foctllVE or 131" fight end Vowels T. • chore/101'We Common Bchoels of that towaaht , l Cocareisat f EPA Inomi chars.: other—W lll be employed. to 'whom good wages w Ibo lven e tt Geogov: Hoovfill. More" towathip Bard ot So . Octobow 2.1861.—vd. New Fall & WI GOODS, -44 Giahatitto'n, ,Bradford tow, 9 1 E.,:lattdir.iiitIstrir d Seag' ,2• Arji t al GOQ1).1. i.valististo of Dry Goods,;Hardware, Queens% - Groceries,Hats Caps,Benne Boots and Shoes. mt or 1A16 . 4411 be said as lasi as can bo bonabt io ova Rujohsalyp lOU find at natal ATCTON diAoe des VlLlulnlasualleitipsid VIJIJOITUY ° wi.l be d Wood of nt Vat, toad advances for CAA 1)111.7E. or 1411411 ER. fi!Vlst 1/44?P1192Y,1Pf./°,rt2l-0 0. 0 Oraharnioo. October 1.1101. ____ k ''' ' -. '' ' - List of' . Letti 'ti - iiii'auliotti io io ra voisaw obEARFIELI 111"Vtilit day - of UotoDa. A. i , . I* i • , " , ", K. '- ... ~ • • Don. Viria T ' i l l sle"ti '.* ' ' ' ' ' tmulttio; 60:4s 1 ei l im kt o st . t i intim* ,; :,•,: ~ hol ta a i .1. 4 al M . ,' 41 0. •• Welt .1 ri ,...,. , i itaW ~,* . -.,„ L .. t`,vikite2ll 1 - 07.tiP 14 ' '`:?: r,.., c• 4 =7' " , ;; ~..;:, ~:'- illaimio ,, ,. trir:'7l. Nki'; `14,401:1 . 4s ate (Dm . AND , o IS AT 11-I',,LovitraT -:CES FOR; cash OR.MERCII (; Lt _PittOLICE. • , TIM subscribe/. hallot fetood.dled tteXOTO Room Two , wogs weitof "Morrell's tiotele old .00tteulf1 11 / antionaos to lho oilizoos of Cles•11!O batototh 4 wag vie ty, that heft T , ct vloit an:EMI-PR AN ,It t.Ank..1 , 11 LILA 131:11.0171 tiTt./t3C OP :oomprolost a geoprni aucotment of • • , • Dry Goods, ~„, roccrtes,. Hardware, ..queensvorc, .pro's,Bowici4,:Si,ytwls, 4-c., 4-c. Pattloulat ettomoroticm It deemed oftneogoort. .1 1 IPSE IN WANT Gomm AT L9W are solfoagd to can and ex amino Iplote Ptlvatal 11.11rr t eI H ' UNTER. Coartleht. Mar W,43,51. " • •• J. 1. fir PAR TN BRO . !! P.-The Co.Pstineeship neretolbreex• ,1 - , its r y bettvecp the stritsolitrers trading ib the name of WHIT WOW & 13C0F1E1.1): fit * Union tavrnshlo. Cleat. fielders iv - Is this deg diasolved •Us mutest cotpent Th e. e businest will be oondnoted 4111 tersu fore hi Ileum Whil head. who Is authotised to reneteteall dues and pay all dente of the Poe Firm. . , ~; . N IIt.RY WHITEHEAD, .. ALEX AN t , tra/FlblA). Union pacts:qr. August IP, km. - t ASSORTED LUMBER FORS ALE. i FlBlibscriber keen* contents on hand a supply 0 AE• 011:11:1) ellUte.e. Ltirst 8 MI. ItSuch as tlif3lt lf LIOAN/Jol dr. tiCANTLILW. . , POPLAR do do . do Also-6NINGI.X3 of different lengths and of Oohed cunt Hy. Also—A Vino assortment of Imported DItA It WOOI,I.EN 811ASYLSt-all of which he.wllltilf , LlA cr kXCtIANGE: on the most tetsonerbtterins. . . , WWI,. stritt ot er nporoYea country produce. taken In exchange.. 1 ' , • lILINRY WRITE:3IDR. , [felon township, Aug. Dd. 1851. CLEABEIBLIt ACADEMY. ~ 71' I . 'rustces her eby . give notice that 'the al , ove insnintion is now in successful operation um der the churgo of WM. C. CATLIN, as Principal ; assisted by Mrs. M. E. CATLIN. The long experience and NIII•Cfs39 of thee° tench• ere in Eastern Schools, warrant thu Trustees in reccommending them. to the plink.. Seholnrs %%ill he received et any time during a term, tyong charged only from the' date of their otornoce to the eloze ul ,the term, unlery deinined front behuul by protracted SIC:;110ES. Tilpy Will he expected to take thgir places in classes already formed. The Academic year will be, div Idea into four Terms of Twelve weeks each—the two winter Terms being taught Without an intervening va• cation. PRIMARY DEPAliTMEß—lnolotting First Lessons hoading. hoe;Aug. Wrhale. Geo:midis and Mental Anthmatit, s2 00 SECONDARY Jr I.PARTMENT—lncludiarr r.end• ing, doodle!. Weltis It. Arithmetic. ilittoty. Goog molts sett I..nglish Grammar • . $3 00 TII OLD DEPARrMSN'P—lncluding all the Manche% (exempt the higher Mattematiced tosettr er with Latin Grammar. 14 00 CLASSICAL AND DIA'PIIEMATICAL DEPART MENT—IncIuding *hearsay. net ch. and L. tin Lanitligel and the higher Mathemet 45 00 The TIMM QUARTLIR will cowman:ft on tbg tglth der of AMil. 0001) Bonumno and LODG/NG cants obtained by Parents for their l RII,UREN, who IMO' with to send item the Country, by applying loan, of the Trt.stees, at roatonn hie terms. WM. L. MOORE. Sees, 11130 TWO wrnav Ene turneeeke. in eterrd thron R ehnnt 13E, ISTO or good STABLE oerty will be told to went tonnage ale I TED. • of I.chobll • linuse near TY fINTII •rs, to take and none d Ind, Pa/ nildeut Directors, ship. I ierms. BAT, OF i - jr4 0 : 4 1/t• • - ' & 42,. ; •4011.) 4,7,e DISSOLUTION Terms of Tuition : MACKEREL,' • SHAD. CODFISH, SALMON. HERRINGS. PORK, HAMS 4".5. LARD Charles B. Ross, dtc'd. 'BY GIVEN, (ha 'Ater' or Adminft- I granted la t ehe tmeersithed ott the t. KOS% or 11 , 004ria tuarnahlu. all persove harind tui.ounts with the awl 10 present thaw atalma dal) oath• laved may tyt gonad at his modanne In 1. W. LIMN. -4,der. IV OTIt t 1 Irma c o a ts of t Cletsfirld slid decor entiontsd raid tow t•eLt V.4,1e31 JOSEPH S. FRANCE, sellor and Attorney at Law, located himself in Glearfiele.uflershis dual services to the publie.' MI busi. to him will be promptly attended to liar with the German lan g ua g e ha can ility transact business for the German community. Inflict street. one door vvest of Pi. Lo tole, lately Occupied by J. L. Cuttle. ftevancriusts. Con II AI" I proles tress entrust Bong fa with mom portion of ti 0111ot:ton min's Drug In /7• Knox, eph Buffington, N. Lee, Esq., lolly 15.4 Cantwell. omits White. punt's Drum • D. Foster, Vil!into Bigler, Wm 3 Hemphill, UP and SAVE COST: re hewing cloud their batlABlll request all persons haslet tlesetiksi Ito till at their eta stand ID 0416 , 11t3 . 4 eorl I'EUXor their accounts will tlt with lir E. Sr. W. IP. UMW. M. A. 'WALLACE J., • Attorney nt Law, CLEARFIELD, Y 1 les the ptaotke of the Law, and can at a 4,4 al. hta 4.g of • may I. ISA. rlltACltatf3.—Soda mad Baton CRACKERS reavoi and %id now teltins In thou= 0r 2:.,1 juin Mt. lug nachine! ltiOneY Sa\ ' r I I .1 ti pr 10. r t tie Limp. :turwett I coeeren reliantl b$ tL ; 1 6, 1), OttIMILY, Tuntiorr. I.llANtek. \ , . lON. qud others • • B. fit. B. WILSON, 2`o, ,the' Farmers Mao 415kt# W itg ON just ye for tale Y 'A " ALIA.CY , tr. tilwo. 851 . TH , °M r 2SAVIV /1 1 , 4 $ wilLflll.„ -,. • , ' toll* ottixeus oral. oopltigass to cony on b at distance Eat Dribs shasstorptstillu pistsou • I thlgilljto thetz =tuft • agorewiruhix ,"91 tyy of elemi d Btid TAILOILIti BUth where he vi II be ankful • baintatadatA *spa Nab° Peaxnll4.ra. • - - .GEO:I3.6A;VI . - " AiriKffita ] . ' XJ, inn RV=ka b•,l watt co!tter erre d Itt std r i e Z i gl ui l ' ili i i l, l .17 6 Ortit bit, PlUt4l..; at :. 14 11 1 V 'a tlitt:FllP W r. cirtits - ii row . .. 111,22 . owiglir LOOK lifeßE • f , `Thompson Sititate on. Thompson strea,' Hls'suliV" riV;or r ( s ec r u il y announce tr thel r • Wends, atid public generally. thiii they have tirbetedn , r,. ''• tr!,, ;, •,• „ rvirw„weimory „ in,CurOvepkvillel,.whoto they intend tad° up bush. neva hiVerstyleihan has horeloforo been kilawn to the people of Clearfield 'County. They Ore.:von piipared t make ell kinds of cola. Inge what' in the eivr.try tattle - shortcet n notiee,ond iii the very beaLmanner. , ' They haven tiovi PLOUOII PATTERN dint ta doAtinta to go ahead of anything of Abe kind now Irr nee, • They also havo a view STOVE TAT% VAIN that will eoon tie a garment favorite. • Fdriners. Lumbermen and•ovety body' else; aro jpvireAvo.chll and examine for thernse;ves. - f ALL kinds 91 countiy jirodeco and oil metal ta ken in sit tongs for casunga. 1 • '.li THotirsort,, JAut TiIOMPSOII, D. iittliTEloolE. April Ist, 1851. • GEORGE W. RHEEM, . ~ i „ . , • . ' y r: . ° c it r lz E su Ur. soC FU U b les Ult iflel s t n° Q u ortro t p o nb i t e o ~ , , A -.,-,.4\ Rene/ally. that •he hes earommited the Notti2t,t.•., SADDLING fIUSINEHH, in all its Ira , rionstiranches' tosethet w,th Rix'''' ••' ' ; • Harnoss Making, Coaell ' • . • ' Trimming and 'Uphdlstering. ft E Intend' to keep on havid n geneml nutriment of work in his lino,_of hitown trinanfactere, snob as BADDLES •of tall oast:lotions. SPANISH. SAHHlsift3, quilted wad plain— lIALP-JtJCEILY titsDl)l , Est. wallet ant pinin. LAD V'ti riAllp_lXH. with elit'sded B tilinitil -- Alm,,CUMll,loti HADDIA,H of All kinds, descriptions, old Prices . Adpr—fift ILi IsES, 2.1 A ETIHGALES,ICOLLARI3,_ BAH' DLE-HAErt. V A Lairs. VitAGQ.WHIPS , • • • CAIIITT HAW, And all other article* in his Ins of butiness. He will Moon rl on the Trunk-making Business, Travelling Trunks on be had at his eslablishmentof the I but quality. And alto THUM-VALLS:aI. and at the then. I Pest mites. The Itepahing of Trunks wil she be attended to. tie will also autunfaatute a seperiot guide of , MATRA& 81:1--of Catlett flair. Corn tusks. Straw or Hey •-•fle Pat alto attend to that/futilities of shi oues, nanny of which cal ,be neum es good as new otter. ' Übe Upholsteringsisnd Repairing of EOF;AI3 . will be smear 1 lentil attended to. fie bits an fitted an nutriment of FANCY FLY Nuts. foray'.:: VIA . NETS made to order. Hit shoe son the eat side gritted surd, a low doors north of fdarket—where he wilt permed, attend to the orders of all the may favor him with 0, stone atheism:llmm.W !I. Cads:field. J tee it.. -1851—tf. . 41. . . OF PAIITSP.R.S.Ii W.—The Coq , trtecnhlp heretofore en htienn bQiNVEMII 1' T Doyle and W. F. Laird. trading es h&finale tunlerthe Firm of LIOYIAD tit LAIRD was tilts day (hotel red by mutual congest—P. T. Doyle liselac gold Iv' interest in uld flan to W. F. Lattd. The betimes nt liibu re. will be onndoo'ed under the name or W. LAIRD who I.authet i sedto troeiYe alldate and pry all debt. of the ate hrm.. • - • P. T. DOT 8.. n. w; LP. LAIRD. Aaiun ISth.lBsl. • . • Estnte of John Eedt, dee'll.- - - - .. NOTIC1; GIVES. That betters Testam.n. tan upon the u ar• of JOHN EitX)Tl',lata of Jo6tan law I,leatlisiikeounry, deo'd. hare In doe t orm 6t law Lein granted to tin subrentw. AU persons kanwlne them. solver Indebted will make payment immediately. and those Laving claims against said estate will present them for settle. to the "hie:bet' nanimmcuanY. 't : Jordan township. t 4 ept. 8,1E61.. IARD Ell AW I.'ffiticlent April Lab V 351 Constantly on hand and for min by J. PALMER & Co.. Market Street Wharf, PinLACIP:I.PIIIA. March 1, 1851.* Kittanning Indiana erociviburg Clendiold: J. L. BUNTER. Clearfield county : ttneettle. Clarion aunts. Pe:. the FARMING Al,46llnii, 'ODE ceaat l athat tloy COO licAst.; TRILF-1411 red Disney. Thetwo horse the Machine, horetortge ref is and improved.— ,compact and useful. iskt, and' We, OR bend. Aar person flatbed with Idea/nee • i0110Win: Pe rlO,l iG Erftß, r a t pi 4. IlDd he wit , ' r • IIlorta• s reap! i* • I . t om d r:; 'Pita tab .11*ot .j`.~ ~ yr, Dissolution TO pEREM4N4 OUT OF EMPLOYMENT. ASIERCAN GIFT BOOKS ,FOR lb' Clergynzeni .Postmasters, 7*hers of Sabbath-Schools Book .Agents, Stu dents and Beals of Families, EMPLOYMENT. SEARS AII.ERICAN PIGTOSIAL. 110:1K ESTAD tishment removed le 181' WILLIAM sTarxr. Pleat Spruce.) Nete:Yora,. ; • • ' • uocac AGENTS * WANTED. The sabienber unhltattes a large onsibet of most valuable books. cc., popntar. and of such a mural and religions inflo• i'ZIEH. the , . while tool men may saltily encase In their circu lation. they wlil confer a pnlrito bezel', and tectrya a fair urinuensattan for their labor To young men of enterprise and tact.,this holiness roars an opportunity for profitable employment seldom to be met with. l'herots not a town in the [WWI whiatis a right haunt mid wori•dlsbaustson cum fail warm from bU tritAXl goon:nes, according to te4QPI:111111011. , : JUST PUBLISHED. ' ' It."P/CTORIAL DESCRIPTION: or clung A, AND IN DIA," rOO pages, and 'TN RI I.LINTI INCIDENTS ON THE WAR, Vl' THE UNITED ISTATE.E." 84.81 pages.-- priori. II Wpm-volume. Our publications are too numerous to be described inns ad wertketnent. Any person wishing to embark In the enterprise. will risk Hula hi sending to the Publisher 04. for widish he will se wive samtole copies of the venous works. (at wholesale pd• am) caret oily boxed, Insamd• and .directed. atiording • eery liberal percentage to the Agent for his trouble. With these he will soon be able to ameitain the most salsuble, and order la oordistaly. • We solicit orders from the Trade. Teach ert and School Com. mitten, for Soots, to whom we Dinah our own publioetions and those of aft the publishers in'the counts:. on tho molt et al terms. CI niNTRY hiEttclitiTs ^sn prnenr* inbterlbers to, and sell “bEAll'd PICTORIAL WORKS," make a handsome profit. and sustain no los-, - „ • Persons wishing to engage in their true, with receive prompt. ly. Dime, et Oren tar costal sing tall particulars, with ''l.ll - TO PharitillE I.IIEPOb ED TO ACT AS A tIENTS." •toSether with the burnt on which they will be (watched, by nitrite:ring /heirseri lx-r, post veld. - ' • • ROBERT SEAR, Publisher • dept, 10. 181 Wtiliain•Street, New York. . UOMIItriNCI Or DR, GREENS. CELIBRATED %'EKIIIIFUCE • ' FO EXi'ET4NO NVORUB.. i Dr. E. Green'i lied and Brown , . -, ra g 4 ti, • . :-. For' Liver Complaint, Thispepsia, Female Com, plaints: Impuraes (if the Blood. g-c. Green's Sarsaparilla, Tar and Clierrl, 'Cough' Pectoral. li(V„..7.a.tch,R,"&p.Bc.,l;oße.,.l,;:shilliclL,s-ieilgtgi:,,,. 'For Colds Coughs Poorsenees Soreoessof the Breast. Csasumption.4e. Green's Nerve argl Bone., '' ii,ment. ~, 4 ~ . ~ lb ie.o, , ; T el d inform nrd t l c i i l ri vi i .4., .that citizens h : o f IS ', 4 4 ; ;;\itiiirincnently 10 med . in the. st,,,p . For Ithettniatitm; SproMe. Bruises. St liek . el ; adjoining Lanicl4s hotel, on I‘l4r. Limbs. Sore Threal,,Coutracted Cyrds• e5...... , . , _ .., R.EC.021/MENVATIOI6'. ,r . t. .l 1 % .. . WATCIIES, C KS, JEWEL. ,i UItING many years too have I%iinessed the * ' lit • ket strew, t% hor4 the repuirttig of Ry,,f,: - t , ,,ti1l be excreted in Ito best manner, Wheelwright and Chainnaking. . . . lnform . T HEiubs.ibiustillPterlllll the Ottlnell. or MAI - p ro d u ced , b y , t b, 3 us , o f D r . E,. crew' e rem field comity that they are carrying on the pti ;re batmen „ , freely he rut • • 0 t t A tr o , o s . h , E r , ' r l \ t , e G s a t n A o v ci l e is e G an e d u o r n to r e e d ;i e rt ti ti o l e n t enromi notice. .:: r good e ff ects %vhich have invariably 1) .. c , c . st Inttnavoirr, one sollo west Of en_flitilllo4:qpilpg and Mary limo _ rtteti t in n ut ie l , Il i a 11 1 1 11bn) 10 i J . 14 1 9 n. : 1. 1 n'tere Jasizes ,usamber,y, ) -, • 'led I:L 2 APLI:K;t re L r 'n!" , - l iftit.g...W4inti -Z. l .* laT ..Y.. ict cm 0 f..9iP ..!!'";__ lri l ei .:..9.-- d . ( .... °I., ' ' . %i ‘ t Y ll A ie r p e ri ll irn E p S i ' ly 4 ri e t . t ; e i n u d l e i d iw t l o lh , a h r lin i,l t i %.a h il e. n . r , ,. ! ,_l l ;l l . l . Or i %Archaic 'mu 117k/ suP ; 71' ' " * " /Peetruilli iDviit'ac"...,..T ....„ i f. i _....v,,„,,......,....43.,_....iie,‘ oar. i her . will 11 non tunas WINSQII 011Ailta of sver I, . • John f ll. f :Gra?,i.A. .E/dr. lard Is .9631 ea r o c ft! t a oaf , elect and tw stand ui 'bear genre .... 7 r Dr ,S F Greeol!? 14 1 1 natter' ' . ISAAC Cllft WIMPS. uro in inforranig i•••-. 1 Oche great t., CA' tAIt.LES KLr•PrE.ltt , worth syrup; lily dnu derliciog'' 4VII.EifiPSt.--IPIIIII.O -I:7ll3lll:kriim3llll4Silftitli:AlNmal'aleNt:°,iradttro: c:tiiiintutik ‘, '. ' ' Sir: 1 i a ii B r ieiremt , tots 21. 01.—txli 11 ' lung liana.' I iried ull i 0 ieniedie Cl oatliourreceirina ea ; t icee rif led to try yet& Worm I. cup, and 1 fl,' before taking tit; tvii,,le 01 one bolt 4 Green—Dec , '"4)tv !! mare? • her coingaiiii and resin 'd her to I t) 'Doing grateful for CI! ' benefile 1 4 ' Aka pietism.° in Choir icktiowledi .1. corantendio2, AO O . lice : iiblie. , ,141,' ': • ,l l. R U ST , , • ,i , , . . • For directinno,, ,cortificat es Se.d; e eft with elicit a gent tUr graiuithueine... .. • . '/ .R.. 8 ' ig itg r A r e q:7 - . 9 d (s. l t v t ' o a i.n . u: '° , l C 6l :l . ra. d i e o fi ld el Clearfield ' - ..' : I ' M .0 .1' 44eptit , fr „ . , , . ITOla 'P ' ti,.',Ciultrehsvil HarrisOri. loont, ' .do :.. ' I. L. • ./34 ett, Cleartiel4 tiridge. . . - onas cGhce, McObee§ Mill: 1 David . port, . K Cher Tree. • ' P. W. B n ett, .Luthe ,urg. : .ClarlcT hiii, 'Girard qwriship. • ..', ,Levi . .Z4 ; Prefichvill " ..,. • • fantes trurra:Vt U Side toWn4ints, las.. .fifa *rk,'Pliilitisbp . ~..'Cehirdr e b !' I 7,1'. , ' ''.. ~ ~ . ~ .• • • I . , , , , ' J we - 4, 18450. ' „: .., 111LORISITUSI M .. : • .REMOVA. -';,: • .. t *Or,' tbilkftir f , pact :fooiore; tee. . ntoreie hi este re. and tho ci le .puhhe, the,h, toyed I s shoplikthe boil.' 001 late! ocetiOichthi'l2. F.l t he,itilllo.,4 !lound'ataltiiniee') , pt t ...trf r . valiA.....fpf i lee. h e a 1 o proiiiiee thee We 1 the m app ved etylekil'Atiiii-, 11,iiitmle fl effitieCOreling . tattle, lion of Rdern days. E ( Q,P,mt.Mft. ..'` , • RMERS' E , • l i tancaster L_ FANNING • MESSA: I.AIBI ooloosto the FARM EP 1 afijoichir cointleauthet.they still( Pitting ri, Centre county, diet kintria Weevers , tortusistnent. don of bte article, sad betel prep, oust° r hot Ilvir.g over (roe the short sotito, ore feel en lac Olt id le 'l(Qt) tailed Til,El goal roof this mill la the oleo/alp they ma no longer bee doubt, Bill until ho have cued them &WA's too then:lto (loan than an sate vi the most Prejudiced, made ct aged sale. Thcy are misde of m who aohnowledite ark enpett, o tedt b oth s pnblio / ,w Wiethr e g eneneedaa%altoeg ts helloed all oompetltioe. Thee d; tabor' during the past year Rho Walloon:lest of the W. and leads , • enowledsments to the mein' that WI. TO 11110 a With en Rule° firtit/IL WM112310 0 • o oreroo before your barn with BOUT," , • ' ' _,lWldes the adventues whio theft, we head made en Wpm vf 010. k An? 012 ,' o ' l , . ,Philipiburctilay. l 4 l . 4MI.- . . 1 i 1 .4 1113 inheodber takes ih ~ ethnd o one paha° Ws sincere .tat fat 4 1;:e n tre l ei l is ii'll:Ajaerloliritanw ".. ~,m a d ,t; w f 0, BLEGoOPS; *mon blob MAO MARTI! , 811,Kr BLACK. BILK 16/1 B—do 01PIGH *ld • .., Rata* ~ DE' LAMP— odvad Fait 4 .40 .. rA i tcw IRINTS i preott• [ • RI HONE. LAOEB 810., to! 80 TO auk Illg iu 6,. fiAllrir w n OIL OLON ay. GRlVlE r tig - i 1 if 'Po.. Mite 0444 . , . 1.Q*0914r ill? ill /80.• t _ ~ , ,,- . ..4, . ...k.4.... NAUT • Fy. at. PO*:, . . . i kimseir in-thO borough or .. -nd to all legal buiinarie ' thistomptheia and tldeloy• 1 east oritto rtottlOUOteirri t , 1. , .....ra i lc4 LB.. • ,SlO ORViliff 4001 IIOIIW I*.l 40 ,(;108rdfra, Ui 'entrl18,111111:111111: n4oit eo l 6 .ollo 'd ig • 'd it i WA '''Plettiiint 11.1 t ~,, „ pint FOOMIT riAcps i ., 8110 P. pintiF. Undersigned tospdet iiitiirriei the Plo'of Clverrield 'and the OjoltiOt counties hathe,intends ,to euntinue the - above bueineee atilt° old iten# ' ;Birsyler ikLitts, - in ;Ito ;bortuigh of ,Cltatftekdr , On an etv.. larged and .0,114 Isoprdeed scale. fie intends td k Constanily 'Un band a • GOneraVassortmeilt of all kinds of. Cast. i , .ngs; lie has lately erected end is now filling up an xterviiive illachinO Shop, With two - Latins the beet; nscription . ; 'and de toitto'w hoe In ' his eiriploy' of the roe. elms% rounders and Machinists in the country ho &i warranted in "assuring the public tha hb cali furnish all kinds of 0.11(1S0. - W-Mill Utttings And t idier material (or maohinery in as Atiod style )iid as substaniiat a forma:wean be.produ• col ift 'any other pan of the _State. • lie has on hand, at reliant, a large lot of the with:antic! 111.alhaway Cooking-Stoves.' Pcirlor' ' ,Stova;:":2\rine "%cite and Coal Stoves. Also • WinriPs ceiclwatcd Plough' And nil kinds of .11ellow ware, Sleigh and Sled soles. Wagoti Boxes, See. igrfle Intends to soft on reasonable terms. and to receive Cash, Country produce and OLD METTAL' in payment. orders for work will .ecolve punctual ationtion. , DAVID LITZ. Clendiold, Ang.l3, 1850 Dr. lib. Young' ILD , th 4 time has new active. that )rsons sufletioe from secset die m% need no more bkome tte 11‘1161 or oxAcitoit y, Inprecciiptiona conteited Iti l i b.k any one mar core him:. f. without bind:once to butt• as. albs knowledge of the most ick•teath' the usual exposits. In et .nertat crly ate dtsease; it folly ex pious ilw widse - ol manhood's early decline. with (Marva lions cw odarriage—orialeisorseY ether d,cangements which it would not be twoler reamer - we in the Onlillu prints. Anypucon mama "llN'lt.ti'l'Y-FIVB.CEIVIIdi enclosed in a iett.l. one copy of this trek. by emit or finnan. pins will be sent for nue dollar Milieu. "Dit. 'WILLIAM YOUNG. N 0.162 srituov, Street l'biladolohle. Port cold. Mi. YOUNG can be consulted on icy ,O . O.the INN-fees d eribed jag ditlireacitionZ,e kintels every dby betwou II and 4 o'clock; (13unday's exoew " Loll! 20.1 y. t Dl•. ft. 0 RICE on Sem Dr. ‘Vm. l Hi donee of Cul. Bigler ho may always bo ki engaged. TFt TAN YARD bel A. horn deemed, shot Clearfield tensity. earl not will be Itk:NTEIII FOlt now of Arta peat., Apy person wishing to welt to cotlfand exatulae th n felroppowinaity to make. For fottbst patticulati e otrU •r oaurr g orautte l obotoe 010 r w woukl i u a e food •elon'li it tikiv tote Mtp t t 1 II )1 0 ana . -• ses °vet I tOrniol Po It did At br.• 11410.1) tenderig c h ero o tenet liberal Per 'en strict ,ettentlito to' erne. ?YIN of fir.ASONA. found the following ligt_a' übsl pitorfally ' A g - eralty,th• illogier the YVAN a nd flu , 40,1 d , ,to kashlo aro a.ul'Orc '1 , $' 4atest , I ' et , Plea and Buttons. lloinetdo. r• sOCOLOttED YAHN. 911311NZA#E. 810. Ow. • -11IISTTB)L: 11 . . ."' ' itiocieir Votir'selt ' - .Poi•, 25 'Cents. . . . , -y tEPttili of the POCKET AEt'CUI.APAUd. or, every , his own Pi1y.113413.' Thlnireh don. with upwards , of st Mos el engravlngs, showing vrivote lam In every 'balm and Imps. malformations Ash. genera . syeteme " LISOn•• I street, lately occupied by nearly opposue the resi• !fete, oral Merrell's bold; *lien not professionally rearfield, April 3,1651 malotr,... • kg to thr heirs or Wm Bans is the borough or Corivesrriiie. occupied by Pekoe It Tailor, YEA. 12.9 from the tare to the , briskets would do lorstoirer. to the Aituation ntiord. puma. ytkr liAllTBllfßl‘,or 2_ 7111tON H AItTrItIORN Mrs of Wm Ilaruhom;dored. u4pui Iloardiami of Carweinville. Jule 17. I. IS.h'REERNS G PILLS, THE' D9CTC: PURIF ,cce4.40f4.14) q . • wot, . 6 . 1 1„.. i :CtaN'S l';$T. 1 k 1 1 14 14 1 10 5 ,q -- --- ;0, , BY I ' 1 1 ' ia ' " . 'glen . allt:tigiti Noilli•Nesi;Cora , t ot ' Thikd and Uriioa • A A • ' streets,.'between Spruce -an Pin . . . , r, , ,. . •.: p.4.II.;APELPHIA.. . '; • .; '., '' ' rif+stm itx &ow oressiettima. au a! iinln_terrnoted 'unto.' tkeit spent in this silly have rendered DR. IC the most ex. nett,u4o suoesstruivectialoner fat Op/ nent.,in thittreafewlll lot all sheenier a prorate natty,. I serous sifilateo with ttl. !oars diva toil body. tbeoas of legs. p f it VA 11l the hind er Nese. 1 rectoutlat sum meteor, suiotnies. ravel: disetutes whin/ irons "anthill eneetrecfir,hstonsitier ofthet tilloon.-.whaeby the oonsYtatlen has Deems. - enfeclniet, ars all treated with shoves - • ••• I • , liii.who pines* bitritelfhader theeare or Dn'.' IC.. time nil. closets outline , In di; ties° , as A sentleman, and oetildealla !e l, up o n ay.eltsll as a nhitlithse ', ' " ' ` i: ' .' ' Take Particular Notice. . • . . ~ .r. . . biotrict mai ity ii , vo , injured' theicsel vas by' a oettitiu Preetine indulged ta-4 bible tweeting, isseteed• Pare siva slosnpanicaus at schcol-itee' Went of :Whieh it otahl'tit, area when asleep. and_tlestio7 belh mind , pet beds. p (Add apply Immedhuolp. Weakeess and cionstitetientelf ele ion loss or n131401/0 oneray, physical fru:nude aryl pelletal pun. tretion, itntabitity and! Ni siemens, sitteettone, indslta__iqus sitsceishoess al the liver, anti: every Alletiltlll2 lIIRY Wel O , P . neaten with the iltiorder of the, procreative fuskutiont ,el - ‘24 1 . and nail steer restored • • • . • sr' r -r''''r`r`.'r''''`i. t IollTit & lilliNlloOßj I . C !!., .. 4, viomooil, us Lira ~. . • . READ 1 i A' ritemAtiiir.. milli'. '- I KIN li E 1.174 on E34loiegervatiiir. : Only , 25 . cents. , ,•., ~ . _., 1 . . Idle hook. Mit .published, Isfillot with useful ,uransti.tiats mid fps I lefirtnal ie4 and diseases of the (iecteYitiVn tht 'first, It 01 oElBot itallf ~tike to YtYLIIH,- •• , tiniiiivou; l Of.ill - edfee cad sbnold b. in. .•-• .. - - ip. e , ..-... hoy, v .i.thi,l., go.vic , , And Hapimitlye morning ii.iglyto wiii Th gni 7 e411 of N/ etuLlltliiering i laud nave acheigl, prfIUztANDS UP L A ME.' PARENTS , by Ridding its 'wilt id" bo w to'P r P v ''ll l 0 4 dmt•uncloni or io•Ir shim tem . . •.• A. remittance or 'SW ENTY:FIVP, CENTS rerletc.l in a blur eddleisd toil R titrik4l.lll.rionh West Corner ef Tlilfttl At - LINItiN giblets, he wee', Spruce and l'itio. Pitt L.AoEliklif.4.4 will suttee a Boolt,,undar 'egoodo;a: Del fermis of nod! INtscau tcl a Jim mine' Mai "Mir e Ilit? iti'br leOtt"riitadmt Pairl,) dna b.., surt4l at Imam' - • . • , PitUK AG 1.8 OF'. hiEDICINFA. • IMBrCTIONS, , line., for- bale i by rriplisit it remittance. °nil put u.a secures Rout U %hi ACE oi UtiItIOSITY.•_ , , • . llookeellen. NowskAgenu, radian: uattvliters. and all others ID put Igd with the above work of very tow rates. ' - jet" tl, lhal, Tailating . Establishment: ItcsrEC I'FULLY informs hts old customers, 'and the public in 'eaters!, that he continues to curry on the atttivt•Amitriess nt'tho old stand fors manly occupied by itndebangli.& Ward, where he is prepared to accommodate nil who rdny favortufn with ilieimu'stont, ‘, • • • Ti2X,112:T2413/44405345 • Are regularly received atid *eine tIY followed, when desired.. - • • • • N B. Country produce taken in exchinge,for work, if delivered, igr andintmey Seldo • , triirfield,Oct.l7.- 31 ,41;;Ruliz,'", 43sear B IIirAVING eunsmeneed the WV the borough ol'Cloarfil folly inform the public,ihrt - 1 ond keep on hand olarge merit of . • '.. ' • - ! exa 4m i ara i sza tr:camort - 1 which he vOll.BOll as cheap r C,ASor,apprnv. N. f•'... ed•trade iis any oilier establis 'Dent 'in -the COUfly 4 0 ;I N JOB WORK ,otell . kinds di e on- the shortest ' • notice. in the best incinner',6l °livery reasons- bie ter ms. lio may l•o found in the eh formemiy occupi edhy II B. Ifeisel, on Macke street, East of the. Court house- .. - • . Clearfield, Mey 2-1850.. .. . . 11121 W /1.%111 At the junetion of the re,. s'at Lohman's, in :Morris to* ,hip. rue enbsalilers tespec fatly au. nom lu the ellizattor I• Monis and the adjacent tceen pt Of Cleertie'd and Cent:et:annum that ther her. tede.ved Jul& ale pow silaajt.aBPhairau ASPoßmrs •pr , • NEW GO/ •S. . . , Their ttook Ea excanoive. and 00111 v of tr a mind aunt!. wont to be found in a nonntr3 idol. nd Mimi. t .ny idler to dorone of on as t•ivoyablis temus as .01 Goa be lin tilainii eitawhera in the count,. N i tiGl. GE - rcut.b. Mundt townatiln,3uneili. INtil. . Good I'iews A Elood Ceritamll: 16'111848. grunt, pleas• racy' ul your filleted tar f I could heal I C"ka Miura met Boy thd ~ n•rotooccot alth. ' Those who Nv'oaldSell their I.:urn , . .• 6er at ' et musi c . . take advantage' f • • • • 4 0 2 trat)SD OPPRILIC'ANu"euArMI. Jett recited oy theenbee,iber et Ms old wh .be hzul deterniewl to dilliore of at• LOWER. RATES the kitods of the'ome quellti_cito be obtained ANY 'IIER PART/,P %MI WUNTY: : • •,,, The stock ennel.te 111 Nt , i of DRY 'DoDS.' GROW . - • tIARD RR, WIER WA:A ,wittis Wee lot of Le.Cee'Ond Gentlem 'FANCY • n • DRAW.I I'D:' R UL 0/ i O." - ti °Unit/in:o4SYkfntinbtltenigdin/ Joao zp. /SAAITI, •' • • • „o syrxivti,t,n, o rpceitt4 1 g tl and fa% PIPRA FRANKS. , s9e.omplilete ietribuliori. unty. POLITICAL CAMPA,CNT \ ~:: otplE r i lir t, ~.. \ ,... * Bill: iffl 4 r.! 'RkzzAffs 7 : Bill 'I qstpn 1 .fftevice far a R,M.I, `' .truzza 1 f fizizza ~ It' CREAP"GOODK, ,` ' : ' iientmgi4,. - 404ternib;menrib at ourdti L oattruutc ottuyous ia dimuny tJr itst4lt dryzA, 81110 A ' 001 , 10,7, • it &fit I.T.CApThEti.,I343Ap,II 11,—; N. iippim, if 78 at (4111 1 , 4 ; &or., umix 0 4 r )6 4 ,1; GINQIIA CAMDD • D ED Di , pk tr) 4 , 1/14 th cii ado iii- . "I' •, - , Ait e i ff I ; refezz . To nru.i., • ' and well fel '134E1 P ah , ~,T,E,t, Dab ~...11 MJW , ar ' - twr Loin D CH& giAG ever7tblog ti 'esd.' aM ' oche 1 Q4:41. Wings! P,ll. 1; • f:, LB r,ff: •S".tr.A.Vir; tipblio s i w th* ?*-61144;45P rT 1"K imAUD . 7 01 1 GEORGE • RICHARDS erreli Piniiin blieiniqx.i Id,. iruuld• respert will d ' g eneral .111111011 riith I . 1 theA 006.6 a m," 4 0 '6;ED ‘):'1 , : ' VE *Co t gat to, or btiw t t ri , ft . IlboviLig ' litirthoi le ot elle P :* IkJ b 'fpl49Ksor :41 Ojai id i kIY °cell . i' 69, laxan , 1::./144 , i` n'' i'VW.I SEINI ; W EMIL( ,T Vi ITIIIN -tAtin't WlTEllti NI • I•AvrjWITUIN T; ' s tenni at* to pape, In the ilinfitlios VIII b.: alio 6-* !g st r ni ',.. lool: :L orit t il, /1 7 13 e.: 11 tit Li tde i nt y l" ono % , , Yti BLocu: '— liar first in cal Aeetting c ret*the cum turnlor head as sh6'd salt it tet, ate. p itdo er 'fresh an pass& awe !IteAftaext 1 3 Air she at' here,_upon t er Ifruh was oda the hugol he Steam co front ,thc as eobking !t , ) I .Votr tt4t I su ' il lhe drniled nc • navy : weight i he crout wa d TI pot she used .\ ! Vas ent up u'l 'Op cutter hung Ell‘lid•spider we s'e'on 'her oft hen all'aro hen oth'ei . elau 'She'd frown, ; watatcp to ;But watched, wverfiittie to 'Till' cabbage Oa-VEER CANADA t Y'rk e American. 'rem Live/peal ;€Ol l in4llAlt 1 i . - ;-..;.0-• ;. Itc i .c On this . r 1 23 d, , ; a rrived at ibis family 1 (were(were ore, or . t 1 haste 1.% r corned ' all enge now I r tt gt. ,a l agfr INlit MOO z doz: II Pon thb' T .16 6 . 0? P . lig qll7l : .' cl!` 1 ' 0.. ill NOR .. iA n rd9lit • Et. ifiTHS' `MO !:. wages li3TM TERM cti b ror 'i E . l EIJI. I oho firm Ice ti stibec RIVAN of POST nnreinaillfr and archon' .InTy { wan n the cou POET w liar in C nd then, i s psy smie. ter ti4e, " coking stove, g WHO: greasy pot, wring out ; Iknew that sl ck" and trout in tho springy before ; on her heart no more I" nok it in st ; ce that S L 7,,ay ntl talke n away :.y of jo , vain , ROlll I AL OF Til D .T,D_E B --' 'nmship Cant Sunday at 4 amship.l3alti* The former r Oct. 29th. NULAND. of Louis lioss! on of Wedn Madrid, fro mi it o n, with I trd. The !a number of ' ecmh'mve , nt board the st varmly, and hi le hand, exclai rev. I nurl f ' Times 0 ,th tell( not I sh pail 111 . . ' , 4 - ' -- ",.. r ..t chrity, l orAemocl ' Va-intenc Itti the tvnri L _ r, . graceful'', ,2 et at a rcs "2ar closely .a '' ~ 1 noit dese ;; 1 at a : very, I . 4o take off' :•fleiimisslon to, il4lt'yias a 'ate tell, wilin aitne sausage iviraidly, apps hat manner' ;31143 (lid 13.0 C caught ,a glim' in and excel:all)) • ht --very bi fight b E reed the he a v y l ._ ~it tpstf* so Tlegi 7Su i r T yl my : br , 9nti , ito4 Ouch