Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 14, 1851, Image 3
.Z. - a" . Aso, ..v....,... , ...t. ,.. .y.7 - ..,,,... tk et . .„ , ,r . '• .. , 1,.,.7. : - M2i 1 ...L. , - 17 ". 1 ::7 7 1:;:Ar. 4.- :4. 1 .4": "^"""7:7 - .' • ~,, • ----- ' '.ltg.i''.' - . ... , . . - . . . , . • E it PO* T-14 - 1041 iy4i4 • -•• IlleirffetOWOlTildierti '''',A4illiNt-POINT: 1 -s , ''dtir' rea l iera`will.TStit'eiiil-tiat,"snme , to months n , We 'referre d , be tri lin right of , . PostngstorEcto,e4argn Poi!! ' n -news,. , papers to suliseribers telidii In the coun.l ty wherein.such papers ,a , p r inted, the' i post Offtee . being in an ediwingicounty.— ' and desired informationtem, , Since / that; we have heard rioth gt with regard to the matter, except alai - cessionsl note from a postmaster situa 'as above del . scribed, informing 'us Of .1 refusal on the . part of a-subsariber to ti his paper. We ' had quite a large list of, bscribers,rnostly id citizens °four county, Philipstirg, who - have dropped off one b one • until the list is now. very much ,re eed; andl as this ] .thas not occurred witl :Any, other list in the county, we are di sed to attribute it rto the foci that the P Master requires Ithentt to pay - the post . ' Our attention has en thus called to .ft is subject:bY happ egupon the follow. • ring paragraph, whic vefind in two Wing -piper4 now before .We . know not what authority the4ave for saying that the: Department haalf,hus decided, but we -would reVectfullyise the Post masters situated as above, particularly the P. M.• at Philipsburg, be sure he ie right, 1 e- find .beforo he goes an 'irther; for, if we- .biin to bo wrong, to continuo in wrong, doing, we shall b minced to take panic-I War pains to set h right:: • " NEWSPAPER i has been -decided liy :intent that Subscri, hers living in the unty where a' in.wspa- . per is published entitled to receire it free of postage, o :, though the post office through which th receive it may be out :irtheCOUllty. Su ribcrs and postmasters will please notice.. „II Jenot autrili.---Some of the Whig presses nio still rping upon the defera of .-1 , . this gentleman; one of the. Democratic crindidatei fat'. Supreme d with no object,,Mer than the most refire hensible one,.offorming 'the wicked tind . 1 1 most dangerous pirit of religious intoller. .ance. 'They kry how deeply their own party is stainedwith this political sin, and Os misery lov4lpmpady,,their efforts ate • .now devoted tozsting a similar stain un •on the DetrincreiC . port},- This theycan thet du. The bmocratie party is not cul pable. Its 'priciples• recognize no dis. - tinction in religpus sects,—and its history triumphantly atitainti the truth or this as. ,sertion. But h is it with our opponentl. 'The WeSt Cheter, Repulilci an, edia..4.l by •the venerable' aftICKLAND, thus recordsa !few ,Ot,the pro .nest acKor thts party.:--r ",it Hule be mes These Whig journals 'to make show f sympathy for the Irish and the Catbol s, atter,the long identli •catien. of :Wh cry with. the Chit reb4ur. rnerkof •Philn , Iphia,—afner uniting ',with . •tliese Church— rners in the nomination And'eleCtioir I Johnsain,:and Taylok in ting the support oft II h turner Repro- ntatives in'the State V lature for Wlf candidates,--afleti iing to defeat . 'nest _Prank. Slitinkl: rt represeati g him as. friendly, tk,. Catholics,—a er actually - bartering it y, nt the late el :tint], one of the Wh'. , catididi es in'Phibidelphia; "in Order to secure Ch I : al-burner " Votes 'for-John- . . , a word, after having, from the, dtt;i , s.. f qf . tie Alien- and Sedition.W:o the bldei Wn • 010 PiCseni denounced the DealoortteY as the Irish , party. • Timm ise'great differencop(opinion ealT_, : sad . by ; he different ' letter.w rite rs fro'Europe, , ith regard to the ,charac terf the ex' • -oirernor of Hungary, Korn', wh arrival is daily looked Rale the U ed Suites. Some of these letters denotii c him in unmeasured terms as,a, dempgo oof the firstlwater, and as a pima, vain- , ting, selfish, and conceited n, whose`eidef aim is td disturb all I or. fly governitcals ; and whose only (*- At in coning to the:United Stag , is to organize a fer f?-mvoldionizo E#rope ; or to diVett ifit revolutionary spirit of the ild world. .frhid is what ' the enemies' pc .Y4:!crial Sentiments in "%irope ludo atwa , ys :said of ,Kossuth and. bise,omplitriots. ~ It F is' also !to same diameter they gav "to I Washikon and bistraveTc?ilowers ; nd ck a t , sot . 4 pa . oa , the letters tryst be to en with g f ctititgon,, far,' i4-ii zpo.stribte t t Remo Our attaches, theliing in the iSr ruptt of kiieign autiiie,,luive fcirgotiin the IlputilietiO saiitimbntsof , tho countiy who4benorAiey,havriepu corimissio l 4l- 1 kal ti!preteet.,;-Tho, fut!Jra is big With iat- I ; 0 P i 4eUts ;witching the condition re \ im indi ', I . e,(4rre D,..,'. . :`O.l Arixiititing ockl - , ';feilebinted. iD i lam politicaViietory . " it ,Siff4kßUiverlip l 4 Kittanning, en t 1. t veaiif of the: 3fst:tilt.. Judge Xrie ;Imes , I. L: S . , l 4:Exc sq., ported , , fu ~r of resole 'a -A u . • 'afoul it . n'. ' - 'for Wed ! he.... I , rtly; 7 ‘.7 , gihe ,ickp ~..., •:t,lO. flit! nom: : -.,,,... , ~, :**.l . , 1 . w - t i t' ~,:vol i i - y ito• wo, e . or -4 ',. .h, Al •:-;.°7, ' ', LI .% I. 1 , 1? , , , er -.:f 7i t ,Z.'.\ ' :1:`!"' , r..4! - ;,.' 1 • -, • ",, .- .‘ • it'lli , • : - A '-:., •g r} , i •:f -,, 4t 1 1 \ ‘ ~,, o .', ., , - \--',,,,...•:-):::;.,,, ~ ~ , -,d,.., ~,,,t . ::, ' 14 `Y.` ' * 4 ' !: ': ::.0% r ';'4'S‘',j DAir4ELUudrArr.--:.l7his gantlern, ith whot,n,niany, oar ,readers herameinc quaidied 'dice of the pn'tehttic6iTir the estate, , of F4tnirklan,,,,PhiliP;; mict,"OPny ethers'‘vill , , alsor,ernenthet the r4oat ; Whii'aittmper , this iat:ption in . ',44 = - has . been tad Attorney Gefiqratilf the State thn''rercint. elaOtiort in that State. ,110 vv,tta anout,agd out Union clay' and ran fax ahead of hia party, .047:Winter appeararto be fast crowding ppott.oF f yiro . havp had , two three snow. squalls atready, with pretty 6 . 1 d .air,.a l nd a' fair proooct" or more of the &ann . .' • • . 0::5r - Th9 Democracy of Old Belli l are to hale a" real 'jubilee 'at ,Reading. l Readin l cek after,next. - ' f' STE Mill Snow," d,te.t-S6 far 11S we have had an opportunity to observe, not a single Whig paper has published Alte , elo quern address of Missy - 7'4'Ni theeoPla of the tnited States. . RECENT ELECTIONS. Pion Veen phlo Dovntehet to ths real tyfraniao MARYLAND. ELECTION.'; Baltimore, /Tv. 7,1) p. m,—ln this ci ty .every man on the Democratic ticket is elected by majorities ranging, frond 1000 to 2500: The returns from the daTerent counties arc equally . gioneus. The entire State ticket is elected by at least 1500 Majority, and the Legislature is large de moCratic. ---- --. SECOND DESPATCH'. • Batiiiiitilt, 2VVV. 7-0 i p. m;—The re turns of , tbo.citY or liiiltinioit'liiiiiii - riol; up to this hour, been all returned, The Democotic majOrity:.on the State ticket will range ' from 2000 . to 3000. The whole Democratic . 'ticket in the city_ Judges ; Clerks, Rcr,ister; rnembdrs of the Legislature, &c., it elected by majorities ranging frdm 500 to• 200 Q. The returns from 41 counties indicate the success oe the'entire State ticket. The Dgmegmtalui Tgained o:member'sof the House, and • villfili,Vie aPsiderable• ma --- joritystiffic ent 60114 l the Legislature Ii on joint ballot. . . -The t S'ennts will ho threomejority. • - • . 1 1 11SSISAPP1 EH ' Louisville,rev. 7., few additional ctiirns .election, t end thing result. The .Un, of Gen Foote, .Gcvei siiiered dolzbtfuli • , • •,' 1 Scion 4 Dr; - . New (Awns, liVou: spatches from Mississ giving returns from% ing a majority for Gen or over Dayis, o(2001 consadeced Certaii Third D• • New Prleans, Nov. returns shis evening which sctow continues rendering Gen. Foote' The returns for Co ger to tietermine the r trict with accuracy. Wisconsin Jilllava - ie.. Nov. .—There is little doubt hut j.b t Farcwe , Whig, is elected Glover:A by from 1 i i to 20(10 majority ?hip and. Free ; ' Soilere have also moseproba . bly, a imoje,rity in the Asiem bly. • a roil TIM REPUCLICAN, C,LEAnneo Aosproare—Nov. IQ, 1801, MB. EDITOR. --Perry it ame. to_sn)tlarou zI) ~i ii;f 4.1.-"tt, cprr.vx6k, s,,,lerrat , or, Pr u 1 i 0), r :•.,,,. nanny and ill interestePt‘hat Dr's McLeod and Wilsoti and Wm.: A. Wallace,. have consented is Lecture arch week alternate ly to the ptisils of the itt,.cadomy upon in. teresting s *cis co ected with,educa tion. • The exaiiination o the two schools, will 1 faux i , , talc° p,actt about .vetasanu the nail:, ' al exhibiti in count of the next term. Sc,bularsa o receivPdiit any time and are charged on& for timeofter their admission --deductiobeing 'nide or si ckness and m alio when spec i al agree eut is made to that efreet, i advance, with the Principal. 1 \ Tto Ladies department is . aptirely_ sepei ate frOm the Male departm ent, . on ~ the part of all tbose , young Ladles who dealt it. or whose ,friends desire ilt for thern.-,- For the purpOse of economy in time,la very low , classes ,Consist - ot both sex , optional with the 'poi° s but it is entirely , It of thaLadies whother they loln such clas ses or nOt. l . I Friday'r.l4. of mill wetk is . . devoted to Redding, Declamation ar4 Composition for all , those .4liolttra whO 17. 1 0 h to engage in - thoSaoxerepee or whose \friendi wish td', liavo'thee ci do so. It is only d visa by tho Principal, not obkatory.-- All scholars who do , not tin' ge in the exercises attend to their Lisa studies that afternooti: and he .usu I length time '''• : , ' ' 'l . . t gfigoirlos in' rog d to the * us con .of study.&c,.; in the :A emy, vill be qtall times finely 04 Epire iy,orisSrered 1# ilt Principal:. , . f -- i _ ,'. LlN,,:Principal. ''' •VV. C. CAI Sew' York '1 pens aceennt_pf a nip at 11 in the stre — Otiiffns. °rin gr, f4 M .Pfs ,ir There is ti' has a, stoop .i at`izending 42..? Who tkrn lathe ~ ' - '11 6 * 1 41/g dies :before, ht I°l 44l4o(klet got,AcOrq;!4'," • I t ,ii i 'Toledo, 11.? 11 ° 1E; ,d on age: . o ii m..1 1 k 1. .. o ,,k e l ig oa h te s r . l . ' ; (id ' '.l'Elditilli .isf Par, ' cir , "aald nn 4111161 .' husbalid. -- ' , Till iiclibehtislithd almi MiNii ~ . ,_..,. At ''S t oii-it \ PI. :thii: 7 ..';C:4 —i isf - -iPINOW. York there:Was . , niti )ijpiii,,., : Thp t 1 041 4 ; 1 "; 8 4,j4 .3. ;:;'1:';'.;: 1:'• , .;;, ; * ;-,.. .. : •;1 . "In _the Nineteenth war considerably fighting whs . .e4ified.tin. .., I ere are onl i t two election districts in' t = 6 watdin , corner 'of Foriyeiglitli.rit 0 :and gight,ll avenue.; • Nero the tWo‘wl gpandichitesffor Aldermen tied theq frie teori'.hand, and the'result was a eciitinu; . blocking ,tip of thepassegeway , tothe ' Ils,'.und the 'vo ters whoa were COntild6l • oppositoin ()phi.' ion -to those in poiSess* n, were .unable to obtain ingress to chst' . eir vote6,' without endangering' their dot ,ing,,iind Re;chnnco their- limbso' 'Ab th e districts,' fighting seemed to ho the : o er of the day; slcir mish after skirmis- took place, resulting in but faces and bl;ody, noses; until .abOut half an , hour heqre the Closing ol the polls. . . ' . ,i .. / " At sunset a grand rusl was made, nt the second district, to °bidpossession of thoi hallat boxes, to desire . them. • The ) 1 1 pql ice; however, rallied wnII, and ultimate- ly sustained their . place,/ The rioters— some two or. three honed in number— next proceeded to the 'fi at district, rushed in, took iiossession of thb•ballot boxes, and destroyed them—the inspectors escaping out of the back windows; lest they should 'break their heads also) The destruction' Of the ballot boxes in this district, will no doubt cause -a new tikctiou to. be held in in..that ward. ~:'- . , ," In the Seventeen))) Wiled several fights occurred' ut the sevtinth district poll, and two or three were siiverely. beaten. ln the Fourth and Sixth wards fighting took place' but no ono as materially injured, Skirmishing was n o carried en in other wards around the polls, with but trifling damage. A man named William Stack -was - arrested in • the Fourteenth ward, charged with attempting to vote illegally." A WHITE. WOMAri RELEASED MU SLAVERY.--TllO Circuit Court of Rock• ingliam county, Va„ last week, after a trail that excited much interests, decided i te Illitt Amanda Jane, who had en held as a slave ever since her birth, me twenty six years itge, was a' slave. Exceptions have been taken to the decisi a of the case by the counsel for the dere ants. Am anda ,s mother, it was prov was a negro slave, yet the - color of Atintada,s skin, her hair, her eyes, her nose; her whole phy sical exterior, would pro 4 her" to be what the jury have made her-;-a whio woman,. She has perfectly white -children, hig by two or 4,CTION. We have only a I the Mississippi , liable as to the laim the election or, 'but it is cob- A member of the' Lazy Society, of this place, was complained of last week, by another, for running. His defence was, that ho was ii;in,gdown hill, and It was more labor to walk than to run, He was let ofl'ensy. tr havo pi this evening, unties, and show ooto for Govern- His election is I ESCAP .—A prisoner named John. Ad phi who, was sentenced in 1843 f l4years imprisonment in the .c nty jail di Dauphin coun ty, forsitting fire to Herr's Hotel escaped nine nights since by dril libg th ugh a metal plate, , thus enlargi the ventilator of his cell suffici tto permit him to passout A res e l d offifty dollars has been (ler for ,his arrest. , . • .—We have later from . gains for Davis, elettion :doubtful. .rd:ss are to mea :ult in a single dis• Jr carien county, Pa., the vote . of the candqates for Register and. Recorder is a tie. his shows the importtince °lone vote. . • . 111 J RRIED....—At Clearfield Pa., on Moaday the 6th inst., nt his - residence, by Rai• et M. T. Merwin. Mr. ROBERT STEW... vo 0h..., fat:I:MCA W mouy, both . of Bradford township. On tho sth inst.' by Rev, J. Fingal, Mr. 4crpoixiiTz. of , Boggs township, of glearfield county, 'to Mrs. 'HANNAH &mos, of Jefferson county. On yesterday,. by.. D. W. Moox, Esq, Mr, GEONGE - Sitrnmt and Miss, OATIIA HI Hnss,• both of Girard lotynship, Clef 'field: county., . DIVINE SERVICE, i roir • 5 .vino permission, the Rev. Mr.BAatirrs.ot JP ills Evangelical Lutherp Church, Will leach to Oleadield i on So hhalli morning, Nov. ifith, at 10 o'oluk a. m,—nlso, in the evening at midyears. dielight. ALSO. proclelott meeting ss ill he he hi at this wine phice.'on ',ORR/ inst. ' to commence on ,VriAsy evening proditos. File Rev. Mr: KAKI q, of 111 Or t'ooolk.i 4 4.liistedlo he present on the ,ocrardip. The publip syo rsayeetfully invited to attend. • 0v,10,1851. I D.SMOCVAT kriFIK Deluihriltd II fully inv ) bil to f26esday,el!l;2ing I A Pretadeniin: °leen, retigartlente appointment ol.a‘i i :ilegni ciat and Repreer l i advt. of March Olivia:num. A generul ancni.anceof _ reguettett.': BY4iler of I Nov, 14, )13G1. - - SCHOOL.; - ; * Tu kt HIOII SCHOOL" will b e npened"lor the %II 'ter 'session, for tho re c,.ption of Pupils; on 11 , 101` Alt, Tin' Brir DAY OF PhCEMBEIt, Nltit;, In t , NNW. AND IiKOENTLY WANWIED - MOH '(7 1 100. 1 0. 1 1 0 tiO. The buildipg ie bunt of brirlf,:banestun Heiel.coratortablr tithed, with two ;tarp pt: tiammudious cho'ol Rooms on the floor, Ills f orge L ectu i e Doom, 30 by 41£3.:leet,,in,thq metietury,, f i ll corn. tiletely firdenetl..l 11„. , , , , , have , employe male' Testlies,litr 'MK qcbOal , •• Ntt. DIAJWIIt hit eparpd to advance the Canso of Edues nut the &heal, 10.9 r 0 . 19 91 - ( 11 ., 9 rg,9 itrP re.!PVct• f illy all limes to 1,•1 said' 'Ohm, end w amino lot tfßam,elves tt2t tour of In rucii .411 r . W • ?MS 4 , , r, • Imi.”BoyntOni: eo .• • • •,: • N Oth Isar n • r • yestfr . f i lay had n Wag 'a wmnEta Ave, ',Oldren ap . 4-4064/AVe --------- Elfilion The, 011pnitig„will eerie as of Eine:iron day In Nnw,lirdr) Coturry MEETINd. Jetirtioid county are respect uet iri the Cuing house on the'December C ourt.r in near at hand, and or. Puede regard to the tin represent thin Senatoi. Oriel in ,Itte next Fourth . , o inembo:o of the party . I,.+Stonditig Committee, Chaien. A . • i ~ .I§4-4,:-liit4 -~ 3 pj:k: 4 ... ... , .. :..,._:. -.. .„...,...:„,„, 5",...,...,„...:.„,.....„ .F.At;L - =&i:c' , Wit4ti'l.: :. '.. -. ltTlltiAiDith -• . 1, - - ~ . , sPeg!a/CP • •• •,,. itecuLLotiGx, ! sr: - woso, . 1 - 141 i fittch_yr"air:.,174.T 1 X1:4- 4 ,VAIL, e t eArl d r Egutrig. ;41s4;v1lei!!, pp r b„, and Win TEL,. iA•, „• . - " 1 7Dry Cppitt,, tdoli el :Anthem.; Rain., Lastree,.De Sathaltrat. fro. Chlatses. Gingham., Tielciax I. bleachr4 and tiableathed; Flannels. taJi *111;010 yikicliri. Cotton Flaantlx. w God Bals of all datouptions. . • • • • . -cloths. " Fmneb Cloth,' 'l'vrltieit 'hum ftrereentint s need blank Ihuaitaaree, /Nig Elkin prime artlele.tekan I,Botti. nets SUM Kentucky eats, idle table% Ire °Ellie best nimbly, • , 'Woolen - C dbds. comforts, Glceet, km% a ;erne esettrtatinl. 4, 1111 at - ,••• • •- and Caps' ' Silk. Plash. end For HATE mad CArk, crania:fa nada:ea, toad and cheap, tastily:in:chasm. Boots and Shoes,' Ilene/ White. boots, Kip ' , Mortice°. •Sto., Meas. 'stoma ell kinds. Goys' altd Gaildrens' Boots and Ehaes. A Isoi Flee Atoropro and calfskin Mho... Also, Gum Ur fir Ebner, Fine gad icriane, good and chant) • , Groceries. • Good Rio ono Jee%e COFFEE. Drown. Crashed. net Palling- Lent BliGlAlt. Yonne Illyion..l.rntierlel and Dinah TEAS Gunpowder. Lead. ratets. Paint Meshes. Deo Stitt. Cotton . Yarn. &a.. &Oall of whnah elect the beat analitr Snaky-Floats. Orleansa llia e r d ° dteL 'eg e ,' etep ' :—e 'L a eT ) that .he eokomn Ity may stand in beer! of. - All the above stook of Goods will be sold rot CABII or PROI UCE, on the very lowest ter . Please mill and examine far yourselves nt the st, eof • : • niot;LILI.O6Gli It ose.or. Clearfield, N0t.10,185/. TRAVIS JURORS • I For Decorobor term, 185/. Riddle /meg Fenner „Burnside Coleman Jame' do do Hutton William, do ' I do mobl array Joseph do do Atehlwn George Lumberman ' 1 .lo fitifimanJohn• blacksmith , do • - Nichols Martin, Jr,' Jostles Lawr ence! Mud n Philip Laboret Irwin Henry Farmer / do Head J. P. do .. , do wuryJainet , do ' [Oen : Hoyt JOT I' rhypiovi, ' 'giaton Cleaverlhom at MUM, , • eau , Ferguson .1 dine .1 dO MOKinn., taY/11 • Pa 117111 f. ' Brad/ Arnold Peter do go Lanes Joseph do Drauuket John Innkeeper ! Carweutellle icishel Williams. PArmet I ( kohl* (lutogurdner George do do Wooldridge William do ' Bradiov Eyler/mob do do dhirey Jamb do do Bridgens Willbun tlo ' i'oeimen A 11014.31 do , r, do Kan Wooldndge Edward Farmer Girard Patehin Home do 14 0 do Shod &mud - do 47 do Alesail, er Wdlinm B. do " ' 10 • Th a W n ,illt.rn T. rio i Bell lo.: Homer VV do du Addleinnn William do ' Pike Arnold I) Avid do do II Jover Goorg,) . do Morris Hoyt William phythalan Banton . Listfeita Jacob -do Limit GRAND JUROR For December torm,lBol. Thompson Juba D. ' 11.ackansith Curwensville Maurer Reuben rainier Covington Peters John Farm r lin.dlnat ' bee David • . Iron Founder Clearfield bur ebbe Mordent' Tanner ' do MePherson John Teener Warrick trashltlerctiaut Pwcearle Miller J D. kom met • do McMurray John Farmer da treble, Amos Farmer do MaNaul Williern Farmer Pike • Wise bllchiel - remelt do Bloom Ji...his . Feriner do England Job Itlackumith I do Beams Abraham Farmer . . Lawmen* bane% 'Chem us ELIMEIT ' Dunlap l•mto • f ;rawer i . Jor dan Hughes. a ichatil, ' Farmer 'treater Boor: P. if War.onmatter Ulliol2 . • Horn David. Jr, ' Farmer do flyers Lertinet Farmer ' Burnside U others James Farmer do Barrett] la Mercheet • ', Boggs Kr a Thomas Millwright Penn A SELECT ENOIIBII & CLASIIIAL SCIIOOL /JAW hoes opened at ettrwornoville for e educati o n o r BOYS and Glithrs. • ROBIN? MITC Principal, Thorough It/Aquatint to the Common and teller 'logorrhea elan English Education—la the IasTIN, t GREEK. and FRENCH LingorgAs, at well as a soften/IMS or Nt MAU/ end DlikilNEttS—it insured to. aupll. Terms—FlVE DOLLARS per quarter. of a matnitted it RDT lane. For particulars lIPP , I to Hon. WU rapt?, or to the &hoot. Nu 1 , 1551 Public Ve.utluct Tersonal Propertyfo.r Sile. • primps will It...zoomed to PUBLIC 814 rao ElArat. 1. DAY, Nov Y2d. at he remittance of la oulncobar to BAADY TOWNSHIV. Clearfield county— Oae gray , mare—One yearling .orlt—One two years old colt—One sprpg One wagon—Horse-gears—pm pair twin sleds—Hay by the tor , ,—Wlicat, rye, oats, and corn in the bushel. Berdos II snot many other articles too tettiott to meni too. Tories made too w o on day ()bob. JANES 4. WOODS.. For. 7.1851. NOTICE ' OP ECIRA PA, TO nnvivn sila bitCAANIC . B Liles. f) 43, February term. 141 • 171711EREAti, LELIA Al EEPNER Inn flied his V V clam ie theDoort o f Dorm:non Pleas of Wetted coon ty against lIIN G. RUN R. owner, or repo 1.0 owner erd contractor for ihn taut ol OVA against that TEIII,.:E STORY FRAME CllttsT MILL, situate in the towornit orDeograr, endow:et, aforotaid—and also &certain PIEOP. a GR D OUN th• re situate and contain" , -- bores, morn or F . bounded by lands of Jitoob lion k and others, bdonging to said John G, Rack, ors° nod to he'ong—ard also against e said piece of ground and curtilaye opotabitant to said bullring, &a And now 1. ALEXANDER CALDWELL; hihrbtf of ch , e , fietartenetx.rlobereby make known unto (!pp said lobe vr. gnaw. nod to ail other innons thereby hold orneenpy said 111111.Linilding, that they he and appear beflthe Jodie' of on raid ()purl or Common Pleas. to be held et enttield on tie 1 , MONDAY I, ,lte;cEryt ERR NAX .to thaw If any thing they know or have to say ' why the tag of TWt DUNDRP.I, AND MIPTY I)OII,LADA than.d ntt 1:e levied of the gild building to the one of (herald Win. U. Kepner. Ga. DAI.,DW ELL. Lb/dill. Sherif!" °Rice. Nov. 3, lEEE • /111 fitter's NorcEis horo v„son, . Founts. has. been elm roe, and remain ('sled, of rr the in4peoiork vt h ma k legr dhern in any other May , int ted t.) the 'nett grpi nty. to bo hplt1;111,11 h of Cloottield . • on ' mbor next, for conl he neeounrof Joe ' el • ii ~,.........: . .1 . '...,"- :-i4:.-:11::.-.::,::.:* w4L‘:,. VMS eo followiek ac, co and pa lied by :it thie, :co for Di )dltore and all 111 , and t Il he pro nit ,, turf of learfiald i haus° I tho bor. .cy the c day of m and all wance: lett and ne•Rishol, lato.of rally towit ?need. ord nd of Pi c orostrolor of o foulnotify, . POUTER / 11,ea'r '&5 l . . IRACTORY, ITR hET iocioeieravhi sti , Alittitala , im4 by Lague wed Sui Skip II far ROVER'S 11)!E; '' Il ieririUglit tl44, . Alai utiatuitr.• 4 " Y .'' , .f,".#o.4 t i s o y ttgo 4 i foica he also -Al'"muddle'r 14 t 4 a . . .., 1 fO ifiZ ir a 11 OLV2:17„.. . 4. - '10:',14444 9 .1064. \ ' ' Afrattgarttt. ' -,, voßisP ,7 : . ;- R • ' Out ...„,"„...- -- E)3,,. o' .thitilowvo4o, _ 009F411: 41r5k4.4.. '`Pin4qtri.4l444P'4''' 44,.7:•1 ' '.: ) 1 .• , •;? :.v /,... 1. '.. 4 '' ? .}.." , ' :..? , 1 '',''. ';',l I.. ' , Al4;*‘'l774;k:''' ; ; 4, .Y.:',,`,1,,!•t,,,,i i,Te,--Z- -7,/-* o ''"- - ~t -1.,,,,, ,:,.*"?4, 4- ~"'i 't ' G,,,,,,,,,,,,,y-t'..';:";?=7`01,,?, e -A*" • .1). • t„,:kat„,...),,-• -•• . . .., . .. . „ 1 ., l akill ,1t.1.,:' ... .t. iCif ' ' i'... ~,. • ' -:'' ., ki.?: , ? ,. ii,..-.!i;: , l' - tV: . ' , ' 4. ...,„ . . - „ / ; , ;; i•-• , .-1 . 1i4 .... ,::,,',714%..,:".;,Cr,.. ~"f•:'.. i l' ' '. ' ,';'•-• '-.- ''' , rill- , ....- : ' '-'• ' b - - 1 0 6 . 4 1 1 1 - ' l ' . ' . ' i t'' . i .° '''r like homitilot-.111.40 1 3 -I k i n , 'MV&lll4.3ilp• Altrr ', er.vEhl et s.s. Mea t - •1 0 1 11, 1 'ES X: kas 1 0.: to Wit :—ltra ewes 16$ pewohee o . e tamale Eitlitietinir= In tleouatia township Clearfield .00ttuty, boisolise f' DleY One. Adam Kitbag. Wm. Revel, Soon 11 i re knit omens. wall about H acrearetalaared lend, and a 'louse and. Blue thereon emoted , -.Aftrel./r-919r oft lipid c o mass °Cab John licElind i a prty.: ifs the laid toletlehlp; tt . ended by the Alexander Ellam.:l'hoe.' Aidlioctonamt tithe!, Immo'. wgh. lb, imloronteabobereo I. • •ALAtI-qaB' actee tad 4 t terthes. of th e?hereat .1111lieebs I isurvey. !peptise' by . Jaoob lbixliett, F fiubis Hetland cad illai oevesl._,. .- , ;• i . 1...; +' • , c;;;. ',, .- • - ! - 'i •, r ; ..ALMU-489 aptes and co bitishetiln the reins Of 'lleiinen Witmer. entre, ed on wermitt dated Jely.l74,:bohoded; William Whore, Hem Witinty, sue OthdisenreltS.` •.i,.. Abr3o-8119 ems red:Near the Mary Ne entropy of and news and 70 perehos. booided by ThOMSS - Wharton. M , tjOiketil. "and. ltO 4 1 (iftli3Old I.o l. rTannbof iferk ty.i Clime t . .Wohdroll. nil torraeblo.'Uleerliail, bounty, l at e`tnaNyireto o shietel 1./J MILD and Myra"' Waal) , MI6 eli,ted led" raked'( tgrFatio* u G L / be eobi 54 the proterq'ol . the OW : 411 Fir' ' et roteo/r. '• . - ' ALSO., - ; • B Y virtue of a similar writ: tuned out or the onMeArldrte and to rep directed, will beer. osed to public am*, attn• same trnbe cod place. to wit. :—Two Venom Trawls of Land (ontmprovel)situnte In Morrie towashio Glearllald °mints. (moot them eased the bib ot *marg. 1794 granted to Hubert orhctw, , Aheeu/ tbn by e r tract ofn e im s t i h t m eß r oo e t r h d w In t t o h f tum Rood Suhbaew Hetes North I degreeenltB3U perohmthAstones. Resift by boot brined snfveved in name tf 11y nit Wets spews Hit Leg's*, ems B=A promos to doom Born* lry the .Androw Donelase treot cloth I deg degree West MAI perches to itOnes, thence be Rath. ben Haloes tinct nottiebikdegreeo west 82J perches to be nine, Contalnitta nada. and 114 on end alloance.— And the otter Treat ot Laud. surveyed on warrant daiott day of' Jannary. In& greeted tallyman Gratz, beginning at atones tLesouiliwest wooer ol said tract of land.-thestoo by poet.eoeb stirrer north 1, degree end perches lb a thence toy the l'aUl Wetzel survey south 89 degrees oust 341 porch* to Stones,. thence by the Jacob Morgan servos motif h 1 degree west V.:3o,l , erCiiint to stones.thenoa by the Rob art lihaw survey conk degraos 4 walt IDA perches to kiln- Werra nOntanalate 486 acme /If ort chew and allowanoe, laletha estate of 1/aui I Walmbh and Welkin Woodman. aodseized and taken lo exrpation and to (resold no .tho propettsof :the said /Amide tied Woodman. . ALS9, . , VP y virl air Ufa "similar writ; Wood out or' the Inlme wind, 1.1 and to° directed , will be exposed to priblio sato at the came time abd wn plebe, A Cartaln Treat of lAnd siting/ in Boggs township. Clearfield coolly; contaililik., — TWEAll'it ALINES. 'sting port of Atm% ILihtrnmepf Berjemlo Jordan. befog also port of a • n reify a dilutive on of said [riot conveyed by John W. MINI to L. Kratzer and George R. Barrett. sod the due r field ctl Acre, to tie tun in fohoWc, I , 9:—Behonning nt a on lower lino al said subdivision to for from, by Clear field creek. on to to , vo room tosa raw Allll and loomloring Estaboshment 00 the creek, arid so far that the kV ;atoll may he ran in n tquete piece without at au, point rising more than two rods of thaamek—with a TWO SI'ORY 10W Ele- GINS lIQUAE and small STABLE thereon erected; with aboakT WO /WILES cleavo. • boded and/Akan in illocution' and to be sold en the property of John W. Miller. • , ALSO; ' -• • • ' virtue of a elmllar writ (weed oat ofthe same court ILA to me threcied, will be elt.ohoi to polt , lo sate a. the same time and piece, n certain treat of land soca a In t rem oson todash el iP, eaffield eonaty, oontainiog TWO 11 BLUED AND TA'II , iTY At.:llEl. mere or fess, bounded by Hiram +town. Andrew Davi,. and others, with TWO DWELLING IIt)IJSES and LOG and about ONG' 110NDREI) AND TW EN CY ACRES OLEAIiED tit- (eon. clog part of . a larger tract surveyed ap warraot to Matthies dlongh delved end token in execution and robe told ea the proPetlY of Jelin Campoell. -ALSO • • Q y virtue 01. sundry similar writs. tuned oat of th e same court, and to nue di:ected, will be exposed to punkin sale at the came time and place, to wit: A Certain *Pact of Land. shonre la Chest toynnhip. Canfield con , ty. beginning at stenos thence sonth 107% perches to hickory, thenoe by laud ofd (A.:ocher It tf lao perches to stones. thence by land of /ernes Gallagher north 12 degrees east 'Of 1-2 parch-s to n oost, thence by land of Henry Netleast ICOperchni to tenni:2r: of beginning: containing IrYl acres and allowance, with n House and Bens and about EIGHTY anoscleared thereon.— Samoa and taken In execution and to Ito sold as the ooporty ofJacob intr. ALSO, fl . Y ytrton of 'nadir wri., issued out artful same nand, and to nte dimmed, will be unposed to labile sale at the same dine end place, to Wit :—L/ne certain Lot of Ground situate in the town of Luthersbarg. fronting an the Snowshoe -nd Packetvrlle turnpike. being t:0 feet In front on said tutnptte end ton:dug b .og 14 fret, adjoining and bounded by tot of Dr. Genies Wilson on the west, on the north by land 01 David Irvin, end on the east by lot of A. L. Schnell. and Mug a let of ground porchtuied by Defendant from Devkl Irvin, with a Two elm/ Dwelling house thereon erected. 8 land tied teems in egecnUon and to be ;old 111 the property of,lobn k. Beek • ALSO,B. . Y virtue nfsandrY shriller writs lisped oar oceans° Wart. and tame direcred„ will be exposed tu public sale at the same time and place:to wit:—Two Lots of gleam, 'Kamera 'MIMI township. Clearfield county, on the Ph-lipsberg and tlarwensvllla la caulk°. bounded as (0110'mi—ono of said lots beginning at where the at mores raid turnpike. thence by lite FUOUICIE northward at a tight angle with said road 120 fe.t. thence westward 60 feet, thence by a line mooing oar allel with the tint, back to the said turnpike, hawing gij met on said turnpike and lar fest hook. The other said Lot of similar size, lying westward of said lot, but adjoining it. being alsodU fi.-tr. in front and 1110 feet defy, bnondiul by the said tarnpke On the south, and by laud of dames recast on the west north and east, with a osie and a half story Dwelling Beata thereon erected. goizedard taken in egecntion and td basal as the :wooed.). of ! Jacob 11. Coder. , ,ALSO, B lf virtue of a writorLoratt Facial. on Mechanics' Lien, i issued out of the *erne court , mad to me directed. will be exposed to {lll brio sale at the same time and place, to wit —A Certain Bnar•ltill and cartilage thereto sop.attrinant, Two huodm m ...metal one let Found on Broken tamp, *IS'Y-nt 'u E 0731 ISACC7IOIIIWADOo.- Won 60 feet in nr,h fronton on said Broken Orlds• Ban. nod IS) feet wide. and the sad Fix of ad, situate as afore river, 00 the by land of' emith. Vele. property of foseph Mar. qu & bons. county. g sc ab. ns "dial* at offnui/DR. "It I:PHI dons good , pue4tolo4 oven d' are don't e.ake 4 sale. ' Ootisassr • BERT • MANLEY; 1,31111 e AND 03142113 51 Ali ' . . 'HE en riber respactfnlly Jnfohns the citizens of Clear. field • only. that be Is cart, int on the above business on *et etr t. nearl..opporita the residence of Lsaao Sonthatd. re he . peott oily solicit/ a ahare of Dublin pat:Gnats lane muff that he cum runtish work to al Demons who be of cd to call, to their entire itatisfactioO. Da will C I t Ind -wqrk and Windsor Chairs . v.r, . Million. Upholstered chairs made to order. . LS/; ' Dentist, Invalid, and Cluzmber 71a , s—Chair 13 eds and' Red Clu4ire. he 1T I Chair can be converted from this A rm Chair to a artist Hed ip two rniautee. lad also fol UP ICI that it li be aysanth , Carded v ader the a•m: It s parttonladi l apt • b Military !Affirms and fsw erofeeslintal genthanta. snot .. . B • alns mace td the boatels manner and On the ahoy or• tactfully aOlts nal oonilatteocar of the public ' patina • Bea t. ltl3l-41,_ I • milers t o ~ e •et - cc. •. . . • SUP . lOR THRESHING MACNINES. . . .. TIIO4I3OMS, 11ARTNUK & IIicALAUNEtt take. this pawl uultettOiteorile the Fetal ERIS Lir cLEA.R ~nsl)hid the termandtog "unties, that they am news' nog le aontadiuring. '‘t Lumen/1111e. (Itoerftld cow, e duper r =Leiser' • • • -,. - • 7 , or . Ibur ono- Paw! Threshing Machines. i t . • They e orepited to iuppliall order: on the shaded eatteo. and on e most ecoommoiathse term*.' Them meohlateegte constrodmi of the very bat matenal. eve the Pattern:o4w otoleoret7 partf__,atilar. cad posiDA thlastrbtiftbilF none b pat nay II priort• VioltOt IBA to OM Itstork! Imam - . , - • 4.(.8 . 11 REPAIRING 'ot Threehlag Ateeltieee.thetehlt shortselite and in the moot on Weans! sea itatlathetat, 'ga rter. at erweesellie NEM troltottry. . • • .., t ninktriSoNB liAltreoulE & IisAL&IINEY.. ' .. re Curyeinvgle.*pt 4elaget-37 - . • - ••• • ^ • -- L .... • ' , Witt. NEWELL & SON,' — Who ml 9 Graers , & Commission llioniinis, : ivq7 P , & sgut4 T, , ,F l O i lizt - k Fi ;tatty,— hi 6,4 topulki- Ngtitt ~.,,,kdria 4 4 'Attbif EL _ .e than ontablieliatt tha fie Fami ly erchant's Calair c.4argling rani! Embrocatlon,Vill cum smut zaffs, Md Al lier* all much „ . . ' ' Spavinic Sweeney. Ringbene, rot( Evil, Callous, Cracked. Reale, Galls .Of all - kinds, ;Fresh Wounds, Sprains. Braises. tuln, Sitfest, Sand Cracks, Strains, /.4ameneeho roundarad F i aat. Saratahes,o rireatos,•Mtump. Itheurnatiste. l4tes,of Animals , ,F.xternal Pot . eons, painful Iferronue Adreettene, Frost Bites, • Boils. eorper, Whitlows, Earns ' and . Bealds, iChillhlaine.• ' Chapped Bands, Cranlks, -Con tractions (if the Muscles, Swelilart, NV'eaktuss of .the Joints ,' Caked Aressts. ha.. . . . The unparalleled oucceee of this Oil, lo 04 tura of ibis, Slues in Horses and Cattle, and even in • human ilesb, is daily becoming more known to tho fanning commtinfty.. It can hardly be Credited, except by those who have beep ;4 dr habit of keeping it In their stables and houses, _what tampon! . of pain, suffering sad thita, earod by eip timely application of this Clit. • ' sar - Re sure the name of the sale proprietor, canal; W. MERCIIAN'T ' Lockport. N. It, Is blown in the side of the bottle, and In his handwriting over the cork.. Ali orders addressed to the proprietor orill be pro mptl y reeporuied to.. - , . Get a Nunphlet of the Agetili and see What'wonders are accomplished by the use of this Medicine, ' Sold by respectable dealers generally, in 'dui Unite, .States and Couilda. Also by • 4GENTS for the • above • e. D. W.ATOUN. Clandield.Plear.nald cionarf : ti* ' • H:Nrril t _Pennvitia; , do dd —.IOIIN -PAITQN,• VW.IIiV 10 do do - 4 POTTEII , Bs Mob( liallaionte. (Wits eiminatns at. DIAMI. Itrookylila, Jelin LlCKNsoh, i)iciortsorg. • J. ILIZAHLF.Y. Franklin. Ito' ' Another Scientific Wonder PEJO - AIN! (1: ' tbael/aPea!Cria IPITSaMp A f4* 4:mamma avuesu • A GREAT 'DYBPEPSIA CURER. Prepared from RENNET, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, alter Directions of BARON fARBIO. The great Physiological Chemist, by I.B.llotion- Tort, MD.,11, North Kighth Atrept.'fbilas dolphin; TA. -• '. ' This is a loft svonderful remedy for fronomsTiolit. DYSPEPSYA, JAUNDICE', LIVER COMPLAINT, CON. IiTIPATION. and DzettiTY. Curing Oiler Naturtee own ,methud, by Nature'aown agent, the poetrip ;Wee. • ".',llall a teaspoonful of Bus Fluid, infused In ter, will digest or dissolve, Five Poustis op ItomiT 'Btu IN. ABOOS, TWO nouns, out ur 11w Stomach. • 11U DIGiESTION.. . aiofaluiT w eb airiit thinnpgiar hy - hhi ' • fruity citadel from the inner 'water that organ. when in a state of hearth, railed the Gastric 4 aloe. ' This Fluid Is the Great doivent or the Food. the Purl. Lung. Presmains. and ghaulitilat Avant of toe Womscja and intenhies. Wllholit i t thee* will be no dlsesbono-ino convenion of Food Into Blood. and sio nutrition ot the body,: but rather a foal,. torpid, panful, and destructive condarou of the whore Wafture mmaratn a. A weak. or Injured stomach produces no : stood Qestrio Juice. awl Pens, 4¢e di*. ease, disMois pad debility which many . • " ' . " • ,EP4IN, AND RENNET, , r , , kmlllllll'o OW element, or Great Disostlng Pesci* or the GiutnaJnice. It Is fouad in great atinadance In the wild partsot the human stomach a/ter neatb. and sometimas chiles the 1411111,0 h to digest Melt, or tat ltd cep ; xts also fonnd In the stomach of animals, at the sm. ,calf. a. it is the material used trY filikmess in Magi; obese,. cal /1 1 , ether. the effect of,whick bah rout bran stosuhsr of sh e the:MA curdling oft „ma& I tin flrstptoosesofdoll. • powlskes estotutbing POIVer. The stomach or is . II curd.. pa HY one thousand times itsowit weight of m 4 .... Baron L.kildt halm that 'llse port of dissolved in aryls thousand parts of water, will digest meet and other food."-.. Diseased stomachs produ ce . no gond Gawk, Juice' Benoit, or Pepsin, foalmnr that this want maybe psureotty supplied. we quota the iollowint - • ' • ' —• ' - • r SCIENTIFIC EY/DENC.. ' . . nARos LIMIT, in his celebrated work co Anima/ Chemistry. ,sass An Adif mat Pisestlve Fiald may readily obtained from tbesnnoont membrane of the stomach or a Vali. in which earioas &Worm of food. as meat amid eggs, will be Bolleneit.Cbansed, isulDigssted. tehely In the saw Planner as they wank] he In the human stomaab.'" lift. ezrtaißik, In ,his famoustrranse on 'Wood Midlfliet.l.4 l fi,' Publiihnd b, Wilson St Co .. Sew York . nuall4,stutegguit . 11-:, 11111110 great,Coot. and deserlhie the method c,/ tpto,phalfpn., Thong at . ..few his hot authorities than th. Peril •‘ . l • Dr. .11011 N W. 11),RAPEG. Professor of Chemio ty ICI I/11 Died loaf College of Ibis Univegslty of New .Yolk. is his r,ftxt Book of Chemrstryr.“pees.msi... A asa. rlt Ito hr., a question Whether artificial rintestiop ovoid V. ft ... 0r4., tibircrsally adinleted tlibt it miri ' ,..j"cur_ -- - Professor DUNG! W ON of . I Pblßadtilibla. In his g reat' Yuri!: on Boman Plush:do . devotes mote tuns arty _peg* to at examination of this s ee Ject. illsbirpf a lineats with 11r..thia,,, moot. on the Gastric Jair,e: otd,On Item Um 'jtvleig human stomach and ra from animals to well 110 W. "In all cruim:" he says "dietitian °cored as Dogmas In the 4,lll4cLui, r us io the a atura I digestions.' _ , . .. . AS A 'DYSPEPSIA ' CITER. ..., 1 DR. 11 0 11011Tois , a propatation OfPgratri has tin;dtllF.d ", tie most criarvallous affects,cu rine of Doh bit,. Cro.lura: • ,- csir Lion. Nervous Iteoline. and shsprinic ', - .. to 'be oil the tar serge or Thee/ se- ~ it is isn Pomba% to giro the d.tAits of oases In the home ortn hdrestisement-but atithentimted certificates huge.bOeD :eche/der snore think . "•-' - ' • .p.qo' IIEMARNAIILE CURES . ..f •* ' • In Philadelphia. blow Yeah. and (Ratan sloes. - Tbuse.-ire!t 401 Deafly all Pe.tate oases. sad the cues wets ant oult.fillmu • and wooderfot but permatiant. • • • . • . it is a great IltitYol.lll ANTIDOTE ; and Groin t,heibidan.' . ..' ishiusly s mail q scan, nerressorY iSr PrOdnGebPAltfif 11.1141911. Is Whirred to eat: noon •^ • - -'• ,• •• - •, ~ ••.: ' - /f the tame public tale ' unimptcy lid k county, beginning , line thence again me. beim! end L. 13h'ff. )(Admin. 4 the mate 31d county, red to mane Against the Intent. Adat'r. 1 to theft 43 now orILY eloar IFU,L . f !Et , F.G7I3O..MAGNE riC • PRINCI Pi-Efi!i - .'" . ' The re lino form of OLD lEfrOlifAC/i comPLA IR TEI tibias . It door narseem to teach end remora mimes PP matter biter - , find they mar be:lt tilViad ,Itetitkftr BELIEF!. AM I N* . dose removes all the.unplemant symptoms, and, 4 V e to be moaner. for a abort I km. to mane these good e is . znauatit. PUitfrY Uti DWI ID and VIGOR 10 - '• i• follow at once . I t is pattlatatly irradiant la cup of area ; , : ' ' ' Ne ' ' ... Vomitinst , efamprdSpteneen _of ihe_pit °rine ittom in:M.lo4lnm +.' • attereatosr-torr.oohl data rd theldiaspiA ttentisterst. - :Lowiters ' . • ' of ktpirits, DasPo4r. stattatatios Westailas. tosdrotor to, ' intatillri Bade •,•- - ~ , ~, ::. •,. • ~ ... •, Price : ONE Do • Airt Pei *jo t "- Oho' bitttiti *lit ' 6 49 1 :- - effect lotting aura. ,.. -', . . - 7? • , !. ' • • • Pit'Sli:lN roint,Rs '-. ... , itENT By' milt, ?kat' iii 'poor , z . :,.., 'For tionvonlosioirof osittflaittlAS • • .;;.".. t it44. °:' '' LIALEtITIVIS blAlTfitt OF'/..11A - '-'-• , , ri , th, - 1... fordo of Powders, - with direction .to be.. ,',, g t r . ~, elegi: — :. ' • - alcohol, water , or sytae. bir 146 Datim ••' ' r.• • • t ~.; toln precisely. ter, same roatterl t. he .. ; . • -. Pir.,, , ,-...,, ...r .+,. fi?rittglor the citoo f f , rilar. i tlVl 18411 1 25(11.00 . i.i ; . , ~,..• ( IA .Y 9.. g . raUl i ttra t ierlritw A Ur UlatiMirk af,f,l 7. .„-: .: ti. ,' LTralfai bewto r s ro s t t To . 4oupe 4 itv7kafi- -,:./.,..t , ...- f . .c.' iim,1,17 4 . 4 m'lr, .___-/fP' , _,. . ~ • ,'' , ...-, • - Very hewellrA....r.le t o toe ,thsitid Btotio.4 :. .' i.. , Very liberal d triatiiroim,ontrodur- I.rairs!{,F,Oolmill. :„. ..: .r. tan. aid le 10r4i1004 to sok Of MjifflO,..; ", ~ ?----..t.:? ..,-.. Ac51.13.41.`t1 oFC Satiiii . l4%.'” + ' ' ..t.6 -'• • ~,,-• :• , ... •,^ • Aw.t,Ei d e tLb s. Ciditritirtd lona's*. , : -..„ ~ ....:A,„ :: WI 61..1A111 01! 1.1 VVIRCRinpof,:Iftii• . ;1 ; ,1 4 :, •,. :... P. W. liAll t ~, tottnoibtfix, . • • ~ .. IL ' W. 1 1l li kidWirr b t MAW! Whillif GS i . Pe.' . f itt. hit q Wi. litil-..tyfr.. ' 1 i,. . ' ...- . ,i. ,, i .- ....;<, ~t r - ~ . . ogo4o-11 ur ~:, ,!,------d4,,T," ix. FIT to vy i "..7,ll)lll:WhaNk, a f t t. i , ' ileift L ..,0. , , sik, ~ _., (.W.niii a v i '";l4LiOtt `~` r~ii ied' v - o w-wm j'~~. ,~~ ~,.. AN ARTIFICIAL 1R' , 13.t r ` ~ ~ :...1 •,, '.;.; I== ::::: , \- ..: 1 . . 1 . . ~ .- r,z: f 'j „-, 4 ,1.7 4 ,----- -- - ilKAilo--Vit Ploughit erit ' Y , '1•1 14 -. ~. 5• 4 4 brt• ,ready tc i Jeurg; audit 4:-.-ttifiveirstillir several` r;-?: -:' '' . Art:o;44- -- 4:# Sr '' •-n.r. err. ..- -for a rst ,ort,it has see it i . „,,i> . '” ~, -, • I -, ...germane& in th is ,countryf--.1 reatorer ./. ,M.i.. ''''-'' •' ' Vac,. to the officers ten t to , '..,;:-'•• .; ~ ...!', #4110)-ql?rn-gmtt .... ~, .„ . 1 . 1 i ',., ---r, ~./ , .‘. Atiennreseity•and• the, uteri& el ogrteul, led in a !:, • ,' , , 'ttireithroughout the'State, os they had, at ; twenty. !V.,.., , -'; . ' ".Alines every step, to encountee the croak- ' est deg 'lg' 7 ' ' •. A n who erediete.d Na disgraceful failurp,l six o r And the prejedice eid,,want of knowledge finest Ala norther of our' citizens in reference 1, to th e , . , , to the objects of our exhibition. The first, I the hei however, have been compelled Ao hide ing their heads in shame and confusion, and from I the latter have neeuired.that knowledge nee h I which Will bring them in as. competitors is fini ' • for the first prorninms at the 'next exhibi- garde , . Amt. , . .. „ . ~• • adapt . , 'The success of this enterprise is an evil work, hence of what ean -be done in our own admi (State as Well as elsewhere, bY o r w as i lion and exertion. A Convention was end held ir 'Harrisburg last winter, which was drew. +largely attended, a constitution was adep- to di . ted and the present o ffi cers of the Penn- offer eylvania State .hgricultural Society were a Sr Appointed. A,remorial was presented to 0 ''the Legi.shituie, asking for ti Charter and tioa tv State contribution; That charter was stoe immediately grante d, and an appropriation brie of two thousand dollars made to aid the ted Aociety in its•objects. -This appropriation thul Mils not yet beenealleci for, although it was all tt great satisfactionsociety to know liev that it wits nt hand in We of e mergency. dis Under this chartei the society . proceeded to the discharge of their legitimate 4ntieg: of , Monthly meetings of the Executive,Com. So mittoo vlere held at Herr 's . hotel, but few vr , outside oldie organization appeared to be b a able to see what goad six, eight or ten sir gentlemen could do in the back parlor of pt a hotellO aid the anise of agriculture :and in many seemed to think they had better be ai at home on their fame itttending to their e private busieess; Nothing daunted, this n Committee went on and prepared a pre. a mien; list, almost' as liberal us those of r our sister States that have had ten years oxperieuce, rented a fine &id, enclosed it in the best manner, engeged the mammoth tents that were used at the Rochester fair, end incurred a liability of several thousand dollars, with less than two hundred in the treasury to meet their engagements.-- Vircular after• circular was sect out ur ging our farmers to bring in their stock, house agri culturel.produ ctions,ip m i u s en ay o u s t hold goods, &c.; and we t F ihe press of oar State; Derneetat ‘Nbig, .4e and neutral, were most liberal in -the publication of our notices and circulars, but still nothing .'as the exhibition. Tilt heard of the article: that were to mae up Acting Secretary received numerous lent —letters of enquiry, yet very few said the: would bring anything for exhib iti o n,n oven up-to Tuesday at -noon gret tents were empty, the cattle circles op the stalls gave no evidence of life or tip ;nation, the clerks had issued a few capecte p to represent something that was ex but the railroad cars were behind tin end the prospect Seemed to be exceedir Ty gloomy. But ns the sun began to I cede towards its western bed, Galan het of Ma gnificent <saute -Ulan to make th oppearatiee. The railroad' trains, el Nevi, north and south, all seemed to cc in at once. Requisitions were sent for thirty wagons, a strong working e fc was posted et the railroad,, on th hibition grorud, to load and unload, society, with great heart and with fiun tfred „dollars in the treasury to bac assuming to pay all the expenses of ting the goods on the g round and tn them hack to ilea States. alth this i the custom in other . -rev/ at last wo had some evidence t h e f t s t would not be• a failure ; aredt l ecirte, iif Qll jho Of4CCV3 were gla the- sight of fourteen lietel of i _ It blooded catty 4 taUen prey ind ti .a' br, is, cif York, Mule . team that pione i t,' .Tas. .Q 0 Awt. to ci Teium at t ell *action/ as siriolq elo3, itire bY D NVI111;' V• iitaown ate _ of Messrs I, and tho.fti marit.'Hoope `await: attneut the being aloe ,untrsr reprei led from tide :voted to ag ; Woe still ate the. ponclem I blned . thres ii k,loer hallo cinecoloaryi , proveke `filledifill ' t r pr 7 / e • .4 , , .. , tt ) l E - t.' ' , . - . • i t-: , . \ , k. •