Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 14, 1851, Image 2

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`hen the
sughing match - was am As being
. - *tidy te emnasoff in an ining field,
~.... osesurliversell?,Several. **rid pers.ans pa ed over to
tireiliis rt Aist Efrxit t it has see it, and one of the ino , gratify ing
sktallek:'iri ,tigi ,enuilitire--41 features _of the e xh ibi t ion, v s that, !s'ome r
, „ntareirattfying to the officers ion thousand persona should ccingrega- 1
sOoletY-trul..the; friends of egrietils!ted in, a field to witness the ontest of shores
tore:throughout thaState, es they had, at; ; twenty-one ploughs, Without in' in slight- ' ea sted
- . , .
'''..slirotss !Very step, to encounter the croak- ,I est degree interfering with th work.— of rears,
• ,crs 'who nrediete.d a disgraceful failure, ISix or seven of t the ploughs or of the Wars ,
rend the prejeffice and,want of knowlatige finest pattern' n petformed 11 'r Work \ b u t t h e
clt\l , ever ,
of a nu
dour' citizens in reference to the greatest perfection, turni g over
:lo the objects of °Or exhibition. The first, 1 the henvy, stags] c oMpletely .an bring- I
however, have been compelled to hide ing up, erushiriii and pill'verizing he soil
their heads in shame and confusion, and from beneath In the m t admimh\ man.
the latter have acquired. that knowledge ner , leaving the surrae when the work
svhich 'Will bring them in
As c ompetitors is finished; as light, ope :land porous ifs a
• for the first p remiums cit. then ett exhibi- garden. Sonia of the clues were not
sion. , , .. .l • ,• , adapted to the field and faißd'to'do good
. ,
The success ortbis enterprise is an evti work, but most of them rformed ' ; most
dance of what
be done in our own admirably. ' After the ,oughing Thatch
IState Os aell as elsewhere, by "organiza- was over the premiums wsre annouriced,
lion and exertion. A Convention was nnd Mr. Stevenson- delivdred an able
held ir Harrisburg last winter, w,hich was dress in the capitol. Thn crowd began
+largely attended, a constitution was adep- to disPerseitll highly gra*d ' fit this first
. S,ed and the present officers of the Penn- effort to promote agricultur by means of f or t h e
nylvania State Agricultural ,Society wore a State society. • ~ . well t e l
/appointed. &memorial was presented to Om of the host features
.of the exhibi- tam e i
'She Logi.slntnie, asking for a e,hartor and tiott as dust a large quantity of the finest fr i en ds
a Ssato coiatribution7, That charter was stock end most tripproved, inaploments raftsrm
immediately g,ranted; and an appropriation brought tethe fur were sold and distribu- hearts ,
of two thousand dollars made to aid the tad through , different .parts of our State, good en
isociety in itsobjects. . This appropriation thus tendin go to diffuse them more goner- ming(
Acs not yet beerstalled for, although it was ally in our Commonwealth, and WC be- last`
A great satisfaction to , the society to know lien all or nearly all the fine poultry was
that it was at hand in vise of emergency. disposed of. tious fc
Under this charter the society . proceeded Thus has terminated the first exhibition fiber a
to the discharge of their legitimate duties.' o fathe Pennsylvania Stale Agricultural wont to
Monthly me;etings of the Executive. Co- Societso---the tee has been broken, the s i n , m ,
rnittee were held at Herr's . hotel, but few vrejudices of 'many removed, all of us t',, t3t 7 t , w
outside of the organization appeared to be lave learned.much in reference to eonduc- —"the
Able to see what geed six, eight or t e n ting. exhibitions ; the society h 4. been we wet .,
gentlemen could do in the back parlor of put in funds sufficient to justify it i s offer. our Inc
hotellei aid oho musk of agriculture : and ing premiums' worthy of our great State; l ast t i ts
many seemed to think they had better be and we may safely calculate that the next the bra
at home on their farms iatending to their exhibition will bc equal to any eves held Next n
private business. 'Nothing daunted, this in this country both in regard to the char- with a
actor °four stock and implements, and the Bill Bil
Committee went on and prepared a pre.
rehire list, almost 'as liberal US those of numbers that w ilt be in attendance. et
our sister States that have had ten years . ,—..- arountl
experieuce, rented a fi ne fiald, enclosed it 'South Arced
Cruelty. rafting
in the best manner, e ngaged the tr.ammoth The subjoined is from the Journal du arrived
se,nts that were used at the Rochester fair, Havre. . The news was furnished
T y e the' met by
end incurred a liability of several thousand Sines, Capt. Audoire, which le ft n three' t
dollars, with less than two hundred in the video on the 10th of August. If the news the Cot':
treasury to Meet their engagements. -- he true, the present century is stained with the writ
Virculcir after circular was sect out us- a deed of blood, transcending in barbarity t he t a w
gingour farmers to bring in their stock, anything we remember to - have read in North,,iiiiplimnts, house ;he d a rkest and most brutal times : nine m ,
hold goods, & c.; and we must say that •
".,.. the first of August the National fur our
itio press of oar State, l.Vhig, Dernoerat- Guard of Colonic , . had ventured to mention We
-le and ;amoral, were most liberal in oho their satisfaction at the departure of the a short
. publication of our notices and circulars, troops of the. Garrison, commanded by They
but still nothing was heard ,of the articles Lieut. General More At the same Jamas
Oat were to make up the exhibition. The time they took little pains to conceal the ,
Acting Secretary received numerous long fact that Om entrance of to
cone i
letters of enquiry, yet very few said they za and Curzon Into the Oriental territory I
Would bring anything for exhibition, and was not displeaSeing to them. Observing
even up So Tuesday at -noon the great these symptoms of the tendency of pub
tents were empty, the cattle circles mad lie opinion, thespoliee agents'efOribe has:
the stall s gt.t l in n° evidene" of tiro or °P I- toned to inform Moreno, who was then en
;nation, the clerks hail issued a few cards campe d
six leagues from Colonia. As
to represent something that was expected, soon as this, officer had examined the re.
hut the railroad cars were behind time, ports of the spies, he returned with
end the prospect Seemed to be exceeding - speed to Colonia, bringing with him abou
ly gloomy. But ns the sun begna to re- four' 'hundred men. and two hundred hor
towards its western bed, srhall herds sea, entered the town and gave the signal
of magnificent solute -Ulan to make their for a general massacre; men, "susneeted"
oppeannee. Jim railroad' trains, east, ebildre d, fell under the knives of the' eut-
Nest, north and south, all seemed to come throats. Moreno, to excite by his exam
in at once. Requisitions were sent out pie the fury of these nssasins, with his own
for thirty wagons, a strong working force hands cot the throat of a young man nam
was posted fit the railroad ,, Fearful on the ex- ed Napoleon Neves.
hibition grorud, to load and unload. The • .
Fearful ineieonts : narked the progress
society, with great heart and with two of this scene of Ornage. These esee,u.
to in rho treasury to back it, tioners, infuriated, ag ainst their victims,
assuming pay all the expenses or got- were seen .to mutilate them, to rob the
s - s ting the goods on the ground and taking corpses of their jewelry and ear-rings,
' ' them hack to the cars, although this is not an d, ne t ; sa tiso with cutting off their
the custom in other States. fingers a. eke
sta'st&:o to cut up their skins into
how woolast we had some evidence that str i pes to 'ake ropes for their cart ber
tha fulr d not bee a failure ; and the ne s s ; e refinement of cruelty 'which
iterate a 011...0° e sters were gladdened canni Is inflict upnn their prisoners has
s .„lly the -sight of courteen beqd of Anton I , Mutely
oe7 surpassed hy a Lieutenant of
-dement magnifieent blooded cattle, and oe. • -
-Imported sheep that had taken premiums / It id beyond a doubt that among the
at the Baltimore - fair, end ti a brautV victims, the preeir number of whom had
herd of Col, John Evens, cif' York, led • not been ascertained at the of Of
y dig splendid black mule. Warn ; Igen the last letters, 'was, a Fronehmen,! who
k ' vitae the fine stock ef that pioneer/in a- le ad liss. been alo4 tic& established in ' 010.
'. grieultaral improvement, 'Jas. , Gotscsi, of nicr,' Where he executed . Daguerr itype
' Mount Airy sand thet red tease or E. P. portraits; and who had alway kept I mself
Horne that. took the it•ereiunt at ,ltimore , a loof from the pelitical affairs dila cohn
`'' Vie next g,riatest attraction/ as the ten '
try.' ,This unhappy young man i s been
- (fine Frendh Merino/Arks, ienpor
c, basely massacred., At the mom • t when
.4'rebY A: S. the cot-throats of Moreno entere Colonia
,wall;' Vermont, he Wail-enjoying the amusemen , f fishing.
IIiONVII and Cotz- of
Twolthe wretehes- Were et I : ssly do
or Messrs.. Clem- tactied from the troop to pia nn end to.
and thesfine Ches. him, and a few. moments a osvard his
"a.'Hat'Pen, Hick- mutilated eptisa' wbe ediete upon the
ow alt: '
tnient the display - • , s' - _____..- ,
Aug almost' every Jostles to Walla! JO 0 rtes.
$' presente d T e,• - " Our excellent Governor, ...n to bo a
fnasm,. thhv.Patit ?I, doodle, es
Only'out o office; but al
;II to agnOtUttitin ract of 013 t, of, hopess---cann, be rnolified
ra B still s awls° cheet . aihee hisdereatS He real -a the Execu-
I ts
P.ellseewat,. 9 ht' live Cliantber howl with imp.recations up
ineu't"tal'T °nth° beads of real nd Imaginary of
loYer hitli iSe", ev '' fenders. ", Gervernor, th is-all 64157'7 -and
teowary . j ub i neutt
5 .,,, ivedesire frankly to tel you Why. You
itove,kpi: i
1 119 labored with great zeal in a bad eause.---,
tar , if ,by '
s We'giafe :you great credit for unusal :Otter- ,
‘ 4141u ' ' ' d trY nnd reseo4rees , ::i.fitti word
gy, In. us , , ,
.1,1 were aboutithe best meta the whigs
tilted.'to fight Allele-battle§itt
erlOr a , long n
"flieV,......Bigler we's 'your ' etTii
qr O the ca mpaign war
0 ell 'your tnclusti ,
sf: arid a• 'dignity than
`le 'defeated 'Not
'ii least of hi
• ,r
t •,, .\
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t - . [,: -.
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. Rat'Wet • , _
A, eorretiponAnt of thelkest Chester 1 A letter in the Herald, dated Chagros, Eltreelsll4.entilnenradir434,6tasal'e '4,
:JeffersOniari, gives an acenunt of the vv. Oct. 22d, says that a fatal riot which had
tit. •• our,
' h . celebrated stream b the Dem- ' h Tl7:leclitltWit Pb
age op! is . ,y , occurred at„Chagres,; arose ouritelan at- In" "W ye AT; tt'd tans man n I
`octets in, 1848; 'and cone ludbik with the tempt or of Abe foreign boatmen zwrt z.„„.,., i „,„.„„,, I
i I, Ay. .0 o r
following account Of their return. '',-• . to prevent tbe nativei ,f•rom carrying, pant lms4ll,..smrte.ntruto ise
t • A 'more' cheeliese, lieartlessi tid death sengers to and from the steators in the 1 , ovicrit,ilbigrlp4onl, rod
threatening elite% Man never v.'. than harbor, be they sometimes transpor-jZletzirse_nts,artMeXt
wits nie head waters'of Salt Ili er ‘ir6n ted them for less., than tne tariff fix by t . l w let.t,l3 finrinnd elUtTunitt : mo o
we landed naen tits barren end ~exhadsted the bce tfmoreenig:absobactmateenn:
h t i h s e Aaetnivdesti'l
thept. . 4
New Y
• in 1848. i For the first, year we I t h b e °°""`x*liiirgilbtor"Vgfilt. I
turned oat to take revenge upon the nuth- 1 li. largo- Ar got na, Ir:unwire and
on lanai, and made common fare
. • ant of outrage, Shots were fired. how- \ot the Co , - . wows
-.1 - Of it th e r o watesi owns &mew I.
I spected to return in the fall of 1 ,4 0 e v . es, at the office of the American Consul, , Ewe vrtut abowil la Buto i ne a nd to tut
freshet lis not sufficient. How- tc
Jr. Gleason, against 'whom they were mfg,::,,ll,:viti,:aug,,,,t,,,,,taiTrocrotrei
got n ng better that winter.—
, i)ut ii crops end- Ailey had dew greatly exasperated, as he is the owner of 1 terptotit:fiLl=t. "tae .i.:3ol...eoli;gativilnig
several boats himself, and it was under- 1 the !Mutt tig
VOL :We' ha ' Sown And the harvest
co me, We re iced the prohibitory•tariff the foreign boatmen in their nal
steed that he took part with and sustained 1 Teams -The I,Ting Age is pubpbed is
E. Li, o i co r ner a bb riess_ g
ust assume- ,issiNrios o ; ew e re,„ 8 0 ,7„ 1 7,', C WI.:
-clod teal for Irodee by .w•nY, 63 , 1 tions. ' Beyond this no damage, was ,dono. Ta's 1 16= riid pro oh ampeed to. \
e xcuse . 'Ole country. (~sapid fluting the night a meeting was held by ro /WE sigs. . t
American side, At Tossisosses, rrlsoy batt„,,,int
4speeand thi became cheering, when the boatmen on the
the news came p that din Uni°P was hi which a number, ef passengers were ems- , Vir gai. th
sent, end it,was resolved that if any native riiioiXtMtg',l,l:riligirstinclt'Arii:iiliret
dauger and it 1 s likely that .we would be
called home. his was in '5O ; and one beat crossed the river in the morning • to tan,,P46l,„,°%sor,i'arurn,d,==',T',,,
ke off Passengers to the
I the' oveigh b s , bno d
night we colic a council and rcsolvecr to ta ,
get reedy to g down if the water was Cherokee, ' esop•isesies NWT* ts la Os tsw:
Instils and treasure having arrived,) t
,ey centiliimriassoLlll 010 lea to malts this •
gh enough r railing.' Bet the fon should be fired into. ' . ~ •• • on.arag o p - ir ) 37g .. A tice
PrePar c. The next tnorning all was perfectly , it. row issospbt-rrois Chambers as for
We weathered it pretty ,
o c rn h i e n e g rin t g iuu
did'ntc7ineteurn. NV 0 cencluded to
quint on the Spanish side, and at about I .ii. nlii_ll.7.9l,zsirtfiliitifmmet,Fiet, =Loh.
, 11° via . ti o'clock, a large number of native, boats * 4 ..r7Pieros,.:s:ineat Lre r.itit_ar.'":oll,4 .., . •
„ had crossed the river, unsuspicious of nny I - . at i tespon nos between bilabesn laid I %wet
had selcted "Bill 'N i ter," an old . danger, to take o ff passengers to the sten- g . j i, 7:1% ir : l e altar—From "Mao
,113pp-roirlnge birleirglhttbl
in to pi t us down in 51
' • All met. Several of these were filled with 1. izinViin ("iviluselortormv ilirci-Froin hem
were gl 1, and wo.
went tvvork in
„ passengers and their baggage, when nu& lit',N,ltr„l,. '7,16,01,T===',,(„0, •
tritest t have in good ciePs ; tor I denly, regardless of the. safety of these turtegetiaft ii,:l.grczetozz.,l4,,,;. ,ri,
i .
l and is friends. Atid tinlieugli last , a m urderous fire NV as opened upon angtirc,,,AJ., -Idtsalile,,,,,,tl:l,Nracrat ritiv
along ry summer, yet tut the e''
them, with guns and revolvers, by,the A- tits; CDfiOLIS P nt : TheW {se hien and urge t.
Sept, r ,the river tooke proni- I racrican boatmen, assisted by many of the - -
tr a ri *rind about the 1011 of Oc. \
Californians before mentioned, and, in n
le wale had risen to a foo ‘ l "c few minutes, several boats emptied of their
, fixing p, building a raft,
,arran. j occupants, were seen drifting out to sea.
went, don the evenirei, of the Inv( many were killed or drowned here,
co all Wet aboard the big tar ra f t it is impossible to say. Those of the na- 6
Ciente' d." By noon tto next fives who escaped the fire, which was con.
0 afloat oa grsausll3 sliding fre tinned so long as a boat belonging to them
torings That evening was he was within reach, paddled back to their
le we s v the sun set linger around own side of the river,where the most fear.
i ckish . ores of Salt River sources. ful excitement now prevailed. It was
nor m
ve wore far on our journey, known that others than the boatmen had
noble I shet bearing us downward. participated in the Mtack just 'trade, and a
gler nt he front oar, Seth Clover violent feeling of hostility against all their
otter, , i a more jolly set of fellows countrymen was very naturally aroused.
I t here =vet was sines the , days of The streets were again throng with',
on Sa River commenced. ,We armed men, in redoubled numbers, and
I safely n this port where we were death to all din w as shouted from
our fr nes who welcomed us with every quarter. A scattered firing upon
rimes t , e, for Bigler, Clover and the other side was commenced along the
mpromi , i three, times three for beach; and most furious cries of vengeance
iff of'd ,the faithful execution of filled the air.
vs of th 1 alien, the rights of the Presently there was a cry of ' 6 Al cuts.
the So 11, the East non West and tillo!" and hundredi of them hurried up
tore, to et ,than comm thunder, the hill to the old fort. Powder was pro.
glori old Union! , cured, nod some of the smaller of the old
met ',h stop and his motly crew guns there'were mounted on the wall in a
. dist , lc , dew B
“-attitniPt VallaY• . nsinner to bear upon the American town;
k veri a - _,try looking set of fellows. and the firing was commenced, apparently
on as Ilayiug, en some kind of with round shot. An hour or so later, an•
tshelf" .hicl I learned since I came
other gun opened also, from the fort ; and
down w , callel ',demagogue, Strohm was not long after, another still was dragged
bogging for uinlies. Meredith was down to the embarcadero and commenced
clutchi ~, a to , oe the "Galphin claim." fi ring across the river .
their ol cm —much liken
Coal se w"--•:t y had all their effect* •
them with sabres in the most savage man.
nor. They were finally thrust into a house,
Jessup vas ca ulatipg the profits on the We saw two Americans surrounded by
l'Susc anna Bank" sPeculati". On a crowd of natives, who were cutting at
consistipg of o strange looking thing and the door closed. One of them we ne
edled nSinkenyuod. We did'nt know
terwards sd.w , at the office of the British
pieces, but still living. •
it was, onbi some one said it was a Mail Company's Agent, dreadfully cut to
machine by wli t ich 5 per ct. loans were
paid by borrovOg money At 6 per cent. The other, nothing could be heard of at
They had also celebrated Proclamation; the time we got away, and from the nut:
a bill called "B eches Pocket ;'..'s picture ture of the wounds he must have received,
of Gen.• Scott , iled in crape sake rotec- there can be little doubt of his death.—
live Teriff fo" rotection's " the Shortly after this,n crowd.gatltered around'
"fru , et Gre2r'g!°l/ a large "mber ef a house a few Rids above that in which
Fugitive Sisvcsitn'assorttmentof Bloomers; we were shut up, and from the shouts, we
and a printini; ,'called lb.-- "Register could learn that they were in pursuit of
& Examiner, which was worlciliii,. fr
11.- n n American, who was said to be there.—
circulars to th A Methodists, chargin hlr.
.1.1 A"ae- , minutes afterwards, they appeared,
Gorsuch, one ()Illicit. Preachers, t h erm- w with savaitee „volts, drugging the body of a
bodyina a " thion•of the Priest lath the whiteman by nib- heels, with a dreadful
.Blackleg," & c. They had no banners wound in his side, emirs-. which his bowels
aboard, nor 'nut ring in the b reed.' but vier., ittetruding, and; his bous was n'ar
they moved mo fully along ; rot a song wards seen tied to the bow of a boat, and
was sung nor °eel) was made, to ,the hang i n g in the water at the onbarcaclero,
place where the epic had sent them. Ttie writer, who was shut up in the hold
By this tune el are, all beck to ''lt with several ladies in company, was re-
River s head w erslngain. Bn-rais time lieved from his unpleasant situation, by
they have sun , v,e-4 0.. i mproyements Capt. Symonds, of the Medway. He adds,
inado by their oppopents, and with . ,their how many were killed in all it isdifficult
most musical voices accustomed to song, ito sciy—prohably about twelve or fifteen
proclaimed— i, ' . ' natives, exclusive of those drowned, irony
Vamp lid peek WiltUre With Too 1.01.3• ". wore, and two Americans that we know
May they have good time • r
,- it , an d 4 of, and five or six others that we heard of,
long and happy lift. 1
li t r
, - on the Spanish side.
ed Or hurt on the American side by the
In conclusion 1,4 g your par o o
d n f r
having trespassed se greatly tpon y our crinnon,-the writer
has no means of judg.
time, a nd.ean only lifer as t 1 apology i i - . 1 _
ng.lrroosbly pot much damage was done,
for this long lettttr, importance of my as the town appeared to be deserted where
subject- , - the Are opened from the fort Wepulled
Yours truly, ,RA SMAN,
off op board the En rsh steamer, .
. N:'B,--As we pa dJo st op and his t r, e l E
lhg the na-1
tiveshurtain for
crew, ono of our', fell ws overheard "Bill"
pass il thil
,fort, it I: ' ng
Ind flag as we
'as he d—d•the 4Du h," and cursed "old England e fo tn r gun erstood that,
we 1 re pasierigers
Joe Ritner" for dviltin him to palara sa we • nt on board the Cheikee ; t • here
.the State,on the treng of the R• ner M. we a ived about five' o'clock 'P. k! . ." •
ministration. ' .. . •. . • . s
k LAPS ANA B oostnp.--13oe not
Bloomer do 11%Y witlOnt, inc 1
' Rarity known as i the lOp 1 A 'laps
Bloomers coo tentil • You Verne
that the heroine) "Cr pnd bout
was detected, Wn c isgui as a
by a very. Itiriplc4rocess. Sara
tossed her a jack..loife,.as s was
upon a doorrstepl She, ing ,I
young lady woul do in.% ilarii
stance, spread pu }her It silt p
co for e req
We hud
and tra'
.Y. ~.Y J.: - -
r`_~~~ i;
, i K sum is the'son, 4 i lawyer
phin, nd was bgeill
small land ‘0 , 0.4er; in Zeal
t n 4 43.
1806. Ho s
'mb e 4 there ore
, now ions 45th year. He,
sand was i aarr io/in 1841. ' Previous
Pag ' to ' the
le(x. ii;' ' - eii fo his eloquent ad-'
Bitti wstin 0 ,
a 9 l •a Y vo • ... of liiera principles, in the
. gari n revolt he was
340 • gaTitur Diet ut it:.was in the
ri i
31 .14160
6 r t° 'tractor, oan , ker that his in-,
9 10 t I fluence, \vas oit xerted and deep
felt. \ Ko su is said to have
namedead his reer milt. report
. for the Bung :ti Diet,,and, ar
,flif l?e ,
IrWarcani 11 . 941t 0 r1 ~
' took , to rido-tv,horge
:log, on a AMP 19f
Ips.: , What an quo*.
Tile Y tlia . t u n ll
tdiSill illoW4
nittoll , ithoOtla
tag 11 Willl9+o
userhe "
~' .'~.
-New lirk Importers and Jobb'.
BEisvizit AllAir.-DrAB.3AU 1
N: R THE l'Okr
• •
vy_ trq9;.huvo our all and Winto essortme of ILI
- eAticY etLx AND tit IN,
VAlliriiilitil..:llK.itiCY Cius.
GOODS. . -- •
nyild,.: Titi:lert:lllitifd ill Cash Foramens thorovijaily tt.
j Pi:oes, and. as vat: T CI
lltTAlN"ti,°e feel " 11 Inet our Goods end Prices Id] Ins
than In select t M. , if establishment. Yartleular Lientii
devoted to MILI SKY I i001): 4 , rind many (idle nrti
are in anu mutt
and to our order, and catgut li
pasted In beauty, le and chenumus.
11EAUTIk US RIS utinsuNe. for Rat. GIP., Nock,
and nen. ~_._:_.....
lial,`4 AND TirrtSTA. itiIISONS, of ail tildths and
colors. , , ~ ,
Sllittt. SAT VSLTOTS,' and UNCUT !Ifti TS I 0.
for hat
CIAL. Fls i'ltd.
DlLEtid TRI M "GS—lerFe assortmeat.
StiItIttOIDEII '. Cnek.r. 1..014ARP, priDuu.
01,BSV re, D rlil PP&
FINg loin Kurm Ito/IP:Ea: AND ,3yErcii.
ehmattui vointert ;tilers. .
CRAPRI. LIE . Titaur,Torm lIA.A.IeLoti AND
CAI' L I E i
1,1,3.i.e. TII AI) LAOF.a.
KID eiLts. 81 noa ALA. LISLE TallEkt). lire
ituvo aLO AND MIT fd.
.E'nglish, Pr h, Arnerkan, and Italian
Anima IM.IB/11.
Estate o
orTlid lee POL
stiletto:lent of •
dated the 13 , h day or
valuator said note.'
led by law;
Mita/ township,V
I .
mance is ime. 41 , 4.nv EP , th , !t nu sot ftitt a ti . l 9r ,
A. il (ts mloor) has leu ty i•yotye.pou with. ut Mayo.. djire,
p ',tau ant a arab, lan Lisa as al nst Iltubatilln of "Olt/na.,b,_
Oil MI account, at 1 datemined to Pal It. o debt , 0 1 „ 1 _ , 1
=ousel's, 11., f Ittli WI, 11113.a1l Cot:Op-boa by Isivr. .I...nti.
to Il iVlPg i htl i! n i t atbet '
went way alpaca to ho vulva
upon tot butwaaa .i „a • JOSENI DicCULLY•
___,:., It. 10 —Pd.
PAlllNEttelilVf—The Cafartotrshlt heretofore es•
istotribetereeo the sulACtiber4. %radios tho sense of
'MAN ' e Oebitet sod Chloe
Illesufnotou, at Clearfield. is this d u d ditulacd by . mutual
cohost. •
s, ) t. ;J3.1851
For .pale. . .
, .. VT NO. inbscrinero 01 le n Aitlsl or ONE
•i for
I. :nd—'nbout TW E_
U DUEL/ 4 c.
be. acw-soO Ms
of wlfs i,n:nl is tu ele . nr"ll .nn'l
l A. lintrO l 11
. : 4 01Mn
in Brody toolighlo.Uienslid 4 unto., _ . •
If well attodod Om liaor Mill vo 11 cot 150:LUdf tannin:PO.
It Is in tboltdit of a welt:imbued notintri . .
lip. Relit 4 1851 —Dnid .
Un inn town
... V fkL.O A B.LE FAR M i
For Sole. 1
T"Est°l,'3,, tx.:l l 'Mot,lnl47l: h ir'a n i c a n glii i
ty. Its locato to most adv al:11440D
t ritig pul se i FEttli
leading (mat eattleal ro Lot /warm . alum.* mils wait
of Ittoom 'a IS, and th ree rpiNss ems of "Atheistical'. to Mr
new sad Mut y Immo w lit* towirshiplti Union.
The Perm mitts of abot
150 ac es of Land, of w,hickloo are
cl red pod well evAtiVaVi.
The instisot eat, ins valuable audio good \rerettr , t 00 0 4 .
tittg of a
If Frame
Ban4l-lousC;ond 4irgettit.
• Bacot,
Together et' all the necessary OUTLIVIGDDIDS reoessa•
re totareoar rileinceld a laryeane well or eutr.t.
the is tob as 01W114nD fi ) r. 41 411. Orll3
Uri! ED Torovtoo , T , r im- at . wlth iv
good a natant of other FM TR .1
irttriz well *enlisted 1 orthe ratting of b.:O&M:LAIN
~ . • ~: , ,
.; •
.11,...ifati! , title will be titres. - . • '
t. Ili. ()( BALE —o4sh oath° noetirtoatlon of the sale.
rot to CT iIIiOIMAtIOD stproi •to wat. D. hitThEY. at
lauthentino.og to She subscribe estillaires the pram%
Amine towtoblp, Jas. 91.x&1 —ti.: ' - L l '..
' .
s sett
A LI, PEREMN3‘ismiring
at to tbe Mtn ot TllO.
wenovire,ti. tOOMOUti to 4.
M EDIATEPY: ' Theta okit
Thutoutnn for a tholt time—al
thoutuidt , ol a vtoper oalcietfo
• I
WS now' have A lot INVO H. , : BE TlittHeIHNG
,V V, kt4Lp at 114 aye' llearttodd,,,,, MAO.
Reunion t' 0100113 'CIIiP GO • , VOW riALF.-
MIME void do ;well to can 'a. At either-dr the
above named place, they dtua be . topodated audit Ma
' . WiP 4 O. 4 -, •
0g.28. Pal. . , , . s ,
........mmili •
. .
To JOS es 0.10
return 'mall. pretberwlso•
.beforstbera. toes,: oVto.tbs 441esj e
kiersteall so tbet toes, DO
befotapPqft, InollWeal
'time:oso be !stare • Coon.
.7 , , • ,
.s i tt o dirlif t i M ID 0 1 ,1 1
1 0_ 1 1 110 1 11 0
rtagffitt Wow,
golkand ll l.9, l P 4att g w 4 14 -
I V `• 1834
' ," '
1 f
Ipd , Nra tere ; .over
pii,TanPYi. I-dP'
4 . 4
Oa. !
i c t A bii ee n
PO .
• • • ts Otinv
'. o s
, • r , foci
wield ',timely ,
, case
'grit i • V 1
pth6lu Btl
sisg • end
tend • thst
111$012to 0%3
~flgaLo• lt T.
D •
&tu ts
t s e ta. s z t r.
sith I age.
o%ion.s•jwlte ,
0.- 4 !" 15 , • •
pnWr d
irld a
rill eetiana•
Til l : 1.110113 CO\
any *MO frit% .
the bobilu tette. 10 14 •
TO ,3 1
Prmooso the pt: i p , oter PAl r t
sittermitators, bet hbve
otaill,,V l Lbe ist " rve l l
Ceo.-=.Thel btOMPt_ _ _.,
„wits tobdObta a el a g/
IWITta wart "Solicit as ..
to its fla doss b e lle aut
low. It I taftlatenti ~
blew pe e s . tss dips . t 00_..!..
new tatataldfdl ti c 5tY.
Montalto. *dit t os I, r ,
1 will stalz i s tolitsisgs
a: C
" the 61 d f I.4toratS
I 4"5"tm."" " 1 toea)
of anmet—snflitl it‘lis...,
an d hake other* to Pp; . 'TA
All; best AmS, :kiias.
sittl..4l,llgistannuuanwors.74,_ _wow, a
in nadttion to tho watt lo: odditionionaZame i
0.. ,
Toro. or which so4UII ~ ci 4aa gooltlnt 1100 iii, flit'hia
tiyAluno,lo,:riho"ite,o. Wier Int to w° • t'P s
": 1 6 -- ID titbit ettebtleb t.tbs a
Tur, Idln:sTles"' ritPwltZtlintwTP:EltloD. A . 1,111 TIII3
ea eve islioe.,iniiiii. I th i1 .... 4L. ..,.
3.1-rii.h- 7 oda! Bad ttssitat isT
Age I, a Ull wool Oa , . k
bbatl i a t i , ll :',. no i et tee4 that th. Lady', ao 0a ..
toltitroiatette An "' min
.L_sfiltil...twafort:lll, 0 t u b lir tota , :s..l a
th o o v ir otr .o
thiNt Shia Call We st a 77n 1-.. , . ' . : 1 - ~ ,
I"Mg-. /jab/ Easlifon P MilltillY
Gouty e e ha t. ilia . Ifistiloas
Wdth tali' d Itlixruirlidisor3eivt,
oe , ,
new t.
..., , , , :,-,, , 01,1 , eo Tivorta. , .... .
Our n o els ' gott a
TIN o mt ink pio161; 1 1 : Mil 0:0 4 .
s 1
elm] , lotr s'ologt, hog mei rb l:ces \
t. / 1 For tke
"a wewistace4l n ti t ;hid° Coat
I""utteiN,ltturndtto.:E. re n ott i i g 3 . 1 , 1 W
. P 1
tc,aW6aatit,l,llflolst,ll2:474:‘. ':—oismigatfun
e, ,1 , C .1 1 F, I
lett. Cheitaoll." — t u ",re''...,o. i it b et OW .00k
fa fi n s as apioati in .... a
Utit- ~ ~. , TERMS "-A)115.11
\ th.
--- ' I OP/ °De Ye" gem s IVI!. d
' s
(foams co l ol 3 : ll _ t _A d° ,„: u‘ yi
tiAl, 04 ", "" five TOOT *
arl ZIY laT i egr
4 Ont, 01 1 0 lB Oast
n. 4 's Lay's Ilea Rad Oils t
..„ 6
. A th a
.10 00Vitr
: •htlii3Vt
Smile Miring. dee .
tdENTAVN haying bred granted to
tas ttseentat of t...e I t will and testa.
IVAttititi, inte t•.•lford , tow shin.
... red—all parsons having claire& on th.
pmett the same. and theso lad/bunt tu
.. I
.he,oby Cao',lased aga inst t
ailor IT .
e tiirce bf me to V; t..l 4l litW d
uou, 18 A, as L have uut ro3oWeleoeive..
wal sot pay the same unless
L - J, ti: ozviAra.
Bp n MCC Mkt' IA
A.: •
ON. JJAt.I4 & CO.. (pr.
isnu slab, m.4 1 % 00 0 0 „
" vfi b tl i ct ti es;w i lti e bt r pi • .*
oollaudon... • •
curwearrpe; Aug. , ll.•
fi{~",~ ~'j'
August 1. IE6E,
V!.l 1. , r0• . grit )
44 d
taf IC n? be fig Sai g°l l: ,` •
t. • •
..~}~~ `
ilii.bsetchnsenstimarit ' , Ti
',TA Wm.' IMOD* * .. ' vs isu
TRIAL LIST cot p 4
MY "40 • • . ' ; 1 1
limdmno Phlllos
Vete! tiolkmea,l . Ti lVti
ion II Owes W••
~ wv;tt,..-_,
titles tlelmheme tr., Bloom vials
I :s e : l en "insrx"e ll3
l da ll l ' e : I a ..' ' '. Ts
ys "r:
Come W . L'AS
~ ~ vs i ii ,
Philip Aster- '
James (..slister:4r.... !it J.
avrta.'tit bale, .-- ---11%-.11,,;
IVilliam lir, W that
soh VI sCractmi . vs Immo
ph lioteelteg . , vvi,M.,:intt:
Ittfistinn F Mit n . vi t ;.1,4
•sevh KOJI W St.
Court Prortat
up.rt I.:AS the 1i0n .. .)
t Presdent dodge di
of the
PleasPleasnt the 4th judicial
\counties ol Clinton.Csntammre and d
onoroble POW L
ir,squires. Assoaciate Judges ii
have issuedtheir precept hetornrin
Oct. 1851. to me directed, I
Court of common Plum, Or ,
of Quarter Sessions, , am
\ Ttrm;ner and General Ja
\ et Clearfield TownArthe
mber Corn
'\the Ist Monday ni Dece
day el the month,)- : .
1 • ICtottce is, thertfore,he
totheCoronere,Justices of the
Wand for the County et Cleurfi
own proper persons; with Rol
tionxainatins and other )
those things which theirailieei
pertiin to nedoncmtid all won
sons proveuting in nelullot In
gaunt me prisoners .sre requ
theta attending and cot depa
heir Prof JUTOril aro request
heir intendant p at the sprit&
Gtven under my hanq nt the
this 24th duvet Oct, m the
thousand eight hundred
seventy- yearfilltt of A
illitn.::::tealTiiit:ltairagrlasnlP:iiitigtottiothibbel:ool i
, a l : i
to; the vapor. a to w
DA a ' ne:ortPi e 1 th e a Lk o: @t o ti f :tir.
\ t..leralleid, ant ALD 3O
jot. A u %: : i i. i
.: C: .
entuttse am ;.no lon to those who 1:1 18 7
peltEG)i, a:NAILS, eriKE4
i. , 0 TUNIS OteLSOTted IMO fill Slit
2 000 pound; COUNTRY akT
, nar
tf Iv. 11l WittooW 6tAbz I. sJ
i vu rTY at 11,cantttsper.,pauuri
FLitt4,G.&l3lr Dor tlrt•rt&i, at
... ' - is, t,,,DI;LE ism.* $, $ ,
%„,,,,, , •do 'Pk -ii ALINPN.‘A. ''4116.
lIBIALka ED Dila PA ut al oratt /t•T i'? —
(itl3 lat • *
Mc* LA% testa pet co V pet cena lot tor &Or
or nort. \
1010 0?-1ATIIER U pearkaud — . oo4.,
0 tta'e.Pll4l.l do 111 tk do , ,
a..MC;(1)10 Sit IND fr to watt t s
MtplA'o DO
hit4to tont& casts oltu ri
teJFl°7llol4BXtre sad [AI. at the Iltl woo
--- .04 1% tines thtei.
liArprGelleTotnedsl it'er‘
S of that place And the en
L ll , ' When not professionally e
' coor.d it: the °Molecule!
sJ, C, itietiords, or aa se
s will be attended to at all b
- ..--4------'"
imuican Repertori
71p hEdiallics; hzv \
Vnth Vol. of the Seim% 'c' ..,' 1
UN, i •
American and Forel \
. - ant? Publishers
~.. ... . ; .. .4 9 .n er i can ,, !:,
nk IMPECir( I / 1 1.1 , envenom tattoo balk, •
ra,„ Dambegef voltigno VII of tb_to tridalkainia
vslusbloloastal will /Nue oa the PRIVer em
sew voipplo, will ooromenoe 'Wham S)op. OW
pa pro, haslgt.latt oil that tigat 'awl tmi Ow mai
num , it to tholallitaa ef we Pgl*bew t o sib
ftillY. br tatspia ropteseatatitas orp r
potted lb all a voraoomeat allairsao • '
g tlggnstie l tilitorentrairli.oo( IN
tildhaed weittlr faro for bit0121, , ,144
law Isar a rap 4 , volaasi or ow MIK
Ith SI WWI ID 4.1111 d Mai evottagg g
p, t et- wi t' vast itraapitt• itt Pawl
Mgt Oi • Isyllitinti
t Notltt , 1 it to NoWteg of I g
hr ill NO inallablii to ,
11 1 2=W il i tiki:l
4 ,
• A . 4
as alba oftel
CI! '
til t
Ist bo do
41 4 1 ?
*bp nigh to m at s
morkwe h 'rnattenr
4 - 101 !“ , .Qaarter
To at • week
...111. 9 EliALL*ct
Wsepiatini A.149,4\
. . ,
ataD al . ;
She barklir Peariltk!
T AU I A_ okig
nc sat vl ,
. l aliniT, : a
it h e 104'
4 , 5 ~ 4.V.; - ' •
1 i n ^ t"
0 1 '‘
lixeo o % .
--.... • 11,filling —, • s s coto t
Aw- -- hspi c.bvi, °
tote" * govt. )? •
. ~.. , V` ot , eil to 0 % ~ 0 1.04 . ,, ,koo.
• .. o v „, rev' .,.00, 4C!`"a\V.
t 'Z'- 'a- I ' llll . ° ; (00 \rgi ci 0c`.. 1 . %
e ' ,i ' v r ai o':+: Il t P ` ,\‘`l,.%
' z' oowt ffi ger4 o l '. '" g reAs.
' t t 4, -• - • + ilt lit' •A'''*„lsititec'''6•.tv'''si
- 2"-,;. , IT. 0 1 c o % I. o'' ,\ '‘ 1 -. .
1 , '1. 4 'Nous °‘''',l,ll,ltto' t%e' 4 ,,n%
v s
~.0 , so, ~„,v o i f. e Val•
'.< 0,, • - l 4. 01. 1 ",.. ;:'s V I
. 1,,,'` - 101 1 11, 0 8 iuskaS T' 0,1‘ 0 6 Vci
-q, 016 VA t 01 14' 1%
*fist! , y
a i . ZIO t. °
i r % '''.
t c„ . 1401
1;1 n Ult 01V% ,
I t
. -
tb w e tie led etts
. end •
noisa ,
# 3,jlMolt:
itutchet Hower
116 ' APork,
t.• pweA Chirm•
.it a ,
it, ,• bp. rpor, FIVE.
, Cuptee 00e yea
I. LU coults.a".
6 p e pon simaint
A. (4)6Y1 •*
Philadeiph a •
„ Oasekte °nein?:
nu 'ttdrn'i
ct r
.. Rs .
• *
Is d ri b ektei .
rt. Continuo
nm rood 61 the
r' Itl.antl tho
rtieltt county
g a •
! Court, Court
(being the let
,& Constables
appear in their
• bronco', to (i(1
heir bithal I "1" •
and other per
roonwealtit o• f • •
o be then
it:tioout leave. ot
be pons it)
nr,reeable to
four lArro ono
r.rotre. and 111 ° -
t dependore .
E•11..b. Sae' 1,
~:wnß. , ~ i
7: V:.
111,PSON 4
, 1,
es h he citizene,4s.:l
up [country,
fte wilt he 'S
. ed b y Dr:
„ ,
loth •
- oat
*deka ,
r !YU
' ' bt