HOT? DOIS POO© Nonus H US?— Taking aliment into the stomach is only a preliminary process. There it is mixed with a peculiar flnid which oozes from the inner walls of that or gan, which is a powerful solvent. Meats or vegetables are quickly melted down, as it wore, the product always appearing within about an hour as a grayish, pultaceous mass. Next, it passes from the stomach (on the right side, just under the ribs) into a membranous tube, which is thickly studded with glands, each pouring out a fluid peculiar to itself, to combine with the onward flowing ingesta. At the distance of twelve inches on the route, bile from the liver is added; and then a bland Beeretion from the pancreas, or sweet bread, which alone, of all others in the system, dissolves butter, oils and lard, converting them into an emis sion. Millions of tubes, smaller than hairs, open within this tube, sucking up a milky fluid (chyle), the product. of the food and its admixtures since it arrived in the stomach. Once in j there, it ascends the whole length of. the abdomen through the chest di- j rcet. Thence, mixing with impure { venous blood, it goe3 to the right j chamber of tlid heart and thence it is J sent into the lungs. By drawing in , a breath, the oxygen in the air is united to the fluid and the returned j old blood; it revivifies one and vital-1 izes the other. From the food the solid parts of the bod}* are not only made but kept in repair. Tube is hanging on the wall of a shepherd's cottage, amid the ruins of an old castle in North Wales, a card ! on which is printed, in large letters, these lines; "For Jesus Christ's sake l)o all the good you can. To all the peo,.!e you can. In all the places you can, At all the times you can. And as long as you can.'' Very simple words but they lay out work for a Christian's lifetime. SCHOOLS. QLITE large boys and girls attend schools this winter. We have debates once a week. The scholars did not at first take much interest in these, but now they willingly learn longer lessons all the other days in order to gain time for them. My friend who teaches in the city has often begged me to try and do something of this | kind. She says her scholars are not permitted to leave off spelling live syllabled words long enough to learn ! how to become thoughtful and con scientious citizens. She once asked a member of the committee if she j might omit a fragment of a column dail}' and spend the time thus gained in conversing with the scholars 011 general subjects, that they might be less like machines. He told her it was her business to obey orders, not to make suggestions. My committee are neither so rigid nor so ungentle manly as hers, still they did need some persuasion. Our subjects for debate are vari- j ous: "Which Country is the best one i to live in?" "Which Zone?" "Which Section of the United States?"! "Which of tlie Trades is to l>e pre ferred?" "Which of the Profes- 1 sions?" "Which has the Pleasanter Life, the Squirrel or the Bumble-1 bee?" "Advantagesand Disadvanta-1 ges of sea-faring life;" "of a -Mer chant's;' 1 "of the President's;" "of a School teacher's." "Which are Happier, the Rich or the Poor? 1 ' "The Learned or the Ignorant?" "The Handsome or the Homely?" Historical characters are sometimes discussed. The scholars Lake some pains to inform themselves on the different subjects (there's a library i in Crooked Pond village), so that something of geography, history and natural history is learned by the way. The comparative safety and enjoyments of the lives of different animals help out our list of subjects greatly. At all events, these discus sions teach the scholars to think and to look on both sides. Sometimes I suppose situations or courses of ac tion involving moral principles, and then draw out opinions as to what should be done in such and such cases.— Hearth and Home. PUGET SOUND, and the country bordering upon it, is the Eureka of Sportsmen—mountain streams, the sea itself, the forests and the prairies, are all teeming with noble game, and the delightful climate peculiar to that region gives additional zest to the sport of the Nimrod oi angler. Of the feathered tribe, ducks, geese, teal, sandhill cranes, snipe, plover, grouse, pheasants and smaller game abound in myriad flocks. To MA HE apple-trees bear, pick off all t ie leaves as soon as they make tori' f }/ca ranco. AYEB'B Cherry Pectoral. For Diseases of trie Throat and Longs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis. Asthma and Consumption. Among the great discoveries of modern science, few are of more real value to mankind than this effective remedy for all diseases of the thr at and lungs. A vast trial of Its virtues, throughout this and other countries, has shown that it does surely and effectually control them. The testimony oi oar i>est citizens of all classes establishes the fact that Cherry Pectoral will ami does relieve and core the afflicting disorders of the throat and lungs be yond any other medicine. The most dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs yield to its power, and cases of consumption cured by this preparation aro publicly known, so remarkable as handy to be believed were they not proven bevond dispute. As a remedy it is adequate, oil which the public may rely for full protection. By curing coughs, the forerunners of more serious disease, it saves unnumbered lives and an amount of suf fering not to be computed. It challenges trial ami convinces the most sceptical. Every family should keep it on hand as a protection against the early and unperceived attacks of pulmonary affectloa*, which are easily met at first bur which become in curable and too often fata! if neglected. Tender lungs need this defence; and it is unwise to be without it. As a safeguard to children, amid "he distressing diseases which beset the throat and Chest of childhood, Cherry Pectoral Is lnvaluabl for by its timely use multitudes are rescued from premature graves and saved to the love and affec tion centred on them. It acts speedily and surely against ordinary colds, securing sound and health restoring sleep. No one will suffer troublesome Influenza and painful bronchitis, when they know how easily they can be cured. Originally the prodnctof long, laborious and suc cessful chemical investigation, no cost or toil Is spared in making every bottle in the utmost pos sible aerfection. It may confidently be relied up on a.-: possessing all the virtues it has ever exhib ited and capable of producing cures as memorable as the greatest it has ever effected. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., Trnniral mid Analytical 4 herniate. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. ITER'S SARSAPARILLA. Is widely known as one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered for cleansing the system and purifying the blood. It has stood the test of years, with a constantly growing reputation, bas ed on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by Its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and bene ficial to children, and yet so searching as to effec tually purge out the great corruptions of the blood such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamina tion. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to its powerful antidote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of ■SCROFULA, and all scrofulous diseases, ULCEUS, ERUPTIONS, and eruptive disorders of the skin, TUMORS, BLOTCHES, BOILS, PIMPLES, PUS TULES, SORES, ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, ROSE OR ERYSIPELAS, TETTER, SALT RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, RINGWORM, and internal I L CERATIONS of the UTERUS, STOMACH, and LIVER. It also cures other complaints, to which it would not seem especially adapted, such as DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, FIT'S, NEURALGIA, HEART DISEASE, FEMAI.E WEAKNESS, DE BILITY", and LEUCORRIKEA, when they are manifestations of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the spring. By renewing the appetite and vig or of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depres sion and listless languor of the season. Even where 110 disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. PREPARED BY I)r. J. C. AYER & Co., Lowell, Mass. 2\acticaland Analytical Chemitit. SOLD BY ALL DRUGISTS EVERYWHERE. AYER'S Hztlß A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. It soon re stores faded or gray hair to its original color, with tie gloss and freshness of youth. H'hiu hair is thickened, fallen hair checked, and balduess often though not always cured by Its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as rdmain can be saved by this application, and stimulated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigor, ous. its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning grey or falling off, and consequently pre vent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so uncleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substan ces which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor cau only ben efit but not harm it. If warned merely for a 11AI14, DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does uot soil white cambric, and yet lasts loug on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful derfutue. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., l*r- pearauce. A. A. Hayes, M. D., state Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The coustitueuts are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the BEST PREPARATION for its in tended purposes." Sold by nil druggists and dealers in Medicine. BUCKIMHAM'S BYE For The Whiskers. | As our Itenewer in many cases requires too ! long a time, and too much much care, to restore ' gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared lids dye, in one preparation; which will quickly ami j effectually accomplish this resuli. It Is easily ap j plied, and produces a color which will neither rub ' nor wash off. Sold by ail Druggists. Manufacturer By R. P. Hall. NASHUA, N. 11. THOMPSON & NIA XIV. A £T*.. i *>-* COUDER&FOET. PA. OYSTERS. A. H. PEIRCE, Wholesale and lielail OYSTER DEALER, COUDERSPORT, PA. Oysters by the Can, Quart, Gallon, Hundred and Thousand received daily. Families, Parties and Festivals supplied on short notice. The Trade furnished at reasonab.e rates. Give me a trial and I can suit you. 24-221 A. H. PEIRCE. Old Sewing Machines of any make repaired in a workmanlike manner. A. M. REYNOLDS, Agent. L. B.COLE & SON. - PKOPKIBTOUS OF THB Blacksmith and Wagon-snop, Second Street, (between Main & West.) - North Side.— COUDERSPORT, Pa. WAGON CARRIAGES a BLEIe taken in large and frequeut doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For SUPPRESSION, a large dose should be ta ken, as it produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a DINNER PILL, take one or two PILLS to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. All occasional dose stimulates the stomach and Itowels, restores the a| p -ttte, and invigorates the system. Hem e it is oiten advantageous where no serious derangement exists, one who feels tolerably well, often Buds t'nat a dose of these PILLS makes him feel decidedly !>etter, from their cleansing and renovating effeiit on the digestive apparatus. PREPARED BY £r. J. C. AYS?. St CO., ractlcal Ch mis s, Louell, .Kati., I'. A', H. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ttUtf J. GLASE & SON, Carpenters & Joiners, Coudersport, Penn'a. CONTRACTS taken for all kinds of BUILDING— and materials furnished. * i DO RS, BLINDS and SASII kept constantly on I hand or mannfabtured to order. CASH paid for PINE LUMBER. J. GLASE & SON. The SINGER is the best machine for all work. According to sworn returns ! there were over 45,000 more sold last ■ year than any other kind made. A. M. UijnoltK Agent. THE "SILVER TONGUE" ORGANS Eor PARLOR, CHURCH and SCHOOL. MANUFACTURED BY E. P. NEEDHAM & SON ESTABLISHED IN 1840. Nos. 143, 145 and 147 East 22d St., New "Vorlr. Responsible parties applying for agencies in sec tons stil! unsupplicd will receive prompt attci.- lon and liberal inducements. Parties residing at < distance from our authorized agents may ordc r rom our fa tory. Send for an illustrated p-te, list. 9501o:2 ELDRIDGE BROTHERS BPECIAL AGENTS FOR WOODWARD & BROWN, WEBER, MATHISHEK, anil CHICKERINQ PIANOS, £ ALSO, George Woods' Celebrated Organs. PI LLAR'S NEW MASONIC lIALI. BUILDING, (Near Howell House,) WEELSVELLE, N. Y. Dealers in all kinds of MUSICAL .MERCHAN DISE, SHEET MUSIC, Ac. TUNING and REPAIRING PIANOS A SPECIALTY. We Invite the Public to examine and criticise the WOODWARD A BROWN Pianos, and GEO. WOODS' Organs. • 2446-tf BOOTS and SHOES ! John Denkof, WOULD respectfully inform the eitizens that he continues the manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES at his new Stand, MAIN STREET below MARKET, (Semth of the Bridge,) ALL work done in a workmanlike manner reasonable rates, AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED Give him a mi 4 Til K WEEKLY GRAPHIC. A Newspaper, a Literary Taper, a Story Taper, and a Picture Taper Combined. Each subscriber remitting the cost of a yearly subscription will be entitled to receive the MAGNIFICENT CHROMO FICTURE. ENTITLED U T!IE GUARDIAN ANGEL.*' The largest ami most elegant work of art eve offered as a premium to newspaper stiiiscriiiers. This chronto has lieeu prepareii exclusively to suiiscriliers to TIM WKKKLY GRAPHIC aul la not ami €-nuol Im- obiit incd m ntty of t * Piriliiei'titreii. Its production has oocui led months of time ami cost several thousand delta, ami art connoisseurs who have seeu it pronounce it to he one of the most beautiful ami artistic Chrouios ever exhibited In the United States. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. We wish to engage Immediately agents ih evert Citv, Town and Village and throughout evert Coimtv in the United States to canvass for the WEEKLY G .iAI'UIC. Our -special ltates fo large clubs, together with the Unique and attract ive Features of the I'aper itself, and the Incom parable beauty of our Premium Chromo, are suf ucieiit inducements to enable energetic and vigor ous agents to secure, on the average, over one iiumired Suliscribers dailv. NOW Is CUE TIME TO BEGIN, WHEN I EDIT K AUK DIIOI'PINO THEIR SUBSCRIPTIONS TO OT HER PAPERS. THE WKKKLY GRAPHIC.— An F.ight-page, Illus trated, News, Literary, Story and Family Paper i omblned. Printed on tine paper, in just the size and form for binding. Published every Wednesday iiiorn ing. TERMS: ONE COPY. $2 50 FIVE COPIES ------ 1200 TEN COPIES 22 Oil THIRTY COPIES 63 00 FIFTY COPIES- 100 CO Larger clubs at the rate of $2 per year for each subscriber. The Chromo delivered free, un mounted, at our office, to every subscriber. Mounted ami post-paid, 5c cenls in addition to the subscriptions iiiu-t be sent. Uff Post masters and others forming Clubs may retain 10 per cent on all subscrii tions ami add single copies at Club rates after they are formed. F.emittan:es ray be made by Draft, Money Order cr Eedstered letter, at cur risk. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. Give Post office address In full, lnelu ling State and County and address THE WEEKLY GRAPHIC, NEW YORK. Cr* f 5(1 per day! Agents wanted! All ♦ w 4).U clasaesof working people of eith er sex, young cr old, make more money at work tor us in their spare i:i;>ui*i.-ts, r ail the time than at anything else. Particular.-, free. Address 27r4 G. Si I.N SON Jfc CO., Portland, Vie TAKES ON SlfiHT.iMS.'^ '- canvasser-, -Vgts. and salesman! Henry v, aid Beeeliei's family newspaper gives every subseittrer a I-AIII of the largest ami finest Oi l PR n 11'Ht—two most , attractive subjects that "take" on sight—painto ! • iiy Mrs. Anderson, as contrasts and companions for Ik r "Wide Aw a ke" ami "Fast Asleep." Agents i have Ininiciive Success.: cal, it the "iiest bu siness ever offered canvassers." We furnish the iiglitest and iiaudsomcst outfit and pay very hign commissions. Each subs< rioer receives WITHOCT DELAY two iieautiful pictures which are reitdr for IVI >II.OI V. K 11111.l UK V. The paper it self stands peerless among family journals, being so popular that, of its class, it tias tiie largest ci.- culatfon iu the world! Employs tiie best literary talent. Edward Egglestou's serial story is just beglnuitig; back chapters supplied to each suli scri'oer. Mrs. stovve's long expected sequel to "My Wife and I" begins in the new year. Any oue wishing a good salary or an independent iiu sineas, should semi for circulars and A <; K N T8 terms to J. B. FORD A CO., New YxWANTKD York, Boston.Chicago, Cincinnati or s-u Fra nclsco Dr. T. M Sharp's byspe; sin l'ill. DYSPEPSI A CURED Dr. Sharp's Sped tic cures Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Constipation, Vomiting of Food, Sour Stom ach, Water Brash, Heartburn, Low Spirits, Ac. In thirty-dve years never failing to cure the most ob stinate cases. Sold by druggists. C. S. Jones A Co., 19 North Front St., Ygeats for Coudersporf, Pa. Depot, 14ft Eighth St., N. Y'. Circulars mailed on application. 4a2fi POLARIS MYSTERIES solved; disasters and escapes vividly portrayed. See FKOZKV ZONE and its EXCLOKKRS. A splendid octavo of Son pages most profusely illustrated with elegant steel and woo I engravings. A fascinating history of Arctic adventure. The most saleable book out. Agents \canted. Send forterms and sample pages to Mu tual Publishing Co., Hartford, Conn. lSr4 RICH FARMING LANDS! FOR SALE VERY CHEAP! THE BEST INVESTMENT! XoFluctuati \ V IS Til K TIM IC ! Millions of acres of the nnest lands on the Con tinent iii Eastern Nebraska now for sale—many of them never before in the iM.irKe.t prices that DEFY CUM I'E'l I IH)X. Five anil Ten Years' Credit Given, with Interest at Six per Cent. The Land Grant Bonds of the Company taken at par for lands. They can now be purchased at a large discount. S-£~Fu!l particulars given, new Guide with new Maps mailed free oy addressing O. F. DAVIS, 18r4 Land Comr. U. 1\ Jl. It., OMAHA, NEB. S2 O SAVED! To meet the urgent demand of the times the FLORENCE MAVI \G IIRHI.Vi; (O. have determined to REDUCE PRICES, and will hereafter sell then SO6 Machine for $4.5, and other stvles in proportion. THE FLORENCE is the ONLY Sewing Machine that teeds the work backward and forward or to right and left, as the purchaser mav prefer. It has oeen greatly IM PROV ED and SI M t'LI FI El), and is far better than any other machine in the market. IT IS NOW THE CHEAPEST Florence, Mass., Nov. 1, 7i. Agents wanted. 18r4 200 PIARGS A ™ ORGANS NEW A SECOND-HAND, of FIItST-t LASS MAK ERS, will be sold at LOu KR PRICKS, for cash or on instalments, in CITY" orCOUNTRY, during this FIN AN' 'IALCKISIS and the HOLIDAYS, oy Ho race Waters A Sim, 4*l Broad. I .ay, than ever beforeoffercd in New York. AGENTS u A.VI ED to sell MATEi.S'CELEBRATED PIANOS, CON CERTO and OKCIiES iRA ORGAN'S. Illustrated Catalogues mailed. Great inducements to the Trade. A large discount to Ministers, Churches, Suuday-schools, etv. 24r4 BUILDING FELT (No tar use.), ior e work and insluc, i of plaster. Felt Carpetings, Ac. Send two S-ceut stamps for Circular and Samples. 27r4 C. J. FAY, Canulen, N. J. NEW YORK DAY-LOOK A Democratic Weekly. Established I*so. It supports White Kupiem'acy, political and social. Terms $2 per year. To c übs, nire copies !orss. Specimen copies free. Address IJAY-BouK, 27r4 New York City. Wood's Household Magazine, THt BEST DOLLAR MONTHLY. ,v(hlP a (,av hy ean- V 111 Tfi V I L vasGiig for this mag flt I I I X U i]\ I ' I azlne—now in its 14th Y1 U Y1 U vol.—with Chroir.o, THE VOMMUTE VALLEY, HVIB iiieties. in oil C olors. Magazine, one year, with Mounted Chronio $1 oo Magazine, one year, with Unmounted Cliromo 1 so Magazine, alone, one year, ... j W ) Examine our clubbing and Premium Lists. Two First-class Periodicals for the price of one We solicit I xpertrareo Guivaoirs ami others to send at once lor terms and specimen Magazine. Address K. E. Nit I TFA. Publsher 2714 41 Tark Row, N. Y. City, or New berg. N. Y. OLD MAIDS! Teachers, Studenta, Clergymen, Postmasters a** viae awake Young .Men, and Men aur hooks suitlclent to stock a Library; or some vai iaKle IMetures to leauttfy your Homes: or a ulce stereoscope; or a good Time-keeper (Clock or .Vatch); or a Music Box; ora Gold Pen; ora Pho ographic Album; or a Stand Kerosene Lamp foi • our parlor; ora One Acconleon; or Welwters Il lustrated yua r to Dictionary, or Rogers' world-re towned Statuary Groups; ora One Violin; ora Re uington Riile-cane; ora Keiuiiigtou douhle-harre •reach-loading Shot-gun; or a Cabinet Org tn worth 14o; t>y simply working up your unoccnpied time i.i aw ay explained in the circulars of the M. 11. Co. Perfectly legitimate ami respectable; many would say phiiatithioplc. Address M. 11. P.CO., 129 East &>th street, New York. 24r4 G 60 * P-R° we ii & G°- j conduct an Agency for the reception of advertise- i meat- for American Newspapeis—the most com- : plcte estab.i-hmeiit of the kind in the world. Six ! thousand Newspapers :e kept regularly on He. •pen to inspection by customers. No ending room. ' lowever complete, receives oue-tweutleth of this number. Every lit vert la- merit Is taken at the home price of the paper, without any additional harge or commis-lon, so that an advertiser, in 1 loali.ig with the Agency, Is saved f rouble and cor- i rcspoudence, making one contract Instead of a lozeii, a hundred or a thousand. A hook of Ml pages, containing lists of lr such information there is no charge whatever. Publishers not only send their files free, tint pay Messrs. GEO. P. KOWEI.I. & Co. for their services. Orders are accepted for a single paper as well as for a larger list; for a single dolljir as readily as for a larger sum. Address the American Newspaper Advertising Agency, 41 F- R, H Am lo 8: 100 iu Wail st. often leads to a for \||| tune. No risk. 3?-pagc pamphlet for stamp. Oil) VALEN'IINE'iTMBRIDGE* CO, Banker and Brokers, 39 Wall st., N . Y. 27r4 Mvmrm A I " , ' al a <* ent an ' l a ( ' an Ml ll* 11 11 vasser iu in is COUNTY, to 1 111 I ti II trt represent Our I'lre i J I lj M sill.- I rieiul. We can give the proper party a good paying and easily worked ( ash Business. The tact and experience of an old agent is not needed to lie successful, though we have more ex perienced agents (secured during the past two years) working for us than any other house in America, and they continue to work right along, and make BIG salaries. The secret is that they otter the people IKTTKII inducements, and that we attend more PROMPTLY to their orders. I.MPi.UY .UFA'S for all, at your homes, or trave ng for your leisure moments, or your en tire rime. Ol P COM BIN'A 1 ION beats the worl i. The MOST for the money. Yot' rati make money. Profitable, honorable, congenial. Send your ad dress at once and get our novel plans, etc.. get particulars, terms, etc., sent free. Address WALTERS A CO., Publishers, 21j6 Chic age. ! * SAMPLES FKEK ! ! The SATURDAY EVENING POST, H Walnut street, Philadelphia, gives a beautiful CHROMO or LARGE STEEL ENGRAVING to every yearly subscriber! Samples free. 21j13 F IC/AISTANT EMPLOYMENT At Uoine, Male oi Female, *.> i, a week warranted. No capital required. Full particu lars and a valuable sample sent free. Address, with 6 ct. return stamp, A. D. YOUNG, 29U Fifth St., Williamsburg!), N. Y. lSjli /f\ TR YTT 3 MONTHS for TEN CTS.; HH or with $.! CHROMO, for FIFTY I II I CENTS; or SIX MONTHS witu • "FLOWERS OF PARADISE," a in.. - la-.- Chromo, 15>. x2l inches, in eighteen colors, for sl. 'i he NA'I ION AI. AGRICULTUB -1 IST Is a sixteen-page paper of 64 colunins, hami somely illustrate\ aged by any child. The latest and most wonderful Invention of the age. Ihe very thing for either parlor or outdoor amusement. SEND FOR SAMPLE AT ONCE. Big pay to Agents and to the Trade. Satisfac tion guaranteed or money promptly returned. Sent Pre-paid by mail to any address on receipt of fto cents, or ii for Address Ji. If. ROBERTS. 27j26 176 Broadway, New York. fx r- *rtp i f i *^ci♦ LUTHER S. KAUFFffIftN, B I{ 0 K E R, 96 Fourth Avenue, PITTSBURG, PA. lA&fc^lSsluTTEß This Is a wonderful little invention and for the trilling expense of kitty Uents, every person ran have one in his house and tie his own glazier. This instrument will cut glass better than anv dia mond which will cost Hftv Dot ars. Any person can use it. It is simply a nice putty knife, with a little steel wheel that makes 2500 revolutions a minute—tempered in a uecttxlar manner. It requires no skill or practice to use tt. Any body can cut glass witK it—even a child. It will last a lifetime. \ light pressure on the glass is all that Is necessary. rar~AGENTS WANTED. Sent prepaid to any address, safely packed, upon receipt of fto cents ami a letter stamp tiy 11. il. CLARK** CO., ' 27u*4 SOS East Capitol St., Washington, D.C'. WRITE TO ME. t lrciilaix free, Y* rite l> ute and get the ex c _ -ive sales oi a county. V. , it,. allll ' will have the right to sell in yourcoun -1!: }" H,lr, o\? V;llkor ' s Cillif on,urß ej;ar Hitters arc a purely preparation, made chioHv fron, r® tivc herbs found on the lower rmlj® tie Sierra Nevada mountains of j niti, the medicinal projicrties „f are extracted therefrom witlm- ,u® of Alcohol. The question £ daily asked. "What is the unparalleled success of Yixro A j'*®|H i TKits f" Our answer is. tlnw J® the eausc of disease, and the juite-,.® covers his health. They are Hitlß blood purilierand a ii!e-givin s a perfect Renovator and invi'J®' of the system. Never liistory of the world lues a lucilinC BWI compoumled possessing the renarbß qualities of Vixkoau I!IITKR.n in l sick of every ilbea-e man is heir to. are a gentle Purgative a- well t - Vaj relieving Congestion "r Inflamnmit® the l.iver and Visceral Organs ia j; J The iroperties f lh:. VixKOAit Iln rKKsare Aperient. Carminative, Nutritious, laxative. Sedative. Counter-Irritant live, and Anti-bilious. It. tT. Nrimv VL'l Tn Cn.. Druggists and Gen. Act*.. San Francism and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sold by ail Urugti 11 and D aUi, Fstaltlishecl in I*3h, I Ile-Fstablir-heri in lscjß C. G. Hammer & Sor® Manufacturers of Fine and Medlus TUBE, of every description and aim superior in style and qtiaitly tli\^ v most or any other Furniture House mountains. ■!'% Photographs and Price t.ists sent <>n or when in the city don't forget the the lasge Golden Chair, 46. 4s, aup 5u SEVENTH AVKXI V I 24::cjiy ? 4 H MA Ul4 El, I ZEI> MANTEui Kaiifrcs, Grates, Furnaces. T-l u. gistor-. Grates, Ac., Old's Patent I'tcti iPR Grate (c'eaiiest ami tiesl) and siar Kiw- Self-cleaning ovens, saving .'6p per ceut. Send for Ciiculars. f JAMES ol.l). No. 193 Liberty Street, I 18J8 I'ITTSIICWiB.ftMt What oe ct.l Hsxt? 25 Ct | Best, prettiest, and by far the cheapest zlne in the world, ami wonderfully yaß Monthly, 25 cents a year. Magiiifleeut Engraving and "Sunlight paintings to scritier, and most libera! terms to those raising clubs. Specimen, 3-cent standi witli sample picture 10 cents. Say where this. John B. Alden, Pub., Chicago, 111. ' 1814 THE W PRESBYTERIAN BANKER, Oldest and Cheapest FAMILY PAPER Equal to Any Other. DOUBLE SHEET. ONLY S2GO PER ANNUM NEW SUBSCRIBERS THREE MONTHS FOR NOTHING. Thf Newspaper for the Fan# TIIK PRESBYTERIAN BANNER was lishel in 1-14, lias no superior among rellp* Journals, and is publishes! at a LOWER I'D* THAN ANY OTHER PAPER IN THECHUBLk-j DEPARTMENTS. THE BANNER HAS COMPLETE I I I KKAHY, COMMERCIAL, AGKB ", A i SABBATH SCHOOL, FAMILY A.Mi bf.M'b- NEWS DEPARTMENTS. All subjects of living interest arc discussed- Special attention Is given to Religious and Gfr eral News. Our Foreign Correspondence is unequalle 1 ' ! any journal In theCliurcii. Among our contributor* are some oi tl> e newspaper writers in this country. During the eutire twelve months unusu*- 1 tractions will be presented. Tills Is a Paper willed should he" Every Family. THE FARM. During the ensuing year special a!te ?" r ! c tie given to matters pertaining to the ran to such news and reading as will Intern | fanner. AGENTS WANTED- Agents wanted everywhere. C" Ir<• uI a ? taming the terms for Agents will l,e " application. SPECIMEN PAPERS ! Persons wishing to have some j BANNER as specimens, for their ow" ' ! tion or to show* others, are requested w tlieir names and P. G. address ami * e the papers postage paid. Address all letters I'IIESB YTERIAN BAN > 1 n 2TJ4 ; Third Ata*e. piMDhW 1,