„ potter Journal ASP No. 30. — j r :^£::""' :A - rfc - ria '" l3,l3: *' J .hiiikea'WHl to run ovwr on#* h-:r,Kj will toeacli add re~ denote the £* the PM l* l ' l - 5* ; - ... a-.i ... '-I ili'uotc that pctt J t" v,,v No " 1 4*!®' S. F. HAMILTON. PuWuJier , V.FIFLD. Tioga Co., talks of hav- j ... k | lo te! and street lamps. way get them. rittswno exists to have more j ' erectesl within its limits, next ' " than daring any previous sea- history. We ho]* Couders- I ffii! ditto. rfd.r number of the firm of .V: Die's, tailors, of this village, ; r GerissJUiJ last week. h.OA coonty has a new township u\ Duncan. HE chikln n "f W< llsborn are wrest vrith the ■}](*>! ing-cough. iiK entries iip'" tlie appearance -t in (lis IVeti.onotary's office of (.\miitv to Feb. tenu, lfe~i, num hundred and se veiity. This . >tl;r laigrst number ever entered Fd niary term, which is only two TALCED correspondent, in Camer s'uiity. informs us that there is no fby the people of that county to c:..t any other judicial district. ih'.zti.s are having a hard time f t:nr ice houses this winter. In ' . kew el !.■ lie who have succeed i- although several have theirs iftu-,,1. I E method of spelling Cou -o j ed froiu a letter ivtvmd L- I'v-t Uilice iu this village, the r I y.and is as follows: ""Kentish- ] V" I . , . - „ It a:G fitty-eiglit teams id welling in tin m i*-r end of • not "ii tu lgth at Feb., in-. t ...1 i ' : w.*s !ve and live o'clock . ... d there were no funerals in ! ..at day either. i Hanisliiirg Tel< graph fills out : coiuuiii with recijit-s for gingi-r --iM'i-niaa'a pudding, etc. Items kscarce in Ilarrisburg. 1 Eirit to make the JOURNAL in-j u> every resident ot tae Own*' four friends in different sections' lus the items of interest in their I "y. iiiiy will gn ally aid us in ac ■ . i.g iur d*sire. We will gladly 1 ..te iiie favors when in our pow*- i -< so. St j.d along the items and ' u> and our readers, and make isis let 1 IK tier. VALENTINE'S day slipped ? ("i.d. rsjiort unnoticed. It K always thus. - K. JONES, of the firm of Arch Son of this place, has in;.' p:ove a great eonveiiic nee "dug iieat-iitting. wc h-iniule ; i:r 'i> K. on the 9th of Feb., liaul team at one load, from tlie i landing on the Oswayo, a six miles. !• gs which scahd "ii i n were nominated for mrs iu Sharon. We have! h-e n-sult of tlie election. 1 " lir hat to the Allegany Co. the following kind words: ■; • * , hke a sheaf of oc a cradle knoll.-Ohur, Itrji!. >I IbAY "~Business met) It, hi commercial pa- ' " f tiie fact that the 22d of ' r Ui *n Sunday,; (Ui, * f l ' iat 'he act of April l^T ffwl, at days shall con -•:itioys, prescribed as first day of Januaiy, j Twenty second day of Februarv. the fourth day of July or tlie twenty-fifth day December, shall, either of them, oc cur on Sunday, the following Monday. l shall be deemed and declared a pub! c holiday, and all bills of exchange, Uw.k checks, drafts or promissory notes fall i ing due on either of the Mondays so . observed ms a holitl. y. s!ihll be due and payable on the Satunlay preceding such holidays; and such Mondays, so observ ed. shall for all purposes'whatever as rtgaids t';:e pii-s-nting for payment or aeivptanee and of t. e protesting ai d giving notice of the dishonor of bills of exchange, bank checks, drafts and promissory uotes made after the jmssage of tliis act. lie treated and considered as is the first day of the week common ly called Sunday." THERE will be a donation visit at the Evergreen Hotel, in Sunder!iuville, on Tuesday evening, March 3d. 1574, t<>r the lienefit of Elder C. 1). Kinney. A cordial invitation is extended to all. A KANSAS Postmaster sends in an order for taree postal cards at a time, as there '"is not much w ritin' going on around here." TO-DAY is Ash Wednesday— the be giuuing of Lent. It. 11. CALDWELL & Co., bankers, of lienovo, will occupy their new building . on Erie Avenue, between T.iird and Fourth streets iu that borough, on Mar. Ist. This firm, by a careful attendance upon the interests of their customers, have dt se.vidiy won the confidence of all with whom they have had business transactions. NATHANIEL PERRY, of Bingham, with another man, was killed in the liunlier woods of Jefferson county a few days ago./ The IK sly of Mr. Perry was brought to his home in this County on Monday. THE opponents of the local option law are earnestly at work endeavoring t > obtain its rt-jx-a!. All friends of tlu law should attach their names to some of the petitions, now in circulation, asking the legislature to retain the law upon the st..lute books. THE election in this vicinity yester day {uissed off very quietly. In the bor ough the straight Republican ticket was elei t.d by a small majority. BEWAKE of profanity. The Boston man who was '"cursing" an editor the other day fell dead on the s}>ot. and , ether cases of the saiiu sort are repOi ted. TIIEUE is nothing pleasanter, when | in the declining years of bfe. than to iiave the boy who US-S be t of lumlier, an increase of nearly 4-V ooOJIif) feet, compartd with the trade of the previens vein This ye; rtl e eisa ste Cited— For a; 1 the ,weet 1IO;K-S her he.trl has known, Tiiat is now forever stii'.ed. We miss her at lnori.inT, at noon and at night. We yearn for iter eteti in s.eep: Tlie gladness of earth lias gone with iter— bureiy we well may weep. Ib J IHmcrEit"s MOSTDLT Mica-ink -eons to tm | ;>;.ve with ea< L issue. The March number uiwes to our taMe redolent w.th -priag novelties, .-prii.g . [ anisic, spit.ig llteriiture au.l spring fasnions. : rhls magazine rlchiy deserves to be called a ! taodeL It is printed In lieac.tifo! stile on ttne to e ;! paper, and ia every respect *s Ne Flus FL 1 i tra. The premiums ofTore i are far in advance of ; all others. Jerome Thompson's Oi l Oaken Bucket, . ; iu ize atid beauty, is worth several times the tost of the yearly sub-rrij tion, A tdrisa \\. JKSNISUS DE*U::IST, 6.:-. Broadway, N. Y. J J.thn Oruierod pays CASH for Buck wheat at Knox & J cues' Mill. ]>evi'mr.-n's Yorso AMVI'C.i for ?4ar;h con as usual variety and eutertaniiin: rcaiiug ; : en s' Stones Rio-tritiug : the Evils of lot loperaucc, with Cartoons, ia- I creases in lntr-rest. Every b*F au.i girl AMU read V osiiig America. Yearly il, wiih a beaatiial Chromo ITciatiixu. Address NV. p'INVHTo DZMORSST, s.— Broadway, N. V. >TK 'E is hereby given to all ]>er- A 1 s;>:i- iinlrirti-il l t ;t- iv.rd.tte id W . IbiMiiond, late of Sweden uvp.. to call aim .sitlli the Same without cleiay, and all {H-rMtns having claims will pre sent them to ALMERON Nelmjn, E. S. RAYMOND. -w.Jen, Feb. 1-, t a. AJiniiUMr's.'• TIIE; usual visit of tin " Hearth and Home" i* looked for and enjoytil csich week. It is one of t!.e Inst family ]ta jiers we know* of and its publis icra show ] laiitiy their deteimination to make it tlie U >t pai <';rro".. • the -bt: ..vit We sec las' Ae.-k In ;: ,i.tioa litis iibaue..t as a, piieu hi Coe i SIM!l):'.iO If i • arse ha I top3oyad .= ndi scicutn;c iti Of arraug-.mciit uf its IlecouEtriiit'O:. i l oii. v Ht (he • los-j 'as the \*. ar J partmeM did In . li t* tK-id: ii;ug of the w,ir. in er...iurt)ig lor the | itiiau .*a i ore of what Wj- • ailed s.;e i a.i'e *va. • I CondtUAM 1 'rv iers for the • of Cavalry ! hors -s, no do b* toe I itiou t.ouiu have i#eci, re- | , stored loi.g ago.—Evg. N"( )TK Eislnin by given that tlie co- j ]iartm rsbip l eretofoj-e existing b* - i laeen i'. A. Stebidns and Win. Sin at . under tiie linn name of Shear & Stile ; bins, is tlii.■> day dissolvt-d by mutual j consent. WM. Sli EA R. P. A. >i'i BBINs. 1 < "ot*DF.Jt*roitT, F\., 'any. 7,1874. Fheur & Tlmnip on, at the Coudere-j d-rspoit T.inui ry, juiy the higest Uash ; Price for Ilidt-s. -i-dt) VET> jn-rsons ittdebUd to Thomjisoii j & Menu will pi* ass; call and settle : wiilioi.t lurther notice. XrrnCE T<> BUII-DERS.—Sealed i piopo>als will be riTT'vitl for bui'dii g a school l ouse m !l< m r twp. : uiitii March 7.1 71. S;ecnicßti< lis c..n lie seen at Jaeoi* Peets. By ord< r of the Bmnd, ' t. IE GATES, JACOB PEE i\ •Vl';/ I'' 'V'OTK 'E is besvl.y iv n that an ap piie.iti'.n will oe made to the la g- j l.wijituie ;it its |tit sent session for tee! passage ot an Act to iK- entitled "An Act t-- declare the Siniu mahoiiiug: Crt < k in the County of Pottt r a public ' !.ig \V;.\ IK 111 the IllOUti) of the Soldi: Lick Fo. k up to the mouth of the i'rouiy : Run;" t i object of sjiid act lieing to j niak' said cm k a public highway lbr the i passage of logs, timler and lander b\ floating. C. F. JACKLIN. juii. r.. ism N'OTICE fo Tax] avers on seated and aiiseatid lands in tie county ; 01 potter:—A court of appai and re \ ;>i it will l*e held at the Commission-! crs* office iii t 'o!!dei*sjM>rt, by the t 'nun-1 .v Ci niniissiouns, on the 4th day oi Maivli n- xl. for tiie pur{ise of correct-: mg ervoi-s and equalizing the assiss- ! incut of seatid lands and jersonal i pitq-erty. And on th sth for the purjiosp of hearing all complaints in regaid to the ] assessment of unseat*d lands and off iqi al zing the assessed value tlieieof. • T.e Comniissiouers desire that the owners of unsealed kinds should make: prrsif. as far as is practicable of tha iicual value of their lauds, in order tiiat they may apjtroxiniate ;us neany as possible an equal asm ssuif nE By cidei of the Board, j . L. B. COLE. Ciiwrs' dt vt. IXO A fit. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Cireumstanc s have comfielled me to adopt the READY-PAY SYSTEM. ] and hereafter I will sell no goi-ds on : creilit. HALL T. N ELSON. is hereby given, as required by Article in. Section 8. of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, that ap plication will lf said County the unseated school taxks for the year I>7± the said taxes when so u tinned to l*e received by said , Commissioners and placid on the frocks for cirllection tie same lis if retunied according to ousting laws for the re i urning and collecting unseated taxes i in said Township. J. AL KILBOUFINE. | j AD. =, IYI. by Order of bcJjtol heard. T' O ALL WHOM IT MAY CON-i CERX: (Arci instances have com-: ]|* ih-d us to adopt the BEADY-PAY i | SYSTEM, a; d licreaftcr we will seil no iroods 011 credit unless hv special "agree- ; ment. B. BURT & CO. ; Kou et, January T. 1574. 34-8 | ' ' ■ What fioor short-sited worms we be, 1 fc? We kan't kaiki-ate With any degree Of sat tan' re * What's gavine to be our Cite ' We can calculate, however, with rea sonable certainty on petting Better Lumber Wagons, Bt tter Carriages of till descriptions, Better Sleighs, Better Cutters, li -tter Trimming, Better Painting, Better Horse-shoeing, and Better Repairing of all kinds j At COLE'S Shop than any other place in Coudersport or in the County. i'e2-tf FOR SALE: A farm of 14s acres within one and a half miles of Cou dersport on a good road; well improved and well watered; good buildings, house and large Kirn. ALSO —Ilote] stand in Itoulet with two and one half acres of lam' attached, . within seven miles of the railroad. ALSO—Farm of one hundred acres j in Sharon, sixty acres cleared; good i , frame house ind two Kims; g:*id bear ing orchard; less than a mile from Mill }K>rt P. O. Applv to JOIIX S. MANX & SOX, heal Estate A(jenUt, 24-4 Chmdersport. THE PRKSSTTERIAN I!wsnr. wh sea 7ve-tise ; ment appear.- hi another column, wa.- establiehed j la Rev. John Andrews, in Chllbothe, Otiio. Juiy 5, 3-1-J. mi'' 1-. ' ou-equ' i,ta ,tbe oh lent religious ami ; fa.'iiilv iicws|mf.er. T: i- Is the cheapest aaper, of ' Hie • ■ ass t i IIK li is belm g-, now ptibHshe . and - xc<-de i '•> 1.0 other. It ought i-> be taken t.v ! every fault!}. f \ OIVAXDA PLOWS.—Fiat or Side- YJT hill, cast and steel. with iron K-aiu. ; The cast plows are ground and ]x>lished I —in full rig. Every plow is guaranteed. The lx st plow manufactured. W. T. DIKE. Ayent , or P.A.STEaBivs. Jr. Loud, rs'ort. Pa ' The Singer Machine St ill Trinmphaiit. —At the hist h ;iir of ilie lhifter County A griuiili oral ;id Ilorticultural society', held at Coudei'sport Oct. 1W,1573, tee Singer t>-k ti.e iirst pvuniom. with the Unwound Uemingtor. Sewing Machines ! "I'p">;iiL r . The Singer was <]\\e by Lm'ster Bros, and the R- mingtou by t..t- Agent j from Bingham. i | I >EN-JON, BOUNTY I CPA!IT AGENCY. * There ar. Thousands of Soldiers aaJ Sailors of ihe lute war, or their widows or heir-, entitled |to Pensions, Bounties, Prize Moseys, J" .. who h*ve uol made claim. Pensions rat- >1 <•* fn>*n I? to $s per moiith arc uow rated. under U'? s-w law. i ' from %i t ( > sls. Ail Pea-loners should apply foi ! the increase. The Jl-si aWITTIONAI. cot STY must ] be sr. j .led for, by those entitled, before January I ■ 1-T4, tue tberelo cajjlO ,g then. Widow }>tn- ] -loners entitled : > $: per mouth foreacb ctii'-l mi ■ ier 16 years. All who t'dui. the: .S-Ges entitled to Bounty or Pension (no tea tter how slightly wont: ;•* 1 . - . W harton, Feb. 11.1-r-t. Executurt. IVIATER ABRANGEMLNT. Buffalo, New Vcrk & Fhiiada. R'y. | THE SHOUT EST AXD HOST DIRECT lIOTTK To VYiiliainsjsu t, Sunbury. Ilavrisbflgg, Piiiladilphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and the South. Oil ami aft: i SOVSIiBB%MLtM ut! 11 far ther liotice, tiaius will itave BuH.-ilo frc.'ii r! e B'iiiak-, New Yoik A Pbiia lpMa pallway IP.- _v.it, co.uei' Exibauge aii.l Lou!sUi.i Trc.t-, t_- ! iaiiovs. T.-Jl- it. m, TTireijjSi I a •; at < dean i ortruii ius, Lar : .1. 'ni',. . I ■ : Ah- y ll.Ai- II!. licailiiß S'JBi j -i:it lis- 1 1. iTiliJf iunjiorfviM atl.Juf.BL t'a - : _• - ;.v t .. i.uia make ootnwoUoas at ; j'.., .\. y. ,i , . < r at Emporium at .:at p.m. j f r !'■ a' ; -ilult- ou it - P. A. E. H. K. east. a. 2 ill. .\lght I \pi I-NH (tail;) stooptnc ' it l.'i' i,, 0.A., I ' .mm' <>.-.j, laiiiu-'ei T.lfi, rOIt A,i. tally 7.4-. K-all Suuirtiit Sit, a r rivmg at | linii.o.luai at >4i p.m., Keuovo lu.tO. .tii.ldZTif i r- t a. ii.., Saiii. i .. liarosi.arc 4JU, ; P laMteiphui -.'.in a.ui. Kaluuioie *•., a.in.,*Vasb | inston tu.: b a.ra. i inouab Puliinati s; -eplr. 40, Lara e- s 6.4b, I'ortrilie 7.5-, OKanS-SS, ; ar.ivin>r at Buff tlo 2.bu p.m. 2.00 p.m. Through Kail (1s!1y except j Stiu.ia.v-1 i.u pii.jr ; k iitlna sutnr.iit i.46.P"rt j Allegany A7s, Ravaleei-a S.4S, rortvine 4.79, Uieaii 4.59. arnTiiar at Buffallo at S.OO p.m. J. D. YEOMANS. HLLYMAN, li. .. i suj.e. loleoucOt, iei,'i j-as . .ut. Dr. Glabsmiirc, • PWiEKIETOK or O.MLF STSGR IJ AND FILM POST ALLEGANY. and Kxrirr.-s AGENT. Stapc win 'cave Coudersiiort at 8 a. m., arrivir.E ! at Port Allegany in time for trains North and | booth. leave Port AL'egius at iViP- m., after ' trains aiie all in. S. F. HAPJitLTCM, BOOK AND JOB! I'UUNTEi?. j Lirgeft Circulation in tEe World I A PAPcR FOR All FAMILIES! If there Is sny one ttiitur that "no family can affoni to do without,''lt Is an Interest! u?, coin pre hensile, rrustworthv, unseitartan new .paper. | And that is what ihe pa Wishers of the CHRISTIAN UNION } here with briuit acaiu to public notice. The effort lias been to k<-ep l: what an emiueiit literary )our- I ua! ba.- caiicu it—"not only the ablest and beat, hot also, as we suppose, the most pop-jlw ui Am e lean rt-iiglous peiSodlcals." Eerier HtNRY WARD BEECH£R. Editor, t-e paper h:s w-.n for Useif the cuileu* but courteous Euitonals, interesiitig ContribuUse Ar tt- ic-. cu timely topics, criticai Boat Reviews, at tract A-c; "ibies, nitjrtua! Poems, edttorta! answers to - Imjutriug Friends,'" stories aud puzzles for Lit:,e Ki 'entitle notes. It contains the secular ar>.i religious News; has a Sunday School dej h.tinent; treats of Science, .Music, Art, Agn cniture. Finance. Trade, and pretty much every thing tor pretty much everybody. In religious Tiiutters. the Chp.WTIAN UNION Is purely uusecta- ' rluu, i.rotherhaoil with every'uiafl J evtnees a Obrlst-iike spirit. It seeks tho union of j goool Our Neigtiimrs," begins in the new year. Here are tne two foremost writers of wholesome lic.tion in America. Other attractive Tales, etc., by favorite authors will be given from time to time. 1 lie BEST WRITERS coutribire la it. In a woni, the CukISTIAN UNION i> a FAMILY JOURNAL for the eutire household—young and old. Nothing is snared to make it THE BEST FAMILY PAPER PUBLISHED. GIVEN AWAY! A I'AIK Ol' Oil. J'ItTIREM. The Premiums are es(ec.ta!ly notable this year. Every subscriber n-ceives a Pair of the finest aud mutt Ittncfire OHcCBBtOIUS that "take" on -ight, entiiled 4!itr lt>w: or The Dinner and the Nap." '1 hese are exact reproductions of ori ginal pan tings executed expressly tor the Cnnt.-- 11 AN UNION, by Mrs. S. Anderson, who painted the famous pair of girl-heads, "\t nle Awake and Fast Asleep," cm called "(hir Oirls." of which we have already given away over 15"\'>w • pair. TTie wonderful "popularity of tliis Utter pair keep 9 them still in active demand, we have, herefote, tu.i le cr.pipitte arrangemeiits to I'hK •SENT EITHER PAIR to every one of oursubscri bers lor the CHKIS'i IAN UNION t/us next year. '* On r Boys " mid •' Our G iris.." by the same morher-hesrt and artist-hand, are at . aiice anMic and popularly pleasing; they are; cfriotbo-ligthfigiapl/ed by .IkiiKsNK, of Pari-, the I .a k. owiedgeil master of that art in the whole ! world. The'-Glltl,S" always sop! (and do yet) j fnir $1" the pair. The "BoYb" would readily J bring ft?, if sold through the art stores, lielflg Su j : square itichea larg<-r, . Pp.! the Boys vie the I ! si.:- property of th- CHRISTIAN UNION, will j j not be o.dercd for sale anywhere HP i can he oU j tamed only ! j sulvscrilters to this paper. PR CE S3.CC PER Ar NUM. C77~Tliree years' experience proves ihat *?j out ( of every Its-' siii>scn'eliv etliig the Pieiuiiun Pictures, ail Mounted, Btxed IILJ Vgj iiisiie-1, ready for immediate fiaalo^-. TEEMS: 1. Kltier Pa:.- DELIVERED, Mounted, WITH the T HRISTLNN UNION tor 1 ;• ear 8* K> j 2. Either Pair DELIVERED In the "Popu lar Out Kraines," ith CHRISTIAN UNION for one vear (Ml ! 3. Both pairs DELIVERED, Mounted, with tiie CHRISTIAN UNION lor two jtara 6 75 S-ud money ta I-vvstal Orders, Che< k or Regi.— tereJ Letter. Currency at the risk of the sender. earFIKST COME, FIRST SERVED."** >:clme:, Coplea mai.eJ free on receljit of 6 cents. Good Agents Raiitid Everyiiliere. J. B. FORD r by our Agent. M. H. BIPCE, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN j 13apru jQ^anflfnfi. OIL CLOTHS, Etc, No. *-218 Nl;\in St., 3434 iy BUFFALO, N. 1. j W. V/. R'OORE, ' DEALER ISC I I MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, AMERICAN and IMPORTED ! MARISI.ES, &0., ; Third St., ojij-rsfc Court llout-e Squart. ; COlOl RSPORT, PA. All *'! done Id a workmanlike manner acd tiers spnt by mail promptly attended to. j My pjl&s are the lowest in this section of the j coantry. tuc j Lewisviile GRADED SCHOOL.' i I'all term opens the Fiust day of Swtembek. B. B. Made. Mrs. B. B. fclnde, iT.nclpal AexUtcmi Mlr.a K. E. ( uthlng, liutrvmtrUoi ifiMc. TUITION. Primary Department, per term 4 00 Intermediate do., do 6U- ' liigb school do., do 600 Instrumental music 10 Ot Tuition must be arranged in advance. Oiavses in this term will be arranged to acctn modute those deaiguiug to teach during tUf com iug.winter. The Potter County Teachers* Institute!will le ! held at Lewisville in connection with this Ujtm. ! Board, including lights and fuel, ran be ob- • tained h>r 50 cents jwr day. Good rooms can i* obtained by 1 Uws wliodes.re to furnish their ow u hoard. SETH LEIVIS. O. R BAhSLTT. Secretary. 50—tf Prftidm ,• i-t-::es *ssnon ejin nu>., [•iwti.iJß i *poc no iiaj eitiin* uw> udtuojtno i •spusjq snotnaj inuo. 1 rsqjo s? H3M re 'oooenoi oximsbo uKaiKSHJ. | Iur. - fl tvjßacj. too itiscf am jo tuajnjDjou*n A -M 'OTA'cIAIItI l'.. IS 1-".J Ofi V l "OO V SMiVQV 'W **j 540,000 WORTH OF DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, DOMESTIC WOOLENS, Ready-Made Clothing. BOOTS, SHOES, Groceries and Provisions, i AT PANIC PRICES WITHOUT REGARD TO COST FOR THE NEXT 60 SIXTY DAYS! 60 AT THE REGULATORS, 7 I OPIM HOUSE BI.0CH:, i * WELLSYILLE, Come and See Me—l Mean Business! C. H. SIMMONS. 25-30 I THE BAKER HOUSE j N. E. ©or. SECOND and EAST Street*, 1 (Z&s; c: Crt Sense Sqt izre*) I COUDERSPORT, PA. I i Has been purchased by BROWN £ KELL.Y J (formerly of the Cor DCKSP. .RT.HOTKI-) The House Is eotup'.efely furnished from top to bottom, and IIAS all the conveniences desired b> ! the people ; the table Is the liest in the County ■ ■ the barn is under the charge of the he.*f ostler in ! the State; and, in short, everything will be done i that can hedoneto make It comfortable for strxn j gers or others whojvisit the house ! The long ex]>erierce of the lToprietor* in tiie ; Hotel business makes them peculiarly able to | eater to the varied wants of the tiaveUifcg public j They solicit their 'old custom, belieri gMX [ they are able to SUPPLY the BEST OP THE r.isvr to | aIL & KELLET, 533 Proprietor*. I Insurance Company of North America, Tba Oldest Stock Insurance Company in the United States. ASSETS, January 1, 18711, S 3,^70,7:18.01 Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. A.SSETS, January X, X©*73, 9 1,162,508.40 The above-named rel'iblc ompanles are represented to COB. dersport b) . - 2 * 30 -'y ARTHUR B. MANN. < ■ 'A. *. : - " ... The American Manufacturer, A WEEKLY JOIBTAL Of THE IRON, COAL, METAL AKD &LASS TRADES. This Journal, now in its Twelfth Year, is recognized as the Leadlusj Reire*er*Hr nt 'he I rnted States. Published at Pittsburgh, the centre of the heart Ima, fetee'. and Glass l udustdea ot the cmnitrw.lt haa facilities for gathering information of these trades iuch as no other -eases. In addition It has nearly one hundrel Corres|>ondentß in all parta of the eoantrv from *vm it is constantly in receipt of news. Among its SpecUUteu may be mentioned : "' ® Its Pace of Condensed Manufacturing Notes; Its Able English letter; Its Slion Editorials; Us Pittsburg Iron ± Metal Price List & Review of American Iron Markets- Its Tlioroutfh and Reliable Statistical Tables; * Its Monthly Reports from Blust Furnaces- Its Iron Workers' Wages Tables. W ARVS^TTITc^ 0r 545601 TSON ' BTEEL * OEE - HABD SUBSCRIPTION, - - - $4.00 PER YEAR. tS~Sa.ropie Copies sett Tree on Application. AMERICAN MANUFACTURER, J at wool SIMM. pituwte THE j CoMeiSfsn Hotel ASD : General Stage Office | lieu '-een KErrrtES cnct h EPVsntsuni'/ rom L ' GARRET to CZLLAR and <* nov open to the PUBLIC. v! , The TABLEviII be kept in PTKST-CLXNS stple, • and no labor or expense spared to make it a : FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. GOOD STABLIXG, and careful llo*llers always in attendance. The OLD-TIME popularity of the Hotel will he PCLLY MAINTAINED by the present Proprietor, , who now solicit* the patronage of travellers and t he public generally. D. F. GLASSMIBF, Jr., 531 rsorairroa