The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, February 18, 1874, Image 1

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JN °" S ' 3STE-WS ITEM. D,F ' HAM, "°^.
yfcy (_Vr. M'tinand Third.)
u „„ S. F. Hamilton,
j v Mjnn*
U .ml Tonveyaiiwrs
U> '
Artliar B. Mann.
- v cr u .11 A Smmtj Public.
PEL McCI.ARY, m. i>.,
MT.t l-i a" 5 District Attorney,
v.i/.-v . rtttM<Wee*
L, . .. ;;SC t-hi< pUMMIW.
. , :\ ct\ett to oo!'.eviin>.
pPaMir.' iaim Aceut, Onrcyancpr
iittl l.rai EOUTE ASS'ut.
tfiolAiS ;-f : tito fOf'.£=s JZFSZT
■ Mivnaaramn,
7'AiAtJelpkiet. 7\i.
|v _ . \i--rteii<v R!VEU TO txk- •
- . - ises pea in inc -iiflferc.T J
Bats mu nkL j
H - is-IftHMNaM **i
t- - * tM-e itcd.
. M st I|>| 11 TTW* IW.)
C - IEI:-POKT. Pknn'A.
8; at LAW and 1 DSN ralire Agent,
W' l IX BL* ai.
Baker House,
8.-u> N a ktl . I. Dufr x
it of sEiONDathi EAST streets.
i 1I DOffllT, I'L-.N A.
- ;xiiu u- ih - oouvt?:ueuci? aiw!
:af. A •( SCCSTI.
Ci. x ALAC *ic -
Lewisville Hotel,
KR -f MAIN and NORTH Street-.
s . :u.e attai-ucxl.
f i. (iaaii<, I'.nluaic, Cak ::stain(,
1 ~~ a. 1 * .• 3 A UA i uc. d0.,-I.JUC
' -I.JS-, xaU
• i !j case*, u'|
.tuiftrUpu cuxr-
I llllicil.
P *.USTS for SALE. j
N -Jirinox, Book-, Stationery,
1 r Dli CHS • UPiCtft.iL..
• V n .*./ Thirl a fx..
n>ER>I\RT. PA.
Jltimaml Third.)
„ & J- C^.OWELL,
L* * ** m ,
|. ' K *MNti. ox. Pa.
r \}{l.\\,L& MACHIXK*}
W-,, J" **•
>i . ' * * l -"- *■* i i rx: 0 W rk
* Wail,
uH e, Si }p ii,
tJrrorativf 4
- -* irxs and dii|loh.
- .
- 1 ® -Aruuiettl.
I! . Ul8 AVOltlv.
L"* , ' iiaaw m t*er. !
,*i - 7
- x ,' " ,! -Ac affl-ec of Joe* j
j?*r-Lap: 4"tcifc< i j
Edward Forster,
G-roceries & Provision^,
&c., dfce.,
V sjHR-ialty matte
Teas and Coftees,
..f hicb I iiave t:ie
1 uml llext
>tKk in ion.
AI! Ootids sold CHEAP lor e ASH out*.
Cat! and examine before ue.e
New Sinoek Sewing Machines ex
changtxi for ones of any kind or make,
by A. M. REYNOLDS. j : /cnf.
■ Corner M ARKET and HUNTER Streets,
( XD I' 77/ SIDE of the DII EH.)
I wiH i.n respcctfulH iuvitethe attentiou ot to-*
jHiblic t> my
with the A<s ;ranee that I ean meet every <ir
iiuusl for a first turnout.
Hating purrhjsoii the I.iiery of Amos A e .
have the only Estabiishmrnl of the kirni in tL.
; *<tino.
I law
I. H. &00LSELL,
Carpenter and Joiner,
■ •if'ty E. 1 > T Street.
C'oiulei-xjiort. l*u.
01 'NTK.YCTS Mn and materials furnished for
a!! kni-.istU iLWVj
t*LM>iu and V vTv lllN.- liiW.-MIXAHNv of a'
S VSH. BLINi'S vo-i Ih > lfis * hand or ma* -
tartured to .irder.
C ASH paid f--r IMtte Lumber.
Y ur is!.
N. H. H<H)lsEl.l-
Tire SINGER is ; kn-k-stiteh macbine
and ni.ikt - i L autiful.eveu ar.d uniform
stitch w. icb will uot ravel and i> ahk
on lw>th >idt-s. It lo ins. bniil>. c>nls.
lUv ks, t uibroiders, ruffles, feiis and does
ill', kinds >f work on the fittest muslin or
the heaviest full-cloth.
John V. Brown,
I.lxe or STAGLis
■XT* rN
Coudersport & AV ellsville
Fes. -- S iBZ to a*W*TC br o.vce
lo mv.rn same -iav. ill be arv Haiated
at stats? rate*.
•34 to*as wil' te cwEveyed by Lurry at
!*v*.!&ii>e rases.
At.0.1 livery ri? kept eimssautiy o haad e,
r> i* line HXfX
(J-mx V Bwows
I 114-14
I f r -m Literary Cempwoi jo.]
Frost Work.
The beautiful fo iave, the crown of tlie year.
Hail been storm-strewn and sc;utered, withered
and sere.
And the rains of the autumn were shed as atear.
Where the wit lie red garlands were lying
Naked and hare to the wintry sky.
Moving their arms to the bleak wind's sigh,
Sid to the heart and drear to the eye
Wese fiie trees as the year was dying.
A cloud came drifting out of the west,
I kirk some and weird were billow and crest.
And lire fitful jrr'e spoke little of rest
As the day went on to the gioamiug.
t Xo vesjier of bird met Cue deein niiic shade.
No lowing of herds as (hey homeward straye<l,
| No carol of peasant or song of m lid.
No sound but tlie breakers foaming.
, A night came heav! v. darksome ami drear,
; A morning broke beautiful, frosty au-1 eieai".
All sadness was gone, a wouderfui clieer
Came like a cares-1-> humanity.
The clouds tiiat haunted the winter night
J Yielded their bieath t-> the ice king'- might,
. And woven in beauty by elf ami -prite.
Made nature a scene of vanity.
Light as the beautiful veil of a bride.
Tare as tlie lilies that woodlands hide.
; Fairy land vi-ions far ami wide.
Enchanting tlie New Year morning.
No 1.-1,11 e'er wove such a -i'vei sheen.
Light never glided a daintier scene
| In marb'e hall or in fore-t srre,-n.
Tlmu ti.e w * n-lerfu! fio.-t's adorning.
I •. re.-ti-l and fringed on coppice and spray.
Catching ti.e light of a cloud ess day.
Casing the hues of a diainoii I s ray.
Lay the snow in virgin whiteness.
Clothing anew the beech ':> ng .-ead,
; Clinging in l>ead- on tlie - Mer s thre id.
Frivuing like age tlie pine tree's head,
In forius of fan iful 'ightiio^
Giving a b'oniu to the swayiug viae,
Ko-es of white where tlie biiers twine,
Henditig the larch in a snowy line.
Making grove oak- fantastic.
Flinging beauty on every form.
Wayward spirit ot co d and storm.
Showing a fancy wt in! and warm.
And art s>) eudie-- y plastic.
Child of tlie night, of unseen birth,
Oue thing pure on the of the earth.
Whiter titan f.uju from the uceau surf,
F.ur w..rk of a mystical power.
Telling our hearts tiuit the daike-t -ky
And the saddest hours may ofi go by
When -tilled like tlie stonu; our evening sigh
May i joy in a brighter hour.
firm the Hearth aiei Home.}
Robert, The Wicked, Waiting- for
Chris cmas.
"Ilurrali. there! What's going on
now V
The boy who cried out was old
enough to know why that wagon, la
de* with Ckmtaoas peeas, was t.•:!-
iug up the hill towartl the little
chureh. The very liorses seemetl t<>
know the work they were doing and
. a gladness shone froui every youthful
j lace that watched the mounting of
the precious load.
Rut llol>ert Hart did not know—
j he had never seen a clturch adorned
for Christmas. During the summer
he had come to tlie tow n to help Far
mer Atkins. He was a fatiterh-ss.
motherless. 6lkbAm hoy. and yet
that load of (TOIgKcU going up the j
hill towaid the little church seemed
tothv* UM in a strange way. At
ti-st no one -jtoke t him. The w ir
on M some distance >d". when E'rni :
Lee shouted hack: "You hal Utter
: eome and see what's going on. it you
want to know."
"Haste, Fred," some one said:
•\ ou know the girls won't want that
horrid fellow helping in the church."
"1 th-n't know as the girls own the
r |
church, or any one down here, either,
for that matter," said Fred. "Look
here, boys! Isn't it mean to give the
church to tiod—iu;lt out of his OTU
-ticks and -tones, too—and then -ay
who we want to have couie inside!
1 don't believe we hart any right to
; do it."
Many times did Robert turn Iktck
j to look at the little mountain of •jrceii
ere it reached the church do>r.
I' ;.t;rei tea to hint, meant plac< - m ■
i folks went to lv shut up when the
■ sun sltone brightest. He had never.
' Utn inside of one in his life. Once
<r twice, he hai Ivcn to a M's-ioa
Sunday--ci vn-i held in a letrre ti
|s r ren m. and that was all he knew
about churches. His red hair, his
freckled face, his big hands and awk
ward feet, his raggcl, too-small
clothes, his rough words and wicket!
' ways—all were against poor Robert.
Flood fathers and mothers in the
town warned their children to have
mxiiit g to say to Farmer Atkins"
. boy.
T at same iiion: n Robert, hav
ing finished his work an ! gained an
hour for himself, wont down to skate
on Winnipeg Pontl. skating wa
the one thing in which he excelled,
the one st->rt in which he delighted.
The boys who bad carrie'l up the
pine-tree Is ughs ami hemlock
1 branches to St. Jc-Ln's chuivh w r re
on the pond. The sun shone its
brightest ami best. Tlie ice gave
tack its crvstal gleaming, and the
j skating was perfect, until Fred Lee
venturing too far on the lit in surface,
it gave way and be fell in.
The jiond was very* deep. Pale
and horror stricken tlie boys stood
still—not one daring to venture near
the black whirl of water wh*-re poor
Fred went out of sight—when, with
a kind of a swoop, Robert Hart came
down upon th.-ui and crying out,
•'Out of tlie way, boys," he rushed
by and with a plunge disappeared
in the cold blackness.
Instantly, Robert's bravery stirred
them into action. They rushed to
w here some dried branches lay heaped
up on the shore, dragged the longest
ones to the place and at last had the
joy of helping both the boys from
the water, or rather of helping Rob
ert—the IK>V he held in his arm- was
"Who'd a thought it!" exclaimed
one of the boys, as they were all rub
bing and pounding poor Fred back
-into life and warmth. "That wet
chap limning oil' there is worth
more'n any of us, rough as he i-."
Fred was led to his home by his
troop of friends, ail punching and
shaking him occasionally to keep
, iiitu from freezing. I3u ! . ah! what
a happy home his was that night!
On the farmer's hard bed lay Rob
ert, wondering still about the load
of greens. He made errands around
by the way of the church • urin_r the
next two or three days. Once be
ventured to go as far as the stone
stej - leading up into the vestibule,
but the souu< of voices within fright
ened him away. It was the ver
day beiore Christmas. Hands were
busy tying greens, feet were hurrying
up and down the aisles. The great
i cross was just ready lo te put in
place and there was not help euough
within the church. While it bung
just poistii in the air, little Lu Lee.
Fred's sister, mn out to call some
one iu. And behold! it was Roltert.
the red-haired, freckled boy, who
stood in sight.
"Oh! come here, do, an 1 help!"
cried Lu. half wringing her small
hand- with far lest the g"eat cross :
afcoild fail. "Robert—hat% joar
name!—picase CPf," she eofled.
It was the tlrst time in his life that
Robert had heard any one -ay please
to hirn.
In he rushed at h r call. She held •
the door open for him. "Go right!
up. quick, and Lelp hold it," ;he
An awe-onie -trick; n feeling came
over the boy when he -aw tne great
evergreen arms stretch*.• I out over;
the ciiildren. He -l<iopI. a- though
to take off hi- -hoes, hurriol "i,
and steadied the cro-s while it was*
nailed to it- place.
Lu Lee waited for Roliert when he
came down the aisle. She had put ;
iter sacque and hood on, and wa
r-end v to go home.
"I'm going to walk a little way;
with you." she r aid. "I want to teli
yon all out of my own mouth how
gia i I am li.a. you saved Fred."
"Oh! don't." said Robert. '*l
cultl do it a dozen times; but won't
you tell me what you are fixing the
chureh up for!"
"Why!" said Lu."don't you know!
Christ i- coming!"
"Uhri-t coming! Where-? AY hen? ;
0 dear!" exclaimed Robert, ve.y
!..uch puzzivd. "What does it a-,
mean!" Tlten turning, and seeing
the happy -bine on t e cbilface,
he crietl o-at: "Yon know; tell me
all about it."
Lu put her tiny hand up and
touched 11 •i- rt*- < *u. "Will you
come with us to-night to church? It,
is CLri-tmss-eve." she sai l; an i.
thinking n<.4 of Lis Lair, nor his
freckles, tc r his outgrown ganneuts.
Robert -aid: "I wilL" Lu told him
the time.
lie was at Mr. Lee's house when
the first stre ke of the bell told that
Christmas-eve *a? cme. How the
bell did ring that night! The thin
white spire SMDM to tremble is the
air with the noise it made. Rolert
thought the very -tar- nrest i.ear the
clanging. Then the brightness of
the*ell lit chtircn! Howitdid stream
forth in pure abundance, ss if saving
to all the ontshie <Hrkness: "Ccnie.
ar. i I will give yon light."
The light; tte organ, n>!l:cg tiuu
ders of sound; the church, adorned
for Ciri-t: the great green cross,
with arms outstretched for ail the
world; the white-haired old man,
standing there and announcing God's
presence in his holy temple, made
Robert Hart wonder whether he
were alive and ou earth. Tiien the
story ot" Christ's coming, told with a
simple grandeur, from reverent, lov
ing lips, went down into Robert's
heart. His lips kept moving, as
though they muse speak.
Lu Lee was half afraid the big boy
she had brought to church was going
to behave bad. Once, she put out
her finger and touched his hand and he
whispered, "It is such a good story
I'm going to believe it, even if it
shouldn't be tiue;" and she whis
pered back: "Oh! it is true."
The service was over; the lights
were out; the ehureh-doors locked;
the people gone home. Robert could
not sleep ujou bis*W3. He got up,
stole softly down the creaking stairs
and went out towaid the church.
There- was something in his soul that
told him to wait and watch. He sat
on ihe stone steps. Tlit- stars looked
on him. aud from his par ted lips kept
coming the words: "Christ is Coming!
Christ is coining!"
lie went around aud climbed to;
wi.ere he could look into the church,
through oue of the windows. A light
was turning there. It lit up thej
great cross and it was midnight.
"C..rist is come!" he almost shouted,
his heart beating fast, hi.- hand? hold
-tig on to the coid gray stones.
He looked again; toe ligi t hat
grown, it flickered and -pread; the
c.iureu was oil fire, burning, with all
its I hri-tuias greens!
R bc-rt ciiuiberi, he knew not how,
luto and through the church, and set
the bell to ringing.
>ie-n caine panting through the
night and fought down the flames,
and saved the church, and never
knew how, of all the people, omy
Robert, the wicked boy. was waiting
at midnight for the Chrisl-child to
come; for Rolieit never told why he
was -itting there- when the fire came.
Only God knew the little watchman
stationed at His t mp.e.
MRS. REI.KNAP, the wife of the
Secretary of A'. ar, i- pre-eminently
the belle of the Cabinet and her
-way undisputed. No matter how
richly -he dres-es. simplicity is al
wny- her conspieuotis tcature. She
is never overloaded with trappings
ir ornaments. Her fine form always
I looks well in the long, -weeping
train witbOOt any htinchings at the
laek. Tlie c-.T-atie re veals the oct
liMS of bust and waist, with only
-n. rich wliite lace to relieve the
I|AMIII— ■ SheHtas a finely shajKsl
head and her hair i- as dark a- the
. raven's wing: She wears it close to!
her head and a- smooth and glossy'
as was once considered essential for
! beauty be fore blonde wigs and hair
a la harum-scarum came in fashion.
All this says a correspondent.
An Act Reculatlue tbe Publication
of Applications for Local or Spe
cial Lesisiaticn.
SEC. 1. Be it enaeted. Th3t no.
local r -jixx-ial bill, either to repeal
• •r enact a law. shall 1-e passel by the
Legi-lature unless notice of the in
; teiition to apply therefor shall Is- pub-.
Li-bed in the locality where tbe mat
ter or thing to be effected may be sit i
; uated; which notice shall state spe
cifically the title and objects of the
bill and -hail 'oe published by not less
than four insertions in a'. Las: two
| r
which may K in a language othi r
than English, once a k for four
con-ecntive week-, priuteil in the
county, or in each of the several
counties, where such matter or thing
effected W l*e may be situated, the
fir-t insertion to le at least thirty
days 'prior to cn-i within three,
months immediately preceding the
introduction of soch bill into the <
General Ass. cr IT and be signed by
a: least one of the parties aj plyi ig
theref or. Pro'.Jed, That the pub
lication in one newtrq-r sh-il i.e
deemed sufficient where bot one is
- puMi-lted in the county or c> n .ties
SEC. 2. The evidence of the publi
cation a:" -res Aid shall be I y attaching
to tbe bill a copy or copies, as the
case may be, of said notice, verified
by the owner. puUi-Ler. editor or
foreman of each of the several news
pa:~ers in which aa:J notice by this
act required to le published of clue
compliance with the preceding sec
SEC. 3. That when such local or
sjtecial hill shall affect any maLer or
things situated in any city or borough,
said publication shall be in two of
the newspapers published in said city
or borough, if so many there be, and
if there be but one a publication in
that one shall be deemed sufficient; if
there be no newspaper published in
said city or borough, then by publi
cation in the newspaper cr new-spa
pers of the county iu which said city
or borough is located, as provided in
the first section of this act.
[From Literary Companion.}
I prefer, to any glass roof which
Sir Joseph Paxton ever planned, that l
dome above my head some three miles
high, of soft dappled grey and yellow
cloud, through the vast lattice-work
whereof the blue sky peep- and sheds
down tender gleams on yellow log-,
and softly-rounded lieatbe r knoll-,
and pale chalk ranges gleaming fat
away. But, above all, 1 glory in my
What winter garden can compare
.with mine? True, I have but four
kinds: Scotch fir. hollv, furze and
i heath: and, byway of relief to them,
only brows of brow a fern, sheets of
yellow bog-grass and bore and therr
a birch, whose purple tresses
are even more lovely to my eye than
those fragrant green ones which she
puts on in spring.
Enough for me is one purple birch:
the hollies round its stem sparkling
with scarlet bead-; the furze-patch,
rich with its lace-work of interwoven
light and shade, tipped here and there
with a goiden bud; the deep, soft
heather carpet, which invites you to
lie down and dream for hours: and. :
behind all. the wall of red fir-stems :
and the dark fir-roof with its jagged
edges a mile long, against the Soft
zrev sky.
An ogiy, straight-edged, monoto
nous fir plantation? Well, i like it.
outside and inside. ; need no saw
edge of mountain peaks to stir up my
imagination with the -ease of the sub
lime. while I can watch the saw-edge
of those fir peaks a<rain-t the red sun
set. They are my Alps—little one-.
• it may he, but after all, as I asked be
fore, what is size? A phantom of our
brain—an optical delusion. Gran
'e ir. if you will consider it wisely, ;
consists ui form, not in size: and to
he eye of the philosopher, the curve
drawn on a piptr two inches log i
ju-t a- magnificent, just as symbolic
*f divine mysteries an i melodies a
w hen embodied iu the span of some j
cathedral roof.
Have you eyes to see? Then lie
down ou the grass and look near
enough to see something more of what
ts to be seen, and you will find tropic ?
jungles in every square foot of turf,
fountain ciilfs and debacles at the
mouth of every rabbit burrow, dark
stri is. tremendous cataracts, "deep
trlooms and sodden glories," in every .
foot-broad rill which wanders through
the turf. All is there for you to see
if you will but rid yourself of " h t
idol of -pace"; and Nature, as every
one will tell you who has seen an in- j
i sect dissected under the microoeope,j
is grand and graceful in .. sm. 11 est
as in her hugest forma.
The March breeze is chilly, but 1
can always be warm, if 1 like, in try
winter garden. I turn my hor<"~
bead to the red wall of fir stems and
leap over the furze-grown bank into
my cathedral, wherein if there be no
saints there are likewi-e no priest
; craft and no idol*, but endless vistas
j of smooth, red. gre-n-vcined a hafts
t holding up the warm, dark roof. It*-,
seniug away into endless gloom, pa ved |
with rich brown fir needle—a carpet I
at which Nature has been at work for j
forty years. ILd shafts, greeu root, |
an 1 here and there a prtne of 14ue sky
—neither Owen J-nes nor Wiibrnent
can Jin? rove upon that ecclesiastical
orr.r mental ion—w!:tse for I
have the fre-h. healthy terpentine fra
There is not a breath of air within,
bat tbe breeze *ighs over the roof
abore in a soft whisper. I shut my
■ eyes ami listen. Sorely that is the
- murmur of the summer s.-a upon the
i saismcr scads in Devon far awav, I
i i
$1.75 A WAR
hear the innumerable wavelets spend
themselves gently ujkjti the shore and
, die away to rise again. And with
the innumerable wave sighs come in
numerable memories and faces which
I shall never see again upon this earth.
I will not tell you even of that, old
friend. It lias two notes, two keys,
rather, that .Eolian harp of fir needles
above my bead; according as the wind
is east or west, the needles dry or wet.
This ea-terly key of to-day is shriller,
more cheerful, warmer in sound,
though the day itself be colder; but
grander still, as well as softer, is the
sad, soughing key in which the south
• west wind roars on, rain laden, over
| the forest and calls me forth—to catch
[trout in the nearest chaik-streara.
The breeze is gone awhile, and I
am in perfect silence—a silence which
may be heard. Not a sound, and not
a moving object—absolutely none.
The absence- of animal life is solemr,
startling. That ring-dove who was
; cooing, half a mil* away, has hushed
its moan; that flock of long-tailed tit
mice, which were swinging and peck
ing about the fircones a few minutes
since, are gone; and now there is not
even a gnat to quiver in the slant
sun rays. Did a spider run over these
dead leaves, 1 almost fancy I could
hear his footfall. The creaking of
the saddle, the soft step of the mare
uj>on the fir needle, jar my ears. I
=K?em alone in a dead world. A dead
world, an 1 yet so full of life if I bad
eyes to see. Above my head every
fir needle is breatbing —l>reathing for
ever. currents unnumbered circulate
; n every bough, quickened by some
undiscovered miracle; around n.e
jevery fir stem is distilling strange
juices which no laboratory of man
can make; and where my dull eve
■iees only death, the eye of God sees
boundless life and motion, health and
J use.
It is customary to foigct each
winter's weather before the nest
| comes, and to con-ider everj season
remarkable. An old number of the
Hartford CtmrarU contains some rec
ords transcribed from the journal of
the Kev, Thomas Smith, of Portland,
Maine, kept between the years 1730
and 1705, which are rendered especi
ally interesting by the present mild
nrs-. In 1755 January was pleasant
ami moderate, and February was 3
"summer month;" and in 1733 Jan
uary came in like April; in 1740
there were but two snow storms;
February was a summer m mtb again
and March the same: in 1751, Janu
; ary 15, the frost was entirely out of
the gr .'Uu i, February was like spring
; and "the winter ends a wonder
through the whole." In 1756, in
January, the tuey are reported
to have done this .year, "stack in"
from the sea, the weather being so
warm. February was delightful and
March blustering but soft as May.
In 1773 Mr. Smith recor is a summer
day on January 27. "wonderful mod
■ -rate" the next day, and February 9
"no snow •since Dti-ember 29, won
derful weatner. We saw two rob
biu-." In the year 1775, February
'27 the New York Gazrtte and PoA
Hoy rej-orts tiiat "last Wednesday
the weather was so uncommon warm
that many young lads went into the
rii-er to swim.**
T'tese are records all but one of
tbezn more than an nturvo!'. They
notice six remarkably w_rm rs
within a period of forty years, but
I coming with no noticeable periodi
■ city. People who are calling this a
season strange above all others, indi
cative that our plane* has drifted Ln
{to new influences, and who are prom
ising all sons of consequences, from
; poor crops to Second Advent, mar
j bear in mini that there is a preco
| dent for it all and that the weather U
! divinely dispensed each day or is a
grand sequence under ordained law
which prayer cauaot effect, it keeps
t. m"r _' and c :angin2 boar by hour,
an i the peculiar freak- of a century
an I more ago have not resulted in
aoDth'lalion yet. Nor has the period
between tliera ami now teen one of
aiiinterrajtted disaster.
Ax OsL-kosh poet as-erts that "at
the dawn's effulgent breaking, voices
whisper to bis ear." lit ahottklnt
get up so early.