The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, February 11, 1874, Image 3

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    The Potter Journal
I H< |
PA., February 11.1371
■ www-*
ij.ti.>n sluUl 1* a'owetl to rim over one '
vear in a) rears. Due ioti.-e will be given of j
expirati .n and if not paid tl>e paper will b- |
. p-uic-s attached to each add ress denote the j
?irot . to which tic paper is paid. For in }
st.ince, tlie rtftures 2 -1 or "-1 denote that j
paper is l*aiU to V<l. 2", No. 1.
Pa'dUher ,
Is,;vK'f tt:'tnfn'l-stiitsof Loch Haven '
.[•]] '< ni oil at forty cents a '
•TVtt there are only two j
The post < Hires ;tt WhetLatn and
Xnmttmia. tti tiinton county, 1 ave been
\, 4 e, v,v, it . xc! an?e tl ;rt comes |
I iiij'. itiS nt ti'tt. regarding i
q v v. professed (Witwnii in
H Y-'flr-t L-t trail C> nrel at Ixvk
■ jt. v ,jd.Miit is all throng! Leeonn- j
f,x VVl.t-.tol this C edition of affairs ;
t |i last fall, but hardly t ought
\, :u - iji'ii-iuno.— D. E. <ilmsted has i
p.fjrj-asid the vacant lot adjoining the j
M ,\.' rt | MiWitar !' M:. Stiliz in tiie Craw- j,
V ~, n i jjoiiv block, and lias already com- j.
nirneol preparations to erect a three-.
V ..j'.ryi,t;':ce. which it is designed to have
pwifv fc (x-etqvincy by the middle of i
■ \ T' .-storeof Olmsted lie (,'o will j
" <V. ..|iiav. t | into t! e new building, a* the '
I; urn i;. \v occupied by tin ni i.-- to be used
■ grocery store by .< new linn. The
*i: ' up >.f tiiis gjir, will add greatly
■ ane; ranee or this |'a;l of then
tsfl ty. :ol nsob't the l dock one of the fit it st
■ v.-aie ph-ascd to <* the nl>ove evi-i
■ . ,if the ,t i! pinsix-riD. of our '
I'urn I'• rough Fathers invested eight ■
„ ■ ai d a half in a snow plough the j
—■.* r .lay. It is supposed to be a nice
2 iii t ia-s of deep niowy Nothing;
111. -sri! (>f it. however, on Sal onlay i
fsrfHc'-r.-iPjr l-st when one would think il .
Hi !d la useful, if ever.
TliriiF. is said to be a good deal of i
** prevail:! g at Port Allegany.
k lb i; ii-rrton Prothets have an j
si;j j. r and darvt fit tie Forest j
■The are twelvt atti rnevs in V* tit r
( H'Viy, of when! one-tiiird only tis< t-
does the Wollsvillc Fne 2\y.*.- j
H'.lt of tin 1 following sentence clipjx d!
i tie- columns >-f one of our xenon- j
. B- • last issue of the W llsville (Mich. ' !
ij Or M j igi\>-s sin account of the suicide i
l v £• la-Johnson, a lad thirteen yeajsi
B: . ■ f N ties* Hill, near Wellsvill*-.
B'-! -m day morning the mercury
isors. B ,j j. j,, f or tt.o first time tLi.-, win- •
I C'iii.deisj>crt. It was six lx low at
B ;-H kin the morning ,* We are
I date silso, for the leiu lit of Ollt
-a H■ tit \v. had si v nil (1 sysot" -h i-h
--' Ji, B U:Si -i'OMMiNT of tl C (J !
B • w ii i g from Hinsilal , N. I'.,
,-v B :|r 11. Salisboiy, tb.e l-itlcrs,
I'V ir >f a *■ jien-dii'iHrrs' " s-H-Uty '
- llaveii—htera y. >f * .ist —
* s .ti.inons' t)|nr;* Uou.e in
H >on the 16th inst. As we re-1
9 citation west all say not!
B and two children nearly.
''oltatli in Wellsville last week, j
,so B '."thing to eat from Monday
i t'fSiiay. So says the Hcjsrrtcr. ■
p Rii\ county wants to lie put in
gp H b district with Clinton, Centre, '
H". I'rttm is now delivered '
22 m Poriuni subscribers by car-
id regular meeting of Moun-
' *'• fallowingof
itrict*- e ibstalled for the current
o- s<s ■ Kf l "<'alvin I.ovster; W. V. T..
n.. 352 T - Jos. Gilbert; F. S.,
43 2528 I}\ , T - Loyster;
■; ''tawled; Mar.. F. Stevens;
-• 82 ■niiia T"' °- s - WK " Jone ®'
SJI Aln >stnng; I). M., Emma
.... k " 6: ' k "°" ; L - 11
1 "' K ""> has
"f fttniishing items for
57. ,* ast w eek iie went out
1 the ,?fr ■ Ith U:i tlie Pt -h°dißt Minis-'
f schj®! re!- ,nnt ° f . the tri l> is very
! isffi- B 'if it 1 liR " p °opy the latter
TON. of i{ B pleasant 1
m**C Niles Kinney," and
e had the good i
fortune to enjoy tlie hospitality of Mr.
Kinney many years ago and feel it a
pleasure to heartily endorse all that is
said by liiiu in the following extract
from the Miner'.
From Port Allegany we "itinerated"
our way ill a cutter on bare ground up
ito the AnnJn Creek settlement. Tiiis
community has two strong church or- i
i ganizations. Baptist and Methodist,!
; and two church building, and we ven
ture to say there is not a community in
' the county in which so large a majority
!of the inhabitants are church-going
j christian jieople. At tlie present time
I more than usual religions interest is
I awakened and promising revival meet
i ii'gs are lieing held every evening bv
| Rev. P'ck. There was a large attend
! luice at the afternoon services and a
i dei ji religions feeling manifest. But at
the evening meeting the house was
c rowded, and as our good M< thodist
; brethren would say. it :( s a refreshing
; season. Nine rose for prayers, and the
j iiiterest continued to increase so that
:t_ Was dithci lit to close the seivices.
\V > niHlerstand t':at t':es(- meetings are
to be continuerl winic the intenst re
mains nualKitid.
c rationed l.oine, fully jieisuadetl
in iir mi d that the life of a Methtnlist
itinerant, though full of tiaidships and
jioorly paid must K* full of bltssings to
those called to the service, (if course
we stopjH-d with "1.-ncle" NilcsKinney
while at Anuin. Hale and hearty, full
of generous christian works. Uncle
Nib-s is. living ex-: m: Hftcati-m of the
t ohilitj of a clii i-.l iau ei asaotcn
A donation party will given for
tic- liei'.eiit of S' v. i!. W. C.'ongdou at
the 11' Use of G-'ng - Nelson Esq., on
Wednesday ev- t:.e igiitcentli
Wi- t.tah rstand ti ;-.t ben aft-, r all the
churches ii: this village will iadd tiieir on Thursday nigi ts.
(iKOeok VanWegen liauk-d five and
one-half coals of hard wood, at one load,
into town on Tuesday. That's "busi
If there were more cows and fewer'
sewing machines in this County, we
thiiik the general prosjK-rity would Ik- i
iucreasi-d. Perhaps it is a mere preju
dice of ours, but we cannot la lp enter
tain tiie opinion that a eow is of niore
i;-e in ordinary families, than eithern
lightning i;d or a sewing maciiine.
The burning of the Two-Milt* steam
saw iii.ilia ar Port AHi gany. last week,
was a loss to the entire community. It
was i ntiri h mvv and brd iiardly got in running oider. There was no ,
jitsui since oi: the preperlv. — McKtttn
Tt is reported that Mr. Dennis llall
has i-o.( (i> to invest in real estate in
our ton ugh. We I-o|+-. it may be so, ,
and as be hrsalrti.dv m. di ss v. lalquite i
i xiens-ve }.iucl ases, it looks very much 1
like it.— Aii. < i iuvi Imhj.auhnt. \,
Pa • iiOMz: hi m ent< rprise. Sj end
vi>iu iuoii-y \vi:tit* }( unu ke it.
Ti;l:i t is ! •> Otis : State in the Union ii•( j ijulaiicn and terntosy of
J i>n> Ivaiiia. las so stnail a debt.
A M -.n was \h astilig t' at he bad been
man ;! b l twenty y ai> and bad m ver '
givi-n •• \ ir'e a eioss woid. Ti ose h w i.iiii sav he didn't dale to.
No tfAN g* ts his nioiitj s worth out
• t r. nev.spaiH'r unless he riads the ad
vt itisjng eolomns attentively. They;
hib iin .ni who aie the live laisiness ;
iu-n of ihe town and he also finds out ,
wl *n h<- c.i " obi..lit the I* st bargains.
A Roman Catholic Bishop lieing in
i vited too;*ii th* Vermont Legislature
i m me time since, surprised that body by
; uttering the following |xtitinn: "May'
icoivi'ption and sin of vei-y form be as
i far from every member of this L< gisla
, tare as J ftou art, O Lord."
Ax eXi l i tigo well says: No man in
tmsiiass should ever wiite a liusiiiess
h-ttcr.or nu l l out a bill without hi s
>aid piinted at tie bed of tlie paper.!
; and tn<- name of tlie State, town and
place of business being also piinttd
thereon. It led only shows that he is a ;
man ;.s-'--sii-,ir busini-ss qualities, but j
-i : v. Nts unni'T"iis mistakes. It also
;■ \ nuich time in wiiting and costs
•nit little more than thi blank jwrs-r.
LxDiti; the new Constitution paitas
applying fo> any local legislation must
advert?*! the sninc at least ti.ree weeks
in ja'VJH:c (i its intnxli ction, in tlie
l i ws2!js i"s of the si ction ::f* ct( <l. or
t •ruvC ! it ( ripiid'tes. All tia pro
visi soft! e bill must ! e adV* rttsetl.
R • v..* Bit ck. of \V< Ilstiori ugh -
will ' old K;.jsi-o| i-.l m . vices in {la Pies
by.ii ian cliuiT-h in this village n Fri
evi' t!:• l.'Uh ii;-1., at 7 o'clock.
Tuk following hints are from a i'st
masb i:
Wall VOII call at tie jsvst oOiee fi>r
your iiir.ih aril t he pos!master hands it
out. ask him if that is ail.
If you ask for mail and 1 e tells you j
there is none, tell him there ought to lie:
. th*n go home and send tie rest of the
family around to ask at different times
during the day.
When you want a stamp on your let
ter. tell the postmaster to put il on; if
he don't lick it. lick him. In ease you
put the stamp on yourself soak it in your
mouth long enough to remove the mu
cilage; it will then stick until it is dry.
Hens are now busy getting ready to
fill Easter orders.
A good way to make hard times is
to refuse to iy all little bills, although
you have the money in your jx-eket. If
ii man don't met his obligations just at
the time they lieconie due. re {Milt that
he is almut to go under. Use money in
speculation that should pay your credi
tors. Do these and other acts and bard
times will follow.
i Gov fpn'OK Saffokd of Arizona
plainly thedass of people that
: don't get along in the West. He says
1 I hat "genth manly fanners, v. lie com
mence without means and h; ve hired
all their work done, will undoubtedly
be obliged to quit the business; and
those who have invested the largest
IHu tion of their crops in i*>or whisky at
twenty-five cents jx-r glass will hardly
1C able- to meet their obligations and in
spire sufficient confidence to obtain
credit in the future." That style of do
. ing business is equally unsuccessful in
i the East.
®*r l-.vman-in Oswayo. Pa., February l>i,
18.4, at the I ouieof Walter Wells, Esq., by
liev. E. A. fiiee. Mr.Ciiaki.ES Dav ami Miss
E -i.en S. Lvman, botli of OsWayo.
At a lueetin'? of Mountain I.ixlpe, No. SS, I. O
of (t. T.. held Feb. S, 1*74, the following resolu
tion* were adopted:, our beloved sister, F.I Ik J.
Thompson, departed this life on the loth day
of .1 a mi.try last, therefore
Reentvn. That we sincerely deplore the loss of '
one of our iuemlers and esiieeially -f one whose
a eiety and eoiupani iisliip we so'dearlv pri ed ;
whose iutpieiiee. thoiiL'ti quietly and meekly ex
erted. was the mi" e powerfir md Ix-nefic-entl and
who had become thus early in life a useful meiti
! er of xM-iety and of onr < > r d*-r. We have lost in
her a loved end k'Vintr fnend and a consistent
and faithful eivwoidter in (he cause of Tetn|x
laiu-e and tr >d order.
/.-•'.i. , rrl. That in this ease sut-h were our re'a
ti' is with the deceased that we could not, if we
until, retrain from "weeninil with those that
weep. ' and we hereby ten-'ertothe U-reaveil pa
letiu and brother of our departed sister asxur
an I'sof our warmest symdatov. More than this
we can only ura\ that tie y, with us, may at last
i e 'M-indued to meet with her in our Father's
house als'Ve.
-•<-. ' ■■<! Thai our Tt S. is- instrueted to pre
sent a eopv of the resolutions to the fan ill} of our 1
d'-ec-ased -isier.
'u r i as hi VaVev. Pa., o: .Tuny. '27,1874. by her
own '• n Mrs. live l,> niuit. wife . f Mr.
Levi- Lym an, in the '3d year of her age.
The m liilen name of the deceased was Wei titer.
' was i i.; nin Fram-e aii'l i-ame to fids country
when nire yea--; f itre she va* married t" Mr.
Lvmaii lorie sr., pi}it. .it wl-i -i lime they tixik iin
thrh .ed-i-n -e tt int V-c'ev. Where they
oontinn—l t.i M—i lo until tier doaih. Ite'-easeil
ha-] is-.-n •; . indus''i >us and kind hearted.
< ve* ready t' a sjst in si.-hness or to end her aid.
\yi . n-s-a, aittl she was very devoted to
be • f i'v. She w. s tiiNt,i with the nnfor
t ni-.* i"n-ss. wl-l-'h inailvled to her death, in .
.1 ' ..L7-' >fte-- wl i'li time *he wai e--ustantlv '
under medi a' tie \ltn.ei;t to her death. She was
last undo" feVie n* ' 'he pennsv'v ini i lf..spi
ta! fo- t'.ie Insane at I'i-i'-ade'phia. She retu li- 't
h line al-ou a na-ntli tx-fo'e her death very miU'li
im-e ov-Nt ."11-1 loa" :.t|x-arrtni-es re oh res'--red
toiler I'iidit reason Her f irn ls eu*i 'tainod tie
stri.nwst hones of l;er complete nml --'r-edy re
covery. NofMtu' l*Tafion*t appeared ta her be.
havior un'i' tie- gTt!-. on wbh li day M*. I.vinan
was -al'eii awav f r oin home for a few hours. ,
When he returned i e found Mrs. Lvinan *u*
pended tr an a |"ist by a cord around the neck j
am, ote d--ad. Su. -h was the sad end of a bhiivio
iess if,-. M "s. T.vinao had 1 ecu for years lief ore
i er ione*s a onsisti-ni < hrlstian and a member
of the Methodist Ciiurch.
At Friendship. N. Y . .T;)li\. -Mh, 1*74. of typhoid
fever. Ultra Gertrude, daughter of Ho M. and S.ittaH d. Rathbone. aired 17
veal*, ft mon'hs and 12 days Funeral ser
vices at Oswayo Vitiaire. Sunday, Feb. Ist. :
Tim* 1,-itii ptss--.1 awav the'a-t and - n'ydnii-rh
te-. ie.avinv a va--ahi \ in the lu-nrts of tl is mtieb
atbh-tcd and r i<-f stricken family that can ne'er
be fii'ed a*-.tin on e i _ tlt.
(t-rtie. as st.e v. ;s fami'iir'v ea'led, was a mem
lw>v „r ti>-- Veademv at Ft h-n ishin. N. V.. and .
such was her nro'-cii n-v and kind and penia! di*
ix-slm.-n that he f i;-nil's anticipated forheralife I
of u-.-fpipe---. a briyhl >ud -iiininir iiplif in soei
etv, a coir.fort to l>c ' widowed nv-ther, ail r xem
n'aw siste--. a kind and vent i! friend I>ttt death
t-iok Iu from its. leavinsr us sorrowint' and dis-1
eonso'ate; -ti'', we do not mourn as those who
ni to mi without a lioipe. \es Gertii .as yc-u v.-re •
ri-sii-iii-d to 'cave a" your p'easniit -is-oeia'i -nsou
earth, moi her. b -othets, ci;i-.smaie. teacbeis, all
—!o cross the dat'- . deep valley to loin father and
sister, and many friends who have gone ts-fo'e, ,
so we win <v\ aiid Is* resigned niiM" we all meet i
a:-.tin in ope rterd he.ivnly re union when- sor
row .ami pa.line wi'l is- no more forev-*r.
In a i -iciiarv (b in. nstrations she -e id that after
p-s-m-r - ■ netir'v over the river of d- ath. she
dM not wish to come hack, and that le-r father
;;U(! sister would meet lie* as s t ie ui-are.l the oth
er <4ure, and when dying was beard to tting in
broht n .-x-cents, and said she was iiq in;r to fatii j
er and sister. ......
|'r,rfe*sor Vi'V-. the p' in id pa* of the Ac mv,
tilis-eted '' ti'* at the Is-d-ide of hi* d* itlT student ; J.cs-d . I'll '■> tie- dark vil'eyo' l|ie|
sji-idi w of death, ministeidiip as 1 est be eop'd to ,
iter wan'*, both tempera' and xpliPua'. aod fce,
with teachers xr-d some twentysWidents, j
aci omo ni-'d the mottrnimr fami'y, with remain
of the depicted <'ll the eai s as far as (iene-ee op
thei: watkiHfkrca Potter Co., P*., wbereßhe
w-1- interred t-eside her father and sister in tH
family cemetery in tl-e Osw ayo val.ey.
Thn ficrtii ---'I fr.-in earth aw-iy,
\Vh ie nriim-roii* f:iend were weeping ronnd. j
T-- lieaTcat* joy*, emr a' day.
\V Is r- pain and orr-'W n-'cr ar- 1 found.
She -;s-ke -f tree* in verdure nrrrn.
io fi -wr* und 1 1-—* ni* all ar,
Just a* sin- pa**ed tlie vail between
Co d. iry earth ami holy stround.
And i w en h i!y ground *he lives,
Mid-1 id I*S"II1* and -weet evi rL-rei ns,
Acd m-i*: is ver h'-ard on eartti
Furbanted, rapturous, heavenly scenes. l..t>.r.
\<> Cniirt fill Tknrsday Afternoon.
N'dTICE i.-* licr by givi ti tlutt HICK J
will lie no .session nf ti c stvitn! |
, Courts of Fetter county fertile trans
action of business until Thursdayufter
noon, February 19.1*71. at 2 o'clock, al
vviiicii time const allies will make theii
I tt-turi'.s and sncli other business will lx
' attiidi tl te as dots not n-qnire tl.e in
terveiitior. of <i jury. Newly-elcett d
(•oiiStabhs will also lx- present for
ilii-ation ai d such other township of
diccis as by law are u-quiml to hav
their Ixinds ajqtiovtil by the Court-, will
hiive their bond.- prescnteil for approval.
11. J. OLMSTED, I'elUu.
j Jatuar- 2". 1
V'O'l ICF. is htleby given that tlie en ;
jittrtnershiji hen tofore (-.visting bc
; i ween J\ A. Stt bbii s and Win. Shear,
under thf firm nana of Shear & Steb
bms. is tills day dissolved bv mutuai
consent. WM. SHEAR.
CornEitsroKT, PA., -fahy. 7,1*71.
Shear \ Thowipseit, at the C'ou'lers
d- ' sport Taniii ry. pay Lha hig -s Ca ii
Price for Hide s. 25-2!)
I KEE I.rrTVliE.— Rev. J- Gr< en
wtli acinic on the ♦•v-nings of 11 a lit
ai'tl It: in.-* 7i P.M.. at the (.'on t
Bouse. < ondci"S]'ort. Subject, fib*'
i vi nit:g. "Our (iovemim nt and F'qiuti
Religious Rig! ts undi-r it;"' second < v;
iiii g. "Tla- Snbbjith: itsOi igin. Nature.
Peipettiity, Universality and Object.'
Ti e iT'bllc are it sixctfully invited t<
VI.T. ]>ersons itah-btdl to Ti ompsnn
A Mann will please call and settl*
witltout further notice.
'E is hereby given that tin rp
plication will be made to the L g
islatuie at its present session for tin
[wissage of an Act to lx: entitle<l "An |
Act to tleclare tiie Sinia niahonitig
( rn-k in the County of Potter a public
highway fit in the mouth ot tlie Sout!
Lick Foik up to the mouth of the Prouty
Run;" the object of said ait lieing t
make said creek a public highway for tin
tkissage of logs, timber anil ioml<erb\
floating. C. F. JACK LIN.
Jan. 21, i*74.
"V"()TICE to Taxpayers on seated
and unseated lands in tlie county
ot Potter:— A court of ;s{>peal and re
vision will lx* held at the Commission
ers' ofiice in Coudersport, by the Coun
ty Coinmissioneis, on tlie 4th day of
March next, for the puyi>ose of correct-
S ing errors and equalizing the assess
ment of sealed lands and personal
And on the nth for the purixise of
hearing all complaints in regaid to the
assessment of unseated lands and of
equalizing the assessed value theieof.
The Commissioueis desire that (I t
owners of unseated kinds should make
| proof, as far as is practicable of tlio
acutil value of their land*-, in order
that they may approximate as neary its
possible an equal assessment.
By ordei of the Board.
Comrs' C'erk.
• JL CirenuistantT s Lave cmn|*>lkil me
; to adopt the READY-PAY SYSTEM,
i and hereafter I will sell no goods on
| credit. IIALL T. NELSON.
i "VTOTICE is lierehy given, as required
i by Article in. Section K of the
I Constitution of Pennsylvania, that ap
j plication will he made to the General
j Assembly, now in session, for the pass
! ape of a law to authorise the sehooMli- j
i rectorsof Pike township. Potter county. :
• to return to the County Commissioners
of said County tlie unseated school
j taxes for the yt'ar 1872: the said taxes'
when so returned to l>e received by said
Commissioners and place el on tli" Itooks
for collection tie same as if returned
according to existing laws for the re
' burning and collecting unseated taxes
in said Township.
(an. as, is 3. I'y Order of School board.
| CERN: Circa nistances Lave com
pel leel us to adopt the READY-PAY
SYSTEM, a> el hereafter we will sell no
poods on credit unless by so cial agree
; ment. B. BURT & CO.
Koulet, January 7,1874. 24-S
IJfjSF' ' What poor short-sited worms we be,
L- *=> We kan't kalkilate
V-'ith any degree
e >f sartantee
V. hai's gwine to be our fate."'
We can calculate, however, with rea
sonable certainty on getting
Better Lumber Wagons,
B tter Carriages of all descriptions,
Better Sleighs,
Better Cutters,
Better Trimming,
Better Painting,
Better Ilorse-shoeing, and
Better Repairing of all kinds
At COLE'S Shop than any other place
in Coudersport or in the County.
17h)R SALE: A farm of 148 acres
within one and a half miles of Oou-
I dersport on a good road; well improved
and well watered; good buildings, house
and large barn.
ALSO—Hotel stand in Koulet with
two and one half acres of land attached,
wit hin seven miles of the railroad.
ALSO —Farm of one hundred acres
in Sharon, sixty acres cleared; good
freme house ami two barns; good bear
ing orchard; less than a mile from Mill
port P. O. Apply to
lttal Ed'tb Audits.
24-4 Coudersport.
| THE PugjrrrsitTAK Bnntl,Advertise. J
:nent appears In another column, was established
. I<r Rev. .lollli Andrews?, l:i CUih. ot?ie, Ohio. July 5,
l u, and i, coiisetjueiitH the oldest religion- ai;<:
•H'nily newspaper. '1! is is the cheapest ; up. of
h > class to whleti It belongs, now publish.; awl 1
s exceli,sl by no other. It ought to be taLca by
i everv family.
f 1 OIVAMB PLOWS.—FIat or Side
• T hill, cast ami steel, with iron lteam.
The east plows are ground and polished
—in full rig. Every plow is guaranteed.
The iiest plow manufaetim d.
W. T. DIKE, Agent.
; orP.A.STEJEr;.-. Jr. Cxtndcrf'jri. Pa ■
i A BttLU vxt Wonr.—We hare t oar table the ,
•LUIUA-I USI ed by the world-famous
! NdmW awl florists, ltrlgp.r .v BNtfeer, !<.'■ bee- ,
1 ter, v . Y., an-• although w<* had aituui ;t-d to■
'Oinetbi/g ip nc i!. orate, we ;v-re 'in pifpurei
i to wc tile -.fond ous < •!. libation >t o >•- <; c
| pi ay.: on the calendered cover. to -ay ti< thing of
1 :he" lieuUlal typograpity ot tSt jbfeafe proper,
• HE H is printed U[ on paper. The,
! illustrations are QILIKUILLT ttoiM B, AWL Use
r. I'-.' a-in r '••'•re'r oft .e Hochr-T'T Prilli
ng ' .ion a. y. liirMirp. -iI j tr that tie -' . aborate
•nibbce.'lot.- . a:: • st'i.l four tunes a >•.. ' nil the
>.v pt (■>■ of I\\ < ll' i -five n > H, but. we -.1 ll'. e ti".
j j ;ej,t yi; <L-tia->-s cf S ■ Us, I(t!i> - or Hi i-fc*
ake h flruiv.hi ic tj.-ouUi- Ir very libera! ont'ay
t r p.rtuTerV ink. In referring to the Rochester
i entrant r.h: pr te.s, we should not ;
. mil to say tfci.t the cover was executed by (.'. F.
iutiU .v • v. to e. J v is i avi.c. •• rqatstion a
.'st-olas.- lithographers. The insgiiitw ent Parlor
hroinn f..r 1.-.4 (tin ei graving of which js pre
.eittc't in the tforaicjnic) was also the wrk of
lusts t Co. Tkia Chroruo is a m >st happy hit ....
he part of the arteo. it reprcsaßts ?• roil eases
j 1 sowers staaolwr upon a nuurble floor, with at
j arge minor, it. shkh sre ratiectt<i the objects ia i
■ .li: of It—otieva ewith u iui'''allioii. which iloes
ot show !u the ■••regiouwl, hot vhic'n i<' ;
.i. rvCn tiot.; a m-t J: „-ol -tisli i a r ri -1-
..: in the niiri' r. a'.-l t.u akiiil of tie ;.rt!-i fti j
•bowing the la< ;s of light un<! shade. aiiove .1. -
> rii—i, J< worthy oi tie Mffbtet pttuae. *| !>• in- 1
erted l.uiiilii.K - -, as tiirrorvd in ihe aioiie. is a,
ftry artistic com en. It i- banliy tc •. —s.r toj
-ay that Ibiirgs A itro. are at ihe head < ; tli i
aigcs' >eei-tic;>e in the world, and that i > t
,000 dealers in North Aicetica . yy tie.;, seeds Vo
e;i uitaiu.
Tiic Mngtr 31 a chine Milt Triumphant.
. —At the Inst l air <.l' the Potter (. ounty
! Agricultural Hiid licrticultural Society,
■ held at Coudersport Cel. Id. DTJ, tin;
| >ii;gcr took the iiist pit luinm. with the
Howeiitid liMiiington Sewing Mnchiues
i opjM sing. The singer was ojierntcd by
A M. Rcyiiohls, the Howe by Loyster
Bros. Hiid t he Remington by the Agent
from Bingham.
1 There art; thousands of Soldiers and Sailors
of the late war, or their widows or iieirs, eiitltlcd
to I'.', K.. lulies. Prize Moneys, wii<.
ave not made ctaiin. Pensions rated at from
• o .?s per month ar • now rate i. underlie; now law,
v'.:i to #i. All I'cusioners .-hou!" ai'plv for
i- itsefWMfl. The }iou tmimoMt. rtum anat ]
e arplie.! for, by those •• ■ • ti' 1 ■ ■*'. •for Janusry
1, J..4, title thereto expiring ii -rx. Widow pen
ioners entltird ii I ; ( er month < h cl.i! i un- :
iertfi years. Ail who l"ink thrttiseA earli'led
i> Hon if. or Pension <no matter How snglitij
;I t OR <ll-• J.- - I ATIOTTL I aTiltess MO A' OUEC.
Infonnaiiou five.
(I! As. T. M HIVI T.Y,
obtT Pot-tie an ' i tIEXEi a' CHMV .icn-.T,
t o-i.tiii- i;iii"-(. [ ssout.; setenih t..
New Jersey . J J5-24tt Philadelphia, Fa.
Il r ANTI.D four nv five gtxxl tin li
\\ to si 11 the Singer Sewimi AI; i -
ciiine. Such us live at a distance can
correspond with
I>RICK. —Oet your BRICK from
) Wit BRINE, Ronlet, Pa. Speci
mens can lie seen at the oflice of JOUR
NAL & ITEM. Price, ?S.OO JXR thou
sand— reduction made when ordered in
large quantities.
_f CERN. —Circumstances have com
pelled us to adopt the READY-PAY
SYSTEM, and hereafter we will sell no
goods on credit unless by s|>ecial agree
ment. ARCH V. JUNES & SON.
Coudersport, Nov. 12, 157A w^,
li is row pe;.crlly ailmtttcd |.T houot ptiyM
■ si; that when i nre the cotiMHitption i> fairly
fa-tcticd u]:on the IUUKS C< h'.im.n power ran
save the patient fri in deefb. 'the; aiso say that
about fifty per ecu of thxi wh.'ihv fo iii this
■ is-ase i jiii traec the cHit-e to a nt-gievtmi i ougtl
or cold, wt ah misbt have been ci-•••t by mill!
bottle i f Lir.uld t)[KH>loc, or wl at w ihe same
■ tliuip, JoilE.-ou'fi Auodytie LU-iuicut.
i . "
T> H. HAINES lias the agency of a
V. jatti.t wt ather-sti ip for tloora
which is just the tning lor doors that arc
exjiostd to wind and weather, and will
save twenty-live j>er cent in wood. He
will call and show how it works. 2518
I.V; OHI'OhATUIN cf the A H'eutlci>port
Eisitibir f nib."
NOTICE is hereby given that applica
tion has been mad * to toe Court of Com
mon Pleas of Potter county for the In
| corporation of a society for the propa
gation and protection of Trout to l>e
entitled ••The Couders{K>rt Fishing
Club" and that corjanate j>w-rs will
lie confcrnd ttjx)n said society at the
Fibniary Terui, 1x74. of said Court
shouid no valid objection be made.
Bv order of Court,
H. J. OLMSTED Frothy.
, alic. h. - - s iio jiuoiiCa i .
a..J a hainMo-'iar il liirlit wi;ii sniniiiciw, quacks
ale! hiiiii -i.g:>, "-tin wave>." Al'hougil persecuted
:tnl ' lack-iualled by the ra-< al- it ha-> exi.t>sel 11
its " Rogue's Corner," it has built up a circulation
of 50,000 copies and nourishes as never before. If
you want tie aKsr stories, poems, tales, sketches,
wit, humor, etc.; if you waut to read a lie papei.
TR 7 tne KANNKK. A S-pajte, 4'i-coi'irnu [ia|iei;
' only $1 a year. In a nation, ei erv subscriber re
ceives a superb tinir of genuine i'Kiw; CHKOMOS,
alone sv.iiiiß at s>. Ih. re"s uothliv like it. neve,
was, never will i.e. EvervNdy ne-.-ds it. < '
One Dollar secures It a year ami its chartiiiiw
c hroinos are -ent tire-yaid to all. S;>-: cinie. s six
cents. Send for one t., STAR SI'AN ti LED if IN
NER, Hinsdale, N. 11.
Largest Circulation in tho "World!
If there is any one thice that "no family can
afford to do without,"it is an irtrreeliag, compre
, hiMishe, trustworthy, uns-ctariau ne vspapcr.
I And that is what the publishers of the
i herewith briiur agsi.'i to public notice. The effort
I has iieeu to k> rp It what an eirineiit literary jour lias cuffed it—"not only the ab,est an<i best,
but also, as we sapp i S f, tin* im popular of A:i'-
e icau religious periodic-ale." I'uder .
the tapir has vror. for itself the distinction of,
of lia\iicf (of Its class) the larg s? circulation in
the world. It lias strong and ludepeiuiei.t l.ii;
coorteowa Btitterisle, laMwntlat CootrHratee Ar
ticles oil timciy topics, enricai Rook Reviews, at
tractive I*Ble% Foema, eslitortal answers
to "Inquiriug krci -ioiies and puzzles lor
Little Folk.-, lafnriiihtion for llousi k'.-i pers, fresn
Saiilta y and Scientific notes. It cotitaius Ihe
secular and reiicious News ; has a Sunday S- Hool
department; tieats of S. "iice, Music, Art, Agrt
" !ture, Finance, I'r i aud pretty much every-
IhiTir tor pretty much evert body. In religious
U utters, t. •- t'uiusriAX I'NIOS Is purely unseeta
rlaii, claim!i.g brotherhood with every man who
arlue •• a C'kri t-Uke spirit. It seeks tk* ouioy of I
good t.ien, uot by a comprou i j e of convictions. '
b u by nbc.i'.ir the spirit of i, ligiou more power- j
till than the letter. It aims to carry liu'ht, ■ out-'
fort, good net ore, sympathy, Christian love, pa-i
tience, hopefulness an i a spirit of eijuity into
every *oinl y which ds enters.
1 ha CiiKisTiAN UNION l-iu; loys the le. t literary ;
talent to be found.
3y idstinznistu'il American Authors
' vv.ll be given this coining year. K'J'.vard Egj'.ea
tou's new and bri iiant • :iai ct iry. "T he circuit
itpier: \ l a!;- of tiie llerolc. ,-\g"," the opening
cha| tt-rs .li which ere tu VB-oitzt Y UXCSTKAITO,
I< j.tst ber:lining. An lii..s-ratr<i supj.-eiiient ■
cou'taiillug back chapters p. -ci.ted free to each
subscriber up to Jan. 1. Mrs. Mowe's loi.g ex
pected seipiel to ".My wife and I," entitled "We
: and Our Netghbors," begins in the r,.-w year
Here are the two foremost writers of wholesome ,
i. ion in America- other attractive Tales, etc.,
i by favorite aiit.i..r- will be given from time to
| Lbie. The liifST WRI. Ki;> • oniribn'e to it.
In a word, the • HiiimiAN UNION i- a FAMILY
JOURNAL for the entire household—ye :mr an l
old. Ni'thlbg is soared to •; it 'i 1112 I>L> '
The Premiums f>v espta:ial!y uotaol this year, i
t;cry autwertber receives a Fa; ->t the finest and
iii"st tttrsctive OILd llßbMns tat "take "on
.-tgltf, eiiti'lf •• Our bays; or 71 • Diti'ii r and
The N a[>." These are exact reitro in. t'.ons of ..ri
>.'! tal paiidititi .executed exprc Sly fortlie CHKIS
!'\X r.N'OM, !• X.r . S. A;. :.- Sill,, who painted
' the (annuspair ..f gftt-h ads, -v.; ie .•• •.-. au-i
: A-; - ..." ll v ■ tiled "®ar <;..•;,*• < c
j which we hare already given away o . r )si>,idJ
j jiair. The wonderful popularity 6f this latter
| i.f-ps •! • i.r 'tu! in active demand, we hare,
li Ti ii,"'. ii'.i ic cm ;• 1 ar. . .g- UP nts to I liL -
sFNT KI I'HFTi I'ATR to e. . I . one of on su ri
, ler- for the CHRIS FLAN USIOS this next year!
•' Our Lays" ami " Our O i.
by the -unie molia. ■■■ i i a., I nrtist-Lttnd. .ire nt
. o'.ci; artistic a id p"i;'!!. plcasit v; they nr.*
,:ck:d>w.r-. getl u ' 1 i tb ! ;; i tu tne whol.*
w ri I. i'lie '■(•liiL> " alwn ; s ild (and do > vt)
: for 41" tii" p: ir. ihe "DiYS" Would react!/
bd-iS IS, if o! I thru ;;h the art stores, being •. <
v tua.-i itn bei iarp-er, ea h. Bat the Boys are the
w l; pro,.i i- i of the CHRIfI IAN I NION, v. iil
ii-r be off Ti il for s je anywhere and < .a be ob
tained only by subscribers to In. - paper.
pn CE 53.00 PER ANNUM.
Three years" e> perience pro; c- t'-at OT3 out
of i v bub, at. r much e-.rn -pond
iiuiv. or lei ti.fir picture- • Mout'te*i atKl Ix c v .-rod.
\s .• ski i thaiefore teui No i umouoted i n tur.
Init tnak" a ut iforn; c!)Mr> > of .V cent- fur iicliv
e.'iuu the P.etuiutn I ict ; irc , all Monnti .i, Sized
, am Vandshed, i-.: iy for ic. i.vliaU framing
1. Either V?.:r i.l v Fi.r.D. Mnu:■ t—<t,
with the UllKlsilAN UNION for
I i ear $3 fk.
2. Lut.or Ran DLLIYKRED in til" "iY. -u
--ia ( Franc with i lilibsTlAN
UNION* for ctn- year 41>>
3. linih p.drs |>F! IVFRKI7 Mounted,
with the CHRISTIAN UNION for
two ye jrs 4 75
Send money by Postal Orders, C'te-ck or Regis
tt.cii I eUer. i urrc.'icy at the risk of the semier.
Specimen Copii s uiniied free on receipt of 4 cents.
4.or,<| tr;rii|ii Vaanil Kverywhere.
.1. 11. FORD CO., L'ulilisliers,
7i- State piaiiffv which Preuiinm I'ierure i be
siretl, or. iietter yc-t, semi for both. They will be.
deiivereil to vou free, tillier by ma.II, by express
or by our Agent.
A Newspaper, a Literary Paper, a
htory Paper, ami a Picture
Paper I'omblnetl.
Efi'-'i .-a 1 erf her rcinltting the cost of a yearly
suliacrlption w ill !>••• entitled to receive the
The '.ariT'st ?!•' iiif-st i V-rant work of :trt ever
oferr i a- a prmlau to newspaper subscribers.
. 'this chroiim has IHVU prepared exclusively for
i sc.rtber.s to The; v. KtrkLY OKAFIIIC and is not
ami rmint be ohntiticil n< any of ;> •
Pielaii'.i t .re*. Its prolific! >n Pas o- cupleil
mouths of tune Hud cost several thousand dollar
and art in uioi-.-ours who iuive seen It pronounce
;t. to .;• one of tpe n ost bee tifni and artistic
Chronic.- ever i xliiiiited i:i the Ui.iteii tiati-s.
v. c wish to engage immediately agent- ill every
Citv, Town and Yiliix-- and throughout every
i 'mints in the Untied states to canvass tor thi
WU KLY ri y.M iiir. Our -peiiul Rites fc
large Cluha, together with the Unique and attract
ive Feature- .J t": e Paper UM if, and the incon
parable tieanty ot our Prenuuni Chroiuo, are ;-uf
fii lent iiulnceint nts to !e eiiertec • and vigor
ous agents to secure, on the avmage, over One
iinniir J : >ci i!.- -dn . Mc.' Is-'l .'.*l7 PI> ; E
j trated, News, Literary, Story end Family Pa]-er
! combined.
Printed on fine paper, in Just the *ts and tone
foe binding. Published every Wednesday ntoru
on*k COPY, $: ,v
I THIRTY COPIES - - - - - 3 00
j FIFTY COPIES 100 f>o
; I-arger clubs at the rate of f-i per year for each
i sr.i ■ rlber. The Chrorno delivered free, un-
I nio.iutei. at our office, to ever* subscriber.
I Mounted and post-paid, to cents in addition to
, the rn' sciptli'tis nni-t l>e Beat.
tUT >-tnißF.tfr >anil utilefort; 1 gClulwmsy
i retain 10 i*-r cent on all -o'.-cri tins and add
atugle copies - t t lub rates after the., ar. tonneiL
SerJttarces rcsr te nude Ir rraf*., if:nc7
Craer cr lerietercd Letter, at cxr risk.
> Give Post Office aildress in full, iucla ling State
. ar,d County arid address
irivorce Muivex.
AGNES M. BOOTH 7IU the Court of Common
by licr next filend | Pleas of Potter county,
"Wui. J. Poland • No. H, Decern. Term,
rs. j lsla. Libel iu Divorce.
Lru )Y tuioru.
Leroy Boi,th. rcs|K>n.ient at>ove rmn—t wilt
ph a-" take notice that a subpoena aud a.m- sub
poena have been Issued and returned tdbb; you
are therefore hereby r< ,titred to appear at the
next term of Court, or the sai.i court A ill decree
a divorce a yincuio inatriini/Liii la favor of LIIK -
| aat. h
IE RLA LI v SMITH "J In the Cooit of common
by he. next friend i i teas of Potter county,
Adelberi Snath > N0.904, Septent. Tena,
t%. I ls7S. Übel til Lri orce.
Arnold W. Smith, respondent a'love named, will
please Take notice that a Mb.po nu ai i alia.; ;'t'-
piena have been issued a..-t returned luiiil; you
are therefore hereby required to ap-i>ear a* t ie
' next terra of (vuirt, or ttie sa.d t ouri will decree
a divorce a vinculo matrimonii iu favoi of Llbe.-
; ant. h
ALICE E. HOLI EN:-.KCK~ In the Com' of Cointnou
by her next friend j Pleas of Potior coun-
Daidel V>. Vail Wegiu ty. No. U-. Sept. i".,
IX j 1573. I.lUt'lUi DiVu.ce.
Wallace Hoiienleck, respomlent above named,
will plea-e take notice that a tnl po-ua aiid alias
subpceLa have t.-.e-i i.-siu-l a: d returiic-l nihil •
yon are therefore IN r.-by requiren tu appear at the
next tenn of Cottit, or tin -aid Court v. iff Jecree
a divorce a vinculo matrunouii iu favor of Li<e'-
iaut, k
F ii IVCES FOOT Iu t .e Const of Common
by her next friend { Pleas of I'oltcrcouutv,
ltauicl Suvder > No. 145, .June iernt,
fx i F'.-i. Uibel in Divorce. ■
Henry Root, n-spomleut above c.amrd, aitl
f lease take notice that a -;i; .. a and alias .-un
ite tia have been i.ue.i at.d r- turc- I ultul; ton
sre therefore hereby requireii to appear at tP
i ext tenn of Court, or the -aid court will decree
a divorce a vinculo matrimonii iu favor of Li !-
N ELLIS J. 1101 MAN i In the Court of Common
by her next ti lend I* eas of Putter Co. N'n,
A. L. HDIAOMB, r If*-, fwjit. Term, ifiTff.
r*. I Lil el in Divoice.
Oliver P. Hoi man. Respondent ;vl ove named,
villi please take notici- that ;• -nl jw na and alias
subpn na liavt been i-si.ed and ic-ttillied lliiti ;
you are therefore hereby lequired to ;ij >i*-;ir on
ihe first day of next (join t, i eb in, !574, to an
swer to the complaint made in this ca-e.
S. I . I.FCI AOLJIS, Sheriff.
' herilfs OiUce, Coudersport. Jan. 21, 1 .4. i :
WING' -A-IN"ID soi-T,
tv. iit Buoo.Mi: KTin:r/r, in*w Yorit,
First premiums wherever exhibited —Prices iow lor the quality—Large price*
allowed lor Oecund-haiid Instruments 111 Lxciiuuge.
From Mr. Khard Jlnffnatf, the ct -thvitd Pit
I conse ientiously believe that your Fianu is in every respect a most nnu/in/i
From titc Infb },anient. 1 "
The Auierieau I'iano has desei vedly ljccouie a very i>opular Instrument,.
ltesijousible Agent.- wanted for unoccupied territory, fiwnd for Circulars u
AVING & SOX, 417 Broome St., N. A -
Third St., opposite Court House Squan,
! At! work done in a workmanlike and
ders wet i.y mail promptly attended 10.
My prices are tlie lowest, in this .section of the
j ;
N. E. cor. SECOND anil EAST Street#.
(Ear. oi Court House Squire,)
j j
Has been purchased by I BOWS & KELLY
(formerly of the COCDERSTOKTJHOTEI.)
The House is completely furnished from top to
bottom, and has all the conveniences desired by
the people : the table is the best n the O nty *.
ttie l arn is under the charge of the ostler •
th" Stuff; and, in short, everything will be done
. that car. bedoneto make it comfortable for stran
gers or others whojvisit the house
The long experience of the Proprietors tn me
Hotel business makes them peculiarly able t<
cater to the vai led want.- of the tiave'.lii.g public
; They solicit their "old custom, l<elievt g uia
they arc able to supply the BE=T OP THE EBST to
133 r.'oprietvrr.
j __ __
insurance Company of North America,
Tlio Oldest' Stock Insurance Company in the United States.
> I
\ ASSETS, January 1, 187.'i, 8
Pennsylvania Firo Insurance Company,
ASSETS, Jnnunry 1, 1873, $ 1,182,502.-18
TLe above-named rel vblc cmpanies are represented in C <a
dcrsport bj
~ 2430-iy ARTHUR B. MANN.
i* ct co T stameotiiry.
"iit.iel: >,;• • > vstannntanMt'"- fate
y\ ••' ~r;1,.. fI l arll-ll tnp.f
havi. ;; i>ct.'u g. anted \ the -utwentxT,
.tli person* Indebted to the auid estate are
•1 to niufce Immediate j ajinent '.< i those having
elatms i s-.v <? the es'.iteof the s1 ! >!• ce lent will
mate k'.owi: Lie ouiih- i. out i eij '•>
•It tvl All KKKFIELD.
ok:-j.% win r>.
WhMton, Ftb. It,IST4. Executi'ii*
Dir. Clastei:iiro,
, rRuPKU 0!t OF
and express agent.
Stare will leave Ooudersjiort at s a. in.. airivinQt
:i! Port A'.leo inv in lime for Noith ami
South. I eave Port Allepany al ■)\ p. in., :.ftei'
trains are ali in.
.a t-tcir. „vtion ntl OHiUi
t ■ > t oc£ r.o ajaj .-.'r.vr tie- rjautcntlto
•rj- van kt'cnrttj C\\auU
•laqio kit um so: 'n.oi voj >.. iv.IIKSHH
i-uvta i i.'j A"p,t'.f i.; j • vJ-.'.-i. i;
A M 'o'lVoTjraa
'IMIN jjwa.3 si. V l
"oo v smivov m m v
M. H. Bfr Cfc'.
23-TUCV Zp.ntQi;*■ £.l.
srsifiinotD stiToi,
No. &1H Mrnit S.
.i 1 ~ ; -.At rite l< i.alul net I'.e ex
eon- P.. ♦ ♦Hele me an- IM
titer mail will have the rltrht t<> • el! itt Totirt oun-
Wi iti' to mm' and yon 011 mak> c i-" ; er
i.'i'k Write to me ami .-a ti-, the county
. 1•. wis 1f ♦ ro *l l av .
I \ : -.- 11. LAV. 1.1.1:, Patent! . No. Sixth s tf
.. 14 rirrsßfnesi, Pa.
Fali tenn""opc!:. t! e ITUST vof SX.JTF.MBLR.
E. E. Made, >irs. It. It. R
Principal Assistant
li. E. tr.-hiiig, Instrumental Muse.
Primary department, ix-i trim 4 00
Intermedial* Co., do 5 til
High school do., do fit®
instruments! music 1000
Tcition must l,e arranged in advance.
Classes in this tenn wi'l 1 e ariangi d to accom
modate those designing to leacli uuiing tl.e coin
ing winter.
The Potter Cot nty Teachers' liistilnte will le
he'd at Lev.i;>vi.a in w nl.i ti< n Willi this term.
Board, including lights and fi:e', can 1 e ob
tained fm U) cents pel day. tiix dr< cms can i*
ol'tailed by those ivho ties-1 cto [in tl.eii on a
L-oat d.
Si.Tii LKWIS, O. 11. BAt SKTT.
ii, crctary. EO-tf President
Citaprt Hotel
General Stage Office
and is notr open to the PUBLIC-
Ti:- TABLE will be kept in FTHBT-CLASS style,
and no labor or cr.ptuse spared to make it a
GOOD S'J'A BLISG, and careful Hostlers
always in attendance.
The OLD-TIME popularity of the Hotel wiU be
rut.i.T MAINTAINED by the present Proprietor,
who now ol>cit* the patronage qf travellers and
he public generally.