Tii3 POTTER JOURNAL AND TS;' II W A ITE >.-R. CDCT32S.APORT, Pa., Teb. 4. IS7I. M. IIAI.L STANTON, Esq., of Phila delphia, a nit-niher of the Constitu-, tion.nl Convention, is a prominent candidate fur the Republican nomi nation for Lieuteuant-Govi rnoi. Mr. Stanton Uat present at the head of tiie Hoard ol Education of Philadel phia, ate! would ni:ikc a g >d on I - iie_* otlieev of Hie Senate. If<- i- - . an ! '■ u'.-t. intelligent. capable u- utl ■ man, and ni.-.kes , favorable impres sion upon .ii ano ij. 111e | *l asui c of his •'• ..intnnee. Ne via ; !u*le>s Ave trust he will at once withdraw his n m from the o-uivafbr l.ieii t> nanf-iOAernor. N > in-nv • of ' !:•••( Mist it U; io* ! ' ' 'lll cJltioU tug it, in >-:r jn : . m- •.•• 1. • s em di i ',•• f r cm d by ' h < 't'lit'.'l; n. A K p olmii in another colim i tie* i.o a •( • f :\ablcs in each Town ship ami borough in I!:. t'i ■ nut y. Ih • total number of i.-vahles i■ i t'.c f til!"! t lit tile last assessment was "i.'!,::. Tie- is an in<r< me. of 'd. in tnree years. Not vc \ hum, it is 11 ue. bnt there was an net u:d decrease during the war, and for the ten wars from l.Hi'ni to Isjo. It T nrourag ii".- to lm ve recovi IVM !1; • ! isi ■ round :u:d to 1 the ii.ei'tasc again. If the ratio b-.-twe, a taxable.- 11 i popu lji'ioii remain.- tiie -am, as in I -Jig 1 in'ii our ]*opUi-tiion him) v\' i i.7 i-?• and we have 'men w i in three years. I'tltia is a short article from lhe : l/'uio J:\rpit -g in -i n.tiier eo'u mil. tiiat on- jit t.t 'cail h\' t-vi ! ■ io.ii . • woman and < hilii evn vwlu re. ,t oii|\ a recital of a - uiall part of ri .ii - dooms in a -ingle c' . for a i-nigh- nigh:.— I .it it is tic lea uniait and certain fruit ruin drinking. ; if our I.egi.staters -at Hairi-burgl will read this artii le ai d eoiajie-. la nd i,s meaning, tin •. \ ill not eu tirt-Jn t!ie idea of rep ding the Lo cal (pal. .<! 1.11. I" the l cjwal <b that hi g will as < rt.didy increase the number o : " murders as wiit cif- ct foiiow cutis'* iii any en- . *''! in - r. who d i nothing in pclitics i but hold b ivaLao-*. 'lece-sar'dv 1 If ' i'. ' imi." ! mil accounts for the eiuduioii of the ih l'loi-i;;'. Ie parly for the i:;- fotirtecn years, it ha- done nothing i but hoi-: ami it is doing just j that, and nothing more, at the prcs j cut time. ' ii. Itcf. .iilii-an party is cominii-. t! to the principle of securing - to ■ every human being equal civil ugh: . It is a grand purpose, and lias been j grandly maintained. Hence the j Jiarty lias nut been ''left behind,"; but lias been steadily winning vie- ! lories and many bad men have f •<-!c --w ed to its standard for the sake of the spoils. Bat in spite of mistakes, and of its bad adherents, it is to-day the party of justice, progr, a'sd htnnauity; and it is the only paity courageous enough to acknowledge its mistakes and expose its bail l m. tubers. _ _ / Ant a f b!c, ft lew chairs an'.l ; r v- ;♦ ii their belongings, Used to he tii'- for going t<> hoime-k< "ping. Alter a *v!ti!-, jm llri places w i re dropped out ot holmes, :> cooking siovc had to be added to the list, and now it seems us though we mint count in a coal stove. Tru ly, civilization advances. Kerosene "ii has [ul out tire sperm; an oil lantern is e rriKd to the barn and the stable, as t' for an intimation t< the beef cattle that tin need not trouble themselves to take on much tail- "ov.y Tin depths of the earth fur nishes our fuel and our light, and j.s rliaps tin sun, nioon n>> I stars may Iveuiue unfashionable— no, we are eminently utilitarian, so 1 must say unsuitable, utieouveitt nt or ex pensive—that last is a capital word— by and by. I'eople have found them comforting and strengthening. RETP.ENCH. Ouc of tiie bad cifee s of the late v. ur wa> lavish expenditure of uionc}. It was a necessary evil during the *> continuance of the war, but like all othvi evil habits, it clings to us and wiil require a determined eil'urt to reform, Put the work must be done —we cannot go on expending money hi the iare we are now doing. We must retrench in all the departments of public expenditure -. Tow 11, coun ty. •. jjiii Lclio.j^, There is the most pressing need of retrenchment in National affairs, for j the debt is simply enormous. If it is not constantly reduced it will se- j riously cripple us at the ftr.-t contest we may have with any lirst-clas, for eign power. Without prompt and effective retrenchment no part of the National Debt can he paid without a resort to increased taxation which I 111 - people, we trust, will never eou -■•lit to in time of peace. The taxes now paid are amply suflicient to de fray tile cNp< n->e> of the I loverniiieiit and live millions a month of the Na tional I>> fit, if Congress will set it -elf resolutely at work to b ing l>ack tin* ordin iry s xpensi s of tile (Jovern rncnt to an eeonomical footing. Tiiese • xpen-.i - are now at least <>ne-th <rd \ more titan they otig it to bo. Ihe people should demand, with the ear nestic that secured a repeal of the j back pay salary Mil. swc t ping re tr-ucn. i.t in all of t - ' :t • 1,1,-1 it, - *!'!s T; Naiional debt was reduce,i in .bamiavy J, v t"u2l ! .00. This is t.n-tirst reduction since the Panic, an ! - very encouraging a- it shows a gi neral r.-v • vu! of lui -inc -.s pr,.s- Periry. —— - Tut Popular M- if ,u ■ ibr February opi-ns with an elaborate ar' ,-i, b Pi - ,if. ('. .uing, of 1 barl inoiit Ii ('oliege tail itled, '*( 'hro ,-i.' •!!, i Solar I'i'omiu ue-s,' , will, li:• ,y siiigulnr :i<■ i beautiful il-: lii - 1 : " oils r present illg Ihe lei< -e, ,p --h aj.jn aiiuice of the siiu, w iien, ow inc l-i an iipsc of its central lighi. ii- atmosphere with clou is and many <• 11 ngei'itl forms of light and tire be | < \ i> * •I * . ino iiit wiion tiioso . , ■>•;. r.mces \. .it- posit i vt-ly aset-riaim <1 and :u-knowledgeb bv li:, - scieiiti.'ic ■ AVer. AV - .'it the eclipse rt 1 siiil. Pievio.; t.o that there had been dis cover!, -> and observations, indeed -nne at ii,'. as loi: g" ago as 1 7-e!; j tri the • uad boei, eon -alei, il 1 tiie i! osi of scietll I tic pt ipse 'ls optical j|- |'tusions or milages. liut in IM',ll . pilot ■ V, : - pij.-d to the ;is ■-i .a, - ,- oi. at h-art, the records of • ooscrvati Sis, ami -;nce tneii no doubts -•"( >i\ to pi'i'vail oi tiie e >!- 'ille '- of these '' l--". A ; ::< -■. of wliicii arc 1 litis stated: ~ - i • Ltie prominences are collections! uminous matter of great brilliance. , , , , • • i i and possessing remarkable activitv ' —some lioat entirely free in the solar ! atiiiosj iici - " lik*; clouds, lu direct observation through the telescope the sun appeared surrounded bv < tlames." Since then by means of the spec-1 j trowcope the substances which are burning in these atmospheric fires have been discovered, or at least ■ thought to be similar to substances | jon our earth. At least the peculiar! , light emitted by different flames are like those ot burning hvdogen. sodi | um and other gases and minerals, i Afterwards observations were made j of the full f a.ee of tim* sun ami these, being less limited in time than those taki n at the eclipse, were more satis- ; factory and discovery has gone on j more rapidly. The ehromospheie is a colored luminous atinos[here which j seems to lie in a very turbulent state, i throwing out constantly immense volumes and spires of flame. In i i their form and structure tlie protu i tieranees differ as widely as in their magnitude. Two principal classes are recognized by all observers, the quieseenf, cloud formed or hydroge- j j noil*, and the eruptive or metallic." j There are wonderful, and what J ' seem very vague speculations about , the cause of the rapid motions, often more than a hundred miles in a sec ond of time, but probably this cause j will await the application of still more research and reward some fu- j tare discoverer. In conclusion the writer says: ''.Some are so sanguine as to expect that in the study ot' these phenomena will, be found the key to many puzzling problems of terrestrial meteorology," but he does not share that expectation. This number of the magazine con tains also "News from Jupiter" in which the idea is held that that plan et is a sun, or that its light and heat are native and not reflected— that it is a small solar system sup plying to its satellites the place of a sun. How correct this is must be vet determined; also whether it be the same with the other outside planets. With this supposition and that of our own sun being also a planet revolving around some infi nitely distant centre, comes the ques tion : Is there one real centre—one perfect, ultimate foundation of all created things? or are all these mo tions arranged to balance each other? i'Ltire are other valuable articles in this nu in iter, which claim the atten tion of every reader, and which we reeeommeud to all. A WHITE a in the Indrpendrnt, some weeks since, speaking of a certain minister, said "lie made a point oi doii g nothing himself which heeonld get any one else to do;" He believed in supply and demand going togeth er and when a want came to his knowledge, he concluded that the thing wanted was near at hand, and in his parish visiting would < usually mention such a state of things—and usually found that all that was neces sary. He was a sort of circulating medium, that brought things round to the places \\ here they were wanted. The writer said thai it had been found by some of the managers of Orphan A.sylumns, Dhiidivus' Homes etc., that there were people enough to wan! and adept .11 the desolate children that eoine under their care. How correct tlii> i- and how !':.r it extends we have no means of know ing. but it is a delightful thought that there is enough in the world not only of food and clothing, but ol home, happinc.-.-. and education for all the people in it. One ' in do oin - -mail possible with -n much better in ait. to think that if every one does the same all may tie eomfoitable, for if tlwin are enough to take cure of :ili the children, surely no one else need suf fer. The most grii vous sight in all tin out look upon human life is the >ull'u iiig of the children. ij lit if there i- the supply for ai! human needs, tin great question is not lessened, only eiiang' 1. How shall we all tnake of out s-l ve- in-iru im iits to iind tie want and the -ap ply and bring them together? Tin idea gives great hope and urge.- to great labor, unless, like the minister mentioned above, w, m L; ow how to bring things unto a train In whi . A I'KT i i"\' wa presetiPal to the i ••gi-h tu!. >m* d- v Ir-t v.-< I: asking tor the pa--.tge of a i.iw making tin* the vend' rof liquor liable in dama ges to an V PERSON WHO ONLY b in jurcd by -iifli sale. We have urged tile enactment oi -wii a law in limit on e, and v think tin true iriend-. of tempsei me- eon do tiici," cause no greater servic* limn by hi 10. :. in' i : . 1 !•• I i- :• •iml'i <■> liUUl'i 1 ■ nl'il'i : i tliis world and it is always sensible to eiiiist. it on the right side ii possiele. Ve-. let this be pressed: the pock et is with liquoi sellers a fai more sen alive part than the eon i*nec and if we can Convert taut our work will be accomplished. Tusmxi lecture of the Ilertnuic Free Course is to be delivered at tiie Court House next Tuesday evening by Rev. J. F. Calkin-, of this village; subject: '"The Chaplain's RcminD censes." There should be a full turn out.— Ayitator. So there should! That is a taking subject and no doubt the lecture will be so too. As we have no lectures, no discussions, no literary meetings of any kind, we mean to indulge our selves in at least congratulating those who have. RUM DID IT. That a man in a drunken rage should assault ard murder his wile is not altogether strange. Such scenes ' are becoming fearfully common of late. But the liendishness and jer ' sistence which characterized Mc- Keun's crime are almost without a i parallel. Three or fou>" Mows upon the head with a flat-iron laid the poor woman senseless at the umnler i er"s feet. That would have cooled ihe devil in an ordinary man, hut it | only aroused it more fully in him. | Seizing a broomstick lie beat his I victim with it until it was broken in pieces, and then tried to cut her! throat. Failing in that he undertook | to set the poor woman's hair on lire. Not succeeding in burning her, in hisj i drunken frenzy he closed the tragedy i | by performing a dance upon her pros i Irate body, threw her out doors, amij letl it to the elements to extinguish any spark of life that might remain. It was a scene that would have graced the orgies of the infernal regions, and if devils are cognizant of events tran spiring on the earth one can well im agine their glee as they witnessed it. But if the murder was atrocious,; the scene at the coroner's inquest was very touching. The little daughter of the prisoner—only six years old,) of unusual intelligence for her age, j but too young to comprehend the fearful fate that had overtaken one of her parents, or the terrible doom that apparently awaits the other— toki the story of that fatal Friday j night. The simple language of the chihl as she sat there in the presence ot her father, nnd gave her testimony, was more affecting than the most polished sentences: "Papa took tlat iron and hit mamma with it," said she; "he then took the broomstick and broke it whipping her; he then danced on lici; he then told me to get a razor to cut mamma's throat; then got some matches and said to himself, 'I will buru every bit of hair from oft' you, out they wouldn't burn; mamma couldn't speak then; lie then put her out doors." There is the story, it is only a short quo tation from the testimony, but it tells all there is to be told. Its simple pathos is indescribable, especially t hat of the closing sentence: "Mam ma couldn't, speak then; he then put her out doors." The wretched fatli :er felt its force. The accents of nis child, who, while lisping her account of his fiendish crime, still called him "pap.t." caused a t> nder e or I to vi brate and his lip puivcred and his eyes filled with bars. And no won ; di t; a heart of stone would hav< softened then Should any one enquire tin cause of litis murder there could be but one answer. Rum! That single word b II- the whole store. It ha- caused 1 crimes innumerable heretofore, and will continue to lu-tigate them - > long as n; n by it s use ti alisf >;in thenedvty? into be*--: ; • r <h nion-. Here was :: young man of good abiii , t a and w'hla i r oi>p rt inn - 1 ■- fore him. I!< mighi have lived a useful and honorable life, lap the thir-t ford ink obtained the mastcrx o\*r nun, oi i to-day i<e oe upies a 1 1* lon - ceil, v u!i t lie gal low- looming up just before him. 11:- murdered wife, an I iii- children orplianed by In - own hand, 'el! a -b yv tlflt -iiollid fmnmii 'Uioi • sfinud iut - fori ,er Iroin the hp.- i f l!io-e who hear it. Let a- hope that it will not be told in Vein.— /it' l-i I j - ill the ('our.: \ •' I '■>!.' r, !' i ■ , y ar 1 s7*jr- Abbott ' 171 Allegany 1 '.17 Ringiiain 1 II."] Clara 50 < 1 t Kulalia 1-7 (iciK -ee 1 t Harrison 2 bi iiebion 221 Hector 20.1 Homer 5b .1 ack-i >ll 1 1 K'Aning l'.l l.ewibville 07 O-wayo II > Hike 72 i'iiasant Valb y ;Vj i'ortage ' 22 Sharon 27b Stewa.'hson M 2 Summit, 4 l Sweden 120 Sylvania b2 Runlet 1 11 1 i . -ses 117 \\ est Ib'Uiiell 7 h \\ iiartoa lib Total '.WA, THE I ■;•. jiafioii of the NEW Y< :U il'raid and the So.' j- gone. I'iv.-i- C.'ll I has i\ e{.;>" ".1 openlv wis 1* cv. rybody knew to be true before, i viz: that he does not intend to be a i candidate lor President for a third Uuin. The Albany Kveiling Jour iul'r eoi respondent sa\> "i'lv-ih nl ill rant -aid rccvntlv, in conversation i with a lrieiid. that lie would not, un •ier any cireumstances, eiuisent to be •t candidate for a third term. He stated further that he only consented , i to become a candidate for the pies-| , ent term at t.iie earnest solicitation of i his friends, and because it wis at tempted to drive him out of the con ' test. ' t m t NO EL,OOr>. The Honorable Jefferson Davis j i and the honorable Henry S. Foote, \ we are orry to -ay , are not going to i , kill each other. The way we know j ! they are not is from the fact that each lias published a letter in the newspapers ior the purpose of show ing that lie is spoiling for a light. People who real-y mean business don't go to work in that way .- Davis writes that Foote is "consti tutionally a liar," and authorizes his correspondent to publish his letter. Foote retaliates by another public statement, bragging how he slapped ; Davis' face twenty-six years ago, and concludes by telling how easily lie (Foote) can be found and how will ing he is to light. \\ e are very sor ry indeed, but there is no prospect j either of these two old nuisances be- • ing abated iy the hand of the other, j We are glad, however, that even | Davis admits that if Foote is a liar | he is so "constitutionally." If his! mendacity luid Itcen unconstitutional,! its depravity would have been awful to contemplate.— lluffalo Jd.iprrxs. i SHERIFFS SALE. I) Y VIRTUE of sundry writs of Ven -3 iHtioul Exponas. Fieri t a, las, Levari Facias aon Sur Mortgage, issued out of bie Court of Com mon Picas of Potter County. Pa., and to me trect- I shall expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court House tn Coudorsport, on MONDAY, the Sixtkkn ill day of February, 1-74, at one o'clock, p. in., the following described tracts or parcels of land, to wit: Certain real estate situate in Oswayo twp., tiouiuico ami described as iobows: Begin ning at a |Hist comer on the E tine of the lot known as 4'M acre lot .ami being S E comet of lot forme. - ly surveyed to Anson Cole, now in possession of I Alphouso Harris; thence N along said line of 4 hi | acre lot 158.5 perches to post corner standing in said hue; theucc K 148 perches to |>st corner standing in partition line formed made i>v and be twetn ha la Stevens ami 11. F. Nichols A- Co. of one part and Peter l>att man of other pari; thence along sai.i partition line as perches to post corner in said partition line; thence south m.out 37° \V along said partition line 72 perches to post corner in said line; thence W 103.2 jierches to the place ' of beginning. Ootntainiiuj la; acres, more or less, being part of lot known as two ai re iot, of which about 15 acres are improved, with one frame house and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as ! the property of ALFRED HARRIS. ALSO, certain real estate situate in Roil let twp..bounded and described as follows; he gin at post in N line of 11 Malto.v's lot No. 1.88, 42 perches W of S VV corner of lot So. 12a in said twp., thence \V 124 perches; thence N 115 perches to N lineof said two.; thence E 124 perches by sai l line to a hemlock; thence S 112 perches to place of be- ' ginning. Containing sa.l acres, more or less, be ing lols Nos. 94 ft 128 of Keating lan,is in said twp. and part of \Vt.22'.s>, , <• at 4 aces improve! with one fraii.- house, •• ••• t barns and some oihei outbuilding.- olid some fruit tries thereon. To be sold as the prop 'v >1 JOHN ABBOI'T and FKRDJ2UU7K. VKNfZL.... ALSO, certain real estate situate in Ge.lessee two,: min :<■ ■ . ni a •• follow.-: N !>y lau.iS4.r i. -.V. I'lt.ct; I." e.\ ni.ids <a Win. Baker; >b) i*n :- of A!o •, Ra V >•. tsadsof tl. Eoataii. Cont nm: /aoa'n- oI la.ii-1, .n.se or IHS, livemns iia|mr( , wltlt two 1 -.. it lioooes, .oil' frame l.ttro. ~:u >vat-r saw null ami .one fruit trees thereon at l beiiiK part or .. t. S •. l •?-. 1 o L- .-.'j'll ,ir i;it ,t\ :. ,-i.A >N. AI.SO, certain real estate situate in - . !..•*: iit.i i' ii ui . •.: Ao II W.' -■ .. : >...!< I t v.-;>„ • - K K ■ ■■■: <•' i ts: At. ,->m: i.• a r<Kl W Wt. ii'ir; t:ie;.'>* S .. 'in ■; \\ t. Ii .j alxinl t > slits"; ! rjo - \*. . ■ .-. tn iKir-i'- lor; tli-uic ' • oriier of D dorrlf . U-'.j'S :-t; Cienc W ti perwtws to ce ur.- i nm.; • iHiii.'-e .*, r, a! r . vnl'r nf S shl ro t'l <54 pi-'ctif' : ■ -'it 'jriuaioj'. I io; Vi. sof uiiot- . !•■ ol luu't- if\V s .loii.i <■:-. in -ttl! r.vp. Om f n:o,y or iK'i'ilt |art • . >v f-. !• •'•> .v I.- -of v.'.u'U about A*i as-tvs a"- iiuj•: i'. i<'.vitli in. fr.viii Loii-f, oi.t-lug iiarn j'.-ijio.*. v . of .JOHN .'V il AL">h < ■ rtain real estate situate in is t * i : 'l -'i ami liosri iln-il ii- follows: N . . tai { < iron Sbmmover; Kb* lands of Uan ... . i ;:•:•! ffar is; 8 lij lands of WlHes Davis; w , i !gi u.i-ii l.i-r ;i :ul otlo-rs. P'.oi Co it I7i</ 'H'. .!■ • I ~f .. Too .' or less. Of Wlli.'ll a;toil! Vmj :i >.!,•;• ovi' i, with one frame house, two frame I l;r|ll;l|.|illjr- Klltl fIIUS fl"llitl - ii, .... it • z part of wnrra •! No. ; i.i sold .; |i'o,>•■;!> of ISAIAH -I 1 I*l s. A IXh eu tiiin re d estate situate in HiiiOMui fw|>, '".uu I" 1 H.iu i!i"ii'ii!n'il a- follows: a! |" . ,'i ii Hoe of lot No WiVi.- (I . • ii's 1: • 111 N !•: *"• on U'lfof; thmiee, N I'll - it.— !• - |. \ i -or lot N 154 isut N W i-nr- Ijiti ' tMilo': -'i c.V, - -j'_° B I'M .1 peri'tu-.- to ; ... Il :! o' i I N 'A I'lirnerof lot No ft. i"ice s ;t"oi.if ■ .c ..! iol ' - ft." tn:.:: peivhc-: • \\ Ji.c ,;|i , lo i oi I.HjinnJ|||{. f. 71- t i ..'Uis P.'-' i v ; * - i' ' :iiic:> of dp r ••!.* o:i,I ■, •. ■ ."i,,0 > ■ N In :of io< No .Vi • ; .111..1'1l ~t of ■ I l S'il" tap ami part of Wt- N. Ii I a) I'.*■!., o out 'I OS I'M; ic< •'. wfrii ■ • • house. Ope s'lili ' o tl ii ao I - • fruit " II .-'o.'i. i>, * s.jpi :.S pn-'-i !> of NAT!-AN \V 11 W N !■>. Al>• , Certain real estate r.itustP in litre-itum I ivp, l oil i l I an-1 cm f. . v.; ■ -'l'Oiii.s ' I" -V. "'. r :'i i i . " '• o.- ; • c -■ N per. • M-ii• i Fl 1 pen lii - • K ',ii:e . f - ("I 'O 'd Mid s n ' I'ili " ! ill i, .* ••: ■ pi ■ ■ *if !••••.: <*i/if. .. n-j i . r. , v.-j j; i: .<■ •. .( f, p ,■ .! ■ ... o . i so.- • ..." i - ; o :s .•! to.cot of .1- . ;>i<! < ' •an ! o . f v is No- l->: ij an 1 I .7. • vt i: <;'{• •> r.i.. ■ ■ . ' ■." oil. I o tii' ;.1 if . . V > A I.Sf), eertaiu real est at sit ..it* ill . i.vi "■ o< ail.l .• -in •• >i. . ■- - •' 1 Wit. tier it 11 I tin- : Uiioipii Oi.i' ■ uiii'J .iion ii. iess, all improved, se. --. i. i . -.i ti ..i-.'. oi., frame 11.-:. . a; ,■ • .•; *• -■ • ticrrco. . o: 'UN \T!t \ N Ml. vo . A !>< eio {;, iii q ->, it ; t ■;: 11 i A . t*4 iJ.-i : " ■ . (' <fLL :i in u : ; KOMA V 7jj s, i.i T AIX ), eert ai;! rt ill estate *.! ' :.! u'fiill.lUK .a N <• ' c. of ll>of .| K , v., . if o ,'i •"•! •; i ... .. - ; ' a ■ I iil to a'l . (I t' ii . i act.. . n-pur p.* No ■ , ' tt- .ti; ae. of -.1 -icP are i . , • >.-r '•••••.. ,O a- log Hit a„| |,ft f j ill. 'l'o lie sold ms the IUOI Telly of KOi h:;: ! lAV'S'W. * ' o : ALSO, certain real estate situate it. j ■ • to. . Ndiileo.t -ol 1 to I.e-Vi - Aiv. •> " t*.' 'oyPa No lie." KHv I;.t No 5.i oiiv ; • ChristopherTauscher: Bbylot N..:.; v,* po I:• an i highway. OontfiiiUnff 41.S acres, "more 1 i.-i tg lot No so of allotment of Blmrtvv" :i' t-t IT) -it• 1 twp una part of Wt No •>■ -5 ; |.(, j ... provem.-lit. To be so., as the proper!-, ef .1 \M!' - NELSON. " • o.VI S. r. REYNOLDS, SfieriK Cmidersport, Jan. 21, 1574. Ccurt Proclamation. W. r 1 ' ' ' if, the Hon. H. W. Wilijams, Presi ii <! |- :it Judge, itnl tin - Holtl y.M an Nelson h(l .It in s M. hll.uoi i;M:. \s(K.'i:lt(' .liuh'es of , the Courts of Oyer & Terminer awl (Jeneral J,i' j Delivery. ijuarter Sessions ol the Peace. Orphans' 1 port an I <'ourtof f '.mum n Pieas fr tiie t suinty *1 Poller. l,aw* issued thoi' piocept lK*aring date ; the i hirtet nth of December in the vearof our I.ord ' mm thousand, eight hundred ami seventy three, | ami lo mo directed, for hoi ling a Court of Over v Terminer ami Oenera! .lail Delivery, Ouar'ter Session - of tiio Peace, i Indians" Court "ami Court of c 0,1111 II l'leas, inilio B >nu:ghnt < 'nmierspnrt on day.tho Sixt. day of FEBRUARY, : no ■ t ami lo ooiitinue one wool;, j Notice is thorofore hereby given to the Coro ners, . I ust ires of the Peace and Con stables within I lie County, that they be then and there in their i- por- ms. at hi o"clock, a. tn.. of said <lav. I wiih their roi's. records and inquisitions, exaiui i nations and oihei reuiembraiiees, to ilo tlio-e things which totheirofiioesappertaintnht done. Vud tlioso win, are bound by their rcogni/UMiees 1 toprosccute against t hi' pri - !iei*s l hat aso or shall i,e in the .lail of sai i County of Putter, are to be ! then and there to prosecute against them as wilt I be iust. liated at Coudersjr,rt. Jan. 21st, 1R74, and the ■ '7th year of the Independence of the United Slates jof America. S. REYNOLDS, Sheriff I ANNUAL BEPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PC>TTKI 1 CO I: NT V. FOR 1573. COUNTV FUND. Krprn<litn.-r.t. t'omnii s iioners's - ages 906 CO Orkhir* 70., to Auditing Recorder saccounts... seo Tending town idiK'k 2a 00 Wild-eat bounty 12 2", Stationery 2b} 22 Fuel 2'iOUO i'lib'i, print i lg 261'G0 Mark French at Lunatic Asylum 22t>4 BStii'iiian do liiti St) Cassia Frouty do si 05 Elect i n expenses. 1475 49 Ailvert'ir lauds by treas 21 no Clerk of Quarter Sessions 14,100 Commonwealth costs 900 c'i Qualification fees 36 on •luii expenses 2 50 Commissioner's counsel so 00 Teachers' institute 17265 County fair 100 00 lieferees 50 00 Money refunded 40 08 Western Penitentiary 270 72 Auditor's wages 21t; oo Cleaning Court House 2 "0 Co-oner s impiest 71 39 Tipstaff 117' m Court-crier 77 on Sheep kii'eil by dogs 36 op Con-tab es' returns 3 4.70 Road views 415 50 fuel 2OO Assessors'wages 91H1.8 Wood house 422 oo Jury Coininissioneis' fees (y. 72 Damages by roads 01 j,) Hose for fire works 401.0 Sheritf's fees 160 21 Incidental expenses 22 25 Constables attending court IS iw Traverse jurors' fees 14714 21 tiraud do fil'4l Painting court house . vp -y,, 'bilges ;;;; j 5(l0 Repairs to pub ic bui dings . s '(1 sidewalks " Recording deed* 175 lu^j it ' • .7 u CASH ILL IVE E HAND. AT LAST ANNUAL ICPOTL ; ■ • •>' 1 ' From lands,'72 and 7J SEATED UIIST'HU'F! .. 1 • COLR>—"72. "2:I0: 7::. 4CS, 1. IFV 2 77. • RR EXPENDITURES OVER RECEIPTS ID SHECIAI, ITM). E-cri/t*. < 'SLL ILL ••'"IN" I,.1:1 IS P.' LAST .'UIILIUL REIN, 1 ... --*'*77 From uiise ifed binds "72and 73.. 2"* 8"< seated ret'd unseated "72 . 1"3 coll RSS : 563 S>: ,"3 2031 ... 2585 > 512? 23 Er <iuliturc*. JUL LOT 1"1 47 Interest on bonds —IV A. St'di -jus ::■>-i —I.. K. DECKER TUT-• ♦ DO (O DO 1 W 00 DO >m 00 —ISAAC BENSON L.TP 1.0 45 KEE IJ'TS OVER EXPENDITURES >982 78 WE. R>l" COMMISSIONERS OF HOTTER CO., DOCERNFV ?HAT FLIT* FOREGOING STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS ARID EX~ I PEN.IITUREA FOR THE OAR ENOINZ JAUNA-'J IST, 1H74, •IF TH FOUNTV OF HOTTER, I CORRECT, AS WIN APPEAR IN REFERENCE TO THE BOOKS AND VOUCHEES M THIS OF n •. . W.COLVISL 1 . B. COI.E, 1.. I). KSTKS, CLERK. K. L. V ILITK. COMMISSIONERS. DUE FROM UNSEATED LANDS, 1572 .. 0112 92 DO 1873 .7122 27 " COLLECTORS, 1872 112 58 DO ISR,' I'M 211 SEATED RET'D. '72 AND "72 112 IS 17. 1' \ IISIIN 7.1 O 1 11. T. HEYNO'DS .. 206 PI Cameron omiitj 90.7 26 13.2H3 82 •Judgment FAVOR JOSEPH Mann I' '■■•lON Interest on same 1 uno 2,' V.non EXCESS OF ASSETS 1 ,<>4:l 82 SI'ECL M. FEND. Otic 011 l oud Isaac Benson.. .. n 1 (X< do Interest on same 1". mm DO 1.. E. MEEKER MOl 00 DO DO . .. 6000 00 !■ DO .... WOO 00 111 do .. . 2I'MfM JOSEPH MAN.'I .. 'HE ON 20.171 NO DUE fi . 111 UNSEATED LANDS. M 72 .. 2'tW E:I DO !57.; 07 03 COLLECTORS, 1*" '2 ... 7LI 12 •HI IS7.S . 1(8 '7 S.-ATED RET'D. '72 AUD '7". O 2I IN TREASURER'S HANDS F ; 2 7.71 TS FX I'SSOF INDEBTE.LN •■-. KT 82 I;ECAH! R; : A I . S-'C!, IRV '■ IA'A .RE IN-■ C . • ITP.) . |K.M4*2 I: TIT LEDNES; .• •. . F • : . S„* NET IN VBTEDNE -< 7,8 1 (>,' • .V;O - A . R A .M AI. REPORT AUOIIOFS fifPGTTth COUNTY HI'IT 1 TI ' T KA.T !.. D. K.-T -. ;T : TO :■. . I • 4 I. '. HA • ii. .'"S, i). V. . 11 AV s ' Audit'ir.' S. T. REYNOLDS, S.) it 1 acchuiit irith POTTER COUNTY. ! do jurj fees in the following ea.-' s, vi/.: ■ OI.IGHAM EST VS EST MIEFCTOD BERRY 4 (K. i Est \V m b Johnson vs ;.o Kelley 40 | ! C Barber vs Est Elijah Eliis ,0 • AIN DENT UDINR EST SAMUEL BORERS 4 IKI | A" IN DCAT ADUIR EST SAMUEL RED NOR 40. m >1 Dougal ailnir Est Win Datrvinple 4 is I • "orbou Bros for use vs Miles White 4 ut 28 FA J. M. HAM 11, TON, D. W. HAVENS. Auditor# DAVID WHITE in account irit.'i RYMUIISRILIE A • .ENNANIA STATE R<!. By contn to co trens or. iei 40 9 62 psi.vmt IN FOIL TO .1 SCHWARTZEU bach, com 36 15 pay tat to J Min rick com S4 iW IA FULL J.'l .VI road plank, etc 4.3 c, 90 556 PAY IN TS TO J i£ Merrick, COM 11 82 work ot self, hands and teams .. 822 25 935 u< To liai from old account 64s 40 FUNDS REC'.L FROM CO TREAS 240 46 taxes recti J M KU'uourne Ason. 373 59-2 6.- BAL DUE II WHITE, TREAS 43 J. M. HAMILTON', I>. W. BAV .SS. Auditorx A. ROUNSEVILLE. Tr. ni account with TOR 1574. SEVERAL STATE IV>AI?S. llojijihi HOUSE A PADDY RUN TO HAL IN TIFTN I FROM OL I ACT -GU lay til in full D F dassniife coin. HtiO*) H FIUAU LOR BRIDGE '<s 00 1) BAKER, CLERK .. . TO 90 25 das services BY self 57 5c tag 5, Bai ixi hanti of treas TacTi FREEMAN RUN A FOREST HOUSE. BY BAL DUE TREAS FROM OLD ACT UP 9 DAS AET VICES 5, AURT DUE TREAS 3^2) UOUDERSPORT A SHIPIIEN. TO LIAI IN HAND FMRA OLD ACET. 12 59 KEC'D FROM CAMERON CO 54 00 NORWICH TP, M.-KEAN C 0...' ICJ 47 99 .SI BY PAY RAT TO A NELSON, COM 2 40 U KESSENDEN FOR WORK. 20 00 TRAVELING EXPENS.IS G ~S STATLOAERY 76; CI,.RK HIRE 5 •.0 8 -5 2 DAS SERVICES OF SELF AS-W 92 41 BAL IN HAND OF TREAS ~6 63 •I. M. H AMILTON ID. VV. HAVKNS, Auditor*. A. ITOUX.SEVTLLE, Trvt*., In acvunt with E. FORK ROAD DISTRICT. BY 8 DAYS' SERVICES 1 O BAL IN HAND FROM O'D ACCOUNT 2 76 BAL DUE A. ROUNSEVIILO, TSEAS P; 44 AUDITED, JAN." 8, 1871. J. M. II • .MILTON D. W. HAVENS. ' Auditors. J. JI. >PA i ■ Oli i * follrfT.!. PERSONAL i Wj ' Reed fr -in cops 72. n, . , Overpaid to Man- I i- mil "ii 278 K'.i a . . retailers I.H I \ | I.'.Cel; -l - IHTIV|. i,\ JMV,., , luv\vr*. !•.' 0 : re, :u . ;. *• By •> in'iUK ah."' i receints sctte tr'i, coiiuni^.i ,iiin: '.mi, ' Ba' (liii-liy , i tiiMs FKDLAUS' I.K'KNsi > I£♦*'*l 'i: bct'iiv-. us f ploy . ]>:uii Joy -l:"": ]' 1i.ivi,,,,,",.. „ . Mem;"' " • .|| Ixau* StrniJ •-- . B '• . • i'Oiiunission (in 17; tf H:tl due by > trtMs .1. M. SPAri'(>HI>. VVuis Inan-.vn in- '' I'OTTKUin;,, REDEMPTION 11 \|i. Jan 1 Reed nf A 1 llun.-i, ] , Feb 19 A lxierin-i, ;i \ V | A Wales .. , May 16 <i lVars.,ll ( t . | Ml ". 1 V' \V,I illii: ... c ,\y ~ June 11 V l , r:iiter3Kn.Isi 1 si t ,, \v _m " ill) ft* \V| li.H ■ N " v - ' 1> N Scott IX--' 11 T B.laiil.\2ai:. W v, May li; 1M \ KuiiiMiiiii'' j\ \\ ( Kulali i 26 do ,1,, * lo dt 1174 June 12 J< sMaiin2iia Wt ' v.s 8(1 2.'i sent 4 J \\ Atlen "'u W r, N'i 2". ,'.M Mann le t m, Dee 11 S Bins Via Wt PCs - • 197a -!„> l.V.a Wts 21(i!l i 21n5 B • in 'mil 1' of Treat i : : I N I ! s 1 Fe. dfrmi \ I iii> ~ ii -1 If. 1*72 do *B7': • n i i- Kißali i i,i- un a lfc funded ,v Vu.fes :i t - l : ,e <' ; , n. t ~.i , n ;.. t!i .. FC|X 4 2H7"K4 li- in ,v7l :>l 11.V29 :n lev ajijlii' '1 v.peej fui (I ei ninni • ii t • .'ln *4*:.''7". 4, ~ *!'('('iAL H N'l)^ Rt'i ll fl'i'lli enir.v fn; "72 ' -t 1 v. ;i 1 1 i \? •< A " ll' 1 J "• , V- {} * i" 1 1 ' it'" i" • I *'■ ■ 'I ii;i <1 !i h 1 f re": "i" ;- .1:' P>ttee & < lil'tov. Rle.'d Ulli'leil 7'. V" - > ••lie liSiTf ref. r'll 7' it Si;,. ,■ ji. Ie"fl mi - ted En' ilia '77,: 7' I,yili:uisvilli> 111;iI,i:-. Heed uns ted Stiniiiiit '72 n nne-half re>r road 72 un-i'ted W B-aneh '72 1 22 tiiree-iiuarter reg r d '72 -Mi'* Audited Jany. 1". IS7I. J. M. SPA FFOIM). 7V lit acc'ti/nf ir.t> ' ' for 1873. Several super*" Ahhott To\vnslii]i. Heed nns'ted '72.1 7">: '72. r n. less apportioned to state i d 112 11 special r'd '72, 17"; '7 ■. . - • IHxir 1872 and 187' i ■ Alkpjany Townsliip. Reed special rout! 1872 poor tax 1872 ' East Fork District. Recti nns'ted l'oad: 72. 7 '>*: 7*. 7(W Etilalia Towuslii]). Recti nns'ted '72. 1 20; '73.2 4'* ■ ■pedal '7O, tiO; '72, 1 29; 7X 1 ■" jwH'r tax 187.'! East Fork ; (lenrsee Township. ! Heed road on seated iluji'.i'an 1*72.•• speei.U roa<tlß72 poor tax '■ Harrison Township. ; Reed nns'ted road: '72.12 : 72,12 07 - special 72, 4 41; '7: l, 78 81* jKHir tax: 72, € 04; 73, 630 11 " f Homer Township. i Recti sjK'. ial road 72 Pik* To .vnshin. Reed special road "72, fiO; [rior 72 1 - Summit Township. Reed road 72. ' ® !t>ss to I. i'! s t'e r'tl <*' " 1 , , —v 1? ! •*' special r-wd 1 btiunty West Branch Township. Rtvd road: 72. .V) 86; 72,1 >■ ■ v less to I. * (i slate r'tl J. J! p special roatl: 72, 2", 42: 73, >4> - _____ J. M. SPA F FOP D. Trt*•, In tccouni vith (h f . for 1873. Several School -" ABBOTT ... *3f ' Recti school and building '72.4 u ! ' , ALI.KGAXY. iff Reed school and huiltiini: •!.' -• COUDERsPt )RT. „ . ; 45 Reed K Fork list school '72.11 s. OEVFSKK. Recti school j HARRISON. . _ Reed schtKi' a lu'd'd'g '72. 16 71: '• HDMKR. Rccd school and hnlhiin? . FIKK. : Kccd schtKi! and building . SUMMIT. ... : Rccd school and I.tti'dlnc , WEST BRANCH. , , v ' Recti schtMil an I hulldinp <-■**' We licrehy certify that we l ,a *' counts of J. M. SpaUoni. . jd! l ' Countv, Mitli the sevci c'• . h;-i: , Hi 1 i"•**in Slid Comity.™ ed to them ivvjiecuvo (■'• 'j, x Mtl T above stated. J w Ma*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers