The potter AND Ew s ITx- ?n£. I No. -—r-SFCST. FA.. Sersn tr IT, 13"3. , I* a'Viwed to run over oue ***°.r laancsn. 1)W loti-e will be given of PV'l ration and if not paid the paper will be i itoppeii . -j. H attached to each address denote the T "V,"e'i the l ' ,l! *' r ls Juid ' For iu . e the Bftnres a'-l or M denote that h# paper is paid to Vol. 2£, No. 1. S. F. H AMILTON, Publisher WILL If ], y TLIE Court pro . , iligs published in this number of the ,''.' u 7.VL. Will. M. Metzger and Joseph • 'mesweif last week admitted to the t ,f this County. We understand ; t ;sthe intention of Mr. James to ,'"i remove to the West, where he ... 3 to become a bright and shining J., among the legal fraternity. We j :;-: h him siaress. Mr. Metzger will I remain in Coadenport and we I . < ,tk Hi hit" a -'•are of the legal busi irn.aieis. There's one thing K. . ; win! g. Will Mi tzgei never sun • 1 *?5" , . 1 , v , ;a,l ai;\ one employing him | j,',.,,.,; a plucky and determined I attorney. An UN ' - hniin hit the dust. The _ *;,v;ji;i-tai: • as follows: '1 he ot\er I . - mel Rockwell was WHU- I hewn ids, t ..inkingover • • party's hunt as told in art- I issueoi this jwuer, it occurred to: I - on to follow their had and riant:ite l ]og>. T is lie proceeded to do, B gazing abstractedly into a . 11101 e ol" less j he Was rew-lded ' \ N-riiig a itear looking at him "lutck vr'uois. Alter a lew moments sj* at ret a.mug thanks, lie pouted volley , ley ol buck-shot into the brute. }!> • >•'.•!> Incoming alarmed at iiis ab ut a jwty "Ut iu seat eh of him. u1 found hint and informed him si ; : i l**:r W;is dead, bam sava lie t , isril 11 been pounds of lead in "get vig away" with his prey. — M-Kexn iim r. A FRIEND in the far West has sent • .1 I'cjiy .if tiie De&ret AVu-.n, a M>t n. w>;.']irr published at Salt I.ake City. I't.ili If any of our readers have . \ curiosity to see a genuine Mormon .}*•• they can be gratified by calling at •>ur office. 1 OCR NEW MEMBER.— The Washing- I' . Rfj . 11 of Saturday has the fol- j wing complimentary notice of our new ! Eepresentative in Congress: All "'.; tl:e new mi inljers of Congress! '• m P iiiisylvania. we are gratified to •Me the natup of Hon. Sobieski '.--.of the Eighteenth Congressional Stri-t. wi.o . ucceeds Representative b- '• 1. Democrat, by it majority of ; ;y-;;vt iiidrtd votes. Judge Koss a distinguished in his state as a ••man of en urged views and a pule aiud and patriotic citizen. It is > m.dti r of sincere congratulation to i ave the advantage of his experienced! •figment ai d ri]ie scholarship in the otuicils of t'ue nation. v. ILL K. JONES, tL. junior member tin ti m ol A. F. .lota s & .Son, left ; 11 full- this morning. wi-ere he pro- j us to buy a stock of goods which will u- - • 1 their lady customers.! ; 't H you make your pur s' 1 t-ir jaw goods will be along The ß.. N. Y. &P. R. R.Cn., through 1 Attorneys ai.d Agents, have re-: .-••tiled mar y of the suits brought 1 1 e c< mutiny by individuals in 1 ty. at d which were brought or matter of difference dated ' e time wl en Col. AH" rget gi d the roao. disjiosition 011 I t ..f the Company to amicably •' their dilliculties. speaks well for s .it management and its officials, "tjcy Carey, of Olean, Las recently - vcral days here investigating ni dtei-sand by his ability and COUT -ilfaring has won many friends. — " '"iu -I liiil'jtCitilt ill, oH B .ston T-a-party at the Court * * ' 1 igi.t was a grand success — -• tie Sildiers' Monument Fund • :• f seventy-six dollars; a very 1 : r.;hr. ( T'ii* ladies of the > entitled to gnat comiuei:d;i- F 111 entirely is due tIK-snc - enti rtainmeut. The supijer ■ w;-> ail t: at 1 <• d - ired. I : •. ;chseg were' %ctlHnt. and d i <.l ~f H nciuix-r of the ■ ! ■ - . ill 1H- long renif-mlii icd by . On the whole, it was nice <<*' In-fore the winter : s over - in ! if eutertainm -nt may -i. t. ociii: srw#rt. - ir< iieijjg made to organize I , .'•' - Christian Assuciatiou I die. We hope they may be I L 1 '•ction on the New Constitution "O !HSM doft very quietly through- Vouiity, as far as we can learn. ; tv in tiie Borough of C'ouders- 'idy-nine for the Constitution ■ of Eulalia eight H.r, ",i ( " v ' u,e "* the opponents of the ■ ted in tiie * ' ". Merrick resigned as a Commis sioner of the Lymansville and Gerinania state Road and the Court apjiointed Augustus Bisbee. Tiie Grand Jury was called and sworn, Austin A. S wet land appointed foreman and I). A. Kilbourne constable to attend UJKIII the same. Tin Grand Jury was diseharg'-d on the loth, having found true bills against the following parties: A. J. Wagner, larceny; Archibald Tur- J ner. assault and battery. Am mda Howe was appointetl guar ' dian of F. A. and Delia Howe, minor children of S. I*. B. Howe, deceased. Articles f incor|>oration of the "C'ou dersport Fishing Club" were ordered to be tiled in the Prothouotary's office. ■ Win. M. M-'sg-r and Joe James were admitted to the ba'- oc th- lrth. In the ease of J. W. Wither vs. I.eon ard Davis, commissioners were appoint ed to designate Ixuwd.tries. Coiiimoiiwealth Vs. J.uneg Rutherford and llubba; d Haines wasu ied. Haiin s. the only defendant for trial being acq it .d. i F,. L. i nil • vs. Estate x.f ■*. i. B. Ho we. Court decree a specific perform anceof a parole contract. Amasa Caimer was appointed town clerk of Hebron l-ownship. The Court directed 300 until*-* to te put in the jury-box for lhT4. Inquest on tiie bsly of Charles Gill, proceedings filed and bill of charges aj>- proved. | Divorce proceedings were as follows: i John T. Morton vs. lVnelojie >4 ion. an alias subpeena was iseie-d; .T. Wil j HAULS vs. Olive W. Williams. Court de ; ciw a divorce; Alice E. Hollenb- k vs j Wallace Uollenbcck, wasdiieet i ed m.ike publication; Agnes M. Booth, an alias sulio.'na was issued: Nellie J. Holrnau vs. O. P. Ilolman, A. A. >w t land appointed commissioner; Fiances Root vs. Henry Root, A. B. M uni ap jiointed commissioner; Josephine O. Mi-rritt vs. W. 11. M rntt, Samuel Beebe appointed commissioner, i Ejectment of G. Nelson, et al.. vs. .T. Buchanan was tried and under charge of Court, jury found for the defendant. Judgment for want of an apj- ar .nee was taken in the following eu.-• s: .C. S. Jones & Co. vs. Sylvani; twp. ; Willson Davison " Abbott A Yentzer F. W. Knox '* Wharton twp. do. " Pike E. 1). Ilolman " G BGordon&< o. G. Fox. M.D. " 11. O. Perty. jD. Baker " M Hackett, et al. jM. C. Barber " 11. S. Bee be. M. E. Olmsted *• Wharton twj. John Wiles was naturalized. Ruiea on the su;ervisors of the seve ral township mined U-low were taken to show cause why they should not levy a s|-ecia! t ix f"c!o.-k. p. iu.. J. M. Hamilton, Pr-. silent, in tin- chair; Jas. tl Coie, Secretary, l*to tern. Aftee rejiortfrotc Board of Managers of proceedings during the year, the re port of G. W. Colviu, Treasurer, was read as follows: Amounts received. ?2t.Td Bills and ]reniiums paid. Balance on hand, J. M. KiUiourn". L. 11. Kinney and J. M. SjKiiford wore apjujinted to jtre jiare nominations of otiicers for the en suing year and report to this meeting. On motion of IT. T. Reynolds, /fr.Wmh That a committee of three be ap;K>inted to ascertain whether land can t>e obtained in the vicinity of the County Seat for the use of the Society, also to consider the propriety of inelud ■ ing a •"trotting course." on said land, and report at next meeting of the Se i eiety. Report was presented from tiie Fi nance committee that they had reason to believe there were balances in hands of former treasurers not paid over, but were not prepared to report definitely. On motion, the Finance Committee were continued for the ensuing year with instructions to report at next meeting. The. Committee on nominations pre sented tlieirreport: the i-d\ preeetd,- ed to election of officers for ensuing year, winch resulted as f. fiinsham.—Al'inTt L Harvey. Ciara. J. 1.. Btunks. Ciruter^port—JlM. M. Hamilton. Eu a ia. — 'on-iilr Stearns. John M iiiinnls. Hr n—H miilt Wnf.e. Hi sron.—William K. (ireetunan. H."-!nr.-]i. \V Haven, j Honmi'.—' Walter E'i-<- mb. Jackson.—M. J. Fijuu. Keating.—Fiinv Harris. L *wisvi;le.—l* -rry Brig' un. •is waya—A mos Kiupji. I'ir,e.—,v H. Martiu. Fleasant Valley.—U-wis Lyntan. Portage.—William \ oung. K 'U et —Setiei a Pi'ineroy. Sharon. —A. S. Newton. Stewaiiis,.n.—chaiies tit. Suiiimii.—Jatni-> O. Nt.isiiu. svieiieu.—Almond \\ . Kinsman. Sylvauia.—t . C. Rets. I i)ssl's.- 11. T. I,eVilli:11-. West Bran h.-Vi iHi.ini W. Tnsk. Wharton.—.M. T. Seioert. Cum Uitij S c cr.; P. A. STEBRIN.N, Jh. Jccording .s cr'tnrj. A. B. MANN. Treasurer. ALMEBON NELSON. liourd of M niay- r*. C. C. BKBUNLE, J DAVID WHITE, It-'U- A. OLMSTED, j il-iil. JOSEKU JdANS, WATSON T- VIM.. On motion, ordered piweedings to b* published in JOURNAL A ITEM. Adjourned. JAS. 11. COLE, fkvrtlary, pro tern. Dll.D. Saturday I>ec. 13,1-7 :. at her home in Runlet, I>ore4 l.y ...nn. agi d 7-yeat s, 7 m-uilhs and C. (lays. Mrs. Lymau was one 1 tli" firs; settlers in Uou let township, she was married . n the 2isl of July. 18W, and moved onio tie loni where she ived onti -.'..e died. yil. :nw •m i tie aiel ambi i: 'lis she endured many u "d:>!iiissaiid piirati- ns dining he; ear.y .ife. sue w,s a v■••.eve. at live to mourn her loss, a ever a friend of toe poor and and -.i. ii need her health to minister to their wants. For , tiie past nine year* sue had been all.icted wilti the asthma but Lore het suifeiings witii resign. i li"ii to the will of her Father and died with a bie-ied hopeinJesa-. Zocr,l It^TRAY.— Came to the premises <>? rite subscriber about the lay ol targes and take them away. PHILANDER R. STEVENS. Summit, Nos. i., leiTj. *.4 M d-n't foiget to go to the P. O. and buy y >ur sister a Christmas present. If you have none, buy some oritur fellow's sister one. ("lAME'othe premises of the under signed some Tim- ago one black and Willie heifer'about eigliieen uiontiisold. Owner can have the same on proving proj>erty and paying charges. HENRY DYER. Black Forrest, l>e •. 3.1873. AI.E WHOM IT 2IAY CON j CEHN.-C "ircuiustatuT s tiave coiu peli'*d us to adopt tiie READY'-PAY >Y">TKM. and hereafter we will sell no goods on credit unless by special agree ment. A R< II F. JON E> A >ON. Cnuile. sport, NU*. 12,1873. THE Decemlier No. of I). i„o, si's .'•/ M "ptziue is spas kliug with Holiday Material, Holiday Fashions. Holiday -Stories. Housi hoi l Matltrs for tiie Holidays. Holiday Poems, etc.. etc. But the most attractive of its Holiday fraturrs is tiie marvelous oilet of tiie large and truly beautiful Oil Cltromn. "Tiie Old Oaken Bucket.*-' to each sub scriber as a Holiday Present. "The Old Oaken Bucket" is 17x33 indies in size, retailed at fifi and the best and most pojiulai Cbrcrno ever published, and yet is pri seiited free to t ach f3y t ar ly subscriber ior ] -74. This throws all other premiums in the shade. What next? Address \V. JENNJNUS DEM<> REST, 838 Broadway, N. Y. DEMOREST'S Young Amrrico for De cember is full of Christmas novelties, with other entertaining features for the juveniles. Some rare attractions are promised for the New Year, among which is a beautiful Chmmo atid as*- ri*-s of graphic cartoons illustrating tiie eviis of intern i>eraitce, with sketclies by Dr. Dfems. You.-g Atnerici is to In offered at #I.OO hereafter, with a hieau tiful Oil Cliromo to each subs riimr as a premium. Address W. JENNINGS DEMUREST, 838 Broadway, N. Y*. WELLSVILLE SATURDAY'S NEW-. —lO5 teams were counted in Wellsville village last Saturday at one time. The trade of the merchants that day wus said to lie very heavy. Simmons Regu lators sold ?1057.00 in five hours. Who can beat that 'i "What i>oor -hort sited worms we lie, LFSEE? AVC kan't k.ilkiiate With auy degree Of sartantee What's jjwiue t.> lie our fate." "We can calculate, however, with rea sonable certainty on getting Better Lumber Wagons, Better Carriages of all descriptions. Better Sleighs, Better Cutters. Better Trimming, Better Painting, Better Horse-shoeing, and Better Repairing of all kinds At G( iLK's Shop than any other place in CoiidersiKirt or in tiie Countv. ' ice-tf ; RENTS REDUI ED.—C. 11. Simmons. I one of the largest landlords of Wellsville. has reduced his rents of dwelling-houses for the winter nearly fifty j>cr cent, and what is better still, instead of reducing the salaries of I is clerks, itas iucreas-d the same according to their worth, that of his d y-goods and grocery men sont two hundred dollars, we ham. The Regulators ar- having a lively time and are well stocked with all kinds of titer-i i chnndire for wholesaling or retailing, i i i/~iOWA\I)A PLOY.t—Flat • i Si.fc \Jl hill, cast and steel, with iron Vain, 'i ik .-t plows art ground antl {M.ljsht-d —in full rig. Every plow is guaranteed. Ti:t. bt.-i plow maiini'.M'turtxj. W. T. DIKE. A m-t nth lx-t n subjt -ted to an extraordinary pressure—the nit -- ; sure of crowds of sufferers that hav< been in the habit of buying from small . dealers and paying enormous prices. Money Iteiug s aree. they I.ave seem ingly all made a grand rush to tla place where thev get the greatest amount of goods for the smallest amount of mon ey. The popularity of this establish ment is boundless and will last, for it is built on a solid foundation; one hun dred thousand dollars I* nig the cornet ; stone. Tins well known establishment might justly lie called a savings bank from the numbersof dollars it hassavtd the Jx'ople f>r the lust ten years. I roui its veiv iufaney high {trices have had to vanish like de\v before the uiorning sun. I>RI€K.— CJet your BRICK from ' l\ i. Brine. Hon let, Pa. >iieei men.-< . an IK- seen at the office of JOUR NAL tfc 11 KM. Price. SXho thou sand—r-lnet ion made when ordered in large quantities. 25r.-tf | 111 ii"t i'! that 11. the Merc am Prince ot Wellsville, is yet in trade lainrer than ever, and that his twenty-live years" experience in this market enables him to give his custom ers the U-st goods and latest styles at the lowest living rates, lie sure and c. II and exaniim his sto' k. and Ik- con* vue ing< i took toe first premium. with the Howe and K ming.on Sewing Machines o]>|Mising. The singer was ojierated by A M. Reynolds. the llowc by Loyster Bros. ami the Remington 'h v the Agent from Bingham. foKKI yard wide sheeting may b ; found at Simmons Regulators for 11 (•cuts per yard. r I *OW>s!IIP OFFICERS will please 1 take notice that the law requires all taxi >on unaitod lands ito I*- collected by tiie County Treasurer' for Road. ; School or any other ptirjKises, to Im* re- ' , turm d on or IK fore the thirty first day of Iheeruljer in each and every year. Next year is the collecting y-ar and no tax -s can IM* returned after Dec. 31 m .xt unless authorized by -j*.i ;v t e collected. 1 • Therefore sec to it that your taxi s are i all proi'ily made out. certified ai d re turned in due season. s< • t hat your tax lists are duly certified at ! signed by the })ro|M'i officers; oriieiwise tiie Comnhs | sioin rs are not auti.oi ./a d o recieve them. Bv order of the Itoard. L. B. COI.F. ' nmi.- i.if r\y t. rk. I > H. HAYXES In ag n< yof a Ik, patent weatli i-.-jiip for doors u a-it is j ; '.<• tiling for doot- that are ,I \p-is. d to wind and weather. and will save twenty-five p-. ; (•■•lit ill wood. He will call and siiow how it w -rk>. if IS IMPORTANT XOTI< f..— T!a efiterpria-j ing dry goods joblter. Mr. ('. IT. >im im ns. isofl'crii g tocash huyt s his large line of dri ss goods, shew Is. woolens, ho siery, fancy goods, clothing, etc., at prices so enticing as to insure the early closing out of his unusually large and attractive stock. Thismovetm nt made -■n the part of Mr. Simmons, in n flucing prices to meet the views of pun haw r*. has proven so successful that he pro j poses to continue his clearing-out sale on and after Wednesday. Dec. 4tii at still furtlier reductions from present prices. He has just purchased for cash i fo.nco worth of new and popular s'.yh >. of goods, which he offers at a reduction of thirty-five per cent, from former prices. We recommend all sharp buyers to take advantage of this unusual op portunity. To the t itizms of P i uslvan'a. — i oi.i attenti 'M .*> s|m.*cj dly invited to the fact that the N'ati nal Banks arc now prepared to receive subscriptions to the < "apital Stock of the < entenniul Board of Finance. The funds realized from this source are to !• employed in tiie erei tion of the buildings for 11 it* In ternal ioual Exhibit ion, and the excuses eonneeted with the sune. It. is confi dently Itelii ved that tiie Keystone State will IM* reprt seated by the name of every citizen alive to jiatriotic commeinora tiou of tlie one hundredth birthday of the nation. The shares of stock are of f-red for sio each, and subscribers will receive a handsomely steel engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for fram ing and preservation as a national me morial. Interest at the rate of six percent, per annum will lie paid on all payments of Centennial >toek from date of pay ment to January 1, lSTii. Subserilters who are not near a Na tional Bank can remit a check of post office order to the undersigned. FREDERICK FRALEV. Treas., 904 Walnut St.. Philadelphia. Administrator's Notice. W LIKKEAS, letters of Aiimlui'l ration FEIHE .1.11 NT . !r Co., ilet-taK-.-a, hßving i-wri i?rvr.teushjp., I'littet- < erKiLi> iiulclueii 4 * Oil e-t;ite are ,®(|ue*'i-ii t inake iinmediate layiui-nt, ami jiavintr* '>!■ deinaniie 1 litiin-i *.':e minr ..I * M .Jpn.'.mjii jn;ik<* nown the wiuo withnut dfl.ty to K.VMCEI. BKEBR. > i EaHewß. JTNS ift. 4 f TTtMI U VKRAMiEMI NT. Buffalo, Naw Vork Philada, B'y,! IKE -HOU7: -T VXD \tOStt OIKS T HO: TE To illiaiii.ijMtrt. "ntin'ourv. Ila' iisbuig,! j Phihidclpbia. Baltimore, Wash- j iugton and the South. On .v.d aft r \ovi:MßFl{ t, H73, and fur- j | tiu-r • > |„, tram the , Unh -:i . Ne-.i "s .;k '■ PhliadelpUJH Hal'vii.i Pe-i . ik. KxcimUK .• .u. i leritdana >!-.• t*. as . I 1 .!;•> T n in. Va-voni-iiixl iti'iii •' i.,-. i-xi-pjir j .iav.-. i.piug ai . ...-a:,; ;; i. Portrtile 11.on, Lar ; aheee!:..- 1. e >rt AUegaay lljn t-j.. Ki aUap suiu- • ; n H,ie :n.. tridag at Ewpurtua al UMpeat.. j i'a*-:PiiKfPrs i.y thi* i.iakp I'onuectioaa at the H.,N. v. a P.fayol at Eaporitraat 4.3"p ' fur !■ a! pal Us >• . tht- p. j-.. K. K. V.i !, and for •>■ i p iiits west at .VM n>. g. to p. m. K\|iro. .i a, ■ ■ Oieaa w-. t'ortvn'- <•. ■ ■■. i inuao Ut, reft \i."ginn ;.i-i, Keatiug > t .-.aut ; Kl. arriving at s'mi , nil at - .(1 J .m., lieimv.. i.:.c Wliilnme •" ' a. M.. Suiii.iin t-V. llarri*i'ii-ir i'i:: .1 ■!• 5.t • a.m. Iti-lltlaore *>.4ri....i.."vVaill • imroa t'-. -T m. '• • I N RUN <.U TKIEJ Oi-'ii Itullj. . t < Bii.t! „ ... und wlth uit i-imi-iri*. . i.oo p.m. Ttironaii I'reiirtil i v.ith' • •* uu.u-t.v.l fur a-<-i>iiiiii(.daUou i J ja.. it*• stojipMjr at ah stations. TRAINS LEAVfc KMPOUIt M. 3.0U a.m. \ig!t l.xprpv* Mm *:..p,.injr ; uK- atntg s • mi! :;.4t. Port AUe**ny 4.1.. .a •■-*•* 1.4-. i •—\l j ie MS, Olvan 6.50, aiTiviiuf at "nffalo . ! s.ifi a.m. iijr.T* i-y tiiie train uv. k'- dtrert and close tiona with tiie Lake Shore, < Ire a! Vi cacrii. Ira i rrank and Cans la SotitHwrn BaUroada h.-r ' M ii'ihit* Ci -) Sfoppl al K aliug IHUUO it "4". i- ;..m. J.D YEOMANS. H.L.LYMAN, TMESMISjfijjT, L ' " ;:r --■ .i ik ueur.T •( i'.-i Bets-tier'* Tmi.- lewspaper gives every ButrrP>er a rut of tki • ml Jill.!. OMlKirtfliv -tvrc ,:..•*! tiv —' • |e s that "take n on sight- painted . Mv.\ !■ !<•■ *.u, a* •* in''i*ts H!ii coiniiaTiiijii.* j for her "Wide V "Fast Asleep." Agents I IflHßMne Wa ocean i e eel -iness ever oA •.*•• I earn ana w t- farnlsti t ,e . ijtitest air! hai).!*uiie.-t ou*:i au-i pa;, very liiLfh '•Oiiiinssaiiui*. U snlt-critier m-elv.-s WITIHUT R i. ITT >v-.v.. .'"Tin- vhi-h are real, fur 1.11 MII4IA I E D'l lIiKV. The paper it self -fas. !-• peerli- -.* among family jouriiais. U-ing mi popular t!ia'. of it- cla*s. it hn* !tu- large*! eir eulatlon i!i the worul I Employs the l>e-t literary lak-uf. Edward EargiesPiuV *.-r:a! story is ju*t iKtritsiiing: back chapters supplied to each sub - ri-K-.. Mr-. Mmve's long expected seouel to •*.Mv Wife and I**bcitita in the new year. Auy I • • wtshlng a good salary or an lint p'-ndi-nt ba- ' *it.'**, sin. :.| send f-.rclri eliir* mid 4 UENTS TIT'IIS to t. R. I liitjl A ( it.. New A\.WANTEIt i ork. Boston, t hieago. l linchmtt orSan Enmdaca Edward Forster. kltLlt IS Groceries & Provisions. | MAIN STREET aboye SIXONB, COUDERSPORT, PA. . A FULL SUPPLY nr FL.OUP, SUCJ Vlt SPICES, SA'BUP, CHEES , HAM, FISH, TOBACCO, SHE IF. 1 &z>c., &C., KF.PT CONSTANTLY ON IIAN1). | | A -pie- laity m,id' Teas and Corfees. of wliieli I have the I-ttcgcs| iiittl Best . Stock iu town. j A!! G i-vls solil CJiKAT forU-YSn ouir. j J .t!l and ex.mi'i;. before purchasing e'scwtieic KDfI'ARD i OIISTr.n New SINGER Sewing Machines ex-! changed for ones of any kind or make, by \. M. REYNOLDS, Agent. - I. TL &00DSELL. Carpenter and Joiner. SOUTH SIDE of the RIVER, i (afar EAST Street.) i Coiidei*S|>f>pf, I'n. j CONTRACTS t a k.' n and materials furnished for all k uds of Bt'iLDtao ' PLANING and V VTCIUNG done. -^MORLDIN n ef ali descriptions. N\NH. BLINDS and DOORS hand or tiiann-; faetured to order. i t' AMI paid for Pine l.nrr.befi | ! Vonr patronage is solicited. Fs ll- WOI*FLL. ! WIITG SOIST, 1 u THE AMERICAN PIAXO," >*o. 417 BIfODMK STREET, New Yorii. L NsUKI'ASSKD First {in nnurns wherever exhibited—Poee* low for tiie quality—Large ; allowed lot Second-hand instruments in Fxctiange. F.n,t Mr. El'card the ctlebniUfi ihaniof. T eonscii ntiousiy klieve that your Piano is in every £ respect a #eni Tiislrutiti'itti f r' iii the " Independent.' '{'lie American Piano has deservt dly become a very popular instrument.. sponsible Agents wanted for unoccupied territory. N.ud for Circulars o WIXG cV SOX. 417 Broome St., X. V. V/. W. ftfCCRE, BR.LEn cr MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, AMERICAN AND IMPORTED MAKBI.F.S, vVn'.. T'hh I >:..'>pp i •■*('' i ' > net Hon.■ <. CObDl iISPOJT, PA, All work il'inc in a tvnrku.n: ' k- niat.aer and Ran so t by ni proflapßy ilteidtd to. My pri '" are the tbia sectlou of tiie country. 244<' SPRING. 1873. Thos. McDowell L Co., DEALERS IN Gr.XFFv AT. METv C HAN DIS F, rOIYT ; AriLEGAIMY. 3?A. "We would respectfully call the attention of the {jeople of POTTER Cor NTV I to onr large and complete assortment of l)liY GOODS. GROCERIES. CROCKERY. LOOTS ami SHOES, HATS ami CAPS, READ Y-MA DE CLOTIIISG. SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, FLOUR, FORK, SALT, FISH, FEED and ME AL, PA I NTS and OILS. HARDWARE, NOTIONS, GLASSWARE. J'-*.. Jr., Are., j which we are offering at OREATLT REDUCED PRICES, owing to the Increase |fi'-i!ities affordul b> the completion of the Buffalo. New York A Philadelphia j " n-. .y. and we can and will sell ods as low as tiny can be seld tins stde of Canada. Fresh ground Feed and Meal kept constantly on hand. | V care daily receiv ing new goods, thus keeping our si nek, in all depart men's, t Fl'IX AND COMPLETE ! at all times. | 2420-1 TJtON. Iclmß A Co. TheIBAKEr HOUSE N. E. cor. SECOND and EAST Streets* i t East cf curt House "qusie, i I CCTUDERSPORT, PA. Has*, bom purcbasedH y DROWN A KEI 1 Y ! f. i moriy of tteToiDtßsroitrffloTix.) j % The Rouse'D completely furnished front top* to l imttom, and ha.< all the conveniences desired.Uy t I he jjeople ; the in the County . I the barn is tinder tiie ostler'/r. ih>- State; and, in short, everything done that can Irf-done to make it comforta 1 sir..n. | gers or otiie, sp.vhoh isit the house. The long experience of the' Proprietors in tnc Hotel ln.i*;i!i s* luakesf them jieetiliarly able to i ;.ier to the tark ii wants.of the traveling nulute They solicit theirpold custom, ltelievi g in t hey are.ablc to supply the BEST -or THE EUST to i BKOWX A KFLLEV, ! ® Proj-rtctorn. Insurance Company of North America, OF P HIL ADELPHI A. i ~ The Oldest: Stock Insurance Company in the United State*. ; wVfttoiK'rP, .Innunr.r 1. 8 3.2T0,r.'t.01 J Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. I ; ASSETS, ffnuunry X, 187U, $ 1,102,302.40 The abote-named rel iblc oiupanles are represented in Cou dersport bj 24X0 ARTHUR 8. MANN. Lewisville GRADED SCHOOL. Fall te;rn'opcus U-e Fiusi 'ay ol; U. B/Kladf. Mr*. 1J..8. Made, Hiss K..E. Clikliii>s. J • .V> TI ITION'. J'iini.u v Dejkarimeut, 4"' liiu-rairdhite do., do High school do., do l>'! lb >' " Tuitionlmast be arranged in advance. iu this term will t** arranged t<>ai" om inodate liro-e designing toteucLlduriug t Lie coin ing winter. The l'otterCovntv Teaehi"' Institnto'.wUl l? Ik id at Lewisvil.e iii .connection with tliis term. Board. including lights and ftK*', can be ob tained --1 cent- jkt day. G uiui IX rov- open to the ITPLI C- Ti ■- TAISLE \rr: if T j,( in nigsT-ci-AS and ho .■''■ or or expense xjiared to niaLc it a FHBT-CUSS HOTEL. COOP STAPLING, and careful IfaM'ert ai trayt in attendance. The OLt> TTME pojmlarity of the Ildtel'vill te. rri.LT MMMAISED HY U LG PRESENT PN. T ,R ir/io solicits the patronage of tr are tiers and he public generally. I>. F. BLA.SS.MIRr, Jr., E rKoraicTCß