"WI3STGr -A-IrTID SOIsT, "THE AMERICAN PIANO," TVo. BROOME f< rBKET, >ew Vorii. U X SURPASSED- - First premiums wherever exhibited—Prices low for the quality—Large pnct allowed for Second-baud inairunieuts iu Exchange. From Mr. Edward Huffman, the celebrated Pianist. I conscientiously believe that your Piano Is in every respect a most ma-jmft cent Instrument. From Uic "Independent." The American Piano has deservedly become a very popular Instalment. Agents wanted for unoccupied territory. Send for Circulars u- WING & SOX, 417 Broome St., X. X. Lewisville GRADED SCHOOL. Kail term opens the Fikst -'ay of September, 1*73. B. B. Slade. rs. B. B. Sialic. Principal a inf MImH. E.t'nstiliijC, Inntr.ne-nt M - TUITION. Primary department, per term 1 lx> Intermediate <lo.. do •; High school do., do '•") Instrumental music 10 00 Tuition must be arranged in advance. Classes in this term will be arranged to ace -in. modate those designing toteach during the com ing winter. The Potter County Tea,-he. -* In-'.itute wiil U held at Lew i-v iiic iii connection f ilSi tliis term. Board, including light- and fuel, can '*> <!> tallied for oi-cuts per day. hI r. : can obtained by those who de-ret > utrmsh their own board. SET If LEWIS. t>. It. B VKSKTT. . Secretary. 50—t f Pretci nt SPRING. 1813. Thos. McDowell & Co., DEALERSTN G EXE RA L MER CII AXDTSE, PORT AXjIiEGA-ATY, IA-. • •• —-■ We would respectfully call tin 1 attention of the people of POTTER Cor STY to our large and complete assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS and SHOES. HATS and CAPS, REA D Y-MA DE CLOTIIIXG, SCHOOL ROOKS, ST A TIOXEIi >', FLOUR, I'ORK, SALT\ FISH, FEED and M EA L. PA IXTS and OILS, HARDWARE, XOTIOXS, GLASSWARE. A-., A., d:., which we are offering at GREATLY I:EDUCED TRICKS, owing to the increased facilities afforded by the coinpletion of the liuffalo, New York A Philadelphia Railway, and we can and will sell goods as low as they can be sold this side of Canada. Fresh ground Feed and Meal kept constantly on hand. \\ e are daily receiving new goods, thus keeping our stock, in all departments. , llt . FVI A. AND COMPLETE at all tunes. >24 -' j -2 Tlios. McDowell A Co. THE AND Genera! Stage Office Has been BEFITTED aiul Bl.it us isiiErwVom to d is now open to the PUBLIC. The TABLE will be kejrt it) style, and no tutor or expense spared to make it a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. GOOD STABLTXG, and careful J{o.<tlers always in attendance. The OLD-TIME popularity of the Hotel wilt be FI'LLY MAINTAINED by th>• present Proprietor, who now solicits the patronage of travellers and he pull ic gene raily. I>. F. (jIiASSMIRE, Jr., PROPRIETOR Insurance Company of North America, OF PHILADELPHIA. The Oldest Stocli Insurance Company in the United States. ASSE'fS, Jninuiry 1, DS7:t," 8:,a7,7:J5.0l Pennsylvania Eire Insurance Company, i ASSI.TS, January J., 1873, $ 1,1G£.G02.4G The above-named re] ;ble ouipanics are represented in ( on dersport by 30-17 ARTHUR B. MANN. W. W. MOORE, DEALER IN MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, AMERICAN' AND IMPORTED MARIILES. &0.. Third X, Jwwiito Cbwi Hours Square, COtDI RSPORT, PA. j Aw A •lone .:> a workmanlike manner and <ler> -ut by mall promptly attended to. j >j, price- are the lowest In this section of th country. 244 THE BAKER HOUSE N. E. cor. SECOND and EAST Streets (Eastof Court House Square.) COUDERSPORT, PA. Has been purchased by BROWN & KELI/V (formerly of the COCDEKSTOKT HOTEL.) The House Is completely furnished from top to lxittom, ami lias ail the eonvenlenees desired b> the people : the table is the best in the County ■ j the barn Isunder the charge of Hie tost ostfor ir j the State; anil, in short, everything will be done ; that fan be done to make it comfortable for st ran gers or others who visit the house. The long experience of the Proprietors in tnr Hotel business makes them peculiarly able to cater to the varied wants of the travelling public They solicit their old custom, believl g lha they are able to supply the BEST OF THE EBST to all. BROWN & KFLLET, 133 Proprietors, i BASSETT'S LIVER! Comer MARKET and HUNTER Streets, (SO rTH SIDE of the It 11 lit.) I WOULD respectful!} invite the attention oitha public to ray LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT, with the assurance that I can meet every ite maud for a lirs:-class turnout. Having purchased the Livery of Amos Ve , aave tlie only Establishment of the kiud in tlii seclii >u. J. M. BASSETT. 13'i-lf New SINGER Sewing Machines ex changed Tor ones of any kind or make, by A. M. REYNOLD*, Agent. Edward Farster, DT A LHK IN G-roceries & Provisions, MAIN STREET above SECOND, COUDERSPORT, PA. • A FULL SUPPLY' or HOUE, SUG-Ai,, SPICES, SYF.UP, i . GHEES , S HAM, FISH, TOBACCO, SNUFF. I &c., &c., KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAM). A specialty made Teas and Coffees, ! of vvhicli I have the LargcMt tind Stock in tov.u. I All Goods soM CH£A i' for CASH only. | Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. linWAKU FOKSTKR If. H. G-OODSELL, Carpenter and Joiner, SOUTH SIDE of the RIVER, (fjon EAST Street.) € 'oudersjmrt, Pti. ' CONTI! \CTS taken and mntnial*furnished for all kinds of BUILDING | PLANING and M AT- HI NO dona.— MOULDING of T descriptions. SASIf, BLINDS and DOOIIS oil hand or manu- ■ faetured to order. - CASH paid for I'ino Lumber. | Your patronage is solicited. N. If. GOODSELL. COUDERSPORT GRADED SCHOOL. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR OF 1873 4. The Directors, having seen red, as Principal Miss CLAHA A. STOCK WKLI., a graduate of Vasaa'r' Fe male College, with Mrs. NETTIBGKIDI.HY as teach er of the Intcnuediatc Department, and Miss ItKi.EX j.i.us for the Primarv Department—all I successful teachers of long experience, fee! justi fied in > ailing the attention of parents and mini's to the advantages of this School. FAI.T. TERM commences MONDAY, AUGUST 25. WINTER TERM commences DECEMBER 1. ' ! SPRING TERM commences MARCH 18, is 74. '■ Fall and winter t -mis tl.re months each with ; one week vacation 'luring the Christmas helidavs j Spring term continues two months. ' 'j TUITION, per form. HIGH SIIIOOI $.-,01) INTERMEDIATE 4 00 PRIMARY 3 00 $ 1 00 per term less for the spring term. ' Board and ro mis can !>c secured at reasonable rates. Those wishing rooms for seif-lmard should apply early. A teachers' < lass win la? organized, ami special attention given to those from abroad who wi-h to I prepare themselves for teaching ot to those tench- ' ers who wish to post up in one or more of the branches. I). C. LARRABEE, WM. SHEAR, Secretary. Pre anient. ■ August 6, 1 *7O- tf i I L. B. COLE & SOFS, PROPKIE i OKS OK THI. Blacksmith and Wagon-snop, Seccnd Street, (between Main k West.) - yorth Side, — COUDERSPORT, PA. lr.tfJO.Y CARRIAGES a SLEIGHS yfaU description* j manufactured to suit customers and warranu--. ID-pairing always attended to prce-h- . Competent and experienced workmen K-ot 111 e„ ploy in tioth shops to attend to the calls of en tomem. Charges reasonable for cash or ready n . MM L. E. COLE & SON Before purchasing elsewhere call anil examine the SlN< MR MAL'il INK. A. M. Reynolds Agent, ojur in otmstci 11'." Couiorspsrt, - 1. ELDRIDGE BROTHERS STBCIAL AOBNTS FOR WOODWARD & SHOWN, 3YF.BER, MATIU SHEK, and . * P I A IST C S , A IX), George Moods' Celebrated Organ*. i PULLAR'S NEW MASONIC IIALL BUILDING, | (,Y>,(r H I rHl H"ltf,) WELLSVIZ.LE, N. Y. Dealers In all kinds of .MUSICAL MEKC'HAN ' I)]SR, SHEET Ml -d> . to. TUNING ai:d RKPAIRINOPIANOS A SPECIALTY. ■I We invite the Public t( examine a id criticise tin WOOBWASD A BIOWX pianos, ANI Giro. WOODS' Organs. i J. GLftSE S SON, Carpenters & Joiners. i I < oudei'rsport. J'ERM'a. CON! RACTS taken for all Kinds of BUILDING— and materials furnished. 1 DOOR*, BLINDS and sash kept constantly on hand or luauufabtured to order. CASH paid for PINE LUMBER. J. CEASE ,V SON. The siNtiEH is, the best machine for all work. According to sworn returns there were over 45.000.more sold last vear than am other kind made. * A. M. IT; 3 fields, Agent. OYSTERS. A. H. FEiRCE, TEA OFF SO 'e ROW? Ite'ail OYSTER DEALER,| ■ COUDERSPORT. PA. Oysters by the Can. Quart, Gallon. Hundred and Thousand received daily. Families. Parlies and Festh ds supplied on short notice. I Tin- Trade furnished at reasonable rates. I Give me a trial and I can >uit you. 24-221 A. H. PEIRCE. I . J Old Sewing Machines of any make repaired in a workmanlike manner. A. M. REYNOLDS, A / ■ ~t. \ BOOTS and SHOES ! John Eenhof, ; . WOULD respect fully inform the eiti <ll that lie continues .lie manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES at liis now. Stand, . MAIN STREET below MARKET, (South of the Bridge,) A I.I. work dene in a workmanlike manner reasonable rates, AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED j G-ire him a caU, I I I THE "SILVER TORGUE" ORGANS ; For PARLOR, CHURCH and SCHOOL; MANUFACTURED BY E. P. NEEDHAM & SDK.' ESTABLISHED in 1-40. Ncs. 143, <45 3rd 147 Easi 22d St., New York. ' . Respon--Me parries applying for tigenci - .ins? - Mens still unsuppilt ! we! recclva prom t ntte .- ion ti eI ii ,er.il i.iiim-.-, : : Parttey r• '■ line >i i disratce from our nut •• >r)/.c ■ ■■■.'. -rite > o : from our factory. Seat! for an iliustr prie list. ' 2KII >.2s M. H. SIFCIs, IMPORTER AND DF.ALKR IS' paper ?'>anfiin£h. SiOintiOtU S?).lDi:.,! on. ( Louis No. M 1 M.-tiii 2434 ty' BUFFALO, N. X Singer, (■ rover & linker. I'-atln i ami cunnnou N't-edit-.-. Thread and Ui! kept : constantly on liand. A. M. Itcynolds, Agent. . i I-kh '•* n "• t,: 4uj , pOSt'l4 ;4!tl spOoS UO'.Ct3J 9AC.V ' t.P ' -ajtm i-n.l 1 •spuiU", suoua'-i S; BPW, j ,w-qjn .! | t.w iv '<• > tv:;ox !>MAi.au.mW.lUAJitldj. ( ,'UVWii pelßa-lrfl-.' AiiSllf Olfl ;0 SJOJ 111- l:J UP UIV A " V -O r rV.I-!.i4l laiw.f PC -v .* "GO V BWVQV M H. B. TREADVVELL, —or— We'isville, N. Y„ .■'as juit returned from Ncv York wiili a ls:g--• stock of B:cts snd Shoes, IEATHER S SrlCt flillES, LGOK AT TJIE PRICES! VOMKNV t-'Mi-i-r.i..- from 5Cc. t K1.7.T " I.KAIIIEI! LACK lio'/if ooe. " 1.7." •' MOKOCCO " " >t?.'t " I i."> Mi.-.'- I'UICK Beovs 2.50 " 1.00 J " Kll* " ->.71 " 4. ."0 ; small shoes, from Shcenta npwarda, sole Leather, red :*i cenM per poaaA, Shu" Ft in): tigs of id. kinds, veryclieap. i Rememlier th" place,—<lirml.v oej" -de the j litiWi d lluuse. ti. f>. MtI.Al5 7Vi:i AGENT, j i Ihe SINGER is a lock stitch machine and mak'-sa b antiftil.even and unif ;m stitch which will not ravel and is alii <■ on both -ides. It licms. braids, cord i , , , tucks, t mbroidci s. nihb s. fells and ■ is . all kinds of work on ihc finest muslin or the heaviest full-cloth. i j ♦ UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. (Formerly WOOD A MANN.) STATIONARY & PORTA LE STEASVI ENGINES. The Best and >lost ('omph 1c Assortment in the Market. | These Frigir.es have always nmbiUinedthe verv 'ligln'.-t s'.ji, lof ex,, I'-.-iiee, \\ •■ make tin i manufacture of Kugli.es. Boiti.-iS A saw Mills a spc , clglty . We hip the tsrgcet A nktst complete works •of the kind In'he eountr,, with machinery speei ! M'o keep constantly in .--s large nnmbers >f ' Fi.gltu-s, which we fun-i.-i: at the verv -owe-t | prices and on the ShortMt nOth. We build Ki-- ; | gince sp c-ailv a.lai ;'-,ljo Mines, Saw--mills,Gri- t- 1 I "'di', Twnnertce, < ottoD-niflt, Threahera and an ■ ( lasses of mantifu' luring. ! We arc now I.lidding the celebrated I.ane Circu- ' !ar St w-mi'i the best and most complete saw-mill . ; ever invented. i \\ e make the maniifuctiire of saw-mill outfits a special feature of oi:r bu-iee.- - an I ,jn furnish comi lete on the shoit -st notice. | Our aim in all cases is to furnish the best ma I chinery In the market act Work lu'.-!r tine-' i qualift for beauty of deaigi . economy A streiigth. Send for Circular and Price List. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. -M-ISRIFCHP I'TK M, *. T. Dr. I M K!J;I: - |*S Dysppjisin Pill. LVSf.:i Si & L) Dr. share's S[vciiie cures I).vs|ie;ifll:v, Liver l >w iilaint, t onsUpatio;;. Vomit iliir of Fno.. •••mi St nu .V I:. Water Bra-li. iii-ai'Mium, Low spirit*. Ar. 1 Ciirtv-live years in.-) ,■>' failing to cure me uiost oh -tlnafe eases, soi l i•> ilrogglst-. ('. s. .lei. s 1 tt N.-i'li Prose si M Vgents for ion -tors, ort, Is!ie: .. u.' rla'i -i.. x. \. circulars wall*, on applT> Hon. 4aS6 S'> ;%)() A v A " i O id * " t > \7 111.;.:;' W:*tl our S}. it .. ft MI i\* \ Mtf'srecrrfJ. t -epre •. ilple ; • of !>'il L •' •uiateu-eiv inter*slinsami osefai m* a--.; .-ell iu event family Best ting ever trie*! by Cauvas- S-'N. AfSKN S\ -N'tKl'tO ilia's' a lepillitiit •. .1-1 tees on tlic-e iM in ev. , fin. ily. )' . 'tils -ent post p iti en receipt of Jit ' . i.r ntjtv iii i! ,-| for • y. :: . I•••... .!< • i N ! . tiTTEK ACO.,i' .oli he:*, PliiU'lelphla, Fa. 1- 4 P: AS'; - M Ys'l KIIIK> s-ive/i; lijvast ■ .■ ' c. a;-. port hi St* ■F. "?t. V. ■? | .ai il Exru>KERS. \- | .'• i ll'i 'h-fseu of Wio , • p.-oft:-'lllii•!;(. i with clegs \ a j ■von ! e :gn vloirs. \ fascinating 1 i-to <s f ■ i is.. il. ' H,i| ' salejl'lle I eok i|t. .I; , irttiV s -ail ?■>;• . HIS aiei ami'.- paav.s to iln- . nail I'lihUsimtg Co., Hartfor<L t'onri. i*r4 | A -i OA ' *tnr \ ee.U e'i a *§• S \n sii-u* wrts one eg." C ; prmit 1,., i.t at.) - "l.ii ,ary oi I'-i -trv an i s., ,n;" [ *To in to, • week •>:! "The V Hons - tp, r's \ Hal." ■ ' B- ■ 'her . ! Mrs. St.i'.Ve. \ -i • •i\ or V.'UU •• h;,v: .. i a./, '■ >. .'■ ft. . i l CO., New York, Boston, < hi ago am! Han I i n. 1-, : RICH FIRMING LANDS! l ull ALL. VFIIV < IfKA t*! THE BEST INVESTMENT! .VoF mi', *.' A-.i •. I ",<,!(•.' : '1 he wealth of the i'c".im .- iniole i\ti , i '. till if is 11.v. Fsi: ' . >.<>\v ii ii-: TIM JC: Millions of a-'.'' <t, f the (in--: lamt on the Cotv ticet East) a A-'iM-..! ... tip .; |of ' '" to v■"" '.".- Ife in the .itailicl i'-.i, ■. ! l DFFY COMI'KTITIOX. ' fr'lV I'll'! 7' ' Vcopfr" I 'rillit t'r.'ff/i, ICilll !nit i'i.il <ii S.j jn r ('cut. I'h" it; ' ' set i'ti. is i f j;;-. Conn any take ~t jar for In- is. They ian now : i- , lai ' ..r ae ili-etmi.t. S ~ I i i pe'li -ntt-s given, new i.e. ..j.':. i., Maps 1: !.. •! f•• • ie. o iri o. 1 . i)<\ |o. : -.'4 /. (ft// {". I', ii. ii.. tlx it . N'KE. S2 O SAVED! | To meet fin' urgejj ml of the times the ri.' it f\t. " •_ r.At: <. have let . mined : • RiIDITCS PRICES. aw! v.'i i : ei after -ell It:.' ir $65 Marl : f.r sVx ■ au i ottie. .-a.,-, in jirojan ;,e . THE FLORENCE ;IS t!'. 0-I.Y Sewiug Mill In.:e that •■■■ .'s the work ! hack'.vard awi forward or to rich! and left, a- me : ~ori iiaser •. ay prefer It grt-afiy 1M- i I !:< >\ 1.. au! >1 >i fi.i Fli. '.a., iis fa; oettcr ti.an 1 any otm r machitie in the n urKet. iT IS NOW THC CHEAPEST | Florence,Maae,, Nor. 1,73. Agents wanted. i-,4 ; SCO AGFfc'TS 'it-tori'' <1 MAK S. spirit,ut! a-- - : lair? • si,."s: I : j-r' Address llaas|s a Luhreet,! ! Kmjrfre Mai anlClmt Etttblhlweat, 1% IJiierty j :\"e v York. i-i-4 " DOMESTIC i~,, PAPER Agents Wanted. FAS H IONS. CATAI.(M;IE. j "DoaUMTICSEWING MACOIXBCO., Y. i Fireside i' .. mailt lo I'i.l >ii /. A! H • : | j'. .ii.. ;,ie ' largest (;m lie tt-eil oi :,n;. • a oi amp. Foi'sale i,y all lamp dealers. " l-r4 r ( )\I I' V Ml- N.flir ami |t< -v.;iuted f ? * t to sell <nt Ki eneli and Aiuci tear. .lewei"\. I'ooL-, <oi tin •<•.. iu tie-i" > wit ioeaiities. No capita'm- i' me.: in-, sent Ki.iii: 9. <e \ ICKFI:V-A ( <.. I rl Augas.a, Maine. Mettrv made rapidly withst( ieii*k i • ii.-.-k ivatEii outfit*. Catalogue* A ful! tmrtieailers | j'r . si. M. MKM Kit, li iiaiiovct st. Ihis'on. l-r4 THE CICT01! an mm i CO. ! Want reHat '.e an ! erorge'ie Axrnrsi' thiseonntv. ■ I'll*. *VI< TDIf is il !. • 'k-sl'i t:. simtrie Mar-ine'e. •• nil Self-setting Needle. tcst finished and mom | ' rf- ■ t Machine offered. An increase of over i -TOO per cent on sale- of ]-7g over i-.i. For ti'-ois, etc.. address VICTOH Sf'.rivc MACIIINE CO., , Ilv4 122 Chestnat St., i'luiadelplila, J'a Persofis I loldinj; lOBTHEEI PACIHCS T.fiD 07HrP : ICU e 'T!ES i C'un fii.l T it? s* i• • : '• of Mi - b} "U LUTHER S. KAUFFjVTN. Sfoclt anil Nofe Broker, 0') FOUKTII AV FN UK, FiTTv.-fituH, PA. IF YOU WANT TO Invest Your Money ; Safely and at j GOOD INTEREST, Call on or ad ;e- s LUTHER S. KAUI FMAN. Stock ilit Note Broker, i 1-4J13 Wj Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa i | All claes, -o' stocks. Bonds ami al! Marki tali!- : Securities Bought and sold on Commission only. : Letters of iuqitlr will receive prompt attetitiori. Agent's Quids. Worth SKH> to any agent. Send Sf, cents for ,t or Postal Card for particulars, .f. it. seott, i -hi-. go. What Next? Monthly. -ei•- ■ year. Matgnlfhent Chrnmos" Engraving and "Snnliglu paintings t. . V er. so' -"•n.ier. and most Uherai terms to Agetttg thwe raising d c-. s P< -e.,, r V-lill sample picture IOC Dns. .(Hill, |(. Ai-iee. I I 111,. ~| ' ' )v . 1 To the "Trade" only! (1873) ~W" _A. T O T31353 S I IH AtIOMW, CUM'KS, Watch & Clock Material, & n ., &c. NO OLD '(.JOODS EVERYTHING NEW A FRESH NEW YORK BII.LB DUPLICATED. i "(I- ! /-rs promptly •„ \'i IIOLLSALE KX(.'I UFI VFI Y (A 11 B.MIRFTT *t ( 0 Hjß 60 FI f'Ti' i. y p.\fl' j. ' PITTSBURGH. PA. ! ftopF Bill! PURELY VEGETABLE. FREE FROM .\I ( CR. VifiLHtßo | California iop[|' Dr. C-ilifo- ; , cirar Bitters nrc I j j>i ci>ar.itioii, nuuio ci eii I; , live lierhd fotiini on tin- in-., li e Sierra Neva-' | N.A, the ptodicinul |>Rll|H>rtu ■ are extracted tlnnvfroui v. ;■ '•f .Meoliol. ']' ' I daily tusked. "WHAT is , : unikinilleled .nicee.-.s of \"I>; ; TEKSI" Our answer is. ti:.,: . Lite cause ortiisea.se, ; ; JJ. I eovers his hcaith. Tiiev | hlutwl jiu: ilier ami a j ;T JIELLECT lieiKlYiltor 1 •f the SYSTEM. Never ; :L . iii. story of the world I;, ■ N ; ' ('O!lt]>oltmie(L ]ITI--e —I: C'ln, il.es of VLM'I.AK I'LL - .sick of every THSOASO -tmm is 1, arc a gentle I'urjrai v a- V !"licvi .g T.'o ARE ion OR 1 F:ie LIT ER AMI \ I - crai ( . Lllsl'LlßT' S lie proppftios of ;> Y IN'KT, AK 1 IL'i'L'Kl.s NRC A J Carminative. Nutritious, i. Sedative. Cotintc -hi '.,, tive, Ul.d Aati-Uilin. -. /1 a* ei ii! I hoiisaiul - IIAU BITTERS the MUST v.E; goraut that ever SUSTAINED tern. NO Person can?.ilo'liit'M i:: ■ iccording to diieetioi S. AIM nweil, provided their IMIIICS .E. | -troyed by miuera: IMUSOII . means, aud vital organs \\ O -teu i •pair. Bilious, ti MILIEU, .A,! ;• I IITTCIIT FPYPIS. WIII. I out iii the valleys •>; O .•• - ■ lirougliout the Fuiii i Si :<• iiuse of the MISSISSIPPI, TWVN iuiois, Tennessee, ( iimi IS. Bed. Colorado. Br I N-. i; ! Pear!, Alabama, MOBILE, S ■> ! tiioke. .lames, and nit ctiitns ..< ir vast tributaries. " . '■litire country during TLIES. ■ .'.utttinn, and remark..l ■■ - ■ "LIS of unusual heat . id nvnrinbly AECON-UA:,"''! by ■ ' > aiigemeiits of i ■ STUN• I ; U.id other Tl'iil LUIIUAL VL-eera. ! treatment, a pur . Rive, exei; ; erl'TIL intiuenco UPON tin I/ans. is esst/ntiully neces : no cathartic for ti e j DR. J. WALKER'S VINE . S they will speedily re., colored vise! 1 matter T itowels are loaded, at ; stinmiating the secretions and generally restoring functions of the digest OE FORTIIY the ! O.iy :igaii by purifying all it.- Luuiswii . IFLTTERS. NO epidemc < ;I ;. of a system thus fore-arm- . IP. VP P-HI or I2I<LIGES!III:. ache, Pain in the Shoulder?. < Tightness of the <'he t. I 1 Eructations of the stum i -in the Mouth, Bilti U Att; ■ tation of the Heart. 1N: 1 . ; laiagß, Pain in the region OL I! neyand a1; uidred otln R; . toins, are the offsprings of 1> • One bottle will pro\ I .. I of its merits than a ie:R :liy aunt. Scrofula, or King'- T. ii : Swellings. Ulcer . Ely- ;• a-. F i • icitre. Scrofulous I nil • C>' j Inllamniatioii-. Men .. I 1 ; Sores. Eruptions ol't!..' .- - jJN these, II- in all oilier > ' eases, WAI.K I.IJ'S YINM. M: 1 , shown their great euv-I. : ; nio-t OH.-tinate an I inti.U For IN!ij;?fiiator . 1 Rll(Mifiiati-UI, Got . !> tent and Intermittent 1 < ! the I'loml, Liver. L.iine these Bitters have no ecpiai. S , are caused by Vitiated 1,.- • '.. Mochaiiioa! Lti.-.eas •*. L' : gaged in Paints and .M -IT.. Plumbers, TY G"--I to-r . T Miners, as they mix • - : I to paralysis oi' tie • ■ LOAlt IiITTKR.S OECA • J ForSkiiiDi- IMT -.! ' . - Pustules. J!> I! I L '!-. 1 Scald-liead, S .-•• I . j and Dise.T —•fLI E - ' - ' ' or nature. ...E iit :■ ol* these ITI'I-I ■ ~ Pin. PAP . ... I uiii*'F 1 ' I lurking in the -y OM <' •' 1 ■ are eU'eciUii'ly destroy II SRA ! -lein of IIIC IICINE. , ' iheiiniiiitics will FREE L . ' : like these Bitters. For Feiiui* • • i'liaiuiv or old. marrie A- - - : manhood, or '• -"••• I Bitters di-play .-o de< aled -I' - improveinent IS -non PEN • at Fioanv h" Viliateti i' v ever you •> ts . pv ' - tiie skm in Uii:. oieaase :t when . U : ;! 1 sluggish : I the \vin-: - • | lout: your eeling v. : I th- liiiiod pure, . t : -v will follow. ~N It. IS. MclMtX XI.D - V " I Druggists ai.IUIE - - ! tuid cor. of WII.-iiii-!• ~, FS Solvl by til Deuggi-'- " fc >1 is-LU"' 118 I IU- ' " I C. C. Hs mrrer & 1 j Mr iifavr ners of F • TI 'K, of every -ie PI AIM si.J etiiir in srvit ,U most or ANY other Fur-iti ' ' luountuiiis. Photos- RAPH- ;:' T' ■TI ST" or when in tt-E ei' Won't the IASGE Gol-ien Chair. 44, 4?, AN|> FTII SKVIA AGENTS To - ei! I ■ I ... ••• . ] ar- !;ejre, in i<■ milt n< who are willing WI,SK. AT'! eular A;. I : -row R- ' WARDS : Arizona 1 • tit i : iijif •?:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers