WIN"& -A-TsTID SOInT, "THE AMERICAN PIANO," IVo. 117 BHOO3IK STKKF.T. INow "S'OVH. U XSL KPASJSKiJ First premiums wherever exhibited —Puces low for the quality Large ;nu • allowed ror fsecoiiU-uaud instruments IU Lxcliauge. From Mr. Kdwml lloffmnn, the rdebrnU.d Finnic. 1 conscientiously believe tliat your Piano is mevery respect a most riiwj cent Instrument. , ~, Foili the liuhjunvent. The American Piano has deservedly lieeome a very populai InstriuneUv Responsible Agents wanted for unoccupied territory. .Send for Circula:s . WING & SON. 417 B roome St., N. l. Lewisville GRADED SCHOOL. Fall term oiiens the FIRST Jay ot SKPTLMBEK, 187:1. It. It. Nlaile. Mrs. It. It. Sialic. Principal Assistant Mi., it. 11. Cnsliing. Instrnni-nt'ii Mux*. . TUITION. Primary Department, iier term 4 1 " 1 intermediate l"-, t High school da, do '* 00 Instrumental li'dtt Tuition must !■ arranged in advance. Classes in this term will I** arranged tom-ctwi-i m.Nlate those designing to teach during the eoni ing winter. The l'ottert ounty Teaehers' Institute will le held at Lewis'.ille iii connedion with this term. Hoard. including light-, and fuel, can l>e nls tallied for uO rent-. per day. Cowl r.M.ins ean tie ..Mailed by those who desire Uilurui-h t Heir own board. HKTH LEWIS. O. K EAVSgTT. Krrrtonj. jfr-tf JT nt SPRING. . _ „ . „ 1813 Thos. McDowell & Co., DEALERSIN GEX EU AE M F.UCTI AXDISE, FORT /LE.Ij]E&Al\rY, PA. AVe would rosjiectftilly the attention of the jteople of POTTER (.' trvrA to our large and complete assortment of DRY NOONS, GROCERIES. CROCKERY. BOOTS ami SWHis. IIAT> ,vl < 1 T<. READY-MADE ( LOTJfIXC. SCHOOL ROOK*. < 1 17 IOSERY, FLOY It, Pott*', AM.T. Fl>JI. FEED hi. J 'IEA 1.. !'AJI'S iiml < >ILS. HA liD E.t RE. XO'/'IO XA. C LASS IF.I RE. inpletiou ..f tlie Ihiffalo. New Vork .V Philadelphi;- Hallway, ami we can and will s,-|i goods as low as they can he sold this suie ol < 'anad i. Fresh ground Feed and Meal kept constantly on hand. \\ e are daily receiving new goods, thus keeping our stock, in ail department s. 11l t. AND ( O.MPLK'n; at all tlines. 1 Tims. McDowell A To. THE CoMersprt Hois! A \ U General Stage Office Hat unnmfwimi UM-HI "il,! is „,,, a(o if,. I'l'lSj / 3*Ae rAItI.K trill hf I, Hue, . . U/l 110 l(l!ll' <,f I'SJH MX- STA/iLr.\ If . (iliC"['s in utti wloncc. Tht OLn-TIVE fupiilnrit tl„ if.t-: „ , . run Uv [ 'n-*■*(' frnpri, tor, Vho ri'iir soli, it* the JKJtiXoi ui* ti\"\'i-T< uiul he put-lie gem rally. 1). F. ULASsMJftK, Jr., *3l PKOPKL] TOR Insurance Company of North America, OF PFIILA DELPHIA . The Oldest Slock Insurance Company in the United States. ASSETS, January 1. 3,5'?0,738.0l Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company, Or r HILADELPHIA. ASSETS, jrn Hilary 1, 1873, S 1,1C2,502.4ti The aboie-uauiHl reliable* owpanies arc lYpresmtcd in iou (lmport by ARTHUR B. MANN. | W. W. MOORE, PL.iI.LR IN MOiMMTS, TOMBSTONES. | AMERICAN AM) IMPORTED MAKBLKS. Arc., Third St.. ojijmsiti ''mut Ifnise S/uure. COL Dt RSPORT, PA. Aii work done in a workmanlike manner and d-is sent I>v mail promptly attendee to. Mi pr ce ■ are tiie lowest in this section of tie eotnttrr. W-4- THE BAKER HOUSE N. E. cor. SECOND and EAST Street*, < East of Court House Square,) COUDERSPORT, PA. Has tx , , based by BEOWX & trili' l!) (if ill,* I '• K'liEKsi wt llOTEI.) I'l'j lb. i-c is oomph rely i"nrni all. r.KO > Jt KL'LLKY, Proprietors. BASSETT'S LIVERI jcorner MARKET and HUNTER htreeia, (SO VTH SID Eof the It I VEli.) I WOULD respectfully invite the attention oita >ublie to mv LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT, ivith .the assurance that I can meet every ue iianU for a lirst-class turnout. Having purchased the Livery of Amos V? , lave the only Establishment of the kiml in ttu •eetiou. J. M. BASSETT. 133-tf New SINGER Sewing Machines ex changed for ones of any kind or make, by A. M. REYNOLDS, Agent. Edward Forster, DEALER IN Groceries & Provisions, MAIN STREET above SECOND, COUDERSPORT, PA. A EI LL SVPPLV t.R FLOUR, SUOAK, SPICES, SYRUP, CHEES , ! HAM, FISH, TOBACCO, SNUFF. f which I have the Lnrgesl n ml Host ■ Stock in low n. All Good* sold CIIKAP for CAsH only. all ami examine before purchasing eisev.tiei e EDWAIIIf FOItSTER R. H. GOODSELL, carpenter and Joiner. SOUTH SiDE of the RIVER, hi AS'I Sli'ttt,} < 'oudersport, I*ll. t j ON ilf At 1 > taken and materials mrnished for ail kinds of BUILDING ; PLANING aud Matchino done.—Moruasa of al descriptions. SASH. BLINDS ami POORS on hand or manu factured to order. I CANS! paid for Pine I.amber. | Your patronage l> solicited. N. If. ROODSELL. COUDERSPORT GRADED SCHOOL. ANNOUNCEMENT FOH THE SCHOOL YEAR OK 1873-4. The Directors, having secured, as Principal, Mias < l aka A. Stock WELL, a graduate of Vassar Fe inale < '.iiege. with Mrs. Nettie as tea. h i er of the Intermediate Department. ainl Miss ( HEI.ES ELLIS for the Primary Department—all I successful teachers of long experience, feel justi | tied in calling the attention of parents aud pupils ; to the advantages of this School. ■ FAI.I. TERM commences MONDAY, AUGUST 85. WINTER TERM commences DECEMBER 1. j SPRING TERM commences MARCH 18, 1871. ' Fall and winter terms three months each, with ; me week v acattou during the Chrtstmas holidays Spring term continues two months. TUITION, per term. HIGII SCtIOOI S.IOO INTERMEDIATE..., 4 00 PRIMARY a oo II 00 per term less for the spring term. Board and rooms can lie secured at reasonable rates Those wtshlng rooms for self-board should apply early. A teachers' class will he organized, and special attention given to tiu>-e from ai>road who w ih to prepare themselves for teaching or to those teach ers who wish to post up In one or more of the branches. D. C. LARRABEE, W m. SHEAR. Secretary. President. August 6,1*72-12 L. B.COLE & SON. pbopriktoks or tub Blacksmith and Wajron-% Second Street, between Stain & Wen.i - Forth Stole,— COUDERSPORT. Fa. 1F.4 GO.I CARRIAGKb u SL EI(S US of all description* manufactured to suit customers and warrant Repel ring always attended to prompt . Competent and experienced workmen kept me-. ! piov in both shops to attend to the calls of en ; tomers. Charges reasonable for cash or ready a . ■24-23 L. B. COLE & SON Before purchasing elsewhere call and examine the >IN < f KI MACHIN K. V. M. Hoyiiolt's, Agent. r _A - Office in r ali kinds ..f BUILDING— and materials furnished. ' noORS. BLINDS and S.\SH ip; constantly "• hand or manufabtnred to order. CAMi pact for PINE Li Mf'.cß. J. BI.ASF A; SOX. The **l N (TER is the liest machine for all work. According to sworn returns 1 then- were over lo.nnu more sold lust ! year than any other kind made. A. M. U( molds, Agent.'. OYSTERS. ■ A. H. PEIRCE, Wholesale and Retail OYSTER DEALER COUDERSPORT, PA. I I ; Oysters by the C;in. Quart.Xialloa, Hundred and | Thousand received daily. Families, Parties and Festivals supplied on short notice. The Trade furnished at reasonable rate 9. | Give me a trial aud I can suit you. 24-221 A. K. PEIRCE. Old Sewing Machines of any make: repaired in a workmanlike manner. I A. M. REYNOLDS. Agent, j BOOTS and SHOES ! John Denhof, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens that he continues the manufacture of DGOTS AND SHOES at his new Stand, T AIN STREET below P-'AF'KLT, (Sent It nf the T'ridgr,) All work done in a workmanlike manner reasonable rates, AND A GOOD LIT GUARANTEED kiv. Lim a calk "■-* " " j THE SILVER TONGUE" ORGANS For PARLOR. CHURCH and SCHOOL MANUFACTURED BT £. P. NEEDHAS! & SON. ) ESTABLISHED IN 1840. ! I Nos. 143, 145 and 147 East 22d St., New York. ! Responsible parti"* upplrlpg for agencies in s-c --ous via. unsupplho will receive prompt e" :i- i ! ion and liberal inducements. Parties residing a' t .V.jb Ui'.i Kiaiuofsn.i s;.nr4u snoiurj ii.Rii". aijjo K hm • bvgox itsiMSli.t ..K lIAHH'I.. ' i-ntUH iM!Rj(;b|s.> 'iisnf aiji jo ciajnt-.tijiiiiaK A v •< nVvi.i.ui 'OOJIH Hhl V i "OO V SWiVQV IK V H. D. TREADWELL, —OF— Wellsviile, M. Y., :"'hs just returned from New York with a large sto s of MOM kmwwd, LEATHER & SHOE FliiS, LOOK AT THE PRICES! • i v'OMKN'S Sj.IPPKHS from fMIC. tl Jll.T-" ; " I kathkk i.At K BOOTS WOe. " 1.75 MOROCCO •• " ft I. Co •• | Mkk'sTdk'k HOOTS •• i.on " kir " '4.75 " 4 . .TO suirl! sii"- -. from 5u vents upwards. Sole Leather, 30 rud 31 cents per pound, shoe Findings of all kinds, vervriieap Remember the place,—directiv opposite the | :!"WC: IIOUSC. 11. I>. lit I 4 lk W 111, \GENT. I ke SINGF.r i< ,t lock-stitch inachiiu and makes a 1h ant if ul, even and uniforiii stitch which will not ravel and isalike on Uotli sides. It h- ins, braids, cords. ' l,neks, t mlu oiders, rutlles, fells and dix-s all kinds of work on the iinesi muitliu or ! j the la aviest full-cloth. L'TICA i STEM EIGIIE 00. (Formerly Wool) 1 M INS.) STATiONAfIt i PORTA IE STEAK ENGINE?. 1 The Best ami Most Complete Assortment iu the Market. These Engines have always maintained the very highest standard of excellence. We make i ianufai ture of Kugines, Boilers A Sa* Mills a -pe clalty. We have tlx-largest A most complete work of the kind in the country, with machinery specl- We keep coristai.tly in process large numbers of Eiglt:es, which we ftirnish at the vc. prices and on the shortest notice. We hull ! ghiva specially adapted to Mines, Saw-trtllls, G;i-t --rnliis. Tanneries, Cot;oi:-gine, Ihres-hers ane a classes of manufacturing. We are now building the e,eletirHt? •hl-ty-llve vcars neter fai!i..g to cure the mosl :• ! mat* cases. Sold Lv druggists. C. 8. Jones >., 19 North"l-'ront si., Agents for Oou lerspor "a. Ocoot, 14.1 Eighth sr., N. 1. C!r,-4ai> mail >n application. 4a." i<4 Q () ( ) \ YEAH **" "* " i:i• le w-Ih otir splcndp. ( OMIUNATION PKOSPKCTrs. t t -ei tK sample page* an.l atl' < a .*■•■. - - \t.l>:• WANTED t< make a perm... ,i 11 ; these w-V- :• cwr.t .nil;.!;.. *-a' si-i.ui l or. re-eh ■ or ?; •or roul,. -*n ■ oue-al :*:• is. \ ' : G":'*i- ,* CI I'*. I"h tad .-lti... I'.i. . 1> >',rjs .i i - Ki:i. • s.-N.-.i; *n •: .• <-vat..- t ;v:."v portTJty •• •. ••••• i- .' ....• its Kvpi.oniv*. A-pi-: u : ettvfli f M>f .• t prolu-ci. iiSnst.-a :•! > -t m '.I engravings. K fasciiv-;.!to o "iiture. The roost sai'MUie hook itr:'. AIJ. IT* imn'rrt. S-. rid foriC'l IS H"!-l -.11. filg.'S I • v.. I ; t'lai l ulilislilnjr Co., Hartford, C< int. l-r4 /(in OA ' ° ,,r v Hr I fcOw V si If V-.'!S .'il ■' j ,•:!; oft's "Li liar) of PnCtTS &Dy Miss Berber ami Mrs. Stotve. A".v :o --' fiv ■mm or woiri.m can have a" . geicy. J. B. I IXtKO A Co., New Vo"k, Boston,Chi ago ami 5,,.- ' Francisco. l->r4 j RICH FIRMING IfltOS! FOR sALE V Lit V CHEAP! THE BEST INVESTMENT! XoJ"' uvht'itioits.' A u tjjt /m/tftrfin-' in I i In* wealth i>( the i 'ouiitn is made lv t e A'|rP.(le in !!■ a.' E.-tate. NOW is* til I- 'I 1M K : Millions ot actcs of the tinrv lands ei 1 <:•- , tioent in Eastern Nehraalu* now '■ tuj i ! t'Tin iicv'ff i< m r t. h* T nark-t i I>KFV i . K. HA Vis, 18r4 I.nn'J Comr. U.P.R.11.. O*oi, Mtt. S2O SAVED! To meet 'hp urgcti demand of t . times the KI.OKI. IK N IM, teil th'-.r i-: Machine for $4.1. and other stiles in proportl'Wi. THE FLORENCE is tlo* ost.v dewing Vachme 'l;af It ids tie v. rt . I '-.a kward and forwani or to right and left, as "i • porchaaer may prefer, it ir- t. greatly IM • FKOVKI) awl SlMPLlFfSD.aintti ft. '• i any other machine in %bt market. IT IS NOW THE CHEAPEST j Florence,MaKk,Nov. 1, T.i. Apat* wtiited. ;-.4 Cm I PC liTC warned for oi; .:• vuU t* tl' R1 O MAl's and rc'igi and ' historical CHARTS. Splendid assortment! Large -ales! La ge profits! Address Haa.-is ,v Lulirtet, Kcipire Map and i hart Kstaliiis.imei t. in; .j ' St.. New ' oik. :->4 "DOMESTiC" p,'. pfP Agents Wanted. SSNi> FOH FASHIOhS. latal.<>?Jl'E. ! ; "idi.M!:> ,1* SL'.VlNti M.V< HJNK CO., > . FtnAfiielA HINGKCiNK RM.RS treside r [ inaile ;>> FLUME & A'fWOOD, prutluces the largest liglu. t an IN- ::S,-| on any <••> ail lamp dealers. 1-ri \T| )\f K \ ! N -< and - w.ititc,| tosa on I'.ill Atner : i in .! "wen v. 15siks. Gana s, ,\r.. tn ii own octeiti -s. Noi-apiftt. nei tied. 1 11.iTeriii". N.l . sent FREE I*. O. VICKKKI .v < ).. : lsr4 Augusta, Maine. Alt iv* TV ~i!Uie rapidly with stencil a l:< v. k * 1 outtlta. catalogues A ftd ;a rt r - /ree. s. \f, SI-knceu, UT il mover ltoston. i-r4 TKE ! VICTOR CO. W ant 11 naiue and eiiergeiir Agents in this county. (The *VI TolC's,: I.oek-srieh, Shuttle Machuie, with Sci'-wtting Needle. Lest h tush til and tuost : perfect Machine offere>l An increase of over t Me per cent on Mies of is;a <.% er isii. For I-nils, etc., address VH TOR SEWING MACHINE < i 11C4 Ti~ I hesinut St., Phiiadelphla, l'a Persons 1 lo!- NORTHERN P.' CIFICS A>D OTHFP, SECURiTIE c i an tinti Latent Qtu r atof Market Pries lv calling on LUTHER S. KAUTFWAN. Stork and Note Broker. W FOriITII AVIATE, FITTSBT*! uR. PA. IV YOU WANT TO : Invest Your h r .oney 1 safely and at GOOD INTER e.S ,*. Call ou or address I.TTIIER S. NACFFMA.V, Stock and Note T'.r-d r. ■sjis 96 Fuartfc sVvc- .e, . ,:ts ;rgh, l'a. All classes of Stocks, Honda and ;. Ma; )- . :ii> ■ Sd'iirities Bough I and Sold on Comtrd-M . >•■... Letters of inquiry w ill receive promt"' aUml it Agent's Guide. I Worth $• a• at nr. S. i- i v.l : : fur r 1 Postal Card for partknlars. j 4 b.5 • . What i. c-ft Nest? Lest, t retMest. a;,,! i y far tht I''*s c.c.t i -u,j. one In the worhl. end woiid'Tiuliv e,.* c-. Monthly, in t ects a year. Maguineebt . t--.'-;.,.-" rtigraving and , *Si;'i-g!it paiittings to evpev -,i' , sender, and n osi Hhend ternra to • I 'how- raising .-lufm. s ; „Tiim ". ;L. , i.; .i ~ I r' ih .Picture le -e. *s. s. 4 v i I Alt!**!,, Pnh., H; i-t!'- | | ~ , To the rade" on'v! (tS" 0 ) WJi T c 1-3: S ! I'IAMON 1\. CMH KS. Jewelry, Watch & C : ock M .teria 1 , & tr. XO OT U GO OPS. • r.Y : r. YT: , v u i,- , | WHOLKSAT.t' KXCLUSIVn Y 0. B. B \ BHf* " I T - 6" I'll. VKVl'e PITXaLI iiuil, Ija.1 j a. j Vinegai BiibT PURELY VEGETABLE. FREE from ALcjij.B DR. WilHf H. I Califoifiia Vlrit-jg? '& b • - [ nr. 3. w.ilt-r*:- falsSfcrjt utrp.r iliil.'is . .*■ • prc]>sirsui<>n, nr. - <; live herbs • il t< ] , , t! c Sierra Ncv;:.;i:i ; j uitt: ; ; . . ilia, ll.e i:if , ih< iii..i j , s are extracteii t!.- :*. frum m , . of Alcohol. Tic* i'. • siii",-, j. daily askcil. "V, int >.s t:- ri! -, unnanUlelitl siht.s a? Yi\. ~ Ti.nsf" < ar the cause of oisea -•. :-'mi ti j ~-. covers his health. I •> nw t: ; "■■;oo riti 10.u as The j': o;- rties < i ViNKOAit liiT i sits ai -.A; *r. Carminative. .Stun''on- Luxav.t Sedative. Coucicr-lrritaLt Sm.or.Lt,4 tive, and Anti-liiiioui. t rtieTltl Tiiotlsatllis procla ' r HITTERS t'.ie moat wi . . a*-1 that ever su>tainmi tu" - tetu. >o IVrsoij c:iii tak" l !>> i. iccnnlinfj to :, Ala'oaau' Mo, • . ae. Jan . -. ' * . f rtilii = ■ GUI d. he >. . anti - ".S of'lU*vstjit; • i.vai uil.iv ....--.n * .. . ,i i'l other a",'l:h i erful iiitiuoii up. *. ; L'TIIS, is PA. I: ! 11! V lie •- is no caibnrt fur: ;•:= r 1 •:•;. J \\ A 1.5; .• its tho.V v ~i : full)!, •{ v tc; ! !" : .1 .* '• howcis stiv load-. J. . r ■ .*• '■ Rt iliiuhu 114 the •-:•-* - *. and -.MMi-rah. iuiK'tiom. of the t. ' t.*. .* Fori i-y f •; !*. • I by purity hibj a'l .• . ..•■■•. ■ ...j Itl ITH.S. V-.i • ; SUSG' .I-: t:r I X: . • ache. I am 111 lac s.calat:l . Tightness of thcUhc ■, 1). v.nev,- Eructations of '! .• M. j'..., T.< in the Mouth. 1! . u ' .... p., tation oft!;." Heart- • i. : :;.it ;f its merits than a lengtny iverr- I uient. Scrofula, or wing's Evil, M ■ Swellings, Ck?t Goitre, Hcrofulous Inlianimahr.'t:*. iiidva, Aiercurial A Recti n-. v Sores, Eruptions of the Skii:, S.>re El'*- In those. i< in aii c.tFer -:ihlittiti'hi !" eas-s, WALKKR's Vixsur HrmtKs s shown their gt eat t trai v.* p overs ..1 ia most obstiuute r.vl iatractu- • < • For Initanißiatot ... ii Cliro:;if Hhuumatisni, <■ :, G. , I tent and Intermittent Fevers. Im-caN ■ !i Blood, Liver. K.-.lnevs ari l i'vi" these ililteis liave r.o enual. jjacb iim-wd arc caused *,y \ iliuteii nssiit. Mwhanical ivs< - jraged in Rainfs aiiti !vi- Plnuibers, Tvpr-;ct* . til lid-neat ■ Miners, as the. ia •,.•. a to pHtalysis ~ft;. i.e."''. ,* * against this, 1 .?; a do.-,* of \. kmc' - KIAR ItITTKR* r cHsi-taa"'* For Skin :>is ay :.*r, Salt-ithemii. HI, hi. • •** ' * Fustules, li e's, y >eald-U .id. S- • E.,*< . r '' ■ it' ii hUee- <•* l!.- ' ■ ■r :,aintc e ,>:i tit ni 1.. y tUi v>f thcM* ( Pit;., Tap lurking hr tk<- y>i, - ; - are filet HiaMy i -* - ysteiu "t ;..ed,t,. , < -■ ' tiieitmriitics w ■ "ike thtN, Blitcr For Feinftt or old. .itar"* n. 1 1' leanhtMid. er . •- . ..*tt - t i l ini|ir. * ;. 1 1 r ( ic.Uis ii- ; ■ 11.e skin ill I'::- nealise ,t 0 iu-:i ! id U ••biggish in 11 ir.s , cie.t* - - f 'id . • eehnr.- v !! ■ the tdood pure. - 1 the h- s will It. !. 3r.'. IMiXAl.ll 'i i A: .to -a'J*' , njii a; AAreri, • i-""*' *