The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, November 19, 1873, Image 3

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    of damages ags.iuM any
.1 h corporations or iudivi uals,
~3 , p. by viewers or otherwise: and
tile amount of such damages, in all
of appeal, shall, on the demand
„fcither party, he determined by a
birv according to the course of the
common law.
gee y. Every banking law shall pro
vide for the registry and countersign-
j n<r bv an officer of the state, of all
n .rte> or bills designed for circulation,
H i),i that ample security to the full
amount thereof shall be deposite 1
with the auditor general for the re
liv roption of such notes or bills.
gee 10. The general assembly shall
| lft ve the power to alter, revoke or an
j.ui auv charter of incorporation now
\ -ting and revocable at the adop
,. >r j of this constitution, or any that
• , iV hereafter Ik- creates!, whenever
i their opinion it may be injurious
the citizens of this commonwealth,
, n g„ c h manner, however, that no in- !
! 4icc sha.l be done to the corpora-
i ()T< >' law hereafter enacted shall
, rt ate, renew, or extend the charter j
of m<>re than one corporation.
sec 11. No corporate body to pos
. Is banking and discounting privi
i, r es -hail be created or organized in J
pursuance of any law without three
months' previous public notice at the j
place of the intended location, of the
intention to apply for such privileges,
in -ui h manner as -hall be prescribed
bv law, nor shall a -barter tor such
privilege be granted for a longer pe-!
riod than twenty yt-ai -.
Seel-- Anv associa:ion or corpo
ration organized lor the purpose, or
anv ind vi luai. s have the right :
to Construct and maintain lines of
telegraph within tliis -t-ite. and .
con M-ct the same with other lines.!
and the general asscin!>ly shall, by
general law of uniform operation,
provide reasonable regulations to
<_bve full effect to tiii- -vetion. No
telegraph company Sli.Mll consolidate;
with or hold a controlling interest in j
tin stock or bones of any other tele- j
e;-. jih company owning a competin_ 1
line, or acquire, by purchase or other- i
wise, any other competing line of|
ttleg-apll. I
> c 13. Tiie term ''corporations,* '
a- used in this article, shall be con-1
.-trued toinclu le all joint stock c<>m-j
: u-or :i->ociations having any of!
powers or privileges of corpora-i
• ri- not 1-osj.essed by individuals oi i
j aitnership-. j
Kail road* and Canals.
Sec 1. All railroads and canals!
s ili>- public highways, and all r.til
:i 1 arid canal companies shall bi
■arrievs. Any as- x iation
■•• porat ion organize 1 for the pur-.
I - - -til have tin- rig l it to construe;
•crate a railroad between any
-r. iiin this state m i to con
,-t t e state line villi railroad.-
> " r stat'-s. Every railroad e n
-iiali iiav the right with it
to i:to. r -eet. <■ I meet v,;t , oi
any .t*n r railroad, and shall i
-■ c ive aud transport each the others";
; r- t ' m, i.f, ami ears, loaded
r empty, without d day or discrimi
v •• 2. Every railroad and canal
'ration organized in this state
- hi maintain an office therein. 1
w ie trausfer- of its -t>ek shall be
: : aud where it- bock-shall be
M-: :•■;• inspection by any slock hold
•r creditor of such corporation, in
w h shall l>e recorded the amount
pital stock subscribed or paid
. a 1 by whom, the names of the
• - >f its stock and the amounts
m <•<{ by them, respectively, the
: r- of -aid stock, and the names
; \aces of residciice of it- utile r-.
>ic -1. All individuals, associa-'
i-. and corporations -hall have!
'•pi-.i i'ght to have persor.s and pro
pi ■ trail-ported over railroads and !
•t -.and no undue or unreasonable 1
- rimination shall be made in
•a _ r e- for >.r in facilities for tran--
i t(ti.n of freigiit or passenger*
n tiie state, or coming from or
t.£r to any otlu r -tatc. I'ersons
-r.'t pi'.jHrty transported over any
road shall lie delivered at any
n at charges not exceeding the
r_ r < ? ; >r transportation of persons
1 pro]H rty of the same el as- in the
direction to any more distant (
' rt n ; but excursion ami commata-;
tickets may In- i-sued a! speci; 1
s 4. No railroad, canal or other
'ft 'ion, or tlie- le-se -s, purchas
r managers of any railroad or
corporation, shall consolidate I
- k. piojxTty, or franchises of
t-orjioration with, or lease or
■ r - .jts,. tiie work- or franchises of
any way control any other rail
•r canal corporate 11 owning or
saving under its control a paralh 1 or
: "1 ting line, nor shall any officer
•'! railroad or canal co; poratioii
as an ol'ict r of any other railroad
-• a; corjioration owning or bav
- -be control of a parallel or coui
'line, and the question whether
Mil- or canals are ]>arallel or
ng lines shall, when deioand
■ tbt party complainant, be de
' by a jury as in other civil issues.
-5. No incorporated company
the business of a common car
'aali,directly or indirectly, pros
''' " r engage in mining or mann
ing articles for transportation
it- w-.rks, nor shall such cora
• irectly or indirectly, engage
Ui .v other business than that of
"■woo carriers, or hold or acquire
treeliold or leasehold, directly
"directly, except sucli as shall lie
rv Ur carrying on its bu-i
--xx nt any mining or manufactur
r 'inpai y may curry tiie proiincts
"lines and manufactories on its
■ " canal not exceeding titty
!j' s 111 '-ngth.
f . t " v N'l-pit-sidenr, director, offi
"s'-nt. employee of anr rail
ro 1 r canal coinjam -h::ll b • in
t.*iv-te<l. directly oc indirectly, in
thf furnishing of material or supplies
to such company, or in the business
of transportation as a common carri
er of freight or passengers over the
works owned, leased, controlled or
worked by such company.
Sec 7. No discrimination in charges
or facilities for transportation shall
be made between transportation com
panies and individuals, or in favor of
either, by abatement, drawback or
otherwise, and no railroad or canal
company, or any lessee, manager or
employee thereof, shall make any
prefeiences in furnishing cars or
motive power.
Sec 8. No railroad, railway or
other transportation company shall
grant free passes or passes at a dis
count, to any persons except officer
or employees of the company.
■ v ec 9. No street passenger railway
shall be constructed within the lim
its of any city, or borough or town
ship without "the consent of its local
Sec 10. No railroad, canal or oth
er transportation company, in exist
ence at the time of the adoption of
this article, shall have the benefit of
any future legislation by general or
special laws, except on condition of
complete acceptance of all the pro
visions of this article.
See 11. The existing jxiwers and
duties of the auditor general in re
gard to railroads, canals and other
transportation companies, except as
to their accounts, are hereby trans
ferred to the secretary of internal
affairs, who shall have a general su|>-
ervision over them, subject to such
regulations and alterations a- shall
be provided by law; and in addition
to the annual reports now required
to be made, said secretary may re
quire special reports at any time up
on any subject relating to the busi
ness of said companies from an y of
ficer or officers thereof.
See 12. The general assembly -hall
t nforce by appropriate legislation the
pro\i-ions of this article.
Fu ure . J mend meat.*.
Sec 1. Any amendment or amend
ments to this constitution may IK*
proposed in the senate or house of
ia preventatives, and if the same siiail
be agreed to by a majority of the/'
numbers elected to each house, speh
proposed amendment or amendments
shall lx entered on their journals,
with the yeas and nays taken thereon j
and tiie secretary of the common
wealth shall cause the same to be|,
published thiee months before the,
in xt general election in at least two :
newspapers in every county in which
sic. n new -paper- sh.ti! be published : 1
and it. in the general assembly next
afterwards chosen, such proposed j
amendment or amendments shall be ;
agreed to 'x a majority of the tnem-j
'M I - elected to each hou-e. the secie- '
tary of Um comiiionw.altli shall cause 1
tiie same again to lie published in j
the manner aforesaid, and such pro
posed amendment or amendments!
-hall be submitted to the qualified
electors of the state in such manner,
and at such time,at least three months
after being so agreed to bv the two
iiouse-, as the general assembly shall
preseri!>e; and if such amendment or i
amendments siiail be approved by a •
majority of those voting thereon, i
such amendment or amendments
-hall 1 K-eoiiie a part of tfie constitu-j
tion; but no amendment or amend-j
Uiciit- sindl be submitted oftenerthan
once in five years; wlun two or more
amendments -hall be submitted they
-iiall be voted upon separately.
CJUDERS i'ORT, Pa., Nov. 19. VT.3.
/ON the third Tuesday* of Oecem
her. being the 16th of the month, an
election will be held to determine j
whether or n< t the N -w Constitution '
shall be adopted.
KLECTH N officers should read and
preserve the Proclamation of the
Sheriff herewith published in rela
tion to the -pt cial < lection to be field j
on the lfith day of next month;'
when tiie qualified voters will decide |
for or against adapting the New
Constitution. This Proclamation
contains full instruetions to the ofii
cers of election, and is easily under
stood. Kach voter will al.-o do well
to read and keep a copy of the Pro
clamation till alter election.
THE business out-look is improv
ing. We have undoubtedly reached
the bottom of the financial trouble,
and will saon begm to feel the turn
of the tide.
THF. delay in publishing the JotR
NA!J this week is caused by the ex
tra work required to print the New
Constitution in one number of the
paper. The next nnmfxr will be is
sued promptly on time.
WE ASK a careful reading of the
New Constitution herewith printed.
We feel confident such a reading
w ill satisfy nearly every one that the
proposed mw i.rg inn* hi* is fram*d
in tae best interest of the jxople and
w ill certainly improve and purify the
legislation of the State, and will ele
vate the tone of political discussion.
ON MOM DA Y of last week some parties
were in town for the purpose of begin
ning proceedings against other parties
1 for stealing a church in Genesee towu
ship/and on Tuesday a suit was tried
here wherein the defendant was accused
of stealing a hog-jxn. Where is that !
■ man who said: "Tis' but a step from
the sublime to the ridiculous?* 1
LAST week. Wednesday, John S. Ab
! son while at work upon the roof of John
Groin's new building on Second .Street,
slijqx-d ami fell a distance of nearly
thirty feet striking across some timlxrs
and receiving severe injuries. We un
happy to state that he is doing as well'
as could be expected. It was a narrow
escape from instant death.
IK AMY resident of Suiethport should i
lx chloroformed and brought toCouder
sjiort restored, to consciousness and
and blindfolded at the corner of :
Main and Third Streets and then j
marched along the south side of Third '
St. to West, it would lie hard to con-;
vince him that he was outside of the
precincts of his own borough, for the
sidewalk over which he would walk or
rather through which, is almost as bad
as any in Siuetliport.
Taggart, Esq.. of Eulalia town- j
ship, killed a hog on Monday of this
week which dressed five hundred and !
seventeen pounds. If any body can
lieat that we would like to try a little of |
the t nd-rloin.
JOHN L'eet, of Allegany, tells us he
raised thirty-two and one-half bushels :
of corn on a piece of land containing j
twenty-five square rods, or an average j
of 20-5 bushels to the acre. Who can \
beat it?
!>>■■■ Eaj Mi aiml if i Pre
mi>iit. Nebraska, Mr. K. M. Jouxsos and
Mis.- FANNIE A. U.vr.
Howe—Worden-In I,ewisvi'.le. int. 26, l-.7 i.
at lne house of the bride's mother, by O.
K. 15.iss. tt, EMJ.. Mr. A. A. HOWE and;Mi ;
EMMA J. WOKHKN, Imth of Lewisville.
i> i i: i>.
K\tC Nidereport,November3,lß73,Mrs. AI.II r I
s. -s.eooiow, :tr I lie bull >.-:u 'f iier ago.
i Tuesday morning, November 4th. on my way
home I made the oft-repeated inquiry "How is
M; stel'l ii-i?" yiii.-kly the reply ".-he is dead—
• she died yesU-iday. Though saddened tiy the !
; intelligence tliat I should nut see her again in
; ife, there yet was a strange *-n-e of re ief in
knowinir that she was. after being so long and so
great a suflerer, at !a.-t at rest.
1 A- in tiie quiet and serenity of a summer's
morn and in the mid-' of the enjoyment of an
1 hour-en'ire freedom (r- m suffering for the first
lime iu several months, she gently slept in .Jesus
She had lingeied in the va!lev of -offering long
! lieyotyi the hope- of the nio-t -anguine. with but
ii-w and then momentary a.'.evi ition <>f her pain-;
and witli the slow p 'gress of her disease, ail de
sire to survive vet years passed away. All teiu '
; city to life and dinging grasp of human affection '
were loosed. Indeeii. from the very beginning of
her ii'ness. we found iliat she was mysteriously ,
yielding her hold on i'ife and Ging moulded
j to enter tiie ts-tter world. M->ntbs ago she said
: she had lost her interest for the cares and things
i about her and that shew, nld never feel it again:
j that five months ago, when she left home for the
i last time with Iter husband and daughter, she
I had resigned everything—all concern forthe fu-
I urn—to others without the least anxiety. Her
household affairs, her garden and its rare, h*r
shrubbery at -i flowers of iier own p'anting and
culture, ferv 1 i -h she had s.. great f >ndne-s, had
lost all i!i.-ir charms for her.
And as Iter mind and heart were being detach
ed from all t:..-se things l low which had tWore i
| a'.way-giv> ii her pie wire, lor j
1 w—re t eing noire strongly "set upon thing- above j
' and diviue." This strange sublimation of tee ing
' dai j iu<-leased, so that -he talked of nothing i
more freely t- In -1 family and frienus than oi he: :
' death and of her great desire to be patieni and j
unmui miring tithe end: and "patien-e did have '
I her perfect work." F-r we *w the passive vir '
lues shining more and in -re in the furnace o* af.
. fiction, the spirit ail the more resigned : and
: while she longed to l ° at rest Irom them all, -
was perfi-.-iiy wi ling to w„i if ii was the will of;
the Lord With JuU. in his submissi >n and in .
his very word-, -he coird say "all the days of my j
■ appointed 'im wi.l! wait—till my change come." J
< Ard tl - setjt'.el of herffeiicgs fulfilled t-auti \
fttllv tin spirit of these words.
1! us, wi:h her cinisiian life of prayer, begun
forty two y . a:s ago, it w;v- so continued and end
' i'd, siul v ith tiie word "prayer" itself as the last
she >p< ke on earth: exemplifying the following
a'mos! sacred ines of Moutgomety:
'• Prryrr is the Christian's vi'a: breath.
The Christiai. nati* air.
li<-r ;.trl w- r.! : ii • -sr.- of d.-ath ;
Nil- enters Heaven w.tfc prayer.''
bi-e has teen a member of the Presbyterian
church <-f Coudersport for twenty years, where |
she will Is- grt-.d'y missed as a regular and faith
ful worsi ipper in all the means of grace. Her
voice in the s ial meetings, her earnest prayers, j
her cheering words, her loving labors her fer- j
vent heart and wilting hands, her entire active
cluistun 'ife for tiie church have ceased.
Tt e whole community is affected by her death.
Many families mourn deeply her loss and wfi
miss Mrs. stehl-ins in thcii lick rooms. She was
a ways ready, with ail her cares of home and her
. ace. p. go and wait and watch by the bedside of
the sick and suffering.
Tiie poor, whose helper and friend she ever •
was. v.i'l mis- (and -igli in vain, for her strong
•yn.patl ie- and kindly ministering hands. Her
memory Is precious to tlienv Th< ir benedictions
have followed her to the grave.
But. ah! how sai y do husband and sorrowing :
sons and daugb.'ers hear her loss. They to whom
she has been so anxious and loving wife and mo- j
ther —what they have 10-t none can te!L What i
she has not. in her constant solicitude, done and i
sacrificed for them as a good companion and
mother they cannot think. Nothing that a kind
watch-care and concern eould prompt for their -
happiness and spiritual good, through all their j
y ears w-as left unthought of or undone. And it
has always been to her a great comfort to know
that all her love and sacrifices for tliern were re- j
turned in good and grateful measure, and espe
cially in tier ng i uess to feel happy in lealir
ing theit devotion ;n unweatidij mini-teiing to
he: sufferings.
Heaven it-ward them as earth.'annnt and make
tliem tv.i.-e L e-se.l; that her usefulness ar.d
chi i-Lan trust may find a rich counterpart in
each of tiieir live.-. Tlius wdl! the icuui-.n of
the faiui y in Heaven lie/nfinitely moie. joyous |
than Deir parting here was sad and desc.'atrg. ,
* I
£ llotirrs.
IT' OK REM.- Two rooms in second
story of D'ke's Building Apply at
Bees' Jewelry store. W. T. DIKE, j
i OWASDA PLOWS.—FIat or Side
!ljr hill, east and steel, with iron In-am.
The cast plows are ground and jkilished
i —in full rip. Every plow is guaranteed.
The lx*st plow ULinufaeturi .1.
; or P.A.STEBETV. Jr. OoudcrtjxjrL Pi
1} 11. HAY.VF.S has the agency of a
V# intent weather-strip tor doors
n iiicii is just tlie tninp for doors that are
exjiosed to wind and weather, and will
save twenty-live per cent in wood. He
will call and show how it works. 2-31 S.
1 take notice that the law requires all
taxes on unseated lands to be collected i
ly the County Treasurer) for Road,
j School or any other purfmses, to l>e re- :
turned on or bt-fore the thirty-first day
J of December in each and every year.;
Next year is the coll ecting year and no \
taxes can be returned after Dec. 31 next
unless authorized by sjieeial act of As- j
seinbly. and then it inav have to lie over i
two years l>efore it can lie collected.
Therefore see to it that your taxes are
all projierly made out. certified ar.d re
i turned in due season, see that your tax
I lists are duly certified and signed by the
j projier officers: orherwise tlie Commis-j
! sioners are not authorized to recieve;
i them. Bv order of tlie board.
Cj'uviisf jn r'.i Clerk.
X < FUN. —Circumstances have corn- j
(jelled us to adopt the READY-PAY
; SYSTEM, and hereafter we will sell no 1
| goods on credit unless by sjieeial agree-1
■ inent. ARCH F. JONES it SOX. |
t Coudersport, Nov. 12, IST.!
1 "'STRAY.—Came to the premises of!
_j the suljscriber about tiie Ist of Oc- 1
j tober the following cattle: 1 pair of 3-'
i year old (matched steers and a 2-year
' old steer —all spotted, red and white.
! The owner will please prove property,"
i pay ohargvs and take them away.
I Summit, Nov. I*, iS.3.
] Anamination of Teachers will lie held
<is follows:
i Roulette .... Nov. 6
j (J.-wayo - - - 7
_ Shamu Nichols lioolbousej " S
i Raymond Cornel's - - " 11
Hebron iGreeuiuan Schoolhouse) •' 13
Coudersport - - - " 15
Teachers will provide themselves with
i isiier. j<eii and ink.
lleginning Nov. 29 I will hold specitil
examination.-, eacii Saturday at < 'otiders
! jK>rt till Dec. 21.
Thi> will le done to accommodate
; only those wlio cannot attend any ofi
tlie other examinations.
All, and es|iecially Direr tors, are cor
dially in\ited to attend.
< oCDEItSFOHT, Oct. 13, l-Ci. Co. Svpdt.
Don't forget that C. 11. Simmons, the
! Merchant Prince of Wellsville. is yet in
: Hade larger than ever, and that his i
j twenty-five years* exjierieiice in this j
market enables liiiu to give iii- custom-:
I .*r> the lest g.Nids and latest styles at j
! tlie lowest livinsr rates. Be sure and •
j call and examine bis stock, and Is- con- j
vinced that a dollar saved is worth two j
j earned.
The Singer Machine Still Triumphant.
| At the last Fair of the Potter County j
j Agricultural and Horticultural {Society, j
( held at Coudersp' ri Oct. In. tlie
' Singer look t la* first preminui. with the
' Howe and Remington Sewing Machines |
opposing. Tie- Stngei was operated by
A M. Reynolds, the Howe by Loyster
I Bros, and the Remington by the Agent
i from Bingham.
Belter than Cold. -A certain amount
of greenbacks, national or fractional
currency invested with C. 11. Simmons,
the Regulator man for dry goods, gro
ceries. Wots and shoes.
The jieople come more and more tot .
! 11 Simmon-' Regukitor stores l'or dry
. goods. clothing, groceries, boots and j
shoes and everything that families use. |
, Their stock is large and also well suil-1
|ed to customers as to price. Come one,
I come al] without delav and prove the
, , •
; trutli of what we say.
IhompsonA Mann have just received
a full stock of wail-i-ajier and window!
curtains, which will W sold cheap for
, cash. Call and examine.
Washington, O LI4,IST , v
The of another year
brings with it th p occasion for renewed
thanksgiving and acknowledgment to
the Almighty Ruler of the universe for j
the unnumbered mercies which he lias
bestowed upon us. Abundant harvests j
i have lieen among the rewards of indus
try. With local exceptions, health lias
l ieen among the blessings enjoyed. Tran
quility at home ard peace with other j
! nations have prevailed. Frugal indus-;
try is regaining its merited recognition
! and its merited rewards. Gradually,
but under the providence of God surely,
as we trust, tlie nation is recovering
from the lingering result of a dreadful
! civil strife. For these, and all the oth- j
' er mercies vouchsafed, it becomes us as ;
j a jieople to return heartfelt and grate- j
ful acknowledgments, and, with our
| thanksgiving, we may unite prayers for
the cessation of local and temporary
. suffering.
I therefore recommend that on Tliurs- j
day, the 27th day of November next,
the people meet in their respective places
t of worship to make acknowledgment to
Almighty God for HiSlxninties and His
protection, and to offer to II im prayers
for their continuance.
In witness whereof 1 have hereunto
set my hand and caused the seal of the '
ITiitt d States to be affixed. Done at
the city of Washington this 14111 day
of October in the year of our Lord 1573. j
and of tne independence of the United
St tes the 97th. I". S. GP.ANT.
By the Prtstdenf: '
Court Proclamation.
Ttr*HEKEAS.'- ' r , n . it. W WRJ UIU, F-E-1
• v dent Judga, acl the ii is.
aud JOHN M. KlLSO.*mxs. A -sociat- .lodges, t
the Courts of Oyer la Terminer And Geiter*. Jati
Delivers-.Quarter Sej*i<>n*oi foe Peace, Orphan*'
, Court and Court of Common Pleas for the Cotibty '
of Potter, have issued tlieir precept bearing date '
fie iweutit-thof September in the vearof our Lord
one thou-auii, eight hundred and -eveiity thrce, 1
and to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer
S Terminer and Genera! Jail Delivery, ouarter ,
Ses-i >us of the Peace, Orphans' Oourt and Court
; of Common Pleas, in the Borough of Coudersport.
ni Ho.nSnj, t!i KighV i day of DECEMBER, '
, tie it and to uiitir. :e one week.
Xoti e is therefore hereby given to the Coro- 1
Tiers, Justices f tlie Peace and Constables within
the County, that they be then and there in their j
j proper persons, a: id o'clock, a. in., of said day,
with their rolls, records and inquisiti. ns, exami j
nation- and other reniemhraie'es to do these .
tiling-which to tlieir offices appertain tobt dona i
And tbi-e who are bound by their recognizances '
t • pros,-, nte agaiust tlie priviiiersthat are or shah
le in tiie .1 iil of said County of Potu-r, are to t>e \
then ; r.d there to prosecute agaiust them as will
be just.
_Dut-d at c, adersport Sejd. 12th, 14*73, and the :
• -n year "f the lude]ienUeuce of tiie L'uited states
| fi—fcg .s. p. RLVNOI.DS. Sheriff. ,
I>\ VIRTUE of sundry writsof Yen- j
) 'hlioui ExponaJi.'Fieri Ksclaa, Levari Kai las !
1 and sur Mortgage, ii-;.e i out of thet'oarto COB- '
j mon Picas of Potter < oauty, Pa., to me direct- (
j ei, I shal! expose to public sale or out, ry, at the
j Court House in Cou le.-spon, on MONDAY, the j
I EIUHTU day of Deceinner, 1-7's, at one o'clock, I
p. til., t ie foliowiu* '1 -scrtbed tracts o parcels of :
j (and. to wit:
< ertain real estuie situate in Bing
. ham twp., ov.mi-ie i au-l d-s-nied as follows: Be- ;
giuidtig a' i white i-h. th, N h .-0.-ner of Lot No i
| "i aliotinent of land- in Lingham tap.; thenec '
i K ! per, d. ■ to post ia W line of ixrt No 81, .S
: J. & W line of said lot. itel tier, i.-s to post I
! the S E corner hereof; thence N -Ss^ c W, by N '
lines ~f Lots N"s i. r ; and So, tns.4 perches to i>ost, :
8 W toiaei hereof; tlieiwc N. by E line of Lot I
I No3t'. 14-.6 per- hes to piace of beginning. Cbn- '
, fwffag '.'6.2 a res of laad, with six percent ailow
au lor roads, etc.; tn-ii g Lot No. an of allotment '
|of la:: of Fox Estate in Bingham t\vp„ anu part j
1 of Wt No about 4h acres ot which art ltn- J
: proved, with one loir house, one frame rara, other :
j out-buiMltigs and orchard thereon. To be soid as ;
. the property of ARDISON N. ATWATEV.
ALSO, certnin real c-.--tate situate in!
j'" nesec twp.. bounded and des<Tii>e<l as lobows : j
; N by lamia of Michael Dwver and State Line; E |
| • i jam's of Michael U(, ; S bv lands of John j
! Hart a;ul James H. bi' li; W by of Thomas j
; .Maxwell a:id Mictiae- XcNulty. Oonlainitiff 115
I acres, more or less, a, out 4'., ai:rea of which are
: improved, with one irame house, one frame barn !
: and some fruit trees thereon. To '*e sold as the 1
! property of P. H. Bi'KKk and T. J. DCKEK.
ALSO. ct-rtHin rtal estate situate ill
Sharon tw p., bounded ami described ft follows:
beginning at prjsi cc-rner on N bank of Oswayo
reek, beingS E corner of lot formerly ow ned io
" i Winer, then- N 65.4 t.ience N 39*
W -!i.i per. he-: them e N si° Wl2 IsirchM; tlie;,, c
N >E is nercbes; then,-- N s;° W33 perches;
thence F. 7s per< hea; thence n H>j perches; thence
E 4s p-r- nes to E one of Wt No 22--; thence S Sf
perches to N bank of Oswayo creek; tbMM >k>wn
the f ;ee>. ~v rs several CcursTs and to
piace of beginning. Oyntiintrio 140 acres, more
or less, nearly ab of wtu-h is lmprtwed, with two j
frame ng-:-,:>, aes, tw< frame iiarua, two or
chsrdw ami , 'ner fraK tree- thereon, and being
port of " •- H- in n.-r. u
i:\ijc; one-half of all that piece, ptitei or tract
>f ia;i*l situa: '• In Clara and lie',run tw-jis., t.ound
-o iri dc-Tibeo as fob -w.; B -giiiniuif at W line
of J Ifnlgway'j. land on c W comer of s lot ur
veye 11 ir David Bftva ami W1 pcrctM K >f - W ;
corner ~f Wt NoMB, thesce E SO fer-. bej Uj p,is' j
,-oruer in K line ot shM lot: them-e. by 1 line, r I
1116 pen he- to j*is! corner: W 4sn perches '
to beech coraeru W line of -aid J Rldgwayh land;
rhene.--. '• said line. N 1116 perches to pls'-e of t>e
! gin:.; ijr. Cbatoiaißf acres, being S part of
- i N,, tie w :o,e of Wt No.',-97 ami N of
|WtNor. Li of I J i'l igwray - lan Is, excepting
: nnd r serving threfroui a ,ot of 3, , u res hereto
!or deotle<l by BhaMaa Thoaftoa to OiaaillTf
Hum. deacribed a fojjows: Beg:nning at maple
• r .• r on N 5,.,e ~f ( oudersport Road and :c dls.
trk-t line dividing lands of John Keating A Co ami
I < •• ab tb-scn ,eand ts perche- sof N x>
i orncr of Wt No f.-NT. aMI lei!ig* jmrt of salt Wt:
thence, by district line, Sl6O perches to pari cor
ner; thence Ks# rods to white ash corner; the Doe
\ i „ perches t > post • enter; thence W SSperciies
I to place of beginning. Alia, a Lot of lend In
I Via-a twp.. bounded and desro as t.-ii' ws: Be
; ginimig : N K corner of lamls of Peter Batt'i.a,i.
■ then, e 212 petite-; the:/ ,' -a:JH - LIES t' - W
I urncr of John P Brink's amis; thcncc, hr lines
f said kmc. E 2ii thence - V, ; er be- to
l ia • >. htcmuif. CmtaMno M . tens, nea -
I > a.. • f which s-ei-:.prove . aith on ■ frame-!w>-
i trig • .S' . on, frainr i,aru. „m ap. 1 ■ orchard an,
: >r ftree.- therein. a-,1 M-i :a pert of Wt N
r .-. Aha, the ÜBdivid-d one-half of anothet
; ' r a, i imnbci sn-i 'bsTi'vl a-10. ov. s: Nby it"-
; N',l- br.'B'i- (SI of rri;':T to laTldS Of estate Of
J Samuel M r ~v. deeeasod, lu Hebron twp.; if m
| i.of No 120 onveve itoH A 8 Joiinaon; bby on
! seated lands of Fox Estate; and W by W Hne "i
Ht- Nos 1219 and 1314. Qwtaiartg 224 acres,
i aaore r v... nd Mag Lot N® a,' of aforesaid ai
nt and partofWts Xoe 1214A1319.- Al
! i. in, bmßiWed cnc-tisif ■ ,f the lots or tracts ol
1 and -dust,- m ll>- >r,,,' tw p.. iKiu'ideil and , --■ ri:— j
• :a- f . w<; Nbv and- heretofore of Hingiiatti I
Estau K. bj Lots NoaMaad '.2: -by Lot No psf; j
ami W by -aid BMgvtf iands: Mag Lota Nos 101
an 111! of aforesaid allotment, flmfrifiifitfr Id
a Ti a. mo •• or k To be sold a- the pn,pehy of
; -At i -TVVK.VS and K. ! . NK'HCLS.
AT.SO. Two lots situate in the Bo
r, gh of ( iderwporr. bounded and ueaeribed as
! fobo'.v-: Begin a: N K corner (>f Wop-ester and
: Fa.-t -tr—t- in -aid Borough, thenee E. along N
ine of Worcester street. - perches; thence N - ptr
! chts; W - p, r, h< - to E line of Ea-; street; thence
8, along -aid 1* Hue, - perches to p.*,-* of beglh
l 111• ig. '' 'Til' lining -1\! v-four square perches, with
I ■>tie iralie. rtweibi.g licuse, one • ariiagt or wagon
i manufactory, u-aal cut-building and some fmtt
frees thereon. To be s],i as the pn perty of I>. B.
AL>O. (.Yrtttin real estate situate in
IV • r cuntin the towiiSiii;,.- respective!v, a.-
I loilovvs:
a i- No- forr\--!t hutvlre,; and forty-one (4641
ana forty—ix hcu lred and f>rtv-two <46421. cart
containing nine hundred and ninety (Mt) acres,
more or lean. In Jackson twp.—WtaNoa Eorty-dx
h iiidre i and fortv-eighl 464-', forty-si?. h.,adre,i
andflftj-one 4691 ; jity-aix hundred and gfty-two
46-v . fort —l.\ huodresl a,.: ffiynbm.vift-. i-r
--;i--ix hunurci til'.y-four 4'-w aud fort..-six
I hiimirt d ami forty-nine > f 6 .fa -'t ooniad.htg, re- |
I -te tb cly . nine hu: ir si and ninn.. '•£•■ .H\ hup.
:red a:i i ~ rT>-oac 641 , -i\ tiun,°.re>l a:.d nineiy
nvc 63". . fo-jr hundie > at . i nmn -nvc A..;, . four
hinidrC'i an t r,:uetr.::ve ,'4hs. ami nine himoree
in,!nit:' *> v it" -- more or ic-s, in W. Bra;.c:
:wp.—V'- Nos fo" hue ired and ;-ighty-sev
-o 46-t . fort.--s- ven ha;ilrel and sev,
4,71 . forty.-ix :c mired and seventy (467, . b.rty.
-even hiiriirv 47<f', forty.sevrn hundred an' f>v*
47' i*.' am forty-seven hundred and twenty.six
a 2t. each coiitatid'ig nir e hundred and ninety
iw acres, more or and v\ ts Nos forty.nln
i liir.idre-l and twrenty-th-ee '4-3S, and fortv-niu'
hubdrtst and tweity.eight :4F2s), each cou taint rig
eight hundred ami fori., p-ic ano eight hundred
and eigdty.iive ,--i a re.-. :nore or less, it. Whar.
ton twp. To he <>i<i as the property of fun is
S. r. REYNOLDS, Sheriff.
Coadersporf, Nov. 12, 1573.
Register's Notice.
P"BLIC NOTH E i? hereby given that the fc • !
lowing Admimatrators' accouiiU have been
nied in the Register's entice in aud iorthe County
of Potter, aud that the same wui te presented to I
the Cirphaus'Court of said County for confirms- .
tion and allow ance on MottDAV, the sth day of
; December next, at the Court house in the County
Final account >.f E. M. Dou.l, of the
! estate ol EDWAKK IK,T'P, late of Harrison twp.,
Partial a' ouiit yf Francis Admims
trat jr of tne estate CL MAKIU J4> Ea.-, tate of
Genesee twp., deceased.
Partial a,'count of William Dent, Administrator
of the e-tate of lifcNHY H. DBNT, late of i'lysses
twp., deceased. DAN BAKER. Jiepifter.
nnriE onaersigned Auditor, appointed bvtfieOr-
X phari"s Court of Potter County to distribute
T.e fundi remaining in ihe nan 'sof tfie Adnitnls- ;
rrators of the estate of P. L. Corbm, iau- of Pike ,
; township, deceased, will attend to the duties of j
his appoiutmant at the office of Olmsted A Larra- i
; t*ee .1 tne imro igh of Con.'.erspc.rt. octhelMh
• lay of November next at l o'clock, p. in., where i
ab persons Interested ma? attend Lf they think ;
pmper. He will be at thaizaa* Walton House in j
G&iues township, i'foga Co., Pa., on Wednesday, j
(s r. 29. at l'i o'clock a. m., an>l at Weilstioro on i
i Thursday, Oct. at the Cone Hotiee, at 10o'cp* k '
a. m.. lor the purpoee ol taking testlmonv In this
case. D. C. LAiIIIABEE,
September 34,1STS. Auditor.
Divorf? Notice.
Joas WrtiiAM- ) Iti the Court of Common
rs. > Pleas of Potter Co., No. 43.
ui.iv* w. WILLIAM?.) SeptT.,lsT3. LibellnDlv. j
Olive W. Williams,respondent above named will
please take tu.uce that a subpoena and alias sub
poena have neen L-sueU and returned nihil; you
are therefore hereby required to appear at tte
next term of Court, "or tr.e -ear.' Court vd'J decree
, a divorce a vinculo matrimonii in favor of Libel
ant. S V. REYNOLDS, Sheriff
Buffalo, Hew York & Philada. R'y.
To Willinmsport, Suntury, Uarrisburg,
Fhiladelpbia, Baltimore, Wiwh
ington and the South.
! On and after NOVEMBER 2,1575, and until fur- j
tber notice, trains will leave Buffalo from the
' Buffalo, New York A Philadelphia Railway Do- 1
pot, comer Exchange and Louisiana streets, as j
. follows:
7 mm. Arenmniod tlion (dalD extent 4un- 1
• days) stopping at < dean 10.J, PortvlLe n.on, Lar- ;
; abet-11.34, Port Ailegatiy 12.00 m„ Eeattug Sum
-1 urn 12.39 p. dj„ ariving at Emporium at l.Ai p. m. i
Passengers by thi- train make connections a; j
I the 8., N. Y. A P. depot at Emporium at 4.30 p.m. :
1 for local points on the P. A. E. R. R. east, and ftr !
local p tuts west at 8.00 p. in.
2.40 p. sn. Mtgbi Express (daily) stopping i
j at uiean t.4t, Portvilie 6.tM, Larabees 6.34, Port J
A :*gany TjM, Kea'.ng Summit 7 31, arrtviug at
Emporium at HAS p.m., Renovo 10.30, WUilama- j
! port 5.58 a. m., SunLury 2.4 i, liarrisburg 4.30,
PhiLpielphia 9.10 a.m Baltimore 5.45, a.m., ▼ ah- <
• ingtoo Ivi.S7 a.m.
j Through Pullman .-leeping.ears run on this
, train frum Buffaio to Kaitlicore and Washington
j without change.
4.4HJ p.m. Thrstogh Freight (lally) ailh
j caboose attached tor trie accommodation of pas- i
I setigers, stopping at til 'stations.
S.M Night Expreaa (dally stv-pplng j
. at Keating bumiuit 3.4<i, Port Allegany i.'.S, t.ara- |
i oees 4.42. PorTviiie 5.15, Oleau f.35, arrtving at i
; Buffalo at 9.00 a in.
i Passengers t-y this train make direct aud che J
j • cnnectioas with ihe Lake Short-, Great \\ estern, t
: 'irami Trunk aid (.'sua a .southern Ran road- for
I all points in Canada and the West.
3.1-9 B.UI. Local Freight and fa* A ea
ger, stepping t Keating summit 4.4U, Port Alle
gany 8.44, Larai-ees 6.48, Portvtiie 7.3-, ojean -.36,
! arriving at Buffalo 2.40 p.m.
2.00 p.m. Through Mail iai.y except
j Sundays) -topping at Keauug summit 2.40, Port
! Allegany 3.14. Larabees ?.40, Portvlije f.13, Cuean j
! 4.3-, arriving at Buffalo at i.<f> p.m.
lien 'l superluwieieiit, Geu'i Pass. Ogt. I
Election Proclamation.
PURSUANT to an Ordinance of the j
CotLHtitutioual Convention, approved the 3d
J day of November, one thousand eight hundred .
j and seventy-three, I, S. P. REYNOLD}?, Sheriff of I
i the county of Potter, Pennsylvania, do hereby j
1 make known and give notice to the electors of the .
I county aforesaid, that a Special Election v> ill be
I held in fbe said county of Potter ouTL'Rtt DAY, :
the 16th da; of De-ecuiber, 1473, for the
i purpose of adopting or rejecting the proposed
I n-w Constitution prepared oy the Constitutlona! I
Convention. The said election shall be held and j
conducted by the regular ejectl-u officers In the i
stv>-r.l v ectiou districts througlioiit the Cotuitv, !
under ail the regulations and provisions of exist- [
ine law - relating to gemeral elections.
Tie ballots shall be printed or written In the \
following form: On the out-ide the words "New
Constitution:" in the indde, foral! persons giv- j
ing the affirmative vote- the words "For the New
Constitution," and for all persons giving nega
tive votes the words "Against the New Constitu
It is further dire ted Gut th • ni --lingo? tie re
tuni Judges at the Court House in ckuidersp-irt
to make nut the genera! returns, shall be the first
Fiidav succeeding the special election, which
w ill to- the NrxFTF.r.NTTt day of DF.CKMBEK
I also here make know n "and give notice that
the place of holding the aforesaid special e'.ec
tionlu tiie se.eia! townships and t>jrouglis with*
; it ihe county of Potter are a H follows, to wit:
| Abbott—A'l the Germania Hotel.
! Aiiegany—At the school house near the place
; foi meriy owned bv Chester Andrews.
Bingham—At Bingham Crntie school house.
Clara—At school house near naU Stevens.
Fuia.'ia—At the Court House in Coudersis-rt.
Geocsee—in Elii-burg at tie hou-e formerly
occupied by S. S Rasc<"e.
Harris-sn—At the house formerly occupied by
Ira Bartholomew.
Hebron—At the School bouse neat Woodward i
steam mil!.
Hector—AT school house ii- Sur.derilnv'dV
Homer—At -chx' house near Jacob Pee; s.
Jackson—At school hous* at mouth ot Cushiue
Oswayo—At the house of J V Brown.
Keating—At the hou-e of l'liny Harris
Portage—At school house near Berij. Everett *
Pleasant Valley—At school house N-. 71
Pike—At the house of J. M. Kilbourne.
Koulet— At school house near l.erov Lymau'i
Sharon—At the hou-e of Buraick.
Sweden—At the house of C. L. Corsaw.
Siewardsou—At New Norwav school house.
Summit—At the house of P. Steven-,
svlvania—At school house near J M Rees".
L'ly— s - At the house of D. Whipple, now own
•d by H. H I>eut.
West Branch—At the liou-e <>fs. M. Conable
Wharton—At the house of Stephen Horton.
Coudersport—At the ('■ urt House
l>ewtsvil!e—At the hou?e of Burton Lewis.
Polls to be opeue-i betwreuthe hours of r? and !
o clock, a. n; . and t> close at 7 o'clock, p. m
(riven und.-r my hand thi- iwh dav ..f N'overn- I
her, A D . :-'T3. r P. REYNOLDS.
Sheriff. I
Administrator's Notice.
WHEREAS, letters ot Administration to the es
tate -.R PUA.XZ OUSB- late of Kulaila RWP., Pot
••r i .... Pa., (iecease.l, having heen grat.ted to the
sui-i'rtlicr, ail persons indebted to sail estate are
requested to make linine.tlaie payment, and
having ■ iainie or demaud- against the j state ol
th. -aid decedent will make known the same,
without delav. to KOSINA GRISEL.
c'ouder®y .rt, Get. 75, 7-73.
AUrulnlsiratDrS Nollcc,
"\TY II ERE AS. letters of adivinistrati. n to the
it e<ute of HERMANN GSABE, late .if Kulalis
tsiwnstup.. Potter I ■>, deoeasesl, having ts-n
granted to the sutwriber-, all persons indebted j
t.. -aid e-tate requested to make Immediate :
•layment. and those having claims or demands i
again** fin Male s.ii,i je.v-.ii ut will make |
known the sajne wlth..ut deity to
Enlatia. s>i4. I.X 1573.- .tin' j
"What poor-hon -ited worms we be, '
\y> kan't kalki'ate
With any decree
Of sartantee
What - gwioe to be our fate."
Wp fan calculate, however, with rea
sonable certainty on getting
Bettpr Lumber Wagons.
Better Can iages of all descriptions.
Better Sleighs.
Better Cutters,
Better Trimming,
Better Painting,
Better Horse-shoeing, and
Better Repairing of all kinds
At COLF' v Shop than any other place j
i in Coudersport or in the County.
JCC-tf |
I— ——!
. TT RICK.—Get your BRICK from
JD YYm. BRINE. Roulet, Pa. Speci
mens can be seen at the office of JOUR
NAL & ITEM. Price, SS.OO per thou
sand—reduction made when ordered in j
large quantities.
iro-c i
Great run on a well known Inslitn*
tion.—The famous Regulator man. C.
H. Simmons' Nos. 2, S. 4 and -5, Wells-:
ville, N. Y. has recently been subjected i
to an extraordinary pressure—the pies
sure of crowds of sufferers that have ■
i !>een in the habit of buying from small
dealers and paying enormous prices.
Money being scarce, they have seem
j inglyall made a grand rush to the place
• where they get the greatest amount of
goods for the smallest amount of mon- i
ey. The popularity of this establish
ment is boundless and will last, for it
is bnilt on a solid foundation; one hun
dred thousand dollars temg the corner
stone. This well known establishment
might justly be called a savings bank
from the numbers of dollars it has saved
the people for the last ten years. Froiu
its very infancy high prices have had
to vanish "like dew before the in or mng
Line of Steamships.
f ■ -*—■ .
fTSA-JKX!* H l WEEK./ V \SD Fi'.O'l
*NE® LIVRRt-yt,..
Avb Evrsr ForrrMde- t.> a-3 s T" i
iComprian.g '.he Powerful. v'crr Fast, Flrst-CU.v.,
New Iron ST■?M4*ftT{K.
! CA.YAfiA,
K*i rrr,
#7 'Af.Y,
i r.AZ v.
aXL ran a.
j The Company have a-ln-d recti: • > the-" al
ready splendid neet six nkw :< s, tv .1
I are the largest, and haieprved to '-e mill li-.
! fust rat, in the world. TkwaMttlon*! -iea':ie -
enable us to provide Increase.: a..: taaurpa
Accomodations for oar passenger.--, ac re- •
makes this the leading line on the At .ant:. O -a .
The "National Übs Meanxrrs" an oeMnt ••: ft -
speed, strength and sea-going iniailtle--: ai*. .il„-
e<l Into Air, W iter T.gKl mj Fhe-Pro>jf Our, ■
\ partmeius. thus obtaining g-eat securtti: an 1
1 are fitted up In every respect will. all the modem
! trapro cement- to insure the comfort, eaavea ■ . •
j and safety of passengers, to whom goo ! tree -
ment and kind attention is always given. Per
: sons visiting the OH Country. or sen- . ,g lor their
j friends, should certain'* atai r>. ..: Ivea at tks
i many advantages ,-f tt.i- w- .-, .a
! Line; the best and Hi*di--?-t be: -seen —-r>; e anl
j America.
Great Sadactlea vf Parage.
Tu fr. •
To or from QueeD3toivr\ Liverpool Lon
don, Cardiff, Brls'oi, (-iasg'.-w
or Londonderry ' . .s* sj!
do Hamburg, Antwerp, Havre,
Rotteruam, etc a id
do Bremen, Oottenbnrg, Chris
tuna, Copenhagen, Miuheira,
Stavanger, Drbnthelui, Paris,
etc Zi *>
Children under Twelve Tears, Half-Rate. I_-
fants under One Year, Thr*e Lo art.
No Charge for Infanta on
Outward Tick
! .YO TE:— There rater ofpartape c-e '*S
• cheaper than any other Lirrt- Glart L ine
) crotnny the Atlantic.
j Steerage presenters wlii ie - ;;i- .<•1 v. ;h m
1 'nt'-Ji pr Vision* and water as tf- ma- wisa to
; ust; the provisions are of the bes'i ouai r., a.. 1
' are examined *ud put on f.oar-1 under'the luspe -
I' Hon of Goverriineti, Officers, appointed tor tru ".
purpose, and are cookM an" -••• ed Wit by the
1 "iiipany's stewards rhiee ,ime- a Jay.
Fip-h Passetger Is assigned a separate Sen.
j married coapie* ts-rthed logelbe, ; siiig-e i-.bia.- s
i placed in rooms by themsi-ives. The* are n -
I quire-1 1.1 fuiiiisii themaelvas --.tii be..... men -
tins, etc.
Ten ritMr fee; of luggage equal to tc ,s.'n
i trunks allowed To ea- h ad lit.
| An evpenenced Phys'- ier. uu hed to eacT
i hteimtrr. Me.ii._ine ar.-i tneds . -ueudaate free,
j ' wiu Paxsefufeis icCViuCu w.'.h s om
j ui-sistions at t.ow rates
F.A>"k lißar:- is-oied from X". :* XCsSt, a - ov
' rates, payable on detr.dt.l in sny part of En. -
! .and. Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Drafts
j for any amount, payable in the pilnci; a. cities A
j Norway, Sweden, I>enmark. Austria, Trussi.,
1 France, and Italy.
j The arraogeu.Bisr*. (n iW hrencli of r. .: busi
ness art \erv extensive and fmyiftf aTilllg s
' facilities whi- h epah'e us to • ir haiisr's
est rate>. 'those who hsve "ten oaylng a hig 1
price for their remlttan-e- shot d . upon uv
sn' avail t'neui-e ves of our low prices.
For I'lssuiK. Ri'-t Pf rrr . r act furthei : >
: formation, af piv to
John V. Brown,
ntoinurToK or
b? 1 rr.*
Coudersport & Weiisville
{ Via O.sir.l YO. FA.
1 rerst-ns golngfo Os-W vto !>'• " .ge. ano ne ...a
to return same day, i.i be acconinwwlut. -I
at siafe rate-.
' wishing to-ca'-y, ;,ny -ft;? Ik 'it
Ibg towns vv: 1 he conveyed Livc;\ ,t
reasonable ratev
. A good Li-cry rig kept constant". <-n ha-.d or
piiasengers by the stage.
(Joajt V. Raow-y. froy. ..
Shepard, at Simmons' Regulators,
; says he will give a laboring man or lady
more goods for the same amount of mo
ney than any other man will in the Uni
ted States.
I We have been aim oat giving away the •'CRICK
ET ON THE HEARTH" 13 months subscriptions
lor 86 cents j, and it haa paid us for nice-tenth®
renew for s year. We therefore repeat that wo
wii] send It JO ALL 3 MONTHS FOR a CENT I.
This g!e yon over 2b splendid stories, aLso UDV
! eiett<A sketcbea of history, and other interesting
' reading equal to a iargc book cf aoo pages.
| Co aid not be bought in any Oder way for 13.
feEND CENTS AT ONCE for the New liluatrfc
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