The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, October 29, 1873, Image 3

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    I potter Journal
„?A. October 39,13i3.
,' be ii'iiwrtl to run oveY one
' jtue *!<* will be given f
U *\ ! .Tif u>: paid tl* PAYER will BE
' loewb address denote the
r.r-1 or -.1 dm-<r that
Vol IS. No. I.
: • " S. F. HAMILTON.
■ tu'l.t-'>>r
f ort %larket "
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L . . : > <'•' "••
L Tree Pre**.
I. ' •" ■ t< ac-
I. ~TTIGELLIE logic of circumstances.
. • : •G . L! vain de
■■ A - : ,IF ;;• A Liberal prtv.
. • . .t SEEM* ' • conviiiod
[ . *: .k- a* <i *.<• Hiking a plunge it #
I . F IN the I> mocratic
of Burning.
f ;LIT * al< st and MOST terrible/
| ,:I. .g t at it 1 as EVER HE*-n
id. >A>S the Clearfield
| . S .. ! I ? A little kw. CHILD
H el IN I. who L:v*-J on tbe
M 1 ">EJI' S!.aw. about ONE
I . held. The mother and
T ; - • n)y two ]X rsor.s at the
| - T e\**l intr. and when the
I ■ IN*'! WENT a short dis
-1 luilk T!ie COWS and Hft
' '
\■ ■ -
I ;.HI coming to the DOOR
I ■ I:■ -kU to see Iter child ly
! * I!IX>R literally ' •irui u>
I W.I the < xception of a narrow
I . *>t'. ing n uiained ujion the
I iitile child WAS still alive
I I I.e. bur williin a very stiort
I . - lent tli wij to that home
I. ■
B> \ ISTTOXMutive evidence couM
t theciiild had teen play
: ,E st* ve with a stk-K and set
- . oiliiug. It WAS aiiout eight
very \ -LUY in the wo<ds aroin d
T "Ul.ty I is : LI. Several have iieen
• -it. A1..,; IN some instances
■OT G. D their taste for mut-
I ll' RNLTT*
I I ' ■ f hist week caused souie-
I I in tiie streams of thi.*
I I We L.aVe LAAID of but little
I I -• - G D ;,e. A man driving;*
™ -- 'li I -I 1 .(1 Yeli.Z r. ol
.TIE uiplmg to fold t..e Alle-
I 1 liatt place wniife it was up
LT ; UAD iiis TEAM and vv.IG- N
SIR*;.UJ by tiie curteiiL lie
a small island FROM WIAMCE
rid after ABAUT two lioui>.
nd wagon, we believe, vveie
W:'.ln'Ut sutieinig any niate
■ lerntiiiD.
• - ->f T i ,e Fair, published t v\ o
WE staUd tnat Aluieron
ICT'TSWOLD buck and A. H.
I !' I.EICESTI rsaiie si.E-p on ex
W < should liave slatvd that
I ?
I.AIL A Leicestersliire buck
I [ ■ ■ I'iirce four Lots wold sheep.
I : •ON would have ljetii uiiule
I "• it our attention not
..t-1 after last week's pap- r •
I "Hricni
I I • t .TS imik by ra;liis.D lrotu
I ' '
I M inlay tne Ni.ig.UA Express
fi the F. A K. and LI..
1 " " L I' O.'lsand an accomiuod.;-
' • o fomti 11\.
I- • ere and Port Allegany ar
1 U; via y kid.
!J '- R SINCE WV drove IP to Ly
-;V in c UIFIAUY with a frhnd to
I , 1' HORN 8. UUSS on tlie Wood- \
I L ici : he purchased several
I I 1 "Wviioaix- acquainted
I [ - 1 -ICE ki,ow that it has one ot
I|. S l' ING* of water to be found
IL. country. Tills is so sitna- j
surface water can be easily
|FR * R " NI A,l< L 'HE pure spring
[. " for the ponds. There ar< ]
L.. main JNINDS. spawni; _
L ' OLIG house. The JH.MK
L . :V " :I E in a sul?stantial man
L; 5 - UVR| I'IR beds and hatching
L . Y • "•%. are well adaptiil t
ft veial hundred trout i
LJ. "sent, some OT thetu V'-R
KIT process of spawning
T j
U)tli natural and artificial, is being car
ried on, and the eggs are placed in the
hatching house to develop the young
trout. Mr. Ross estimates that he can
raise 12U.UU0 trout a year w hen his ponds
' are completed. Those who are comjie
tent to judge pronounce this one of the
finest trout raising establishments in
the whole country.
H1I Aim lit
Thai bridge on the Forest House road?
We understood a long time age that the
job of putting it i was let and the work
would le completed this fall, but as yet
little progn ss seems to have leen made.
Since the Itom of last week there has
Ijeen no way of getting to the Forest
House except by Port Allegany and up
the Portage. It w ill lie a serious iucon to this community if they
are deprived of tlie use of this road
through the winter.
The following lias been issued from
the War Department. If it happens to
meet the eye of any one affected by it
we advise thtru to "git"* and accept its
Tlie President of the United States
commands tnat it I* made known that
ail soMieis who have deported tiieh" col
ors and shall, on or before the tiist day
of January. 1574. surrender themselves
at any military station, shall lie jiar
doiieil. t ey only forfeiting jay and al
lowance due tliein ;,t the time of deser
tion. and shall be restored to duty with
out trial on the condition that they
faithfully seive their time.
< oming.
Tiiaiiksgiving and Christmas, and
tu. kiis are gifting melancholy.
VVf I.earn
Ti at the SCIMNI] at Lt wisville under the
charg;- of Mr. and Mrs. >iad<- is doing
finely: that there is a good attendance
and every one MA ins satisfied.
A i arjir Number
L>t n< uilock lugs have ken juit into the
Sinnemahuning t : .e p;ist summer, nady
for fioating.
rihf Bridge
Across the Allt gl eny on Si vcntli street
I ] at went d w n last spring is k ing re
placed : v a new one.
I'rofeoling* if Teacher** Institute.
T:.e Teachers" Institute in Lewisville
held its first Session Tuesday, Oct. 14.
iii the afternoon.
Mr. Allen made a few remarks, and
as tiie Instructors were nut to arrive till
the next day. he took the names and ad
dress* s of the teaeliers and dismissed
tin m for rest until tbe boor of the even
ing h cture.
TI KSDAY. 7? i>. m. —A'pleasant audi
i nee was assembled in the Methodist
Churcli to listen to Rev. Mr. Congdon.
t ( oodersport, on the subject of Cwn-
N-'k'w.'s. tketr dfjlciemtus on*? thi re
t. •*?/'>. The sj•* aker ft It that he was
talking t,n a subject of no little hn|ort
ance. The teacher's work cannot be
over-estini:;td. The child's lnLntl is in
his ham!. He may slmjie its whole fu
ture. ii. this lift- and in the other —t-nd-
-1* ss life. Who can imasure the effects
resiiltinit frotu I lie work of a careless,
ine* mpt i* nt ttacher? Yet, how great
tiie reward if the duties be well done.
Common school instructors are at the
fowndatkw of tbe whole edSfiee of lt-arn
ing. Not tht irs to unftiltl tlie wonders
of lit- heaven*, to reveal tlie depths of
the earth anil show its formation or to
lead the way through the pleasant fields
,*i els ssie liteiature and p<*int out their
beauties. The teacher of tlie common
school niovt s in a humbler hut not less
important sphere, and as the statesman
must stand or fall according to his work,
so must he lie judged by hi* efficiency.
Subjects t*f study and thougiit s ioiild
lie st-lected W it 1J cave. It i* sad to see
a smaUt-riiigol of: er languages with an
ignorance of the mother tongue. Young
ladies get a little French and German
and talk enthusiastically of Schiller and
Goethe, while tliey are ignorant of the
surface and structure of the earth a*
well as of the commonest tliiugs they
see. Habits of thorougli scholarship
mayl*eftimeei in vt ry tally yearstlirougli
the training of tlie prima;y schtxil.
Common SCIUXJIS :ue tlie seminaries
of tin common jieople. Then IKW tho
rougli and onapletetlx y should i*e. The
studies pursued there wliicii are n-ad-
Hig. writing, sjn-lilng. geugrapi y and
arit! in; tn are etauigli t prejiaie one
for discharging creditably the tiulii-s of
almost any office in our country.
Tisc li 'jl' schools liave wider scojx.
Tia taciter has a i igut tod maud that
it skill be confined to a higher COIUTNC of
instruction. The Common scliool is ia>t
io be so ci.Uibtrtd. Tie higher stutlies
there are out of place—their intro
duction is a jxssitive wrong. There is
only time for tle work of the common
school. If a teacher, through vanity.
>t t ks to display a knowledge of botany
..nd algebra by introducing tht in as
studios, he is guilty of defrauding tla
m. jo ity of their lights. The yoiuigtt
and dullest scholar should not l*t- neg-
Iccttil: he may yet liecome the |>owerful
-talesman. Fifteen or twenty minutes
a day are not enough for the least ad
j vanct d.
(Qualifications of the Teacher. —Gotid-
: ness and integiity are not enough; apt
n< ss to teach and govern are retjulsite.
A teacher should have dignity ami that
' . aincltss power over otlier miuds that
w ill enat'le iiim to qiuet disturlwpce-s ,
ml cause the angry waters to settle in
o calm. There must l*e control of self ,
•ml also an aptness to communicate.
Though one wire an t n yeiojvdiu ot i
knowledge lie woultl find no use for ;
unless he were able to communicate i
to others. Not that his knowledg
should avail for the child—he slioul
give him only just enough aid to Dip
| .an tuning!*.
Another qualification is: Thorough!
acquaintance with the branches that he
is to teach. He should complete his
studies before attempting to teach them.
It is not enough to study with them;
every branch should be thoroughly mas
tered iu advance.
Remedy for Dtjusiemiai. —This is chief
ly with tlie Superintendent. If efficient
teachers are secured, the schools will
fulfill their appropriate mission. He
should administer the duties of his of
fice without fear, favor or ho}>e of re
ward. The examinat it ms should lie real
and n<d formal. He should sift the ma
terial and then direct and compel teach
ers to do their duty.
There are. meantime, many difficul
ties to be overcome, and among them
that of compensation.
There is a nobility and a sacredness
iu tbe work of education. The marble
is plastic iu tlie hands of the sculptor
and may long commemorate his genius,
but the teacher's work remains inhu
man souls, in the lives he ha* shajx-d—
--"living epistles known and read of all
men." He will find his reward in time,
and beyond in the "land of light and
WEDNESDAY. 8:45 a. in. —Session
opened by Rev. 11. W. Congdon, with
Sune of the Instructors having ar
rived. Mr. Allen called upon Prof. Jones,
of Erie, to "break the ice."
He began by saying there must
first lie a (ogtllnrnc.-f; among the mem
bers of the Institute. Tie good to be
gaimd is an influence rather than abso
lute knowledge. If the teachers should
find themselves, at the close, looking
ujion tl.eir work as a nobler work and
d.-dieating their k-.*t jmwers afresh to
its duties, then would tlie mission of the
Institute have been fulfilled. Prof. J.
recollected his first attendance. He had
thought to gain some nice new fact.*,
some puzzles learnt d nowhere else. He
went away a little disapjminted. but in
a few* months he ki ew himself to k- a
better teacher for the inspiration caught
at tin- Institute. His older scholars saw
tbe change and inquired the cause.
It Is vain to hojie for real intellectual
culture during the sessions of one Insti
tute. Thece i* no excellence of mush
rot m grt wth; it is the result of contin
uous labor. When a boy lie had seen a
jciuiphlet entithd "Latin in Twelve
La.*y Lessons." Being ambitious and
eager lor knowledge, he bought it and
found it only the alphabet of Latin: that
language can k* acquired only by years
of study. Si with tbe various system*
of penmanship. lie had once taken les
sons with tlie promise of becoming a nn
isht d penman in a few evenings. Those
lessons were a positive injury. He learn
ed to make a few nice letters with ele
gant curves and flotu khes. but his hand
writing lo>t its freedom—becoming
cramped and awkward.
Mrs. Martin, of Pittsburgh, then ap
leaied before the teachers and again
ttxik up her work of instruction in Klo
cution. Their prompt concert-reading,
correctness of emphasis and aptness in
foil* wing the tones of her Voice showed
maik'd improvement since lier Lst
year's efforts among them.
As we listened we distinguished some
voices clear as bells and others so deep
and full of mtlodytimt one could but
crave for them a higher degree of cul
ture. We said reflectively. •"Perhaps
they will yet lie eloquent iu the cause of
right: doubt has they will do honor to
Potter county.
Mrs. Martin proceeded to give some
rules for emphasis, and as all teachers
may not have her work on Elocution, a
reiH-tition of them may not le aruiss:
I. In every sentence distinguish ti eem
pliatic words by a natural, forcible and
variable emphasis. 11. Every-new sub
ject is emphatic. 111. Pause after the
empliatic word. IV. Dwell ou the em
phatic words. V. Emphatic words us
ually require the falling inflection. VI.
Pass over tlie unemplmtic words slow ly.
VII. Whatever ha* been expressed or
is understood is not emphatic.
Mr. Jones then t*xik the place of In
structor and advanced some idea* on
Elementary Map-draw spicing his
illustrations in l*is own jreculiar way so
refreshing to the teacher. Then he led
their t!-onglits through a more set ions
way. talking <if the grave resjmnsibiJiiies
of their w* rk and of tlie habits necissary
to their highest success.
1 j P. Aftei the Calling of the roll.
Mrs. Martin gave instructions in the
voiie, which she distinguishes as Pure,
Orotund, Gutterah Aspirate and the
Tremor. Examples cf each were read
by the class, in concert, till they under
stood the distinctions of the terms and
the style to which each is adaj ted.
After an hour qx-nt in the most in
tense attention to rhetorical drill, Mrs.
M. withdrew, leaving Prof. Jones to
pick up tlie thread of his morning talk
about J Libit, the principal divisions of
which were: I. system: 11. Words: 111.
Under the head of SyUm, a disorder
ly school-room was vividly pictured,
where one w as looking for chalk and an
other for rubber, with nothing in its
place and no exercise at the right time.
From tliat. the qx-aker passed toascene
more generally appreciated, when the
directing spirit was absent and flighty,
the table never supplied with the neces
sary articles till the demands of the din
ner-hour had made frequent and hurried
journeys to the jKintry or the china clos
et, and where might be found the house
keeper "so tired" 1 that life was a burden
. instead of the grand and beautiful thing
that it might have been.
Again, teachers should be careful of
their exmß. They are expressions ot
thought. Children understand this and
are sensitive. Prof. Jones rememb* nd
that when a child, in school, lie was
once called a blockhead. The name was
i thoughtlessly used but it was much to
I him. since it so aroused his indignation
, that he resolved never to go again to
that teacher for an explanation. The
hard word rankled iu his thought, and .
when asked in recitations. "Henry, do!
you understand that?" lie answered—
always—"yes. sir."
Another teacher had said he was too
mischievous to go to school, and after
that he gave her abundant cause of
j complaint.
Prof. J. quoted from one teacher
whose language was > wordy, so much
;of a tangled web. that m clear idea
could l>e got out of it. lie spoke harsh
ly of "yesterday" and threatened fierce
ly of "to-morrow." yet no fresh young
mind was in the least influenced by bis
harangues. If. instead, he had admin
istered a mild rebuke fur the thoughtless
conduct of the day previous and said
gently, "we will do better to-morrow,'*
much friction might have l>eeii saved
and good order secured. Unkind words
are keen as swords; they may be atoned
for but never recalled.
Cut off a child's ear and he must go
through life maimed: no apology could
restore it; his only thought is. "you had
110 right to do it." No it is with the
tender spirit, wounded by harsh and
thoughtless words. They are not for
gotten. and in many cases the teacher's
influence is lost by their utterance.
-i> U are often as important as words.
A hand is laid on the shoulder; no word
is said, but the heart of the child springs
to interpret it—lie feels ai ouce that he
is appreciated.
The young ttaclier, entering a new
fleld of work, looks around upon a group
of boys struggling with their lessons;
her pleasant, beaming smile says much
to them. Tney conclude, at once, that
she likes boys and are pivjtared to do
their duty loyally.
Prof. J., with inimitable skili. drew
the portrait of a "galvanized teacher;"
whose face was always without the least
expression—his voice stern and solemn.
When the scholars read, it was in the
master's solemn tone*; if they regarded'
him. it was with dread, and the boldest
was never known to look liim clearly in
the eye. but always with stolen glance
and half averted face. And yet, out of
school he was a good fellow but was
sadly mistaken in the teacher's office.
A teacher should be full of spirit and
enthusiasm; he may be full of temper
but it should be held with tight rein*
Temper is like powder; all force, all
pi-ogress come from it but give way to
it; the powder flashes and some one is
After another lesson from Mrs. Mar
tin in Elocution, Prof. Jones resumed
his subject;
In addition to the habits already men
tioned there is a certain management
necessary. One should know how to
avoid irritation. He drew crowded
marks UIKIII the blackboard, | 150 of
them, he- said, 1 representing scholars,
and above the in all one for the "little
ttaclier." There is need for the sweet
est ]atience in such a place.
Tne exjieelieiicy of a j<oiicy often sug
gests itself in /(is* "th house, where there
are only lour children —and girlsat that.
tfesskmadjourned till evening lecture.
I Continued next cvel-.]
Washington, o> t. 14, isTi i
> The approaching close of another year
brings with it the- occasion for renewed
thanksgiving and acknowledgment to
lite Almighty Ruler of the universe for
' the uiitiumbered mercies which he has
bestowed U|KU us. Abundant harvest*
: leave bee n aiir-ng the- rewards of indus
try. With locai exceptions, health lias
been aiming the blessings enjoyed. Tran
quility at home aid i*-ace with either
liati uis i.ave prevailed. Frugal iiaius
tr> is regaining its merited it-cognition
mid it* merited rewards. Gradually,
but under the providence of God surely,
as we trust, tie nation is recovering
from the lingering result <-f a dreadful
civil strife. For these, and all the oth
er mercies vouchsafed, it heroines us as
a jie-ople to return heartfelt and grate
ful acknowledgments, and, with our
• thanksgiving, wv may unite prayers fw
; the ei-ssatiou of locid and temporary
. suffering.
I tin ief we recommend that onThurs
-1 day. the 27th day of November next,
the jieople meet in their resjiective places
i of woinip to make acknowledgment to
Almighty God for 11 is Imuut ies and His
protection, and to oiler to lliui prayers
for their continuance.
In witless win re of 1 have hereunto
set uiy liand and caused the seal of the
United States to lie affixed. Done at
tne city of Washington this 14tii day
of OcUAer in tin- year of our Lord 1873,
and of the ihdejn iidence of the United
St tt-s the 97tb. U. S. GRIST.
By the President:
HAMILTON FISH. -VO-/. of mate.
Poller 10. Agricultural Society
HELD CCT 8-IC. 871
]?. David Ingraham... t*-st stallion 490
147 O T Ellison. M. D. 3d " 390
57 J W Alien Eclipse mare with
foal -- 3 99
J 68 '• 3-JT cad H'niWtniau 248
1 j 6a *' ... 2yr ** " 24®
11 A H I'ei re- 4-yr " for all work 290
62 A lrain Jones best 3-yr colt ** 200
191 AC Midard 2d - * 100
73 M V Larrabee ls-st 2-yr " - 200
: 58 Henry Net son 2d •' *" " 1901
197 Burton Chandler best yearling ** 2 Of'
60 Russell Nites it " •* 190
116 Cynis B Lew is best suckgeolt "" 1 V
132 ZJ Thompson ** *giecar'gehors-300
IS! JC Cavauaiigh 2d " mare 200
198 1! I. Nichols let matched span
carriage horses 4 '*
'127 W T Dike il - '■ .tie
S3 J M Benton bet - 3-yr eotts 2Uu
4 F A Nelson " " 2-JT " 29
2 Sylvanus Jones 2d " " " 1'
21 Sobieski Ro**.. . 3-yr Guernsey b T—An
dablsin 4 90 J
K A NC-.VIII best bailc'tf gi inuhin 15
j 111 W ft R UIIUHMI ...2d •* ion
|22 S •Heski It'iss. .Ie*t 4vr Jersey row :0G
'it" EM 13-—rude,) M ;r
23 Sobieski Boss best 2-JT Jersey heifer 20C>
24 ** ..... " yriing " " 100
25 " ....2d - 50
! 190 Fmnvi Goodsell .best " grde Durham 100
j 194 G W Prestio " yoke oxen 300
(183 W W Dodd 2d " 200
ISS ARStinmnn best pair 3-yr steers . 200
, 179 Jacob Klein 3d '* " ...150
30 Almerou Nelson .best 2-yr buck
jl2 A H P-irce 2d " " - 2 OC>
1-E d b n<i i*. .best yrling "* Lestrshre 200
, 1 A 1. Harevy ~ buck lambCotswhl 2(>
. 12 A H Pel riv 3d " 109 '
12 ~ two ewes.. 100
No. 2.i w ■ k'lied 23.1 pounds.
14 Thomas Shear . .eoop of Sumatra fowl Ibe ■
193 A Knapp deposited eleven eggs weighing
3S ounces, of Light and liark Brah
ma*—twro weighing each 1 , pound and
the lightest jounces. As the fowl*
were not deposited iheCommiUee had
no opportunity <f judging their clia
r.cteror keeping and therefore did
u it recommend a premium. Theeggs
w ill probably average 6 to the pouud.
163 Jas L Perce 1 bus Hungarian 1 00
7 KK Young best acre of corn 3"0
79 Setii Taggart 2d *• 100
5 A V Lyman best sack winter wheat 1 00
The Managers withhold a portion of the report
of this Committee for further examination.
3 Svlvauus Jones . best onions 1 00
-i-Afri Mrs 8 A Ayres... •• pumpkins 100
72 W x Raymond . -• beets 100
106 S Grgenman " Hulih'd s<iuashe- 100
173 C Brenule " rutabaga turnips 109
I*4 A W R.rssiiian ... " Ear Rose- potatoes 100
42 Mrs A Arnold—sample wint'r radishes
honble notice
BC> Setli Taggart - tomatoes do
13s Cbe-ter French..creams-juash do
l*' H J Neefe citron do
113 Geo C Lewis best maple sugar
124 < C Breuule best assortment apples 1 00
137 M V Ibarra bee ...2d " 50
36 A Abson good do hon'ble notice
57 D F Glassinire... " do do
76 ScthTaggait ... " do do
6 F A Nelson ... .best sample apples3t>oz 50
9*" J A RGreenman . do Douse 50
I*l ARuonaerine ... do aut'nst'wb'y ro
Mrs 8 A Ay res... do nameunk'u 50
S3 LH Cole do Siberian crab 50
hrj SGreeaman .3d sample do seedg
12; J M Beiitun liest winterjiears sii
172CCBreun!e - fall " 5o
135 do '• grajies Concord... 50
In the large assortment of apples exhibited, the
Committee found it difficult to make a judicious
selectr n, where ail were so good. They regret
that the growers iaid so little attention to the
names of the varieties raised by them.
IV A Sandtierg best sawe.i shingles... 10C 1
MeUger & Stevens .. ** nwnufact'd cherry
boards & planks 2 £.•
15 >
16 ; L B Cole A Son 3 buggies, dif patterns lOP
13 G H
14 i K n j woodw'k for cutter j '
171 Z J Thompson a
H Koon lumtier wagon 190
36 W S Brine samples bricks 59
84 FredYentzer pruning shears for trees 7"
After a patient and thorough trial of the sew.
ing Machines exiiibited. the Committee award as
is' a m Reynolds | ~^SSe%\ mmiim
•*') 4 3 Howe 1
39 JG TV Loyster •. sewing >3d do
31 ? r machines \
17 A H Briggs Remington machine diploma
Asthere*a> n >trial o4 tlieCrawford Improved
Mow ing ma liine. No. 1 de)osit<.-d by W. Hiek
ox. agent, and Raw-on Combined Mower and
Reajit-r. No. 1 ■ . deposited by G. C. 1-ewis. agent,
the Committee decline making any award.
1 C A Seifert work stand 50
188 C Reissinann bureau 5#
71 WW' Moore marble work 50
llu Joseph Harvey .half-bushel basket 25
GO FM Steven* sample printing 50
131 F M Claflin do .. diploma
11C .1 L For e i-en priut gby young* >n 23
27 L Hami.ton liest oil }>aint*g Idscape 190
lf<i Nellie Lyman 2d " 50
'l4 L CRoss best boquet wax flowrYs 75
121 Rosa Koon .* " wreath **
51 Erankle Brow n. .2d " '* V)
200 Joshua I Vet best word battens...... 1 (0
I.a MrsG T Bteveus " rag carpet Ino
160 Rosa Bishop 2d " 50
*7 1* C Metzger .... i-est blanket all wool.. 50
88 do .24 " cot a wool 25
85 do liest coverlid 50
89 do " sofa pillow 125
145 L Ilaiiii ! t"n 2d " 8t
130 M A J'ue it-st " cover. 25
v F M Gieemuan . " shawl sf'
38 Mrs D W.irden . " fringed mittens.. 50
44 Mrs A L Harvey .2d ** ..25
10 C'M Thiai<son . .best croclieted hood .. 50
52 E'raukie Brown..2d " scarf... 25
90 PC Metzger . . lvst ** tidy SO
119 M A Jones 2d " " .... 25
118 do " lamp mat 25
151 Mr* A DCokord l<er".in work 50
12* H A Brlzzee te*t knit tidy 59
317 M A Jones 24 eanvass " 2i<
l"o Mrs Maria Ives, .best woolen yarn 2"
I k Eiizjilieth IVet... ** socks 23
179 Mrs J L Perce .. " home made linen 50
135 Mary J L irrabe* ** bed-sp d crocbetM 75
37 Mr* D Worelen .. ** tvd-quilt 75
96 PC Metzger 2d ** pateb-xv'k 50
141 MrsG T St evens, counterpane 59
41 Anna Am id lie*t embroidery 23
136 M A K*<*> - door mat 50
140 Mr* G T Sevens .2d " 25
177 lian B.ikcr !>e-*t COMbCMB 25
39 Mrs D Worden . .put of pansies 25
166 3Vm Shear boquet of flowers 25
rfT IIE undersigned A hlitor, appninten evtncti--
X phan s v r-1 Potter t'r.untv lo distrfhwte
tlie fund* remaining in t! c hands d the A luunt—
trators of the e*tatf of P. L. Cortiin. !a''' of 18k*
t-iwn-hip, oe'-ea*' i. wi; attend to the duties of
hi* appoinUuaut at the pfiice of Olinatud a lAira
t>ee ;n the borough of cou-fetwport. on the 15th
■lay of NoteinHex next at I ox-lock, p.m., where
ah person* interested may attend if they think
proper. He will be at the I/aas Walton House in
t,alue* lowuetdp, Tioga t 0., l a., on Wednesday, 1
bit. is, at 1" oVio- ka. in., and a: Wctlsltofi ou
Thursoay, i vt. .*■, at the one House, at 10o'clock
a in., for the purpose of uking testimony in this •
case. 11. C. LAKRABEE.
Septemt'er #4,1*3. Auditor.
Administi-atxir's Notice.
WUEREAS. Mtui of MiialßltiaUua to the es
tate of Fkasz (.l*-Et. late of Eu!a! a twp.. f'"*-
ter Co.. Pa.. 'let.-emse<i. ha\ ins 'svn grant--! t,, the •
sutcorlber. all pt'rs"!'* ilsle4ite<l to said t-state are
reqisesie<l to make immediate payment, air! thr,e
having elauus or demand* again*: the estate of
the *aid decedent will i.iake known the same,
■ Mb kill k l>j m BOSXA GRISBL.
Condersport,Oct. is. 1*73.
AdminlslratorN Notice,
letters of adminisl iihui to the
u estateol Pr*****f fmri lri*H Ku'
Township.. Putter Co. deceased, having tarn
granted to the *u!>*e: i's-r*. all t-rsoii* indebted
to said estate are requested to nuke immediate
payment, and ttns- haiiug ekdnis or demands
against tlie estate of s id d-vtt-iit will inake
know ti tlie -same withom delay to
Enlalia. Sepf. 19. iTs.-<t A*wr
TSTo. 4ir BROOME fiTREET. IS'evr York,
First preuiiuina wlerever exhibited i'tictsidw Lot t.:c qu.*ie y t .i 9
allowed for .Neeoiid-naud liistrutueuts in E.xcluutge.
y.tiiii Mr. Ethc&rd Ou ctUir ltd P< 4 .wt*..
I conscientiously Ix-iitve that youi Fiuno is iu t\e;j tesja-c. u
? of tit Iturtruit#nt. T
Fiwn Ou Itulr^mhut.
The American Piano has descixedlj become a very ioi>uiitt* lustruuiem.
Agents waiitcxl for unoccupied territoiy. Semi lore irciiiaiss t"
WING A sox. ri: B roume Si.. X. I .
Fall tenn opens the FIRST :'av of skextsißtti.
U. B. Made. Mrs. B. R. Ship,
Principal A<eiA:rtt
Mi* K. E. t'uslitug. ludr nt V <
' Primary IVpart meat, per term 490
' Intermediate do., do s'i9
k High school Jo.. do 60S
Instrumental music 10 Co
Tuition mus; he arranged in advance.
Classes in tiii* term will be arranged to accom
modate those designing to teach during the com
ing winter.
Tlie Potter County Teachers* lusfitute will be
held at LewisviUe in" '•onnei tion with this term.
Ibwrd. including light* and fuel, can be ob
tained V cents per day. <J >d room* can l>e
obtained by those who desire to iurnish their ow u
i lard.
See it tar y. 39-tf President
SPRING. 1873.
Thcs. McDowell k Co.,
AVe would respectfully call the attention of t! - ;*-.>ple of POTTER COI N I Y
to onr large and complete assortment of
<tc., <t
which we ft re offering at GREATLY REDUCED PRK Kg, owing to the inerrjwcd
facilities affonled l>y the completion of the Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia
Railway, and we can and will sell goods as low as they can 1*- sold this side of
Fresh ground Feed and Meal kept constant!} on hand.
AVe are daily receiving new goods, thus keeping our stock, in all departments.
at all tunes.
242<C£ j] loSi McDoneli d 10.
'I '
Coiflersjori Hotel
l ;
General Stage Office
, H *'> - n RNRITTKFI and RI.FI BNLSB vofrom
< and ' note or*n to the PUBLIC.
The TABLEviU be- lapt in FIKST-CIASS.<FY'E,
■ and no I'iG.r or rj-ared to mote it a
GOOD STABLIXG, and careful Horthr*
a'traps iu attendance.
The OLD-TIME popularity or" Q.e H-e-> v,
j FVLLT MAIXTAIXED by the present Proprietor,
tchonov noUcitethe jf-dr rt oje "f tract' -A and
: the public generally.
Insurance Company of North America,
The Oldest Stock Insurance Company in the United States.
ASSETS. .Iniiarj- 1. n :s.\ir .r
Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company,
ASSETS, Janunry X. 1873, 8 1.108,508.48
The abote-named reliable ompanie* are r presented In uii
c'ersport bj
1 2*ao-ir ARTHUR B MANN.
w.:w. MOORE,
Third .>r.. offtosUt Comrt H6*tt fijMun,
All work do&e !i a workmanlike jusi.oer ai*l
seat by mail proruj. tl> a.ten-le i to.
.MI prices are the one-! t:i tlsi*
N. E_ cor. SECOND and EAST Street*,
( 2*u :: Zzzr. Scase S:za:s,)
Has been purchased by BROWN & KELLY
(formerly of the COI"I>EBSPOBT HOTEL)
The House is completely furnished from t<;> to
bottom. and has all the convene!) • chaired r
the people ; the table is the besi in the County ;
the barn i> under the charge of the'> "Or .is
lAeSt : and. in shrt. everything will l> done
that can be done to make it comfortable for -Iran
ger- or others who visit the
The lone experience of the Proprietors a >ne
H-aei business makes them ixsttliarh ah", to
catert"tin varied wants of tl <• tno. ::ing puHte
Tbey solicit their ..*1 custom. Vlh .1 g i.u
they are able to su]ply the BE>T or THE KR-T to
Pro} rietort