The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, October 29, 1873, Image 2

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COUDERSPORT, Pa.. Oct 29.1873
claimed to all the land between the
Atlantic and Pacific OCOHD — for
many degrees of latitude. It is a
wide call, to millions upon millions;
of people, to look about them, think
of all their blessings and take a little
time to express gratitude for them.
A little time to think of those around
113, to remember that we are one j
great family and that our welfare or !
calamity, our needs, our joys, hopes
and successes, our trials and our
supplies, to soul and body come from
the same merciful Hand; and that'
together the vast brotherhood should!
give thanks.
Gladly, gratefully, tearfully, sub-j
missively let our hearts he filled, for;
in this time let us share eaeli others'
griefs and chastenings as well as joy |
and eomfortings; and lay dov n every ,
feeling of selfishness or isolation.
Most families are scattered widely
enough to have many varied inter
ests and to stretch the bonds of even
personal affection to far regions, j
May this call renew all old ties and
heal old severances and unkind-j
n esses.
GOLD and silver are pouring into
this country fiom England and other;
parts of Europe. For so long we
have been reading that the extrava
gance of the people of the United'
States was injuring us 'very much,;
that we were sending out vast quan-'
tities of gold and silver to pay for
our imports, many of them luxuries,
that it is a very pleasant tiling to |
find the tables turned, especially at aj
time of disturbance and alarm in
money matters. The following is one'
of many like paragraphs that appear
in the city papers:
NF.W YORK, Oct. 21. —Three Imn-j
died and sixty thousand dollars in
specie was shipped from England to-;
<lav for New York and Quebec.
PLENTY of room in the churches, I
Twice as many people can be accom
modated as usually gather in our
three places of worship, both with
seats and with thoughts and sugges
tions worthy of their attention and
suitable for practical application in
the business of life—the duties of
the day and the hour.
Sunday school the same.
THE storm, snow-storm it was;
here, which visited us on Monday of
last week seems to have been very
general and severe.
Many streams rose very rapidly,
the Schuylkill was higher than rt had
been for four years and all through
eastern Pennsylvania and New York
streams were much swollen and all
through New England and the South
ern part of Canada high water and
obstruction of travel are reported.
On the sea coast, the storm raged
also, with injury to shipping and
several wrecks occurred. The intense
darkness of the two nights of rain
occasioned some portion of the dis
IT SEENIS AS though poor France is
determined to try over again, and
for the fortieth time (or is it more?)
the yoke of a royal government.
A iter so many and such bloody revo
lutions, after such immense offerings
of life and property, again and again,
for the sake of having a republic—
this French people ends always with
a kingdom or an "Empire." Now
they have just succeeded in paving
off the immense indemnity imposed
by Prussia, the result of the last act
of their Emperor, and now they are
divided and discussing the claims of
rival aspirants to the throne. The
people seem to l>e strongly republic,
but there is great fear that the people
will be overcome by intriguing man
IT IS very cheering to find an
article like the following in an influ
ential metropolitan paper. It is the
one eminently practical way of op
posing the liquor selling.
The Now York Evening Po,<t
Si* vs:
The chief business of the temper
ance men of this state, at the present
time, ought to be the enforcement of
tin' new Civil Damages bill. This
work is practicable and practical.
All the resolutions in the world will
not provide a loaf of bread orahand
ful of firewood for anv poor woman
who is likely during the coming win
ter to lie without either, many t'mes.
because her husband spends his earn
ings at some neighlMinug groggei v.
Put llns is a concrete example of the
misery caused h\ intemperance. It
is definite, precise, visible. Unfortu
nately it is very common. Any tera
; perance lecturer can find an instance
jof this kind in any community in
i which he niny speak. Hitherto there
j has been no remedy for such evils
| except in the chance aid of benevo-
I lent persons. The whiskey seller
; has grown richer as his customers
have grown poorer, and no one had j
the legal power to interfere. But the
adoption of the Civil Damages bill j
by the legislature of last winter pro- i
vides a legal and ample remedy. It I
does not interfere, it is true, with
.'the custom of selling intoxicating!
j liquors; but it provides for the pun-;
! ishment of the liquor-seller who con
ducts his business to the injury of!
the community.
In fact, the longer this law is in
force the more does it commend it
self. A grand jury lately iu session
in Montreal recommended the en
forcement of its principles in that!
community. During the corning win
ter it will probably be adopted in
other states. We have this law and
the enforcement of it will reflect the
greatest credit on our temperance
organizations and do more good than
in any other possible way. A syste
| matie trial of it may suggest further
improvements. These will come
along in their proper place and thus
j a reform may be made which shall
! be a true one, because it aims to pre
! serve untouched the liberty of the
citizen in respect to what he shall
eat aw' drink and wear, while guard
: ing society from the injury now in
flicted upon it through individual
weakness and wickedness.
SPECIE payment has come at last.
The Elinira Advertiser has the fol
lowing, and another despatch saying
that the issuing of silver had been
j commenced.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 IT is said
; that the price of gold and silver hav
ing fallen so low. Secretary Richard
! son feels justified in placing the cur- \
j reney on a silver basis and has deter- !
mined to begin next week paying j
lout silver, the same as greenbacks J
; and will when desired pay <>tf bills
! against tne government in silver and
exchange silver for currency or vice
versa. Instructions to this efleet j
have been issued to the Treasurer j
and Assistant Treasurers.
The Philadelphia Press in speak-1
ing of the same subject gives this j
; item:
j CHICAGO, Oct. 24.—About sf>s,ooo
j in silver coin was brought to this
city to-day by the Adams Express
Company, from the Philadelphia
Mint, consigned to one of our na
tional bankers and a linn of private
bankers who are paying it out at
1 par. The bullion from which it was
coined was from one of the smelting
and refining works of this city, which
is producing about $200,000 worth
monthly, all of which it will continue
to have coined for circulation.
WE have another heavy rain and
rising water.
A Voice from over the Mountain.
j ED. JOCRNAL: That memorable is
past which will decide the fate, po
litically, of so many anxious minds.
Our election passed off very quiet
ly as I believe was generally the case
under option law.
This election will long be remem
liered by some of the sporting
part of t he community, who, on their
way came in contact with three
bears. Two of them were killed by
J. Campbell a few rods below T.
Goodwin's house. (>ne was very large
and had lost one foot.
Our sportsmen are enjoying the
liberty of the game here. Last Wed
nesday a party went for a deer hunt,
a distance of five miles to what is
called the Cedar Swamp, killed two
very fat deer and got home before
1 must sa\ - some words in regard
to our beautiful woods. Our grand
old mountains are clothed in robes of
royal purple, trimmed with green j
and gold, beautiful beyond descrip
tion. and our lovely Trout Ilun valley
i\ ith its chestnut, butternut, pine and
cucumber trees, interspersed with
grape and bittersweet vines, presents
• a beauty of scenery hardly ever
equalled, and all this beauty from the
natural decay of autumn, without
one frost to mar its splendor.
The morning-glories are in full
bloom over onr windows, the tomato
vines are green in the garden. Is
not this truly the sunny side of the
mountain? M.A.N.
TKOCT RUN, Oct. 1873.
[Copy of letter to N. A. Cowdrey, of the Conti
nental National Bank, from President Grant]
WASHINGTON, 1). E, October ti, 1873. \
3J;/ dear Mr. Cute drey: Your let
ter of the 21>th nit. was received and j
read, as was your previous letter.
Neither required an answer particu
larly and hence I did not answer
them at tin t time. Your last letter,
i however, contains one sentence that
it se* ins proper 1 should reply to.
that is as to an implied threat to the
national banks contained in my let
ter u> Messrs. Anthony and Clafiiu.
Nothing was further from my mind
than a threat. My whole object was
to restore confidence to the public
mind and to give assurances that the.
government would give all the aid in
its power, keeping in view at the
same time the solvency of the Na
tional Treasury. You, and all bank
presidents, know more about the
condition of your banks than I can
possibly know. In turn I, through
the Secretary of the Treasury, know
more about the financial condition of
the government, its ability to render j
aid, etc., than any person disconnect-,
ed from the administration of its af
fairs can know. I alluded to the j
fact that the forty-four million re
serve notes in the Treasury would be !
regarded as money in the Treasury
subject to use, for the purpose of
show ing that the means are at hand
to give the relief we promise.
I do not believe the present panic
will work to individuals half the in
jury it will work general good to the
country at large. Our monetary sys
tem is the creation of necessity. It
has no elasticity, but in other re- i
spects it is the best that lias ever
been devised. No one now distrusts
the value of his paper dollar; on the
contrary it is seized and hoarded
with the same avidity now that the
gold dollar has been in former like
adversities. The panic will call at
tention to the defects in our moneta
ry system; and will, no doubt, lead
to legislation to relieve the want of
The panic has brought greenbacks
about to ii par with silver. 1 wonder
that silver is not already coming in
to the market to supply the deficien
cy in the circulating medium. When
it does come—and 1 predict that it
will soon—we will have made a rap
id stride towards specie payments.
Currency will never go below silver
after that.
The circulation of silver will have,
other beneficial effects. Experience
has proven that it takes about forty
millions of fractional currency to
make the small change necessary for
the transaction of the business of the
business of the country. Silver will
gradually take the place of this cur
rency, and, further, will become the;
standard of values, which will be
hoarded in a small way. I estimate
that this will consume from two to
three hundred millions, in time, of,
this species of our circulating medi
um. It w ill leave the paper currency
free to perform tlie legitimate func
tions of trade, and will tend to bring
us back where we must come at last, I
to a specie basis. I confess to a de
sire to see a limited hoarding of
money. It insuiesafirm foundation
in time of need. But I want to see
the hoarding of something that has I
a standard of value the world over.
Silver has this; and if we once get
back to that our strides towards to
wards a higher appreciation of our
currency will be rapid.
Our mines are now producing al
most unlimited amounts of silver!
and it is becoming a question, "What
shall we do with it?" I suggest here
a solution that will answer for some
years, and suggest to you bankers j
whether you may not imitate it; to
put it in circulation now; keep it
there until it is fixed and then we
will find other markets. The S'outh
and Central American countries have
asked us to coin their silver for
them. There has never been authori
ty of law to do so. I trust it will be
now given. When it is given it w ill
be more than the equivalent of be-!
coming exporters of articles of man
ufactories which were previously ar- j
tides of import. Orders will come
for large amounts of coin. It will
be all in silver, while payments are
not necessarily so. We become the
manufacturer of this currency, with a
profit and will probably secure a por
tion of our pay in the more precious
I have thought much ahout the re
commendations I .should make to
Congress and have changed slightly
in regard to banking laws since I
last had the pleasure of a personal
interview with you. It is not neces
sary to state what those changes are,
because they may undergo further
modification. 1 shall give to the sub
ject, however, my sincerest thoughts
and will court the views of others.
1 have written this hastily, but if
it calls forth any views you would
like to express 1 will be glad to hear
them. Yours truly, U. S. (IRAXT.
IHE Populfir Science Monthly
says: "One of the great dangers at
tending the use of the various seda
tives employed in the nursery is that
they tend to produce the opium hab
it. These quack medicines owe their
soothing and quieting etfects to the
action of opium, and the infant is by
them given a morbid appetite for
narcotic stimulants.
AMONG the measures likely to be
advocated in the next Congress is a
financial scheme of some importance.
It is one which will concern not only
the rich but also the comparatively
poor. The measure contemplated is
the establishment of post ofiice sav
ing* banks—that is, to make savings
banks of the post offices. Had Pe
troleum Y. Nasby thought of this in
time, 1 row his ambition to become a
postmaster would have been stimu
lated! Not with him, however, but
with the present head of the depart
ment, did the idea originate. Even
upon Mr. Creswell it seems to have
dawned by degress and to have been
finally evolved out of the depths of
his inner consciousness only after a
survey of the varied features of the
postal service in lireat Britain. It
is a natural development of the mon
ey-order, since, if the Post Office
takes care of one's money in transitu
tn /terpetuo? and. in the latter case,
why should it not pay interest to the
owner? why, in short, should not
the post office in every eityand town
be constituted a savings bank? By
this process of induction, the idea
must sooner or later have been elab
orated in America, even had it not!
lieen imported from England, where
the system has lieen in oj>eration
since September !•*>, 1801. It has
met therewith so much favor that, |
although the premium is but two and ,
a half per cent., the number of finan
jcial post offices, originally two thou-!
; sand five hundred and thirty-five, has
much more than doubled, the num
' ber of depositors increased from be
lt ween six aud seven hundred thou
' sand to considerably over two mill
ions, and the amount of money an
nually entrusted to the government
from £2,114,f>69 to almost £8,000,-'
000. leaving at the end of ten years j
a balance on hand of <£ 17,303,815, or
about eighty-four millions of dollars.
The advocates of the introduction of,
this system into America propose.!
first, the authorization of postal j
banks by Congress, and, secondly,
an increase on the English rate of
interest of one-and-a-half per cent.
They claim that the poor will thus
obtain an absolutely secure deposi
tory for their small savings and that
the Government will so far be the
gainer as to have the use of an
amount of money at present incalcu
lable. This plan is strongly urged
by Mr. Creswell, and will probably
be recommended by President Grant
in his forthcoming message.—Phila
delphia Pre.>■.
MEMPHIS, Oct. streets
are crowded with vehicles and the
sidewalks thronged with pedestrians.
There is now more activity in busi
ness than for the past month. The j
disease is rapidly yielding to the.
cold weather. The noon mortuary
report shows that there were no j
deaths from yellow fever and six ,
from other causes.
Ci •
VIENNA, Oct. 23. —The German
Emperor and Prince Bismarck visit
ed the exhibition yesterday. Ttiey
expressed a particular desire to see
the American machinery in motion,
and were conducted through the de
partment of the United States, where
they examined with interest several
of the most curious inventions.
ference in this city ot the Evangt 1 -
cal Alliance closed Sunday evening i
by meetings at the Academy of Mu
sic, Cooper Institute and Steinwat
and Tammany Halls. At this last
meeting. Dr. Hugh Miller said that ,
he had never been a missionary, but I
went out to India in 1 stu as a private
physician. He was soon brought in
to the heart of the native society in j
Bombay, and, as a physician entered
houses to which no missionary could
then gain access. He was therefore
able to speak of the state of Christi
anity in India then ami at the time
lie left there, eight years ago.
After enumerating some of the ob
stacles to the spread of Christianity j
which are peculiar to that coun
try lie went on to mention some of
more general application, that affect
this and every part of the world. j
Among the obstacles still remain-:
ing were the divisions in the Chris
tian Church. An old argument ofj
the Hindoos was that the Christians
were opposed to each other, and this
was a hard argument to answer. :
The difficulty had been partlv reme
died, however, by the (Ecumenical
Council of India and by the union of
the converts.
Another serious obstacle was I
found in the.godless lives of many
Europeans and Americans in India, j
When he went to that country, al- *
though not a missionary, he endeav
ored to lead a consistent Christian
life and he found that this gave hi
character great weight among tin
In the last twelve or fifteen years
a great change had occurred in Bom
bay, Calcutta and other parts of In
dia. Cotton mills had lieen erected i
and many Americans had gone there I
to engage in various avocations.!
Many also had gone there from Eng
land and Scotland, of whom a large
number were under contracts to work
on the Sabbath. The lives of many !
of these nominal Christians were a
disgrace to the name they bore ami
formed a serious hindrance to the !
success of mission work.
£oral dflotiics.
I Examination of Teachers w illbe held
j as follows:
Ellisburg - - - Oct. 28
Bingham Centre, - - k * 29
Harrison Valley - kk 30 j
Sunderlinville - - - - " 31 !
Lewisville ... - Nov. 1
Sylvania (Burleson Schoolhouse) " 4
Roulette - - - - ki 6
Oswayo "71
Sharon (Nichols Sclioolhouse) •• K
Raymond Corners - - - kk 11
Hebron (Greennian Schoolhonse) * k 13
Coudersport - " 13
Teachers will provide themselves with
pajter, i>eii and ink.
Beginning Nov. 20 1 will hold special
examinations each Sat unlay at ( ouders
port till Dec. 21.
This will lie done to accommodate
only those who cannot attend any of
the other examinations.
All, and especially Directors, are cor-1
dially invited to attend.
The Singer Machine Still Triumphant.
At the last Fair of the Potter County
Agricultural and Horticultural Society,
held at Coudersport Oct. 10, 1873, the
Singer took the first premium, with the
Iloweand Remington Swving Machines
opposing. The Singer was operated by
A. M. Reynolds, the Howe by Loyster
Bros, and the Remington by the Agent
from Bingham.
17 0. REES lias just received the lx'st
| j. and handsomest stock of jewelry
! of all kinds that has ever Iteen brought
into town: ear-rings that will eaptun
I all the Iteaux in reach of them; plain
gold finger rings that express the true
! sentiment—solid material and no mis
take; rings set with garnets, amethysts,
j Colorado sapphires,-opals, emeralds"and
jK'arls —solid gold and real stones; hreast-
I pins of the latest style; handsome brace
lets that would grace the arms of royal -
| ty; rublter crosses of the latest fashion;
black jewelry of all imaginable shapes.
In fact, if you want to see a full show
ot jewelry, gold jtens and cases, silver
forks and spoons, thimbles, watches and
watch-chains, etc., just call at his store
in the Dike Building in this place. He
w ill show his wares with pleasure (and
: sell tlieni with still greater pleasure) and
j can suit all in quality and price.
Thompson & Maim have just received
ja full stock of wall-paper and window
j curtains, which will le sold cheap for
i cash. Call and examine.
Better than Cold. —A certain amount
of greenbacks, national or fractional
; currency invested with C. 11. Simmons,
the Regulator man for dry goods, gro
ceries, boots and shoes.
! -What poor.short-Mled worms we fie,
; wv Kant kalktlate
With any degree
Of sartantee
What's gwlne to fie our fate."
We can calculate, however, with rea
sonable certainty on getting
Better Lumber Wagons,
Better Carriages of all descriptions,
Better Sleighs,
Better Cutters,
Better Trimming,
Better Painting,
Better Ilotse-shoeing, and
Better Repairing of all kinds
At COLE'S Shop than any other place
■ in Coudersport or in the County.
' 2"D2-tf
| Shcpartl, at Simmons" Regulators,
1 says he will give a laboring man or lady
I more goods for the same amount of mo
ney than any other man will in the Uni
Don't forget that <'. 11. Simmons, the
Merchant Prince of Wellsville. is yet in
trade large* than ever, and that his
twenty-five years' experience in this
: market enables him to give his custom
ers t lie best goods and latest styles at
! the lowest living rates. Be sure and
! call and examine his stock, and be cmi
! vineed that a dollar saved is worth two
j earned.
The Singer is a lock-stitch machine
and makesa beaut iful. even and uniform
j stitcli which will not ravel and isalike
:on 1 x>t11 sides. It hems, braids, cords,
i tucks, embroiders, rutiles, fells and does ,
! all kinds of work on the finest muslin or I
j the heaviest full-cloth.
The people come more and more toC.
11. Simmons" Regulator stores for dry ,
J goods, clothing, groceries, boots and
I shoes and everything that families use. j
Their stock is large and also well suit- \
ed to customers as to price. Come one. !
couie all without delay and prove the
i truth of what we say.
The Singer S!ill Triumphant.---At the j
i Vienna Exhibition the Singer received
the Medal of Merit, the Medal of Pro
j grtss. and three other Medals for stipe-;
! riority of productions. These are tlie
j highest Sew ing Machine Awards at Vi
| enna- Tlie Sing'-r received all the M< d-;
j als awarded to either of the competing >
: Machines, and two Medals more than j
! any other obtained. Then, in the name !
j of truth, what is it that prompts people i
; to claim recommendations for the Di
ploma of Honor? The fact is no Diplo- j
ma of Honor has lieen given to any Sav
ing Machine Company.
!) RICK.—Get your BRICK from
) W.M. BRINE, Roulet. Pa. Speci
mens can be seen at the office of Joi'R
NAL A I l EM. Price, per thou
, saud —reduction made when ordered in I
large quantities.
Wholesale Watches, Jewelry, elc. — i
i The house of G. B. Barrett A T 0., on
I Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., is be- 1
; coining well known to the trade general
ly for the largeness and superiority of !
! their stock. The firm do an exclusively
; wholesale trade. See advertisement on
I tlie fourth page.
A splendid stock of Paisley shawls I
' may be found at Simmons' Regulato at '
| prices far below their present market
! value.
Great run on a well known Institu
tion.—The famous Regulator man. ('.
11. Simmons' Xos. 2, 3. 4 and o, Wells
i ville, X. V. has recently liecn subjected
| to all extraordinary pressure—the pres
sure of crowds of sufferers that have
! lieen jn the habit of buying from small J
j dealers and paying enormous prices, j
Money being scarce, they have seem-1
ingly ail made a grand rush to the place
where they get the greatest amount ofj
, goods for the smallest amount of moil-!
ley. The popularity of this establish-!
met it is lxminlless and will last, Cor it
is built on a solid foundation; one hun
dred thousand dollars D vug tlie corner !
*stone. This well known establishment ;
might justly he called a savings bank |
from the numbers of dollars it has saved i
tlie jH'oplefor the last ten years. From
its very infancy high prices have had
to vanish like dew before the morning
Coudersport to Port Allegany,
Ihe MAIL STAGIC leavesCoudersport at 7a.
HI. and arrives at Pert Allegany in I inn-Tor trains
to Philadelphia. Leaves Port Allegany at 1p in
, arriving at Coudersport at 4 p. in. " t
I lie K \ PII ESS SI AGE loaves ('oudersport at
1 p. in., arrives at Port Allegany at I o'clock, in
film* for train to Jviittalo and tocniuipct with N.
\. & h. It. I!. Stage returns for CoudersiMirt on
arrival of trains. QO— t f
D. F. Glassmire,
Stupe Ptfiprii'toi' cnrl Anent I
Line of SteamsMps.
i ( omprlsing tin* Powerful, Very Fast, First-Clas,
New Iron steamships.
Csi. 1
£G ryr,
i;.v<; i..-i.\
TU£ Ql'££.\\
JI£L } £TM.
j •s;
-•**" The Company have added recently to theirfc!
' ready splendid' tleei six NEW STEVMBKS, which
are the largest, ami have proved to la* among the
fastest, tu the world, These additional steamers
enable us to provide increased ami unsurpassed
accomodations for our passengers, ami realty
i makes this the leading line on the Atlantic Ocean.
The "National l.iii* steamers" arc celehrat il for
speed, strength an 1 -usa-going qualities; aredivld
ed iuto Air. II". dec Tiyhl aral Fite-Peoof L'ouv-
Itftrtiiirnlx, thus obtatuing great securit'; ami
are litted up in every respect with 'ill the modern
, imih'un iiirnts to insure the comfort, convenience
i and safety of passengers, to whom good treat
ment and kind attention is always given. Per
son- visiting the Old i ouutrj, or sending for theti
friends, should certainly avail themselves of the
many advantages of this well-known, favorite
! Line; the nest and cheapest between Europe and
I America.
Great Roductio of Passage.
; To or front i/wastown, Liverpool, Lon
don, t'aroiff, Bristol, Glasgow
or Londonderry $-29 s3l
do Hamburg, Antwerp, Havre,
Rotterdam, etc 35 36
do Bremen, Gotten burg. Chris
tiana, Copenhagen, Mauheim,
Stavangur, Drontheiin, Pails,
etc 3S 40
Children umler Twelve Years, Half-Rate. In
fants under One Y ear, Three Dollars.
No Charge for Infants on
Outward l'iek
. YO '££:— 't'hese rates of/>assa// are marh
cheajter than it/iy other First-C lass /.iar
crossing the el fid litir.
Steerag" passengers will be supplied with as
much prv visions and water as they may wish to
i use; the provisions are of tile best quality, ami
i are examined and put on board umler the inspec
i lion of Government Grtleers, appointed for that
i purpose, aud are cooked and served out by the
; Company's Stewards three times a day.
Each Passenger is assigned a separate berth:
j married couples berthed together; single females
placed in rooms by themselves. They are re
quired to furnish themselves with bedding, mess
-1 tins, etc.
! Ten cubic feet of luggage (equal to two large
• trunks) allowed to each adult.
i An experienced Physician attached to each
| Steamer. Medicine and medical attendance free.
Cabin Passengers provided with elegant accom- ,
luodatious at low rates.
DAN K DK AI IS issued from £1 to £ tiuoo, at !ow
i est rates, payable on demand in any part of Eug
j lami, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Atso, Drafts
i for any amount, payable in the principal effies of
] Norway. Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Prussia,
France. Spain and Italy,
j The arrangements in this branch of ourbubi-.
ness are very extensive and complete, giving us '
facilities whii h enable us to sell at banker's low
j est rates. Those who have Men paying a high :
i price for ttieir remittances should call upon us .
i and avail themselves of our low prices.
For PASSAGE, HANK DRAFTS or any further iu
; formation, apply to
Johri V. Brown,
Coudeisport & Wellsville
( via o.sir.l ro, pa.)
Persons going to Osw wo i,y stage, ami desn u,.
lo return same day. will be accommodated
at sttigc rtites.
Passengers wi-hing toreac'ianyof the neighm.i- I
ing towns \vi ! !><• conveyed Ly Liverv at
reasonable rates.
A good Livery rig kept eon .tantiv on hand o,
passengers by the stage.
■ _
(JOHN V. BROWN, Projn..
Corner MARKET and HI MEH S
Jm ' N,
[SOUTH SIDE of tla l>iy Elt
j I WOULD respectfully Invite the atw
• public to my tc j;^
with tlie assurance that I can meet
maud for a first class turnout. nrr l *
Haviug purchased the Lively ~f AllWs
have tlie only E.-iabiislnnent of TI„. • i
I section. 11 " ll ci,
132-tf J- M. FASSETj,
New SINOKR Sewing Mnehh*
changed for ones of any kinu 0R!
' j y A. JI. REYNOLDS L,
Edward Forster,
Groceries & PRTMSIOK
MAIN STREET above M]((| M ,
fl our, SUO.j
A specialty made
Teas and Cofteeb,
of vviiieh I have the
I.iirgcsl aml Ih>|
Stock in town.
All Goods sold CUBA P for ( AMI M.,,.
Call aud examine before pitrcliasiuceismi I
F.ntYAKI) ! iilh'J
Carpenter and Joir.el
(> it tore EAST Stent.
ComlprHjtorf. 1*:. I
CONTRACTS taken tind inateiiaNft •• I
allkiudsof DI II.IM.VC
PLANING aud MATCHING done.—Mori t s I
fact til ed to order.
< AN!f JGII ! B : I'LM* I LIMB" H
Your patronage i- soUepec-
N. 11. I.DOLHL'B
The Direc tors, having sen. •
*I VM A. S.OCK'AKL L, A gni'iiia
male College, with Mrs. NKTTIKG tr ; I 3
er of the Intermediate 1' |
IIKI.KN ELLIS for the Prn.
successful teachers of long ex;
Bed iii • allti g r i - attent Hlt
to the advantages of tin- >■ ' • •' l - B
FAI L TERM commences BU
Fall and winter terms three n
oue week vncation duriiig thi t'hi H ft
Spring term eontiimes t tiiuntl -- f
f 1 On per term less for the -r :
Hoard and rooms eta be se- - J
rates. Those wishing rooms f-'t
apply early. , ■
A teach. ■ a- -
attention given t those frou. - I
pre| are themselves for teic " , • Ift
ers who wish to post up in 1
D. ('. LARKADEE, W i"' BB
August . IS7X tf