The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, October 15, 1873, Image 2

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COUDERSFORT. Pa.. Oct. 15.1873
WE HEAR it asserted in connection
with agricultural fairs—indeed. 1
think tin' JOURNAL lias said some
thing of the kind—that a trotting i
course, or some form of racing is
necessary to their success. If this :
is so, I am afraid the quality of the
jniople will deteriorate as much as
that of horses will advance, and that
it will take greater benefits in other
respects than we can hope for from
the fairs, to atone, if anything can j
atone, for such deterioration. Not
that there is anything bad in testing ;
the speed of a horse, provided the
animal be not urged beyond his j
strength—but all gatherings for this
purpose attract a great proportion of
people of the baser sort who arc
there in their element and who in
fluence all who mingle with them,
especially the young. It docs not
require very high moral qualities to
breed or train a fast horse, and the
rough manners, low talk and swear- j
ing that usually prevail in all assem-!
blages where the speed of animals is
the chief attraction, ought to make
us careful liow we foster any such
But is a trotting course or other!
° j
racing an essential part of an agricul
tural fair? or is speed the best qual
ity* in a horse to be exhibited? ln|
common with many others we regret
the decline of equestrian exercise, j
of the cultivation of those habits of
riding and training that add so much
to the physical and moral force of
the human character.
The training, riding and sympathis-'
ing with a good horse until he becomes |
not only 30111- servant, but your
friend and companion gives not
only a sense of physical power, but a
feeling of being better and stronger
morally—more ready to cope with
temptation to evil; more sensible of
all the helps given to us in the natur- j
al world, more conscious of "how lit-1
tie and helpless we are of ourselves j
and how all tilings are made to help !
us if we only use them aright. And
I hold it to be positive!}- an elevating
occupation to train a strong, brave,!
gentle horse so that lie -hall be ready j
for any deed of strength and daring |
and yet perfectly easy to guide when !
even a lady's hand is 011 the vein.
A young gentleman might exhibit
such a horse in all its movements
and feel a happy pride in so doing
without an}- temptation to being
coarse and vulgar; without attract- j
ing around him such a-* are so. We
would be glad to see exercises of
skill in riding a permanent put of
our fairs, both among gentlemen and
ladies; and think it would be well to
cultivate skill and taste in this dircc-,
At the Chemung county fair the;
Hon. A. S. Diven offered a premium
to the best lady equestrian and we
think this was wisely done. Not for
display but to encourage cultivation
of the noble art of horsemanship
which is so lamentably falling into
But for good training and the best;
riding horses must not intrusted to
vulgar and coarse people. Like peo
ple they are influenced by their asso
ciations and it needs a thorough gen- 1
tleman to manage and train a colt to j
bring it to its perfection of gentle- j
ness and courage, speed and docility 1
and alove all trustworthiness. I
use the word gentleman in its best i
sense—one with an honest, pure j
heart, stainless honor and a brave,
maul}* character—sucli as any farm
er may be and many are.
♦ ♦
ALTHOUGH we would hardly feel
justified to say with the Icelander.
-This is the best country that ever
the sun shone upon," yet we think
anv one who went through the fair
here hist week and saw what our
county can produce, what it is pro
ducing every year, could reply that
Potter is a good county to live in.
The Fair itself was but a partial
one, was in fact as far as quantity
and variety are concerned, but a I
meagre show of the County's pro
ducts. Nothing of the kind has been
attempted before since iB6O and now
there has been 110 effort to work up
a large show. Two weeks ago it was |
not known throughout the county
generally when it was to be and in!
many localities the handbills of the
society were not received at all. We
mention these facts to show the con
ditions under which the Fair was j
held. Taken in the aggregate, it
was a gathering of a few things from
one place and a few from another,
but not a general representation of
the whole County. But its quality
as show ing what there is in the Coun
ty and w hat our jK-oplc are capable
[of producing, it was something of
: which to be proud. There were
flue animals on exhibition, horses,
cattle and sheep, that indicate the
spirit that is beginning to prevail in
the raising of improved stock. There
was butter and cheese* equal to the
bo-t made in the country. There
, was wheat, oats and corn that for
quality and yield per acre are unsur
passed anywhere. There were gar
den vegetables of monstrous size and
of the finest kinds. And there was
fruit that proves the County to be
reallv a fruit growing laud. Persons
< _
j who were at the Lycoming county
j fair and also at the Buffalo Interna
tional Exhibition, say that at neither
place was there so good a display of
apples as was made here.
Such then are the products of the
County for this, a cold, back ward sea
| son, and such the show made of them
under the most unfavorable circum-
I stances. Consequently we think we
can safely say this is a good land to
live in, and that we have reason to
be proud of what our County can
; do.
j The interest that has been created
by this Fair and the spirit of emula
, tion that it has inspired will certain
ly be felt another year, both in pro
ducing something to exhibit and in
1 exhibiting it. Another fall we cx
j peet to see a fair that will substanti
ate our claim to be a prosperous ag
ricultural Count}*.
; COMMUNICATIONS for this paper
i are always gladly received and we
; feel grateful to friends who offer us
; their thoughts and observations.
Not the less do wo do this because
j many times we cannot publish the
articles so sent, for practice will im
prove all these young writers and
render both the ideas and their ex
pression moiy suitable to be spread
out for the help of others.
Some of these articles show good
ideas and bright fancies, but want
fitting expression. One, a visit to
Niagara,—received a long while ago
—we wanted very much to publish.
! So of others which are Mill 011 hand.
Let all these .voting anchors perse
vere because it is the writing, not the
publishing that enables them to im
; / THE FAIR held Jiere last week
was such a happy disappointment to
Coudersport people, who feared that,
as a first attempt after so many years
; it might be rather meagre, that we
hope it lias been as satisfactory to
the people of the County. /AVe are
' sorry not to be able to* give the
awards of premiums this week. These
have probably been as just as possi
' ble. but more definite arrangements
! and feller preparation will enable fu
ture fairs to be more perfect in this
,re p-. ct. Many suggestions .of im
provement are already offered. One,
that the residents of the village shall
be prepared to entertain all who
come in from a distance. This was
desire ! at the time and preparation
i made, but the attendance was so
much larger than was anticipated
I -
, that we will have to make more lib
eral c Minutes. Another suggestion
is that residents of Coudersport
jsln uM not serve on committees of
ill .-.pec lion and award.
Probably we will amend in a good
man} ways by next year and we hope
the p ople of the whole County will
| bring everything they have.
OLEAN is to have two first-class
hotels—so says the Times. Both
the Fobes House and the Olean
ilouse are undergoing thorough re
pairs and will be very much im
A r THE International Fair at Buf
fi!.. it was a good idea for the Sig
nal Service Bureau to put up a set
of their instruments for the public
:o inspect and there was much inter
est shown in them. There was 011
exhibition the electric self-registering
wind-measurer, the standard barom
eu r, and the hygrometer for de
termining the humidity of the atmos
; pliere, besides some other instru
For the Journal and Item.
I The statistics of the school indi
cate a progressive spirit 011 the part
i of the scholars iu the various de
The youngest seem wide awake
and eager to learn.
The Common School moves on
evenly and visitors will notice that
tlie scholars speak' out plain in reci
Among the last reports in the
High School there were a 1 tout four-
teen students whose marks ranged
from ninety-seven upward—one
reaching as high one hundred in de
portment, punctuality and recita-
In several other cases" tlie marks
of scholarship were high hut the av
erage was lowered by a little for
getfulness of the rights of others.
Students have been waging war
against communication in study
hour—that conspirator against work
and good order—and the friends and
patrons of the School will rejoice
with them when they shall have put
it down altogether. Good manners,
self-reliance and a love for profound
study and research will increase
there in proportion as that foe is de
The School is open on all days to
visitors and we hope that those who
love its interests will go in often and
familiarly, not waiting for special
occasions to call them there.
The school is in the rough —in all
its machinery and its surroundings.
It wants adjusting, fashioning and
polishing before it can equal our
ideal of it and for this work the best
ability of tiic Board of Education
and of teachers is not enough—it
needs enthusiastic help from parents
and friends.
IT IS reported that Mr. A. X. Cole
retires from the Allegany Valley
Free Press. Whether he takes his
Easy Chair with him or leaves it to
be (partly) filled by some one else is
not in the report. He would better
take it along. Anybody else's lounge
or old sofa will hardly suit him so
well. Besides if that easy seat is
well padded and stuffed, it may be as
good as Gen. Jackson's cotton breast
works which is no small considera
tion to a gentleman as fond of the
battle of life as is Mr. Cole.
WEDNESDAY morning. The great
political battle in this and in some
other states is over. Perhaps h,
some places it has been warm, but in
Our little locality there seems to be a
lamentable (?) or a happy quietude
on the subject. Every one appears
to want some disgraceful nominees
beaten and to take it for granted
that they have been. So quiet is it.
that now, twelve hours alter the clos
ing of the polls there is no word
from any neighboring township.
People arrive but they "dont know,
really, how our town did go." We
hope the-day may bring forth a little
more news to make this issue of the
■J OUKNAL interesting.
LAST Friday the Constitutional
Convention, after a great deal of dis
cussion and many amendments pass
ed the article 011 Education in a
very short and satisfactory form.
As it is one of the most interest and
importance to the whole people and
particularly to this pait ol the state,
we give it with a great deal of pleas
ure :
SEC. 1. The Legislature shall pro
vide for the maintenance and sup
port of a thorough and efficient sy s
tem of public schools, wherein all
the children of this Commonwealth
above the age of six y ears may be
educated ; and the Legislature shall
appropriate at least one million dol
lars each year for that purpose.
.SEC. 2. No money raised for the
support of the public schools of the
Commonwealth shall be appropriated
to or used for the support of any sec
tarian school.
SEC. 3. Women, twenty-one years
of age and upwards, shall be eligible
to any office of control or manage
ment under the school law of this
OLD LAUDANUM.—It is only a
few days since a lovely child of a
Sunbury family was given a few
drops of old laudanum, and it went
to sleep never to awake. 011 Sunday
another like case was made known
to us us, only the child happily re
covered. On Saturday its parents,
who reside in Shamokin township,
came to visit some friends here,
where the child took diarrhoea badly.
Among the remedies applied was
laudanum, which had been a very
long time in the house, from which
the liquid had evaporated, leaving
it nothing less than concentrated
opium, which proved so fatal in the
first mentioned ease. We deem it
our duty to warn parents against the
use of this old laudanum, and cite
these two recent cases for that pur
pose. After it has been condensed
by long standing no one can take it
with safety.— Sunbury Daily.
Women's Work.
The second National Conference
of the Women's Christian Associa
tions will commence its sessions in
this city Tuesday, October 14, con
tinuing three days. The occasion
promises to be one of great pleasure
and profit to all who are interested,
in thi- form of Christian bcnevol nee.
Already Ihe invitation issued by the
Philadelphia Association has receiv
ed responses from sister associations
in various states from Maine to Kan
sas. Although the earliest organi
zation of this character in the I'ni
i ted States elates back le-s than ten
years, there are now more than forty
associations actively engaged in
practical Christian effort for the tem
poral and moral welfare of work
ing women. The object of the con
ference is that the earnest Christian
ladies who are engaged in the same
general work may compare modes of
operation, as they vary in different
! cities, give and receive suggestions
! as to the best and most successful
plans of work and thus in taking
counsel together stimulate each oth
er to greater activity and devotion
to the cause. The regular sessions
of the conference will be open to la
dies only. On Tuesday evening,
j October 14, will be held in West
Arch-street Presbyterian Church the
only public meeting of the confei
ence. Bishop Stevens, Kcv. Dr.
Willetts, Rev. J. It. Kerr, and other
eminent clergymen will take part.
| With the promise of such speakers,
and with the choir of the church to
I add the charm of music, a most de
, lightful meeting may be anticipated.
The Evangelical Alliance.
A large audience assembled in
Madison Square Church this after
noon to listen to addresses upon
missionary work by various mission
aries in attendance upon the Alii
t ance. Rev. Dr. Anderson, of Bos
ton, presided. Addresses were made
by Rev. Messrs. Jesup of Syria,
Hansing of Tyre, Gibson of China,
Talmage of Amoy, Chiea. Edkins of
; Japan, Bliss of Constantinople, La-
Bane of Persia, Kalopotiiakes of
Greece, Dolittle of China. Grant of
I South Africa, Smith of Ceylon, Mc-
Farland of Siam, Carpenter of Brit
ish Burmah and York of Madias.
The exercises closed by the congre
gation singing "All Hail the Power
of Jesus' Name," the last verse being
sung in all the various languages
represented by missionaries and the
| congregation in English.
Association Hall this evening was
filled with a very large and enthusi
astic audience of Germans to listen
to the speeches of delegates from
Fatherland. After singing Luther's
choral, Dr. Scharf opened the pro
ceedings in a short Liu elabp,ate" ad
gross. He welcomed the opportnni
(ty Offered by the presence of dele
dates from Germany to dispel tire
wrong notions h Id by the Christian
world of German)' in regard to the
Protestant Church of America an
the social and political institution
of tiiis country. Everything tend
ing to prejudice the German people
against this country was sent ovei
the ocean by interested parties and
spread broadcast over the land, but
the delegates v ill return homo and
give a truthful picture of this county,
and will bear witnc s to the Cii is
tian and benevolent character of tli
great American people. Dr. Dorncr
of Berlin spoke upon the "Influence
of German theology upon the Pro
testant Church of America." The
substance of his remarks was that
while in Germany the Church was
almost a unit and litil • was known
about sectarianism. Protestant Km
in An e ica was split up into a mul
titude of sects, but tliat the true
spirit oi Christ united all denomina
tions. lie was surprised to see and
hear the earnestness and faith which
moved the different denominations in
the great woik of spreading tlie Pro
testant faith. American will he the
great stronghold of Protestantism.
N w Orleans, Oct. :!—Of the sixty
three nurses and physicians sent by
the Howard Association to Si ire re
port not one has taken the fever.
Fifty-six nurses have been sent by
them to Memphis and to-day a re
quest for twenty-five additional fe !
male nurses was received.
The lever is reported increasing,!
and deaths of several prominent citi
zens are reported.
A special dispatch from Shreve
portto the Picayune says that the
hack bone of the epidemic is broken,
but only ice will destroy a poison
more malignant than any ever met.
Rev. Father Lcvsout died of fever
at Shreveport this morning. He was
Secretary of the Bishop of Natchit
oches, and he makes the third priest
of that diocese who has died of tin
fever. lie hft Natchitoches a few
days ago to assist the suffering at
* ° *
pan cr shovel, with burning coals,
and sprinkle upon them brown sugar
and hold the wounded part over the
smoke. In a few minutes the pain
will be allayed and recovery proceeds
rapidly. In my own case a rusty
nail had made a bad wound in the
bottom of my foot. The pain and
nervous irritation were severe. This
was all removed by holding it in the
smoke for fifteen minutes, and I was
able to resume my reading in com-'
fort. We have often recommended
it to others, with like results. Last j
week one of my men had a finger-1
nail torn out by a pair of ice-tongs, j
It became very painful, as was to
have been expected. Held in sugar
smoke for twenty minutes, the pain
ceased and promises speedy recov
ery.—Country Gentleman.
MRS. GRUNDY says that if you
wish to see a fine display of diamonds
upon the human form, you must se-j
cure the introduction to the ugliest
woman to be found at a fashionable
Right. When nature is unkind
let art be helpful.
The Clearfield Haft man'' s Journal
says the present financial embarrass
ment will have the effect to contract
lumbering operations in that county.
The of logs to be cut will be
greatly reduced, in some instances
more than one-half.
THE superiority of Pennsylvania
slate, whether for roofing, school or
j other purposes, is daily manifesting
| itself iu the largely increasing de
j maud for the products of the great
i quarries at Slatington, on the Lehigh
as those at Peach Bottom, on the
Susquehanna. This increased de
maud has the natural result of stimu
lating production and of awakening
the spirit of invention in regard to
manufacture. The uses to which the
i fine slate from the quarries named is
i put is almost infinite, and as the
i quarries are said to be inexhaustible,
i the trade promises to become one of
j great importance.
the Erie depot, has put down cigh
; teen hundred pickles this season..all
grown in her own garden. Last
Wednesday she picked an even hun
dred to add to the number already in
j store.
• township. Cambria county, can trot
J out a farmer who has realized from
his farm of 1 In acres, and from other
I sources pertaining to the business of
j tiie soil. *I,OOO per year, clear of all
! expenses for the last twenty years,
raising a family in the mean time,
lie cannot be prevailed on to "go
• west."
THE mutterings of another storm
! in France grow louder and louder as
the time for the meeting of the Na
j tionul Assembly approaches. Paris
is full of conflicting rumors in re
gard to the situation, and we may
look for startling events at any uio
| meat.
ALL the claims of the citiz -ns of the
! United States against the British goy
: crnmcut have been rej.rted b> trie Mix. <1
j Claims Com mission because they did
i \'.Jv grow out of the acts of vessels named
.in the Treaty of Washington. On the
1 other Land, the United States govern
! meat is required to pay Gnat Britain
| $1,!)29,M9 in gold ill full satisfaction of
| all claims <t British subjects under the
Treaty against the Government of the
United States. The claims favorably
considered are Ist in number and were
weeded out from 475, amounting to
about This decision is pro
| uably the end of a long and dangerous
controversy between the two nations,
j Both nations are to be congratulated
the example fay have set the
world in applying the principle of arbi
tration to the settlement of internation
al difficulties. — PhihuVa Press.
THE difficulty of distinguishing
one light-house from another un<L r
tiie present system of light-houses is
well known and leads to many disas
ters, as was pointed out by Sjir Wil
liam Thomson in one of the debates
at the n cent session of the British
Association. Tit said that even the
revolving lights M> extensively : n
use are inadequate to prevent error
and proposed the use of flashing
lights, the Hash being of longer or
shorter duration, the short and long!
flashes representing the dot and dash
of the Morse telegraph alphabet.
By this means each light-house could
constantly signal its own letter, and j
thus wotil 1 readily be distinguished
y mariners. Such a system is now
regularly iu use for night signaling
in the British navy.
THE Committee on Privileges and
Elections of the United States Senate i
which lias been in session in New |
Yo k. closed its conference last even
ing. It proposes to abolish Elector
al Colleges, and divide each state ifi
to as many districts as it is entitled I
to Congressmen, the member from
each district to cast the vote of the
same and to allow each state two
votes at large.— Philadelphia Press.
now proposed to complete the circuit
of the world by a submarine cable
across the Pacific Ocean from the
harbor of Victoria, Vancouver's Isl
and to some point in Japan. This
landing place for the American end
of the cable has been selected by the
United States naval officers detailed
for that purpose because the sandy
bottom affords a safe and natural
bed. When this last link in the
chain is completed we shall be in as
direct communication with Yokaha
ma and Canton as we now are with
London and Palis.
THEY have a judge in Kansas who
fined a lawyer for saying "sic tran
sit." The official thought it was
swearing and remarked indignantly,
that nobody should "sick" him in
that court.
A WESTERN traveler suggests a new
sleeping-car regulation, which shall
prohibit porters from extricating a
passenger's well polished Wots trom
under his pillow and charging twenty
five cents for setting tliem on the
floor in front of his bunk.
MADRID, Oct. 2. —Dispatches from
from all sections of the country rep
resent that a much better feeling
pervades. The re-establishment of
discipline in the army lias served to
restore confidence in the ability of
the government to suppress all the
Wholesale Watches, Jewelry, etc.—
'l'lie house "( It. Hiirrett fc Co.. (50
Fifth A venue, Pittsburgh. Pa., is In
coming well known to the trade general
lv for the largeness and superiority of
their stock. The linn (loan exclusively
wholesale trade. See advertisement on
the fourth page.
A splendid stock of Paisley shawls
may be found at Simmons' Kegulato at
prices far below their, present market
Grout run on a well known Institu
tion.—The famous Regulator man. C. j
H. Simmons' Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5, Wells
! villi*. X. Y. has recently b( n subjected
j to an extraordinary pressure —the pres
sure of crowds of sufferers that have
been in the habit of buying from small
dealers and paying enormous prices.
; Money being scarce, they have seem- j
j inglvall made a grand rush to the place
j where the}- get the greatest amount of i
goods for the smallest amount of inoti- j
j ey. The iNipuhirity of this establish
-1 inent is lxmndless and will last, for it
is built on a solid foundation; one hun-!
died thousand, dollars being the corner i
i stone. This well known < stablislunent j
i might justly be called a savings bank j
from the nunilKTs of dollars it hassavt d :
the people for the last ten years. From j
its veiy infancy high prices have had
to vanish like dew before the morning j
' sun.
Coudersport to Foil Allegany,
i The M AIL sT \IIE leaves Coudersport at 7a. '
in.ami arrives at Port Allegany ill liine for trains ;
ilo Philadelphia. leaves Port Allegany at 1 p.m., j
arriving ai < 'oiulersjMrt at 4 p. m.
The E\PRESS STAGE leaves Coudersport at !
1 p. in., arrives at Port Allegany at 4 o'clock, in i
time for train to Buffalo and io connect with N. 1
V. \ K. It. K. Stage returns for Coudersport on j
• arrival of trains. 02-tf |
It. F. (llassmire,
Stage Proprietor and Express Agent j
KTV IE undersigned Auditor, appointed bytheOr-
X. phan's Court of Potter County to distribute
i tee fun is remaining in riu hi 11 Is of the • ini
j tratorsof the esta'o of P ' ;.,*•• of Tik
I township, vrltt attend to the duties of
i lii J 'lijuant at the oflet of Olmsted A l.arra- i
i occ ill tie! Lo.ougi: of Coudersport, ou the ISUI J
• :ay of November next a? 1 o'clock, p. m., where
-.11 person- Intereste 1 :nav attend if they think '
proper, lie ait! IK- at th„ Izans Walton House la |
c.iia- .ov.n-i.ip, l'ioga Co., Pa., on Wednesday, !
ot. t 10 o" !ivk a. ii„ ::iui at Wellsltom on!
i iiutstla\,Ck i. at the Cone House, at 1.) uYlm k i
a. ui., for tli • purp 'f taking testimonv In this 1
case. B. C. LAKitAIIKK,
Sof te:nb?r 9, 1473. Auditor.
Administrator's Notice.
WHEREAS, irttera of A imiiiistrHtion to llic es
tate of EN\ ■ C-'ISKI., laiij of Knlalia pot- ;
I ter Co.. pa., deceased, having item granted to the j
subscriber, all i-ersons indebted to said estate ace '
1 reipi-'sted to make immediate payment, an l those I
j having claims or demands against the estate of
i n- said di- %iiuit will inn,-- known the same, |
| without delay. in ItOSINA GRXSEL.
C<iudcn|iort,Oct. i.x. is;:;.
Afliiiiiii-trittor's Notice.
XXrHKKKAS. Vtiers of administration to tiic !
1 > estate of ii:-;UMANN (1KAHE. Lite of K ''a.'!", i
lean Potte: Co. tie-oa-a-d. having been
-.'.'anted o the subscribe:-. al! persona indebted
f'l sai lc ! ,tea e . -ij-.n- oil to make hiiniedpito
payment, ami having claims or <U-;nan ! >
I against the -state of s ul decedent will make I
! known the same without delay to
Eu'.alia, F-ept. 10, 1873.-4t Admr. j
I> RI (' K. —Get your RRICK front i
y \YM. RHINE, Runlet. Fit. Speci-!
! mens can be seen at the office of JOUR- !
1 SAL & ITEM. Price, SS.OO jx-r thou
sand—reduction made when ordered in
large quantities.
John V. Brown,
Ooudersport & Wlsvilie
( I'm os'ir.l 10, I'A.j
Personse -ing to OSWAVO by stage, ami dcsuii, b j
to ret urn same- day, w in he accommodated ,
at stage rates.
Pas rupees wishing lorea<*h any of the neicliboi- j
ing towns will he conveyed t>y Liverv ,u ,
reasonable rates.
A good Livery rig kept constantly on hand oi
pa -set; Tors by the stage.
Osv/ AY o HOUSE.
(JOHN V. BROWN, Propr.,
job pEiHfarfl
Corner MARKET and I
j (SOUTHS, BE y Um 1
. I WOULD respectfully j U¥lte ..
public to my
j with the assurance that 1 ,\ ln n w
j mand for a firstclass turnout n "!
' Haying purchased the Livery ot \
have the only EsUblisimient of n-J
: section.
133—tf ,J * M - n ASSj.;iN
Sen SINGER Sewing
j changed for ones of any kin,],,',"
Edward Forste,
&roceries & Pronau
FLOUR. S -- L;
HAM, piss,
TOBACCO, gy : ,
&c., &c.,
! A specialty made
Teas and Cofiees,
of which I have the
Litprcsi and Ucst
; Stock in town.
All Goods sold CHEAP fort ASH
Call and examine before purchasing. > •
KltW AKfl I OIK!
Carpenter and Joirc
{ale JIT EAST Strut,)
Coudcrpijioi't. P.
! "ONTRACTS taken and inateiialsfunii- ■
all kinds of BUII.DIM,
| SASiI, BLINDS and DOORS on hand (
factured to order.
C ASH paid for I*ine l umber.
Your patronage is solicited.
N. H. GOOIM1 l i
OK 1873-4.
Tiie Directors, hnviitjrsei-un-d,3>< i
CLARA A. STOCKWKI.L, a grailiiatc <d
male College, with Mrß.XtCTnroitiw.iA ,]
er of the Intermediate Department, A
HELEN Ei.1.18 for the Primary Depart"''
suceeaaful teachers of long ex|ierfen< e. K;.j
tied In calllror the attention of parents ai
to the advuntuges of tliis School.
FALL TERM commences MONDAY, At
WINTER TERM commences DECK*#'\'i
Fall and winter terms three months''
one week vacation during the ( 'hrl*tni •
spring term continues two months.
TUITION, per term
11 00 per term less for the .-.pring''
Board and rooms can be s-.vure-' ai ,- J
rates. Those wtshlng rooms for se!'- 00 * 1
apply early. A
A teachers'class will lie organized,
attention given to those from a'' . y
prepare themselves for tea< iiii k " r ' o ,. lor j 3
ers who wish to post up in one or
branches. ~irE.
\ngnM , i7a tf