The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, October 01, 1873, Image 3

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    The potter Journal
... No. 11.
VOL- -•
SSSTOST, FA., Octsber 1,1373.
, oriiition shall be a'owed to run over one
,c ' a -in arrears. Due noti'-e will lie given of
a;i „> anil if not paid the paper will be
• n*Pd
'i ;X. attached to each address denote the
TSf l f to which the paper is paid. For in- I
[Lart.the flgr 2 " or .--I denote that
... gaper is paid to \ oL 25, No. 1.
,s ' a F. HAMILTON,
Coudersport Market.
wirat No. 1 white- per bush. $ 1.80
.. Red winter, "
.. No. 1 spring, " 1.50 @ 1.60
Oats. tt ,S0
" 2.00 (cb 2.50
. " .35 (® .40
potat"e- _ .. 150 (d) 2.00
, ' !U " llS ' . - ]>er ton, 12. Qr sls.
. lb .06 (a .OS
I!i,ies - ' " . - ft, .20 ('a; .25
Butter ' " . " doz. .15
EB>i " "
fovv for the Election Proclamation was
'furnished ns at s.teh a late date that we
were unable to read it by I'-' M ' aII< '' *
- consequence, did not notice that the
,- M y of the election was printed for the
i instead of the 14th as it should l>e.
uutiialxuit half the edition was printetl. j
P making fourteen rods of stone walk.
gs feet wide,around the Postofficecor
Tliat must be rather a queer looking
x-cssion. Imagine one of our stone
•iarries taking a promenade around the
; -,t House Square. " Hut when a
reman will, she will.
U -ii'snred along into the sere and yel
•* v.if, ami pretty soon nearly every
ajier joii pick up will have, sonie
dinit its columns. Hood's memo
ral-le liiits:
No sun—uo moon.
No morn— no noon,
* * *
0c r Cou i' IJ Fair
iViil ojieii on< wet k from to-day. If
• He Is- a fanner in Potter county, or a
tier's wife, or anybody in Potter)
• ;.:y who has not already something
spared t<< t xi ibit at the Fair, let him
i t r iuanediati ly get ready an article
-me description. This is to IK* our
i'-i fair -inoe the war. I.t-t us strain
-ty neive to make it a success.
Next year we will protetbly have ja-r
--.. u * i;t grounds i it i tared a la! will labor
v.vvr btvi inconvenience than now.
JLwever, there is no reason why we
- >uUl not make a creditable exhibition
>( our products this year. It only re-1
.aires that one and all shall contribute
in si >me degree.
1 movement
Kas liet n starhd for the purchase of
,i acres of land at tout a mile below the
■ ! for a trotting course and fair
. ink It lias been found by inevi
i-i xjiei ience that agricultural fairs
'lit trotting horses are failures.*
0 r much some of us may deplor^
- fact, still the fact remains, and it ;
- in- i" us that it is far better to have
i.u - with liorse trots than to have no
r> nt all. Viewing it thus, we hojie
i-1 ;zt-ns of ( oudersjort will contri
' each according to their means for
i'Uii of in-rmaiient fair grounds
a horse-trotting attachment.
' mini that the reason the persons
disi-d to sji-ak at a Spiritual meet
- at this place during Court week
: -i to appear x\as because of a mis
- -landing as to the time of meeting
• UL ~t t'ji R,
iii:>' 'tice should have apjieared last
s '*k. hut the letter giving us the in
:7; a was mislaid. However, bet
ate than never.
*0 win*
' i- gilded throne "nor any other
is ever permitted to gaze upon
" brilliant colors than now adorn
-ts of the hills and vales of Lit
■ " r. They are jierfeetly gorgeous.
b-utm Corps of the J. S., P. C. A B.
"• ' t ".. which has been operating
'- w een this place and the waters of the
tr I'ine Creek, was discharged on
- - -day Last. There is no intimation as
P bether the R. R. will go up Mill
•xk or the Allegheny River on its
"• from Coudersport.
• hem' Institute recently held at
• . ..'"ft they liad a "reading con
-1 aere was a committee, of three
• to award the prize, which was
to Miss Maggie Mullin. The Mi
• '•>" says: "Good reading is a rare
hereafter become a regular
of the Institutes."
- along th- Phrnlx.
1 -OLKNAL: In answer to a re
"i something in the news items
Ls lAirtion of Potter county, I
" R cluded to accept the invitation
b-ously extended, hoping that
j,,' " Illull ications may meet your ap-
T ilj. V ' l<> Bile Severe f r <sts the
4 uL- f {h y I>!ieilix is dressed in its
' Ver y of crimson, green ar.d
IS*v^ n<ifcnn0r '-ifcautiful little val
•retnely charming. We presume
there are but few of the resilients of
Potb-r who have not at some fieriod of
' their lives, passed through our region, 1
still it may not lie amiss to say some- i
tiring in regard to Sunderlinville in a
descriptive way. The Ville contains
twenty-five buildings, exclusive of barns
and out-liouses. We have two stores
supplied with the general merchandise
required for country trade; two black
smith shops, one vacant at present; one
wagon rejiairing) shop; a saw-mill; a
grist-mill; one boot and shoe shop; one
of the prettiest little school houses in the
country, white, with green blinds; one
hotel (the Evergreen; which is one the
best liostelries in the County, whose
gentlemanly proprietor, M. K. Beach,
and his pleasant wife, cater to the com- '
fort of the traveling public in a most !
satisfactory manner.
There is but one lumber job this sea
son. It is under the management of
Messrs. Hodge. The camp is u]on the
Sunderlinville and Pine Creek Road at
what is known as tlie Steele Camp.
Mr. Samuel Decker,a resident of Ilec-'
tor. ntet with an accident on the 22d
inst. while taking a load of hay down
Kettle Creek. The wagon entering sud
denly an inequality in the road, Mr. D. j
was thrown from his load, striking his
shoulder upon a log and fracturing liis
left collar-bone. The fracture was re
duced by Dr. E. S. Mattison, of Sunder- ,
Mr. W. T. Leacli. formerly a resident
of this town but at present of Penn
Van. N. Y., is visiting his old acquain
tances in these jiarts.
We have had some heavy rains during
the present week. One on the 25tli inst.
raised the streams considerably. It was
accompanied with some thunder. The ;
severe frosts we have had have nearly
ruined some pieces of corn and buck-,
wheat; beans are a failure.
In the way of an agricultural item we '
will give you a vegetable, grown upon
the hotel grounds, in the shape of a
pumpkin vine that came up of its own
accord. It Due light pumpkins, weigh
ing. reflectively. ~i. 23L 244. 2 W J. 29i,
314, 35 and 3t>i pounds—total. 23< f lbs.
of pie "timber" from one seed. We
were present when the "fruit" was gath
ered and weighed. Can any farmer of
Potter bring forward a pumpkin record
equal to this?
Venison has began to put in an ap
pearance upon our tables. E. S. M.
lIECTOK, sej't. 27, 1873.
.l/LeT speaks in very complimentary j
terms <>f Judge Wilson's court proceed-!
ings at the hist term in SmethiKirt, and
especially of his charge to the grand \
Our Friend
Geo. Howe, of the Wells', ille 77//. has
removed his office into the commodious
hall formerly occupied by the Masonic
fraternity directly over his late office. ;
George "understands the wants of a
printing office about as well as any one
we wot of, and now that he has got in- j
to comfortable quarters we shall take
increased pleasure in visiting him occa- ,
| sionally in bis new n treat. We never
| could see bow Howe could bowl in his
' little tuck, d up house, anyhow.— u'can ■
I Times.
Cameron Press tills of a con pie of fel- 1
lows in Grove Township who drove j
twenty-one rattlesnakes from one log
and captured all of them.
''juveuiks are hiving in their winter
supply of butternuts, to the discomfort
• of cliininunks and squirrels.
Burrs are opening.
S. M. Welch, lati rejKirter for the
Buffalo Express, has received the ap
poiiitnn nt of Assistant Passenger Agent
of the IL. N. Y. & P. It. R.
( itizens of Cuba have voted to build a
Tiwo liall and Engine-house.
Mr. J. Carter, of Emioriuni, fell from
a scaffold on "Wednesday, and was se
verely if not fatally injured.
8., N. V. & P. R. It. Company now
have a large gang of men at work on
their MW round house at Emporium.
.4. M. •ilocnm A <">.
Have taken the contract to lay the track
the entire length of the >tate Line
| Railway.
i A Nicw PoMofl'ee
Has lieen liK*at<d on Bennett's Branch,
twelve miles from Driftwood, called
"Dry Saw Mill.*'
i'n-lc Nat Johiinon
And wife, of WellsviHe. N. Y., start
for their new home in Florida in a few
days, where they will iiiss the winter.
StaOblng Affray.
Wednesday evening last two of the
1* i formers in "McAllister V Polity s
Ministrel Troupe" got into a quarrel at
the defK>t in WellsviHe. and one of them
; plunged a knife into the neck of the
other, injuring him so severely that he
was unable to proceed with his com
rades to another town. The wounded
man now' lies in a critical condition at
rle Dowdney House.
We learn that the boiler in the steam
saw mill of Gordon & Co.. at Keating
Summit, exploded on Tuesday morning,
the 16th inst. Cause —an overloaded
safety valve and a defective arch on
fire place. We understand from a re
liable source that Gordon & Co. had
lieen repeatedly warned of the danger
of running the'boiler in that condition.
—Cameron Press.
Wr Clip
The following front the McKean Miner:
COLUTKseoKT. I*a , Sept 17.1873.
MESSKS. EDITORS :—Learning that
there is a supjiosition prevailing in the
minds of some of our friends in McKean
countv that the wolf bounty act for that
county was rejiealed last w inter, I would
' say that that act has not been repealed,
but stands ujon the statute book tL
same as it has for the last 33 years,
i The mistake arises from the fact that
Senator Playford of Favette county in
trod need a bill to repeal the fifth section
of the act of March 20, IS4O, which was j
The title of that bill was an Act to
encourage more effectually the destruc
tion of wolves and panthers in the coun
ties of Luzerne. Wayne, Potter, Mc- !
Kean, Ac. The fifth section, whh h
alone of that Act wasvejiealed last win
ter, related to the fox a id wild cat
bounties in Fayette county, and makes
no reference whatever to any other
Hoping this explanation will lie satis
factory to our friends in your county. I
remaiu Yours truly,
X New
Post Office has been established at j
Cherry Spring in this County with ster
ling Devins as Postmaster at a salary of
twelve dollars ier veary It was desired
that the name of the office should be
Cherryville but there was already an
i office by that name in the State and so
Cherry Spring as above.
I*. J. Ilarvoj
Sends us four apples from the Iloneyoye.
weighing two pounds and fifteen ounces.
New Time-Table
On the 8., N. Y. & P. R. W. to-day.
We !>pitppel
j Into the wagon shop of L. B. Cole A
Son the other day and were gratified to
see their elegant display "of wagons,
buggies and democrats. They have
turned out a democrat wagon for 11.
Niemann, Esq., of Cherry Spring in
this County, which for taste and neat
; ness excels anything we have ever seen
got up in this County. There is no
doubt that all kinds of running gear—
j but railroad cars—can lie got up as
1 nicely in Coudersport as anywhere. j
Citizens of Millport and vicinity are to
have a picnic sociable and musical en
tertainment at Liberty Hall, on Friday
afternoon, Ot. 3rd, 1873. All are invi
ted. The company will be entertained
by vocal aiul instrumental music, i
Mleeches, etc., for which an admittance
fee of 25 cents will lie expected to go
; towards furnishing and decorating the
Hall. Dance in thehall in the evening. 1
, fS
Oaiiilall Sral.v. —At PortvF'e, N. V., Sej't.
j" 27, 1873, bv ltev. J. K. Tinker. Mr. B. I".
CKIMJALL. of Ea>t Hebron, auJ Mi-S ,
ANN SEAI.Y, of Sharon, Pa. ,
Special txaniiuatien of Teachers will
be held as follows:
Oleona, - - Sept. 30
Germania. - - Oct. 1
Pike Centre, - " 2
Examinations to liegins at 10 o'clock,
j a. m.
Teachers will provide themselves with
pajier. ]ien and ink.
i>irectoi*s and others int rested arc in
vited to attend. J. W. ALLEN, -
, t'.it'DEiasPOST. SopL 17.15T3. v C'.. Bttjs.lL
Your County Institute for this year
will be held in the Academy at Lewis
ville, beginning at 2 p. in., Tuesday.
: October 14.1673, and closing at noon on
the following Saturday.
I have secured the following instruct
ors: Prof. R. Curry, Deputy State So-!
|H viutendeiit. 11. S. Jones. Nuperintend
! ent of Erie City, and Mrs. Euima Mar
' tin, (formerly Miss Garfield.)
t Those of you who attended the Insti
tute last year need be told nothing of
Mr. Jones and Mrs. Martin. Mr. Cur
| ry is very favorably noticed by the press
and by County Nuperinti ndents.
Rev. 11. W. Congdoii, juistor of the
; Presbyterian church at Coudersport,
| will deliver, Tuesday evening, an ad
dress ujton the "Common School Sys
tem—lts Defects and their Remedies."
<)n Thursday evening Mrs. Martin
will give Selectt d Readings. The other
two evenings will lie occupied mostly
! with ta'ks and lectures by Curry and
The Lewisville Band will probably
i play at one or two of the evening ses
i sions.
Boarding at private houses can be ob
tained for fifty cents jier day and at the
hotels for reasonable rates. Those of
you who wish me t• direct you where to
Imard will please, upon your arrival,
call at the store of Chappel Bros.
Your names, addresses and the num
lier of days each of you attend will be
published in our County paper. As
heretofore, a certificate of membership
w ill lie given to all those who attend.
. Those n<>i present will be required to give
: a ijood reason for absence whenever next
examined by me.
As this Institute is to be held mostly
for your benefit, I shall ex[)ect a full at
tendance. Heretofore tli*- most of you
have done tenj u-eU in coming to these
meetings, "lie not weary in well do
ing.' J. W. ALLEN.
Attention is called to the card of tlie
I West India Polish Co. in advertising
columns; also the call for local agents.
It is the liest polish ever nianufactuied
and will sell in every family. Send 25
cents for sample and directions.
"Picking Cherries down the Lane,"
and "Happy* Hours "are two new songs
by the renowned Millard.-both contain-
all the elements of popularity and
lioth really excellent. They can lie hail
at any Music Store for the trifle of 40
cents each, or be sent free of jiostage on
receipt of }riee. by the publishers, Lee
A Walker, 922 Chestnut St.. Phila.
Thompson & Mann have just received
a full stock of wall-iKßier and window
• curtains, which will be sold cheap for
i cash. Call and examine.
r:iR("E*N is the place to get your
OYSTERS during Fair week.
Dcmorest's Yoonjr America. ith all
its us: fill, inter* sting and piquc.uey of
j material for tlie y avg folks, is now
ready for October. Yiwnti Ante run t for
1>74 is to be furnished at :?1. with ;< val
j uable premium to each subscriber. Tliis
I will be good news to the juveniles. Ad
dress W. Jennings Deiuoiest, 838 Broail
way, X. Y.
The Octolw n mil lie r of Demnrest's
'J./ Mi'ijoziie is fully < (jiu • ti ' s
us'ml ( xcell- nee. including* iderta ling
stories, fash i*>..and hou9**ii i *d anti ui h
er niatters. The extraordinary offer
Deniorest is making to ids subsc-i iliers,
of the largest, liest and most popular oil
elmnnos, "The Old Oaken Bucket,'
"Captive Child," Home, Sweet Home,"
all three by Jerome Thompson, and "Af
ter the Storm," by Dt Ilass. as a premi
um to each Yearly Subscriber, at S3
1 each, is truly wonderful.
Seethe October number for full par-!
' titulars in regard to these splendid pri
! zes. or address W. Jennings Deniorest, j
s-'is Broadway, X. Y.
TOHN ORMEROD has now got the
Kxox & JONES" Mill in full blast.
X more break-downs; no more freezing
up. Satisfaction guaranteed to all.
i Come early and get your grist ground
the same day. Fresh ground Flour,
Feed ajid Meal always on hand.
The Singer Still Triumphant.—At the
Vienna Exhibition the singer received
the Medal of Merit, the Medal of Pro
gress, and three other Medals for supe
riority of 'productions. These are the
highest Sewing Machine Awards at Vi
enna- The Singer received all the Med
als awarded to either of the competing
Machines, and two Medals more than
any other obtained. Then, in the name
of truth, what is it that prompts people
to claim recommendations for the Di
ploma of Honor? The fact is no Diplo
ma of Honor has been given to any Sew
ing Machine Company.
lPjSf" 3 4 What poor short-sited worms we he.
L'<ZJ3 Ave kan't kalkilate
With any degree
Of sartantee
What's jo* ine t<> lie our fate."
We can calculate, however, with rea
sonable certainty on getting
Better Lumber Wagons,
Better Carriages of all descriptions,
Better Sleighs,
Better Cutters,
Better Trimming,
Better Painting,
Better Horse-shoving, and
Better Repairing of all kinds
At COLE'S Shop than anyothvr place
i in Coudersport or in the Countv.
" 2502-tf
Belter than Bold.—A certain amount
! of greenhaeks. national or fractional
| currency invested with C. 11. Simmons,
the Regulator man for dry goods, gro
ceries. 1 loots and shoes.
V 3T.*> West Thiril St., CINTINN XTI, O.
Manufacturers of the celebrated Sarven
Wheel, the Rover CoinViinalion and
Old style Wagons. Also Carriage
and Wagon Woodwork of every de
! script ion.
Actual wear and hard usage is the
best test of the strength and durability
of a wheel, and they have proved the
Sarven Patent towearlongi i than tl ret*
or four sots of the K*st old-style whevls.
When about to purchase a buggy, car
; riage or wagon, see that your carriage
maker uses our make of the Sarven
wheel. There are so many inferior j la
tent wheels in the market that it will
' lie to your interest to stipulate for the
Saiv n —as it is now conceded to lie the
only perfectly reli. hie wheel in use.
I 2512
Mi* part!, at Simmons' Regulators,
says he will give a laboring man or lady
more gonls for the same anion: tof mo
j ney than any other man will in the Uni
ted States.
Dont forget that C. 11. Siiumons. the
Merchant Prince of Wcllsvillc. is yet in
trade larger than evt r. and that his
j twenty-five years 7 experience in this
market enables him to give his custom
ers the la.-t goods and latest styles at
1 the lowest living rates. Be sure and
call and examine his stock, and I*' con
vinced that a dollar saved is worth two
: earned.
To the Citizens of Pennsylvania.—
Your attention is sjiecially invited to
the fact that the National Banks an
now prepared to receive subscriptions
to the Capital Stock of the Centennial
Board of Finance. The funds realized
from this source are to 1' employed in
the erection of the buildings for the In
ternational Exhibition,ami the expenses
connected with the same. It is confi
dently ltdieved that the Keystone State
will lie represented by the name of every
citizen alive to patriotic, commemora
tion of the one hundredth birthday of
the nation. The shares of stock are of
fered for $lO each, and subscribers will
receive a handsomely ste* 1 engraved
Certificate of Stock, suit abb- for fram
ing and pr< serration as a national me
Interest at the rate of six percent.
jht annum w ill In- paid on all pay ments
j of Centennial stink fn>iu date of pay
i ment to January 1, 187<.
Subscribers who are not near a Xa
tioual Bank can remit a check of jiost
oflice order to the undersign* d.
9*4 Walnut St., Philadelphia.
to Contractors or Biiihlers.—
Proposals will be received by tin-
Board of School Directors of I lysnes
township, on or before the first Monday
of < >ctolier next, to build a School House
at Brookland sufficiently large to aecoin
modate forty scholars. Plans and speci
• fications to accompany the bids—the job
to be let at Brookland on Monday, Oct.
•, 1873, between the hours of one and
four o'clock, p. m. The building to lie
completed by the loth day of May. 1574.
By order of th* School Board.
11. T. REYNOLDS, Secy.
ULTSSES, r x.. September 10, 1^73.
The SINGER is a lock-stitch machine
and makes a beautiful, even and uniform
stitch which will not ravel and is alike
on lxith sides. It hems, braids, cords,
tucks, embroiders, ruffles, fells and does
all kinds of work on the finest muslin or
the heaviest full-cloth.
The people come more and more toC.
H. Simmons' Regulator stores for dry
goods, clothing, groceiies, boots and
shoes and everything that families use.
Their stock is large ami also well suit
ed to customers as to price. Come one,
• come all without delay and prove the
truth of what we say.
Election Proclamation.
F'RSUANT to an Act of the (Jen
era' As-ieniWy of the Common'vealth of
Pennsylx. ••!.. er'iticd "An A 't relating to the
Elections of tliis t uumonweall'a," approved the
2d day of July, A. D., 1839,1, S. P. REYNOLDS.
Sheriff of tlie county of Totter, Pennsylvania, do I
hereby make known and give notice to the elect - j
ors of the county aforesaid that a General Hec- J
Won will lie held in the said county of Potter on
TITS9AY, the 14th day of October,
s>,.;i, >rt>.- j'i c-se of electing the several offi-1
One iiereon forjudge of the Supreme Court of
*u • pel >o:i f>r Treasurer of the State of Peun
Ou* person for Member of the H>.i-eof Repre
sentatives of the General Assembly of Peunsyl
vania in conjunction with the < -ouuty of McKeau
to represent the counties of MeKeati and Potter.
One jicrsou tor Commissi-ner of tlie eounty of
* in*- person for Auditor of Uieenunty of Potter.
I Two jiersons for Jury Coiamtoicuers of the !
; county of Potter.
1 also make known and give noli e, as in and
j by the l .ti: Section of the at' Act I am di- 1
reeted, tliat every iieison exc. pt.u_ Justices of
the Peace who hold any office or appointment of
profit or trust euderthe Government of tlie Uni
ted States or this State, or of nix city or incorjio.
rated district, whether a commissioned officer or i
otherwise a suliordiuate officer or agent, who i
or sliail is- employed under tue legislative, judi
ciary or executive dejiart ments of tai- state or
tin United States or any cit \ o. iiiconmratetl dis
trict, and also that ex.iv Member of C ugress.
the State Legislature, and of the select and cum
ir.on council of any eny, or couunissiouer of auv
incorporated district, i- ty law incai>able of liold
ing or exercising at the same time th" office or
appointment of judge, iusjx-ctor or e'erk of an
eieetiou in this Commonwealth and that n > in
spector, judge or any other officer oi any such
election, shad be eligible to any office then to be
voted for.
Also that in the 4tli Section of the Act of As
sembly entitled "An act relating to elections and ,
f.>r other punmscs,' approvi .1 April Kiso. it is
enacted that the aforesaid 13th i-ccl. shall uot be
construed as to prevent air, niiiiffiry officers or
borough officer from serving as judge, inspector
or eierk of any general or -j*- election in tins
Common wealth.
liy Act of Assembly of July 3,153P, it is also
made the duty of even itiavor, sht-riu,aidennan.
justice of tlie j-'ace, coustitkleof cvry city.couii
iy, township or district witliin I his l onnuoiiwcaith
whenever called upon liy any officer of an election,
or by three qualified electors i here:to clear any
window or avenue to the window of t.he place of
general election which sliaii be obstructed in such
away as to prevent voters from approaching the i
sain,-: and it shall be tin duty of c.cry resjieetive
caii-tabicof such ward, district or lownslup with
in this* oinniouwcaitli, to lie present or liy depu
ty at tlie place of holding elections in such ward,
district or township foi iiie pur p>e of picserving
the peace as aforesaid.
Also, that in the 1-: vpi. of Act of AssciuWy
entitled "Ail act regulating the mode of voting at
elections in the several counties of i his Common- ,
wealth." approved March is>;, it is enacted:
That the qualified voters of the several counties •
in this Coiutuonwcalth at all general, township,
borougti and special elections are hereby hereaf
ter authorized and required to vote by tickets,
pi inted or w illtcu, or pat tlx ininted attd partly
i written, severally cia-ssitied as follows: • >nc tick
] et shall embrace "the u lines of all judges of court
! voted for and to Is- labeled outside "judiciary•";
on* ;i-Jtet shall eiuiiracotiic naiuesof ali stateof i
! ucei- and shall lie latn-led "-tale": one ti.-ket !
shall embrace tin* names of all county officers
votetl forfincludinmifiiwof senator, nieuiberand
members of assembly ami ul congrcs-. if \otcd
for) and be labeled "county"; one i ieket ahall i-m
--brace the names <>f all towtiship oiii ei > voted tor •
and l>e lalieled "townsldp"; tnn* ticket snail eni
brace the names of .ul b uoug,. oiiicers -,..tisl tor
and Ih* laii'led "Isiroug'u ": and c:p*h class -hall
ire iff posited in separate bailot-boxes.
It i- further directed that the meeting of the re
turn-judges at the Court House in Coudersport
t make out tlie general returiis. shall t-e the tir-t
P'riilav succeeding tlie general election, wliich
will lie the sevimxestu day of Octoblk.
I also iicre make known ami give notice thTt
the place of boldiug the aforesaid general eiec-1
: Hon in tt- a~v..v' - n i,skip.- ami boiotighs with
in the county oi Porter are as follows, to wit :
Abbott—At the Gennanta Hotel.
Allegany—At the s<*ius.l house uar the place '
formerly owned by Chester Aieliew-.
Piingham—At Ringham Centle school house, j
Clara—At school house near Sala Stevens.
Eulalia—At the Court Hou-.- in Coudersport.
Genese* —In Elli-burg at tin jsiuse formerly
occupied by >. s. Kascoe
liarrisoti—At the house formerly occupied by
Ira itartholoiuew.
Hebron—At tlie school liouse near Woodward's |
steam mill.
Hector —At school house in SuiulerliuvHle.
Homer—At sehool house near Jacob Reel's.
Jackson —At school hous< ;.t mouth ol t tishing
ttswayo —At the hoasi of.l. V. Brown.
Keating—At the hou-e ol Pliny Harris.
I'ortagi—At school lioiisi- i! lUiij. Everett's.
Pleasant V alley—At school house No. 2.
Pike —At tlie house of J. M Kilboxa c.
Roulet—At schtsd hou-c near Lctoy Lyman's.
Mia;.'U—At tin-house of I'eicg Rur-ii'-k".
Mvi-dcn —At the liouse of c. L Corsaxv.
Steward-Oil —At New Norway school house.
Suiumi: —At the iiottseof P. Stevens.
iVaIU.l —a: - html iie.,l' J. M. R**e.,'.
t'lx-- s At the house of D. Whipple, now own
ed by 11. 11. l'l iil.
Mist tiraiicl; —A1 the lion- of s. M. C liable,
i V\ li.ii ton—At the liotisi* ol Stephen Hortou.
Coude,-sport—At the Court House.
Lewis', idt —At the house of Button Lewis.
Polls to !h* ois ued between the hours of d and
7 o'clock, a. in., and to close at 7 o'rlwk, p. ill.
WHF.I.EA-, The Pificeiith Ami-udineui of the
Constitution of the United States Ls a>> (oilowrs:
"Seel. I'll* rigiit ofitizensoi the L nliedst;Ui s
io vote si,all ult K* denied i r abridged by the I .
s., or t>\ any state, on account of race,color or j
previous condition of servitude.
S c. g. ( iihgrcss shall have poxxer to enforce •
this article by approp: i.itc ff -isialiou."
.4 ml \rlii I'l'l ■■■. The Cor.gre-s of the U. S.. on t in
thirty tir-t day -f March, lS7ff, pa-scd an Act eti
tit en "An Ait tocuiorce tic* rigid ol citizens of
the I'.S. to vote in the several states ill this I nion
and for other pur;the first and second s**c
ti ins of which an follows:
SKI . 1. Be a • uaeted by tin- senate and House
ol Ri'prt'M litativesof the I lliicd States of Aliicii
a in * '.ingress ;issenib!*d. Tiuit all citizeusot tin*
1 . s. who are ors .ail he otin-ixxiso quaiiiii d by
law to vote at any election of tlie people in any
state, ten itiuy,<b-Tnet.countyu ity. parish, town
-! ip. si'ti.Hii il'istiict, iimniciiKility m other tend
toltai BtlUlivisKMl. shall U eiitilled and allowed
to vote at all >uch elections xvithuut distinction of
race, color or previoa* conditiun of servitude; I
any constitution, lav., custom, usage or regula
tion ot any state or ten itory, or by or un ler its
authority, to lite contrary le'txvitiistandiug.
SKC. z.A.'i'i be it further enacted, i m>t B bv or
under the authority of the Constitution or iaws of j
any state or the laws ol any Territory, any A< t is
or >hail he required to lie done as a pre-reqiii>lte
or quail:.cation tor voting, and by such Constitu
tion or law, persons or officers are or shall ie
charged with the performance of duties for fur- |
nls lushing to citizens an opiKirtuiiitv to perform
such pre-requisite, or to l>ei*oiiie qualified to vote,
it shall I - the duty of every such p.*:-on and offi
it. to give to all ciliztiis tu the I'nited States the
same and en"?! opportunity tv ~i norm such pre-'
requisite, and to become i|Ua!iii"d to vote, with
out : listin: tiosi cf race, oik*, or previous cont'd
tiiui ot :t; x itiale, and if any such person or officer
shell rt-tuit or knowingly omit to give full effect
tsection, lit- shall i..r en-ry such offense for- :
| feit and pay the sum of five ■□mired doltn to
the i>( rson thereby, to tit recovered l#y
ait in o thei use, with nil t St.- and sack allow
ance tor counsel tees as the court sha.. in :n just.
. si .i (ban id so. for every nrk oSobm, be tMMeed
guilty uf misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction
be toed sot nee tkaa ®ve hundred dol
lars, or i>e Imprisoned not lees than one month
and uot more than one year, or both, at the discre
tion ol the court.
AI.IJ irh ~L It is d.- lured ffx the second sec
tion of the VI article of the Constitution of the
I mteii stats th;.t *'lhis ( eivstltii'.ion, and rai
laws of the Cuited states whlen shall lx* made iu I
I I'siiauce thereof, shall lie the supreme law of
the land, * * • anything in the Constitution
or luix s of any Stat to the • or.trary aoixviti.stann
l;ig '
And i choreas. The Legislature of th! com
monwealth, on the nth day of April, A. l>. istu,
passeri an Act entitled, • A further supplement to
the act relating to the elections in this t ominon
wealta,' the tenth seat ion provides as follows:
SEC. to. That SO much of every Act of Assem
bio as provides that every white freemen shall be
entitled to vote at any general or special election j
i of this Commonwealth, U*. and the same is here
' l y; aid that her* afierall freemen, %x itti- ;
c lit distinction of color, shall he enrolled and reg
i-OTisl suuruing to the prox isious • d the Erst sec
tion of the Act apr*f *xed lTth April, 1569, entitled
'An Act farther sajmlcmeutai to the at relating
to the elections of tlus * omhioiiueaitl;," and
when otherwise qualified umier existing laws lie
elite led to vote at ail general and special elections
in tiffs Commonwealth-'
Given under my hand litis 24th day of October,
A.1)., 1873. 8* P- REYNOLDS.
rTVIE undersigned Auditor,appointed bytheOr
-1 piuiti's Ccurt of Potter *. ounty to *listriliute
tue remaining in the ban is of tin* Admin.s
--t rat ors of t.,e estate of P. I. Coridti, talc of like
township, •t's-e-.ts* xx '.ll arte:. !tu the duties of
his appointinni rat the office f Oiu'-ttsi A Larra
. bee iu the borongti of Coudersport, on the 15th
day of November next at 1 on lock, p. m., where
all persons iuterestcil mav attend il they think
j.-opi r. He xx ill !>• at Walton House in
Gaines township. Tioga Co., Pa., on Wednt sday.
tk't. at loo' lock a. til.,atid at WellslMire on
1 hursdav,o*. v. at the totw House, at 1-ioVtwk {
... in., for the purpose of takb-g testimony in th:s
, cats*. V. C. LARKABKE,
Septemf-er 24. l-T?. ' Auditor.
IVo. -117 BROO3IE STHEET, \ or<-
First premiums wherever exhibited—iTicea low for t.;e quality- Large prie <*
allowed for Second-hand Instruments in Exchange.
From Mr. EJtcard Hoffman, th( celebrated Fiiinkt.
I conscientiously believe tliat your Piano is in every respect a most magnifi
cent Instrument. ,
From the "Independent.
The American Piano has deservedly become a very popular Instrument.
Responsible Agents wanted for unoccupied territory. Send lor Circulars t*>
WING & SON, 417 Broome St., X. 1.
l'.ill tcr-.n opens the Fiest dav of strrEMBEE.
B. Is. Made, 3tri. B. B. Made.
Principal Assistant
Ml*!* K. E. Cu.hing, Instrumental Music.
Primary ivpartment. per term 4 0>
Intermediate do., do o(W
High school do., do 6"0
Instrumental music 100U
Tuition must !>e arrange*! in advance.
Classes in this term will be arranged to accom
modate those designing to teach during the com
ing xx inter.
The Potter County Teachers' Institute will l>o
held at Lewisville in counection xvith this term.
Board, including light- and fuel, can lie ob
tained for V)cents je-r day. Gol rooms can !w*
obtained by those who desire to furnish their own
Secretary. 50-tf President
SPRING. 1873.
Thos. McDowell & Co.,
We would respectfully call the attention of the people of I'otter C ot n rv
to onr large and complete assortment of
A'.. Ar., Ac.,
uhich we are offering at oreati.y redi'< kd prk ks, owing to the increased
facilities afforded by the completion of the RtilTalo. New York Y I'hiladelphit!
Railway, and we can and will sell goods as low as they can be sold this side of
Fresh ground Feed and Meal kept constantly on hand.
We are daily receiving new goods, thus keeping our stock, in all departments,
at all times.
Thos. McDowcSi A Co.
Contain loiel
General Stage Office
lias * t"e EKKiTTED and KI.FI KNTaItED/roni
hid is now <jp.-n lathe PL'l'.l.lC.
Tin TA ItLK wid he I. ■ {it in rtusT CLA sli.
and no labor or expense spared to make it a
GOOD STAUI.IMG, "ltd carejul Hustlers
al ways in allcmlunce.
The 01.D TIME lopu'.irit'j of the Hotel trill he
KL'LLT MAINTAINED '• the pn *• nt Proprietor,
who now solicits the patr -noge of travellers and
the public generally.
I>. F. (.I-ASBMIRF, Jr.,
insurance Company of North America,
The Oitlest Stock Insurance Company in tlie United States.
ASSF/FS. .laniiarv 1. JKTIt, S
Pennsylvania Eire Insurance Company,
ASSETS, Jauttary 1, 1078, 3 1,102,002.43
Tin 1 above-named reliable Companies are represented in tou
dersport by
2439-1 y ARTHUR 8. MANN.
Third ."St., opj.siu Court //vim Square,
All work done in a workmanlike manner aid
ders sent by mail promptly attended to.
My prices are the lowest In this section of the
country. 2448
N. E. cor. SECOND and EAS'I Street*.
(Eastof Court House Csusse.;
Has been purchased by BROWN & KKI.I.Y
(formerly of the COI DEIISPORT HOTEJ..)
The House incompletely furnished from top to
bottom, and lias all the conveniences desired by
the jieople; the table is the liest in the County :
the barn is under the charge of the V s( ortler in
the State; and. in short, everything " ill be done
that ean be done to make it comfortable for stran
gers or others who visit the house
The long experience of the I'roprtetors in i:
Hotel business makes tliem peculiarly able to
cater to the varied wants of the travelling public*
They solicit their old custom, believt g I fi.
thev are able to snpolv the BEST OF TRE EBST to
133 Proi-netort.