The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, September 17, 1873, Image 4
The sun had gone down behind the hills as we entered the little borough so like to a bird's nest among the mountains. Our company divided, some supped at Glassmire's and some again at Brown & Kelley's—two won derful hotels, the likes of which are seldom found in city or country, llarvev Alger, the silver-tongued singer, was along and played and sang, as few can sing, his glorious j tunes of melody and medley, and theu we slept and dreamed a night away oh beds as downy as any on which kings and queens lie down and slum ber. Morning came, dark and cloudy at first with dense overhanging fog. which soon lifting, the sun looked down from a sky as bright as that of Italy. Glassmire and his associates, with their magic rods, were early out fishing for trout in anticipation of tlie afternoon's picnic. Trout breakfasts, such as can be found only in Couders- j port, were eaten by our party, and then came a stroll about the borough, 1 a looking in at the tenantless jail, an institution kept in splendid order by Sheriff and Mrs. Sheriff Reynolds, nice people, who, having nothing else to do, concluded to join the picnic party. Afternoon found us in the selfsame spot where we dined the day before. As our carriages came to their moor ings among the trees we cast about for our Coudersport friends. Only a little knot of ladies was seen and these received us kindly and cordially, with those evidences of hospitality which make one "always at home. Pretty soon eame others—a goodly compa ny—fair women, brave men, with pleasant faces and cheerful greetings. A little later eame Olassmire's brig ade of' fishermen, armed with match less rods and countless baskets of the speckled beauties (we might have counted the baskets but didn't try); and then the fires were lighted, and there were loaves without number, and fishes not a few, and coffee, and biscuit and butter, and splendid ho ney, and cakes in every form, and everything else namel'ul and name less, such as only the good ladies of Coudersport can devise. It was a feast which, to be appreciated, must needs to have been participated in, and our remembrance of the occasion will long remain as among the cher ished and not to be forgotten. Our picnic over, at three p.m. we bade our Coudersport friends adieu, and early evening saw us at home again. And now in conclusion. As sum mers come and go and people go off 1 on excursions, we have only to say: j if you would find the finest scenery, l the nicest trout, the best hotels, the i handsomest women and best men in j all Christendom, go, by all means, to Coudersport. A. s. c. A FARMER lost a gimlet in the woods near Monticello. Minnesota, three years ago and tlie other day cut down an iron-wood tree fast in tlie forks of which he found—not his gimlet but a three-quarter inch auger, j He is sorry lie didn't wait a year or, two longer, as a two-inch auger was just what he wanted. A NOTED horse jockey "down cast" j was awakened one night by a violent ; storm. Being somewhat timid he i awoke his wife with "Wife! wife! I do you suppose the Day of Judg-j mnt lias come?" "Shut up, you j fool!" was the affectionate reply.) "How can the Day of Judgment j come in the night ? " GREEN-CORN PUDDINGS. —AIIow one long eai of sweet corn for each person. Take half a pint of milk, one egg, a desert-spoonful of white sugar, one of sweet butter, and a tea spoonful of salt to every two ears. Beat the egg and sugar together and add the milk and salt. Cut the corn olf the eobs with a sharp knife and chop the divided grains with a chop ping-knife, but not too tine; or, bet ter still, split each row of grains down the middle before cutting them off the cobs. The corn must not be boiled first. Stir the chopped corn into tlie milk and bake in a brisk oven in custard-cups or tin pans un-! til the top is nicely-browned but not hardened. Serve hot, without sauce. This is a delicious dish. Some per sons prefer it cold. Common corn may be used if young and tender, but requires as much again sugar. CUCUMBER SALAD. We have just prepared our winter's supply of cucumber salad, and this : is how we made it: There were about I a dozen ripe white-spine cucumbers lying on their vines, and these we j picked, washed, pared, cut into strips.! taking out the seeds, and then to each dozen cucumbers—which we cut up into pieces like small dice— we put twelve large while onions, chopped, one qua iter pound each lick and white mustard seed and a gill of c lory seed. These were all mixed together, a teacup of coarse salt added, and they were then hung up in a cotton bag to drain for twen ty-four hours. Then the salad, with enough cold vinegar to cover it, was put into stone jars and fastened near ly air-tight. In six weeks it will be tit to use. We found the recipe in an old paper some years ago and it ha# proved one of the nicest pickles we ever used. It looks as well as it tastes, so white and crisp, and it makes an elegant salad for a joint of cold meat. TJ O 2 ciTTDScaiBE Pntto 'iS' Journal News Item. ELDRSDGE BROTHERS, SPECIAL AGENTS FOK WOODWARD & BROWN, WEBER, MATIirSHEK, and CHICKEBXNG PIANOS, ALS^), George Wood's Celebrated Organs. PULLAR'S NEW MASONIC IIALL BUILDING, (Near Howell House,) WELLSVILLE, N. Y. Dealers In all kimia of MUSICAL MERCHAN DISE, SHEET MUSIC, Ac. TUNING and REPAIRING PIANOS A srECIAI.TT. We Invite tlie Public to examine and criticise the WOODWAKD .V BROWN Pianos, and GEO. WOODS' Organs. 9+l r. tf J. GLASE & SON, Carpenters & Joiners, Coudersport, Penn'a. CONTRACTS taken for al! kinds of BUILDING— and materials furnished. DOORS. BLINDS and SASH kept constantly 011 hand or manufahtured to order. CASH paid for PINE LUMBER. J. GLASE k SOX. The SINGER is the best machine for all work. According to sworn returns there were over 45,000 more sold last year than any other kind made. A. M. Iw ViiOius Agent. PHOTOGRAPHS! o HAVING arranged my Light so as to obtain all those fine Gradations <>l" Shade so essential to a BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPH, I re peetfully solicit your patronage. I make all the leading styles of Photographs and Ferreotypes, from a CARD PicTt NS to a I.IFE-SIZE PORTRAIT / —finished in INDIA XIsTK, WATER COLORS or OIL COPYING of OI.D PICTURES made a special A large Stock of Walnut, iloscuoort and <¥>itt Picture Frames Square and Oval, 05 BAUD AlfD FOE SALE. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. M. T. LYHDE Photograph Gallery, SECOND STREET East of MAIN, (Dih's Building,) COUDERSPORT, PA. I ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS' SAPO L I O Is a substitute for Soap for all Household purposes except washing clothes. SAPO L I O for cleaning vonr House will save the labor of one cleaner. Give it a trial. SAPO L ! O for Windows is better than Whiting or \\ ater. No removing curtains or car pets. SAPO L I O cleans Paint and Wood, in fact the en tire house better than Soap. Nosloppiug. Saves labor. Vou can't afford to be with out it. S A P O 1. I O for scouring Knives is better and clean er than Hath Brick. * Will not scratch. SApo L I O 1- l etter than Soap and Sand for polish ing Tinware. Brightens without scratch ing. S A P O L. ] O polishes P.rass and Copper utensils bet ter than Acid or Oli and Rotten stone. SAPo L B O for \\"ahing Dishes and Glassware is in valuable. Cheaper than Soap. SAPO L ! O removes Stains from Alarble Mantels. Tables and statuary, from Hard-finished Walls, and from China and Porcelain. S A F O I. : o removes Stains and Grease from Car pets and other woven fabrics. There isnoonearliele known w in do so many kind* of work am! tio jj as well tK well as Kapolio. Try it. HAND S A P 0 L i O a new and wonderfully effective Toilet Soap, having no equal in this country or abroad. hanu S A P 0 L I 0 as an article for th? Bath "rea dies the foundation" of all dirt, opens the pores and gives a healthy action and brilliant tint to the skin. HAND & A P 0 J J I 0 Cleanses and Beautifies the Skin, In stantly removing any stain or blem ish from both hands and face. h and S A P O li I o Is without a rival in the world for curing or preventing roughness and chapping of either hands or face. HAND S A P 0 IJ I O removes Tar, Pitch, Iron or Ink stains.% Greo.-e; for workers in V.a chfne shops, mines, . r .o, is invaluable. For making the Skin white and soft and giving it a "bloom of beauty," it is unsurpassed by any C siiietic known. HANI > S A P O J i I O costs 10 to Ift cents per cake ami ev ■ .body should hav It. You will like it. Don'l fail to lr\ these Goods. IS it v it of your merchant it iie lias it or will procure it for you. I! wot. write lor onr Pamphlet,"Ail about Sapolio," and it will '• niailttl free. KNOC'ii:MOKGAN'S (SONS. 20 Park Piace. N. Y. 244a26-eow S. F. HAMILTON Book <£• Jo® BniKTEn, S. W. corner IAIH and THIRD Streets, (OVER THE POST OFFICE,) . COUDERSPORT, PA. UTICA STEAI ENGINE CO. (Formerly WOOD* MANN.) STATIONARY & PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES. The Best and Most Complete Assortment in the Market. These Engines have always maintained the very highest standard of excellence. We make the manufacture of Engines, Boilers A Saw Mills a spe cialty. We have the largest A most complete works of the kind in the country, with machinery speei- We keep constantly in process large numbers of Engines, which we furnish at the very lowest prices and on the shortest notice. We build En gines specially adapted to Mines, Saw-mills, Grist mills, Tanneries. Cotton-gins, Threshers and ail classes of manufacturing. We are now building the celebrated I.ane Circu lar Saw-mill the best and most complete saw-mill ever Invented. We make the manufacture of saw-mill outfits a special feature of our business and can furnish ! complete on the shortest notice. Our aim in all cases Is to furnish the best ma- 1 chlnery in the market and work absolutely one- 1 quailed for beauty of design, economy A strength. ! Send for Circular ami Price List. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. M-iSrjg'Bp ITICA.K.T. ' OYSTERS. A. H. PEIRCE, 1 Vholemle anil E< lail OYSTER DEALER CCUOERSPORT, PA. Oysters by the Can. Quart, Gallon, Hundred and Thousand received daily. Families, Parties and Festivals supplied on short notice. The Trade furnished at reasonable rates. Give me a trial and I can suit you. 34-221 A. H. PEIRCE. Old Sowing Machines of tiny make repaired in a workmanlike manner. A. M. REYNOLDS, A'jent. SOOTS and SHOES ! ; John EenM, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens that lie eontinues'the manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES ' at liis new Stand, MAIN STREET below MARKET, (Smith of the Briilje,) ALJ. work done in a workmanlike manner reasonable rates, AND A GOG I) FIT Gl'Alf >NTf 1 D Give him a call Before purchasing elsewhere call and examine the SINGER MACHINE. A. M. Reynolds, At/cnf, Office in O'msteil Block, Ccudersport, A BEAUTIFUL $8 CIIP.OMO FREE ' TO ALL LOVERS Ol' AKT AND LITEIiA -1 TIRE. AITLWILL send the Beautiful Chroir.oeniit'.cd y\ "The ITiweleotne Visitor," p tce pre paid, as a premium to every subscriber to our : monthly maga: ine called the RUMIILE I)KE, contains thirtv-two large pages, besides the eo ver. tilled with the best and most interesting ] reading. Price, only 5 I a Year! Komi on vonr Dollar and get a dollar magazine and an eight dollar chroiuo in return. Sample eopv set free on receipt of stamp, j We want and will liberally pay A G 11 A T S. | Send stamp for particulars. Address JSUIISLE lITF, Albion, Illinois. 'J Singer, G rover A Baker, leather and I common Needles, Thread and Oil kept j constantly on hand. A. M. Reynolds, Aijent. H. L. TREADWELL, —OF— We'lsviHe, N. Y., | Has just returned from New York with a large stock of Boots and Shoes, ! LEATHER & SHOE FIIK, LOOK AT THE PRICES! WOMEN'S SLIPPERS from 50e. to $1.75 " LEATHER LACE BOOTS 90C. " 1.75 •' MOROCCO " " si.on " 1.0.T MEN'S THICK BOOTS 2..~0 " -4.00 " KIP " 2.75 " 4.50 Small Shoes, from 30 cents upwards. Sole Learner, 30 rod 31 cents per pound. Shoe Findings of all kinds, veryeheap. Remember the place,—directly opposite the Ilowell House. If. I>. TREADWF/LI., AGENT. M. H. B!PCE, IMPORTER AND I>KAI.Kit US [Japci* OIL CLOTHS, llfo. No. *>lß Main t~u., M-'-i ty* BUFFALO, N. Y. - I "asnoji siqj unu, ! OMiqjjuu spooS no £\oj SAV.V.ib HIM sjaumisnj j •spuwq snooiej .invuba j tatlio sv su •oi.naox,, PUBJH p,jiuqoia. A'usuf am ;o sjaaiwiejiuiuiv LY 'Y 'O'lVel.l.Hl OS -V t* "co v sbivgv m m .1 MWCErtv vm rs. z.*n THE •'SHYER TOJTGUE" For PARLOR, CHURCH and SCHOOL. MANUFACTURED BY E. P. ESTABLISHFD IN 1846. Nos. 143, !4o and !47 East 22d St., Isew York. I ~ Re.q parties applying for agencies In sec- ; lions .-till inisu;; !i.*d will receive prompt- atten- ! , don and liberal inducements. Partiesrc/Mlngat a distance from our aut! orizeil agents mav order i from our facto-\. for an illustrated price j list. mtaoiSi ; FRENCH'S NEW HOTEL, j COR. CORTLAN3T & NtV/ CHURCH STS,. N. Y. n the Eurcpean Plan. | RICHARD P. Fur. NOT. Sop of the late <'•'!. Rich-; mi l-'ench, of i'rc.ii li s Hi t 1, has tak?u this Ilo tcl, newly ilttc.l up and entirely renovated I same, i entrally located in the business part el the city. Ladiet' and Gentlemene' Dining Rooms > Attachc-l. laj AGENTS WASTED. in ever'' couun of - a. h State, for a . c-w Nation al Book. (Tin? LIVES AND PORTRAITS Of < I UK i'lTMiit \ •s. with fa<- simile copy of ?!.•- ! Declaration of Independence, the C'onstitatioii of ; 'he United States ami Washlngi-i-i's Fin -.v Ad- I drew, with it ti!! rteel plates. Po: < ir twl I Tenus ad-ii ess Johnson Wilson A Co., 2.' Ilerk j nam St.. New York. la* I The very best plan : By which you can obtain Life Insurance Is the ; • Low Pretuium, All Cash, Stork Plan, It furnishes j the largest amount of insurance for a given sum i of money. The contract Is plain and definite, ; .vlthout complication, mystery or uncertainty. The policy Is always worth i.'s f.. -e, the oremium ; lever increases. It fs | "vononilcal plan for the insurant. T;IF TKAVEL ! iiKs INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Conn., : grants Life Insurance upon this excellent plan. Its security is unquestioned. Apply to any Agent I or send for Circular. Agents wanted for the New Book. Epidemic & Contagious Diseases i vith the n< west and best treatment for all cases. ; | Hie only thorough work of th" kit b in the world. ; Embraces Smallpox, YolJow Fever, Cho lera '"d ail ai.a, ,gie. - i.iseas'-,. NOffiMlLf SAFE I WIUOUT IT, Rod ail buy it. Has 24 chromaoc u i lustrstions. The bigge d chance of the season ! for agents. Autln sa it. S. GGODSPEED A CO_ J j 31 Ptnk liow, New York. t>i4 | ;<);! AG F.N i S WAXIER FOB ! EVEKiBOILivi OWN PHVSSriAX.' I by C. W. GI.EA:-ON, M. D. Sells rapidly. Out agent .old 100 in one week. Apply at once to H. N. ME- 1 ! KINNEY A CO., i'hiladeiphia, Pa. 50r4 I \ our Houses with thnew ( liromo "Awake" and "Asleep." Bells i.-ko wfld-flre. j I he i'"ir sent for fifty ceres, A large discount to Agents. Address \t. F. CARPKNTEK, Foxtioro,' I Mass. 50r4 | ff/ft "KR WEEK I - CASH to \'gents. Every ' Muff I'll! lU-. 1 :| ; 1 t'Xjp.'J. - \ U<l. f)"i i A. COl I/i'KK vN CO., Charlotte, Mich. z j The La Croix Medical Dispecsarv, ESTABLILHED IN 188T, i i Is the ol lest A most successful institution in this ' country for the treatment.of Chronic and Sexual Diseu.-e.-i. For terms of treatment call, or address by mall, with statement of case, S. il. iU">'KDtN, j W N .Maiden Lane, Albany, x. Y. j — 8 C D f ?. T ft ST Z T £ S J!o,: " " WAWKS A I A ■ u! • tP B'wav.N.Y, win dispose (T MO PIANOS a ORGANS of ' I elan makers, including WAIRKB', at extremely 1 low prices for cash, or part cash, and balance in ] small monthly payments. New T Octave first- | ia-'s PIANOS, all modern improvements, for : ITS cash. Organs SB6, S7O. DOUBLK-REEI) I ORGANS, $100; 4-STOP, $110; S-STOP, $ 12ft, and ' upwards. WATERS' CONCERTO PARLOR ORGANS i ire the most bt autiful and perfect in tone ever ! made. The CONCERTO STOP is the best ever '■ placed in any Organ. II is produced by a third ! j set of reeds peculiarly voiced, the EFFECT of j ; which is MOST CHARMING and SOUL I lIING, while i!> IMITATION of the HUMAN I VOICE is SUPERB. T nil# liberal. ILI.VSTKA-! TKI) CATALoecx MAILKD for one stamp. A liberal discount to Ministers, Churches. Sun,lav-Schools. I lodges, etc. AGFIN I'S tVAM'EIi. CrU WANTED. General and Local Agents, for the Bartram Sewing Machine, made at Danlmrv, Conn. The stillest, fastest and easiest I,ock-Sritch, Straight Needle Machine in the market. \\"e give better terms than any other company. Address Jolin A. Dodge, Oend Agent 47r4 l>aiilnry. Conn. WALLACE A t'OMPAWS CREAM TABLE CHOCOLATE I No iioiling necessary. A cup of delicious Choco j late made with it in two minutes. No waste. Packed in pound jars. Vanilla or plain. Onedoz. Inbox. Unequaled as a confection for lunch, spread on crackers, with a glass of milk at hand to drink. For making Soda Water Syrup or Ha vering Ice Cream it is superior to any Chocolate made; and for Chocolate Cake, nothing else will be used where this has been tried. For sale bv J. T. V.'AKKEN .v Co., Cincinnati, O. 47r4 Write for a Price List to J. II .HIHYSTO.Y, Great Western Gun Works, No. 179 SMITHFIEI.D ST., PITTSBURGH, PA. I Breech-loading shot-guns. slo to S3OO. Double ■Shot-guns $s to $l5O. single Guns $8 to S2O Rifles $S to $75. Revolvers $5 to s2ft. Pistols $1 to SB. Gun j Material, Fishing Tackle. Large discount to deal j --rs or clubs. Artny guns, Revolvers, etc., bought jor traded for. Goods sent by Express C. O. D. to I be examined before paid for. 4r4 Working MALE or FEMALE, m a cri 1,1 week guaranteed. Re spectable employment at home, dav or evening no capital required; full instructions and valuable package of goods sent free bv mail. Address, with 'Rent return stamp, v. y<>I T NG Jk CO. 47 R4 173 Greenwich St., N. y' TELEGRaPH INSTITUTE. ' N(. MEN .V I.ADIES quaiifled for prai'ti- I cai operators at the Buffalo Telegraph Insti tute ,V City Line telegraph. Every graduate se cures a position. '1 he largest and most complete in America. Address, for circular and catalogue C. L. BRY ANT, Supt., Buffalo, N. Y Sr4 lr. T. Jl. fhiirp'N Dyspppsin Pill. DYSPEPSIA CURED Dr. Sharp's Specific cares Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaiut, Constipation, Vomiting of Food, MmrStom ach. Water Brash, Heartburn, Low spirits. A'-. In thhty-five years never faiii ft to cure Die most o;>- stiuiite ■a- "s. Sold b. druggistC. S. fans A i Co., 19 North front St., Agents for ( on : rt, j I'a. I>epot. 148 Eighth .st., V. Circular; .ar. lie.: 1 on application. 4.126 $3,000 for 20 Cts. | Before you -tart on a journey, buy an Accident ; | Insurance Ticket of the H.-iii <t :i> a'a-.t'iiyers isMiraiire Co., of Hartford, Conn. Ticket - for sale at railroad stations. A-k forau lu-u ranee Ticket. 4ri j WYOMING SEMINARY AND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, j Oneofihe iarp—.t Boar-ling s -hooi- for both sews I in the raited states. Six com aa of attHfr. Mlfi ' tar> r letlcs, Commer* Lilt ••:! ■■:*>■ Coarse and Telc j graphing. Terms low. Full term .;:ens Septotn- j j oerard. send for CiUKipie to liev. D. COPK LAND, A.M., or i.. L.S PRAGUE. King-ion, Pa. 4r4 PCLLEG'ITE & 181 INSTITUTE. New Ha lt ven. < onn. Pi spa atory to coilt ire i r Maw, Circulars scut on tppttCtUMl. H M. 11. RUBHBLL, Pilncipal. 4:i Columbia Classical Titsitute. A Hoarding School for Your.ff Men ami Bovs. For in niars address REV. li. S. ALEXANDER, Co lumbia, Pa. Br4 VFMH'tTN R.—How? By specniattfif In !■. stoeUs :<!! 1 aol slo to *pN>; i .vi : pay Jl-. to a month. Full explanation I ■ ;t free. V.. F. HUBBULL.V CO., Bankers and Brokers, 89 Ws.l! St.. New 1 ork. Box 22-2. 4r4 $25 iEEyuaßTfast iicoo • By all who wiii work fot lis. Tf upon writing you i lo not lintl us all square, we wiii give vou one <iol i iar for your trouble, s.e.d stamp for circular* to 11. 1!. Its 1 iII,ICY V i 1).. Tekonsha, Mieh. -rl Having struggled twenty t tars leti eeit life and | death with ftSTUMA "f FhTr.IST. 1 experimented ! IIIVM-If liy eo.upetiii.iiug r.> !.- stud ir-ilis, ate I In baiil g the Mfiillcine thus obtained. J foitnuatt It J discovered a most wondeiful remedy ami sure j care for Asthma and Its kindred diseases. War ■ ranted to relieve the si veiost paoixysm Distantly, I n the pati mi cin lie down to real and sleep com i (INK l iriAL PACKAGE SENT BY I MAIL FUEL: or CHARGE. A idrc.-s D. I.AN ! GELL, Appl° Creek. Wayne Co., Ohio. ' Br4 PATENTS OBTAINED. No fees :,,.ies.> urjt' stub No i :u advance. No charge for preUmlmuw a tarch. Sstnd i<r cirot!tare. CON NOLLY BROTH ERB, 1 • -. ! 0., Phila delphia, Pa. A Cox Ninth st, Washington, D.C. 4'.r4 ffT + - I'or l;i>: Agents wanted.' All class s:,J ...f working ;• • ,o of either sex, ; M img or oi i. make more money at. work for us in | their sparemomenta, oi the time, thau at anv- • I thing list. Particulars 1 ec. iddnts 6. BTIN j SOX A < <>.. Portland, .Maine. Br4 GIOTTYi^D; Katalysing Water Is the nearest approach to a spe-ldc ever di-.-ov • rod for Ijid.i, N. um2:ri:>, i:-:.eumnt! is.unit, i Gravel, Diab -t. :, Kt.-imy A Frit" try D 1 *:i-e.,geu • erally. H leslores muscular power to thePnralyt- I tc. P cures l ive- Complaint, < Uremic Diarrha?, ; Mies, Coiistipatlou, Asthma, Catarrh * Bronchi' ii:;. Diseases of the skim Genen . Debt it; a Ner ! vou.- i'ro.-iia ion from M;;r Pliy.-i u'-l Fx- o-s- j ■ It is the Grep.teii A&tith>to ever illscovered fmr • Excessive LiiiHiig or Lulnkiiig. it pine r- the : stomaiit, pmnvotea ■'!tstiwi rt-Bei-es the bead | almost inune-'datcy. No bo iseboblahouid > with- 1 , >u! it. For i :i!e i>y nil Druggists. 2 "f~Fora hi dory of th *•; ii . •-•, rne-iical reports •? the power ef water over dS ; 0... marreOoea 1 i > - and for t. ~!unouiai> f: oi : i.-,lie : men ■ .. nd for pamphlets. WHITNEY aims., Genera) 1 j Agent-, 227 s. Front St., Philadelphia. Pa. GKVTTSM KG :-I CI -i; CO. 43r4 Vnv Pv ® rat l Ily with stencil a I j dei - 1 -v i. i ,uitfit—. < ataiogu-ft ; iiiticnlars ! i free. S. >l. Spkncpi;, 117 ilanovt •si Boston. Br4 i H tiW "TIN liCNE. or ti<- ■ccro! out.- ! Musta h>-\ V. hi-,ers iu42 Thisgukat ' ! -!.• i btand lc" others, g tmUenPTTfoks Cantifd- Vet.t iloq..isi:i, in ;,ll Ti!2 original LOtlK (IK i wONDF.HB. Mailed for SB eeiitt. Address D. C. I J i "'l LEU, Carthage, Illiii'ds. Domestic PAPER FASHIONS.; j ELEGIT IN DESIGN. FAULTLESS !N FIT j AGENTS V.'ANT EI). Send for Catalogue. j , Bswi Hie Beala^HacMae s. V. 6.T I "TOO ASK! ILL TELL!" j THE SEW DEPARTURE cooxs i AGENTS WANTED. Exclusive* territory given ; I 'he 1" * i. "ill sell iiselt. Father, Mother, si ;ter, < ; Brother. Mini tor, Merchant, Manufacturer, Farm- j I r. Miner, Marinerwml Yourself all want ft. There i i - M r-, in it. s. -id for Circular. CHESTER- i ; MAN A \v EBLTER, Ml N. stli St., Pnila. Pa. 43r4 i We Want ESI Agent I In this township to canvass for the new, valuable I and fast seUiog i,ook by Dr. JOHN COWAN, j The Science Gf a New Life Recommended and endorsed by prominent mini-- j . tcrr, phyai *i.n,s. reHgioos and secular paper s. No | I other lio .k like it published. S4O per week guar i an teed. Adilress, COWAN A CO.. j 17.4 139 Eightl: St., New York. {2,COO,GCO ACRES. CHEAP FARMS. i The Cheapest Land i:i Market for sale by the j Union Pacific Railroad Co., In the Great Platte Valley. 11.000,000 acre - in Central Jiebn-ska | Now for sal in tracts of forty acres and upwards * lon five and ten years' credit'at six percent. No ■ advance Interest required. ! Mild and healthful climate, fertile soii, an alum- . dar.t e vi good w iit. r. THE BEST MARKET IN WEST. The great ' ■ Mining regions ol Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and i Nevada being supplied by the farmer.. in the Platte ! Valley. Soldiers entitled to a H;;n7cstead uf 160 Acres. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. | !■ RLE HOMES Ft lit ALL. Millions of Acres of ■ choice Cover nment lands open for eiitrv under the . Homestead law, near this Great Railroad, with good markets and all tiie conveniences of an old settled country, j Free passes to purchasers of Railroad lands, j Sectional Maps showing the Land, also new edi j tion of Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, | mailed free everywhere. Address I O. F. DAVIS, ! 43r4 Land Comr. U. P. li. It, OMAHA, NEB. rfi'CLELLAN'S INSTITUTE FOR BOYS j At West Chester, Pa. A beautiful and elevated | situatin, 22 miles west of Philadelphia. Spacious j : Playgrounds with gymnasium. Students prepared I i f ,,r College, Polytechnic Schools or business. Sue- ! cial provisions made for very young boys. Many i i students remain, as boarders, during summer va- ' | cation. Session begins Sept. 10. Address i <sr4 ROBERT M. M'CLELLAN. j STEVENSON & FOSTER, STATIONERS, PRINTERS, BINDERS, BLANK-BOOK MAKERS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PBIIVTEIJS' STOCK. Flat papers, book papers, ruled billheads letter heads, cards, printing inks, etc., always on hand Give us a call. Cor. Wood St. and Third Ave t 82 and S4 Third Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 4,414 1 Established, in 1838. He-Established in 18(>i). C. G. Hammer & Sons, ; Manufacturers of Fine and Medium FURNI | TI RE, of every description and price, hand-made j • and superior in style and quality than found in ! j most or any other Furniture House this side of the | mountains. j Photographs and Price Lists sent on application :or when in the city don't forget the piece—Sign of the lasge Golden Chair, 4S- 48, anp 80 SWENTII AVENUE I 243Cjly PITTbBtrROH, Pa • finer BiiiJ PURELY VEGETABLE. FREE p.ioM A DR. WALKER'S I California Vinegar S| (iralefol Thonsaiidsprtx'. - I egar Bitters the most w ()1 ; I ■ ?"font that ever sustained th. <y.-tein. '■< I No Person can take tins* Ph I nccordinj? to directions, nmj,, a I unwell, providetl their bones;;. '! I stroyed bv mineral poison , I means, and vital organ's wnstij I rejiair. Jilious, Kcmiticiit ami k I mittcnt Fevers, v-hieii an',.' I ient in the valleys of our j. I throughout the United .States., . I those of the .Mississipjii. o „ o I Illinois. Tennessee, sas, lied, (.'olonulo. Bra;;. -.1 I Pearl, Alabama, .Mobile. Saw. ■moke, James, and many o*. . .'9 tiieir vast tributaries, tin entire country timing the s u,. I Autiunn,ami remarkablyi ii 'I sons of unusual heat and tin I invariably acennipanied bye:.: rangenieuts of the stomach a and other abdotninal ' iscer.i. I - I neatment. a purgative, excrtin erful inliuence upon tiie • \..... gnus, is essentially neo -a* . is no cathartic for the pur;. .- n ; Dr. J. Walker's Vim-mar ii.U as they will speedily rem- vet colored viscid matter with w, howels are loaded, at t!i- - I stimulating the secreliar.s ofi; " and generally restoring tiie lug functions of the digestive orgir J'orlify thu hotly agaii-yf hy purifying all its tiuidswiih V;*;. Bitters. No epidemic era t of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or t:i;iige-.;ii.! - ache. Pain in the Should*;-, t ■ Eructations of the Stomach, Ibih ia the Mouth, Biii -us Attacks I. tation of tiie Heart, iii'lainaiabc i. Lungs. Pain in the rev in ( f tie ] tieys, and a hundred other} ton is, are the o-.i'-prh - <■{ 1; (Jim bottle will prove e. b . i- . ruent. ,01 Sweiliugs Ulcer.-, bry-'.j Lbs S>v... jj Goitre, Serofukm; billutuuiu'.i . i J liifiammatious, Alcreurial -Mi a ; Sores, Eruption- of the Sxia.a -e* L,. In the c, as in all other e 'usb V.t "> case-, Walk tea's VntWAit I shown their great curative p • most ob.-tina.te a:ul intraetai.a: (.. •. For :.mi llirw Rhennatfsn, Gout, Bilious, itd tent and Intermittent I'evti .lbs.- die Blood, Liver. K inoy a;. 1 lin these Bitters have tio equal. 6„iiii -j Met-hiwii'ul Disenst s.-revsor, gaged in Faints and Minerals,- : i'luaibtrs, Type-'etter . (i.>ai- i'-ai- Mincrs, as they advanee in life, at" to paralysis of the Bowel-.. T. a agaiust this, take a i!(>se of b a..e1.. > • kg a k Bitters <K casina.lly. For Skill Disoitsr-s, Eruptim -T ter, Sak-KJwmw, Blotches, its, I a I'u-tules, Boils, UarlmiK le-. }..: :•■■■} Sealil-liead. Sore Eye . i'.n ii Scurfs, Biscoloratioiis of the Skin. II- * and Diseases of the Skin ef whutevt-r * or uature, are literally dug up and ra out of the system in a short timely"' of these Bitters. Fin, Tapt 1 , unci other Word lurking in the*system of so many tlx •• are effectually destroyed and a*iiK>vi. system of medieine, no t'heluiiuities will free tim ystcui from * j like these Bitters. For Female { omplai!iis,mjfl or old, married or single, at th *i!iitru;r manhood, or the*turn of life, these Bitters display so decided an influence J improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse I he Vitiated Flood* ever you tind its impurities bursting th.'"- the skin in Pimples, Eruptions. i|ry cleanse it when you find it obstructed s sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whens foul; your feelings will tell vou when. H the blood pure, and the health of the will follow. . ii. Mcdonald & co.. Druggists au<l Gen. Agts.. San Francisro. Cj|W ami cor. of Washington ami Charl! ':: Sis.. - ' Sold by nil Druggists and Dcl <r * 23159(1 ly The Elmira Advertise -1 I) IL Y AND WEE hi. YTOVKS.IL F> THE PEOPLE. The News Paper of this Section- LATEST NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF - WORLD. THE daily ada kktini.R > M ing paper pubUstieii every la> cy i 'u'3 Jays. It is published at Bitch an aval '1 tliat it Is al le to give all th> ii -■ I extensive terrttory earlier than it is PfJVJ anv other journal to stipplv it. every 'A J tion of SOUTHERN NEW YORK s'■' . ERN PENNSYLVANIA It reaches i> ; " the morning, and west of Elmira even to it is in ..... ADVANCE BY MANY HOlle of any metropolitan journal. Its specialties and features tkat re, s*;,.| to the public are numerous ami kiioa wide. ,„hrt3^ It is the representative journal <>*j York and looks earnestly ami ;J interest and advancement of that pom It has an interest in and care for th' t constantly increasing iu poptilatii>n, power of" Northern Pennsylvania, a* ! " Sj printeil in another stare seeks by means to forward it on the high road oll and weaith. THK SPECIAL FEAITK® of the ADVEKTISKRarc; ltefall,lffisM ic intelligence from all quarters; * " v -l ports of the dally Markets at all rut' 1 ; Centres of the country ; ius comtneh'- ' and passing events and its full, fresh a • local intelligence. .. It combines all the t>est features oi general Newspaper and a first-class as • The WEEKLY ADVERTISE Is a large, eight-page, ■ 'i' ! '. - issued every Thussdav, and i.-otitaia the Daily edition. (ntemtc 1 ® < It Is esjieclally addressed anil m , ■ large and Intelligent class of • l ™'" ■* side off the great main lines o.< ' 1 the facilities for reaching whom , ai< r. slide to supply themselves with a ' 1 - , * For these, besides the iat- news, are provided report- of ;• ! terests and full reports of late mark'■ produce. „ . n ,i ftft? It Is eminently a r -i-uie par' -'' rt*' in eaee issue a vast amount and va* l matter. terms. DAILY, PER YEAR WEEKLY, •"