The Philadelphia Press says of Lewis town, Pa., on the Juniata River: 1 never saw a town where the streets are kept so scrupulously clean as here, and this all done by the authorities, from whom our own city officials might take a lesson. Local option is here in full force and the law is rigidly enforc ed, and the vice of intemperance is al most driven from the town. Patience is the key of content. To know how to wait is a secret of success. Suffering is but the trial of gallant spirits. Salt Lake City.—The streets are all beautifully shaded with trees, chiefly yel low and honey locust, mulberry, hack berry and two kinds of cottonwood. The gardens are well filled with flowers — roses, portulacs, marigolds and verbe nas being most popular. "Whenever circumstances will permit, a nice piece of well-kept lawn gives an additional charm to the flower-garden. There is a piece attached to the garden of the museum which is i>erhaps the finest piece of grass-lawn in the United States, The water is carried in a small wooden trunk along the highest point and runs down through the grass-peat in lines about twenty inches apart, through small holes. Another magnificent piece of lawn-grass is in front of the palatial residence of Mr. Win. Jennings, but this is kept green by being watered reg ularly by a hose. If the world is round how 011 earth can it come to an end? Justice consists in doing 110 injury; decency in giving 011 offence. Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune. Max Adeier, in the J Evening Post, says: We are thinking about writing a new and original dictionary. All the old dictionaries are too much alike. They have the same tiresome repetitions of familiar words and the same stale defi nitions. It has* become monotonous. We propose to get up a dictionary which shall have a complete new set of words, none of which ever appeared be fore it a work of this kind. The defi nitions also will lie fresh; and in order to secure an absolutely correct pronun ciation a man will lie sent to live in the house of every purchaser for a couple of years to teach the accent and emphasis, and to borrow all the money lie can for the author of the work. It is thought the dictionary will make a sensation, particularly as it is so arranged that when it is not wanted by the student it can be turned by a spring into a wafer cooler, which will not only keep the verbs and pronouns from decaying in hot weather but will satisfy a want felt in every family. Expect nothing from him who promi ses a great deal. Draw not thy bowlx fore thine arrow IK' fixed. Grieving for misfortunes is adding gall to wormwood. Only good farming pays. He who sows or plants without reasonable as surance of good crops annually had bet terearn wages of some capable neighbor than work for so poor a paymaster as he is certain to prove himself. A coffin, said an Englishman, isahouse a man lives in when he is dead. A photographer requests that his sign —"Taken from life"—should be his epitaph. To (he l>enevolent: There is a man so hard up that he even sleeps 011 tick. THE BOTTOM OK THE ATLANTIC.— The soundings which were made be tween Ireland and Newfoundland be fore laying the Atlantic cable, have made the bottom of the Atlantic almost as well known as the surface of Europe 01 America. It is covered with line mud and microscopic insects which, one day, ill doubtless harden into chalk. Of the inequalities of this ocean bottom, l'rof. Huxley says: "It is a prodigious plain—one of the widest and most pro digious plains in the world. If the sea were drained off you might drive a wa gon all the way from Valentia, on the west coast of Ireland, to Trinity Bay in Newfoundland. Except one sharp incline, about two hundred miles from Valentia, I am not quite sure that it would ever be necessary to put the skid on, so gentle are the ascents upon the long route. From Valentia the road would lie down hill for about two hundred miles to the}h>i lit at which the Ixittoin is now covered by 17U0 fath oms of sea water. Then would come the eetral plane, more than 1700 miles wide—the inequalities of the surface ot which would he hardly iH'iveptible. Be yond this, descent on the American side commences and gradually leads for about two hundred miles to the Newfoundland shore.*' A pennyworth of mirth is worth a pound of sorrow. A. T. Kettle is the only singer who lit ver had a cold. Extracts. —Blessed is the man that hath not slipped with his mouth. .My son, according to thy ability, do good to thyself, and give to the Lord 11 ISJ due offer h , to tie. friend before thou ' '"'blip to thy ability, stretch jod give lo him. ' '•" ' * d Ixfole his (lentil. ELDRIDGE BROTHERS, SPECIAL AGENTS FOR WOODWARD A BROWN, WEBER. MATHISIIEK, and CHICKERXNG PI AF O S, ALSO, Ueorgo Wood's Celebrated Organs. PULLAR'M NEW MASONIC HALL BUILDING, (Near Howell House,) WELLSVILLE. N. Y. Dealers in all kln> a very extensive terrttorv earlier than it is possible for anv other lournal to supplv it. Over a large por tion of SOUTHERN NEW YORK ami NORTH ERN PENNSYLVANIA it reaches points early in the morning, and wc-t of Klntira even to the Lake it is in ADVANCE BY MANY HOURS of nuy metropolitan j Its specialties and features that recommend it to the public are numerous and known tar and wide. It is the representative journal of Southern New York and looks earnestly and perststently to the interest ami advancement of that portion of the State. It has an interest In and care for the large and constantly increasing in population, wealth ami power of Northern Pennsylvania, and although printed in another state seeks bv all reasonable me ins to forward it on the high road of prosperity and wealth. THE SPECIAL FEATURES of the ADVEHTISEKare: itsfuli,latest Telegraph ic Intelligence from all quarters; its faithful re ports of the daily Markets at all the Commercial Centres of the country; its comments 011 political and passing events and its full, fresh and readable local intelligence. It combines all the best features of a first-class general Newspaper and a lirst-class local journal. The WEEKLY ADVERTISER Is a large, eight-page, fifty-six column newspaper. Issued c\ cry Thussday, and contains the ereaui of the Daily edition. It Is especially addressed and intended for that larg su.i intelligent class of community who re side on tie great main linesoi communication and the facilities for reaching whom make it impos sible to supply themselves with a daily paper. For these, besides the late general ami local news, are provided reports of local agricultural in terests and full reports of late tnarkeis forcountn produce. If is eminently a readable paper and furnishes in eaee 1- ue a vast amount and variety of reading matter. TEIIMS. DAILY, PER YEAR { ■+ HO WEEKLY, " 200 PHOTOGRAPHS! HAVING arranged mv Light so as to obtain all those One (irittlntioiis ol* so essential to a BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPH, I re- IK'etfully solicit your patronage. I make all the leading styles of Photographs and Ferreotypes, from a CARD PICTURE to a LIFE-SIZE PORTRAIT —finished in india iisris:, WATER COLORS or OIL COPYING of OLD PICTURES made a special A large stock of Walnut, sosnrood and Cult Picture Frames Square and Oval, OX HAUD AND FOE SALE. AK work guaranteed to give satisfaction. M. T. LYNDE Photograph Gallery, ftCOND STREET East of MAIN, (Dike's Building,) COUDERSPORT, PA. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS' SAPO L I O is a substitute for Soap for all Household purposes except washing clothes. SAPO L I o for cleaning your House will save the labor of one cleaner. Uive it a trial. SAPO L I O for Windows ts better than \\ hiting or Water. No removing curtains or car pets. SAPO L I O cleans Paint and Wood, in fact the en tire house itetter than Soap. No slopping. Saves labor. You can't afford tobe with out it. , SAPO L I O for scouring Knives is better anil clean er than Bath Brick. jWill not scratch. s A f p o: Lr i: o is better than Soap and Sand for polish ing without scratch ing. SAPO L I O polishes Brass and Copper utensils bet ter than Acid or Oil and Itotten Stone. SAPO L I O for Washing Dishes and Glassware is in valuable. Cheaper than Soap. SAPO L S O removes Stains from Marble Mantels, 'l'ables and Statuary, from Hard-finished Walls, and from China and Porcelain. SAPO L 1 O removes Stains and Grease from Car pets and other woven fabrics. STicre is no one article Known fhsif w ill io NO many kimls of work anil do il AS well an well as Napolio. Try il. HAND S A POLIO a new and wonderfully effective Toilet Soap, having no equal in this country or abroad. HAND 8 A P 0 L I () as an article for the Bath "reaches the foundation" of all dirt, opens the pores and gives a healthy action and brilliant tint to the skin. hand S A P 0 L I 0 Cleanses and Beautifies the Skin, in stantly removing any stain or blem ish from both hands ami face. hand S A P O L I 0 is without a rival In the world for curing or preventing roughness and chapping of cither hands or face. ii.vxo S A POITI o removes Tar, Pitch, Iron or Ink . Stains A Grease; for workers in Ma chineshopH, mines, .Vc, is invaluable. For making the Skin white and soft and giving It a "bloom of beauty," it is unsurpassed by any Cosmetic known, UA.VO S A P 0 L 1 0 Co.-*s to HI ir> i cuts per cake and everybody should have it. You will like it. Don't fail to try these Goods, Buy il of your merchant if lie lias it or will procure it for you. IS not, write lor our I*as;jili!et, - *AH about Sapolio." ami it will be mailed free. ENOCH MOIIGAN'S SONS. 20 Park Place. N. Y. 2440a2ft- eow S. F. HAMILTON 'BOOK & JOK BKIXTEK,. S. ¥. corner IAIN and TIIIPJ) Streets, (OVER THE R sp I TICA. V. V. OYSTERS. A. H. PEIRCE, Wholesale and Retail OYSTER DEALER, COUDERSPORT, PA. Oysters by the Can, Quart, Gallon. Hundred and Thousand received daily. Families, Parties and Festivals supplied on short notice. The Trade furnished at reasonable rates. Give me a trial and I can suit you. 21-221 A. H. PEIRCE. Old Sewing Machines of any make repaired in a workmanlike manner. A. M. REYNOLDS, Agent. BOOTS arid SHOES ! John Denhof, Would respectfully inform the citizens that he continues the manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES at his new Stand, MAIN STREET below MARKET, (South of the Bridge,) All work done in a workmanlike manner reasonable rates, AM) A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED Give him a call. Before purchasing elsewhere call and examine the SING ER MACIIINE. A. M. Reynolds, Agent. Ojjicc in Olmsted Block, Couiersport, -A. A BEAUTIFUL $8 CIIROMO FREE TO ALL LOVERS OF AItT AND LITEIfA- Tl'llE. TTT"K w ill send the IVantiful Uhroino entitled "The Unwelcome Visitor." postage pre paid, as a premium to every subscriber to our monthly magazine called the J] vATnT. T: J) I: E , contains Ihirty-two large pages, liesldes tin eo ver. Idled with the best and most interesting reading, l'l ice, only S S a Year! Send on your Dollar and get a dollar magazine and an eight dollar ehroino in return. Sample copv set free on receipt of stamp. We want and will liltcrullv pay .V (; K TV T Si . Send stamp for particulars. Address HUMBLE BEE, AIM Illinois. Singer, Grover & Baker, leather and common Needles, Thread and (Til kept constantly on hand. A. M. Reynolds, Agent. H. D. TREAD WELL, —OF— Wellsville, M. Y., Has just returned from New York with a large stock of " Ecots and Shoss, LEATHER SHOE FINDINGS, LOOK AT THE PRICES! WOMEN'S SI.IPI'KRS from s<>e. to 51.75 " LEATHER LACE LOOTS !>O<-. < 1.75 • MOROCCO " " si.oo " i. 3 g WEN'S THICK LOOTS 2.50 " 4.00 " Klp " 8.75 " 4.50 Small Shoes, from 30cents'upwards. Sole Leather, 30 rn>l 31 cents per pound. Shoe Foldings of all kinds, verycheap. Remember the place,—directly opposite the Howell llouse. 11. I. TKEAOWFM,, AGENT. D. B. NEEFE, CARRIAGE and MH MUER. Cor. EAST and WORCESTER Sts., Coudersporl, r*n., will carry on the following branches of business Wagon Shop. There will be made to order and kept on hand all kiuds of Lumber Wagons, with Bodies, Whif fletrees, Neck-yokes and Steel Spring Seats; Platform and Kml-Elliptlc S[>ring Wagons; Side, or Concord, Elliptic Spring Top and Open Buggies; Sulkies; One-horse Wagons. Ox and Ilorse Carts, Sleighs and Cutters will be made to order on short notice. Itepairlng of all kinds of old work done With 11 -ai ness and durability. KLACKSAIITII SHOP. Horse and Ox Shoeing; Irontng of all kinds of Wagons, Sleighs and Cutters. Picks, Clevises, Chains, Hooks, Drag-teeth, Hinges, Bolts for Carriager, Plows, etc., and re|iairing of all kinds of Mill Irons and Fanning Implements. PAINT SHOP. Painting of all kinds of new Wagons, Carriages, Sleighs and Cutters, and special attention paid to t he cleaning and painting of old work. Sign and ornamental Painting done to order with neatness and dispatch. (Trimming f-liop. All kinds of Carriage, Stage and Coach Tops, Cushions, Falls, Dashes, Lazy-Backs, Shaft Trimming, and all work in the Hue of Trim ming done in good Style. Xot lce is given that 1 have changed my place of business from Brookland, Pa., i-t this place and have built a new Factory—3o x 72 ft., —in wl i'-h the four brahrhes of business will be carried on, and will be pleased to receive the custom of my old patrons. The best of Lumber, Iron and Trimming Material that can be procured will be used on the work. Orders by mail will be promptly attended to. \). 3. NEEFE. 2425 ° ~8. H. GOODSELL, Carpenter and Joiner, SOUTH SIDE of the RIVER, ((iborc EAST Street,) Ctnulcrwporl, I'u. CONTRACTS taken and materials furnished for all kinds of BUILDING PLANING and MATCHING done.— MOULDING of all descriptions. SASH, BLINDS and DOORS on hand or manu factured to order. CASH paid for Cine lumber. Vour patronage is solicited. N. H. (iOORSELL. M. H. BIRCE, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN paprr f&aHfliuflS, mmnotD Sfjaar*, on. CLOTHS, Klo. t No. 218 Main Si., M34ly* BUFFALO. N. Y. .A"l-ro-7> -asnon *nn uuj YOSBQJJDTF SPOOS UO AjOJ .VV.VVI ÜBJ BJAUIOP- UD vpuiuqtmoaraj .fußulia K-R UdM S-V '|).X)VUII.I, ONbuSil.) aK.IIIxcVHR" IURJH pajtu<|o[a.> A'ljsnt jt|i jo s.bunj.>ajuuuiv *-V *.V 'O r 1VJ.1.15l IS HW.I Of V l im oo v iM *v TUS "SILVER TOHGUE" ORGANS For PARLOR, CHURCH and SCHOOL. MANUFACTURED BY E. P. NEEDHAIVI & SON. ESTABLISHED is 1840. Nos. 143, 145 and 147 East 22d St., New York. Responsible partfes applying for agencies in sec tions stjll misapplied in receive prompt aftcn lion an I liberal inducements. I'm 'n-s residing at a distance from our authorised agents may order from our factory. Send for an illustrated price list. 2Soloi2*> FRENCH'S NEW HOTEL. COR. CQRTLANDT & N r W CHURCH STS., N. Y. OP the European Plar. ItiCHAKi) P. FSKSCH, Hon of the i.ite Cnl. Rich ard French, of French's Hotel, has taken tliis lio tel, lie.viy cited up and entirely renovated the 'awe. Centrally located in tlie part of the city. Ladies' and Gentß mens' Dining Rooms .Attached. lad AGENTS WANTED. In every conntv of each State, for a new Nation al !!.*. Tin: LIVES AND PGR', R.MtS UK TDK i'liKs I DEN ; v .) n f:c : ili tc cop;, of [he Declaration of Independence, tlie Constitution of the t'niicii Stai-. and Washington's Farewell Ad dress, with 19 line steel"*. j.' or Circular.- u:al Term- address -tohusou Wilson. A- Co., 27 Beck ham St., New York. la! The very best plan Bv which you can obtain Life Insurance Is the Low Premium, Ait t ash, Stock Plan, It furnishes ihe largest amount of insurance for a given sum yf money. The contract is plain and ilctiuite, without couipii cation, mystery or uniertalnty. The policy is always worth its fhee, the premium never increases. It is the hiost satisfactory and economical plan for the insurant. THE i'hAVKI.- I:KS INSVKANOK COMCANV, of Hartford, Conn., grants Life Insurance upou this excellent plan. Its security is unquestioned. Apply to any Agent or send for Circular. .vir-l Agents wantco for the New Book. Epidemic & Contagious Diseases wim the newest end best treatment for nil cases, riie. oni> thorough work of the kind in the world. Embrace- Small pox, Yollcw l over, Cho lera, lU'l . , an, Ml-,11.-1 I,- •*. fjtl f AlcdL! ifilt WflcOUT IT. and all buy It. Has *4 chromatic il lustrations. Toe biggest chance <>i tii" season for agents. Address il. t>. GOubisPEKD A CO., i!7 I'atk Row, New dork. 4i.; GOOD A(.KMS H ASTLP lost KVLUVBOiiIdS GV.N i'JhSKi.W, l.y * . \V . (;I.KAS(I>:, M. D. Sells rapidly. One agent solR s.\! I".—A large body of Timber and Iron 2 ore Lands in Middle Pennsylvania; slilnat tocut iki,iHiii,m„i feet.>t .sound white oak, white ami yellow pint and hemlock. On and near limiting streams, with steam saw-mill, boom, etc., on tut Susquehanna. Apply to P. u . SHEAFE,;. pu ville, Pa. fsirt A*U thing luniish".: and expenses paid, hurt A. CO! i. I Kit a ( ,■)., Charlotte, Mich The La Croix Medical Dispensary, ESTABIILIIED IN 1537, Is the oldest A most successful institution in this country tor the treatment of chronic and Scxua Pi ea*cs. For terms ol treatment call, oraddre*. by mail,with statement of case,B. h. HL'NSDON * r4 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. A GREAT OFFER R : will dispose of PHI PIANOS a organs of first cliis* >Dii/errs, including WATERS', at'extremely low prices for cash, or part cash, and balance ii small monthly payments. New 7 Octave lirst ciass PIANos, all modern improyenu nts foi *275 cash, organs s.v>, f7r>. DOUBLE REKI ORGANS,SRH>; 4-STOP, f IIU; s-SToP, * ltf> and upwards. WATERS' CONCERTO PARLOR ORGANS are the most beautiful and perfect in tone evei made. Tlie CONCERTO STOP is the be*: evei placed in any Organ. It is produced bv a third set of reed* peculiarly voiced, the EFFECT ol which is MOST CHARMIN scut 1v Exiiress (' <> i"i be examined before ' " 4 n Working' Citiss *!■,\ I .: Kor 1 KVAII: - a S]., (table employ ment at lt.,c.W-'\*lairV-v.-iu"-1 no capital required; full instru,Mons'and^ ,Sj,: package ot g,„,ds sent free bv mail Address cent return stamp, M. v OUNU * c 6 IT3 Greeuwioii st., v I ,p * 1 • n >■,* DYSPEPSIA Cb'HE> nr. Shiirp's Specific cures IB „ tlalnt.Const!patlon,Vonii tinei?f, ' h. Water Brasli, Hearth, m , , ] . ° Pa. Depot, 149 i ight . st„ >n application. " ' M -r.' $3,00 C for 22 *• y Before you start on a journey, i, u . IILSU auce Ticket of the KaUu;,, i. "'" Assurance of Hartford, i, ' for saleat railroad stations. Ask V- . ' Ticket. " WYOMING SEMINAR;, COMMERCIAL COLLI , In the flitted States. s,\ - Mi ,„ ... . tary iai ties, ■ ' t . , graphing: Terms low. KaHt-ru, lier 3i*l. Send for i uta . . pOLLEGIATE & COMMERCIAL INSTITUTr . \j \ en. Conn. Prspai .itoi ii. 'V I Principal. Columbia Classical Ints-., A Boarding School for Young Men Circulars address KEY. 11. s. Al.i iumiila, Pa. " * Vroirnxi:.— Wftw? |; . sloct.s in ! atolil. ( will pav sloo to Jtoon a month, n ! sent tier. W. F. IifBBKI.I. a < (1. i -■ N vY( $25 SKEEY HADE By all who will work fot us. If .... do not lind ii- all square, we will giv. ; !ar for voir trouble. Send stamp ' o. as. tti i Hi.r.ViVt o.,Tek M Having struggled twenti \ear- 7, 7 death -Hh fISIHMA "I" PHTHISIC 1 ' myself hy eompoundiug root* mi.l 1 haling the Medicine thus obtained, discovered s tnost wonderful r.-n, cure for \st dim a d its kindred . - , . milled to relieve tile severest paroxysm ... so the patient can In- down to r> - ... fortaldv. (iNK TKIAI. PAI Ix \(,l . MAIL FKEK "F CJIAKHK. x.ldres (.Ki.l., Apple Creek. Wayne •., 0h,,. PATENTS OBTAINED No tec- unless successful. No n - charm- fur preliminary search, s, ; „i - CON NOLI.> BKOTIIKHS, lOss. 1 ~ * delphla, I'a. A-Oils Ninth t, U ashni_: ftC 1 , , OP, per day! Agents wan- " f working peop,. xoiitig or old, make more tuoney at * . their spare moments, or all the'tin-,: thing else. Particulars free. A—m— V SON A CO.. Portland, Maine. GETTYSBI li<, Katalysins Ik: Is the nearest approach to a spec] ~v - crcM fur I>x spepsia. Neuralgia, Khciui .c. Crave!, Dial "'tea, Kidney A I'rinan Pi-■- orally. It restore.-muscular power i..-m ie. It cures Liver Complaint, Cnronic p - Piles, Constipation, Asthma, ( a'anli ,\ tis, Diseases of the skin, Oenerai Is votis Prostration from Mental or Pic.-i es. It is the (in-atest Antidote ew-rd.- Kxeessixe Hating or Drinking, n stomach, promotes digestion Art U almost imuiedialelv. No household-I-. . our it. For sale liy all Druggists. Crr Fora history of tin Springs, medic- - 1 of the power of wafer over diseas. s, j enres and for testimonials from disp m . J send for pamphlets. WHITNEY !'• ] Agents, 22V s. Front st„ Philadelphia. Ih. 1 CKTTVSIU Kti SfKINO CO. ,| Af/iv- rv madersphllyrwith rl *■ 1 -N i- i outiits. i alalogm -,v ■/•£'•. s. .M. SI'KNCEK, IK Hanover SI. B nl-di IIS S>o\ 11, or tile serotn, .Mustache A Wliiskcrs in 42 •!. s'u K'i and ln-.i otlierv. (nimbler-fr ogy, Ventriloquism, in all tha or. > p.. W kit is Money in it. Send for (in, ,r ('HP MAN A WEHI.TKK. N. Ml. l'hil.i. IY i We Want an Agent In this township to canvass for tl and fast selling i> Dr. cuV| The Science of a New Li Iteeonimended and endorsed M pri i: ters, phy sieians, religious and . • outer js. '• other Look like it published, si •••.- auteed. Address, COWAN A '■ i>., 4Tr4 139 Eighth sr., New ! a. 82,000,000 ACRES CHEAP FAKMS. Tin Cheapest Laml in Market f;-.< ' Union Pacific Railroad C; lit the Great Flatte Valley. 8,000,000 acres in ('< utral Seta*! Now for sale in tracts of forty . n-aii . " on liw a ltd ten years' credit xi"" advance interest required. Mild and hi althfui climate, ft - ■ ■ 111 dance of good wafer. THE BEST MAIIKKT IN Wi-'f. Tl T Mininp repioiißof Wynmiiur, ("nninnh 1 Nc\ aia iK iujr k*\ the tain •'■n" ■ Valley. Soldiers entitled to a Hcmcste J ' 160 Acres. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOP COLONIES FBEK HOMES FOB ALL. Mi.linb-".' choice Ooveruinent latiils o|u - Homestead Law, near this Lre.ii L'a good markets and all the eoii\eiileii"H ■ ; settled country. Free passes to purchasers ' i Sectional Maps showing the I a: tion of Descriptive Pamphlet, vif t mailed free evei vwhere. Addrt ss O. F. IL\VIN ■iar4 Imtul Comr. l r . I'. A'. R-, " u,v ' ' Wt'CLELLAN S INSTITUTE FOR At West Chester, Pa. A Leautlfm at.-; Sltliatill, 22 miles west of I'lii adclphw. '' f playgrounds with gymnasium, snei• ~ for College, Polyteehmc S. ho ■ \ clal provisions made for very young " i students remain, as hoarders, diirr - • (>r4 Bl.'HLilT M STEVENSOK & FOSTO STATIONERS. PRINTERS. EINDERS, BL' V MAKERS, AND WHni.KSM K UKAI Kit" v I'UIXT 1 1 KS" r- I < )( Flat papers, Look papers, rule I' ; ' h.-ads, cards, printing Inks, eti.. - ■ "2 and S4 Third Ave.. PittsLnrgh. Ef=tablisluxl in 3ie-i:stablishctl inl- H C. G. Hammer & Sc Manufacturers of Fine an-' TUKE, of every iteseription and pr and superior in style irul qtiahty : ; ; most or any other Kui utture House tl' mountains. -J Photographs and Price I lis it or when in the city don't forget the to the lasge Golden Chair, 46, 4§, anp SO SEVEN'! " :* 9436jl y I'n"'" 1