I The Potter Journal I AXD n ews item. SSSTSS". ?A., SeptKnber 3,1573. I v i m -bail he a''>>wed to run over one l x : H.irs. l>ue notice will be given ol I and if not paid the paper will be S. F. HAMILTON, I s Publisher I ————— Coudersport Market. L •N . 1 white, per bush. SI.BO Ked winter, **■ 1.60 (d 1.75 \. 1 spring. " 1.50 (a 1.60 . - - " - 4 " 44 .80 41 2.00 (a 2.50 . . . . 44 1.-50 ''a 2.00 L. . _ ]K'r ton, 12. (a sls. - 44 ft .06 Ct .08 I'' . 44 ft .20 (y the I P busin - - We si ill eudeavi>r t. av, -id L-ivling t tj'.iie >" s'>- i i H • ■gain. B)i:r > lUa^r ■ v rits a uiueli livelier appearance ■ . it did a few v ■ eks ago. ■fo-nmrruw B - R, publican ('■ tn'\ Convention I -intl is place. :<•> fieri; t ■ is Borough ar- p. s. Jr.. AV. K. Jones. X. If. ..] W. AV. Br -wn. Tic Dd e, . En) ha township are Con- I st- :.s. S-th Taggart and L. A. B i - it will meet on Tues _ ' I c .1 in i jH n d w i;h .. sun it K >' • •r. A cordial invitation IK . v.! ■ eau iii. .it e .. >,,* Term of Court will rial M " '".ait be will be! If lie be Wi l ooiitnin* 44 the lail next to liini. Instead i- gs broken. The Railroad } :---k hiui to Buffalo. —We learn from the Olean man's name w..s Charles t lils jiarents reside in Liber ' iv < unty and that he was ta v-iters" Hospital. Buffalo. • 1 Thursday morning. !i * i ihu? ■ ! :intj r>emocr. ih , :.e heiil in J-M ijiiiag led to pass resolutions oon ' c -alary grab. Meyer, tiie ( "" >• f the lied for-1 district in , - ■ The distinguished mem- Lycoming district, voted • -a ie measure and eager ; " 'ln money. The political t >s.- gentlemen, therefore, ; ch-ained from ifflieially cen l to for their acts. And yet •••a -v pretend to have a lioly affair ai d are loud in their - if it. They evidently for • ll " - ts, e nomination of Judge I ' ,is neighbors from the I top,Minn: ft i of the news of Judge ■ w a- tV '" unal '°n, on Wednesday occasion of a very pleasant • meeting of the Judge's many friends in Br< ■ kville. without respect to jarty. A numlier of telegrams were receivetl ad dress-d to the Judge, but their content-v w ere kept from his friends waiting at t.iC office until the sus}>ense could be endured 110 longer, when a delegation was Ainid sad proceeded to Mr. (tor don's residence, where it was discovered that the .Judge was altsent in attend ance at prayer meeting. In the absence of a committee, wlio proceeded to the church to notify hiin of the presence of his friends at home, Mrs. Gordon opened the tea gi.uus and made k:, iwii ti.ejj coutents. win n l>eavers of the gentle men present went up in the air and a hearty cheer was given, for the of our townsman and greatly esteemed neighbor. The .Judge putting in an aie pea ranee at this time, a general hand shaking was indulged in and the most hearty congratulations extnded. Alto gether the occasion was one of the most plea-ant that has occaned in our town within our recollection. Metiger A Stevens Have got a steam whistle on their saw mill. II. W. ( aiijiduii, Oi Watt rtown, X. V., has accepted the call of the Presbyterian Church of this place and will commence his labors here by preaching. Sunday morning next, at the usual hour. liaising Fish. The rearing oftrout in private p ;:n --has iiecome quite common of late years. Many depend solely on the natural in crease of the fish to sttx-k the jKuids, i.iiit tne lie.st results seem to be obtained where they ai-e propagatetl by artificial means. We take tiie following notice of a i>oncl in McKean county from the Mil'.' r of last week: tVe had the pleasure, on Fi klav last, el v:.-:ting the trout pom's of \\*. F (i nishv. Esq., who liv.-> about for. miles from this place on the road lead big i" Alton. Mr. Ornisby some time last winter visited the home oi Seth • rri-eii wit i the view of learning the ni"de and maimer of raising fish, which ae d;d. Alt-nvard lie procured of Mr. >i me l"a co eggs, and subsetpicntlv to this another larger nuniter of eggs and small fish, lie at once went to work and arrang.-tl t .ur j.-onds. a liiiild mg. etc.. fur hatching, and coninr need to imitate the example of his teacher, though naturally a little <;matr at the oil -T. Ibe result is. lie had excellent luck in hatching, hardly killing an egg. ■ . d now : is fi ur p-.m1.-an well son kt d V ! tne speckled beauties. His ti.-li vary in si?-* from twelve inches to one lalt inch in length. His facilities for i a: ;y ing on a hiiisines- it. < liolou Comil v Vomliialiiinv. Ihe Rt-pubhea is oi Clinton county have noiiabated tiie follow u.g tick-1: Ass'htbi' .R. 11. L aid Well, of RellOVO. Pri'th n't- , .—Wm. Ftaron. Lock 1 la\eli. Rfj .-t-r ami —Jus. A. Ken uig, Renovo. Treasurer. —J. R. King. Woodward, i Cnaii uiitn of tlx County (. ainiittec t-ar the vusuiug y av. Oil. Then s.:id to D/ an excitemet t in the oil i • uioiis jest now. almost cq-ial to that of i Caving whs ' ing 1_ ■i 1 or. of .ii a d ty. lii'.aMi tion to i.;ist he " dry hoi s."a* the Weils that w r sunk v.'. .ml tindi .g oil. .-ars ago. i-alh d. a: being mad • p ; -du - , - l.arg< numbers of these latter are said to yield as high as goo barrels of oil a day. Personal. (.'ol. A. < . X" .ye- was in town on Monday ot this week. iiHikiii— as naic and h; ;;y a> ever. lin I' ) m-i is .. . ol t.e - _- i.i..i ••in. uitis a piefss ure to meet that is not to be i verv day 1 ■ trie? : ve a_mm >.• , him a- their it ;m - atat:\ foi , _i.-..,ti\ • honor-. which h.- will liearofT with grac . digni ty and honor to himself and ins con st .tii> sin-h in, n are rare 111 tiie.-i s,ilai v-_:altbiug tiit:- s. and their viitiu - sliouid duly appreciated.— Km ■■•rii< lit Ltdtj .. ,0, £. Col. Xnyos has already rc-pr*-ted Clinton county four y.*ars in the Lt_is- • iatu; -. He has Ik a a faithful and effi cient member. Always courteous and gentlemanly in his intercoms- with Ids associates iie sf rotation and re taining the services of an exj*erieced and faithful Legislator. If all tliecoiin ties in the Mate would follow this ex ample the interests of the jteople would 1- in safer hands. I\> congratulate < 1. X ives on his success and his con stituents for their good s use. rrrkoim!. Mr H. ( . Ledgard. late of Cen-s. Pa., lias gone to Millerstown. Butler county. Pa., where he will engage in the dentist ry business. liar v lis readily in Olean for sls a ton. 1 he ( nniernn Press >ays its senior editor is again on the war i*ath. "Old I'rohnbilliiM" Has gone 011 a trip to Euro]" and Miss Sr-iE J. Hards, hot - of port ABeirnr'. Pi. DIED. ■>A)u August 2L 1-T . 1: CoWuuin'- MllLs McKean v vniy. Pa., Ilryee IS. Kinney, yin of ("apt. L. H. Kinney, of this County, aged years, 5 ln and It days. Tliu- ha- pa--. , xv., r He ii,-st en'-istcd for -1 -,tj-itays to l tli g -t. 1". pin". Asa -o;d>er hp x\;.- i'~ ami sctf-sacvific tof- ;'q"! while in- aided in the vupiirr idwn of the ': beHtaß he carried any (nil hb amy hard -■ ip-' ;e malarial effects of exp Mir. in tiie nio-r 1 i go : 1 on- -f e- S •, widtv r -h Uiia, in common wi: 1 tb-nsands. to aii ijitiuie.y a rave- And thoujtJi h. died nitin i ;t --''' - '-uiia',, hi 4 tli'd pe-: ig:;s as nurely. after uti'ii'iiiig i' ne— and s :'!eri:ig. fo hi- ■ ,i.* v. Asa lutsbaad and young fa&erhe wantev ited an 1 aflcctioiiiite: as a sou he xx.ts nlvvavs con-i i erate and faithful; as a brother bdhved, ever t'-n-lerai. 1 symp;H!ii 'inv ; a*a f u nd.coni;i •. a.i'i ami . f -troug att . •htuetit-; an i a-a ■•;- a. Ing'iiy est> *ined and eoniin.iadcd tiie rests-.-t of a fornisiitreUig. nee,inoratit\ and _.nerai kind ness of s, K it. R ing nap: scholar ar.d of ' ill",;, having x\~ .1 sister. 1.-'XX lit-; • ..sell, el J lue —M'.-e Klun y having died in tin* suutnft of MS. while her i.ust..ii-i au i eldest "ii were -n the l'- ,q,. sula. rims, of a family of iv. tea y,-ar ago. but t!i fatiter and one sia are left. IV.it v. know ihat in Ids far greater than ordinal x tri iS of life. Mi. Kinii.-x "as ilie heartfelt -vriijiat'iv and r..|"|n. tatee of bis very many frieiius dmmghout the County. And for the widow and two cliildmit isamn a.'-i at T • i a v-ry lev •*! -i.- ..{ - .ire'.. I' f:: -;ds appi'e*. iate tiie desoiaiion and I 'in*. toes w ide!: have suddenly tipcowc the compaii i"u- "flier grief Max (.od.in lh- f i!i graoe and in :1 :-' g.- sines-, of His providetuv. minister to her. n xv and ilwavs. a! iii'i.m: s'lirit ua" eomf' it and tein;K>ral gO'i. Tlioi._h the aisive was not a tnetnlxer of the • Inir • i—vx •u .■ .n-.'.-ci. >• . V gntaered aud niucied in the uwumrfesof ids relaiix; ■. Not from ids usual but from his übsurbed and interesting coudinonfd mind dur ing all !i i lllness and from !!:■• sti nog pxpretsi ai ••f siti-fa- ti' ai and comfort in the knowledge and appr-m -hiug pres-nee of death. II" a-.sitrel hi 'anther repeated?}' in-vxas so a going to ic.'Ae hi"' 1 ft-it. ill resj i i-s.- to th- re sard to ris prepandkm, that it was- a!! rigtiL" H ' ••>!"! '■ d'i'i-'ll "li "it Ulder siin'e-. and seined f i'.x j,re;mreil aud <•>•;• i - .i: and ill- vi-j .t. at l.e- .f"-' s . - Ve.-" i . ii- I* ii.finitelv iii'Tc gloii ..is aft'-r-v-'-xv Tiee of life. * 5o;jl iloticCs. Wfetvill send the Journal for one yer.r to any club ef FI\ r E new subscriceis cn payment of S ~£o. and to any one sending S 15.00 for ten new sntjscrib ers. one year, we will send one copy free for vine time. r pEAf HERS M AMI I.—Three tfuch- X i-rs watitesl for Ai-i, .tt school dis trict. "Alan" of IV Jr.llars [u r moiitlJuill tpaid. Gx. d certifici tis n quired. App'icati-n m st U m;.d oa or befi re " ptcm "-ri iii. JOHN G. i LE, 5, y. The si'-kly sccson i- at hand; the great heat makes the system h ebb*: ml dt" il itatex! and unci le to withstand the sud - Us- of Rolirer's Wild < "!:ci y Tunic will invigorat. t 1 e svstein.braceuj tbes'-at tered forces ami citable each organ to p rf.irin its p;..p*;- 1 u;.-lions. I", will cure any case ol Diarrlaea, ])>>-atciy . to t) -e -- i i:; ring the horrors of tout terrible disease. Dyspepsia, it is inval uable. THOMPSON" A MAXX. (. OCDEIISI'OIIT. PA. The Six.,;-::: Is a lock-stiteh machine and makes a in-autiful.even and uniform stitch whi iv. iii i.o" liiwi and • on Imth sides. It hems, braids, cords, { ■ •;>-. • nibreiih :-. r '' -. fells raid •!• • - a:) kind-el work on tax-ina-st iiiushnor th • heaviest fall- i til. XV. k; i . ki it With any di-gicc of sinalitcc W hat's g'Vill" t I,' f. rf - AVe can calculate, l-.ovevt r, with re,:- -x.il Ci .1. . '' in g tti. g JVtt r Lumber Wig, ,-. Better (at -of all <1 : iptions. Better Sleighs, Better C'utt B'tter Trimming, U'ttei Painting, Bettei* Horse-sSa . ii g. and Better Repairing of all kinds At COLE'S SJtop tluiu any other plaee in (.'oudersjsiit a in the Countv. " g'"-Mf T)RICE. —G BRI< K fi X) WM. illilNK. R xilet. Pa. >]icci lnens can le -ceu at the office of Jocri- XAL A Item. Ih ,•. - " ] n -r t! • i sand —ml net ion made when > id* red in large quantiti*. -. i*g-tf A -plendid st i k >f Paisley sliaw!- may be found at Simmons' Regulato at prie* - far lx 1 w ti.'ir _ inark'-t value. B-iter than —A certain amount of greenbacks, national or fractional eurrency invested with C. 11. Simmons, the Regulator man for dry go ds, gro ceries. Ih,.gs and shoes. 1) OYER WIIEKL CO.. A Weal TMM Bt, I ncuatATt, O. Manufacturers of tire celebratexl >arven AVheel. tlie Rover C ombination and Old style AVagons. Abo Carriage and AVagon AV odwork of every de scription. Actual wear and hard u-sige i> the lest test of the strength and duraiuiity of a wheel, and they have proved the Sarven Patent to wear longt-i than three or four sets of the b-t old-style wheels. When afceot toporchaaea hnggy car nage or wagon, see thai your eaniage mak'T uses our make of the Sarven wheel. There are so many inferior pa tent wheels in the market that it will be to your interest to stipulate for the •Sarven —as it i> now concern-< 1 to !>.- the only perfectly reliable wheel in use. | 2512 SheparJ. at Simmons" Regulators, says lie will give a laboring man or lady imore gonls for the same amount of mo rn 1 t: an any oth r man wih in tiie Uni ted states. A Change.—The August No. of the Vu,„(.u p.. is received and is the last one that will be issued fr< in the old jK>int —Albion, 111,, the publishers hav ing removes t to PJii Main St.. Cincinna ti, Ohio. They propose to largely im prove it at their n-w location and make it still more worthy of public confidence than heretofore. Tiiere will be no oth r change: eveiy sule j iber receivus as a premium a val uable ehromo. and the magazine alone is well w Ttli the price charg-d—Sl.< . Those who wish to see the magazine be fore subscribing can procure a sample c"iy by sending stamp to the publisher, at I_3 Main St., Cineinm ti. Ohio. Den'f f.eg. t that C. H. Simmons, the Merchant Pi inee of Wellsxille. is yet in trade larger than ever, and that hi twenty-live years" exjierienee in this market enables him t • give .his custom ers the best good- and latest styles at the lowest living rates. lie sure and call and examine his stock, and in- con vinced that a dollar s. vtd is worth two earned. Great run on a well known Institu tion.—Tlie famous Regulator man. C. 11. Simmons- Nos. g.4 and*s, W, U-- vllle, X. V. has receutlybet.n subjected to an extraordinary pressure—the pres sure of crowds of sufferers that have leen in the habit of buying from -mall dealers and paying enormous prices. Money lieing scarce, they have seem ingly all made a grand ru.-li to the place 1 where they get the grtatest amount of h- b>r the smallest amount of mon ey. The popularity of this establish ment is boundh ss and will last, for it i> built on a - >lid foundation: one hun dred thousand dollars being the corner stone. This well known cstabiis'uinent might justly be called a savings l>:k from thenuinbeis of dollars it has saved tie i iple for the last ten years. Fi in :'s x,-rx iiit.:uc\ ] ;gii ... ] ;.<] to vanish like dew before the morning sun. '•Throw Tiivsio to the JTosv.**—Th> Or '/i' ic recently gn\ -an ill '.jrt'bn f the nev. : .r '!• •> i-- 1 liv the Murray Mill Pnlili-hisu Coma-ny. lg.' Ka-t g-ili -trvct. from l'.i-ptiai - pain. in-,'. "Throwl'hy-:.- totite J' g-.'" The *nb - of the canine race. The sc-env ia laughable one : ami the different at'itsd -of tl.• d d ingly S'le.i-ing. 11 i- u -iciest to :7u-ii.r Hi. p,,o:e"- v. ■ : ■ : I . ]. s pVS.f hi- Wc.i h;. wn v rk. " Plata 1 ione Talk an 1 Medical - r .ah'.- ~:>v. School" and iu thi-way he stands prominency out from the pi - n •. su< <•, ful pr.o-titiouer. The I••*'k i- a volume <>f Ot 2 jog', and 30 • illus i'."ati"!.s. i,: ...i wig f i-;- anil re .- tii rt-ia.i.ic t<- * in iiikiiid ,ui i lie ir ami phy-e a-m: The (j.■ 'j i. ~ -.t\. .if it: -n p unnurt jxs.i of useful ku -wiedge." A noted cterpju. ui of it s- < iiy te-iifles t > it- ineii'v, remaking. '-It i a 'inriTy it; itself." The 1; .'ore. 1" k i- Lrge and ai- \x* V: suit ed to cu-toiiiers as to price. ('omeone. com- all with nt delay and p. ve the truth of whtb. wc s. y. Court Proc'anntion. tp IKKI eHon-H W '•"■ n Presi v d'-i:t Judg- . and : : • I! us. I,) MA". s Hid dons M. KILBOi lINF- \>so. cite Jti ■ -of ;i • oiirt- of oyer i Tei mint r nnd General Jai I'l '.nery. b'uarier--iousoi i lie I ••.o-. ' irphans' - thefnurU-enthdny of Jum* in ti •• year of our Lord ■ .iml to itn dire-ttsl. for holding a < 'funt of Oyer Moinlaj . : l -i i' l ! M Bi K n-w and toe lu'intte. in -ek. N " i- tit* rehire iiereln ab -n ; the ( r•- li - •' as! >of e.e Pi a<:ni <'> ii- r ,:!■;<•- '• ild:, the County, that tln-v tie then aud there in their ji: oltei ns. at !•'* iV •• k. . ill .of si.id 0:. '■. nit':. :!:■ i. .. .-. record.- ait-i . -it : -. v;:.-..- I: i"i li- .-ml . t! o > a to do b .-.c thing- iVliie': toth-ir office- oppet .ainU'K- dole Tojiro-,-- .ieag.ih " . -1;s- • -!: ic -" -. . I ■ . b ''ti an i there to pro-eetne as uu-t ti.eutwb i e just. b • .11. • f Alia .i ... s. P. iit.t N'.lLIdS, .s • r.j-'l In the nr.tte of tbe IViiit :: II PK Or;, .an-' vf >• s D. Ami-, x f rtke C art | P at. r . pirrhi th> Krai Estate ' ' uaty, No. !:. of if .n _i; Jc- * T JAX - Aihic-- COJI .si. T x nud Ui-AM ATlCtrnx. Von :r e hereby iio!ifie*l toappe.tr e\t Court, t.ilr- he'd at Coiaier-jiort on the fil'-entli day of September next, and show eutt AA!I\ tl - r'|Hsrt •1 the iii-pie-: made in this ea-e -ic itd not )>e apjo, \-si. and why v.. : -icmld not a. Cjit ;he ,<-rai j.crt-of Cue viiii real ~;.:te aviat*.* • to vi ..a - ! .-jX-rt. s M.vNN \ oN, At:"- f-r P'-uiianer. Co'lih :-sJ.ort. July . ' 4t la ih* Orph&as" • art • f the In ti c miilter . f the C. 'iuty ' 11,I 1 , u-r t • Withel. e-i fJ. hi HE*- rn.r.a M -a. ■ ■y f I'. t'.-r. ;!rc'4. ~r-w - I'- Lt.ll, Ite ,f X. V. city, Jec' a.r-L TAKE >TR E, "it the jx-g- .f tbe wid m ■ f said d. i-sh-nt. a citation la- x-en pranttxi I v tiie orphans Court of Potter < nty to the toi niiiii-tratoi and teirs-.u .-.v ■ f Joas HISKI SA. "KWAS. ILE-I - .-e.h to SH oe eau-e Why nit • ■he n lie ~{ -,;|d .1 ■ ■ .i.e.; ii . dd led 1*- or ret n !ge he; i.e\a friend, ( li> lie- < sort of Common JAMES NELSON. Pleas .RF Potter < ■. No. I 4". Feb. Te; ;,;. IS;3. S. D. KELLT. Libel in Divorce, s. D. Kellv, the Ke-tnondent ali\e named, wi'.lph..- take notice that i M.ljxina ami atia snbpceaa have been Lvui.il and Ivtiirned nihil: low ire therefore hereby r;-, ,c i- • f Binjfhani twp., ' -i. ha . * . "u graute-l to the nvbncvtMr, ■' ■'< j tid estnie are r qu --t -- - -a! pa.. uueDt and those: havitur !a:n,s against the estate of the lai I decydeut m.o.e kg' iu the sa.ui' ithotitd lav !., DELIGHT A ROBFINis, Ki-ich; n, August C, 1-.3. Ervcutrix IN BANKRUPTCY. XX r- TEKN IJIST. OF PENN v.. -- : 1 1.-- u.soi rsigned here y gives :;• ti-e 1 his ap pointment as ii-siffaee „f OiIAKLKS SEFI.V, of u-. n the ounty of Putter aim .-tut' of ivi.n-ri- wiihla said THrtrhV, who has adfntbc '••"•k.-rpt on hi- ..vn petition 1 v th • Pi-:n : 1 u.irt said liistri. :. At -A. r , ; V° *' li: .wworenv, Rj mn I ma I'KVNIS h,as am 5e0!,..e0. aim run away, and left iuv i.e : aud tioar.; v.:: mat ean-c,,r j.roy- .jtion. Ido hen . for'nd ."••• "he ■ i iioarding. l.art'oriug ur tru.-titur 1.-.t "ii my .. mi, n- 1 shall pavnodebts :ha* -he • nitre, is. C. DENNI - August 13, 7-73.-31*. Xoilcc. P ? BLIC NOTR® is hereby given that the fol iowinif \dini ac'itiiits i:iv. i-i-.-n .wi .ii' • 1. 'g-ster .• •• iu and forth: y' eaiTv •>. p-cf.-r, auil that the same will te pre- o.te i to taeOipbaaa Const "i sai l Osnvb fur renmrms *' mand alh'W inee on MONMY, the lath da\ of Septetid ;.r :. \t, at the C ourt house iu the c 'Ui.ry FiiiP.l Account, of John M. ' jTwrm. adinr. of the evttte of CHitirs Cminut, d- i ynrul fate of Clu;_ tp. Dart::.! ar rant f Marf.i Baliru k and XVra. If. ba/.eu, ad.if e.-tute of Lvii.vN gi. 8.-BOUVS. late of Pioultt tp., deoeosee. A< • ii'.int ••! Hiram Rater, a lmr. of tin estate of B.lf Ei!. iatt of E" i>.'. t j'.. ic LIS •!. A Mint of Francev-Cnim, adinrx. of estate of Li. TBii M. ( Kit. late of Bingham tp_ leeeased. E'inai a<- • untuf AlvaCarjieiiter, ••:, -.of estate "f 1 HE"i:";:rs Caiu-ENIHK, ate of Bingham tp., deeeast-i. L- 'd"'dn. -. i.ri :rnn. a -. , 4 the • star- ! N A THAN llOviKXtS, .ale of Eu.ada tp., dei.-.;L.-*_-'i. DAN BAKER, R gister. Coti-Tersport, August £7,1-73. - cf ?. CCITE, dsseaisi, SALE i REAL ESTATE. J pur- of an < . ",er of the Orpii >ns" Court of putter County, fnae 1", IST:', the undersign ed tl;nihi-i a tor of .-aid estate ill, on XVEDNE-DAY. THE 17TI! -EITE.NKEK, A.!>., 1573, •::t.-:i oVi .x. a. m., expose to - .tie the fe!.owing !e- .a .ds. a; the Court House ia i us ' -- St). 7. - A lot -if lar. I in Cumfemuort, Being a jiart of vi s".; -. on Bonnre No. 11. Boooda-1 nby mb Ig-iatz Lrisel, E' y Main street, si.y ■ ••• - Fret.'-h. ate! XV t.v an ali-v; feet *1 e on Mainsueet aud 13i'feet deup. No. 2.—A id of land iu XVhanon and Eulaßa : v.-p-hij,-. -arveye-; u;xiu XX't. No. -Vs-.-. Coi.taiu iug llf i - . 17> . ->4 iu 1 I::-... -it .atv oil : ic tieti e.-i-i Fork of Pine i reek. •. 4. — XJ; • . in He "or 0"- r .ie :;.g ■ tai .:..g r. > ■-, au.l L*'t No. o of -a;::-* lands, ' No. r -. —A i"! • f hii in V: ---: Drai towuship, • • "die : :■ - a J.. "IV T. i'l J. IP.' ed i th - XV and N .v the XVarruit lip.-s. }y ,v J-g . . - - iiio i i; as t re James Kitchen Lid. No. 7.—.'. ; f7' •*. acres in - ,n. n.t towiialiip. t part i■■ f XVxrraaa Nnv. £i"i and gios. being ti:- %i i.t.f of l.'t N fj ..j ti: .am sai t luivn- J Ship. - - - - A". 77. ; '":-• und . : 1 ■•• pq- laid of at. ..!. i.- ii: *• ; JUKI* t"W)I-i ::•-. H" ' de.l on N "• XVI. N . E!. yy f. S". U-. s ■ Ter - made known a" the ti .-e ' -.Oe. J. llA.Hltl—'jN, A'tmr. •XeUs) t"o, A" g. 13, !>:?,. ClaardlsaN Mile. |> V VlliTi'E "i'an r i.—iu d f th- < -r, -' c. ur • f tier < "Ui.i -. 1 of' at- aii-er, Ist"', at 7•o" ik p. ii;., on the jire * ._• ":•' •.•.-'.- •_;• iiu-sti• fattier of the i dr .r: A • • " iiu h ius-- as: 1 i -t i;; T ".•• village of C-wavo - r-'j'fr of Noah i n"teudeti, •;• easeil; t. lit a lot for ■ • '• - >; : H• ii ,i -.-i-i. - - '!. . ■ ' ' Osvrayo, A ig. t:', Is:;. i. jar uan Divorce ?xitihe. NANCX FERRY, Et her nex* frteml , lath: • otttt of Coaunon . ;- ) • .: Jr.. . P. i . Pr.PK :. . . t.ke not tee that a si, —na and s • x. - therefore h -re •>' rer,uirto appear mi 'i e :. • - a -w :• t" t V ' " , Slid 111.. ... • it :- -. P. KEYNOLI -. .s'e ' . • TIME TABLE. T> 7'FFAI.O. N.T. PHI I.A I)A. RAILXVAX * coxipAN Y.—Time Tabl" adopted Mo.n- DAY, Jmif 3U. Ls7."i NOUTHXVAKD. STATIONS. > ehi Nw- L- l ITA'le.-y Exp. r,i Freight Lix-ai Exp. Freight a. in. p. in. Enii-ehtui 2-fo ->.25 .;.}•>am Keating Miinnii! IS US 1 rt A gany 4 -t " 4 •• lii.-sam "lean Us 7.2"- (LlO LISMR Bntfllo \s-' 9.45 2.i";iiu TAB s'b THW-Avli. Ph'.-ad a Night I. -eal L-it STATIONS. a Bait. Eij-re---. Freigut. Frgln Expre-s. a. m. - fileal! PUT - " lib" " k.l ; 1 U't Allegany 11-g" " II.*- " 22"-idu *.' KcsfgSrait iUBn 3JS •• Enipi-rium 12.45pm 124' am "-• "* H. L. LYMAN. J. D. V Ko.MANS. OCTL P-'+x. A;'t. S'ljr ■ at< n TWO DAILY LINES OF STAGES FROM Couderspoii to Port Allegany, ;:• Mil! -TAIIK C - •--u--n at 7;.. ;u. and an ,\n-.- at port Al.egany :: ti 2 fortraius to HiflnMpMn 1., tns 1' *1 Alb g -nyai lp.ni., anil aw al t'oialersj* rt.it 4 p. ia. 1 EXPRESS **. aIE • .. *-;x.rt .1 1 p.ir;-, artivi-- at Port Allegany at-to'ch- k. in time for train t-> Buffalo ami to connect with >' .X. E. R. R. stag- ret turns 1 r toU'lei-;xirt on arrival' *1 trains. tr_-:f I>. F. (iassuiirb , - •*- Si r, ■j rator 'jvf E. s r? .tp- at wiisra sonsr, "THE AHERICM PIAHO," >o. lIT BROOME STREET, >"oxv York, First premiums wLerever exhibited —Prices low for the quality— Large price# allowed for Second-hand Instruments in Exchange. JFYofu Mr. Eil'ro.rd Hofiii'in, the r>hj/rat(d Pianist. I conscientiously believe that your Piano is in every respect a most . m/u/t --ecnt Instrument, From th( " I nhjAmhiit." The American Piano lias deservedly become a very popular Instrument. rv>: Responsible Agents wanted for unoccupied territory, send for Circulars to AYrXG & SOX, 417 Broome St., X. Y. Laxrisville GRADED SCHOOL. Fall term o;iens the FIKST DAY of SEPTEMBEH. B. B. Slmle. Mrs. B. B. Sialic, Pr,nci£\l AuisUml ffiss K. E. tii-hing. TTITION. Primary Defartmenf, per term 4 (O liiteniiediate do., do sui High seliool do., . do 6"" lu-trumental music Iu uo Tuition nnis: lie arranged in advance, i 'la—-- in this term wji! l*e arranged to accom modate those designing to teach during the e lii iug winter. Tie- Pott'-l" County Teacher-' Institute win be h.-ld at Lewisvi-ic iu conneetion with lib- term. Board, iucluiiing lights and fuel, can be "!w taiued for sij cents jx*r day. <;•> k! nums <-an tx "limine,! bythoau ihudealic to furm-ii tb-. ir Ml) board. SETH LEXVIS. O. IL BASSETT, Secretory. 50-if President SPRING. 1873. 7hos.- M:Eowell k Co., DEALERS IN General MERCHANDISE, PO2IT af3LXj32.3Z3C3K.'a.rsJ-Sr, IPofK.. We xvould resjiect fully call tlte attention of tin- people of POTTER Cor NTY to our large and complete assortment of BIIY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS and SHOES, IIATS an I CAPS, READ Y-MABE CLOTHING, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, FLOUR, PORK. SALT, FISH. FEED - A MEAL PAINTS and OILS. HARDWARE, NOTIONS, GLASSWARE, •I - . ii"'*., ctv.. yvhHi xvf are off-ring at GREATLY ni DCcrn prk E>. owing to the iucreasnl t.ii ilities idfoided by the comrietion of the Bu£Eak>, New York A PliiladHphiw Railway, and we can and will sell goods as loxv as thev can lie sold this sale of Canada. Fresh ground Feed and Meal kept constantly on hand. V e are daily receiving nexv g: >< rntsT cLA-s mul no lainjr or expense spared to no tie it a mum HOTEL, (iO'Jl) A'7'.f El.rxa. and c ir-j ]{ ■,' of trarei : . r.s and' the public generally. I>. F. RLANnMIKL, Jr.. •3 PBOPEIETUE insurance Company of North America, OF PHILADELPHIA. The Oldest Stcct Insurance Company in the United States. ASSKTS, January 1, 8 Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company. A&SETS, January 1, 1073, $ 1.1G2.G02.4U i tiv a*>oic-uunu'u (oiopaiiics ufc r prpr-entpd in < (iu* Cersport l>) - lv ARTHUR £. fcIANM. V/. W. I^OORE, PKAI.EK IN MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, AMERICAN AND IMPORTED MARBI.KS, &*o.. TKinl ."sf., "jtjfjsiu Court Hausr !>.L-u i .-i-imjui-teiy furnished foim tup to Ixitt -ni, and ha- ad t;*.♦* convenieni-es desired by the ifsiple: the t.ihlu is fh-- re-t in the County : the barn is under tl.-e ; g.* ft),,-. Ust ■ -:irr - r . th. St : and. in short.. very-thing will lie d u.e that can bedonc t" make it comfortable for strati- Iters ..r others who visit tiie hou-**. The long exjierience of the Proprietors IN the Hotel LUI-ine-.s uuikes tlx- in peculiarly aide to eater to the varied wants of the travelling public. They solicit their oid custom, believi G that th- V are able to SUPPLY the r.L>L OF THE ER-T to all. BROWN ,v. KELLEY, 133 Proprietors.