The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, September 03, 1873, Image 1

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Jno. S. Mann,
LoiUME XXV, NO. 7.
I < r. Mi'inawl Third.)
I S. >1 ami. S. I-Hamilton,
Proprietor. Publisher.
r p "
|ttorney ot law ami District Attorney.
I ofiir. on MA /.V St.. tor-r the Port < fjlicr,
I i it- all busiiß- pretiiniug I" his profession.
; >j>ci tl attention given t >collections.
V^vs ARrnrß r u \ys
I utnnu'Ts at lain and Conveyancers,
|- •( ol DEKsroKT. l'A.,
I promptly attended to.
I Arthur B.MniiTt.
; .nraiiee A- 'Ot A .Notary Pitldte.
(<.n>i:i:spoKT, l'A.
s - v ('•fiirt ff'tiW.)
Col IKl:spout, PKNN "A.
met at law and Insurance Asrcnl,
LEW!SYI 1.1.E. PA.
2rNT I s T ,
( on >I:RSPOUT, l'A.
RD' er House,
•. r sFX OXD ami EAST Streets,
i id W lisPoltT. PKNN A.
j.; t lite .vt itienee aml
eomfort "f guest-,
r .n' ■ ii-" 1 .
Lewisvilie Hotel,
i no r of VMM and NORTH Streets,
J.KV. l-\ !1.1.E. PA.
' .. :
) v- , o;, osi>. over French -store,
I ' i : ie, flntlaing. I'aleimining,
• is, I'aper-liangiug, etc., .ioue
■ us.., promptness atnl
in nl! <-a~--. ami
r.-fa. tlon guar
a ii t i e <l.
I iNisf.rsale. 2B-1
Medicines, Hook-. Stationery,
' * if '- u 'w' Th i frt St*..
■ Main anil Third.)
1 C. M. ALLEN.
fl il and Mechanical llenti-t,
S !• 'NINC. (';imerHl en.. I'tu
' ■ Mart, and General Custom W,>rk
* * 5* H
* Willi Wvl Uiil,
■<<>im ! c , Si H .
W "••'•nrntat. decorative £ fresco
■ l'A I XT Kit,
■ 1V| M- P\l ER IHMiIMi done
and dispatch.
B ; '• n. N
B "bi:i;si>, , liT i'exx a.
!'• mng ami Repairing lon<
■ , c. BREUNLE,
'•'H l i. K won k,
B T)Ell>pt >UT, PA.
Hini workmanship,
( - "it at theolHee of Joi'K
*i-. receive : rourpt -
Blacksmith and Wagon-snop,
Seissd S*.ree:, (betxees & West.}
- Forth Side.—
SLKi GltS rtf all description*
manufactured to cult customers ami warranto*
Rfpairin; always attended to prompt,;?.
, ■ -tup* •* nt ami evperieneed in em
in both shop* to attend to the rails of cus
11 tuufes WMMHWt for rash or ready a
Corner MARKET and HIMER Streets
[SOVTII SID E of the It n 'Ell.)
I wocu> respectfully invite the auentt- aottkt
public to my
with the a—unutcc that I can meet every de
mand for a first class turnout.
Having purchased the Liven* of Amos \ r, tP
have tin* only Establishment of tlie kind In lh
v.ctii >u.
J. M. liA SSETT.
Hew SfvoEß Sewing Mttcliines ex,
changed for ones of any kind or make,
A. M. Reynolds, A-jent.
John V. Grown,
1.1 Xl*: OF STACiEb
Coudersport & "Wi ellsvilie
( i ' OSIVA Y<>. ]'A.)
person* *i- f inwvTols •' . nint Oestriu..
t>> reti 11 s;ime daw will Is- accommodated
a: rates.
Passenve - wishing to roach cli> of the n< i;-h
intr towns vvi'.i is l eonveyed I>\ Livery a
reasonable rates,
A good Livery ris kept constantly on hand or
passengers by tin >tagv.
Oswayo HOUSE.
(Jolts V. r.KOWN. PI'OJT.,
OSW AVO, l'.V.
Edward Forster.
Groceries & Provisions.
A FULL SI PPl.r or
<&rc., <fec.,
A specialty made
Teas and Coffees.
of which I have the
lau-gest unit 1 *.!
-took in town.
All Goo,ls . .Id CHEAP for CASH owly.
i ail and examine before purchasing elsewher .
When Ycu were Seventeen.
W In n the h.iv was mown, Mn^jrie,
In the years long ago.
Ami while flu* western sky was rich
W itn sun-et,s rosy glow,
1 hen hand in hand close linked, we passed
The dewy rieks between,
And I was one-and-twenty, Mag,
And you were seventeen.
lour voire was low and sweet, Maggie.
Your wavy hair was brown,
Your cheek was like the wild red rose
That showered its petals down;
l our eyes were like the blue speedwell,
With dewy moisture sheen.
When I was one-and-twenty, Mag,
And you were seventeen.
The spring was like our hearts, Maggie,
I • And all our hopes were ours:
And we were children in the fields.
Among the opening flowers-
Ay : l.ife was like a summer day
Amid the wood lauds green.
When i was one-and-twenty. Mag,
And yon were seventeen.
The years have come and gone. Maggie,
With stiuMiine and with shade,
, And silvered is the silken hair
That o'er your shoulders strayed,
In many a -oft and wayward tress,
The fairest ever seen.
When 1 was oue and-tvveiity, Mag,
Ami you were seventeen.
Though gently changing Time, Maggie.
Has touched you in his flight,
our voice lias -till the old sweet tone,
Your eyes the old love.light:
And years can never, never change
Tin* heart you gave, I weeu,
When I was oiie-and-t wenty, Mag,
And you were - venteen.
—At'antic C'ity It' icir.
The Proposed Constitution of Penn
The follow ing tire the articles on
Legislature anil Executive depart
ment as now prepared for submission
to the people:
SEC. 1. The Legislative power ol
this ('< shall he vested
in a (ieneral A-semMy. which shall
consist of a Senate and -House of
SEC. 2. An election for meinlxrs
of the General Assembly shall be
hi hi every second year, on the day
lixed for the general election; their
term of otfice shall begin on the first
day of December next succeeding
tin ir election; wlien any vacancy
occurs iu either House, the presid
ing officer thereof shall issue a writ
•■{ election t<- 1:11 -uch vacancy for
the rem; iiider cf the tt ; m.
SEC. .'J. Senators shall be elected
for the term of four years.
SEC. -L Representatives shall le
elected for the term < f two years.
SEC. 5. The General Assembly
shall meet at twelve o'clock noon, on
the first Tuesday of January next
succeeding the adoption of this Con
vention, and the >ame hour <n lla
tiist Tiusday of January every two
years thereafter, unless sooner con
vened by the Governor, in special
session; and in ease of a casual va
cancy in the office of 1 nited States
Senator from this State, in a reet-s
Ix ivveeii sessions, he shall com cue
the two Houses by proclamation, on
notice not exceeding -ixty days, to
till the s; me. The <b i era] Assembly
shall, after the year one thousand
eight hundred and seventy-eight,
hold no sp<eial or adjourned annual
session, unless specially convened by
the Governor.
SEC. 6. No person shall be a Sen
ator who shall not have attained the
age of twenty five years, and no per
son shall 1-e a Representative who
-hall not have attained the age of
twenty-<*m- yeaia, and no person shall
I>o either who shall not have been a
citizen and inhabitant of the State
four rears next before his election,
and the last year thereof an inhabi
tant of the district for which lie shall
he chosen, unless he shall have been
absent on the public 1 usiness of the
United States or of this State, and
no person shall hold said offices alter
he shall have removed from said dis
SEC. T. NO Senator or Represen
tative shall, during the time for
which he shall have been elected, l>e
appointed to any civil office under
this Commonwealth, which shall
have been created, or the emoluments
•of which shall have been increased
during such time; and no meni'oer
of Congress or other person holding
any office (except of attorney-at-law
and in the militia) under the United
States or this Commonwealth, shall
l>e a member of either House during
his continuance in Congress or in of
fice. and no number of the Senate
and House of Representatives shall
be api ointcd by the Governor to any
office during the term for which he
shall have been elected.
SEC. 8. NO person hereafter con
victed of embezzlement of public
moneys, bribery, perjury or other in
famous crime, shall be eligible to the
General Assembly, or to any office
' of profit or trust in this State.
SEC. 9. Every member of the Gen
eral Assembly, before lie enters on
his official duties, shall take and sub
scribe the following oath or affirma
tion: "1 do solemnly swear (or af
, firm) that I will support the Consti
tution of the United Stat's and the
, Constitution of this Commonwealth,
| and will honestly discharge the du
i .
ties of Senator for Representative)
according to the best of my ability;
j and I do solemnly swear (or affirm)
that I have not paid or contributed
■ anything, or made anv promise in
the nature of a bribe, to corruptly
influence, directly or indirectly, any
vote at the election at which I was
j chosen to fill the said office; and I
■ do further solemnly swear (or affirm)
that 1 have nyt accepted or received,
and 1 will not accept or receive, di
rectly or indirectly, any money or
other valuable tiling from any corpo
ration. company or person, for any
vote or influence I may give or with
hold on any bill, r< solution or appro
priation. or for any other official
SEC. 10. The foregoing oath shall
be administered by one of the judges
of the Supreme Court, or a pi\ sident
judge of the common pit-as court in
the hall of the House to which the
member i- elected, and the Secretary
of State shall read and tile the oath
subscribed by suoh mtmlier; any
member who shall refuse to take said
oath, shall forfeit his office, ami
every member who shall be convicted
of having sw rn fa 1.-H 3- to or of
having violated his sai'u o.lth shall
forfeit- his office and lie disqualified
then after from holding any office of
profit or trust in this Slate.
SEC. 11. The members of the Gen
eral Assembly shall receive such sal
ary and mileage for regular and
spiral sessions as -hall is flvd by
law. and 110 other com] msation or
pavmcnt whatever, whether for ser
vices as a number of anv committee,
or otherwise: but 110 member of;
either House shall, during the term '
for which he may have been elected,
receive any incense of -alayv, com
pensation or mileage, under any law
passed during such [.cried.
- 12. The Lieutenant-Governor:
shall preside over the Senate; ami
in ease of a vacancy 111 the office of '■
Lieutenant-Governor, the Senal*.
shall elect one of its members a-
I Speaker ; the House of Representa
tive- shall elect one of it- mcmbcr.-
a.s Speaker. Each House shall choose
its other officers, and shall judge of j
the election and qualifications of its
in< inliers.
SEC. 13. A majority of each
House shall constitute a quorum. 1 ut
a smaller number mnv a- journ from
day to day, and compel the atten i
dance of ab-cnt member-.
SEC. 14. Each House may deter
mine the rules of it- proceeding-,
punish it- memlx-rs for di.-mlerh
behavior, and with the concurrence
of two-thirds, expel a number, but
not a seeond time for the same cause,
and shall have all other powers neces
sary for the Legislature of a free
SEC. 15. The doors of each House
ami of committees of the whole shall
be open, unless when the business is
such a- ought to be kept -ecrct.
Sir. 16. Neither House shall,!
without the consent of the other, ad
journ for more than three days, nor
to any other place than that in which
the two Houses shall be sitting.
SEC. IT. The members of the Gen
eral Assembly shall in ail eases, ex
cept treason, felony, violation of their
oath of office, and breach or surety
of the jx-aee, be privileged from ar
rest during their attendance at the
sessions of theif respective Houses,
and in going to and returning from
the -aim-; and for any -peech or de
bate in either House, they shall not
bo questioned in anv other place.
SEC. Is. The State shall be divid
ed into fifty Senatorial dLtricts of
compact and contigtioii- territory, :r
equai in population as possible, ami
each district shall In* entitled to elect
one Senator; no count) -hall l>c di
vided in the formation of a district,
unless county is entitled to two
or more members, by possessing a
population exceeding one Senatorial
ratio, and three-fifths of a second
ratio; and 110 county or city shall be
• entitled to more than one-sixth of
the whole number of members.
Executive Department.
SEC. 1. The Executive Department
jot tliis Commonwealth shall consist
of a Governor, a Lieutenant-Gover
nor, a Secretary of the Common- j
Wealth, Attorney-General, Auditor-
General, State Treasurer, a Secretary
of Internal Affairs and a Superinten
dent of Public Instruction.
SEC. 2. The supreme executive
power -hall be vested in a Governor. \
who shall take care that the laws be ■
faithfully executed; lie shall be cho- j
sen 011 the day of the general election ■
by the qualified electors of the Com-1
monwealth, at the places where they !
shall respectively \ote for Represen
tatives; the returns of every election ,
for Governor shall le sealed up and :
transmitted to the seat of govern
ment, directed to the president of the
Senate, who shall open and publish j
them in the presence of the members
of both Houses of the Legislature: ;
the person having the highest mini- \
ber of votes shali l>e Governor, but if
two or more be equal and highest in
votes, one of them shall be chosen
Governor by the joint vote of the j
members of both Houses; contested
elections shall be determined by a
committee, to be select I from both
Houses of the Legislature and formed
and regulated in such manner as shall
be directed by law.
SEC. 3. The Governor shall hold
bis office tim ing four years from the
third Tuesday of January next en
suing his election, and shall not be
cligibh to the office for the term next
succeeding'!&• term for which he was
SEC. 4. A Lieutenant-Governor
.-hall be chosen in the same manner,
at the same time and for the same !
term, and subject to the same provi
sions; he -hali be president of the
Senate, but - . 11 have 110 vote unh ss j
the)- be equally divided.
SEC. 5. No person shall be eligible
to the office of Governor or Lieuten
ant-Governor except a citizen of the
United States, who shall have at- j
tained the age of thirty years, and
have IK n sc von year- next preceding
his election an inhabitankof the State,
unless lie shall have been absent on
the public business ot the United
States or of this State.
SEC. 6. No monitor of Congress ;
or person holding any office under
the United States or this State, shall
exerei.-e the office of Governor or
Lieutenant (iovernor.
SEC. T. The Governor and Lieut
enant-Governor -hall, at stated times,
receive fi>r their scrvie - a compen
sation, which shall IK* neither increas
ed nor diniinLlicd after their election
nor during the term for which they
-h: 11 have been elected.
SEC. 8. The Governor shall l>e com
mander in-chief of the army and navy
of the Commonwealth, and of the mi
litia. except w hen they shall be called
into the actual sc. vice of the United '
SEC. a. lb -hall nominate, and by
and with the advice and consent of .
two-thirds of all the members of flu,'
Senate, appoint a Secretary of the
Commonwealth and an Attorney-
General, during pleasure, and such
other officers of tlie Commonwealth
a- bo is or may IK* authorized by T lie
Constitution or law to appoint; he
shall have power to fill all vacancies
I*ll offices to which he may appoint,
that may happen during the recess
of the Senate, by granting commis
sions which -hali expire at the end
of their next session; he shall have
power to fill any vacancy that may
happen during the recess of the Sen
ate, in the office of Auditor-General.
State Treasurer, Secretary of Inter
nal Affairs. Superintendent of Ruble-
Instruction. in a judicial office, or
any other elective office which lie is or
may be authorized to fill; if the va
cancy shall happen during the ses
sion of the Senate, the Governor shall
nominate to the Senate, before their
final a lj urnmcnt, a proper j>erson to
till -aid vacancy : but in any such
case of vacancy, iu an elective office,
a person shall be chosen to said of
fice at the next general election, un
less tias vacancy shall happen within
three calendar months immediately
preceding such annual election, in
which case the election for said office
shall be held at the second succeed
ing general election; in acting on ex
ecutive nominations, the Senate shall,
sit with open doors, and in confirm- j
ing or rejecting the nominations of
the Governor, the vote shall be taken
by yeas and nays and shall be enter
ed on the journal.
SEC. 10. He shall have power to re
mit fines and forfeitures, to grant rc-'
prieves, commutations of sentence .
and pardons, except in cases of im
peacliraent; but no pardon shall to
granted, nor sentence commuted, ex
cept uj>ou the recommendation in j
writing of the Secretary of the Com
monwealth, Attorney-General. Super
intendent of l'ublie Instruction, Sec- i
rotary of Internal Affairs, or any I
three of thc-in, after full hearing, up
on due public notice and in open ses- j
sidn, and upon such recommendation,
with the reasons therefor at length.* f
shall lie recorded and filed in the of
fice of the Secretary of the Common-1
SEC. 11. He may require informa
tion in writing from the officers of
the Executive Department, upon any
subject relating to the duties of their '
respective offices.
SEC. 12. He shall, from time to
time, give to the General Assembly
information of the state of the Com
monwealth and recommend to their
consideration such measures as he
shall judge expedient.
SEC. 13. He may, on extraordinary
occasions, convene the General As
sembly. and in case of disagreement
totween the two Houses, with re-peet
to the time of adjournment, adjourn
t.liem to such time as he shall think
proper, not exceeding four months.
SEC. 14. 1 n case ol the death, con
viction or impeachment, failure to
qualify, resignation or otktr disabili
ty of the Governor, the powers, du
ties and emoluments of the office, for
the remainder of the term or until
the disability be removed, shall de
volve upon the Lieutenant-Governor.
SEC. 15. The Senate shall, at the
beginning and close of each regular
session, and at such other times as a
vacancy may occur in said office,
elect a senator president- pr<> iemjiore,
whose duty it shall lie to preside over
the Senate during the temporary aL
senee of the Lieutenant-Governor;
and in case of a vacancy in the office
of Lieutenant-Governor, or 011 his
conviction, or impeachment, or dis
ability. the powers, duties and cniol-:
uments of the office, for the remain-!
der of the term or until the disability
be removed, shall devolve upon the
presi lent pro t> mpore , and he shall, j
in like manner, become Governor if;
a vacancy or disability occur; his of
fice of Senator shall become vacant
when he becomes Lieutenant-Gover
nor and shall IK* filled by election as
any other vacancy in the Senate.
SEC. I<>. Every bill which shall
have pas-ed toth House- shall to
presented to the Governor; if he ap-j
prove he shall sign it. but if he shall !
not approve lie shall return it with his
objections to the House in which it
shall have originated, which shall en. i
tor the objections at large upon their ;
journals and proceed to reconsider it.
If. after such re-consideration, two- ;
thirds of all the member- elected to i
that House -hall agree to pas- the
bill, it shall IK- sent with the objec
tion- to the other House, by which
likewise it shall be re-considered, j
and if approved by two-thirds of all
the memtors elected to that House,
it shall IK* a law; but in such cases
the votes of both Houses shall be de
termined by yeas and nay-, and the
names of the persons voting for or
against the bill shall be enteral 011
the journals of each House respect
ively. If any bill shall not to re
turned by the Governor within ten
da\ s (Sundays excepted) after it
shall have been presented to him.
the same shall IK* a law in like man
ner as if he had signed it, unh— the
Ceneral Assembly, by their adjourn
ment. prevent its return, in which
case it shall be a law unless he shall
tile the same, with his objections, in
the office of the Secretary of the Coin
mouwealth, and give notice thereof
by public proclamation within thirty
days after such adjournment.
SEC. 17. The Governor shall have
p over to disapprove of any item or
$1.75 A YEAR
items of any hills making appropria
tions of money, embracing distinct
items, and the part or parts of the
bill approved shall be the law,
and the item or items disapproved
shall be void, unless re-passed accord
ing to the rules and limitations pre
scribed for the passage of other bills
over the Executive veto.
SEC. 18/ IF the trial of a contested
election of Governor or Lienteuant
; Governor shall continue longer than
until the third Monday of January
j next ensuing the election of Gover
nor or Lieutenant-Governor, the per
: son who is then exercising the au
thority of the office in reference to
which this contest is pending, shall
continue therein until the determina
tion of such contested election, and
until his successor le qualified. The
chief justice of the Supreme Court
j shall preside upon the trial of any
such contest; shall decide questions
regarding the admissibility of evi
dence, and shall, upon request of the
committee, pronounce his opinion
upon other questions of law involved
; in the trial.
SEC. 19< The Secretary of the
Commonwealth shall keep a fair reg-
I i
i ister of all official acts and procced
! ings of the Governor, and shall,
when required, lay the same, and all
papers, minutes and vouchers relat
ing thereto, before cither branch of
the Legislature, and shall perform
such other duties as shall bo enjoined
upon him by law.
SF.C. 20. The Secretary of Inter
nal Affairs shall exercise all the
powers and duties devolved by law
upon the Surveyor General, subject
to such change as shall be made by
law. and the office of Surveyor Gen
eral shall cease when the Secretary
of Internal Affairs shall IK? duly
qualified. His department shall em
brace a bureau of industrial statistics
and st.'cA 1 dcties relating to the char
itable institutions, the Agricultural,
manufacturing, mining, m.
ber and other material or 1 All?.,
interests of the Suite a> may
law assigned thereto, lie shall an
nually make report to the Legisla
ture and at such other time as may be
required by law.
SEC. 21. The Superintendent- of
Public luslinotion shall exercise all
the powers and perforin all the duties
{devolved by law upon the Superin
tendent ot Common Schools, -object
to such change as shall be made bv
i law. and the office of Suj/erinteiident
of Public Instruction shall le duly
I qualified.
Br,c. 22. The term of tin Secretary
jof Internal Affairs shall IK- four
years; of the Auditor-General, three
years; and of the State Treasurer,
two years.
These officers shall lie chosen by
the qualified electors of the State, on
the day of the general election. No
person elected to the office of Audi
tor-General or State Treasurer shall
I I K? capable of holding the same of
i 1
ficc for two consecutive terms.
IT IS announced in ouc of the pa
• pers that " Hon Carlos drinks choco
late every morning in his bed." This
i- very interesting intelligence, but
how very much more startling it
would lie if we had learned that Hon
Carlos drinks his bed every morning
iin his chocolate? We wish he would
, drink a bed, or something else that
would lay on his stomach and keep
. him quiet for awhile, so that we
would not see his name so often in
the pajicrs.— Evening Port.
IT IS pleasant to see tilings put
strongly and pointedly. Some one
- • 1
asked Col. Howard, of Georgia, late
ly. if he thought that a certain IJadi
eal in that state would steal. "Steal!"
res|onded the Colonel. "Why, by
Jove, if he were paralyzed and ham
strung. I wouldn't trust him by hint
sell in the middle of the Desert of
Sahara with the biggest anchor of
the 'Great Eastern.' Steal! I should
think he would.
* * •
Eon everything you buy or sell, let
or hire, make an exact bargain at first;
and lit- not put off to a hereafter by one
that says to you: "we shall not disagree
a Unit trifles." —Com r Ihulu-01.
Do BUT half of what you can and you
will IK- surprised at the result.