The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, August 20, 1873, Image 3

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    fh3 Potter Journal
jsj-E "W S ITE IvI
iiption shall In: ai'owed to run over one
* O l ,r in arrears. Due notice will be given of
Li'indion and if nut paid Hie paper will be
stopped. S.F. HAMILTON,
Coudcrsport Market.
Wheat No. 1 white, per bush. S 1.80
u Red winter, " 1.60 (a 1.75
.. No. 1 spring, 1.50 @1.60
r:; ■"•"•' ::
r,mil's, - - - " 2.00 @2.50
Potatoes, - - " .35 @ -40
Onions, - * * " 1.50 @2.00
,j.... . - - per ton, 12. (a sls.
link, - - - -- •<" - 08
mm. - - "- 20 ® 23
. . - " doz. .1
fid Here.
some people have queer ideas about
the management of a newspaper. Ye
donot intend to go into particulars, but
to say the Publisher of this paper wish
es it distinctly understood that his adver
tising space is part of his stock in trade
aud whoever pays his money for an ad
vertisement, provided its character is
not objectionable, will get it inserted,
no matter from whence it comes nor
whose "business it interferes with.
This is the invariable rule of the press,
and it is the only one that can lie fol
lowed with profit to the paper or fair
ness to the public.
[< reach i "gr
lo V. Mr. Griffin, Episcopal, of Allen
town. Pa., will preach in the Presbyte
rian t'lmrch on .Sunday next, morning
and i veiling.
A festival will l>e held at the Court
House, to-morrow (Thursday) evening,
j. fid of the Baptist Church.
Sew Isswtrnments.
The Coudersport Band have lately,
j oruml new silver horns at an expense
, f igm. They are a decided improve
m, jit en the brass instruments which
; land have heretofore used.
List Friday evening they played from
t nal-ony of the Baker House with
•v line effect. The Band is one of the
tags Coudcrsport has reason to be
proud of.
A.C. lTrkins has just ltcen putting
v. a new sign to his blacksmith Shop.
It is some four feet square and rep re-■
| -Ms Mr. Perkins in the act of shoeing J
[ gray l.< rse. <Mi the reverse the horse !
. lay. Cnde. in ath the picture is
name, A. C. Perkins. Both man
ivud horse are easily recognized. It was
<\u alt d by Mr. Cyrenus 8. Jones.
M lie Cimveniioii.
Our readers will find on the 2d page
; proceedings of the Republican State
< aviation, which met in Ilarrisburgj
>st Wednesday. From that account
it will lie seen that Hon. A. G. < >lmsted j
"f tbi> place was made permanent
Pi*-ih nt of the Convention.
Bantage to Crop*.
I n in reports from various parts of
the County we judge the damage to j
' . ||ix from the late storm has not been j
0 gr.-at as was feared at one time. :
P" exception of localities visited
' • hail, there seems to have been no 1
■ u-damage done. Oats have been
"N'ol to some extent and kept ljack
: in ripening.
The Riverside Collegiate Institute!
bar Wellsville X. Y. will le dedicated '
"lithe irithof this month. Dr. Knox
' Kimira. will lie present and take!
age nf the exercises.
llf first term will open on the 3d of i
v i'teiul er. under the management of j
• v \ Bingham. Every effort seems j
" lave i„. rn made to insure the success!
'f this school,
'< km m,
-i i! continues to rain.
1 ""'plitiicnt. *
"riie Potter Journal is the neatest
that comes to our table." — B esf
' ' Index. ,■
' : , yhavea phantom railroad train
among the mountains of this
the approach of which is said to
hently hurry hungry travellers away
their meals at hotels for fear of
- left, so perfectly does the sound
• ! the noise of an approaching
ho.Jori;NAT.: What isthedeerlaw?
s halt not kill deer during eight
•- soj the year under a penalty of'
j. Ail right, but whoever paid the
I have lived in Potter County,
'ty-five years and I never knew a
'■'K-d for killing deer out of season.;
<'t of this law is to increase the !
■■hut there is very little attention '
'tr The lowest estimate of the;
! that will lie killed this summer, j
and not a man will lie complan- j
unless perhaps it may lie one case |
killed in May, that had not
; 1 i lie saddles of that deer were j
this place, and tliose that eat
! A ' re n °t hungry for venison again
*> ie days. |
at a ' * s n °t enforced is no law !
ii;vr tj" !l . a * ' want is a law prohibit- j
Killin k of does at any time, but
-ist.a - '" lclis to killed from the j
•' ,lIP - as long as they carry their!
bonis. Then let a game constable be
elected so that the law shall be en-
,-ri- .
in this County on the first of May
last, it was estimated there were 800
deer, and by some the estimate was as
high as 1200.
Now one-half of 800 is 400, the num
ber of does: 100 of these are yearlings,
and the other 300 will drop fawns; eve
ry doe drops five fawns in three years,
which will make up for the yearlings.
Now there will be 400 fawns dropped
this year, one-half of which will be does,
add this number to 400 and we ha ve 600
does for the second year, and 600 fawns,
add one-half of these and we have 900
does for the third year; add one-half
and we have 1350 for the fourth year,
add one-half and we have 1925 does at
the end of that year.
During this time there has been the
same increase of the number of bucks,
but suppose one-half of them have been
killed and we have 902, more by 102
than the whole number of deer at pres
Now reader, figure up ten years, and
you will see that in the tenth year there
will be 7300 bucks dropped, or 730 to
every 100 deer at the present time, now
if 7000 bucks should be killed, some six
years, some five years and so on down
to six months old, they would lie worth
on an average sl2 apiece, or $34,000 —a
nice little item of income for one year.
That would be a good law, but if 1
should shoot a doe in the brush by mis
lake for a buck, it would be hard to
pay SSO for it: but suppose I take the
doe to the game constable or a school
director and the fine be remitted, while
those officials sell the venison and put
the money in the school funds. Every
doe I kill 1 will dispose of in that way.
Now hunters of Potter, what say you?
Are yon for or against such a law? Let
us hear from you. A. 11. (1.
13 lEI 3 .
On the 11th inst , in Homer, A. Mult,
in the 24tli year of his age.
<'n last Monday evening, after a very severe
l ain and haii storm had swept over this portion
of the County, the eommunity and country all
a. Hsind were startled iy the very sail intelligence
that the above was killed instantly in his own
duo, by a stroke of lightning. .No t u nt, for ma
ny years, east such a gloom over the minds of all
w ho knew this excellent and worthy young man,
and no family lias received more heartfelt sym
pathy and condolence in common from ail titan
have the stricken widow and desolate parents
and relatives. And no one s death Could have
pr >dueed a stealer slmek in the community in
which lie lived, lie was born and reared there,
of excellent parents a youth of promise which
was reaii/.ed in his manhood inan exemplary life
of good iiabits and genial spiiit which sained for
him universal estei m. And it is but just to say
that, in the genera! elements of Ins character for
:t young man, tie was indeed one of ••Nature's
noblemen." Most heartily, therefore,so we now
how iiear it said that "Edgar Hall was one of the
noblest voting men in tne County." So we ail
realixe that we have lost in liim die virtue and
influence nf a li.xid and laitiifui eiti.en, moral,
industriuus, kind and popular, alter but asbort
race of three years in ilie world for himself,
whose toils and pleasures were sliased by his
lonely widow less than two years.
And to the young men, not only of his neigli-
IKII'IUKHI but entile ac'iuaiiilance, need we but
now mention his name, to know popular a friend
lie was among ihem all. They have regarded nlin
as their exanip e in worth and influence and none
of ai; t.i d large concourse of fri< ndsof last Wed
nesday paid more sadly their tribnte of love and
resjHM-t to hi-, memory limit the young men who
followed him to his grave.
And ni\- nous as was this ,addon call of our
beloved friend to leave the world, ii will not al
ways remain <o to the mourning on, s. For it
was not an event occurring at random but was
spiritually as weil as materially a "von e IKIIII ine
skies," speaking with great awe and power. The
:amc voice -;i,iki. to ila in out of tne gospel say
ing, "Wit, i i do thou knovvest not ttow, but tlniu
sliait know heiealter."
G I moves ia a mysterious way,
II is wonders to perform;
lie plants his footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm.
Blind unbelief is sure to err,
cud scan His work in vniu;
But ftod is His own interpreter
And wiil make it plain.
But v (iv ever other pt'cposostl-e Lord has hid
deu in ihi sad death it serves the purpose of
showing o us tiie fearful uncertainly, with
which mil,,.m existence is constant y attended :
that "i i in tite midst of life we a. ■■ in death"
and coni;c Kids us n n to "boast ourselves of to
morrow." for inasmuch as we have learned from
this in. inclioly occurrence more strikingly than
ever, ti .! we ••know not what a day may lit ing
forth" that "there is but a step between us and
May v.e all therefore be prepared for death,
for mi r.ibering titat "the Son of Man couietk
in an hour when we think not." „
Xouil zlotUfS.
We wiil send the Journal Tor one year
to any club of FIVE new subscribers
on payment of $7.50, and to any one
sending $ 15,00 for ten new subscrib
ers. 0n.3 year, wo will sand 011a copy
free for same time.
Draft s on Europe fiiniishcd at ecamit
ahle rates by
The j. klv season is at hand; the-great
heat makes the system feeble and debil
itati'd and unable to withstand the sud
den attacks of disease. But the regular
use of Rolirer's Wild Cherry Tonic will
invigorate the system, brace up the shat
tered forces and enable each organ to
perform its proper functions. It will
cure any ease of Diarrhoea, Dysentery
or Cholera Morbus in a few hours, and
to those suffering the horrors of that
terrible disease, Dysjtepsia, it is inval
244'.KInt Wholesale and Retail Agents.
The SixoKß is a lock-stitch machine
and makes a beautiful, even and uniform
stitch which will not ravel and isalike
on both sides. It hems, braids, cords,
tucks, embroiders, ruffles, fells and does
all kinds of work on the finest muslin or
the heaviest lull-cloth.
"What ixmr short-sited worms we be,
| osJB We kant kalkilate
Witli any degree
of sartantee
What's gwine to l>o our fate.''
We etui calculate, however, with rea
! sonable certainty on getting
Better Lumber Wagons,
Better Carriages of all descriptions,
Better Sleighs,
j Better ("utters,
Better Trimming,
Better Painting,
Better Horse-shoeing, and
Better Repairing of all kinds
At COLE'S Shop than any other place
j in Coudersißirt or in the County.
I") HICK. —(let your BRICK from
J WM, BRINE, Roulet, Pa. Speci
mens can be seen at the office of JOUR
NAL & ITEM. Price, §B.OO per thou
saml—reduction made when ordered in
large quantities. . _
A splendid stock of Paisley shawls
may be found at Simmons' Regulato at
prices far below their present market
) ing of the liurgess and Common
Council of Lewisville Borough, held
July 19, 1873, the following ordinance
was unanimously passed:
That the sidewalk on the west s*le
of Main street be extended north to Dr.
Eaton's barn. To be completed by the
first day of September next.
112-3 Secretary. Jiuryess.
A Change.—The August No. of the
Humble Ike is received and is the last
one that will be issued from the old
point—Albion, 111., the publishers hav
ing removen to 123 Main St., < "incimia
ti. Ohio. They propose to largely im
prove it at their new location and make
it still more worthy of public confidence
than heretofore.
There will be no other change; even
subscriber receives as a premium a val
uable chromo, and the magazine alone
is well worth the price charged—sl.oo.
Those who wish to see the magazine be
fore subscribing can procure a sample
copy by sending stamp to the publisher,
at 123 Main St., Cincinnati. Ohio.
\ \ E offer for sale, at par and accrued
* T interest, the bonds of the School
District of Reuovo Borough.
These bonds are $15,000 in amount
and mature in 1876, '77 and 78: bear in
terest at rate of eight per cent, per an
num, payable semi-annually. Interest
and principal payable in New York or
at our Banking House.
lIESOvO, Fa., July 23, 1873, -tf Hankers
Better than Bold. —A certain amount
of greenbacks, national or fractional
currency invested with C. 11. Simmons,
the Regulator man for dry goods, gro
ceries, boots and shoes.
JLv 375 West Third St., CINCINNATI, O.
Manufacturers of the celebrated Surveu
Wheel, the Royer Combination and
Old Style Wagons. Also Carriage
and Wagon Woodwork of every de
Actual wear and hard usage is the
be t test of the strength and durability
of a wheel, and they have proved the
Sarven Patent to wear longer than three
or four sets of the best old-style wheels.
When about to purchase a buggy, car
riage or wagon, see that your carriage
maker uses our make of the Sarven
wheel. There are so many inferior pa
tent wheels in the market that it will
be to your interest to stipulate for the
Sarven —as it is now conceded to be the
only perfectly reliable wheel in use.
Shopard, at Simmons' Regulators,
says he will give a laboring man or lady
more goods for the same amount of mo
ney than any other man will in the Uni
ted Staies.
Han't forget that C. IT. Simmons, tie
Merchant Prince of Wellsville, is yet in
trade larger than ever, and that his
twenty-five years' experience in this
market enables liiin to give his custom
ers the best goods and lab ,-st styles at
the lowest living rates. Be sure and
call and examine his stock, and be con
vinced that a dollar saved is worth two
Dewtorevt'* Monthly May iz/ne forSepto nt
licr i< rich in literary novelties ami also rives a
line display '>r the new Fall Fashions. Demurest
scents jo outbid all biseotemporari's in the value
of Premiums to his subscribers: be announces an
astounding olfer 'or 1H74 of the large and celebra
ted chromo. "The Old Oaken Bucket," after Je
rome Thompson, and several other equally large
and valuabie chromes, "The Captive Child,"
"Home, Sweet Home" and "After The Storm,"
for tb.e t iistiing three years, worth 4(15 each. This
is certainly unparalleled, and we wonder how it
can lie done. Send for a Circular. Address W.
JENMNCS DEMOIIEST, 838 Broadway, N\ V.
Great rim on a well known lust it n
tion. — I The famous Regulator man, (J.
11. .Simmons' Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5, Wells
ville, N. has recently been subjected
to an extraordinary pressure—the pres
sure of crowds of sufferers that have
been in the habit of buying from small
dealers and paying enormous prices.
Money being scarce, they have seem
ingly all made a grand rush to the place
where they get the greatest amount ol'
goods for the smallest amount of mon
ey. The popularity of this establish
ment is boundless and will last, for it
is built on a solid foundation; one hun
dred thousand dollars being the corner
stone. This well known establishment
might justly be called a savings hank
from the numbers of dollars it has saved
the people for the hist ten years. From
its very infancy high prices have had
to vanish like dew before the morning
"Throw I'liysic lo the Bog"*." —The
Graphic recently gave an illustration of the new
chroiuo issued by the Murray Mill Publishing
Company, 129 East 28th street, from Bisphani's
painting, "Throw Physic to the Dogs.*' The sub
ject is a little girl pliysieing various specimens
of the canine race. The scene is a laughable one
and tiie different attitudes of the dogs are exceed
ingly pleasing.
It is designed to illustrate I>r. Foote's aversion
to drugs and accompanies each copy of his well
known work, "Plain Home Talk and Medical
Common Sense." The Doctor's practice is tho
roughly "New School" and in this way lie stands
prominently out from the profession a successful
The book is a volume of 912 pages and 2iX) illus
trations, filled with facts and reason relating to
mankind and their social and physical status.
The Graphic says of it: "It is an encyclopedia
of useful knowledge." A noted clergyman of
this city testifies to its merits, remarking, "It i.-
a library in itself." The Repository, of Cham
bersburg, Pa., speaks of the picture as "a beauti
ful ehromo, very pleasant, and so enjoyable as to
be almost good company."— JYetc York- Repress.
The people come more and more to C.
H. Simmons' Regulator stores for dry
goods, clothing, groceries, boots and
shoes and everything that families use.
Their stock is large and also well suit
ed to customers as to price. Come one,
come all without delay and prove the
truth of what we say.
Coudersport to fort Wispy,
The MAIL STAGE leaves Coudersport at 7 a.
111. and arrives at Port Aliegany intiniefortrains
to Philadelphia. Leaves Port Allegany at 1 p.m.,
arriving at Coudersport at 4 p. ni.
The EXPRESS? STACK leaves C ".id vqvvrt it
1 p. in., arrives at i >rt Allegany at 4, c- . k in •
tliti" train :■> Kmlalo ami to i.nect • it!>. N.
Y. AE. 11.11. Stage returns tut Cruder., . on
arrival ol trains. 02-tt j
]?. F. Giassmire,
Stay. Proprietor tnd Express Agent
In the matter of the Petition j In the Orphans'
of \\ M. i). ATHEKTOS for the j Court of Potter
partition o'the lteal Estate ! County, No. 130.
of William Atherton, de- j" To Ja'mf.S AthEn
ceased. TUN ami It ia.\M
You are hereby notified to appear next Court,
to tie held at Coudersport on the fifteenth day of
September next, and show cause why t he report
of the inquest made in this case should not lie
approved, and why you should not accept the
several parts of the said real estate assigned to
you in said report. JNO. S. MAN N A St tX,
Attvs. for Petitioner.
Coudersport, July 30,1873. " 4t
*1 Iu tlie Orphans' Court of the
In the matter of the Countyof Potter to AVilhel
estatoof JOHN HEN- mina Moisa, C : I-. P. Moisa, ;
kt .SACK.MA.NN. late Emma A. Backmann and
"" the township of [ threelniU 'rcliildren(names
Abbott in the conn- unknown) of John Otto An- !
ty of Potter, dee'd. drew Sackmann, late of N.
J Y. city, deceased.
TAKE NOTICE, tin the iietition of (lie widow
of said decedent, a citation has boon granted by
tiie Orphans' Court of Potter County to the ail
minisinttor and lieirs-at law of JOHN IIKNRY
SAI KM AN. deceased, to show cause why sale of
tin- realestato of said decedent should not lie or
dered returnable on tin; loth day of September
next, before the Judge of said l imit at Cornier
sport at l o'clock ii. ni.. at which time and place i
you may attend if vou think proper.
2506 Attys for Petitioners.
Coudersport, July 23,1873.
by her next friend, | In tlie Court of Common '
JAMES NELSON, y pleas of Potter Co.. No.
tm. 47. Feb. Term, Is7;l. |
S. 1). KELLY. J Lilx-l in Divorce,
s. D. Kelly, the Respondent above named,
will picase take notiee tiiat a -iibpiena and aiias j
subpo-mi have been issued and returned nihil;'
you are therefore hereby required to appear mi
the first day of next Court, Sept. 1.7, !573, to an
swer to the complaint made in t his ease.
S. P. REYNOLDS, Sheriff. ;
Coudersport, .Inly 23, 1573. 2.716
Administrator's Notiee.
"XYTIIKKEAS. letters of administration lolbe
1 V estate of REUBEN E. KENT, ate of Pleasant
Valley I u p.. Potter Co., deceased, having been
granted to the subscribers, ali persons indebted ;
to said estate it re requested to make immediate 1
payment, and those having claims or demands
against the estate of said decedent will make
known tlie same without delay to
Dour AS M. KENT,
Pleasant Valley, June IS, 1873.-6 A'lm's.
Administrator's Notice.
WHEREAS, letters of Administration to the es
tate of RUTH IIACKKTI, lat of J.ewisviHe iioro',Pot
ter Co., Pa., deceased, having been granted to the 1
subscriber, all persons indebted to said estate are !
requested to make immediate payment, cud thus;: I
naving claims or again;'", the estate oi
tlm said oecedeut wiil make known the same,
without delay, to LOI'ISA IIACKETT.
Lewlgville, August, 1873.
Notice Testamentary.
"ItTUERK.rt, 1.-tters Te.ifatner.tnr.v to the es
t I tate of iit.i ttoußls-;, late of Bitirhimtivp.,
deceased, liav big been granted to the -ni,-, Tibet',
all persona Indebted to theaal-i estate are request
ed to make immediate payment and those having
claims against the estate of the ial-1 deeciU tit will
make known the same wtthmit delav to
Bingham, August (i, 1573. Executrix
The undersigned hereby gives notice of Mr ap
pointment as assignee of chahi.kf SEKLV, of licc
ror, in the County of Potter and State of Pennsyl
vania, within said District, who has been adjudg
ed bankrupt on his own petition bv the District
Court of said District. ALGCSTUS ST REE"! i U.
>T OTICK to all to whom tinge presents come:
4 Whereas. HAKIMEY-. ELIZA Dennis has a* !
-•■. aided, and run a a . ami lett my i.e.; board
•vilticut ,an or pro .• a em. ido lit: ' v f-irbnl
any one liediiiiig, boarding, tiarttoring or trusting
iter on toy iHnoin.t, a,! oil pay no . • t- tiuil she
mil ■ rl* Is. V. DENNIS.
Bingham, August If, m 73. St*.
{,<•* r.f at TS7T "1 t* fiAiTr,' J
• W'l i . UWMI7.>) CC6&^CUI
Y X ptirsnance of an order of tlie Orphans' Court
a- of Potter County, lune If, i-u.iL the undersign
ed administrator of said estate will, on
at ten o'clock, a.m., expose to sale the following
described lands, at the Co irt House in Couders
No. l.— A lot of land In Coudersport, being a part
of village lot No. 12,, on Square No. ti. Hour.lad
N by lands of Ignatz Grisel, E by Main street,by i
Amos French, and W by an alley; being 22M feet I
ivioe oil Main street and 130 feot deep.
No. '2.—A iot of land in \\ liartoii and Eulaiia |
townships, purveyed upon V. t. No. 8308. Contain- :
itig llo; acres.
No. 3.—A lot known as Lot 74 ot Dent's lands in •
lice,or tome hip, containing 1"> acr s;' part of i
Wts. 17-9,1,9(1, .us - and i.A4, situate on the Cc-n- !
esee Fork of Pine CK ok.
No.4.—A lot of land iu Rector township, being 1
Lot No. 75 of Dent's lands in said town-hip, con
tatning iw acr s, and i.,.t No. Vo of .-ante tan is,
coiitainit.g ' '.b4; situate on J.ouck's liiil.
No. 5.—A lot of land in West Branch township,
containing 127 acre.-—a pari of Wt. ■m.-'J. Hound
ed on the W and N by the Warrant lines, K by E.
Crip pen, and Sby lands ~f F. V,. Hughes.
No. 6.—A lot of land in Kuiaini towttrhip, con
taining 333 acres, on Wt. No. 4783,1 eing the itn
dividt d on, -hstif of the sout,, part of said V,"arrant !
known as tlie James Kitchen Lot.
No. 7.--A lot of it© acres in Summit township, i
part of VTarranta New. 2101 and 21 being tDo V\ j
half of lot No. 45 of Bingham lands iti said town- ■
No. s.—a lot of 50 acres iu Roulet township.
No. 9. —A lot of . r ,u acres in Clara township.
No. 10.—A lot of 900 acres ia Allegany township
i uii -i ill' Hill farm) cotiip ci of IHngi-aiit Lots
N'os. 12, and 12 , parts of il is. Nos. 1827,1828 and i
No. It.—The ntidivi !•>! OP- -liulf | art of a lot of
land in Jackson and Pike townships. Bounded on |
the N" by Wt. No. 8885, E by Wt. No. tdi.-, s by
Wt. No. a a.l W by Wt. No. SOti'J— coatallilng ;
140 acres.
Terms ma le known at the time of sale.
Wellsboro, Aug. 13,1873.
John Denliof,
WOULD respectfully inform the citizens that he I
continues the manufacture of .
at his new Stand,
{South of the Bridge,)
ALL work done in a workmanlike manner
reasonable rates,
Give him a call.
VIVE will send the Beautiful Citromo entitled
?V "The Unwelcome Visitor," postage pre
paid. as a premium to every subscriber to otu
rnout lily magazine called the
aMBLK lb E ,
contains thirty-two large pages, Itestdes the <-o ;
ver, filled with the best and most interesting!
reading. Price, only
S3 a Year!
Send on your Dollar and gel a dollar magazine !
and an eight dollar chromo in return. Sample ;
copy set free on receipt of stamp.
We want and will liberally pay
.A G i : TX T s .
Send stamp for particulars. Address
JU MBLE BEE, Albion, Illinois.
i J ' COYIP ANY.—Time Table arb pted Mos
! DAY, Jul . K-..
STATIONS. Night Niag- Local Pt Allogy
Exp. ar.i Freight. ; Local
, Exp. j freight
a. m. p. ni.
Fmpe-fum .... . . 2to 3.25 3.10 am j
I pert A degas i j ... -kfo i 8.24 ] 5.45 " 10.35 am
' a....' ....... 5.21) 7.27 ! S.lO " 1.1.7pm
i bultaio 8. 2u 1 0.45 2.35 pm 7.50 "
[ i I !
RriU't Night Local Local J
STATIONS. & Bait. Express. Freight. Fight 1
a. m. !
Buffalo 8.30 am tk2o]n fi.lJam 11.20
Glean 1u.47 " 10.00 " 11. "o " ti l::
Port Allegany 11.25 " 11.00 " | 2.27 pm y.oO
Keat'g Suni't i2.e() m 3.35"
Emporium — 12.45pm i24sam 5.C6 " ;
Gen. J'ass. A(/t. Superintendent
Couri Proclamation.
"VfTHEßEAS.thellim. 11. W. WILLIAMS, Presi- 1
T V dent Judge,ami the lldiis. LYM \N NELSON
1 and JOHN M. Ktt.not KNK. Assoeiats* Judges of t
the Courts of Oyer & Terminer and General Jail
Delivery,(Quarter Sessionsil the Peace. (Irpitans'
Court and Court of Common Pleas for tlie County j
of Potter, have issued their precept be tring date
the fourteenth day of June in the \ ear of our laird
one thousand, eight hundred and seventy-three, !
and to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer
w Terminer and General Jail 1 lelivery. Quarter j
Sessions of tlie Peace, Orphans' Court and Court 1
ofOmmon Pleas, in the Borough of Coudersport, 1
on Monday, the Eiftecnth day of SEP'IEM
: HER next and to continue one week.
| Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coro-'
i net s. Justices of tit" Peaee and Constables within ,
tlie County, tiiat they lie then and there in t heir j
; proner persons, at lit o'clock, a. in., of said day, j
with their rolls, records and inquisitions, exanti- i
i nations and other remembrances, to do [
j tilings which to their oiC< es apjiertain to be done. '
j And those who are bound by their recognizances
! t.opru-ecute against tlie prisoners that tucor shall
j be in tlie Jail of said County of l'otier, are to be ;
■ tlu-n and there to prosecute*against them as will
j Ire just.
! Dated at t'mtilersport, August 2C, 1873, and the I
j 97; ii year of the Indejiendenee of tlie Uuited States
j of Anieriea. t. P. REYNOLDS, Sheriff'.
' T> Y VIRTUE of sundry writs of Yen- 1
1 X) ditlonl Exponas, Fieri Facias, Levari Facias .
• aiiii Sur Mortgage, issued out of the Court of Corn- j
i mon Picas of Potter County, IV., aurt tome direct- |
j ed, I sh.Ul expose to put :ie sale or outcry, at the :
Court House iu Coudersport, on MONDAY , the
FIFTEENTH day of September, 1873, at one o'clock,
p. in., the following described tracts or parcels o f
lead, to wit:
Curtain real estate situate in the Bo
rough of Coudersport, Putter Co.. I'a., bounded
ami described as t'oilows : N by lands of F, N".
White: i-; by tlie Allegheny River; S by lands of!
A. M. lteynolds; and W bv tiie Public Highway. '
; Contain! it r/ about thirty-two square rods of land, '
more or less, ail of which is improved and being j
pari of Wt. No. 20s 1. To be sold as tiie property
A I.SO, certain real estate situate in j
Harrison tp., bounded N" by lands of F. A. Hue-'
lisit and Waldo Robinson ; K by lands of J. K. \
ii.tiio and •!. W. Stevens; soutli by lands of H.'
N. Stone; and Wby lands of E. B. Phillips. Om
t'.ininy lifty-one acres of land, with ailo'.vance of
six pt r cent for voails, etc., more or lc-s, about i
forty-five acres arc improved, with one jrainc I
honse, one frame barn and some fruit trees there
on, being p.mof wt. No. bilti. Also, one oth
er lot of lam! situate in Harrison tp., bounded N
by lands of Hamilton White; Kin the Highway ;
> by the Highway; and W bv lutuisof 11. N. St. if.-.
Conta/nina one acre of land, more or less, all of
which is improved, with one frame liousc and
some out-buildings tiiereou, with mill iiriviiege
tin rcto lie'-inging, and lieiog part oj Wts. N'os.
13bi and 1329. To be sold as tlie property of
8. P. REYNOLDS, Sheriff.
Coudersport, August 20,1373.
TRIAL LIS7--Sept. Term, (873.
.1 L Allen, ct al rs. Geo Nichols, LII Kin- •
, , n< .'", el ai
Luke hi evens " Mala Stevens. I.vdia A
Stevens and Juu.t
Joseph Rniith " M T SeiU-rt
t.i'ii Nieti'ib-. t. ll Kin
ney, etal " JL Allen
I snloiiioii I unb"! lui " Henry la-.tuberton
Geo Nelson, ei at, licir
ofCaum n " John Bitcluuian
0 J ispallord - Wm ('Aiti. rger, etal
... J*", . " Min Aiberger
Win C sherwood - Dantel Smith
I i l -.'' . '• l ,! rcderiek Yentzer
; .-li'eilcnck \ etitzt r " Mason Nelson
vim \ockam " 'l'wp.of Sweden
Abbott—John <: i iessei
I Hingluun—W \V Ensworth
! t'oudersport—Z J Thompson
Eulaiia —Henry Ingraliam, llirney Rees
: Genesei—John i oiston
Harrison—lioiiry Gituk, Otis Snvder
i Hector—D W tic.v, ii .u i! Towslcy
! Jccksou —Fred , t.-k Rake-.-
, l.cwisville —A p. I: iineit, Tli >mas Parker
Cswayo—Allen Hamtnond
; Pica- ait Vailey—Roljert McDowell
1 Runlet—John M Lyipan
Siiaron—DeWitt Chase, Anthony Jones ]r, Peleg
Summit—Andrew Wc.gie r
t- w.'iicii—l i Jackson'
Ulysses—'Wiilitini Sulir. II C Olmsted
Wnarton—Frederick Dev; iqici t
Alibott —Charles M-.-issuer
Allt-g.'tny—Theotlore < 'ai-jientcr. 15 F liishop i
; Bingham—( has Daniels
i t iiudersport—Joseph Mann. Porter Clark, W T
j Dike, lJenj Ucmiclis
I Eulaiia-—YYa'lacc Benson, Henry Leltman, C C
Genesee —C W Parker, John Magiiinis, Asa
1 l.twns
Harrison—Llewellyn Stedman, Lyman Rooks :
Joim ( Mi; -y John Ii v timer
Hebron —Charles Tyler. G W stiJinan, Andrew
Brack, L R Bttrdick
Hector—M M Young, R W Bailey, Amos Nortli
! Homer—W 11 Crosby
Keating—Daniel More, Hiram Bridges
1 Kwayo—William Dexter, A D Hill,' Ed Brizzee
I'lki —Will Alisiey, Ml Martin
Runlet—Belden lntrt, Hans Hansen
, Sharon —A E Newton, John Voorliees, G C Lyon
Amos New ton, G W Wood
i Sweden—Ceuhas Nelson, Jacob Harrington,Hen
! _ ucrson Corsaw
I Ulyssc—John Francis, Tims Gridley
i West Branch —Lemuel Hammond
I Wharton—Alonzo Nelson, Jas L Barclay
Gaarjjlaii's Sale.
| | > V YIHTEE of an order issued out
i L) of the Orphans' Court of Potter County, 1 i
j will expose i.o sale by public outer) on the 13th day |
of September, 1-7;-, at to o'clock p. in., on the pre- j
mises in the village of Oswayo, in sanl County tne ;
following described property, subject, however '
to the life-interest of John C. Wilkinson, sr. the ■
father of the minor:
A certain house and lot, in the village of Oswav<> j
bounded and described as follows: N by lands of
estate ii Noah Crittenden, deceased; E by a lot!
formerly owned by Solomon llawley, dec:as', i
tnd which is known as the llawley iot; s In the i
Public Highway; and by the lot owned an*<! oc- 1
cupled liy Dr. 11. H. Munsoc. Containing aboui |
fifty reals of land, more; or less, with a small frame •
! house thereon. To be sold us the pnqiert yofJ NO j
C. WILKINSON, JK., a minor under 14 years of age
Oswayo, Aug. 20,1573. Guardian j
Divorce Notice.
BY her next friend j In the Court of Common
ELIJAH SWIFT. Pleaaof Potter County, No.
HL 48 February Term, ISIS.
P. r. PERRY. J
p. P. PERRY Respondent above named will
! please take notice that a subpoena ami alias sun
j poena have been issued and returned nihil; yon
arc therefore hereby required to appear on the
; first day of next court, September istii 1873, to j
; answer to the complaint made in this case.
S. P. KEYNOI.DS, S'u-riif. !
j SherilTs Office, Coudersport, Aug. is;;., ' j
I KS-I-'-tkj :sa:,-;rss)-j.-jLaa .
I |
: Subscribe for the Journal
First preniiums wherever exhibited—Prices low for the quality—Large priced
allowed for Second-hand instruments in Exchange.
Frorn Mr. Edward Hoffuum, tlie celebrated Piuntst.
I conscientiously believe that your l'iano is in every respect a most magnifi
cent Instrument.
From the " Independent^
The American Piano has deservediy become a very popular Instrument.
i tgg* Responsible Agents ©anted for unoccupied territory. Send for Circulars to
2429-J4 "VYING & SOX, 417 Broome St., X. Y.
Lewisville j w. w. IWOORE,
18 fantmn opens the F.UST -bvy of SETTEMHER. f/|ONUMENIS| TOMBSTONES^
B. 15. Nlndc, .11 p?.. B. B. Sl.ulo,
Principal Assistant
11 ISM It. L. 4 ashing, Instrument-it Music.
Primary Department, per term 4 to AIATI I >1,175, &C.,
; Intermediate do., do 500
' High school do., do iDXi
: Instrumental music ...,t 10 Ou
Third St., opposite Court Ilousc Square,
j Tuition must be arranged in advance.
! Classes in this term will lie arranged to accom
miMlatc those designing toteach dining the com- COLDfc RSPORT PA
ing winter. '
The Potter County Teachers'lnstil ute will be'
held at Lcwisvillc in' connection witli litis term.
Board, including Sights and fuel, can be ob- All work done in a workmanlike manner am', or
! tained for 5o cents per day. Good rooms can lie
obtained by those wm> desire to furnish their own tiers Bent by mail promptlj attended to.
] board.
j SETH LEWIS, O. R. BASSETT, Ty prices are the lowest in this ecctlon of the
Secretary. 50—tf President country. 2448
I -
SrRiNG. 1813.
Thos. McEcwsll L Co.,
General Merchandise,
! .
WE would respectfully call the attention of the people of POTTER COUNTY
j to onr large and complete assortment of
DR., Ac. , AC.,
which we are offering at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, owing TO the increased
( facilities afforded by the completion of tlie Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia
Railway, and we can and WILL sell goods as low as they can be sold this side of
j Canada.
Fresh ground Feed and Meal kept constantly on hand.
Y e are daily receiving new goods, thus keeping our stock, iu all departments,
at all times.
2429-4 Thos. McDowell*CO.
CoMersprt Hotel
i Genera' Stage Office
• and is now open to the PUBLIC.
Ti-.- TA BLE vrill he kept in FIRST CLASS style,
and no labor or expense (-pared to make, it a
1 GOOD STABI.IXG, and careful Hostlers'
; always in attendance.
j The OLD-TIME popularity of the Hotel vcill he
S FULLY MAINTAINED ly the present Proprietor,
j who now solicits the patronage of travellers and
! the public generally.
| insurance Company of North America,
TLe Olilest Stock Insurance Company in the United St/ites.
ASSETS, Jtuniiiry I, i,T: &H.S>f
Pennsylvania Eire Insurance Company,
ffaiiitary J., 1073, 1.1G2.302.40
Hie above-named relhible; ?'c r. presented in Con
dersport l
:39-i.v ARTHUR 8. MANN.
K. E. cor. SECOND and EAST Streets.
(2act of Court House Squcre,)
lias been purchased by P.EOV/X & KELLY
(formerly of the Coi'oeksfoht Hotei..)
The House is completely furnished from top to
bottom, and has all the conveniences desired by
the people; the table is the best in the County :
the barn is under the charge of the best ostler in
the State; and, in short, everything will he done
that can bedoneto make it comfortable for stran
gers or others who visit the house.
The long experience of the Proprietors in the
Hotel business makes them peculiarly able to
eater to the varied wants of the travelling public.
They solicit their old custom, believi g that
they are able to supply the best op tiie erst to
133 J'roprielors.