The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, August 20, 1873, Image 1
A.]sr:D ZESTE "WS ITEM. Jno. S. IViarm, Proprietor, LIiME XXV, NO. 5. i he POTTER JOURNAL AND IRBUM.ED EVERY WEDNESDAY AT ■>R PKLLSPQLV 1\ PA. I m!b Cor. Main nut Third.) I K 1.75 PEK YE.UT IN ADVANCE. ■ I <. Maun, S. F. Hamilton, ■' _ _ C. J. CURTIS, |nwv at I .aw AND WSTRWT ATTORNEY, OFL u.4 /.V St., (01 vr the ' 11-AC, I IT, PA., H. ,!! business prvtiininc to his profession. | Special attention FIIVEII to collection*. ARTHI K B. MANN ■ JOHN S. MANN & SON. ■tornt'vsat ban and Conveyancers, C( >I'T)PRSP"it r, I .v., A, pr-MPTLY alt' R .T'-U T<>- UArtharß.Mann. .„ml ITTUMMV >tary Public. s. S. GREENMAN, LLTOBNEY AT FFL. R. "VSK FOKSTER'* STORK,) CiirnKKSPOKT, PA. ■ . P. C. I.AKKABKE . ■OIMSTEO <?■- LARRABEE, B',;\TVS \M> OTNSI.I.L >KS AT I,AW B. N si. 'DART I (. )NKIt>POKT, PKNN'A. SETH LEWIS, LEY at L -.RI and Insnranco Agent, LIAVIsViI.EE, PA. [A.M. REYNOLDS, I DEXTT IS T , J IN OLMSTED BLORIC.) I (urDERSi'ORT, PA. I BKER H ouse, I H'-.II'VV S KET.I.T. Pvopv'S. fro! Sit OM) and EAST Streets, ' I UNUAISI. I:T. PK: NA. v.: lion pn'NL to the convenience anil , lo.nfort "f guests. ■ -!;U>ling attachert. llswlEviliQ Hotel, ■ r of MAIN and NORTH St reels, LKWISVII.L.E, PA. ■ STABLING attached. lEARSALL d WEBSTER, PAINTERS, B (DL DKRSPORT, PA. H MAZING, Orainiiip, Calritninitig, B ' P.IJ er-hansrinsr, ''tc., done H' ITM-s-. promptness and :I C, all cases, and 5,1- isfactlon cuar- NULLED. ■ PAINTS I. r sale. 2428-1 I ' UN J. S. MANN THOMPSON & MANN. PFAI K!:S IN K Medicines, ltonks, Stationery, [ccios. PUNTS. OILS, WALL PAPER, SC., [' • V';N Third St*., | ■ OL'DERSpORT, PA. S. F II AU'ILTON, f ?.ND JQ3 PRINTER 1 frn'n mid Third.) I'M DF.USPORT, PA. C. M. ALLEN, ■pical and Mechnnieal Dentist, I LKWU\" I LEE, PA. B i to dvc satisfaction. I D J. CROWELL, B- P. Ball Jointer St Bolting Machine, ■ M.MIOMNU, Cameron en.. Pa. I'" 1 ' ' 'TsIIIXGLF. MACIir.XK to g ■ * MACHINES AMI Goncrai Custom Work 9- ' 2422-tf L.'chn Grom, F 1 USE. SI >• II I'fiitdt. HFIOVATIVC & FRESCO rVIXTER, IIJDERSPORT, PA. I X( ' tiid PAPER H ANGING done B "neatness and dispatch. B N guaranteed. h ♦♦♦ B VKi : ,j HOUSE m n attended to. BL I I ! - R NEEFE, FACTORY, ■ I'EU-Pi HIT, PENS'A. m t I, . IU-'EN-MAKLNSR, RlacVumlthlT.g, FE I riiumini; and Repairing D'U > ATUCSS and durability. CHARGES (S ■>; I C BREUNLE, 1{ IU. WORK, ■"°LDERSpORT, PA. ! ";T'l-ton.-s, etc., finished to order, J I -^BLC\E^K. AU ' 1 WORKINTTUSW E ■*S LIEII'W!N 0R MT "'EOMCE of JOCK ! RECEIVE prompt atteutlon- • [From the independent.] HESTER'S CURE. To tell the real truth, Hester was one ot those women whose intelli ; gence, whose beauty, whose manners, ; whose wit are exquisitely fascinating to lovers, but whose temperament, ' whose whims, whose prejudices, an j tipathies, fancies, are exquisitely try ing to husbands. Still, beinc her 7 1 ~ husband, 1 have hardly the right to speak so, even to you; and, iu fact, there were but two of Hester's pecu liarities that ever occasioned me any trouble. One ot these was her love of locality, her insane attachment to the spot called home, and the other washer horror of a thunder storm. If there was one mortal thing of which Hester had a fear, it was light ning—if that may be called a mortal thing. It was not like fear, either, that emotion of hers. Into fear the mind enters, and this was a purely, physical thing. In the good old days you would have said she was | under a spell, for she turned marble, white and cold,the moment a thunder j cloud attained any height; her lips! became parched, her heart lessened j its beats, and she could neither speak | nor move. She always lay helplessly ! on the bed and was fed with whiskey ' to be kept alive. And while we were in the city the gas was lighted, the shutters closed, the curtains dropped and somebody played on the piano a running accompaniment as long as the thunder intoned its bass. Of course, all this was not looked on with much favor bv mv superior masculine nerves; and, hav ing no sympathy with it, I had a great deal of scorn for it, and doubt less caused Hester additional trouble by the little pains I took to conceal my vexation. But Hester bad no longer gas to light, or shutters or long curtains to hide the sights feared; for times had changed with us. We had given up our pleasant city home, full of light, and cheer, and sociability, and had come down to try our luck in this great farm on the edge of the | marshes, where a tide-streak turned tiie wheels of a couple of grist-mills, and we had something more than a fair chance of improving our condi tion. Hester, of course, had been against the removal, against the plan and the place, from the first. She wanted ine to wait in the city till things bettered themselves or something turned up. She had rather do with less, she said, and stay where we were, among bur friends and our as sociations. She did not want to sell the sun Liny house where we had spent all our married life, around which all her enjoyments clustered, and put the price into this great, lonely, untried farm. But 1 told her that ton j'ears of this farm, if all prospered, would enable us to 1 <ll3* back tiie eity- place and make it a ; winter paradise. "Ten years!" ex ! claimed Hester. "In ten years people ; will be dead and scattered; and we | shall not care, after such a separation, 1 for any of those that are left, and they will not care for us, and the best part of our lives will be gone!" Hut I was too sure of my ground to listen to her; my own logic con vinced me and I over-talked all Hes ter had to say. And the long and short of it was that down to the farm we came, bag and baggage; and my wife and my mother and sisters, and all my household goods and gods were around me there. "It is nothing but a swamp;" cried Hester, as she looked at it in dismay. "It is on the border of some salt ' marshes, but with plenty of line up land," I replied. "Andsee! See, Roger! The light ning struck the fences here last year." "Well, suppose it did?" I asked, as coolly as possible, a little fearing what was to come. "The bullet never <roes twice through the same hole you know." "The lightning does," said Hester, her great black eyes widening and darkening. "It always docs. here tlie lightning has fallen once, it in variably in the course of time falls again. You can see it all as plain as day. It gathers on these marshes, always wet, always hot; it rolls in COUDERSPORT, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2(), 1873. ; land, and here it breaks upon this knoll. There is a spring of running water somewhere under the place; of course there is. There it comes, trickling out of the rock, you see. And lightning always makes for a hidden spring of running water like a child for its mother." "Nonsense, my dear," I answered her. •'Your father was an inventor, and the imagination is large in you. All this is pure construction." "Oh don't talk to me that way," she cried. '*l see what is before me. I never shall have an hour's peace on the place till 1 leave it for the mad-house; and 1 never expected to have." And she turned toco in and help straighten out the confusion of our unpacked possessions. "Don't be so thoroughly unreason able, Hester," I urged, following her. "Any one would suppose, to hear you, that a thunder storm was the end of the world." "I dare say it will be of mine," she responded. "Nobody ever had such a horror of anything for nothing; and you have brought me into a very nest of them." "Pshaw!" I exclaimed. "Don't be a child, entirely. An occasional shower during a period of three months need harm nobody. And I've no doubt we can make the house a delightful place l'or our friends to visit." "The house!" cried Hester, sweep ing her arms, in a tragic gesture of exhibition. "A is a hovel! It is tumbling down. Look at. its immense, its interminable rooin-q black with grime, blistered with damp! Listen to its rats! Breathe its moldy at mosphere. It has held a century and a half of squalor. Nothing but fire can purify it. Oh! it needs the lightning, sure enough." And then she threw her arms around my neck, and hid her face and cried, and pres ently ran away to hinder the passing of more words; for she felt that even I was as angry as she was dissatis fied. But Hester was one of those wom en who, after having said their say, try to make the best of things and do their duty with painful fidelity. She had brought down, despite all our gibes, some huge bundles of kitchen wall-paper, that she had pur chased for less than a dime a roll; and she found the means to mix enough paint for her purposes, and soon, with her own hands and the help of the other women, she had cleaned and painted the inside of the house from top to bottom, and had hung it with the kitchen paper, put on wrong side out, so that tiie plain, gray surfaces of that wrong side made uniform tinting to all the walls as pleasant to the eye as something twenty times costlier might have been. Having done this she proceed ed to paint and varnish some of the floors in imitation of tiles and inlaid woods, to put down the few carpets saved from the wreck, and establish | the books and pictures. Meanwhile, the farm and the mills needed me outside; and I thought the more Hester had to occupy her and the j more demands the place made upon ; her the more she would see its capa bilities and become interested in it. And so, in course of time, Hester gave the house a homelike, happy look; and any stranger coming there would have thought that we had made for ourselves a little Eden in the wilderness. But it was no Eden to Hester. She said hardly anything more, but she used to sit at her window, with a far-away look in her eyes; and 1 knew she hated it and felt all but buried alive. At least, I might have known so, if I had taken the pains to observe or spared the time to see. But 1 was a young man then, deter mined to retrieve ray fortunes and recover my place in the world; and my whole soul was getting to be bound up in the place and its possi bilities. I had 110 eyes or thoughts for anything else; for I saw an im mense fortune in it if I had but the skill anil the patience to unearth it. I bad invented, indeed, an air com pressing machine, to bo run by the tide, that twice a day set up and twice a day set down my creek, and the little thing amassed and stored power to such extent that through its means I could have turned more wheels and driven more shafts than if 1 had owned all the rights in a first-class waterfall—that is to say, if the machine were only perfected. But the last details were j*ct want ing. Much of my thought necessari ]}" bent to its finishing; and what the farm left unabsorbed afterward went to tbe procuring of ways and means for setting up belts and spin dles in place of my millstones, and turning this great power of my dis covery, when it should be in readi- ness to account in manufacturing. I had not yet thought of enriching myself by a royalty on my invention; that was remote, bat this was close at hand and sure. Nor had 1 fore seen half its future, for I had not dreamed of the time when it should be carried in pipes tc do its immense work fifty miles away, or stored in reservoirs to run cars from station to station. I was only concerned in the small way of my personal and present interests; and when the trifles necessary to the machine's perfect completion should be accom plished all I lacked would he the capital to erect the necessary build ings. Little by little I was in hopes of accumulating this—of pulling up one stone at a time, as you might say, setting up one wheel after an other. I was writing to this man and to that man to interest him in the thing; and all the notice 1 took of Hester was to go down to the creek with her occasionally and dis play to her the progress of the model which was to compress air enough to drive such a world of machinery with a might beyond the might of steam or cataract. "1 tremble when one gets this bee in his bonnet," she said. ".So long as my father was an inventor—so long as he explained cogs, and bal ances, and levers to me—we starved." For the rest, as I talked, she list ened. She wondered a little, she smiled; but she did not care. Once or twice I saw her look at the model \ scrutiuizingly. At one time she bent and examined it over and under. ."Don't touch it!" I cried. "Don't fear," she answed. "You have not finished your machine yet. You are not sure you can finish it." She bent and looked again. "No! no!" she cried, with a start, and springing to her feet, "it will only i detain us here." And she looked gloomily about her. "Oh! when • 3'ou have made this vast fortune," | she said, "what good is it to do us? I V\ e shall be too old to enjoy a stiver ;of it. Our ears will be dulled to ' music, our eyes to L.-aut}*, our senses |to gaycty. 1 loved better my little : house in the square, the street bands, and once in a while the theatre." 1 laughed at her, and went in and read Browning's "Up at a Villa." I "Hail I but plenty of money, money enough and to spare. The house for me, no doubt, were a house in the city square. I Ah! such a life, sueli a life us one leads al the window there." But she onl}- smiled languidly. "That is not my cit}-, you know," she said. "My city is 1113; friends." 80 it seemed to me that Hester was infatuated; and I went 111 v way with 1113- machine, and thought 110 more of her homesick, lonesome face. "All women are children," I said. "When the}- find the}' cannot have their own way, they will take } ours; and all this feeling of Hester's is nothing but a morbid whim." Yet the more I puzzled with that model, the more it puzzled me. Either there was something radically wrong with the machine or radically' wrong with my brain. I chiseled, and whittled, and screwed, and un screwed, and experimented and still the invisible, ineffable something es caped me. In the meantime m} r farm pros pered as well as 1 could wish, and grist came to m}- mills; and the world looked bright to me in every thing but Hester's lace. Hester had little to do; for 1113- farmer's wile, was at the head of the daily and poultr}'-}'ard, and when my mother and sisters were away 011 their fre-1 quent visits to my married sister and i brother, the days were long and lone some days—drear}- days, to which none of the wonderful wild marsh landscapes that la}- around the up land of the farm could give any more solace than they might have given to the days of Mariana in the Moated Grange. And when the thunder came—well, I" don't like to think of Hester now, alone, in those days .when the thunder came; though it is true, iudeed, that we did not have so much of it as she had anticipated. One afternoon in the second sum . mer, hot and steaming after rain, I j was down at the creek with my ! models, contriving and projecting, as usual, when happening to glance round I saw a singular appearance upon the marshes between me and | the sun. It was something resem bling the convolutions of a bright, gigantic snake, full of rainbow tints, twisting itself along over the tops of the green thatch at a prodigious rate of swiftness. Almost before I had begun to wonder what it was, it opened and spread itself into a vast rolling vapor, covering the whole width, of the great marsh, its dark blue masses streaked with curdling white, waist high, with lightnings in its breast, and mounting and advanc ing with a terrible rapidity. On it came, directly upon us, send ing betore it such an awful sense of impotence to arrest it, that I, who had never known fear, quailed in ward ly now—changing, and writhing, and swelling, and mounting, but all the time approaching and as if with the wings of a hurricane. I had hardly time to deposit my models i:i their usual corner of one of the mills and hasten to the house before the cloud had risen and cast itself abroad through the air, and the whole sky above us and around us was a mist of darkness. Hester stood in the middle of the room all alone, death white herself, as I entered. "Did you ever see anything so horrible?" she gasped,and she sank upon a chair. "It is not a thunder stonn. It is the day of judgment. We arc wrapped in fire!" And she sat there trembling visibly, as if the earth and the atmosphere vibrated, and not she. I went to the dining-room to get her some stimulating draught or oth er. As I did so, I could not but say to myself that the heavens were roll ing together like a scroll—rolling together and crackling, and flaming, and roaring; for the bolts were fall ing everywhere instantaneously with the rattling reports and lighting up a horror of thick darkness every mo ment with the dreadful illumination of their coppery splendor. I had never seen anything like it; and it was so much more shocking than anything Hester had ever seen, that she braced herself to endure it with an unaccustomed strength. "Dh! Roger, Roger! Come here!" she cried. "Come here, beside me! Say. you forgive all I have said and done. I have been so wicked, so un grateful. But 1 loved Y OU; and now we are going to be parted." I sat down in another chair beside her and put my arm about her and 1 . tried to re-assure her. But there was I not much encouragement to give, lolded as we were in that winding sheet of flame. The thunders broke about us so closely that we shivered to their roll as the timbers of the house did. And a blue and rosy lightning, an incessant purple glare filled the place, ran along the grass, played upon the fences, flashing per petually between the sharp, swift sheets that seemed to divide the air with their blazing blades; and at last there came the rain, in "such a blinding and suffocating rush and downpour that it seemed able to put out the everlasting lires themselves. "Nobody ever came unhurt before through such a storm as this," I said, involuntarily, as tbe lightnings seem ed to be diminishing and for a mo ment the rain abated and the thun der growled like a beast in a distant lair. But even as I spoke there came one burst of lire and thunder that paralyzed us, sent a numbness creep ing from brain to finger-tip, stopped our hearts and made us thiuk the solid earth had given way and won der to find ourselves alive. "It has come at last!" cried Hes ter. But my tongue clove to the roof of my mouth and 1 could not say one word. It was only during tbe instant, though, that the numb ness and the immobility lasted for Hester. With the next she was at the dour, as if the electricity had stung her awake and alive. "The mill! the mill!"she shrieked. "The mill is struck! And all your models are there and all the grist! Oh! Roger, Roger! Hurry! Run! Or it will l>e ashes before you get there and everything we have in the world!" Hester and I had changed places. She, who never could so much as whisper during a thunder storm, was on her feet and urging me to © © action. And I, who had not cared a doight for all the lightning that ever burned before, sat dazed, and dumb, and powerless to move an eye lash. .She turned and shook my shoulder. "The mill!" she ex claimed. "It was struck then. Do you hear ? It will be in llaincs direct ly. Are you struck, too? Are you daft? Are you going to do nothing? Then I must!" And, just as she was, she plunged out into the storm and the fresh deluge of the rain, ran and called the bauds who were hud dled iu the sheds, and was at the mill with them, exhorting, commanding, directing, just as the flame broke forth into the open air, and while 1 sat there unable to stir and in a black whirl of fear and torment. A'ow 1 knew liow Hester felt in every thunder storm that ever darkened round her—l, who saw all 1 had of value in the world, except the old structure where 1 sat, going to de struction, palsied for my part, and without lifting a finger. But llcster was doing for me. Perhaps I knew that. 1 can't say. 1 could sec her, at any rate. The tide was in, so that tiie creek was full and easy to be used; and llcster was urging and ordering, and here the men were battering and tearing, ami there they were pouring on wa ter, and now the flame was smoth ered, and now it was streaming up again, and the thunder was rolling, and the lightning was splitting hea ven, and she never bleached or fal tered. It was a long, an appalling hour. I had not one thought iu it all. 1 beheld from the spot where I was sitting the whole scene at the mill, but only as 1 might have looked at a dreadful picture, for I was con scious in mind and body of no sen sation but torture—a blank torture, such as an idiot might suffer. At the close of the hour, Hester came up the knoll with the men, laughing and wringing the wet from her long hair and her gown. The men had the heavy model among them and they brought it in and set it on the big table. The storm had gone over. The larger mill and the models were safe. The other mill was not alto gether gone. There was blue sky, there was a great sunset, and there was a rainbow arching half the hea vens; and Hester was full of high spirits and forget fulness. She ran in and stopped in the door way. "Oh! I ought to have known, 1 ought to have understood, I ought to have remembered," she cried. And she called back the men, who lifted me in their arms and carried me to the cistern room and tiiere showered and rubbed, and showered and rubbed again. J came to my senses and was at last put away in bed, restored and on the way to be well. The next night but one, feeble, but quite myself again, I was sitting at the window, down-stairs, with my model 011 the table before me, where they had laid it when, for Hester's inscrutable purposes, the}' brought it iu. "1 had my just dues, Hester," said I, "for ail my selfishness. We will go away from here now, at once. There is not money enough in Amer ica to tempt me to undergo the tor ture of day-before-yesterday after noon a second time. And now I un derstand, now I feel what you have endured under every thundercloud of 3'our life—" "I shall never endure it again," said Hester. "So put your mind at rest." "I never mean }'ou shall," said I. "So far, at least, as I can help it." "I mean that I am cured," she ex claimed, "though I had to be struck by lightning for 1113- cure. Severe remedy," she laughed, "but vcrj* ef fectual. And 1 can't reall}- say, now it's all safe over, that I'm very 8. F. Hamilton, Publisher. 51.75 fi YEAR sorry you had the experience of it too, hard as it was. But, oh! Rog er!" and her arms were around my neck in the old impulsive way that I had missed so long and she was crying, and whispering, and laughing in such a wild, confused and inaudi ble manner that I knew perfectly well all she wanted to say. "Oh! no, indeed you don't," she sobbed, as I uttered some words to that effect. "Look here!" and she turned excitedly to the model, the tears still sparkling on her cheeks like dew at sunrise. " Look here!" she cried. "And 1 knew it all the time, only 1 wouldn't say it, because 1 didn't want to stay here; and I thought il it succeeded we should have to. But now—oh! why didn't you ask 1113- father, you proud thing? lie could have told 3-011 in a minute. Sec! it only wants that screw short ened ; that belt carried forward; tha—t" I'y the Great Seal! There it was! The invisible, the ineffable something I had not been able to catch—and my machine complete! "1 don't de servo it! I don't deserve it!" I cried. "Oh! Roger, if you can only for [ give me for not helping you! 1 think 1 was a little out of my head to sit and look at you puzzling so day by day and to say nothing when I had seen it all and had been educated to see it all and knew exactly what you wanted; for l'a's models were my playthings!" "Forgive you, my darling?" I said, weakly. "It is you who have all the forgiving to do?" "Well, we won't talk of forgiving at all, then," said Hester, twisting her hair over her linger and looking curiously at the locks the while. "We will talk of the place. And I've been thinking, Roger, that the first thing we had best do with the ma chine is to apply its power to the draining of these marshes. When they arc dry there will be no thun der storms to speak of and the drain ing will swell the creek and give } ou more power still. And there's no thing now to hinder your capitalists from coining in," she went on breath lessly. "And as for going away, Roger," cried Hester, then, "I snap my fingers at all the cities that were ever built! That stroke of lightning welded mc to this place; and perhaps 1 needed its illumination to show me the beauties to which i had been so blind. Oh, what a wretch 1 have been! All these long distances, these bine hazes, these emerald marshes, these silver creeks, this immense champaign, these immense skies— and I blind to them all for the sake of a brick city wall! If 1 had my just dues, in real poetical justice they would be the four stone walls of a prison." It was some two or three weeks . from that time that, waking in the ' morning, after the absence from home in which I had succeeded in interest ing all the capital required in my in itial undertaking, 1 said to Hester: "Where in the world have you been with your head? Were you at a ball last night and did you forget to brush out your powder? Or have you been thrusting j our head in among all the old cobwebbed rafters of the place?" "Powdered?" said Hester, with a nervous little laugh. "It is being bleached. This is no temporary adornment like powder—it is a per manency. You always liked fair hair best. Don't you remember me in that red wig, at the charades? And with my dark eyes, you see—" "Bleached?" "Oli! you dear boy. Don't you really see?" she cried. "It began to turn with that lightning stroke. It is turning terribly and I shall be as gray as old Chronos himself be fore the fall comes!" "You, Hester? And not yet thir ty?" "I, Hester. And not yet thirty. And I think I have my gray hair at a bargain. I have traded away for it a heavy heart, a sour spirit, a de grading terror and an empty purse. I was black-haired, and evil, and wretched, and poor, and fast losing my husband's love! And rather than that, what woman wouldn't be wealthy, and happy, and gray, and have her husband adore her ail the same?"