SOMETHING FROM nis PEN. —"John' relates the following bit of conversation he had with an acquaintance: "lie said he used to write for the pa pers once and meeting an editor one day. the editor said he would like some thing from his pen," and says he, "what do you think I sent him?" Says I, "Give it up." Says he, "Well, he said he wanted something from my pen, so I sent him a pig." AN IOWA justice of the peace refused to fine a man for kissing a girl against her will, because when the lass came into court he was obliged to hold on to the arms of his chair to keep from kiss ing her himself. VANDERBILT is nearly eighty and never drank liquor. CALIFORNIA boasts that severe and destructive storms of any kind are practically unknown on that side of the Rocky Mountains. But they have earthquakes. MARY Coiqse is the name of a Lon don woman ninety-two years old. It is to hoped that she's a lively old corpse. WHEN a New Hampshire juror finds himself unable to decide as to the guilt or innocence of the prisoner, lie retlects that every convict in the State prison yields a revenue to the State of $2f the country; its comments on political i . and p., N T events and us full, fresh and readable loi UL in li.genee. LI con i.ies ail the best features of a first-class genera. Newspaper and a 11 rat-class local journal. The: WEEKLY ADVERTISER Is a 1 irge, eight-page, fifty-six column newspaper, i issued every Thursday, and contains the cream of til • Dai y edition, it IS e-pcclallv addressed and intended for that < ,la .re i intelligent CLASS of community who re st ■■ ott the great main lines ol communication and the facilities for reaching whom make it Impas sion- to supply themselves with a daily paper. For these, besides the late general and local new-, are provided reports of local agricultural in ;t" 's ami full reports of late markets for country I pro- nice. II IS eminently a readable paper and furnishes : in euce issue a vast amount and variety of reading matter. | TKRMS. DAI! V, I'KR VKALT $ S 00 WEEKLY, " 2DO THE Popular Science Monthly CONDUCTED BY Prof. IE. L. Youmans, J lie crowing importance of scientific knowledge B. ail classes of the community calls for more eiTl eleu- means of diffusing it. The l'i,/,,,!,,.- Scit nee AM)THLT/ HA S been started to promote this object id supplies a want met by no other periodical ILL R the United States. ■ 1: contains instructive and attractive articles :IND abstracts cf articles, original, selected and ILL ■ ustrated, from the leading scientific men of dif -1 fereut countries, giving the latc-t Interpretations of natural phenomena, explaining the applica ' IIOUS of science to the practical arts and to tlie , operations of domestic life. It is designed to give especial prominence to 1 :h branches of science which help to a bettor 1 ■ understanding of the nature of man; to present 1 II < - alms ol -cientitle education; ami the bear- C ( I -of science noon questions of society and gov ernment. How the various subjects of current , ! 0.J,,!, ARE affected by the advance of scientific , in miry will also be considered. 1 : :ts n--r v character this periodical sltns to F !• popular Without being superficial am! app -a!s , rhe intelligent reading . -s of the counuuiii- 1 iv. It seeks to rocurc authentic statements from ■ . who knot T heir subjects -nd who will address 1 OI—S, .en TINE public for purposes of exposition T AI.O explanation. LI will have contributions from Herbert Spen cer, PROF, T.I ,h-y, I'ruf. T> odail. Mr. Darwin ami * ."" r writers Identified with sjiecuiative thought ' ami scientific explanation. The ul ir.Scicwe Mmthlv is published In a LARGE octavo, handsomely printed on clear type. ' I'< mis, Five Dollars per annum, or Fifty Cents R| tier copy. Published by l. A I*I*I.ETON A < and K>l Broadway, N. Y. 2 EXiCH MOKG AX'Ss SONS' SARO L I O is a substitute for Soap for all Household purposes except washing clothes. SAPO L I O for cleaning your will save the labor of one cleaner. Give it a trial. SAPO L I O for Windows is better than Whiting or Water. No removing curtains or car pets. SAPO L I O cleans Paint and Wood, in fact the en tire house better than Soap. No slopping. Saves labor. Vou can't afford to be with out it. SAPO L I O for scouring Knives is better and clean er than Bath Brick. L WIU not scratch. 3 A P a© LID is better than Soap and Sand for polish ing Tinware. Brightens without scratch ing. SAPO L 3 O polishes Brass and Copper utensils bet ter than Acid or Oil and Rotten Stone. SAP© L ! O for Washing Dishes and Glassware is in valuable. Cheaper than Soap. SAPQ L 5 O removes Stains from Marhle Mantels, Tables&nd statuary, from Hard-flnished Walls, aud from China and Porcelain. 3APO L i O removes Stains and Grease from Car pets and other woven fabrics. Tiiereisno one article known that will S A POLIO Cleanses and Beutttatte BUa,ia stautly removing any stain or blem ish from both hands and face. li.vjsu) S A P () L I Oj is without a rival in the world for | curing or preventing roughness and \ •■ling of either hands or face. ! ■tU U.-S* - HAND S A I' 0 I. I <>l removes Tar, Pitch, Iron or Ink | States .V Grease; f >r workers in Ma chine mines, , yrr?'P I/, in, .toi l L. 2425 ° R. 11. &00DSELL, Gsrpsnter and, SOUTH SIDE of the RIVER, (abovi KAS'I Sired.) v Ooiitlersport, l*:t. ■ CONTRACTS taken ami materials furnishedfor all kinds of BUILDING | PLANING and MATCHING done.— MOULDING of all descriptions. 1 SASII, BLINDS and DOORS ou hand or manu factured to order. CASH paid for Pine Lumber. ' Your patronage is solicited. If. H. WOO US ILL. J. GLASE & SON, Carpenters & Joiners, Coxiderspoi't, Pemi'a. CONTR.\CTS taken for all kinds of BI'ILDING— and materials furnished. DOORS, BLINDS ami SASII kept constantly on hand or manufabtured to order. CASH paid for PINE LUMBER. J. GLASE A SON. The SIXGEII is the best machine for i ; all work. According to sworn returns there were over 45,000 more sold last year than any other kind made. A. M. Kt jnolds, Agent. PHOTOGRAPHS! I 1 HAVING arranged my Light so as to obtain all those fine Gradsitions of^litule j so essential to a BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPH, 1 re-! peetfully solicit your patronage. I make all the leading styles of Photographs and Ferreotypes, from a CARD Pivrußa to a T.IFZ-SI/E PORTRAIT ' —finished in INDIA I XsT K , WATER COLORS or GIL COPYING of OLD PICTURES ma>le a special i - A large Stock of Walnut, ilo.Sfivootl mul (Dilt Picture Frames Square and Oval, I OS HAHD A SI) FOR SALE. AH work guaranteed to give satisfaction. IU. T. LYNDE Photograph Gallery, | SECOND STriEET East of MAIN, (Dike's I' iil COUDERSPORT, PA. WISHfiRT'S PIfSE TRF.L \ Tar Citiial, ' NATURE'S ORE AT REMEDY FvjK THE Throat and Lungs. _ It is gratifying to us to Inform the public that Dr. L. Q. C. Wl.-bart's i'itie Tree Tar Cordial, for Throat ami Lung diseases, has gained an ; enviable reputation fr ml the Atlantic to the Pa cific coast, ami from thence to some of lite first j families of Europe, tioc through the press alone, j but by persons throughout the state- aetnally ben -1 eflttcd and cured at his 011 l v. While he publishes less, so say our reporters, he is unable to supply the demand. It galas an 1 hob's its reputation- First: td.t by stopping cough, but by loosening and assisting nature to throw off the unhealthy matter collected about the throat and bronchia! tubes, which causes irritation. I Sscond: It removes the cause of irritation, (which produces cough), of the mucous membrane and bronchial Tubes, as-ists the lungs to nt ami i throw off the unhealthy secretin: -.ami purities the blood. | Third: It is free from squills, lob ha, ipecac ami opium, of which most throat ami lung remedies are composed, which ail.iv cough only, an t disor ganize the stomach, it has a soot'ring effect on the stomach, acts on th" liver and kidneys, and lymphatic and nervous regions, thus reaching to every part of the system, and in its iuvigoratyig i and purifying effects it has gained a reputation j which it must hold above all others In the market. ! - ; NOTICE. The Pine Tree Tar Cordial, Great AmericanUlyspcpsia Pills AND WORM SUGAR DROPS : Being under my immediate direction, they shall ( not lose their curative qualities bv the use of cheap and impure articles. HENRY R. WISHART, Proprietor. FREE OF CHARGE. I I Dr. L. Q. C. Wlsharfs Orliice parlors are open ; on Mondays. Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 a. m„ to 5 p. m., for consultation by Dr. Win. T. Ma gee. With him are associated two consulting phv- i . slcians of acknowledged ability. This opportuni- ! ty is not offered by any other institution in the ! city. All Letters must be ndtlressed to L. Q. C. WISHART, M. D., NO. 232 X. SECOND ST., ! Fliiladelpliia. ; IFLA-IUsT AND ORNAMENTAL .H is I'IUNTjx;; PROMPTLY EXHYTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE JOURNAL AND NEWS ITEM. New Singed Sewing Machines ex | changed for ones of any kind or make, | by A. M. Reynolds, Ayent. THE •'SILVER TOUGUE" ORGANS For PARLOR, CHURCH and SCHOOL. MANUFACTURED BY E. P. NEEDHAM A SON. ESTABLISHED in ISJ6. Nos. 143, 145 and 147 EAST 22d St., New "Vorli. T>?!'o::siVs!c part' r •' it- r,■: >,>! atten tion iirwl liberal L, Uil*.. rc Idi. gat \ a distance frt i tin' city. La lies' and Gcutlt rat Dtnlnj Rooms 1 Attached. la 4 AGENTS WANTED. In every count. < f each st,.t. . for a new Natiou jpi 1'.... k.' (IIIH LIVES AND i'O'ni.MTS OK ; THE PKEsIDi N'is., with fac simile copy of The j Declaration of Independenc , the Comuu'atiun of | the United States an.l Washing! >n's Farewell Ad dress, with la tine steel plat, -. 1 -r Circular.- ami j Terms address .lohusuit Wiis ,V Co., 27 Bet-k --i ham St., New York. 14 The very best plan By a It., h you cHi. o- ~iii Lie- I:. -f the kind in the w in one wei k. Apply at trace to n. N. Mc- KINNKY A CO., Philadelphia, l a. eor-l Tty 'ii SALE.—A large body of Timber and Iron j "re Lan -in i-.le I'. ..nsylvaaia; t- imat tue'itfio,' iii,OO-i 1, at of -umi iv in ;• oak, white and yellow pine and'.h k. "u and near floating streams, with steam saw-tm 11, boom, etc., on tot ■kip-.j ..•hr.nua. Apply to I*. V, . KliEAi-'Kli. I'ott.s -vilte, La. 50r4 tlrn Your l!nrne with the new Chronio •" 1 wake" Hells like wild- ■ . i ;e j air sent for fit" cents. A large discount to Agents. Address W. F, CAKP£XTEH, Foxbo o, M ass. ti 'i 4 ff/ft KK WrKK IN CAN.I. to A golds. Kverv- Ull.ig fnrni-i .11. ! ex;ien-es j sura A. COI'LTKIt A Co., Charlotte, Mich, j The La Croix Medical Dispensary, t> i AiJLILHKI) IN LvtT, Is th oldestmost uece -ful institutii • in this r oiihtry for the treittin "it of < 'conic and Sexual Dp cases, iur terms of trentiueiii i ail, or aMn > '•> mail, •• itii Stan :oi of .s. H. hVXsDON, Wirt 31 MHi-h. i Lane, Albany, X. Y. 5 r- fjc n T nrrrp :i,. K v. ITERS a A UiiCrt 1 Uf F Ll I Ison,4M B"vvay,N.Y., will impose of 1 ' ' I.' ' "IKJANS of rrst cltisx malccr*. including WATERS', at extremelv ton prices for cash, or part cash, and balance In sinall monthly payments. New 7-Octave tirst elass i'l.'vNyis. all lnodern improvements, fur *.'75 cash. Organs f:.:,, $75. DOI'BI.K REED j OUGANS.fUHi; 4-STOI*. sllii; 8-STOP, $ 12.5, and : upwanls. WATERS' CONCERTO PARLOR ORGANS : are the most beautiful anil perfect in tone ever made. The coxckrto STOP is the best erer placed in any Organ. It is produced hy a third ; set of reeils pecuiiarlt voiced, the El EEC! of ! which Is MOST CHARMING and SOI L STIR RING, while Its IMITATION of the HUMAN I VOICE is SI PERIL Terms liberal. I i.i.pstka ted t'ATAixwii'E M vti Ku fur one stamp. A liberal • ii- mint to Ministers, Chnrehes. Sonday-Bcbools Lodgt eh . AQEMTS MA NT ED. WANTED. General and Local Agents, for the Bartram ! sewing Machine, tirade at Danhnrv, Conn The Milled, fastest and easiest Lock-stitch, straight Needle Marhlne in the market. We give better terms than any other company. Address John A. Dodge, Gen'i Agent 47 r4 1 tan bury, Conn. \ i.l. A 4 I . V OXFA N I S CREAM TABLE CHOCOLATE No boiling necessary. A enp of delicious Chueo- ' late made with it in two minutes. No waste ' I'auked in pound jars. Vanilla or plain. < >ne iloz in box. i'nequaled as a confection for lunch spread on crackers, with a glass of innK at hatui to drink. For making Soda Water Svrupor fla voring lee cream it is superior to any Chocolate made; and for ( hocolate Cake, nothing else will be uses2o " mug or o:d, make mure mm,,. I j their spare moments, <,r an the', ' 1 thing else. Particulars f r ,.,. ~" k ] SON A CO., rortiaud, Maine.' fe ®"> -1 Ih l TYsm ~( Katalysins %\ is the nearest approach to a - ~ 1 ered for Dvspejisia, Neura - V ' J Gravel, Diabetes, Kidnev a erally. It restores mttsmiiar to, It cures Liver Complalm , ■ ,1 : I'iles. Constipation, A-:im a i , tis. Diseases of the skin. 1 I j vous Prostration from Mei.t.,';u ' tl es. It is the Greatest Anti.t t.-. ■ 1 Excessive Eating or Drinking ' 1 stomach, promotes digram- •■ " - I almost linu.ediate'v. Xohui,.," ' I out it. For sale by all Drii "1- ' 'J , t ?T F^ a °. f tf "' s Prlngs ni* I of the power of wab-r ov- - r -J 1 cures and for test imonia - fr, ; " ' ] send for pamphlets. WHiT\ n '3 Agents, 227 s. Fg, lit st„ Phi Irtl l ' i GETTYSBI KO SI'KISU ( O. ' k 1 "— A I MOM ry ! " h '" : * outl • - , \frec. S. M. Spencer, 117 Hanover st ; t | HOW TIN Ii.Ni:.oni„ M ., r „ Mustache .1 U 1 -- „.. sKci.KT and 100 others. Gamblers'"''-' 1 ■ Ventriloqu.stii, in a„ -' ' winders. V. ; . . (! ■ C UTLKK, Carthage, lllitiois. ' ' | Domestic PEERLESS P Ap? PATTERNS " ELEG3HT IN DtSISN. FAULTL?-- ,1 AGENTS WANTED. SetMl fori UoitieMie Sewing; Haeliinp y f'YOU fiSK! ILLTEIi the ktw DEPARTURE n : \GENTS WANTED. E.vrli -., ■ ..! I The book will sell Itself. Father, ■ 1 : Brother, Minister, Men ha lit, M. ti [ u . • 1 er. Miner, viarinerand Yours.- , ii- Money in it. Send for Cir, ~,r MAN AV, EBI.TER, 50 N. sth p j We Want an Agerj Iu t'lis township to canvass fur th* 1.. J an I lust jvliiiig t'Vok hy Dr. John*. I The Science of a New j Recommended ami endorsed bv pr - 1 ters, physi -iai.s. religi, us and set til;, j other book like it published. $lO pei j auteel. Address, ( (>\V yV,v 1 , | BK 139 Eighth .v.. v.. 12,000,000 ACRa 1 CHEAP FARMs, 1 The Cheapest Laud in Market for Union Pacific Railroad 111 the Croat Platte VaUet 3,000,000 nen s in (i ntra 1 Ni :,r iNow for saje in tracts ~f • .., , on five and ten years'credit at n advain e interest reipured. Mild and healthful, ni iti. furtiu- s, dam e of good w ati r. THE BEST MARKET IN WEST, i Mining regions of Wyoming. O f ! Nevada being suj jilieU l,v the 1., i - . ; Valley. Soldiers entitled to a Homtslm 160 Acres. THE PEST LOCATIONS FOR COLOKIES FREE HUMES FOB ALI .Mi choice Govertuiieiit lands op, n f,,r. ■ Hu:eestead Taw. m-ar this ■; |,„ ; ru d markets and all the convi ■ ;-i t ountry. Frm- pa.-sns t.i purchasers of R, , a seidioi ,u Maps showing the I. hi i. s.s .< ti-,T, of D.-s. -pui-, ■ pa-oph ■ '. inaiicil li ce every wueee. Audi t-ss E. lIAHs 43r4 Land Comr. U. P. It It, on„r. CHEAP FARMS FOR SALE NEAR Cs D, \ 1J HY GO TO KANSAS OR NEW -d you can buy as fine farming sun ever shone on, improved ami s,: -* from $25 to s4l, an a,-re. ranging 1. acres, within from 3d to 5u mi - - ' • 1 ; one of the finest dairying , : r.i - Ei\e railroads now ruiii.iiig p -1 and 4or 5 more being eonstr. - I * good improved farms for sal- • 1 11!hi-.S address AMns ai.i.m.C , 4; j4 Crow rat <■ niork FOR SALE. A FIKST-CI.AS.; PHt'lf AND I i Kst i; j Very eligibly situated in Alfegte : . guod paying business,i.-oO'eod f. J ! modating term-. The own.-r from active hi -inoss orw pt - terest to s pei son having gm: r-*>. -r-u could give it their whole at* -uityonhis kind to get into a g I '.aitii rinall capital does not often tlier particulars address it. E. i.u ■ Hays, ashington \ve., A. -• T'n T> EST and MOST IMI\. Fire and Burdar-Pu-' IP* 1 imr A:.. s- AND VAUII A ■ I'ANY, p',7 PENN " - , 36j'., l':'i- 1 SSC',GOO Rewan AVill be (listrilnitcil tosi !■*' Kit \ N W'< It is the onh Montlil}*; IB '! ' r ' I with illustrations. Every Su'cccriber G:'s a I Varyiuff from 25 cents in • I \ I are 2 10 of S100; lt uf si"': -s* l "i s I , lor Organs. £250 each; I* I Chines,s6oeach; 50 I s4o each—liesitles iaan> - smaller ]iremimns. uniy *. I ' year: sent on trial three n I cents. Semi fur sjitcaiien tu CAPRON AU I ! 3Bji Box 5. I j .. - ■ STEVENSON & FOSPF k STATIONERS, PRINTERS BINDERS. !•' I MAaERS. M AND WIIOI.K* d.K t'EAfrk" . ■ PRIINTFKS I Flat papers, book paper-. ,■ H heads, , ards. printing it •-; ■ Give us a call. Cor. w s'2 and s4 Third Ave., Fittswirir.i- T'.stablishod in M C. C. Hammer &' IB Manufacturers of Fine ■! Ufa and superior in style and " l . most or any other Forninire II MB mountains. . r Photographs and Price I '* ,-^H or when in the city don't foig" ; the lasge Oohleu Chair, 4e, JS, aup 60 SE y E> - | 2436) ly fm