The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, August 06, 1873, Image 3
The Potter Journal AND jsT EW S XX E 3vX. 5573SSSP0BT, ?A. f August 5,1873. > i uhscript>°o shall he al'owred to run over one ' rear in arrears. Due notice will given oi ' '..'rati u and if not paid the paper will be Jpped. S. F. HAMILTON. Publisher Coudersport Market. mm ; t Xo. 1 white, per hush. 5 1.80 Bed winter, ** 1.60 0 1.7-5 •• \'o. 1 spring, " 1.50 (a 1.60 Oats. - * * " - 40 - * * " U. - - - " 2.00 0 2.50 r,rat.*s. - * " • S5 Q - 40 ()n s . - - • " 1.50 0 2.00 . .. . - ter ton. 12. (a sls. . - - - It. .06 0 .08 I,lJe " f, °0 0 23 r, utter. - ; • - "~l I*. . . - •* doz. .lo Potter County * iir. 1 .. time fixed for the Fair this full iraday and Friday, ;iith, i inth and t nth. Wm. >. Raymond laid u l" ri °' r a -'^ r evenitig a f w st-ecimens of farm nj* lomatofs of L- own raising. Tii. v ar- th- first of the that we . n . A' 1 "ii;j anyir.g them was a i'.m bouquet of flowers, for vti.ich Lie I .-jor has our thank*. I he Bapti-l ' V i v will hold mi ict qream festival .• . i u ]li. i.-e nil Tl.uis.iay evell tof this week. All are cordially in- If.iital- T • M :h i : ty held an ice ,j ; , f.stival in the basement of the h r . 1 ui last V. editesday evening. ■ it- A re a very i hasant time { " i. I Jill ' -4 halo Georgie Loy-t< r. ■ - _ Machine Dep ! 4of I>o\st- r ■ .. . candy, peanuts and ie- Hlxuk Out I Bj. s . ~ . rsons have been bitten ■ -n w .io picking berries in the \v .here, and we notice one H . .T CUUST*. ■ • r.t Miss ("iara A. M"ck • : engaged to take charge of B . : Se'.i.-ol in t! is village lor the 'y. ir. The other teachers re ■ ; c gillie as they wore during the ■ r : i'i>. Nettie "alley in tin ■ ... ; ~r Department and Miss Ears in ■ V. .;'.vy Dcpartnn nt. H - kw- ll is too well known in H - community to require any farther ■ eat our hands. Her reputation ■ tt achei ensures the success of the B i.dt r la r management. ■ . i! term commences on Monday ■ :v-fifth of August. ■ l.e niched. ■ ■t. ain this place, and we mider now to be completed. luniMo. •on the evening of the ■I KoK-i t Briggs. in L'iy- ' \ - "1 by a tornado. The 1 - to us are briefly as fol- < S • ! jiassing from liorth- X- th west. did but little dam- H ' 3 --- a "ii it did much injury. A '<■ S >< about 12 by 10 feet was j -B oi and torn to pieces, j carried to or 5o rods. - moved ' i.>ll several feet: - ai :i P> bv 60. contain- , i n- i f hay. was lifted B :> foundation. Trees were B . . i, 1- i i":. .ut; one sugar •>t in diameter was taken t B in. >re than 12 r.xls. B _ ,:ar al)out the storm uuage was done in the 'aiiinj; Season - fifteenth, one week from ..B 1 • !' - Ix-en prttty well worked I ..ave lx-rui brought into it I 'npKivfincnls B le are going rapidly for- i.derstand the proprietor g alxrnt a hundred acres iflH ■ as it can be done, ifl B and is ready as ever to ■f' in new ones, or s* 11 a -B s.-en by reference to the - at tliere is OIK live, kiek- this County. The fact a : '"iv recruit to that faith | f'">r tiie vitality lie seen - | t think as we look at our ■ tlie work they are < . K. . '"'-ver it may be. is an ea. \ § ' it if we bad turned our !' ■ ' we < if: B. sin nowhere shows it- Bh. f work. It -tninately. striking pub t'ddors alike. It is so ease to avoid mistakes; it would not have a typographical error once in three montlis; it would have the paper out . "on time" each week to the quarter 1 minute; it would have the literary mat ter more excellent than the best things of Holmes, Collins or Dickens; the/a cttia would surprise Twain. Billings or the man of Danbury; the editorials equal to anything Greeley. Marble, or even Train ever dreamed of; while its locals—well, its locals should be the fea ture of the in them it could ex cel —astonish people:—and all so easy. Nothing, from the latest arrival and the last new dress that fluttered on the street to the crops and the babies in the far end of the County, should fail to be noticed, and everybody should l>e pleased, the thing should be kept level and no chance for grumbling. \\ ell. we are all peculiar, but we hope the model editor will try Lis hand. Killed. Frank E. "Welton, who drives the Simumahoniiig stage, while on his down trip last Friday, and when about six miles this side of .riunemahoning. discovered two rattlesnakes by the side of the road and partially under his wagon and horses. He struck the largest one with his whip, stunning it, and then got out. procured a stone and mashed its head. During this time the other snake was mixed up among his horses" feet, but they escaped being bit ten. 1 his was also killed. The large snake was four i'eet long and had nine rattles. Furniture. Our '-nterprising townsman. Charles Reissmann, iuas a tine lot of furniture at his shop, on Second street. Those wmliing to purchase will find his prices reasonable and the quality of the arti cles g • 1. The} "an do its well with him as they can at the railroad. too! Viftiits Are again ihe order of things in this locality. If people in the cities Kaut to < ni .y the luxury of sleep during the L t sea.-on let them Come to Couders port. CiKxbingr. -V d legation cf workmen from a shoe factory recently presented the editor of the Clinton Kcpvbhean a pair of first clr-s. Fi i. tiilf, sewed Ix its. He' feels eh lut-nt over the matter, but his head i:> evidently too full of the novel sensatix.n of possessing a puir ot j. t -w bex>ts to allow liitu to expiess quite ah he feels. Hear him: We have only to add: Thanks to the generous si;oeu.alters! They have caused iur fe-•' to in pleasant ways. May they wax in prosperity j may" fortune never run c inter t> their wishes: may th.-ir la.-.t days be their and when their tixial job is done and they jx-g out, as all good shoemakers intend to do. may it be said that they had no faults j t" a bat lots ol gcxxi qualities that, like their work, need no shining up. Vouderxpert Is going to have a r.ew tailor shop.— Bundl l!rot};eis, from New York <_ ity. have rea' .. the i xun in the Olrustcl Block .. .y occnp; *1 by Olmsted it Lurral • lor t!.i ir lawoifice, where they propose carrying on tlie tailoring busi ness. W wish them anccess. CUBCI OR County, The i h publicans of Cameron county held 11 t i.nty Convention last Tues day. VI i rA. Bro Lswns nominated for P tioij- tary ;J. W. Cochran for County < ornmissiouer; David Chapman ' for A l.tor; J. hn liousler for Jury Conuni- ioiier; Edward Y-.-sburg for Survey, r. The Convention j assed a resolution, amn;.;. Lhers, condemning the ""nack-| pay steal" and protesting against its' being :>iden dan act of the lb-publi can p: :y. It pronounced in favor of Judy (>■ <i" . >.f Jefferson county, for J udg of the Supreme Coart. B. A. <'i(4-n. Esq., was appointee l Chaii u; <4 the County Committee for the <;.- .eg year. Pfautz T-xsart. —< h. !':* i!i msl.. 1 y l:> .. <> M. 1- Mr IUUB It. I'FAITZ, <>f IT >\ ;I. J . . IM ELIZA A. T O-IVAKT. <2. .-iiter of Seth T Esq;. C o.i.lcrs g.rt. Pa, itoturs. T-i receive prompt attention commit y, ■ •/Units- ii relation to tubscriphoi -s n. I a ifi'i i si mild If addr. > d to S. F. HA MI L TOX, PuLhslu r. We will send the J ouraal for one year to any cluL of FIVE new subscribers on paj-ment. of s~2iO and to any one rending 5 15-00 for ten new subscrib ers. one yerr. we will send one copy fx ee for saiae time. TP the person or persons who removed the tin dipi>er ai d w.-len ice-U.x i: m tlx- pc istock on West street. C tweeu Tliirc and Fourth streets, will i- turn the game tbey will receive the thanks of tlie owner and no questions 1 asked concerning wliat in the world they , wanted to d( with them. I>lt i I K Get your BRICK from I ) WM. BKINE, Koulet. Pa. sqeei lu.-ns caii lie seen at the office <4 Jot r- XAL A ITEM. Price. SB.OO jx-r thou sand —reducl ion made when ordered in large quantities. | \RAFTS <; n Europe furnished at rea- I * sellable rates by S. F. HAMILTON, Agent. A splendid stock of Paisley shawls may be found at Simmons" liegulato at prices far below their present market value. ' ■ IPoor shorVxited worms we be. We kan't kalkilate With any degree Of sartantee What's gwine to be our fate."' A\ e can calculate, however, with rea sonable certainty oh getting Better Lumber Wagons, Better Carriages of all descriptions, Better Sleighs, lietter Cutters. Better Horse-shoeing, and Better Repairing of all kinds At COLE'S Shop than anv other place in Coudersport or in the Count v. * 2502-tf ; T>oKol GR ORDINANCE.—At ameet ing of the Burgess and Common Council of Lewisville Borough, held July 19. 1 -73. the following ordinance was unanimously passed: That the sidewalk on the west side of Main street be extended north to Dr. Eaton's barn. To be completed by the Hist day of -September next. A. S. MIXTOXYE, WM. HOWE, 02-3 Secretary. Burgess. \ V""" I- offer for sale, at par and accrued ' ' interest, the bonds of the -School District of Renovo Borough. These bonds are $15,000 in amount and mature in 1576. "77 and "7s; bear in terest at rate of eight per cent, per an num. payable semi-annually. Interest and principal payable in New York or at our Banking House. PI. B. CALDWELL I!C CO., LESO'.O, I .July i- .U.— :f ji ■. ni. rs | Bel', r than Gold. —A certain amount of greenbacks, national or fractional I currency invested with C. 11. (SinHhons, the Regulator man for dry goods, gro ceries. boots and sh KS. T>OY"ER WHEEL CO.. J. k S:S \> est Thir-I sr.. < IVCTVS en, O. Manufacturers of tlie celebrate d Sarven Wheel, the Rover Combination and Old Style A\ agons. Also Carriag aiul Wagon Woodwork of every de scription. Actual w.-ar and hard usage is tl test of the stlength and durability of a \v!ioi - h and they have proved th-- Sai ven Patent towearlongei than three or four sets of the l-st ohl-stj le wi.eels. When about t purchase a buggy, car riage or wagon, see that your carriage maker uses our make of tlie Sai ven wheel. There an so many inferior pa tent wheels in the market that it will i*- to your interest to stipulate for the "arven —as it is n< w concede.*: to lx- t!ie ouly ierfectly reliable wheel in us . Shrpard. at Simmons' R- gulators. sa} s he will give a laboring man or Lidy m m goods for :iie same amount of m - ney t! .01 any other man will in the Uni ted Staies. \r T ANTED. —Two ente :• gae n T to sell Ellas Howe Sewing Ma chines. Inquire at our einCooders-J poi t. LOYSTEII BROS, .-it -tf Great run en a well known Institu tion-—The fatuous Regulator man. C. j H. Simmons' N'os. 2. 3. 4 and 5. Wells vilie, N". Y. has recently been st.hj. cted . to a:i extraordinary pressure —the pres sure of crowds of sufferers that have , lxs-11 in tlie habit of buying fr m stnah . 1 dealers and paying enormous j . ices. M'Uiey being scarce, they have 1 v ai- # ' inglystll made a grand rush t > id: place ; they get the greatest amo u:t of ! g axis for the smallest amount of : . 'tr ey. The popularity of tl's e.-.ablish r: nt is Dnuudl: - and v.uil last, for it | - dred tliousand dollars being (lie < - rn- - stone. Tills veil known < rtal lis'.rr: nt might justly be caked a savings bank front tkc-nunil*TSof dollars it has saved the people for the lost ten years. From its ver}' infancy high prices have had to vanish like dew before the morning - - The people c< >me more and 111 •to ( . 11. *Mmnions* P. gulator ; tores f >rdn . go-vds, clothing, groceries, hots and r-hoos and everything thid fanali- s ir-e. Their stock is large and also well suit ed to cusi .mers as to price. Come cne. come all with ut delay and prove i.h truth of vv hat we say. The SINGER is a lock-"?itch machine and makes a beautiful.* veu and uniform stitch which will not ravel and is alike on lxth sides. It hems, braids, cords. , tucks, embroiders, ruffi- s. fells and does all kinds of work on the lines! muslin or the heaviest full-cloth. The sickly season is at hand: the great < "heat makes the system feeble and debil itated and una'.k* to withstand the sud- ; den attacks of disc;--. But tie regular use of Roluer's Wild Cherry Tonic will ixn igorat- the system, brace uj> the teml forci-s and enable each organ to. ! rform its projxr functions. It will cure any case of Diarrhoea. Dysentery or Cholera Morbus in a few hours, and to those suffering the horrors of that J terrible disease. Djsjx-psia, it is inval uable. THOMPSON A MANN. 2US3UI ir '-'Se<7."- uful Retail A .its. C'OUDEKSPOHT. PA. f Don't forget that < . 11. Simmons, the Merchant Prince of Wellsville, is yet in trade larger than ever, and that his twenty-live years" experience in this, market enables him t<> give his custom ers tlie best goods and latest styles at the lowest living rates. Be sure and - call and examine his stock, and le con vinced that a dollar saved is worth two earned. ; 1 TWO DAILY LINES OF STAGES FROM Cohdeisport to Port Allegany. 1 1 The M Ml. STAGE leave- Oqpdersport ai 7 a.< arrives al I'ort AUe_'an> lntlm. f.-rinihis o- IMiila.lelj.hia- L av, . I'.-rt Alieganj at 1 p.m., arm ing ;U C imdersjx.ii at i p. in. a The EXPRESS STAGE leaves Coudersport it < 1 B. in-, at lvrt A lenajr at 4 o'clock, in , time for train t-> Kuffal-. and to e iin"et with X. \ . AE-K- K. Siage returns lor Coudersport on arrival of trains. . 02—if 5 D. F. Gla-sintre, 6Y<!<7e Proprietor and Kepress Agent i TIME TA3LE. "DUFFALO. X. Y. & PHII. ADA RAILWAY COMPANY.—.Time Table adopted MON ! DAT, June 30, ISRA NORTHWARD. STATIONS. Klght Xi*G- LOCAL Through Lap. aa TRDGLK. FREIGHT.* ! im. p.m. Emporium 310 5.25 6.3" am 7.5? pm Keating Summit 3.44 7.25 •• Port A ;egany ... 4.12 6.24 '• il.:-i *• ! • >le..U UO 7.2", 12.00 Da LI un Buffalo 8.3(I 9.45 5.1 pm * SOUTHWARD. j . Philad'a SIGHT Local TL'ch STATIONS. A Bait. Expre.**. Freight. Frgkt Express. A m. Buffalo 8.30 am 0.20 pm 6.15 am F Olefin 10.47 " 9.4!> •• 12.0> in 1..0 Port A Tie gany 11.45 " 11. (to - 2.55pm 4.12 Kcat'g Sum't 11.40 " 3.40 " Emporium 12.45pm 12.30 am S.UU " 7.10 * Stops at Junction, 6.10 A m. 5 Starts at do., 7.00 p. M. H. L. LYMAN. J. R>. YEOMAN'S, Gen. Pass. Agt Sujx.rintendent In the matter OF the RETITICN ~ In the Orphans' of V\ *. P. ATHSKTOX the , Court of R tter part Li- ■"• the Real Estate ' County, No. 130. of V.'i iahi Albert ill, DE- F To JAXE* ATHEK EEASCD. I TOX anl HIXAX J ATHERTOB. You are hereby notified to appear next Court, to V held at COUDERSITORT ON the fifteenth dav ~f September next, and SHOW oau*E why tin- repon of the in uest made in liris ease sin uld UT.t approved, and why yiu should not accept the E\ erai parts of the said re;.! estate ALIGNED I(L you NI said report. J HO. S. MANN ,X s< HI, Attys. for PEN:; A R. Coudersport, July 33,1873. 4: 3 In the Orphans' Court of the In THEN at' rOF THE J Wilhel- ES'EIE -JF JOHV HEJ- ] miuH Moisa. Chac. P. M-isa. KT S. O.T- ! EMMA A. Sackmaua and : the t* WN-bip of T threeiniu-rchiidren ' names ABB TT IN th- r .M- ; unknown) of John Otto An ty OF Potior, d-c D. drew Sackaaaa, late of N. j Y. city, deceased. TAKE NOTICE, ON THE I*dtion of the widow of s lid •!. OR ,>,NT, a citation ha- L-.-N granted Lv ihe Orphans' < ourt of potter County to TIRE AJ nuiii-uat- r JUD heirs-at-law of JOHN UENKY SACKMAN. deceased, to show cause why ..tie of TAC I ALES'AI<- of SAID Dl'writnt should not be or- I tiered returnable ON tlie L'tii day of September IT* xt, I" FO.SE the Judge of said Court at ■ ider *]iort at 1 > re<O,-k p. IN., at WLM-h time ami plat E vou UIAV attend if vun think proper. OLMSTED ,V LARRAP.EE, 2"- <6 A tit • jor J't tit,an*. r*. COUD* REPORT. T • FY 21. 187". ANN A KEI.IT byhernext . ml. In THE Court of Common J .AMES NELSON. - R * <*T R--tte; N. ; '■* | 47 1 !• Term. 1*73. I S. I ! KELLY. Libel in I'ivoree. s. D. K* "I>. the BeswadjHfl ABOVE named. | V .IP IS,- mike LJOIJ.-E that a SNBP •ua and a AS subjwen* HATE been ISSUETI and returned nihil; >OU are therefore hereby required to appear on the first day of NEXT ('. ;,N, Sept. 1",. LSTLI, to an swer to the complain! made in *,!■;. EAS, S. 1". REYNOLD*. Sheriff. Coudersport. JU'y 2S 1*73. 2 6 Administrator's Notice, LLF HERE AS. h iters of administration to the ' T estate if HEX BEX K. KENT lata of PH . ant 3 ey t >vp . I*.. -(,, . d-e. i . *<l. havinp 1* en panted to the subscribers, all persons indebted ! >" Nti*l • state RCIPIESP-D to M V, I; ir 1 .,:. inyment, AND those NRAG claims OR den ands : against the estate ,f S ,jd decedent will make known the same without delay to IV'HI'AS M. KENT, EKNEST Will;,,lT. Pleasant Valley, J. t" I'. IS" * Notice Testamentary. MAR IIEHTCAS, Lett itary 1 7 fate of IRA ROBBINS, late t ' I'.itig an. twp., < d, bsvi. j been gran; -It, the 5..: r.* •r, *-■ :.s indeht-1 Tot'n s., id estate t.r* re ;< ts; .. make :nn., hat- pavment a ,-i th* ' >, isg claims ajrani*t the estate of the laid - . -at w.. make k:. jv.n tu. gam* w u'l-i.t .tela, • DEJJGUTA OE£' ; Bingham, August 6. 1-73. JL. ctj 111 BANKRUPTCY. WE-TERN PIST. or PENNA., SS: '1 ~* tinders:g i her, ay gives noti *?of M tp. at W> assignee F CHARLES SEELT, of Hec tor, ill the i OOMJ <•: Potter a:el state of P vania. within sa.*' District, who I.• ti a lj i<jg. . en oankrupt <*u hi.- wn • ti'i . T the l -*r; * Court of >>■) Disirii T. AUGUSTUS STRKKTITR I COUDERSPORT GRADED SCHOOL. or 4. - ' I • < V STT* KV.-fi L, ;i SR.E te • ' \ . Ke tg , with Mrs. NrmxGnnuTsa teach-1 it of the Intermediate Departnent, and Mi- HKI.EN KI.LIS for the rttmny I> psrtment—ail ' successful teachers of long experience, fee! justl '.*• ;in ca. ;tig the attei tfon of ) are-,;- and ; . ■ t "he alt a* ac- - if * FAT.I. TERM commences Xonur, AUGU Tls. V. INTER TERM cotnmcti-vs ."I • EMITF I. . SPRING TERM ■ EMINENCE? MARCH 1*74. Eai! and winter terms three m< tit'ir ' R h. with *(•.*• seek vacation during the ( hriSUBU wdOi,, s. . U rir. ii;.iu.,> two m-.ilh*. TUITION, per ITITN. HIGH SCHOOL f.7 X INTERMEDIA', b . 4 I PRIMARY S I $ : ,1-r tenn h-.T F.-r I> ■ SPRIR - : rm. Board and rooms can . SEA red at reasonable rat,*-. Those wishing rooms . , ■SH lid apply early. A t*a hers" < in * will organired. a: 1 spt-r-iai attenttow itrea to timer from a'.r-a-i mho wish to . pn pare t>,! wh es for tea htsg or to those tea h ,; - sli" wish to post tip in -ne or more t-f tlic-, rirancbes, D. C. LAKE A "EE, WS,. SUE ' R, Szcritary. President. SCOTS END SHOES ! John Denhof, WOCLD re-pe. tfullyinforni t'.c citizen* tiitvt lie continues the manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES at hi* new Stand. MAIN STREET below MARKET. (South of tltf Brid'jf.) ALL work done in a workmanlike manner reasonable rat'--. AND A G<H>l> I IT GUARANTEED I Give him a call. A BEAUTIFUL $8 CHROMO FREE TO ALL LoYEIL* OU ART AND LITERA TURE. MAR E win the Beanttfni Chromoenti TV •- The I audeane Visitor," |**-T.IGE pro- : PEEL, A- a preiriain I- ev, *ub* ril-cr to oar montliiy m igaziu** called the' 15 RMT? LI: 15 I.E. CONTAINS thirty -two large page*, besides the EO tvr. FI.IED V\ itii TFI*. BC-T anil MOST interesting reading, L'rice, onlv SI a Year! send ON v ;tr Dollar and g>*t ad* '••* magazine and an eight doiiar chromo in return. Sample COPY s*t free on r - EIPT OF stamp. WE want ami wiii liberallv pav AGEA T S . Send sumi* for particulars. Address BUMBLE BEE. Albion, Illinois. 2 i*H* WIHG jL3<rr) sour, "THE AMERICAN PIARO," No. Air BROOME STREET, New York, U NSU HPASSED 1 First premiums wherever exhibited—Prices low for the quality—Large prices allowed loi Second-hand Instrumenis in ExeLaiige. From Mr. Etlxcord Ifoffijian, the celebrated Pianist. I conscientiously believe that your Piano is in every resiiect a most magnifi cent Instrument. From the 41 Indejiendent. M The American Piano has deseiA edly become a very popular Instrument. : I© lU'sponsible Agents wanted for unoccupied territory. Send for Circulars to HV SOX. 41 Broome St., V. Lswlsvllle w. w, MOORE, i GRADED SCHOOL. DKLEK T> : ~ ~ iiIIMNTS, TOMBSTONES, 11. B. Sladc. llrs. B. E. ei*le, , Principal Assistant r AiiERICAX AND IMrOPTED Hiss K. E. Canhins, I r,i 121. j. TUITION. Primary Depanmsat, i*r u a 4 AI A "PTTT .TvR. &C-, Intermediate do., do 5(l Higlisch<>l do.. do 6 ; Instrumental music 1905 T'aV.,3 St., cjjrudt-. C art- ll usi Square, i Tuition must be arnmgM in advance. C'asv-* in tlii* tenn wi'l be armir* ' * • P. ■* m ' modal,* th e designing itina. .1 .in om- CCL'Dt F.SPOHT. PA. iug winter. The l'otter County Teachers'lnstitute will be held at Lewisville in connection with tlii- .en i. Board, including light* and V el. can l*e ol>- All work done ;;i a workmanlike manner anil or tained for 50 cents per day. Good r<*>ms can le , , . ... obtained by those whodeotrc to furiii*ii tuvir own ders sent by mail promptly auenccd to. j board. SLTH LEWIS, O. 11. E ' T. My prices s the lowest in this section of the ; &L '.retary. 50-tf p, .tident cocany. SPRiNG. 1873. Thos. McDowell L Co., DEALERS IN iExer>., * MERCHANDISE, r'Oxl.T AtaTiEG-AUY, rA. We would call the attc AT it N <>f the people of POTTER COUNTY J to cur lanre an l com >leie as: ...iTment of X I)PY GOODS, GROCERIES, CIJOCKETtY, BOOTS and SHOES. HATS 0r..1 CAPS, HEADY-MADE CLOTIIIXG, SCHOOL BOOKS, STA lICXER Y, FLOCP, POLK, SALT, FISH, PEED and MEAL. rAIXTS and OILS, 11A11D WADE, KOTL LA, GLASSWARE, jr. A i' < , u (•* , Cv ~ which we are offering at GREATLY REDUCED PRICK*, owing to the increased facilities afforded by the completion M the Buffalo. New York A PliiladeliJiia Railway, and we can and will sell goods as low as they can 1-e sold this sale of Canada. Fresh ground Fc J and Me?.] kept constant:;" or. hand. V. c arc ditil;- h.;„ vg I\tlius keeping our stock, in all deportments. t .. FULL A:;d COMPLETE at all tun s. ' - - -i Tlio*. McDoweli i Co. TITS toierspri Eoiei A 7*7 D C.zrtzzz\ £ 1 u ~3 C mce ; and it note open to the I- VBLIC. . ' -ad no l :'sjr or re, .: t ..*. ;to tnaki it a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, GOOD STA2H.TIY.7, c:id c-.t/,. ' 11 elie re , tdxrnyt fn uilendance. The 01-D-TFME l-i -r ' .7 of V H tel iri'l PUI.LT MAINTAINED by the present Proprietor, irh noir so iicits the patronaye cy tro>:e';er* and the public generally. I>. F. OI.ASSMIK::, jr., PHOMTLE- A. Insurance Company of North America, OIF PHILADELFKIA. The Oldest Stock Insurance Company in the United States. ASSETS, .Jaimfirv 1, 1.-=*T:5, S Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company, AS3:nTS, January X, 1873, 9 1f18f1,508.46l f 18f1,508.46 ; ilit above-named reliable Companies are represented in (ou dersport by 2469-1 y ARTHUR B. MANN. I HE BAKES? HOUSE N. E. cor. SECOND and EAST Sureets, (East :f Souse Square l .) COUDERSPORT, PA. I Hr< purchased by BROWN & KELL"V I '..,rru rly r the COI HoTrt.) Tl--' House i- CARI;>, ( i eiy furnished from top to b- tn.Hii, and ha- all the convenieiices desired by the people ; the table is the best in the County ; the bam is under the charge of the V\f ostler in the State; and. in short, everything will be done t hat can bedone to make it comfortable for stran gers or others who \ i-it tlte house. The long espep nee of tlte Proprietors in the Hotel bi-siness makes them peculiarly able t eater t-1 the varied wants of the travelling public. They solicit their old custom, believi g that they are able to supply the BE.T or THE ERST t all. BROW*' A; KKI.LET. 133 Proprietors. J - ' L. B. COLE & SON, rßorsit OKg or THJI Biacksmith and Wagon-snop, i Seccnd Street, 'between Main Sc West,) —yoWi Si at. — COUDERSPORT, PA. - H*-4 Goy . *• CARRIAGES • SLEIGHS of nU deficripttaTtM manufacture*! to suit customers and wamnied. Repairing always attended to prompty. Competent an<! experience,! worinnetfkept in em ploy in both shops to attend to the calls of cus tomers. Charges reasonable for cash or ready a . L.B. COLE & SO M. H. BIFrCE, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN paper ?i>ansing<s, Sfjaur*, OIL. CLOTHS, Etc, No. i2IK Main St., BUFFALO, N. Y. .il-tcts -osnoH sim moot gioos no jfjdj sXiu&xv qvj U9tuo^Q3 "eptnuq snouirj .fps'iha LAQIO 9V |PA ft YODTBOX XIW*HO .K.IIK3IM„ ! u JJJ Aj.-nf <HJ jo T.jUuv;v a -v 'oivjjna •JWJJS IJWO.I (It V | 00 V SIAIVQV 'W BASSETT S LIVERY, ttimer MARKET and RIMER Streets (SOUTH SIDE of the HIV EH.) : ~ 1 wnri.n respectfully invite the attention of th | pubiie to my LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT, with tlie assurance that I can meet every ae : maud for a first-class turnout. Having purchased tlre Livery of Amos Velie. 1 iiavt the only EstaHislunent of the kind in thia section. -T. M. T3ASSKTT. 13tF-tf John V. Brown, PROPRIETOR OF LINE OF STAGES BETXTPEV Coudersport & VellsviUe {Via OSWATO, PA.) person- p ,inc to OSWAVO t>v stage, and deMrina to r, rum same day. will be accommodated at stage rates. I'A-sen iter- W oliing to reach any of the neighbor ing '"R'N< v. ;' 1 IC eonveved by Livery at reasonable rates. A good Livery rig kept ■ • •twaatlv on hand for passengers by the stage. OSWAYO HOUSE, (JOHN V. BROWN. Propr.,) OSWAYO, L'A. ilt-tf Edward Forster. MAUE IK Groceries & Provisions, MAIN STREET axTP SECOND, COUDERSPORT, PA. A FULL SUPPLY Of FLOUR, SUCXAK, SPICES, SYRUP, CHEES , HAM, FISH. TOBACCO, S N U I F. &c., &c., KEPT CONSTANTLY ON" HAND. i A specialty made Teas and Coffees, of which 1 have the atnl Hcst Stook in town. All Good* sold CHEAP for CASH only. Call and examine before purchasing else wtier . EDWARD l OHSTLK