Jno. S. Mann, Proprietor, VOLUME XXIV, NO. 50. The POTTER JOURNAL AXD NEWS ITEM. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDSESDAY AT COUDERSPORT, PA. t'/tJic Cor. Main ami Third.) TERMS, * 1.75 Per Year is Advance, J uo, S. Maun, S F - Hamilton, Propriet"r. Publisher. c. J. CURTIS, Attornov at Yaw and District Attorney, ~ \vn MAIS' St.. V>rer the I-ost Of.ice. ' COUDERSPORT, .PA., Solicits all business preuuung to his profession. Social attention given to collect ion a AITBrXI.MiXI t JOHN S. MANN A SON, tftorners at Lav and Conveyancers, •oOUDEKSPtIRT. PA., Collet' oos promptly tt<-i il-d to. Arthur B. Mann. Gccrl ic-ttrnnw Ageut A Notary Public. j s. S. GREENMAN, ATTORNEY ajt LAW, (orrics over forjTer's to*e.) COUDERSPORT, PA. A. G. OLMSTKf - V- LARRABEE OLMSTED & LARRABEE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW (S-< id St. opposite Court House.) COUDKIISPORT, PENN'A. SETH LEWIS, Attorney at Law and Insurance Agent, LEYVISVILLE, PA. A. M. REYNOLDS, DENTIST, ( IFPH V IS OLMSTED BLOCS,) COUDERSPORT. PA. Broker House, Rkown .V Keli-t, Propr's. 'Corner of SECOND and I.ASI Street"-, COUDERSPORT, PENN'A. Ererv attention paid to th convenience and comfort of guests, aillood stabLng attached. Lewisvtlle Hotel, Corner of M.YIN and NORTH Streets. LEWISYILI.K. PA. trr Hood Stabiing attached. PEARSALL & WEBSTER, PAINTERS, MAIN ST. above SECOND, over French's store, COUDEKSPOKT. PA. Bouse Painting, Glaring, Graining. Calcimining, : Gloss-flnMMn*, Paper-hanging, etc., 36 inches. * ) .• Machines and Gfcrji Custom Work 1 border. 2422-tf John Groin, HOu so . s i o* ii , w 2mtal, decorative & .ttcsco PAINTER, COUDERSPORT, PA. ONINt, and PAIEB HANGING done 1 with neatness and dispatch. guaranteed. _rs Wft With "A KER IIOUSE ■* Promptly attended to. I>. B. NEEFE, Ca RRIAGE FACTORY, LOUDEUSPORT, PENN'A. vJI" 1 /' '/ ' lV agn-inaW!ng, Hlacksmithlug, I : xrr:ug.- Trimming ami Repairing done , n neatness and durabiiltv. Charges 2425 lv c. BP.EUNLE, Nl V U HL L \V" OKK, ' dudershHT. PA '■> V_.."s •s ~ st.,u etc., Bnished to order, - os ; kw*l and workmanship, on 8 * V|v®"V,' r ft at tl>eoffl.-e of Jour- i receive prompt attention I THE POTTER JOURNAL ITEWS ITIEJIM:. J A Child's Night Musings. From her chamber window peering Stood a litMe child <>ne night, .. r,le deepening siiadows hearing Mingled with the waring light. S 'uH.l h . e 'andseajie. faint and fainter. Which she loved to look upon. Lay a gloomy ma-- lie/ore her. All it's grace and form were gone. Gazing thus, her eves grew tearful .... -i""? ,h *' day's last beam had fled; \ hiie her little lit-a rt grew fearful. To herself she softly said.— "Who will mind the sheep. I wonder * For the shepherd cannot see; And the cattle grazing yonder Uli how lonely they must be: "Grandpa says the Saviour keepeth Watch o'er all things here l>e!ow. Iliat He slumbers not, nor -.eepeth, >or doth ever weary grow. '*-Yre the -tars so brightly Ieamiug, And the moon with silvery light. Oer the darkened eartii now streaming. Helps to Jesus in the night ? "Doe- the moon shine ro nd the steeple, So thai He should -ee the wav To the homes of all his people W hen the sun is gone away? "LJdve to think He stands beside me • • I £?.? tny evening pfyr. i And though aii is iu,i. around me, I His watchful love inav share." THE FACTORY GIRL. It was just such a village as you j see in pictures. A background ot superb bold mountain, all clothed in blue-green cedars, with a torrent i thundering down a deep gorge and J falling in billows of foam; a river reflecting the azure of the sky; and a knot of houses with a church spire at one end and a thicket of factory chim neys at the other, whose black smoke wrote ever changing hieroglyphics against the brilliancy "of the sky. This was Dapple-vale. Ami in the rosy sunset of this blossomy June day the girls were all pouring out of the broad door-way, while Gerard Blake, the foreman, sat behind his de.-k. a pen behind his ear and his i 1 small bvady black eyes drawn back, as it were, in the shelter of a preci pice of shaggy eyebrow. One by one the girls stopped and received their pay for the week's work, for this was Saturday niglit. One by one they filed out with fret ful, discontented faces, until the last one passed in front of the high-railed i desk. She was slight and tall, with large ; velvety blue eyes, a complexion as delicately grained and transparent ', a* rose-colored wax, and an abun , dai.ee of glossy hair of so dark a brown that the casual observer would have pronounced it black: and there was something in the way the blue , ribbon at her throat was tied and the manner in which the simple de tails of her dress we r c arranged, that bespoke her of foreign birth. "Well. Mademoiselle Annette,"' said Mr. Plake, jocosely nodding, \ ''and how do you like factory life?" "It is not disagreeable," she an swered, a slight accent clinging to | tier tones, like fragrance to a flower, as she extended her hand for the ' money the foreman was counting | out. " j • v< u gr> t'4un ino Kut four e sure." said Mr. Blake, in a superior sort of way, as if he rather pitied her lack of infor mation. "Such places don't grow ion every bush. And folks naturally i expect to pay something for the pri ! vilege." "/ did not!" flashed out Amiette j Duvelle. " Oh—well—all right. Because, YOU know, you ain't obliged to stay unless you choose. There's plenty of girls would be glad of the chance of getting into the Dapplevale Calico Works.". 44 L>o you mean," hesitated An nette, "that if I do not pay you this j money—" " You can't expect to stay in the works," said Mr. Blake, easily hitch ing up his collar. "Yes; that's al>out the plain English of it, Made moiselle." "But the other two dollars?" "Oh." said Mr. Blake, "that s a percentage the girls all pa>* "But what is it for?" Mr. Blake laughed. I 44 Well, it kind o' helps my salary :=... . _ __ . —■——— a——— COUDERSPORT, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1873, j along. Of course, you know, the girl 9 all expect to pay something every week for keeping their situa tions in a place where there's so many anxious to get in. You may consider yourself very fortunate. I Mademoiselle Annette, to secure so j desirable a post." All tbis Mr. Blake uttered, in a i slow deliberate way, through his nose. Annette Duvelle looked scornfully at him. "And Mr. Elderslie?" i "Oh, Mr. Elderslie," repeated : Blake. 44 He han't nothing to do with it. I run this little machine of the Dapplevale Ualieo Works." j "Mr. Elderslie owns it, I believe?" , 44 M ell, yes, he owns it. But I i manage everything. Mr. Elderslie i-eposes the utmost confidence iu my ! capacity, ability and—and—respon - , sibility. Mr. Elderslie is a good business man. He understands his i own interest. And now, Mademoi f selle, if you've any more questions t | to ask—" t 1 " I have none," said Annette, wist -1 fully. "But I need this money my r; self. I work hard for it. 1 earn it [ righteously. I cannot afford, any t more than the others among these . poor laboring girl-, to pay it to jour > greed—" ? 4 'Eh!"ejaculated Mr. Blake, jump . ing from his seat as if some noxious > insect had stung him. "And I will not pay it," calmly ["'concluded Mademoiselle Annette. I "Very well—very well. Just as; . you can afford, Mademoiselle," cried - tiie foreman, turning red in tli" face. . "Only if you won't conform to the - rules of the Dapplevale Works—" 1 ' i "Are these the rulea?'' scornfully I demanded Annette. " Pray consider your name crossed . off the books," went on Mr. Blake. •• You are no longer in my employ. Good evening, Mademoiselle Wiiat ever-you-may-call-yourself." And Mr. Blake slammed down the cover of his desk as if u were a pa tent guillotine and Annette Duvelle's neck were under it. Two or thr-e of the factory girls, who had hovered around the open door to hear the discussion, looked with awe-stricken faces at Annette, as she came out with tiie four dol lars which she had received from the cashier in her hand. "You've lost your place, Ma'am selle," whispered Jenny Purple, a pale, dark-eyed little tiling, who sup ported a crippled mother and two little sisters out of her mulcted earn- 1 I ings: II "And he'll never let you in again," ' , added Mary Rice. 44 He's as vindie • tive as—as the old Evil One himself." j ; j "It matters not," said Annette. : " lie is a rogue, and rogues some- j | tnofi out-gmcrnl themselves." " But you can't starve," said Jen ! ny. " Look here, Ma'amselle, come > home with me. It'.-> a poor place, ! but we'll make you welcome till— j ; ! till you can write to your friends." Annette turned and impulsively kissed Jenny on her lips. "I thank you," she said; "but I do not need your kindness. My j friends arc nearer than you think." And Annette Duvelle went back; to the little red brick cottage, all , thatched with the growth of woo l bine and trumpet-creeper, where she , lodged with the wife of the man who j tended the engines in the Dapplevale Works. i " Does he cheat you, too, of your , • money?" she asked, when Simon Pettengill came home, smoke stained ■ and grimy, to eat his supper. 1 "One-sixth I pays to him." said J . Simon, with an involuntary groan, as he looked at the five little ones around his board. "Yes, Miss, he's : villain, but the world is full o' sich. > And I finds it a pretty middlin' hard world to gel along with. Mr. Elder . slie never comes here, or maybe j i things would be a bit different. Mr. Elderslie lives in Paris, they say." 44 He is Wi this country now," said - Annett. 44 1 inteud to write %o him.'" > Simon Pettengill shrugged his - shoulders. " Twon't do uo good. Miss," said he. i "Yes, it will," said Annette, qui | etly. The petals of the June roses had , lallen, a pink carpet all along the ; -; edge of the woods, and the long July j e | days had come, epics of sunshine, g jewelled at either end by dew and l- moonlight. And the Dapplevale 0 Works wore their holiday guise, even y down to Simon Pettengill's newly- I brightened steam-engine, for Mr. El -3 lerslie and his bride were to visit the j works on their wedding tour. ij "It's a pity Ma'amselle Annette s went away so soon." said Simon to 1 his assistant; "'cause they say the master's kind-hearted in the main. j and she might ha' spoke up for her- I self." i j Mr. Gerald Blake, in his best fj broadcloth suit and mustache newly j dyed, stood smiling at the broad ' doorway as the carriage drove up to the door, and Mr. Elderslie, a hand some blonde-browed man, sprang out and assisted a young lady, in a dove colored traveling suit, to alight. "Blake, how are you?" he said, with the carelessness of conscious superiority. "Annette, my love, this is Blake, my foreman." "Mademoiselle Annette!" And Mr. Gerald Blake found him self cringing before the slight French girl he had turned from the factory door a month before. " I must beg to look at the books. 1 Blake," said Elderslie. anthoritative ly. "My wife tells me some strange stories about the way tilings are managed here. It became so noto rious that the rumors reached her even at Blythesdale .Sprirgs, and she chose to corne and see for herself. Annette, my darling, the best w-ed-' ding gift we can make to these poc working girls is a now foreman. 1 Blake, you may consider yourself i | dismissed." "But, sir—" "Not another word." cried Elder slie, with lowering brow; and Mr. Gerald Blake crept away with an un comfortable consciousness of An-; . nette's scornful blue eyes following ; him. Elderslie turned to his wife. 44 You w>ere right, mv love," said I he. " The man's face is sulllcient' ■ evidence against him." And a new reign began for poor Jennv Purple and the working girls, as well as for Simon Pettengill. And Annette never regretted her week's apprenticeship in the Dapple vale Calico Works.—Z< / ,-r. j * Letters of Recommendation. A gentleman advertised fur a bov to j ' assist him in his office and nearly fifty applicants presented tliemsffves to him. ' Out of the whole number he in a short I ! time selected one and dismiss d the rest. | "I should like to know," said a friend, "on what ground you selected that boy. j who bud not a single recommendation?" "You are mistaken." said the genUe ! man, "fie had agn at mauy. lie wiped ! his feet when he came In and closed the j door after fiim, showing he was careful. ! lie gave up his seat instantly to that ' old man, showing that fie was kind and ; thoughtful. He took off his cap wlien 1 ' he came in and answered my questions ; : promptly and respectfully, showing that I he was polite and gentlemanly. lie picked up the book which I had pur | posely laid on the floor and replaced it ori the table, while all the rest stepjxtl ! over it ot shoved it aside; and lie wait ed quietly for his turn instead of \ • ing and crowding, "nig Le was hon- j jest and orderly. "When I talked with j him I noticed that his clothes were cam-. fully brushed, lii hair in nice order and j i.ls teeth as white as milk: and when j ! he wrote his name I noticed that His| j finger-nails were clean, instead of being tipped with jet like that handsome little • fellow's in the blue jacket. Don't you j call those letters of recommendation? j : I do, and I would give more for what I I can tell about a boy by using my eyes ten minutes than all the fine letters he ; can bring me." THE LIBYAN DESERT. On the western horizon of the Lib yan Desert, as viewed from the sum- 1 mit of the Great Pyramid of Ghizeh, a conical hill stands in solitary grand ! eur, far removed from the route of desert travelers. This lias long been supposed to be the ruins of a pyra mid. yet nowhere is it recorded to have been visited by any but the Bedouin trilres who pass within a 1 few miles of it, on the old caravan route to the Faioom. It is enumer ated by Lepsius as one of the pyra mids of Egypt and in a recent work on the Great Pyramid it is called Dr. Leider's Pyramid, "until a better name be found for it." merely from I its having been pointed out to the ?, author by the late Dr. Leider, o: d Cairo, who, however, had never vi e sited it. n | The following narrative of a visit to the eminence by Mr. YVymann 1- Dixon, engineer, and Dr. Grant, ol e f airo. and of their discovery of a ! very remarkable petrified forest near e its base, whose gigantic trees lie a scattered about the desert in profu e sion, has been communicated to us by . the former gentleman. Leaving the pyramids behind and lighted by the clear silver moonlight, t we set out into the desert by the caravan route To flic r doom, leading I | np a solitary valley, in the rocks ol" > 1 which are cut ancient Egyptian tanks - and mummy pit-s. Presently we turn : off from the regular track and take - our way into the unfrequented desert, steering straight westward for the . I distant pyramidal hill. The sand of i the desert is here hard and compact, and traveling easy; indeed with the exception of one or two places w here the sand is soft and heavy, a wheeled i carriage might' drive all the way and to most of travelers would be much preferable to camel, or even donkey j riding. After many hours' hard liding. we at last reach the top of the >light j eminence and across tHe wide valley . in front of us is the place of our des j tination. These long valleys, or ,4 wadys," ■ have much of interest about them; throughout may lie seen the dry i water courses where the rare rain sliowers carry down the sand into the 1 bed and leave all the little hills and ! eminences covered by flints as big as i potatoes and with surfaces so brightly ! polished as to give the desert a silvery look by moonlight, or by day to cause the appearance of rippled ! watei where they reflect the sunlight. The zoology and botany, too, of the desert are verv interesting. There are numbers of little "jerboa," a, species of rat, with long hind legs and long tail with a tuft of hair at its end, which hops about like a k.m ' j garoo. Now and then may be seen ' a gazelle or two scampering off at the unusual sight of a caravan. A i few small birds get a precarious ex istence and in the sky an eagle or vulture sometimes wings it- way. The insects are few and the herbage is extremely scant and it is a marvel i what the animals live on. There are here and there in the water courses small tufts of camel-thorn—a little shrub not unlike a whin, another with a coral-like growth and now ! and then a handful of a tough wiry soit of grass, but what these again j subsist on it is hard to say, for there j is not a shower more than once ori twice a j ear and for nine months there is no dew, while the heat of] the sand at middav in summer is over ■ 100 degrees. Arrived at our destination before {daybreak, we dismount from ouri camels and while the Bedouins are unloading the baggage, we hasten as fast as our legs, stiff with camel rid ing. will permit, up the heaps of sands and flints to the so-called Pyra mid. to find, on attaining it. that it 1" ~ * | ' out the conical end of a prism-shaped ! hill stretching westward, ami stand ing boldly out of the desert plain. Near tiie top the rock crops out j and appears to be a species of friable j sandstone fretted by the weather in-, to curious shapes, but the actual summit is covered with flints and sand, and what strikes one as being very strange, many fragments of petrified wood. i Taking a general survey from this ; j coign of vantage, we choose the best ! spot to the north of the hill to pitch jour camp, exposed to the slight north wind which blows incessantly here and descending its steep sides., : at the bottom are surprised to find near the chosen snot three large stone I * * i ' trees Iving prostrate on the sand. The largest is 51 feet in length and 3 feet 6 inches in diameter at its widest end and 2 feet at its smallest; they are branching exogenous trees, ap parently a species of pine, and the one l>efore us has the fork of a large branch very complete. Wandering on up the wady to the n nth of the bill, named by us "Kom . el Khashob." the hill of wood, we • find the whole desert littered with i fragments of petrified wood, from > twigs the size of one's finger to pieces f of large branches or trunks of trees: i- and on the flank of the hill to the north are hundreds of immense trees, t, lying half buried in the sand, some u seventy feet long and in many in if stances with the back still attached, a j All of them are exogenous trees—no r ; single instance of a palm could we e discover—and from the absence of - j roots it may be presume 1 have been y drifted here by the sea. The stratum i is apparently sandstone, overlaying 1 the limestone of the Nile valley: , there are also here and there patches * of a dark chocolate-colored finable r mineral with specks of green which f looked like copper; but proved on >! subsequent analysis to be carbonate i ol iron; beds of what the Arabs call 1 "Gyps'* or gypsum, and nodules of . i an intensely hard black granulated looking stone—not unlike emery stone; the whole geological charac j ter suggesting the—possibly delusive | —suspicion of the existence of coal i under the surface. : Having, carefully surveyed this neighborhood we again climbed the , • Komnel el Knashob," takutginstru i menus to measure its height and de jtermine its "position: the former oft ! which we found to be 752 feet above ' the Nile level at Cairo, 602 feet above j the northeast socket of the Great Pyramid and consequently about 140 I feet higher than its summit. Having secured one or twosketehes of the iiill and the sun being now near iwtting. we '"fold up our tents like the Arabs and silently steal away." Mounting our camels again and taking a slightly different route j on our return, we j was deserted, the pleasure-seekers S. F. Hamilton, Hubiudter 51.75 A YEAR ; hail all returned an J as they bowled e along the smooth road still thev con* . versed on the supernatural. Wh n •i -short distance beyond the toll-gate e the. horses stopped suddenly and be - gan to tremble and snort violently* . The driver stood up in the wagon to , find out the cause, and lo! a coffin lay at the side of the road. The moonlight shone on the silver plater 1" and the courageous young man ins 1 mediately let go the reins and drop j ped into the bottom of the wagon as r if he had been shot. The iaxi. fortu nately caught the lines and the- pre • vented a runaway and piotaMe dis ; aster. As she was endeavoring to > i restore of mind which , had lh;d from her crouching eoin panion, an undertaker's cart drove up an 1 th com i pel hid to leave it on the roadside ! while he returned f;r repairs. The gentleman drove meekly home and has not since been heard to declare his indifference to ghostly visitations* , —Han Hrancixeo Hall' tin. How Young' Men Hail. "Then is Alfred Sutton home with liis family to live on the old folks/* said one neighbor to another: "It seems hard i after all his father lias done to fit him j for business and the capital he invested ,to stmt him so fairly. lit- is a steady . young man. no bad habits, ;*s far as I know; be has a good education aud was always considered smart, but he doesn't j succeed in anything. 1 smi hld he lias , tried a number of different kinds of bus iness aiid sunk money even t hue. What . -an lx> lite trouble with Alfred. 1 should like to know, for 1 don't want my boy 1 to take liis turn/' 1 "Alfred is smart enough,"' said the i other, "and has education enough but he lacks the one element of success, lie never wants to give a dollar's woriii of work for a dollar of money and there is no other way for a young man to make ' hi- fortune. He must dig if he would ! get gold. All the men that have suc ceeded. honestly or dishonestly, in lnak j ing money have had to work for it. the ; sharpers sometimes the hardest of all. i Alfred wishes to -el hi.- train in motion and let it take care of itself. Xo won der it soon ran off the track andasmash !np the result. Teach your boy, friend 1 Archer, to work with a will wlien ho does work. Give him play enongh to j make him healthy and happy, but let him early that work is the busiuee- of | life. Patient, self-denying work is the ' price of success. Ease and indolence 1 eat away, not capital only, but worse still, all of man's nerve power. Present gratification tends to put off duty until . to-morrow or next week. It is getting to be a rare thing for the sous of rich men to die rich. Too often they .sqnan j der in a half s oo- of y -..is what their ' fathers were a lifetime in ueeumulatfug. : In wish 1 could l ing it into the ears of every aspiring young mini that work ; hard work, of head ;uid hands —is the price of success."- —C" unlry (JtitUiinan. HE WANTLD TO ARRIVE. A seedy looking individual walked j into the Crawford llou.-e, Cincinnati, a few evenings ago and. stepping up to the counter, seized a pen and reg istered his name at the foot ot a long list of the day's arrivals. It was a noble name—George ■ Washington • Botts—written in a firm, bold band and with a big flourish underneath. It was plain that the seedy man was .acu doinedtouiakiugafiouijsh in the world, if it were only with a goose j quill. ' *■ Have a room?" inquired Captain ! Oakes, the proprietor, incidentally j measuring the man with his eagle eye ; to see if he wouldn't fit in one ol" the sky Boudoirs. "No," said seedy, shortly, picking his teeth with a spliuter tooth-pick j lie had selected from the w ell-assorted supply always found on the counter. ''Supper, then. I suppose?" added ; the Captain, preparing to add an U S" to the end of George Washington . Botts' name. , "No, sir, no supper," said Mr. Botts with severity; •• I simply want jto arrive, I want neither room, sup per, nor anything else, but I particu larly wanted to arriv-. It is t. long time since 1 have arrived at a hotel —a very long time (his voice choked a little) and I thought if you hadn't any objection—l—would like to ar rive once tof re before 1 died." Here he wis obliged to hide his emotions in bis coat-tail, in the ab sence of a pockv t handkerchief.— Captain Oakes. always ready to do a good aeti >n. generously allowed the unfortunate individual to arrive a'u.i George Washington Botts, has tily drying his eyes with the pen wi] er. wrung the Captain's hand .in mute but heartfelt gratitude and then stalked gloomily forth into the dark ness and the night. He had arrived.