The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, June 06, 1873, Image 3

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i T u c Potter Journal
I 1 A Nl>
■ PA Jane S, 1373.
I —■ i
v . I|lt i (1 |, ..hall be •IH'i'fd to run over one
m ' ; u arte:,i s. Due notice will I*' gtvvn of
\ and if not paid tlie pai**r will be
I Si-i * F - HAMiI - ToN -
Coudersport Market.
'. No. 1 white, per bush. SI.BO
1.. jied winter, "
1., No. 1 spring, " 1.50 @1.60!
Wats. |
I;:;:;;; _*. \ - 2.00
■ " .35 (a .40
| ... - 1,50 @ 2.00
|j iV . . - per ton. 15.00
- "tb .06 (a; .08
flutter. -
- - - "
| N x* week is "Court week"and from
L it>,nt indications there will lea lively
I :me. There is a large list of cases to
je tried, some of tliem important ones.
L\ full week's business setuis probable.
[ Inning the same time various other
p it-rests are to be looked after and for- ]
nt aided. Political parties generally
take that occasion to oil up their lua
k'liinery and prepare for the fall elec
tions. The Agricultural Society has
[work on iiand. and there will he a good
Ltpurtunity to advance it.
After everytiiing else is attended to,
I ; iitit s from the County outside of this
tillage will find it both interesting ami
pi!.table to visit the office of this jiaper.
examine the facilities tor job work it
esand alsos<une of the sjteciineiis
. f work they produce. The Publisher
v il! gladly show them around and ex
plain anything they come across they
I not understand, and if any one wisli
-1,. to leave a little money he will gladly
■ receive it.
I iroM.
I 1. >* Fridaay night there was a frost
I •. t nipltd com and seiue other kinds
I, [ vegttalioii. Grass and fruit seemed
• ... apt- unharmed.
The furniture establishment of Coat -
• tfTr-. Welfsville, X*. V.. was recent
;,•(] -tii yvd by tire. The loss was about
I-. ■: insured for S 1500. They are
j. gto rebuild.
R:c I oh.
I fit aii in the habit of thinking this
I nty has alout the biggest fish in the
line that cai lie found anywhere.
I ' here is something that beats the
I - MI have shown this year. We copy
-ill the Gazitle V Bulletin:
:M. TKOUT. —James Lose caught
ut on Tuesday, at the mouth of
httt's creek, which weighed A
ds and nieasuretl 19f inches, while
, uk I lei die was made happy in bas
• • i g a "s)H-cklid lieauty" in Loyal
-• k. near Wells', which weighed -
ads and measured 1 -35 inches.
r,*thn Pgc.
fi'E M-IKI our paper free to every cler
gyman in the County, at least it is j
a ii iention to do so. and if %ve have
r. —i <1 any it is through ignorance of
t! r I'll at ion. We say we send it free,
}i-t wi ask a return: that they shall send
.notices of all deaths and marriages!
' \iliu h they officiate. Deaths are es
ally iinimrtant to be noticed; yet
• liMpiently fail to receive any infor
:• u of the decease of jiersons well
MII in the County until weeks after
•v. nt. In the case of marriages it
-xyjK-*d ihe parties most interested
--■r to having the notice published,
•'1 when they neglect to do this we
> : ot jarticularly anxious to adver
• ' • final act in their little romance,
)•' ministers will semi us the account
"o v .il willinglv insert it.
(lit Ii or.
Y re having hot, dry days, the \va
>g tting low and farmers are an-;
'• -y l -iking for rain. /*
Another bur Clone.
1 • Id house at the upper end of town .
ng in the northwest corner of
>':e-t and the Xiles Itoad, and
km wn as the Brown House, has
eu removed. It has been there since
caiimst recollection and was one of
'idtuarksof the place. It has passed
ugh several hands and had some-!
- f an interesting history. I.ast
A. B. Mann, Esq., purchased the:
frty and gave the old house to Mr.
1. Dingee, who has taken it down
tt "'l removed it to a lot still farther up
town. * yK
}"u want a beverage cool and re
- ng, step into the Post Office and
•-its mi the soda fountain. —
M i '' w dl "scoop" the money and give
a glass of cold loaming liquid that
• ill quench your thirst without niud-
Wuig your brain.
T, *e Extended.
• ■•" time for receiving proposals for
•"ling the bridge at the foot of Main
At has leen postpomd till tlie first
in July, by order of the Town
( * "'Weeks ago last .Sunday night Mr.
• *.i McNess, of Hebron, came in
- work too tired to go for his cows,
■ ' were running in the woods near
' his children, a girl about
• <tis old aiid a boy about five, went
si' iaetu ' not returning after
t. . l IH *' two y°ng women .a daugh-
,'o Ic - Seß5 k and a friend who
i'l'iug with ber. started to bunt'
up the little ones. Darkness came on
and at last it became evident that all
four were h>st. The neighbors were
alarmed, a search started, and about
one o'clock the children were found.
The little girl had tied her apron
around the ltoy and placing him le
--tween herself and the dog that was
with them bad bravely prepared to
spend tlie night. The girls were dis
covered alnnit eleven o'clock and put
into a path leading to the house, and
they followed it safely out.
A. X. C., in the Free Press, on the
subject of gardens, writes a really good
There's a world of satisfaction in
making a garden yourself, that is, if
you're not lazy, and if you are you
i don't deserve to have any garden at all.
Ever since we took to gardening we've
had a passion that way. We don't
want any of your natural soils, but just
the hardest, coldest, most forbidding
and vexatious SJM t that can lie picked
out, on which to make our garden. It
does us good to pick up the stones, pul
| cerise the soil, mix lime, and salt, and
i finely comtmsted manures, and draw
sand to mix with the clay, and, in short,
make a garden-spot out of a very desert.
It seems as though this done, we bad
accomplished something: and tluit. it
somehow seems to us. was what i?ople
were made for. There is money in tiie
Decorate tlie School Room.
We were talking with a little girl the
other day who attends a school a few
miles from this place, and she got al
most into ecstasies over the way their
teacher had decorated the school room
with flowers and foliage Over the win
dows. around the blackboard, on the
walls; wreaths around the stove-pipe,
I wits of flowers on the stove, on tlie ta
ble, on the desk —flowers and wreaths
wherever they could be placed. We
did not see the school, but we will ven
ture the assertion that it was far more
orderly and accomplished far more than
it would if the wall and desks and stove
and table bad been left bare.
Children love flowers and are suscep
tible to their subtle influence, and if
I even* teacher would recognize this fact
and take the pains to make their school
rooms lieautiful with them th<*y would
find themselves richly repaid in the im
provement it wot.ld occasion in their
DfrttraUon !>>■
Was very generally observed around the
country, judging from the accounts in
i tl;e papers.
Come ILirl;.
Benson C. Rude, a prominent lawyer
of Wellsville. X. V., who went into the
Liberal movement in politics last year
and laltortd earnestly for the success of
that cause, has written a letter lately to
George Ilowe, of the Y\ ellsvhio 'JHuis
in answer to one from that gentleman
inquiring alnnit his present political
standing, ill which he admits tlie fail
ure of the effort to I'm in a new party,
declares t: at fit* cannot go over to the
Democratic party and closes by stating
that the only alternative left him is to
lalnir with and for the Republican par
ty, which lie proposes doing so long as
it maintains its present principles and
C'herrj x iltr.
A geuth man from one of the eastern
cities has purchased the pitqierty at
C'herryx ille. oil the Kettle Cheek road,
; and is aliout putting up a large and
commodious hotel esiH-cially adapted
for summer lniaiders who want to rus
ticate in the w.ioiL. We arc informed
that the proprietor also contemplates
erecting a large saw mill and several
houst s suitable for private families. If
these improvements are made, the place
will soon become one of the most popu
lar resorts in this region.
Whlte.-In Sweden, June 4. I'"?., at
tlie liotise of the iuitle's father, bv I lev. O.
M. Lecirett. Mr. CI.AKK O. CHASE and Miss
MAHTIIA WIIII E, daughter of Da\ id White.
Kstj., both of Sweden, I'a.
The happy couple have our best wishes. May
iheysjieud a long and prosperous lift* together.
They remembered the printer.
CnrMii—Srhnfleld. —At I.yniansviile. May
24. lfCt, by the same, Mr HENDERSON K.
CORSAW, of Sweden, Pa., and Miss OREL V.
Si HOKIEI.D, of Enialia, Pa.
II tint— llitrr In. —In Hebron. May 23.1*<T", at
the house of Mr. Silas Ktilinian, by ltev. F.
(i. Stephens, Mr. JOHN HINT ami Miss
TIKZAU E. HARRIS. l>ot!i 'if Hebron, Pa.
I>l I:I>.
! }
At the residence of her nnc>, Martin Johnson,
on the Eleven Mile, May 27, 1873, SUSHII,
daughter of ('IIAKI.ES HEAD, of Oswayo,
Pa., aged 21 years. S. P. G.
J L Allen, et <if, ra Geo Nichols, L Kin
ney, el aJ.
Wm V Keating, et of, " A M * Luther Itaker. .
Josejili Smitli " M T Seibeit-
Martin V Prmity " Perry Smith.
Get> Nichols, et al, " J L Allen.
Summit Twp " Martin Watson.
Hamilton White " Homer Bi undage.
Wm Dent, atlinr etc. " Susan Itogers, et al.
Geo Nelson, et at " John Buchanan
W T Jones " W Clinton and Wm
Wm McDnugall " Win Dalryicplc et uL
Wm J Warner " Lyman Dibble.
IK Young, exec " JasGlaspy
O J Spafford " W C .Viberger et al. \
do " W C Allierger.
C J Curtis " W W Arnold.
Jos Mann aII L Nichols " Sally Sioat et aL
Jennie Picket, etc, " Benj I*ieket.
C Knowlton " D P iteed.
M T Seiliert " Charles Jacklin.
K CorMn & Bros " Miles White.
Daniel Smith " JB,PC & It It W Co.
Benjamin Card " do
Keuben Card " do
John K Burt " do
Alex McDowell " do
Wm Dent, artuir, etc. " Edmund C ain, el <il.,
Iteir* of Kedner.
Xocal ilotifcs.
To receive prompt attention commu
nications in relation to subscrijitions
and advertizing should be addressed
dT3iF S £ S-
s ~ a d ci -
y I I "
oj B s £
DC - = r : : £
™ X ? f£SS 8; -•
i f f I---- \£
•a i *5 >
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-A Pp2 gp j
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< g I I 3 S 8
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g 1 S s s s :
h- | S's^2l3
All work done with neatness and di- jiateli.
PLANTS.— Verbenas :it 10 cents each
or Sl.lo per dozen. Also Dahlias, Ge
rannuns, Salvias, etc.. at equally low
prices. Asparagus, Rhubarb aud all
kinds Vegetable Plants Grown and for
Sale by M. B. PRINCE,
May 7, 1873. T Yellzboro, Timja C l "., Pa.
;. *o.Mb giv- u lo Juu.S it. HAMILiON, will
receive atteuti in.
N'OTR'E is hereby given that the or-
dinance against eaitie ruuuiiig at large in
lite Borough of CoadersjM-.rt Mid take eiieel on
JUNE Ist, ls7A By order of the Council.
May 3d, 187A JOHN DENUoF,
OTH E. —Sealed Proposals for build-
A. 1 tug a iii'idgfc over the Allegheny River at Re
i :<j i. of.M .in street, In the Borough of Coudersport,
add ue recelvetl uuii! the arst .XltiND VY of JLLX
.J.! (July it!:). S.ud P-ndgc to be bail: in a- ■ oi-
\wili tue b.aft aad Sj>e<-:acaUas in tlie
: liiiinis of Dan Baker, which bruit and speeiiica
tious cuu be aetu by caiiiug <>u Ulta.
■juiic 0, *,573 4t I*> or icr ol the lo"'. .. Council.
Before purchasing elsewhere call and
examine the siXGEK MA( iilX E.
A. M. Keynolds, Ai/urf,
♦ in ui
Taos. McDowell A Co., of Port Alle
gany, have got in a full stock of Spring
Goods and are selling tin in at low prices
as usual. Give tin in a call and you will
be sure to be suited Willi j our purchases.
ih iiiorest's Monthly Magazine for .June
is a (turfed g<m among toe constellation
oi monthlies. Our lady friends are al
ways anxious to own a copy of Dctnor-
si's —Hit y sax it contains the spirit, va
. nclv and excellencies of ail the list.
Long live Deinorest ! tiiey s-iy—and so
says cVv.rvbody, when tiiey get
' a prize in Hie way ot a ciioice of a pair
• of elegant Chromes worth 510 as a pre
; mium.
Potter Co. Agricultural Society.—
A meeting will be held in the Court
' House 011 Wednesday evening of next
week (Court week) for tne transaction
of important business.
S. E. HAMILTON, <Seci/.
-St RsnuiTIONS to tlie BnJlato Daily -"Ilx
" and tlie Klniir.-v Daily "Adver
tiser" received und forwarded la
Arthur B. Mann.
Notice to Collector*, of Comity Taxes.
Bv refew nee to tin* Act of March 28.15T t, en
titled "An A' tto ciiancc lite modi-of lev> ing .ind
i co'iicciing the* dg taxes in the t'ountv of Putter,"
i! will be - cii ttint the duties herct-ifoic exer
cised by tlie County Commissi.-uers a: <• hereaft-.-r
1,. 1-,- |ierfoniied i•> Ihe Directors of the several
Seii HI. Districts res(>eetiveiy.
11.e Culiewturs of county taxes for the year IsT.'i,
will thelclore lake notice that tiiey a.e lml in
coileet the dog taxes eanied out n their dupli
cates. a* the County C iiuni— imier- have iw .01-
tliiuin to lew said taxes. By order ot tin* B-MMI.
L. 11. COLE, Clerk',
Commissioners" OBice. May 2. ISTfJ.
GRAND JURORS. — Abbott. —Charles
Meine, Albert DePlanque.
Biro/ham. —A. X". Clark.
Coudersport. —Martin Gridley, Ralph
Nelson, O. J. Rees.
Genesee.— Fielder Chapman, J. W.
Moraii, J. C. Burdick.
" Hirrizon. —Martin Ibnlge.
Hebron. —Wm. A". Cone.
(hwrujo. —A. S. Lyman, James Lock-
I wood.
Pleasant Valley.— Earuest Wright.
4 Roulet. —Rodney Fessemleu.
Sh iron —11. B. Edwards, I). L. Moore.
Summit. —James X elson.
Sylvanin. —A. R. Jordan.
Ulysses. —Alva C:u(>enter, E. 11. Pas
sat. E. W. Chappel.
HV.sf Branch. —John Burrows.
Wharton. —Sylvester Beldin.
TKAVKRS JUKOKS.— Abbott. —Charles
W tilling.
Allegany. —Calvin Palmer, A. Preslio,
G. T. Ellis
Bingham.—A. C. Crum.
Clara, —Leroy Allen.
Coudersport. —Jolin Denhof.
Eulalia.—U. Sclieldenlierger, Chris
tian Schautenberger.
Genesee. —Jose(ili O'Donnell, Isaac
Dawley, Patrick Kain.
Harrison. —X. 11. Stone, George W.
Stebbins. J. L. Havnes, William Fox,
Amos English, F. P. Lett.
Hebron. —Edwin Ilollenbeck. Leon
ard Davis.
Hector. —J. L. Gibson.
Keating. —G. C. Lewis.
Pleasant Valley. —George Weinter.
Sharon. —W. J. Brown. G. W. Pear
soli, G. W. Sherman, Ed Whittaker,
F. P. Brooks. R. L. X icliols, O. C. War
ner, M. 11. Xichols. P. B. Woodard.
Sylvania. —V. jm l'ierce.
Ulysses. —M.W. Gridley, Ezra Turner.
Jl7.f Branch. —Evastus Crippen.
! In the matter of the petition oP In The Orphans'
Vm. D. ATHEK ION Court of Pot
-1 for the partition of ihe e-tate of ter County.
\V*. ATHKKTON, deceased. j No. 1.4 U.
I Take notice that, in pursuance of auor jrofUie
i Orphans' Court of Pott ." County, Inquisitors ap
| pointed by sai ! Court will meet on tile premises of
j the said William Athertun, <>!, on the *9th
I day of May, A. D.. 1-73, for the pur I >ose of mala ok
; partition of the same, at whieli time and place vou
I can attend if you think proper. 33-4
i April 25.15T3. Ally*for Petitioner.
H*. D. of Pmnsylftnin.
( PiTTSßrnon, AprilS, lsts.
THIS is TO HIVE NOTICE: That on the sth day of
March, A.i. 1 >73, a Warrant in Haiifcrupu v
; was issued agaiost the Estate of Charles Setiy of
j Hector Township in the County of Potter and
stare of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a
| Bankrupt, on his own petition; that the payment
: of any debt* and delivery of any property belong
ing to such Bankrupt, to him or liis use, ami the
i the transfer of any property by him are for 1 iddeu
iiy law; that a meeting of the Credttorsof the said
Bankrupt, to prove their Dents, ami to choose one
or more assignees of his Estate, will be held at a
Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of
F. E. smith. Esq., in the Borough of Tioga, Tioga
Co., pa., before F. E. Smith, Esq., Register, on the
17th dav of May, A. D. lsTit, at 1" o'clock, a. m.
: 3s-i I*. & Marshal /or said District.
liejri-ler's Notice.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given
that the following Administrators" accounts
: Have l>ern filed in the Register's Office In and for
the County of Potter, bud that the same will l>e
presented to the Ot plums' Court of said County
for doufirinatlou and allowance on MONDAY, the
9th day of June next, at the Court House iu the
i County aforesaid:
: Feb. IS IK73.—Partial account of Maria Bab
cock and Win. H. Ha/en. Administrators of the
: estate of LYMAN 11. liain oeK, late of Rouh t tp.,
; deceased.
Feb. 10.1873.—Partial account of Hiram Baker,
Administrator of t lie est ate of AMOAIEM. IUKEK,
late of iioulet tp . deceased.
Feb. 22. 1873.—Filial account of John M. Lyman,
. Administrator of the ••state of CHAHI.ES CHAND
' I.EU. late of Clara tp., deceased.
; May 23,187.3. Register.
Administrator's Notice.
! WHEREAS, letters of Administration to thees
. I tat'- <;F <l. C. REYNOLD-', late of Allegany, Potter
| Co., Pa., deceased, having been Kraut.-.1 to the
■r,al ; er-ons i.. bted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims or demands, against the estate of
j the said decedent will make known the same,
, without delay, to JI'LIA A. REYNOLDS.
! Allegany, May 53,1 73.
\tlmfi<i-tralor*s N(icr,
*\l mil'RE As. Li i'e- -of Wlmiu; -t.. Tien to the
T !si ate of r )-. B llowe, late of Bingham
twp.. Potter Co , ('.••! eased, having lieeu giaated
i to 'lie snbsgrii er. all persons indented to said e
i itc are qwstiu to makehnwdbie payucut.
• and ih -r 1 a\ i claims <j den,.aids against Mm
el:itei*fs idU< ee<lent will makekn iwnthe same
. without delay to J. L. RAYMOND.
Biagisun, May 7,1873. J<iM tnlstrator.
(nur:l::p.'> Sal*.
I") Y VIRTFK of in order of tk ■ Orphan Court
i > . Potter!'ounty, and to HP directed, 1 shall
expos,* I ir sa'e at pidiiic vend tie or outcrv on
. HFKSDAV. the FIFTH d.iv of .J no, A. P., 1573.
in one o'clock, p. in., on me premises iaStunoa
| tow 11-' ip as the piv|H*:ty of <ieo. \V. Humphrey
and liable 15el! lisHiiplui-y, minor children of A*.
; V.. lli.mphrcy, kite of Sharon tp, dec '.i-cit, thy
following dcs. iibed real estate, situate in Sharon
ip.. Potter county■, I'm, to wit:
5... I.—Tlic uinliviib d one-'oerth part <-a-h of a lot
• T irn of laud, boginniug at a post curlier ou 'ii' l S
liana f tin Oswaro Crook ia /hi- \V iui-ofiand ,>r-
I enpM by W. L Starkweather ; UIITU S tww haa
dr- <1 a:ol tw perch*--to a pusi ceruer: tliein* W •*i; r h.
! ty-fivo a lid aeren-trßths perch ea to the s E earaerof
a! T surv-yeil : r 11 r.ry Mattes HI; th.'uce, by line of
-aid l"t. Ji • lie huadr ,1 ami niaeiy-oigbt p rehes t
llie OmaV" tli>'iic- up the S t> uk of the so'
• ook 11 place of beginning. Contai ing one hun
dred and • ight acres, m ,re or less.
, So. 2—The undivided onr-f. nrth part <arh of an
:i. *r 1 : -it iasnb \ l< giauiag at BEc-r, • r
'■! M cha* Laiub"- land: iheu, S foriv-seven perel.-
: past corner: ih ace W one huudre-l and five p-nrl:.--
tu pel Corner: tie ur, X lorty-seven pcic!i>- i., ,H.,t
c ,rin r: ill i.f, ly line .1 liii iocl LauiV- . ud L i.
ha. iire.l auj live )• rr!i • 1 • p'.aceof bcMnriajr. ' ni
taiucig tliiiiy and cigl>t-ti utUs acres, uiore or less,
nail bail;- j..rl ■: . t. So. *f 17ii-
X i. ■' —Th na.livi.led • ae-fmrth part cadi of an
other l"t situated a- ;,b ve, le ginuiug at a j' T ilo A
K earner f laud conveyed to John . t's'.. lot So '
thci,ce \V one lnindred | rchi -1 • p,-l c uner: tlienci
X eichty-fonr perclics to :t p 'st the Nt corner of 1,:
"■! : tbeuce E one hand rod perches • . :l p .-i corner:
: thcacc 8 righty-foßr p. relo s to place of bcgiaalng-
Cootaiuiug fifty-two fiv. -:euiu- ac.e-. Ue:he sain
more >r b—, being ;..t No. 47 of all..tin -tit of Keating
lauds in si liiroll 1 ,"usi,ip and part of Wt. No. 2154.
The above drseril ml leal ( state is held us ten
j ants m common with Xelnno l*anncnter, W&<j
owns [he ttr.iliii led olio half the e.d. Tel'fns
oiie t-nif.i nia'ion of >.i o, out-thiitl in one
year and niie-tliirtl in Iwo \i ars tin-leaf ter.
; Sharon, Mu> 9,187 g <. i irdtun.
SiIIP J'lit lbJ.
To orders outstanding 125 93
" balance clue on judgnn-nLs 5!
4t<> 4b
By Conor's eerlificatc of Road T.,\ 7M :G
■• " '* t'asli " 75 46
" cash c.n hand 1 25
Bal. of indebtedness over tivp. funds $ :d.i 99
j WM. H. ( Kosrv. j. E. E .UI.E, ) A UL
] 11 3 Clrrk. ti. H. 1. .71.-,! AooitO. s
TOWNSHIP, AI-kil 28, 187.3.
To orders in circulation • r '6s 9
i due on judgiuenls Imo 71
! Vl
- By certificates of taxes ret'd for "72 42u 55
due froiii county treas 64 33
" Jno Metzger. suix, Viß 27 18
Allien Reed. " 72 U94
Collector for 1872 87 93
Cash on hand 7"d9
Indebtedness over township funds *856 87
CUT!:. C. \V. Ct 'HAM.
j Also one order for *l'jn. No. 17. (registered on
j |gtge 17 of order-bceik B.) drawn to Nortnan sher
v. . ,d, which is l>e'ieved t-- have l-pt n "btaiued
i by fraud and will not be paid b> the Township
unless compelled bylaw.
SYLVESTER C.KELNMAN, ) u „:; tor .
C. W. GtJItAM, (, ' l " f lW "
of (lie Auditors of Klet Townsliip.
l<r 1873-
Dr. To town orders in circulation. 349 46
Due on judgments 1 fit's 38
Cr. By receipts for texes returned 277 96
" cash on hand 66 24
Due from Collectors for 1572.. 39 14
Bal. of indebtedness over twp. funds— $1165 50
Clerk-. M. V. LAKKAI EE, )
The iSiNcEK is a lock-stitch machine
and tnakesa beautiful, even and uniform
| stitch which will not ravel and isalike
on both sides. It hems, braids, cords,
tucks, embroiders, ruffles, fells and does
| all kinds of work on the finest niusliu or
the heaviest full-clotli.
AT PANTED, Agents and Peddlers for our
: M PRESS and STRAINER.— Presses and
■ strains jams, jellies, herbs, vegetables, lard, tal
low , meats, cheese, etc. < >ver 6n,000 sold in a few
localities., sells quick. Every family wants it.
Sew ng Machine ami other established age nts arc
• tinning ibis verv profitable, c Irtulars Free.
TO2 Wa-hiugt'>u street. Boston. vfas
The undersiged having been appointed by the
Court t Commop Picas of Pooer an audi
tor to disfrt'iut? the funds in the hands of the a!-
, minlatratoro! the estate of P. L. Corbiu, deceaaOil,
hereby gives notio? ihat he wi.i att'-ud to the Cu
i i ties of the appointiaent at his tifflee luthc Borough
of Couderspbit on TCKSDAY, the TENTH -.lav of
; June next, at teu o'clock a.m., at which time and
place creditors of the estate and others interested
[ can attend if they see fit.
j Mr.'' 16,1873. A'ulitor.
Divorce Notices.
bvberiicxl Irieml, j In the Court of Common
CIIAS. A JONES, r Pleas of Potter Cm, No.
! ••. I 145. Scjrt. Term, 1672.
r : Jerome Dickinson, Resivoudent alaive muned.
I will please take notice ttint a snbpu-na and alias
L j subfsena have been issued and returned nihil:
t you are therefore hereby required to apjiear on
. the first day of next Court, June 9.1873, to answer
. to the complaint ni:ule in this ease,
i S. P. REYNOLDS, Sherif.
) Coudersport, May 16. l?7:j.
i AMBROSE R. Wix>l> )In the Court of Common
I . '"*• ; Pleas of Potter Co.. No.
, SYLVANIA WOOD. \ 112. Sept. Term, 1.872.
Kyivnni i Wmid. Res|iondent above-named, wiil
I p.ease take notice that a subpa-na and alias sub
I pouia have lieen issued and returned nihil; von
. [ are tUereiore hereby required to apin-ar on the
| tirst day of next Court. June 9,1873, to airewei to
; the complaint in this case
, v S. I*. REYNOLDS, Sheriff.
! Coudersjiort, May 16, 1873.
i ' _
Potter County Agricultural Society
. List of Premiums, Rules and Regw
•. lations and Constitution.
' CATTLE- —Itu/T'oed and .Vafire Breed*.
I Best bull, 3 years old and upwards, each... 94 00
; 2nd '• do 3On
Be-t bul!, 2 years o'd 3txi
1 2nd " do 200
. Best " 1 year old 200
•-'nd " do 100
Best bull calf 1 .*io
p 1 2nd do 11* 1
pi B" -t mih-h cow am
~ | 2nd do 2On
f Cow to be kept on ftrass during the expenment
and for two vv eks previous to each is-, iod of
' i trial; each period to be teo daay- and at intervals
of li"t lesv than "lie mouth apart. The statement
furnished toe. litaiti the age an 1 breed of the cow,
time of calving, quantity of mi c iu both we gln
and measure and a!v> weight ol butter dm ing the
lieriod of ten day>: butter made to be exhibited
1 at the Fair, and ai-o the cow; stateiiicut to be
i' verified by the allnla it of the romp titor and at
1 least one other peison having a know ledg--of the
1 facts.
Best l.tifer 2 yeftJs old 2 06
f 2mt •' do !""
Rc-t " 1 year o'.U ine
. 2nd " do 70
Best heifer calf 1 00
'• " \ ii!;e of oxeu 300
■ .'nd do do 2 "0
t , Best do steers 3 years old 200
! 2nd do il > do .• 1 .'0
Best do do 2 do 1"0
i 2nd <lo do do 1 n(l
! Best do do 1 do H.*'
'2nd do do do 5u
1 Best training of steer* (each class) by boys
under 16 years of age Jio>jt
6 I JitUiSES—77ioroi/;.hbr- <}; Droit: Eoralixrort.
. | Best stallion, of each *4 00
- 2u<l do 300
Be-t brood mare (with foul at ln-rf et) 4 years
old and ujiward 3 00
■ 2d do do do 200
*. Best colt, 7.2 an 11 yekr old,each 2
' 2nl do co 11'
, 1.. U sucking colt lon
- 2nd < o 109
Jjße t single cart ingc or saddle horse, each... 31* 1
~; 2ud u do ... 2no
'- !' >t mati he i span eani me horses or males 4 I*l
2nd <i' ('O 3f*>
Pet span of draught h rses ;i
\ Jul do 21*1
I'.i -t span of mules 9 On
: 2<l " 2 00
: Best ntule 100
r H'JIEEI'. L To: r>r,'r >; .1/ :<i<Cf>.\rooU d; M ri.
iu- : Stroiix; Ci iss'irr-d*.
. Best buck, 2yr- an! rqiward. of each 300
L 2d " " '• 290
e : Best " under 2 years, " 2 0(1
,2.1 " " " 1 90
jßea ] n sev 2y r-a up'd " 2("0
J2d " " " 1 "(1
ltest " " under 2 yrs •' 109
" " 3 hip k latnlis, " 1 (jo
| •' " 5 e\ve lambs, " 119
' " samples of wool, not less than 5 fleeces. 2 (f.
[Samples of each to lie deposited in Museum of
Best sliecp dog 1 i"
N H'/.Yii
|Bi t boar, 2 yrs a over, 1 yr. t 8 UXM, each... 200
j2d " " " " - " ...I'D
Best brced'g-ow'2 vrxi'd 4 over4.6lr.os *' ...200
9 ;2d " ' " " " ...I!*'
Best lot of not !is> than " nigs under 611105.. 1 oj
" cured ham 2 (to
j [Hum to lie cooked and brought to Exhibition.J
Best lot (not less than 1 cock and 2 Ileus) na
tive and improved breeds, each 1 00
" general lot of poultry ow ned by l jiersou 200
J Best butter in firkin or tub. tut less Mian 5o Us 2 0"
: 2d " " 1 50
1 Best roll butter, not less than 10 ti.s 1 nO
12<l " " Id
! Best cheese. " 100
I DA fit r, OEAZI.\O and (111 AIS EAE.VS.
I : Best farm 500
; '2d " 4 tJ
3d " 309
Condition, cultivation and buildings will lie cn
, sideied by the Judges in their award, and a M-atc
. ; nientof tkeinanageineiitvvid be required of each
1 ' competitor. Tliev are requested touoiify the lb--
1' cording Secretary at an early date to enable the
Judges to visit the farms during the growing sea
, son.
First premium i Oh
j Second " 3(0
Best acre of each SO l '
2d " ...100
' Best sa k w inter or spring wheat, each 1 09
s: 2d " ...... 50
| Best " rye floor 75
i 2d " " *4)
| Best " buckwheat 75
3 i 2d " " 30
" ; Itest " com meal 75
Lt ! 3d " " 59
1 Best and nmst timothy hay from 3 acres 1 -5"
s j •' " clover " 150
" potatoes or turnips, each 2 00
: 2d " " 100
? Best Vt-acrc 1-cet*. carrots, beaus, peas, flax
1 or broom-eom, each 1 00
1 i Competitors for premiums on any of the above
. must exhibit a sample of the crop ai the Fair, fur
s nish a statement "i the mode of cultivation and
a is' > a certificate of two respectable neighbors as
r to product and measurement of ground.
TIMOTHY, {large and smull.) CLuVER tend
1 Best bushel of each 106
? 2<l " 75
Best assortment of vegetables 1 (so
Best sample * i each 1 90
raised by youths rot over
16 years old 56
SUO A R and HO.XE Y.
Rest specimen maple HI car. im'.lessthan 10 Ps .'0
" " honey. not orer 6 Is, to be tak
en without destroying the bees and a
statement of management ant kind of
hives to be furnished 50
Best assortment of each 100
• 2d " 50
i Best sample of each variety So
Not to be removed until close of exhibitiou.—
ITceaiitions will be taken to prevent Injury.
' Best 4 bunches shaved shingles 1 90
" 4 " sawed ** 10U
j " 2 bundles " lath 50
" manufactured "<D ft. lumber 200
" " boards or veneers hard
wood, not less than 100 ft 2 00
; " collection of specimens of woods the
growth of Mtis County 3 00
A eoinmitus- of Judges, compost si of ladies,
w i'.i la' apjr linii-vl with i nstrmt ions to recomimud
awards to the most deserving, not exceeding $1
in any case.
A discretionary committee w ill U- appointed,
, with instructions to recommend an aw ard, not
i exceeding si 59, for the best articles of any kinds
that may be exhibited.
I Tiie above Premiums will IN? paid in money or,
at the option of the de|ioltor, a xrax iuri.(..v,
in which will be inserted the name of the article
for which the premium is awarded.
I. All nnimals. to lie entitled to com
pete for Premiums, shall have It-en kept
and owned in the Comity hy the persons
presenting them at least four months
previous to the Animal Fair. No ani
mal shall draw a premium two years in
succession, other than certiticateof hon
■ oralile mention.
11. No jierson shall l< jiermitted to
comjiete for a premium on any article
<>f domestic manufacture, or buttei or
. cheese unless the saint shall l.avc hecn
; made or manufactured hy such peison
' or persons, or his or their family or fam
ily or families, within the war it shall
be offered as a premium.
111. Exhibitors must IK conic meiil
bers of the Society and have their arti
cles and animals entered on the *S-eie
tary's book on or before the day next
preceding then]* ning of the Exhibition:
and all articles and animals must IK
brought within the enclosure as earh
as noon of the first day of exhibition, in
order that they may be suitably arrang
ed. The Managers do not intend to .w-
M'KK any exhibitor who NEGLECT*.
these requirements that Ids articles can
be submitted to the Judges. While
, every effort will be made to secure the
examination and proper notice of even*
1 article on exhibition, justice to those
" lio c i.ijiltj tciih tin nth* th* >■-' •'<! t
, requires that they shall in all cases first
• receive attention.
IV. Articles or animals removed I*'-
, fore the close of the Exhibition (exeejit
9 by jjenni.-'sion of the President 1 cannot
re.:, iv.-a ]>remiuin. though awarded.
A", should any individual enter ani
mal in any other name than that of the
' '/(( fi'h owner, the making such
entry shall not be allowed a premium
should one lie reported by the Judges,
and shall lw precluded from competing
at any future exhibition of the Society.
VI. Persons entering stock of the age
V of three years and under shall furnish
the Judges evidence of v.hsn the nni
, mals wore dropjied, to IK tiled by them
with the Secretary, and the ages of ani
mals above this to le given on making
their rntrit s.
A*]l. The Judg.s shall in all cases
i v ithhold iiremiums wh.ere the animal 01
article is not worthy, though there be no
A"III. N<> prcrniurns will be awarded
to bulls, cows or heifers that have lieen
fitted for the butcher —the intention of
1 the Society lieing to promote the rearing
of superior animals for breeding pur
IX. Whenever it shall appear to the
Judges that articles of superior merit
, have been presented, not noticed in the
j Premium List, they shall make special
: report thereof to the Hoard of Mana
| geis.
X. It is particularly ilasiml that no
IH'ison shall l>e present while the Judges
1 are examining thestuekrefeiTedto tlit iu.
except those taking charge of the- ani
' liials, unless by special request.
I Art. 1. Tlic name of the Association
shall be tbe *rotter County Agricnltiiral
and Horticultural Society,'* auxilliary to
the Pennsylvania Slate Agricultural
The objects of the Ssciety rti-c
to foster and improve agriculture, horti
culture and the domestic and household
II Art. 2. The Society shall consist of all
such persons ]tsshnllsignifytothe Board
of Managers their wish to become, mem
bers and shall sign tlie Constitution and
pay to the Treasurer not less than titty
cent.-, and annually thereafter not les.-
than fifty cents while they continue
their uiemlieiship.
Tlicre may also lie honorary and cor
res]Mmuing menibcra. The payment of
twenty dollars at any one time shall con
, stitute a life membership.
- 1 rt. 3. The. officers of the Society shall
l>e a President; a \'ict- President from
each township or borough in the Coun
ty, three-fourths of whom shall I*.- [>rac
tical farmers or gardenei-s; a Treasurer;
a Corresjxuidiug [Secretary; a Recording
, Secretary; a Librarian: and a Board of
Managers, consisting of ihealiove-named
officers and five additional members.
, An. 4. The President si:all have the
1' superintendence of all the affairs of the
Swikrly. !i. -.vso of the de-alb. iiiwvss i r
inability of the President to peiienui n.e
duties of his oilice. tne Board of Man
agers sua!! elect :i \ ice. President to a< t
1 in his stii.d, who shall have the suma
power ami perform the same duties , s
the President until the i ext anutuilchc
i tiou.
Art The Vice IVesi.k-uts shall take
charge of tiie affairs of the Society ru
, their several districts to advance all its
' objects, to call upon farmers to report
the condition of agriculture iu tl.eir
! neighlHirhoods, to ask for information
i of the modes of cultivation adopt* d by
! different fanners, and. as far as in their
I louver, to make known the resources of
their districts, the nature of the soil, its
J good geological character and as all such
1 ' matters .is may lie interesting to farm-,
i ers generally.
.Irk t. The Treasurer shall eoilnt
! and receive all monies belonging to li *
Society. kce;> an neamoit of all r c-.-ipt s
and all payments made by him. furnish
a statement of his account at any time
when called for by the President or by
any meeting of the Board of Managers,
and shall give such security as they may
require for the faithful performance of
Ids trust. He shall not pay any hills
except they have lieen audited and ap
proved by the Board of Managers and
an order drawn for the amount signed
! | l>y the Chairman of the Board and at
tested by the Recording Secretary.
Art. 7. The duty of the Correspomf
ing Secretary shall IK- to in\itc a corns*,
pondenee with all persons inten sled in
- agriculture, that new seeds. vegetables.
■ or live stock may 1*- introduced and their
; fitness for cultivation or propagation in
' this County tested, and generally to ol
- tain information upon subjects of ink -
i rest to this Society, and also to invite
- mechanics to forward models or imple
ments for examination and trial. Ai
t each stated meeting of the Society, or
* i when duly called ujhiii. he shall read his
r correspondence, which shall, either tile
j whole or such parts as may be selected
, by the Society, form a portion of the
. transactions.
1 Art. S. The llecoiding Secretaivshall
ket p the iniiiut-s of the Socklyand of
the Board of Managers; attest orders
drawh properly on the Treasurer; and
. at the of each year shall prepare
1 such parts of the minutes and tvaiisac
* t ions of the Society as may IK* designat
. Ed for juihlicatioii.
i I .1/1!'. The Librarian shall takecharge
i of all books. pamphlets. etc.. lclonging
- to the Society. and sluil! act as i-nnitur
- to preserve seeds. iiUjih incuts, or w hat -
* i cvei projierty the Society may pifswis.
! Art. l(i. The Board of Managers shall
' transact the business of the Society gem
*' ersdlv. shall siqiet intend and direct the
i publication of sue]; of tin.-it-ports and
transactions as tl.ey may deem pri u r.
> designate the time and place for annual
15 exhibitions, regulate the c\[H uditurcs.
! examine a!! accounts, call <t>cc : ; I liiect
- iiigs of the .Society when they nav deem
t necessary and kf ep such gi neral < barge
t of tin affairs of the Society as may Is-st
.promote its intensts. They shall s(-
lect their own ( hairinau and uim t
L . i monthly. Five meinlx rs shall consti
, tute a quorum for the transaction of
, business.
.1 nil. Any member who may )>■
" pn sent at,a meeting of the State Socie
' ty shall be duly qualified to act as Dele-.
* gate from tbis Society.
t- Art. lg'. The Society shall meet annu
, ally on Monday of tlie Decemls r terin
of Court at Couderspurt. when all the
oillcers of the Society shall IK- elected
a liy general ticket for the ensuing year,
- and until another electii n. They shall
, also hold a general liu-eting at the tine
? of the annual exhibition and sjiecial
meetings whenever calkd by the Board
s of Manage! v I ifticn member-- si.aii
v constitute a quorum, but no lm-urner
in arrears sliall be entitled to the privi
' 1: ges of the Society.
Art. 13. This Constitution may U-.
1 altered or amended at the annual meet
ing in Peccnilier by a vote of two-thirds
j. j of the members iu attendance.
T!:c BißbiliS N. 1.5 IT.Ila. Railway
(cut par.)
■ J i.lTer for saS. AT A IUBG VIN, the boa Is
liii? over nil-1 alwive th".*.- ali'.tsriy rt-llri-i! by 'i <*
Towns tliPinp-A e- --lug oj She follow lug Town*
sliip t r Uit line uf !•- KuMwav, viz.:
1 S6COO of Olcan, N. Y.
S'SCO of Wachiai. "J. Y.—-So* >• retired
on a Bond.
S4OOO of r ranklirvi'le. N. Y.
'I SSBOO of Yorkshire. M. Y.—SUM' re
- tired on a Bond.
Tin- la-B-'s ar<* of f'n' earh, beartlig-tut-HM •'
- -even per cent.. ar-'i an- a - Klb'M'-i I.ASS " SATE
' V E< t'UITV." i ir;w-t-.".;l<i.- aiMnas
tl. 1.. 1,-, man, Tr- •■..
V. o. n-- er i"j, r.t ii <L", .
Tinted Mates Internal lioenur.
| Notice io Special-Tax Payers.
, 1 >i :tw if K <-va , .l>er 21, lsl-i. n-qnlfp 1 ■ • • ■ p*:r-
Sut! M ■' "> l'a-!l)i:.-P, a. iM-P.Unuo: ...
] meat .vltfcli rtnil- r.-aii-j lisai-?" a
to wMKrc mvl litres rmiiii'mwnfy fi Mt -*
i'l'l ,/'■ III! lit or jfJV.K US tIVPIHU.-*
i gv STAMP
'irootlnp the payment <>l tae special T;.x
coaaneiH'iug bufiucsi..
1 The taxes ertbracecl w.ihin the pr- v islouf of .a *
. above quote 1 are tbe tullow iug. vtr.:
1 Kectiticrs .. ? *H' 0
liealers, retaP. Uaiiofß S W
, 1 •• -wliuiesaic liquor i-w m
'• in uialt liquo.-s, twiojrKiie
" " retail -am*'
in leaf tohaocn 25 00
, Ketall uettlers In leaf toi.acei.. .v, ....
v an-l on sates of over fc.n. fifty
rent* for even dollar n • ?. w
of f;ouu.)
In-.iiei* in .iianuf ii tun i tei.aceo. '■ ivi
-; item factum* -.f *:ii!r i < i
. 1 fur e..-ifc*ilit er )rm
t maiiufac'iifbh 2P*
- iii Wwim th#M
of cigars •
t'ed' of mhacoo, I ' 'it.-- mere
than f borne?* y.ii
•• -ilelai.- So Pa
•• '• ;-1.l •' ! tvi-Ke) 10 .S'
1 , •' " 4!!| "'tor
puhin- euro eyaue* !'• b
brewer* of |. ihausW) 1 arri-I- u>i
-j - am) barrels or more . i"oti>
. j Any m.'on who i-hali fvil Wi cotapl} wif Si the
; foregoing requireuiente will \-r snbjeei to t< ver<
r ; petiaiues.
* ; sp-.-ial-tax psv.-rs throea'hr:) Oie t"utteii Sfat- v
f are reatiiKitsl tna! they make application to
tithe fiftflw (or li-puty < ..'it. tor> of thdi ro
speetive iiistP't*, au-1 gronire U.-e prop' r nan ;<
for the speeial-ux year, eoinriu. dug May j.
vionjui wattsrg fur ftirt!-.*r j.- gee.
f,eo*j;e Eahb,
O' 7r.; ICmv. ibt'i Int. I'-t.
' 2442 41 ' * • ii-re-.Pa