The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, May 23, 1873, Image 1

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Jno. S. Mann,
MAYS itfai.
(Office in Ohnsted Block.)
fLRMS, 81.7" Pf.k Yeah in Advance.
j D o, S Mann, * fi. F. Hamilton,
Proprietor. Publisher.
Attorney aiwl District Attorney,
ojjice 'OX MA IX St., {over the Post OJice,
Solicits all business pretaining to liN profession.
Special attention given to collections.
Attorneys at I-aw ami Conveyancers,
C illectioa® promptly atterdeH to.
Arthur B. Manu.
General lii-uraucc Agent A Xoiarv Public.
.(office over forster's store,)
(Office in Olmtted Block,)
Attorney at Law and Tnsnrarce Agent,
(nFPirF IS OI.MTEIt BtnrK.)
Baker House,
Ri.ows &• Prnpr's.
Corner of SECOND and EAST Streets,
Every attention piM to tb° ennvenience and ;
comfort of guest*.
S j-i .no 1 stabling attache I.
Corner of MAIN and NORTH Streets,
Aj-tjood Stabling attached.
YAl>'-ST. above SECOND, (over French's store,) i
H. -•> Pa'arintr. OlßKlng. Orafeine, OaleJir.inlnjr. ;
Gloss-tlttishiMr, Paper-hansrinir. etc., done
with npat'ies-t, promptness and
dispatch in all eases, and
satisfaction guar
a it t i e d .
stiXEt) PAINTS fcr sale. 242 V 1
"tii.P"' w
Dnig*. Medicines, Books, Stationery,
F/S?!CY r 0' 1 "S P-!"T<; nil? U'll P£PEP,£C„ !
o~>r. ,V /n n wl T* ird Bt*. %
(Corner M<iin and Third.)
0. M. ALLEN,
Surgical and Mechanical Dentist,
Ai! work guaranteed to give satisfaction.
UanTr.s.H. Ball Jointer S: BTtinr Machine,
SINNKM Alii ININO. Cameron CO., Pa.
Jilt fr.n, Is t„ op, jnrh,^.
<i "Repairing; Machines ami General Custom Work
done to order. ' 2422— tf
John Grom,
II ois .s ( k . Si ai *
Ornamental, Bcrorativr & .fresco
with neatness and dispatch.
Ntisfaction guaranteed.
■ W(llM u i'h
ul be promptly attended to.
1). H. NEEI'E,
CARRIAGE factory,
> J,. Mods of Wagon-making. Blacksndthing,
', .V l '-'' ( 'u' rlage Trimming am! Repairing done
' " i'h neatness and durabUitv. Charges
M -VRIf 1. E YV <)l{ Iv ,
''.'.ments. Headstones, etc., finished to order,
'"aterial, style and workmanship, on
"•ost reasonable terms.
„ v ! ",'"cV'* h V ,> mall or ,cft theofflee of .lorn
fcA*lTEM *11! prompt
What a Baby Thinks.
Who can tell what a baby thinks?
When it wakes from its forty winks,
And rubs its face into numerous kinks.
And sta; ts at the iiglit that comes in at the
I Of its rock a by nest, and gaps and b'iuks—
j Who can tell what a baby tiiinks?
Who has courage to hazard a guets
| As to what the baby may thimk of its dress,
Trimmed and ruffled to such ex.-ess?
Of what tiie baby may think of the mess
For the headache, toothache and stomach dis
And for all its al'iugs, more or less?
W hat does It think when it wakes in the night
\\ ith all the pretty things out at sight.
And nobody Stirling and "making a light?"
Does it think its condit m is far from"light,
And that hig folks are far from po ite.
And that daikne-ss is meant fur a personal
Is that the reason it takes de'ight
In screaming with all its jieisona! might.
And rousing the neighbors at dead of night? '
And what do you think the baby thinks?
i Looking around like a mild-eyed lynx,
Watching the snow that ii inkles and chinks
j While papa is wanning Its catnip drinks
j Over a candle that glimmers and blinks.
Humming and drumming out "Captain Jinks,"
i What do you think the baby thinks?
Do you say that babies are tliink'.ess things?
With no other iglit than in .timt bi ings,
With brains as downy as bilberries' wings
And heads as empty as a hell i hat swings?
I Do you thin that babies are tiiinkless things?
Then when does the tliink begin to grow?
And when does the mind begin to show?
And when does the baby begin to know
That this is true or that is so?
, When yon find out will you please let me know ?
: ———
[From the Independent.]
About Lanes.
Soothing my sick little hoy last
night with the eelclnated and vener
able nuraery rhyme about the black
sleep, whose wool was to be shared
between the master, the dame, and
, the little boy who u lives in the lane,"
I found my thoughts and sympathies
| somehow specially enlisted in that
mysterious lad. Aipl thus gradually
the general idea and theme of lanes
; came uppermost,
j That little boy in the lane, what
right or title had he to a share in the
sable fleece? Ilad it been a golden
fleece, would his claim have been
equally valid?
! Evidently he was not a one-third
proprietor of the sheep herself; but
only a part of the wool was going to
him, out of some special considera
tion. Was he sick? Was he poor?
Or was lie a lame boy who could not
race and skate with the other lads of
the neighborhood? Perhaps his
! father was dead and his widowed
mother one of those hard-working.
I washing, sciubbing women who toil
and moil with endless drudgery to
keep their children's heads just
above the black waters of sta va
. doubt if anybody, even the
learned editor of Note.- and Queries
could confidently answer these ques
tions ; nor is any answer required.
This boy is typical. He belongs to |
the great Lare tjibe of humanity.
And this tribe is just as distinctly
marked among mankind as are the
Gipsies or any other.
What is a lane? It is not a boule
vard, not an avenue, not a street, or
a highway. It is the bottom on the
descending scale of passageways. It
is a low way; it is narrow, untidy,
otten unpaved, looking up with meek
eyes at the rears of houses and the
sides of stables.
No splendid carriage, with liveried
driver and footmen, ever rolls along
its mud. Beautiful ladies, with
sweet children, in holiday attire, out
for the sun and air. never stroll down
Jit in long processions of gayety. j
| The regiments on parade seem never
to think of the lane in their line of i
march; so that the marvels of drum ;
1 I
and fife belong to the outside world
for the laners. Torchlight proces-,
sions, that make all sorts of other
I mistakes, never to far forget them
selves as to stray into the alley; but
they go flashing and smoking and
sputtering up Broad Way, Wide
Avenue and Spacious Boulevard till
they go out.
These may lie the people spoken
of as "in darkness and the shadow of
death," waiting-fev some great light
to arise, something lietter and less
expensive than gas at so much per
thousand feet.
These laners are, at least, not the
people who have diamond weddings,
go to the opera and take trips to the
Alps or Yoscnnte. Their travel con
sists chiefly in straying around the
corner, into the streets and avenues,
, to steal a glance at the big world in
whose shadow they dwell. They are
' outside the popular routes for tour-
ists, quite back from the banks of the
great channels of human l fe. They
only hear the roar and are sometimes
spattered with the dirty foam of these
impetuous streams.
But, if you have sufficient curiosi
ty and will take the pains to lpok in
to them, you will find them veritable
little ways for small folk to live and
die in.
As a sample, there is Needle Lane.
It is broad enough, to be sure, to al
low the sewing-girls who are hived
in it to draw their threads; but still
so narrow that only the smallest
wages can ever get into it. Now and
i tjieii some benevolent sunbeam
I spends an hour or two there, looking
after pale geraniums and consump
i tive roses, or trying to start a smile
on pools of dirty water, that only re
spond with a ghastly grin. It must
have been at one end of this narraw,
low way that the poetical car of
Tom Hood caught the pathetic tones
of his familiar dirge—
"S;itch, stitch, stitch,
Through poverty, hunger and dirr,
Sewing at once, with a doul>:e thread,
A shroud as wc.l a3 a shirt."
But somehow ignorance, vice and
misery are able to flourish in these
lanes. They even seem to find abun
dant entrance and facile progress
i where intelligence, morality and hap
piness cannot possibly squeeze
Some of the good people who aie
' given to preaching say; Go now into
tiiese places and biuld there a church,
so shttll that purifying institution,
cleanse the whole neighborhood.
But would it not be almost as sen
sible, good people, to create somehow
an outward current from those neigh
borhoods, that should set, at least
every Sunday, toward the squares
and avenues, to disembogue into the
line churches already bunt and only
about half full? Is it not the philos
; ophj of salvation to get people out
of themselves ?
If you were to make a feast for
your poor neighbors, which would
you do? Would you take your well
' tilled baskets into the lanes and
1 spread the loaves and roasts on those
little dingy tables; "or would you
open your own house, with the gay
sunlight flashing 011 piles of clean
crockery, glowing in the bright col
ors of velvet carpets and dancing on
picture ! wall and tinted ceiling?
Of course, it would depend upon
the object you had in view. If you
: aimed to compromise with obligation
you would doubtless take the feast
in baskets. But, if you had the un
usual grace to do the godlike tiling,
you would probably invite in the
, needy guests.
The truest results of religion can
not be secured so well by sending
missionaries into Mud Alley as bv
I getting the people out of the alley
into Broad Avenue. It is the .alley
itself that breeds moral pestilence.
The Kingdom of Heaven does not
commission its messengers to stand
at the entrance and fling in a hand
ful of tracts on Total Depravity, as
the method and means of conversion;
but reach inward, rather, the white
hand of charity a-nd drag out the de
pravity into some clean place, where
the sun shines and the water runs,
' ai d there can be a washing of faces
: and souls
To be sure, there is 110 statute
commanding the wealth of the land
' to give itself any concern about these
lanes. It may be necessary to hire
i policemen to show their stars occa
sionally in such vicinities, for the
purpose of order and personal secu
rity, just as anybody will help pay
I for a cuiin to keep a bear out of
' mischief.
But the main idea is understood
to be self defense. If there j$ danger
of cholera, require the health officers
to do their duty, for the protection
' of the avenues. Or, if ignorance,
vice and wretchedness are likely to
infect the fine neighborhoods, why,
of course, look after them.
But this whole theory of protect
ing Broad Way against Narrow
Lane as the partial method of social
economy is false and vicious, to say
nothing of injustice.
When the Third Napoleon wished
to prevent mobs and barricades, he
converted the lanes of Paris into
spacious boulevards, because it is
not so easy to obstruct a boulevard,
! and the nervous fingers of the mob
cannot pick stones out of a cement
. pavement. Iu short, the Emperor
abolished lailhs, so far as he went.
: And so long as there are lanes in the
world there will be the elements of
mobs, the lairs of crime, the dens of
vice and wretchedness. Nor ought
the unfortunate good people to be
(driven, by any allowed social force,
into those narrow passages where the
unfortunate bad do congregate Ly
their vile affinities.
The true evangelization of cities, it
would seem, must include water, air,
gas and sunlight. The municipal
authorities themselves have mission
ary work to do. Would it not be
quite as sensible to vote appropria
tions for the extinction of lanes as
I for parades and welcome to foreign j
1 princes or native politicians?
Society makes its own volcanoes
• and the lava is generally ignited in
the lanes.
1 If the good people of the earth
| would make up their minds t > abol
ish these narrow ways, cost what it
might, they woul 1 probably find that
by this very process they hail cast
; up the high way and broad way of j
the Lord for the Heavenward jour
ney of humanity.
Instead, therefore, of dividing the
black fleece with that little boy in the ,
lane, take him out of the lane alto
get her.
[From Hie Keystone Hood Templar.]
What shall we do with Our Sons
and Daughters.
It must be evident to any observer
I that the difficulty for middle
families to provide their children
with the means of earning a liveli
hood is increasing. In a country
like this, provided with such bound
less resources, this might at first seem
incredible, and in fact, there is no ne
cessity that it should be so. The fault
lies not with the country but with
the people. All the young men want
to be capitalists, speculators, un*r
j chants, lawyers, or to follow souv
other genteel occupation requiring
little manual labor. The dream of
the young girls is to be simply
contract rich marriages and have for
eign servants to wait upon them. The
inevitable result is approaching.
Genteel occupations have become an
American speciality; they are the
worst paid and most uncertain of all
kinds of labor, because the market is
( overstocked. One book-keeper has
j a salary of five thousand dollars a
year, straightway a hundred incipi
ent ones delude themselves with the
idea that they can reach such a posi
tion. Even in Europe there is too
j much gentility, but is in a great
measure counteracted by millions of
working-men. There, a collier makes
more than a banker's clerk, just as a
common laboring man will make as
| much as an ordinary clerk in this
1 city; more in fact if we take the
difference of situations and exigen
cies of dress into consideration.
To look for an ordinary clerk's
place is really a desperate undertak
ing, and the young stranger who
conies to the city will find it a North
Pole expedition in search of an un
certainty. Parents too oltcn delude
themselves with the belief that their
' j children have extraordinary capaci
ties and are bound to succeed in life
("anyhow." A great deal of stuli" has
been written on the advantages of
! | education, energy, etc., as if the edu
' | cation which is not practical, and the
: ; energy which is not well directed,
' 1 ever achieved anything. Every day
' | we see foreigners, ignorant even ot
' j our language, commence at the bot
tom of the scale and work upwards,
while genteel men are just where they
were years ago. If young men
1 do as many Germans do, devote their
time to some manufacturing specialty
' and obtain a practical and scientific
' knowledge of it, they would find a
• large field before them in a country
' like this, where special talents in so
• many branches are wanting. Parents
may fiud it difficult to provide their
sons with even an ordinary educa
tion. but making "book-keepers," or
' shopmec, or salesmen of them is
about the worst thing they can do.
The market is full and will be "ful
l lt-r" ungrammaucal though the phrase
3 may be. Too many try to cling to
> metropolitan life and thus they waste
' away their talents in the over-crowd
< ed hive.
There is a crying need for reform
in education of youth. We see evi
' denoes of this in the army of place
seekers, who become politicians at
■; first and often settle down into gamb
lers and rowdies afterward. We
see it in the hundreds of briefless
lawyers and "patientless" if not im
patient physicians, in the vast multi
tudes of gentlemen who live by their
wits and who so often complain that
they know nothing practical. Men
of brains may always get along, \
though often with difficulty, but the
mediocre ones will go to the wall—
I unless they turn to something prac
| tical.
The future of girls is still more
uncertain and dangerous. Without
natural supporters in a city like this
jit is beset with difficulties, th more
; so that they seldom kntDV anything
practical. The extravagance of the
average young lady, an 1 her false
idea as to respectability, Ac., keep
| many a young man from marryii-g;
and as housekeeping is onerous
enough under the most favorable cir
cumstances, it becomes almost im
possible under such conditions.
The movement, started by certain
ladies, would be productive ot great
! benefit if properly directc 1, but cer
tainly it is not competing with men
in ik-1 Is which re pure muscular
strength and energy that women ean
! hope to succeed. There are several
• branches monopolize! by men which
j could be as well filled by women and
! it is toward these that §Ups should
| be first taken.
[Fr in the Christ! ui Cui >c.]
Bulb Farms in Holland.
Very few of our florists have any
itlen of the extent of the bulb busi
ness in and around the old Dutch
city of Haarlnn. True, some kinds
of bulbs can be and are grown in the
vicinity of Amsterdam, the linage
, and other Holland towns, but the
• peculiar nature of the soil at Haarlem
defies all coirp tition in raising large,
: healthy hyacinth bulbs. In this coun
try, and throughout Europe as well,
, save only t ! e above-named point, hy
acinths will deteriorate under the
inosl careful treatment; but at Haar
lem florists will flower the same plant
year after year without any percepti
ble diminution of its vigor.
The sup rficial observer cannot de
feet anything in the nature of the
soil to ac count for the superior quai
itv of the bulbs grown here, but a
careful examination discloses the fact
| that it contains a certain amount of
decayed vegetable tissue, although
the surface-soil is apparently pure
sand, and yet this laud commands
5 2000 per acre when sold.
The soil for bulbs is prepared one
year in advance by digging in a very
| heavy coat of pure cow manure and
planting potatoes therein. The suc
ceeding season, all heat and rank
effluvia having passed away, the set.<.
■ :ts they are called, or more properly
young bulblets, are planted and the
subsequent growth is really aston
I The method of propagating hya
cinths is very interesting and. al
though a tedious operation, develops
some new ideas to American florists.
' Large, sound bulbs are essential for
' the purpose, and are selected from
i the whole salable stock. They are
jthen removed to a room where the
! workmen carefully cut out the bot
tom or root end, inakiug a basin as
it were to the bulb. They are after
ward placed upon a rack in a shed
' to dry and in a short time removed
. to the open air, where the sun's pow
(| er aids tin* (trying operation still
1 more, and after a time are again
I placed on racks in the shed. The
■ ensuing spring they are planted and
' by midsummer great numbers of lit
-1 * 0
j tie bulblets are formed 011 the cut
I I portion.
•! The following year these are sown
, thickly in rows and by the ensuing
, autumn will grow to the size of mar
-; bles. Four or five years are ueces
. sary to perfect a salable bulb, and
• the increase from each one of the pa
. rent bulbs is generally from thirty
to forty young ones.
Another method of increasing the
,! hyacinth is to make two deep inei
)| sious crosswise on the bottom of the
j I bulb and cultivate, very nearly as
.; above described, the small bulblets
' forming at the scarified lines.
The theory of bulb growth, upon
which the propagating operation de
pends, presents such an interesting
as well as beautiful study in physio
logical botany that I cannot resist
the temptation of explaining the pro
cess, although I fear at the risk of
incurring the censure of my anti-bo
tanical readers. Bulbs are in reality ;
underground branches and are not
roots for the reason that the latter
are never furnished with buds nor ,
Subterranean branches, on the;
other hand, are always supplied with
buds and mostly with branch like
appendages that answer to and are
of the same general character as
leaves, but not foliage, because all
' leaves no not assist plant growtn.
Now. the hyacinth bnib, for instance
is composed of a great number of l
scales, these are the leaves as it were
on the underground stem or branch,
and the bulb will bo found carefully
concealed in the centre. The scales 1
are the receptacles or storehouses
containing the mass of nutriment
collected by the foliage during the
previous summer; so that when the
cutting process is resorted to, numer
ous other buds are developed on the
: stem (ouch containing a tiny bud
with scale-like leaves) in precisely
the same manner that ' he black berry
and other "suckering" plants devel
op dormanr, buds. The true roots;
emanate from the base of the bulb
and resemble long white libers.
During a recent visit to the Haar
lem bulb farms I found tuat the '
bulbs had in >stly been gatlpare 1 an 1
stored in the im nenee drying houses,
an irnporaant re-} usite to every es
tablishment. These are kept scru
pulously clean in every part, anl es
pecial attention is paid to the venti
lation. Long racks fanned of nar
; row laths ex ten I the whole length
: of the buildings, one above another,
• about two feet distant, from the floor
to the roof. The bulbs arc arranged
, very neatly and evenly thereon with
-! each variety distinctly marked; but
. they present so many marked fea
-j tures, small in themselves, it is true,
■ that the skilled gardener is enabled
to name each kind as he rapidly
passes along without looking at the
respective labels. A constant cur
rent of warm pure air passes over
• the surface of the and they are
■ vigilantly watched, so that any de
■ caved portion shall be immediately
. removed.
The crocus, tulip, ranunculus, ane
" mono, snow-drop, etc., propagate
themselves no readily that it is use-,
less to resort to artificial means, con
; sequently they may be seen here in
endless profusion.
The Dutch hate a very useful
method of growing the well-known
Lay of the Valley. This pretty lit
, tie favorite has a habit of extending
its underground branches—generally
, 'called roots—in every direction, so
that it oou becomes weed-like in
character; but t!i- growers, by fre
quently clipping off these straggling
stems, with their terminal buds, read*
■ ily induce a multitude of fibers to
form, hence a clump is the result.
■ which commands an advanced price.
. i Thev use the variegated-leaved va
• riety for edging beds, and a pretty
; border it makes, too, with its eon
s 1 spumous white bauds and stripes.
In Krclage's collection one can
• find almost everything known in the
; way of bulbs and tubers. Lilies arc
a decided speciality and a bed of the '
i enormous L. giganteum several feet
i Li >h, covered with large flowers,
O - ~
'made a grand sight. Justly is il
I named, for the plants are truly gi
i ga ie in size. L. chalcedouicum,
i °
■ with brilliant scarlet flowers, was
, 7 |
dazzling in color, whilst the pure
- snow-white tubes of the L. longiflo
. rum was charming in its purity. L.
auratum, conspicuous alike for its
L larsre bloom, with a distinct golden
; band on each petal, and luxuriant
- foliage; L. martagon, the favorite
- Turk's cap, in almost innumerable
I shades of color; and lastly, although
- far from least, the beautiful varieties
■ of L. speciosmn, better known as L.
laficifoliurn, were exceedingly at
; tractive.
It really wonderful how much
? attention is paid by the Dutch to
i what we in America term common
< wild flowers.
The true lover of flowers judges
S. P. Hamilton,
S 1.75 A YEAR
none too Common for his admiration;
and just here, as entirely <ij>ropn.<.
allow mo to quote from Professor
' Itusseli, the eminent microscopic bot
lauist: - Cunningly, wisely, and full
of a secret, hidden meaning, a thou
sand forms of the lower vcgctatble
life look up iuto the faces of pedos
| trians M ho. with repressed curiosity
and not quite willingly, tread them
under foot. They are leaves of the
great folio, marginal notes on the
i pages of the book of Nature, often,
and to many, and fur a Ici.e period
to every one, hieroglyphs whose de
ciphering would repay all the requi
site toil."
But to- resume: take the lovely
little Anemone nemoross, or native
•* Wild-flow IT." It IS here GTTRW-N in
1 quantity, with a double form of the
• flower as well. And then another
of our well-known harbingers of
sprjjig, the Hepatica triloba,or - I.iv
er-leaf," sporting into various unique
'col <>rs and forms. Even the little
. Clay tonia virginica. or ••Spring Beau
ty," and the less showy I'olvyonn
- turn biflorum ami P. giganteum, the
" Smaller and Great Solomon's
Seals," are cultivated with the great
est care. 1 noticed an well Ix-ds of
Sanquinaria Canadensis, or u Blood
root," and close beside it Erythroni
um Americanuin, or -Dog's-tooth
violet," (the latter litle only by cour
tesy). Our native lilies, L. Puila
j delphicum, E. ('ate-.bai, L. Cana
-1 ense and 1.. Superbuin received the
fostering cave of their owner equalh
with those that had received high
sounding titles.
The collection of Iris, or - Flags,"
is especially worthy of remark, ami
the weH-known I. Germanics, or
"German Flag," by skillful hybrid;
ization has sported into such a diver
sity of color th it the li-t of names,
with descriptions of each, would
form quite a little volume. Every
tint is here represented, froui pure
white to the deepest shade qf indigo,
and very many with delicate vine-
Like markings on the richly-colored
The American botanist will delect
his own lovely species, I. Versicolor
and E Virginica, as in all other ge
nera oi" bulbous an I tuberous plants.
It is perhaps needless to add they
become vastly improved by careful
and generous cultivati >n.
dentist's office is a draw ing-room.
A PLEASING instance of what an
earnest, faithful woman can do sin
gle-handed comes to us from North
Carolina. Oil' the lower coast is
Barker's Island, inhabited by poor
fishermen, .both white and black,
among whom went tbout nine years
ago .Miss Bell, the daughter of a
Rhode Islam* clergyman. .Slie took
with her wonderful crmrgy and per
severanoi. and in time, with the aid
of her friends, she established a farm
where the natives said nothing could
i>e raised. But under her personal
supervision men and boys have been
taught practical farming and are
shown the capabilities of the island.
The good effects of this labor are
seen now in the garden patches
o 1
about their own cabins. Close by
the farm is a scboolhi use where .Miss
Bell teaches four hours daily for
-about seven months of the year.
The children are bright and interest
ed in their lessons, while cleanliness
is taught as a cardinal virtue. On
! Sunday there is a school and morn
ing meeting, at which this woman
teaches the simple Gospel truths.
Says a local paper, "Miss Bell's iu
, Alienee is felt through all the region
! aud her hands should be strength
ened. She is about fifty years oi
age aud the vicissitudes of her life
have fitted her well f< , the arduous
work. She has great tact with the
people and to ihein she is the law,
while at the same time she sympa
thizes in their joys and sorrows, feeds
the hungry, clothes the naked,
the sick and is every way thoroughly
absorbed in In r endeavor to enlighten
and Christianize the inhabitants of
Barker's Island. s ' I'nion.
A RECENT work on gardening is
Called -The Six of -pades." -The
Bake's I'rogres.s' would not IK au
inappropriate title for r "fpii-l.