The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, May 16, 1873, Image 3
I I The potter Journal I 1 1 and JC EW 3 IX E JVT- I PA., May 15,1373. "7 , ** a!lowed to run over out ' I >0 <U 11, arrears. Due bee will given of I ■'•'! ~,i„u and if not paid the iwper will be fi '' L . tv F. HAMILTON, I Publisher Coudersport Market. IIV..Kit No. 1 white, per bush. £I.BO I•• Red winter. 44 1.60 (ag 1.75; I No. 1 spring, " 1.50(5 1.60 L.. KS."-*-"- - oo fe' 2 -f ■potatoes. - * f Onions. - - - " „ v . per ton, 15.00 mk • - • " fc - 08 ® - 08 Butter, - * "> .28 ■ xrer-s - - - " doz. .15 I *■"£' _________ I We wish we had the facility for "fill liuz up" that we see displayed by some 1,.f our cotempoiaries; the ability to de late where incidents fail: and then we Could present a full" local" every week. ■ We have thought of the plan adopted by ■one quill-driver who killed a man in a ■ueighlioring tow n and dished up all the ■incidents, then contradicted it. We pave been tempted to try our hand at L.uu-'.hing of the "Easy Chair" litera ls ure, but we haven't got the easy chair. Iliv the way. what talks some of these I men get off—a full column and a half long each week. About sights and scenes ai Albany, spring, cats and dogs, wife I;uk1 cr.ulles. (we could drop that out,} ■chairs, horses, marbles, and hundreds of I; !iu r >. We often think, as we read their ■articles. that they had a wonderful easy (chair to write in. Then we might adopt i, .■lult'i and write up various things I*. ;it would Ik? considered out of place l' U aVr tite editorial head. Tne Miner limits "Lean Contributor,"ami he says |. an- >!ipthings. We like that name, I . - lumls original, though it does seem b we have read somewhere of the I"fig Contributor." I But we hardly think we have theabil l .v t > carry out any of these styles, so. I; : the present at least, we must await lijming t vents. |i nlarfing. | "W.B.Gorduier is building an addition i ■<.< ha house and othei wise improving it. kiilenlk. I Edward Forster has put down a new Li-walk m front of his store oil Main ferret. |-.suj*> Law. I The Legislature, last winter, passed a pn game law. which makes some radi- L c Hinges in the legal mode of sport- I, Section 1 provides tliat no jhisoii fear! pursue or kill any elk or wild deer, i: ave in his or her possession, or offer I : sale, any elk. or wild deer, or fresh •oil, save only from tiie tirst day of Lncsjiljer to the lirst tiny of January in Ljjrar. No person shall at any time I . any fawn when in its spotted coal I: .ave in possession tiie fresh skin of licli fawn. No jeisoii shall pursue any ft.K or wild deer with dogs nor kill in I - water any such animal driven there I (li>g>. Any violation of tois section | .a.; be considered a misdemeanor and I . .wt tne oiieuder to a penalty of filly luihrs for eveiy elk. wild deer or law n I kiiietl, pursued or had in jKisst ssion. l .c seeliuit failher provides that any - >n may kill any dog that is pursu- I jdeer, any constable or town of -1... may kill any dog that habitually I tMiesiiiem. and tiiat the owner of such l v siiall be liable to a penalty of ten I -ars for eacii elk, doer or fawn killed I: them. I section 14 provides that no person I ; kill, c;itcti or discharge any tire ps at any wild pigeon waile on its ptiiig-grouinl, or break up, or in any i- tier disturb such nesting-ground, I tae birds therein or shoot any pigeons r'• "in one-fourth of a mile of such ft md, or shoot or kill any pigeons pitiiin their roostings, under a penalty ehty-ffve dollars. Section 19 fixes I ■ time for catching speckled trout f :u tl,e tiest of April to the fifteenth M gust. iuid provides a jienally of ten r cs for each trout caught at anv oth- F time. ktWent. |" : bland Eddy. Elk county, a few |. "'P • while twelve men were seated l. " ', , in *-'• A. Gulpli's shanty, a ; >.is biinvn down, crusiiing in the - ami four of the men were sen 's uurt though none were killed. The intoll. Reedy "s siianty F ;.^ Light and after they had retired L ;" r t r >- fell across the eating depart i,p 'i,. 1 chanty, but nobody was Li s. NtSm * ll, 4=t i| f il t tire same place I pens nail ins leg broken by the 4. oi a shanty wtiicli he was helping L.. r f T * reakn. IT t st and rains combined played [ pp-e tricks with the roads this | -• He heard of several instances l aiiis in [Hissing over spring-holes | nw4r, . v ol d of sight. What [ 'hHitrilyapiieartobebutaootn- I " --"hole often proving little less I x ban tae Western "sloughs." I drnngest freak of all occurred f ••hsville road aViout two miles I • 'idiurg. The load there [Hisses I t or [. " ''/J"- hut during the spring I k * 1 0,1 llie to i' °f l hi knoll Lty „" u Irom h'ur to six feet for a I dx rods. It is ev i- Ittj Was something the matter r "Htlerpinuing, but what, is a L r fhi out- 1 ' 1 ' I '"' a,IJ lnake lively mu- L Uli "°Wmem i hlS SpliUg ' T ' ie WOlk ft t is gomg on in all quar • i Window Ornament. An exchange tells how to make a hand some window ornament: Take a white sponge of large size and sow it full of rice, oats or wheat. Tiien piace it for a week or ten days in a shal low dish, and as the sponge will absorb tlie moisture tlie seeds will begin to sprout before many days. When this lias fairly taken place, the sjKinge may be stisjH uded by means of cords from a book in ttie tq> of the window where a little sun will enter. It will thus be come a mass of green and it can be kept wet by ihe mere immersion of it in a bowl of water. New ltorse Disease. There is a new horse disease prevail all over the country, but as yet chiefly in the cities. It attacks the heels and fetlock joints, causing them to swell, and in severe cases they break open, pro ducing a running sore that sometimes ulcerates to such an extent that the hoof drops off and the horse has to be killed. It is said by the best authorities to be the effect of the horse disease that pre vailed last fall. The treatment advised is to feed bran mashes, wash the foot with warm water and smla, after which rub dry, and if the swelling continues poultices with bran mashes. Bargain. We would call the attention of all who desire a good investment, to the adver tisement of the 8., N. 1. & P. R. W. • in another column on this page. Special-tax Payers Will do well to notice the advertisement of the Collector of this District in an other column on this page. .4 New Way. While the bones of our slaughtered soldier-boys are scattered over a hun dred battle-fleldsall tiie way round from Bull Run to Appomattox, the monu ment to their memory is scattered around the Court House Square. Everybody nowadays has their fling at that luiflnishtd pile, but just at is it far! liettei performs its puri.ise than would tiie neat shaft and polished tablets of the architect's design. It is a lit emblem of the unfinished career, the broken life, the violent death and rough burial that were the soldier's fate, i The 3otli is D. coral ion Day. Why ; not, on that occasion, plant a few flowers and climbing vims aronud the rough l stones, and the work will be complete. Visit tlie School. i The spring term of the Graded School is drawing towards a close. Now is a good time to visit it and see its working. j : Wag-on*. Some of our shops have a fine lot of heavy wagons on i xhibit ion in the Court House Square. Tuose wishing to pur chase will do well to examine them. — Patronize your home manufacturers and they will patronize yeu. This isn't ex actly free-trade doctrine but it is sound economy. Dickens* Works. We saw, at the to k-store of Thomp son and Mann, the other day, the first two numbers of the new illustrated edi tion of Charles Dickens' works. They are nicely printed on fine [[ier and sub stantially iKjuml in cloth. Thisisacom pleteeditinn and willcoiitnin everything, including the Mysti ry of Edwin Droud. It puts the works of the great novelist, in a neat, convenient form. Where They (>o To. The following is going the rounds ot the press. It is said to be founded in fact: A story is told of an editor who died, went to iieavt ii, but was refused admit tance lest he should meet some delin quent subscriber and bad feelings In-en gendered in that [eaceful clime. Hav ing to go somewhere, lie next appeared in the regions of darkness, but was [xis itivt lv refused, as the place wis full of delinquent sulisri ibers. Wearily the editor turned kick to the celestial city and was met by the watchman at the [lortals with a smile, who said: "I was mistaken—you can enter; there is not a delinquent subscriber in heaven." Let tiiis be a timely warning to those who. neglect to pay tiie printer. Change. The time for leaving this place of the Port Allegany stage has been changed ■ from eight o'clock in the morning to half [>ast nine, stopping for dinner at Roulet in jilace of Port Allegany, as heretofore. Passengers can be sure of good, clean meals at Boyington's. The stage reach es Port Allegany about half an hour be-} fore arrival of the train for Buffalo. Trial J. L. Allen, et al., vs. Geo. Nichols, L. H. Kinney, ct ah Win. V. Keating, et a!., r.s. A. M. Baker and Luther Baker. Joseph Smith r.s. M. T. Seibert. Mar tin V. Prouty rs. Perry Smith. Geo. Nichols, et a/., vs. J. L. Allen. Summit Twp. rs. Martin Watson. Hamilton White vs. Homer Brundage. Wm. Dent, adnor., etc., rs .Susan Rogers, et aL Geo. Nelson, tt al., rs. John Bu chanan. W. T. Jones rs. W. Clinton ai d WE Burleson. Wm. McDougall rs. Wm. Dalrymple. et al. Wm. J. Warner rs. Lyman Dibble. R. K. Young, exec., rs. James Glaspev. O. J. Sjiufford rs. W. C. Alberger, et er'. O. J. >pa fluid rs. W. C. Alberger. C. J. Curtis rs. W. W. Arnold. Joseph Mann and R. L. Nichols rs. Sally Sloat, et al. Jennie Picket, etc., rs. Benjamin Picket. C. Knowlton r.s. D. P. Reed. M. T. Seibert rs. Charles Jucklin. R. Corbin & Bros. rs. Miles White. Dan iel Smith rs. J. S.. P. C. & B. R. W. Co.; Benjamin Card >s. same; Reuben Caid rs. same: John K. Burt rs. same: Alex. McDowell rs. same. Win. Dent, admr., etc.. rs. Edmund Cain, et al., | heirs of Redner. £OQI Notices. To receive prompt attention commu- ' nicotians in relation to subscriptions : and advertising should be addressed , to S. F. HAMILTON, Publisher. . "ti k i ~ Sg§S2 5, ™ C c' ri cl ri i- I i a 10 ? = S 5 d '• ~ s®pgg„* •O * < *5 -s el 8 -2 nTTTjis * w < -at H . m | CO S s S3 -i * o £g | J 4 li M i . i 3 J m °\ ? - - - t: ~~g ttTT i co 1 3**2" <s"ss s as s |_ % -X L So i uj = ; [— s: o ei el * tl I tij i "' ' | 147 ANTED. —Fifteen yards good rag \ y Carpeting. Apply at tliis office. rLANTS.—Verbenas at 10 cents each or SI. 10 per dozen. Also Dahlias. Ge raniums, Salvias, etc,, at equally low prices. Asparagus, Rhubarb and all kinds Vegetable Plants Grown and for Sale bv M. B. Pbince, May 7. 1-73. Wellslx,ro, Tioga Co., Pa. :-r~Or!ers given to JOHN M. HAMILTON, v. 11 receive attention. J Elilridge Bros., of Wcllsville, are s[>e cial agents for the Woodward & Brown. Chickering, Weber and Mallmshek pi anos; also, general agents for George Woods A Co's. park >r and vest ry organs. These organs are superior to any reed organ made in America at the present ; time. It will jniy any [lereon to exam ine the instruments sold by Messrs. El ilridge Bros., if they are intending to purchase a piano ar organ. Eld ridge Bros, also make a specialty of tuning and repairing ail pianos and i organs. 4L-2 The Purest ami Sn rtlett Cod-Liver Oil is 1 >•. t■;••• H:h -•> . •• . !••!"••. f ir,t j .s-lt 1 ' t v r,l ■ Catnell, Hazard .f Co., ' N"-v York. It ix absolute. % pure nu ! sic-et. t' - 1 ti lata wllO have once taken It prefer It t>. nil olb- : ers. Phrslclans bave tied led it superior to ai y : of the other oils la market. 3S-4 "^'OTICE. —Sealed Proposals forbuild a4 i g a Ltri Jire over Lie All p-r.euy River at lite 1 s>; of Mail, street, tu the ISoro'igh of l oade-si >rt, 1 ' .vlll be received until the first MONDAY of Jm ! -xt (June 2-i . Saul Itri Igr to lie built in accor dance with the Draft ani yßClltlllWß In the , hands of Dan Baker, which Draft and Specilh a tioufi can lie seen by cailins on him. :c. it 8, 1 41 Br order of the Town Council. Before purchasing elsewhere call and examine the SI XGEU M ACIIIN E. A. M. Reynolds, Agent. Office in Oimsted Bosk, kCUiOTSSCrt, iZ. 7|"40 the Real Fstafe Owners in the 80-1 1 ROl Gli OF COUDERSPORT.— Take No tice.—That you who have a: ie-*.va!ks o. t of re i cair will have the same put In good repair Itefore the Second day of JLSF next under the supervi- j sioii of Kenj. Reunells, the Street Commissioner, j without further notice. May 3,1373-4t By order of Town Council. Si BSf niPTltVis to ti c RnfTalo D.aily "Ex pro-*" and ihe Elntira Daily "Adver ti-er" received and lorwauled In IT-Iy Arthur B. Mann. Notice to Collectors of Comity Taxes. By reference to the Act of March 28. l s 7 ', en titled "An Act to clianre t!;e mode of ;ev\ im: and col ecliug tiie dog taxes iu tiie County of Potter." ; it will !e sei-n that .lie duties heretofore exer cised by t lie County Cunitnisd >iiers are liereafter to Is- ]s-rf,.rnied by the Directors of the severa' Sch<K>, Districts res|e>-tive v. Ibe C->;v -tors of county taxes fori he year 1573. wid therefore take notice that they are n >t to eoliect the dog taxes carried out < u their dup i i caies. as the County Commissioners have n >au ' thoriiy to lew said taxes. Bv order oi the Board. 11 B. t OLE, Cierk, Coinmissioiiers' Office, May 2,1573. The Elrnira Adveftiser. j A DAILY Ay D WEEKLY JOURS AL FOR THE I'EOELF.. The News Paper of this Section. LATEST NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. THE D 4 11. V 4DVEKTIVER ! a morn ing paper published every day except Sun- I 0,._.1t is pubilshevi st such an available jvomt, that it is able to give ail the latest news to a very j extensive territory earlier than it is po slble for ' a:r> other journal to supply it. Over a large por 'ion of Mit iTiFKN NEW YORK ami NORTH- ; ERN I' ENNS YL V A NIA it reaches |>ohits early in ' the morning, and west of Elmira even to the Lake it ia in ADVANCE BY MANY HOCKS of any metropolitan journal. Its "specialties ami features Oat recommend it j to tiie public are numerous and known far and wide. It is the representative journal of Southern New- York and looks earnestly and persistently to the interest and advancement of that portion of the State. It has an interest in aud care for the large and constantly increasing in population, wealth ami iKiwer of" Northern Pennsylvania, and although printed in another state seeks by all reasonable means to forward it ou the high road of prosperity and weaith. THE SPECIAL FEATURES of the ADVERTISKBare: its full, latest Telegraph ic intelligence from all quarters; its faithful re ports of tne daily Markets at all the Commercial Centre# of the country r its comments on political and passi g events and its fuU, fresh and readable iocal intelligence. It combines all the best features of a first-class general Newspaper and a first-class local journal. The WEEKLY ADVERTISER Is a large, eight-page, fl:ty-slx column newspaper, issued every Thussday, aid contains the cream of the Dally edit on. It is e>p"cia!i* addressed ami Intended for that large an ! intelligent class of community who re si 5- fig the great main lines oi communication and the facilities for reaching whom make it impos sible to supply themselves with a daily pap".-. For these, besides the late general aid local i neware p. ovided reports of local agricultural in terests ami full reports of late uiarkeis for country produce. It is eminently a readable paper and furnishes in eace issue a va,t amount and variety of reading matter. TLUMS. DAILY, fkr YDR IS 00 j ! WEEKLY, " SOO In the matter of the petition oP ; In the Orphans' W*. D. AfHEUiON Court of PoU *or the itartiUu.i oi ills cerate of ■ ter Conntr. VVm. ArHK.tTON, dee'.z.-ed. J No. is J. To James O. ATUESTON aud HIE is Atheeton. Take notice that, in pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of 2'otter Omity, Inqus-r.i -rs ap pointed by salt Court will meeton the premises of j the said William Athertoa, deceased, oa the roth j day of May, A. 1)., ]-;s, for the purpose of inakiog i partition of the same, at arhieh time and place you i can attend if you think proper. ifS-t JOHN 8. MANX & ?ON, j April 85, 1873. Attn*for Prtltion'r. Bankruptcy fU. MARSHAL'S OFFKE, < H*. ft. of j'-n,isylcania. ( Pirrs'arKOA, April -, IS,®, i Tns 18 TO GiTf. NOTtt E: 1 hat on the s;fi day of March, A. I>. 1-73, a vv'arrant in Ba;ikruptc> issued against the Estate of Charles Seeiy of ! : Hector Township in the County of Potter and state of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a I Bankrupt, on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of aw, property t-eiong : iiitr to such Bankrupt, to him or ins use! and the ■ the transfer of any property by him are londd-len > by law; that a meeting of the Creditors of thesani . Bankrupt, to prove their Debts and to choose one , or more as-ignees of his Estate, w ill tie hel l at a ; Court of Bankruptcy, to fie hoi leu at the otlb-e of F. E. Smith. Es p, In the Borough of Tioga, Tioga Co., Fa., tieiore F. E. s;:n:h, Icq.. Register, oa the 17th dav of Mav, A. 1). 1873, at 10 o'clock, a. ui. .JOHN HALE. 3-—4 U. & Marshal /or said District. Administrator's Sale. BY VIRTUE of an order issued out of the Orphans" court of Potter County and to me directed, hearing date of February 20, 1873, I will expose to sale by public outcry on 51outlay j the NINETEENTH day of MAT, A. D., at 10 o'clock, j a. m., on the premises, the iollowing described ; real estate, all situate in township of Hector, coun | ty of Potter and state of Pennsylvania, to wit: i Bounded Nby lands of Hiram Warren; Ehy Lucieu B'rd lot; sby iands of if. C. Jones; Wby i Innds of John L. Haven. Contoinino aiiont forty . acres with atout twenty acres imp. ived. Aio. ! Bounded N by Altniua Sunderland ; E by U. C. Jones, s by 11. C. Jones, Hen. Sutton and s! Swiin lar; W lit Geo. Parker. Containing a'Kiut twenty acres, aisout fifteen of which are improved. To be sold as the pn perty of JOHN SCNDERLIN, deceased. Tena?: oue-tuird cash, one-third in six : months and baia ice in twelve months after con i fl rotation. C. IV. BEACH, 39-3 Admr. E-t. Jno. Sunderiin, deed, i Sunrterlinville, Pa., April 25, is. 3. Administrator's Notice, ; V'HEREAS, letters of Administration to the es tate of Noah Crittenden, late of Oswayo, Potter Co., Pi., deceased, having been granted to the -tubscri. er, ail j ersoiis indebted to said estate ar<-- requestad to make immediate payment, and the.-- ; having claims or demands against the estate of ' the said decedent will make known the same, without delay, to CATHERINE J. C RITTENDEN. j Oswayo, April 11,18.3. AdmnMratorN Notice 1 , "ITTifFREAr. I - iters Admini-trnti. >n tolhc TV K-i,it<- cf >. 1". B. How -, ate of Bingham twjk. Potter•(', deceased. having b; en g. aided 'o tite subscji' er, ail i>er- * intlebied to said es tate ate requested to make iaiuicuinte pavnient. and tiio-e hav ing claims or demands again*', the estate of s id decedeui wi: make known the same with nit de ay to J. E. RAYMOND, Bingham, May 7, 1873. Administrator. frniirdhn's BY VIRTUE of an order of the (irphaus' Court of I'otter County, aitd to nie directed, I sliai exo.>-e fv.r sate at pub ic vendue <>r our re i HUKMDAY. the Fifth day of .1-ip, A.j>., 1st;:, | at one o'clock. p.m.. on the premises in Si.aron ! town drip as ttie pro)*- ty of Geo. W. HttmpLrev and flattie Be!i Humphiey, min >r c .it iren of A. W. Humphrey, 'ate at Sharon tp , d . tied, tl;e following dew i.vd real estate, -t.iLite in Miarou tp., Potter county. Pa., to wit: No. I.—The undivided one- onrth part earh of it • ■ iriract of twin], beginning al |i-l corner on b>-S ; batik the "-wayn Creek in /he Wine of God oc- I cupi dby IV. J. >trk weather; tliene- Btw . huo dr d aud two P'-rth l upei corner; thetiCe VV ei.h tv-flve ai.d s- ven-reuth- p rrh t„ the S K earner of a . •; surveyed for H-ary Main u; ihecce. by line of | said lot, 5 "lie hundred au I niuety-cip lit p aches to :he O.Tcayo Creek; thence up the Sb nk i the -aid : C eek to plaee of begiuniDg. Coat si ing uuo bua dred aud eight acres, more <>r less. No. Z—The undivided one.f„arti: part • job of aii aher lot -iniAted ,< ab ve. b gianieg ..! >H c '-r •I M ch.w Lamb's ianil: ih uee 8 f riv.s 'veil psri hes top is, corut r; iheuce W one bnnd ■■ and five p 1 ' ■ p st corner; iliemn N fony- 'even 1 - ; e:ies t p st ; <• <ruer: tie nee. by line of Mii-hnei'- land Eone ). a dnd aud five ggrchet i • p'are t bag liming. Gob. taining ihi :r aud ei_'ht-teiiths acres, m.-re or less. ; and bciug p,rt o' t. No. ZlTb. No. .3—The undivided one-fourth part eaeh of an other Kit -ir.iat. da- above, begiuuiug at a p-si ih- N jr, oruer of !ad c iuveyed in jfobn e-t, lot N,i. S ; ' the are \V one liundrsi p- rebea t • post c ■> iier: tbeuee I N eighty.f..ur prilm to a p si ti.v N E r nuev f lot >1 ; iheuee E ue hundred perche- to a p ,-t corner; thence S eiviity-fonr p. rches to place •>! l vitiuii g. Coi.tainiug Sfiy-twoand fivi, be rbe sam more or i- -s. Is iuv lot No. 47 of allotment of Keating iands iu Sharon township and part of Vv t. No. ii.'A. The above describcii real estate is held as ten .Hits in common with Ne.son l' who i owns tie uiidiviiletl < ne-lta.f tiieieof. Terms one thi <i eoahirn'- ci n of suie. one-third iu one i year and one-thiid in two years tl.eieafter. JAM Lb IL \\ RIGHT. Sharon, May 9.1873. Guardian. i , REPORT OF AI'DITOPvS OF HOMER TOWN SHIP FOR 1572. DR. To orders outstanding 125 93 " balance due on judgments 2- 51 CR. By Coin'r's certificate of Road Tax 20176 Cash " 75 45 j " cash ou hand i i 5 BaL ol indebtedness over twp. funds S .0 y.< | I CKOSBT, J. E. EABLE, ) 413 Clerk. G. H.G.UE-,/ An<lltors REPORT I.)F THE AUDITORS OF HEBRON TOWNSHIP, APRIL 1873. DR. ; To orders in circulation 563 89 due on judgtueuts 1007 71 CR. By certificates of taxes ret'd for "72 420 35 due from county treas 64 33 " Jno Metzger. sup.,'6B 27 18 Albert Reed, " '72 "4 94 Collector for 1872 87 93 Cash on hand 7o 00 ludwbtedness over township funds *836 87 J. B. CAKMER. SYLVESTER GREEMMAN, Citrk. C. W. GOKAM. Auditors. Also one order for *IOO. No. 17. (registered on page 17 of order-book B.) draw n to Norman Slier wood, which is believed to have been obtained by fraud and will n>t l>e iaid tiy the Township unless compelled by law. WESLEY ALLEN, Su2>ervUor. SYLVESTER GREEN MAN, J ~,, _ C. W. CORAM. i Auditors REPORT of the AtKlitorr, of f'.nlnlla Township. ArBIL 8, 1878. Dr. To town orders in circulation. 6*6 "1 Due on Judgments . 1075 09 Cr. By receipts for taxes returned 179 50 •' cash on hand 21 00 $ 99650 Bal. of Indebtedness over twp. fun-is iISS> 51 H. A. NELSON, T. B. ABFOTT, > . „ Clerk. Almerok NELSON,/ The SINGER is a lock-stitch machine airil makes a beautiful, even and uniform stitch which will not ravel and isalike on Loth sides. It hems, braids, cords, tucks, embroiders, ruffles, fells and does all binds of work on t lit tinest muslin or the heaviest full-cloth. TV-ANTED, Agents and Pedulcrs for our >V PREsS and SI HAlNEii.—Pre>ses ai d <-i.wins jam-, Jellus, herb-, vegetables, lard, rai low, meats, cheese, etc. Over 6t,oU>.' sold iu a few localities, sells quick. Every family wants it. Sewing Machine and other established agent? are finding this very profitabie. Circulars Free. I.ITTI EFIELD A DAME, "oj Wahjjjg-on Street. B-"ton. h'.Ti AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The untlersiged having r-esu apporatei by the Court of Qwigna PtitcrCwiat} anguiii- j tor to dis; ;nin= the fund- the .".a., - of the n.K , ministrat:-<-f tin c-'ute of P. L. Cort ;u, dece.a-i-i,! nere'iy give- notice that he wEli attend to the d:- ues of the apiLdiit .lei.t at hi-•; Nv int tc Borough 1 : of Conderspnit or. TUESDAY, the isnt i day of Jttue next, at ten o'clock a.m., at which time ami place creditors of the estate and others iut-resrctl can attend if thev see fit. 9. 8. GREEN MAN, I 4'3Tis. i *s. Auditor. I ; Divorce Notices. I Lovina D:cKtN-<yN "j by herncxi fiiend. j In the Cuirt of Common Chas. A Jones, y l'U*a> of Poller Co. No. i'.. I 14"., rrep:. Term. 1-7Z Jeuomf: Dickinson , Jerome itesjioudent above named, wi 1 p eu.-e take n itiee ' "it a -u pn in awl a!:;• subpd iia have Ixs-n i-sue.7 Hid returned niiii:; you ate tiierefure hereby mjuiretl to appear <m : the fust day of next Court, June 9, is. - to answer to the complaint made in thi- case. . I s. P. KEY NOEDS, Sheriff. Cotnlersport, May 16,1873. Ambrose It. Wood) In the Court of C unmon ' rx > Pleas of Potter t'o.. No. Stlvama Wood. S lli Sept. Ter m, 1872. ' Sylvani i Wo si. Respondent above named, will piease take nolice that a sitbisen t and a i t- -nb i P en t have been issued end returned niuil; vou are therefore kerebv retptiied to appear ->u'tiiv fit -t day of next Court. 9. 187::, to answer to the coiupiaint iu this ease 9. P. REYNOLDS, Shcr.J. ' Condersport, May 16, 1873. Court Proclamation. the Hon. H. W. YYili.iams. Presi- T t dent Judge, and the Hons. I.vman N elsi>n ana Jons M. Kilboi kne. Associate Judges id : tue Couj ts of >yer a 'Terniiner and Genera. Jai De.ivery, quarter Sessiousol the Peace, i npitans" ! Court and Court of Common Pleas for tne County ! ol Potter, have issued tlieii precept bearing date ! the Fifteenth day of June, in t lie year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and seventy-two. : and to me directed, for itoi ling a Court of Oyer I A. terminer and General Jab De ivery. tjuarier i se—ions Of the Peace, orphans' Court and Court ofC iniu n Plea-s. in tin- B rough of Coudersport. Oil >Io <laj , the J'mi.i day of JUNE and • to continue < ne week. Notice i- liieiefore hereby given to the C.-r - ners. Justices of the Peace and Ccnstab'es wit . in lue C iiinry, tiiat they In- then and there in Uieir ! p.op'-i jie.- us. at 10 o'clock, a. in., ot said day, w jtn their roiis, records and inqui ui. n>, exanii- ' nations and other remembrances to do these thing? which to their olhces apjß-rtaiu to Ik done. Ami those who an; bound by tiieir reeogni/ziuces ' to prosecute ug:iin-t the |ir i- ne; - tiiat a. eor -hall be in ll.e Jaii of County ■>! Potter, are to le then aud ftiere to prosecute agaiu-i litem as will j Le just. Dated at Coudersport, May fit. 187.". and the ;>7 h year of the Independence of the i nl:ed stales of Aluetica b. I". REYNOLDtS, 8/ieriJf. : SHEBIFFS SALI. p A* VIIITUE of subdry writs of Yen- I ) lit; iui Expo;. Fen Fit : -.-. L >a 1 Ka- i-.- du, Bur Mortgage,ted out of the Court of Com mon Pass of Potter County, Pa., a;al to me direct ed, I shall expose to pm-i:c sale or outcry, gt the : court iiouse ia Co . lei sport, oa MONDAY", the J ninth day of June, 1 -73, ai cue o'clock, p. m., the ' lOijOWlllg -l'.'Srtlocf tracts or parcels of iai.'l, To ; i Wit; Ct rtnin real estate situate in theCoun- • ty of Potter, iu the towusnips tes, ective.y,asfol- ' ! lows; WtsNos f ny six hundred and forty-one (46*1); and forty-six nunuied and tuiiy-two i ;o.g), e.tcu ' C0n.,.in..!-- nine ..untiled and ninety IW) aeies, J iiiiiiC aud slid.ite iu JacKSuli lowusulp. — YY ,s 7- s lorty -i> iitm-jreu and lot i.v-ctgut iP.Jsi . forty -ix hundred and ttity-one tio li. i iriy -ix bundled and tUtydWii t ,'>"jj. iurtydr tiuuiiteo ' ami Ut ty-i. i ice a.rt., handled and hit;.- futii (ftuiaod t irty-six hundred tud fonyrae. I each e -iiuiiiiing, i'e-jicetivc;y, uiire tihiid.-ed and 1 ninety iA .-. six ..uudied an i i-nly-one (641) -a I uuaured and mueiy -nve (of ), foui iuiuoivd ami | uinety-nve (49 ). t'-ur uunu.ed aud uinety-nve ! , n.cj.uid nine Hundred an t ninety (9>j) acres,! | tllol cor ics-s a,l sin.Ue iil West tbalicu tp.—w I- 1 N ts forty six nun ir- d and eigaty seven t46?7), j , forty-seven uuiutred and seventy-seven tHn), | fort;, six .. aidrett and -. veuty iih.'D, lorty scvi u ; iiuud ed (4'iiAJ), forty-.-eveu hundred and Uvc ; ti',? |, and forty-seven iiiuMitil and twmiydi ' i .1-6,. each ei iii..ii .L, nine hLiitUicU unit ninety t'' i ..i-tes, iii.'i.e oi *ess, and v, i - >*-iuily-itine . nundred and iwebty-tnroe and forty-nine Itiuidivd and iwctny eigul (49Z6),e.icii comaiu ilia elaat in tid.eil ..Jai i .HV <s*i j ami Pig..l IUU u; -.1 and t Igiiiy-ave >- - ;a a es. mow' : ,e..and j .1. . ?i; r.atc in V* ua; r n tp. ink s-dil as inc pio- t i pcilyx'l 1 UA.-CIS V'. li'-e-ULa. AL-'-O. cetlniii i ;.l -. e-flllc tit the bo- j ro an ol Li-wi-viire. Pte. cu., boun-ieii and de s- rtv-- •l.i.iow-: Beglliliilig al po-l COUlei ill W j an- - ni Ju • ii-ckeit la tu 4U p L of N E cor- I i.ei ol .--..lit; Yi ..lunro 's lot ; lueli. e \Y s pelciK.- J io a c*i t. . ; t ii<-nee iy j -eicaes to a corut r iu N .me of .uaiy .a MldtfU tela I. s -.a..ed ; ; tot uce, aiuug N .inc ol -siu nit, E -8 peico-y- to a ; . cmuei in ft ,ioe ot JuHdckea wt: Ha art, | a • i.g V, nneci-ai i onoHacKeit.--t,N 2>* jieieues to p.ate ui beginning. CoMHtiiiiiff out aete oi ; uuni. suict nteasuie, on whit-n i- erected one aid .;. -111; house. A ixn, anut hrr int tit tinted i as at . s,iidan I a.'joiiiiugtnc KilatxivedcsclibeU | I- una d a- it-.,0w- ; hegudiiug at a p,t m w ; due i-l J.i'i ii ickeii ...t 1 pcieii r-ol is*U ol Cieek : > uere S-ui t; f.t trusses due ut said tol; lla. not', ■ti \s .ii.e u; -.f it at, N Dpt.tin -in a t-.ouej : U.t nee X. vii Old 6 pe.cuts to a p. int 12 feet 7s ot i lower en 1 • ; mi i-rate; Utente b J-, patauei Willi ! i_ feet from lidi. race, iu jmini wm-te j i race takes watei fn n pond and oppodte N end | oi mid dam ; thence southeny aMriom race and j ■ ngsaid dam to ceutierfo<d creek-bed; them* ifij va deny iii.eeti nto point of uegiuumg with ' water piiviege ap t K .I.. tiling to stune. Alt oi j Wai. :i isiiap; li ved, w itimut- water saw-miii there- 1 • II- i be sold a- lot- piuperty ot J. U. HOl'aleS. AI.SO, certain real estate in Hebron tp.. dese. ii-ed as 1 lows; Begianiiig at a jiine lite > Eci .6vi of iajt N06601 aoOiintutui lamUiu ; iii a. eli ip., thence, by dm -ut Biugaam Estate. t. ~ pert ~t.- and > L-'irt p--.cue- 10 a Ecotnei oi E- t >u fc; tin uce, I ;> N iine id said iot, \V HI i. -to a p -.1; tutm* N 21.4 to f .ine ui EutN" ualoie.-vdd; tiieiiee, by ;ine of said lot, I E 21 > 1<: is-iciit-s lu praeeot beginning. Coui .imwj tr.7 aete- witn usual afiowaiiceoi six pei ft.'Ui.) < ing Lot Noo* oi uhouuent 01 rands of fstmui-i .1 1 ■■ ,di-eea-ed, tn Hebron tp. ami pail ol V\ t>u j-i7.. 1 v. nien au .ut lor v ate iiu i proved, wail one frame house, one iianic bnu aud some li nit uees heieun — AlM,<>ne other lot in luwiisid): a- alsivt- desctibed: Beginuingat N E comer <i Eat No 64 above described, lueute W 120 jrei ehes; tiienec lue-7 petcues; thence E 12opei t-aert; tiieneeslo 7 peiene-to p.ateul be triuiiiug. O' t uiititg 79-3 acres and being Eul . No 12 .1 uf ai.uti'.ifi.t ut iands a- above mentioned and part oi \Y t No i2,~. on which tiieie is atrout t<ii acit- improved. 1o be suid as tue property ol Geo. W. \ anw u-EN. A L>U). certain i t al estate in Ilarrisou Ip . boundedanddesciil edasfoiiuw-: N i-y iands I ot F A 1 ng.i-11 ami Y\ iiobinsuU; E by iands I ut J K Biii to ami J IV stevt 11-; nby muds oi ti j N Stone; Wby muds '-1 E I'. Pi.uiip- aiid In-itig : part 01 Wt No 1.16. OaUatuing i acies, witn ' allow ance oi 6 in-r ceiiL. lnoie or ie-s about 43 j i acres of wt.ieh are improved, with one frame j house, 1 n - fiamel-ain and some fiiiitireest dere- j " n. Also, one other iot situate a- alkive, ; bounded and descrilcd as foiluws: N by public i highway ; Eby mmls'-l Siinr..eiM'ne; >ii> lauds I "I M'liice; V> by .and- o. g Vi r-teretis 1 and being i>art of Wt No 1.129. o .aUnniug one | acie of ianil, inoie or less, ail of wlrieii is improv- I ed. with one ltaiiie liou-e and s. me o net out trui.ding- Ue ieou. To be -o.u as tue jiiojeity ol' Morkj- Kizer aud Joanna 14. >ietiaj.f. ALSO, certain leal estate in Ilarrisou , lp.. Guarded ami d< -eiibed as foikiu: N by lands 01 Voile; E l y public highway; s iw public highway; \\ by lands oi It > stone and Is-iug palls of \Y l- Ns- isi6 and 1 29. Contain ing one acre of jaiid. mote or ie—. ail of wiiieh is improved, with one nan lious*- and soirn other , out-hui.diutrs and with nii.l piivitene connected. To be so u as tne profierty oi M. I'. Mktcalt aud i | Morris Kizer ALSO, certain real estate in Bingham • tp., K-iug Lot No 193 of allotment of and? of Fox 1 ! Est-ie in Bingham t,.. ami pait- of \\ t- N'os 12*2 I and 1243. toni"- ntm/ 144.3 acres of land, about J' acres of which aie improved, with one log j house, one frame bain aud some fruit trees there- j on- To be sold a- the property of Jareh ! UOUN. ALSO, certain real estate in Eulalia tp., bounded and described as follows: Beginning ; iu centre of dei -ey > -a Tu. upUe : taenee s, 1 a.o-.c E due of a nil;, i .-.e ~ toi mud surveyed by in itmg i- Co to .v.ii,ond Woodcock to a veiiow- ; i in-h stiuup jt.-t ,n W oi na I; thence Etb.iueof; iot now in im-sev-iouoi Jonathan Uiace: tueu-.-e,! a • ug \v ,me oi said Glace lot to ceutie of -aid j Yuinpi-e load ; tta-uce W along -aid Road to ', oi I U-ginning ; ;t.-o. all the pi ivi egesof keep- • rug ami uwintauhUK a dam and keeping and re- J pal. ltig the nead and tail luiii-r a.*-*- ami ad lights . lOi iu.. i-ujoj an ut of -aid iui.l tnat was conveyed to Austin A Kii i y by (iei-d iroiu Aiim.-nd W : ood-! i ■> kto him d .te-i I-c 2>. A. D.. is-s. a UM). an other piece oi mud :t joining Hie a ixive de-ci ioed, j a- b'.iows ; Beginning at t corae. of lot on : wj.i-.-4i L i Bpahoid ivc-. thence w by brine of i silid -o; !'. l'*mls to a thence N 6 rods to j ec Hire ia I"i;. upike ro;ul; taeuce s 7 S E 1-y Turn pike ro.u! 12.3 11si-to E .ineof lot of E DsTpauurd : aioir aid : then e. on -aid E .me, s 265 rods to J place of beginning. LYm(■'/ nim/ onoacre and lol; -qaaie rod- ot .and, inoie or .ess. and is-iug pait ' ol Wt No 2122. Both lhe above lots are :ul im- : proved, with -nine fruit tree- thereon, and mere i are erected one water sawmill, two frame houses, i oue frame barn ami sirioe oth'-r out-buildings. ' To bo eoid as Hie pi openv of Henri Inoß.Ham. I oeri-,H veal estate 111 L I>cs • tp, bounded and docilbcd.Tsfo'iow-: Beginuing at s \V corner of Lot No lufi deeded to Dani sted Jany of, 15 r ; thence E 17-1 i--iches to ,i post \Y ot luad; tlieuce, a,ong hue iarl No ■, n J° W 94.8 perches to coiner of L > Diake aad Geo > u.tiis'.ed : thence N W 45 percH> to ' post and i->nes N E coriM-r oi Lot No 52 deeded lu J ) Mnitn, now li 11 Dent : tiience W 156.1 lierches to N W corner of Dot No 82 ; thence N i 11.'., jierchesta p ace of beginning. Omtttimng 13 .1 acres, nioic or le—, being Loi Nosi on the ' :ua;>? oi iands of Henry H Lk-ut in l lysses tp. and i'. rtsof Wts Nos I2ir and 1514, aboul 9' acres of which are Unproved, wiih one frame house, one ■ fian.c luin. oue frame sued and some fruit trees the.eon ro lie soid as the property of W. G. Monroe and IE C. Bailkt. ALSO, certain mil estite in Hector tp., tmunded N by lands conveyed to Pemlietton )'. Moni-. admr of e-iate ol John Adnim. dee d, and Lot NO 88 of aiiotutent of lauds uf Bingham E-iate: E by uuseated iands of BlligihUli lc-late; 5 by unsold i.tmis afores.iid and E is No>6i ami 201; aud W by Lot No2ol aforesaid and lad No An c-utracted to Wni Look*. Contain,ny 134.9 acres, more or ;c—. being Ixit N062 of ahotiiient I ui Biugnam lands in ileciortp. abWesaUl and part of WiNo i7;o. aisjtit 3o .u-n-s of wuich are im i proved wim one log barn, one log house and some 1 frnit trees tiieieou. To be >o.-d a? trie properly 1 of Hiram Ei>dt. AL>(). certain real estate in Hector ip_ iKiiin.ieii ~n . described as foiiod's; N by EMs Tomb: t. by uiw\ud jvtne, AiourobkuiUdi and Hni.y Dougia—: 6by Aiou/o QRiorierand Bmg- ' nam ia.l-s ; \\ oy Cnaries .swim ar an > Win Ai Dotigia-s. an i being parts ol Wts Nos 1157 aui ■ 14*".*. Co,tail,my l7u aeies. more or R-.-s, about 7oacres oi are impn ved, witn one irame ■ house, one frame ba.u. out-bui.dings ami Mine I ; fruit uees lucieou. Tobesoid a-tne property ol CriAhl.Es SEELV. S. P. REYNOLDS, Coudtrsport, ilvj 16, 1873. tshirijr. \ j File Buiralo, N. Y. & I hiia. Kailwa) Couiijai!) offer for sale, AT A BARGAIN, the bonds reuiaia i lug over and above those already retired by tire Towns themseives—being of the following Towns along the line of its Railway, viz.: S6OOO of Olean. N. Y. sisuo of Macnias, N. Y. —Sot*u retired ou a Bund. s**ouU of t rankiinville, N. Y. SSBOO of Yorkshire, N. Y.—s2oo re tired on a Bond. The Bond- are of lluOO each, bearing interest z seven percent., and are a "FIRST-CLASS" SAFE SECURITY." For particulars address 21. f. Lymau, Trees., P. O. Drawer 175, BrvrALO, N. Y". United Ntatcs Internal Revenue. Notice to Special-Tax Payers 0 The law of December 24,1372, requires every ser son engaged iu any buslne-s, avocation or eoip.oy ment which renders hltn liabie to a SI'KCJAI. TAX,- ; to procure ami place conspicuously in hi* es ! MtUshment or p-'ace of i>usi,u. * dcuoiiug the payment of the Special Tax before courruenciug Kusineßs. '1 he ta.-.e* emlra* within the provision-of la a aiKWt quoted arc the follow tug, \tz.: Rectifiere S2OO 00 Dealers, retail liquors *5 do " w hoie?a;e liquor iob 00 " in mail iiquora, wiiole-ale Isj uo " " retail 90 ou " in leaf tobacco 25 oo [ Retail dealers in leaf tobacco s*/u DO taii-l on sales of over sloOu, fifty cents for every ilollar iu excess of iioou.) Dealers in manufactured tobacco. 5 00 Manufacture s of stills s*j cj and for eacu still or worm inanafactored SOW 0, toiifiCfO 16 06 " cf cigai-s 16 (w Pe 5 "iersoft'fi acco, i-t clj-s nor* than 2 borsf-; s'.* 4*o " " 2-Jcla.-; ihjrse-! 25 60 " "3d " U horw-y 15 oo " " 4!h " ou foot or public coaveyaace to 00 Br.' vers of ><? tl.ati ft-v barrets... sot<o " 5-.'o bai rrts or more 100 00 Aay t>r-r- n who shall fail to coniplr with the • foregoing rcqiilrtmeLU whl Le subject to .-evere ; peitalUes. Sf-eciaKtax pay er- throughout the United States are reminded that they miu-t make application to Lie Collector (or Deputy Collector) of their re -lective districts, aud procure the proper stamp for the Special-tax year, commencing May j, 1873. i without waiting for further notice. 44eo*-;re rinbh. Col. Jut. R.r. fSi.'i Ins;. Pa. : A442-4t V iihaiu-port. Pa. I IPIAA-IILT ANT) ORNAMENTAL j a Oil i'KL\ Tl><; PKOMPTLI EXEUI TED AT THE DFFICE OF THE JOURNAL AND NEWS ITEM. I I I jPHOfOIiBAPHS! ! lUvtv, Jirr.u;g' •' s*y v !*• obudis 4.1 hue I Csriululionn of p>hio SO to 1 BEAt'lliTL rUOTMMIS. I l pectfßSJy joiivit your i-atieo-i©'- I make ail the lead In e M>fcs ol Photographs and Ferreotypes, frm a Ciili PicTvkb to a Ijs£-iu£ Portrait —finished in I2ST3DX A. I3STK, WATER COLORS or OIL COPYING *f OU Pictcres initio a .;w<-!ai A iai&t: stock of Walnut, illosclieou and £>ttt Picture Frames Square and < vol, <ll H<2Sl> AKD FO3 fALft Ail work guaranteed to give sati>fa*4i a. fri. T. LYNDE : Photograph Gallery, SECOND STREET East of P.IAIiN. (Dike's BuiUlinyJ CGUDERSPORT, PA. i ' " ~ * BOOTS and Sf-tOES ! Q John Denhof, , Wocld respectfully inform the citizens that lie continues 'iie manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES al his new .Stm t, ' KAIN STREET below MARKET, i (Si.uiii cf tU Bridge,) | All work done in a workmanlike manner reusmialtie rates, i AND A GOOD J IT Glt A KAXTEKD Give hiiu a call. COUDEESPOKT CLOTHitsC STORE! Al l, KINDS up Ready Made Clothing, ' SATS, Ca?3, PSJI'ES, TAL 3£ GENTS FURNISHING GOODS Ccnstaotly on iuuid and for .4* j CHEAP as the CHEAPEST!! * _____ MEN' and S St ITS to rorrei>oini with iLie SEASCNI This If iti? the only Establishment Su tM : place ilevuied eawusiveiy to the (Hotuuuj ] 1 ran sell en CARER to my Customers than tho-* budo*ot louke LIAJ 1 liING a Si lualti can "furd to. ; Call and see my stuck and I will guarantee -sitiA j taction. M. L. GRJDLEY. The SINGER is t4ie Ix-st machine tor all work. According to sworn returns there were over 45.0U0 more sold last year than any other kind made. . A. M. Ut}HoiUS, Agent. mtmma * ll,mm l CJTTDSCRIBE X,, m Journal Hnu News Item. U 0 2 M. H. SlfrCE, LMPOKTER AND DEALER IN paprr jßbanfiinaa, SSthiHota OIL (IjO'i HW, Kto., No. vilH Main St., ** G* EUFFALO, N. Y. ! M-ftm *#wioff atqi morj parßttarua ei*>b u<i sni si**!* u*.> lUvrttoiisn.} snoinnj .Vjist K) < -'oqio rB [p VB •OJJVSO.L su&ailA„KAlKaHdw : ptnufl iiin( am ju tuo^nuvinußK A * V k O I V4LI 111 '1J1S Of S> "OO 1? BWVOV 'MI 'V