£ £ THE POTTER JOURNAL A. A' D HEWS ITEM. jno. S. Mann, 'Propridvr, tCLUWE XXIV, NO. 41. 7;: POTTER JOUmi AND mays item. r---_ *KEI ETSY.T FRICAT AT COI'PERSPORT • PA. f f — , r , O*••>■? m 14TS rts T**Bl> ADVX-VE. Mano. HamiltMfc -t'-r. c J. CUPTIS. Utm? at la* and District Attorney, T ■ .V.t/.VV . •".< • - / x -* ( • dbERMTiHT. PA.. s §iß Hk;.- v -S2 i< hi* pfufessiflß. ; if aitfutidß pTen t ~ AtrirrA B JOHN S VANN 4 SON. i? rfce?# at Law and f< BTfjaiiwr*. (WHWHT.I'I;, ~, - , o. t" 1 -- V' Arthir3. Mann. . Arts; A Pet sr. S S. GEtENMAN. DBNTT YYX XAXVY r. ■ • -• • I F'/MT% L'" - 'ft * . • s KRNIVr I. A_ s>.r. uixun I 3LMSTED 4 LARRA3EE. . - ■ :• > \M> riM N -FX/fc> AT LvW K. 'C. Pyvv'a. SETH LEWIS. j- —>t it la* and In-cranee Arret. : KWISV'ALLE. PA. A. M. REYNOLDS, ID E X X S X , sa .--*• - *~T I'i,lJllT. PA. Ho'jce, t Kr: i t. Pr*-: r *. i#r of **F' OH I and FA V T Streets f ' n:x.-J * irr. rr va. i't'tilfcTl WH I ?'• Ifc- ©nßV©tiWK* lV ' >- r ;• v:>- cviryi 11® ' n. r of M\!\ and \OPTH afreet*. LKWJ-YI! ! E. I'A >d staK ner?iarl**i. PEARSALL 4 WE3STER, PAJNTEP S. *g* • s Tf s>F r>Vli -V - : •; C libEBSFoBT. PA. • "**. Oialotee. I ~ . - •. • _• - -A -.-rr-r**-Y.J ♦ -&*. A!yi ii* ' r rr.Ar t i t ' f d . * ASr r \ * i • - -n <. * ay v T 'JtiMOCAV 9 t Of lirer*. M 4ic : n-. BaVs Far::* : P*** t S ei< w*u nnf.iz. ■ \r .r(rr'.^, ?*IEREPORT, PA. S. F. HAMILTON. E331 AND JOB PRINTER * -' M ► 1- T5• 1. ' •"!'ERSPORT, PA. C M ALLEN. *~"ra! and Mechanical Ienti-t. I.KWI-sVILLE. PA. 1 ' ' ; - to r. D. J. CROWELL. % A>? M \J!f>MN<;.Caia-r-ri r-v. I'a. w ":_ ' = CfTsHISGLE MACHiyEi> ir • -' 'i.aart: ■ ■Jf " KM ▼ ▼ Tl n r — • WAAii wtMiti, o ii s is i jr n . PAINTER, COUDERSPORT, PA. ''KADIM, r.! PATER HANRINti d no -atne>(> aii dispatch. . -*f •" a manuittML ,{ WiF.R HOUHE *" -'? iia. 1 >- K. Ca RRIAGE factory. 14 ' r DERjIPOBT. PENN'A. i_ . .. , .. h. •• . ?: yt-sn.-. VJJz - 'Jai* Tr.sßiuta4 ibfairivtee j tti ,• a..: ...-a....::... f "*■ *. "Z* **- iaaa-1! C. BREUNLE. Mv UHLE woiik, COT"I>R R- P< ;.RT. PA I' '•* : Ll 1 "I*n 1 *n —.Jrr. **• v *o-T of Jor . ?r~w f 4, ,'i. iK-J. Guild's SigxaL Two wfet-afe*. atri ojw. Tbat -j-j-ti tir 'iipowr— I TVu a ibe -asml tbil Odd. "ti. aM . Gar* t.. bh i> a: A* tcj -tijai 'fjo detfis; ia lai tbaet tot is U* wz2i. OB l UW IftZ. twwe tLe fano, !;taj * ia". h* sf^i. A* abo 4 insi - gr+rttaz. **-mu b j duaU. Yc-t. i© ut u oat, V.'urLii,;ii',i * r.iae. {*■• wieufc. Low < as • Bkkißicfea ro ai-'ji ~._J wt£U that vp. t© Tro, ff (fiiii;nr wai utg. goj n' At:" it H B-iX -;ar * iawn. twlaCae. i-> m aires iN. in©. air! tvirter- ?i4 >wsr*d a. It*- -iti - -awT*. Br>Ae tbnfl{h rli<- > t' iv? attdw •it ** Or. y hb iie." tVy sail Samn-.r-r ircd ! st©r - *■ i -rlrtir. I.i .io' t© ft ' ■-■' i "...str tx IVrvnl thr .'gSi Ibe kacMhts Nwm3 o'frfrtd. F*-w ' •* n ".* -'r w'*- n t'r -* mi •< I JVe j-. ~*V fr"*v tU ©*>.-' 2: !< t ~To-" —g nssL:l* ii. Natx w tirfiL it m >.s-l no bkw. I Fran Stoeiecti awr Bb-de U'ar.l vVrr. A;! :V f A .3 I'wT's ■-! -so ! on 01.l earrit's ' i-i crown bakal with ice {"caks and veiled with fpnit. ni"ke and snow. !is _ e a nation, or rather a race of sr-Nttercl trills of dwarfol mow wen, at least of men who burrow in HUT and reitfn ver those ri te of r.'.c miut kiu Then pss-d of j -k. a 'iesert san>i : rift or a field • •f ice. Am oner th%* strange people. Hitb ' ; t' - - •. : . ' • i.-at '. • Ar tie zone, at the foot of a liis*h. •ilari>. moonlain *t'>wl a low cabin built of great tough sttw* nd tit trunks of j-iiic- trees driftt* to tiiat coast ly the winds and waves. Ont-ide if tias nik- frame * f w and eCone the har 1 flinty m 3 of this sterile region wa- j.-ilcl up and spuad over t" keep oat far as pnssMc {the dreadfol frosts of t'.ie long, ter i riWe night of winter, which lowed to -■.rv-..d dark, ai 1 stormy, an 1 {egn over t'ds its na'line land. Tint "H t!ie dav of iilncfi I am jgS ! ing to >[-eak, the wfcflig iK>rth bi I 'was wondronsij beautilol in its I short-lived summer jarb. The Imeuy. mountain tops glittered an I flatbed . like great TLbc j wel-crovns on ti:* bende of a boot of Tflts king- stead ing vast, grim and glorious above the —rrn—rlilig plains anl water* Their I -are. slopimr sides an>l sii the brown rocks and ie t: nz cl: T- and era it 4 were doAbg and goldt-n in the slant veilow nnimhinf that gilded' and glorified that nigged mountain scene. Hr>w lovingiv that long excluded rev-ilel an7k and -mnny and seemed longing to make up for its long, long absence. T..e iamatea of t buricl cabin were frt->-i at last fr iu t-..e.r 1- r g winter ia j *" •"oo" ent. a: i that low. heavv i- r "j>en . tlie 1< 1 light and air •-f Heavers once more and out f. :n it- cave like interior came a j >y ful thaodtsgirmg song fr >m a full heart. tl*ankiug the Ureat Source "f light for the return of sunlight to the outer world ami for a gunlight with in that n ver knew any * -Tig. chili shadowing, tiial warmed h.-tirt and home tltere w- n < day—the light of I'iviue and human love. And while thus the missionary ni' ther sang away tire hour- •? labor before the return of the father, one of the children walked quite away, as: 1 and thankless. He fouti 1 no pleasure in thejojs of doing good, he km w not. though he had often l?i told, why bis parents had left their pleasant bther-land. and come to this inhospitable sh re to live in poverty for other-, when tsn-y have live> in affluence f-r t hems* Ives, uudc-r t.,e sin Lies of a more ger- ins jsrents -et l*-f ■ e him [,y*..,ny be had n"'t h.arned t • COUDERSPORT, PA., FRIDAY. MAY 9. 1873. understand. He murmured an 1 re tine-1 at his hard lot and wished that his parents had flayer been Moravians or missionaries, an 1 never had put impnssi: le ice at. I ocean "<-k overgrown wth lichens and in w'.ere he lav down an i thongat. Ju-t (efore bis eves where be lav, D/ew a cluster of j-aie \ lichens cnp<. lined with scarlet. danke- mtented Kv. "but never a soul to keep ]any. suppose YOU give nie siine gbusllj c-iftn-el g>1 FatberMoso, t benefit my lone- uiene-*!" -I will couns. 1 the !" w 1.1r^,1 t e -pint of the M so ,w t! t only his spirit and not his ear rfal -eareuiug eagerly :U thought ••v er the Lu-e of the earth for the tst> i-fs,*t: -I! fit*' iman r -tie--;. hit-ling some human mating gdae&for its loves and b>>fei and vu;- jat;.iv-. Tfe 't w;.oiia-t rn- k- f.-r: . ;n t;.e jeith <*f thy desire*. ? - tro 1 >w]y LoUi -stead, and ail the goo i ne-s, au.l lieaiity, and love in . c!i thon haat been crow.le; out unknown ones who <-arc not f-r thee—thou -halt n->t c iinc in vain for companionship to the Mow of a lon rock. TL u art 1 'iging f r a in-.iv genial ..iiiiie than am! Look up. dear Ernest, and sec i tw gbri otllv U-.utiful the foir. deep sky 9 hi-s 00 v- now. There lano other .. 1 where toe son lingers til tfie ifa t!tn ugh toe mcdsummer i:ghi>. re rolvitig in one great wheel of light through east, and south, and Tut, and north and east again, marking the difference let ween night an-i bay nly by the chan-jrius pluee of it# lipfceta of lieht. Only here k>es a "is. :ni_"ht sun" ever smile on tlie silence fa si,epiug world, trnstingly -ilecA and dreaming in hb l-nnis. And only h-re in the lontr. l"Rg win ter right ?o the aflMifto of tbe air i 1 :-.*-ir wild rt-v\l> by a light visible to mortal eyes. Ha-.st thou never been blikien under an un tii -now-"rii"t, perhaps tboil i#t never have seeu ti c n n em lights leap out from their polar caves atiii blaze across the sky to light the fairy's air dance al-.J the no t..-uc-.u's winter night-* work. A . Ernest! ti.ere is beauty and s ctrv. even :n this nigged land of storm-! Tp .u se-eket c-< mpanionship t-roi' Aye -e.-k it. child, as every cui-d of earth has II U'Ofglit it before thee, then wiit never t-e able to find, or t-: j y it, un til thou cau.-t find it in tbyadf! Her mits have alwaj s becu happier than reveller . lecausc they Coui i use tbe jov oflftrtd tbem by all things, and were depsunlent on none for inward e;:j \roent, thev I.ad it themselves. -TLev must have- La i it b>n. in tLein then." sai-l Ernest, uuconscioui-iy -for if everybody could do it everv body would.** "Yes," r- -umrd the Mos-, "every body would if they could, but then they could if they km-w how-." "0 tell me- how! Iear little Moss, tell me* how to find coutentment and esjovment in myself, and you will le a gTe-ater preacher in my eye> than all the sages and divines I ever hear-1 of!" -Lwk then around tbev and try to count all the sources of happiness in thv resch at t':i= m :oent.* "1 sec." said Ernc-t -what you have told me of. the shy. and sun shine. and home." "The -kv and -unsnine and home -repeated tl;e M.-*-"ai:d if y. u ki.e-w what those werd- im-a!!*. you would woU'lerattheal nndai.-e- fy-. rf :—— You e*an see the sky. an-! there v u can 1 -eace f r thte. if thou willt carry ti.t—e pure - fit ever safely in thy own heait. u ]](-. tit—:' it is iu thee and not in tie world aViut thee that thou art no* overflowing with a great aud p-rjvt nal joy!" The sweet voice- of bis mother from the cottage door, called him. and he nse tvi go. but ere he did so he ki-s. 1 i e lowly Mus- tuft that L . i tang :t i a 1.-->ii < f 1:f -. He was vert gentle a;> t ti • !ii ev y i-,*, k .- ny r - uer. Yl" L.-.r :> i nr tesnper rise see bow candkwsljr | their phn.- were tiiw3rtei by older iier*iis. when a little trouble on their {•art would have given the child pleasure, the memory of which would hist a life-tiiiic. L —tly.: .i: k a cl.il iL- . * -- liecause it betrays s uk- vera- Imd habits. W't- Inve kn wn children that seemed to have been born thieves and liar 4, so early did they lisp-lay Y *r>e i!iid-nialde traits; yd *c have lived t se<. those Miiut eLiiiiren ln-- corae noble men and women an I or r. nieiits to societY*. Y*'e mu-' i n fess they had wise. ilflctioßate ja- And whateverd# youroy t>e c j;.j- ilt d t> deny your eL.i by your cwouowtaoma in life, give it what it m<—! valu' pl< nty of love. tt. Er :as Ko-t. 1 FGF.EST3. "We can scarcely estimate." say* a recent agricultural rep rt in one of the western states. " the value of for e-t- and wind break- to the groai; g - •, -of grain and fru't. Many of the present generation remember when the lowlands and valleys ot the Mi ami and it.-; tributaries produced an nually large crops of all kinds of fruit, sofwrior in every respect to a; v produced at jiresent even in the ir r-t favored localities. The little rivulets an-l -trearns then aff-rded a constant supply of pure running water an i t'r.-. Miami fvrrr-hed a rev. r-faiiing -uj jdy for manuUM/ttiring } A rude stone-dam. the work of a few days, wa# *uft?c!*-nt to hold water ei. i'gh to drive t . eic d wh*! during the summer month-. The increasing demand for the bnd fir agricultural purpose- requin-d tb removal of tbe fi.r. !. which h*S ■r- 'i g t g rviT f.r ye .rs tmti! lvanyt ; :: g remains cf the majestic forest tit once ad >m e-1 the hi!! t' * and made boautlf::! the valleys. Evetfthc steep lullsldcs, tr.ai are of little value fi.r agrieulta ral purposes, have lieen denuded of t: e Yjr. st tris* tha ? - >ul i have " r -e- is preserved tojwotevt i'iegrowiiigrTO|s frctt. the wintry Hirit tliat jour nn resi-tel over the hill-tops, nipping t-ie tench-r fruit bnds an i injur the growing grain crops. The climate is -ensi!4y affected by cvtting awav tbe forest. The c nntry Is more t<- extrc-mesofdrought at. i *et weatii t-r. Small streams are dried up or fumish a less quantity of wntor dur ing the suiniuer season. Crnks and rivulets rise ru re sud ienly after a iivy rain s: nn a:. ! f - Is are tc?rf ''•oma nan I lestructive. T'.e c. •;- city •-f 11.. r"\ ers for carry i: _ off the iaoumd volume of water boa be. n diminished by the annual flepeoto of i-arth. gravrl an*! -* -m- that are car ried i:;to them !>y their tributaries. The water in the Ohio and other nav igable streams in the older sections fth luitry has ie-c-n greatly di inirii-ht-1 of late years from the same cause. It is said that t'.e water up l iy • I t: e wlv I Er.gl n I ;- gradv.aliy failing au*l t I- p;r-di *te.i that tie (' nnecti it River will eease to be nav jg !!e ' liar.for! in a few years. Streams rrlsdi fpraeriy fiowe-1 j into that river year in and year out. arc- now actually dry ■;.<• mouths in 'he y ar." S. L. Goodale. Sceidur of the F o*of.\g r c e f M . say&i "Fr m all parts of state M s up the same e mplaiut "f th> liminisL d v>.>iume *• wa'er in the oeemflowed lv eie .rlng off Ye f* res? and d n-- Frg the 1 ill- of Y c-. Many :f the :--M oftwentyy nr- sgo arc now m;F*tc 'y dry. The |v?.ch i:a 4 retire! fnuh Mrinr-.qr.it southern New Hamirshire. 1 ngercl for a tim a in MmsKbirette and has finally driven from New. t England, except some Lvorol *p ,ts wLvre shelter *ua pr. -. idel." Dr. S2rfR.T, Seer tan State Agri - kurai > *.y f I w., *]-'.r ests f.r timber rnd for proteetum fr in i : win '- of ~ i:. ;.*- nrv r allv thc great want of the -:.*.*,.** The committee ap-n>iiit> 1 by t!;c- National Agrieultnml CoMgrua, tlot met at St. Louis last May to re*|K>rt ■u F"orw*t Cohan*. ?a\s: "It is vita) to tbe future welfare* of -nr j-eople the repr>iiu*tior. of the forest shook] at once legit'' They recommend fanners to plant their wjsre lands with ti'aVr r.n I a-k the Congress of the United >taH- l<- fC-lilire all jH-r --sor.s or companies recehrug ! >i3t ione ofbsib fr- in the government to plant mt tenth of the lands -lonatrsl with r. Tl'.c 1". p. Cdsunaafoaer of Agricnlture #lo srdt - toe satne r* 1 - CousMndatioo. The President of the UriU 1 "t •-. ir. ; i-I'-t 2y; nal iuc v:gf, call* the attention of Congress to above rc-ommendr tions. Psbbafs the moot impressive pas sage in Emily Kaithfull's fereweii st!dre-- -.1 rbiuw .y Hail was that in which -lie referred to a eonversa tion which -lie held with Horace Grot*-1 ley n<>, oaf mdu before hi- death. Mr. Gredey express I surprise that such a man as J. c >b Bright should be so active In the House of Com n.ons on behalf of w .man suffrage, since it did "t ap|war that there were a: v practical Wiivfit# to irotue to English women from their having toot privilege. Totbia Mi-.- F;.i'a full repliel that the latter a—unqs tion wa- a mi-take: an i there was a: least three practical lieneuts which English women rc ght derive fr- m the p"-* -si*>n of the vote. First, in rectify ing the injustice done by the per\ rsion of the greatciucation.:' cn duwineiits of Flngiand which, though origijjjuily made tor the leuelit of Ih.\* and girl-, have been applied te the use of loys only. Second, ir rectify hg the injusY e f t'te pr |x.-r --t\ law- in relation to mnrrit I women. Third, in givii g women ,* fair chance wirh men in gett.ng p- -.-v-ss.oii ■ f valuable koaobolfor at present iiiro.v lamllor U refij=c to have ■* - iiiCn for tvHr.TJt- they wsi.s t- rn n's who i iM' v. te-s. Mr. Gre.-ley a 'mitt-r.— nt the mental pvstu.e of iu- -t ii :-!e minded o:>jw>ncntx of that measure. Miss F'aithfull's icniperatc. logical and practical wr.v of meeting fOCb opposition certainly indicates tae saccessful way of doing it. A srrtp.ioß WASH :• a WAI ls ASP roofs.—Slake lime in a c!c-e L-cx to prevent the tsrepe of st. an l , ai l when iakel. paas it tbrooygb a sitve. To every six quart- cf liuic add one quart of reck *a}t and one g. Hon of water. Aft r this Svl ai. i -kini clean. To every five g1! of th:-. add. by slow degrees, three-quarters of a pound <>f p- \v-h and four q ; rt of f: e -a:;'. C< •'••ring matter rev added, if detiiel. ijtply with a print or wiate-wask ' na>h. This wash Ix-k- r- w v ll as p.tint and is aim out a- durable ns s ate. It will st.p flwH lr: ; ks in a re*.f. p>rcx \Hit t;.i .*s -1.. o '. v - b_* •••.: :Y d render it be :r " H'-th A fr-mi -park* tailing on it. When applied to brick work.it rc*"i'ers the bricks utterly impcrvioCß to rain, it endures a> long ...- ( hut and t'ue expense i- a mere trifle. r'. it cms-.- i.Y; The 'iifcenozers' —their new licrae In the year 1-42 tbrre c/iyc t • this section of c-untry a eoloay or i eofile wh had emigrated from Gds en. :ii the duchy of Hcto Dirmtadt, Gennmy,numbering about 5M - •!-. Tiicy pur/..:*-.-' Z'. '■ ' I.A .ft for £1" |Ser acre I ?: iT. I* <-:e -k, a few unit-- from tbe cyv. and Yc i Ibtwou. flwliuinui ill tj tbey added 1 00 •-r ;r.- e arre- tot. -ir originAi pureliase- This was the eb-opetUlilre commoniou knoww is the "Ebfri zer-." the four little villages wbi they planted healing *"_• i-aiuc s ji'eti r.:I featn a"Lh h fix qncntly characterize wliat ire terme I " ConuaUiikHi*" They went to work : .i a right good will—even t..e w.s -oeß ond cbihireo miiii g :-.t the severest t?-ks—cleared tLeir lands, and - :. the re- .it- fY - r !.•*• -- lecume ap psreut n the grefllj i:n ponfl a-i>ect of the entire regiun. Workiag -y-*.. mat u-a ily awl inielli- D Rtlr, toehr far.ns brought fortii abundant crops aud su*ccs.s stti wlcl their efforts. Nor wer* their me devoted entirely to agriculture'.— They erected cotton and woolen foe forte#, fif-nror :vi ssw IY 11-. *:.i;ey. t*o tri-t nrill-. wr.g'Ui su- p-. '•!xt*k -mith aflrapa, bakeries, etc. The | r bi*t- f * • - f'!- an ! factories ; -iu t a ready market in BurLi'i _. an : w ; - t c req ut-.'.i-.u of toe n.viii": ■.-rs of ti*e community that no cr r- . y...y.-y ' :i ju for a c titmo-Ifty ws* ne- de.l by city pur chasers than the assurance tliat 44 it come from the EbeßtMM.'* If a cit izen r t a crd •fi v - 1 u v. sure to he a full, honest cord: ii'a 1 U-itei of* J -•Yi'ov- be * r<- t< get cvety potato to which be was entitled —and this principle woo observed throughout nil their dcalii TLeir relhjion was similar to t. at of tlu F'vr re -ot - *s lii-.-n v. re #ati*facto ry to them-rb .*■ Lut tn-ver fully u derst'xxl by those outside, the coui uauiiity resolved to dispose of flop possessions iD tl. s vicinity '-i"l go We-:; a;,d una ir,: sold cut iu differ ent : rti- th v left tr> and 1-57 —guiiipr at different times iu detach ment.-—and ei!l to lAt this tin.*, the uumlx-r of the cciumunity had increased to about . Those of ocr cttizvus v. ;o know and jr*iv-ehte tbe merits of tbe.-e worthy people will be pleased to bear hov they La\e been getting a]- ng in their utw Luiue; ana re therefore give iutere-ting facts concerning thvui from an article recently rul li#lie/?. Tbev now own .00.090 acre# of Fean tifnl 1 .nh c r.*i-i:ng of woor'land and prairie, mixed, situated on the bunk u ts■.•* lowa river ah- tit seventy njiit-s from t. c Mt-si--:ppi. Tiuy are known, x- "Am ne-." an* fte c<• 0. As wa# the ea.-v ale u Mv : z near n/, iv r,thing u ib# wgy f qr. p■r~y u- I • in S. F. Hamilton, S 1.75 A YEAR comi "on but each family has it- own habitation. Those who join the com cuunity c utribiite their property to the c mniou stock and if they become di-*ati>fied they receive back jut what they put in. without wages or inter**!, and leave. So property car,not well b-cOßie a bone of con tention. and no one csn regard him self a prisoner ei Le is fret' to go to co where he pies-*-. As heretofore, the member* ure*s plainly, build ptainlv but substan tially, and are in no way ornament*]. They have extensive vineyard®; make and drink wine and lager-beer. but *. i":.k. g the::". T: ey appear to have no vices what ever. commit c crimes ar.d have no use for couits. TL-.re i-. however, a committee of arbitration to- writ mi< nor hisj ".b- wh.p. they nr;e. a* they s,-nietiines do. The government :s r.duLni-toned and the whole bu-iiH-ss • the c.-mnuinity i- -ujervi-ed by a ! >:\rd of fiih t-n tru-t't--. who ate < iectetl hy the vote* of ill the adult population, and hold the common property. Each department of iu l course. wi. i lsml and they were • bliged to e.-Tiim~iK*e where nature ft off: but tbey haw done won lers. Titey have bridged tin river, made good r*-:ds, planted hedges of white w II". w. bniit a canal nearly nine miles in lei gtfe. nearly pnM with vhw river, to supply their needed u&ur power; set end flouring mill-*, wo -ten fat tori s. R&e lii e >,,, su gar au~. vinegar mnnrifactories, all fitted out with uiuchinerv made by their own machinist®. TUev Lav. buhl five villages on the tract and two of th.ni are stul >u for the lb.- ic is! a 1 ui d P:t .fie n.ilroad-, wl icu come to their ders. They haye c-->i aritOßl hoosf® and ph.in chuicLes r,i.d tw._, grain the note ,r.d stations, each of a ca|,ac for-*, ring - ..v l*u&r.els of grain, i. c children are kept a: sc!i- -I until y arc i >u.te.u a., i th. i: arc taught a trade or agriculture and their edu tk a is continue! in nigh! -chool>. English i- taught Lut German is the . 'ii.... j.".. .at. i,u-i t*ss and social life. It w*c-*.i. i seem, indeed, that this colony Las couie n. aier to Use ue monabation of the pr Aleiu of suc cessful -association" than any of :ts predeeeM ra. They ewtainly do -- rve ail the success ax.d happiness to* Licit r. worthy, Christian, exettt* i jury jsojit .rt CLtiih-i. i he mau who ate h.s dinner with the ioik of a river has sprained his while at ten pting to spin a moun tain top. A Pakkey WTTO T'M'EK-tands THE Nat. he or AN UATH The other evening a: a meeting of the Grand A nny -evefai g,>oel stories were told around the can t-tire. Captain Jc--e T;;yl rt. I! the f -II >w ng of the times when our forces weie stationed at Beau for,, S nth < arolir.a: •• Theie wa> :-n old tie.rkev b\ the name of I.:gc Jack- o vbo, deserted by h" uniste.. was k:t to *; ke cure of him self as best i.e might. Lige was ex ceeuiiiglv awkward in Lis attempt® to play the servant. lie snia.-!.*-'l ani destroyed ht. r'\ evtn thing he laid his hands upon and,having wait ed on nearly every oihcer at the post, euch in turn, after giving hiur the benefit of .-erne hard swearing for his stup iuity. turned him adrift. 1; hap pened that Lige vat a witness in a case that came before a court-martial aud being called to give testimony was objected to or. the part of the dcfeiidct-t, who stated thai Le didn't believe the nigger was of sound mind. '.Stand up. Lig-v *"d the court. ' Po you urdtrstaud the nature of an oath?' Lige scratched hie woo! for a moment and then, tunkng up the white of hi* ts. replied: • L**-ok a-yesre. rasr