The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, March 21, 1873, Image 4
D. B. NEEFE, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKER, tor. EAST and WORCESTER Sts., Couderiport, I'a., will carry on the following branches of buslneea Wagon Shop. There will be made to order and kept on hand all kinds of Lumber Wagons, with Bodies, Whlf- • Octrees, Neck-yokes and Steel Spring Seats; Platform and End-Klliptic Spring Wagons; i Side, orC'oncord, Elliptic Spring Top and Open Buggies; Su'kles; One-horse Wagons. O* and Horse Cans, Sleighs and Cutters will be made to order on short notice. Repairing of all kinds of old work done with neat ness and durability. a " BLACKSMITH SHOP. Horse and Ox Shoeing: Irontng of all kinds of Wagons, Sleighs and Cutters. Picks, Clevises, Chains, Hooks, Drag-teeth, Hinges, Bolt* for Carriager, Plows, etc., and repairing of ail kinds of Mill Irons and Fanning Implements. PAINT SHOP. Painting of all kinds of new Wagons, Carriages, Sleighs and Cutters, and special attention paid to the cleaning and painting of old work. Sign and ornamental Painting done to order with ueatness and dispatch. iTrtmmlttfl sUop. All kinds of Carriage, Stage and Coach Tops, Cushions, Falls, Dashes, Lazy-Backs, Shaft Trlmmlug, and all work In the line of Trim ming good Style. Notlre Is given that I have changed my place of business from Brookland, Pa., to this place and have built a new Factory—SO x 72 ft., —In which the four brahches of business will be carried on, and will be pleased to receive the custom of mv old patrons. The beat of Lumber, Iron and Trimming Material that can tie procured will be used on the work. Orders by mail w 11 be promptly attended to. D. B. NKEFE. mm ® J. H. GOODSELL, Carpenter and Joiner, SOUTH SIDE of the RIVER, (&<.'£ EA ST St net,) C'ou<lM*N|ort, I*n. CONTRACTU taken and materials itirnlshedfor all kinds of Bi'LLUtK# Pi aniso and Matchino done.— Moci.uiso of all descriptions. HASH. BLINDS and IHKIItH on hand or manu factured to order. f ISII paid (or Fine I.umber. ti.u> patronage I. solicited X. 11. WKHWEI.U FLjAITST AND ORNAMENTAL .ion I* ft INT INC PROMPTLY EXECUTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE JOURNAL AND NEWS ITEM. i i H. L. TREADWELL, —OF— Wel!svi!le, N. Y., Has just returned from New York with a large stock of Boots and Shoos, ! . 1 LEATHER & SHOE FINDINGS, o LOOK AT THE PRICES! Womkn'M SLIPI-khs from 50C. to 51.75 I j " Lrathkr LACK BOOTS Oc. " 1-75 MOROCCO " " SI.OO " 1.25 MEN'S THICK BOOTS 2.."i0 " 1.00 " Kip " 2.75 " 4.50 Small Shoes, from 30 cents upwards. Sole Leather, 30 rnd 31 cents per pound. Shoe Finding* of all kinds, verycheap. ! Remember the place,—directly opposite the . Howell House. I ,j WISH ARTS PlriE TREE ■ Tar Cordial, f ? NATURE'S (iUEAT REMEDY FOR THB Throat and Lungs. It is gratifying to us to Inform the public that Dr. L. l}. C. Wlehart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial, for Throat and Lung diseases, has gained an enviable reputation from the Atlantic to the Pa cific coast, and from thence to some of the first families of Europe, not through the press alone, but by persons throughout the states actnally lieu elitted and cured at Ills office. While he publishes less, so say our reporters, he I* unable to supply the demand. It gains and holds Its reputation— , First: Not l>y stopping cough, but by loosening and assisting nature to throw off the unhealthy ; matter collected about the throat and bronchial | tubes, which causes Irritation. ' Second: It removes the cause of irritation, I (which produces conghi, of the mucous membrane j and bronchial tubes, assists the lungs to get and I throw off the unhealthy secretions, and purities j the Wood. Third: It is frew from squills, lobelia, ipecac and | opium, of which most throat and lung remedies | are composed, which allay cough only, and disor t gauize the stomach. It has a soothing effect on ; the stomach, arts on the liver and kidneys, and | lymphatic and nervous regions, thus reaching to j every pari of the system, and In its Invigorating | nd purifying effects it has gained a reputation ! which It must hold above all others In the market. NOTICE. The Pine Tree Tar Cordial, (•real American Dyspepsia Pills AND WORM SUGAR DROPS j Being under my immediate direction, they shall , not lose their curative qualities by the nse of cheap II and Impure articles. ' HENRY R. WISHART, Proprietor. FREE OF CHARGE. i- Dr. I„ (). c. Wlahart's offlh e parlors are open ( on Mondava. Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 a. j ut., to k p. in., for consultation by Dr. Wiu. T. Ma gee. \y lth him are associated two consulting phy ! al'dana of acknowledged ability. Tlilh opportunl- I ty is not offered by any other inatltutlon In the j '"J. | All Letlers must be addressed to L. Q. C. WISHART, M. D., NO. X. SECOND ST., 1 Ml i lll<l>lptl f tl. WORKING CLASSS^I^ teed. Heopec table employment at hom*. nay or evening; no capital required; full tost ructions A valuable package of goods sent tree by tuai.. Ad dress. with six rent return stamp, at 4 M. YOUNG A CO., 16 St., N. i !0Q TEACHERS n STUDENTS MALE or FEMALE, can secure EMPLOYMENT PAYING FROM SUM) to stlSO per month during the Spring ami Summer. Address PEO PLE'S JOURNAL, MS Arch st„ rtiila.. Pa. 31-4 Labor Savers, Read! I have constantly on hand the new SINGER SEWING MACHINE with all the latest improvements. ' The , SINGER "is a lock -ditch machine, and I makes a beautiful, even and uniform stitch which : ! will not ravel and is alike on both sides. i tl Hems, Braids, Cords, Tucks. Quilts, Binds, | Trims, Embroiders, Ruffles, and does all kinds ol • work oil the finest muslin or the heaviest full cloth. ! It is the best machine, for all work. Over 52,000 J 1 more "SINGERS" sold last year than any other i kind made, —according to sworn returns. | All EXTRAS kept constantly on hand. i OI.I> MACHINES of any make repaired ina j 1 work manlike manner. i Sewing Machine Oil always on hand Before purchasing eKr w here, rail and examine | I he sINGER MACHINE. <lilice in Olmsted Block, (.Second F'our). A. M. REYNOLDS. i 122-1 yII Agent ' iPHOTOGRAPHS l| H AVISO arranged mv Light so as to obtain ail ' those line fSii'adntioiiH of Shtttfe so essential to a bkai TIFUI. phi vror; RAPID 1 re spectfully solicit your patronage. I make all the leading styles of Photographs and Ferreotypes, ! from a CARD PICTLUP to a I.IFE SIZE PORTRAIT. —finished in INDIA X IST IT , WATER COLORS or OIL. 'OYIN6 of i>ld PrcTt'KKS made a sjx-cialty A large stock of Wm it. U3 j uoou nnit (oil! Picture Frames, St{uai'o itxnl Oval, OS lU>l' AND FOR SALS. All work guaranteed to give , .tLfaction. —;or — US. T. LYNDE Photograph Gallery, SECOND STREET East of MAIN, (Dike \* Jiniltlirfj,) , j COUDERSPOItT, PA.' i j BOOTS and SHOES! • j v John- Denhof, ' WOULD respectfully inform the citizens that i,* l continues the manufacture of BOOTS UNO SHOES j 't hi new Stand, MAIN STREET below MARKET, ' (Smith of thr Jiri'lge,) s ALL work done in a workmanlike maimer, ai reasonable rates. , I AND A GOOD Fir GUARANTEED. Give liini a call. I i . I The Baker House j N. E. cor. SECOND and EAST St roots, I (East of Court House Square,) COUDERSPORT, PA. ii ' p Has been purchased by BROWN & KKI.I.Y, (formerly of the Cot" DKKSPORT HOTEL.) The House is completely furnished from top to bottom, and lias all the conveniences desired by | the people ; the table is the lu'st in the County ; i the barn Is under the charge of the best ostler in ~ i the State; and, In short, everytliing will u> done . . tliatcan hcdonoto make it comfortable forstran ' j gors or others who visit the house. ! The long ex)>erlence of the Proprietors in the Hotel business makes them peculiarly able to | eater to the varied wants of the travelling public. They solicit their old custom, believing that they are able to supply the REST OF THE ERST to aIL BROWN A KEII.EY, ! • Kgl Proprietor*. THE Contapi Hotel A K D General Stage O.Tice Has been REFITTED ami RKITRN iswtD/rom n iPRPT in HPT TAP uAXkßixl .j v ———----J and is now ojxn to the PUBLIC- The TABLE will be kept in FIRST-CLASS style, and no labor or expense spared to make it a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, | GOOD BTABLISG. and careful Hostlers always in attendance. The OI.D-TTME popularity of the Hotel will be FULLY MAINTAINED by the pres. Nt Proprietor. j who now solicits the patronage of travellers and j the public generally. 1). F. GLASSXIRF, Jr., j 131 PROPRIETOR. Hall T. Hals oil's MEAT MARKET, THIRL) STREET, | (Betwu n MAIX and BAST Streets,) Coudeisport, Pa,, i Will be constantly supplied with BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, an tl PORK, j i >f the very best the country will afford. HALL T- NELSON. GO TO H. T. KELSON & CO. FOR THK CELEBRATED LOCK HAVEN FLOUH. (•. K F.s T.IE V OUST P/ •.\ i In ti'om One to T- enfj J*:n-1 __no7 ONE KQU'A > u i' 1 ll ' i : .u RADTTATi I'.U \DY j: i'• A <•• FOB EVERY PAIN. It was the *' Tiio Only i Itemeds tint narsntly stops luvmr-t even,elating pa-ns. alia I'-U ' . . :1, s)- I ' -C t'.n,-v . IN FROM OilE TO TWENTY MINUTE. i N }. \r -.;tllnr ->■ • ■ RHEi' -I ATI*IS. : i • I vous. A- c.,r 1 V.-;,!, ; 'l..v L." •v. j HAS WAY'S RCSDY E "S.BEF " WILL AFFORD " FA! T J* 1 INT LA '•! ! AT,O.N oi ', K'DViys INIi.AM.'IA'II N <n Ti,-: I".AT INFLAMMATION OF TIT" EOURLs • 'I N .!" 1 ! '• ,-i n: - 1.--:r;s , SORE TiiROA i. !.>;■ ' ! .i, • n.- .; : ; . i HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPHTIIERI \ ill, J HEADACHE, TOOTH V > NM'.iAi * -lA. I.iiEUMAY: ..V i COLD CHILT.S, ' • 1: < ••:. < Tl, : pr-L. .' ..n c ; - •!J: cHcft ' r-.-t I or pi.', . her" the | aiu ,r . i. .Ifipf. I. 1 ' I; A Rl! ■1 E IJ V ,TE"Y. • "Ol !• VIM) {-' Til.: BOW Li. • 1.-.-. I.ii.\/.,. I'D-;, T-avM- si ,„t.| blw* .a carry - R n; '_ r. It aiy it with '.. . A f c,..- • • '•' ' • : 1 :<i, . f" "'.••• . f . ai-r. fi it • '. alr trß.ll r-s • ; ,c.l. • f. r-'M . ?•.;* AKD FEVER AND AGUE curo-1 for fifty cents. There i, tar. nit-,:, i It-.■ .1 hi this v.-trbl fin .i;, ; . , pr and A?„ ;, and all other Ma aii ins, I S, irlet, rvphoid. Yellow, and cbcr Fbv, r. falrted by UAJI'A .V. blL!..'- , qpi"h a- KAIJ'VAV'S II iADV RELIEF, i.ftj- c -'al. j |ttlv. f i.y : IOLTH BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PUCK I!! !I DLOOD—IN , :ASF. ol- i I.F-.U and wcioin i • \ j Mi i N A LI.AUTKLL COMPLEXION CORED TO ALL. 0 3 r -!& [i \pj A ? bj RESOLVENT , li'lh.i'HKW#. '.J ."INtK-rUT-J, HI. .Il l VI . It, • ' r . I 1 1 • i •>, Tiiis 'ii:. LV vr, . i ) Evoi y Day ars Incrysss in Flosh ; ud Weight is Scon end i"oit. TH"i GREAT BLOOD TU :F 1..H ■ ■ drop ~f Uie SARNAPARII.LIAN RK P"I.V..' !' ■ mirii i... r. itf.l, t! lthi',,l. Si.-, it I otl-.t-r t'-ii ' ■ ainlji; sof tl svfti-,., tip . i. i , !if . t'.,-p:iin tj,.• . ; i P..? (>od-. -f ■ .''i.i" t 1 -In I • ' .■■ i- ■, ■n . tl • I'.if". aim the aranl f. of SMn ihaws, E, . ver S res Scald Raid, Ring Wonu, -H ."I ' ' I ;ici; Wo,II -I , ,n tii" I!■ I imors, I . 1,, t1... Wwnh, aud : nii v." IN PIOK and pai. FU -. > IR^,S.V ! 1.-'- ofSperia, and a I arnstrs of the lire principle, '.'illlt,, t!,c citra' 1 . e oft! v-'ohdc, ~f M-P --j r-. Chemistr-<. .. 'a i •' • ||] prove to ■ •'u me, : i" -roftl forms of diae.-: it-1 ", power to ,• iro ,1 mi. N ,,!v ! >,.'s !' s .itsAi'smrxuH Rrsoi.vrvr ■ I r ,.„, ... ,l .] a< ... ; 5: i. T. .. . ... ( -rale, | ftervftitotis, t'smstlttit onal and s.;.a dlsrascst but 2 ttUln+y A* LiadJi'r C'mplnf r . d'.-I Womb (irnvrl, !' U ;> v. S! ' F Wntvr, of f. rir.e, M. Di.o'- ir', A1 bum!:, iria, a-. 1 in a'i cmics wht^re 1 th iv ;u-i briokd -t deports, or the wat. rid thick, d uidy, mixed with like the white of an •£ 'r ti.rt .id-i white ilk, tr there Is a morbid, dark, bllitm* appearance, and white bone-dust de posl'*. and whru there is n pricking, burning et- J ti'H wlieu pawing water, and rain in the Small tf , die Bach and along the Loina. r;icc. #i.oo. WORWS The oniv known and sure Rcmedy J for Worm* -J'iit, Tape, etc. Tumor of 12 Years* Growth Cured by Hetolveut. Uc. 'KLv. Maw., July !h, lFG'.i. PH. P %IVWAV :—I I>V * had Ovarian Tmnor In the ovaries and bowels. Ait the P cnrs said 4 * there was n, h.'lpfnrit." I tri-'J every thin? that recommended; but nothing helped me. 1 §aw your P-.-sn|vent, and thnupht 1 would try it ; But had n, fr.itU in it, I Lad nfirr d {• r twelve I to ,k i* bottles of the Res- 1 rent, and or. box of kadDay's PilU, and two bottles of your Readv Relief; and there is not a sijfn of tnrnor t- be se-u or frit, and I feel brtter, smarter, and happi-r than I have for twelve years, •pi,- worst tensor was n l a l- f t sid of t! -! ♦•!, over th- pf-'in. I write this to you for the L -nefit of others. You can publish it If yon chx)-. HANNAH P. KN'AI'P OR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE FILLS, ; j perfectly Ustcl c-vN, clep.tntly coated with sweet gum, ' pur.: . re?*:!.:t-, pur if v. c'w •, an Btn*ngthen. R; 1 . :>'* Pills, fr t l cm i.f all < f the St' iuacn, Liver, I> wcla, Kidueya, Bladder, Nervous 1 j pi- iHe*. H ■ luclie, ("• nstipation, ('"stlveness, j Ituiigestinn, Pysje hia, Bilicu-ties?, Bilious Fever, r.n :i >t t\ lit - ' FT els, Pib-H, and al! Di u. t* uf tin lifer: i V;.era, \\ orranted to effect a po- ive run . Puivlv Vegetable, containing no mer cir nriit*ra!s,OP<h h ; l u" drugs. sW Ols • tl. i towing symptoms resulting frarn Diaord •:* of t!tc Blgcstivc O : CiMstipitb-n, Irwant Pile?, F Peer* of the Blood In the i He-it. Aridity of t I, '• n. i gi -t of ¥ 1 h - ~ • 'it i t!;- SUM So-ir Er... ta ti-'ij. • r a? t • 1 i ofli - Stu i.fccb, Swim- ID • fth r i . ! rvath ig, Flutter legal t!.- Ilcirt, t - or - ' :tn Sensations when in a L a of 1 ■ r- or Wtb> Isftw the •'. Fei r . ! f' 11 J' i jv- th Fbul, Dtfiiiency of I rit'mi, Y Io J. Skin and Fy-=, Pain in i th- ft. . Chest, L,ml, ,na j st-.d ifn Fh' heaxjf ftival, burning fei- )!•• r-T of V \T)TAY'S PII LS will fro the fi H ?! . Price, 2* • • •-• . soi. h v.v Pitrotiisi HI *l> " r.V i i K -. ' 1 S- d one le, . cr - Fti rut * • BAD lAI & Co . N •. 97 MU U a I toe, N" ••V- • . ]• rt_4.. tt .. a: h Ui- ur iud'. wi ibo Beauty at the Fireside. LILJkUc ' SUUL'VSS of C.11M8& OF i GMFORT. KI.EGAXT! GORGEOUS! BKTLLI ANT! Crumbs of Comlort, ilu* gn':i;,'-t i i of the age. Crumb* Of Comfort, tie |iri e of the kitchen and parlor. Thousands of ladies attest its worth, and unhesitatingly inom'.nee it the Queen of Last- rs. The I'te-s universallv praise it ami proclaim it woman'* erery-dav i friend. economical. lasting. I'ns proachnhle. cp|ec n t ,JS I/tdies will lind Crumbs of Comfort for sale by ail first ! class grocers, hardware dealers, countCT store keeiters, &e., throughout tie United Mates and Camillas. 11. A. B ART LETT A- CO., Matiufac turcrs Bartlett s Blacking. IVarl Blue, se., &e. Nos. 113,11") and 117 Front St.. Phtliwlelpliia: 113 Chambers St., X. Y.: 43 Brand St., Boston. 339 THE Great South American BLOOD PTJBIFIEH! JURUBERA! is unequalled by :uiv known remedy. It will erad icate. extirpate & Uiftroughly destroy all poi.on ~u< Hub-tances in the B'ood and will effeetually s distH'l all predis]xis!tion to bilious derangement. Is there mint of action in your I.i ver A- Spleen ? Unless relieved at once, the UIIXKI becomes impure by deleterious secretions, pro ducing scrofulous or skin diseases. Blotches, Eel e MS. Pustules. Canker. Hmpleyte, Ac. Have you a Dyspeptie Stomach? I n • 1, -s digest ion is promptly aided, the system is de bilitated with loss of vital force, poverty of the i Blood, Dropsical Tendency, General Weakness j or Lassitude. Haveyou weak ncss of the Intestines? Y'ott are in danger of Chronic Diarrha-a or tin?; I ,lri idful lnrl:in:inatlon of the B nvels. ! Hnve ynu weakness of the I'terineor I rinnry UrgnnsT You ntnst )>r<>eurc instant re ief of you are liable to suffering worse than j - , death. A re you dejected, drowsv. dull, sluggish, or | lep es a'd In spirits, with head i -he. baeaaehe. , co ited tongue ;ind bad tasting mouth? ! For a certain remedv for all these diseases. wttaknesns and troobws: for cleansing ami pu- . ' 1 it .ing the vitiated blood and iniparting vigor to ; ■ i all Ge v ita! forces; ftr building up and re goring : " : the weakened eonstHatiea USE JURUBEBA i which is pronounced by the L-ading medical an- . I thorities of London anil Fans "the most power ful toni ■ and a'teiaiive known to the medical ! world." Tiiis no new ami untried discovery, \ but lias long laten us, d by the leading physi i tus of other countries with wonderful remedial re- SHItH. Don't weaken and impair the dice-dive organs by cathairtics and nhywca, t hey give only teniitorary re i.-f—lndigestion, tlatuleiicy a dys- , i with piles and kindred disoasos are sure to foilow thetr us<-. Keep tlie blood pure, and i 11 health Is assured. JOHNQ.tELuK>H. is piati St.. New York, . I 27—1 Sole Agent for the United states. '• Price one Doßar per Bottle. Send for circular. ■ AGENTS WANTED.—iitdroH,'for the most liberal tcrmsever offered. THE DISGOVKKKK DISCO YEHED The advanturcs of a ru -t adventurous IIP*. A large octavo volume, splesidMly illiutrueil. Can-) , taiiiK toeWeata Of tie wonderful career of the Great Traveler, the Country, A dm it-*, Natives, j iluritlng, Ac. The be-: dig-sted ot Af.-x-an keowi-lge and LVIN.S-O.SK"S explora- I tons EVKH published. Full a< count of how stvn- | i r.v Koi sit LIVINGSTOSK. The oulvltookctidoiv jhi by the Press. Send $1 for outfit, or write to j | W. FUST Sl CO., PUIT ielphla, l'a., or Springfield, 1 Ma-t. 2: 4 j )"OK CANVASSERS can find no more fresh It i S J att; active for Spring -airs thall ''Th .Vet" Honsekrvjter's Manual," by Miss < . E. lleeeher ami Mrs. H. B. Stowe; a Cyclopedia of Domestic Economy and a complete Cookery Book . In one volume, send for circular to .J. B. FORI) A Co., 33 1- New York, Boston, Chicago,or San Fram laco.. CAMPHORINE. ' PAIN! PAIN! PAIN!-The Great discovery i for tiie relief of patn and s - .<1 imnn d at cure for lilieiuu)ti;.siu, oisrou c .el acute, N ains. UAc. it has a pl'-asaf and refreshing <alor.and | ! ■■VII not erest e or r-ap. 'ip m-'st . .p.. fabric, j 1 which makes it a luxury in every famllv. Price c. Ms per bott'e. For-ale by ;i druggists. 1 > !• i Ft BEX I r, p. p'r, x. v, York. ! NUMEROUS TESTS HAVE PROVED N. F. Burnham's How Turbine WATER WHEEL, to be the Best Ever Inventc::. PAMPHLET I'KEE.■ SSv ADDRESS, YORK, P.Y *r, - mci t.s sent by mail fo-ft .' !•t • -• dl puiek or ihg H. 1.. \v <> 1 > o I h , ; • 4 1-1 Chat!:.o 1 -qtiare, X . ' i AGENTS ! A BARE CHANCE!! IV ' Will ! i> r. age .tsJ-lh p.-- we k in who . ; e, v.,iii us at on- ;.. ■ vtliing fur- .' i nished and expenses paid. Addrms, SH~4 j A. t'OULTLR 1 t'harliifle. 15i, b. AX*" xrrmj)rid o en, P ,(, yYor the spring and snm-1 .1 .).) I ~1,-r or; Tl'firMfFS a -oti-r I . jti-i:-. Before in; ! t .it; •- eitg.ffC'.if.-lit;!, ad-| ' .ire--, stoti.ig <. ■■ ri rwe. It arc.', j3O 4* If. .ICivSGL, 700 A'i b St., PMla'da. | ! A FTRsT-t I ASB BUSINESS for a reliable man, J I with the assurance if making fr'.m fa.'HU) to? a year, can be .-ecired, in ••.'cm iii ;!'■ an! agetn v for the exclusive sal- <■! works hy flew. ■ f/ntrv ll in-'? h.• r, it'i'/i.un Cullem Tlrv- , utit. Harriett ffeecher -V towr, . ■) 1 .. be j pa U! '.liars to J. it. FORD A CO., New Yolk: Ros- j ton; < hicago; or San F aaclaco. 30-1 j rcr: ■ v - Y ftcn TheGcti'K is puoiizhed ipou't'a v. tI.Y -t< pays for the year, v.-iirh is not half tin cost. 1 Those who afterwards send money to the amount . of One. Dollar or more for Seed, m-iy a > orde. ; : at, '-t-i. v. orl'i extra- p"le< |..ti 1 for the '-to !••. • -Til '' I Nil .is bi'.c, ;fii!, : Ivi ■■: plrtn- fo: : making If iir.u) biniC", IS it; • Tntilc Dec •mtins, v inflow Gnrdemt, etc., and mass of Information invaluable to the lover ••; 1 flowers.—lßo pages on fine tiute 1 paper, some 800 : Kli:• avitlg.- ami a siiji-r!. • mi • i P aU-amt l , rnoCover. —The Fhst Edition o! 2uo, "in just print ed In English an Gem an. : ;to-t J.IIIES ii !< It. Korhe'iter. b. A", j Giiß RANNUK. \ \d.:ri Fb'LD. ti. BEACH, Pu islier, j 30-4 Aibi m. N. Y. BOUSE ESTABLISHED ISM. JACOB S. HIT.LEV. AtJSXfV* 1! AV | .1 ti <•<! It.liiiltlcy & < ooraa"3r , 33ici' , xz>jiNrir:3~t.'s, Ladies and gentlemen's ice cream A dining rooms ÜBR/IHY BUILDING, IESPENN AVE.. PITTSBURGH, j i Parties, WeiUlings and Banquets furnished to !am tint !, v rail. Fromnt ait> ntlou to ' utaii oidt - for v.t. -Mitng ... :!e trade. 32 l Aiizotia DismoMs!: SET IV SOI AL) 14 karat GOIA ). WARRANTED. Watches & Jewelry of every description. No 33 Filth Avenue, 32 4 PITTSBURGH. VVANTED Uo "w^™*" Business that will Pay from $4 to }■> per day, can be pur bed in your own neighborhood; ;t i- a rare chance for those out of enipioyuient < r haling leisure tune: girls anil Ikjvs freoi.fciitly do as well as nn-n. rHrtP nla"s free" - .F. LATIAB A- CO.. ; 32-6 202 Washington St., Boston, Mass. AGENTS WANTED for MoCLELLAN'S Golden State The first and only complete history of the Pa- if 1c Slope. Descriptions of the seasons. Products Mountains, Scenery, Valleys, River-', Lakes. For ests, Waterfalls, Bays .v Jliirtiors. itHt PageT, 200 llliPdrutloip' and Maps, lilu.-trated arcuiars free 32-4 Wit. FLINT .1 CO., PHIL ins unit ~ PA. INVALIDS, DON'T DESPAIR! Thousands bfcve foun I relief, and thousands will ttbii to lids Metii eiue alter exhausting their purees and patience In search of health. GirKliui ss of the head, dullness of the mint, f.t ld breath, coated temgue, losa of appetite, pain and weakness in the stomach, enlargement of it liver, yellowness of tin akr.i, constant fever ' •hi.:.;," itn a total die :i-h f. r business, pleas nr.. or any kimt ol taptafaO^-VUHNIM PAN ACEA, if taken and persevered iu for a few days, will remove this whole class of symptoms.—'l > e fluids of the iKKIy become pure, and mind clear, the stomach strengthened, the tongue clean, the appetite Improved, and the whole system so ben entted that disease, 111 bad weather, Is less liable to aitliet you. | DR. P. FAHIINEY'S % i< - • CELEBRATED Blood Cleanser or Panacea. As a medicine for ehfldreu, fhe Panacea i-. iu every way, calculated to take the pis'' of tl. .• eit.i less Variety of drugs which are annually sold for i that purpose, and which are often very injurious. A medicine which possesses tiie qualities of a ea : thartie as well as a mild alterative, and which i< ' callable of arresting disease without the least In • jury to the child is of Incalculable value to I event mother. As a Cathartic, It is very cfT etiv#, I yet it doe.-. in>t, it given In proper quantities, can.- • ' nausea or dlstn-ss in the stomach or bowels. It D ' very pleasant to the taste, which is a verv linp'r tant feature as a medicine for children. As a;> • - j ventive of disease !t is unprecedented, a it directly upon the digestive organs and tiie Mint, in all scrofulous diseases. It is the most e'T live ; medicine ever offered to the public, and, if give. | regularly and pcreeveringly, those eruptive i eases so common iu children may be entirely erab ; mated. ! Prepared by P. Fahrney's Bros. A Co., Waynes boro, Pennsylvania, arid I)U. P. FAHRNKV, 30 North Dearborn Street, Chlcaga. Price $1.25 per bottle; for sale by Whole sale and Retail Dealers, and by P. A. STEUBINS, JK„ 24 4 Coudersport. Vs. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET OIIGANS. Tin, nnlvr American Musi'-aM -trmueht of A .11 Ulllt such extraordinary am! . g : ~i' ! excellence us lo comma!:", iivnu in | Europe, notwithstanding compel:t.on ti..o.- v .; : products of cheap labo y ■ A IWOVB awarded highest premltnes, INCB.D sX,Waj O IsgtteStedilal ' ic iExp, ■!- .ion. cut muidreds of Indus! rial !"> ■. d, there nave not been six in all where any otic org.i is j have been preferred to these. ; 1T,,;...,,. , a tl„ recommended by eminent Universally ~ .... ., lir .. ; i •>„•{... not iu aim.* i la any others. :• ■ • opli -as i of ONE THOUSAND, in Testituonial cire.r i . ! Fvoliwivoltr employihS *vor*r/mi ■tant IJU "t- i. ;-*.ve:. 0.. ,:i mbractngcv -1 or*, real improvement-. The Most Extensive SWFFISFFI world, protlia lag belter v.oi.-, .it . -= cost than | oiticrwisc possible. Prices Fixed ?! : suent of only best material a: 1 wo: i.t.ia'iship. Illustrated Cataloono Tegfc'ta - liial Circular, ni . t : . n about organs am h iu iv :t. • .-h •. • f ni uisappointibent in {.iiivhasi i. urv, :i --! less iustrutro'.'.ts or'patiuc tit <-t .!i pice eat | free. Mason and Hamlin Co.. ,1M YKKVIOXTST., BOSTON ;•• . I *... .I- IK. -I : 30 4 Yoitk; 80 and SJ ADAMS ST., fiuctiio. ( anvassing Books sant free for Prof, FOWLER'S GREAT m On Manhood, Womanhood T-WJ ieir tnutur.! in ter-relations; Love, it., i ■. Power, etc. Agents are selling Iron: 2e to j copies of '1 wurk ;i day, and we send a ■ :•>:'.* - ing boo f-• to am l. iok agent Aunress, st-ifir.g experieuci, , etc., NATIONAL PUBLISiIL t. ■' <>., •ii 4 Phi... iviphia, Fa. I WirE AWAKE BOCK ACEHTS JUSTED FO3 LIFE OF NAPOLEON ill. Am or, AVy- L'ditin, wi. uvoi::-'- •* ; • ; Prussian V'ar, aurl the .ast i. <i th • E= p- ••- making an elegant octavo of TO) pages, j times and the theme rtenrter it the moat \ i woo, of the day. lCxi u territoiy wu.i .. ! con , ! iff on. Kmiresa at oiicc, Ol AKE'I 111 Y 1-1 B1 ISlUN'ti < 0., ! 31 4 JIT and 2PJ CJtliitCc St., Phlladehil i;:. AGENTS WAITED Ft-8 BEHIND THE ECE'iE FJ WASKIIfGTON The l est : llll' g : -, 1 -,i tli- •: v. Hi-: ! ill about th'.- groat credit .l/"'.i.'<Vr' • i Ute.i.:l 111. .-1-ies. I e. : ■■ . rtl.'g., ! elite s auii I: wonderful Sights of the National i: v i. : tiie d< -iiauii for it is inline: !• : 1 i : • - rI. ap. !l Htlo.l wi -I Uii ehole- f. -. i Sen-1 for < 1 tllar, and sec our terms and a fi■ . : - i s.-1-iji'.-ui of the work. Addi ,< oVi I \ KVi • i ji 1 lil.lMilNo L 0... 4 Bond st.. New Y< rk. Sl-4 ' The immense sate, 10.800 il CfiE fcOAITf!. •- LIVINGSTONE AFRICA having Pi oVEs it VI.OVK A1.1.0T)!K.-:S; th - jMm MAS-Es WANT. II goes like •. 11, D. IRE. [ over 800 pages, oaiy s2.:u. Si-or< acents j N'bTil'H—Be not deceived by n fsrep • i aiious iii.iile iu palm off high-p:, -t d iui'eiiei >vo: .-. i but send for circulars and e- PKOf/if statetui . and great su ■-sof , agent •. i-icki ! ion, worth 1 In. niaile ! fr. -. ill LLL'.ARI) BROS., l'Mbiish-rs, | JT 4 T23 Santoti! Sir. el, Plnladei; Ida. Cvj hjJlii3 Wanted fci -■ O W 1 'Gp-l INi • '-'f 4> ■> I . Sj-Vxit i /lit '■ ey TfS K iSES 3.i-'.. I Its Patriarch*, K-ligs, Prophets, Re'ni ls, Poefci, • Priests, liei -S. Wo,, -o, A n.-.h- , l\.b; | hull- • ii'i iC. iuii. als. Oelii d a-Jim-try i.n l ex , i-iting us roumuce. It., e ve-ution Is fauitp its 1 illustratloiis an- e 'it. Pi* just the ook .i iv the mass .vin> love itistoiy, the st .'V of Character, or l l.cerful reading. Extra LeriHO ito Agentx. sen ft c-lr ular. A too. Agents vrant ■•|. t' Feo--Jo's Standard Biblo vtth "••i I . trniion-. i ' i ■•:. .vgeui. , h.. : Ageii*,s for or'n-s pu u in ~ are selling this Bible with : wonderful sc.- e'• -ause it is the most popular otinii pi! -ilsl •• I. • ato.i-silig books fie- to i irking Agents. A d. -./.I Dii.'EH & M'l t !;|)Y, I'll-!;; "1.•■•.1a. i .: i u .ii, iti. Ohio; St. Louis, Mil.; ■ sj,i : lgiii-lil, Mass.; or '• hie;:go, 11!. iT-4 BRiGGS I BROTHERS X LjTJ TJT=y'.? £l/LTI3 FLORAL WORK! /OB -IANLA KY. 10,3. NOW OUT. Issued as a | ipiarti-i iy. 'i foflf uumb -HK sent to any auui- s., j !•>" mall, for j.) Cents, fhe rlclest ami most In-1 uetlve lilt, -trate i and ii -eriptive Floral (lupie ! t >er puiilished. Those of our patrons who order- \ I i>d Seeds la.-i >e;,r a v.i •,••• -slifeil wlth2sc„ Will ■ !'• • ivc the fo ir ;ii!>.,!i i-rs hr! -T3.'i iiose who order : s.-i i!s rhi- year wilt be • edio-t with p snbSeription for HT4. The .Tanuarv eutnber contains nearly j ItOO Kttf/ro vini/t. j'n o Superb Colored j 7 'lnlet, suitable foi framing, am! also Tinted j yuatet of nr ironrt •is ral Chrotnoe; infor i iiiation re rti ve to Flo vers, Vegi ta'des. etc., and ; their cultivation, ami all sie-li inaltei us was for- 1 j nierly fou-id In ing >_••■ ttt Catalogue. Vi-n will niIKS it If you dKler >eforv seeing flristu* \ -f : Uro.'t hr l ,-f 'hi /' /. 7//. ) . M'e ehalu-vge I coni| tirkon on quaili of seeds and sizes of nack ! cts. Our" fn tender sldmnce Sheet and Trice i.itlfor fS73 sent f:•■—. Address P.UICF.S v BROTHKR, Se.'.l-n.eii and Florist*, i.'oi IIK-tkk, N. Y. ZDOTsFT Betleceiveil, lot eo-ighs. eouls, sure throat, hoarseness ,t bronchia! affections v>- only WELLS'CARBOLIC TABLETS | V* or t lil ess I it: i tat lot's are tin the mat kef, but the only seii-nti ;• pi- .' ivati u of Carbo!i<- Acid for Lung disease- is wlu-n chemically com bined w itli other well-known reinedle . as ih these TABLETS, and all parties are cauti med against . usii." ;ti,er. In nil cases of irritation of (lie mm mem brane t'u-se TA:: ETS s!t be freejv IISIM] their eh-:ti:-ing N hes ing J Vo; erfjes are astonishing. BE tiHrmsl, HCO ,i. tret <t cold, nis easily II" din its id ipient state, v. lien it l'eeomeschion te tiie i-itre is c ditTn ult.use Well's Car bo i- 1 aniets as a specihc. Pli-eiie. p,-I Box. Jul IN v. KELLIK,*;. N-nil for circular. 1H Plait St., N.Y. Sole Agent for the S. #1 "" f ,cr w vk, Agents and otheis to eU a new artl-.-le, liniispeunalih- to merchants and mannfu • tnvc-t'ee- with Mf H-lip, I". It. bnillh A (-. I I'„. r ; r Ht„ v.S Ml ♦ Vinegar Bitul Purely Vegetable. Free from Ai - I DR. WALKER'S 1 California Vinegar 111 Vinegar Ilitiei-S Drink, untie "l I - j!t>i , p." ' B | Spirits and Kcfus-- • , ! and sweeleiietl * ■ H " App ■ tint lead tile tipp ; , , lr . - ruin, but are a tn • S native roots ami herbs . i ... H ' H Blood I'liTiiti r and a i : H r RrfiKt Jftcuovator and . I ;. teiti. cid'i'.vmg off a.! p.. . M rc-storiiig ill-.* tilm■ i to a!.,. 1 rn-hiiig it. refreuhiug at.-I i ■ : H miiHl and tiody. Tie va: • ; lion, prompt in th- ira ! HlllH riafr ami itIIIITI'I I \o Person CMM* take hi 1 cording to directions, and ret ... provided their bones are t ; , ... ■ mineral poison or other i • •-. . organs wasted beyond t ope . psin oi lllilig.-lioc. I 5 • ' Chest, Dizziness, Sour Ern ■ S I ach Bad Taste in the Mont ; l . .to pit ai ion of the Heart.lnflai 30 , Pain in the regions of I lie Ki H ; other paiulul symptoms, ire ; ■ Dyspep-ia. in tie se coniii . ;ntr i aiid one bottle win prove a ' r - ■ Its merits than a lengthy i For i i male C<-iiipini ai - married or single, at the ii., •. • or the turn of life, these Tonn I I decided an influence that a . i..., ; G H nieui ts soon perceptible. For liiHamiiiatory au4 H It he tiiiiat isiu and Bout. I >.-;■•; 1 gesrioii, Bilious, Remittent an-i i::- I Fevers. Diseawsof the Blood.l.tvi-r.k I Bladder, these Bitters have l>-en a. H Such Diseases arc caused byYiti.c- , H Is generally produced b> deiaugfaai: I ! Digestive Organs. Tlu-j are a Gentle Purgative B as a 'l'oiiic, possessing ui.-" t.;c- ;. or acting as a powerful agent in i v . ■ . gestion or lnflainraatii u ■ tin- I cf nil Organs and in Bilious I Ms- • - Koi Skin Diseases. Lru, ; i - B ■ j Carbuncles.King-worms. s ... i ll- i Erysipelas, Itch, Scurf-. !-;sn >ra. I Skin, llumors and Diseases of • H j whatever name or nature, aic 1.: r_. I G and carried oat of the systi H the Use of these Bitters, (it: . will convince the most Incredu' •'• a -i atii e otl'cctH. Cleanse the Yitinttd Blood v . you And its impurities bunb..- 1 r ■ akin in Pimples, Eruptions, or: ■ ! when you find it obstrncteii! • • if will tell you when. Kceji F..e - ; B , the health of the system will fob Grateful T'iiousanils ). BITTEKS tho most wonderful ever sustained the winking to Pin, Tape, ami of her Worms, in the system of so many lie ! tu.illy destroyed and renloit : I . guished physiologist: Thi re Ds ■ on tiie face of the c.-.r:.: ' t be cmpt from the presence cf v-otr . wo on the healthy elements of t ' I exist, but upon the diseased l:u (I-posits that breed these living disease. No system of inciiicine. i ■ ; worms like these Bitters. Mcelsaiii, ni Diseases. —Th m Faints and Minerals, ntc'a i. 1 . .. 1 setters, Bold-bcatcrs. and Mi:, r-. : vatice iu liie, arc t-übjee: to par. i.'-.e.vcis. To gunni avaiust t..:- t - A .j : )'■ -.K :-.'. V:-. t ..-P. ittTTTRM !- -■ a- Hilii. is, Kemt.tcut, and iad. tout Fcvtia, which Clx- HO 1 : v ..iieysof our great rivcraihrougi. - I ■ lie-, c.-p' i.illy t'i k - of the • • --onrl. Illim i . 'i nne—'ce. t": Bed. i'- : . '■>, Id'aZi . 1 . Ah'.i'.tma.' Vo -ile, Bava: ! : 1 I I : Nuniiu- r and A-utumu. and l :.. ...v :" c-on:paaied i r ex: : r. t-i -nis of the stonii.-'ii and iivr. ;• 1 ■ • .. "v. o.v-Tting a powc-rfu; in :• ■i eis or- i-tis, ts t. s-eiiti d'y i -- -. I tiie'i;;.tit- Nr tie - y...p.N i ; I . • C'itM I'C Cth • (!:•' ■ o:„-i ;I \ . I ■ -, • .c bowclH. r. I !i •at -i-.tutl; the s 01-• ! ner.dly n-ste o. the lic. I.i .. ificrof'.ila, or King's Evil.) .... I letKr>i ii t ins. .-v • •- -r •'".'••us Ini'.am: atioi,-. In .t I i U-. Merctifi..: Alhr.iofcs. < ■ I • its of the ;'-.iii. Sore Eye.-, t: .c. I iiiUlotn reoustituiioti d Dn ' v tNkii vK Brrrt.ius have siiowu t. a . '■■• • pi vv n> iii ii.e most oh- - :n— i :c-"s. Dr. ' Walker's ( nlifornia via Kilters act 011 all tin - . flint r. By purifying the Lu 1 : th e.ius-- nil ', bv i• -olMiig a.-.. 1 the i umiatioii (the tul>ercu!ui d'; i'livet" i pvris r. coivc health, and a 1 •'-• of D I B: r.rc Aperient, Dlapl. B B tn -. Mm . cr irritant, .'juiion v. A 'B Tii ■ ApcritM ami mild La> ttlv " I ti .. IV ,vi kEr.'s VIM I the ti-.'.-t sttfe-guarl in cax-s ct I . nuUignant fevers, their balhainic. - I ' Miothmg properties protect tin 1... I ; fauces. Their Sedative propertn - I the nervous system, stomach, .ml I ft tn I nam .. win I I 1- oi! if) ll,e bod) ago ins! di purify tig all (ts fluids won Vtv . 1 t No epidemic can take ho! loi s - - I forc-armeil. Diierttniis 'Tai.e of tiie ' -fi-r- on. I b> I- 'I a', iugi.i from a half to suiw I wine g', '.ss:::.ii. go,.', noui. - I as beef-sir mu'ion chop, M ni-ua. r I ail i Vi'geTtl!-;- s. Hial Luke I'U. ■ ' | They are composed of purely vt-. - I dlcU'.s, ami colit.itu 110 ri- tit. 11. It. AIvDOXAI.D iX CO I ; Drag,"tst.j and Gen. Agts.. s : ; A •■ •r. ... V. u-iungto't ...: . r. I ! SOLD BY A-L i)ivi< uiMh A I'd I WAIiTT). I U.-i, m ait its agent, add •- kV ■ ' SE VINC; MAC HINECO., i'.oston. I mo k Ii E V. ©li KIXOCIiA T 1 I ! einploynieiit at home; day or ercnu:- I requiri"!; full iu.striietiuns and vh ' of goods to <=tnrt wiihvi-nt free l>> - ! with if cent return atanip, M. Y"l I •J.i-4 16 courtlan it >!., I OA gents Wanted v , ' I Cbsnd charts. Aho, fm our .'•• ' i J Linen Th r> ad. ice lo $-Ji 1 ial KO"d, H' tive A-i : is. V 84?24 4 I). L. < ;L' EHNf-KY. c Warren T{ a ' * FIRST PREMIUM -A If ' Double Elevated Oven, Wanninc' 9 Door, Fender. Guard,lmmpin;' -k"; . HI Direct Draft. i'l I.LI lt. w A'.'! . '•■ J MOMY' - " I Stile " ■ New York. H ' GREAT OFFER! ""m I 100 I "~m 'itnl ORGASMS, oj ttxjirst 99 H 1 jfirf cast., and imi-mce ins-n • ' , fl M - • cm improivtnent*, !•>!• II 1 <tCO.\rKJn<> I J ft/.ci; "!.<■ HB '-.■ovtifrl stm- end j* rv- ' j ' /nn(fitted (Mtalouuc* • Music Merchandise. rnn "aM • -j u<t *v. ..-I w : U U new ( '.art: Christ b chililreii." lininen- -v - led for oui iarge Mapni t! • "• : I immen-e "World ' Map on rt-vc • Maps and Charts K" like wi ; u 1 tr.\.\s|SA [.I liKLCRT. I"b\ c INC riilt-hmenf'. Id l iberty