The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, March 07, 1873, Image 3
I The Potter Journal I 1 AND UEWS ITEM. I ;:-;:ESSPOST, PA., March 7, 1773. •_•rs S 5 £ i I - £ u~" rf -i ri -A "*8 IJ \ - ~ § ■ ten ; ; 7 '2Sg5 g g ;£ I*j♦ Z K ii £ II H : : = Z 4i * < I£ > " I I g i $ s I ' > - § J -• - T: Ss ~ * [VI— w ' ~ \ z ' i 15-■ * < j I3co£ < £ a £ s*C J • It W * S. C s Ml 3 S >- I Cfl I I 4 / ; ; * | aJ £ £ I is I I UJ a 111 , 5 S i s : _l "J 3 ** 3 ', I _ _ atfrrr and 2i neat: outs. Coudersport Market. ■Wheat -No. 1 white |**r bush. #l.Wi I •■ Red winter " " 1.60 tt 1.7.1 I No. 1 spring " " l.Ki (d l.iid | n „ *• *• .40 @ .+5 Inn. " " ■" IR, :1 „. " " ±OO & ±SO Il'ni.ii'"'" " " -4" Gt *5" I .metis ~ ~ t"0 <a ±OO IHo " ton 16.00 (lii.lrt- " -06 <O, -OH [*- " 44 .14 ® .16 VuHt-r " " 44 -25 Co .28 jvp " rtoi .'JO 6v ,2i I TlttTeAvfFl 1* preaching in the Pres hvtt-ri.ui Church next Sunday, at the ffitial liotir. hy Rev. Mr. Swain. S." s requested to {five us his name. rail at this office when in i urn We received a model letter from an ■•i.isuliM.wilier last week. For mercantile hi vit> and right-tn-the-poiiit-ativeness .! hasn't litany equals: "Mr. JOURNAL: Whs*- CX.RV.'/E the times on my paper live dollars worth. Here's the money. .T. M. KILBOUIJNE." Picked up in the street opposite (7. S. Junes'store, a wttllet containing money, cli the owner can have by calling at "• store of A. French and proving |'ru|tei'ty. i mail named \V iUiam Phillips, in lie employ ol' Commissioner Gakle, IOS killed 011 the loth inst. by being ntn over hy a sled 011 which he was ailing two heavy sticks of timber. — iiU"/i lujttiblicdn. Can this be the Win. Phillips that vent from Sharon township into the ;;:my? Our impression is that he came fely through the war, and lias been kicking around in the lumber region :rc. We have some lively recollec t: 11s of " llig Hill" 111 the old Camp t itin times. Since last week we have learned that ' row in Port Allegany wasn't a row nt all, and nobody got shot. The undersigned takes this occasion t express his sincere his bends in Koulet and Port Allegany ' <• donation of $85.00 in the former i'iaeeand one of $ 76.25 in the latter. Rev. F. G. STEVENS. At half-past six Wednesday morning mercury was down to ±4 below lero. "n s aturdav night last a man broke tin- gentlemen's sitting room of the depot, not with the intention of T}, but for the pun>ose of keeping Cits-It vann. The gentlemanly agent, I rank Thompson, let him go 011 'paying for ti )e damage done. —Cam- ••t'-'ii II roh.}. •A railroad company that pretends to w a depot for the accoinmodation of traveling public at as prominent a >t as Kinporiuni, and to keep it "kednpat night at the time passen mills are due, and esjiecially when -mercury is 12° below zero, as 011 s aturday night," with the train I "' two lioum Iteliiml schedule time. to have its depot broken into. ' a disgrace to humanity to have I ■"ngcrs treated so couth/, and the d oflicials should remedy the evil, ' " l; d s lee(lily.— haltponh nt. , l "* r 'i °f Thanks.—lt is with pleasure! ' hasten to acknowledge with much j e si•< ial kindness and re- 1 1 have always received from the ' 'h"- of Lymansville and vicinity, . ' J diough I was permitted to niinis . " tliein few times comparatively niy pastorate here, they felt an I, : 'dative "sense of obligation" to j , a donation. It was therefore j 1. and on last Thursday night! ''" U! *of Horatio Nelson, Es*].. was I ~ 1 ' 'iH-iual for the purpose. The | 1n,,. !! lut ' u goodly numlier and at "per time we were invited to sit j 1 -'"1 most bountifully laden tables, L "p With a most choice variety of | I 'Uitials and delicacies, for which ,S eserve special mention and I Ti I iiH , , ' s ' l donation was S3O for which L"', " ,l Sl > l am grateful. Grateful, |;:>it i' U f ° r tlie mol, **y value of the liiick! Ut f ° r t,ie hiudness ot heart: fWipi' .'! > ? Lt ' ive<l ;luJ conducted it as a ■ ' . < ' v^)ress ' ou of affectionate in- I, j i,' 1S 11 , wiw iu s,l,Js tance announced | cheerfulness with which 1: preached regular and funeral sermons iin the neighborhood. And I would add I ministered 011 every occasion, not for hive, but because I was so kindly appreciate d and warmly received. Hence more value is attached to this because it was purely a free-will offering, spon taneously a parting gift. May the Lord reward back unto their own hearts and homes spiritual and temporal mercies, a hundred fold; and may every one who shall minister to them receive as large a welcome and bear away with them the memory of as many tokens of re spect and kindnesses as I shall always cherish, are my sincere wishes. J. L. LAXDIS. CoudersjKrt't, Pa., Eeh. 25,1873. Consistency is a jewel, but it is rarely worn for common. There was a con sistent mpn lately traveling through the north part of the County, lie put up at the Lewisville Hotel and called for something to drink. The proprietor told him he could have tea, coffee, or water, but nothing stronger. "What: don't you keep anything to tcorni a fcHer uji't" 1 "No, sir; they won't let us sell it." responded the landlord. "Then I'm in Peiiusvlvaia, aint 1 V Well, I want to get back to York State, where they aint afraid to do a sensible thing; 1 wouldn't live in such a town." He then began to inquire about deaths "" in the vicinity, and it turned out that lie was taking orders l'or grave-stones. Sensible 11 inn I Liquor selling is the un dertaker's right bower. \S ti DKAK Jot" UNA r.:—A vn\ fine idea 5 lately struck the people of Lewisville 41 and vicinity. The M. E. Church had been troubled to raise the means for lt ' what might be termed incidental expen -11 _ scs, They concluded to adopt a very " common custom and hold weekly meet s ings at whicli a collection of ten cents < from each p< rson should be taken up. 4 They call them Dime Parties. I'p to February 19th the amount raised was about thirty dollars. They have found . the following rules esssential to success: i ■ Every one shall pay tt 11 cents and no more. No family shall be permitted to furnish refreshments or go to any extra expense. No one shall be permitted to 1 stay later than midnight. They recom mend their discovery to the public, as there is 110 patent in it. A couple of young, men who have been stopping in our village for several' months past, and the iinuliurUks of conduct has won for them a cer tain notoriety among otff quiet popula tion, last weekdetei mined to leave town. Fearful that the event might not other wise attract sufficient attention, they determined to celebrate it in a maimer i befitting their habits. Friday afternoon r and evening was devoted to the occasion. We have not space nor inclination to follow the exercises through. One part 1 of the performance was cutting the \ wires that held a stove pipe in place and s letting the pipe fall when the stove was - at a red heat, whereby one of the shops in town came near being burned up. t Another was putting their room in such J condition that the services of a house " cleaner at high wages Will le required ' to fit it for another occupant. They 1 kept it up until late into the uiglit—we - cannot tell how late —for thankful that 1 the din was over at last we went to sleep without consulting the time. Saturday morning these young /ifh meu went quietly up a back street, took I the Wellsville stage and departed, leav ing several bills unpaid, including their 1 washerwoman's bill. Thusendeth the i; story. A stranger stopping in our town over j night, almost any time the present win j ter. might easily be startled at the noise and uproar that would greet him from • 1 the streets in the course of the evening. • and possibly might imagine Capt. Jack and his Modocs were making a raid j down this way. But it is only "our ! boys." We may be mistaken, but it seems to ; 11s if these same boys had a little less of the street, and a little more of some other employment of an evening, it , would be an advantage to them, and ! add very much to the orderly appearance ' of the town. Intense excitement was created in Market Square, Monday forenoon, over the freaks of a dog suffering from hvdro ; phobia. The animal was taken with a ! fit in the Opera House billiard saloon, I creating an indescribable panic among i | those present. The cues were suddenly I j dropped, and billiard tables mounted, : being the most available place ol refuge. | ' One fellow became so excited that it is reported he attempted to perch himself j upon the gas pipes. Not one admired | the idea of being closeted with the fero j cious canine. The door was finally 1 ojiened, the dog rusced out and down the stairs into the street, when the ex citement was increased by the howling' canines who followed in pursuit. After a run, the animal returned, and like a bounding deer went up the < )]>era House : stairway, and again entered the billiard ! saloon, spreading fresh fear and conster i nation among those present. From the ; billiard room the animal passed out in-. | to the hall, where he was finally shot, thus putting an end t<> the excitement j that had reached the very highest point previous to the shooting. It was ex- i tremely fortunate that no one was bit-; ten by the dog. —Williamsport Gazette i and Jixdetin. DIED. In Ulysses, Felt. 23,1H73, Mrs. Wary Arslre.v, ut the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Sw- | sau Morley. j Another centenarian lias passed away. As j I Daniel Webster once said, "She came down to lus from a former generation." According to ! th<> record* said to be in possession "f one of her 1 children, she was in the 100 th year of her age. But it Is claimed that a mistake was made of 3 years in transcribing the family records from the old Dutch records, making her 102 years of age last ' . j If such Is the fact, how many wonderful events , ha\e transpired between the date of her birth and death. The whole history of our nation is included in the time. The Declaration of Inde pendence, the war of the Uevolution, the French war, war of 1812, Mexican war, the Great Rebel lion, the death of slavery, etc. All the Presi. dents from Washiuaton 11 Grant have been in 1 ollice since her recollection. Steamships and steamboats, canals, railroads and telegraphing, all these and many more have been brought into use since 1770. I understand site has been a professor of reli ' gion a good many years, lias l'eu a resident of Ulysses about 37 years A. G. P. - " -"I-"• 1 ■ Xural AW H. Elliott's Illustrated Plant and , Seed Catalogue- mailed fret* to all appli cants. W. IL ELLIOTT, 32u 114 Market St. Pittsburgh, Pa. Those wishing to purchase light wag ons and buggies should examine the stock of L. B. Cole A' Son. at their shop 011 Second street. They can show you specimens of both that for material, workmanship, st yle and finish are equal to any 111 the stales. Chapped I/and*, • . rough Win, pimples ' liagvui m, mi!!-:iieiitn.,a*idotherinttwlmailer . tio;".s -are.!, !i::'i the sail: isiaoe soft and smooth, by Using T:i Juniper Tar Soap, nni.'.e by Cas well, lia/.urd .v Co., .M-'.V Volw. He certain and get the Juni/n'c 'l'-c Snap, as there a.e many L \vo:i::!'.'s. tmas ma le with eoiuuiuti tar. 33-4 Si BS 'KIITIOXS to the BaOalo linily "E*- - press"' and the Klmtra IliiUy "Adver tiser" received and forwarded by . 133-ly Arthur B. Maun. 1 AVc call the attenlion of our readers • to the advertisement of l'iios. McDow . ell A Ce>., on second page. ■1 Those visiting Port Allegany for the purpose of trading will find it for their i interest to give them a call, 1 v The 7\ireti and Snei fesi Cod-Liver (ti/ Is Hazard ,V Caswell's nta<le III the scs sh,r,.. fvom , f. esl:,electcii i.v os, by Cat net/, Hazard dt Co., No vV" V. it p. a > >oliitel\ /aire a:i i tacc't. Pa tieiils ,\ i;o Pave once laKou :i preler it to all otli- 1 tos. I'h' sic: uis have decided it *upeili>r to any ! of the other oil: :i. market. i:a-4 I 11S{ SALE, at this oillct —to make rnoia for larger pr-ssi -L llronstrup llitnd prcis-platen x 26', nearly new. AI.SO, a I'UGlil KS CARD .1 .Toll PRESS—I', \ l.'L'hle ! chase. Iloth presses In good order. Ifepiirf <>£* AHegiirny 4 tidilors. F'eb. 2±. 1573. MTATKIIKST OF FcViiß. By Cash on hand &■ 14 | " Balance on Ccllect'ii's dupllt ate 2.142 '• Commissioners certificate 19T 28 i Trt .irJ<"N > 91® Surplus 273 91 TV. 11. M ATTIS'ON, | W. A. C.IRPSKK, F. A. NEI.SOX, Audit n'x Clerk. B. F, BISHOP. 1 K. O. liEES. WATCHMAKER and JSflffi ' DEALER IN Y\'t t eIICN, Clocks, .1 cAvelry, Hi!% 4"i*-i>Sjtt Ware, ifiisscN N Sjicctacle.s, E!:-iliii:g, (j:;:s siii'.l r\.:sn:u:uitioH, sVc. WALT H A M WATCHES SOLD AT PRICK LIST OF HOWAHL) CN- CO., (Bfis liroaxtrrai/, A*. F.) iCkpaikinci Iu a SUPERIOR and >VAK- H ANTED. SECOND STREET, East of MAIN ST.. (NTKK'S BL'ILniNO,) COUDERSPORT, PA. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL •108 PRI>TIXi PROMPTLY EXECUTED AT THE t OFFICE OF THE JOURNAL AND NEWS ITEM. j AUDITORS' REPORT lor ]B7'i. 1 j Statement of Iteccipls (not L\rptnd : - , | tares of Potior (hpndy for the year ■J endiny Pec. 31. 1K72. ■I . I j Ui.CKll >. Oj! ' ! I'll ilti'd & *C::' 1::luls ri't'd "•! C 1 , j Collectors for '72 and prev. >rs 5,t 46 45 , ! On Judgments 539 25 j H 'l' Reynolds 28 71 : Sale <>l lands 217 • Redemption of lands .1 si r ; Fuel I>l 0.1 I Hug funds 365 22 ! Special Final. ' i Collectors for '7O '7l and '72 216-5 -'4 ! I'ns'td & s'nl Ids retd for "761.1.. 2594 09 do "71 2589.11 , Total amount of receipt* $27,780175 | EXPENMTI'RES.— County Final. It L White eom'r's wages for '71.. - |0 \V Colvill tin '71.. 2" iW I. Stark wether do '71.. is It I. White wages in full for '72.. 525 IIW Cnlviu do "72.. 350 ■ Ll> lCstes do '72.. 325 i I. It Cole elerk hire 7(KI ' DC I.arrabeeeoiu'rs eounsel 50 1 • Election expenses RKM 17 ; Print fug halauee for *7l 1,>. ' Do for' 72 2firt : Clerk of quarter sessions 12265 I l'rothonotary's fees 51 u* I Clerk of jury coin'rs 20 in Stationery 11791 J .fury fees' l'otter co es Eulalia tp. 4 I Auditors' wages 142 [ ltepairs to public buildings 49 87 i Jail expenses 679 95 • Conuiionwealth costs 582 76 | Money refunded 27 94 Coroner's inquests 45 08 ! State tax 545 , Teachers' institute 18118 ■ Recorder's fees 4 50 Taking M L French to asyiuni... 91 5u , | Incidental e\|X'nses 1 Assessors' wages 863 56 1 Damages by roads 42 1 Ho,ad views" 482 50 j Sheep killed by dogs 27 50 ; Wolf and wildcat bounty .v") [ Constable returns 319 6." •! Surveying school district 42 42 : i'xi.'ii d". g prisoners in East, penit'y 77 8< ; Jury commissioners' fees ". 17 22 I lteferrees" fees jq | Taking 15 Stiilinan to asylum etc. 232 75 do prisoners to peniteniiarv. 345 30 • Tipstaff wages ".. 120 ; Court erier 03 j State tax due eom'w'lth for '71... 616 94 I Sheriff's fees 153 76 1 Judgment favor llieharilson 3:576 50 : Western penitentian 91 62 ■ Cassia Prouty at asylum 280 96 1 Tending town clock 25 i (fraud jury fees 40-S 02 j Traverse J'urv fees 67ii 19 ! Costs on lands bid in by county .. 90 75 : Viewing I.ymansv die and (Jer niania state road <50.50 1 Repairs to court house 33 65 I Insurance 45 j Judgment favor Joseph Mann... 942 09 j Special Final. $ 16*447 37 • Jail furniture "4 12 I " lot 1:56 Int on bond to I Benson.. 695 10 ! do 1' A Stehi'ins jr 300 w do 1,11 Pecker.... 1966 do do 383 25 do do 144 _ ; Total expenditures 19,72614 Excess of receipts over expenditures $ 8,054 to IwW ' | We do ceui v th:>* s.r lorcgutug *t;-teinei>C<.r receipts i ami t'v j Viiinre-* of the county of Potter r*-. %.. I year lb72is correct. a wi.l Appear upiu the records and vouchers In this office. Attest: O . W. COLVIX. L. B. COLE, Clerk. L. I>. ESTKS. U L WHITE. Commissioners' Office, Jan 4, '7. CV>?/*>\s. Statement of the funds of Potter Coun ty for the i/ear endiny Iter. 31, "12. Dlt. Cuunt>/ Fuial. Due on judgment fa v. Joseph Mann. . 2,50U00 Special Final. Hue on bonds to 1 ltenson 5000 00 do Joseph Mann.. 590006 do I, It lk'cker ... 17titto0 do do ... 6000 00 do do ... 64410 00 do do ... 24U000 Total indebtedness 2K,iioi)oo Cll. County Final. P-tie from unseated lands for '72 6064 od do sled ids retd for' 72 84 55 do collectors for 1868..,. 4ti2s do do 1872 81.5 93 do EO Austin 75 do |l T Reynolds 206 91 do Cameron county son ('ash in Tresis, hands ." 3047 59 Amount due Co. fund ll,l:'S 32 , Spcclhl Final. From ims'ted i'ds for '72 2526 69 do s'ted i'ds ret'd... 35 71 do collectors lii'>7 69 Cash in Treas. liands .. 2816 77 Balance of indebtedness *11,414 82 Hay Final. Cll. In.e from eolieetors 246 70 In Treasurer's hands 258: 9 Total amount due county 185 09 We d i certi y thai the foregoing etat' lucut of the funds of Petter county ou the 11 ret day of Jauntily, 1*73 i correct, a* will appcai upon tie records and vouchers iu our office. (}. W. COL v IN. i Attest: it. 1.. WHITE. L li COLK, Clerk. h. I>. KSTKS. C '••in Cp. . S j ' • r4i—' - 1 2: "5 j- ~ 5 § - = g p ? ic— ——- - A. L. IIAHVEY, Treas., In account with fur IM2. The Commonwealth* Personal Tares. ' Received Iroin collectors for'7o 191 do do '7l ....114 75 do do '72 .... 146 72 By commission on $263 37 @spr ct 1317 '• Receipt of State Treas 85 mi 98 23 Bal due by Co Treas 165 15 : /{'■ toilers' License. Anil per report J E Harvey App'sr 405 50 ! 3 nios license M V Purple (not in list) 5 15y commission on *4lO 50 @spr ct 2U 52 Anit dm as tier reiNirt .Auditor (icneral for 1871 2922 Adver'g app'seni't in Item 4 do Journal... 520 Stale Treas receipt 351 CO f • JPe'll.irs' License. ' Received at sundry dates 625 S3O S3O 85 Bv commisson on SBS 4 25 state Treas" receipt 80 75 Js_ Tor OH TAJ us. Reed on E 1> Herr judgt cjt Potter eo "71.. 9 iu do Rich dsnn do "71-2.. 15 74 do>' $ 00-J S Mann for 6 nios "72 525 do do KJb-1 lieusou 12 do 15 do do 6c)00- do 12 do 18 j do do 1700- do 6 do 210 do do lioOO-J S Mann 12 <lo 18 •' • <*'-F AStebbinsjrl2 do 13 i i do 2 100-Jos Mann 12 do 720 i.Herr i i.'gm't rs Potter eo do 979 *lls 75 Bal due Co Treas 28 *ll6 OS Is> commission i.n *HS 75 5 79 " Receipt state Treas Nov 15, '72... 93 9.5 ; ' O" do Jan 17, *73... 16 29 I " 6" certhy tha' have exatniuetl the accounts I acd vutichcri of A. L. ltarvoy, Treasurer of Potter - ! COHUIV. with the < NlDl mon wealth of IVuna. aud SML I j I 10 same tu he con* -ct and in accordance with above statements. j. jt. COLK, T J. M H <MILTON, J Aiatitors I*. . IIAVU, J A. L. IIAEVEY, Treas. la account with for 1,572. Potter County. Count a Finals. Reed of eolieetors: '66, 9 94; 't", 1 58; '69, 4 09; 71. 7.5 17; '72, 4925 65 u.64,i 43 Reed from Ulis'ld I'ds A s'til ret'd for '7O 6,237 .V do do '7l 6.194 07 Recti on iudgt rs (' Loneks eol 24 25 do Eulalia tp-insane poor 265 do .1 Lyman-bail E Rees (former Co treas) 280 Reed of IIT Re\ nulils defie'vaud rep '7l 28 71 do P A Meld ins in fulDpart jail lot 157 6' do Stephen Morton on sale of lands 59 72 do Rctlcmpt ion hurls fmiu tax sale* 1184 do siindrv parties lor lirewood sold 61 1 Bal due from Dog Fund Jau 1. '7l 365 22 i Bal front Ami's re;ort Jan 1, '72 2,042 62 * 21,373 41 , By eoinmissiiiu on *!8,9ii617 7.58 65 By orders rct'il and canceled; '72—Feo 24 526173 Mc!l 2 2574 51 , June 13 2192 21 July 24 2; 1 1" Sept 21 2425 35 Nov 9 2353 12 lve 12 3:18943 "79—Jan 23 91 "S 21702 if. less applied s]M-eialfiiud 4 1 54 8 i . Baianee due by Treas *3,n!7 "9 Sjierial Final. Reed from collector*; '741, 2596; "71, !6i93; 72.167845.. 2165 34 ims'td I'ds A s'td ret'd l'or 7o 2".9t 99 do do 71 258681 *7:419 2t By bal due co funds Jau 1, 72 lit! lit cumin'ti on 7549 24 <(•> 4 p c 293 97 orders l'eld A cane (sec <•(> f'ds) 41:41 86 I Bal due by co treas 2816 77 | li'".) Fan ! Reed from Collector*: 70. 763; 71,18032; 72. 316 79 =>ll4 71 Bal per Ami's top, Jan 1, 72 252 31 757 <>s By bal due to eofnud Jan 1, 71 365 22 - eiumiiUsion 011 sq 74 21 19 orders yUl't • nMceh'A 1 :2 2" >! .518 Mi ■ Bal due b\ eo treas ! " Herli ntptam Fatal. ! Reed front A 1! Hortou late en treas; pd on 570a Hebroti-S P Reynolds 107 79 do 660a wt 4932Svlv'na-S Ross 117 14 do 1-54 a Ettlalia-A Rminsville sO2 do do-UTisvTeAfrr'nm'n 1174 244 69 j 72Janl2-reedotio9a Wh't ti-sold AIM one 879 Sept 18- " ]o2a Heidor K'se h'rs-WCobli o 89 20- " CiOna w 4932Sylvani.i-S Uos.s.. 124 15 .' Nov 15- " 197 aw 4678Siuniuit do .. 27 05 - " .'6a " do tin .. 12 IS - " 146 a 21092186 do do .. 2159 1 Amount ill hand of A 1. Harvey *146 34 ' ! We hereby certify ihat we have exaininod the ac- I ci.uiils ami vouchers of A. L. 1 1 arvey, Treasurer of Poller county, with said county for the several fuuil •bovcnauicd, ntul fliid(h<*nt correct: showing the sev eral balances due as stated. ,1. 11. COLK, .1. il \ til ETON, 11. W. I! SVKN, A" tUtors. '! A L AHV2Y, Treas., la acctnud with lite Several Township*. ' Abltott Township. i To KiKtd luxes reed on ims'td I'ds: 70, 176 57 ; 71, 195 07 571 61 do s'ted i'ds let'd 1 W , Sju'cial Road taxes on uus'td for 71 ... 377 04 749 98 i BY eomrs ord rs 011 Road lax 571 61 do Spec'l do 37714 748 68 ' Bal due by Trea* 1 30 Allegheny Township. : To lload taxes reed on uus'td I'ds; '69, 99 89 ; 70, 113 40; 71. 113 40 ... 326 60 " do s'td ret'd: 70,1146: 71. 19.38 3084 , j Miee'l r'd taxes en to s'ted I'd*: '; '69. :'d 93; 70. 39 7'i; 71. 56 7o 131 33 do s'ted rcl'tl 70, 12 8.;. 71, In 71 .... 21 '4 Bounty tax <>ti uns ted I'ds for 7'i 22 tu I I I'.y eoiiniii .ioitcrs on'-i's in full A*34 98 . I Hiip/liaiu Town.sJiii). To It'll taxes uus'td I'ds 70, 78 46;'71, 6012 138 58 * pel lid I xs do 70,27 40 ; 71, 30 06 57 52 By coiiimr.s orders in full $196 10 Clam Township. To ltd tax ims'id for 70, 144 I 0; 71, 149 48.. 293 88 Sis'eiiil R'd tox uus'td I'ds 71 37 39 do s'td ret'd 71 103 38 42 By eoiniiu* order* in full *332 30 Coiuletspi n t. To Born tax uus'td 70, 1 08; 71, 0 96 2 04 s'td 1 el'il 70,0 90; 71. 20 02 26 92 Poor tax s'td and mis ted 71 9 on B\ eonuiirs orders in full * .'47 96 Eulalia Township. To li d tax unstd A std retd 7n 58 40 lais'tetl I'd* ret'd "71 89 75 Sjiecial oiad tax uus'td for 71 14 88 193 03 ' I By eonnnlssioiteTs'orders 19176 ! Balance due by treas $ 127 j To Poor tax uns'tii for 71 170 70 ii. East Fork ii*l 71 188 84 359 54 1 1 Bv commissioners orders in lull 359 51 1 ) East Kork District. I To ltd tax litis'td 70, 2!*'.75; 71, 377 72 674 47 j ; By eonmii s orders in lull 674 47 < tciipsec Townshiji. To ltd lax on uus'td for "To 132 14 s'td ret'd 70, Jit: '7l. 289 503 137 17 Siici lax lllis'til 70. 72 77 : 71, 71 9,5 144 72 I Poor do '7O, :!6 39; 71, .15 % 72.35 do stdretd'7o,lo7: 71. 145.. 25274 87 356 76 j J B> I'oinuiis .iuiit r* orders 31795 : HalaiK'C due l>y Treas 8 81 i Harrison Township. I To R'd tax uus'td 70. 49 62; 71, 4962 99 24 Spel do 7u. 24 81 ; 71,18 64 43 44 14268 By eonmir* orders 106 45 \ j Bal dticjiy Treas 36 23 ' Hebron Township. To ltd tax unstd 70. 318 Oft; 71. 8936 41)7 90 seated ret'd 71 13'22 S|'e"l r'd tax uns'ti! ~o 210 49 Poor tax mi* td 70, ti3ls; 71, 3207 95 82 seated ret'd 71 184 729 33 . ; By eoitimrs orders 665 Bal due In Treas * 64 3" Hector Township. ; To lt d tax uus'td 7", '227 22 ; 71, 22" 16 447*38 | Siic'i do 70. 113 61; 71. 1M 08 223 69 • I do s'td ret'd 7ft, loo; 71,90 1 9<J Poor tax tins ted 7" -Mi So do seated ret'd 7ft 50 57 30 i By commissioners orders in full $730 27 Homer Township. i n it d tax mi* td 70. 37 26; 71, 29* 16 335 72 1 Sl'1 d<> 70,9 '.l; 71. 149 23158 *4 do s'ted ret'd 7ft 15116005 • By eomiuriiorders in full. $4'4'77 Jackson Townsliip. iTo R'd tax uns td 70,187 IS; 71.1*887 376 | SIK-e'l do 70. 2h'ss; 71.21865 435 50 *ll 5" : By eomnirs orders 795 | Balance due by treas $ 16 5n j j Keating Township. To R'd tax unstd 7ft, 2867 ; 71, 20775 236 12 Poor tax tins td lor 70 62 12 29s 84 j ) By couimrs orders 285 Balance due l>y trea* $ 13 tF Oswayo Townsliip. T> i R.t tax unstd 70,734 98;7L 7ir289 1437! Sped di i 70.367 49: 71. .551 19 71s <N do seated ret 'd 70. tin I'oort x unstd 70, 367 49: 71. s*l 19 718'."S do seated ret'd 70 6ft 2877 12 I By comniissiouers orders 28iX> j Bal due by treas ♦ 77 12 Pike Township. To lload tax on unstd : '69,69474 : 70.694 74 ; 71. lilt'.6B 26 15 Spec Tuns td 70, .347 37;'71,368 34 '•*"> T1 do std retd 7", 1 <Ki; 7i, ft 68.. 16* l'oort x unstd 7". 347 37; 71. w(2A 71 do Stedret'd 70, lot); 71,0 68 1 r>B , Bounty tax uus'td 71 132 85 do s'td ret'd 71 27 3453 94 ; | By commissioners orders 3376 lktl due bv treas $ 7794' ' Pleasant Vallej Townshijv. To Koail tax uus'td 70. 9 2': 71. 929 18 "8 Special r'd tax uns'ted 'TO 929 27 87 By commissioners orders 27 j Balance due by Trea* $ 87 Koulet Township. | To lt d tax uus'td '■0,2219; 71.216 .6 239 25 Sped do 70,19 70; 'lf, ~5.87 O(5U> 39432 , . By commissioners order; S#i Baianee due by trea* I 32 Sharon Township. |: To R'd tax uus'td "0. 12 72; 71, 51 64 H36 seated l'et'il 71 1 50 i spee'lr'd uns'td7"ft.-sioS;7l,:iii:';; si 41 s'td ret'd 7ft, 1 lft; 2 35 4.5 Poor tax uus'td '7O, .51os ; 71,i:'3 si 41 s'td ret'd 70.1 lo: "71, 235 :s 45 215 58 By eomiiiissloners orders 210 60 Balance due by trea* 4 498 Stewardsoii Townsliip. To Rtl tax unstd T**, 323 57; 71,32067 514 24 Sped do 70,635 66; 71. 1240 51 1266 17 1910 41 By eomnirs orders 1550 1 J'.a'ance due by tre;ls., $ -'iiV'H , Summit Township. To li'ti tax unstd 70, 221 65; 71. 2226; 41461 seated ret'd 70 4 95 Poor tx unstd 7ft, 15931: 71,26697 4-i> 28 s't.l ret'd '7O. t 17; 71, 195 312 Itoimtv tax uus'td 7o 179 31 s'td ret d Ml 1 17 1039 44 By c.uumi jsionefs oo'ers 9i2 Bal lite bv treas ... $ 67 41 ,! Sweden Townsliip. To Road tax uus'td 70, 4 71. I ' !>'. .... 82 i>6 , .S|M-e t di. 7ft, 42 19; 71, 40 47 82 t>i <io std ret <1 7ft,Cß6: 71, 2.59 345 8611 i Poor tax d<> 'it)," 71, 128 214 do UUS 111 7(1, m 39: '. 2ft 23 !>)4 62 166 76 j ;; By coitiiiiissii.ncis orders in o. $275 53 : Sylvaniit Townsbiyi. j lly eftinmrs ortlers NosA 52 * '") l ii Ifoail tux tins td: 70. 562 16; 71. 189 .54... 851 aIS 30 lesse, nun 11 011 I*3' 75 17 57 By coiiiiiii * order* N'os 2118 a 5 8 . is . o ' Tit SjH'cial Koiiil taxil *44.1 5 2ft lc*s eoiiimn on 3 29 15 3 16 ■ l>ue VI. Harvey by Tp for over payment. .* -ft 73 1 Hvssf.s Township. T" Una I tax ' Sjiei'l do 76.37 (19;' it,. •-s i;a 9 I t.o si frer I'.II 22. is. 12 Poor fx no 4 50 } do unstd 76, 74 15; .1,4. 5; 121 "2 126 •'22K4 48 1 , By eomiiiissioiiers oraers vail Bal tine bv treas t 20 is ' T.cwisville. ' To lloro tax utis't I 7ft. 11 15.5; 71, 0 6ft... t45 1 . lio.t I • o "ft, 3 4ft; 71, (H'lft t j ; Poor > 0 '.i 240 a; sr. A\'csl Hntnch Township. rToIt i tax 11 list i 1". lit! 93; 71,74i8 84 <62 77 s't : let' i 69 ail I 70 lft 74 ' j S|se'l co co 12 9 ) • o lilt* t i 76, 3093 : 71, 3"Bi 22 693 15 1179 ; By eoiiimis. i"uet'.sor..ers i 720 Bal inte by treas. -. t 54 "6 WliaiToit Township. To Roa ! tax un*t I ".ft. 1"* : 71, 821 36.. 1219 f . SjE-cial r'd tax tins tc 1 7) 4l;"i* BY eoliimissioliel*. in' cv* ill full %169 > 11 1 : A. L. HAHVIY, Treas., in a< ■ t with the sertral for DTA Mate lioatl C'oniinissiouers. Eorcst House eV Ereeinan Hun. ' Tax Eulalia tp 7l>, 6 <7 49; 71, 6x9 07 1236 56 'j Keating 7li, 2EB 0.7; '7l, 317 75 41.5 Hi By Co coiiiniissl mers'orders in full 41652 36 Coudersport A: shippen. : Forl j per el from assessment by the Road Super visors in Euiaiia tp for '7O 22 61 , iio Keating do 9 53 do Rolilet do 54 19 By orders Co commissioner* in full $8639 Hopper House <V Paddy Run. Tax Abbott tp tiiis'l 1 "0, 29 ; 28: 71. 2;q 76 s*B u4 1 i Mcw'ilsoli " "7ft, 356 87; 71,362 62 71947 ' W Branch " 7ft, i 1856;'i1, 16335 311 So By orders Coeoniniissioners in full $ 1619 36 | Eyniansville A Germauia. i Tax Jackson uns'ted 7ft, 59 4!: '7l, 59 44 .. 118 88 Summit " '7ft, 87 14;'71, 8862 .. 175 76 1 Swe .ell " "69, 41: 1: 7 .S4 7.5; 71,3)94 2U6 06 W Br'eli " 22ft 86; ".1, 218 3ft. 439 16 ; Bv orders Co eoniinissioners in full s94ft 46 i ! Potter A Clinton. Tax Abbott unstd 70,151 < 8; 71, 167 44 318 52 Stew ' Sit " "7ft, siiao ; '7l, 3i7 !4 764 24 1082 76 j By oroers Co commissioners 1082 sti Balance due bv Treas $ 2<i ' Lumber & Wharton. ! Taxes ou uns'ted i'ds Wharton for 1870 916 14 j less commission at 4 per ct fdiid ! Amount due by Treasurer $8.9 5a ' We do certify that we have examined the accounts ' and vouchers of A. L I'arvey, Taeastirer, iu account ; with the several Townships aud state Road Commis sioners and liud tli'uu correct, ebowiug tlie several : balances as atatcd, J. If. 6 OLK, J. M. HAMILTON, L>. W. HAVEN. j Auditors. A. L HASVEY, Treas. P tier Co. • • In account with the Several School Districts. | ... CuM-aied. Scaled Kct'd. ■ TotaL 1876. I 1871. 1870, I IS7I. Alrlxrtt District. | School 449 ik. 471 24 920 89 ' Building 449 65 17126 92ft 91 I*4l 8(1 By orders of to. commissioners 1841 so ' Allegheny District. i School 73 70 183 12 92 11 89 107 34 1 Building 73 7ft 3 4'l 12 92 514 93 16 202 51) ' Bv orders of Co. cuiiiluU#touere 202 50 : ltinghain District. | School 61 Oft 39 0* .... .... 90 08 i Building 19 62 ... 19 62 ! 109 7o • By orders of Co. comudislouera luv no liulaucc due by Treasurer 7o Clara District. School 92 91 74 74 3 7ft 2 ft* 173 91 Building . 87 39 1 ".'3 2 4a 40 88 <l4 79 s F orilci of Co. < 'ijnmi .'wre. 211 "8? Couriers prtrt District. School IK 94 ... 26 02 ISM From Kast F -rt Wft. 3\it2 536 63 9Si 45 965 79 I J:. orders of <o. i.-rit nissiorisrs 64* " BalincfdUfli Treasurer 31' '® Building t.f w From Kast Fork 145 86 ... ** tiTT". j It\ orl6rs uf i'o.tni'!Mlh>>lo(itr. ItaUuice Uif ty Treat*. Enlalia District. School 832 56 9o :o> 11' l Building likiiii 4oi-i .... ;* ■'.v.'.'-a B nn'fs of Co. ctnuiiiMi'iicr. 6.;6;.t (lenostf District. School Siso 72 .... 1* ; 24 Hy order of Co. commissioners iom- • Balance <luc l>v Treas. v >-' Building SI 77 62 19 ... 2*9 " lly onlcrs of Co.commissioners i-~> Balance due by 'lTorlS: \ Building si 77 62 lo - ,4 '' '• By orders of Co. commissioners !■***'' Balance itue try Treat- 1 • Genesee Jliriciycnrieut District. Building H 25 61 -■* iy outers of Co. commissioner* i -:■> Harrison District. School 29 7* 92 26 .... . "' liuiuumr 1241 * in orders of Co. coiuiiilsnloucrs 4 .•* Hebron District. Scllool 27i t>l SS iH 6i 4 J.-.. Bull<il!)£ Xili 61 9&UJ .... V •" • 1 l By onler- of Co. {•oiiiwls.-'loiivrh • * Hector District. School 147 0. 187 *1 120 1"5 86. . . Builtiinj? 11.; ol J.; tl lw i %&.• •* ' - • la orders of * i-d.ii.oßaltHwrs 64C r Homer District. School 24 21 i:ay; ... ■• -■ Building " 69 ••-. fV li , By orders of Co. commissioner 4 . -.1 ' Jackson District. School 200 28 202 ay .... By order of Co. commissioners •. 1 Balance due By Treat 1.2 a* Keating District. ScliOOl US 04 SiOt'ti .... .... iw By orders of to. oiniiiHhloiicrh -vo u Balance due hy Treas U * 1 Dswayo District. I .School 4*7 71 4'xi I*4 i'N> .... - Building 477 71 45S 94 1-4 <"-J l.l s By ordcis of to. conur.lsisiiiucrs I'll ■ > Hike District. School 461 ft 400 S3 IHO Ns *64 By order-ol'C4j. commissioner* •>' Balance due By Treas 49*. Pleasant Valley District. School 12 OS 12 0s fi i. ■ By '.i .B r i.f 4 'ii i nimniSHlio'"— |n | ny Treas . .o Building 029 283 1. *- lly order of Co. commissionera t-2 - j Balance due Bv Treas Portage District. School .... 251 72 -••• ■ - t By order of Co. commissioners 2-B'M Balance due By Treas l' 12 Building ■ 50 82 5".t By order of Co. commissioners '• >.'•< Balance due By Treas -.2 l{4tul"t District. School 42 *4 140 ST .... -9' i.. By c ider of cc. com.u:i—inner- ICoW Balani c-due By i rea. eo • | Bull ti.ig 4J -4 14.. -7 i.O • f By order ol ro. t ti.iiiai sloners rtu t ' Balance one By I'ieas '•& .1 Sharon 1 >istrict. Si'ho'li 0-. -4. 85 51. ia- .. ;4 iv.. ii,* ■ By oriiei ol to. c 00..*. i-lone is "2.61 Balance duf ly Treas 24 i" | llulldintt 6;; So Si. bn 18- 272 at j By order ol co. coiiiniis-doners S. 24 Balance due By 'i'rea 2" •' Stewardson District. School 794 52 iS7 99 I.n': .• By orders of 4-0. comuilssloner- u-io -*i Balance dtie By Treas is-.*4 Building .... 315 21 ••••''' By orders ol co. coiuioissioi.crn c 5 'co Balance clue By Tree • 4* 21 Simiuiit District. Si lioo! i-i.i 16 20(3 97 .-68 195 W i'v order ol eu. eotiiniissloi.i i ...MSI " Balance due By Treas '.l Sweden District. School >4 39 S0 95 6iO I o it By onler of co. coiuiuissiouers lor. i-u Balance due By Treas 6 as Building .-4 39 SO 93 .... 510 17t>4- j By onler of 00. eouiiulssioiter. 5 -. Balance due By Treas isi'im Svlvania District. School 810 32 81S 19 •>-— '. 1 , By order ol co. coiiituis.sioners t.4 .4 Balance due by Treas : i 91 Building 73 19 73 46 148 54 By or icr of tai. commissioners 14.1 IM Balance due By 'i reas 0 s~ I'lyases District. School o4 tH 01 5-i ODO .... Iw i* 15 v orUer of co. i -7 ♦ • Balance due by Treas s c Bulldilig 24 72 jf? 79 16u .... Co Ol By oi l-, of co. coiUlul.slouers 4. .'* Balance due By Tieas 2 M Lev. isviile District. ScUooi 2 21 V 23 West Branch District. School 4US 57 45." 31 3X6 S0 J4 By Older of co. coiiiuticaiouers 776 tsj Balatice due By luas 24 M Buiidiug 823 93 366 22 326 696 41 By ordertd co. couiunstiloncis. 6ot>tvi Balance due by licas v. 9641 Wharton District. School 592 20 586 67 1129 77 By order of eo. commissioners 1660 4>o Bulauce 4lue By Treas : .. >y 77 Building 153 24 410 69 693 93 By order of co. counuissioners s<Ki 151 Balance due By Treas 33 93 We hereby ceitify that we hnve eXitmiued the Ac cuuuts aud Vouchers id A. L. liarvcy, late Treasurer of l' County in account with tbo several school bistrict.- of satu county auil flud tlitnn collect; show the seveial Balance- eel forth in the nbove Mat lueut. 2. H. Col i J. M. HAMILTO*,'- .twfffurs t>. W. UAVKJ. .1 Statement of jury fees rrrrirc.d hy .S. J\ lieynulds, Sheriff <>t Potter f '/- ty dvriuy IB7i. J. /.immeruiHU rj. A. Uuiislket cl til., 100 J. Stone " I- llavis A it. Booth 4 Ot) Keating A Co. " Baritaia liaii, ef tii., 4eo ilo. " W North A M A l North 4 >■• White use t'av'gh " Waaliiugtou t oi.tou 4 .-o J. I'otter, etc., " M. V. lTirjili-, 400 I 34 oO Audited .Tau. W, 1?73. - T . U. Con. •!. it UAMICIOV t) w HIT E.V. AV" fff'-e#