The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, March 07, 1873, Image 2

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    The Potter Journal
COUDERSPORT, PA., Mar. 7 1873
The news from Spain is rather JKT
plexing. We read of the invasion by
Don Carlos and various uprisings in
his fa\or. That he is said to be at
Vera, in Navarre, having withdrawn
across the Spanish frontier, and that
he has issued a proclamation calling
on the National troops to come to
their king.
Anotber dispatch says,"His where
abouts is* at present unknown."—
There was a severe battle between
the government forces and 1500 Car
lists who fought desperately but were
repulsed by the government forces.
The weight of testimony seems to
be in favor of the success and perpe
tuity of the Republic. The Minister
of Justice is soon to present to the
Assembly a bill for the abolition of
capital punishment. In addition to
the movements of Don Carlos there
are the claims of the son of Queen
Isabella and the Duke de Montpon
sier, which are to l>e united and make
common cause against the Republic,
but which it is hoped will not amount
to anything very serious.
II ere is the programme:
LoNItON, Feb. 24, IS73.—An agree
ment has been made lietween the
Duke de .Uontpcnsier and the adhe
rents of the ex-queen Isabella to place
Prince Alphonso upon the throne of
Spain, the Duke to be Regent during
the minority of Prince Alphonso and
the latter to marry the youngest
daughter of the Duke. Isabella ac
cepts the programme, and two impor
tant parties, therefore, will act to
gether in the present crisis.
Later accounts represent the Car
list cause as becoming more formid
able, and all reports go to show that
the new Republic will have plenty of
difficulty in becoming fairly establish
ed. Our own country, France and
Switzerland have shown it kindly en
courage.. xTrimitt'lrlu 1 rance oclines
to help with arms. IUTC NRO some j
items of news with regard to it:
count Enfield, Tinder Secretary for
the Foreign Department, answering
an inquiry from Mr. Whitwell, stated
that it was the unanimous opinion of
the Cabinet that 110 government ad
mitting of recognition had been es
tablished in Spain.
PARIS, March 3 Thiers has issued
rigorous orders to prevent the intro
duction of arms into Spain across the
French frontier,
WASHINGTON, D. C., March 3.
Mr. Banks, Chairman of the Commit
tee 011 Foreign affairs, reported from
that committee a joint resolution ten
dering, in the name and on behalf of
the American people and Congress,
congratulations to the people of Spain
011 their recent efforts to consolidate
the principles of universal liberty in
a republican form of government, and
requesting the President to transmit
this resolution with instructions to
present it to the Spanish government.
Passed without division.
Ciiai las Reacle.
Many papers contain more or less
of the controversy, legal as well as
wordy, between Charles Rcade and
various newspapers which have pre
sumed to say what they think about
the indecencies in his books, chiefly
just now about a plav called "Shilly
shally.'' which was characterized as
"not fit for decent people to sit
through." We should not suppose
decent people would attempt it—af
ter reading anything of his.
Why anybody in this country
should publish his writings; why re
spectable publishers like Harpers
should let his writings out upon the
reading public through their pages,
is a mystery.
Perhaps he may have written some
works that are unobjectionable, but
one does not want to read every book
of a voluminous author after two or
three have proved very bad in order
to find this out. And we think his
writings show him to be at once too
vulgar and corrupt to bp accepted as
a contributor to any of our house
hold literature. Many object stren
uously to such authorship, and though
few,perhaps,relinquish a valued mag
azine or paper la-cause so contami
nated, such relinquishment is often
seriously thought of and his atory
never looked at.
We hear a great deal about French
novels and yellow-covered literature.
Not being acquainted with these we
cannot say but some of them may be
worse than Charles Rcade, but there
is no need they should be.
Philadelphia, Keh. 28.1573.1
Dfau Journal: At last the Dele
gates begin to show a determination
lor earliest w<rlc. On Monday last a
resolution was adopted restricting de
bute in committee of he whole toone
speech of ten minutes in length to
each Delegate. Yesterday a resolu
tion was adopted (4 s * to -17) to hold
two sessions a day after Monday next,
to wit, from 10 till 2 and from 4 to 6.
The important committees have re
ported and there is no longer any ob
stacle to continuous and thorough
work. I trust the Convention is about
to redeem itself from the mistakes of
its earlier action,or rather non-action,
and that the conceded good inten
tions of its members will now mani
fest itself practically and with effect.
A section was adopted in commit
tee of the whole, a few days ago, mak
ing women elegible to the office of
school director. Good judges main
tain that they are elegible to that po
sition under the Constitution as now
in force, but as there is some doubt
on the subject it is well to insert a
clear provision removing ail doubts.
As a large majority of the teachers
of the State are w omen, it is difficult
to imagine any good reason w h\ they
should not be elegible to the office of
school director.
lii committee of the whole the ques
tion of adhering to the present con
stitutional provision restricting ever y
city to four senators has been dis
cussed for several days. A vote was
reached to-day and the restriction
was sustained by a vote of 41 to 37.
The Philadelphia Delegates struggled
hard, but the good sense of the ma
jority could not be shaken, and I
think the Convention will adhere to
the decision of the committee of the
whole. It would be strange il" it did
not, for it has been a part of the Con
stitution of the State since 17i0; and
110 evil h.:s resulted from it.
The committee of the whole lias
now under discussion the question of
how many members shall compose
the Legislature. Ihe indications are j
that a considerable increase will be
made. "The weight of argument,'*
as-the chairmen of debates used to i
say, seem to be 011 the side of a large
I lie Philadelphia Delegates are
very much disappointed at the vote!
adhering to the old clause restricting
the representatives of large cities in
the Senate. It is natural, but the re-!
striction is founded 011 necessity and j
ought to continue. . •. i
disputable statistics of England's for- i
eign trade are cited by Mr.Henry ('. i
Cary, in a new work upon the tariff, i
from which it appears that her trade j
with resistant countries, or those!
maintaining protective tariffs, is grow- '
ing far more rapidly than with those ;
which cling to free trade. The pro- i
tected countries are getting rich the j
fastest, and. therefore, are the best
customers for even the would-be uni-1
versal workshop. This, Mr. Caryl
thinks, proves that the nations which i
resort to the protective policy not
only benefit themselves, but their
neighbors, England especially, and
consequently that the latter country !
has commited an egregious economic \
blunder, both in adopting free trade;
herself and in striving to force it 0111
all of the rest the world.— Worhiiuj]
Rare Bravery.
Tut editor of the Jluj/'ulo
is a brave man. and in common with!
all cowardly people, we do admire i
bravery. His, too, is of a kind so ;
rare that we admire it all the more.
When the floods are abroad upon
the earth and the ice is piled in great l
"jams"—icebergs on land, and some
one is heroic enough to risk the dan- j
gcr of drowning or freezing in order
to rescue others from a like fate,our!
hearts thrill with a great appreciation
of t hi- genuine valor, and we ask our
sches. perhaps, "could we do so?"
An article iu the pajx-rs, headed!
"A Hough Diamond," "Had Hill t'a-j
sey." relates that when this man, in
some respects, perhaps in many, a
bad man, had escaped with others
from a burning car overt brown in a
l iver, he heard the cry of a newsbov,
too little to get out as the others did,
and he, Casey, returned into the car,
to save him. He did not save himj
—both lost their lives. Lost! No;
whatever it may have been for the
newsboy, Casey saved his. Saved it
from ignominy and worthlessness,
from reproach and shame, from a mis-;
erable ending toward which beseemed
tending; saved from all after sin that
he might have committed, by the mer
ciful appeal to that in him which was
good and noble, and that took him
away at his best."
We know nothing of this man, save
this one newspaper account, so have
taken it as it stands. The paper
says he was devotedly attached to
his mother, who died about a year
ago. That was another good thing
in him.
But it was not of this kind of bra
very that we )'gau to write. We all
admire this, some of u- might emu
late it,but tin- Ititj/ftlo /. 'y/v .<.■ sh<>\\
another kind far more rare. In an
article on "Poetry and Science in
England and America" he says:
Tennyson is, by universal consent,
the first of English poets; yet he has
never written a verse that would
make anybody cry, nor laugh nor
swear, nor do anything else but sigh
very gently and say: "Those are real
nice words." The difficulty is not
that his verses are polished, but that
the polish is all there is of them. It
is not the polish which, by removing
crudities, uncovers the native bril
liancy of the diamond, but that which
by main strength is rubbed on to the
British oak. Even in his own pecu
liar vein he seldom or never touches
the heart, and when he leaves the
twilight of tradition, oft hat Arthurian
time which is neither history nor life,
his deficiencies become still more aj>-
Even in his own specialty of word
painting his mannerisms cover up
what little poetical genius he may
have had. As a Tennysonianist he
is a success, but as an English poet
he is a failure. Vet it is the fashion
in England to have a great poet; so
they call Tennyson a great poet.
i Browning is as mannerish as the
Laureate; but his is the mannerism
j of CTiideness instead of smoothness.
1 There ma/ be something wonderful
(many people say there is) inside of
| Browning's diabolical contrivances
for hiding his meaning. If there is,
it is like the gold in a good many
1 mines; it takes live dollars worth of
labor to get out ten cents worth of
the precious metal.
It is our deliberate decision that
no poetry ought to be harder than
| algebra. A line must be drawn
somewhere, ami we draw it at alge
j bra. it is more work to read one of
Browning's poems than it is to cal
culate an eclipse, while, in our opin
ion, poetry ought to be as easy to
take as a [tost oliice.
We think this is saying rather too
much with regard to Tennyson, but
we admire the daring of it.
With regard to Browning's poetry,
it always did make lis feel wonder
fully stupid and little, ltecause we
could not "appreciate" it; (that's the
word,) and it is much the same to
lind some one else in the same difti-J
enltv. as it is to a child poring hope-!
h'.ssiv over its first examples in alge-
bra, W hen some OJ T
theye gv misprint in the statements.
Some good words for American
poetry are spoken too:
We may have no great poets in
America, but we have many real po
ets. Scores of persons with almost
unknown names have drawn true
melody from many a simple theme.
The New England girl who writes
over the name of Lucy Larcom is an
example of these.
Iu the works of nearly every Amer
ican who has any reputation at all as
a poet (except Walt Whitman), we
lind scores of simple yet poetical ex
pressions which touch the feelings
and warm the hearts of their readers.
Whittier is at once the best and most
prominent exemplar of this brig 1
lyrical quality, so common in Amer
ica. lie has never written what is
called a great poem, but every page,
almost every verse, of bis works con
tains some poetical expression,
some simple appeal to the human
heart worth all the labored lustre of
Tennyson, or the labor without lus
tre of Browning.
THE Philadelphia Press in some
"Boston Gossip*' says:
And shaking of the Atlantic and
ni'xt year suggests the change which
will have taken place by that time—
the removal of the publishers from
the famous Tremont-street corner
to Franklin street, at present stand
ing in ruins in the burned district.
At that time, also, the retail portion
of the business will be given tip.
This change of locality is * a change
from tlie things that we love,'' which
is met with regret by all literary
idlers and workers who have found
the great store on Tremont street
such a pleasant and convenient meet
ing-place and refuge. Where else
could there be such an author's room,
overlooking the Common, as it does,
and facing Park sireet? Where else
would it seem natural and seemly to
meet the wedding-journeyer and all
the rest of the. editors and authors,
but in that building, going up and
down that long flight of stairs to the
various little sanctums, where in win
ter open grate-fires of blazing sea-coal
greet you ui>on entrance? So many
.people who have made the Atlantic
famous have passed up and down those
stairs, have looked out of those win
dows upon the common, that no other
stairs, no other sanctums, will ever
have the same charm.
A LETTER from Rome to the X. Y.
Evening Pout, speaking of the Italian
American schools, under date of Jan.
15, gives the following:
We are having a bit of winter; not
as the hoary-headed old gentleman
appears in New York or Boston, all
icicles and frosty winds, but with a
little tingle in the air which is in
spiriting to pedestrians, chilling to
sight-seers, and renders our lovely,
fragrant wood fires more of a neces
sary comfort than a delightful luxu-!
ry. We lit up our last Christmas ■
tree on the 9th, and a beautiful crea- i
tion it was.
The children were as "good as
gold,'' perhaps heeause, before l>eing
stowed into the omnibuses which
brought them from the school, they j
had been heartily fed with gigantic
sandwiches. They went through
their little recitations, singing, Ac.,
exceedingly well. We were obliged
to cut them short, however, for the
room was crowded as I really think
I never saw a room crowded in my
life. I cannot help quoting the last
song, which was received with great
applause. "The children in the
schools of Vermont," said the Keen
ing Post some months ago, sing the
following verse:"
If anything on earth can make
A great and glorious nation.
It is to give the lit: le ones
A thorough education.
Five times five are twenty-five.
Five times six are thirty,
Five times seven are thirty-five
And five times eight are forty.
The English class sang the first
verse and the school the chorus.
After which followed
Yankee Doodle leaves his home,
Conies across the ocean,
Bringing to our aueient Rome
Many a modern notion.
Five times five, &c.
So we close our little song,
And to make it handy,
You see it is not very long.
Our Roman Doodle Dandy.
Five times five, &e.
Mrs. Mary Howitt had written a
little account of the schools, which
was read by Mr. Tickuor. Mrs.
Howitt concludes with an appeal in
aid of the schools, which has already
done something towards replenishing
the treasury, exhausted as it was by
the expenses of the summer and
autumn months. She adds:
Teach, oh teach the little children,
They are yours to mould at will;
In the children lies the future,
All the future, good and ill;
Teach them, train them into beauty.
Love of God and human duty.
Many distinguished Italians as
well as others were present at our
fete, wishing to lend their counte
nance to the enterprise, which we are
happy to say daily gains the approb
ation and confidence of the emmunity,
perhaps because, while its moral and
religious teaching is one of its most
important features, pains are taken
to so profit by long experience as not
to shock national prejudices.
and Scissors.
ii is sawi tliatMJubinsh.. ve been heard
in this neighborhood jyithJr, +i. >
v. Hope they are well feathered.
PRESIDENT GRANT'S residence on
the 1 lent Farm, on the Gravois Road,
took fire al>out noon yesterday, and was
burned to the ground. The building
was two stories high, partially frame
and partially brick, and built in the
gothic style of architecture. It was
about twelve or thirteen years old, and
and was probably worth SSOOO 01
SOOOO. The furniture was partially
saved. The stables in the rear, which
contained a valuable stud of horses,
were not touched by tin* flames. Presi
dent Grant was informed of the confla
gration by a telegram yesterday after
noon. — Missouri Dornocrat.
THE New York If< rahVs Washing
ton correspondent writes:
"There was a remarkable scene in the
House when Speaker Blaine arose and
asked that the section fixing the salary
of the Speaker at $ 10,000 should not be
retrospective, and asked that the word
'hereafter'be inserted. Mr. Blaine was
actuated in this by motives of delicacy.
Tie stated that at the last time the
Sjieaker's salary had been settled on an
equal footing with the Vice President
and the members of the Cabinet, hut
this bill gave him for the present term
a higher salary than those officers. He
hoped that there would l)e unanimous
j consent to the interlining of the word
'hereafter,' so that the salary of the
Speaker shall be SIO,OOO after the pres
' cut session. There was much objection
from both sides of the House, but upon
1 urgent request he succeeded in his de-
I sire of keeping the increase of salary
out of his pocket this session. In these
i degenerate times, when so many Con
gressmen are so earnestly pursuing their
little 'rakes,' the shining example of
Speaker Rlaine stands out in bold relief
as one worth of intimation."
Ox TCKSDAY the 4th we inaugurated
a President and Vice President with
earnest hope that they will be faithful
and true and leave the offices they fill,
four yearn from now, more honored and
respected than they find them. There
are few probably of even opponents of
the administration, who do not think
the Presidency a letter and worthier
position than it was four years ago.
CONGRESS grew very earnest towards
its.close, especially the Senate which
sat all night on Saturday and adjourned
at half past four on Sunday morning, to
seven in the evening. It met for extra
session, agreeably to the President 'seall,
on the fourth.
IT MI ST lie that some of the explorers
of the polar regions have come back and
brought arctic weather with them.
"From halcyon seas
And purer skies
Oh! southern breaze
Awake, arise!"
A STRONG west wind blew all night
at New York, and the weather was ex
tremely cold Sunday. The river and
bay are filled with ice, and navigation
is difficult.
THE penny press of America dates
from 1833. —The Sun, the Herald , the
Tribune, the Times, the World —all be
gan as one cent papers.
In May, 1835, the New York Herald ,
was issued. Speaking of the second
number, Mr. Hudson says: "The edit
or then promised to 'give a correct pic
ture of the world—in Wall street—in
the Exchange—in the postofiice—at the
theater —in the opera—in short, wher
ever human nature and real life best
display their freaks and vagaries.'—
This promise, like the famous order < f
General Scott to turn Cerro Gordo in
his Mexican campaign, has been fully
carried out."
SOME of the best superintendents of
neighborhood Sunday-schools, East and
Wast, are women. A woman is often
; more ready than a man to attempt, a
work of this kind for Jesus, and more
| capable of doing it when ready.
<; uKs s.
This lieing a novelty, requires ex
i planation. Each line of the riddle
lias its own separate answer, and all
the answers must rhyme with each
other, and not with the ends of the
i lines. The art is to so blend the lines
: that they seem to refer to one thing
j all the way through, when really they
have 110 connection with each other.
Here is a very simple example:
1 come from Ireland every day,
Though 011 your head I'm glad to stay ;
Beware my scratch, tlio' soft lnypaw ,
Aiul lay me fiat before your door.
Answers: Pat, bat, cat, mat.
>. 1.
A graceless wretch am I; but see
llow many homes are cheered by me!
I make you laugh in Dickens' page.
Vet torture folk of every age.
Forlorn. I wander night and day,
Most dreaded while the sun's away;
Tho'oft in peaceful workshops found.
I shelter men 011 slaughter bound,
so. 2.
I'm twice as great as any other;
I'm all that's left where men have
I'm never liked, the' often borrowed :
I'm often born when eggs are boiled.
No. 3.
Four legs have I, when seen complete,
And many tongues, yet never eat:
Full many a Wast 1 cause to speak,
And fiery steeds in me are meek.
, since my own brother struck me dead,
I'm pointed out as overhead •
1 I - .Und the continents together,
And wear my furs in every weather.
To charade—Wetterhorn.
To transpositions.
No. 1. That priest is of the right
No. 2. There is danger of that gander
getting into the garden.
i No. 3. This dray was just driven into
the yard.
For SaSe.
steam Saw .Willi, Stabling, Dwelling |
I Houses, Blacksmith Shop, ete., thereon, sttuateO j
• 011 Yoiingwoman's Creek, Potter county, Peuna., !
1 kuow.Y as the "BLACK FOKKST" property.
FIVE ACRES OK LAND, with Dwelling House, I
1 Barn, Out-houeses, etc., at North Point station, i
on the Philadelphia A Erie Railroad. Buildings—
; New House with IS rooms, combining all the mod- j
ern improvements. Running Water, Bath Room, !
with hot ami cold watef, Heater and Range; with j
; or wituout Furniture.
good will and fixtures, at North Point station, j
along the Philadelphia A Erie Railroad, one of the 1
best locations in this part of the state for general !
! merchandising.
Persons wishing to to engage in the Lumber or j
Merehantile business will find it to their interest i
I examine the above properties.
r*~"or further particulars, address
29-1 Clinton county, Pa.
' - H
Ready Made Clothing,
Constantly <>n hand and for Sale as
to correspond with the
This the only Establishment in this j
place devoted exclusively to the
I can sell CUEATEK to my Customers than those
who do not make CLOTHING a SPBCILLTI can
afford to.
Call and see my stock and 1 will guarantee satis
Thos. McDowell & Co.,
i r |
General MER CHAN DIS K ,
"We would respectfully cull the attention of the people of Pottkk ( <„ Vr|
: to our large and complete assortment of
At., At.,
which we are offering at greatly KEDI'CED run owing ttin- iin ii-. v , I
i facilities afforded by of the Buffalo. New \ < rk A 1il;ul<lj M
j Railway, and we can anu will sell goods as low as the\ e.ui hi* sold tLi> side,,; 1
; Canada.
Fresh ground Feed and Meal kept constant 1> on hand.
We are daily receiving new go<xls, thus keeping our -i<-k. in ail d-)>;i; tm. u".-.
; at all times.
2429-4 ThC. Alt'.
wiNa and soisr,
No. I'g.'t BKOOMK STR'AiT. Ne-i % oriit,
First premiums wherever exhibited —Prices low for the quality—Large pries
allowed for ."Second-hand Instruments in Exchange.
From Mr. Edward Hoffman. tin <whlii'dal I'hiiti.•>.
I conscientiously believe that your Piano is in even respect a imM •£.
j cent Instrument.
From the t- lad' ~■<
The American Piano has deservedly Ijeconr a very popular Instruinen,.
Agents wanted for unoccupied territory. ."Send for Circulars to
DOANE & WIN(i. Broome St., X.
.mual 1" *'•" '
'fUt/OK & Jo& P'lt/.vrxii,
! S. W. corner IAIH and THIRD Streets,
Coraer MAKKETand HINTEK Streets,
I wcu Lii respectfully invite the attention of the
| public to my
with the assurance that I can meet every tie
nianil for a lirst-class turnout.
Having purchased the livery of Amos Velie, 1
; have the only Establishment of the kind in this
j section.
! 132—tf
Edward Forster,
Groceries & Provisions,
&c., &c.,
A specialty made of
Teas and Coffees,
of which I have the
Larift'wt mul Ib-ed
Stock in town.
All Goods sold CHEAT for CASH only.
t !
Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere.
r.i>w*mn mhisti'r ■,
L. B. COLE & SOtl.
Blacksmith end Wapn-sfiep,
Second Street, 'between Main & "Wesi,j
XortU Strie., —
CV t JCJtlAlr E& HTlii
SLEI(rj(iS oj all (Jescrijfta n4
maiiuiat tmvd to -oiit customers au! wnrrauurri.
Ropniri alwavs atfciitlttl to prompt!).
Competent an-1 workmen kcpfiiirra
|>lo> in tn.'tii cttop.s tt attend to tlie culls ot en*
* for ca>h or ready put.
Ho not fail to go and se.c their large Stort
Tliey luaimfaeture almut fifteen different d **
of t'liainber Seta, of Walnut, Ash, and I' 3 '" l ' Si
Wood. These sets are Hold to the Wholesaletn* t!
throughout Western New York, Ohio an<l ! vr "' |
sv[vania, and have no superior for work' lll "'' ' 1
style or litiish.
Is made of the best material and warrant 1 ' I '' gj
represented. 'I ljey are extensive iiianufactui* p! ' jp
and everything is made from Klln-dried lu" : ' ,
and warranted not to come apart.
All will do well to patronize this firm an'l " J L
50 per cent. They do not pay profits to city t"* 1 g|
ufaeturers, or freights to railroad companies M
Go and see thefr extensive stock. They £ ; 9
Spring Keds of all prices, Itetlcli"*-' j*
all kinds, Kxb nsion Tables In ■ £s ' ! _jg
W aliiui, la)ohitig>< fliisse* It' sli I
and evcrvthtng u oiallyAepi 't Fnrntti't* tt<v I