The Potter Journal 1 AND N EWS item. XTTESSPOBT, PA., February 28.1873. -1! s s *I | I 59 3 5 | | £ |__ 1 . > i i 8 5 S c § ~ I c" J V ?4 i. j I_ J • ~~r u J r ? s s s ■ Z t E . * N . at > ~ = 3 P; > > 7$ f: ~ < J _> S S £ A h rr~4 ~ z -g Si< •/ < ; EH C t- t- <• s. H c C'J - < X a i s * •*■ C fc K X - c S •* 3 * ■" i JL' * I Sf, : § . -3~ ~ - d < - 5- i *s ?5 h3 i J | • _ ; f!|S . . . . h* Z j f 2o s s c ti ti h 3*rr* and hereabouts. . Coudersport Market. iCb<-at—No. 1 white per hush. i Lfri winter " " LtVi it 1.75 No. 1 -pring " •' 1.50 *g LK3O mis " .*0 <8 -+" i urn *" " -80 !Vran ' ... - o.tiO ft 2.5n V'tatt*** s " -4w % J&) Oqmmh * 4 ** 1.59 2.00 Hiy " ton 18.00 Hnirs " 2. .06 i .OS (ij tT e " ** -14 &} .16 Saner " " -2 s @ -2* Ejp " do/.. .JO <3 .2ri yotiff*—Those persons iii various witts "f the County who have charge of the remonstrances against t-liedivi - : : llit- County, are requested to yud them to I>. C. Jairntliee iit Cou nt iti/iiH iliutebf. Tii(-,<.airieron Ilr. Hryan, • H i hu lie was too sick to work and ; lie wanted to be ]>aid off mi l:e. w id - i iKniie; Mr. Hryan figured up i Hunt*, paid him off and left tlie hotel. : iit- (lid not again see Mr. Wiley. At J : time Mr. Wiley had not broken ad there was nothing alxmt him • dicatiug that he iiad anything more \ t'an a severe cold; he had l>een in the , .:.r " i'r a days and then* was no "l suiall]siA iu tlie camp or in that • -"liiiirhoovl. If lie had the smallpox . - • and i"nr did lie catch it? " ' I IHr Joumah—Please say to your, 1 iw:a readers that the donation at tlie hi.. Parsonage in Wharton on Fri-', > the 31st of January, for tlie Rev. j hirvl. w - a grand success; the par- j - received tsso.tio in cash. Is not ' 1 trt i ahead :is far as heard from? j 1 Yours, P. Ujkd. ' W h.irt'-n, }'a., Feb. 15,1"73. vmcbady, before the repeal of the <_ hiding privilege, must have sent the v r of the Cameron P?- a copy of .. -i census report, and he has evi- e -th -en wading througli its endless' > aiis of figures and its interminable < -• >. At ail events lie has somewhere - ■■at against a couple of facts that seem s KicA* in bis upjH-r story: one is that ] : 'er county is decreasing in ix)]>ula- , ■■ * die otiier is that McKean county > > ditto. tlr would have made a splendidsstati- t ra if jounialisiti had not lured him r iito anotlier tie]d. Sr. Haac Thompvou of Harrison last j h nine into this office and paid in f -c>nce tor volume ffo of the JOURNAL, i J ikhu] -viii stated that he had ta- i die JOURNAL continuously since without a single stoppage, - il fuuld in no way get along with- ! " tie knows the value of a local ! Super. ! stuximer Mr. 11. if. Dent gave Baptist Society of this place a "rtarn cherry tree, then standing 011 j • tai ,< on N'iles" Ilill, about a mile ; :t "~ Main street. Mr. A. B. Coodsell i ately cut the tree down and pre- t it to Ije hauled to the mill, lie " r ff eight teet of the butt end to • ! shakes." and above that cut I •*"• i en k r tb each and ' j* twelve feet each. This makes ( - iu?hi 0 j tj ie tree from stump to ' b* "cj feet. The top end of the butt • exactly 3 feet in diameter, j * to call the attention of our ; to the County Auditors" Report j JJ/ , " e County Commissioners' State- ( • 1 of Receipts and Expenditures, • ' V " v ' lW t in this week's paper, is tV ;, objec t of printing these reports ' , " rta!n an >' exjienditures are ex- i or illegal. of fcv .' 10t oul y tihe right but the duty p, n . •' to examine these re hdcjl re [ Uliy and thoroughly, and , Wlat Las heen the ent of the County finances. !Ve believe they have been, and are skillfully and economically managed, but the tax-payer, with the figures be i fore him. has no excuse if he fails to j i form an intelligent opinion of his own. It is a duty he owes to himself, and also to the officers who are serving him. If these reports are generally exam ined and understood the political capi tal of the opposition in this County will be greatly reduced. For the last two or three years the management and extravagance of tlie County Commis sioners lias Ixen dwelt ujHrn and de scribed in choice terms in every school house from one end of the County to the other, about election time. The reports put it in everyone's iiovyer to know just how much of that S'-rt of thing to believe. Farther than this, if there is auything wrong now is the time for the people to know it and apply the projier remedy. Piv all means examine these reports. ' Court Proceedings.—ln the case of E. Haekett. for use of Dan Baker, rn W. It. IVrry and Erastus Cripjieii. rule to show cause why judgment should not l>e ojened. In the following cases judg ment was taken for want of an appear-1 anee: Robert Wallace vs Ilenry I ugly; Fox A Ross '*. It. F. Harris and terre tenant; same r* David F. Lewis and terre tenant; same rs James Cory and terre tenant; same ?> Zenas Byain and terre tenant; samers Albert Peasly and terre tenant; same '>• James Kibbe and tei'ie tin mt; same vs Marvjuis I). "Wash buni and terre tenant; same iv Edwanl Frank; S. Buna n James Kibbe audi 1 terre tenant; same t> Morgan 1.. War ner and terre tenant; Margaret C. Bar- j ber Vi.- David R. Carilnei; same r,• Town.-iliip of Wiiarton; 11. J. < ilmsted rs Denesee Townsiiip ; Dan | Baker, use of 11. J. Olmsted, v.* Genesee Township: .T. P. Beecner, use of A. G. • Olmsted, vs Genesee Tow nship; W. Johnson, use of Fred Weimer, vs Itou let Township; Jonathan Glace r.* Mi chael (i miu: Halleck, Carey & Co. is •S. \\. Monroe, ti'iu. Ansley, for use. vs Pike Townsiiip; J. P. Booth rs John PreslK); A. Hodges rs Elymus Ilackett and M. S. llacketi. judgment for want "f atfidai it of defense; Trustees of Bing ham estate Clmrles Si-rly. defendant's attorney withdrew appearaime and plea, and judgment taken for want of tlie j same: If. H. 1 k*nt rs Hisaii Rogers.. (/ nl.. suggestion of death of plaintiff, and Wm. Dent Administrator substi tuted; also, C. llolleubeck appointed Guardian wl litem of certain minors of the deb i e. J. Wv.Moii Bird was appointed Guar-!, dian of Harlan M. Bird, minor child of 1 Eh/alt tii M. Bird. James H. Wright was appointed of George W. Humphrey aud llattießelle Humphrey, j Ann Laura Peliiam was adopted as a child and'heir of Daniel Everett and , Lydin A. Everett, to Ix* known as Ann j. Laura Everett. Jaiues O'Domiell and M. O'Donnell, plaintiffs in error, rs W. N. Sluwson certiorari, judgment reversed. (_ J In tiie matter of the estate of Win. Atherton, dweased, Z. F. Robinson, Harry Eliis. Thomas Colston, A. L. j Harvey, >. S. Spencer. Graham Hurd ■ and C. C. Allis were appointed to make; iixjuisition for partition of leal estate;! to meet on the premises May 1K73. j In the matter of the estate of L por-J bin. S. S. Green man was appointed Au-j ditor to make distribution of funds. Rules weie tak*n on the following: townships to show cause why tiay should not levy a special tax to pay debts: Harrison. Roulet, Portage, Syl vania and Clani. Jennie M. Pickett rs Benjaroiu I'ick ett, apj>lication for divorce, an issue ' was ordered. Also, a rule w;es taken on resioiident to show cause why lit should not pay liliellant S2eiises of trial. ; In the following cases divorces were ordered: Sjiarks vs Sj>aiks: Bt tsy Skutt i rs Benjamin S. skutt: Belle Titswoj4li vs Wm. 11. Titsworth; Laura A. Bris-: tol vs Byron B. Bristol; Mary A. Davis rs Win. Davis. At a regular meeting of the Couders jßirt Library and Literary .St.K.*iety. held Monday evening. Feb. J4. W3, tiie fol lowing resolution was selected for de- , bate at the meeting of March 10, 1N73. Resulted, Tliat the action of the Con stitutional Convention, in providing for biennial sessions of the Legislature, is unwise, and should be repudiatetl by the iople at the tiallot-box. Ajliriisatire. Xepatir?. C. J. Curtis. J. M. Hainiltou, Win. Shear. j D. C. I>arrabee. 1 < And the following questions were re ferred for answers: What are the different metals, their properties and uses, aud relative quali- < ties? To 11. W. MANN. lii a rectangular garden, the length of which is MS yards and its breadth 00 yards, there is a }K>nd in the sluqie of a i trajieziuni. the opposite angles of which are in direct hnes with those of the gar-' den, and the distance of these angles, taken in succession are 2U, 'Jo. 40 and 4o yards. Required the area of t iie pond. To W. D. WEAVER. At the next meeting, (Monday, Mar. 3rd,) the paper of the Society will be read, and the public are cordially invit ed to attend. j East Tuesday evening tlie residence of Hon. Isaac Benson, in this place, caught fire from a stove pipe which passed from one of the upper rooms into the garret, close to the roof./ It seems | tliat where the pipe entered the garret it was only about four inches from a ' rafter. 'When discovered it had evi dently been burning some time, as one of the large beams was entirely burnt off / When the fire was first seen. Mr. Ben-, son was over town, and there hieing no j one around the house but Mrs. Benson | and the hired girl the former made her : way into the garret, through a small j opening, and supceeded in putting out I the fire. But now she found herself a prisoner, for though she had somehow | got up there the aperture through which • she came was so small that it required nearly an hour's labor from parties I**- low to enable her to get down.^ Last Tuesday a man in Sharon town ship. the father-in-law of John Voor liees—we cannot give his name any nearer at present—committed suicide by shooting himself. We will give the particulars next week. Quarterly Meeting at the M. E. Church next Saturday and Sunday. Preaching by the Presiding Elder, Rev. E.A. Rice. Report says that Wednesday they had a row in Port Allegany in which a man was shot. Me have received a card from Rev. J. L. Lundis, but other matter lias crowd ed it out. It will apjiear next week. IVe see by the Fillmore County Bulk tin that F. M. Johnson Esq. of Tekama, : lias been appointed chairman of the Republican state Central Committee of Nebraska Mr. Johnson was a Potter County Imy, and has only been in the west about two years. We are glad to see he is getting ahead so finely. /('ornHw-Wood.-tin the evening of the Jlst. at the rest ence of the l>ri es mother. b\ Rev. J. L. Lan is Mr. Wakkes Corsaw, of Swe .cu. an 1 Miss Bektha WOOD, of l.yinansvtQe. I'otal ilotirrs. Those wishing to purchase light wag mis and buggies should examine the stock of L. B. Cole & Son, at their shop on Second street. They can show you specimens of both that for material, workmanship, style and finish are equal to any in the states. ('Mapped J/amlt. fare, rough (-kin, |ii!!|o-r rlUir'j. ill, ;iit-. ileum, ami other rutaueour- aiiee tioiis cure.l, anU the akin iuSe soft ami smooth, to uring tiie Juniper Tar Soap, umlateii iuv \ soc—nearly new. ALSO, i a IU GIiLES CARD A JOB I'ltESS— i 'ml'.- chase. Both preaS'*- in e'md order. Report of AUeshei!} Tp. Auditors. J'i'b. 22. SXM. statement ov Ft vrir. Bv Cash on hand Ml*! " Balaucc on s uupliratc 2.; *• c'omiinssioners ccrtiticate lyT 211 2S; s-i To orders outstaa iing 3 -v harpists -~ 3173 j \V. 11. Mattisok,) VV. A. f"• akhsep, F. A. Neiso:;, - Auditor. Clerk, li. F. Bishcf. ,1 1-:. O. II EES. WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. DEALER XX Watches, Clocks, .lexvelry. Silver-plated Warc, I Glasses* Spectacles, Fishing Tackle, tJans sitkl Ammunition, \c., &c„ *kc. WALTHAM WATCHES SOLD AT ERICE LIST OF HOWARD & CO., (865 Brixtdway, A. I .) Kkpairiso done in a superior manner and w ak- 1 ttANTEO. SECOND STREET, East of MAIN ST., . (DIKE'S BUIU'ING.) COUDERSPORT, PA. AUDITORS' REPORT tor ; Statemetit of Jteceipts od Expendi ture* of Potter County j"r the year ending Dee. ] S~2. I'EtIKIPTS.— UiV.!I Fend. . I'liv-atd! & seated lan Is ret'd ♦l-4.''.1 62 Collector* for "72 aiu! prev. vi s .".925 HT Reynold? 28 T1 sn'e of lands 217 S3 . Redemption of lands 41 $1 Fuel 6100 i I Win fund? 365 22 S-rct-i! Fund. C •. eet. for -72 -260 ■ C'erk of quarter sessions 172 60 Prutlionotary'sfees 5105 Clerk of jury com'rs 2u 46 . : Stationery 117 91 , ' Jurv fees Potter eon Eulalia tp. 4 Auditors' wages 143 Repairs to public buildings 49 87 Jail expenses 679 95 Commonwealth costs 582 76 Money ref utided 27 94 ' Coroner's inquests 45 W State tax 545 i Teachers' institute 18118 Recorder's fees 4 50 Taking M L Freuch to asylum... 9150 ; Incidental OXl* liscs 1 Asae.ssoi s' wages c 63 z4 Damages by roads 42 Road views ..." 482 50 Sheep killed it, dogs 27 50 Wolf and wildcat bounty 35 Constable returns 219 65 Surveying school di?l! ict 42 42 Board*'g prisoners in La?t. pen It'y ~ 84 Jury commissioners' fee? 17 22 Referrees' fees 20 . Tat iijo u "'tillmaii to asylum etc. 232 75 do prisoners to penitentiary. 345 30 j Tipstaff wages 120 Court crier. 63 State tax due coin'w'lth for 71... 616 94 SiieriiTs fees 153 76 Judgment favor Richardson 3276 56 Western iienitentiary 91 62 Cassia Prouty at asylum 290 96 Tending town clock 25 Grand jury fees 468 02 Traverse jurv fees 670 19 , Costs on lauds bid in by county .. 90 75 Viewing Lymansvitle and tier mania state road 60 50 Repairs to court house 33 63 Insurance 45 Judgment favor Joseph Maun .. 943 69 Sjtecktl Fund. $18047 37 Jail furniture 54 42 A lot 136 lut on bond to 1 Benson.. ui-c 10 do P A Steld ins jr do L R Decker 196(5 do do 383 25 do do 134 2678 77 Total expenditures —19,726 14 ! ! Excess of receipts over expenditures $ 8,6'4 49 a r; y thai til? for, suing t>l taccntof receipts r.ud expenditure? <•' me cu-,. f..r ibe • year ls72is correct, a, will Ifpn upon the records ' end vouchors m this office. -dtfesf. G. XV. Coins. L. 6 Coir, Clerk. L. I>. ESTKS. K L WHITE. Commlsaiouen* Office, Jan 4. 7. Com re. Statement of the fund* <>f Potter Coun ty for the year ending Jtec.'.i 1, '72. j>n. Ct'UTifv Fund. Due on judgment far. Joseph Mann 2,500 00 Nj/fcial Fuvf. Due on bonds to I Benson 5000 On do J osetdi Mann.. * ©0 00 do I. R Decker ... 17U0U0 do do ... 000000 do do ... dlUlltO do do ... 2400 00 Total indebtedness.... s 29,600 90; CU. County Find. Due from unseated lands for 72 60*4 06 uo s'ted l'd> ret'd for 72 84 55 do collectors for lsi.s 46 28 do do 1872.... Sl3ecial Fund. From uns'ted l'dsfor72 252-'• 00 do s'ted l'ds ret'd. . 35 71 do collectors ti67 69 1 Cash lu Treas. bauds .. 2816 77 Balance of indebtedness $11,414 82 Do'j Fund. Clt. Due from collector? 246 70 In Treasurer's hands 238 39 Total amount due county 485 09 We do c rti y lhat the for-eoiug kiateicnt of the fscd? of Potter County oti the first .!*▼ of January, 1573 i correct, a* will uppea, ujs,u the record, aild voucher# lu our office. G. W. Cotvix. Attft: K. U WHITE. L B Con, Clerk. h, I>. Estcs. Comes. •Z ' -SSS ? SF * ~ Z 1 f. *et .7 cr-? S rl * £u on loans. : Reed on E I> Herr judet re Potter 79 , !. Slate T.'easNi'V l*s 72 95 9*. "1° do Jan 17, '73 ... 16 29 Me do certify that uu have cxatuined the acc 'tmta [ acd vouchers of A. L. Harvey, Treasurer of Potter county, with the Commonwealth of Penua. and find the same to be correct and iu accordance with above statements. j H . COLE, x J. M. H >m'ltox, J Auditor* D. W . H ATBS, A. L. HAEVEY, Treas. j. In account with for Potter County. Funds. Reed of collectors: '66, 9 94: '67,1 58- m „ .4 W; 71, 7i© 17 : 72, 4925 65....... .* .5.66', 43 Reed from itns td Ids a s'td ret'd for 70 ii.'237 ."> „ . ' ,O , do 71 fil94 tC i Reed on judgt r s C Loncks eol 2 4 nn t do Kulalia jaair 235 " do J Lvman-iutil K Rees (former Co treas) 9*o Reed of H T Reynolds detic'v ami ren 7i 2* 71 do P A Stebl ius in ful -part tail lot 157 69 do Stephen llortou op sale of laiuts s'.' 72 do Redemption lands from tax sales 4184 do sundiy parties for firewood sold 61 Bal due from Doc Fund Jan 1, 71 ... ;2,22 Bal from Aud's report Jan 1, 72 2.042 02 „ 8 21273 41 By commission on *16.966 17 758 65 By orders ret'd and canceled: '72 —Feb 24 52.4 73 Mch 2 2574 51 June 13 2192 21 July 24 26*110 Sept 21 2325 35 Nov 9 235312 l>ec 12 3389 43 '73—Jau 23 95158 21702 03 less applied special f imd 4134 #6 Balance due by Treas *3.047 59 j Sje-eial Fund. Reed from collectors; •70, 2596: 71, 46093:72. 167545.. 2K5 .34 tins td I ds a s'td ret'd for *7O 2'i94 09 do do 71 2589 81 $7349 24 By bal due co funds Jan 1, 72 103 64 comin'n on 7349 24 6i 4 p c 293 97 orders reld t cane (see co Tds) 4134 86 Bal due by eo treas 2816 77 />( i Fund. Reed from collectors: 70.763; '71.18032: 72 316 79 .... ."64 74 Bal per Aud's rep. Jan 1, '72 252 31 757 05 By ba 1 due to eo fund Jan 1, '7l 365 22 commission on '<4 74 21 19 orders ret'd and canceled 132 25 Bal due by c* u *238 39 Redemption Fund. Reed from A B Horton late < 0 tr, :,s: ; id on 570a Hebrou-SPReynolds 107 79 do 660a wt49328y1v na-SRoss 117 14 do 154 a Fn'alia-A Itounsville gtrj do do-R''leAGr'nm'll 11 74 24469 ; 72Jaul2-recd<>usoaWh't'u-soldAPt'one 679 ."sept 18- " Itrj a Hector Kse h'rs-WCoi.!) 589 2o- " lirtta w 4932 Sylvauia-8 Rim. . 124 1* Nov 1.5- " 197 aw 4*778 Huminit do .. 27 05 - " 56 a •' do do .. 1218 146 a 2109 2186 do do .. 23 59 ' Amouut in hand of A *l. Harvey $446 34 XV f hereby certify that we have examined the ac counts aud vouchers of A. L. Harvey, Treasurer of Potter county, with SH!4 c ati'y for the several funds ' abovenatned, aud find them correct; showing thesev ' oral balances due as stand. J. 11. COLE, J. M. If A HILTON, D. XV. HAVES. Auditors. ' A L EATTZY, Treas., ht amnint with The SeTeral ToxuiNhip*. Abbott Township. To Road taxes reed on uns'td l'ds: 70. 176 57 ; 71,195 07 371 64 do s'ted l'ds ret'd 1 30 Special Road taxes on uns'td for '7l 377 04 749 9S By eomrs orders on Road tax 571 '4 do Spec'l do 377 04 74S 66 Bal due by Treas 1 30 Allegheny Township. ' To Road taxes reed on uns'td l'ds; '69, 99 80: 70, 113 40': 71. 113 40 . 326 60 do S'td ret'd; *7O, 11 46 : 71. 19 38 30 64 jtjiee'l r'd taxes on us led l'ds; '69, 34 (p.: 70, 39 70 ; 71, 7" 131 33. do s'ted ict'd 70, 12 81; 71.1071 ... 23 -54 Bounty tax on nns U-d Tils for "70 22 '7 By cumiui -sM ers orders 5p ful' * '34 98 ■ Bingham Township. To R'd taxes ute-'td I'd? "70, 78 46: 71, 60 12 138 58 !*1h:1 Rd t'xs do '7", 27 46: 71. 301© 57 52 By comnirs orders in full *19610 Clara Township. To Rd tax uns'td for "70, 144 40; 71, 149 4s . 293 6s Stieetal R'd tax uns'td I'd? '7l 17 39 do s'td ret'd "71 103 38 42 By conunrs orders in ful! s:>32 30 C'oudersiHirt. To Boro tax uns'td '7O. 1 08; *7l, 096 2'4 s'td ret'd 70. 0 90: "71. 26 tig 26 92 Poor lax s'td and uns'ted 71 9 00 By comnirs orders in full • 37 96 Eulalia Township. To R'd tax upstd 4 ?!d retd 70 56 40 uns'ted I'd? r*i'd 71 8975 Sjieeial road tax uns'td for 71 44 88 19303 By eommissiouers' orders 19176 Balance due by treas $ 127 To Poor tax un?'td for 71 170 To in Fast Fork di-t 71 13$ >4 359 ;q By commissioners orders iu full 359 -54 East Fork District. To Rd tax uns'td 70. 290 75>; 71, 377 72 674 47 ; Bv commrs orders iu full 674 47 • Genesee Township. To Rd tax on uns'td for 70 l.g 14 s'td ret'd 70, 2 14; 71. 289 5 (3 137 17 Spcl tax uns'td 70. 72 ..: *7l. 71 96 144 73 Poor do 70,36 39; 71. 35 96 72 35 do std retd 70. 1 07; '71.1 15.. 252 74 87 356 70 By commissioners orders 347 96 Balance due by Treas 8 81 Harrison Township. To R'd tax uns'td 70. 49 62: 71. 49152 99 21 Spel do 70. 24 81; 71. 18 63 43 44 142 08 By eoiumrs orders 116 45 Bal due by Treas 36 23 Hebron Township. To Rd tax unstd 70, 318 60 : 71, 89 36 407 96 seated ret'd 71 13 22 Spec! r'd tax unstd 70 210 49 Poortax nil? td 70. 6315 ; 71. 3267 95 82 seated ret d 71 1 54 729 33 By com mrs orders 665 B;tl due by Treas $ 64 33 j Hector Toxvnsliip. To R'd tax unstd 70, 227 22: 71. 220 18 447 * Slie'l do 70, 113 61 : 71.110 08 223 69 do s'td n-t'd 70.100: 71.0 90 1 ;*> Poor tax unsted 70 56 80 do seated ret 'd 70 50 57 30 By commissioners'orders in full $730 27 Homer Township. To R'd tax un? Id 70, 37 26: 71, 298 41: ... 335 72 Sncl do 70, 9 31; 71, 149 23 158 '4 do sted ret'd 70 1 51 160 05 Bv coininr-order* in full *411577 : Jackson Toxvnsliip. To R'd tax uns'td 70.1871:.; 71.188 87 37.', sped do 70. 216 85: 71,21 565 4x5 'llsO : By commrs orders 79? - Ralanee due by treas $ 10 50 :: Keating Township. l To R'd lav unstd 70. 2"7; 71. 2C752A 42 "> i Poor tax nustd for 70 62 42 298 64 ; By commrs orders 285 Balance due by treas. $ 13 64 Oswayo Township. 9 To Rd tax unstd 70,7:.4'-S; 71, 7 14.7 bjsa'l drt 79,367 49 ; 7J, -1 49 718 9? do seated ret d ?' 6' i xiirrud 76.86719: 71.85149 71* '> do >eated ret d7o i'" 2877 12 1 By eoiumissioners orders 2890 Bal due bv treas * 7712 _•, rw. l ike Townshipu To Road tax on un?td: 8 '69.- 94 71: 79.604 74: 71.61668 JOVW r Sjieel unstd 79. 34737 ; 71. .M 8 4 6*5 71 , do std retd 79.11W: 71, 68 ]w? Poor t x unstd 79. .347 37; 71. 34 171 h do s ted ret d 79,1 ouj 71. 96s 19? Bounty tti x imstd 71 :... 132 s; ,( do std ret'd 71 27 345394, • By commissioners orders X>76 Bal due by treas $ 77 94 Pleasant Valley Township. ,To Road tax uns'td 'To, f) '7l. 929 18 ',s Special r'd tax uusted 'to 929 27 S7 By commissioners orders 27 Balance due by Treas , $ 67 Roiilet Tuwti.ship. To R'd tax uus'td "70.2249: '.1.216*6 23;> 25 r S|>eel do 70, 19 .9; '7l, '• 3t 95 .J7 334 32 By eonunis'iouers ord' r* 330 ( Balance due by treas :. 4.32 i NJiaron Township. !! To R'd tax uns'td 70.12 72: 71. 3i 14 44 36 7 seated ret'd 71 1 50 4 Hjieel r'i6 1 Si>ec 1 do 70.4419: 71,49 4. $2 66 I do s'td ret'd 70, 0 86; 71. 259 345 86 11 ! Poortax do 70,0 86; 71.1 58 -2 14 , i do . uns'td 70, 64 39 ; 71. 20 2310462 196 76 I B\ commissioners orders in full $21553 Sylvania Township. By column orders Nos 297 * 32'. ? 9on I To Road Uix unstd: 70. 362 16 : 71. ;9 54... 651 To 18 30 less commn on 1 39 '.3 17 ~7 > Bv commrs urders Nos 298 * 32S 21' 96 To Special Road tax 71 21171 349 less conunu on 3 29 13 316 Due A I. Harvey to Tp for over paynieut $29 73 1 ' Ulysses Township. To Roa tax uus't 1 '7l 95 14 lipee! do '.<•. 37 09; 71.53Ts 60 8. no s'td ret'd 70 227 6312 Poort'x do 4 sii i do uiist I 70. 7415: 71,4 r57 121 75 126 22 284 4$ I i By commissioners orders 2>4 j ! i ' • 1 Bal due bv treas $ 20 48 Lewisville. ] To Boro tax unsW-'Io, 0 65; '7l, 0 60. ..1 4-5 Road do 70.340;71.!)60 4 Poor do 71 2 40 $7 85 West Branch Township. ' To Rd tax unstd 7e. 49393: 71,56884 1 62 77 s'td ret'd '69 and 70 io 74 ' Spec'l 90 do 12 9 1 do uns'td 70, 326 93; 71.366 52 .193 15 1779 56 By commissioners orders 1725 Bal due by treas. $ .54.56 Wharton Township. To Road tax uns'td 70. 4.56 o7 ; 71, s2i 36.. 1279 4 ; Sjeeial r'd tax uns ted 71 41 o 68 By commissioners orders in full $169 > 11 A. L. EAEY£Y. Treas., in acct with tin tevtrul fur 1872. Mate Koatl < outmissioners. Forest House vt Freeman Run. Tax Bulalia tp 70. (*l7 49; '7l. n~ 1236 56 Keating 70. 8' 8 05; 71, &7 75 415 82 By Co commissioner?'orders in full $1652 36 C'oudersjtort vV s*hi]jien. For " 4 j>erei from assessment by t!. ■ Road Super visors in Eulalia tp for '.u. .*. 22 67 do Keating do 953 do RouM do 5419 By orders Co commissioners iu full SB6 39 Hopper House A Paddy Run. T.; v Abbott tp un? t i 79. -.9. 58: 7], 21*4 76 588 94 Mevv'dsi'ii " 7*, 356 85; 71,26262 719 47 W Branch " 7", 1485fi; 71.16*35 311 85 By or.lers Co commissioner? in full $ '.619 36 Lymansvilk- & Germania. Tax Jackson ui?'t< Treauier -17 ~9 I 54 M From East Fork Olst. 14® 36 U® 36 14.® V" By orders of Co. tonunfeflriMT? I<* ( Uu Balanr* *eFt Trea5;................ *3 2" Eulalia District. i school 332 ft 20 3ft .... X*6 424 .U. Building 166 21 4ft ( .... X* 212"-' *36 5s Bv order® of c& oonnnl.sslotierH & us I Genesee District. School Si 77 *-0 X 2 .... 5.5 106 24 By order of Co. commissioners Hstw Balance due by Trea. 1 -* 1 Building *1 il ..jii If .... t-0 140 76 By orders of y Tress. 116 Genesee Independent District. Building 2ft 64 25 64 51 *® By orders of Co. coniuii*slotr fti 3s Harrison District. School *9 7s 32 * 62 "5 Building 12 41 992 22 53 M 56 By orders of Co. commissioners >4 56 Hebron District. School 27 361 2fft *6 .... 13 03 Building 273 61 95 03 ft 36 idle 467 IS By orders of Co. commissioner* ' * Hector District. School 147 6s 137 61 lit" IOS it Building 113 61 137 61 JOO lOS 255 Ml ftWCi i By orders ol co. commissioners ft*t'... Homer District. School 24 21 125 27 *' .'... 210 '• Building 52 69 59 69 "STT ft By orders of so. commissioner.- • Jackson District. School 260 23 26* 39 52- • By order of Co. commissioner# sft l o 1 Balance due by Treas 172*4 Keating District. j School 3* 04 470 06 80s t. ' By orders of Co. commissioners 290 no Balance due l>y Treas ... 13 i i Oswayo District. j ScboO] 477 71 lifi 94 256 ... 957 i. ' building 477 71 45* 94 934 63 ltd S* By orders of Co. couuuiseioners 1971 S* Pike District. School 461 91 400 m 1 30 9W ®54 3* ; By orders of Co. commissioners : soft ui Balance ... !Bt order of co. commissioners -c Balance due by Treas si >s Building 63 96 3ft 60 139 27* if. ft.- By order of co. commissioners -.i -; Balance due i<> Treas 2f ■" Stewardson District. school 794 ft* 797 9# l :>-'i fld By orders of co. commissioners 1400 t> Bulau'-e due by Treaa 192 rft ! Building .... 315 21 316 * By orders of co. commissioners 2fto 1 j Balauue due by Treas. <►' Summit District. School 34ft 15 266 97 253 1 95 Olh 6u By order of co. commissioner* 5-s<' Balance due by Treas ii Sweden District. School Ml* 9" 95 5 16 17c C By order of By order of co. commissioners ft 4* Balance due by Treas 16ft > Sylvania District. School 316 72 319 19 ,„,® u By order of co. commissioners ftn no Balance due by Treas :a n: Building 7319 73 45 146 ft* By order of co. commissioner® l-w. * Balance due by Treas 6.v Ulysses District. School 64 29 61 >4 690 M Oft By order of co. commissioners 12ft in Balance due by Treas 6 07. Building 44 72 23 79 15" 80 Ol By order of eo. oomini.*sii>n--ni... 47 'o Balance due by Treas t: ' I -ewisville District. School 2 21 2 41 West Branch District. School 409 57 457 71 336 *O9 fti Ifv order of co. commissioner- T7ft - Balance dae by Treas 94 04 Building 326 93 H66 22 386 696 41 By order of co. commissioners 6000. Balance due by Treas 96 41 Wharton District. School 594 90 996 97 1129 77 By order of co. commissioner.- lofto u } • Balance due by Treas 79 77 Building IS3 24 4lu 69 593 sr. By order of co. commissioner* 500 00 Balance due by Treas 33 93 We hen-by certify that we have examined the Ac counts and Voucher® of A. ft Harvey, late Treasurer of Potter County in account with ilie several School Districts of said county and And them eoi rect: show lag the several Balances set forth in the above state ment. J H. COIF, 1 J. M Hhulto* Auditor* D. W Haves ) Statement of jury fees received, by S. J'. lieyuolde, Sheriff of Potter cow** ty during 1872. J. Zimmerman r*. A. Hun-iker ct aI., 40" .T. Stone " Ls Davis A H. Booth 4 ' Keating A Co. " Barlatra Barr, ef a!.. . 4 iv> do. " B North A \\ A 11 North 4 on White use CaVgb •' Washington CluiUin 4 IKI J. Potter, etc., "M. V. lurple. 4 t>v> $24 o Audited Jan. 29, 1*73. H. Colt, J. M JJanaTos, l>. W Hat IS .4 f riff" TP,