The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, February 07, 1873, Image 2

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    The- Potter Journal
COUDERSrORT, FA., Feb. 7, 1813: *
•"In the glare ami bustle of day how
could we sleep ? 1 n the gloom of dark
ness how could we labor? "
—Old English Kkadkk.
Rushing onward in the busy world
—hurried lest we be left behind in the
general hurry, watching eagerly for
the good to do tjiat slips by us all
unseen when it comes—we cry out
that there is not time enough for the
work of the day or the rest of the
night. We meet each other and ask, j
'• Do you find time to read, to think? j
for social intercourse, for searching
out the wants of others and finding
the right help for the needy ? Can we
take the necessary time and thought
for any one thing without falling sad
ly behind in all others?" Yes, we
all ask and no on j seems to know the
A year ago some -paper published
an article, saying to women that all j
the difficulty in accomplishing their
various tasks—housekeeping,sewing,
bringing up children, etc., and having
time for mental cultivation, window
gardening, correspondence, etc., lav ,
in want of proper order and system j
in the arrangement of their occupa- j
tions v
The promise held out (the picture
of ease and culture, with nothing neg
lected) was so charming that 1 went
zealously to work to find some one'
who could show how us to accomplish
it; some one whose order and system
had reached such beautiful fruition. So j
far the search has been vain, although
certainly there are approaches to it.
\\ e look hack at our grandparents, j
and those who proceeded them, and |
fancy they must have had some secret
of adapting means to ends that has j
become one of the lost arts. Rut in ;
looking backward through the ages I
we come at last to the Mary that sat
down quietly to the enjoyment of the
" better part," and who consequently
lett her sister "cumbered with much
serving." What we need, what a great
part of this American nation needs,
now, is to know how to find and use i
the precious opportunities of gaining i
that better part without cumbering !
each other.
Not to evade but to do all the du- i
ties of life, from the lowest to the high-j
est, is the great problem.
T1 icre are nundierless little glinij tses
of light and knowledge, of beauty and i
delight, that we may and do seize up-'
on in our way—glimpses that like j
sands of gold indicate mines of wealth
could we but stop to explore them, i
and the question will force itself, —
"Ought we to go by and leave all this?
Must all the knowledge and good we
get be grains and smatterings? " And
yet is our labor and our companion
ship needed elsewhere.
In thinking and dreaming over all
these things and trying to find the
right way one thing seems manifest, j
that the more profound life is not at-j
tamable in the present age of accele-j
rated velocity; that we must lie con-j
tent with what fragments of golden '
opportunity we can seize. And this [
being an age of more abundant op- j
portunities than any before it. trust j
the wealth of the times to atone, in I
part, for our poverty of time.
THE Buffalo people have prepared
with great zeal and vigor for their an- J
mud Old Settlers' Celebration. It I
seems to be very comprehensive, ex-j
tending through four days and com-:
prising a tea party of real old settlers.;
(such, probably, as rcmemlier when
Buffalo was spelled with an 'V,") a
children's ball—for old settlers all
have children, who will be old settlers '
hv-and-by; a grand ball, concerts, diu
nersand various other entertainments.
This annual festival brings very pleas
ant thoughts to many others beside
citizens of Buffalo; in places where I
the whole population of the country
has grown up within the memory of
the present generation. There is a
great charm in the talk of the "oldest
inhabitant," and an old settlers' gath
ering would be an interesting and
popular thing even here.
There is something interesting, too,
in having this anniversary peculiar to !
Buffalo. Local customs, local habits
and ideas have the charm of individ
uality and. in time, will come to Is.' a
sort of heirloom to that city as New >
Years' calls were in Now York until
within a few years. Within the mem
ory of all old settlers they have been
transplanted to many other places. |
But tlie feeling still remains that for :
genuine old-fashioned "New Years'
rails one must look in New York. 1
\\ e wish great success and pleasure
t*the B"h'- J< j,-- ■ i vals. anil hope they ;
may be continued until Buffalo itself
old and grey. ' \
Constitition Halo- )
f'lill.idelpliin. Jony. J9, 1ST:;, j
BEAK Jot KNAL: After a long tie
bate the Convention has adopted, in
( committee of the whole, an amend
ment providing bi-ennial elections.
The following is the text of the sec
tion as adopted :
An election for members of the (ron
jeral Assembly shall lie held on the day
fixed for the general election next suc
ejediug the adopt ion of the Constitution,
and at the general election held every
' two years thereafter. Their term of of
! (ice shall begin on the first day of Decem
ber next succeeding their election.
The discussion on this section took
a very wide range. The chief argu
ment made in favor of bi-ennial elec
tions of members of the Legislature
was that the Legislature was so cor
rupt that the people desire to have as
little of it as possible. The changes
were rung on this subject until it be
came offensive.
Mr. Mann obtained the floor and
opposed the section as proposed and
condemned the manner of advocating
1 copy the following from the re
port of the proceedings in t he Errniny
Tcli't/ra/ih. because 1 have no time to
do justice to the subject, and his con
stituents have a i ight to know the po
sition occupied by him.
Mr. Mann (Potter) having the finer,
| deprecated the efforts that had been
made on this floor to belittle the legis
lature of our State. Be had been a lnein
i ber of that body in IS7I, and despite
; what had been said, he had felt it to be
an honor to occupy that office. lie
thought there should be no needless an
tagonism created by this Convention to
the Legislature, as ie> good and much
(harm might come of it. He thought
this Convention might do its work pro
perly without disparaging another body
that had lieen created like it was and was
fully its equal.
As to the pending amendment, he ob
jected to it for the reason that it pro
posed a revolution in the machinery of
the government of the State, which the
people did not want nor ask for. The
main arguments that are thus far ad
duced in favor of the change were to the
effect that other states had adopted it.
That was no substantial reason to his
mind. lie did not want this stale to
imitate others, because he believed it was
capable of adopting a system of Its own.
lie wanted no changes unless we weve
tolerably certain that they would work
better, ami lie did not believe the system
proposi d would.
Mr. Mann argutd in favor of annual
sessions. He cited an instance to show
the fallacy of bi-ennial sessions. A C.
s. Senator would have to be elected two
years perhaps in advance of the com
mencement of his term, and might when
lie took Ids position not represent the
sentiment of the jieople.
The Convention in committee of
tlie whole lias just adopted a section
providing for bi-ennial sessions of the
I do not know hoav this will suit
your readers, but to me it seems the
reverse of reform—as does nearly all
the work of the Convention up to this
time. The exception is providing fori
holding the general election on the
same day with the Presidential. That
1 hold to be an improvement.
The decision to hold the township
J elections on the same day throughout
11 he State it seems to me is a mistake.
' Because it unnecessarily interferes
j with the comfort and convenience of
| the people. What harm comes of al
| lowing the people of each county to
elect their township officers on such
! day as is most convenient. Such has
' heretofore been the practice since the
organization of the State.
The Democrats were solid for the
change, liecause as the law now stands
the municipal elections in Philadel
| phia, Havrisburg and some other ci
ties are held on the same day of the
general election, and they don't stand
as good a chance to carry them a- if
the municipal elections were held on
n different day, for the reason that
the Democrats can be brought to the
polls on any day more readily than
Republicans. These last attend the
general election more generally than
the township; so that if both are on
the same day the Republicans are
more likely to elect the municipal of
fices than if these are elected on a dif
ferent. llence the Democrats were
solid for inserting in the Constitution
a clause fixing the third Tuesday in
February as the days for holding tin
township elections.
1 think the Republicans who voted
for this arbitrary rule as to munici
pal elections committed a great blun
der, which most ot them will acknowl
edge before the ('onstitution is adopt
ed by* the people.
1 he true rule on this, as on even*
other purely local measure is to allow
the people of each city and county to
manage their own affairs as a major
ity of the people shall decide is for
tlu-ir convenience and prosperity.
Lvmcations are that the wishes of
the people with regard to the new
• count v will be carried out. A reliable
witness testifies tliat there is a peti
tion for it in Ulysses signed by
i TIIKKE names.
' j ♦♦♦ -
IN investigating the circumstances
under which the last will of Mr. Gree
ley was made, some very sensible re
marks of bis were brought out. Mr.
. Alvin Johnson testified that (Mr. G.)
, "did not want to read the pajKUs * *
he would take up the Tribune and
throw it down in disgust, and say
! that it was ruined." "The paper is
I nothing but a fraud—there are no
; brains about it * * There's no bruins
' J in the Tribune —it is bankrupt and
played out."
Not so very insane.
Tiie necessity for immediate action on
the part of our people to insure the suc
cess of the Centennial exhibition must
be realized by every thinking man. lis
failure will lx- our lasting shame—its
' success must ri dound to the honor and
permanent benefit of theeomiiion wealth
I Located in our metropolis, which is fast
moving to the front of the manufaetnr
' ing cities of the world, affording an op
i portunity to display the resources of our
. State and opening to foreigners new
channels of information as to our cha
racter and enterprises, it certainly is the
i iiujxM*ative duty of every citizen who
loves his State to lend his countenance
i and support to this great exhibition.
• The dignity and good name of the ( om
• uionwealth arc at stake. Let us not
forfeit these by a lack of public spirit or
by mistaken economy. Any proper plan
the Legislature may see lit to adopt to
aid this National undertaking shall re
ceive the hearty concurrence of the Ex
j Wo hope Potter county will do its
share toward the Centennial celebra
tion. Let us show according to our
means our joy and gratitude that In
dependence icon declared, and from
our State—from our chief city—and
'that we have been a living nation for
; one hundred years.
o-O >
Poking Fun at America.
HAVANA. Jan. 25, >i" Key West. —
The I 'nz tl< ('elm editorially says: "The
) defeat of the United States troops by
; Modoc Indians is certainly al a* ;y*
does not 411 I
grand Republic. 1 his war ol extermi
nation lias been sustained more years
between eivilized Americans and In
dians tlian our own war against those
; who wish to drive us from our country.
: This Indian war wounds humanity in
its noblest sentiment, ami is i real scan
dal to I his century of humnnitai ian sen
sitiveness. being so close to the fron
tiers of his Catholic Majesty, he ought,
in his next speech to the Cortes, indi
cate to Mr. Grant how much the Span
; ish jK'ople is affected by the proceeding
j of t lie government against thepoor in
dians, and should tell the whole world
that this tight is against a race who an
the possessors of land whorefrom they
are to lx* exterminated. Tin* king might
also indicate to Mr. Grunt the means lie
ought to employ to civilize, instead of
to exterminate the Indians, giving Mr.
| Grant's government as a guide the pol-
I icy pursued by Spain against Indians
when comparing tbein in America.
The L-a also advises the principal
i European journals to send correspond
ents to find out tilet ruth of what is pass
ing in the Indian territory where has
occurred a defeat so dishonorable to
'' American arms.
If this is "Poking Pun at America,"
' it is plainly "twitting on facts." but
we do not stc why it should apply to
President Grunt in particular, he having
made some efforts to "civilize instead of
'exterminating the Indians," and with
fair measure of sueci ss, in so short a
time; though this Modoc war s< cms to
he an unchanged r< nuiant of the old
system. It is good cause not only to
the I'II:; A I'HIM, hut for every other a
per—and people to reproach it. lice nt
revelations show that if it was not orig
inally caused by speculators who wish
to get money out of the United States,
it is helped along and continued by
them, as most of our Indian troubles
have IK en. The following is from a let
ter to tlie Mi.-siiiiri JJi neu'ent:
Money L the cry lit re. If the United
States (tovermuent want any thing done
in siskyou County it must pay for if.
This is why we got up our Indian war.
and that is why we propose to keep it
up until the last papoose is killed.
The same letter states that the Modoc
chief drills his soldiers every nay under
direction of renegade white men in his
camp. SO it S<X-IIIS that the war is a
game by which renegade whites on both
sidi s use the government and the In
dians for their own benefit.
GOVKUXOII llirtranfl. in bis Inau
gural address, speaks thus of the
School System, and the Soldier's Or
"It will he my pleasure, as it is my
duty, to have a watchful care over the
school system of our State. No part
1 of our governmental policy should com
mand the employment of more wisdom
i than that which is to promote the hi
st'action of our youth. It is a source
of pi ideand satisfaction that our people
contribute so freely to an object so wor
thy as our schools, and the report of the
Suierinteiideiit of Common Schools
must convince every reader of the liaj>-
py results accruing from the judicious
management of our educational system.
Hut while the doors of our schools are
(opened wide to everyone, it is sail to
think that there tire 75.001) children in
the State, who do not, whether prevent
ed by the necessities of their parents, or
otherwise, attend and receive the bless
ed privileges of these schools. This is
a matter of grave import, and exacts of
us all, jx-ople and Legislature alike,
earnest and thoughtful consideration.
In this connection, let me say a word
ill regard to a subject that has often en
gaged my thoughts, and to which I in
voke the attention of our law makers.
, Nil part of our system of education has
secured so universal commendation as
that which is embraced in the circle of
instruction of those who were, made
' oqfliaiis by the casualties of war. The j
' helpless Condition of these little ones,
touchiiigly appeah-d to the hearts of our
I |K-ople, and the resjxiuse was the estals
lislmient of tlie orphans' schools that
are now the pride of our State. Hut ill
rescuing these children from destitu-i
' timi. and providing for their education •
- until they have attained the age of six
[ teen years, have we filled the measure
or our duty to them?
Thrown out into the world to do bat
tle with life's trials at ail age peculiarly
dangerous to youth, does not common
humanity require that the State should
i maintain its guardianship oi these eliil
- dren until their habits are somewhat
( settled, and tl ey have acquired theabil-.
> ity to earn their own livelihood? The
s establishment of industrial schools 1
1 wherein useful trades may Ik- taught.
seems to. promise the easiest and liest
i solution of this problem.
Tin; House of Representatives, at
Harrisluirg lias done a grand, good
_ work. On tlie 2'fith January. Mr.
Myer offered the following:
I'tsohi':K Thai no spirit uous, vinous
or malt liquors shall he kept or drank in
the hall of the House or in any of the
rooms connected therewith, and that it
le made the duty of the sergeant-at
ariiisand liis assistants to see that the
1 provisions of the above resolution he
' strii tly enforced.
Mr. MY Kit. —Mr. Sjienkor, this reso
lution was handed ine this morning and
I offer it not only as a matter of coitrte
• sy, but because the practice of siuug
- gling into the cloak room, and other
. places about this ball, refreshments of
tin- kind refern d to, is to my mind dis
reputable. I therefore heartily endorse
this resolution, and trust it may have
' the effect to discontinue a practice
which is so discreditable to this legis
lative body, and I am satisfied that it is
only necessary to call the attention ol'
this House to the subject alluded to, to i
have the practice unanimously disap
proved of. Besides, sir, there are a suf
ficient number <>r * ll •'
it- meiiitH-rs and others can obtain
such stimulants, if they are needed,
will.out dishonoring this body by their
introduction here. No man ran be
blind to the fact of the great and favor
able change in public sentiment as to
the general use of stimulating drinks,
ami that alone should be a sufficient
check to their use in public assemblies
like this. And certainly this body of
legislation, to whom is entrusted the
Ha st sacred and responsible duties'
which can he imposed hy the people of
this t on. iiionwealtli. ought at least to
he able JOKI willing to set example s, i
while in the discharge of their duties,
which should receive the approbation of
those for whom they are here acting. 1
trust, then-fore, that tiiis House will so
far respect its own character and dig
nity .is to pass this resolution unhesita
Mr. MA iiov. — I have no objection to
gentkuien enjoying themselves here or
otherwise. Hut I desire to narrate a
fact tliat transpind the other evening
in theeoat room, spirituous liquor was
there and il caiue into the possession oft
some of the pages, who used it indis
criminately, not only dealing it out to!
the in uihers. hut tampering with it
themselves. Now, as 1 said lxl'oie, I
do not object to gentlemen enjoying
themselves, and I am also in lavor at
all times of placing this temptation be
yond tl.e reach ol boys, aud (specially
of thosi w'. o are i niployid la re.
I km w young lads of this act
ing in the capacity of pages who have
had this temptation placi d before them, [
and I 11 lii ve taut there is not one gen-.
tleinaii on this floor, whether he he a
drink r or a tctotaler. hut who would
do all he could lo take such a t(mpta
tion may from them. I do not want,'
to make any ex tended remarks, and I
urge the prompt passage of this resoln-1 '
t ion.
M . Woi.ii:.- I heartily agree with 1
the (-marks ot the gentleman who has '
just taken his seat [Mr. Malum], It .
seems to me in addition to that, that
the hall in which the Representatives
of :he people assemble for the purpose
of making the laws to govern these j
pen ile. tin place in which these Kepre-i
sentatives have and w ill have to enact' 1
laws for the prevention of vice and im-. i
morality, i.- certainly the place where a i J
proper example should be shown to these '
lads and tin' jH-ople generally, who may 1
congregate in it. No one would think i
of (leseerating the house of God hy the '
use of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors; ?
no one world think of going into a '<
court of justice and using them there. *
It seems tonie that a projK r respect for
llie place sin uld induce us to pass such
a resolution in; this. It is certainly an
eminently proper one, and it is certain
ly, on the other hand, improper for any
one to indulge their appetites in a place
like this. I think the people of the Com
monwealth, without regarding what j
may be their habits, without regarding ,
what may be their professions, whether j
they he or whether they be not addicted
to the use of strong drink—every man j
who has not lost his reason or his sense!
of propriety —would certainly say that
every member of this House should at ;
least restrain his appetite and not in- t
dulge in the use of strong drink in this 1
place. I (
Now, my friends, w ill not these young i
. lads whom 1 have seen going about this 1
hall smoking sugars and using profane
language, and whom I and others have
seen in the coat room handling the lot
tle, have, as indeed many of the people
of the State- will have and have it-right
to have, a very low opinion of the men
who help to make laws? 1 call IIIMMI all
tlie members here, not only with regard
to the influence it will have upon the
pages, but also for the purpose of pre
! serving a proper decency in the hull of
the House of Representatives of Penn
sylvania. evert if they are addicted lo
tlie use of drink, and 1 hojxi they will
so far regard tire place and the proprie
ties of the place as to vote for this reso
j lut ion, and do it promptly.
The resolution passed with only
three dissenting votes, after which
Mr. Lawshe ottered the following,
which was twice read:
ll<.Wiv</, Tliat the sergeaiit-at-arnis
he requested to remove from the coat
room all the bottles except those that
contain ink.
Which resolution also passed, only
eight voting against it.
Mr. Myer is from Bradford County;
Mr. Malion from Franklin; Mr. Law
she from Clearfield, while Mr. Wolfe
represents Snyder and Union.
The Ahline for February is received
containing many fine pictures and much
good reading matter.
Jlnrjurr M"<izim is always welcome,
and the good old story of < >ld Kensing
ton by Miss Thackeray is continued.
"One Quiet Episode" is verv natural.
Among the lonk notices is one of a
little volume "How and where to tiiul
them." being "a text hook for those
who are engaged in practical liiinerology
in any of its branches." It gives a series
of very simple tests for determining the
character of stones which in appearance
rest mhle gold, silver, diamonds, etc."
The si itiitifir <hjitirtiiirat is valuable —
This is gett ing to Fx* one of t lie most in
teresting features of magazine litera
The (inhutf is very fortunate in this
particular. Its scientific intelligence
Ix ing generally more within the com
prehension of unscientific persons, and
so. much more. iure>-'— 4 "'an
.iimost any other that we receive.
The L'tilir.s' I-'rii ml, is also received.
It has fashions, fancy work, household
recipes, etc.. beside the literary matter.
Harpf r'. Unznr and Wit kip
are always readable and interesting,
csjx-eially the ( ditorials and personals,
and the always suggestive '•Manners
upon tlie Road," We should think
there was hardly any body who does
not find some hint in these articles
whereby he may amend his own man
"Millilli-u>urch" by Mrs. I.ewes. is
rontimu d ii: the 11 and London's
Heart, in the 1-hizne. We wish the con
tinued stories were all of as go< id a kind.
Tlie fashions and patterns and particu
larly much of the fancy work seem little
adapted to this locality or to working
[K'ople anywhere, yet even among these,
there are often useful suggestions that
even plain people can avail themselves
lirninnril's Mnsi<-al Wnr'nl. for .Janu
; ary. Cleveland. Ohio, has considerable
reading matter and some tine music
though nothing very difficult, of this a
song —Maggie Darling—is worthy of
There is a good deal of musical infor
mation, and many advertisements that
music loving people will be interested j
The Jitih /ii mil lit collies to lis ill so
novel a guise that we have hard work
to recognize our old friend. Probably
it ik improved but we cannot see it so.
Some papers could be improved by
almost any change but the IntlcpnuU nt
always came with such a clean whole
some, inviting look that we are sorry to
see its old face no more. A friend says
she had always associated its ample size
with its broad and liix-ral views, so that
now it seems as though the latter were
to he narrowed and put into a cover. I
TLVU and
IT IS a significant fact that ninety
nine out of every one hundred mechan
ics in the large cities of the United
States are foreigners, whose earnings
now average from four to five dollars
per day, while any quantity of "gentle- j
manly" young American men, the pro
duct of "business" colleges and high ,
schools, can be got to keep books or do ! >
any kind of "genteel" writing from six
to ten dollars per week.
EMJLISII women have excellent edit-!'
rational opportunities on the whole, and
they improve them. The regular win- :
ter course of Lectures in London fur '
the instruction of women in science and
art was recently opened. The course
consists of three series. First conies
Prof. Duncan on "Cosmogony and the
World as a Planet;" then Prof. Carey j
Foster ou " Physics," and lastly, Prof.
, j
Rutherford on "Physiology." A large
number of ladies attend these lectures. , '
j .
A VERY pleasant remedy for emotion- -
al insanity is proposed by Henry L. (Tin- i
ton, in the New York Times. After 'i
writing at length concerning the mi- j
certainty of conviction of murderers j]
under the present law s, lie suggests that ;
the law should be amended so that a ;
' "homicide committed without delit>ra-'
tion and premeditation, although with
intent to kill formed on the Instant,
would be murder in the second decree,"
the punishment to imprfsonmet Tor life.
This is certainly worthy of attention,
and his proposition to confine in a luna
tic asylum for twenty years the persons
acquitted on the plea of insanity seems
the surest check to such persons as are
tempted to give way to the insane desire
to take life, lie says: '"lf a person is
so insane as to take human life he
should In- confined for a sufficiently long
time to protect the community against
' any return of such violence."
THE Presidential electors of Xew
Hampshire, at their meeting last fall,
were astonished to find that not one of
their numlter was a user of tobacco in
! any form. Ex-Gov. Hale, the oldest
j memlier, had never even been "treated"
to a glass of liquor.
A MACHINE is now in tqieration in
Philadelphia which funis out 3,00U com
plete pajH*r match-boxes j>er hour.
A r.orisvii.i.K editor alludes to him
self as an "unfailing reservoir." lie
probably has wafer on the brain.
< 'ALIFOKNJA has raised wheat enough
to furnish the fioiir to put a griddle
eake ten rods wide around the earth in
forty minutes, if any spry cook could
be found to boss the job.
1 .
1 IIE New \ ork Star says it is a severe
tax on a fat judge to look grave.
THE Huston lnrt*ttynlor thinks that
if Adam is accountable for "consequen
tial damages" he will have a rough time
< >f it.
THE Duluth HniiM says that there
is m longer a doubt that a blast furnace
will be put in operation in Duluth next
summer. Suineof its rivals are already
lx ginning to call Duluth a "hlarstcd"
' city.
TIIE success hitherto achieved in
almost circling the world with telegraph
wires lias resulted in establishing tele
graphic communication from Australia
to California, a length of win- of no less
than 3i.nod milt s, enabling messages to
be sent between those places in four
' hours and a half.
PitoK. Tyndall sails for England
Wednesday next lf v will
i president thcdinuei to lie given by Prof.
J yndall Tuesday evening.
EUR< ATIOX is a 1 letter safe-guard of
liiiert\ than a standing aruiy. If we
retrench the wages of the school-muster,
we must raise those of the recruiting
HEPROVK thy friend privately! com
mend him publicly.
Fi: AMI E presents a strung!' spectacle :
at present. Hega riled as the most loose'
in morals of all nations, and accepting'
no rule which presumed to rest rain their
enjoyment of all pleasures, we yet see
the French ('handier sternly enacting!
| the most stringent laws against drunk
enncss, and restricting the free use of i
intoxicating liquors. We refer to this;
fact as an evidence of the great moral;
revolution which isabout to sweep over
i the world to do away with the traffic in
BY a vote east in Bradford county,
Pa., last Friday, it was decided by a
majority of between three and four
thousand, that no licenses would lie
given in that count} for the next three i
1 X THE Assembly yesterday a resolu
tion was adopted by a large vote provid
ing that no intoxicating liquors shall le j
kept or drank in the House. After-;
wards, thinking this provision insulii
eielit to effect the-object desired, a Mr. '
Law lie presented a resolution, which
was also passed, that all bottles except
those containing ink should lie removed
from the cloak-room. If, after this, the
Capitol does not lscoiue a temple of
b nqierance, there is no virtue in legis
lative enactments.
AVOID governing too much.
Count ADO has doubled in population
and wealth since IK7U.
A NEW TKIIIE. —A California paper
ill-scribes the discovery of three villages
of Zuni Indians, supposed to be the
survivors of the ancient Aztecs. They
dwell oil the great trail from Fort Mo
have on the Colorado, t> Albuquerque,
on the KioGrunde, and are about a day's
journey from the diamond field. They
number about six thousand, and are
very different from other trilw-s, being'
in looks, Inuring and pride of dress a
manifestly superior race. The women
are comely and modest in dress, their
houses are clean and their cooking good.
Certain kinds of cloth are made by them, j
These ieople have fields of corn, wheat
and vegetables, flocks of sheep and j
goats, and they ki*cp all the domestic
animals. They are friendly to the I
whites; never fight aggressively, but
are stubborn in defense. Their houses
are of stone; three stories high, and are
built in terrace form. They worship
the Great Spirit, and believe lie dwells
in the sun.
IF Mrs. YVharton's jury had brought
in a verdict of guilty we should have;
made a note of it as a cations phenom- j
eiinn in the hist or}' of modern juries. ,
As they have disagreed in the most con
ventional manner, however, there is
nothing to be said, unless it is that ju
ries generally are getting to be a
grecable "lot." The trial by jury, as a j
palladium of liberty, is not so much of s (
a success as it used to be. Yet the Hon. i (
Wm. M. Tweed is said to have remark- j'
| ed, Recently, that it was
; even suggest any change in that . I
ous institution handed down to
°ur fathers. But great men are*,,/■
' eentrtr.
A NUMIIKK of "buffalohunters"), 1
frozen to death on the plains. T| i;i . j
.called "(quirt" out West.
A MAN who went to Idaho
■he thought the climate proof agaj.t 9
► ague has had the idea shaken out ' 9
" i
■ t
L ,
A %
I ;
,IOH I'lilMlM
' I I
... '
i ;
i j
li .
John V. Brown,
rnoi'KiKTOR or
( I'm OSWA VO, PA.)
Persons going to OSWATO by stage, and desiring
to return same day, will fit- anconunodatvo
at stage rates.
Passengers wishing to reach any of the neighbor
lug towns will be conveyed by Livery U
reasonable rates.
A g.M| Livery rig kept ronslantlvon hand f„ r
passengers by the stage.
(JOHN V. PROWS, Propr.,)
114 If
Wholemle (Vtd Itchcil
COUDERSPORT, PA. by the Can. Quart, Gallon, Hundred and
Thousand received daily.
Families, Parties and Festivals supplied on short
The Trade furnished at reasonable wMei-
Give me a trial ami I can. suit you-