THE POTTER JOURNAL .AiSTD Jno. 6. Mann, - ft - Uomllf/w , Proprietor. I£T IE "W" S ITEM. ®" F ' Hamn ""- VOLUME XXIV, NO. 28. The POTTER JOURNAL! AND | I MWH ITEM. I PT'BLISIIKD EVERY FRIDAY AT roIDERSPOHT, PA.; [Oflict in Ohnstfd Jflork.) TKR.MS, 8 1.75 I'RU YBAK IN AIITASCK. J no. S. Mann, S. ¥. Hamilton, rryrittr>r. J'uhlishrr. C. J. CURTIS, Attorney at law and District Attorney, Oflr >m MA r\ St.. (oier the Pet Ojtier, j COUDEKMVRT, PA., Solicits all business pn'l.iininc to Ills profession. Special attention given to collections. | J,'** S. MiSS. ARTHTR H. MASS ' JOHN S. MANN & SON, Attorneys at I>atv and Conveyancers, rori>KHroKT, I'A., {promptly MUtadrd to. Arthur B. Mann, <2#ural Il'nmuff * Notary PnMio. } S. S. GREENMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. . (crrica oria r.m.r.a , aroaa.) | COUDKItsrOKT, PA. x. n. nijiT*n n. c. i.tunoiKH OLMSTED ALARRABEE, ATTORNEYS AND rorNSKLORS AT LAW in Olnnted Bltjck,) Cor de us POUT, I'KNN'A. SETH LEWIS, itfoniey at Liw and Insurance A^oni, LEWISVILLE, l'A. A. M. REYNOLDS, Dentist, } (orricß is OLMSTCK JUK IC.) CtH'DERSIH)HT. I'KXN"A. Baker House, limiwv A KRLI.KT. Prop'rs., (tuner of SECOND and EAST Streets POPDERSPORT, PKNN'A. rT,rT attention i>aii to the eonrenlenee and comfort of guests. 4- 1.0.H! Stahlinf attached, Lewieviite Hotel, Corner of MAIN and SOUTH Streets, I.EWISVI I.I.E, I'A tr-t'iood Starting attached. JOHN B. PEARSALL. HOI'SE PAINTER and GLAZIER, COVDBR6PORT, PA. All klnis of GKAISISO, VARSIHIWO, AC., done. Orders left at the Poat-offlce will be promptly J attended to. a.. Tiioiirsox i. s. MtKX j THOMPSON & MANN. rut \i.Kits is Itnivs, Medicines, llooks Stationery, FANCY GOODS. PAINTS OILS. WALL PAPER. C., for. Moin orut Third St*., COUDEHSPORT, PA. ' S. F. HAMILTON, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, (Corner Mrr IS u 26 inch#*. Machine® and Cntom Work "* n n* to ordor. 2422-tf John Grom, UoiiSiP, Si *4* ii, PAINTER, COUDERSPORT, PA. DRAINING and PAPER HANGING done with neatness and dis|atch. Satisfaction guaranteed. . B. NEEFE, CARRIAGE FACTORY, COUDERSPORT, PKNN'A. Pn!.o kiu _G f w *K"n-iaking, Bla. kmlthla K , to . ilnrM' reisoiGv T n '" atne ** "i' l durability. C harges • tMSft-iy c. BBEUNLE, 14 AKULE WOHKER, COUDERSINJRT. PA. ""-bed to order j yortni. Jack in the Pulpit. BV J. G. WHITTIER. l.'nder the green trees Just over the way Jack in the pulpit Preaches to-day: Squirrel and song sparrow. High on their perch, Hear the sweet lily bells Kinging to church. Come hear what his reverence Rises to say In his queer little pulpit This fine Sabbath day. Fair is the canopy • iver him seeu. Painted by Nature's hand Black, brown and green; Green is the pulpit. Green are his bands; In his queer little pulpit The little priest stands. In black ami gold relTet, So gorgeous to see, Comes with his bass voice The chorister l>ee: Green fingers playing Cnseen on wind lyres, P.ird voices singing— These are his choirs. The violets are deacons, 1 know by this sign, The cups that they carry Are purple with wine. The columbines bravely As sentinels stand On tlie lookout, with All their red truni|s! white Indian pipe* tin the green mosses lie — Who has been smoking Profanely, so nigh; Rebuked by the preacher The mischief is stopped. But the sinners in haste Have their little pi|cs drnpjwd ; la-t the wind with the fragrance of fern and black birch Blow the sine!) of the smoking Clear out of the church. So much for the preacher. The sermon comes next; Shall we tell how he preached it And where .is the text? Alas: like too many Grown-up folks who worship In churches mail builded to-day, We heard not the preacher Expound or express; \V looked at the people And tliey looked at us; We saw all their dresses. Their colors and shapes. The trim of their lmimets The rut of their cajies; We heard the wind organ. The bee and the bird. But of Jack in the pulpit We heard not a word. %Nisrfllam!. (From Harper's Bazar.] Manners upon the Road. OK TilF: OTHER SEX. My ])">r (i ry issnarling ! and roaring and making himself a )>est? ! "Tommy is sleepy, 1 ' says that crafty jwirent. "Does Tommy's poor little \ stomach ache? Where does Tonnnv feel bad. is lie \t-i „„„ j long journey?" It is not the long journey, nor the stomach-ache, lxeause j Tommy romps in the same way in the j nursery at home and upon all occasions. ' lint the mother's instinct shields him. i "1 <>u think." it says to the bald-headed j traveler who is trying to read <>r t<> i sleep, and who, although his as]tect is j bland, wishes Tommy in the unmeu- J tioi table j dace —"you think that this is i a snarling little 1 least. Heaven pity yon, : s iv! 'tis a prince in disguise majestically 1 moaning.'' In like manner, when we see that j gross Orson, the huge fellow who is j always feeding and drinking, that rcd -1 faced, indolent good-for-nothing, whose : chief delight is horse-racing and eock , lighting —when we see him earn ing off j in holy matrimony that delicate, llower likc. gentle I'iamma, it is bewildering, iit is preposterous. Her eyes are ojen. j She s*es him. and she hears of him. and j she knows about him. What does it | mean? llow do such tilings hapien? Happen! Why. how did Titania happen !to fancy Bottom? It is the familiar old i story of Beauty and the Beast. Do you sup(Misc Fiamuia sees the < )rson that we . see? Do you suppose that a young i woman tenderly reared, with maidenly i delicacy and reserve, and a fine womanly instinct, kneels at the nuptial altar with a boozing lxjoby? Xot she. She gives her faith and her vows to the noble hero, the puissant prince, who thinks tit to masquerade in the shaj>e of this j red-faced, lazy idler. And lx eause j you are blind, because your wretched I perceptions stick fast in the hairy hide, do you think that I'iamma does not see the truth and rejoice in it? What is to le done? You and I, probably, if we are men alxmt town, know the truth of Orson. How can we save her? Alas! she is not to lx' sived by us. She must work out her own salvation, or she will lx* lost. When I see her coming into the church on her wedding-day, and observe the pretty groups in the pews, and hear the blithe music from the organ, and smell the orange (lowers as the beautiful bride passes, and watch her kneeling in a soft • 1 white cloud of lace and other flnltiness, and then strain my ears to listen whether she does actually vow to honor and obey that utter zany. 1 think that the fairy stories are commonplace and Blue- Beard the prosaic history of every day. Of course, if I were a younger and mar riageable man, I should probably think, as you doubtless used to liefore you were pledged to take part in a similar ceremony, that there are i*ersoiis —who shall be nameless—to whom it would not l>e monstrous to hear the beautiful Fiamma rowing eternal love and fidcl ity. Their names might lie Herald, for : instance, or Bachelor. Yes —and don't you supjiose that the other < >rsoiis think precisely the same thing? Meanwhile 1 reflect that Fiamma does sometimes workout her salvation. The point of the old story is that the beast was a prince, after all. It was only a horrible enchantment. And even old Bottom was not a veritable jeckass. Fiamma believes, despite all that appears. despite all that you and I. with much head-shaking, know, that the hulking Orson is an enchanted prince. s he does not deny, she admits, all that we—of course as impartial . friends—reveal to her of his coarseness • and umvorthiness. "Certainly," says j that gently jwsistajit lady ; "that is the hide. I see it as von do; but I also see beyond it, as you do not. You are wrong, and I am right. lie is not a beast, but a gallant and noble prince." There is nothing like it in the world, this simple and defiant devotion. At this very moment of writing—and it is I don't know how much o'clock at night —I reflect that I have been calling U|K>II Mrs. Loveall, from whose house T came only an hour or two since. We had a very interesting talk of a thousand tilings. Site is most thoughtful, most cultivated, and, almve all, a woman of the steadiest el lameter, and a most efficient head of the family. It was nearly midnight when i left her. and 1 doubt if she has gone to lied yet. lim ing the time that I sat with her I knew that she heard the least sound in the ; hall, and once when the outer door closed she went out of the room. Iler whole' soul seemed to lie intent upon those sounds; yet site calmly talked with me. It was a man she was awaiting—not her husband, for he is dead long ago. but her son, her oldest child, the bright eyed boy, the pride and hojie of her young married life—a man of forty now, ' and nobody's pride or hope for ever more. I know how it will l>e. Some time after midnight there will lie a fumbling at the door, and Mrs. Loveall will de scend and open it. She will close it quietly, and then she will help him up stairs to his room. You can imagine how he looks, the sound of his voice, the terrible fumes that envelop him. Can you see that sweet, matronly face ln-side liiin, full of tenderness and pity? Can you look into that mot iter's heart, I in which is no censure, no reproach, no conscious, withering disapiKiintiiicnt even, but only love, love depthless and unspeakable? Is that her son, that stupefied, reeling, inarticulate sot? lie has ceased to be himself: how call she ! love rmnr 11*- .. . , . a man is. Does she see the prince in ' him? Certainly she does; for what else : could supiMiit her? That heart, so j steady and true, is full of excuses and and extenuations. Even if site thinks j his condition is the consequence of mere j weakness of will, she does not blame him, but some circumstance, some an cestor. "My poor boy," she 11 links, i reniemltering that his gnat-grand mother's uncle by marriage was teo fond of punch, "the sins of the fathers 1 are visited upon the children." Is it otherwise with Kim.una? One. at least, of that name 1 knew, who mar- • lied Orson; and she went on believing' and lielieving in the prince, expecting j and exiK.-eting him to dissolve the en- • chantincut and come forth: and 10l at • length he came. lie gradually mew to IK- interested, sympathetic, industrious. He left card clubs and their 1 ompanions, and cock-fighting and aimless lounging, lleliecamea good-natured. quiet.friend ly companion. And if we saw that. j what must not she have seen? If we j thought him good-humored, how fasci nating must he not have been 11 Fiain- j 111a? No. we live in different worlds j while we inhabit the same. Those gen tle eyes do not see what we ire, but what we might be. The} do Mot hear our wretched talk; and if they hear of j it they do not believe, or they softly ex tenuate. My dear Herald, your happy day draws near. It is the beginning of the year. Your heart is eager for all kinds of vows. Well, then is .1 trivial gift more precious than diamonds, more | useful than porcelain and silver, that you can give her. It is the resolution — i not to be broken, you rascal, but surely , kept—to try to lie the man that she lie-1 lieves you to be. Your friend. AN OLD B.UTIKLOK. -> ■< Two Sides cf One Canvas. One beautiful afternoon in August j there came to me the heart-broken wife of a state prison convict. We tried to plan for his pardon and restoration to: home and the world. It was a ven sad | ease. He was the only surviving son of a very noble man —one who lived lv j to serve the poor, the tempted and the j criminal. All lie had, all was. he gave unreservedly to help t lieves and drunkards. His house was their home. His name their bail to savt them from prison. His reward their reformation. It was a happy hour to hear him tell of the hundreds he had sliiehVd from the contamination ami evil examples of pris- j ons, and of the large propo tion. lie had good reason to lielicve, preinaneiitly saved. Out of hundreds, he once told j me, only two left him to pi> their hail, forfeited by neglect to show themselves in court according to agreement —only two! llred under such a roof the son start ed in life with a generous heart, noble dreams and high purposes. Ten years of prosperity, fairly earned by energy, industry and character, ended in bank ruptcy, as is so often the case in our risky and changing trade; then came a struggle for business, for bread—temje tation—despair—intemierance. He could not safely pass the ojien doors that tempted him to indulgence, for getfnlness and crime. How hard his wife wrought and struggled to save him from indulgence and then to shield him from exiKisureJ How long wife, sister ard friends ]siboied to avert conviction and the state prison. " I would sjnire him gladly," wrote the prosecuting at torney, "if he would stop drinking. He shall never go to prison if he will lie asolier man. Hut all this wretchedness and crime came from nun." Manfulh did the young man struggle to lesist the appetite. Again and again did he promise, and keep his promise l>erhaps a month—then fall. lie could not walk the streets and earn his bread solierly while so many n|en doors— opened by men who sought to coin gold out of their lieighUtr's vices—lured hint to indulgence. So rightfully the state pressed in and he went to prison. An honored name disgraced, a loving home broken up, a wide circle of kindred sore ly pained, a worthy, well-meaning man wrecked; sorrow and crime, ''all comes of rum," says the keen-sighted lawyer. As I parted from the sad wife on my door-step I locked beyond, and close 1 y the laughing sea stood a handsome cot tage. The grounds were laid out expen sively and with great taste. Over the broad piazza hung lazily an eastern ham mock, while all around were richly paint e 1 chairs and lounges of every easy and tempting form. Over head were quaint vases of beautiful flowers, and the deli cious lawn was lmrdered with them. < >n the lawn itself gaily dressed women laughed merrily over croquet, and noisy children played near. A span of superb horses pawul the earth impatiently at the gate, while gay salutat ions passed le --tweeu the croquet players and the fash ionable equipages that rolled by. It was a comfortable home as well as luxurious one. Nature, taste and wealth had done their liest. II was a scene of lieautv, comfort, taste, luxury and wealth. All came from nun. Silks and diamonds, flowers and equipage, stately roofs and costly attendance, all came from rum. The owner was one who. in a great city, coined his gold out of the vices of his ♦•-'low men. To me ir was a issoi!,. s v :<■-. 1 lost sight of the. gay women, the. frolic some children, the iiupatient horses and the ocean rolling up upon the lawn. I j saw instead the pale convict in his cell, twelve feet by nine, the sad wife going from judge to attorney, from court to governor's council begging mercy for ; her over-tempted husband. 1 heard j above the ehileren's noise, the croquet ! laugh and the surf waves the lawyer's stern reason for ex ictiiig the full penal ty of the law. All this comes from rum. " Wo unto lfim that givetli his neigh bor drink.*' "Wo unto him that build-1 i th his bouse by unrighteousness and \ bis eliambesr by wrong, for the stone j shall cry out of the wall, and the beam of thetimbershallanswerit." — Nation" l j Staiuhird. St'prosiNG we saw an army sitting down liefme a granite fort, and they told us that they intended to batter it down. 1 we might ask them "IIow?*' They j point to a cannon ball. Well, but there ! is 110 power in that; it is heavy, but not ■ more than half a hundred, or perhaps a ! hundred weight: if all the men in the army hurled it against the fort, they would make 110 impression. They say "No, but look at the cannon." Well, there is no jHiwer in that: a child maj I ride upon it. and a bird may jereli in its j mouth. It is a machine, and nothing! more. "Hut, look at the jiowder." Well, there is no power in that; a child may spill it. a sparrow may pick it. Yet 1 this powerless powder and powerless ball are put in the jmwcrlrss cannon; one spark of fire enters it. and then, in the twinkling of an eye. the powder is a fiasii of lightning, and that cannon-ball is a thunderliolt. which smites as if it had lieen sent from luaveii. So it is with our Christian machinery of this j day; we have the instruments necessary | for pulling down strongholds, and oil. j for the baptism of fire ! — Aiihur. Has the Earth more than two Motions ? A writer in the Hoston Transcript says: "That in times long past the present : land was the bed of the ocean, and that i in other ages there existed a period, us ually called the •glacial jh riod," when j the grim ice king held full swn> and all J was ice and frost, has lieen clearly de- J monstrated; and to n eonrile these facts j witli the theory that the earth has only I two motions, one on its own axis and 1 the other round the sun. appears absurd. Hut supposes third motion, slow, ]>er liajis only a fraction of a mile yearly, has j taken place, and is still going 011 round an axis at right angles with what is called the jMilaraxis. and we can then readily account for much of the phe nomena met with: and there appears to j be every reason to suppose that such a motion does exist. ♦'Commencing at a point north of Hudson Hay, in latitude 7u o' north and longitude9(i 4o west of Greenwich, a line runs nearly south through the United States on which the magnetic needle has no declination or points di rectly north and south, while at joints on either side of the line the needle poiuts inwards at angles depending UIHUI their distance east 01* west of the true magnetic meridian. The declination of these lines is not fiXetl, but increases every year at a regular rate, the lines on the east inclining more to the west, while those on the west incline more to the east, as if the magnetic pole was slowly moving to the south along the line of no declination. "In resjiect to the earth, the sun rises in the east and warms the glol>e in its passage to the west, inducing currents of electricity to flow from west to east; and as the needle always stands at right angles to the electric current, it follows that the direction of tlie current must be changing at the same rate as the de clination of the needle. "A very slow third motion would ac count for this annual change in decli nation, the glacial jicriod and the time when the present Urra p'mia was the bed of the sea —for the earth, lieing a spheroid, the high lands of the north in their revolution by a third motion would gradually Ik- submerged as they aje proachcd the south, while the IK it torn of the sea in the present south would as gradually rise as it was carried north ward. Astronomy would show this motion it we did not every four years (with certain exceptions) add one day. which would apjiear to compensate for a change in the inclination of the axis of the earth due to a third motion. "On even* side in the Rocky Moun tain region we have decided proof of the actions of glaciers and mountain tor rents that in past ages cut their way through the solid ruck, where now little rain falls and the old water courses are ever dry. Coal, also, in the greatest abundance exists throughout the terri tory of Wyoming, showing that at one time dense forests covered fine soil now bare of trees, proving that climates vast ly different have existed at various JK riods. "Assuming that America is slowly re volving to the north, and consequently rising out of the ocean, we should ex to find that other portions of the glolte are revolving towards the south and lieing as slowly submerged—and what do we find in England? That the climate of that country lias greatly changed since its discovery there can IK 1 little doubt, and as to its submersion, where are the large estates of the Karl of Goodwin? The wreck of many a no ble vessel and the blanching I nines of thousands of brave marines answer, "Here! at the bottom of the sea 011 the Goodwin Sands.'"' Temperance and Drinking in Craw ford County. I.' TTKU FROM IK'S It. IMWI 11. SIIAI v HOME, ) Spring, f'lau ..rl C"., I'a.. Jan. 9\ I>TJ. ( Hon. J. S. MANN. — Jhar Sir: I will take the liberty to state to you the lienc fit that our prohibitory liquor law is to lis. If works like a charm. We have been without license for Spring town ship for altout fifteen years; several years : by asking the court not to grant any li ! cense for this township, and it worked I so well that we asked the Legislature to give ns a prohibitory liquor law. When we were in the habit of using liquor and bad licenses, I was appointed to ascer tain the expense that liquor was to Spring township, and with the assistance of some of the most intelligent men of our township I think we got ven* near the mil value of the liquor. At that time our liquor cost us the value of our ier sonal pro|ierty in about three years, and in a little less than five years we used the value of our real estate. So in almiit eight years v.*o used the value of our whole township in intoxicating liquors, according to the value that the assessors [int upon it —both real and i**rsonal pro perty. And at that time quarreling, riots, assault and battery, and disorder ly conduct were of common occurrence, and death from the use of intoxicating liquors was frequent. We can point to many graves that liquor has lieen the means of filliftg; in some families but one. in others two or three; and in still others as many as four have Ix-en taken to untimely graves by the use of intoxi cating liquors. Now. friend Mann, let me give you the result of prohibition. We have be tween two and three thousand popula tion in Spring township and Borough, and not a [dace where liquor can lie bought as a beverage for the last fifteen years, and in that time not one death from tin use of liquor in our township or 1 h ii*i mgl i, Tlie records of the court will show that in that time not one suit for riot or dis orderly conduct, or assault and battery, or violation of the liquor laws; and but one conviction for any crime front Spring township for about fifteen years. A nd our county is paying about to prosecute criminals and supimrt them —principally 011 account of the sale of liquor. Crawford county is paying almut s lo.noo to support the jioor. and not one in the [xxir-honse from Spring township. So )ou can see that if it was not for the use ol liquor the courts of Crawford county would lie almost without a crim inal and our poor-house without a pau per. Crawford county is losing in popula ; tion, by the estimate of some. al*>ut one ' hundred and fifty or two hundred annu ally by tlie use of intoxicating liquors. $1.75 A YEAR and not one from Spring township in the last fifteen years. Some years since I heard Judge Cal breath say. in a charge to the jury of our County: "This is this the tilth case of murder since I have lx-en on the liench in this district, and every one of them has lteen caused by intoxicating liquors. If there had lieen no liquor there would have been or crime coinmit ted. Liquor has been the whole cause of the quarrel in every case, spring towuship and lKrough are pay ing aliout $ 1 goo annually in taxes on ac count of license in Crawford county— in supporting the (tool* and prosecut ing crime caused by the use of liquor that the Commonwealth licensed. Some years since I was one of the jury, and at that court there were sixty-three liquor suits from Titusville alone. Yours truly, IIOWKLI. I'OWKLI.. Cyperus Papyrus. "When it first liecaine necessary to ex press ideas, promulgate laws, or certify contracts in writing, some natural sub stance, needing no manufacture and hut little preparat ion, would be chosen. The I tare surface of a rock; a fiat stone: clay, afterwards dried in the sun, like the Bahylonion bricks, sufficed for the re quirements of rulers and priests—the only classes whose deeds or thoughts were then considered worthy of record. But. as the intercourse of man with his fellow-men increased —as traffic le --caiiH' more general, and something like enlightenment irradiated from the orig inal centre —greater facility of commu nication or means of remembrance be came essential. Tablets, therefore, eomjxtsed of slight pieces of Itoard cov ered with wax, or some other soft sul>- stanee easily impressed by the stylus, were used for memoranda, while plates j of metal, ivory or wood were inscribed with the edicts, or whatever writing was to serve other than a tenqtorary pur pose. Long before the relinquishment of I these inconvenient and cumbrous ma terials, however, pa|>er —so called from : the papyrus of which it was first made —came into us.. We have no possibil ; ity of ascertaining the origin of this I primitive paper; nor will this surprise ' us when we consider that a writing on papyrus has lieen discovered datinglwk I as far as the two last reigns of the third ; dynasty of Manetho's Pharaohs, the ! immediate predecessors of Cheops, the | builder of the first and greatest pyra i mid —thus fixing the era at two thou | sand years !>efore the time of Moses. This plant (tlit* Cffjtrru* yxiji\jr\u<) grows on the marshy hanks of rivers in Abys sinia and Syria. It is also found to some extent in Sicily; but in ancient times it als Minded on the shores f the Nile. It is of the sal no order as the bulrush, but of much larger growth. The stem is triangular, surrounded by long grassy leaves that spring from near the ground. The flowers form flattened spikes from fifteen to twenty inches in length, gar nished with long silky fibres. These flowers were tnueh used in Egypt to form garlands for crowning the statues of the gods. '•Pajier is made from the papyrus/' says Pliny, "'by splitting it with a needle into very thin leaves, due care Wang ta ken that they should lie as broad as jios sible." The sheets of papyrus pith are laid upon a table and moistened with Nile water, " lengthwise as long as the papyrus will admit of, the jagged iilges lieing eut off either end; after which a cross layer is placed over it —the same way, in fact, that hurdles are made. When this is done the leaves are pressed close together and then dried in the sun; after which they are united to one another.'* The great manufactory and mart for this ancient paper was Alexandria, and during the first few centuries of the Christian era it formed an important article of commerce. Writings oil pa pyrus exist U longing to the fifth and sixth centuries, and there is evidence of its having lieen used as late as the seventh. Indeed, it does not appear to have lieen wholly given up till the time of Charlemagne. The / tpi/ru* has now disappeared from Egypt, mak ing good the words of Isaiah: " The p;i per reeds by the brooks, by the mouths of the brooks, shall wither. IK* driven awav, and Is- no more seen.*' OXI.V A GICAIN OF SAMI.-A man wlio had for years carried an old and i cherished watch about hiui one day trailed ' on its maker and told liim it was no long j er useful for it would not keep time cor ; rectlv. '*lat nio examine." .-a : d the maker; land taking a powerful glass he looked carefully and steadily into the works till he spied just one little grain of sand. "I have found it." lie said; "I can got over your difficulty." A hunt this moment, by some powerful hut unseen instinct, the little grain, sus peeting what was coming, cried out : "Let 1110 alone! 1 am but a small thing, and take tip so little room. I cannot possibly injure the watch. Twenty or thirty of us might do harm but I cannot so let me alone." The watch-maker replied, "Yon must come out for you spoil my work, and all the more so, that you are so small and hut a few people can see you," ! Tims it is with us, whether children or elders, one lie. one feeling of pride, 1 vanity or diwAiediencc may le such a little "one that none but ourselves know | of it; yet God. who sees all things, knows it. and that one sin. however little it . may appear, w ill spoil oiu" Ixst efforts iu | liis service.