D. 8, HEEFE, KM and WAGON MAIER, Cor. EAST mi Sta^ Con 'V report, T^S. wft! o-.rrf *O. ■"mnrbos of buslo*so Oh op. Thc-f —"' '■"> -no '■!> fo ri ' q- 1 v.,,. H, „•• kl.llfs ?! ! ! !'■'• "• ron?, w!*> r, • ofcea 0.j,. Sprla*"Soa • V <■'■ r, ioi T-., ;.ni:ioMo TT?.TO--• !*!•■*,or ' *! ?>?r!n7T'>rr. if Op?i. ?• '' •: "? Mnj OiwAmw Wpw>. O : -1 r•••.. 'r* 1 '"•'l Cottara wiu be Til *" f> >■* on 3 v, ?"f ao'too. ''-* "**" m-.isofold wo?x doaama caav i now inldorabHlty. i i | r?Tj STIOP. 1 V| ' *, v " n 1 TVVn r rio>. T> rr- T r.-*5 T*Yp (-J* P-—fill •*' l'!? !a of Mill Irons an.l PamSnj P';m r/iliU brU r. t 3 l ; T-, r J.M fc(-j > <>f n<rr TVqfrq-j,. q J r ••♦■> , a? 1 V?? ill T>a! 1 *? "i" ctmlnjr otjl -a!otIn? of oll3rrr v . 9!rp 00 t Onvn"-im' Pi! "In? -1000 Co Ordsrwltl anl ilapatch. 7T T"f"T '"'*•> U,i ii jf. _yi .-•■. --> *•,..*, ~—" p.,„v,„.,,,_ par®, t>pt*, r.ory-Sach?, SVft T.- nm'.nr, ai! all w b la coo Una of Trlr n if lino In jiil Itr'.o. n^,„r >qf rv—> a,- i p - ?-nof bishco f->n •'•"'••ni *t . to c>'3 ofico aol bn--> built m*-r Taof-rr—n X"3 ft..— I 'r o?bt"b "b *3O? OviVb®® of bri-100-sq rel'l 1 nq, Till , } tO r<V?CI?3 tflP nt *qT ol 1 3*"*Oo'\ •7|o s-.f q* to-o s o-. T-oo on 1 ""-'-r-n'or- of ■>•-•>• tin* n b® prom-ol -rill bo ur*l on tho Orlo-a by man Till bo prompt'? 1 to. D. i 5. NT.r.rr. 9475-" I. 11. &00D3SLI), N ->n -1 ; cl u pviuwi %j *J JUi/ir<j GO iU of - lv™ ill ft % {above ZAST Street,) Ooiitle-rsspfnort. 17a. CPffIIiACTS on 1 mntorla!'! " :"nlin? 1 To: all l-JLaio of BriLPtxo j aad done.—fdorxDaa of all dcjcclptloaa p. \ g : r T- ELIPfDS an l DOOr? on hand ormanu laoturcd to order. C&tlt paid for Flnu lamlxr. Tour parrctas* U oU:i:ed. S. TL GOOtoIXL. S. F. Hamilton, flilß H FIICI Book & Job Printer, S. yt. Coias? i TM I lain Sts., i | t I (SECOXD FLOOR,) i , ' I COUDERSPORT PA. WASHINGTON I'XIVX&UIY Misftts? HI H l uO i B ALIIMO RE, INTO., iNow Opt: 11 I < STUDENTS CAN ENTER A I ANY TIME. The C tui.-a: adviui aee* of tut- sc'.i 1 are ni*ur- 1 passed. FEES lu-ending ld-eeil it ■'*■ H ' tickets, 8C . ForCua gtiese *uMiuin-.i fui; par ti 'liars apply U> Prof. C.W. (II NCKI.LOR, Dean, ' 129-4 Baltimore, Md. Agents! A Rare Chance. We will pav all AsrenM *4O per week, in cosh, , who wi ewnige with in at ONCS Everyilung for. i nUhed and expen les pit l. Addre -a 131—A A. COULTER *x CO., Cuarlotte, Midi. Lata Savers, Read! I hart oastacCj- na tiaod tie new SINGER SEWING MACHINE with nil the latest lrnprcvraeuM. ' — *® pTxrtT*r> •• j* T r>^v tiM'i-iw, nv"r\ -n l ■" i' "-v* ~*iieh tvLi-h will nit ravel and h alike on both sides. fT Hems. T?-M Is, CoM*, Tricks, Gri'ts. Finds, films, Ftnbrph'e-s, Ruffe-, and does a't kinds of work m the £nest muslin or the heaviest full- Cloth. It is the hex*- maM.in* for U'l wv*K. Over ro-v-e "SINGERS" -so'd 'as* rnr than any othe kind made,—according to swam return-. All EXTHAS kept ocn*-tant?y on hand. OT.R MACHTNTS of mv make rcoa trod ins workmanlike manner. 9e%cino 2£::chi-M Oil always on hand. Teforp nflrehaMn? where, ec'.l and examine the SINGER MACHINE. OfHce In Olmcted Blcch. (S-icwA. Eoor\ A. M. r.Evr.OLr'- 123-lrJ Afftnt. ' 1 HOfn RRAPnS 1 Hjirnro arranged my Livfct so aa to obtain a!' tlicoo £no Gradations ol*Shai!c to easentlV to aßSA"~ryri. vnorcr.-Rxrx, ! re speetful'.y solicit vour patronage. I make ad tue leading styl3 of Photographs 2nd Ferreolyce?, from a CARD FlcrtTtr M a.T RRE SIZE iW'— • - ■ INK, —jf ATHR COLORS or OIL 'V. 0 o.* Oi.:i Fic?J>*3J nwl* ' y--> A large Ufcxk of Walnut, nui CiU Picture Fram e £ ? Square ana c.v. , O* 3*C IDi SjkL*. All walk guar an tool to give xvlsfactiou- Fi T. LYiiDE Photograph G-alhry, SECOND STREET East of MAIN, Building,) COUDERSPORT. PA. OOTQ smd SHO-c Jolm Dcnßof, ■ Tip. avLD re3Te-tfu lvlnform the oi*i -mt that 1 c./u.in.tes the inauufacture ot 30913 AND SHOES MAIN STREET b:bw f.'AtKET, (Srruth of the Bridge,) ALL work done in a workman Ike manner, a: returnable rat.e<, AND A GOOD KIT GUYUANTEED. Give him a call HEREON WW, G 4 ., hot. ntH W®"t, lO.npoiite P~rk'n's Blacksmith Shop.) The subseri'"" n -- o-a experieneeof Th'ftv.Hrn YAA'A In thii bivdn"<-> ->"-nni, and is n~rared to A -i All 0 Wo-' IN ms I.INV, a'-TTTT GOOD MATERIA! ' rnd WorV-aisM^. ®p?eial attention paid to 11-mal iny. llill RHsoiVs : 'MEAT MARKET, THIRD STREET, I (BcU'Ken MAlXand EAST Streets,) . Coudersport, Pa„ Will be constantly suppled with 3EEF. VEAL, MUTTON, and PORK, i Of the very best the conn'rv will alord. HALL T- NELSON. i GO TO H, T. NELSOP! &. CO FOB THE CELEBRATED LOCK HAVEN FLQUn. i A-f ig Ik} TC XV;l n etl t>r the f eat work of tue | f4ULIi I 0 year, by t..e au:i, u' of "Gol iu i-uu isjuie i..tuirated by Gus.ave j Dure. Nast of Harper s ll* eta, e. oiue. >- Ku : dused uyc >.. i g p.e.-iy.w*sauJfiniui nt<iiviu-s. Its lit e and co.ixms wi.i iumie I n it ta u-au is . of reade —wfft: Because uotUiug dk<* i. uas ever been publsned. For proof of tuis scud ! s.amp a see ci.ciuars & tenm befo.e t'xi.aasiiih elsewhere. R. B. 'Ci.RAT, i'ub uner, 119-4 &J5 Broadway, N. Y. j 5000 Agents Wanted at Once for our i blew bbHt, oic ij.ie ol oar Gx*eat ill- P '° "lIYIR&STORE, and hU lic-.ua rtH Uou from a Livtso DtaTH. by STANLEY. For full doc;ip'.l ns an 1 ic: nis address imme di ueiy, Ui. BBARD Bitus.. Pub 1 vie s, i 1.9~i Phi.ud.i. or Boston. Young men, tcachor*, ladies or ters! .iff nit mmutod la every r, .uu.v f . ' i'h\ tt-jy.C so. indued BlrJ. ." AiO illudraiion- Lxir.. tern;.. ~rj-p.'eias !ree. Addre-- Zeigler >tc~;ud >.* lis—4 iIS Arch s: , l'hilada., t'a. LIGHT IN THE EAST. 'she mo t comprehensive and valu ioie re iuiou wo.kever pub i for 1; a sofoi our uewiiui-i.ated Katni y Bib.e, cont.iuiag uear.y • twilu • sc. i st.ni' iiiU 'tra i n<, u in. isiuith's compete Die ion try of tae Bio o. send for p o speciu <&ci: eu at s. 4 Wt wi.i show you wuat agents say of t-4*. f.<' oc*c a i e he i. -i.it J-'nn, ■> it,;, ■. A how la-t taey are sc.: Lug it. NATrONAL PJB. CO.. Pni.a. Pa. 34-i LOOK! Free to ail! # era PEli ;V. EK TO AGENTS, MALE OH FE •ipoo 1!i;l e> y 0 - , w..0 wi.i write fo an Agency we wi i send a cony of til i oj i r , tue luuetrtfledJiurn oj J'ltniy. Itcont du ove: As heau.ifui 1 ust ati >n A. v. 11 be sent/ce to a who may w'.ite. 1. tiAKSIDL, Pater son, N.J. 14 \ cYTi*ite cannot dot e tert rsnsecu e.inageu .ijjCUts tJ - for i. is. A.tout s great work Three Years in a Man Trap, a companion to t'ie famous Tu Niariits .u a Bar-room. Nearly ß'>,ooo co/jies have be-n sod : end its pox; a.ity i> .sti; on t.e increase, one . iug ■ u. 'eut'nas so d upw irdso. 100 copie*. Secure tor ito.y at once. J- id. fciODPWßrc.Ca.Pub.tsuei -, Pni.ade puia, l'a. Cheap Farois! Frto Holies i sti the "ir.e of tie UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. L2.00C-000 acrei of tue Lest l ariui.tg cr .ui.i e.a uwds m Amedc.a. ,3.000.000 ac.es in Nebraska, iu the P.atte Va-.e -, u.nv i■ sa e. Miiii Climate, Fortiic Foil, fur Grain growi.it: a.i I Stark rai .i.m uit.ui passed by any la the IJulted stateu CiTEiPLArN PHI 08, :n >.e: .vorab'e 'e.msrfven. •ind in jie co.vc..:ea£.tjin:i;ko* t.i.in can be lO.MU aewfli'- c. Fraa, Homs'.eads for Actual. £o tie:a. 4 ..**n l r l v 1 ' Cu iiitl to a Homestead of lfl acre . tend tor toe new De w. 1 > ive Pimp Yet, wi b new man-., pub isacd iu ix.g i iGe.ia n, Swed ish and I) u is!>, ntii e-1 free eve. \ where. Add en, t) 1". DAV;>, 1 3-4 Lani Com. U. P. It. If. Co., i. mala, Ne:j. s„-r- yt ebe t e ?;. \in 'SWA ;-t'ri I fo-*. iiCU I sof y'eui'f —* I 'n liriljeii Hint, family ' Xf i jm Over ll*si page 11 by la in.. ' .Vjm.e T:-'.A?y iii.i cAil -, -'.c. Arabeii[m't' - , Git s.il e, c.a.p, IS.-.'-, Kii'lgi t.'ie np, <ll.oO. BHL w;>, lire He cuief, fo. winter eveninc?, * t luta.eadv. T&-Amr.c inF-trm" -■ JJwJih,k —t .e stou tard. 4d h lOi-O ready. Epi oo'tc t eat mciits etc. c. K. Vent, N. Y. a Cincinnati; Vent a Good, tun, Chicago. 1 -t—. i* cn i C SOMETHING NEW, 6 - I'.ifcr | ante es,so. a. i t.it t'.it Uorce t*' k - one samp e I ee. N. Y. Mi r Yi AJN TLD. C-i.,21 Court and- sit-.N. Y. P-, T;IS lb NO HUMBUG! Ol* .... ... . o - Hi. v.Tu'w; .IT* '-, !, .. rUVn isat fwonreet r.lMcreof ymi fill Sue uu. V u- : >: wiic alriitialt' of lit 4 i Adi'.rc-es W. r ■ P. O. D.awer Nx 2 , I n i, U'l >. N. y. ic;- R. 15, 15. B&Bwav-s l urn v\ r_> CUUSA TilS WOUST DA:?.-J Ii r.'oui Cs.3 ta T—c.f7 .V . HOT o:m noun i_ar re—.'.a i!i i * o ui-'-m, i' * eril onr 0r.3 bPFKER IVITiI PAIN. ILVSWATS READY RELIEF fj A CURD I'OU EVERY PAD?, It was the fir-l a::,l I- Tlhes Oril.v I*a.ln Itemedv * .1 M-isev ■. bi-ops themsit cxc ocisili cI - i' .. and c*iro C*n.|re 4i.na, ■ . t t :• L' J*. Siomicb, lkiweis, or otiir leAadsor i. H " iA"FROM Oliß TO TWENTY IfTNTTT \ i't?i hr tr viol on trr ixcnic'atlr;. *. c , : t v : llHt'i'A r! B<wl-rI(M •i t Jfr, t, •, > vu . -Mi t . <r ] r.K.irt 1 v 1; . ; riADi.VAY'3 KSADY XC- iCr _ r-r L at-OYD rk: • :; ; BT'A-'i MAT. j A ; :: ' ) i n..v: us •=*- ti AT-TZG. mUt'lMflOli OJ i B -. COkCl.s CON MTKi : TtlZ f~3S. . E-OT.S THROAT, iI. ' I,T i;.' : r i'.H.r;rv~i-: • <•* ETSTCAICS. CROUP, I rr I. CA . ■■ I:X.-"T\ HEADACHE, TOf'TDA, hf r C<V,d cm?.T.s,*/' r irr\": , .V: • Tba r.jyllc-nioa of the Hr - Itel'c f 3j -1 Orpir:- eh*.-r IU pin or i.Mc.; . > j i.:. R.i , ; t.*an-i >omfrrt. - ■-; vi h I ' a t•**.-•'' r *f 1 *, r* I.S'IWIUS C a l ; PAIS.' I, ■! R P ■ )KA H. HL\a rprtTV KT ' HEAB. * *:r. •:■ v. DTSENTEUY, eon • wind is VJg ) v ELS, ami all INTERNAL PAlb>. i • * :la' vv- earrr a U*':l *• i lir *. W.-i '■ i*!y t&ellef Willi I'" '. Af - f ■ , ' • V.l i , . • I . ' IC-- - IT)' *ft' •1 I . J |.f w.' r. D iM.T'.ijfit caliianr. I,; b.'.b.-lM as i>ii4.i '. .. ..52VLR ANSY AGC 11. 1 VIZ cur.i for fl *• c• TL*-* U • i reoit , o;i \ iu this worl I I.Lr* u-l ) <urj !*; r a 1 Afe, ai.'l all other Wj.r k.ns. Tu: > .tM2% J>c*i t, Tvpnoid, Y.-llnw, mid otlu r Fcvora 1 1 / UADWAYS PILLS) ;.o qu'c* * 11 RtLIIiF. Fifty ocutfl per F/u l\ HkiH! MTV!! ! 6T ir;a and rrts itp-rt et.OOD-in OT' v- KOI FLESH AND W FIG I IT—' I.EA I te-.1V.-'. ? YUTIKI'L COifPLEkiON dC RADWAV'B S.AIiSA, I 'ASILLIAN RESOLVENT i>\ .CAOiTUSIiUSr ASTONTSIUXUI URIM; I ' Q'Tp:K. SO RAPID ATtL THE < IlA>-.,Ei THE BODY T'NDFIUiOEs fM'EI? THE IN FCOEN 'E OF THIS TRULY WOLDER. UI i 1 i.Enl .IKZ. TEA 1' Every Day on ?ncrecsn In F'rili and WejgD.; is Soaa and Fsit. ( Til •' OEE.it' bBOO . PJ if:. P. E .r drop i.f l!i 6ARSAPAKILLIAN* KB POLV2N P vs. ia'l'iir itca thrnuah liu* nili. gwt.it U:. so. im 1 other tlu'.il i.:nl julc* * of the avrtein 'ln vu-ir I'i'lifc. f->r It r.-pa.-a L-,' v.ait, uf'lie R llt *-itS new and in il 'TI-tt-.'i:U. Str fuj*. S\ | Ciw ■■•l 'I niiM. Ul i'i lnlir di ciai*. D ee * in the 1': "a?, Msutll. T'l nor*. Node- 11 I*• O'si.rts ■ ether j-nrtu of us ■ avi i-m, SKM Eye-, Ft un ou DI cl.-jrc - frr.m t.'iO Kir*, aiil III* w**r*t Puna nf S :ln diew.Kr-, Empti-i'ia. F -v-.r S .res. Scald Read. Hunt Worm, ! !i li.iv'l'ii, Ervslpciaa, Aeise. I lack k; • •*. W.-i:;. jr 'ha Fir-i. T'laior-, Ca cer- In tl;? IV, ml , u:.,| i an waatamlni awl Calufu dbcLnrani. Kkli Sweaty h*l af rtpern, ii-'1 al v.-a-ic* of the Ufe j rineti le, { 1-4 svitill i tile curativj >uye of tld. v-ortd t. f Mml ! crti ChenDtry. a I a few I'a* • urn* wi! j-rnve to ! .i n* per* >ii u-'n 'ltf *r cither of Ihete foruia of lilavaia , 1 ;xnent pocr to care thei". j N't only ones Ilia F/,BsrAßii,Ll.is ItsaotvxrT I r*t el a'lkn >WII rcsieillal npentel ibrnrenfrl r 1 i e.-.'fil nu<. 'o'lutiltttioaa 1 . a:nt fck.u idrwlti; i,:.: U I I- ilr. i lly imwlttvi core fir j Slliltiey £z Uladdcr Con:pl.al*t4*, y. . 1T \ "l 1 W' i l.lM'ii *' , (I'JIV'C*, J'*A • I. 4, • }> 'p-* ftt'> r of* i'f Water. Jut-oil luetic** r* V> Inc. Ls if - DUji—, a\l'*:miuurU, an ! ir* a 11. *t a wh ! there an* lirlck l i-r cVjiM.b. or tin, wait-r lr 11. . ! ei }v* iiixixl wit*i IS-tuMces like the v. hi;, of ' .*2 , r tarciU U whit® fiN.or tiicr in a : .j;*', I tl-i i, Mli"'!-* app<*:tra!sc \ and vhit? l.o e-d".&. <L t twx and wiit-1 there :* a pricking. Itir 'nr: 3 , lIi.HIRM Writ r. hill I'll j■: l t CL- r M i t,/ l.ic Tic : -;m 1 ..V ■') x tlio L- i.i. Price, :.00. i Vip "? iV3 5, T'loo- .Irknownoralr-:rr?tr.. / i f>r ia li t, 'I i*''. cir. of 12 Years' by iiud wVuy w Kco.V€wt t j lit.rtkLVMA* . Jul .- Ib, lb, . . J 1 hi 4 Ortriaa Tttir.nr in t' t" : m | funvl • rrU. A.l Iti 1' sri taiil " thcr w; p. ! * f--tin. n * I tn*l ' ls!n n*. lex* jo:r IU Lnt. nil ihotr t1 v* al-HrT . U a fvi*! in i*, b4au 1h <l lulcrtil f r i-aiti ' Tea" 1 *'k t! * th- Lf'he i. - irr t* * cf j tvid-sr* Pill*, ait t -vi t V.\ct c ; v.-nr U- "A.- K; f; RTT! ; tbarit \ lof Inmr til rcwti • felt.p.iid !f l * b-tt •• t a*rter, lad hsj-; Irk n I fr i.tci s*eat f . { Tuj Uitr vt ii 114 ). ,t r.dv cf t! I - v t :r.' fvr • Hz I t;U t > u lor iho l.i v't *1 r * ra 1 'J nabliii •* >f yc j cjiam. 11AN.\ All i . I'.K.WT, | OR- RAOWAV'S PiBFEGT PuRSRTIUh FILLS; p rf.-ltly tastel"*.*, rlepiutly cnat.il w"h f-.-rt p-ira, 1 pur, regaU'.e, |ir.f.-, c ••an--, c pirci.yti. a. Its bra-. - Till-, fir 11 a core of a.', rllrooic;.- * f iha st.cucL. Unr, 11 K Iney*, Bladder. KcmaM D.-..' s H'dacha, ( --ti.ai Cmtivrwaa I . .-deslio-j. Dv;ie pit, Bdiou nvoa. Biliou* Fever, I r' nhl it o"t ol i' j !.'•, -. Pile*, :n <1 nil Pi-mi i> wtnttf iftlia lu'ernal Tiaoeva. tt: rrnti to HTod a j j-f. one. P srei r I y . t : lr, cue,Ai.u w leer cur.-, r.i MM I.urde cter -MillugK, Z&~ O ci-r.- ta f lloe.ne rnyloruj rcsu'ting fhi-n Disoriie.-sof the O .uuu.: C'-i-ti-*-'''", laws. I rib", r I 'lnetl rf the r.l~-d In tba 1 IT--!, \cidilT .-{ ta, c ' . . i. L I'tau.-,. fteartturn, I ~rw:l ot Food, rnfaooi - iv c rt m t;I Stopiich. -.-ir Ern. u* t'-n*. "i nline Mr". T z: f'l. I" - > t tl;. Ftreueh. Swlro ;ntnc i-f t't H-tl, Hirr • I r-.s "ia*uit l "-*'liiue. Kluur- Luet lie Itetr*. L r h -T. utnc hW-ti-n- whea is aL* - P-.t'ir*. D'n- *ci V Iv-u rr \\ .b. 1 cfora Cm h j il, fettt •-. i Dn't I •'•■ w tbo M. Drfc.cticy rf Ve-l ■ '-. Y.-li " ' - rt I'.o -lil-ift! Fee., P:.tn ic the 5.'... Cturl, LonU, li M-a FloAcacf JHai. Luikiaj "V- e d"80* r.f EAD-T ATS r.'T.t* will e~T D-- ! s .;■ >, f e.iall li aim 111 nri'*". Flit*, tj c ,. hOK. SOLD BY DRDRIIISTS. KV \ D"- *.i n EimvAV & CO.. No. T :>i*!ih I lt. New y ti. worth U,oa*aa<i wlI l , •eta see CitiJMBS 0F COMFORT i The Latlies' Friend. Ask your grocer for it. OAHTLETT'S BLACKING j i iJtvayg gives satisfaction. Try it, PFa \RL BT,UE ] tor the lanniirv has no eqr.ri'. S,'.d by Grocer*, i •I. A. B.AIJTLETT & Co.. 115.117 N. K.ont Rt., I P iiis., lit Chambers Si.. N. Y.,4d Broad St., B - - ' ! ton. ■> | THE j Orest South American ; 81008 PITIUFiEE! ' JITRUBEBA! ii nncTuVed' vanvknown 'emedv. Itwi'lerad ic.ire,cxtiroiite \ tiw-o'in ily dei'iovall p iton '*ii- sub-tump! in the B >o i -iu 1 wi! e.fe -Inn 'v tj .y i„ r ;j ~w > j t j -.j 11 j j iw ii*r-iit'ir'in o ni 1- liicp nant of siet in yonr Liver A Spice i ? L n ess re ieved ut on •*', Die blood boc me! impure by d*'et<* i i.h se're ions pro duel :cr sc 'tnlons or skin dis tses. b o'cUes, T"e"- n , I'ust ;'*'s G.ut'ier, 1 iinn'es ,k&, vc. ISave you a ?>,y* jcjtic stoma •!? I'll 'mdiges i*mi; prompt vui led, t.,e i mlsde i It;:re;l wi : i 'o-s of *.l'.al f live, t> iv-r'y the j B'ukl, Dopvlual Tendon 'v. General Weaknei; ir i •*-1 tide. Slave v>u ifeakitenoftJirlntS'tine ? You are in i inger 'f L Ir* ui • I i innoen i..e lee trtf il in '-'.uin i i >n of the B we ibtvc you xveats )ic>s of the Uterine or Urinary Organ*? You man p *cj. c ln-tau *• i *f "l- you a.e liable to su.Veiing worse tnan death. Ave you <leje--te<l. Irow-r, <fuV, s'r.cci h. ov <•,) *i..i in s;n lis with heldi mi*, ba.Mac.u', jouf I tongue and bud tasting in v.it i? l-'or ice tain remedy fo a I these diseases, •yeakiie ses and t oub et: fo • c'e tn-'nir and mi if; lag the vitiated boo I ind intpa; ting \i"o • to ill the vita' fo -eest f >r bnl dinai up and reeto lag the wcukvaed coa -il.ution U- s R J URUBE B A wl.leh is p onoun md by the leading medical an . "i 1 i '-. of London a'ui I' i i ■ "t.e mo t power ui tonic un 1 ate v aiive known 'o t ie me liua ivov.d li.iiiino uew and tint ii'4*ii i -overy, :u t l.as 'o:ig be m u ;e*l by iue faiiny p.is ii i. >f other count:iea with 'uK/mlr-- it. lenu-.'.iv. ic .■.•'l-. Don't weaiieu mid Impair the ('i<re dive jigaiis by is.it.ia tics uid pi> ij ', tliey rive on v enipor-i v telef —Ilidiee tion, '.S 'tu ency n ilvs ,e;> i i with j-i es and kin I e 1 di-**.i*.-< a• wire :i fo iow i. er." tue. hi*, u the b'ood po *, and leaUii li aiiiiicd. JoiiX (]• KLI.I.OGG, IS I'la't .* t.. New York. 7-i Fo'e Agent for the Uui.ed Mates. P. Ice On" Do: a per BotUe. bend for circu'ar. p _ am'mga'l c' tv<cs. O 1 -wm e, the ml id"e /JA age.!,;., ue n ma eiu en*<* l:i" i>, oil fm - J . youvli of both sexei buy and read wi,., the 9emt 2*:71 t'i Law ■*' last a ui bnt b *.*k. o Itlsmeeti - v.-i. I V ■-• •.* *•;'*•-•. meeec: aniiite "'s.v O.veri.vrr. Fend for oar ,1 .- . , , which a x eent idee. GKO. hiAMEAN. ih.i id i. .7. TfTASTIB. A 'id . . . tit a 7 V "I a" it .1 1i '' ••*, to e igstjjss l:i it • , .** l-at>!; a i taorative business pro inciog from fi.cja to -h.C.'O w vea--. A*li e-.s J. 3. FORD F Co.. N*.v I'ork; B >sto .; c '-••• ■* >• • A~ :H id .. ■ n 11 a i. "• 4 • 1 lfc yl L i-.ißf-; -v.'M' )* t Mt-ji' by Dure a 1 Na-*. i". P. TREAT, Pol*..*a 9 Broad vjr. y. 1 , rpn ts : •< ' ' ' '■ BOOK lr< the tit r'v ; le T. 8. Alt; iiUT-V* Threo ears In a ran- rao. e'ing •**. r' * f"i tit .- !a: -o *:. n calstr re'-. J. '. S O >DAUT .k CO.. I--.1.L , r iltttlV. 7 -4 AGENTS WANTF.r.—Add . -. fir the nr sf ibe.a t'iiorv - o "*"e'. i i coVEitl K DISCOVERED The advy.i.'nres of a ino • ve a nr. die. a ta y• <> ' TO rolnme, anlec 1. > ill t ated. < o - "a, H !: cl-'eica of U*e won tcrfsii care*R of ti"- Tier: 1 ravel*--, 'ha i.. ,•- - r. Auti :* s !*>. Na'lv;., Ml The best '!•/ *te-t C'*M me lia < (Mean k-ore atvl i.tviso —-■*?•-• fxeio-e --iwrsni pnbtiufcei'. Fall accou*:t of ho-.v ST - - I* :> •' ' IVI LTO Tii* o dybooket? J ' 'iv the l',*a, (to id $1 for outfit., o• write t. Ft'NT A Co., PbUtKielpiiis. Ta., or Sprlasr'i - ' 'a??. 2T-; Agents NX/a tol for G-oi's S x Day's Work; '• n " its; r. "hi r :.••-• tbe rry y.-an c" S . rnn*. ■S tt 7 reaiiti"*. l-*-fl".t!*.:-, • "to-;, a ' ark lisp fins a hui ' 1 more 1 it# *e ti ban Action. Rwri MI, vtaoa iw) ciiiii *na' n read it. Jt I-* eiito-B".' l yt!i-P" -s s-rt NTl* 'tera of ail denonii' a'l uV. S".!"s i-imei ? - \i" '■ vej-o t n—4b- .;e_e—ay aud Lfl nv i" p.* -ei-tr, G i-rT 1 ('*'cert'e;,T- to A■ r' t c . Kir.l.L - -t Jo- Yorrg *'c". le. ■'.**.-.'" >- h** : s> • • d c . jn e-*rr CCT" ?T. getrt fMCi 1 ' ilia". .' ! •T|(lpfp fv . t-fr*' f>r fdsei* rEOPTfy PTANPAPT* rTXTION or trr iroi Y nun r. Over £SO Jlim.l ratjciTß. A 1 onr or ; .• i f*r im...-- !li r*j this 7 ■ it frl eiicr'vrp. autf it Is ti c moM; v.:)- uahle. beantifnl and fopw ai ■ ltl a now in tin V r t. r*r'l prli a! h lmv price, (•anvssg free t- -• **•* r AV 1 • Ai'r i t 7/vc-} rr y yrvyyY. 21 2 4 " ain C trcet. Sprirgiicld, Ma*. kwwm iuniv r*-r DUTY OFF TEAS!, y--r- I-duceirerts to Tubs FUND TOP NEW CI VB CIPCUI AR ! AVI i-lier.nt in Mr" csoiir ij nsoi I*. enii'ms'.e. The Wny >0 Ob's'r Cl'P Gcnff;:. P<**-OPS 'ivinT a! a dD'ai-oe from N''W Yo' v , cs n c'tib i' eeti er aim ret them a' ti r santr p 1 * as we sr" ti ejn al el" AVa' o'u.i; =ein ?v- Y " > !In order to em rp a e'tib, 'et ea<*b op n i ' In*" : m ? :n '".Vl*nwnn ch " e-t • *• w n * -,and -a* em t' e i ' ind am 1 • I rf 1. It' 01 '• p i e Li o, a- ''"d i ' " i lln oio- ii'rr'--<. Wi! e t'*e name-, kind"- an ' I ainovn's n'ain v f n a ic.-r.d w'"*ti He i*'i!' i jc- tap ete s* lid li i" as 1 v mail, n' w wi" put erteh party's goods m -'••'•'rale p*.ok ti , <.'-', * i> i '- i tl e name on n ti nr. sl'h t 1 o enet, so the. e need j he no a nfnsi n in distill uii n—each party get | tii.a exart'y what he **de-. •nd no more the f'-p.ds to t -iyfor ro-'ds Old** ed e:*n } '* sen? Vy draffs on New Yor'-, ofv-e rr nev o-pcrs ■>• l-v express. Or wewiP,lf desl ed, send the goods by Exiiiess, to "to! ■ n de i "ap." ■* n e'errnt In" as-inr, pe-'r, t 'i'Tn-T-ei, j? * °n j Ins., s _ n 1 v n>ai' .1 , a l -.-, Canin- i*n Go* ds 1 d"- j G'?n' Fadre 1 p';"* r"> Far •'* "ntes* •••>. weeding cards, nofe, e. 2fe. A. DFMARISt, 12,"-dw ]'ngraver, 1?2 Broadway, N. V. , Pftp"PA "Y f* | Fend fo- * i-eu'a' smd si>r -|-r ' 1 V I O ! *e*nirt for "McC'e' n - Pepnl i runi'm in Ante:lea." T'-e f--***-t .a in" l-ook i or*. J. M. bTODDART CO.. l£3-|w Publisiicrs.rnilad'a" 1 AGENTS WANTED FOK T T FF: Hi HTW ! TEJ.VC, „n EX TO fir of the fXCIiST Tl7i:f "i,' .o)-ftrriti/cs or .'■tor:. ?/xi-/.v.?/. With 3 f" 'andanil mi ic! i-* *:-> - ' Polyfsmy | by J. H. BtiDLE, Edito* of the sat Lake . p'-f. Ann's me nve'in" wi*h tmo-eeedenteil 1 sucees-, ■ ii" ' en *r's isfi subsmii-ei s in (• rr day . anotl e; tl in 'wo days, lend for ( i.rn'.T-s m 1 see what tl e i;ess *as-s cf f ; ewm k. Ai'-'-r 2 -4 NATIONAL rUBLI-HING CO , Bl.i ;i, * TUOMFON'S ICO Til T- TE. VO MATT) 7\A TEAT GWiitiiij Corset. c„rspt has ever cnioyed such a world-wide ' pMNilartty. j Tle demand for them is constant'y inure a in;-.: : because UyIVF. E Jb AIH SATISFACTION.! Are Ilandsrine, Durable, Eco^rmical A *- D A pppppf T y T AV fo- TWO*fP*OVR tltfrtlF ci OYE-riTTI-V : ,everx-Cor-et, in- stemlV eh i'h the u-inie THOMSON, and the trade mark a Crown. S Id Ay ell First-class Dnlevs. 12 -4 XfTANrr—JStrpr. -?• crrl Pot- Aop-nt* and | TV ' a '■•*-•*"• ,in ah p.a't*; of the U. -. to -p. , 1 I.F hIt.MOIR • F ROC,} ]' BROOKE TAN ITY" Ci irf Ju-tlee of the Bam eine C v t or the I'. *. 45-No book heretoforemtb'ldted in '! i • ontnt > tnrows so much light ttpi n mir C ni nil na' and Po i i -al History. It 1; a work ef extra"'diinvv iiPeiesr and of nenraupp* vu'it to ilie FiDtoii'n, the Lawyer, the i-tntesnian. the Fo i 1 ian, and every r'ass of lnte'lreut -eaders. od Lv Mibsciiptli n onlv—r xc'n*tve Tenltoiv riven. a-For terms, for thla and other popular works, ! ~ invalids, dont dsp.uk? Thousands have found relJef, an 4 thousands will tnru to this Medi cine after exhausting their parses Hud patiencb in search of hea'.'-h. IGiddi;i"ss oi the head. dullness OI the tuind, fret-1 Id breath, coated tongue, loss of appetite, paiua 0..U waMilfWla the stomach, MjMgiawit of the , liver, yellowness of the skit;, constant fever and | r ius', wait a total disrelish for business, pleasure, or a-.v k:...i of employment.—FAHKNEY 'S I'AN : At 'IA, it take., atio persevered In for a few days, ' will remove this whcie class of symptoms.— the , ilui is of trio body oocome pure, end uiind clear, ' the sto aa h strv..gtheiieJ. the tongue cleau, the a; petit • Improved, aau toe w hole system so beu . rati,- 1 that disease, 1.1 bad weather, is less liable ! to afflict you. 1 Dli. P. FAHIINEY'S j?| , t- F, CELEBRATED Blood Cleanser or Panacea. 1 As a ui?, Urine for children, fhe Panacea Is, iu every way, calculated totak ' the place of t'nec.id ■ass variety of drugs which are annually sold foe. that purpose, ami which are often very injurious. \ sue Ucine which possesses the qualities of a ca thartic a-, wi ll a a intM alterative, and which is upabte of arresti:.jr disease without the least la jury to the child Is of iucalcuia le value to !M 1 mod v. As 11 lath ut,-. it Is ten df vtive, yet it do >s uot, if ifive.i In proper quantities, ca ie • 'i ns \i or ills: ess in the stomach or bowels. It is very pleasant to the taste, which is a very i:npo - ' '.lit feu' ir eas a medicine for children. As a pre ventive of disease it is unprecedented, as ft a ti Urc-tiy upon the digestive o ga .s and the blood. In ad serof-lions .lis 'use •, it is the m i-.t eft tfv ue iict'.e ev>r ofTere I to the public, and, if giv - . 1 egula ijr and penenrind;, those eruptbre .1 - | ;as's so common iu ohll hen uinv te e.iti. aly c.a '.- i cated. i Prepare ! by P. Fahrn? Bro=. A Co., Waynes- 1 j boro, Pennsylvania, aai ids. P. F.vasvßY. 3JNo.th ' Dearborn btrej', t'uiraga. l'rlce fi.v.i per bottle; to ■ sale nj- Whole sale and Retail D* il- s, and b- P. A. Sr&EL'I - S. -T it.. 34-4 Coade.-sport, Pa. A fomb'n^jon •'ti 1 the very !>e't lv.t -In-n op;i u c.iutty ever of fered, i t > be found in an Agency for taking j subac.ip'.i n i to HENdnV WA.RH BT<! CHER'S ' Ore it T.p; ERARY, FAMILY NEWSPAPER, wi h which i: riven awav the 'a *gest ui i best 1 P e • Urn 1 1 d'tre ever o. cred, the new und ex j qui -if |l. / •/;' k IV-// or r:o a fi?t 7>rr cat'ed "PeTs Paraili<e." (■> • -/• < are j thech i t c'sit of Fon m Art PrtaHnw in oi'i —• "fin i •>• u < fir in o—We0 — We a to rive I t,e su:>" " Min ;i of 'Jen n' V en"'i Oi' <' < o : .dhtlPM' V ,-fxr'e ■/)," so Ice.; s I IFK l/.E— -iu tiling ftc simi e i if o i i j (ill 01 P in Infra. TIil prner lias the larpt.it 1 i i 11 in the \v •.1 I wi n't' ve .•!e ; made bet i, in eve '. tt- 1 it' !:1v , \v ire! f1 | moils "Hit liors. 1.. >i. A'eitt, Edward 1 -r'o- n, , HariHl Beeetwr Stuwp, e;.-. New an.i b i i int e >ll ■ ii-lltov. T '/'.• If Kl'l "I Xuill'iT 111 l! ; bfk N>' of Mivs I'eott's s ory . The mod 1 ta l iii'c**C nihln irt >n •" r ■"' > y--1 i i:<K' A"en ninde ttdXt in m ntlis; vn.rh \ er-V Tin T days ; iinotiier i '.in in >r.e we"' .; in" 7,1'. i 1 "ii" dav, and manv oth'-rs from i > i ui I n and *;.> ve-il i . T.iiiyeui ou.'O ersa.e "v ui mo e or 1 t ib'e. Nowii ingf >■ tie v enii nna. T■> N't'scrib'r fft* t'l~m if' VI f ' n-ttfi H-r GOOD AGSTiTi WAh'TED! Inte ioeii*. fi"ii and w unen v\ 111 " t ev-rv- , w'.te e. To g"t t' >* i te >it j y, ex :!ti ive.y i< 1 InH, wad early to- clecntar and te 111.! '.i B. 1 • Ot.'i) ACO , New York : Bj.t >u, Mass. ; C. i■ 1 ! PI., ;-'an 1 ran is. a-, Cab il lt; j AGENTS, 11 >w I-. yo v ehanee! LiVtsiirT M: 1.0-t ami FOIM>. The or.lv book on tie aubfcci that fe'lal'.e white , . o' y. 1 > >lll re l.nuibuk •! wi .1 mv .t r. . mitt j f!fl?sl K,t- t er-trtn-f* an 1 .ffttps'y.'. a 1 i %\ y. • -• ! pectus wM sei itatsiant. Foriiietelmiceofter- 1 : retry address at one •>. ASHMEAD, -~i 711 b.nisom ft, /'hie'.tie plda. Pa. j A'At.jfS v;y i.o rO.l Pwf, te's Great Work Oa ' anhoo ", '.Vomanboo ,a id f- irmatiul I t r-r ila ion;; Love, Its J aws, 1' > ver, etc. He d fo Hpcciman i/.gsn a.! ,j.\ iiu s, wph .. Address Ma. IONaL P1 BI.ISIII G Co., -• 1 i'luiaiieiphia, renni. h-j i.'.ai'. .t- sal--, |tj.C3n I. ■£ ifti JITH our LiViiiGSTOisE 28 <r* SFRSCa . - . - vi.:, 1 i.O.' .o A-1.0 s LLoruKrt; the -ook is fJ As. -lis ■ A.s ~ i. - .ike WILDTIKE. over 610 j.:'j 0..1j <1.3.. . .ore .4fie;t!t IViuitisi. Nc I'.u. —He not df I vol i>v mt rsp.cretit afi ih made n. palm off litgh-p 1 eii I if ie • .10 lis, nut eeadfordrt 'da aawl ■ ■!-■■■ orolttatemoa tn4* .;i •••• •t >u tg a . u'ocketcvmpaa :j.-, .. a: :r. iir. maitcd fr- . tiL'M'AriK B-.Ud, f'.ib'ik! j,', - -4 723 f-a; .- . d'n • t, 1 !>iia i'.;j.hla. ,-"V "i-.0-3 Wanted for *v • ' V vtl ~5 >o- r\T\TT;7:'.-. t ' ' -1 l Lit., K- ' ••• / • UIRI.! Prtsstn, Hrrof, VVone , A ponies, i fiucta : i.sri 11 10 .j. is'.s, tI.M .1 ... p >.:t y t 0..- s:'.i ig 'is ro ui 1 ". 1., dm,; to 1 i. ; t 1 : s ; in ililfliallon n't :.i.iviili'i n'. ItUJ>lßt t, • .>> . •r' ;e ii a.v e, ot all who Jc>e iiiato.-y, the Sti; iv i'n tractsr, or Cbaeifitl r a g. 1.. 1 a ni 0 .:••• t-. ! 1 ■ ■ i", ti. p ea ple's Standard Bible 1.; : ... r •••. >* . .>N u . i for other PubPalica, are aeill % tola Rihic witl 1* : v f'li sest, because - the mo/t popular edition paliliotte . Canvas lig i>l.s free U sr .iir"b'..b AMres,ZJSIGLER v M"Cl T Rt)Y, Philadelphia, J a.; C n iunati, Ohio; bt. Lonta, Mo.; •!" i g ; i H, Mast .; oi < in, ago. 1] . 2; 4 BRTGGS i BROTHER'S T C.XjTTJ3TJ:7E.--V TjlD FLOiIAL WORK! l t>B ■' AN I A BY, I>i.3, NOW OUT . 1.- surd a It ... 1 • ■ 1 r Lti .ui saeut to any s.td.ans, o toad, for 25 euts. Tit" ricke :t :i: r■ o ■ uciii 1.. . t.a.o . ant b :c tptive Flo al Gut :e •"■•er published. TlioxS of our patrons wet? o . is a tyci'-.-r. I w -ccrcdUsU with 2' c.. w 11 1 ■■ d r• e.'.- f j is a. '.O. 10 ii,. | ! "'s till* yet IRI b lite I with :• mb'crfptionl 1 14. Ihe J* uarj b -.- :o 'i .s . I i '"i Km/raving*, 2'no Superb Co tared' ' y ia/et, r . .. lii fr.. 1 Jx. 1 also 'Jinted\ ! 7ir.tc* 'Ol 1 Fioitl Chromt-3 ; mr.ir -1 >:•.• p..' vi M Ki'iwe s. V' v s, et -c.t ' I their iii t 1 fit* in,'. 11 a!i mi u matter a* ' as Xo ■- i' " fo\: V ,t 1 ;ul- gpe. .•>■ fi I " ' '"i •> ' SKK'7>S ■ iv - " -ig 7}rij7i, I <C- Tro 't QUHIi YEKLY. :.<• • . j Oln. .11 ! . n ' - /';!> if-,. I 1) " Catmaer slrtranre Meet and 1 Vice I Lit I for . e:r Ail- -s BPlG'rb .t BROTHER. ! See '.sm >n and :"!<> lsts, HoatF.srßt-', N. Y. j :no2-T'T Bcdereivetl.l'iit foroongii . .nil,, sore throat, j hoarseness a breii'ddal af.ivti 11 . use oniv WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS Woi'thlexn i ■ i tat lons an mi the markit, Ift the :i v"i i>-n'i !• ejiavatioii of t'aibo'ic J i A'i.ti.i i.i ng dii ei j 1 wiien chetnieattv com ; ilied witiiot lerweil V.ll >wu leme'les, a tin the i tabi ETS, mi : at! nr.t|. are eauti nod against ! U' iff -'B•• . I n ail ca ~f in if at i m of the nine, >u ■ liiein '■ rai.e the e: at i.ts -.hou'd be five'y u >•:!, their . j-■ t ■ l l - i;::- he in® properties are aataniihf ag. Be uarntt!, >• •-.• ?;• >■ ct 14 >• j., . I it m'ini sjn -i'pi 11' stnte, wheniiiHtcomes du. n-j 1 • the mi e i .e\ ~ . in- ty dihicu t, use Well's Car | i>< 1 ablets is a speed ie. 1" i >• 2' e. t>e P x. Ji 'HN Q. Kl'l.LOflft, Fend for cintu.ar. IS pia't S'., N. Y., v -4 So'e Agent foi the 1". S. TO I OCX ~CA!WASSERS~~ VNEW WAY of in lining a boot. Can sell thou- I sands jier week. Address MURTAY I'll I. 1 FBI Ist INC CO.. *4 * East 2Stt'-Ft.. New York cirr. ' FREE TO BOOK AGENTS, i ; .No Elegantly Tlottnd Canvatt ng 7>onA j for tlie t est and eheaoe-t Fain', v Bib'e ever pub- 1 I ished.wl 'besentf ""ofct aigetnan* Im ikn -i n'. I I* eont ins over " 00 n" soiitituve i'.'tistra i 11 , i and agen's are nieetine with eno'ecei'i nted 'u ■ i cess. Addt ess, sfa:ing expe i> n *e. etc., and we I wi 1 show voe w'-at oy af-pn'' a erh inc. 2 -i NATIONAL PUBLISHING O . Phi ru^Pa. SEliars TE'JSEES^^X Aim. Oiuii.M . > ,i". an •i"C i M e—lt' uef and I Cu.e tor Ruptu e, r'i ruble Weaknesses, and Pues ! —M-dertructible, ught, sate, clea;, ly (steel rpring- , 1 coated), never rusts, b.-eakc, iiu>tiei>, nor sorts, af- ' for-.h' g conifoit, safety, cleanllnese, sod dinabih- ' tv. Universally ai proved by the- Medical Proles- ( ?ion, aud all w ho wear them, as the 1 est and most sail factorv appriunces know n. Sent b.v mail or , espiev. E: talilishments, 1?4 Chftstuuf St., PhlL j adelpl.ia, and "Si Broadway, New \ork' < areful , at.d correct adjuattnfcnU F.kpej,lucl UnVyln at- \ teudanoo. -•* t Viaogar BiitsJ Purely Vegetable. Free from Aloof,/i DR. WALKER'S California Vinegar ll;| Vinegar Hiitcrs nre not n v"or- fi Priiik. madf ol !'u,:r !: -u \\ ; J. '9 Spnita and Refus" htqu.-rs, docti vcl rv | no I sweetened :o p.>,. w u, e IMWO, 8 " Tonics." " App< tlzcra." •• lies-.' | that le ui the tippler on to dim.' -j ruin, but arc a trie Medicine, made i n I native roots and herbs of California, ir, a:i Alroiiotic Stiinnhuiis. They n p, , J Blood Pnrlfl r and a l.lle-;ri\i::. . n Perfect Renovator and In vigor; to: . ; ~ H tout, carri lig oif all po>.-otious , r-storing the blood to a healtliisoi ■ , . ,n rlcliing it. refreshing and mvigor:. mHh] and bodr. Tbeg *re cav ct • .9 tion. prompt i i their action. •rt.. 1 r. •'• s. sa'e :I! 1 tell hi" ui sill torn r , fl No Prrut 1 can toUc these lt>i: C! , jH c r.t.ng to directions, and ivniau: ;•, ,9 provlieil itieir bones are not <h ; mineral poison or other ineuna. 11. . 9 ! or r ins w.isii .1 Ivyoml tlic j oiii'i>! ii 9 Of*)>*p*ia or ludlgtttloii, 1 | I',tin 111 I lie Shoulders, t'.i !gl s. '1 1; 1 .1 1 Cheat, IMzstneas. Sour Eructations. ; 9 1 acli. Bad Taste 111 the Month, i'.i into A", ■ ; p; tat.o.l of the Heart, t ntlKiimiu tion. Pain iu tiir regionsot the kilncys ami. , odiir painful .symptoiun. are the t: : Ilvspcp.sia. In ttiese coinplaintK 1 ti. 1 and one !k>U!c will prove a iK-ttev , i ■ I i iu merits than a leogthy nlvwrai , Kor Ketiiale t'oiiipljiiiits 1; v 1 , martlcd or sin; le. at the dawn ot „c ■ I j or the tun <> : Use, these Tonic I it r • .. , deci-l I all influence that a inarl.c ! | | mciit i.ss'iiai mroi p ib.e. Kor Inflaminatory and ( SbtaMstliiM - nil Gout, ii; , ' gesii 11. Bilious, Keiiut ;i nt i:. i v.: I Eeiers. Iliscas- sol the I 'ood.l !\' r,| I Bladder these Bitters have lu i-n 1 - 1 Such ikhca.s sat cat s :t>y\ na I. ! is geitoi'i.iiy produced by r„. I lli.-enliv i .- . i:s. T'lity art a Ueu'lc P.ugatii •: ' ns a Tuid., posseli ■ i ■ t of ac.iu., u- a p iwcr.ul a,,cm 11 1 . , I 'tpfltioti or luflaiiini: tii nc. be l j rrr. l (trghiis aitil > : !.,lit>',:s t-. .: Kor Skin Dls.eai cs. I i lii tc - T ' Ith".! a I •-; -. 1 1 i.ariuinc."> R: <-wonis.Be l i-l.i. ; I ! Ktyisij) las. Itch, Scurfs, i iscc ■ 1 1 skin. liuui. '.A cn l i'lsemscfi < t hatcrer ua • • < r iisn.re. n-.' 1. i and curried o t. o: luca;.r:c i:: 1 tile use 0: ih. -o ' ' - rs. ( :i - I s tviti ootiviu-e me niofc. i-icr<.iiu; '.-ji a j ulve ciiccts. Clesue the VUi.-.teil Eli in" 1 you 1..1 1 ii.-, 1 ..K.i 1.. ... 1 | *iu in r>..i:7 s, J rv'.-.Ucns I.'J b. ■; I j 'viicu you mi.l ii o'cr.ru:: ; I teiu; cleanse ■: Whealii f- : > vili tell you viva. Keep I j th !:-•*! h p.; 1. system t ■..< f . <4la■ of*;*l 'i - oiiram'.j J ! J Brrrum the . oes wti2tierf.il fin, l':>;.r. and o. ci Yi'c. • > ' in tiiv system ol k> 1 1 ;> .a. . tusHy Urstroye i and maoved. > J guisiicd pliy.- ( vi 1.,!<•:•. t. f I*o2 l' l :„.r.; \ 1 cmpt from t.;c rrcstnce c,i *a: ■ ' j on the heaJihy eli IIICUM rh •1- :• Jlrt. but U| on Ih- Ci: "d ! .. di-prsiw Urt breed Hit - 1 v.; 1 rti-cosc. No systc' i of tried,-Jiv p > \ no anthekr.iuiUcs, v.-jl f.ve t:. iv tvorinß like these L'.tn rs. Mcrhainrai liiicarc:.— ~ .' c. ■ in .". .i.ts i.i.ilJliOl'Al:*, f ;) setters, Gold-beaters. snJ l-.u.: -. 1 ;i vaiise in life, era ij p .r Bor.c-ls. 'lO fTcaril r.*.. . t... 1 ,1 - o" I.' UK's Vjx'ZJAitil.rr:::: 11\ Still 'tis, Rriiitttc::', t.sriT 1.. teid K.u:, i ...cllir !.j j ; Thlieyao.'onrgreat tivcrsi ;:ot. 1.. 1. .S'.*tjß, csncci.nijr 1.0 b.i. cj . • 1 Nl*o,;ri. lUinUit, 7 v Kansas, d, Coh r-' I ra. i, P.. , , Peart, AWMOI, JKo'oUe, feavannali. I unes.sndmanyo.iters, v...i 1. iiiroushiit.t ,::r r:;..; c c. "11 Summer and Autumn. ;... 1 1 ; during seiisoim of UIIUFUS! In tsedt:. iurri-b!y xce>n:pa:..ed 1 . :'.cr.- . ,• , menu of the stomach end liv, r. r. ..! o doiiiitial viscera, in their ivati.: -• tf"e. exerting a power...l in.l uri c 1 various orgnns. isi-scr.lii rn:r':> ai Is no csthnrtis for liso p irpcsc tn; .1 1 - > . VVAI.KKK'S VINEGAR Bntn: r. : 1 sprixlily nmTe the durc-cc 1 \... wlih vrliicb ibo bowels are lop! , times:; uii,stircr th 1 mxrt :!M i . . c -n-rail > rcsto.:ui' the i.e., i_ . Bifwtr.e organs. Srjofuln, or King's Evil *•' iajra. i tctra, Lryafci~o n ,... 1 * - I'oiiiloiia intiu jiuiaiioiiH in ,c. ;i. i • 1 ss. Mcrcurtul AEcc.ioii", c.d ■ . tiutts of the Skin. Sore Eyes.tc.. r '■ -< iu all otnereonstitntion.:.'. i' • ' - j >!M i.'.K BiTrctbt have s.tovu i r <. tlv powers lu tlie most 0ut.,. r. Ib e CAs. 1J;' Wniliei ii ( allfuinia Va: Iftitcis net on oil i.n-e cawa maii:;r. By parii.viug the Blood tc t I the CAIVC. Un l by rcsoa ing u'.v. i .cr ine iuf.sniniatloii (the luiiercular dept-. i'.tl'ccted putts receive houith. and a p.rir.tuift cure is etrected. Tac propea tics of I)r. ii'iurx'ST;' cc.l hirrfx.- arc Aper.e.it, Diapliorciir. t'.r.... ative, Xu rliiouii lAtxative. Diure I■. e... live. Cmniter-litltaiji, .'indorihc, Ahcratot and Antl Hiliou/i. • Toe Aperient end mild Laxative t- " lies of , a. Vulkiir's \ IM-:;,h B TTC the h at sate guiird in cast* ot ernp m; * m tvn-.n fevers, uicir lialm mic, l.culna ' sooiniag properties protect the humot- ot f iuccs. 'iTicir Sedative propcrtii i.liiir p.- the nor ons pystem. stomacti :.ndl, v.e - ■•■■ 1i •. liiiHniarioa, irifid. colic. r r a IJW t Vori.ly I lie bo.-ij- ogoirts; iltsea pui'l!'. :lg fl'l lis fuids Willi v.; T. ;A ; No epidemic can late hotel oi a BU.. ..J ii'vccii.ittf—Take ol the Jliitct ot.: "• to: dot up." trvini a half to out sr.. . >rin.*-,,ias . . Eat good uonrishiuc i.ual ' ' beef s eak mnitou cuop. v -ui: nil. l" - id veu-'AMea. and take out-dooi t.uf-' It. ;■ a c ciniji.isel oi purely u! dicn c mm p ii:. rt. M. aictlONALli A. to.. IU-UI -. it..a u . tteu. A, . >.. . au Br.u.ci. co C'. .< COl. OfA'u.-indgtOH ;.n I Chaiitou Si. ' SOLD BY ALL DiiUltejlSTS A J " 'J.m-v 4it-St WANTED. •18", O : agitlt, aI lr A' HIM' E INf> MAt.'Hl iL CO.. Bo ton. :i.-- TMi TilE WORKING CI V vs. 1. liaie, z.lil Wig..;':. . . !•'" ...,iiovni:-;u m bo'.i : !..- 0/ v •••qt!ir"d; fuil 1 IStni ,'t!' :i ui VII, ..i . • •n g >.l ts to start '.vitii sent free bv ma 1. •- ' wirr. 6 -eat return sta u•. M. YOU -'• At-4 lo CD'J t..t,i itA • • 1 OAgents Wanted / a* >j c/t'irl.t. A. o, tor 'in >S •- j Linen 1 hread. sijJto|. a. - - 14% V MU-u, tell. Age..:-. ."--I'll'. .! 1 SAJ '4--4 I). L. lild.KXMd, I el>. 0 elfjiwigeri; '%! J , I'Sfp'.cOC' U: jfcsf L : . :• w" • improved. Unrivaled, TTnecu'- - "■4 4 Tiurnt any tit e Coal. F"' I TT'., AY trjllN A CO., 88 ' Water it . k 'W I 5-- '■ juiHiffli " Double K evatedOven,W;i mince 1 "> Door, I'tnAer, Guild, ntanin s H I'i-vct liiaft. FULLFII. v, arei > , 2 -4 2D'- Va'er "•••'j.J MOKE/ , ; New York. A A GREATnFFI r '/ "*• 10® V/.4.V 05, ml •" . i'ii.' OJiGAXN.' fur ti •' c-.a inn ir tr>, nt -VERY i. W phJ.'S • .] part C'Vt, and h anc" ' *rr . JT,i A'tfl octaxja •- ■ em . nn ror- tar 8215 , r 'i a COXCEKIO PARLOji ORdAE . . beauty>'i ttt/ie and perjett cne 'JLfj . f foi&tnittd **<xUGd- JUotu Merckaji&J*.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers