The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, January 31, 1873, Image 3
-u e potter Journal ' AND jjEV/S ITEM. ?A., January 31,1373. ~SS 8 2 i uf c* ci ci rj -r 1 < * *"* ] 7= ~ o j | I<didi ri {I - " % * £3? s s : X •J i < Z > j J; - i >5 r 73 < > >. 3 3 % j .J r 'f: Z: o" - ; ! E < W r- H <; i N o .'.J ; < ; s i 3£~" " " * u <£ ~ T ? ?i ci ?; |— V, £ i- ac cl ri O !? 1 ~ 77T771 ) £ J? OOMJ O O Z; -I el -s 3 j Tint and Tirrrabouts. Couderspcrt Market. , at _S,i. l white per buffi. ♦ !.T. r . @ 12.00 j l>i! uiutci " " l.fiO d 1.7 No. 1 spring " " 1.50 ti) l.t'O j.J " " .40 @ A' " " 2.00 4$ 2.50 " " .40 @ .50 " " l.'O <3? 2.'Ki " t>n 15.00 ®2' '.OO " s, .00 & .ns ~* " " .H @ .It) " " .25 &) .28 " doz. .20 ® .2 Vo ■ Mir'. —We are requested ly the ' ioiioi.iiv to prive notice that there lb* 110 I'onrt for the transaction of •! uf business till Thursday, l'Yb. 1 1-7,5. at 2 o'clock, I\M. Constables ■llll ke returns, or who are coniinjr -jaalifi' : township officers whose :-,i: to he approved; and all par 't ■ it! in causes pending, will !1 to it on nila v this notice. Lva/> who wish to take a live, go . .I .;!> 'paper of r< al gi nuiue merit do better than to subscribe for • Kr/ It is a folio sheet . • l.;rue columns, and the price is Ss.t.-u pi r year. It contains, in ad- :■ i H to its editorials and the local -- i-f Ihilfalo, full telegraphic news . ill na is of the world. Complete , - f the doings in Washington, , ! of events i the "New Do :n ports of the tnaikels ill a diui n-i.t eiti s both ast aid; . iv-iiijl. a weather reports and ' • .1:!: •ei'.iue o- sma er tooexten- j' ;■in nt ion. It is one of the best j 1 i> s i ci'.ishcd. Ti. re ill h-• a donation at the A lie. j y; c •at (. 01. sb. rg on Moj.ds.y j : it b. ii. b i the 1< in tit of lb v. I.'ggett. Tl.e people generally ; i..\ in d. lin" p p* is fi< m tlie lower counties :i 11 :.\> ice jams and serious dam- - •huh g tie t.e ;.vy tains of a couple ■ .'ill tie Linden Hiidge, near Wil •op'.t. to the island opj a isite .Jersey v.s one continuous gorge of ice. - i d timlier. At tlie latter place a • curreel and the river was oj n ut a mile, when it was again 'b ' to! in the same way up to the Hah! j 7 bridge. Finn there to Loek i i it overflowed the railroad track. ii)i- places to the depth of tlirei | ■ Aloi g this entire distance from j r sjoi t to Lock Haven the water J M\;,S forced out over tlie rivei 1 '• i. dug in in use diunagi s. ' in t union County we have the h "f two bridges carried away, one , * lVutage, about four miles above; ii* in. ai d one on the Driftwood j , '• '1 Hun. Heavy damages is said h'l-n siistaimd by the lumber- j 11 all iftl e upper strt ants. It is 't'd. that tin million fet t of logs j 1 "•Ur w ire lost on Kettle Creik •'"csdayinoi ningat half-] ast sevi n h t • tat inioini ter was down to ' h'W I '• h. Liindis publislus a card of 1 tlie Km]t<>rium Inihj i tuhnt \ "1 le i f Port Allegany for the ( • l-'itely -ivi u hint in that place., 1;,,... 1 ' u i ship and Porongh elections f oiiiity w ill I*- la id on Friday. 1 1 , one week from to-day. u fiMp t utly apt to ui.der-t sti hni tit ti of tin se elections. ■ ' "fticeis to Is- elect* *1 on that I 1 Xt it aliiu st a contioling inlhi ! I w> Hate of their Townships. > will this I*- the case with Su • lid School Diitctois. Cer " >'the ljest men sliould beeleet - 110*'offices. ! 1 [M ' r 'U„i claims to 1 ave from six •igi.teen hui.dnd inhabitants. , lf !, "(1 fn in this place made an >olt Alligai y last week. ( ' u o were so foitunate as to have • "ok their wives, and those wl o ' Mi l'pli*d the dt ficiency for the ' tn"i t ' l< * w ' lu ' e paity staittd . °' cl(x:k Frid;, y " on 7 arrived at their desti tnteii ' Ue tiuii aud were ,i:uidsome >ri \n Jln by tl,e n niters of the l "' V Falld- We judge they r l n .uck to "'•if satisfaction, j euuuibd over uctU laU the, I next morniiig before starting for home. • Wliat the particular attractions were ; that detained them our informant saith 1 not, and we are not given to conjecture. They say they had a good time and en joyed themselves. Tioga seems to be agitated from cen ! tre to circumference over the schemes to dismember that County. Kev. Mr. Bird, of Wharton station. M. E. Church, preached at the Red School House in Homer last Sunday. He has appointments at that place once in two weeks. lie is well liked by the i people of his charge. We are glad to be able to state that from all apjit arances the Graded School in this Borough is operating success fully, and proving itself a first-class ed ucational institution. All of the de partments give* evidence of thorough and efficient training, while tlie gener al management f Mr. W. D. Weaver is creditable l>utli to himself and the school. If any one has an hour or two that is likely to drag heavily on his hands, he cannot do a better tiling than : to visit tiiis institution. J. I!, (jiuiiiby says lie makes tlie best i buckwheat Hour at bis mill in Homer that can be obtained in the County. I ( V.udersport has not had so much as a lectnie on Tt lnperance or Woman's Rights the present winter. '1 he County Auditors have completed ; tiieir work. T. e reports will be pub ; lished soon. At the last meeting of the Literary j Society the following questions were referred: What minerals teside common salt are held in solution l*y sea-water? li<ftrrul to \V. K. Jones. From what trees beside the maple can sugar be made, and why are they not used? liifi rrcd to M. W. Manx. Who was the original Mrs. Partington? liijirrt<l to W. D. Weavek. Give the origin of the names of the days of the week. JhJerred to C. J. CIIKTIS. Is life insurance commendable? Jiijtmd to A. H. Mann. Is there any truth in Clairvoyancer j JitJ\ miltoD. C. Lakicadee. ! Is Phrenology true? ii<jirrulto W. D. Weaver. Who is the author of the saying, " Truth is stianger than fiction"? ll'jirnd to Mauy Ross. Where was the first ojieit played, when and ly whom was it compost tl? liijtrrtd to W. K. Jones. At the in xt meeting the Society 's papar will be read, and the annual ' election of officers w ill take place. The e stains to be a good deal of in terest lVlt in regaa d t<> the new county movement by those in the eastern por tion of tiiis County, who are to in; in clndid in toe new organization. Nat urally enough, one principal reason given for favoring it is t*.at n will bring Lot in nearer to tlie county si at. Now tais county-seat aigument has about it some "ways that are thuk." Men fniii iianison "we are in ta vor ol tne division, it will bring toe county si at w eight or ten miles ol us." But l.ow ? "\S iiy, Wt sllnid, w i.icii is to be the capital of tlie new county, is only that far fioin ut." Men from Pike ai.d \\ est Branch say, " we want the change made, because it wiii bring us wiinin a slant distance of the county stat which is to lie at Gaines." And men lioui Abbott and stewaidsou say, "we 5..a1l lavor tlie project, for we are told that there is a strong probabil ity tout the county seat wiii lie at Ger uiaiiia. This is no fancy sketch, but j the actual i\port that conns from these various sections. Thus tlie county seat of tne piuspective county is mounted on wheels, as it were, and carried aiounei lo eae;i section for the people to con it uiplatc; meantime a petition in lavoi of tl.e plan is lacked on tne leare-nd. Men look at the one and say, " well, it's <i pre tty good thing to have in the neigh borhood," walk up and sign t..t other, \vi>t ii ti.e "machine" moves on. By-and-by, ii the schiuie curries, soine boiiy is gi ii.g to linel tnt-iuselves "soid." But it wont be tlie two or tniet; big speculatois who aie at the bottoui ot ti.e ti.ii.g, nor the hall-di zen small poli ticians who are woiking it up. Bradford County voted antler the Lo cal Option law, a few days since, and by a large majority declared in favor oi no license. 11 c clip the following from the Clinton Hi j u(j tain: CIIUIU n Incidents oi the Olden Time.—July litn, 1783, Kev. isaacGriei eaiiie to Lock liavi n witn tne luteulion of preaching to a congregation in tins city. Tl.e muling was mid m a tent in the woods on ti.e property of CMpi. Lusk, and was laigily aitendid. 'in*- day was very sultiy. A prodigious hur licane- arose during tne meeting which had thet-liecl of dispersing a number nf jieople. a number reiiiaiutrd in the tent, however, until a trt-e was | blown down, falling close to tlie tent. AH hands the n shelter in a cab in near 1 y, narrow ly escaping with tlu.ii lives. A gentleman nannd iivin, and j a child belonging to him, were injured by a falling tree. In 177s the in* lnU rs of the Pi t sbyu lian cnurcli gut out a I subscription to raise their minister's yearly salary, winch resulted in the raising of busht Is of win at, 37 bush- * t Is of corn and 8 bushels of rye. "It is more blesst d to give than to; receive." One of our business men the ; other day took the overcoat off his back ; and presented it to a shivering old man ' who, instead of raying the expected "thank you," asked tie d< nor ' if he hadn't pot a couple pair of pants he J could spare?" • I £oral 2lotiff3. eI ~ w A SPLENDID line of ladies' water-prool . | goods may be found at (J. 11. Simmons, for one dollar per yard. A Beautiful Handwriting'. There are but few of our readors who would uoi S like to ACQUIRE . IWPIA AUU beautiful nauuw niu K , ior til pie !.■? uo oue acoiLipii>iaaicnt uriz-TL na tills. '1 De UISMVW coltey. Aoi ti.e UODU try have auo.dea trie M-uuitwu i.I ti.T BRUIICU AND iiaVe succeeded ili PIOUUCIUG tne. N.osi accoui|)s ieu IIEAUIA;.. I lie best PENMAN IO 1 America to-day is FMI, (L.ISNKI.:., I'res t 01 the UIYAUT W Straitou College oi .uaucuester, N. 11. I uere are fe.v lovers oi tue ouauaXul ait oi pen , HWIUMP Wbo liave not hear.. ..I tins 0.1A.-.IUI peiuuanaiidma..Y- have seen speci.ueus ol .us akiu. ! .lis large specimens have alt. acted a;ten 1... L.I R,E.v LU.K City ami turoug.ioui CUU..RJ where they have ueeu placed ON exhibition. ..e is now engaged day and nignt seuuiug o.I: Copies for self-1 .STI uctiou, w inch ue writes SEN expressly lor adpiicauts, so that any one can I learn to W rite at tne ao.ue Urestde. I'hese conta... lull p lated inst.uctloiis, an>. are put up IU la.G heavy envelopes and sent Oy mail prepaid 10. iI.UO . per package, I hey are all nuuioe.E I and so luii . explained that no one can iall to learu raplan - from them. 1 hey iiave been oruere.L BJ thousanuV - by poor writers aioue, but R.y the leading 1 teachers of penmanship throughout the L'uileo . states aud cauada. Uur readers would do WEL. to write for a package, as nothing so complete, "DUTIFUL and Useful for sttlf-lustructfon wiii eve. again be olfeie L them. IOWNSHIP and School Treasurers having demands against tne late Coun ty i reasurer can have their accounts settled by calling on Dui Baker, Esq., at the Recorder's Ulliee, C'ocdeispoit, Fa. A. L. iiAUVEY", (Jv. Trttxs. Chapped 1/an lit, face, rough .skin, pimples ■'•'A "O and otner eutaneous uftec ilUns CUHiti, it.l I th*} iiKi i Ill.t i' 4 Sllt KUil -iitlOOlil. 'j usiiiK (lit- Juniper Tar Soap, made by c as *eil, I.A/A:d C..„ .... UU. TIE certain an., get the Jutti]#)- Tar Soap, as there are man.. \ <>ihi.j.vs liaitauoua Vvitu coiiiuiou tar. X - ML'SIC GIVEN AWAY.— A specimen copy of DexUr Smith'* I'npcr, the lead ing musical journal, edited by Dexter •Smith, author of " Jiimjthe lit 11 Softly," "l'ut Me in my L iilt lied," etc., etc., containing over one dollar's worth i t beautiful music, will be sent free to any one on receipt of a two cent stum].; Address DEXTER Smith, Boston. The 7'ureet and SweeUtt Cod-Liter Oil i> I IN-SII, s.T.'I te I iiv E.>, I.;, Caswell , JLaiardts Co*, .VEX toik. It U aiisoidtci, pure .. . ueet. I A Uents who have oace taken I. p.efer TI ... AIL 0t..- E.S. L'liVsii idus have decided it UI>EIIOR to aid. ot the otuer oils in market. . BE sure to go to Simmons' for ladies' and gents' underwear, where you have an extensive stock to select from. KALE, at this Office — to make room foi larger presses— A I!rou<itri:]> Hand |ire*S p!.-.teii ij>, x 'ZO.'I nearly new. ALSO, "• t V. R>AI>I) A JOB I'RESS—|T, X S inside H.tse. Doth PRESSES in good order. Wnl'er V ELLN, of the (U in of Wells A DAY, IAN J...,. TIN IFOIN New LINK with a IC.'. I.'. K ID Try flood*, Heady-made (lothiny, 71oot* d- ,t/,oet, Halt Jr C-tpt,. 1 oliont, Jlura nare, Croc he ry, a oi Orocerte*. I. a-, A . INI-E i in liulfaio A .a.GCH.oi. of JF/our, 7'orT, Corn A feat Teed, which win NEONCC'I a v.-va. to. . -..U AA tue ...uie mti de* cau be bought in Eorivuie. I'lO .uice AND shingles taken in exca tor goods FC . a ll pil es. I LEASE call and EXAMINE our stock before JUR.- ci ASIAG elsevrnere. W ELL.S AUA I. O'Vni/O, Jut.. 1, H73. '• ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. BY VIUTVIi of an order issued out ot the Or- PUAII.' Court of ROLLER C'OI IUJ, and to rue diieci .d, beaiing date Dec. lb, 1872, i W i.L expose to sale by public outciy, on huturiiay, the tvifcMi FIRM day ol J ANT aht, Alt, 187. ,AT t-n o'clock, a. in., MI LUC pit'LlD-vCs. the following Uesciibeo .eai esLiie, ali .i;l;a,c :n ti.l- L'o. uty ot L'oltei anu Stat*- of I'ennsylvania, to WIT: I.or No. I.— Bounded no. FB bv J. 1.. Haven SAND .Jowph Locks ; EAST iiy J. 1.. Havens; soiilu by J. L. ilavi LIS; and Oil tI.E wesi by iillHlai. .-stdldeiiil'., B Abiam Ulhollllic, icho.ia M HI. lis, T.'. SI INIEI ill. C. I'. Kidc.ui lie and Aiattliev TONIIPS. Coniaiitiiig al'oiit seven acies, with;, ini.i piivi EPC Al.d I.ame pii.t mi . tiieiei N. I.OT No. 2. — bounded n>UUI by ill. am VSarreii: east by ti.e Lueieti L.i. <1 tot; so'.iti. by LI. L. Jones : and west by J.m.ii 1.. Havens, COM. lining abon. iiuiy aoout .weiity acresiiicieol inipioveu. I.or NO. O.— Bounded lioitn by A .iniua Ntindei ill; east by il. C. Joi.e.; HOUUI by li. C. J. lie . . buto II aim T. .-swiiinai; and west by ON . I'.uker. .'• nlwining aUait twenty acies, with about ntteeu tnipioved. To be sold as tl.e property of John Scndkuli •, deceased, 'leiin—OllE tl.L.d ca.h, one ii.iid ii. six months, and one'U in twelve liiou.lis afte. cotiiinnaii. il. C. W. BEACH, Adm'r. of K (. of Jno. tiandcriin, dec'ii. Suuder'.iuvi. e, Dec. 13,1872. SCBSCLLICTIONS to the ItuTnlo Daily "Ex press" ana 1..e i iunru Daily "Adver- N-er" received ana loiwa.deu iv RI.-RY Arttrur B. Mann. Estray. Came fo the premises of the subscriber, aUoi. the middle of .September, a small led and wLit yearling steer. The owner is requested to con. •o.ward, prove piope.ty, PAY cha GES, and tak .rlui away. BAH ALI Ann At KK.- Ayres Rill, Dec. 13, IST?. Partnersihip Felice. T .e UNntjisiUNED lespectfully announce to th. puniic tiiat they have this nay entered into T v. -,ia, tneislilp in n.uicunlile business at Uswayo, I a., where win NO iuiiuo A general assortment o. uieithmnlli# tutu ally kept n. tuonutq store, TRFCHSI IHEV oiler low io. C i*h. us--, VFSW.vvo.L-A., I WALTER WEI. Lb, Dec. 11, LS.X.( CI-Ab. LAI. Notice IS hereby given tnai JAMES ti. Foster obtaine. three Juilgmeut notes I.> BY f.ami, false BOP*, deceit, against K. v. . FOSTER anu T,. L. Fo.ste,, (one ol SI 4 and two of $13.1 eacli,) for no value re civet, AMI we forth 1 ah persons having anything ,o do with them w hatever, as we are uetermluev ant to pay them nnit ss compelled by law. Dec. LU, LS.-Z. txT E. W. LOITER, C. £. L'EK. Administrator's Notice, WHEREAS, Letters of Administration to th. e.-tate of Lienry LI. Dent, late of ilr.Hjkiaiid, 1 OB ter county, I'a., deceased, have L.eeii granted t. the suiiscrioer, all per-oms indented to .--aid estati ue requested to make immediate payment, an. hose having claims or demands against the estat. >f the sal I decedent will make known the same, w ithout delay, to \\ ILLIA.VI DENT, B.obklaiHl, Dec. 2.1, IS;I. Executor's Notice. WHEREAS, letters Testamentary to the estate of Miriam .Monroe, late of the Borough of Lewls ville, I otter county L a., have been grauted to the sunscriber, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make iuimedlatc payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent will make known the same, without delay, to GEO. W. WAHD, Lewisville, Dec. £6, 1372. Executor. Notice. MY wife, Florence Smith, having left my bed and board without just cause or provocation; I hereby caution all persons against barboiing oi trusting heroumy account, as 1 shall pay noucbts of her eoutracUug alter this date. LB VI G. SMITH. Harrison, Dec. 23,1 73 23-4 Estray. Came to the premises OF the subscriber in West Branch township, a spotted reu-snd-white Year ling bull. The owner will prove property," pay charges, and take the SAME awav. W _ _ JOHN BCBKOWB. WI Braach, Pa., it, ISTT. Court Proclamation. „ : ~\\T HEBEAS, the Hon. 11. W. WILLIAMS, Pre si TV dent Judge, aud TIN UUII-I. LV.IIAN NCLSON >f i abu Jon.\ M. KILBOCKSE. Associate nudges of tue Cum is of oyer oi 1 erinin"i and Gene, i Jaj, ), Deivery.Quarter Nisslmisof UIE Feace, orphans* i Court and Court ol Common I'eas for tne County jof Fatter, have Issued uiei. precept le.iriug date I the Fill ecu tlr day of J tine, in (lie year of our Lord i one thousand, eight ii.uid.ed aiid seventy two, ! and to me tii.eeied, for aoi ing a Court of Over 11 ow and General Jai: De.ivery, Quarter " SeadoUs of the Feaee, Oipuans Cou.t .in t Court of Coin 111011 Fleas.iuiheboioagliofCoude.sii ut, - on -WO day, tiie O ceiUeent < day of I CC.IO " Ait > next AND to continue one wee. T. ■' Notice Is therefore nereby given to the C'oro U uers, J usi ices of the i'eace and Constables within E rue County, that they be then and there in turn • PROPER pie I sous, at iu o'clock, a. ILL., of said day, - with their roi.s, .ecurds and uitpu .iti.n •, exaiut -11 tut. ions and other remembrance-, IO do the>e '• things which to their ohiees appertain to 1 done. L - And those who are bound by iueir recognizances > topi osecute against the PRISONERS that are or saan lie in lite Jaii eif said Coumy OF L'otier, are to he then and there to prosecute against iiiem as WIN - be just. 1 ;itel at Coudersport, January 24,18711. and the '/Till year of the Independence of the C ui.ed .STATES of America i>. P. BEYNOLDS, S.ierijf. Sheriff's Sales. • I) Y VIRTUE of sundry writsof Ven | J3 -Utioid Exponas. Fieri Facias, and Levari , r acial", issued out of the Court of Common Fleas 1 .f i'otter County, Pcuu'a., and to me directed, I •Hall expose to public sale or outcry, at the Cour louse in Coudersport, ou MONDAY, the SEVEN. ' rsENTH day of FEBKI AKV, fs73, at one o'clock, JR - at., the following described tracts ur parcels ol I land, to wit: Certain real estate, situate in the twp. of hast TSNAROII, i'otter Co., l a., and oemg pait o. 1 the tliree huudred acres of laud forme.) l ov.IC •Y Kufu.s Scott, Jr., bounded AS IN, lows: beginning IT tue N. K. corucr of W'illiam Spark's lot, tlteuc: . uniting il. ou the York State Hue, *■) to a -tuke; theuce, running S. LOO rods to a stake, deuce W., pa.allel with LO.K Stale line 40 rod* ; oiencr N. LAO rots to the place of beginning. CM taining 4<J acres of laud. To BE SOLD as the p. 0,. ■•i T J oi uEIiCL'LES J. .\LJLLS. ALSO, certain real (state in Ostvay twp., I'otter Co., Fa., bounded on the N. by land >F Noah Crittenden; on the VV". by lauds of Noa. rlttciK'.on ; on the s. by public HIGHWAY; on t>' • K. by lauds of Win. Dexter. Containing one half •ere of land, more or less; all ot W uicn IS NUPRBVEU, • Ith ONE frame house and one frame shoe shop . and being part of warrant 1345. To be sol L a.- tin ptopertp of W. M. VVILBEK. ALSO, certain real estate situate ii Oeuesee twp., boundeu o. the FC I,D ou the J-. < • ughwav: oi. the S by lands of Warren GREEN : M I. I . Caranaogb ; on THE WhvJ, c. Cavau&ugl C>nt lining one acre of land/more or less, ail > > nich Is improved., on U hlch IS erected one franu avern house, one frame barn and SOME 'r ut tree; 'hereon, being part of Wt. No. 1-3,9. Also, ice. - i :thi parcel of (and situate in Conesec T.. p., ..ou.'ID •D N and E by lauds of ilcury>-; s bv V. Dick usou; ami Wby J. I'. lb ok. Containing fiv icres, more or Kss, ell of which Is imp.uvc., NEIM I ait of I\ T. NO. 137S#. 'io be sold as the PROPERTY ■F J. (.'. Sl AN.N Ahl'. I AI.SO, certain veal estate situate in | ICIIIUII twji., IFOUIIUED N I>Y LAMIS OF s. U.itteiiciei ind A. D. io;!; S by lands of U'm Slmttuck; VV* B he Fox lauds; and K by lands of C. E. Lovell am A. D. bill. Lb tit'lining 100 acres, more or lex.-, it teres of w hich an- impioved, and on which ar. •rected two (vane houses, two frame barns, ON vater -jiv and shingle mill and some fruit trees— •eing part of \Vt>. Nos. 1 457 and i gij. TC Bfco! US the property of WILLIAM F.. SHAHTCK. S. P. UEYN'OLDS, Sl.erijf. I Sheriff's Office, Coudersport, Jan. N. 1573. SJivorcc HUIICV. JOn.N W ILLIAMS, ] No. #3, Sent. Term, OI.IVE w/W II.UAMS.J Libel iu*D%..N-E. To Olive W. Williams, Respondent:— Yon IF' mrebv notified that a ; w'l/xrnn and aliassa'g-crn" mve IICPU issued In Tin- case and returi.e nihil. You are therefore required to be and a: peat at U E.\t Term of the (bmrt of Common Pleas of F"r County, or lu default thereof the Court will do tree a Divoice. f. V. REYNOLDS, Sheriff-. Coudersport, RHII. IS, IS:?. _ _ TIIE Ccnaersrort Hotel A Y D Cieneral Stare Office Has Seen KEFITTKD and REFcnNI3IIKI> from j GAr.r-.ET to CELLAR, tnd is nou; open to the PCJILTC- The TABLEvcill be. k'pt in rinsT CLASS style, and no labor or EXPENSE spared to make it a FiRST-CLASS HOTEL, GOOD STAHLISG, and cartful Hostlers allcays in attendance. The OLD TIME popularity of the Hotel villi# FILLY MAINTAINS:) by the present Proprietor, who now: solicits the patronage of travellers ami the public generally. 1). F. GLAJttMIIvr, Jr., LOT FKORKUTOK. COLE & SON, FKOrKISTOKS OT TUK blccksmith and Wagon-thop, Se;:nd Street, (tetTeen Hair, i Te:'.,) —Sorth Hide,— C OUDEIi SPOKT, PA. H'.D GO.Y.Y, CA It It I A GEtf and &LEI GIIS vj aU descriptions ' innuufactured to suit custoineei and warrauttd. R< pairing always attended to promptly. competent auu experienced workmen kept item ploy iu both shops to attend to the calls of cus tomers. Charges reasonable for cash or ready par. < "23 COLE & SON'. J. GLfiSE £ SON, Carpenter and Joiner, Coudersport, Penn'a. CONTRACTS taken for all kinds of BUILDING— ! i ana uiateiiats furbished. J DOORS, BLINDS and SARI! kept constantly on hand or manufabtured to order. CASH paid for PINE LUMBER. 1. GXJUAE St kOS. { THE BAKER HOUSE N. £. cor. SECOND and EAST Straeta T , (I&stcf cart ll:us9 COUDERSPORT, PA., T Has beta purchased by BROWN 4l KELLLY (formerly of tue COLUI-KAPOAT HUTEL.; The House U completely furnished from lop t, i bottom, anil has all tne conveniences desired b the peop.e ; the table Is the best in the County Die bain is under tue charge of the best ostler n the .State; and, iu short, eveiythiug vvid be don, : mat can be done to make it comfortab.e for strau feels or otneis who visi; the house. The long exj>e;leiice of the Proprietors in thi liotei business makes ibeni pccu.iaiiy abie t< cater to tue varied wants oi the traveulug pub.ic They solicit their old custom, Urllevliife thai i ilicy are ab.e to supply the BEST OF TUT utsr u aih lILOV.rV 4. liELLEF, 133 Proprietors. E. O. REES. WATCHMAKER and JEWELER, DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Jcwch*3*, Silver-plntecl Ware. Glasses A Spectacles, Fishing' Tucklo, Guns nnii aVinintiaiiitiji, Ac., Ac., Ac. WALT HAM WATCHES SOLD AT PRICE LLSI OF HOWARD & CO., (860 Lroudicay , rY. Y.) PIEPAIRINO done in a snietlor iiuuaer and wait KANT HI). SECOND STREET, East of MAIN ST.. (DIKE'S NRADINC.) COUDERSPORT, PA. COUDERSPOIIT CLOTHIfiC STORE ! ALL KINDS OF Ready F/.ade Clothing, 2aTS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS Constantly on hand aud for Sale as CHEAP as tho CHEAPEST !! MEN and BOYS SUITS TO COKEE9POND WITH TUB SEASON. This being the only Establishment iu this place devoted exclusive.y to tue tftotUimj |sufMfiSo an sell CIIEAFEK to my Customers than those who do not make CLOirilNG A SFBCIALTT can , ojford to. Ca I and se my stock and 1 will guarantee satis- i faction. M. L. GRIDLEY. BASSETTo LIVERY, ; Corner MARKET and IIOTEB Stlrcvl (SOCTII SIDE of the EI VEH.) I tvofLD respectfn'.ly iuviie the attention of tia pub.ic to luy LIVERY ESTABLISHMEirr, with the assurauoe that I can meet do mand for a flrst-class turnout Having purchased the Livery of Amos Ve have the only EstabUslnnent of the kind iu till , section. J - M - BASSETT. I Edward Fcrster, DEALI& 19 Groceries & Provisions. MAl.\ NIIiELT above SECO XD t COUDERSPORT, PA. A FULL SUPPLY OF | FLCUR, SUG AR, SPICE 3, SYRUP, CHEESE, HAM, FISH, TOEACCO, SNUFF, &c., &c , | KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. j A sjiecialty made of Teas and Coffees, of which I hare tho I-argont nml Best stock la town. All Goods okl CHEAR fot CASH only. Call and examine before purchasing clsewiiere. EDWARD FG.TSTEK ill HART'S HNE TREt Tar kbiumi, / .NATIVE'S GREAT EE MI BY RVI TJS Throat and Lungs. It Is gratifying to us to inform the public that Dr. L. Q. C. Wishart's line 'lite 'lar Cordial, for Throat and Lung diseases, lias gained aL euviable reputation from the At antic to the I a cllic coast, and from thence to some of the first families of Europe, not through the press alone, out by persons throughout the btates actually ben efitted and cured at his office. V. bile he publishes less, so say our reporters, he Is unable to su( p'y the demand. It gaius and holds its reputation- First : Not by stopj lug cough, but by loosening and assisting nature to throw off the unhealthy matter collected about the thiout aud bronchial tubeß, which causes in nation. Second: It removes the cause of irritation, (which produces cough), ot the mucous niembiant and bronchial tubes, assists the lungs to act ano throw off the unhealthy secretions, and purifies the blood. Third: It is free from squills, lobelia, Ipecac an ' opium, of which most throat and lung renieu:ec are >std, which allay cough only, and disor ganize the stomac . It has a soothing effect on the stomach, acts on the liver and kmue..-, an lymphatic ail 1 nervous regions, thai reaching to every part of the system, and lu its Invigorating and purifying effects It has gained a reputatlm which ii must hold above ail others iathe maiket. NOTICE. The Pine Tiee Tar Cordial, Great Am LT! can Dyspepsia Pills, AND WORM SUGAR DROPS Bring under my Immediate dlrectlcn, they shcl uot lose their curative qualities i ; the ue of cheaj and Impure articles. HENRY B. WISH ART, Proprietor. FREE Or CHARGE. Tr. L. fj. C. TVishart'a Offllce parlors are opto on Mondays. Tuesdays and Wednesdays fit m u a tn., to 5 p. m., lor consultation by Dr. Wro. 1. Ma gee. With him are associated two consulting phy sicians of acknowledged ability. This opportuni ty Is not offered by any other lmututlon lu the city. All Lellerk ninat be iid.ircecl to L. Q. C. WISEAET, M. D , SO. £32 >:. IDIOM) IT., PLiladoiphib. PTTDTOirni 5 ? f i'damiunrs: * W. H. COATS & BQ!C% e , t WHOLES A L'ii AM) itr/iAIL DEALERS IX PARLOR CHAMBER, -A.-cd — 1001101 FtJMiTITJiE, J WELLSVILLF, H. V. I t ti !... to "O :i :• 4 • 1 j Good*. } j They manufacture about fitL-i-n of China. lt so,. of Walnut, As'-. ua-.l 1" | v.oj. 1 ".<■ on,. sold tot.; n . > i :rou, aout Wtv,te.-u Xe ■* Y0.% 0... ■ .<i . I sjivauta, a U have uo supeilur for ■vorhtiiur.nitip, ; Sjfie or tramt*. j X J AIJLORWOIi;i is male of the best materia; and warnv.:' • cs represented. 1 li:y arc extensive manufaetc -a of i ,a a*4in ni; E* ilTti 1T i! : Fun El! lin-, j and cv cry thing is made Mlu-diloO. . a 1 ,viJ v.a nun ted i,ot to come apart, i All will do well to patronize this firn: 1 d sr. : ,I at per cciit. 'i hey do :,ot pay nrov- to cit rnan : ufacturers, or freights to railroad con ; Go and see their extensive stock. Tt • • • > j Kprina of ail prices, I •.:< i till klD'.'p, Exf i Talh Waf:;at. I<ookint;>(iliis>ies cud everything usually Kept la Furniture re . H. D. TREADWIL." —or— j Wcllsviile, U. Y., • Has Just returned Iroia New Yo:k "V.u p. it. stoclc of ■ Ecots and Si:- 2.., i LEAThEK Lf;o SHOE iv LCGK AT TliE PI? r CZ3! j WOMEN'sSUITE:... from "Go. *o &".7j " LsAtnei: I ACI. Cocis BCc. • I. '* MOitOCeO " " of. ' XV' Men's TEICE Bears o " - " Kip 44 J..7' -i.^O j Small Shoes, front so r,-id. bole heather, ;u ii :I•ci\- ;-1 : >■- Shoe of a.4 , \ i i.<r... Remember the place,—direct:. Howell House. ARTHUR 6, MASH, General Snsiir^rce | Hespcctfcllt announces t.'.i. he: - t | seataUve for I and VxciMiY of the follow ih- n.u.'H ' 1 ' . - Compam:.;i. | INSURANCE COMPANY OF NOR- It A.— This ic la!.<- I it, cotpoiited it, 179 , ... jet eiily j cuts p-. , , and it-h.ii. e.inive o. Funks us' lie of toe "Xo. i l4 Aineiicu.—Assets, p. :j,_ _, IT AXKIIN FiP.E INSURANCE < —.lisvlpuitried, in iw-ill.<'p/<ip..p CV.<co£,o, ft : PENNSYLVANIA FIP.F IN.S I R P.\N\ —lnsiituU d iSu . A\et*, | : WILI lAtot PtIRT FIEE INM PAN Y.—Cash Capital. CONNECTICt 1 MUTUAL LIFE . the MERCHANTS LI hi. 1N... Y oik. Policies issued in any of ti" sained reliable Ccxnyasties nt i.xandr.rd rates. iiTHCB E. iLL\y