The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, January 24, 1873, Image 2

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    1 r ]v ir aceowitoMe. I in" thor
.l cocvinr J. t lijii tlie d ploiabl'
i.ov alii I to. have beeii
j. ' -J. by tuii" legislation.
1" i * vv >f i'■ most sci ntific
is • the effect Lliat vaccinatum,
i, <1; i mistered. is a sovereign
a .ti lot . T ! !.ig'e?t on di-.d anthor
• i.-mtqn ilifi <lly;' r ni sm 'il-jjox to In*
5; t 1 r■ v .-MHz <1 land; thai
• <• e is no iff ' sity for its presence,
iiid titfit 51 v v pei-'•! v.ere p operly
Yacfooat'd vt-i .\ si'Vcn years, the diM'ase
might b utterly * M"i minut* *l. Imb
si ■ d 'f tie-" uie-sof this opinion
bv . )' -onal ob'seivarious in the
j rrny. both i Mexico and the United
vv:t - after our camps were
• u -d rqon Mexican soil, the disease
■ ~j< •! ai.*...•■•(• .'ti:.'UiK our troops,
i**." :: i order frost Gtitffid Scott, the
ar iiy was iuim iiately vaecin
• 1. :u;d ?iic- sniali-jxix was at once
<1; :• :i Mjii our ii: s. T. e same result
folio vdt c a 'plication of the same
•,i 1 v ii ta * army of Geneial Suer
ma ' 1;: .r ids fanio - march' to the j
sea." and. more i.tly. in our very
mid v. h be*-u favored with an
ilia- ati 1 equauv striking and con
c! -Ae: Our schools ol sold huts 1 or
p a: -. in which there are upwards of
t. iitv-bvc hundred chiidren. being
under the a'i -olutc •> ntrol of t' e State
a it! oritiea, a nirulauon nf cng uni
vi vac •iJiati n. could !•'. and was.
adopted. Ihe re.-ult is. that not a
siuyi ■ case <y ri.a.ii-pox lias occurred in
t!u 111.
My i :j- ■ 1 in submitting these re
marks to* you is not eo much for the
•t- -' • icing you of the truth
' f •*. -ropo it j 1 which b: t few attempt
••>1: : ; -;'. ask the immediateen
. u - ~r rem* dial measures. It re
in...*.- the -fon . niy to consider lsow
t , oh"; - c to )y s .ught may be most
and e'Tf t ua'iy accomplished.
Li reply t< tlii- question, I earnestly
]■'•'* -mine i the ; sag.- 'f an act pro
.i . r for 'art vaccination,
w ;<• should 1 ave such penalties an
j..->'d us w aid insure its imdoubt*d
enforcemt nt.
I ;tl o ; i'cointn°rtl an enactment rs
tr.l is: hi/ :• St 1* Board < f Health,
vh" • • f'luietious shaill be discharged
under the auspices <i the Legislature.
Sich an •rgamz ition would be indis
-1 n.: l.le '.o t'e vigorous and compre
hensive execution of a law making vac
ci' .u. <n .:ompi_.' lS( , ; -y. . id would beeini-
I ' tiv --1 vi.-'. !•!* in enforcing such
ot: r anitary regulations as might be
d lie d <• 1.: i. 1 to the protection of
the pr.l i against inall-p< x and other
'a miiih v-s. The State Board
Ho : 1 t be COli liliitl d SollU'WllUt UJX)II
t -e iiio 'u 1 ">1 tiic B-cnd of Public Cuar
iii'-s. wit . the addition of local boards
fos the count; s, cities and larger
towns. Tlr- ex: use of such a system
v iidd in t l>e vvol tli a thought, i.lm n
Coin', an d .'.it!) the value of the lienelits
to ,t would 1" eon fen ed 1 v it s operation.
At all ev. nts. t would le far hss than
the co-tin human livs annually sacri
lieid by the ill scares it would Is- d'--
iond;o p: . at . ]t is not jKjssible to
esiiuiate 00 < ctlv such \alues. But
a t..e pin :10 of illustration, the cal
culation op mi eminent physician may
I--:' ; ted. I)r. Achland,of England,
v-:- down rv'i \ cl< ath by a preventable
diseji.v a - a 10--. in money ol £IOO, and
cll lor los, of tint • and inaintenance
during toe {H*rio<l of sickness. Accord
in- to this stum! . d Pennsylvania lost
during tin* last two years ly small-pox
silt-i ■< more than So.OtKt.OCHt.
J-hom a joint rejKut made to me ly
tie ilt alt h Ollieer and Port Physician
' ' Pi ;! d iphia, f learn that the health
t.f ■ a1 city and j>ort are in a very
1 n! -1 (1 1 d mis: t isfactory condition.
'I n. g-- th incii, in effect, s;,y that the
tit ct'inpn leusivs health law was
pa-ad in lsls; that continuous addi
t'ous i. v< Ik .ii made since that time;
t' at liile some of the laws have lieen
i'gieali d. others have Jxrcome inopera
tive and obsolete; that if certain of
t ' -e were revived and enforced their
(.\eeution would intlict tiositivc injury,
and. in si ort, that, the whole system
iui|H i,:ti\. ly requires a thorough re
vision. ! have good reason to endorse
t'e 11 Mtli of tin se statements, and I
i lin stly reconnnend the whole subject
to your eat ly and considerate action.
..ed t • ;st the amendments which you
n.ay make for the better pi otection of
tin heal' 1 and general well-being of
Piiilad' h'hin Ik* extend d as far as
r :i -t jf, itle to the w l.o]e State.
• u'i ii. anti < aim roi. iiiiorxiis.
The iiartuient in the (,'ajiitol liuild
i ' faniiliarh. known as the *• Office of
t'i - '.lie Historian,has Ixs-n taste
f. ifitted np for the reception and
di-'e of tli - huttle-t' igs can i< it by
O'U ol'liei In the war of the rebellion,
la a"eo.u.aii> •• with a resolution to that
1 Meet j ir.. -ad by the Legislature at its
last Sfcl,Ml.ll.
r>VKtr son's : \T. A TIT.
As no t-.iaige of w-Ilishrn ss can, at
li. ne'u.e ttae'i to |ne, I flaiiklv
1 fii'.nd >Oll that the conqiensation of
t;. fiovcinoi !.< 1 nt,rely inadequate to
1 d.|e ! in to Ii ve in a style eorrespond
i - ,i ' pie • in. null the icas'xiialile
< / ■<-rations of t' jx-ople of so great a
f,oif,nionwealth. The truth of th-se
1 itions is ot.vioiis tluit 110 argu
ment is required f<a theii confniiia
*t la- f ' 1.-' if ef i'.ri d-el ues In section
\ r , of .oil le H, "Tl.e Governor shall,
' b<! tiirr s. receive for his HTViritl
> uijrf i;:ition w : i'di shall U- neitiicr
i' '-I nor <1 iniuMii d during the
d foi whi Ii he shall have ln-en
lit he f' 1 ' ire Concur w ilh
b ■ "I-- ly - f ,ncieasing ti.e
. < • ' ' ' die to ti :i
1 ;ei a rn in, t feeofn
'a ' (i 1 tmb
• '. h i/i Jsf.uary, as 011 ihst iltiy Ho-
Iteriisl foi which my Huccesierr Lav been
elected will Ijcgiu.
It has liereiofore been my sad duty to
chronicle tne departure ot distiiiguisned
citizens fiotn spheres of usefuiiit&s to
that realm of eternal silence, from
w u.di no traveler returns. Among
1. eiu may lie enumerated three ex-Gov
ernoiand now 1 am called up<m to
announce the decease of another who
lias occupiid the Executive chair.
William P. Joiiiiston was born Nov.
_!). lbo, at Greeiisburg. Westmoreland
county, and died at Pittsburg. Oct. I't,
I>"J. in the sixty-fourth year of his
He was admittd to the bar in ISJ9.
and was suliscsjuentiy a member of the
House of Hepresmitatives. and of the
S-nate. As sjx-akerof t!ie latter, he be
camc- acting Governor ujioii the resig
nation of Francis It. r-hunk. He was
afterw;ud> nominated Ijv tlie Whigs
and elected to the Chief Magistracy.
He tilled the office witli honor and
iiiatktd ability. After the expiration
of histeitn iiedevotid his time to the
eaottruetioß and managnneßt of rail
. ->ads and the development of the re
sources of the western jwrtion of tlie
State. He was t-ndowetl with strong
natural abilities, was genial 111 manners
and faithful i:i friendship. His ser
vices to the Common wealth will not
von be forgotten. I trust the Legisla
ture will do justice to his memory by
ppropi iately noticing his death.
I is with profound sorrow, also, that
I announce to *vou, officially, tlie death
of Major General George Gordon Meade.
He died in Philadelphia, November 6.
lb7L',in the fifty-sixth year of his age.
It is impossible, within the brief jace
allowed, to give an extendi d notice of
the services of one so eminently distin
guish d. lie was a giaduatc of the
Military Academy at West Point; and
s-ived with distinction in the Seuiinole
and Mexican wars, and as a Topographi
cal Engineer 111 time of peace. At the
commenci ment of the recent Civil war,
nis .services were tendered to and ac
'ciptid by the Government. From the
rank of Brigadier General he row
through the grades of Division and
Corps Commander, and was on the
1 wviity -eighth day of June, 1863, with
out solicitation, appoint! d, by President
Lincoln, Command r-in-Cbief of tlie
Army of the Potomac; and although
■ he 1< lives behind l im an undying record
of his brilliant and heroic deeds wher
; ever he was oalli d into action, his name be, particularly and forever, asso
dated v itli the glory of the great turn
ing battle of the war—fought at Gettys
buig. on the lirst. w-coinl and tliird days
of July, 1863.
General Meade remained in t!:o regu
liranny until the time of his death,
lie was au accomplislud gentleroau,
1 ; possessing a highly cultivated intellect,
round judgment, and great integrity of
: character. But it is to his distinguish* d
services ujkin the soil of Pennsylvania,
• which has so intimately identified iiis
memory with tli*' defence of the nation,
' in the hour of its extreiwst i'ril. tliat
I invoke your sjx-eiiii utt< ntiou. Pi-uu
i sylvania cauoot, >ctll n>>t te ungrateful
for such services, blu- w ill d -sire, with
1 j appropriate honors, to perjietuate the
fame* of her deq arteel chieftain. I re-
I commend an appropriation for the erec
tion of a monument to his memory upon
the battle-tie-ld of Gettysburg ; and such
other legislation as will t>- alike suitable
to the occasion and honorable to the
| Commonwealth.
No department of the State govern
ment has imposed upon it such difficult
ami embarrassing duties, or such weigh
ty and disagre-eabie responsibilities, as
the pardouing power devolves upon the
" Executive.
That a few pardons may have tieeu
1 unworthily granted, through the inis
' representations of relatives, ne-ighbors,
or other inUrotfd parties, or even by
'tffid H-ii.s afterwards discovered to have
liee-n designedly false, may be frankly
eonettded; and that some who, pe-rhapis,
were more deserving have Im-cu refused,
l'roni want of jueqie-r re-pre-seotations of
facts, may lie equally true; still, 1 feel
assured that I have faithfully |>erforiii
■ ed inv duty in such cases, and have ex
-1 ercised the prerogative only when the
facts and circiunstances wenied to iru
lie-rativi ly demand the inti rjKisition of
Executive eli meney. In tliis I have
endeavored to adopt and enforce the
views entertained by the fat mere of our
Const it nt ion, who never contemplated
an indiscriminate use of the pardoning
power, hut designed it for the eorrec-
I tiou of errors and oppressions; cases of
after-discovered evidence; inequalities
of sentences for identical offences; the
fuitlterance of justice by uncovering
• crime, and other instances strongly ex
ceptional in their character.
Soon aft* r entering upon the duties
of the Ex*cutive office I deemed it im
portant that tin* public should lie more
fully informed upon the subject of par
-1 dons than they had previously been. I
then introduced, for the first time in
tins state, an annual pardou report,
containing t he names of th** jietitiouers,
and an epitome ol the reasons adduced
for each case of relief from the sentence
of the law. Since then, similar reports
have lieen made in other states, and ti.e
practice, divesting the exercise of the
paiduiiing prerogative of all secrecy,
w i-uis to have received very geueral aje
The applications for pardons dux ng
the past ytai numbered 1137—about o
for 1 very working day in the year. Of
these lit) were granted—less than 5 per
cent, of the number applied for. and
averaging about Ito each county. Es
t milling our population at B,6<mi,oou,
the average is 1 pardon to every 42.300.
The system of commutation, under
tlie Act of May 21, ltW, continues to
work well in all the prisons, and has i
pnKluc**d a decidedly salutary effect '•
upon the discipline of the prisons and
character of the prisoners.
Tlie iJ*-ath p*-ualty has been twice car
ried into effect during the year, once m
Cambria County and once in Cnesier. ,
In my official communications here
'' tofore to the legislature, and in public
a*ldi-esses to the people. I fiave witla'Ut
hesitation declared my views iu favor
of protection to our llome Industries,
and in defence of lat*or against foreign
1 competition. Coi tiuued observation
aud exjierience have temled to confirm j
mr as to the of tlie opinions
■ then expressed. I now reiterate them
• with undiminished confidence; and teel
■ i>eculiar satisfaction in the W-lief that i
; Congress will maintain a policy that
■ has so vastly contributed to the pros
jierity of the whole country.
The inter-state courtesies heretofore
exercised have been continued and fos
tered by a system of mutual exchanges
of the laws and other public documents,
and in tlie enforcement of statutes
a ithoriizng requisitions aud the rendi
tion of fugitive criminals. During my
administration there has not occurred a
single circumstance to mar the harmony
and friendship existing between the gov
| eminent of Pennsylvania and that of any
other state or of the nation. The obvi
ous advantages arising from such a con-1
dition of our affairs must naturally tend
to advance the best interests of the states
1 k aiid ci-meut the bonds of the National
The recent elections prove, by unpre
j eedented majorities, that the country re
! jioses extraordinary corifulence in the
! juiti iotism. sagacity and integrity of the
■; Itepuhlican party. In response to this
' j sentiment that party should discharge
I its sacred trust by a wis**, honest, eeo
• : nomieal and patriotic a<!uiinistration of
• ] tlie governm-nt; a thorough reform of
tliecivilseivice; thecontinuationof such
, dutii-a iqxiu foreign imports as will se
-1 cure and enhance the prosperity of our
' | domestic manufactures; the reduction
of tlie scale of internal taxes to the low
-1 ; est degree that would b** adequate to the
' i maintenance *.f the public credit and
;the gradual extinction of the national
I debt; the restoration of our foreign coni
1' meree; the extension of ample tinancinl
I , facilities for the requiremits of busi
t j nes>; tlie encouragement and regulation
• j of immigration; increase of the means of
• cheap land and water transportation,
with a view <*o'* iixusi rap-,
id development of the national resources;
and such enforcement of the provisions
! of the amend* d Constitution as will pre-:
: s'*rv ** jk'ucp iu tlie states and secure, Ik*-
■ yon*l the touch of injustice and oppres
sion, the rights of all citizens.
. All the circumstances considered. I
• may. in this connection IK? excused for
' i the indulgence of some brief personal
II allusions. In the administration of tlie
• j Chief Magistracy. I have, with only
' i good intentions, and unconscious of in
• ! tcntional error, to the Is-st of myability.
■ j endeavored to diseharge the various,
(duties that have devolved upon me, in
' | such manner as to advance ttic public I
1 , welfare, by condemning waste and ex-!
' j travaganee, practicing economy, reduc
"! ing taxation, paying the State debt,
" promoting the public health, advancing
I j the cause of general education, eultivat
' ing humanity and charity, tempering
justice from the fountain of mercy.
*■' maintaining the principles of the Con
i stitution, and lef**n*ling the honor an*l
- j sovereignty of the State, and the rights
i and interests of her citizens.
-1 During my administration the Legis
: i lature has lieen in session three hundred
-land eighty-stven days; in that time j
< I nine thousand two hundred and forty
; I two hills, and one hundred and fourteen
S resolutions, were passed, of which eight
i 'thousand eight hundred and forty-two
- hills, and one hundred and thirteen
, : resolutions, received my approval; six
beeanH* laws without my sanction, and
• three hundred and ninety were vetoed.
' The vetoes average a little more than
. on** ]**-r diem during tlie sessions, and
, all of which, with the exception of four,
f, were sustained bv the legislature. In
II addition to my six annual messages, I
- have also transmitted to the Legislature
- 1 one hundred and five special communi
' j cations.
The p< 1 io*l for disconnecting mv of-
I fioial relations with the General As
s j srmbly having almost arrived, I may
' projierly avail myself of this opportunity
to acknowledge the genenil courtesy I
' have receive*! from tlie successive Leg-1
I islatures with whom I have had the
hoi or to hold official intercourse, and
; to express the profound sense of grati
' tilde I * ntertain toward the people of I
' my native State, for the many honors
I they have conferred upon me, and still
■j more for the steadfast confidence with
! which they have supplied me, and
1 sustained my administration.
To 11011. Francis Jordan, Secretary of
State; lion. Frederick Carroll Brews- ,
• ter. Attorney General; Hon. James P.
Wiekersham.Superintendant of Schools; :
and General Alexander Russell, Adju-1
taut General, I tender my warmest and
special thanks, for their hearty accord J
and energetic sup]ort. I owe them not
' only a debt of gratitude for their person-;
al fidelity, but a sincere and heart-felt i
commendation to the people, for the;
able, efficient and eminently satisfactory ;
manner in which they have perform**d
all the duties that have lieen devolved
! upon them in their several departments. 1
Col. Benjamin F. Lee, iny private sec
retary, and his assistant. Col. Win. C. j
Armor, are deserving of honorable men- :
tion, for their zealous and faithful exe
cution of my orders. My thanks are
alsodue.and they arc earnestly tendered,
to the clerks and other npjiointies in the
several departments, for their uniform
; courtesy, aud Urn zeal manifested by t
them for the public good.
| It MSordt uiv peculiar satisfaction to
| feel tit iuvotlii honors and respon-!
Sibil ties arc shortly to lx? transferred
! into the hands of a gentleman, who will
sacredly guard the om\ and faithfully !
JbcUargv tlte other. Major General ;
i Joint F. Il.uUanft has signally lilusUa-,
led h.s coumgv and |utriotfom on many
tiervvli contested fields of battle; and
1 qualities that have made liis reputation
as a soldier, lwve le-n no less conspicu
ous in the pursuits of civil life, lie will
bring to tlie discharge of his duties a '
! large and valuable experience in the |
management of public affairs; and all
that is known of his antecedents may
be regarded as a guaranty for that con-1
tklenee of the i>cople wlt have elevated
him to the Gubernatorial Chair by so!
| large a majority. I liespeak for him
your hearty co-operation in guarding !
: and advancing the public interests; and
I earnestly invoke Heaven's choicest
: blessings urx.ui the i>eople of Pennsylva-;
n a—that tlieir abundance may never l<e
diminished —and that her honored name
may shine in the galaxv of the American j
• Uuion with increasing splendor forever, j
Harriitbunj, Pit., Jan. 8. 1:73. f
The Potter Journal
COUDERSFORT, PA., Jan. 24.1573
One of the best indications of the
: increase of temperance principles in '
! our State is that the Democratic pa- j
pers are so busy making it appear
that Republicans are not sincere in
j their advocacy of temperance. The
Patriot has a long and very unhand
some article on the success of the lo
i cal option bill in Clearfield county.
• full of accusations of falsehoods and
i double-dealing against those mem- !
tiers of the Legislature who had sup
r• , ;
I ported it—and in general trying to .
' show that
"Cudlin's the friend, not Short.*'
and the Montrose Democrat follows!
i suit.
i mm- nignest water of last week, of
which we had a slight indication on
| Thursday and Friday, did great dam
i age in many parts of the country.—
; "from New England to tlie Mississqi-
I pi." The most serious disasters np
-1 '
pear to have been in this state and
New Jersey. In the Schuylkill there
| was a jam of ice three miles long. On
the Allegheny considerable damage
• was done, and on the Susquehanna
and its tributaries but the sudden fall-!
nig of the water prevented many in-.
juries that seemed imminent.
r _
Philadelphia. Jaitu. 11, 17.T <
DEAR JOURNAL : The time of the
| Convention lias been mostly taken up ;
with 6nbmitting propositions of
amendment to the Constitution which
■ are all referred to appropriate com
.Mr. Mann, on Friday last, subuiit
; ted a proposed amendment which is
of considerable interest to his con
stituents, and is as follows:
j That Section 4th of Article Ist of
j the Constitution Is* so amended as to
; read: 4 " Representatives shall lie dis
'4 tributed throughout the State as
"follows: the qualified electors of
, " each county shall elect one addition-
| 44 al ineinlier for each 35,000 inhabi
j 44 tants, as determined by the preced
" ing census of the United States; and
44 in counties entitled to three or more
, " members each voter may cast as ina
" ny votes for each candidate as there
! " are representatives to l)e elected, or
44 may distribute the same among tlie :
i 44 candidates as he shall see fit, and !
i 44 the candidates receiving a majority
44 of said vote shall be declared elect
-44 ed. Referred to tlie Committee on 1
44 Elections, Suffrage, etc."
I have prepared the following table 1
to show how the Representatives
would lie distributed should this pro
position be adopted. It will Is? seen
that until the next census the House :
of Representatives would contain 137 1
members, and until there is a change !
in the political sentiment of the people 1
of the State would give the Republi
cans 10 to 15 majority.
Population Meiutw-rs '
Adams, 30,315 1 '
Allegheny, 262.204 8 i
A mist rung, 53.382 2 i
Beaver, 36,148 2 ,
Bedford, 29,635 1 ]
Berks, 106,701 4 ;
Blair, 38,051 2 1
Bradford, 53,2<>4 2 |
Bucks, 61,336 2 <
Butler, 36,510 2 j
Cambria, 36,569 2 1 (
Cameron, 4.273 1 |.
Carbon, 28.141 1
i Centre. 34,418 1 1
Chester, 77,805 S '
Clarion, 26.537 1 I
Clearfield, 25,741 1 J,
Clinton, 23.211 1 I
Columbia, 28,766 1 j
Crawford, 63,832 2 j'
j Cumberland, 43,912 2 j 1
Dauphin. 60,740 2
Delaware, 39,403 2
Elk, 8,433 1
Erie, 65,973 2
Fayette, 43.234 2
F ;rest, 4,010 1
Franklin, 45.365 2
Fulton. 9.360 1
Greene. So.ssT 1
Huntingdon, 31.251 1
Indiana, 36,13a 1 ,
Jeffersou, 21,656 1
Juniata, 17,390 1
Lancaster, 121,340 4
Lawrence, 27,_9S 1
Lei Anon, 34,096 1
Lehigh, 56.796 2
LuZv-me, 160,755 5
Lyjuruiug, 47,626 2
Mc Kean, b,vJj 1
Mercer, 49,977 2
Miffl.n, 17,508 1
Monroe, 1b,362 1
Montgomery, 81.612 3
Montour, 15,344 1
Northampton, 61,432 2
Northumberland, 41,444 2
Ferry, 25,441 1
Fuiladelphia, 674,022 20
Fike, 8,436 1
Potter. 11.265 1
SScuuyikill, 116.423 4
Suyder, 15.6 c 6 1
Somerset, 28,226 1
i bull, van, 6.191 1
i Sust plena una, 37.523 2
Tioga, 3-5,097 2
Union, 15,vG5 1
\ enaugo, o i,925
Warren, 23,897 1
I WcLSiiington, 4a,483 2
| Wayne, 33.183 1
Westmoreland, 50,719 2
Wyomuig, 14.585 1
| Yolk, 76.134 3
PuiLAUtvLruiA, Jan. 15. is:;,.
DEAR JOURNAL: The proceeding->
; of the Constitutional Convention be
ing rather dull just at present, and 1
! having a complimentary ticket to at
: tend tlie annual reception of Ainericu-
Club, at the Academy of Music, on
Monday evening. Jan. 13, 1 thought
lit might possibly !>e worth while to
to see what kind of an elephant would
! be exhibited.
'1 he tluors were opened at 7 o'clock.
; At 8, when your correspondent enter
; ~,i i.. auout a thousand
(•eople, pre ty evenly divided between
the sexes, had already assembled.—
The number rapidly increased, and
for an hour and a half the increasing
rush of jieople was simply tremen
At half past nine good judges es
timated there were six thousmd peo
ple present. It was a grand sight—
fine not easily forgotten. At half
past eight a full Land of twenty in
struments tilled the entire building
wit h music. A second band of equal
' number relieved the first at the prop
; er time, and all the people sat in tlieir
seats until half past nine, when the
Grand March was played, at the first
note of which tiie leader of the March
with his partner descended the steps
at the south end of the dancing lb.or
and inarched straight ac ross to the
no th end—a distance of about two
hundred feet.
This couple was followed closely by
(thers, so that before the head of the
co uir.n turned to the left one hundred
and fixe couples had passed down the
steps—five in number.
These steps were covered by an
arch-way of lb overs, and columns of
flowers, relieved by evt r jrec-n wreaths,
protected the south end of the floor
b i that nothing else was seen, and
the inarching column seemed to come
out of a paradise of flowers.
When the first couple had returned
to the entrance, the leafier, still keep
ing time to the music, shortened his
steps and formed a column lour
a-breast, which marched straight
across the floor as the first had done.
These turned to the left, and when
tlie entrance was again reached, the •
stop was again shortened and the;
people who still came inarching down
there under the arch in couples were
formed with perfect order into a col
umn sixtn nal roast. When this had
reached the centre of the floor the
sight was one of the finest I ever wit
nessed. Even the city audience was
stirred to enthusiasm and cheeied as,
though their hearts were in it.
Like the others, this column went
straight across the floor, but it took
a long time, and when it reached the !
nortli end the music c -ased. The en
tire crowd, sixteen hundred at least,!
forme 1 into co -i n sets, the band re
sumed and a out a hundred thousand
yards of tulle went through the giddy
mazes of the fiance
Most of the ladies were richly and
elegantly dressed; they danced grace-;
fully; and as there was every shade of
color from purest white to deepest
black, the more brilliant hues predom
inating, the sight was indescribably j
beautiful as well as fascinating.
I met, in the course of the evening,
as spectators of the scene, members
of Congress, members of both branch
es of the Legislature, members of the
Constitutional Convention, Judges of.
the Courts, and various other digni-1
* By half past eleven I had heani
and seen ali that I was capable of en- j
joying, and retired to dream of
flounces, flowers, angels and angelic I
music. . " .
iVu and jrtisscrs.
! TIIK total number <>f emigrants that
left Liverpool during the year of li7_
| for America was ItH.OCO.
; THINK littlef yourself, and you will
! wtt l<e injtiml when others think little
; of you.
MADRID. Jan. 12.—A great popular!
demonstration was made in this city
i yesterday in favor of the projiostd pnlit
ieal reforms in Porto Rico of the almlj.
tion of slavery. A long procession with
three liands and twenty banners passed
through the prineijKtl streets. Conspic
' nous in line were the Turtnlia and Pro
gressists elul>s and the society for al -
lition of slavery. The ranks were fill* d
with Radicals and Republicans and a
! considerable'nunilier of negroes t< ok
part in the demonstration.
Carlist troubles in the North con
tinue. but a patriotic spirit has been
(raised among t!ie~jieople. Volunteer
bar ds are mgauizMig for service against
, the insurgents, and inhabitants of vil
i luges of their own accord assume a firm
j and hostile attitude.
I IT IS understood that the >enate CVm
'mitteeon Privileges and Elections, ata
meeting !:eld late this afternoon, deter
miiied not to send (Vm:n : s.sionio-s to
• Louisiana to take testimony regarding
the politic. 1 troubles ti. re. but to sum
mon all the need- d witnesses to come
to Washington and give their testimony
(here: and it is also understood that a
' Ik-puty Seigant-at-arms was dis
(•, tehed to Xew (Orleans this evening;
; for that purpose.
IT i- the man who determines t 1 e
i dignity of the occupation, not i!u occu
pation which measures the dignity of
I the man.
THE educated live longer than t'ie
;• illiterate; the rich, longer than the
;wKir ; the good longer than the kid.
THE franking privilege has leen so
shamefully abused of Lite years that
the <1 maud for its alrolition has grown
jto lie universal in the country. The
: President has urged this reform in his
messages, the Postniaster-fieneral has
pressed it time and again in the interest
i {of the Postal Department on which ti.e
frnrking privilegf has liecome an intol
erable burden. and the Horse has pas-' <1
1 a bill providing for the aliol'thni <>f the
■ nnietict on the Ist of July, 1573. *MI
Friday the bill was called up for im
■ ined..Le cuL.siler:t >• tiw ate,
I '.iril wh.o should iuter|s .si an obi cti >n
. but Senator Viekers, D inncrat. late of
1 ; the grand coalition rcf- in party! So
the bill goes on to the c il -mlar to wait
: for its t urn in the future, ft is a sham
jto |s>stiMine action on thi- question a
; singl day. and it will not !*• forgot ton
who was responsible for the delay this
time. J'ntr t <, K ■ .rexx.
! "lle i IED in Honor." is the eulogy
of the Loudon 'jhit' on Horace (tre< -
! ley.
Mcs. I'A-ikow. known bv the rm
. • jhii. ?ir of "Aunt Fanny." resides in
, Xew ork-
— . , .
John V. Brown,
riftrnil.Ton OF
Coud Disport & Wellsvills
(T'/u 05WM }*o, PA.)
Person* goiii" to OSTVATO I'- stage, ruvl de*|> jug
ID retir 11 SIIIUF day, will Is l accommodated
i at stage rales.
ravvnu"* wi-liiiv to rea -li nnv of t);" 11 ighbo r
injr r! win wi'l he conveyed by Livery at
reason ib> ra'es.
I A good l ivery • 1■ !;e;.t constantly on hail'! for
passengers by t lie stage.
(Jou* V. Bicowy, Propr. % )
114 tf
Wholesale and Itclail
Oysters by the Can. Quart. Gallon. Hundred and
Thousand received dally.
Fanii ies, Tallies and Festivals supplied on short
The Trade furnished at reasonable rates. i
Give me a trial and I can suit you.
3*-22t A. H. PEIRCE.
i I
1 -
( or. EAST and HOBCESTEB Sts.,
|*m carry oa lbe t.. of bcauefts;
Wagon Shop.
i here w;t; b- liii'Je in order and fcej.t on hand !!
kfi. •- of L'uub' r W n-roils, with Bo lie-, vl hST
flrtrv *, \c k-jmles are. E.i >pr.;.g Seats;
Platform a: E .1-1" lytic Spring Wag'.:,,;
>f le,or< "Wnr!, K !;.•.■ Spring Top areMrpen
tv.itrjri— • N .'vies; On -horse Wagon*.
. o.v and Hoc* •. *n<--. Sciit' aid Cutters w;j i*
milt to r ler on -morC notice.
of :if' kiwis of oM work done with rn-at
u-s* mud durability.
,rs? sn-i o.v *-'ire_-i!nr; lrontnjr of all kindsof
Wagons, di-iuiis and Cutters. Ticks, < devises,
Chai lloDks, Drag-teeth. Hinges. It-.lts for
Carriajrer, Plows. re., and repairing of all
kinds of Mill Irou.- and Farming implements.
Tainting of a!! ltl--!; of ne-v Wagons, <'arriag-s.
Sl-igiis and Cuft-'.-s. -nil sne.-lil a"e'itlDii
pal 1 to the cleaning and pal it I tig of old -.vo'-k.
I <ig- ui<i o..iam ::ita; Tainting dime to order with
neatness and dsspat- li.
All kinds of Carriage, stage and Coaeh Tops,
Cushion.', Kalis, Da-hes, Lazy-Baet.s, Slir.f*,
Trimming, and ali work In tht UneolTrin.*
it.ins doue lu gcxl Style.
Votive 1; given that I have change.! (U j place of
business from Brookland, Ta„ to this place
and have built a new Factory—3o v ft .. —!:i
whi h the four brahches ot business w ill bo
carried on, and will be (ileese l to receive the
custom of inv old [latrons.
t he b- -t of I.omber. Iron and Trimming staterla!
ttiat can le procured will be used, oil the
j work.
■ Driers by man will be promptly attended to.
| O
Carpenter and Joiner,
(above EAST Street,)
C<>u<lcrj)or(, Pa.
CONT It ACTS taken and materials furnished I"<*
all kinds of BCILIMNO
SASH, BLINDS and DtiOBS on hand or manu
factured to order.
CASH paid for Fine I.umber.
' i
Your pauooage Is solicited.