Jno. S. Mann, Proprietor. VOLUME XXIV, NO. 26. The POTTER JOTTRRAL AND NEWS ITEM. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT COUDERSPORT, PA. (Ojti'X in O!rusted Block.) Ti KMS, S 1.75 i'Kit YEAR FN ADVANCE Jno. S. Maim, S. F. Hamilton, Proprietor. Publisher. C. J. CURTIS, Attorney at I .aw and District Attorney, Office "ii MA I A St., lover the Post Ojjice, CO I'D KID PORT, PA., Solicits ail business pretalnlng to his profession, special atteution given to collections. J ll* S. KKJ ARTHUR B. MASS. , JOHN S. MANN & SON, Attorneys at Law and Conveyancers, cm'hKltSl'hKT. I' A., CivlLffVtions promptly ntnudpd to. Arthur B. Mann. i• i.• ra. 1 luur*uc \g%ut & >oi*ry Public. S. S. GREENMAN, ATTORNEY A.T XsA-W, ! (.ITFICE OVER PORSTKR'.S STORIt,! COUIIERSPOKT, PA. n I iW VSTKII O. C. T.ATIKAHEK j OLMSTED & LARRABEE, ATfnKNKYS AND C*M'NSKI.OKS AT I.AW (Ofllc In Olmitc.i Block,i f'OUDKUSPORT, PENN'A. SETH LEWIS, .ifloinoy at Taw and Insurance Agent, I/F.WISVILT.E, PA. A. M. REYNOLDS, Dentist, (orriCK IS "l.*flTKl> 81.0CK,) COUDEIISP* )RT PENN'A. Baker House, ltnowN ft. Kr.t.LEY, Prop' is., ( tuner of SECOND and EAST Street-, t'DI'DKKSPhKT, PKN.V.L. I _ 1 teiy atteiiiiou paid to iiie ••onvcnience and j comfort of guests. Aa'Good Stabiing at'acl'.ed. Lewisvilie Hotel, Corner of .MAIN and NOttTll Streets, LKWIsV 11.1 Ja PA. *&-•: > >1 St sibling attached. JOHN 8. PZAfiSALL, HOLM. PAINTER and GI.AZIFR, CDI DKKtiI'ORT, PA. All kinds of CKAININO, VAUMSHISO. AC., done, orders .U-ft at the Post office will be promptly attended to. M. Tnoil! BOM J. 8. MASK j THOMPSON & MANN, OKVI.KI'.S IS Times, Medicines, Books, Stationery, T; <uf GOODS PtltTS. OILS. WALL PdPEK, iC., : Cor. Mainmul Third St?.. COUDKRSPORT, PA. S. F. HAMILTON. BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, (Corner J/f to and Thir l.) COl' DERSPORT, PA. C. M. ALLEN. Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, LEWISVILLE, I'A. k! work guaranteed logive satisfaction. D. J. CROW ELL, MiLi'r. D. H. Ball Jjinter 1' B Itinj Uacliine, j SIN MIM AlioNlNll, Cameron *•<., Pa. n.l the SIDE < 'VTsJII .V (JLK MA' UISE c | ant from is i., fC, Macliiuov aud General Custom Work j rtl*-r. I John Grom, II ous P s4 i n , CVnamrntdl, pcronitivc & .frfsro PAINTER, COUDEF; SPORT, PA. DRAINING and PAL EK HANGING done with neatness and dispatch. Satisfaction guaranteed. - eft iih UAKKIi IIOISK W ill IH* promptly attended to. I). H. N EEFE, CARRIAGE FACTORY, €(fUDEItSPORT, PENN A. All kinds of Wagon-making, niacksmithtng, I'alntlng, ( aiTlage I riinining and hepalrlng done with neatness and durability. Ciirgea reasonable. MK-ly C. BREUNLE, M AIiHLE WORKER. COUDERSPORT, PA. Headstones, Footstones, etc., finished ta order as cheap as at any other place. Orders left at office of Jot b>*l i NKW g ITXM *lll receive prompt arsentlon. THE POTTER JOURNAL -^LISTD WE"WS ITE33VC, 2*oftry. A Christmas i.hyme. One Christmas Evening, lontt aito— Just how long I to. get— iiie funds of Santa ciaus ran low So he ran into debt. Could, he his usual gifts bestow And ail those bills be met ? HP A !:L S 'npawVy. 1 Scratched " is he^ ' u^; ,e . me world," he said That money cannot buy- Things needful as one's dai y bread • fins year thuse gifts I'll try." ' And so to one he gave a friend. And to anotJier hea th. Of nfe W lianefui end Ot blessings won by steaali— Who. W,IU loss their footsteps tend lie lw mubii liable lor uuaitu. For one he won a husband's life rsacK from t.ie drunkard's dootn; Abu for another liojie.ess wife Opened toe peaceful tomb : ! "v ,;,ny :l , v ';iage rank wiih strife Bade lioaers of eoneot d bioom. sore-tried soul he made so brave I hat light tue victon won : with tears upon a new made grave Saw uigher die begun ,- Back to a widowed m doer gave An erring, sorrowing son. lie brought t > many a household band A we.come little guest ; To more tuan one the heart and liaud Ot her he loveti the bc'4 ; TO work-worn fiames, unougli all the land, iiie blessed boon of rest. An opening rose-bud, sweet as June, Soothes one poor suoe.er's woe ; A st; ain from some torgoiten tune Be vivos the twidgnt g.ow "'"11 dps, w hose music died so soon, Eiuraneed toe iong ago. A good day s work ! " ciied Santa Ciaus. Vet won he ntt-e fame ; Men look ids guts ike .Nature's iaws, .Not heeding whence tuey came ; Aud some avened tiiey hud uo cause— J iieir logic was so nunc. To you who own small store of gold i have a woni to say: Great u.es ,nigs in your hands you hold lo gladden Cliiistmas hay, Since ,ove cannot be oougut and sold o kiiitincivs thrown away. For, should no other soul be blest, lour own win purer glow. And each .a .I Cini.tioo, oc your best, II such gifis >ou ucsloW • For Cinist wi.i be your Cniisiinas guest, Begnioing Heaven beiw.— J intern,out. GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. Ow .ng t > the disarrangement of the otftce oe. casiouetl l>y moving, the jiui i cat ion of the ine . of the (ioveinor was unavoidably postponed hist wcvti, ami Ms nu> linglh ir sary to omit some parts of it in this issue. We give what seems most valuable. la On: Senate and JJnu.sc <>J lleprctseiUn lives oj (In; (Jontmon tccullli of Pennsylvania: GENTLEMEN : In obidience to the requirements of the Constitution L have the ltoiior of transmitting to you un ! sixth annual message. Since your last , meeting the general course of events, ! both State and National, has lieen so; propitious as to afford abundant cause! for mutual congratulation, and ot thanksgiving to tnat Almighty IVovi di nee whose will controls the destinies of all. While we have been exempt from the calamity by lire that bus be fallen the meuopohs of a great sister her misfortune lias inured to tin benefit of our people by the enlistment of tuat sympathy for tlie suffering which is one of the most ennobling sentiments of the human heart. The seasons, though not so favorable- for the produetions of our soil as in some past years, have he-en sutliciently fruitful;! and no general epidemic has appeared ! to disturb the pursuits, or till with sor row the hearts of our imputation. Our ! mining industries, manufactures and I internal commerce are being constantly 1 enlargtd and extended, and their enter prising proprietors are generally receiv ing remunerative returns. A gnat political coiitlict has occurred, resulting in a signal triumph of the, same principles that were asserted in llie lestorat ion of the Union, the amend ments of the Constitution, and tin- re construction ot Hit- States. Toe victory , 111 Pennsylvania was decisive of the 1 victory in the Nation ; and will ever be j renit inhered as an inestimable eontri- : button to the harmony, prosperity and glory of the country. The election ot tut* soldier, who "is lirst in war," to the oliice tnat makes him "lirst in peace," was an appropriate exhibition of na tional gratitude, a. d inspin s the deep est let lings of satisfaction "in the hearts of his countrymen." While the Constitution wisely with ; holds from the Governor all power of 1 interference in legislation, it imposes : upon hiui the duty of laying befoie the i General Assembly such information of : the state of affairs, and recommending i to their consideiation such measures as : In- may deem expedient and important j to the public welfare. 1 am happy to inform you that peace I and good order have been maintainid i by the enforcements of just and equal J laws, and the legitimate exercise of ! authority continues to find an enduring basis of supiMirt in the intelligence, affections and moral sense of the j people. FINANCES. The credit of the State remains tin j questioned abroad, because her public j faith lias l*-en inviolably maintained at home. The following condensed state ! mi nt of the receipts, expenditures and indebtt duess of the Common wealth is J resfiectfully submitted: Jt> cij-U. Balance in Treasury Nov, 3, 1871. #1,476,808 59 Uruinary receipts during toe nscal year ending Nov. 30, i".2 7,H5,637 45 | Total in Treasury dm ine year end lug Nov. 3u, 18i2. J #8,625,446 04 Dixtnirsemeritx. Ordinary expenses paid duiine year ; end inn Nov. M, 1872 *ASWwtoi 55 Loans etc., redeemed, 2,476.326 uo Intel est on loans jxaid, 1,700,032 88 __ Total disbursements, #7,141990 iS i Balf'ialu Treasury. Nov 30, 1872, • 1,482,446 61 COUDERSPORT, PA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 23,1873. Public Debt. Pub'ie di lit on Nov. 30, IS7I, was, i|28,f>,071 73 Add Cliainbersburg cei tllicates 2y9,74S yl Add Agricultural College Land Scrip fund, held in trust, as per Act ap proved April 3, 1872 SOO.fiOO 00 ♦ 29,779,820 & Deduct amount paid by Commission ers of the Sinking Fund during the year ending Nov. 30, 1872 2,476.326 00 Pubiie debt, Nov. 30,1872 827,303,494 84 Deduct assets in Sink ing Fund 89.300.000 00 And cash balance in Treasury 1,482.47-5 61 Amount asseu and cash 10,782,466 61 Ba'ance public debt unprovided for 816,521,039 03 wiiicii can be extiuguisned in ten years by tue an nual payment of 81,60u,000.00. During the last six years payments on the debt have been made as follows: Amount paid in 1867 81,794,644 50 Do., 1808 2,414,816 64 Do., lßt>J 472,406 18 Do., 1870 1,702,879 05 D"., 171 2,131, 90 17 Do., 18',2 2,47 ,326 00 Total payments 810,992,662 5s being a little over twenty-ni nt per cent. on tire debt due Deoeinlier 1, lbtiti, which was then 837,7u1,4t9.77. SINKING FUND. In remaiking upon tnis subject, 1 t.ust it will lac instructive to r. fer, hi ieily, to some of the facts relating to the accumulation and payment of the public debt, and the origin of the assets arising 1 rom tne sale oi t.,e public im p.OVtlfKUtS. However wise our predecessors were in opening avenues for trade and eoiu mcice, and however great were the o. uciiLs rtsulling to tne people lroin tire internal improvements of the State, n is obvious, that while those of otlu 1 states rarely failed to become sources oi revenue, the management of ours was such as to produce lesults widely dirim ent. A large majority of tuei tax-pay ers, therefore, after long and patient endurance, becoming dissatisfied with tneir management, demanded ti.ey should be sold ; assuming it would be a measure ot economy ....a mevent an increase of tue obligations. Tiie construction of the improvements resulted in a public debt which in lSo_ readied its maximum, $41,524,875.37. Tne interests, piem.uuis and otner ex penses that have been paid upon the debt, from its ineipieiicy to Nov. 30, LS72, sum up $70,84-5,744.99; and make the enlin exieiiditure on account of the public works $ 1 15,370,620.30. In pursuance of law the State canals and railroads were sold in 1557, for eleven millions dollars in bonds ; upon which the State has received $ 1,700,000 in casn and $9,300,000 remain in the hands of j Lie Commissioners of the ."sinking f uiid, as follows: ii.intls f iiie Penn.ylvania Railroad Uoiiii-any, seci.eil try iea on Die l'..i .ale.pai l illld (JoiUlnlda li. 11., 8". 800.000 0". Tlii. .y-iivr i,..n,1> of tiie A.leghcny \ a."ey li. U. C., eocli fo. 810-.IMJ. guiiiairU'd by t.ie IVnusylvania It. ii. Co., .Su.tiiciiic'enini. it. W. Co., anil lot- I'ni ad a. and Kiie 1i.1t.C0., p.t.,al)ii: 8i oaMl .aiuii.i. y, begin ning Jan. 187 , Ilea, ing per cent, interest lroin Jan. I, 1872 3.500.000 90 Amuuut ol assets 9.300.000 in.. Tiie Governor speaks of liie reduction of the | Stale debt and the ieduction of taxation as hav ing "gone liand-in hand lliiocgnoui Ids adnniii - liatioii," and reeoiiiniends a eoiitiiinanec of thai poiey. lie mentiaiis various items of taxation Uiut niigiit \\ ise.y be lC.iiinuisbeil,and conclude..: It is confidently believed that with these proposeil reduetioiis, winch amount to $1,041,901.51, the State can still pay all Iter e'l!!Tt'bt expenses, the interest on the public debt and make an annual re duction ot . t least one million live hun dred thousand dollars U|>on the princi pal. GED LOG 1C A L SUItV EY. N unu-rous conimuuications, signed by many entei prisitig and intelligent citi zens, continue to reacii me on tiie sui iject ot a geolrrgical and mineralogicai .survey i urging me to commend it to youi careful consideration. In my annual messages of '7O and '7l, I laid before the Gciier. 1 Assembly tiie necessity for a continuation of tne sur veys already made, in order tiiat tiie lnni . lalogieal resources of tne State siiould ut- more fully and perfectly ascertained; and express* it Lie opinion Unit tne results would be inter* sting and valuable, no* only to our citizens individually but to me entire country. Assurances nave been given by the of ficers of lite "United States Coast .Sur vey" ot tue great interest tuey will take tu our Stale, in tne event tne-} cany oui men intention to cross tne continent to connect tue "Ocean fines of Coast Sur veys." Tuisconnection will pass through Pennsylvania and will materially assist .n d*-lei mining tiud establishing one or morepoiiiisiueaclicount} tnrougu WHICH Lie hue will pass, aid iu inanguiaUug so tar ;*s to enable us to rectify our county maps and connect tin m in a correct map ol ti.e btate. And as tne State Geolo gist progresses witn nis slutlits and ex aminations lie should cause to be accu mteiy represented upon the corrected maps, by colois and other appropriate means, tne various areas occupnd by the different geological format ions and place tlu-m in tne possession of tiie people, for their information, prior to tiie comple tion and imbLication of a full account of the survey. A slate map of tlifc kii.d indicated, witli all the discoveries marked in iwopei col-; orb thereon, would give to the thousands of visitors from our own country and j from foreign lands who will attend thej Centennial celebration, some approxi mate idea of the incalculable wealth be neath tire soil of our State; and would have an imjrortance in their sight that could be conveyed to them in no other possible manner. The expenses of a geological corps, projierly organized, and such as would lie competent to perform the duties re quired, have been carefully estimated and will not exceed forty-five thousand dollars for the first year, and need not be quite as much annually thereafter. In recommending this measure two years ago, I said: "For want of a proper bu reau of statistics, and a corps of obser vation and publication to collate and re late the facts of our geology and mine ralogy as they have appeared, the state has already suffered severely. Much valuable information has been lost, never to be recovered; and but little certain knowledge of past mining, and other scientific operations, has been preserved to govern and assist the flit ure engineer. It is, therefore, neither wise nor just policy to delay this work under the pre text that it may be more perfectly ef fected at some future time. There is a present necessity for it, though the time never will eotne when such a work can be considered perfect. A'ew develop ments in mineral resources, as well as additional acquirements in scientific Knowledge, will constantly be made its long as the world exists. The sooner, therefore, in luy opinion, a thorough sur vey is authorized the better it will iie for the prospective interests of the State, as well as for its present necessities." The golden destiny of the Facitic States may well be envied ; but our coal, ore, lumber and soil tire a much better foun dation for wealth and permanent great ness than the products of till their/Joeir*, and the transient prosperity they have ptoduced. Let us buikl upou an eudur ■ng btisis and the world will forever pit} a golden tribute to our products and m —ll in true wealth of Pennsyl vania. EDUCATION. With great propriety, the Superinten dent, in the opening of his able report, congratulates the iieople upon the con tinued growtn and prosperity of oui public schools. Tlieir progress is clearly indicated by comparing tlie expenditures of the last ,ix years, with those of the six years prior to I$U7, viz: Total cost for tuition from '67 to '72 821.578.258 61 iotui cost lor lui.ioli lioiu 0i to '66. 12.71...0C1 71 Increase *. soo. lou IA, t'otal expenditures of the system from irio7 10 iS72 • . 842.9C2.152 11 fotai expeuuituies 01 uic system from ,soi to 1306 19. .90.149.1 lacrease 83.5..aii.9u2 to. Pennsylvania, less fortunate than many oi her sister states, has 110 school fund. The legislative appropriations amount only to about six hundi td thou sand dollars auuually; but tiie people, in the several districts, voluntarily vote all other moneys necessary to support the schools. The foregoing sta.emeiits urielly exhibit, the deep and increasing interest entertained in behalf of popular education. Intelligence and virtue are conceded to lie indispensable conditions of the permanent existence and prosperity 01 any form of government. Tiie necessity ol these supports increases in proportion as the area of freedom and privilege t.-. enlarged. It follows, from these un questioned maxims, that the demand tor general education is mot- imperative 111 the United ."states than in any otner country. Our Constitution recognizes the people as the inherent source of ali power. All participate in Lie great act or creating tne country's rulers. The ballot decides till questions of clio ee. and lills all official positions, from that of tne chief magistrate ot tue nation to mat of the lowest town otlicer. This supreme and resistless power of univer sal sinrragc, at once suggests the abso lute ince.-.sit} of universal education. JL'ue truth 01 these premises admitted, 110 argument is required to establish tne conclusion. Tue common school system doubtless owes its origin to a common conviction mat no people can be proper!} and per manently self-governing, wnose intelli gence is unequal to the comprehension of their l'ignis, privileges and res;4>nsi bilutes, or wnose virtues are too feeble and imperfect to restrain tnem from a violation ut those duties which they owe to their creator and to e-act other. Wlien tiie system was introduced thirl}-eignt years ago, it was generally view id in the ligut of tin *XicrnuenL Tue act creating it made- its adoption dependant upon tne vote of the people in tlieir resi<ective districts. Their ie iuctant and tardy acceptance of tne priceless boon is neither matter of sur prise to us, nor reproach to llieui, when all me circumstances are duly consider ed. Its present popularity is indicated by the- entire absence of complaint, and a still more significant readiness by ttie people to assume tiie expenses requisite ior its constant improvement and efii- cjejit application. .Doubtless m;iny years must elapse before the lull fruition uf its influences uui be received, but auau wh{le it will be gradually moulding the popuLir unnd into more perfect conform ity with the requirements of our free institutions. Fortunately the old prejudice against the system no longer exists; but indif ference to a lamentable extent occupies its place. From the report of the Super intendent it appears that the number of children in the State, who do not attend school, exceeds 75,U00. This criminal neglect is most prevalent iu cities. In Philadelphia twelve per cent, of the chil dren between the ages of five and fifteen do not attend school. Rut more signif icant and alarming still, of the whole number registered as attendants, forty six per cent, are absent from the daily sessions. 11l this State tit large the un registered amount to six per cent., and the absentees to thirty-three per cent. And, as was naturally to be expected, Hie resulting ignorance from this neg lect has proved a fruitful source of crime. .Sixteen per cent, of the inmates of the State prisons are unable to read. Obviously, therefore, it is not stilli eicnt that the State makes ample pro vision. Such measures should be imme diately adopted as would secure a uni versal participation of the benefit. The children are not to blame. They nat urally prefer freedom and amusement to the confinement and studies of the school loom. Parents and guardians arc the parties with whom the State mu. t deal. She owes it al ke to her own peace and security, and to the highest welfare of the children who are to be icr future citizens, to see that they shall be rescued from the perils of ignorance. After careful and anxious deliberation upon all tiie facts, and their inevitable consequences, I recommend the adoption of a compulsory system of education. That a law to this eftect will encounter objections is not to be doubted; for in view of the proliability of such a meas ure, its opponents have already com menced to marshal their forces. In Norway, Sweden and Prussia this system was first adopted, and such have u-i ) hiui'v effects that oilier European governments have made haste to follow their example. Austria, ad monished by the defeat at Sadovva, France by the crushing disaster at se dan, and England by tne possibility of a real "battle of Dorking," have decreed by statute that ali their children shall lie taught tolead and write, influenced by a conviction that knowledge, gives in creased prowess iu war as well as capac ity and integrity for the peaceful pur suits of life. And ii is a/act t>i striking significance that none of the states that nave- p;u>s.d such enactments have aban doned or repealed them. In passing from this topic, of para mount importance to the future- well being of the Commonwealth, I unhesi tatingly express the hope that tiie da} is lied far distant when through the iiu reau of National Education, seconded ny the concurrent legislative action ol the states, every ci ild iu tue American Uuion, without reference tucieed, caste, color or condition, will be thoroug.dy and effectually instructed 111 all .the ele mentary branches of Eirglis.i education; itiid that uniform text books, setting fofth .the true history and theory of our National and State governments, will lie provided and introduced into all the schools of the country. Approximation of thought and opinion of these subjects is of vital consequence to the perma nence of tiie Union and the stability of our republican institutions. Had such ii measure been opportunely initiated, the war of the rebellion would scarcely have been possible. snould you deem your powers inade quate to enact suitable laws upou this subject, the Constitutional Convention, now in session, should not hesitate to nabiliute you with such authority, itiid thus lend their, aid and influence iu making Pennsylvania the vanguard in the great mission ul universal edu cation. x rom the report of the Superinten dent of Sojdieis' Orphans' schools, and other sources, I 1* el fully authorized in assuring you they uere never before in a more flourishing and prosperous con dition. Every child, legally eligible, and hav ing made application, is now admitted to these schools. The whole number of admissions since lsti-i is 1)129; the dis cliarges from till causes 2902, leaving in attendance 35-7. No larger number will probably hereafter U- attained, and it may confidently be expected that this number will be subject to an annual re duction of at kast -500, until the system shall have accomplished its mission. The entire- exjense* of these schools to the Stale, since they weld into operation iu 16U5, is $3,107,543.11. Tlieir cost during the last year was $475,245.47. it is estimated by the suiierintendent that the future expenses, to the pe-riod of tlieir final extinction, will not exceed $1,500,000. The health of the children lues been extcllcut. Their exemption from small pox, while it was prevailing all arouxjd them, is re-tnai kable; and uo stronger evidence of good management pnd the propitious results of systematic vacci nation could be- adduced. The exeui pfiuy conduct of the pupils after their discharge is one of tfie most gratifying circumstances connected with their his tory. The following statement of the Superintendent will be highly satisfac tory to the Legislature and the people: " From the beginning of these schools to the present, the greater part of the children who have received their advan tages have been honorably discharged. And from facts in possession of the de partment it appears that more tfuin niue ty-eiyht per cent, ore doing well, and sceni likely to become upright ami useful citd -2i115." Among the States of the American Union, Pennsylvania stands pre-emi nent in her "care for the soldier who litis borue the battle, and for liis wid ow and orphan children." Her noble scheme for clothing, educating, main taining and adopting tbe orphan child ren of her soldiers who gave tlieir lives in defeuseof the .National Union, is net own invention. In this the generosity of her people lias been imitated, but not equaled, by those of any oilier state. To her will ever be accorded tiie leader ship in this work of patriotic benevo lence, It will form the brightest page of her history. It w ill seal iiie devotion of her people to the common country; and our legislators, in view of its benign intluenees, will continue to accoid a cheerful and liberal support ton system so faithful in blessing to the orphan children of our martyred heroes. Upon no material interest of the .State is the influence of education more salu tory than that of agriculture. Pennsyl vania by wise legislation litis authorize d the purchase of three experimental farms, and the establishment of a col lege, all of which are now iu successful operation, and the results of the scien tific working of the farms have alread\ added much practical knowledge upon the general subject. The Agricultural College has just closed a most prosperous year —the number of students being 150 —which exceeds that of any year since the open ing ul' the institution. Any one ol' three courses is optional to the students, viz.: agricultural, scientific or cl.issieal, to ail of winch is added a general course of military instruction. The admission of females, which was first permitted sixteen months ogo, lias thus far worked exceedingly well. — Thirty young women have availed of the opportunity thus af forded to obtain a first^-class education. All students are taugiit to regard la ir vs beneficial and honorable. The rule of' tiie college requiring ten hours ;manual labor per week from studems is cheerfully complied with, and results advantageously to their health and comfort. Tuis state institution is pre-eminent ly the PaqAcCollate. Its preparatory department receives students at a low grade, as will as those more advanced. This school is "cheap enough for the poorest and good enough tor the rich est," either in mind or estate; and it affords healthful exercise, instruction in useful labor, and free tuition in eve ry branch of its ample courses of study. • HOARD OK I'ULIC CHARITIES. The eminent and philanthropic gen tlemen composing the Hoard of Public (Charities have carefully investigated a number of subjects which they de< iut d of sutlicient importance to lay before the Legislature. Among them may be specially noticed Prison Discipline,—a question now generally occupying the attention of statesmen and philanthro pists throughout the civilized world; the condition and treatment of the in sane and the workings of that class of institutions known as local charities, founded and conducted for benevolent purposes. These asylums are located in Various parts of the State, mostly, however, in Philadelphia and Pittsburg. They are performing an excellent work —relieving the sick, indigent, infirm and neglected portions of our popula tion. The General Agent has devoted a considerable portion of his time to their inspection, the results of which will appear in iiis able report to the Board, in which he exhibited their character and the large amount of pri vate charity bestowed upon them. This Board was organized during my administration, and 1 have entertained a deep and lasting interest in its labors. The gentlemen who compose it volun tarily devote their time, without com pensation. to this noble work of benev olence. The impress of their intelligent efforts is everywhere iierceptible; and the large annual contributions of the State to charitable institutions have, under their supeivision and examina tion, been properly and systematically applied. The third volume of their reports w ill be submitted at an early day. It will present a large amount of statistical in formation. and many interesting facts and valuable suggestions upon subjects of great importance. I cannot too strongly commend this Board—the great regulator of state charities—to the favorable consideration of the Leg islature, and recommend such appro bations for excuses and additional enactments as may be necessary to in crease its efficiency. PENITENTIARIES A REFORMATORIES. From a personal inspection qi the pen itentiaries i am able to bear testimony to the evidences that were everywhere 8. F. Hamilton, $1.75 A YEAR manifested of their general good man agement and excellent discipline. The Eastern ]>enitetiary has long been deservedly regardt d as the model prison in which the ''separate" or "'individual treatment " system of imprisonment is a]plied, and the annual reports of Its faithful Hoard of Inspectors, embracing their observations and investigations, show that they have elevated the subject of crime punishment almost io the dig nity of a science. Among the circumstances that at tracted my attention was the insulfici ent number of cells to carry out the "solitary confinement" principle, and the incarceration there of a number of boys and vouths for first offences, and of females untrained in crime. Some times two or more in one cell were thus unavoidably brought into associations which could scarely fail to produce con tamination of character and morals. 1 would, therefore, recommend that the Legislature enable the courts to sentence minors and females to the county pris ons, wherewith proper teaching—train ing in some handi-eraft business —and with due attention given to discipline, the object would be more effectually at tained ; and the penitentiary, thus re lieved. would have cells sufficient for all ordinary purposes. Ii is a great mistake in almost all cases of minors convicted for their tirst. and often trivial, offence, to send the m toa State's prison; because the punishment is less in its effect than the idea of degrada* ion in the after-life of the prisoner. Such persons should be punished in the locality where the crime was committed, and the disgrace would not be so likely to permanently affect the character after the discharge of the prisoner. Frem 1829 to 1871, inclusive, only three hundred and forty-six females were re ; ceived in the Eastern penitentiary, and | of this number one. hundred and twen ty-seven were minors. These facts would fully justify the propriety of such action by the Legislature as has been suggested. The Western penitentiary contains ample space for present dt mauds. It is i conducted on the "combined 1 ' system of * "solitary" 1 and "congregate 11 imprison j ment, the workings of which are giving I entire satisfaction to all concerned. The commissioners from this .State to j the International Prison Congress, late ly In lil in London, England, report that j twenty-one governments were reprcsent i ed. principally by men who l:nv< made : criminal legislation and penal treatment ja study. America sent soventv-three .'delegates, representing penitentiaries, | asylums and reformatory institutions. I Among these were many t xperls in every branch of penology. The deliberations |of the Congress occupitd ten days. Its I results are difficult to estimate: but it is jhojNd the great interests of humanity i involved in the proljer treatment of ci hue i wil be happily subserved among all civil ized nations. The managers of the " Pennsylvania Refoiin School" (late the Western House of Refuge) propose io change their location lroni Allegheny City to a farm, containing -sU3acn s, in Washing ton county, seventeen miles from I'itts ! burg, near the Chartiers Valley railroad, j and adopt for its government the best features of what is known as the "family ■ system" of juvenile refonnatorses. These will mail ly consist in the aban donment of walls, holts ami bars for ' conlining the children: and in an ear | nest effort govern them through sympa thy and kindness, and prepare them for useful occupations. The Board will ask an additional ap propriation to pay for the land and im provements. SAM 1 ART REGULATIONS. Of all my official recommendations, I deem those most important which relate !to the public health. Facilities for the material devi iopment. and Lie aecumu | lation of wealth, estimated at their highest value, are of but minor eonse ; quince when compared with the preser vation of life itself. "Ali that a man I hath will he give for his life!" At the • lime of presenting my last annual mes , sage, small-pox was fearfully prevalent i in Philadelphia and in many towns and populous districts of the Mate. I then caikd attention to the subject, and in j the strongest terms at my command, j urged the iin|'iative necessity of adopt ing such measures as would arrest tue ; disease and pre vent its re-appearance. My suggestions, however, wen utterly unheeded by the Legislature. The I dreadful scourge extended list If into the iirst half of the past year, and, in the j absence of well known preventives, if I would he pi t sumption not to i .\[t et its annual return. Neither tlie ixlent of its ravages, nor the fatal character of i the disease, last year, is generally known i to the public, or, I am confident, there I would have been such an outcry as would have compelled immediate atten tion and relief. Among the luivaccin ted. the ordinary proportion of deaths has been thirty-three per cent.; but the i recent death-rate in Philadelphia ] amounted to nearly forty-seven per cent. . This is fearful to contemplate, and vet, j more fearful still—the fatal percentage \ has lrii marly sixty-six in the country jat large. This is mainly the result of jan indifference, so reckless, as to be
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers