IIITIIIIII T, HUB, General Insurance -AGHEITTT, KBSPECTPULLT announces that he is the repre sentative for COUDEBSPORT and VICINITY of THE F rd AWING named INSURANCE COMPANIES. INSURANCE COM PAN VOF NOR Rll AM Kit ICA.—This reliable old ConiiKiny was in corporated in I7S. and for more than seventy jears past lias done a safe and remunerative business, and today ranks as one of the "No. 1 ** i osnpanies of America.—Assets, tit 5,212.17 .'.)<) FRANK).IN FIRM INSURANCE COMPANY. —lncorporated In link. ASSETS .fanuarv 1.1H72, FTT!.2. R S".74S.'M After inning (Vticopo , 8 1I<.).~!6.8 PENNSYLVANIA FIFE TNSUItANCE COM PANY —lnstituted IH2~. Assets, 5t.1it.396.37 "WILLIAMSPORT FIRM INSURANCE COM PA NY.— Cash Capital. S LM,<N)O.OO. CONNECTICUT MVITAL 1,1 EE INS. CO.. and the MERCHANTS' LIFE INS. CO. of New York. Policies issued in any of the above named reliable Companies at standard rates. ARTHUR B. MANN. I. H. G-0013SELL, Carpenter and Joiner, SOUTH SIDE of the RIVER, (above EAST Street,) CouilerKport, Pa. CONTRACTS taken and materials furnished for all kinds of BUILDING. PLANING and MATCHING done.— MOULDING of all descriptions. SASH, BLINDS and DOORS on hand or manu factured to order. CASH paid for I'ine Lumber. Your patronage is solicited. N. 11. (500DSELL. Labor Savers, Read! T have constantly on Uaiul the new SINGER SEWING MACHINE with all the latest improvements. The SINGLE i-a lock stitch machine, and makes a beautifui.even and nniform stitch whieh will not ravel and is alike on both sides. tl Hems Braids, Cords, Tuc.ks, Quilts, Binds Trims, Embroiders, Ruffles, and. <ioe* all kinds of work on the finest muslin or the heaviest full clot n. , II is the best machine for all work. Over S 000 more "SING ERS" sold htst year than anv other kind made,—according to sworn returns." All EXTRAS kept constantly on hand. OLD MACHINES of any make repaired inn, workmanlike manner. SviriTif! Mich hie Oil always on hand. TH^VNTI^'IRM^[ L ' l^L P NE. Wllere ' Ca " a,,d eX:lnUne Ottce in Olin..ied Itloek, {Second Floor). A. M. REYNOLDS. 122_1} " AyenL POTTER JOURNAL & NEWS ITEM. VI.'EXTN W AA'TKR. VT \T ONCE. There I• a FIIJF. of Mrn . in It. The tieopi'- cvf//- fh-r ■ are euper to buy the ant (untie hhtorii of 5 HfliißPT'll Ir 1 ,** V-'l\ DKOI'S L ! ilH'jO IJ; - t '"i S -O vKIt S !,, and I'hre hirr . l'h ■>: i ■ s d'.i iuc2syetir in AF RICA. with account of the Stanley Kxiediiion. "vet tilin pages. i. selling beyond pnr a'Vl. ('vrTJON.—Bi-Avareof Inferi-.'rwork--., l itis is the 07 tio coT)ip!"t" and FP'I">>IP work. Scad for circulars, and see proof and tp-eat success agents are having. AddressHFBBARD BROS., Pulcishers, Philadelphia. 22-4 PHOTOGRAPHS! HAVING aiTitnged my 1 id t so as to obtain all those line (irndal ions of Siiailc so essentia) to a BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPH, I re spectfully solicit your patronage. I make all the leading styles of Photographs and Ferreotypes, from a CARD PICTURE to a LIFE SIZE PORTRAIT, —finished in INDIA I INT II , WATER COLORS or OIL. COPYING of OLD PICTURES made a specialty. A large Stock of Walnut, iiosctvood and (ilt Picture Frames, Squaro and ()val, ON HAND AND FOK 8 A LB. All work gu;iraiitoe<l to give satisfaction. M. T. LYNPF. Photograph Gallery, SECOiND STREET East of MAIN, '(Dif.v As- I'uVtliiitf ) COUDER SPORT'. PA. GOUDEESPOET 02.CTGI.NC STORE! ALL KINDS OF Ready Mi Ming, HATS, CATS, THUI7ES, VALISES, AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS Constantly <-n hand and for Sale as CKiIAP as the CHEAPEST !! MEN mid BOYS SL ITS TO CORRESPOND WITH THE SEASON. Tbi- being the only Establishment in this place devoted exclusively to the t? Hnhiiui iJuMiicss I can CHEAPER !>> lnyTustomers than those who do not make CLOTHING a SPECIALTY can "fforf to. Call and see my stock and 1 will guarantee satis faction. M. L. GRIDLEY. BOOTS and SHOES ! John Benhof, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens that he ■ onfinues the manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES ;it Ids mw st;tn?l, MAIN STREET below MARKET, [South of Hit Jiriihjf,) ALL work done in a workmanlike manner, at reasonable rates, AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. Give him a call. HARRISON KOON, - WAGON MAKER, Second St.. bet. Main and West, (Opjmsit p r/:ir.'x ftiactomtlh Shop.) The subscribe gives the practical experience of Tb iv< y-fi ve in tliis business to bis patrons, and is lwpared to do All Ki-nsls of Work IN HIS LINK. WITH GOOD MATERIAL ond "Workmanship. Special attention paid to Repairing. Hall T. lelson's MEAT MARKET, TMIUI) ST 11 K ET, !I >i two a MAIN uwl EAST Streets,) Couderspert, Pa,, Will he constantly supplied with BEEF. VEAL, MUTTON, and PORK, Of tiie very best the country will alford. HALE T- NELSON. ♦ ♦ ... GO TO H. T. NELSON & CO. FUR THE CELEBRATED LOCK HAVEN FLOUR. THE Ore at South American BLOOD PFUIFIER! JUBUBEBA! isnno[iia!!o(! b\ anv known remedy. It will erad icate. extirpate ,v rhorottciily destroy till poison ous substances in the Blood'and will effectually di pel all predis)H)sition I'. bilious derangement. 4* there uaiii of action in your l.iver A 1 n'l— relieved at once, the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, pro dttei'ig serot ultras or skin diseases. Blotches, Fel ons. Pustules. Canker. Pimp'es. '<<■., &c. Have jona Pj s|>ep:ic Stomach? I'n less digestion is promptly aided, the system is de bilitated with loss of vital force, poverty of the Blood, Di opsi ail Tendency, General Weakness or Lassitude. Slavey u weakness of the intestines? You are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or the dreadful lnllanunation of the Bowels. Have you w entities* of tile i Serine or I ritias-y Organs? You must procure instant relief or you are liable to suffering worse than death. Are you <1 ejected, drowsy, dull, sluggish, or depressed in spirits, with headache, backache, coated tongue and bad tasting mouth? For a certain remedy for all these diseases, weaknesses and troubles: for cleansing and pu l'ifyiug the vitiated blood and imparting vigor to ail the vita! forces: for building up and restoring tile weakened constitution I'SE JURUBEBA which is ]>roiiouneed by the leading medical au inorities of London and Paris "the most power ful tonic ami alteraiive known to the medicn! world." This is 110 new and untried discovery, hut has long been used by tlie leading physicians of other countries with uondcri'u remedial re suits. I>on't weaken and impair the digestive organs by cathartics and physics, they give only temporary relief—indigestion, flatulency ,v dys pepsia with piles and kindred diseases are stire to follow their use. Keep the blood pure, and health is assured. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, IS Plait St.. New York, 23-4 Sole Agent for the United States. Price One Dollar j>er Bottle. Send for circular. t among all classes. Old people, the middle si9} t aged, those who are just entering life, and |u } youth of both sexes buy and read with the ™ 5 creates! profit. S oUu ftcrct, (li J Dm I.XWis' last ami Ix-s! lsiok. Cj ' If is meeting with the greatest success; ' - J an I (here's.UO.WKYT.V/T. Send for our circulars, etc.. which are sent free. GEO. MACLEAN, Philad'a. 2.'5-4 rnt> TUE WOKMING CLASK, male or fr -1 ishl". fan ii week guaranteed. Respectable eiiipliomeat at home; day or evening; noeapital required; full Instructions and valuable package of goods 'os'art with sent free bv mail. Address, with (5 cent return stamp. M. YOUNG ,V Co., it-4 IB C'ourtlardt St.. New York. The Sabbath of our Lord, Ey BISHOP STEVENS. is an entire! 11 roue work on an absorbing topic, written In the author's most j>oir<-rfii! sti/le. it pre-cuts 'hesubject in nocel and 's iiutifu! lights. Cm not fail to awaken a deep Interest and he prn duettve of great good. Agents wanted, to whom liberal commissions will be allowed. Address 9: 5—4 M. SriiPPAKT ,V Co., i'ub'rs, Philadelphia. CROAiBS OF COMFORT '('lie Ladies' Friend. Ask your grocer for it. BARTLETTS BLACKING always gives satisfaction. Try it. PEA 111, BLUE for the laundry has no equal. Sold try (tracers. 11. A. BAKTLKTT A Co.. 115. 117 N. Front St., Bhiia.. 143 Chambers St., N. Y., 43 Broad St., Bos ton. 23-4 SfcEl.i. 1 0 f \ J Harfl Pt I ""''' j TH MM Abdominal supporter and Pile Pipe—Relief and Cure for Rupture, Female Weaknesses, and Piles —iudestmctible, light, safe, eleanlv (steel springs eoati d), never rusts, breaks, limbers, nor soils, af fording comfort, safety, cleanliness, arid durabili ty. Universally approved by the Medical Profes sion. and all who wear them, as the best and most satisfactory atmliances known. Sent bv mail or express. Establishments, 1347 Chestnut St., i-'hll a I'dphia. and 737 Broadway, New York' C'arefnl and correct adjustment. Experienced lady in at tendance. ' 234 , FREE TO ROOK AGENTS. .-In Elepantly fionttd Canratsinp TiooA for the best and cheapest Family Bible ever pub lished, will be sent freeof charge to anv 1 took a gent. It contains over MM) fine Scripture illustrations, and agents are meeting with unprecedented suc cess. Address, stating experience, etc., and we will show von what our agents are doing 23—4 NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Phila. Pa. COLE & SOW, PROPRIETORS OF THE Blacksmith and Wagon-shop, Seccna Street, (between Main k West,) Earth Side. — COUDERSPORT, PA. 1U.4 GOES, CARRIAGES ami SI, El GHs of all descriptions manufactured to suit customers and warranted. Repairing; always attended to promptly. Competent and experienced workmen keptinem- P' >.v in is,Mi shops to attend to the calls of cus tomers. Charges reasonable for cash or ready pay. COLE & SON. TO BOOK CANVASSERS. VN* E\V WAY of running a hook. Can sell thou sands per week. Address MURRAY HILL PUBLISHING CO.. 24 4 129 East 29th-st., New York City. TDOUT'T He- rtwei vol, .pi for coughs, colds sore throat, iioai M'ufHs ... Itrou -lii.il affections, use fiily ! WELLS' CSRBDLIC TABLETS BorfMe** So Untions arc on the market. '■o! the totsci,dili c preparation of CarlwH"* * > id for Luii;: iiw i-es is when chemically mm hiited with other well known lemedies. nsinihese TAKLKTS. end il! parti'# arc cautioned against ' using :n\ oilier. 3 si all cn*e of irritation of the mucous mem brane these TAU ::TS should be freely u >'d, their demising S; he.ilint; projierties ;tre astonishing. Jle niirnp)], :r rer a <■->!<!. it js easily eiv. ilins,.:iie-ipi n' state,wlienitlieeomesehrori ie the cure i .exi- ediiuriv difficult, use Well's<'ar li ie Tablets as a specific. l' iper iiox. JOHN <>. KELLOGG, N in! for circular. is Hart St.. N. V., ■ '.'4-1 _ _ Sob- ah f-■ the r. S. ta W First Premium I B Am.lfist.lß7l i 'ouoie Elevated Oven, Wanning Closet, Broiling lb tor, render, Guard, Dumping v Shaking Orate, Direct Draft. KILMIK. WARItEN N CO.. -'-4 296 Water St.. N. V. H|T HTfTPV easily made with our Stencil and j?| 5J!\ Pi I Key-cheek outfit. Circulars free. Stafford >1 f'g. Co., GO Fulton st.. I New York. 83-4 i A Great Coirtbination | and the very best business opportunity ever of j fered, is to lie found in an Agency for taking subscriptions to HENRY WARD BEFOHER'S Oteat LITERARY, FAMII.Y NEWSPAPER, with which is given away the largest and best ; Premium Picture ever offered, the new and ex act din 12.0n / 1 Y'/f Of. EOt; 77.-1 7V/ '• "i"d "tvt's I'ariMii' r." (t>io<irophs are : ... ,-h, i i-t ; i ,s ,f F.cti - . Art-Printing in oils —prrieeth a ••.' Oi'.-chromn) —We also give the superb "-1 t pair of (tennine FivnHi Oil Chro nios, " IC/de waA-e" A "Ettxf rtsfeep," silb ! jeers i ! fk-M 7. E—charming fac similes of origi nxl oil Paintings. This pa per has the largest elvcn ali n in the world. It will next year lie j iti.ide better than ever. Serial tales by world fa l mous:111 1 tors, P. yj. A'eott, Edward Eggleston, ; Harriott P.eecher Stowe. etc. New and brilliant i contributors, Tllustrateil Jfo'tdait EuJiihee and ! 'tack Nos. of Miss Aleott's story /fee. The most ; taking "Combination!" T.'- tahi<-rtcommitts! ns I ""'ll' Due Agent made *4iio in months tanoth er AT. '7_in :1 days: another *04.40 in one week: j one <j".7,'r: in one day. and many other* from*") ! and *lO and *fdperiiav. This year our offers tire even more protitable. ; No waiting for the premiums. Th-Snhseriher ! <!dt* them lelten he pons his Snhseri/ition. GOOD AGENTS V/ANTED! j Intelligent me.ii and women santrtl every where. To get good territory, exclusively as- I signed, send early for circular and terms! B. I FORD A' CO.. New York : Boston, Mass.; Chica f go. Id., San Fnineiseo, Cal. degntl AGENTS, now is your chance! L:V!N(JSTO\K LOS T AMI Form | The only book on the subject that tells the whole story. Don't he humbugged with any other. ! 1 his has nearly Sot) pages, cs ■ pc fn/fpupe / V;- . provinps tut'/. H Pi ice *3. "i i. The I'ros -5 pect us will sell it at sight. For tirst choice of ter- I titory address at once D. ASHMEAD, ! —'-4 711 Sansoin St., Philadelphia, Pa. Cflfl Agents wanted! Just out! A splendid OUU new Chart: "Christ blessing little children. immense sales! GOO agents wan ' ted tor our urge Map of the "United States" with immense "World" Map on reverse side. Our i Maps and Charts go iike wild-tire. H A ASUS & I.UBRECHT, Empire Map and Chart Establishment, 107 Liberty St., New York. 2J-4 j OUTFITS FREE! ripen /x /Panted Everywhere for THE MOTHER'S GUIDE. 'I his is the best opportunity now offered to agents to canvass for a live book. Every Mother needs and wants it. Experienced canvassers pronounce it the best selling book in the market. Send for circulars and see our extra liberal terms. Address Continental Publishing Co., 22-4 4 Bond St.. N. Y. City. ; made Dec. 3rd bv one Agent selling HORACE GREELEY and FAMILY. A tine engraving. 22x28 m., sent bv mail for*l.oo. We also mail Button-Hole a Sewing Machine Thread Cutters, and Needle Threading Thimble, price 25 cents each. Circulars of various other Novelties mailed frequently to all old and new ag ents, address AMERICAN* NOVELTY CO., '--—I 302 Broadway, N. Y. PAIN, PAIN, CAMPHORINE! The greatdiseovery for the relief of pain and a sure in 1 immediate cure tor Rheumatism— • liionie and Acute, Sprains. Sore Throat, Bruis es, t Uilblains, Pain in Chest. Back or Limbs, croup, still Joints. Strains, Inflammation, Neu ralgia, Burns and Scalds. Bunions. Frosted Feet, Catarrh, &e. It has a pleasant and refreshing odor and will not grease or stain the most deli cate fabric, which makes it a Luxury in every Family. Price 25 cents per Bottle. For Sale by ali druggists. REUBEN HOYT. Prop'r., —-I 203 Greenwich St., N. Y. | AO ENTS WANTED for the Foot-Prints of SATAN " DEVIL | in History ; a new book : bv Rev. Mollis Read, A. | M . author of "Cos. I\ HISTORY." illustrated from designs by i hire, Nasi of Harper's Weekly and ushers. Nothing like it ever liefore seen or heard of. and sells at sight. 22-4 . E. B. TREAT, Publisher, 805 Broadway, N. Y. 1 U7- -a . y-ctr rnsrck everywhere, . 2"-- - male and fe lUJinale.'oint 1 ' ii!,s -ethe(; I'N"pINEIMPRt >\ "D lI—.COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MA This machine will stitch, hem, fell. nek. • 11: i 11, cord, bind, braid and embroider in nSiani'ist sujwrior manner. Price only *ls. Full'. •••use I ,y- warranted for Ave veals. We will *bMifor any machine t hat uillsewastron ! t ger. more beautiful,ormoreclasticseamthan , _"ui *. It makes the "Elastic Lock stitch." E\ , •ei > second stitch can be eat iX still the cloth {""■■annot lie pulled attari without tearing it GY.' 2jp;i'a> agents from*73to*2*4)per month and ex , , , "'uses, oraeominissjmi from which twice that amount can be made. Address SECOMB \ WJt ■l,it '! .)!. M-iss.: Pittsl'lirt/, p. I.; Chirm."l iCSJiis.; St. Louis, M<>. 212:-! A GREAT OFFER! j/-/// tf.spfts/ 100 PJA\()S\ Ml.lJfDEny\. ' <) f\ (r ,1 ,v. t,tsi x li /'st- *' ,f f ss ;n t .'/•< fs. ifi cj )n}- iiw rs\ (It VKHV I.OW PRIC ES FOR CASH. pnrt cash, and balance hi * mail monthly insta' OlcnU. Xcir -.ortan jj.-si \ss PlAXns. mart arn improvement*. f< 6275 cas/t. \t, ir rent hi aCOSC/EJtTO PARLOR ORGAN, the most oenutifii stifle unit perfect tone ever mutir. It histruteil Catf'tooiies mailed. Slut Music ,f- Musie Merchandise. ' 21-9 AIT ANTED.—A rella i . - ~,a n ' 1 (> * GOOD U'lilte-s, to engage in a desirable | AMI lucrative business producing from $1,500 to '• ' . X S.hess 15. FORD ,V Co., New : K; Boston; Chicago; or San Francisco. 24 4 ADVEIITISK IX THE I Journal & News Item. urs sjTcn vor wisii io iii \ A VvMll I Lu. SK-.vT.Nt; MArlllM: fan, > ( •<- agnl, address WASHINUTOX SKH'IM. MAC IIINE <.'<_ Boston, Mass. S4 > ,k | >s> cliomaiicy or Soul Charming." i iian either se x may t.iseui te aim irai.i ;nt? i !ov ami affections of any person they choose £ stantiy. This simple mental acquirement all <-t; ; 1 o-sess, fret-, bj mail, for 2fte., together with k marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, ll.t-* to Ladies, \i edding-Night Shirt, Ac. A queer IXMI., Address i'. \\ ILLIA <1 A- Co., l'ub'rs. I'iiiia. u , ©Agents Wanted Pictures, Mi' I Oitmi ('hurts. Also, for our Sewing Silk- j Linen Thread. slootos2oocleareu periuoir i<t iv (rood, active Agents. A|)|ilv at once to Urf !4 4 1). L. GUERNSEY, Concord, N.R A S F improved, Unrivaled, Unequaled 24 4 7it/r/is any fize Coal. KC'...KK, WABUEN ,v Co., 2:M Water St., New York. IN VALI L >S, I>(>N T DESPAIR! Thousands have found relief, and thousands will turn to this Medi cine arter exhausting their purses and patience in search of health. Giddiness of the head, dullness of the mind, fet id breath, coated tongue, loss of appetite, pain* an I weak uess in the stomach, enlargement of tlip liv.->, y lo.vness <;| the skin, constant fever avi j t'liest, wild. a iisreiish tor business, pleasure. • or any Virol o! employment.— FA HUN EL'S PAS i ACKA, if tav*n ami persevered In for a few dan, Will reniov. lds whole class of symptoms.—'The fluids of -;i- oo.iv become pure, and mind clear, ; the .-' lunch .trengr-ir.e I, the tongue clean, tfe I ■%. petite improved, and the wholt} system so •diitc ' tha* r.i -ease, in bad weather, is less liable to millet you. 2 Dll. I'\ FAHPvNEYSS t- pt CELEBRATED Blood Cleanser or Panacea. As a medicine for children, fhe l'anacca is,in ! every way. calculated to take the place of theen.l - varic'y of drugs which are annually sold for | d:at purpose, and which are often very injurious. ; A medicine which possesses the qualities of a ca | thartic as well as a mild alterative, and which Is capable of arresting disease without the least in jure to j the child Is of incalculable value to •very mother. As a Cathartic, ii is very effective, vet it does not. if given in proper quantities, cause nausea or distress in fhe stomach or bowels. It Is very pleasant to the taste, which is a very ltnpor ! taut feature as a medicine for children. As a pre ventive of disease If is unprecedented, as it acts directly upon the digestive organs and the blood. In all scrofulous diseases, it is the most effective medicine ever offered to the public, and, if given regularly and perseveringly, those eruptive dis eases so common in children may be entirely erad icated. Prepared by P. Fahrnev's Bros. A Co., Waynes boro, Pennsylvania, and I)R. P. FA HUSKY, 30 North Dearborn Street, Chicaga. Price $1.25 per bottle; for sale by Whole sale ami Retail Dealers, and bv P. A. STEBBINS, JR., " 24-4 Coudersport, Pa. Tinepr Bittm.l Purely Vegetable. Free from Alcohol DR. WALKER'S California Vinegar Bitters, No Person can take these Hitter* ac cording to directions, and remain long unwell. | provided their bones are not destroyed by reine rc.l poison or other means, and Vital organ* nested bcyon 1 the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, npadache, | Pain in ihe Shoulder*. Coughs, Tightness f iif i Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the St* | iuarh. Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attach Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation olt'- Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, atA a hundred other painful symptoms, are'ttie of springs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a b tter guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. X-'or Fc iicilt'Coinplaints, in young or old. married .or single, at the dawn of womanhood. < r the turn of life, these Tonic Fitters disf hit • decided an influence that improvement is wa perceptible. For Inflnmmntory nrnl Chronic Bhcooinii-in c.i I timit. 1 i.ccus. P. ■mittci.t I :1 lun nuiiieut Fevers. Diseases of the Blood. Li r. Kidneys and Bin ! Icr. t :ose Bittern bat r. I. ; ;al. Such Diseases are caused by Mtiaicd I.: : d. They nrcn penile Purgnf Ivc ns wr!. ■u a Tonic, j suing the merit of a a powerful agent in r •Jevmg ( ingestion or in flammation of the Uver and Visceral Organs, and in Bilious Diseases. for bkln Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter. Salt Eh um. Blotches, Spots, l'imples. Pustules, p i;s, Oarbunc'"s, Ring-worms, Scald-Head. J4..-C Ev -. Erysipelas. Itch, Scurfs. Discolora tfens cii in. Ii mors and Diseases of the S .i of whatever na e or nature, are liter a v Tit'; up nnd carried out of the sys t i in a short time by tlie use of those^Bitters. Ciiatci'iil Thousaadi proclaim VIXKG Alt Brr.-.rs the r.t-st wonderful Invigorant that ever su • it: 11 .eainitiag system. If. 13. JIcDOWI.fF <k CO. Druggists and Ren. Agts., San Francisco. CaL, A -i r of W -hinrtOP and Charlton fcrs., NA . SOLD in ALL DRUCBIST. A DEALERS, i 2423-1,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers